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Orthopaedic Advances

Biologic Adjuvants for the

Management of Osteochondral
Lesions of the Talus

MaCalus V. Hogan, MD, MBA Surgical techniques for the management of recalcitrant osteochondral
Justin J. Hicks, MD lesions of the talus have improved; however, the poor healing potential
of cartilage may impede long-term outcomes. Repair (microfracture)
Monique C. Chambers, MD,
MSL or replacement (osteochondral transplants) is the standard of care.
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Reparative strategies lead to production of fibrocartilage, which,

John G. Kennedy, MD, FRCS
compared with the native type II articular cartilage, has decreased
mechanical and wear properties. The success of osteochondral
transplants may be hindered by poor integration between grafts and
host that results in peripheral cell death and cyst formation. These
challenges have led to the investigation of biologic adjuvants to
augment treatment. In vitro and in vivo models have demonstrated
promise for cartilage regeneration by decreasing inflammatory
damage and increasing the amount of type II articular cartilage.
Further research is needed to investigate optimal formulations and
time points of administration. In addition, clinical trials are needed to
investigate the long-term effects of augmentation.

O steochondral lesions of the

talus (OLT) pose clinical and
surgical challenges to orthopaedic
anti-inflammatory medication and
limiting physical activity. The success
rates of nonsurgical treatment, in
surgeons. Approximately two million minimally symptomatic patients, have
ankle sprains occur in the United been reported to be 86%, compared
States annually, with up to 50% of with 49% in moderately symptomatic
patients sustaining concurrent carti- patients based on acute symptoms
lage injury.1,2 Furthermore, ankle and not long-term cartilage healing.4
fractures are associated with a high Surgical management is indicated in
risk (up to 73%) for cartilage in- symptomatic patients and possibly in
jury.1 Chondrocytes are the primary patients with sizeable defects whose
cell type in cartilage and have little condition does not improve under
capacity for self-renewal because of conservative management.
From the University of Pittsburgh
School of Medicine (Dr. Hogan,
limited vascularity, making OLT Surgical management of OLT cur-
Dr. Hicks, and Dr. Chambers), and the management challenging. rently focuses either on reparative
Hospital for Special Surgery, New The optimal treatment modality for cell-based therapies such as micro-
York, NY (Dr. Kennedy). an OLT is unclear. Loveday et al,3 fracture or on replacement strategies
J Am Acad Orthop Surg 2019;27: in a Cochrane review, concluded such as autologous chondrocyte
e105-e111 that there is insufficient evidence implantation, matrix-induced autol-
DOI: 10.5435/JAAOS-D-16-00840 from current trials to determine which ogous chondrocyte implantation,
treatment strategies are best for or osteochondral autologous trans-
Copyright 2018 by the American
Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. managing OLT in adults. Nonsurgical plantations. Cell-based therapy in-
management involves nonsteroidal volves local recruitment or delivery of

February 1, 2019, Vol 27, No 3 e105

Copyright ª the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Biologic Adjuvants for the Management of Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus

Table 1 ment of osteochondral defects of the

Growth Factors and Their Known Function
Concerns with current treatment
Growth Factor Function modalities have led to recent studies
TGF-b1 Increased ECM synthesis. investigating the role of biologic
adjuncts in augmenting cartilage
Decreased catabolic signaling (IL-1 and MMP).
healing and the management of os-
Increased fibroblast proliferation and collagen synthesis.
teochondral lesions.
PDGF Increased proteoglycan synthesis. Increased production
of collagen.
VEGF Promotes new vessel growth.
BMP-7 (OP-1) Stimulates ECM synthesis.
Growth Factors and
Suppresses MMP and IL induced cartilage damage.
Platelet-rich Plasma
Not affected by age or presence of OA.
Growth factors are proteins that
IGF-1 Increased cell growth. stimulate the growth and develop-
Increased collagen synthesis of fibroblast. ment of tissue. Platelet-rich plasma
bFGF Increased production of collagen and angiogenesis. (PRP) is composed of a patient’s own
CTGF Increased cartilage regeneration and angiogenesis. concentrated platelets, which con-
tain over 1,500 growth factors
bFGF = basic fibroblast growth factor, BMP = bone morphogenetic protein, ECM = extracellular
matrix, FGF = fibroblast growth factor, IGF-1 = insulin growth factor 1, IL = interleukin, MMP = matrix located within the a-granules.13
metalloproteinase, OA = osteoarthritis, OP = osteogenic protein, PDGF = platelet-derived growth These growth factors have several
factor, TGF-b1 = transforming growth factor-b1, VEGF = vascular endothelial growth factor
functions including both cartilage
growth and extracellular matrix
synthesis, which in turn may have
cells with chondrocyte properties, Minced juvenile articular cartilage the potential to augment cartilage
whereas transplantation involves is a novel option for large or refrac- healing and repair (Table 1). It is
transferring cartilage explants or cells tory osteochondral lesions. This important to note that the compo-
to the defect site. Although midterm option entails the use of allograft sition of growth factors in PRP varies
studies report improved outcomes for cartilage harvested from donors less from person to person and even
these treatments, many patients still than 13-year old.10 It has been used between repeated preparations
experience persistent pain.5 This may since 2007 mostly in the knee within the same individual.14 Other
be due to biologic shortcomings and has been shown to contain up patient-specific factors and differences
inherent with each approach. Cell- to 10 times the cellular density of in commercial system preparation
based reparative therapies have pro- adult chondrocytes with improved methods can lead to variations in PRP
teoglycan depletion and chondrocyte ability to retain articular cartilage composition and can make interpre-
death at 1-year follow-up, and the fi- phenotype, theoretically leading tation of the literature challenging.14
brocartilage that is generated pos- to decreased production of fi- PRP is not only composed of con-
sesses inferior mechanical and biologic brocartilage.10 Early results from centrated platelets but also contains
properties compared with the native case reports and case series demon- leukocytes and reticulocytes. One
hyaline articular cartilage.6-8 With strate good-to-excellent clinical out- cannot ignore these ancillary factors
replacement strategies, concerns exist comes; however, more robust and because they can affect the function
regarding poor graft integration, cell long-term clinical studies are needed of PRP. For instance, high concen-
death, graft degeneration, and cyst to evaluate the efficacy of juvenile trations of leukocytes are associ-
formation.9 articular cartilage for the manage- ated with catabolic cytokines and

Dr. Hogan or an immediate family member is a member of a speakers’ bureau or has made paid presentations on behalf of Miller Review
Course; has received research or institutional support from Amniox Medical; and serves as a board member, owner, officer, or committee
member of the J. Robert Gladden Society, Nth Dimensions Education Solutions, the Orthopaedic Research Society. Dr. Kennedy or an
immediate family member serves as a paid consultant to and has received research or institutional support from Arteriocyte and serves as a
board member, owner, officer, or committee member of the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society, the Arthroscopy Association of
North America, the European Society for Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery, and Arthroscopy, the Ankle and Foot Associates, and the
International Society for Cartilage Repair of the Ankle. Neither of the following authors nor any immediate family member has received
anything of value from or has stock or stock options held in a commercial company or institution related directly or indirectly to the subject of
this article: Dr. Hicks and Dr. Chambers.

e106 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

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MaCalus V. Hogan, MD, MBA, et al

Table 2
HA and PRP OLT Adjunct Outcomes
Biologic Study Patient Average
Study Adjunct Description Type Number Average Defect Size Follow-up Outcomes

Guney et al17 PRP Mfx alone; Mfx 1 Case 35 ,20 mm diameter 16.2 mo (range, PRP as an adjunct improved
PRP series 12-24 mo) outcomes scores
compared with Mfx alone.
Doral et al18 HA Mfx 1 HAinjection* RCT 57 ,20 mm diameter 2 yr post op Both groups had increased
Mfx alone outcome scores.
— *3 weekly HA — — — — Injection group outcome
injections starting at scores were inceased
3 wk postop compared with Mfx alone.
Gormeli et al19 HA or PRP Mfx 1 HA RCT 27 PRP: 1.28 (range, 15.3 mo (range, Both PRP and HA improved
0.52-1.4) 11-25) clinical outcomes.
— Mfx 1 PRP — — HA: 1.24 (range, — Single-dose PRP yielded
0.48-1.46) better results than
multidose HA.
— — — — Control: 1.18 (range, — —
Shang et al20 HA Mfx alone vs Mfx 1 RCT 35 1.4 cm2 (SD 0.4 cm2) 10.5 6 1.2 mo MRI outcomes demonstrated
HA injections (3 a higher thickness index
injections over 14 d) (0.8 6 0.1 versus 0.7 6
0.1) and lower T2 index
(1.2 6 0.1 versus 1.4 6
0.1) in the injection
group compared with the
noninjection group
(P , 0.01).
— — — — — — AOFAS and VAS scores both
yielded higher level of
improvement in the
injection group (P , 0.05).

AOFAS = American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society, HA = hyaluronic acid, Mfx = microfracture, PRP = platelet-rich plasma, RCT = randomized controlled trial,
VAS = visual analog score

proinflammatory signaling, which microfracture of OLT are promising, fluid. In water, HA forms a viscous
can be detrimental to tissue healing, reporting improved outcomes com- gel-like substance with nociceptive
compared with leukocyte-poor PRP, pared with surgical repair alone blocking properties that may play a
which in vitro exhibits anabolic ef- (Table 2). However, long-term, level role in osteoarthritis treatment.
fects promoting chondrogenesis.15 I randomized control trials are In vitro, HA has been found to pro-
As such, PRP may act as an adjunct needed. The optimal combination of mote cartilage regeneration through
to cartilage repair by decreasing platelets, leukocytes, and eryth- increased chondrocyte proliferation
inflammatory mediators, increasing rocytes among other components of and synthesis of proteoglycans while
collagen and proteoglycan synthesis PRP currently is unknown. A maxi- also preventing cartilage degradation
and degradation, as well as recruiting mal efficacious platelet concentra- and the production of deleterious
mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), tion may also be present. Therefore, proinflammatory cytokines and matrix
which in turn undergo chondrogenesis it is critical that future studies metalloproteinases.21 The chon-
and synthesize type II collagen. properly characterize and report droprotective and regenerative ef-
A preclinical animal model in rab- PRP contents used, to optimize PRP fects of HA have been validated in
bits demonstrated that osteochondral as an adjunct to OLT surgery and animal models. Strauss et al22 demon-
defects treated with PRP demon- accurately interpret findings. strated that HA supplementation
strated improved histological scoring through three weekly intra-articular
with increased hyaline-like cartilage injections enhanced filling of the
and improved integration of the os- Hyaluronic Acid defects grossly and histologically in
teochondral graft at the cartilage rabbits after microfracture surgery.
interface.16 Clinical studies assessing Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a glycos- Kaplan et al23 created 10- · 10-mm
the efficacy of PRP as an adjunct to aminoglycan located within synovial partial-thickness articular cartilage

February 1, 2019, Vol 27, No 3 e107

Copyright ª the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Biologic Adjuvants for the Management of Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus

Figure 1 lesions in the medial condyle of

sheep followed by two HA in-
jections 7 days apart. Lesions were
evaluated at 12 weeks demon-
strating that early administration
of HA is chondroprotective.
Three recent studies comparing
OLT treatment using microfracture
surgery alone with microfracture
surgery supplemented with HA
demonstrate improved outcomes in
the HA group (Table 2). Compar-
ing a single-dose PRP injection
with a multidose HA injection regi-
men as adjunct to microfracture
surgery in OLT, the authors found
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the osteochondral lesion of the talus that both PRP and HA improved
(OLT). A, Coronal T2 showing medial talar dome OLT with surrounding marrow outcomes; however, PRP was rec-
edema. B, Sagittal T1 image showing medial central dome OLT with findings
ommended over HA because a single
consistent with unstable fragment.
injection yielded superior outcomes
(Table 2). Given the in vitro evidence
of chondroprotection and increased
Figure 2 cartilage regeneration as well as
improved outcomes scores clinically,
HA seems to be a viable adjunct to
OLT repair. Further studies are
needed to make more robust treat-
ment recommendations regarding
HA injections alone or even in
combination with PRP to supple-
ment cartilage regeneration.

Stem Cells

Embryonic Derived
Mesenchymal Cells
Embryonic-derived mesenchymal
cells (EMCs) are pluripotent stem
cells with the ability to differentiate
into all three primary germ layers:
endoderm (eg, lining of the gastroin-
testinal tract and lungs), mesoderm
(eg, muscle, bone, cartilage, blood),
and ectoderm (eg, nervous tissue).24
This pluripotency and unlimited self-
renewal distinguishes EMCs from
adult stem cells, which have limited
Osteochondral lesion of the talus (OLT) repair with iliac-crest bone marrow differentiating ability and are con-
aspirate concentrate (BMAC). A, OLT during initial insertion of BMAC, B, sidered multipotent. The utilization
insertion of prepared BMAC injection. C, OLT with BMAC in place after of EMCs for cartilage repair is in its
microfracture and débridement. D, OLT following final placement of BMAC and infancy. Currently, very few studies
have been conducted to evaluate the

e108 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Copyright ª the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
MaCalus V. Hogan, MD, MBA, et al

Table 3
Stem Cell Adjunct Outcomes
Study Biologic Adjunct Description Average Defect Size Follow-up Outcomes

Kennday et al29 cBMA 1 OATs Case series. 72 patients 11.12 mm (range, 6-20 mm) 28.02 mo (range, Increased AOFAS score from 52.67
anterior to posterior 12-64 mo) to 86.19 and SF-12 from 59.40 to
— 10.74 mm (range, 7-20 mm) — Return to sports = 13 wk (range,
medial to lateral 11-20 wk)
Buda et al30 cBMA 1 scaffold Prospective. 64 (5.27 6 68 cm2) 54 mo Increased AOFAS score from 65.2
(collagen powder or patients with OLT (613.9) to 91.1 (68.7 at 24 mo
HA) (peak)
— — — Gradual decline and settled at 80.7
(614.1) at 72 mo
Kim et al31 MSC Retrospective. 65 108.7 (634.6 mm2) 21.8 mo (64.3) Mean VAS and AOFAS scores
patients. Mfx vs Mfx 1 improved in both groups.
MSC injection.
— — — Tegner activity scale improved in
the Mfx 1 MSC group (3.5 6 0.7
to 3.8 6 0.7)
— — — Large lesions (.109 mm2) and
existence of subchondral cysts
predicted unsatisfactory results
for the Mfx-only group
Gianni et al32 cBMA 1 scaffolded Case series. 49 patients 2.24 6 1.23 cm2 48 6 6.1 mo AOFAS score improved from 63.73
with OLT 6 14.13 to 82.19 6 17.04
— — — T2-mapping showed regenerated
tissue with T2 values of 35-45 ms,
similar to hyaline cartilage

AOFAS = American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society, cBMA = concentrated bone marrow aspirate, HA = hyaluronic acid, Mfx = Microfracture, MSC = mesenchymal
stem cell, OATs = osteochondral autologous transplantation, OLT = osteochondral lesions of the talus, SF = short form, VAS = visual analog scale

ability of EMCs to repair os- preimplantation embryo. Further- optimal option for cartilage regener-
teochondral defects. EMC have been more, their ability to self-renew and ation because they are widely avail-
induced in vitro to form MSCs multilineage properties raise concern able and can be accessed easily during
including chondrocytes.25,26 Pilichi regarding tumorigenicity. surgery from the patient’s iliac crest
et al24 demonstrated that delivery of among other locations. Derived from
EMCs into osteochondral defects in adult tissue, MSCs also avoid the
sheep femoral condyles improved
Bone Marrow-derived Stem ethical concerns associated with
cartilage regeneration for up to Cells and Bone Marrow EMCs. Concentrated bone marrow
24 months. Cheng et al27 used EMCs Aspirate Concentrate aspirate (cBMA) is a source of MSCs
encapsulated in a fibrin gel and im- MSCs are adult stem cells that can be and is a potential biologic adjunct to
planted these cells into patellar found in bone marrow and other tis- OLT treatment modalities. In addi-
groove osteochondral defects. The sues. These stem cells are multipotent tion to MSCs, cBMA also contains
authors observed improved histo- with the ability to differentiate along platelets that contain growth factors
logic scoring and upregulation of connective tissue cell lineages, within the platelet a-granules, anal-
chondrogenic genes in groups including chondrocytes, osteoblasts, ogous to PRP (Table 1). These
receiving EMCs. Although promis- and myocytes. MSCs are thought to growth factors may potentially aug-
ing, the use of EMC-derived chon- be responsible for physiologic growth, ment the regenerative and reparative
drocytes for the clinical management wound healing, and replenishing cells capacity of MSCs. Another major
of cartilage defects is far off. Further lost during daily cell turnover and advantage of cBMA is that it can be
research is needed to characterize have been shown to be effective for obtained and prepared during the
their potential to repair damaged managing musculoskeletal tissue index procedure.
cartilage. In addition, the use of injury. Bone marrow stem cells are the Evidence supporting bone marrow
EMCs raises ethical concerns because most commonly used source of cells aspirate as an adjunct to cartilage
they are derived from the early-stage for cartilage regeneration. They are an repair has been demonstrated in

February 1, 2019, Vol 27, No 3 e109

Copyright ª the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Biologic Adjuvants for the Management of Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus

preclinical animal models (Figures 1 researchers to investigate the carti- and 19 are level I studies. References
and 2). In an equine model, Fortier lage regeneration potential of these 2, 3, 17, and 20 are level II studies.
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with microfracture with cBMA to from the synovial lineage retain studies. References 4, 5, 10, 11, 29,
manage full-thickness cartilage de- fibroblastic characteristics needed to 30, 32, 35, and 36 are level IV
fects of the lateral trochlear ridge. form hyaline cartilage. Studies com- studies. Reference 12 is a level V
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cated improved healing in the cBMA higher chondrocyte differentiation
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e110 Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

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MaCalus V. Hogan, MD, MBA, et al

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February 1, 2019, Vol 27, No 3 e111

Copyright ª the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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