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Methods used for the calculation of areas

in Surveying

Submitted by :
Yash Rawat (2K19/EN/068)



The five important rules (Methods) used for the calculation of

areas in Surveying:

1. Midpoint ordinate rule

2. Average ordinate rule
3. Simpson’s rule
4. Trapezoidal rule
5. Graphical rule

Simpson’s Rule

It states that, sum of first and last ordinates has to be done. Add
twice the sum of remaining odd ordinates and four times the
sum of remaining even ordinates. Multiply to this total sum by
1/3rd of the common distance between the ordinates which
gives the required area.

Where O1, O2, O3, …. On are the lengths of the ordinates

d = common distance
n = number of divisions

Note: This rule is applicable only if ordinates are odd, i.e. even
number of divisions.
If the number of ordinates are even, the area of last division
maybe calculated separately and added to the result obtained
by applying Simpson’s rule to two remaining ordinates.

Even if first or last ordinate happens to be zero, they are not to

be omitted from Simpson’s rule.

The following offsets are taken from a chain line to an

irregular boundary towards right side of the chain line.

Chain 0 25 50 75 100 125 150


Offse 3.6 5.0 6.5 5.5 7.3 6.0 4.0

t ‘m’

Common distance, d = 25m

Area = d/3[(O1+O7) + 2 (O3+O5)+4(O2+O4+O6)]
= 25/3[(3.6+4)+2(6.5+7.3)+4(5+5.5+6)]
Area = 843.33sqm

The Trapezoidal Rule

In this method, the area is assumed to be divided into series of

trapezoids. This is more accurate than the first two methods.

This may be stated as follows:

“Add half the sum of the first and last ordinates to the sum of
the remaining intermediate ordinates. The total sum thus
obtained multiplied by the common distance between the
points, gives the required area.”

Example -

The following perpendicular offsets were taken at 20m

intervals from a base line to an irregular boundary line:
5.9, 12.4, 16.5, 15.3, 18.4, 20.9, 24.2, 21.8 and 19.2 metres.

Calculate the area enclosed between the base line, the irregular
boundary line and the first and last offsets by (i) Trapezoidal
rule (ii) Simpson’s rule.

Answer -
1. Trapezoidal rule

Area = d [ (1st ord + last ord)/2 + (the sum of all the remaining
ordinate) ]
= 20 [ (5.9 + 19.2)/2 + 12.4 + 16.5 + 15.3 + 18.4 + 20.9 + 24.2
+ 21.8 ]
= 20 (12.55 + 129.5)
= 20 x 142.05
= 2841 sq. metres (Ans.)

2. Simpson’s rule

A = d/3 [ (lst ord. + last ord.) + 2 (the sum of the remaining

odd ordinates+ 4 sum of even ordinates)]

1st ordinates + last ordinates = 5.9 + 19.2 = 25.1 m

The sum or the remaining odd ordinates = 16.5 + 18.4 + 24.2 =
59.1 m
The sum of even ordinates = 12.4 + 15.3 + 20.9 + 21.8 =70.4m
Area = 20/3 [ (25.1) + 2(59.1) + 4(70.4)]
= 20/3 x 424.9
= 2832.667 sq. metres (Ans.)

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