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This survey intends to measure the satisfaction level of the customers in the banks and
may help banks in revisiting their customer care policy. The information provided by
you will be kept confidential and only aggregates will be used in the report.

– Kamlesh Indoriya

A. Data Analysis for Customer Questionnaire

Detail of Demographic Profile of Respondents

1 Male 2 Female
Age Groups
1 16 – 30 years old 2 31 – 45 years old
3 46 – 60 years old 4 61 – 75 years old
5 76 above year old
Residential Area
1 Urban 2 Rural
Education Level
1 Illiterate / Middle 2 Up to High School
3 Higher Secondary 4 Graduation
5 Post Graduation 6 Others
Income Monthly
1 0-10000 2 10001-20000
3 20001-30000 4 30001-40000
5 40001-50000 6 50000 & Above
1 Job (Employee) 2 Businessmen
3 Other Profession
1 Christian 2 Muslim
3 Sikh 4 Hindu
5 Other
1 Married 2 Unmarried

Perception towards Banking Service by Customers (To Be Filled by Bank

S Particular 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 It easy to process to obtain personal loans through
2 Easy to understand procedures of loan
3 Documentation is relevant under the schemes
4 Lower interest rate influence you to obtain personal
5 Beneficiary schemes motivated to obtain loan
6 Family needs is greater purpose to taking loan
7 Employee Empowerment of Banks solve your problem
8 Nearby location banks is only reason to taking loan
9 Banks brochure offering personal loan
10 Agent are helpful to obtain loan from beginning
11 Television or advertising offering to get personal loan
12 It is an essential when you need of money
13 File charges and other processing fee low
14 Banks give you relevant advice about personal loan
15 Bank employee pay 100 percent attention towards you
16 Well dress up employee attract you
17 It remain information of your loan confidential
18 Cleanliness of banks make you happy
19 Other supporting staffs helpful in nature
20 Toiletry facility of banks subsidiary reason for taking
21 Drinking water etc. make you happy
22 They solve your problem internally
23 Banks employees are trustworthy about loan
24 Networking of banks affects you
25 Continues service attract you for taking loan
26 Modernization of banks gives you well performance

27 Online banking with your loan schemes
28 Safety of money
29 Wide range of products and services
30 Location of banks
31 Feature of loan
32 Contents of loan

Comparison between HDFC and SBI for Better Facilities and Services

I Which bank gives you better facility

1 H.D.F.C. Bank 2 State Bank of India
II Repayment Facility
1 H.D.F.C. Bank 2 State Bank of India
III Provides flexible repayment facility
1 H.D.F.C. Bank 2 State Bank of India
IV Minimum Penalty Charge against Personal Loan
1 H.D.F.C. Bank 2 State Bank of India
V Minimum paper work
1 H.D.F.C. Bank 2 State Bank of India
VI Lower expenditure on File Charge
1 H.D.F.C. Bank 2 State Bank of India
VII Banks enjoy Better Coordination with Staff
1 H.D.F.C. Bank 2 State Bank of India
VIII Bank Reputation
1 H.D.F.C. Bank 2 State Bank of India

Data Analysis from Authority Side

Perception of Banks Employees towards Personal Loan (To be Filled by Bank


S Particular 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 It easy to process to obtain personal loans through
2 Easy to understand procedures of loan
3 Documentation is relevant under the schemes
4 Lower interest rate influence you to obtain personal
5 Beneficiary schemes motivated to obtain loan
6 Family needs is greater purpose to taking loan
7 Employee Empowerment of Banks solve your problem
8 Nearby location banks is only reason to taking loan
9 Banks brochure offering personal loan
10 Agent are helpful to obtain loan from beginning
11 Television or advertising offering to get personal loan
12 It is an essential when you need of money
13 File charges and other processing fee low
14 Banks give you relevant advice about personal loan
15 Bank employee pay 100 percent attention towards you
16 Well dress up employee attract you
17 It remain information of your loan confidential
18 Cleanliness of banks make you happy
19 Other supporting staffs helpful in nature
20 Toiletry facility of banks subsidiary reason for taking
21 Banks give you information about other banks facility
22 They solve your problem internally
23 Banks employees are trustworthy about loan

I Overall Satisfaction for SBI

1 Yes 2 No
II Overall Satisfaction for HDFC
1 Yes 2 No

Signature of Respondents with Date Signature of Researcher with Date


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