Everyday Dialogues: at A Restaurant

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Everyday Dialogues

At a Restaurant

1. Dialogue Reading

Read the dialogue with your partner a few times. Take turns
being each character. Practice your intonation and

Customer: Weʼd like a table for four, please.

Hostess: Do you have a reservation?

Customer: No, we donʼt.

Hostess: Iʼm afraid there will be about a ten or fifteen

minute wait.

Customer: Thatʼs okay.

Hostess: Would you like smoking or non-smoking?

Customer: Non-smoking, please.

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Hostess: And would you prefer a table or a booth?
Write down any useful or new expressions and words in
Customer: It doesnʼt matter. the fields below.

Hostess: Would you rather sit inside or on the patio?

Customer: The patio would be nice

New Words List ✎

Hostess: Okay. Iʼll take your name and call you when the
table is ready.

Customer: Itʼs Montague.

Hostess: Could you spell that please?

Customer: M O N T A G U E. Could we look at some

menus while weʼre waiting

Hostess: Certainly. Here you are.

Customer: Thank you.

2. Practice ☑

Work with your partner. Role-play the dialogue, substituting

the different expressions below. Then reverse roles.

Weʼd like a table for four, please.

Do you have a table for four?
Is there a table for four available? ...continued on the next page

Copyright 2008. This eBook is produced and distributed by Red River Press Inc. All rights reserved. The contents within this e-book/document may only be
photocopied by members of ESLlibrary.com in accordance with membership terms and conditions. Contact info@esl-library.com for complete details.
Everyday Dialogues
At a Restaurant

2. Practice - continued ☑

Do you have a reservation? No, we donʼt. Iʼm afraid there will be about a ten or fifteen minute wait.
Have you got a reservation? Iʼm sorry, but you may have to wait about ten or fifteen
Did you make a reservation? No, we didnʼt. minutes.

Thatʼs okay. Would you like smoking or non-smoking? Would you prefer a table or a booth?
Thatʼs fine. Would you prefer smoking or non-smoking? Would you like a table or a booth?
No problem. Would you rather have smoking or non-smoking? Would you rather have a table or a booth?

It doesnʼt matter. Would you rather sit inside or on the patio? The patio would be nice.
We donʼt care. Would you prefer to sit inside or on the patio? Weʼd prefer the patio.
Itʼs not important. Would you like to sit inside or on the patio? Weʼd like the patio.

Iʼll take your name. Iʼll call you when the table is ready.
Iʼll write your name down. Iʼll call you when the table is available.
Can you please give me your name. Iʼll call you when you can sit down.

Could you spell that please? Could we look at some menus while weʼre waiting?
Could you spell your name for me please? May we look over the menu before we sit down?
How do you spell your name?

Certainly. Here you are.

Of course. Here you go.
Sure. Have a look at these

3. Vocabulary ✎

Write words from the dialogues that have the same meanings as the words below.

1. ready ______________________
2. a place that has been saved for you ______________________
3. person who greets you at the restaurant ______________________
4. person who goes to a restaurant to buy food ______________________
5. like better ______________________
6. a place to sit outside ______________________
7. place to sit in a restaurant with a table and benches ______________________
8. a list of the food available in a restaurant ______________________

Copyright 2008. This eBook is produced and distributed by Red River Press Inc. All rights reserved. The contents within this e-book/document may only be
photocopied by members of ESLlibrary.com in accordance with membership terms and conditions. Contact info@esl-library.com for complete details.
Everyday Dialogues
At a Restaurant

4. Dialogue Building ✎

Complete the dialogue below with appropriate expressions.

Customer: _________________________________________________ for four.

Hostess: _______________________________________________________?
Customer: No, ____________________________________________________.
Hostess: _______________________________________________________
Customer: _______________________________________________________.
Hostess: _______________________________________________________
smoking or non-smoking?
Customer: Non-smoking, please.
Hostess: __________________________________________________a table
or a booth?
Customer: _______________________________________________________.
Hostess: ________________________________________________sit inside
or on the patio?
Customer: _______________________________________________________
Hostess: Okay. __________________________________________________
and call you when the table is _______________________________.
Customer: Itʼs ____________________________________________________.
Hostess: ___________________________________________________spell
Customer: _______________________________________________________.
Hostess: ________________________________________ . Here you are.
Customer: Thank you.

5. Write your own dialogue ✎

Work with a partner and write your own new dialogue using any phrases from page 2. Then practice the
dialogue and present it to your class.

Copyright 2008. This eBook is produced and distributed by Red River Press Inc. All rights reserved. The contents within this e-book/document may only be
photocopied by members of ESLlibrary.com in accordance with membership terms and conditions. Contact info@esl-library.com for complete details.

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