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Explains how the world is governed by


by Rakesh Arora & Navin




Jupiter bless us

Astrology as a science is practiced all over the world today and there are so many
theories and differences in the way astrology is practiced around the world. The oldest
information on astrology in the Vedic Era is available today however the essence and the
core of astrology is lost because of lost books and errors and omissions in translations.
The original intent ofthe Vedic Authors was also based on the premise that such divine
knowledge should not fall in the hands of the unworthy and thus the information was
encoded in a way that only the seers and saints with pure heart will be able to decode the
hidden messages hidden in the astrology texts.

This principle though resulted in the knowledge not falling in the wrong hands but as a
science astrology lost since new people who got inducted into the system did not have a
clue on how to learn astrology and the basic principles were lost to all but a few. Thus
with the decline of the oral tradition of teaching in traditional Indian Schools called
Gurukul the knowledge of traditions and Vedic religion also declined to more a reading
rather than understanding of the crux of the knowledge. Without the Guru or the Teacher
the hidden messages in the Vedic Texts are undecipherable.

This text aims to unravel the greatest mystery of Astrology . KaalPurusha which is the
basis for many astrological principles which people practice today without knowing its
roots. The Secret Knowledge of the Kaal Purusha is cleverly hidden in the Vedic Astrology
Texts but it is yet unknown.

Let's take you through a journey of learning the Secrets of Astrology. Let's share this
divine knowledge so that Man in this Kalayuga respects the divine powers and accepts
the 1RUE CXD as the creator of all that we see and feel, the creator who created this
universe and all its laws along with us as one of the receptors.

Out of millions of life forms Man is the only life form which has been given the gift of
knowledge and discovery and has been given the knowledge to try to reach out to the

Rakesh Arora

Rakesh Arora Is a Jyotish Visharda from ICAAS New Delhi and has
been practicing and learning astrology since the past 15 years. He has
done research in various fields in Astrology including a deep dive into
the Secrets of Kaal Purusha. Rakesh has done detailed analysis on Lal
Kitaab and is a master in remedial and predictive aspects of La I Kitaab
and Vedic Astrology. He is an innovator in the field of Astrology and has
helped thousands of users by accurate predictions and remedies.
Rakesh maintains a blog at htto://

Navin Is a Jyotish Visharda from ICAAS New Delhi and has been
practicing and learning astrology since the past 10 years. Navin has
done extensive research in stock market astrology and natal astrology.
He is an avid follower of the Nadi Principles and is currently doing
research on Nadi Astrology. He has deep interest in the Science of
Astrology and maintain sa blog at htto://
We are deeply indebted to God Almighty and Our Gurus through the ages who
gave us this knowledge. Deeply indebted to the Gurus who taught us face to
face, to those who taught us through books, to those who guided us through
intuition ond to god almighty who showed us the path to knowledge ond
;:;.;:A~c=k=n=o;....:w..:...;l=e=d:;.z:g:a.;:e=m=e=n=t"'-_ _5
The Basics: Signs. Planets. Houses
THE Grahas ( the influencers) 11
THE state. Relationships. RulerShip 17
The Beginning: Kaal Purusha 21
Kaal Purusha Explained 21
VAANI rsoeech)- Taurus or Vrishabha 29
RXD- Taurus or Vrishabha 29
KUIUMB rfamily)- Taurus or Vrishabha 30
Venus & Saturn 49
Mercury and Venus 50
Venus and Moon 51
Venus and Jupiter 51
Venus and Mars 51
Moon and lugiter 51
Mars and Tugiter 51
Mars and Saturn 52
lugiter & Saturn 52


The earth rotates on its = axis and this rotation is done in one day or 24 hours
Earth revolves round the sun and this takes one year for one complete
revolution. The path of the earth round the sun is called the ecliptic and the
zodiac is a belt in the neighborhood of celestial equator extending 8 degree on
either side of the ecliptic and measuring 360 degrees.
Fig 1 Zodiac and 12 Signs

The zodiac as depicted above is surrounding the earth and is circular in shape
and is divided in to 12 equal parts of 30 degrees each for the purpose of
Astrology and each division is called sign (RASIS) these twelve signs form the
basis of Astrology and our research on Kaal Purusha.

Each Zodiac Sign has a Symbolic Pictorial Representation, its area in the Zodiac,
and Each Sign has a Ruling Planet out of the 9 Planets in Astrology. Each Sign of
Zodiac has characteristics and Siginificators which govern various aspects of
Human Life. The Twelve Signs of Zodiac and their hidden secret in Kaal Purusha
unravel the mystery of the Human Life in a way that has never been understood
before. The Twelve Signs actually hide the hidden message from the creator on
how life will progress in the universe and how Man would live and die.

Aries (Vedic Name Mesh)

Aries meaning Ram is the very first astrological sign in the Zodiac it covers the first
30 degrees of the Zodiac as depicted in Figure 1 Above. As per the Tropical System
of Astrology or Western Astrology the Sun enters the Sign of Aries on March 21 st
Every Year and remains in Aries till April 201h.
However as per Sidereal Astrology or Vedic Astrology the Sun Transits in Aries from
April 15 to May 15.
Astrologically the Sign Aries is governed by the Planet Mars. We will cover the
significations of Planets later on in this book after covering all the Zodiac Signs.
There are four classifications of Signs Fiery, Earthy, Airy, Watery as indicated by the
names the nature of the signs is symbolized by the Element Classification of each
Aries is a Fiery Sign and thus imbibes the qualities of fiery nature which may include
things like competitiveness, courage, aggression, assertiveness, ego, action etc. It is
also a Movable Sign and thus signifies movement or change. The positive or negative
aspects of a sign will be dealt with in the discussion on KaaiPurusha. At this juncture
an understanding of all signs and planets and their interrelationship is what is required.
The Planet Sun gets Exalted in the Sign of Aries, exaltation means that the planet is
strongest or most potent in that sign and the significations of signs with exalted
planets and the significations of the exalted planet all play an important role in the life
of that individual. The Sun is representative of various aspects including Name and
Fame, The Father of the Individual, The Male Children and also Government and
Taurus (Vedic Name Vrishabh)

Taurus is the Second Astrological Sign in the Zodiac. It spans the second thirty
degrees from 30 degrees to 60 degrees In the Zodiac. As per the Tropical or Western
Astrology the Sun transits the Sign of Taurus from April 21 to May 20 each year.
However for Sidereal astrology, Vedic Astrology the sun the Sign of Taurus from May
16th to June 15th.
Taurus is an earthy sign and thus imbibes the qualities that the element earth
denotes. Taurus is also a fixed sign and thus signifies the qualities of a fixed nature
resistance to change or movement and stability.
The ruler of sign Taurus is the planet Venus which is a planet which signifies
enjoyment, creativity, material luxuries, wealth etc.
The planet Moon gets exalted in Taurus and thus Taurus sign reflects the qualities of
both Venus and Moon. Moon is a watery planet and signifies masses, public and
The sign Taurus denotes things like stalbility, stubbornness, creativity, materialistic
nature, resistance to change.
Gemini (Vedic Name Mithun)
Gemini is the third astrological sign of the Zodiac it starts from 60 degrees and goes
up to 90 degrees of the Zodiac. In the Tropical zodiac, Sun transits this sign of Gemini
between the dates May 21st to June 20th. In Sidereal astrology or Vedic Astrology the
Planet sun currently transits the Gemini Sign from June 16th to July 15th
The Sign Gemini is governed by the Planet Mercury governed by Mercury.
Gemini is an Airy sign and thus imbibes the qualities that the element Air denotes.
Gemini is also a Dual sign and thus signifies the qualities of a Dual nature which
signifies movement as well as stability; this also symbolizes the duality of thoughts at
The ruler of sign Gemini is the planet Mercury which is a planet which signifies
enjoyment, Playfulness, Communication, logic, youthful nature etc.
No Planet gets exalted or debilitated in the Gemini Sign and no planet gets debilitated
in this sign.
The sign Gemini denotes things like duality, communication, short travels, news etc.
Cancer (Vedic Name Kark)

Cancer is the fourth astrological sign in the Zodiac and spans the 90 to 120 degrees
of the zodiac.

Canoer is a watery sign and a movable sign thus after Aries being Movable, the cycle
of Movable, Fixed and Dual repeats itself in the order.

The Sign Cancer is ruled by the Planet Moon. The Sun transits the Cancer Sign of
zodiac between 21st of June to 21st of July. In sidereal or Vedic astrology the Sun
transits the sign of cancer from June 21 to July 21 .

Since the sign is owned by Moon is gets some qualities of moon like being of watery
nature, cancer also signifies the ocean, the public in general, emotions and mother of
the native.

The benefic planet Jupiter gets exalted in this sign and the Planet Mars get debilitated
in this sign.

Canoer is one ofthe Kendra Signs along with Aries, Libra and Capricorn.

Leo (Vedic Name Simh)

Leo is the fifth astrological sign of the Zodiac and it spans from 120 to 150 degrees in
the Zodiac. In the Tropical Zodiac or western astrology the Sun transits the Sign of
Leo between the dates of July 22"d to August 22"d. In the Sidereal astrology or Vedic
astrology the Sun transits the Sign of Leo between 16th of August to 15th of
Leo fiery sign and thus the element circle restarts from Leo, Aries being a fiery sign,
Leo is the second fiery sign thus the Fiery, Earthy, Airy, Watery cycle restarts from
Leo is a fixed sign and thus imbibes the qualities of such a sign.

Sun is the rules of Sign Leo and the sign denotes, past karma, fiery nature, children
etc. No planet gets exalted or debilitated in this sign.

Virgo (Vedic Name Kanya)

Virgo is the sixth astrological sign in the Zodiac, and spans the 150 to 180 degrees in
the Zodiac. In the Tropical zodiac, the Sun transits The Sign of Virgo between the
dates August 23'd to September 22"d. In Sidereal astrology or Vedic Astrology, the
Sun transits the sign Virgo from 16th September to October 15th_
Virgo is a dual sign and an earthy sign and thus imbibes the qualities of duality and an
earthy nature.
Virgo denotes changes, competition, health, language, literature, memory etc.
Mercury is the ruler of this sign and also gets exalted in this sign. The Planet Venus
gets debilitated in this sign.
Libra (Vedic Name Tula)

Libra is the seventh astrological sign in the Zodiac and spans the zodiac between the
180 to 210 degrees. In the Tropical Zodiac Sun transits the sign of Libra between
September 23 to October 22"d in Vedic astrology or sidereal astrology the sun is in
this sign from October 16th to November 15th.
Libra is an airy sign and one of the Kendra signs along with Aries, Cancer and
Capricorn. It is a movable sign and thus imbibes the qualities of a movable and airy
Libra is ruled by the Planet Venus and thus imbibes the qualities of Venus.
Libra signifies the opposite forces, relationships, marriage and partner and the ability
to discriminate and judge.
Scorpio (Vedic Name Vrishchik)

Scorpio is the eighth astrological sign in the Zodiac and spans the degrees from 210
to 240. In the Tropical Zodiac or western astrology system the Sun transits this sign
between 23'd of October to November 21 st. In Vedic astrology system or sidereal
astrology system the Sun transits this Sign between 16th of November to 15th of

This is a fixed sign and a Watery sign and thus imbibes the qualities of being a fixed
sign and a watery sign.

This sign is ruled by Mars and thus the qualities of mars which are aggression,
determination, will to achieve etc. are attached to the Martian Sign.

No planet gets exalted in this sign, however moon gets debilitated in this sign and thus
the sign reflects the qualities associated with the debilitation of moon.
This is the 81h sign and there are significations attached to being the 81h sign which are
explained in the chapters to follow.

This is also the sign where a planet gets debilitated but no planet gets exalted.

Sagittarius (Vedic Name Dhanu)

Sagittarius is the ninth astrological sign in the Zodiac and spans between 240 and
270 degrees in the zodiac. In the Tropical zodiac system or western astrology
system, the Sun transits this Sign from November 21 to December 20. In Sidereal
astrology or Vedic astrology, the sun transits in Sagittarius from December 16 to
January 14.

The sign is a fiery sign and a dual sign and thus imbibes the qualities of being fiery
and dual.
The sign is ruled by the planet Jupiter. Thus the planet Jupiter's qualities get imbibed
into this sign.
Capricorn (Vedic Name Makar)

Capricorn is the tenth astrological sign in the Zodiac, and it spans the zodiac from
degrees 270 to 300. In the Tropical zodiac or western astrology, the Sun transits this
sign from December 22 to January 20 each year. In Sidereal astrology, or Vedic
astrology the sun transits Capricorn from January 15- February 14.

The Sign Capricorn is a movable sign and a watery sign and one of the four Kendras
apart from Aries, Cancer and Libra.

The Sign Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn and thus imbibes the qualities of
Saturn of work, aloofness, steady progress, coldness.

The Planet Mars gets exalted in this sign and the Planet Jupiter gets debilitated in this

Aquarius (Vedic Name Kumbh)

Aquarius is the eleventh sign in the Zodiac and spans the de~rees from 300 to 330.
The sun transits this sign from January 21 to February 1i in western astrology
system or Tropical Zodiac. In Vedic Astrology or Sidereal astrology the planet sun
transits over this sign from February 15 to March 14
The Sign is an Airy Sign and a fixed sign and thus imbibes the qualities of these two
The sign Aquarius is ruled by the planet Saturn and thus imbibes the qualities of the
planet Saturn.
No planet gets exalted or debilitated in Aquarius.
The sign signifies philosophy, discovery, innovations.
Pisces (Vedic Name Meen)

Pisces is the twelfth astrological sign in the Zodiac. It spans the Zodiac between the
330th and 360th degree In the Tropical zodiac, the Sun transits this Sign from
February 20 to March 20 each year. In Sidereal astrology, or Vedic astrology the sun
transits the Sign from March 15 to April 14.
The Sign Pisces is the last sign in the zodiac. The Sign is a Watery sign and a Dual
sign and signifies the end of the zodiac.

The Sign is ruled by the planet Jupiter and the planet mercury gets debilitated here
while Venus gets exalted in the Sign of Pisces.

The World planet in the English language is mostly translated to a word Graha in
Sanskrit and this forms the basis for the argument that Vedic Astrology treats even
the North Node (Rahu), South Node (Ketu) and the Luminaries Sun and Moon as
Planets when in fact the North Node and South Node are just imaginary points, Sun is
a Star and Moon a Satellite.

However the truth is that the word Graha does not translate to a Planet it means
Seizing or holding. In the Ancient Vedic Astrology the Grahas (Planet as per wrong
translation) are the ones given the power to rule over the worldly affairs by the Gods
and thus the Grahas exert their influence on the Planet Earth and the life on earth.

Another argument is taken that what happens if mankind moves to live on Moon or in
outer space. Yes astrology or Vedic astrology will not be applicable to such scenarios
since the influence of Grahas on humans in other planets or heavenly bodies has not
been studied or deciphered.

Graha 's are the influencers of all life on earth, the nine Grahas or influencers are Sun,
Moon, Mars, Rahu (North Node), Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Ketu (South Node),
Uranus, Netpute and Pluto are not considered in Natal or human life predictions in
Vedic Astrology as extensively as the Western Astrology.
All the Nine Graha have relative movement with respect to the background of The 12
Signs, though it is the earth which rotates and revolves it appears that the Signs are
moving and the Planets move from one sign to another so relative to earth the signs
are moving and the planets are moving within those 12 Signs.
Thus astrology becomes a combination of the 9 Graha moving in 12 Signs and then
there are the twelve houses which we will shortly talk about.
Sun (Surya)

The Graha sun in vedic astrology denotes the Sun, the center of our solar system. It
is the Chief Deity in Vedic System. The Sun holds a prominent place and importance
in the horoscope.

The Sun is said to have hair and arms of gold and drives through the heaven in his
chariot harnessed by seven horses which represent the seven colors of the rainbow.

The Sun rules over the Sunday.

I n The ancient system of Vedic Astrology Surya is considered a mild malefic on

account of his hot, dry nature. Surya represents soul, will-power, fame, the eyes,
general vitality, courage, kingship, father, highly placed persons and authority. He is
exalted in the sign Mesha (Aries) and is in debilitation or decline in the sign Tula
(Libra). The strongest placement for Surya is directly overhead in the 10th house, and
on the angles (the 1st, 5th and 9th houses). Surya has the following associations: the
colors - copper or red, the metals - gold or brass, the gemstone - ruby, the direction -
east and the season of summer. The food grain associated with him (one of Nava
Dhanyas) is wheat.

Moon (Chandra)

The Graha Moon in Vedic Astrology also holds an important place in the Vedic
Astrology System. The Transit of planets in Vedic Astrology is done based on moon
rather than the Sun. The First letter of the name of an individual is based on the
Nakshatra that the moon is in at the time of the birth.
Moon and ascendant of an individual are the two most important focal points for
analysis of a horoscope in Vedic Astrology
Moon has been described as young, beautiful, fair; two-armed and having in his
hands a club and a lotus. Moon rides his chariot of Ten white horses or an antelope
every night across the sky. The rabbit is also particularly sacred to him and all rabbits
are under his protection.
Moon presides over the Monday.
In Vedic Astrology Chandra represents brain and mind, emotions, sensitivity,
softness, imagination, queen and mother. Chandra rules over the sign Karka
(Cancer), while he is exalted in Vrishabha (Taurus) and in his fall or debilitation is in
Vrishchika (Scorpio). The waxing moon is considered to be benefic, and the waning
moon is considered to be malefic. The bright moon is considered a benefic planet of
the highest order, while the dark moon is considered a malefic.
According to Hindu mythology Chandra has not been very fortunate in life. Chandra
was born in the Ocean of Milk (the gods were churning it for millennia in order to
create immortal life), and nearly blinded the gods with his bright, glowing body (hence
the name that means "illustrious"). The gods unanimously decided to give Chandra
the status of a planet and sent him into the cosmos.
Chandra has the following associations: the color white, the metal silver and the
gemstones pearl and moonstone. His element is water, direction is north-west and
season is winter. The food grain associated with him (one of Nava Dhanyas) is rice.
Chandra is known for having a series of disastrous love affairs. His first lover, Tara,
was the wife of Brihaspati, the planet Jupiter. From their union, Tara became pregnant
with Budha (Mercury).
Because of how he was conceived, Budha hated his father, and their rivalry continues
to this day. For the sin of abducting another god's consort, Brahma banished Chandra
to the outer atmosphere.
Mars (Kuja, Mangala)

In Vedic Astrology, the Graha Mars is the name for the Planet Mars. Mars is the God
of War and is considered to be the Son of Earth. Mars owns the signs Aries and
Mars s painted as red or flame colour, four-armed, carrying a trident, mace, lotus and
great spear.
His mount is a Ram and he rules over the day Tuesday.
In Vedic astrology Mars (Mangala) is considered a malefic of the first order. He rules
over the signs Mesha (Aries) and Vrishchika (Scorpio), is exalted in Makara
(Capricorn) and has his fall or debilitation in Karka (Cancer). The Sun, Moon and
Jupiter are all considered friendly to him, while he is hostile to Mercury. Venus and
Saturn are neutral. Mars (Mangala) represents drive and physical energy, self-
confidence and ego, strength, anger, impulsiveness, heroism and adventurous
nature. Mangal rules over blood, muscles and bone marrow. He is associated with
battle, war and soldiers.
Mangala has the following associations: the color red, the metal brass and gemstone
Red Coral. His element is fire, direction is south, season is summer.
Mercury (Budh)

In Vedic Astrology the Graha Mercury is the name for the Planet Mercury. In Vedic
Astrology Mercury is the son of Moon and Tara. Amongst other things he is also the
god of merchandise and merchants and trade & commerce.
He is represented as being mild, eloquent, and having a greenish complexion. He is
represented holding a scimitar, a club and a shield, riding a winged lion in Ramghur
temple. In other illustrations, he holds a scepter and lotus and rides a carpet or an
eagle or a chariot drawn by lions.
Mercury rules the Wednesday.
In Vedic Astrology mercury is considered a benefic planet, unless he is joined with a
malefic planet, in which case he becomes malefic also. Mercury rules over Mithuna
(Gemini) and Kanya (Virgo), is exalted in Kanya and in his fall or debilitation in Meena
(Pisces). Budha is friendly with the Sun and Venus, hostile to the Moon and neutral
towards the other planets. Mercury represents intelligence, intellect, communication,
analysis, the senses (especially the skin), science, mathematics, business, education
and research. The written word and journeys of all types fall within his domain. Budha
has the following associations: the color green, the metal brass and gemstone
emerald. The direction associated with Budha is north, the season is autumn and the
element is earth.

Jupiter (Guru, Brihaspati)

In Vedic Astrology, Jupiter or Brihaspati, Guru represents the planet Jupiter. Jupiter is
considered the teacher and Guru of the devas or the gods. He is considered the
personification of piety and religion, and the chief of prayers and sacrifices to the
Jupiter is considered the god of wisdom and eloquence. He is described of yellow or
golden colour and holding the following divine attributes: a stick, lotus an beads.
He is the ruling deity of the Thursday.
Jupiter is considered to be the greatest benefic planet of any of the planets. Guru
rules over the signs Dhanu (Sagittarius) and Meena (Pisces), he is exalted in Karka
(Cancer) and in his fall or debilitation in Makara (Capricorn). The Sun, Moon and Mars
are considered friendly to Bcihaspati, Mercury is hostile and Saturn is neutral.
Jupiter in Vedic Astrology This indicates vastness, growth and expansion in a
person's horoscope and life. Jupiter also represents religion, philosophy, knowledge
and issues relating to offspring. He is concerned with education, teaching and the
dispensation of knowledge.
The following items are associated with Jupiter: his color is yellow, metal is gold and
gemstone is yellow topaz and yellow sapphire. The season associated with him is
winter (snow), direction is north-east and element is ether or space.
Venus (Shukra)

In Vedic Astrology Venus or Shukra represents the Planet Venus. Shukra or Venus
is the name of the son of Bhrigu Sage and he is the Preceptor of the Asuras. Venus
presides over the Friday as a day.
Venus is of white complexion, middle-aged and of agreeable countenance. He is
described variously as mounted on a camel, horse or crocodile. He holds a stick,
beads and a lotus and sometimes a bow and arrow.
In Vedic Astrology Shukra (Venus) is considered a benefic and rules over the signs
Vrishabha (Taurus) and Tula (Libra). It is exalted in Meena (Pisces), and in its fall or
debilitation in Kanya (Virgo). The planets Mercury and Saturn are considered friendly
to Shukra, the Sun and Moon are hostile and Jupiter and the rest are considered
neutral. In astrology Shukra represents love, romance and sexuality, artistic talents,
the quality of the body and material life, wealth, the opposite sex, pleasure and
reproduction, feminine qualities and the fine arts, such as music, dance, painting and
Venus is an indicator of spouse, love, marriage, comfort, luxury, beauty, prosperity,
happiness, all conveyances, art, dance music, acting, passion and sex. Shukra
blesses the people with power to control their sense organs (lndriyas) and enables to
obtain name and fame. Afflictions to Venus can cause eye diseases, venereal
complaints, indigestion, pimples, impotency, loss of appetite and rashes on the skin.
Saturn (Shani)

Saturn or Shani is represented by the Planet Saturn in Vedic Astrology. Saturn rules
over the Saturday as a day.
Saturn is the slowest planet and takes approximately 30 years for one complete
movement around the 12 signs of the zodiac.
Saturn is the Son of the Planet Sun and his wife Chhaya.
He is the elder brother of Yama, the Hindu god of death, who in some scriptures
corresponds to the deliverance of justice. Surya's two sons Saturn and Yama are
both in a way judges. Shani gives us the results of one's deeds through one's life
through appropriate punishments and rewards; Yama grants the results of one's
deeds after death.
It is said that when Saturn opened his eyes as a baby for the very first time, the sun
went into an eclipse, which clearly denotes the impact of Saturn on astrological
charts. He is known as the greatest teacher and well-wisher for the righteous as well
the greatest punisher for those who follow the path of evil, betrayal, backstabbing and
unjust revenge. He is depicted dark in colour, clothed in black; holding a sword,
arrows and two daggers and mounted on a crow, which is Saturn's vehicle.
North Node , Dragon's Head (Rahu)

In Vedic Astrology Rahu is the head of an Asura which causes eclipses. He is

depicted in art as a serpent with no body riding a chariot drawn by eight black horses.
Rahu is one of the nine planets in Vedic Astrology
Astronomically Rahu and Ketu (Dragon's Tail) denote the two points of intersection of
the paths of the Sun and Moon as they move around the Zodiac. Therefore, Rahu and
Ketu are respectively called the north and the south Nodes. The fact that eclipses
occur when Sun and Moon are at one of these points gives rise to the myth of the
swallowing of the Sun.
Rahu is a legendary master of deception who signifies cheaters, pleasure seekers,
operators in foreign lands, drug dealers, poison dealers, insincere & immoral acts,
etc. It is the significator of an irreligious person, an outcast, harsh speech,
falsehoods, uncleanliness, abdominal ulcers, bones. Rahu is instrumental in
strengthening one's power and converting even an enemy into a friend.
In Vedic Astrology Rahu or North Node or Dragon's Head is a demon that does his
best to plunge any area of life he controls into chaos, mystery, and cruelty. He is
associated with the world of material manifestation and worldly desire, as well as
random, uncontrolled growth without wisdom or understanding.
Rahu is supposed to be a mighty and naughty child of MAY A (illusory power of
nature), and thus has a lot of dualities attached to its maya vi (illusory) nature.
Rahu can be considered the expert among the planets when it comes to scheming
and plotting. It is the master of manipulation.
South Node, Dragon's Tail (Ketu)

In Vedic Astrology Ketu or South Node or Dragon's Tail is the descending lunar node.
'Ketu' is said to be the body of Rahu or Dragon's head, after the head was cut off by
God Vishnu. In Vedic Astrology Ketu is generally referred to as a "shadow" planet. It
is believed to have a tremendous impact on human lives and also the whole creation.
In some special circumstances it helps someone achieve the zenith of fame. Ketu is
often depicted with a gem or star on his head signifying a mystery light.
Astronomically, Ketu and Rahu denote the points of intersection of the paths of the
Sun and the Moon as they move on the celestial sphere. Therefore, Rahu and Ketu
are respectively called the north and the south .lunar nodes. The fact that eclipses
occurs when the Sun and the Moon are at one of these points gives rise to the myth
of the swallowing of the Sun and the Moon by the demon snake.
In Vedic Astrology Ketu represents karmic collections both good and bad, spirituality
and super natural influences. Ketu signifies the spiritual process of the refinement of
materialization to spirit and is considered both malefic and benefic, as it causes
sorrow and loss, and yet at the same time turns the individual to God. In other words,
it causes material loss in order to force a more spiritual outlook in the person. Ketu is
a karaka or indicator of intelligence, wisdom, non-attachment, fantasy, penetrating
insight, derangement, and psychic abilities. Ketu is believed to bring prosperity to the
devotee's family, removes the effects of snakebite and illness arising out of poisons.
The people who come under the influence of Ketu can achieve great heights, most of
them spiritual.
Exaltation I Debilitation, Ruler Ship

Graha Exaltation Mooltrikona Debilitation Sign Rulership

Sun 10° Aries 4°-20°Leo 110° Libra Leo

Moon 13°Taurus 4°-20° Cancer 13° Scorpio Cancer

Mars 28° Capricorn 0°-12° Aries 28° Cancer Aries, Scorpio
-Mercury 1S0 Virgo l6°-20°Virgo 0 Gemini, Virgo
11S Pisces

Tupiter so Cancer so Capricorn Sagittarius, Pisces

Venus 27° Pisces 0°-15° Libra 127° Virgo Taurus, Libra

Saturn 20° Libra 0°-20° Aquarius 20° Aries Capricorn, Aquarius

Scorpio, Aquarius (co-ruler)

Rahu Taurus, Gemini Virgo

Scorpio, Pisces Taurus, Gemini Scorpio (co-ruler)


Graha Friends Neutral Enemies

Moon, Mars, I Mercury Venus, Saturn

Mercury, Venus,
Moon Sun, Mercury I Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn

Mars Sun, Moon, Jupiter 'Venus, Saturn Mercury

- I
Mercurv Sun, Venus 1
Mars,Jupiter, Saturn Moon
-- -
TuQiter Sun, Moon, Mars Saturn Mercury, Venus
~ Mercury, Saturn Mars,Jupiter Sun, Moon
' --
Saturn Venus, Mercury 1
Jupiter Sun, Moon, Mars
Rahu Sun, Venus Mars, Mercury,Jupiter, Saturn Moon
Moon,Mercury,Jupiter, Venus,
Ketu Mars
I Saturn
The Vedic Houses, Significators and Meaning attached to Houses

House Name Significators Meanings

outer personality, physique, health/well-being

1 Lagna Sun
hair, appearance

Jupiter, Mercury, wealth, family relationships, eating habits, speech,

2 Dhana
Venus, Sun, Moon eyesight, death

natural state, innate temperament, courage, valor,

3 Sahaja Mars
virility, younger siblings

inner life, emotions, home, property, education,

4 Sukha Moon

5 Putra Jupiter creativity, children, spiritual practices, puny a

acute illness, injury, openly known enemies,

6 Ari Mars, Saturn
litigation, daily work, foreigners, service

business and personal relationships, marriage,

7 Yuvati Venus,Jupiter
spouse, war, fighting

length of life, physical death, mokg chronic

8 Randhara Saturn
illness, deep and ancient traditions

9 Dharma Jupiter, Sun luck, fortune, spirituality, Dharma Guru, father

dream fulfillment, knees and spine, current

Mercury, Jupiter,
10 Kam1a karmas, career, sky themes (being 12arn/mid
Sun, Saturn

gains, profits from work, ability to earn money,

11 Labha Jupiter
social contexts and organizations

loss, intuition, imprisonment, foreign travel,

12 Vyaya Saturn

The 12 astrology houses represent the various departments of life. Through these
astrology houses, the characteristics of an individual as revealed in the signs the
houses cover, and the planets in them, are expressed in the activities and
experiences of everyday life. The lines separating these different areas of life, as
represented by the 12 astrology houses, are called cusps.

In Vedic Astrology the houses are also called Bhava or Division. Thus the Zodiac just
like the 12 Signs is divided into 12 Houses and each house represents particular
aspects of an individual's Life. The mathematical calculations on how the houses are
divided are beyond the scope of this book.
The Universe has been created in a scientific way through the principles of building
blocks. Thus just as an Atom has Protons, Electrons and Neutrons and all three work
together to create an Atom which then unite and form molecules and create all things
in this universe in a similar fashion Astrology has the Planets, Houses and The Zodiac
Signs as the building blocks and thus everything in astrology is actually a
combination ofthese building blocks.
Thus a horoscope is a Combination of the 12 Houses, 12 Signs and 9 Grahas


In this chapter we aim to explain the concept of Kaal Purusha this concept is
essential to understand the basics of Astrology and the Principles which are
reflected in almost all systems of Astrology followed today.

The Knowledge of Kaal Purusha is hidden in the Astrological and Vedic Texts
and just like other secrets where just a few words or sentences mean a lot Kaal
Purusha is one such principle where a small hint is indicating a comprehensive
method. So much so that this whole book is dedicated to deciphering this secret
and explaining the Beginning, the beginning of everything in Astrology, the
beginning when all this was revealed to man by the great creator himself.

The divine knowledge was given to man by god himself not through a medium of
a text book or an oral dictation but it was a mental dictation. Through Yogic
Principles and Practices the great vedic saints were able to connect to the great
super conscious which we call God and thus the human mind acted as a
receptor and conduit to tap into all the knowledge which existed or will ever exist.
Thus nothing is really created or learnt in this universe, we already know
everything because we are a part of the super conscious, it is just that one has
to shut down the other connections and provide enough attention and bandwidth
as we call it in the IT world to capture all the knowledge in the world flowing
through the Super Conscious.

The Kaal means eternal time and Purusha means the man. All the classical
texts refer Aries chart as Kaai-Purusha or Zodiac Chart, meaning the chart of
the Universal Man.

The Kaai-Purusha Horoscope, this will be referred to as the "KP Horoscope"

in this text. The KP Horoscope is the first and most important horoscope for
understanding the hidden secrets of predictive astrology. The KP chart is
important for all branches of astrological knowledge as it may be very difficult
rather impossible to delineate all twelve ascendants from Aries to Pisces. The
readers are requested to read the basics of astrology through other available
texts as this text is for intermediate and advanced users of astrology. If you are
a beginner we will advise you to read through Phaladeepika and Brihat Parashar
Hora Shastra to gain knowledge in the Ancient Science of Vedic Astrology.
The first ascendant, as we know is Aries, ruled by a martial planet Mars. Mars is
the Man, Male governing planet. Aries ascendant and his lord Mars represents
all Men born under this Sun. The Almighty God Himself though Nirakaar (without
bodily form) in His basic existence but appears in SakaarRupa (bodily form) as
Ardh-Naarishwar Rupa; which means in the combined form of God Shiva
(male) and Goddess Shakti(female).

As this is the first point of creation of this Triguna (tri means three and guna
means essence meaning combined form of all three essence which exists in this
world) or Sakaaror bodily form, it is utmost important to begin our Astrological
understanding from it. The God Shiva (as a first male on this earth) has Aries
Ascendant with exalted Sun in the first house. It is rightly mentioned in Indian
classical texts about God Shiva as our symbolic Father and Goddess Shakti as
our symbolic Mother. In other words, this is the first creation of almighty God as
male and female identity on this universe. This is totally different from the modern
ideology which mentions about human male and female form as the mentioned
two forms are the super powers of this universe as per Indian Mythology.

Thus the Kaal Purusha concept subtly informs us humans of the Secret of
Creation of Universe and the Creation of Human Beings. Thus the Kaal Purusha
is the beginning point of everything the beginning of Universe Itself. The
beginning hides in itself the end. The beginning hides in itself the course that the
Universe will take towards its end.

The "Earth" in classical texts is referred as Mrityu Loka. Mrityu means death
and Loka means place. Many learned people also refer it as Naraka, i.e. Hell.
Anyone born on this earth must die sooner or later. Death is ascertained from
day one of the birth. As the Aries represents "man"; Libra represents "woman".
The rising ascendant represents birth or beginning of life and eighth house
indicates end of longevity i.e. death.

For that reason, Mars (male governing planet) and Venus (female governing
planet) are the only two planets in Zodiac who rules 8 h sign also from their first
sign. As Aries is the rising sign of Mars, Scorpio sign represents death. Similarly
for female, Libra is the rising sign and Taurus represents death.

It may please be kept in mind all the times while delineating 12 ascendants that
Aries sign is the Ascendant sign of KP horoscope and its lord Mars governs
male natives of all 12 ascendants irrespective of any sign rising in natives'

Thorough understanding of Aries ascendant will not only help us to delineate all
12 ascendants but also unfolds the most valuable and secret information of Art of
Living. By the time we will complete the delineation of Aries Ascendant, we will be
crystal clear in our mind how to delineate all 12 ascendant charts and also
different aspects of our life like Health, Finance Management, Education,
Profession, Love & Marriage, Future planning etc.

As Aries sign represents male native, the Mars, its characteristics will represent
the Man of this world. We can also say by understanding significations of Aries
sign; we will be able to appreciate how a Man, in general, may live on this Earth
or what are basic promises as destined by almighty God. Other 11 rising
ascendants will tell us how that native is different from a General Man.

Classical references
Aries natives have good strong body with moderate weight. They are full of
energy and enthusiasm but have hot temperament. They are egoistic, clever and
have Alpa-Santati (less progeny). They get motivated quite easily but many
times they get over aggressive. They believe in ruling and seldom take orders
from others. The Aries natives do not get scared of even intense problems which
may come their way; rather they face them quite bravely. They are not among
the class who would quietly stay at home and rest peacefully. They like
competitive environment and always believe in winning out of such situations.
They openly criticize people so often & indulge themselves in arguments and
quarrels. They do not hesitate for even physical assault. They enjoy situations
when their opponents are defeated and they beg them to forgive.

They become good soldiers and also succeed in departments like police, law
etc. They have the knack of injecting enthusiasm in people. Although, Aries
natives externally look to be very shrewd and cruel, they are very emotional and
kind at heart. The do forgive their opponents if they apologize sincerely. They
are among the people who can even forgive their bitter enemies. If they join
politics, they may be known as dictators. They do not like to take suggestions or
advice from others and cannot tolerate even constructive criticism. They make
plenty of enemies in their life and suffer on that account.

They are simply materialist people and rarely think of spiritual development or
salvage. They have no interests in religion activities and sometimes they may be
communist. Aries natives are not romantic in nature. If they fall in love with
someone, they try to quickly get her on their side. They can go to the extent of
forcefully getting their girl of choice. They are not among ones who will undergo
depression if refused by opposite sex. They just believe in achieving what they
want; by hook or crook.

If Mars is not in good position in horoscope, they may have very high level of
sexual desire.

If Mars is under benefic influences and there are other combinations of spiritual
advancement, they may become high level of saints. They will have pure heart
and mind.
All humans on this earth have four types of desires: (1) Dharma (desire to do
spiritual work for betterment of self and others), (2) Artha (desire to acquire
materialistic objects like money, property etc.), (3) Kaama (desire to enjoy
luxuries of life and sex) and (4) Moksha (desire to quit re-birth cycle or desire of
quitting from emotional bindings).

The first house of Dharma trine (1/5/9) has firy and moveable sign ruled b¥
Mars. This is the exaltation seat of Sun (lord of another Dharma House, 5 h
house) of Zodiac. The exaltation status means the status of excellent cheerful
stage. Any planet in exaltation becomes karka i.e. it gives auspicious results
apart from its lordship results. As we know, trine lords, 51h and gth lords are the
most benefic and later being the highest.

Sun gives excellent results in first house of Aries ascendant.

Aries is the exaltation seat of Sun. Sun provides vitality and good health to our
body. Sun as fifth lord rules our intellect.

So, for a Man (Mars), good health carries the highest importance. It is an old
saying that health is wealth. One should always thrive for improving Gyana
(knowledge) for better living and should protect his physical body. As fifth house
rules lshta Devta i.e. the God we should be praying or mantra (mantra is a
divine sentence made by a prefix OM for daily recitation). As Sun represents
'one' and Sun exalts in Aries sign which is also "one"; it is indicated through KP
horoscope that one should worship one deity only instead of worshipping
different forms of God in different Dashas (periods) of planets. We should desire
for the benefit of self and others. Many Learned Astrologers normally
recommend worshiping God or planet related to main /sub periods of planets or
related to transit of a slow moving planet. Although, there is no harm in following
the mentioned advice as it does give good results but worshipping lshta Devta
(one deity) wards off all evils if worshiping is done daily basis without break. It is
the proven fact that when any activity is performed on regular basis for longer
duration, it yields at par excellent results compared to multiple activities
performed at one or different times. It is clearly mentioned in classical texts, all
the planets work under deities and all deities are under control of mantra (a
divine sentence made by using divine words like OM). God is one and He
himself creates his own different forms for the management of this world. All the
forms of God have full capacity and authority to do all the good for a native. So,
recitation of mantra of any form of God can bestow us all positive results hence
not requiring any unnecessary wanderings.
5TH house rules our promises, ideals, ambitions, desires etc. By keeping our
promises and character, we can make good fortunes not only for self but also for
our forefathers, father and son (As trine from 5th and gth house).

The signification of this house is Sun himself indicating almost sole governing of
first house by Sun.

This is repeated and specially highlighted again that Sun as ruler of a trine, 5th
house posited in ascendant in his exaltation state contributes to vitality of
physical body and mind. Sun makes the native a highly noble character. Sun
gets maximum directional strength in 10th house, the house of Saturn where sun
gives high positions and status to the native. Sun posited in any of the trine
house even in exaltation state will contribute to the vitality and strength
of physical body and significantly improve significations of the house.
But, Sun posited here may not contribute for the materialistic growth of a
person. Kindly see that sun will certainly assist in removing obstructions
coming in way of destiny.

Now lets' take debilitation of planet in Aries ascendant:

Saturn is the planet of physical work. Saturn is significator of servant. Saturn as

slow moving planet gives slow and steady results. Saturn gives late results
especially of the houses he rules or posited in. Mostly Saturn's results are felt till
the age of 30 years or 36 years or in the old age. Its' main I sub periods or transit
results however can appear at any age and its ill effects will be more prominent
before the age of 36 years. The (negative) significations of Saturn are felt when
Saturn is weak. It is contrary to other planets. Signifcations of a planet are felt
only when the planet is stronger. So an exalted or strong Saturn will take away all
his (negative) significations and will give good results. An exalted Saturn may
signify plenty of (Karmas) work which native may have to perform in this birth or
coming births. Although Saturn represents physical work but the level of work
may differ with its relative strength. Saturn may make one work as Manager or
an office peon depending u~on his natal Strength. As we know, Saturn debilitates
in Aries ascendant as 1ot and 11th lord. A debilitated or weak Saturn is the
strong indication of professional failure. It makes the person arrogant and
adamant. A debilitated Saturn posited in ascendant aspects third as well as tenth
house which indicates professional failure due to the nature of the native and
mistakes committed by the native himself. A debilitated Saturn does not
generate interest for deeds or work.

Also, an afflicted Saturn indicates poor desire fulfillments as natural 11th Zodiac

10th house is the house of karma (work) opposite to 4th house, the house of
sukha (mental happiness). The two opposite houses (here taken as 1!7 axis)
are complimentary to each other as well as have opposing effects. It does create
difference of opinion among the two despite of having positive and mutual
benefits. For example, to achieve objects for sukha (happiness), i.e. 4 h house
signification, one must work and perform his duties. While performing the duties,
native may be accumulating wealth and objects which may give him pleasure but
the native cannot enjoy the same while executing his duties. Yes of course, one
can enjoy the accumulated resources at his leisure time. If native stops
performing his work, all objects I money etc. which were providing him the sukha
will finish at some time in future causing loss of signification of 4th house through
101h house. Similarly, fifth house rules our desires and eleventh rules fulfillment of
desires. Ascendant rules the male (husband) and seventh rules the female
(wife). Normally planets posited in 1!7 axis oppose each other openly but planets
posited in other two quadrants (4 and 10) oppose at the back of the person. For
example, if two planets are posited in 1!7 axis, it could cause disagreements
between husband and wife. If the two are friendly planets, it will result into
moderate disagreements but two inimical planets will give serious disputes. But
planet posited in 4th or 101h represents secret enemies or opponents.

101h house and its lord Saturn represent the workplace. In simpler understanding,
Saturn rules all working people, subordinates, employees etc. Also, Saturn is in-
charge of all individuals in this world when it comes to giving effects of deeds of
the native. This is the planet Saturn who keeps the track of work or karmas of all
individuals when they are performing their duties. For that matter, even a King
(governed by Sun), when he is performing his duties, is supervised by Saturn at
that moment. We all must work to perform our duties. Saturn is the karma (work)
signifying planet.

Ascendant is the exaltation seat of the ruler (Sun) and is the house of Mars who
administers and controls the whole work and working community. This indicates
mainly two results. Firstly, the ruler seat carries great amount of responsibility
requiring knowledge and skills though there may be lesser amount of physical

But Saturn represents physical work which may not require high degree of
knowledge or skills. Hence it is undesirable position of Saturn. Secondly, a
worker, in general cannot take the seat of ruler or in other words an office peon
cannot replace Manager of the office. In case if it happens it will spoil office
management; henceforth debilitation point of Saturn. Please see that debilitation
of any planet means state of depression or unhappiness.

Any debilitated planet would give its ill effects for the house he owns or posited in.
Debilitated planets of course give only bad effects for health but material
success is not totally denied. Debilitation can also be understood as weakness
of a planet and his inability to perform his natural work as signified. If the same
planet is under benefic aspect or in conjunction with benefic planet like Jupiter or
Venus, positive tendencies of the planet improve by greater extent.
When Saturn moves to ascendant, this is an effort to achieve status and position
of the head. This is an effort like someone trying to put shoes instead of hat on
the head. As this debilitation has happened in ascendant, native losses all his
respect and status in society. So whenever a native dishonors his elders,
seniors or advisers it leads to his debilitation (the state of sadness, depression
and loss of respect in the society). Any planet in debilitation sign is the planet in
the state of depression and he can do little well for the native even if he owns
good house lordship.

Saturn as the slowest moving planet among 9 planets or GREHA (Greha

represent 9 numerical number; the nine planets) Saturn is the significator of
reaping results at the right time. The fruits of good karmas or deeds which reach
us at the right time can be compared to the state of exaltation of a planet. If we
glance at how nature performs his duties and how every single moment of nature
activity is time bound we will appreciate the time bound results. One may desire
of reaching status, power and wealth overnight and may perform ill (debilitated)
deeds or karmas. It is also possible that some may get success in the beginning
but one day, may be in this birth or coming births, these deeds will finally afflict
his own status. If we see, Saturn is the only planet in Zodiac who aspects his
own house, 101h house, the house of deeds or karmas; and that too from
ascendant itself. What more confirmation we need to declare that no native can
escape from the results of his deeds. Sooner or later, it will bounce back to us
like a ball bounces back after hitting the wall.

There is clear verdict from almighty God through Kaal Purusha Zodiac chart that
we can neither escape from deeds or karmas nor the fruits of our deeds or
karmas under any situation.

Overall, as we know, ascendant represents all aspects of our life. But the most
concerning areas are indicated by the planets getting exalted or debilitated in
ascendant. We must keep improving our knowledge, maintain our character,
fulfill promises, look after our physical body etc. while executing our deeds and
let the result follow at its normal pace. The fruits of all deeds will certainly reach
to the native in the form of destiny but at the right time.
This is the first house of artha (material objects like wealth) trine (2, 6, 11) having a
fixed and earthy sign Taurus, ruled by a benefic planet Venus. This house is the
exaltation seat of another conditional benefic planet, Moon. Moon moves 11 plaoes
from cancer to Taurus indicating positive results and gains. Moon is significator of
Mother, mother land, peaoe of mind, sense of emotional security, childhood, food etc.

The Exaltation of 4 1h lord Moon (significator of mother) in 2nd house signifies early
education through our family (2nd house) especially mother as 2nd house represents
early education of child right from birth viz. eating, speaking, sitting, crawling,
standing, walking etc.

Although, there are plenty of significations of second house but lets' take few most
important aspects of life:

Dhana (Money) - Taurus or Vrishabha

Second house is the house of our accumulated wealth and liquid money ruled by a
sthira (fixed and stable) sign. This second house normally gets ruined if occupied by
afflicted malefic planet(s).

Venus represents a female. Venus represents a married female. Venus represents

wife. Venus represents daughter-in-law. Venus represents daughter especially elder
daughter. Venus represents money (Goddess Maha-Lakshmi). Venus represents
Cow. The learned people in our country, especially in Hindu religion, advise to respect
all females of the family and also to worship Cow. Now we can appreciate the cause
behind it. Our elders, although may not be aware about astrology, but had wisely
advised. Simply following their advices, we could look after our financial stability. We
should respect them if we desire to have good economic conditions and happiness at
home. I am sure my next statement would bring smile on the faces of females. It is
suggested to men to trust and respect the women by allowing them controlling the
household activities and finance. It is not at all predicted that men are poor managers
of finance. But it will bring more confidence in females of the family and prosperity will
increase. As Venus exalts in 1ih house, investments and expenditures may be done
with consent of females of the family, especially wife.

The significator of this house is the natural benefic planet i.e. Jupiter. Jupiter as rules
over intellect and wisdom of humans, he is best suited for administrating all
significations of 2nd house including finance.

Thus as per Kaai-Purusha directions, it is strongly recommended to respect all

females of Family for the prosperity of significations of 2nd house.

As the second house is governed by two benefic and fernale planets Venus and
Moon, Kaai-Purusha horoscope suggests people to be soft spoken. One should not
emotionally hurt others by way of criticizing or abusing. Also one should speak
judiciously as required (fixed or sthira sign). The significator for speech is Mercury,
indicating use of intellect before uttering words.
Benefic planets like Jupiter I Venus I Mercury in 2nd house makes the person very
good speaker. A strong Venus makes good singers.

Strong Mercury makes good teachers or advisers. Jupiter makes preachers.


Benefic planets recommend eatables produced from earth and vegetarian food for
humans. Fixed sign indicates consumption of food after taking proper seat at one
place. It is mentioned by learned people that "Bhojan aurBhajan ekaant ki wastu
hai" meaning one should take food and prey God in lonely and calm place. Praying
God in lonely and calm plaoe is confirmed by (fixed) Leo sign in fifth house; as fifth
house indicates prayer. Venus indicates fresh and juicy fruits as the best diet for
healthy body and mind.

Moon is the significator of food and exalted moon indicates good quality food for
Healthy life.

By controlling the 2nd house i.e. food habits one can maintain the longevity i.e. 8th
house significations; house opposite to 2nd house.
Jupiter indicates rich food. Firy planet like Mars creates liking for hot, spicy and fast
foods whereas Saturn indicates junk food or low quality road side food or food cooked
and kept in refrigerator for long duration. Saturn also indicates imbalanced diet.

Harmony and cordial relationships in the family ensures constant improvement in

significations of second house. The lord of our birth place and our Home, Moon,
exalts in 2nd house, a fixed or sthira sign, indicating best place of establishing our
family at our birth place.

According to classical texts, going away from birth place is considered inauspicious
and it happens under malefic planetary influences.

No planet gets debilitated in the 2nd house.

The Third House is the first house of the kama (desire for enjoying material and
sexual pleasures) trine. It is a Dual Sign and Airy Sign.

The Third house is ruled by a conditional benefic planet i.e. Mercury. No planet exalts
or debilitates in this sign.

Third house is the Prakrama Bhava meaning house of courage and action .

.Important Significations and its analysis

This house being ruled by Mercury represents duality. Thus, it represents the ability
to think and create. Being a dual sign it incorporates the significations of two adjacent
signs i.e. Taurus and Cancer. Each sign consists of 30 degrees. 0-15 Degrees of
Gemini are towards fixed sign Taurus, indicating fixed (stable) significations and 15-
30 degrees as moveable (cancer). Thus adaptability to different circumstances is the
key word for dual signs including Gemini.

Third house represents prakrama (courage and action) and Mars is the significator.
Mercury as the lord indicates use of intellect while executing our work apart from
physical involvement.

3'd house represents the native himself and his right hand. Mars, the man, is the
significator of this house. This house is 8th from 8th house as per bhavath-bhavam**
(house to house) rule. **As per this rule we should look at 5th house from 5th house
for 5th house significations. Similarly we should look at gth house from gth house for gth
house significations. Although it is nowhere mentioned in classical texts but I would
like to make little addition on this principle. As we know, 8th house represents death or
longevity. But for suicide, we refer 3'd house which is ath house from ath. 3'd house is
the house of self but in case of death from eighth house, it becomes the house of self-
undoing (suicide). 8th house represents the natural death after completion of destined
age of a native or death due to an accident. The house ath from ath should also
represent death but it indicates involvement of self in the death hence the house of
suicide. So whenever we go from house to house, it will indicate self-efforts or direct
involvement of native.

We can take another example for it; fourth from fourth house. Fourth house is the
house of mental happiness. It indicates overall happiness we may get in life and it
comes to us through our family environment we are born in. A child is free from all
responsibility and he is actually feeling the happiness in his mind. Though the seventh
house (fourth from fourth) represents happiness from married life, but it brings in a
great amount of responsibility and self-involvement.
An un-afflicted Mars in 10/1/5/9 signs or friendly signs is a positive Mars and his
energy and aggression is utilized for constructive work. An afflicted Mars indicates
usage of energy in negative and destructive areas. If the ascendant chart has yoga of
self-undoing by way of forming relationship in between ascendant, gth ,3'd, 12th houses
with afflicted Mars, it may result in suicide by the native in Dasha or period I transit of
natural /functional malefic planet.

Third house represents our younger siblings & neighbor-hood.

3'd house also rules writing (Communication) skills I creativity, talents etc. Mars, as
significator of third house and as the lord of KP ascendant, contributes to the
aggression in communication. More number of planets, benefic as well as malefic if
posited in favorable* signs will be good for the significations of 3'd house but a benefic
alone (especially Mercury) may make the native coward and a person who is less
interested in hard physical efforts. Strong malefic planets in 3'd like Sun, Mars, Ketu
etc. will make the native very hard working and people will appreciate his dedication
towards work.

When you see a person working since early morning to late night in office day after
day without much of complaints, we can expect strong ascendant and malefic planets
in 3'd house of his chart.

3'd house also indicates short travels.


4th house is very important quadrant of the KP horoscope owned by a watery

and emotional sign Cancer ruled by the fastest moving planet, Moon. All Humans
have different desires which finally derive them to perform different actions. A
materialistic person has desires to accumulate materialistic objects and social
status whereas a saint may have desire to attain emancipation or salvation or
moksha or nirvana or no re-birth. Every person has desires and no human can
escape from having any desire. This is mind which forms the basic personality of
any individual and forces all of us to act different deeds.

The most benefic planet, Jupiter exalts in 4th house giving high importance to this
house. Jupiter is the significator of Jeev-Sukha i.e. happiness from friends or
relatives (through living people). Jupiter provides wisdom and knowledge. This is
clear indication from KP horoscope that it is the jeeva-sukha and peace of mind
which is more important in human life instead of material objects for which the
modern people are running after; and it is clearly indicated by Mars getting
debilitated in fourth house. A preacher or an adviser represented by Jupiter is
the representative of God and he helps us in taking right decisions and
overcoming obstacles of life through righteous means. Having a true guide is the
real blessing for a person.

No one would dare or wish to go into 8th house from his own house but the
Jupiter, the most benefic planet, is the only planet who dares to move 8th house
from gth house i.e. Sagittarius and still reach the exaltation status. Learned
people say that lack of knowledge is one of the most important reasons for our
miseries and failures. Jupiter as highly intellectual planet indicates that one can
handle problems and obstructions of 8th house by attaining knowledge and
wisdom. Our advisers and elders are willing to guide us and bless us in our
difficult times provided we extend our hand towards them with due respect.

Jupiter is the only planet who aspects one of his house (Sagittarius) after
attaining status of exaltation. 12th house represents expenses, investment,
secret enemies etc. which are very well controlled and managed by the exalted

As per the KP horoscope, only 6th lord Mercury exalts in his own house. The
important point to be noted here is that among 6.8.12 houses lord, only 6th lord
has the lordship of 3'd house, another malefic house whereas 8th lord rules
ascendant itself and 12th lord rules gth house. Both the houses ruled by 8.12
house lords are highly auspicious for the native. Placement of 12th lord in 6/8
house is considered as a Vipreet Rajyoga (high status and wealth). But it is
equally harmful for the health of native. But the second lordship of 1ih lord is so
important that its position in 4th house, a Kendra house, in exaltation position is
considered highly auspicious. An exalted Jupiter in 4th house makes the native
highly knowledgeable, intelligent, wisdom-full, noble, kind and generous person. If
asked for any help, he will go beyond his limits to help people in need. An exalted
1ih lord indicates expenses but the expenses will be well thought and may be for
noble cause.

It is not fair to expect and is also almost impossible to get 100% positive out of
anything. Every coin has two sides and we automatically accept the other side
when we accept one side of coin. It's a package deal which we get in life.

4th house is the first house of moksha trines (Moksha means getting freedom
from the re-birth cycle or end point of any activity). The relationship of child and
mother is indicated by this house. Moksha is normally referred to final
emancipation. It is also indicative of state of our mind when our mind zero downs
to a neutral position without any external thoughts. Any mother before delivering
a child undergoes extreme levels of pain, the labor pain. But at the last moment
of child delivery, mind goes into its zero state, state without any thoughts, which
though cannot be described in words but may be felt by the mother herself.
Similarly, when a person dies (8th house), an extreme pain is felt when soul
leaves the human body. But just at the time of exit of soul, similar state of mind
exists. 1ih house is the exaltation of Venus and bed comforts. Similar feelings
and mental state exists at the time of ejaculation.

One can achieve peace of mind through meditation. It is not possible to control
mind or thoughts. We can only divert it to desired objectives. A strong fourth
house and moon can make it possible. Aspect of Saturn (not conjunction) on all
three ascendants i.e. rising ascendant, strong Moon & strong Sun diverts the
native towards emancipation.

The strength of all 12 houses of a horoscope is important for achieving positive

results from a house. But strength of 12th house there-from is equally important.
No doubt, 1ih house desired strength should be lesser than the house
concerned. 1ih house although generally mentioned as house of loss and
expenditure but person cannot enjoy the fruits of the house in question, if 12th
house is rendered weak. Let's take example to elaborate:

To have the pleasure of sex (8th house), one must have strong ylh house. A
weak 7th house will deny the emotional pleasure of 8th house. Similarly, one
cannot have any expenditures in life if 12th from 12th house i.e. 11th house, the
house of income, is weak.

As we are discussing 4th house, it will be injustice to ignore an important

combination running today when I am writing this book. Mars and Saturn are in
Cancer sign. Mars as ascendant lord is debilitated and is in conjunction with
Saturn as natural 10th lord who is in inimical sign. Saturn & Mars are aspecting
10th house. Mars as ascendant lord is weak and in conjunction with another
malefic Saturn. In overview, placement of two malefic in 4 h house is certainly bad
for fourth house significations. Native may be deprived of happiness from mother
but he may be able to make properties in life. He may be shrewd and
emotionless person. This combination is not good for professional life unless
have aspect of benefic like Jupiter and natives are in some technical or
machinery line. This combination is also bad for education. We should also not
forget that Mars loses its directional force in fourth house resulting into moderate
results only.
This is trine house of KP ascendant ruled by the fiery planet Sun. This is again
sign of east direction. 5th house rules desires, love affairs, administration skills,
administrator, minister, advisor, pregnancy in women chart, truthfulness, mantra
shakti (knowledge of divine sentences), farsightedness, intellect, higher
education, stored deeds of past lives, character, promises, progeny, safurna
(meaning internal motivation to do good acts, pitra dosha ( ill-effects of bad
deeds of our ancestors ),divine knowledge* etc.

This secret divine knowledge which is not taught by any Guru nor is it shared or
discussed among people. This knowledge is transferred from one soul to
another or it is realized after special meditation and yoga act leading to
awakening of kundali (internal will power) etc.

No planet exalts or debilitates in this house. This is the house of Sun, the king.
This is the store house of our all past deeds and all of us must face good or bad
effects of our deeds someday. Hence forth, not much can be done in this house
by other planets except Jupiter, significator of 5th house.



Although 6th house is trine house of arth trine i.e. trine house of wealth and
finance, but it is considered as a malefic house or dusthan by all the classics.
6th house represents debts, known enemies, diseases, service, evil deeds,
fears, competitors, mental tensions, fights, legal matters etc. A malefic planet in
6th house is referred as good in all classics as it will spoil the malefic
significations of 6th house.

A dual sign house is the most difficult sign to delineate. Thorough scrutiny
reveals dual and controversial results at first instance. The dual significations of
these houses carry both positive and negative aspect at the same time. By
accepting the positive side, negativity comes for sure and hence unavoidable. In
simple words, there is no escape to both positive and negative results of these

This is specially pointed out here that presence of one or more malefic planet(s)
in 61 h house does not indicate no enemy or no disease but the malefic will
eventually help the native to fight out the situation to his favor. Rather a strong
malefic in 6th house may indicate a very strong enemy one may have in his life.
But there is certainly good ending. Also, no one would appreciate the position of
malefic planet in good houses. Henceforth, malefic in 3'd or 61h is always good for
the native.

Dragon's head or Rahu gives best result in this house. Rahu cancels most of the
bad combinations present in a horoscope indicating balarishta i.e. early death of
the native. If dragon's head or Rahu is present in Cancer, Taurus, Gemini or
Virgo signs, there is nothing more one can expect from God regarding placement
of dragon's head or Rahu. If dragon's head is present in sixth house, dragon's
tail or Ketu will be present in 1ih house. Again this is the best position of dragon's
tail but in terms of ~iving comfortable life and final emancipation or salvation. But
its placement in 12t house is bad for all other significations.

6th house indicates our bad deeds. A strong malefic in 6th house kills our malefic
intentions hence is very good in that aspect of life.

A strong 6th lord posited in a quadrant or trine spoils most of the significations of
that house. But weak sixth house or lord create problems for the native. For
example taking and returning loan is part of modern life. A weak 6th lord or weak
Mars, significator of loans, will create serious problems in re-payment of loans. A
weak and afflicted sixth lord gives lot of problems to native like giving un-curable
diseases when ascendant lord is also afflicted.

No man under this Sun wishes to work as servant but it's a hard truth that all
humans cannot have their own enterprise. Although profession is ruled by 1oth
house only but 6th house provides the services to people. While serving others,
man puts all his resources to develop the organization of his Master but still
struggles on account of job security throughout his life. You will agree, time
keeps on changing and with changing time, the performance of an individual
changes. All masters like their servants when they are going through their good
times i.e. executing their jobs to their expectations. But they take minutes to take
action against the same servant or employee without giving any consideration of
inputs they had put in past for the development of the company. One will always
be under mental pressure and tensions while associated with this house.

3'd house is the house of our friends and Mercury is signifcator of friends.
Mercury rules our education also. Another house owned by Mercury is the 6th
house, house of enemies. Not surprisingly, we make enemies mostly out of
friends I colleagues. Mars is inimical to Mercury but is significator of 6th house. It
brings in ego, fights, clashes etc. among enemies. But dragon's head or Rahu is
friendly to Mercury henoe indicating use of intellect, diplomacy and secretive
methods in handling enemies.

Mercury is the only planet who gets exalted in own house. Mercury, our intellect
(not wisdom) is the best guide to handle this malefic house. Proper all round
education, knowledge and diplomacy can help us to get positive results from the
house. We all undergo difficulties in life at some point of time. The difficulties one
may face from this house will be unbearable by the native if 6.8.12 houses from
6th house (i.e. 11.1.5 houses) are weak.

In nut shell, if we ask a golf player to explain suitable way to get out of the sand,
the best answer to this question is not letting your ball go into the sand. Similarly,
it is highly recommended not to get trapped into viscous circle of malefic houses.

The first sign of Mercury starting from asoendant is Gemini. The second sign of
Mercury is Virgo. So it forms strong connection between the two houses. For
example, in the case of Taurus ascendant, Mercury will be the lord of 2"d and 5th
house. Monetary gains will be more through 5th house significations. For Libra
ascendant, Mercury will be the lord of gth and 1ih house. Mercury will also exalt
in 12th house of Libra native indicating expenses on account of higher studies or
father. This is further supported by the fact that Sun debilitates in (Libra)
ascendant itself and is a bhadkesh or planet of obstruction for them.

There are many similarities between Mercury & Jupiter. Both the planets carry
lordships of dual signs. The two planets own 3.6 and 9.12 signs respectively
separated by 4 signs. Both the planets have strong connection with our intellect.
6.8.12 houses are called as malefic houses and both the planets own one house

The two planets have important differenoes which are as under:-

Mercury has its mool-trikona or positive sign (Virgo) in a malefic house but
Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter falls in gth house. Mercury rules our intellect rather
the intellect which is used for getting material benefit from different situation. This
is Jupiter who gives us the wisdom and wisdom teaches us about getting long
term positive benefits. This is Jupiter who teaches us about charity (1ih house).
Jupiter first makes us understand gth house (i.e. our dharma or religion) and
finally takes us to 121h house for moksha orfinal emancipation.

As per Maharishi Jaimini who is considered equivalent to the great saint

Maharishi Parashar, planets posited in dual signs aspect each other. It makes
strong connection between Mercury and Jupiter. They act like student and
teacher. A Student always wants to learn and grow to the level of his teacher.
But he can cause embarrassment for the teacher by asking unanswerable
questions. Still, teacher does not hate his students. But students, after attaining
the desired education and status, tend to forget his teacher.

We had discussed about the second house, Taurus, owned by a benefic planet
Venus. ih house, Libra, is also owned by Venus. The significations of two
houses are quite different from each other. Taurus is a fixed (stable or sthira)
sign whereas Libra is moveable sign. Libra is third quadrant out of four important
quadrants. As fixed sign indicates Artha (wealth and finance) accumulation,
Libra indicates enjoyment of all luxuries of this material world. Although, both
signs are ruled by Venus, Librans will have extra-ordinary expenses on self,
family, brothers, sisters and especially friends. For the reason, Mercury being
significator of friends is 1ih lord also. Venus as lord of Taurus prefers to
accumulate as much as possible with sensible spending whereas Venus of Libra
ascendant motivates the person to spend lavishly and enjoy worldly comforts.
We should not forget here that Libra sign is the sign of kama i.e. sign of enjoying
material and sexual life.

This is the exaltation house of Saturn, planet representing our deeds or karmas.
Saturn is the planet of balancing and Libra also represents balanoe. One must do
good deeds and henceforth enjoy the fruits of the good deeds is the key of this
position. This is the weakest position of the king, i.e. Sun, henoe the strongest
position for his worker (Saturn). As Sun rises in the East (Aries) and sets in the
West, Libra is the house of Sun Set, i.e. west direction.

As long as the ruler or head of family is present in the house, other members of
the family, especially servants have almost no say of their liking. They are just
followers of instructions of head of the family. But in case the head of a family is
weak or is out of home for a while, rest of the people including servants would be
relived from the orders and instructions and they can relax and work to their

The exalted Saturn in ih house indicates great responsibility of the native

towards execution of pitra-rina or ancestral debts. Also, as 7th house is the
house of our own business enterprise and Saturn is the 1oth lord, all of us dream
to have our own business enterprise i.e. the exaltation status. Exaltation of any
planet indicates its full strength and capability to give all its result related to its
significations or house lordships. In the same way debilitated planet indicates the
state of depression and its inability to give good results for its significations.

Any person with exalted Saturn will have high priority to perform all his deeds on
time and well executed. If Jupiter aspects such Saturn, it gives the best results
and also make the native a noble character.

Many astrologers believe that Saturn as natural malefic spoils married life. But I
wish to put a request to learned and learning astrologers to review the same. yth
house is the exaltation point of Saturn and hence Saturn does not spoil married

Some people may differ with my opinion but it is the indication from KP

As we know, Saturn is a natural malefic planet, it is normally predicted to have

adverse results for all houses it aspects. Many learned astrologers consider 3'd
aspect as the most evil among three aspects of Saturn. But my humble request
to learned astrologers is that I am talking about its placement only in ih house. I
hope you will agree that it is the Jupiter who spoils significations of house posited
in. To the contrary, Saturn being signifcator of service provides help and
assistance to the house it is posited in. The native will have no hesitation in giving
service to his/her spouse. As a natural malefic and in under conditions where
Saturn is in seventh house in complete debilitation ( 20 degrees), or in trine signs
(Leo/Sagittarius) under similar conditions, close to the mid-house having malefic
aspect and without any benefic aspect; late marriage followed by divorce may be
predicted especially if early marriage happens. Also, if Saturn is posited in ylh
house alone and without any aspect, it will give more results of its natural malefic

Saturn is the planet of deeds and responsibility. The highest responsibility which
a native may get in his life is the responsibility of his own family i.e. wife and
children. Saturn as a slow moving planet and significator of 30/36 years of age, it
will normally give late marriage. But in no situation Saturn should be taken as
spoiler of married life as a natural malefic until afflicted as explained above.

An exalted Saturn ensures smooth professional life and good earnings as natural
1oth and 11th lords. For all 12 ascendants, a strong Saturn is a good promise of
good professional career.

Sun debilitates in ylh house. As we know Sun is the only Greha or planet (star)
off the 9 planets who has his own light. In Vedic Astrology system, the word
Greha is indicative of the numerical number 9; i.e. 9 Grehas. The English
translation of word Greha is not planet as Sun is not a planet but a star and
Rahu!Ketu has no visible existence as such. For the sake of convenience of
English readers, astrologer faculties use the word planet for 9 Grehas as per
Vedic Astrology.

This is pointed out here that Sun as a representative of King or ruler or Father or
a head has the highest responsibility to look after his people I family without
having much consideration for his married life or own worldly pleasures. Although
in modern world, having authority and power is synonymous to corruption but the
KP horoscope considers, Libra Sun as weak and irresponsible as his priorities
shift towards his personal enjoyment and gains.

Sun in yth house though weak as per the sign position but still does not lose his
full directional strength. Sun gets the full directional strength in 10th house where
he gives high status and power.

yth house is the only house in between the two most malefic houses, 6th and 8th
houses. yth house is also called as descendant, house opposite to ascendant. In
this house our natural soul significator or atmakarak Sun is rendered weak.
People tend to compromise with his ideals and morals easily for achieving yth
house pleasures.

Some classical texts refer 1/4/7/12 Mars as Kuja dosha or ill effects of Mars in
the said houses. No reasons are explained thereof but it is clear that this is in
consideration to position or aspect of Mars at yth house. Mars is the lord of most
malefic house of KP horoscope, i.e. 8th house. Position or aspect of 8th lord is
considered very bad. As per the great Saint Maharishi Parashara, ascendant
lord is free from ill effects of 8th house lord ship but it is not seen in practical
experience. Also, Mars is significator of haste, mental unrest, clahes, anger,
fights, severe disputes, over aggression, sudden untimely death, physical
assault etc. Keeping all factors in mind viz 8th lordship and natural significations,
Mars is inauspicious for y!h house.

The most criticized house by astrologers is the 8 h house. This house is
considered the worst house among 12 houses as represents the end of life i.e.
death or death like situations in life, high level of obstacles, un-curable and
hereditary diseases, sudden downfall, loss of vitality of body, occult, miseries,
war or any kind of serious troubles a native may face during his life time. There
is an element of suddenness in this house.

The positive signification of 81h house is longevity. Also, 8 1h house indicates gains
or earnings without involvement of 101h house i.e. earnings from share market,
gambling, lottery, parental property, interest, money received from the death of a
relative or a person from insurance, research oriented studies etc. For money
matters, 81h house, house opposite to 2"d house indicates all types of un-earned
wealth including bribes etc.

No planets exalts in the most malefic 8th house. It is an indication that no planets
achieve the state of cheerfulness or happiness or an authority in this house.
There is only one i.e. Mars, the native himself, as a lord of the house, who has to
face all the miseries of life. To face fruits of good or bad deeds of past lives
Saturn, as significator of longevity, contributes maximum possible life to the

Moon debilitates in this house. It's a human nature to get quickly attracted
towards the sources of quick success. Our mind always thrives and wishes to
obtain wealth by all means which may result in odd situations in life. Very few
people can come out of the viscous circle of the 81h house. Some learned
astrologers believe that Ketu (Rahu and Ketu are two nodes of Moon or eclipse
points as per western astrologers), significator of war, exalts in Scorpio i.e.
eighth house which also indicates war.

It requires blessings of God and deep research and involvement in the subject.
This house also represents occult science or the science of biia-mantra I
tantra. Bija-mantra are the divine and secret words. Their meaning is not
known to common people. These divine words are used in the form of a divine
sentence (mantra). Recitation of the same under special conditions finally
generates a divine power. The generated power may be used to benefit or harm
an individual. If the generated energy is utilized to harm others, the same energy
finally kills the native himself and disappears into the universe.


The 3'd and most benefic Dharma trine is the gth house. All classical texts
mention ninth lord of all 12 ascendants as the most benefic house lord. A very
simple reason for this; it is this house, apart from trine from ascendant which is
ruled by the most benefic planet Jupiter.

Jupiter and Sun are the significator of this house similarly as of 5th house.

No planet exalts or debilitates in this house or more precisely no planet dares to

interfere the significations of 5th and gth house at extreme positive or negative
levels ( meaning no exaltation or debilitation) as they are under control of Sun
(the king) and Jupiter (Deva-Guru).

gth house is our destiny (prarabdha karma) which we are going to face in this life.
A strong gth house and its significator Jupiter bestow peaceful and comfortable
life. Relation of 1oth house with gth house gives the highest Raj-yoga as per
classical texts. If the relation exists in Kendras especially 10th house, the
strongest quadrant, it is considered to be the best Rajyoga for the native.

gth house represents father. gth house is our dharma desires. The knowledge of
religion enlightens our lives same as the Sun lights the whole world after a night.
The knowledge and light may be considered as synonymous. One cannot see
any object despite of having two beautiful eyes unless there is light. Similarly,
there will be aimless life without the knowledge of Dharma or religion.

Initially, we do not know the objectives of our life. We consider ourselves as this
physical body which may not be with us for long time. We put our karmas in
improving the life of our physical body which will actually not be there to enjoy
after short time. We must question ourselves; is there any life after death? Let's
not reject anything even before making an effort to understand it. An intellectual
person will always first put his efforts in understanding any subject as one may
be asked reasons for not accepting it as a truth. For an intellectual, it is difficult to
accept something as a truth but it is rather more difficult to reject.

500 years ago, if someone would have said that I will be able to communicate a
person in seconds sitting thousand miles away; I would be able to fly through an
aero plane and reach my destination in few hours, people would have laughed at
him. I am not saying that people who lived earlier to our ages could not fly or
communicate. But I would like to mention here that it was happening earlier also
by but by different means. There exists an education or process for everything
Man thinks or wishes to do in his life. We cannot perform all functions with our
physical strength. It is the will power which is more important. It is proved about
the existence of inner subtle body and soul which exits after leaving the physical

Ascendant lord or any planet favorably disposed in gth house makes the native a
person of noble character and believer in destiny and God. Mars in this house as
KP ascendant lord makes the native to improve both worldly and spiritual life. Not
to forget that this is the fiery sign of Jupiter indicating strict control of ideals and
moral character. But position of Mars in this house is considered bad for Father if
Mars is under affliction.

gth house also signifies long travels especially pilgrimages. Business travels are
normally ruled by ih house. A strong planet posited in gth house indicates the
Deity, God one should. A strong Sun indicates worshipping of God Shiva. A
strong Venus may indicate Goddess Lakshmi.

The strongest quadrant among 4 quadrants of Kaalpurusha Horoscope is 1oth

house. 1oth house rules our materialistic gains, status, karma, work place, etc.

Mars, as the ascendant lord, exalts in this house indicating the strong desire of
native to achieve status and position in social life. Sun gets the maximum
directional strength in this house helping the native to attain position of authority.
Sun in this house has little significations of first house position as the priority in
this house changes from vitality of body and mind to power and position. All
services related to top officials, bureaucrats, ministers, Judge or any service
with authority to rule or punish. Services indicated by 1oth house can simply be
compared to significations of Sun and Mars.

As per the classical texts, there are four Varnas.

1) Shatriya: ruled by Sun and Mars

2) Vaishya: ruled by Moon and Mercury
3) Shudra: ruled by Saturn
4) Brhamin: ruled by Jupiter and Venus

The significators of 10th house, as the house of our karmas, are Mars as shatriya,
Mercury as Vaishya, Saturn as Shudra and Venus as Brhamin.

Jupiter is the significator of Saints, Guru, a Guide, a preacher or all our elders who
gives us the knowledge and blessings. We must give due respect to all as we are
guided by them in our good and bad times. Let's take some examples. When a Saint I
Guru visits our house, say the 4th house, all the members of the family respect and
serve him. He is offered the best plaoe to seat and rest and high quality food. All the
members of the family take the orders from him and ensure all comforts for his daily
routine life. This is where, when Guru gets all due respect and comforts in 4th house,
He exalts and feel the real pleasure in mind. This happy and pleased Guru gives us
valuable lectures on divine life and art of living and also the most important blessings
when we touch his feet.

But imagine, if there is no one to look after him; no respect is being given and he
himself is put into work, i.e. 1oth house, which is the karma sthana of Mars; it will lead
to his embarrassment and hence debilitation. Guru is not supposed to work like a
Shudra or Vaishya as this is not his work place. 10th house from gth house is 6th
house and Jupiter is the only planet who can remove anxieties and tensions of Mars
arising due to malefic significations of 6th house.
Let's review Why Jupiter is considered as most benefic planet from his first house i.e.
gth house:

The Second house from gth house is 1oth house of Mars indicating his assets and
bank balanoe is your stable work plaoe. His efforts, i.e. 3'd house from gth house are
towards fulfilling desires of native (Mars). His sukha or pleasure is looking after your
expenses. Jupiter as significator of physical body and life gives the best body as per
past karmas of native. For Jupiter, your 2"d house is the 6th house, a malefic and
henoe he is never interested in your wealth. Jupiter's worldly pleasure and enjoyment
is blessing you with younger siblings

Jupiter enjoys his troubles for your enjoyment Jupiter himself has no personal destiny
but he manages your past deeds. Jupiter karma is to look after you when in trouble
and Jupiter's gain is providing you a suitable spouse. Jupiter loses all his involvement
with native when native dies and oompletes his age.


Mars represents the male and Venus as female.

No two persons are similar on this earth but two persons can build up good
relationship if they understand strength and weaknesses of each other. The KP
Horoscope reveals it all! As Man is ruled by Mars, all men of this world are natural to
have Martian characteristics and an element of Ego in them. As Aries is the fiery and
moveable sign, there will burst of anger but will be quick settling ones. Outwardly,
Mars appears to be a very hard nut to crack but in fact, Mars is very kind hearted at
the same time. If a male is supported towards his exaltation point, i.e. 10th house, he
really appreciates and love that situation. Any wife would be loved by husband if she
gives handles his ego which may be a false ego many a times.

As per Hindu Mythology, a married woman makes the best use of natural color of
Mars, i.e. red color to keep her Husband closer to her heart. She wears Red color
non-woven 5 meters cloth called as Saari. She fills up oenter-line of her head with red
color powder called as "Sindhur". She wears red color ornaments on her hands. It is
also said that use of red color as mentioned above gives long life to her Husband and
also attraction of Mars towards Venus does not reduoe with time as the two grow

A married woman, ruled by Venus exalts at 1ih house of Mars, the house of bed
pleasures so should be looked after very well. Venus wishes to control the expenses
of her house so naturally expects to control earned money of Mars.

As Mars desires to have more and more monetary gains (11th house), Venus desires
a child 11th from yth house. Thus Venus, when becomes mother (ruled by Moon),
prefers to spend her more time in 2"d house, the house of family and exaltation point
of Moon. Her changed emotions and attraction towards her child are normally not
appreciated by Mars as Mars always expect better take care of his 121h house. If
Mars appreciates her dual responsibility, he will be certainly respected as responsible
and understanding husband.

The house of gains or labh sthana. All planets in this house are considered good as
they help the native (Mars) to fulfill his desires through their natural significations and

No planet exalts or debilitates in this house indicating none of the planet controlling the
house at extreme levels except Jupiter who is significator of this house. They say,
there is no end to desires of a Human being. This is 11th house which contributes to
fulfillment of desires. When there is no end to something, one should have feeling of
satisfaction under the given circumstances and it comes through the significator of
Wisdom, Jupiter.

Benefic planet in 11th house indicates income from positive resources and malefic
indicates un-lawful earnings. For example, if Mars is posited in 11th house, we may
predict taking into account other controlling factors, the native will have property.
Similarly, position of Saturn indicates good professional career and support of working
class people. Venus indicates early marriage, good wealth and more sexual
pleasures. Moon indicates quick shot earnings. Jupiter indicates gain of knowledge
and wisdom and spiritual effects.

Planets connected to this house irrespective of its lordship, will give some gains to the

The twelfth house normally referred to as the house of expenditures. But also rules
foreign affairs, residence outside hometown, investments, bed pleasure, final
emancipation etc.

As explained earlier, Venus exalts in this house and Mercury debilitates. In general, a
debilitated planet normally spoils the significations of a house. But position of Mercury
in 12th house, a malefic house is not considered bad as Mercury rules two malefic
houses, 3'd and 6th house. Un-afflicted Mercury in this house gives Vipreet Rajyoga.

121h house is house of our secret enemies also. By now, we have appreciated the fact
that Jupiter is the most benefic planet among 9 planets. Is it not surprising to see his
second lordship as 1ih lord and that too ruling of secret enemies? Let's understand
the reasons for it:

Let's say we have a person inimical towards us with strong Martian characteristics.
Mars being representative of aggression and anger; will not be able to hide his inner
feelings and mostly he will express his unhappiness without giving thought to the
repercussions. Similarly, female planets like Moon and Venus will be more inclined for
back biting of their enemies as not having enough courage to express openly.
Mercury is also a conditional benefic and fears aggressive fighting. Mercury rules the
office politics. Mercury is a finance governing planet and he always try to prove his
skills and talents (3'd house). In the process, he also uses the same intellect in pulling
legs of his colleagues resulting in open enemies. Saturn rules the worker class who
want to work at their liberties but at the same time they hate to be criticized. Even
constructive criticism is not welcomed by the labor class. If they become inimical to
somebody, they simply stop conversation and no work is done for the individual.

If a Jupiter influenced person becomes our enemy; what kind of behavior we can
expect from him? As significator of high intellect and Wisdom, Jupiter does not believe
in criticizing people upfront. Also, Jupiter does not try to prove his caliber by proving
others to be less competent rather he will always prove himself more competent than
others. For example, if a line of 5 inches is drawn by his enemy, he will not try to rub
that line instead he will draw a line of 9 inches and prove his line is longer and thicker.

So a Jupiter influenced enemy rarely expresses his inner feelings and he will prove to
be lethal at the end when he really proves himself superior and better. This
superiority, proven is unlike Mercury which is mostly achieved by harming others and
by manipulation. If the same Mercury is in conjunction with Rahu, it represents
cheating and fraud.
For the reasons, Jupiter as 121h lord represents secret enemies, the enemies who
may not directly harm you using false and wrong means but finally due to their sheer
intellect and wisdom succeeds in life leaving you behind striving hard for success.

It is clear by now that quadrants of a chart indicates material success of the native
and trines shows support of destiny, spiritual advancements and generation chain.
Other houses, which are in 5/9 position to quadrants are secondary houses. For
example, 2nd and 6th houses are the secondary and complimentary houses of 10th

Any planet posited in quadrant is capable of giving material success whether exalted
or debilitated. We are mentioning here exaltation or debilitation as it covers both
extreme positive and negative ends hence in between positions of own signs, friendly
signs, inimical signs etc. get automatically covered. The strength of a planet achieved
due to his exaltation or debilitation indicates the path of success apart from its
quantum. In other words, an exalted planet in 4th house as we expect, will certainly
give benefic results of 4th house but a debilitated planet in 4th house will also give
material success of 4th house but it will be achieved after undergoing difficulties and
obstacles. In other words, if we are driving a vehicle to a destination, an exalted planet
will provide an easier street or literally a Highway for reaching desired destination but
a debilitated planet provides a path full of stones and thorns.

It is strongly recommended not to predict poor material results out of debilitated planet
if posited in a quadrant. No doubt, a debilitated planet, especially a natural malefic
planet, will give bad results in terms of health or living significators of that house. Lets'
take an example:

In Aries ascendant, a debilitated Mars in 4th house may give health problems related
to chest area; may give vehicle accidents; may spoil significations from maternal side;
but same 4th house Mars will not spoil material significations like acquiring property,
vehicle etc. It is possible that native might have acquired that property, vehicle etc
through wrongs means depending on malefic influences on 4th house and its
significators but under no situation, poor results should be predicted taking debilitated
Mars as deciding factor. We must remember that all planets in quadrants contribute to
our material success but the quantum and easy availability will depend on their overall

The word Yoga means formation of a new combination by more than one planet. Lets'
see the how a relationship is formed:

A relation is formed due to exchange, conjunction or mutual aspect. A weaker relation

is also accepted when a planet aspect another planet who is posited in his house; for
example, if Venus is located in either Capricorn or Aquarius sign and only Saturn
aspects this Venus. The best relationship as described by classical texts is the
exchange of signs by two planets. For example if Saturn is placed in Libra or Taurus
sign and Venus at the same time is located in Capricorn or Aquarius sign. Second
best relation is the conjunction of two planets followed by mutual aspect on each

The relationship among two planets as exchange is considered the best as the two
planets reside in houses belonging to the other. In this situation, both planets tend to
develop a feeling of compromise and adjustability despite of having natural inimical
nature. In this relation if the two planets are not aspecting each other, they do not
affect each other significations. For example: If Jupiter is located in Aries sign and
Mars is located in Pisces sign. In this situation, none of the planets aspect each other
but hey form the best exchange relation. If Jupiter and Mars were aspecting each
other or in conjunction, Jupiter receives aspect from a malefic Mars which seriously
hampers significations of Jupiter. But aspect of natural benefic Jupiter on Mars is
considered good.

In another situation, if Jupiter is located in Aries and Mars is located in Sagittarius, this
is another exchange among the two planets. But in this exchange, Mars receives
Jupiter's gth aspect and there is no aspect of Malefic Mars on Jupiter. This can be
considered as best relation.

Saturn exalts in Libra, ruled by Venus, hence Saturn gives good results if forms any
relation with Venus. To delineate any result out of two planets, it is requested to keep
natural significations and their Zodiac lordship be kept in mind.

Venus as 2nd lord and Saturn as 11th lord gives Dhana yoga. Venus as yth lord and
Saturn as 11th lord, the trine lord from ih, gives gain of sexual partner or marriage.
Saturn as lord of 10 h house, the house of profession, gives excellent yoga in relation
with Venus as 2nd lord resulting in excellent earnings.

A planet promises good results if he forms relationship with the lord of his exaltation,
or the lord of the house where he gets the maximum directional strength. In this case,
Venus is lord of both the houses hence forth Saturn gives excellent results. But
similar results are not expected from Venus as Saturn rules none of the houses.

A planet when forms any relationship with significator of his house also promises good
results. For example, Saturn as lord of 11th house if makes any relationship with
Jupiter, significator of 11 1h house, Saturn gives excellent results.

Transit of Saturn over Venus promotes significations of both houses ruled by Venus.
Native gets high increments in salary or high gains may be to the tune of 150% to
200% over existing earnings. Saturn promotes marriage while transiting over Venus
or during aspect on Venus, especially the yth aspect. 101h aspect will promote
significations of 101h house and 3'd aspect may promote either of the two depending
on other conditions. If other combinations are not favorable for Marriage, this transit of
Saturn may indicate formation of new relationship only and not marriage.

As mentioned earlier, it is repeated again that above combinations and transit will be
applicable to all 12 ascendants and not just Aries ascendant.

Transit of Venus over Saturn may also give similar results but as this transit will be of
very short duration of less than a month, short term gains may be predicted. Also, it
may be useful in narrowing down the time of an event.
Both the planets are natural benefic though Mercury being conditional benefic. This is
especially pointed out here that Mercury in conjunction with Sun, which is present in
most of the horoscopes, may not be declared as afflicted or malefic Mercury.
Mercury may be declared as a malefic planet if forms any relationship with Natural
malefic like Saturn, Mars or Rahu. We here tend to differ with standard thoughts of
declaring Sun as a malefic planet.

Sun may be referred as a Krura (harsh) planet but not a malefic. If we refer classical
texts, it is mentioned that malefic planets are stronger in night, i.e. after the Sun Set
and benefic planets are stronger in day time. It is also said that malefic planets are
stronger when Sun is Dakshinayan i.e. when Sun moves towards South direction.
Here the reference point for declaring the strength of a planet is Sun and Sun is not
included as a malefic planet. Similarly it is also mentioned in classical texts that malefic
planets are stronger in Krishna Paksha taking reference of Moon, another luminary.

Sun and Moon are considered as two luminaries by classical texts though Sun being
the sole source of light. Sun and Moon represent our parents. Moon as significator of
Mother looks after us with tender and care but Sun as representative of Father is
strict and expects total discipline. When a Father applies strictness and discipline on
his son for his long term benefits, he is misunderstood as a malefic Father.

Sun as the significator of Authority, power and seat of punishment is misunderstood

as malefic but in fact Sun may be doing simple justice to the karmas of Native. Sun
rules the 5th house, the house indicating sanchit karmas i.e. stored deeds of our past
lives. No native can escape from this house as Sun must punish you for your bad
deeds in coming lives.

As Sun is emotionless, he is misunderstood as malefic planet.

Lets' Come back to Mercury and Venus relation. As two natural benefic, their relation
is considered as Rajyoga. But Mercury is the lord of two malefic houses, 3'd & 6th
house and also is the debilitation lord of Venus. Their yoga is certainly not good as far
as Venus is concerned. As Mercury rules over friends, both boy and girl friends, it
may indicate loose morals and extra marital affairs by wife.
Venus is the exaltation lord of Moon henceforth positive results are expected from
Moon in this yoga. As Venus gets maximum directional strength in 4 1h house, ruled by
Moon, Venus also gives good result. Though this is a good dhana yoga still absence
of a trine lord does not make it yoga of high degrees.


Jupiter is the exaltation lord of Venus. Jupiter is significator of 2nd house henceforth
Venus promises excellent results as far 2nd house is concerned. Also, Jupiter as gth
lord and Venus as ih lord, a yoga of trine and quadrant lords make it a Rajyoga.

But the two planets have opposite significations. Jupiter rules over gth house, a house
of dharma and Venus rules over ylh house, the house of Bhoga. Strong difference of
opinion may exist with wife as Venus is kept under check and control by Jupiter
causing loss of significations of ylh house The wife may not be interested in regular
sexual affairs as may believe that sexual relationship is desired for the birth of
children or otherwise accepts sexual relations under high desired levels. But it
certainly promises a spiritual, dedicated and a female of high morals and character.


This yoga promises both positive and negative results. As the two planets represent
KP Male and Female, it promises high degree of love among the two. But it may be
kept in mind that both these planets are 8 h lords also for their own charts. This is the
universal fact that it's very rare to find a couple where no differences exist. Mars-
Venus yoga though promising very high degree of love and affection but they tend to
separate each other in later part of life due to some unknown reasons. It is again
highlighted here that despite of separation, their love and affection for each other
always remain.


Moon is the exaltation lord of Jupiter hence Jupiter gives very good result in this yoga.
As per classical texts, if Jupiter is in quadrant from Moon, it gives result to Gaja-
Kesari Yoga. This yoga is considered highly auspicious as the native born in this yoga
is of high morals and ideals.

Moon as significator of mind finds the highest degree of happiness and peace of mind
when combines or aspected by Jupiter. Here moon, significator planet of desires,
learn to appreciate the feeling of satisfaction in given circumstances unlike exalted
moon of Taurus sign who thinks himself as superior to others and always
accumulating money.


Jupiter gets the maximum directional strength in first house, ruled by Mars. Mars also
promises good result in association with Jupiter as Jupiter is the most benefic gth lord
for KP horoscope. While delineating relationship of Mars with other planets, it is
recommended to keep his 81h lordship to appreciate the malefic outcomes also.

In this relationship, especially when Jupiter is joined or aspected by Mars, it is

considered as affliction to Jupiter by 81h lord Mars. It makes the native loose his
wisdom power and he may not respect and value others due to his false ego.


This is the yoga of two most malefic planets. Before entering into delineation of any
positive results, let's be very clear in mind that this yoga promises lot of hardships
and difficulties in life. Mars is significator of exercising authority and Saturn signifies
taking orders and instructions from people in authority. Saturn although older than
Mars, have no option to give due respect to Mars, i.e. people who may be much junior
to him in experience and age. Saturn carries very valuable practical experiences with
him as old age person and this is probably only way he knows for learning. Saturn
learns after committing mistakes in his practical life. Saturn as significator of history,
lives in past, always analyzing his previous karmas. But, Mars rules the competent
young person who is directly put into position of status after completing education or
as a takeover of parental enterprise to rule over all these Saturn influenced people.
Mars lives in present life unlike Saturn and also unlike Mercury who is always worried
about his future. Jupiter aspect on Saturn can calm down thoughts and emotions of
Saturn but Mars certainly makes it worse.

It may be noticed that Saturn is exaltation as well as lord of house where Mars gets
the maximum directional strength. In contrary, Mars is not only debilitation lord of
Saturn but also the lord of house where Saturn loses all his directional strength. There
is no doubt left in this relationship that Saturn is the sure looser and gives highly
malefic results. Native may not find any escape from malefic results of this Saturn.
Similar results are predicted even if Saturn is located in Aries sign or in the first house
of other 11 ascendants.

This is very bad yoga in terms of relationship among brothers. Saturn is the lord of
11 1h house, house of our elder siblings. Saturn is significator of elder brother and Mars
is the younger brother. This yoga may lead to quarrels, disputes and litigations among
brothers arising due to parental property. Mars rules property. As 8 1h lord, Mars rules
parental property or unearned wealth also. Saturn is the 11th house lord, house
indicating fulfillment of desires. As both planets are natural malefic, their way out of
resolving any issue can be appreciated. They just know this way for resolving any
matter unless Jupiter and Sun jumps into the situation and resolve the issue amicably.

Transit of Saturn over Mars, or their mutual 4/10 aspect or 1!7 axis also gives highly
malefic results. This malefic result may appear at workplace with superiors and
colleagues. Or it may be among brothers. Or not surprisingly, at both plaoes at one
time. In Mundane Astrology, all the malefic events of this world are predicted taking
the mentioned transit as base transit especially if it falls in quadrants i.e. 1/4!7/10
signs of KP horoscope.


It is mentioned in all the classical texts that relation of gth and 1oth lord gives the best
Rajyoga. It is also referred as Dharma-Karma adhipati yoga. As mentioned earlier,
exchange of above planets will give the best yoga especially when Jupiter is located
in Capricorn and Saturn is located in Sagittarius sign. This is the exchange of a
strongest trine lord, gth lord and strongest quadrant lord, 101h lord. A very important
point to be noted here is that Jupiter will be in his sign of debilitation. As a general rule,
if one of the planets forming relation is debilitated, it gives a weak raj-yoga and hence
gives less benefic results.

As a general rule, exchange of two planets cancels the debilitation of either or both the
planets but in any situation, yoga cannot be said to give best results. In this case
none of the explanation as mentioned above justifies the strength of the mentioned
yoga and the correct explanation is as under:

As we know, 1Qth house is the strongest quadrant among 4 quadrants and if strong in
any horoscope, gives high status and good professional career to the native. For
fructification of any yoga in a horoscope, basic strength of ascendant and luminaries
is the first deciding point. Afterwards, a strong 10 h house, a trine house of 2"d house,
gives the best materialistic results.

No doubt, gth house is the strongest trine house of a chart but it may be kept in mind
that this is the Dharma house having close relation to our spiritual & divine growth and
this house does not promote total materialistic growth like 10 h house or other
quadrants houses.

We know, 10 h house is the house of attraction for Mars as this is his exaltation
house. Mars the planet directs its efforts to the development of this house and it's a
proven fact that Mars tend to compromise on ideals if any obstruction is felt for
fulfillment of ambitions of this house. In the contrary, Jupiter as natural significator of
wisdom & spiritual development tend to make the native highly disciplined in
professional life which may be felt as barrier by Mars for the development of 10 h
Not to forget, gth house is 12th from 10th. It is always be desirable to have a stronger
10th house than gth house with both houses being strong if materialistic results are
expected. A person aiming to have very high spiritual standards and having
preferences of high level of spiritual advancements, a strong gth house is always

In the above relation, superficially, it appears a weak planet in the yoga, but this yoga
give at par results. We can also look at Jupiter placement in Aquarius sign in this yoga
where Jupiter is considered to give results of his exaltation sign but please keep in
mind that this exchange will be called as exchange of gth and 11th lords and not gth and
1oth lord at first point.

If we look at the aspects of both Jupiter and Saturn in this yoga, it gives more clear
view of the yoga. We already know that 2/6/10 houses are the three houses of Arth
trine. It will be highly auspicious for any native if all the three houses are strong with
10th as the strongest one. Jupiter is the most benefic planet among all the planets.
Jupiter is the only benefic planet having 5/9 aspect apart from 7th. When is posited in
10th house, the strongest Arth trine house, he aspects the other two trine houses at
the same. And aspect of the most benefic planet like Jupiter is highly auspicious from
10th house.

Saturn aspects his own house, 11th house from the gth house. Saturn also aspects 3rd
and 6th house, the malefic and Upchaya houses. Aspect of Saturn as natural malefic
on two malefic houses is not considered bad.

Also 6th house is aspected by both Jupiter and Saturn. And we know, when Jupiter
and Saturn both aspect a house, that house gives highly favorable results. In this
case, 6th house will give positive results to the native especially if significator Mars is
also strong.

In all 12 ascendants, it is always desirable to have strong 10th lord than gth lord for
high degree of materialistic results. If gth house is stronger than 10th house, more of
spiritual advancements may be predicted if ascendant supports such promise.
By now we have delineated not only the Aries ascendant but also the KP (zodiac)
ascendant. It is requested and strongly recommended to delineate all 12 ascendants
relating with KP (Zodiac) horoscope to ensure accuracy in predictions.

Let's see the basic promise of people born with Taurus Ascendant.

Classical references:

Taurus being fixed, earthy and female sign, its natives are not as fast Aries natives.
They have fair complexion, moderate height, round & black eyes and broad teeth.
They are handsome (or beautiful) with characteristics of a female. They are soft
spoken, intelligent, patient, bold, brave, cool headed, fully capable of exhibiting their
fighting spirit. They may have mental disorders and tensions and sickly body. They
do not like too much physical efforts and believe in relaxing with all possible available
luxuries of life. They are among lovers of art and natural beauty. They like to eat the
best quality food in best restaurant of the town and wear costly clothes.

They like to accumulate lot of money but still do not compromise with the luxuries.
They are quite adamant in nature and believe in sticking to their stand irrespective of,
others might like it or not. They have strong convincing power and they can even
convince their enemies or opponents of their view point. Taurus natives have
excellent tolerance power and they would wait till the last moment. They are not
scared of their opponents but if they are opposed too strongly, they lose their
patience and attack their opponents. It is simply opposite to Aries native who attack
their opponents at the first instance itself.

Their minds are not as quick as Aries natives. Although Taurus natives spend more
time relaxing at home and they do not like to get disturbed at that time, but at the same
time if given a job or assignment, they do not rest till they finish it.

They are less emotional rather practical, patriotic and less enthusiastic in nature. If
they choose to enter into politics, they do manage things well but are not appreciated
by general public .


Taurus ascendant has rising sign of second house of KP horoscope. Please make a
note here that Zodiac (KP) horoscope has shifted by one house for Taurus

We will discuss all 12 houses of Taurus ascendant vis-a-vis Zodiac KP i.e. Aries
ascendant. The Aries sign has shifted to 12th house which is considered as house of
expenditure, loss, investments, bed pleasures, secret enemies etc. Shifting of Zodiac
KP Aries sign to 12th house is not good for the natives born under this sign. One may
have to live away from the birth place or denial of pleasure of home is indicated.
Please note that while understanding the basic promise of each ascendant, we will not
only study each house and its sign but will also see the position of Zodiac sign. For
example while analyzing ascendant any of the twelve ascendants, we will refer to
position of Aries. Similarly while studying fourth house of any of the twelve ascendant,
we will refer to the position of Cancer in each ascendant.

The basic promise of each ascendant makes a bench mark for each house of the
ascendant. We mean to say here that natives of each ascendant have born with a
basic promise each house which must be delineated before analyzing position or
placement of planets in different houses. For example, when we talk about Taurus
natives, Libra sign moves to sixth house which is a natural malefic house and it
indicates negative aspects for seventh house. At the same time, Scorpio occupies
seventh house, another malefic sign. So, even before we start analyzing horoscope
of Taurus ascendant, it must be kept in mind all the times that on the scale of -10 to 0
to + 10, we have to start from the negative side of the bar. Good placement and
strength of seventh lord, Venus etc. is highly desirable for Taurus natives otherwise
poor results relating seventh house will be seen.

The natives born under Taurus ascendant may leave their birth place and settle
somewhere else. So if a Taurus native asks for his chances of moving out of his birth
place or going abroad or for any foreign relationships, we will have a positive mode in
our mind before even looking at the placement of planets. This is the first stinker, if
kept in mind will make us predict better to this query. Let's delineate further:

Quadrant signs:

1/417/10 signs shifts towards 12/3/6/9 houses respectively. In this shift, only 10th
house sign i.e. Capricorn has moved to a benefic house i.e. gth house but rest of the
signs has shifted towards malefic houses. This indicates reductions in significations of
all three out of four quadrants at the first point itself.

Trine signs 1/519 has moved to 12/4/8 houses respectively again indicating only 5th
house sign Leo shifting to a quadrant house. Shifting of gth house sign, i.e. Sagittarius
to 81h house is of serious concern.

As the rising sign is Taurus owned by Venus, native of this ascendant will have strong
desire for accumulating plenty of money. As ascendant lord is Venus, significator of
comforts and luxuries, and Aries has shifted to 12th house, we can expect loss of
accumulated wealth through expenditures on self for enjoying worldly pleasures and
luxuries. Their own family is priority for them and they prefer a stable (fixed sign) life.
In the KP horoscope, all 4 quadrants are moveable signs and hence changing (not
fixed) aspects. But Taurus natives will dislike changing fortunes. All humans expect
stability in life but we finally adjust with the circumstances. Taurus natives will find it
difficult to adjust with changing fortunes and it will emotionally disturb them to greater

As we know this is the exaltation house of Moon, the 3'd lord. The third lord being the
house of self and its lord Moon, another significator of self, Taurus natives will be self-
centered, practical and stable in nature and they will find real peace of mind in
accumulating money especially earned by self-efforts. As third house rules younger
siblings, they may prove to be quite helpful for this native and their Mother may love
them the most. None of the planets debilitates in this ascendant indicating their strong
inherent personality. We are here trying to appreciate the promised fruits of all 12
houses of Taurus native and it can be understood precisely by taking relationship of a
house with respect to planet getting exalted or debilitated in that house. Also, we will
highlight houses of high concern for that native.

2"d house occupies Gemini sign, a dual sign. A dual sign although not as good for
second house, is acceptable and better than moveable sign.

Mercury, as an intellectual planet and as the lord of second (and fifth house) resolves
day to day matters by sheer intellect. Education carries lot of importance for them. As
Mercury is significator of younger daughter, we do expect at least one in the family.
Elder daughter is ruled by Venus. Earnings from resources of Mercury like Teaching,
rr, business enterprise, advisory and middleman ship may be expected.
Communication skills especially oral skills are normally very good.

Needless to mention, as Taurus has shifted to ascendant, the significations of this

house are very important for the natives.

For achieving their mental happiness, they strive hard as cancer sign shifts to 3'd
house, the house of self-effort, neighbors etc. Taurus natives prefer to share their
emotions with their younger siblings or a friendly neighbor. As both Sagittarius and
cancer sign ruling mother and father respectively, has shifted to malefic houses, 8th
and 3'd house we expect loss of happiness from parents.

As Jupiter exalts in 3'd house as 8th and 11th lord, Taurus native manages to handle
obstructions in routine life. They may get involved in share market or other sources of
quick financial gains. They use their sharp intellect and wisdom to survive. But,
Taurus native has in-born ruler ship of sixth house through Libra, they will have to
face consistent problems from enemies or they may to struggle from different chronic
diseases. At that time Taurus natives are well supported by either mother or younger
sibling or a friendly neighbor. Due to same reasons, Taurus natives may undergo
serious emotional breakdown.

Mars is natural malefic for Taurus ascendant. Mars debilitates in third house as
signifcator of third house and 12th and yth lord. It promises poor relationship among
spouse and one of the younger siblings of the native. But Mars exalts in their ninth
house and third lord Moon exalts in ascendant, serious disputes involving intervention
of law etc. is not predicted.

A Leo sign in 4th house indicates hard hearted natives with low emotional levels.
Taurus people will not take quick emotional decision. As Leo sign, representing past
(sanchit) karmas shifts to 4th house, it connects Taurus native with birth place or
mother of their previous lives. Leo sign rules progeny and its presence in the
quadrant gives promise of at least one child. But as Virgo falls in 5th house, it indicates
either diseased child or child with medium life or disputes with child.

Shift of a malefic sign Virgo to fifth house is certainly bad for fifth house. But at the
same it worsens the situation as Virgo gains more strength. Worries, pressures,
anxieties, strong enemies, diseases etc. are the part and parcel of Taurus natives.
As, Virgo is exaltation sign of Mercury falling in trine assures high intellect level, good
administration skills and good financial status of the native. Taurus natives prove to
be good employees and they slowly and steadily make their organizations grow along
with their self-growth.

The ascendant lord Venus debilitates in 5th house further indicates difference of
opinion with children. As ascendant lord himself debilitates in the fifth house, it
indicates direct involvement of Taurus native. But bein~ ascendant lord and Venus as
natural benefic does not spoil much significations of 5 house. But this house will be
the cause of mental worries to the native. Venus being significator of wealth debilitates
in 5th house. It indicates heave expenditure on children especially on their higher

The Libra shifts to a malefic sixth house and another malefic sign Scorpio occupies
seventh house. This is most unfavorable and unwanted shift for the happiness from
spouse. It is indicative of poor health of spouse or dispute among them. If Venus falls
in Saturn I Mars Navmansha and is also aspected by either of the two in Navmansha,
it indicates strong possibility of adulterous wife. There will be difference of opinion
among husband and wife which may result in fighting or legal separation.

As we know, Moot Trikona sign of Venus is Libra. It is predicted here that

Vimshottari Dasha of Venus though will be a dasha of ascendant lord also but it
gives rise to diseases even if not having any direct relationship with 22'd dreshkana
lord or 641h Navmansha lord.

Saturn exalts in the 6th house as gth and 1oth lord indicates good professional career
but preferably in service as an employee. But it may be noted here that exaltation of
Saturn in sixth house as gth and 1oth lord will also give worries, tensions and strong
enemies in professional life. Serious disputes with father may arise relating
professional decisions or relationship.

Sun debilitates in sixth house as 4th lord again indicates diseases relating heart or
kidney. Debilitation of Sun as signifcator of Father in sixth house further confirms
dispute with father. It may be noted here that either exaltation or debilitation of any
planet is not good in 6/8 houses.

The most malefic Scorpio sign falls in ih house, another indicative of secretive
character of spouse or native himself may prefer to have secret relationships with
females. Taurus natives may have late marriages and there may be obstructions in
marriage. The marriage may take place after 27 I 28 years after many refusals from
either side.

Moon as 3'd lord debilitates in seventh house. It indicates mental unhappiness from
spouse and disputes among younger sibling and natives' younger sibling or among
natives' mother and spouse.

The most benefic trine sign, i.e. Sagittarius falls in 8th house which is of serious
concern. Jupiter, is the most benefic planet. It is the natural benefic planet. But, for
Taurus natives natural benefic siginications are compressed to greater extent. Any
chart having Jupiter placement or aspect on ascendant is considered as blessed
chart but for Taurus natives, it will carry all malefic significations of eighth house.
Native may undergo serious hardships and difficulties in life before they could actually
rise in their professional life. There will be many breaks in the path of their success
which may prove to be fatal if 1oth lord Saturn is also weak in the chart. But as a
natural benefic, Jupiter helps all natives including Taurus in the time of their hardships.
Divine help is available to all who believe that God helps all their Men in tough times.
The second sign of Jupiter, Pisces, is in 11th house, a house of gain. They will be
benefited after undergone problems and the gains are expected from some
investments or from sources far away from home (birth place).

gth house is occupied by the Capricorn sign, ruled by Saturn. As a general tendency
of Saturn, it's indicative of late rise. There will reduction in pleasure from Father's side
by way of separation or death depending on other combinations of the chart.

Mars as 12th and ylh lord exalts in ninth house. It indicates rise in career after
marriage. Debilitation of Jupiter in gth house is another indicator of differences among
father and the native.

10th house is well fortified with Aquarius sign. 11 thhouse takes up Pisces sign, original
lord of house of expenditure. It indicates gains from foreign resources, investments

121h house as occupied by Aries sign, native may spend most of their life outside their
home town or away from home traveling for their bread and better and accumulating
wealth. Although, Aries sign falls in 12th house which should make a person
spendthrift, but due to Taurus falling in ascendant, most of the spending may be one
self or family for enjoying best quality food, clothing, and luxuries.

A Taurus native has promise of average health, good savings, emotional bonding with
younger siblings, below average happiness from Parents especially Father, Home
away from birthplace, diseased child I a younger daughter, below average married
life, medium life, late rise after 30 - 36 years, good professional career, income from
outside resources and possibility of high expenses against their wishes of
accumulating money.

While delineating Taurus ascendant chart, if we keep above factors in mind, we are
sure to get closer to right predictions.

Classical references:

Gemini as ruled by Mercury denotes intelligence and communication.

The 3'd house sign, a dual sign, a malefic but Upchaya sign falls in ascendant and
Aries sign shifts to 11th house, the strongest Upchaya sthana. As Upchaya indicates
increasing significations, it makes the native to work hard to fulfill his desires. They
may be eldest or youngest in the family depending on the strength of Mars or
Mercury. Gemini natives are intelligent, skillful, talented, good communicators
especially in writing, keeps good relations with neighbors and like short distance
travels. Gemini born natives gives more importance to self-learning and learning
through books instead ofTeachers I Guru. As Gemini sign rules the first sign of Kama
trines, and Aries sign also shifting to the strongest Kama trine, they are quickly
attracted to opposite sex and tend to compromise their ideals on that account.

Second house occupies a moveable sign cancer and shift of Taurus to 1ih house is
certainly not good for their bank balance. They either spend or invest all their money
resulting in poor available savings. But as dual sign rules the ascendant, Gemini
natives manages to keep the balance between expenses and investments. They are
soft spoken, love fast foods and mostly they start speaking early in their childhood if
Moon is stronger in Paksha Bala.

Jupiter exalts in their second house as lord of ih and 1oth house. This is an indicative
of professional life and earnings through significator work of Jupiter or after marriage.

Mars debilitates in 2nd house which is another confirmation that native themselves are
less interested in savings and hence spoiler of 2nd house.

3'd house occupies the Leo sign, sign ruled by Sun. Gemini natives work hard
throughout the day time but after the Sun Set, their emotions quickly shifts from work
to enjoyment. They love to spend their evenings with friends, especially girlfriends
instead of working late evenings in the office. They are normally blessed with
authoritative younger siblings but still they nicely adjust with them and keep healthy

4th house occupies Virgo sign, a malefic sign of 6th house. This is an indicative of
either sickly mother or poor relationship with mother. Natives may reside in rental
house or they may leave their birthplace for pursuing their professional career.
The house where ascendant lord exalts is the house great attraction for the native
apart from exaltation house of Mars representing Man of zodiac horoscope. Native
puts extra efforts for that house to get good result out of it if other factors are also
supporting. Other factors we mean here is the strength of (a) ascendant and its lord
(b) exaltation house and its lord and (c) significator of the house. Needless to
mention, their strength in Navmansha chart is equally important.

Mercury as ascendant lord exalts in this house. Gemini natives have special interests
for emotional peace, pleasures, own house but due to their dual nature, they always
find it difficult to take unidirectional decisions. They live mostly in the state of
indecisiveness hence taking longer time for final decisions. It is not just one thing at a
time that bothers them emotionally but they carry and try to manage multiple things
(dual sign in 4th house) at one time. For that reason, if Mercury is strong, they are
considered good in handling multiple tasks at one time.

All positive outcomes mentioned here, previously or in the coming chapters are
promises of a chart when the house and planet concerned are strong. Opposite
results may be predicted if the house and planets concerned are weak. For example,
if Mercury and ascendant is weak in Gemini ascendant and the native is asked to do
multiple tasks at one time, they will mess up the whole thing resulting in failures of all

So as a dual sign lord, this is the Mercury (native) who has to decide whether he
would like to exalt at 4th house or prefer to sacrifice 4th house significations on
account of improving his 101h house, his debilitation point.

Venus debilitates in this house. Venus as significator of wife and lord of 5th and 1ih
house indicates love marriage or a marriage which comes after premarital affairs. 12th
house involvement in this indicates failures also on account of affairs (5th house).

As we know Venus is significator planet of marriage or sexual pleasure. Any planet

starts giving at par results when its significations are activated. For example, A Venus
will start giving at par results if native gets married. A planet in ylh house will start
giving at par results if the native gets married. Suppose an exalted planet is posited in
ylh house. We can activate that planet to gives its at par results by getting married or
forming a sexual relationship with a female as signified by that planet.

Say for example, there is an exalted Jupiter in ylh house. This Jupiter will start giving
its best result at par if native gets married to a female of high moral and spiritual
character. Here adultery by the native will spoil all good significations of the exalted

Another example: An exalted Saturn is posited in ylh house. This Saturn will give start
giving its at par results at any age immediately after native gets married to a girl
matching to significations of Saturn i.e. a working girl from middle class family or a
beautiful, tall and slim girl with slight blackish complexion.
Similarly, if a debilitated planet is posited in yth house, it will start giving its malefic
results immediately after marriage. The houses owned by that planet will also start
giving poor results.


Libra sign occupies 5th house owned by a natural benefic planet Venus. Leo sign
shifts to 3'd house. This is an indicative of continuous improvement of intellect by self-
efforts. They may express their intellectual powers through their written
communication or by writing books. As Venus rules elder daughter, they are normally
blessed with first female child. The Native will have high level of intellect and diplomatic
characteristics. Gemini natives may have multiple pre-marital love affairs of rather
short duration.

5th house in general indicates our past karmas but the most important signification of
this house is normally overlooked. There is an important contribution of this house in
our present live and that is Safurna or motivation to perform an act. Depending on the
previous karmas, we are motivated to perform different acts. As this is trine house, a
benefic house, most of the times it towards the good karmas unless past karmas are
extremely bad. This is totally different from desires represented by 4th house. We
carry our past relationships in this house to this every birth including current birth. It is
mentioned in classical texts that 5th house relation with ascendant or y!h house
indicates love marriage. This is pointed out here that normal opposite sex attraction is
taken from yth house only but having a keen desire to get married to a person is
induced from this house.

As 5th house is occupied by Libra sign, it indicates love marriage or marriage with a
girl having previous birth relationship. This also indicates marriage with cousin sister
where it may be applicable in few casts I religion.

Exaltation of Saturn in 5th house shows strong linking of native's profession and
earnings through intellectual work and slow and steady progress of 5th house
significations especially after 30 years. Saturn as lord of 8th house promotes strong
inclination towards research work, occult or any other secret and hidden knowledge
like Astrology. As 5th house rules lshta Devta, native may worship God ruling lower
cast. As gth lord, Saturn promotes fortune through Spiritual work.

Sun debilitates in 5th house as the original lord of 5th house. As this is his own house of
KP horoscope, debilitation of Sun in 5th house does not afflict significations of 5th
house except Male child.

Scorpio, as 8th house ruler occupies 6th house. This is a good movement as a lord of
malefic house takes another malefic house. This shift in general produce auspicious
results and malefic significations of 6th house are considerably reduced, but
movement of Virgo sign to 4th house still result in emotional disturbances on account
of 6th house significations. Overall, it may be called as a better proposition.

Debilitation of Moon in this house indicates that Gemini natives are afraid of their
enemies so they normally avoid any direct confrontation. It is strongly recommended
that they should avoid taking high EMI loans especially short term loans as Moon
rules the 2"d house. If Mars is weak in their horoscope, significator of loan, they will
find it almost impossible to pay back resulting in high tensions and mental illness. As
Virgo sign has shifted to 4th house, there is possibility of taking loan on account of
property or vehicle.


Sagittarius sign occupies this house, as the lord of strongest and most benefic trine.
We had delineated movement of Libra sign to a trine house. This movement also
ensures marital promise but an arranged marriage. As Gemini natives are subject to
few failures on account of love affairs, they finally settle for arrange marriage.

As dual sign indicates multiplicity, weakness of Jupiter and Venus may indicate more
than one marriage.


10th house sign Capricorn occupies ath house. As it is ruled by Saturn, significator of
longevity, a strong Saturn will ensure touch of long life if other factors support the
chart. As Capricorn sign is ruled by a natural malefic, Gemini natives get very little
relieve from the malefic significations of this house. But as Saturn is a slow moving
planet, it at least reduoes the sudden effects of this house. Possibility of getting any
un-earned wealth through lottery is either delayed or may be denied as Saturn is
significator of gains achieved through natives own karma. But Saturn as 8th lord
exalts in 5th house, a very important house of speculation, native may earn through
share market.

Scorpio signs moves to 8th house which is otherwise good except longevity. Any
affliction to Mars and Saturn may result in chronic and hereditary diseases.

Mars exalts in 8th house.

For Gemini lagna, Mars in 8th exalted would indicate gains and unearned wealth from
hidden sources or after death of relatives in some accident etc. Native may develop
chronic diseases. Jupiter debilitation indicates failures in professional objectives
related to 8th house and Jupiter. Their research related to career may not yield any
gains especially if related to Jupiter. Jupiter will act as malefic and will not contribute in
longevity. Even their spouse will not be able to contribute much in their professional
life or longevity.


Aquarius, the lord of 11th moves to gth house which promises good result for both gth
and 11th house. As gth lord Saturn is also lord of 8th house, it indicates the father of
native might have undergone serious hardships before coming up in life. Also similar
results may be predicted for the natives also.

It is ensured that Gemini natives are able to fulfill their desires and get variety of gains
if they stick to the path righteousness. Position of Sagittarius in Quadrant is also a
positive movement and indicates rise in life after marriage.


Pisces, the sign of 12th occupies 1oth house indicating foreign element to their
profession. Native may move out of their birth place for seeking their livelihood or they
may work for multinational companies. This is further confirmed by shifting of
Capricorn sign to 8th house. Also, Exaltation of Venus in this house as 12'h lord further
confirms promise of profession connected through foreign indicates. 5th lord
significations of Venus will certainly have effect on 5th house.

Venus as significator of Marriage indicates good professional growth after marriage.

Mercury as Ascendant lord debilitates in 1oth house. Gemini natives normally like to
have more than one profession at a time and they tend to compromise on their first
line of profession. They fight very hard for achieving status name and fame in their
social circle at their birth place but they find it hard to come as Capricorn sign falls in
8th house, the house of difficulties and obstructions. There is always dilemma and
state of confusion in choosing among 2 quadrants, 4th or 10th but they are seen
compromising on their 4th house for 10th house significations. We can see many
factors in Gemini chart pushing them hard to leave their birthplace for pursuing their
professional career.


The Aries sign occupies this house. So Gemini natives are destined to work hard for
achieving gains and fulfillment of desires and this is very well supported by the shift of
Aquarius sign to gth house, a strongest trine.

As this is the exaltation point of Sun as 3'd lord, it supports the mentioned view gains
through self-efforts.

Saturn debilitates in this house but Saturn as ruler of natural 11th lord of Zodiac, gives
good results in terms of materialistic gains. But this position of certainly hampers the
sukha of elder siblings' especially elder brother as Saturn rules 81h house also. There
is always more probability of having elder sister instead of elder brother.


Taurus sign occupies this house and Pisces moves to 101h house again connecting
their house of money to 1ih house. As 1ih house rules secret enemies, Gemini
natives may have secret enemies at the place of their profession. They may shift their
family to an outside place or they may be keen to invest and earn money through
foreign places.

Moon as 2nd lord also exalts in 1ih house is another clear connection of 2nd and 121h


Gemini natives are intellectual, good in communication and finance


When a quadrant sign shift to ascendant, it carries quite similar significations of Aries
ascendant with few variations. The basic nature of signs like fix, fiery etc. remains
same. This makes Astrologers' life easier as it would have been a hard exercise if all
12 ascendants were different in all respects.

Though, cancer sign is also a moveable sign like Aries but unlike Aries which is fiery
sign, canoer represents watery characteristics, just opposite to fiery significations.
Canoer natives will have similar temperament of managing the other 11 houses of
their chart but with different perspectives. They are peace loving in nature and most
of their decisions are strongly influenced by their emotions. Big Social circle, smiling
faces, late night parties and no restrictions are synonymous words for their life.

They are popular in public and getting good education is at top priority in life. As Aries
sign moves to 1oth house, the work place carry lot of importanoe for them. They are
also appreciated for their dedication at professional place.

As Jupiter exalts in ascendant, as gth house lord, cancer natives are considered very
lucky. This is the best ascendant for name and fame for the native. Cancer natives
are remembered by many generations after their death.

Mars debilitation in ascendant as 5th lord indicates mental tensions on account of

children. The intensity of tensions and problems will be of high level as the 5th house
sign is Scorpio. Cancer natives will not accept any breaks or downfall in their
professional career as Mars debilitates in ascendant as 8th lord from 10th house.

Mars as lord of 1oth house and significator of Zodiac Man and efforts, native may be
overloaded with work at professional place resulting in little sukha to body or it may
lead to health problems like body ache, migraine etc .


Leo, a fixed sign and lord of a trine house of zodiac occupies 2nd house and Taurus
shifts to 11th house which is very good for 2nd house significations. As Sun rules Leo,
monetary gains from government or from people in authority may be predicted. In
other words, Canoer natives have more possibility of getting monetary gains from
State Government Jobs or for that matter even Central govt. jobs as Sun exalts in
1oth house. If Saturn makes any connection to Sun in Canoer charts, it certainly
promises a govt. job unless other factors strongly afflict this combination. As it is
almost impossible to hide the Sun and its light, people will get to know about their huge
bank balance quite easily. Due to this reason, they will make many friends rather
opportunistic friends who will be more interested in their 2nd house instead of native.
This fact is further confirmed by shift of Gemini sign, the sign of friends to 1ih house,
house of expenditures.

Jupiter, significator of 2nd house gives at par exaltation result for this house. As
Jupiter is friendly to Sun, 2nd house of Cancer natives is further strengthened. A
strong 2nd house is a natal promise of cancer natives. We should not be amazed to
see cancer natives having a royal family and family of very high status as both Sun
and Jupiter control their 2nd house. A very important point to be mentioned here is that
the lord of Cancer ascendant Moon exalts in Taurus sign only which falls in the
strongest upchaya house i.e. 11th house. As no planet debilitates in either Leo or
Taurus sign, it will be very difficult for their foes to spoil their kingdom until the chain of
generation (1.5.9) is broken. The break in their generation chain is suspected as
Scorpio and Pisces sign takes 5.9 lordships respectively.


Virgo occupies 3'd house and Gemini shifts to 121h house. Mercury again takes up the
lordship of this house but by his exaltation sign. This makes the native highly skilled,
talented and master in managing 1ih house significations. As it was mentioned earlier,
cancer natives may be related to govt. jobs. It may come as ministry of foreign affairs
or investment planning or managing neighborhood relations. They are the best writers
and their writings are read for years even after their deaths. Their efforts are
appreciated as top brain work but sometimes they overburden themselves by taking
huge loans which may be the cause of serious worry as Mars debilitates in

As far sukha of younger sibling is concerned, it is normally denied except for younger
sisters. As Mars debilitates in ascendant, denial of younger brother is further

Debilitation of Venus in 3'd house as significator of sexual life indicates self-sacrifice of

married life. As Venus rules 4th house and 11th house Cancer natives mostly
compromise on fulfillment of their desires and mental peace to justify their important
assignments and goals of life.

Libra the lord of a quadrant house rules the 4 h house of cancer natives and Cancer
sign shifts to ascendant. This is a promise of good education, especially an education
which may help them establish their own business enterprise. House of cancer native
is built beautiful and one can find all types of luxuries in his house.

Saturn exalts in 4th house of cancer natives. This is indicative of great popularity
among public and availability of sincere servants at home. Although they may find less
time to devote to their homes but they are equally sincere towards their
responsibilities at home.

Exaltation of Saturn as yth lord in 4th house ensures very dedicated and hard working
spouse at home. As Saturn rules 8th lord along with yth lord, they are likely to get
property, wealth through their life partners.

As 4th house is debilitation house of Sun, cancer natives tend to over spend for the
luxuries at their home.


Scorpio sign occupies 5th house, debilitation point of ascendant lord Moon. This is a
promise of poor result from 5th house. Children of cancer natives may have to
undergo hardships in their life or they may have short or medium life. As Leo sign has
shifted to 2"d house, a maraka sthana or house of death, it confirms the view as
mentioned above.

Cancer natives have high interests in earnings through speculation, lottery etc.


Shift of Virgo sign to 3'd house is considered good except for the sukha (happiness)
from younger siblings. As Sagittarius sign occupies 6th house, and Jupiter rules both
6th and gth house, native may work as employee under his own father. There may be
strong difference of opinions and dispute with father related financial aspects. Natives
may have multiple enemies belonging to intellectual class and most of them will be
self-created and could be find among neighbors and friends.

Cancer natives have to struggle at the initial phase of their life but later on do well in
professional life. They are prone to diseases related to Jupiter like liver, stomach,
obesity etc.

Saturn's sign Capricorn occupies yth house of cancer natives. It rnay not be
considered as bad until we take into consideration the second lordship of Saturn
which falls in 8th house. This is 2"d lordship of Saturn which spoils the signification of
yth house and henoe married life.

For having own business setup, this shift gives positive results.

Mars exalts in 7th house. It can be considered good for materialistic gains and
business enterprise but it is certainly not considered good for happy married life. It
indicates excess exertion of power and authority by Mars on yth house leading to ego
clashes and quarrel arnong the couple.

Jupiter's debilitation in this house further blemishes possibility of saving married life.
Their married life rnay be full of disputes or they rnay live away frorn each other
without being legally separated.

Even if sorne love exists arnong the couple, they lose their life partner at early age. yth
house is probably the weakest house of cancer natives and rnost of thern rnay be
seen in our society striving hard for their married life.

A typical question rnay arise while delineating cancer ascendant. At the tirne of
delineating Gernini ascendant, we had predicted that native's father rnight have
undergone hardships or native rnay have breaks in his fortunes before stable growth.
Kindly note that for Gernini natives it is The Capricorn sign which falls in 8th house
followed by Aquarius sign in trine. But in the case of cancer natives, Capricorn sign
falls in quadrant indicating good beginning followed by Aquarius sign which falls in 8th
house indicating bad ending.

Similarly, wherever the natural relationship is positive, it indicates good beginning of

relationship arnong two houses. But if the two planets have inimical relationship in
Panchadha Maitri Chakra, it results in bad ending. Such results are clearly visible
especially in Virnshottari Mahadasha.


Aquarius sign, the sign of gains falling into 8th house indicates failures in fulfillment of
desires expected through own karrnas. Shift of Scorpio to 5th house indicates plenty
of gains through unearned wealth. This is another confirmation of having serious
interest of Cancer natives towards speculation.

As all the planets give good result in Aquarius sign, probability of acquiring lot of
unearned wealth is the promise of Cancer chart.

Pisces, lord of 1ih house occupies gth house which indicates either loss of fortune
through secret enemies or fortune connected to 12th house. Sagittarius shift to 6th
house is considered bad. As Venus exalts in this house, fortune may rise after
marriage or it may come through public. Debilitation of Mercury indicates problems or
losses through neighbors or younger siblings.


Aries rules the house hence good for its significations. At the same time, Capricorn
shift to yth house is also good. Exaltation of Sun in their 1oth house indicates stron~
relationship of profession with govt. as mentioned earlier. Saturn's debilitation in 1ot
house reduces possibility of independent business setup hence indicating more
possibility of service in govt. institution especially, central govt.


Taurus occupation is good for gains. Exaltation of ascendant lord in this house is
good for gains and shows natives interest in all round development. As Moon has only
one lordship, there is no other desire of native except that all results of his efforts
should meet only one end; i.e. fulfillment. Failures make them furious and it may result
in any drastic action.


Neighbors may be of serious worry to them and they may find it hard to pin point the
foes among the people living around them. Cancer natives are highly prone to
cheating from their own friends or people of their nearby social circle.
By now we have completed first round of delineation which begin at Aries and has
ended at Cancer ascendant. Second round of delineation starts from the trine house
of Aries.
As Leo occupies ascendant and Aries has moved to 9 h house, this is considered as
positive shift for the native. Leo natives are very fortunate and they love and respect
their father and family traditions. The basic characteristics of native will be according
to Leo lord i.e. Sun.

As second house occupies a malefic sign Virgo, it is not considered as good shift but
shift of Taurus sign to 101h house is auspicious for materialistic gains. The family life of
Leo natives is full of disputes and the disputes may arise due to professional reasons.
Leo natives prefer to invest Leo natives are found in money lending business.

Venus debilitation in 2nd house as significator of accumulated money indicates loss of

positive significations of this house. As Venus rules 3'd and 101h house, they
themselves invest all their saved money in their business resulting in dispute with their
life partners.

Exaltation of Mercury in 2nd house promises excellent Oratory power. It makes Leo
natives make money either through intellectual work, Teaching. Lecturer ship, own
business, money lending business, or any work connected to Mercury and
acceptable to the status of Sun. We mean here that although Mercury rules
middleman work also which does not suit to high profile Sun hence may not be
predicted as one of the earning source.


Libra occupies 3'd house, a house of debilitation of ascendant lord. As mentioned

earlier, house of exaltation and debilitation is to be delineated very closely as it reveals
the strong and grey area of the native.

Leo natives do not like to work very hard and always expect the seat of authority
irrespective of age and experience. They expect their subordinates or younger ones
to simply follow their instructions without any argument which does not happen all the
times resulting in disappointments. Exaltation of Saturn in this house though promises
good employees I subordinates but Leo natives will never be satisfied with their work.
As 3'd house rules younger siblings, they may be either deprived of younger siblings
especially brother or they will rarely agree to one decision in their lives.
Exaltation of Saturn as significator of longevity in 3'd house promises long life. As ylh
lord exalts in 3'd house, their life partners take off lot of their workloads giving relieve
to thern. Leo natives get good support in area of profession through their spouse .


Occupation of Scorpio in 4th house and shift of cancer sign to 1 ih house is a prornise
of poor results for the significations of 4th house. In the case of Aries native, it was
Mars, the native hirnself getting debilitated into 4th house but in the case of Leo
ascendant, Moon, significator of rnind, original 4th lord and 12th lord of Leo natives
debilitates in 4th house. This is another indication of rnoving away frorn birth place and
also possible disputes with Mother. There rnay be break(s) in their education for
sorne possible health reasons or they study outside their horne town in hostel.


As mentioned earlier, Leo ascendants have strong trines and occupation of

Sagittarius sign in 5th house and shift of Leo to ascendant is considered good for
significations of 5th house. All significations of 5th house give best results and prornise
of rnale child. As second sign of Leo falls in sth house, it indicates speculation


Saturn as natural rnalefic rules 6th house which increases its rnalefic significations in
general. As Capricorn sign rules 10th house of natural Zodiac, Leo natives start their
professional career as employee. But due to their strong personality, they quickly rise
up and take the job of authority at their workplace. As Leo is ruled by Lion, they are
very dynarnic in nature and their expectation of everyone following their instructions is
obvious. Due to this reason, they find rnany enernies at workplace arnon~ their
subordinates I colleagues. As Virgo shifts to 2"d house, debilitation point of 10 lord,
Leo natives rnake rnost of their enernies due to their outspoken nature.

As we know, Sun is the significator of vitality of body and rnind, health problems rnay
not predicted if Sun is moderately strong in Leo chart.

This is the exaltation point of Mars, the natural ruler of Man. Leo natives do well as an
employee provided they are given seat of authority and power. They are motivated to
perforrn better and better in any competitive environment. They are not afraid of their
enernies and fight out until they see their ends. But it is also predicted that arnong the
group of their enemies, few of them will be extraordinary strong and great fighters and
very difficult to overcome.

Jupiter's debilitation in 6th house is clear indicative of little use of wisdom in handling
their enemies despite of the fact that they belong to class of intellectuals and they
have God gifted Wisdom of Jupiter.

Jupiter debilitation in 6th house as lord of 8th is indicative of untimely death due to
strong enemies or due to incurable chronic diseases. This is predicted only when Sun
is rendered weak in comparison to sixth house or Mars.


Aquarius sign rules yth house. As 6th house was also ruled by Saturn, Leo natives
normally start their professional career with a service but they find it really hard to
work on as employee. Due to this reason most of Leo natives quit their jobs later and
enter into self-business enterprise (quitting 6th house and entering into yth house). In
any case if they continue their jobs, they continue at high positions of exercising

Aquarius sign at ih house promises good and lasting married life as Aquarius is the
strongest trine of Kama trine. Leo natives mostly get spouse of their choice may be
from nei~hbors, maternal side or among their friend circle. Exaltation of Venus as
natural i lord in 1ih lord indicates secret relationships or extra marital affairs.


Shift of Pisces to 8th house and Scorpio to 4th house is considered good. As
mentioned earlier, Leo is the trine sign of zodiac horoscope. All the shifts will bring in
another trine house hence keeping similar promise of all houses as of Aries
ascendant except change of significations due to change of lord.

As it was mentioned earlier, Jupiter is the most benefic planet and it is strongly
desired not to have Jupiter as lord of most malefic 8th house. It may be considered
good for the longevity of native but this is affliction to 5th lord.

In any unforeseen situation of problems in native's longevity due to accident or health

problems, presence of his children will save his life. If you find a Leo chart with
question mark on longevity, early marriage and children be advised for the benefit of
the native.

Exaltation of Venus in 81h house is another indicator for prescribing early marriage in
case of any problems in longevity. Spouse of Leo natives are the best source of help
in troublesome days of their lives. They my acquire plenty of unearned wealth through
speculation and their savings account is generally in the form of shares or other
sources of speculative tendencies. As Scorpio has shifted to 4th house, they may find
good speculative earnings through property deals.

Debilitation of Mercury as 11th and 6th lord in 8th house indicates losses on account of
gambling tendencies. But it may hold true only when Mercury is found weak in the
natal chart .


Shift of Aries as lord of natural zodiac of Man to gth house and exaltation of Sun in this
house as ascendant lord carry important significations. Leo ascendant is probably
only ascendant among 12 ascendants that have promise of good fortune even if Leo
native does not get any support from others. They themselves are fully capable to
create the path of their success and they are rarely stopped by hurdles and problems
of life. Unlike other ascendants, they are not dependent of favorable circumstances to
prove their mettle. They are among the people who come out as winners despites of
all odds.

Saturn debilitates at the house of their destiny which may be of little concern to Leo
natives. Despite of sufferings on account of foes and oppositions, they never give up
and manage to survive and grow. During the process, they may find themselves as
sole fighter unless supported by spouse.


They believe in stable professional career hence do not change jobs or profession
quite often. They always like to keep the final say or authority with themselves at their
workplace as Venus rules 3'd house also. They are very supporting to people willing
to work under their guidelines and they go out of way to support them.

Moon's exaltation as 1ih lord in 1oth house gives external affairs or job related to
foreign elements. They have the natal promise of receiving offers outside their
birthplace at high emoluments due to their capabilities. As Leo is the fixed ascendant
and Venus rules their 3'd house also, they prefer to have their workplace nearby
residence. Shift of Capricorn to 6th house indicates consistent tensions at workplace
always forcing them to establish their own business setup as Saturn rules ylh house

Shift of Gemini to 11th house and Aquarius to quadrant (ih) house is considered
auspicious for achieving gains and fulfillment of desires. Gemini indicates self-efforts
for 11th house and gains from younger siblings' especially younger sister. As Aquarius
shift to yth house, they are very well supported by spouse for achieving their
ambitions. Their inherent talents and skills never go waste and best utilized for
achieving gains.


Shift of Pisces to 8th house is considered good as it indicates loss of malefic

significations of 121h house. As cancer sign falls in 12th house, Leo natives love bed
pleasures and it keeps them emotionally balanced.

Jupiter exalts in 12th house which is indicative of high level of interest in charity and
expenditures on good and auspicious works. As Jupiter rules social prestige, Leo
natives achieve lot of social prestige and respect by way of helping others and doing
charity work. But as Jupiter rules 8th house, Leo natives may carry hidden long term
objectives associated with their personal gains. They are also destined to get better
status outside their birth place. The unearned wealth which they are likely to get may
also come from outside sources.

As Jupiter rules 5th house, his exaltation in 121h indicates heavy expenditures on
children and their education. They will never hesitate to spend beyond their limits to
ensure future of their children.

Debilitation of Mars in 1ih house indicates Leo natives may face some problems to
manage their expenditures and it is contributed because of their own generous
nature. Although they do not like to compromise on their bed pleasures but due to the
authoritative nature, few clashes with spouse at bed time is predicted. But in the end,
things settle down quickly as either of two compromises; I am sorry, it is the yth house
that compromises most of the times as it will be day dreaming to expect the Lion to

Ascendant occupying the sign of malefic houses, 6/8/12 is not considered good. For
Virgo natives, Aries sign also moves to 8th house which is the most unfavorable
placement for Aries in an ascendant.

The life of Virgo native is full of problems and obstacles which they have to fight out
alone especially if Mercury is found alone in natal chart. As we know, more than 80%
charts have Sun and Mercury posited together in a house which can be called as the
gift of God for Virgo natives. Virgo natives cannot live alone and they always need
someone to assist and support even for routine matters of life. If they are left alone
without any support, Virgo natives make their lives miserable.

As Mercury himself exalts in ascendant, it confirms less availability of people to

support them.

As we have seen earlier, Taurus and Cancer ascendant lords debilitates in their 5th
house. Both the ascendants are ruled by female planets finding their debilitation due to
5th house significations especially male child.

In Virgo ascendant, the lord of gth house Venus debilitates in ascendant hence
another bad signification of this ascendant. As gth rules destiny and father it indicates
poor assistance of both the important factors of life hence another confirmation of life
full of hardships.

If you, the person reading this book, belong to Virgo Ascendant, please do not think
the end of world for you. There are always equally strong positive factors exist on the
other side of coin that will be discussed in the later part of this chapter.


Ruled by a moveable sign hence signifies poor savings. But as the lord is ruled by
natural benefic Venus and Sun as 1ih lord debilitates in this house, Leo natives are
among the people who believe in spending on luxuries. They love to eat the best
quality food at the most beautiful restaurant of their town.

Shift of Taurus sign to gth house is considered good for the significations of 2nd house.
As Venus rules both the signs, the sign shifted to 2nd house as well Taurus, the
natural ruler of second house; they love to enjoy their food with opposite sex or wife.
Virgo natives expect lot of assistance from their father but the expectations rarely
meet the positive end. As Sun, significator of father debilitates in their 2nd house;
Venus as gth and 2nd lord debilitates in ascendant, they get little financial support from
father. It is not predicted that fathers of Virgo natives are financially poor but the
delineation indicates little financial support from them.

Exaltation of Saturn in 2nd house is indicative of auspicious results. As 5th house rules
affairs and Libra sign the marriage, they are mostly successful in their love affairs.
They get the spouse of their choice and the couple loves each other the most. This is
the strong area of Virgo native if compared with all other 12 ascendants. Exaltation of
Venus in yth house further proves this delineation. They are very lucky in marriage
aspects and can have wonderful married life provided they do not carry any extra
marital affairs. It is strongly recommended to be loyal to the wife as otherwise it may
result to opposite direction. Please note that it is ascendant lord Mercury who
debilitates in yth house.

As Saturn exalts in 2nd house as 5th lord, their status improves a lot after the birth of
child especially female child. As 6th lord, it indicates excellent earnings through service
or employment instead of own business.


Although, shift of Scorpio sign from 8th to 3'd house is not considered bad but it rna~
give suicidal tendencies if other factors exists in natal chart. As Gemini moves to 10 h
house, their profession may be connected to writing work. They express their skills
and talents best at their workplace.

Third house rules the right hand and 11th rules left hand. It is interesting to note that
the lords of two houses debilitate in each other houses. A special attention is given to
this debilitation as Virgo natives connects with writing work. Virgo natives may find
themselves in serious trouble if they enter into criticisms through their writings. It may
even create death like situation for them.

Shift of Scorpio to 3'd house and Gemini to 10th house is not good as far younger
siblings are concerned. Location of Gemini in non-life house is considered bad
concerning pleasure from younger siblings. Virgo natives may either be totally
deprived of younger siblings or they may be the cause of great worry and concern to
them. Virgo natives are advised to maintain distance with their younger brother and in
no situation a Virgo native should help them get a job in organization where they
themselves work as employee.

4th house occupies Sagittarius sign ruled by natural benefic Jupiter. Shift of Cancer to
11th house is also considered good for all significations. As Jupiter is the natural
significator of pleasure of mind, & also Jupiter exalts in 4th house, this shift is
considered auspicious.

Although we do not wish to cover the malefic ness of Natural benefic after taking
lordship of quadrant houses but little explanation is given as introduction of the

Most of the learned Astrologers believe that Jupiter behaves like a malefic planet after
taking lordship of two quadrant houses in Gemini and Virgo ascendant. But
unfortunately, no delineation or explanation is given for the same. Also, very little
practical research is made available for appreciating exact nature of malefic

We certainly agree with the thought but at the same time do not blindly apply the
same. We can easily understand the same through KP concept. It is mentioned in
earlier chapters that Jupiter is the significator of our spiritual growth. Jupiter makes a
person of high ideals and character. Quadrants are the most important houses for
material gains & the 4 quadrants of KP horoscope are ruled by Mars, Moon, Venus
and Saturn respectively. All the four planets have direct relation and inclination for
material gains which is self-explanatory if we consider their second lordships except

But Jupiter as natural gth and 12th lord has no connection with never ending ambitions
and desires of native. If the most benefic planet like Jupiter takes the lordship
(responsibility) of a quadrant, the significations of the house, for sure loose its lust and
high end ambitions. Jupiter will operate in his own way and as per his own character
and personality. We should not forget, this is Jupiter which makes the native develop
feeling of satisfaction under given circumstances and natural malefic planets believe
contrary to this idea as they see the end of growth at the point when feeling of
satisfaction and contentment is achieved in mind.

It is requested that the mentioned rule need not be applied blindly. Let's see its
practical application by an example of current house in consideration.

4th house is the exaltation house of Jupiter and Jupiter signifies mental peace.
Sagittarius sign originally belongs to gth house, a trine house and is considered
auspicious for the significations of 4th house. As lord of 4th house, Jupiter will provide
the mental peace to the native but at the same feeling of contentment will also develop
which may not be consider for material life and also not accepted by other social
members. Also, as Jupiter believes in Giving, Blessing and helping others even at his
own cost, it may be highly criticized by the lovers of material growth and self-centered
people. As a 4th lord, Jupiter provides well-built home having everything for living but it
will be wrong to expect unnecessary luxuries in this lordship. Of course, a strong
Venus connection to 4th house /4th lord Jupiter will modify the prediction to a luxurious

Jupiter as 7th lord, as a spiritual planet and natural lord of trine house, gth house, will
certainly not deny marriage but may restrict the sexual pleasures to boundaries. It
may not be acceptable to common man of this Kaliyuga (current era) hence
hampering significations as far sexual gratification is concerned. Contrary to the
general romantic nature of Virgo native, his spouse may not be able to live up to his
expectations of frequent mating despite the fact that she loves him the most. To my
view, Virgo natives are the luckiest in getting an ideal wife and it is strongly
recommended to maintain healthy relationships. Not to forget, it will be his Wife and
children especially elder daughter who will always help them in their tough times.
There is no guarantee of help from others including all blood relatives.

It is reiterated that Jupiter although the most benefic planet carries malefic ness as
quadrant lord; and one of the result for such malefic planets is non-availability of the
life significator of the ruling planet and hence people ruling Jupiter like our elders,
guide, seniors like father etc. may not be available at the time we may need them the
most. The person ruled under lordship of the planet (mother and wife as 4th and 7th
lord) is affected at the last stage and can be avoided by the native at his own

It is suggested not to predict such malefic results when Jupiter is placed in his own
sign in 4th or 7th house in his own sign as it forms he most auspicious Hans Yoga*.But
it is to be kept in mind that Jupiter as 7th lord in the 7th house will also become a very
strong Marakesh (killing planet) for Virgo native.

Our focus in this book is the starting point of delineation. The modifications in
Astrology will also be discussed in coming books.


Capricorn sign occupies 5th house and Leo shifts to 12th house which indicates poor
results for progeny especially male child. It is an indication of late development of
intellect despite Virgo sign rises in ascendant ruled by Mercury.

5th house is originally ruled by Leo the sign ruled by the planet of light. Capricorn is the
sign ruled by planet of darkness hence is not considered good for 5th house
significations. But Virgo natives appreciate the importance of live significator of this
house in their middle age.

Saturn rules 6th house also and Mars exalts in this house as 8th lord is confirmation of
ordinary results of this house. The children of a Virgo native are successful in
technical fields and get good education.
Jupiter's debilitation in 5th house indicates lack of male child and cause of concern for
their wives. The mother of Virgo native may die without seeing face of her
grandchildren especially grandson.


Aquarius occupies 6th house which indicates service in a corporate I Bank dealing in
loans or fiance management. As Virgo sign occupies ascendant, it strengthens the
possibility as mentioned above. Virgo natives have by birth talent of finance
management and prove to be very good accountants. They can set the standards for
their competitors to follow and are legends in their field. We can call them trend setters
without any hesitation especially if Mercury is posited in 8th house or connects to

Excepting few difference of opinion the elder siblings, especially sister help the native
in making a sound career for them.

Virgo natives mostly enter into office politics and do not hesitate to take loans for
fulfillment of their desires which may result in tensions and legal disputes concerning
clearing off loan in time. They do very hard work to achieve their goals but the fruits
received either do not justify their dedication or reach them late after it loses its

Virgo and tensions are synonyms for this ascendant hence they are advised to
restrict any overburden of loans especially if Mars is found weak in the chart.


Pisces occupy ih house, and Libra moves to 2"d house. The exaltation of Venus is
considered good for sexual pleasures, early relationship or marriage in life. It is
natural tendency of Virgo native to have many friends around them especially
girlfriends. It is very much possible that they may have multiple affairs before
marriage and few may continue even after marriage. This is the area they should be
cautious off to protect their married life.

Lets' look at Arudha Ascendant

Arudha ascendant is calculated counting as many signs away from position of

ascendant lord from the natal ascendant. For example, if Mercury is placed in 9 h

house in Virgo ascendant, counting 9 places from Mercury leads us to 5th house; this
is Arudha ascendant. Similarly, if Mercury is placed in 6h house i.e. Aquarius sign,
please count 6 places from Mercury to reach 11 h house, i.e. cancer sign; this is
Arudha ascendant.)

Arudha ascendant is the perceived image of native in society. If Arudha ascendant is

afflicted by malefic(s), native loses his image and respect in society. Virgo natives are
highly prone to losing their social image due to opposite sex and if Virgo chart has
afflicted Arudha ascendant, native may not be find any escape from loss of image
except Jupiter aspects (519 aspect) Arudha ascendant.

As Mercury himself debilitates in ih house, there is fair possibility of compromising on

ideals on account of opposite sex and sexual pleasures early in life; teen age.


Scorpio sign shifts to 3'd house and Aries occupies 8th house. Connection of 8th house
with 3'd house (8th from sth house) is not good for longevity of the native as it may give
suicidal tendencies if ascendant lord and 12th lord also join the relationship.

In general, bhavatbhavam (house to house) principal as mentioned in classical text is

looked for judging the strength of a house. Many learned Astrologer use this principal
before giving final verdict for a house. For example, if we find weak 5th house I 5th lord
I significator in a horoscope, we may refer 5th from 5th house i.e. gth house before
making final prediction. We should also refer 5th house from Jupiter for Child, gth from
Sun for father, 4th from Moon for mother, 4th from Mercury for education, 10th from
Saturn for profession and so on.

I would like to point out a very important delineation of the mentioned principal. Lets'
take an example:

We refer 8th house for death. Literal following of above mentioned rule, 8th from 8th
house i.e. 3'd house should also reflect death which is not true. 8th house signifies
death and 3'd house is self-created death i.e. suicide. There is lot of difference
between the two as the first one comes at the right time after completion of longevity
and the second one is untimely death which leads to sever problems to the inner body
and soul after death of physical body which a native cannot appreciate unless guided
by a preacher, saint or any adviser.

If 5th house is found very weak, gth house cannot bless any child unless natives' self
is involved; meaning native may have to perform remedy measures depending upon
the chart. As 5th from 5th house rules grandchildren, a strong gth house will always
support efforts for begetting child as otherwise there will be no grandchildren. Taking
another example of the mentioned houses, 5th house rules our sanchit karma (past
deeds) of all previous lives and gth house is just a portion of the 5th house which a
native is destined to face in the current life. If 5th house is weak, native can do little to
alter 5th house significations but he can certainly alter the destiny of the current life, 5th
from 5th house i.e. gth house by performing different karmas (deeds).

2nd house rules money and 2nd from 2nd house rules the money earned by self-efforts.

3'd house rules our capacity to work hard, our strength. 3'd from 3'd house is 5th
house which indicates strength of mind.

4th from 4th house is yth house, the house of spouse. Native automatically gets a lady,
her womb and her breast to feed. We see almost no efforts for having 4th house
significations. 4th from 4th house, yth house though represent another female and
same organs but the emotional attachment changes totally. Native had to dedicate
himself to get the happiness of yth house. As we are discussing quadrant, I take your
permission and go beyond the house to house principal as now I move to 4th from yth
house( 4th to 4th to 4th).

When a native takes birth, his life is the first quadrant i.e. he himself. A child knows
little about surroundings. Slowly he finds all his pleasures and mental happiness form
4th house. But it does not last very long as teen age and puberty demands another
pleasure in the form of yth house.

After having seen the first 3 quadrants, natives look for the ultimate pleasure of life
and that is having status and respect in the social life. He does not wish not to have
the pleasure of all previous houses but the priority changes with time and now he is
willing to compromise on all previous quadrants to achieve 1oth house happiness. He
runs whole of his life for 10th house but finally in the old age, he returns back to
ascendant, i.e. 4th from 101h house.

He realizes that an ideal character and good health is the real wealth. First quadrant,
out of the four quadrants, is the most important and for that reason God also allotted
first quadrant as significator of health indicating health as prime importance. A
physically unfit person cannot enjoy any worldly pleasures he accumulates
throughout his life.

Sun exalts in 8th house as 12th lord. 1ih lord in 8th house is though a Vipreet Rajyo~a (
a benefic placement of a malefic lord in malefic house) but exaltation of Sun in 8 is
not good especially for good health. Virgo natives are highly prone to heart disease,
stomach ailments, migraine etc.

Saturn debilitates in 8th house as significator of longevity. In general, Saturn promotes

longevity but unfortunately for Virgo natives, it does not hold true. As Saturn rules 5th
house, Virgo native may suffer on account of poor fulfillment of desires which may
lead to lessening interest in life. As Virgo sign occupies ascendant, and Saturn
debilitates in 8th house as 6th lord, they are under high risk of developing chronic
disease finally resulting to death of the native even before they have completed the
allotted age by almighty.

Taurus occupies gth house and Sagittarius shifts to 4th house which is considered as
good shift in general. A fixed sign at the house of destiny indicates quite stable fortune
predominantly monetary gains. Moon as natural 4th lord; and as 111th lord of Virgo
natives exalts in ninth house. At the same time Sagittarius also shifts to 4th house,
indicating clear relation with 4th house. Virgo natives get good support from their
Mother for their all-round prosperity.

Virgo natives have in born talent of excellent communication skills and they become
very good orators. The strength of just one planet, Mercury especially un-afflicted
Mercury promises very good results for all round prosperity of the native in material


Mercury, si~nificator of intellect rules the 10th house as well as ascendant. Capricorn
moves to 5 h house, a house of intellect. It is clear indication of profession directly
related to skills and intellect of the native. Virgo native is always one step ahead of his
father in professional life


Moon rules 11th house, a fastest moving planet of the Zodiac. Virgo natives are highly
impatient for achieving their objectives and they expect everything to happen to their
liking. People of opposite sex go out of their way to help and contribute to their gains
as Jupiter exalts in their 11th house as yth lord.

Mars, (Man) debilitates in 11th house as 8th lord; Scorpio is located at 3'd house, the
house of self; Aquarius (the sign of gains) is plaoed at 6th house, the house of
disputes and problems:

All the above factors indicates problems in acquirin~ parental wealth it may be the
cause of serious mental worry to Virgo natives. As 8t lord exalts in 5th house and 5th
lord exalts in 2"d house, Virgo natives have speculative tendencies; but debilitation of
8th lord in 11th indicates use of malefic means to achieve gains or losses on account
of hasty decisions for short gains.

Sun takes responsibility of the house of loss. Virgo natives, as cautioned earlier
should be careful in handling money matters with Father or people from government
sector. Pisces sign in yth house indicates losses through opposite sex or Father-in-

Unlike Taurus, Libra natives believe in enjoying the luxuries of life or in other words
they are born to live luxurious life and they get best possible facilities at their disposal
depending on the natal chart.

The best and the most important point for this ascendant is that one of the most
malefic planets like Saturn not only becomes the yogakarka (auspicious) planet but
also exalts in ascendant. This is self-explanatory that there is no other ascendant off
the 12 ascendants including Saturn's own ascendants (Capricorn and Aquarius) for
which Saturn may give its best positive results. Saturn as 4th and 5th lord promises
good basic and higher education. While transiting different houses, where Saturn is
normally considered inauspicious, he does not give malefic results especially when
found strong in natal chart.

Aries sign shift to yth house and Libra comes to ascendant. This is simple reversal of
traits from Man to Woman. Libra natives make many friends in life and most of them
are of same sex. As

As there is exchange of 1!7 signs, Libra natives are very romantic and get easily
attracted by opposite sex. They know real the art of sexual pleasures and their wives
rarely have any complaints regarding sexual gratification. As ascendant is the
exaltation seat of 4th and 5th lord Saturn, they prefer to have love marriage instead of
arrange marriage butthey look forward to long term relationships.

They are strong believers that people who spend their whole life in accumulating
money without enjoying the luxuries of life are fools under this Sun. They are easily
traceable in society from their high quality dressing sense, rich perfumes, diplomatic
language and plenty of supporting cutlery staff and employees waiting to take their

As Libra sign indicates balancing factor, they try to keep the best possible balance in
their aspect of life but take long time to decide and act due to same balancing nature.
As Saturn is the significator planet of karma (deeds), Libra natives have self-vigilance
on their deeds. They always analyze their past works and try to improve their future
actions towards perfection. Saturn may give late rise to Libra natives especially after
30 - 36 years but he promises good old age.

Sun debilitates in ascendant as 11th lord. Sun as significator of Father indicates below
average relations with Father. As gth lord Mercury rules 1ih house (also) of Libra
natives; and 12th house being debilitation point of Libra, losses on account of Father
are also predicted. Exaltation of gth lord in 12th house of Libra natives further confirms
the mentioned statement.


As we had mentioned earlier, any house with 6/8/12 signs, especially Scorpio sign is
the house of special attention. For Libra natives, due to 180 degree shift, Taurus sign
goes to 8th house and Scorpio comes to 2nd house which is severely bad on both the
grounds. As second house rules kutumb (family), it is clear indicative of serious,
sudden and problems of secretive nature to families of Libra ascendants. Although,
Scorpio is a fix sign but a m o k s h a (indicating end) sign, it promises poor
accumulation in savings account and most of the saved money will exist as blocked
money mostly in the form of property, bonds etc which cannot be recovered quickly in
the time of needs.

Librans will normally fail to understand reasons of problems, obstacles of their lives
and just carry on fighting throughout the life with no outcome. They are seriously
advised to take caution in the oral communication especially when 2nd house is
aspected or occupied by a malefic like Saturn, Rahu or may be even Mars.

No planet exalts in 2nd house of Librans is indicative of little support from parents,
friends, relatives etc for the second house. As Moon, significator of mother debilitates
in 2nd house Librans have to give away good quota of their saved money to mother
which may later result in mental worries. Moon rules the 10th house and as 10th house
rules the work place, profession and status of the native, Librans tend to compromise
their family lives on that account. They find the easiest way of achieving their status
through reflection of their financial assets to public. They sometimes go beyond their
pocket limits, take loans, to maintain their status as they are emotionally highly keen
to maintain the same.


Sagittarius occupies 3'd house and Gemini shifts to gth house. As 3'd house rules
native's self, self-efforts, talents, skills and capacity to work hard, shift of trine house
sign to 3'd house is good for 3'd house significations. Libra natives believe in karma
(work) instead of destiny and they make their own path of destiny through their
dedication for work. Libra natives are emotionally involved in 1oth house (as cancer
rules 10th house); Saturn as significator of work exalts in ascendant as 4th house lord;
the two factors further confirms their priority for work and self believe to make their
own destiny instead of being satisfied under given circumstances.

The 3'd lord Jupiter also rules 6th house, the house of exaltation of ascendant lord
Venus. For this reason, position of Jupiter in quadrants or trines is considered highly
auspicious for Libra Natives despite of the fact that Jupiter rules two malefic houses.


IV house is ruled by Saturn as natural significator of work. As Saturn rules 5th house
also, Saturn is considered to be most auspicious planet for Libra Ascendant. As
mentioned above, Libra natives are strongly inclined towards 1oth house because of
cancer sign in 10th house. Shift of Capricorn to 4th house makes them very kind
businessmen. They prove to be the most successful businessmen in the long run as
they know the art of keeping their customers happy. Their customers normally have
blind faith in them and do not leave them until extreme situations. Although, Librans
have the knack of becoming the top class businessmen but excess involvement of 4th
house and Moon at workplace may lead to emotional decisions. In general, it is
expected to behave professionally at the workplace and Librans are through
professionals but due to excess involvement of mind (Moon), they take emotional
decisions which may finally result in loss of important customers or job or finance
which is also reflected by debilitation of Moon in 2nd house.

Mars as lord of 2nd and yth house exalts in 4th house. Librans and especially their
wives are fond of having luxurious house and they spend most of their saved money
in building a sweat home at the best corner of city. As Mars rules property as well as
loans, they are least afraid of taking loans for building their homes and are fully
supported by their wives. Venus as ascendant lord exalts in 6th house indicating the
destiny of Libran natives to acquire luxuries, home, property etc through loans which
they pay back as early as possible.......hold no no .... not to relax ..... .
but to take up another loan!!!

Jupiter debilitates in 4th house as lord of 6th house is indication of some problems on
account of taking loans for property matters. As 3'd house also involves, the problems
may arise for the need of correct documentation papers as may be required by the
court of law. It indicates some disputes with mother relating spiritual matters or
differences due to idealism. The significator of mother (Moon) as debilitates in 2nd
house, dispute may also arise relating money matters.


Leo moves to 11th house and Aquarius occupies 5th house. It is considered
auspicious for progeny. It is for sure that Librans will be gifted by a child unless other
factors are seriously afflicted. The mentioned prediction is supported by the fact that
all the planets give good result in 11th house and no planet debilitates in Aquarius
As it is mentioned in earlier chapters of this book, for moveable ascendants signs,
11th house is considered as a Bhadaka (obstruction) house and its lord or planet
posited in 11th house is considered as Bhadhakesh (obstructing) planet. For Aries
ascendant 11th house is ruled by Saturn hence Saturn is a Bhadhakesh (obstructing)
planet. Similarly Venus is Bhadkesh (obstructing) for Cancer ascendant and Mars is
Bhadkesh (obstructing) for Capricorn ascendant.

Please see that a Bhadkesh (obstructing) planet normally creates obstruction and
delays the expected results and does not spoil or negate the result of the concerned
house. Concerning health factors, a Bhadkesh may prove to be fatal and a strong
Marka (killer):

-when becomes the lord of 22nd dreshkana or 64th Navmansha or

-when forms relation with lord of du-sthana (malefic) houses especially 8th house or

-forms relation with a malefic planet posited in or aspecting 8th house

It is expected to have late child and especially late male child because Sun rules the
male progeny as Bhadkesh and 5th house is also ruled by a slow moving planet
Saturn. But we should also remember that Saturn exalts in ascendant, another
promise of child for the native.

To mention in general, Saturn posited in odd houses (3, 5, 9 and 11) except
ascendant and 7th house, in all ascendants without malefic aspect or conjunction
promises at least one child. In odd signs, an un-afflicted Saturn gives male child for
sure even if not aspected by Jupiter.

Pisces and Aquarius signs are South-East directions. As we know this direction is
ruled by Venus, the ascendant lord himself there is no reason not to expect every
Libran to have at least one child unless there are many negative factors in Libran
chart afflicting 5th house significations. I am sure, for every chart, we have different
beginning landmark for delineation of each house. When we begin our delineation of
5th house of Libran chart, we start from the positive end of the graph hence few
negative factors may bring the line closer to neutral position but going towards
negative direction would be really require high afflicting factors. In any adverse
situation, I still see good possibility of at least an elder daughter.

Mars in Aries ascendant exalts in 1Oth house, the workplace of a Man. But in the case
of Libra Ascendant, Venus exalts in 6th house, the house of competition, dispute and
quarrels. We normally see all major wars under this Sun for the significations of Venus
i.e. wealth and wife. And who fights it? Not surprisingly it is none other than the
significator planet of this (6th) house, Mars.

As we know, Libra ascendant is 180 degree shift or in other words, reversal of natural
characteristics. We normally refer Aries ascendant as the ascendant of Man. Males
born under Libra ascendant will have more feminine characteristics and their wives
will have similarity to Mars. It is certainly possible that wives of Libra natives are
dominating at home affairs and it is further supported by 4th house as exaltation seat
of Mars, the 7th house.

Ascendants of Mars and Venus are the only two ascendants which are neutral and
rest all are inimical. Position of Libra in Aries is certain promise of marriage or sexual

7th house in general represents married partner but, it is the house of opposite sex
and sexual partners. 8th house rules our secret organs like Anus and sexual organs.
We must delineate sexual pleasures from 7th house and not 8th house as 7th house
indicates the happiness from opposite sex or in other words availability of opposite
sex partner.

7th house is the house of exaltation of Sun. As we know, lion, ruled by the Leo sign
makes sex only for progeny reasons. As a matter of fact, females normally have 10
times more sexual desires than males but due to this reversal effect, Librans will have
wives with less sexual demands. Sun as lord of 11th house indicates gains after

Debilitation of Saturn, as significator of work, indicates sufferings in profession on

account of wife. As 4th house lord, mental satisfaction and happiness from wife may
not be there. The relations between native's mother and his wife will be very ordinary.
As Saturn is significator of criticisms, natives may be criticized by their wives within
and outside home.

As 5th lord debilitates in 7th house, it indicates some problems related to progeny
from spouse side. Native's wife may provide proper care to his children and his
children will also not obey to his wife. As 5th house rules affairs, there is very less
possibility of success of love affairs converting to marriage. Children of Librans are
taken care by Librans only and their wives are less responsible.


Scorpio shifts to 2nd house and Taurus moves to 8th house. In both ways, it is clear
indicative of serious problems related to 2nd house as mentioned in 2nd house
delineation. But this shift is not bad for 8th house significations. The natural house of
longevity is very close and next to ascendant. The moon who is in general afraid of
8th house significations will exalt in 8th house of Libra ascendants. We do not
appreciate any exalted planet 8th house but Moon, as significator of mind, gives
Libran native capacity to come out of serious and death like situations successfully.
Librans are fond of research and they go into micro level of the subject they choose
for research. Librans can carry on education for longer durations as Saturn (5th lord),
a slow moving planet exalts in ascendant.

For Libra natives, the two factors are very important and is repeated again. Libra
natives themselves own 8th house and Moon exalts in 8th house as 1Oth lord. If you
have few friends around you of Libra ascendant, you will be surprised to know that
most of them want to know each and every thing of their future life including the date
of their death. Many of them if already visited Astrologers, will already know when
they will die. Many among afflicted Librans will threaten to commit suicide and it is
requested to take their threats seriously as they are surely capable of committing
suicide. So a positive Libran can research and surprise the world through his
innovation whereas a negative Libran may easily commit suicide.

Exaltation of Moon as 10th lord in 8th house is considered inausp1c1ous for

professional life. Libran natives are among those who will not hesitate to take up
losses through self-decisions. They face very difficult situations and obstacles in their
professional life resulting into Librans themselves quitting their jobs or work plaoe.

8th house is ruled by the asoendant lord himself is another indicative of native's
capability to interfere significations of 8th house. It can work both positive as well as
negative means depending on general strength of Venus.

All of us know, after Mercury, Venus is closest to Sun. There is fair possibility that
Venus may be combust in many charts resulting in combustion of both ascendant and
8th lord.

Few classical texts do not give great importance to combustion of Venus but it is
specially pointed out that it cannot be ignored especially for longevity reasons. We
know, Sun is Bhadkesh (obstruction creating planet) planet for Libra ascendant and
Sun debilitates in Libra ascendant. Sun is natural enemy of Venus. Whenever Venus
is behind Sun in degrees or in other words, when Venus is approaching Sun and is
also in combustion range, it will affect longevity of the native and will certainly cause
obstructions to native's fortunes. Sun as significator of good health will not affect
health until associates with malefic or lord of health afflicting agents as mentioned in
earlier chapters.

We know Venus is faster moving planet than Sun. When Venus is ahead of Sun and
also out of combustion degrees, it promises good longevity. For best results, we also
expect no association of Venus with Sun in Navmansha also.

In case, Ascendant Lord Venus is in combustion look for the lord of Navmansha of
Venus. If Navmansha lord is also combust, it indicates problem of serious nature.
Last but not the least; if dispositor of Moon is also combust, it indicates early death of
native even before completion of Alpa-Aayu (short life).


Sagittarius shifts to malefic house, 3rd house and Gemini takes charge of 9th house.
Librans are mostly self-made man and they believe in making their own destiny with
self-efforts. As their professional house, 10th house is ruled by Moon, they dedicate
physically as well mentally to achieve their goals and mostly they come out with flying
colors. As Sagittarius sign had shifted to 3rd house naturally ruled by Mercury,
Librans are very helpful to their friends. They help their friends in making their
fortunes but get little help when they need them in their difficult time. As 2nd sign of
Mercury, Virgo falls in the house of loss; their friends may be the cause of big loss to
them and is indicated by exaltation of 9th house in 12th. Librans normally suffer on
account of secret enemies and it may not be strange to notice that their father could
be one of the secret enemies.

Librans have very high possibility of foreign connections or job in multinational

companies but a professional life away from birth place is not predicted as Saturn as
4th lord exalts in ascendant and Saturn loves his maternal plaoe also.

As matter of general rule, we expect our 9th lord to be stronger in chart to get best
results. But it should always be kept in mind that if 9th lord own any of malefic houses,
its good results are associated with bad results depending on the position of 9th lord.
For example, if Mercury is in 12th house in exaltation position, it will reduoe the
positive results of 4th house of Saturn. Mercury will good results of 12th house in the
terms, native may have exoellent status outside his home town or country and may
undertake frequent foreign trips. He finds his destiny only outside and for that reason;
positive effects of yogakarka planet Saturn may not be felt.

If Mercury is placed in his own house i.e. 9th house close to ascendant degrees and
is also strong in Shadbala, it will give at par best results for all round prosperity of
native. We can expect Venus and Mercury mostly close to each other and in this
situation, if Venus is also placed in 9th house, results of Mercury will further improve.


Capricorn moves to 4th house and cancer occupies 10th house. It was explained
earlier while delineating 4th house that this exchange of signs may work in two
extremes for Libran native. Moon is not desired at work place in general. Librans
normally work with high dedication and get emotionally involved with their work. Their
business Customers will be very happy from them and they trust them with close
eyes. But when Moon is afflicted, it may create totally adverse situation for them.
Jupiter exalts in 10th house of Librans which is clear indicative that Librans will be
known for their good work they do in their life especially at work place. It confirms
their generous and kind nature at work place. Librans are very helpful and supportive
and go out of their limits to look after their business clients. In case if Jupiter is
actually posited in 1Oth house, it will make Libran native very popular in his
professional field due to at par excellent intellect. I apologize for delineating actual
placement of a planet as we are only delineating ascendant and its natural relation
with other planets and houses.

As Jupiter rules two malefic houses, 3rd and 6th house, Libran natives may have to
work very hard to make their fortunes which may result in health problems. There is
possibility of disputes which may be resolved amicably through negotiations.

Debilitation of Mars at 10th house is further indicative of involvement of Libran native

(themselves) as spoiler of professional life as discussed earlier. But as Mars rules
2nd and 7th house, the malefic effects may be felt due to outspoken nature or
because of spouse. Also, Librans tend to spoil their hard earned money for the want
of establishing self-business enterprise.


Aquarius shifts to Sth house and Leo exchanges for 11th house. It is considered
auspicious for significations of 11th house. We know, Libra is a sign of natural 7th
house. Libra sign can be explained as the sign of worldly pleasures and all kinds of
material happiness but Sun operates conversely. Although, Sun is a natural
significator of king and Aishwarya (status of being occupation of all facilities in his
kingdom) but please note that Sun is also significator planet of Dharma (religion and
righteousness) and does not support all four types of desires. Also, it is probably only
Sun who can stop Librans to get carried away in this world of illusion and hence act
as bhadhaka (obstructing) planet for the long term benefit of Libran native. Sun may
not really help to fulfill desires especially related to (Kaama) worldly pleasures of
native. Aspect or association of Strong Jupiter with Sun may considerably alter the
hard heartedness of Sun resulting into better results. As Leo occupies 11th house,
Librans are advised to go for early progeny if they are facing any problems in meeting
their goals. Librans are requested to remember that their 5th house lord also exalts in
ascendant; another motivation for early progeny.


Pisces shifts to 6th house and Virgo occupies 12th house which is considered
auspicious in general. Librans will boldly take loans to meet their expenditures and
slowly acquire all their needs. As it makes relation of 9th and 12th house, through
Mercury, Librans are good in account management and expense control. They may
face multiple loss of fortune at different phases of live but they recover nicely out of it.
Their secret enemies certainly obstruct their building fortunes and Librans are
seriously warned of avoiding direct conflicts. We had discussed earlier at the time of
discussing ascendant that Venus exalts in 6th house, the house of disputes and

We always give high importance to exaltation and debilitation point of ascendant. As

Venus debilitates at 12th house, Librans are suggested not to move away from their
birth place or at least their country. It was mentioned earlier also that Saturn also will
not support this move of quitting maternal place. Librans can have the benefit of
exaltation of their 9th house in 12th house as long as they themselves do not settle
down abroad.

If Saturn dasha operates, it is strictly advised not to leave the home town. But for
strong Mercury dasha operating, it may be predicted to choose for outside settlement
for longer duration if 12th house of rashi chart as well as Navmansha chart is strong;
certainly with stronger ascendants of both Rashi and Navmansha chart.

By now we have understood that 8th house is the most malefic house of a horoscope
and shift of Scorpio sign to any house is considered inauspicious. Many modern
astrologers consider 8th house as benefic house also as unearned wealth comes to
us through this house. This is optimistic approach to look at the brighter side of
picture. But it is clearly pointed out not to get carried away with such statements. Its
positive aspects are in fact illusions and the bottom line is mostly negative. I have no
hesitation in mentioning that people who have thoroughly understood karma theory will
for sure delineate this house as malefic house in its long term results. There is nothing
called unearned in this world. All of us have to earn our daily bread and They Say,
"There is no free lunch." The basic concept of karma theory is that whatever we get
at 11th house is through 1Oth house, the house of karma. In this case an expected
question arises what for 8th house is in a horoscope? 8th house actually does not
represent unearned wealth and I would request all my learned readers to call this
house as house of benefits without efforts of current life. Let's discuss it out in detail.

While we live, we do multiple karmas. Sometimes we help people with personal

interests at back of our mind but sometimes you help without expectation of any
benefit out of that karma. Such karmas are considered as the most auspicious
karmas and make positive side of your fortunes. If we hurt someone by mistake
without any malefic intentions, it does not make fixed destiny as karma fhala. Such
karma fhala are changeable and are not represented by 8th house. If you hurt
somebody with intentions and planning, you are making fixed destiny, and the
negative aspect of 8th house.

If you do lot of charities without expectation of any personal gains, you are making
positive side of your 8th house. If somebody cheats you and takes away your wealth
in current birth, it may be either totally or partly out of karma fhala of previous birth. If
not, you are destined to get back that wealth in multiplication (not addition) in this birth
or next births through 8th house. As you know, the axis of each house is very
important. 8th house is at 2nd house axis so has clear connection with wealth. But 8th
house is called as secret house and it also rules secret organs. It is never
recommended to reveal your wealth details in public as you may become part of hit
list of terrorist or may be forced to part your money to safeguard your life.

8th house significations are mostly illusive and it rules that aspect of life which we fail
to understand. When we ask ourselves why such thing happened to me, I do not
understand; this is 8th house signification. The mysteries of life are governed by 8th
house only. We see through our eyes and our eyes are ruled by 2nd and 12th house.
But 6th and 8th house rules confusions and illusions of our eyes. It is not always true
what we see or hear. A magician proves it in front of our eyes and this magic is also
ruled by 8th house only. In many ideologies, 8th house rules black magic. Many
people do not believe in spirits and black magic as they have not tried to understand
what it is. My learned readers believe in Astrology but there are many people around
us who consider it as baseless. I would like to share my quote with my dear readers
which I wrote for such people:

Intellectuals are those who accept or reject anything of this beautiful world
after getting into the subject. Others carry their mental blocks throughout the
life and their mental blocks end at cremation ground only.

If a blind person says that there is no color other than black in this world, we can
appreciate his limitations. But same statement from healthy person will not be
accepted by masses. That blind person will be able to see all colors if he wishes to
see them. If he continues to live with his perception, no one can help him under this
Sun. Similarly, As Human being, we can see only VIBGYOR as seven colors ruled by
7 planets of this Universe from. In general, if any of us state that there are only 7
colors no one will take such statement very seriously as he may not be a Science
student. But, the fact is on the other side; there are two more colors beyond Violet and
Red. Beyond Violet it is Ultra violet ruled by Rahu or Dragon's Head and Infra-Red
ruled by Ketu or Dragon's Tail

Many Western Astrologers do not take these two planets into consideration as they
do not exist as visible mass. But, my request is to appreciate a simple fact that human
eyes cannot see everything of this Universe. We use equipment and instruments to
see what we had not seen earlier through eyes. In older ages, when the equipment
did not exist, people used to see it through insight. There is far more life we can
imagine beyond we can see. There is a very long life after death and it may carry for
thousands of years without re-birth. Our subtle body exists with the soul even after
death of physical body and they are ruled by Rahu and Ketu. Divine souls are ruled
by Ketu and malefic ones are ruled by Rahu. We cannot see them with our eyes but
they exist and interfere in our lives. You can also see them; feel them provided we
make efforts for the same.

I would be taking up this subject in detail at SD class. Let's come back to our subject
of 8th house.

8thhouse lord when moves to another malefic house (6/12), it is called as Vipreet
Rajyoga (Rajyoga of opposite nature). It is considered as opposite yoga as the
benefic results are obtained from malefic planet by its position in malefic house.

Exaltation of 8th house although promises longevity, if ascendant is strong, but

classical texts does not ap~reciate its exaltation as it makes the native a malefic
character. For example, if at lord in cancer ascendant is exalted in 4th house, native
may be popular in masses but he may run away with millions of rupees of public after
people start believing in him. An exalted Venus in Pisoes ascendant makes the native
cheat people very smartly and secretly. People will not come to know about their
intentions until cheated. And very surprisingly, people will not be able to do any harm
of the native as there is exalted benefic planet like Venus in ascendant. Such situation
may not be avoidable until Jupiter is strong and exalted in rashi chart or Navmansha
and is not under malefic influence.

As Scorpio rules over obstructions, problems, sudden effects, downfalls, mental

aberrations etc. a Scorpio native, unfortunately, live a difficult life. They face the
maximum hurdles of life if compared with other 11 ascendants in general. They are
highly prone to black magic especially if Mars is weak in horoscope and Rahu and
Saturn afflict Moon. This is the debilitation house of our mind i.e. Moon so Scorpio
natives will always have special consideration about themselves. They are always
worried about their future and live with consistent mental unrest. If you have any
friend of Scorpio ascendant with weak Moon and Mars, please forgive him for detailing
all lot of problems as this is his basic nature. You can see tears flowing like a running
tap when they narrate their stories.

Moon as 4th lord debilitates in ascendant hence clearly indicates the kind of help and
support they may get from father. Sun as significator of father also exalts in 6th house,
another undesired condition related to father. Scorpio people suffer on account of
failures in making their destiny better; and they take every failure emotionally and
carry all past feelings throughout the life.

We are not taking exaltation or debilitation of Rahu and Ketu into our discussions as
Maha Rishis have not suggested any signs for the two planets. Maha Rishi Parasharji
has not assigned any signs to the two planets but He mentions about the Dasha
results of two planets in different. As we know, Rahu and Ketu behave like the
dispositor planet. Rahu and Ketu give different results in 12 signs. Maha Rishi has
mentioned about those results and has also mentioned that these two planets will give
result like a planet in exaltation sign in a specific sign. Please note that it is not
mentioned that such and such sign is the exaltation sign of the two planets.

As Rahu and Ketu operate secretly and we are discussing about a secret house. As
special case, I am taking placement of Ketu in Scorpio ascendant as auspicious. Ketu
is natural s ignificator of 8th house for War or war like situations of life. Ketu gives good
results in Scorpio sign and Maha Rishi Parasharji mentions that Ketu gives result like
an exaltation planet in this sign.

The best position of Ketu is ascendant if native wants top positions in life. As Mars
exalts in 3'd house, Scorpio natives carry capacity to work very hard and face tough
situations of life. If Mars is not afflicted in 3'd house and Jupiter aspects ascendant,
they can become the top soldiers of this world. They have the capacity to change
they total outcome of a war. They are seen struggling in life but they suddenly rise in
life and finally become head of some Army squad. In strong position of Mars with
affliction of Saturn, they may also become the most wanted terrorist in this

As Scorpio is most malefic sign, Scorpio natives are advised not to join any
profession having risk of life without consulting with an Astrologer. A weak Mars may
give very early death in war or such professions. Position or aspect of strong Jupiter
is always desired to ascendant for reduction of obstacles. Moon with Jupiter will
certainly make a different life for Scorpio native and they live happily.

As we had mentioned earlier, Scorpio gives sudden results and it could be either
extremely good or extremely. Such sudden results are unlike natural results and give
extreme happiness or big shock to the native. And it is well saying that excess of
everything is bad.

The Aries sign moves to 6 1h house which is another negative indication. Like Taurus
ascendant, Scorpio natives are also subject to various problems related to 6th house.
Classical texts clear off ascendant lord from the malefic lordship of 81h house but there
is no clearance mentioned for 6th house.

The delineation for this factor is quite similar to Taurus asoendant exoept that it is
more malefic for Scorpio native himself as natural asoendant Aries sign has shifted to
6th house. For Taurus natives, it was Libra sign, the sign of spouse. As a positive
factor, as mentioned above, Scorpio natives can prove to be good fighters due to this
shift .

.II House

Taurus shifts to yth house, the house of spouse and Sagittarius occupies 2nd house.
Scorpio natives tend to depend more on their spouse for financial gains and their
fortune also rise after marriage. This factor is supported by exaltation of Moon in yth
house. 2nd house as occupied by a trine sign indicates support from destiny for 2nd
house significations. As Jupiter rules 5th house also, their financial situations further
improve after birth of child, especially male child. They can make good money from
professions connected to 5th house like administration, advisory, ambassador, any
intellectual work etc. As Venus, 2nd lord, exalts in 5th house, there is far stronger
promise of monetary gains through 5th house.

Ill House

Gemini shifts to 8th house and Capricorn occupies 3'd house. Gemini rules our friends
we make at teen age. We may carry forward friendships with few of friends for longer
periods; few get lost with time and few become our enemy, again ruled by Mercury
but Virgo sign. Gemini indicates our courage, capacity to work long hours and our
talents & skills.

Shift of Gemini to 8th house will certainly damage all significations of 3'd house
especially if Mercury is afflicted. Scorpio native may not be able to really use their
natural talents and skills which they wanted to use for development of their profession
due to un-understandable reasons. Capricorn though is the sign of strongest Kendra
but ruled by Saturn. Its position in 3'd house is not auspicious for 3'd house

Mars as ascendant lord exalts in this house indicating native interests in 3'd house.
This is indicative of native's capacity to work hard and aggressively. As 6th lord, it
indicates serious disputes with younger brother resulting to financial and property
loss. This factor is strengthened by the fact that 2nd lord Jupiter debilitates in 3'd
house. The dispute will be mostly related to parental property as Scorpio sign falls in
ascendant itself. And to further support this matter:

8th house is the house for parental wealth. Mercury owns sth house as well as 11th
house. As you know, Virgo is natural sign of disputes and it falls in the house of gains.
Another sign of Mercury, Gemini falls in 8th house. These factors indicate clear
connection for Scorpio natives.

We can appreciate an important point here that all the above delineation is made
without any planetary position but still we are able to pick up such important areas of
life of each ascendant. Without understanding the basic inherent strengths and
weaknesses, it will be very difficult to predict. This is the reason, more than 80%
people who learn Astrology can not predict. We humbly request our readers to please
thoroughly understand the basic promise of each ascendant before attempting


Sagittarius moves to 2nd house and cancer occupies gth house. Shift of Sagittarius to
2nd house is acceptable but placement of Cancer sign at gth house is not considered
good although cancer rules the natural 4th Zodiac. As we know, Jupiter rules the
Zodiac gth house and Jupiter exalts in Cancer sign. For Scorpio natives, Jupiter exalts
in gth house only which can be considered auspicious for the significations of gth
house. But it is requested to always keep in mind that gth lord of Scorpio natives
debilitates in ascendant and ascendant lord debilitates in gth house; the most negative
point of the Scorpio ascendant. As a nature of Moon, there will be lot of ups and
downs in natives' fortune resulting into serious mental worries. As it was mentioned
earlier, strength of Mars and Jupiter is very important for all Scorpio natives to make
their lives pass through smoothly. If either of them is found weak in horoscope,
Scorpio natives will have troublesome life.

Jupiter as 2nd lord exalts in gth house of Scorpio natives indicates improvement in
financial status of Father after the birth of native. Also, Scorpio natives are very lucky
to get earning resources. As 5th lord Jupiter, it indicates highly auspicious results for
Scorpio natives after birth of first child especially female child.

Leo occupies 1Oth house and Capricorn rnoves to 3'd house. Scorpio natives believe
in controlling their work themselves even after assigning a work to others. They love
to prove their capabilities and talents by practical examples and not through stories.
They want to dominate the workplace and rnake rnany enemies on that account.

Please note that:

a) 1Oth lord Sun debilitates in 1ih house

b) 2"d lord Jupiter debilitates in 3'd house
c) Saturn as 3'd lord and natural 1oth lord exalts in 12th house

It indicates losses, rather heavy losses on account of business investments but

they do not quit easily. They rnake new investments and again face losses. After
they are fed up, they finally take help of sorne Saints or Astrologers to
understand the mystery of business losses.

Placement of Jupiter in 1oth house gives very good results in professional aspects. If
sun and Jupiter both are place in 1oth house, and Saturn also rnakes relationship, it
promises highly respectable government Job with facility of government house and
vehicle. A strong Venus connection ensures rnany Vehicles.


It was mentioned while delineating 8th house about connection of 8th and 11th house.
Apart frorn that we can appreciate that Aquarius sign falls in 4th house and Virgo
occupies 11th house. This is clear relation of gains and earnings through Education.
Scorpio natives have for sure, strong tendency to becorne rnaster of speculation in
share rnarket if Mercury and Jupiter rnakes relation and are strong.

If similar promise is seen frorn Moon chart, they certainly becorne the king of the
share rnarket or head of any speculative business.

Pisces occupies 5th house and Libra takes 12th house. The losses faced by Scorpio
natives are from the strong and mostly unchangeable destiny from previous birth.

Saturn as 4th lord exalts in 12th house indicates heavy expense on account of
purchasing a house away from birth place through self-earned money. It also
indicates (sacrifice) loss of property, especially parental property. Native will be
attracted towards foreign resources for professional aspects but normally fail
resulting into financial loss.

Aries sign shifts to 5th house and Sagittarius occupies first house. This is an
auspicious shift in ascendant as the most benefic gth house sign occupies

As we all know that Jupiter is known as the planet of intellect and wisdom. We can
appreciate simple reason that Aries sign has moved to 5th house, the house of
intellect. As Sagittarius rules knowledge about classical texts (Shastra and Vedas),
spiritual knowledge, Astrology and any useful knowledge which a person takes up
after some time of completing routine education related to Mercury.

Without any doubt, we can mention that people with Sagittarius ascendant are the
people of intellectual class. It is not predicted that all Sagittarius native will be spiritual.
As Sagittarius is a dual sign, it carries many other significations also. A materialist
Sagittarius native will be highly ambitious and they know how to manage their fortune
in this material world .


Shift of Taurus to 6th house and occupation of a moveable sign Capricorn (ruled by
Saturn) is inauspicious for the 2nd house. Although Capricorn is a trine sign of 2nd
house and also the sign of the strongest quadrant, still it is not welcomed in 2nd house.

A moveable sign and moreover ruled by Saturn gives poor results from 2nd house. As
ascendant lord Jupiter also debilitates in this house, 2nd house becomes the house of
scrutiny for us. As we know, 2nd house is a very important house for any native as it
rules our bank balance and eating pleasures. There is clear indication of weak 2nd
house for Sagittarius native especially if Jupiter is found stronger than Mars in natal
chart. The reason for this prediction is because Mars also rules over the native and
Mars exalt in 2nd house only.

We can appreciate a simple fact that all 12 ascendant lord debilitate in a house; and
that is the weak area of each native. For example, Mars debilitates in 4th house in
Aries ascendant so we can easily predict that Aries native will have ordinary or little
mental happiness and simple relations with Mother. Similarly, for Scorpio ascendant,
Mars debilitates in gth house indicating ordinary fortune and poor relations with Father.
Please remember that a natural malefic planet first destroys the physical and mental
happiness and relationships from living people. A debilitated Mars in 4th house may not
destroy properties but it is certain that native will have mental unrest and possible
diseases related to 4th house.

Venus in Taurus Ascendant debilitates in 5th house; Libra, it debilitates in 12th house.

In cancer ascendant, Moon debilitates in 5th house.

In Gemini and Virgo, Mercury debilitates in 101h house & y!h house respectively.

Saturn: debilitates in ascendant moving 4 places 10th house and 3 places from 11th
house. 4 represent mental happiness and 3 represents involvement of self. 1oth
house is house of profession and 11th rules our gains and income. Please
interconnect the two factors and you will appreciate why people are afraid of Saturn
and how Saturn gives its malefic results. Saturn is significator of downfall and
mistakes. Saturn Spoils the social status of native as it debilitates in ascendant.
Saturn rules signs opposite to 4th and 5th house. Native under influence of malefic
Saturn faces failure of intellect and total loss of mental happiness. Native undergoes
depression and starts living lonely. This primarily happens because native faces
serious problems in job I business I financial matters and he completely fails to solve
those problems. The frustration level increases every day resulting in addiction to
sleeping drugs or alcohol.

While discussing about malefic effects of Saturn, we would certainly like to highlights
its positive aspects. There is no substitute of Saturn when it comes to practical
experience. Jupiter may be the most intellectual and a planet of wisdom but when it
comes to 10th house significations, Jupiter debilitates in 10th house as he has little
practical experience. Please remember that Jupiter exalts in 4th house, the house of
Moon and mental activities. It is not predicted here that Jupiter has no idea about
practical implementation but it is said that Jupiter cannot implement the knowledge
himself. So, we cannot rule out the importance of any planet or its significations and
we just need to appreciate positive and negative aspects of every planet.

Sun exalts in 1st house as 5th lord, the house of intellect, so born intellectual to lead.
But Saturn is not born to become a head or chairperson as it debilitates in ascendant.
But as Saturn exalts in y!h house as 10th lord, we can expect a saturnine native to
attain narne and fame after he has achieved enough practical experience and it
happens only after middle age.

All of us will agree that normal human being would never like to spoil his own finance.
Jupiter no doubt is a planet of intellect and wisdom so we cannot expect Jupiter to
spoil his own 2nd house due to foolish decisions. Please remember that Jupiter is lord
of 12th house, the house of loss. Jupiter is very kind at heart and he can spoil his own
house normally in one condition; by becoming over kind to mankind. He forgets about
his own needs and position while distributing help to people. This is the weak and
emotional area of Jupiter which leads to destruction of his 2nd house. This factor is
fully supported by the fact that Jupiter exalts in 4th house, the house of Moon.
Exaltation of Mars in 2"d house as 12th lord immediately justifies what we had
mentioned above about Jupiter. But as 5th lord, it clearly indicates earnings through
mental work. A Jupiter native will show his intellect not through his writings like
Mercury but it will be expressed mostly orally with lot of authority and aggression.


Aquarius occupies 3'd house and Gemini shifts to ih house. Aquarius indicates gains
so Jupiter natives are highly skilled and talented and lucky to have younger siblings I
employees I servants I neighbors I social circle to support them all round. Gemini falls
in ih house, the house of exercising and enjoyment of worldly pleasures. So
Sagittarius people will not only have all the benefits of 3'd house but they will
completely utilize all significations of 3'd house. An Aquarius sign in any house
normally gives positive results of that house.


Cancer moves to gth house and Pisces occupies 4th house. Shift of Cancer sign, the
exaltation sign of ascendant lord Jupiter indicates presence of mind in tough
situations. Sagittarius native are not afraid of difficult situations and they come out
winners in adversity. gth house rules secret and sacred knowledge, so Sagittarius
native would know the hidden aspects of 4.8.12 houses.

Shift of Pisces to 4th house is indicative of loss of significations of 4th house but as it is
ruled by the ascendant lord Jupiter himself, Sagittarius natives themselves sacrifice
their happiness for others. They are found to go beyond their limits to help people
ending up in serious troubles. But unfortunately for them and fortunately for people,
they continue helping people till they are alive. We had mentioned earlier that no
exalted planet is welcomed in 81h house. But in the case of Sagittarius ascendant,
Jupiter exalts as ascendant lord and 4th lord (the house of public and masses).

Venus as 11th lord and 6th lord exalts in 4th house. We can expect plenty of females
getting attracted towards Sagittarius native but the native would prefer to choose one
of them because of his noble character. Rest of them will become their enemies for
life. As 11th lord, it promises gains through less practical work and managing work
from home.

Leo shifts to gth house and Aries occupies 5th house. This is an auspicious move from
both sides for Sagittarius native.

Sun as gth lord exalts in 5th house which is highly auspicious for intellect and wisdom
but is a very bad yoga for material results. This is a Dosha (defect) referred as Kona-
Adhipati Dosha (a Defect which arises when a malefic trine lord is posited in trine
house alone and is strong). This yoga is mentioned in few classical texts but is not
taken from Prashara Hora Shastra. Although this yoga is not found in Maha Rishi
Prashara Hora Shastra but we have mentioned the same after testing on many

Saturn Debilitates in 5th house as lord of 2nd and 3'd house. We had earlier mentioned
about Sagittarius native spoiling signification of 2nd house. It is further confirmed by
debilitation of Saturn in 5th house as 2nd and 3'd lord. 2nd house is finance, 3'd house is
self or self-efforts and 5th house connects our intellect with it. It signifies that the native
may be himself responsible for his losses.


Taurus occupies 6th house and Virgo moves to 10th house. Occupation of Taurus in
sixth house is indicative of monetary gains through money lending business
preferably managed from home side only. It may also indicate earnings through
business of providing man-power or employees to companies. Shift of Virgo also
indicates link of profession to 6th house significations.

Moon exalts in 6th house as 8th lord. As we had seen earlier that Cancer sign had
shifted to 81h house which is not auspicious for happiness from Mother. An exalted
planet in 6th house indicates strong enemies who can cause serious obstructions (as
8th lord) to native's progress. It is predicted here that native's own mother I mother-in-
law may be his enemy or native may face enmity from other ladies. Such enmity may
arise due to circumstantial reasons or through a misunderstanding and it will exist
long without any serious or understandable reason.


Gemini occupies yth house and Libra moves to 11th house. For sex and marriage life,
it is considered auspicious but shift of Libra to 11th house increases the urge of having
sex with partner at demand. A dual sign at yth house or a yth lord in dual sign promotes
multiple relations. It is must in such situations that native should be of noble character.
An afflicted Jupiter under influence with Mercury and Venus may make the native a
loose character. A weak Sagittarius will spoil all his money for show-cause and on
extra marital partners.
VIM House

Cancer sign occupies 8th house and Scorpio moves to 12th house. It forms clear
relation of 8th house significations with mother, birthplace etc. Native may inherit
wealth from mother but there is fair possibility of expenditure of wealth as 8th lord
debilitates in 12th house and 12th sign Pisoes occupies 4th house.

This is the only ascendant where ascendant lord exalts in 8th house. Ask any native if
he would be even interested to take the challenges of 8th house; nobody does.
Sagittarius natives not only enter into 8th house but also get exalted. 8th house is the
house of bad habits' and bad social contacts. They are the people for sure who can
live in adverse environment without getting affected by it. They are the people who
knows secrets and they do well if enter into research activities. As Jupiter is
Significator of religion and 8th house is the secrets, Sagittarius people may know the
secrets of religion and worship. The debilitation in 2nd house somehow prevents them
to speak and share with others in public.

Of course, they love to live long and maintain themselves as healthy as possible.
They are the people who mostly inherit highest parental wealth among their brothers
and sisters.

Shift of scorpio sign, a malefic house sign to 12th is certainly acceptable and is
considered auspicious and vipreet yoga.

Mars debilitation in 8th house indicates less possibility of inherited wealth in the form of
property. Sagittarius natives, though knowledgeable, will find it difficult for them to
bravely physically act. Rather they would love to guide others, vocally, take their help
and get out of the problem. Mars debilitation as 5th lord in 8th house also indicates
bad period for children after the death of native .

.IX House

For Sagittarius natives, the shift of signs is auspicious for all three houses of trines.
But we can easily differentiate the change of effects of planets to the ascendant. If
Saturn afflicts the native for Aries ascendant, in case of Sagittarius natives Saturn
afflicts the children, higher education, and intellect of Sagittarius natives. We need to
remember that Saturn as significator of Karma will have different impact for three
different trines. As such, there is dis-liking for all three fiery signs, but it decreases
from Aries to Leo and Leo to Sagittarius.

Sagittarius natives are born lucky and their destiny is very well guided by their
fathers. If Sun is placed in Kendras, it is for sure that Sagittarius natives will get the
best help from father. Sun in trine in this case may be the cause of concern and
obstruct native's material growth even if exalted in 5th house. Yes, please do not get
surprised or confused as we are talking about only material success here.

None of the planet exalts or debilitates here so native make their destiny themself but
under guarded support from parents and elders.

X House

We always stop at 10th house in any chart as it is the most important one for
scrutinizing native's professional status. Capricorn sign has moved to 2nd house, a
neutral move. This connects native professional status because of his oral
capabilities. Sagittarius natives are convincing in their talks and can easily convince
through their intellect (5th lord exaltation). As there is involvement of Mars also, it
clearly indicates some amount of force being put in their conversation. But as a 5th
lord, it brings in intellectual conversation. You can feel the same when you interact
with a Jupiter influenced native.

Virgo sign in 10th house is a cause of concern. Sagittarius native may have plenty of
enemies and mind you strong enemies (1Oth house) at work place. Many people will
feel jealous of them as they rarely find answer to their logics.

As we know, Virgo denotes commerce, banking, loans, law, police, courts etc.
Sagittarius native may be involved in such professions. If we look into few factors

1) Mereu ry rules 1Oth house

2) Capricorn moves to 2nd house

3) Ascendant lord is Jupiter, the planet of intellect

4) Mars as 5th lord (house of intellect, higher education, advisor etc.) exalts in 2nd
house, the house of oral communication skills and money

It's fairly possible Sagittarius people may have connection of their profession with
intellectual services, oral skills, teaching, advising etc. Sagittarius itself is the sign of
Judiciary so legal services like lawyer, magistrate are expected. As their Leo sign is
in 9th house they are strict and fair in their decisions.

Exaltation of Mercury in 1Oth house again confirms the involvement of Mercury in their
profession. Debilitation of Venus in 10th lord as significator of spouse and sexual
comforts indicates negligent behavior towards wife due to professional work loads. If
they ask their wives, 7th lord Mercury to join their profession, 10th house, the
explanation of 7th house, it will certainly improve their relation and will be beneficial for
business growth.

Venus as significator of wealth debilitates in 10th house indicating plenty of investment

and expenditure in business enterprise. Venus as 11th lord indicates some difference
of opinion with elders regarding professional selection. Elders may not like their
professional status or decisions. They should avoid involving their elder sister in their
professional area. We should not forget here that 11th lord itself is the 6th lord, the
house of enemy.

Sagittarius natives are finally benefited out of the loans, disputes etc. and this is the
most satisfying thing they expect out of it.

XI House

Capricorn in 3rd house indicates gains through younger siblings and self-efforts. Libra
in 11th is positive sign as the lord is ruled by Venus. Their desires are fulfilled easily
and well supported by spouse. Exaltation of 2nd lord in 11th is although good but
indicates slow and late results after the age of 30. Debilitation of 9th lord in 11th
indicates low gains from father due to some ego clashes.

XII house

Pisces moving to 4th is good for luxuries and comforts and it may result in excessive
expenses for emotional satisfaction. Scorpio in 12th house indicates undesired results
from foreign assignments. It shows some secret investments for children and their
long term future. Debilitation of 8th lord in 12th indicates loss of inheritance through


Aries shifts to the strongest quadrant, tenth house and Capricorn cornes to
ascendant. As the tenth house is the house of material success, professional
achievements, (karma) deeds etc. it rnakes the Capricorn natives highly possessive
for professional success in life. For thern, nothing is rnore important than the
professional status and respect. Capricorn ascendant is the exaltation house of Mars,
as tenth lord, further confirms the importance of professional life for thern. Ascendant
lord Saturn and Mars both as natural rnalefics rnake Capricorn natives selfish in their
general nature. As Mars is the significator of Ego, it rnakes Capricorn natives little
arrogant and egoistic.

As we know, fourth house is the house of rnental happiness, property, friends etc.
and eleventh house is the house of fulfillment of desires, gains, elder brother etc.
Mars being fourth & eleventh lord and significator of property exalts in Capricorn i.e.
ascendant of the native. It is the positive indication for acquiring property and having
gains frorn property. Capricorn natives will be happy to invest in property so over
period of years they rnay have rnore than one property. As we know rnalefic planets
provides happiness frorn material products hence Mars as natural rnalefic provides
rnental happiness frorn non-life things and does not prornise happiness frorn rnother,
friends or relatives. We should not conclude here that Capricorn natives rnay be
deprived of happiness frorn rnother. But prornise of gains, property frorn rnother or
friends or elder brother is certainly there.

A natural benefic and significator of happiness frorn relatives & friends and respect,
Jupiter debilitates in Capricorn ascendant. It indicates lack of wisdorn in Capricorn
natives. But it does not take intelligence away frorn thern. Jupiter as 1ih lord
indicates lack of 1ih house significations like bed pleasures, luxuries etc.

As third lord debilitates in ascendant, it indicates average talents, skills and efforts.
Mars as natural significator of younger brother exalts in ascendant but Jupiter as third
lord debilitates. As significator is always rnore important than the lord, it does not
deprives the native frorn younger brother.

Overall, Capricorn natives rnay get a seat of position or authority but unfortunately
they rnay not be respected by their professional colleagues.

II House
Taurus shifts to auspicious fifth house, the house of progeny, intellect etc. and a trine
house; and Aquarius, another auspicious sign as far material growth is concerned,
shifts to second house. Aquarius being a fixed sign and sign of eleventh house further
promises cash rich situation for the natives. They may be more inclined to do so for
their children as long term investments. Taurus sign is owned by Venus, significator
of elder daughter. So, after the birth of the child, especially elder daughter, more
property gains are achieved. No planet exalts in this house but all benefic planets give
good results in this house.

Ill House

Gemini shifts to sixth house and Pisces comes to third house. It is overall fairly
acceptable shift considering 3/6/12 house significations. Pisces in 3'd house signifies
some losses due to third house significations.

As we know Venus is the most benefic planet for Capricorn ascendants being lord of
quadrants (10th) and trine(51h). Venus exalts in third house. Capricorn natives will be
self-made man and they will themselves make financial assets and professional
status to meet their expectations. Fifth lord house rules Mantra Shakti (mantra means
the divine sentence being formed using divine words like OM and shakti means
power). As Venus exalts in third house, Capricorn natives will develop this power over
period of time if they get regular obstructions in development of their career.

Mercury debilitates in third house as lord of 6th and gth house. Third house rules our
own employees, debt, disease, enemies etc. Ninth house rules our seniors, destiny
higher education etc. Mercury rules intellect.

If Capricorn natives take up employment instead of business, they make better

professional career.

They may get little appreciation from senior colleagues about their skills and talents. It
also indicates some problems in career growth due to lack of the same. It is
suggested to take advice from seniors to avoid making wrong decisions.

Their enemies will create obstructions in their career growth targeting their
professional skills and natural talents. Some disputes are also expected from younger

IV House

Aries shift to fourth house and Cancer shifts to seventh house. It is auspicious but
Ascendant lord Saturn debilitates in fourth house. As mentioned earlier, for every
ascendant, houses of exaltation and debilitation of ascendant lord are very important
to delineate. Fourth house is the house of our mental happiness and the house of
contentment. Jupiter is signification of mental happiness and Jupiter also debilitates in
ascendant. This clearly indicates poor level of mental happiness and emotional
satisfaction. Capricorn native may be careless about their homes they may be
deprived of fourth house life significations.

Sun as eighth lord exalts in fourth which is another factor spoiling life significations of
this house. As per Maharishi Parashar, Sun and Moon are free from ill effects of eight
house lord-ship. But, eight lord positions is certainly bad for any house while
predicting life significations

V House

Shift of Leo to eighth house is inauspicious especially for progeny, administration

abilities, higher studies etc. But research based higher studies may not be affected
due to Leo shifting to eighth house. Shift of Taurus to fifth house compensates to
some extent and female progeny is not affected. Sun being signification of male child,
we can predict no or late male child.

No planet debilitates here but Moon as seventh lord exalts in fifth house. It indicates
possibility of love marriage and benefic results after marriage. The spouse of
Capricorn natives will look for early child & will be happy to get a daughter.


Gemini sign occupies sixth house and Virgo moves to ninth house. As sixth house
rules debts, disease, enemies, sins, tensions etc. presence of Gemini sign in 6th
house indicates enmity with neighbors or self-generated enemies. Shift of Virgo to
ninth house is not at all good and indicates disturbed relationship with father and
problems in professional career. It is further confirmed by the fact that Mercury as
ninth lord rules 6th house also hence it carries six house syndications along with it.

VII House

Libra moves to 1Oth house and Cancer occupies seventh house. We can accept this
shift to greater extent as positive. Capricorn natives may find their spouse at their
work place. As Venus is Yogakarka planet for these natives, we can experience far
better professional growth after marriage or after natives makes sexual relationship
with consent of the partner.

Jupiter exalts in seventh house as lord of 12th & 3'd house. It promises good respect
for their spouse and greater satisfaction from sexual life.

Mars debilitates in seventh house as natural malefic as well lord of malefic eleventh
house. Capricorn natives may get little emotional happiness from their spouse but
they should not neglect their married partner to have stable married life.

VIM House

Scorpio moves to 11th house and Leo occupies 81h. Eighth house is the house of
longevity, pit, sudden obstructions, major problems of life, breaks, chronic diseases,
illusions, occult etc. Leo being a trine sign is not considered bad for the house as well
shift of Scorpio to eleventh house is considered good for longevity. Capricorn natives
will finally be benefited after facing serious problems in life. Sudden gains are also

No planet exalts or debilitates in this house.

IX House

Virgo is certainly not good for ninth house and Sagittarius also moved to 1ih house.
This shift indicates either disturbed relationship with father or diseased father.
Capricorn natives may have live away from their father or loss of father is indicated in
early thirties.

Also, they will have to really strive hard for their career growth and to reach any

Mercury himself exalts in this house and Venus debilitates in ninth house. There is no
serious concern for Venus but Mercury's exaltation in gth house again confirms either
dispute with father or diseased father. Disputes may be related to choice of education.

X House

Shift of Libra to tenth house and Capricorn to ascendant is good and positive shift.
Ascendant lord Saturn exalts in this house which indicates positive results for this
house. Sun debilitates in this house as 8th lord. We can expect obstacles and
problems at initial stages and especially till the age of 22 years.

XI House

Aquarius shifts to second house and Scorpio occupies eleventh house. Capricorn
natives will know their own trick and means to make gains and accumulate wealth for
themselves and their family. But they should be cautious while indulging into gains
from unethical sources or lottery or shares. There could be serious problems
especially to government employees if they indulge themselves in taking bribes.

Moon debilitates in this house as seventh lord. As mentioned earlier, Capricorn

natives are really possessive for money and money makes them smile. But, such
happiness is not expected from maternal or spouse side.

XII House

Pisces shift to third house and Sagittarius shifts to 1ih house. Although both sign
belong to Jupiter but later being fiery gives less benefic results for 12th house
especially bed pleasure. But overall, we can expect sexual satisfaction considering
other factors of this ascendant. Capricorn natives would know how and where to

No planet exalts or debilitates in this house.




Aries shift to third house and Aquarius occupies ascendant. It indicates that Aquarius
native are born lucky and their desires will be fulfilled with little efforts. In general, all
planets give good results in this sign for material growth. They will have elder brothers
or sister from they would get gains at different ages of life.

No planet exalts or debilitates in this sign.

II House

Pisoes shift to second house and Taurus moves to fourth house. Pisoes being the
sign of house of expenditure is not considered good in the second house. Especially
when Saturn himself, the lord of ascendant owns 12th house, the house of
expenditure. But shift of Taurus to fourth house is good and exaltation of Venus in
second house is also good for second house in terms of gaining ancestral wealth and
property. It is suggested to Aquarius natives to divert their savings or surplus cash
into fix savings to reduce expenses
Exaltation of Venus in second house as 4th and 9th lord promises good financial
support from parents. Also, Aquarius natives will have good earnings from their jobs
or business.

Mercury debilitates in second house as fifth and eighth lord. Aquarius native may
suffer on account of wealth prospects through children especially daughter. They
may lose wealth on account of trading habits. Their children may struggle for
betterment in professional life especially if involved in own business.

Ill House

Gemini shifts to 5th house and Aries occupies third house. This shift makes the native
talented and skillful and they improve with the age especially after 33 years. They will
be good communicator.

Saturn as lord of ascendant debilitates in third house indicating below average

relationship with younger brother. Aquarius natives will make less physical efforts to
improve their skills. They may have to put their life to master a subject. But as Sun
exalts in this house as signification of Father and as 7th lord, with intervention of
father or spouse, improvement in skills and talents is expected. They can cover up
for this nature to some extent.


Cancer shifts to sixth house and Taurus occupies fourth house. Shift of Cancer is
certainly not good for mental peace and happiness from maternal side. There could
be unwanted disputes in the family which will be cause of mental anxiety. Presence of
Taurus is good for the house.

Moon as sixth lord exalts in fourth, Moon's own KP house. It is very interesting
position and it promises mix results for 4th house.

Leo shifts to seventh house and Gemini occupies fifth house. While delineating this
shift we must remember that Mercury also own eighth house along with 5th house. As
far progeny is considered, it is not favorable. But for other significations, it may
consider above average.


Virgo shifted to eight house and cancer occupies sixth house. It is a favorable shift for
material gains but indicates chronic disease related to heart or chest

Jupiter as lord of 11th and second house exalts in this house. It further confirms
expenditure on account of clearing loans. It also indicates gains through service
rather than own enterprise.

Mars debilitates in 6th house as lord of 10th and 3rd. Professional rivals would always
trouble Aquarius native and there will be problems in betterment. Unwanted transfers
due to machinations of enemies will be seen.


Leo occupies 7th house and Libra shifts to 9th house. Aquarius are lucky and they
mostly get good but authoritative spouse who also contribute in their career growth.
They will do well after marriage.

Presence of Virgo in 8th house is not auspicious for longevity due to chronic or
incurable diseases. But shift of Scorpio to 10th house may be considered fairly good
for longevity. Aquarius natives will have above middle age. But Aquarius natives will
have to undergo many ups and downs and sudden problems in career life.

Venus debilitates in this house as benefic planet. This is not very inauspicious except
for the character of the native. Mercury exaltation in 8th indicates that native will
outperform all in at least one of the subjects in his life. It could be related to his own
research which will fetch him plenty of money. His children will also do well if moved
out from natal place.


Sagittarius moves to 11th house and Libra occupies ninth house. This is quite
favorable shift and promises excellent support of luck and destiny in life time.

Ascendant lord himself exalts in this house so natives take full advantage of support
of luck and make good fortunes for them.

Sun debilitates in ninth house indicating some disputes between native, natives'
spouse and his father. Native may not associate with his father in regard to his
career. Aquarius native should not involve their spouse in business if Venus is not
well placed in the horoscope.

X House

Shift of Scorpio to 10th house and Capricorn to 12th house is not good for
professional career. The natives will face problems in establishing them in
professional career especially till the age of 36 years. The native may have to leave
their birth place to take - up suitable job of their choice. Aquarius natives will face
lesser problems if they either work outside their home town or they work (matching
12th house significations) in Hospital, court, police etc.

Moon debilitates in 10th house as 6th lord which indicates female rivals at professional
place. They will not do well in career at birth place.

Any minor dispute would become so important in their career and will enforce major


Aquarius is in ascendant itself and Sagittarius occupies 11th house. What more you
may expect from destiny! They are very lucky in terms of getting their most desired
fulfilled in the life. This is one of the best placements.


Pisces shift to 2nd house and Capricorn occupies 12th house. They spend lavishly
on their luxuries and to fulfill their desires. A heavy amount may be spent to get their
professional education or a job.
Mars exalts as 3rd and 10th lord which is not considered good for professional life.
They may themselves give away one of their best jobs. It would be good to have a job
away or related to 12th house significations as mentioned above. Jupiter debilitates as
lord of houses of wealth. They will earn good money but will not spend much on
charities despite it may be wasted on other accounts like on children etc.


Aries shifts to second house and Pisces occupies ascendant. This shift indicates
desire to have good wealth to look after the expenses of luxurious life of native.
Pisces natives have strong desire for extra ordinary sexual pleasures. They will have
many secret enemies.

Venus exalts in ascendant as third and eighth lord. Both the lordships are not
favorable but this is the destiny of Pisces natives. They will have to face major
hurdles and criticism to grow in their life and make wealth. But occult science and
Astrology could bestow those fortunes. They will be highly respected especially
outside their birth place and they will make good wealth from it. Longevity is just above
average. They will inherit ancestral property or unearned wealth depending upon
individual horoscopes. The negative aspect of Venus exaltation in ascendant as 8th
lord and 3rd lord (8th from 8th) in ascendant (Pisces) is that they may have to face
legal problems relating to wealth I taxes disputes.

Mercury debilitates in ascendant as 4th and 7th lord. It indicates native himself will not
mind leaving his native place to achieve his objectives. He will befriend people of
opposite may be at the cost of spouse. Some intellectual differences with spouse and
mother are indicated. They may have to travel long distance hence will have to stay
away from home and spouse for long time for business purposes.

II House

Taurus moves to third house and Aries comes to first house. It may be noted that
only sthira (fixed) signs are good for the houses where stability is desired. We all want
our savings to increase day by day. Aries is a fiery and moveable sign ruled by
natural malefic Mars. But Mars is benefic planet for Pisces with ninth lord ship. Shift of
Taurus to third house is also not good for second house significations. But Overall
natives will be earning good money with tendencies of over expenditure.

Sun exalts in second house as sixth lord. This is certainly un-favorable situation for
second house. Pisces natives will have tendencies to take huge loans from banks
and finally get mental unrest for repayments.
Saturn debilitates in this house as 11th and 12th lord. This is again unfavorable for
second house significations and indicates over expenditure.

Ill House

Gemini moves to 4th house and Taurus comes to this house. It is quite favorable for
third house significations.

Moon exalts in this house as 5th lord again a favorable situation for the house.


Shift of Gemini to 4th house is not good but Cancer being present in 5th compensates
the same. Pisces take up education very seriously and get emotionally involved in the
subject. They have the knack of improving their knowledge, skills by consistent

V House

Shift of Leo to 6th house is not auspicious. Native's male child may have health
problems or there will be dispute with the male child.

Jupiter exalts in 5th house as ascendant lord which further prove their interest to take
up higher education and consistent learning. Fifth house significations are greatly
improved. There may be delay in male child.
Mars debilitates in 5th house as second lord and 9th lord. It indicates delay in
success in careers directly involving their education.


Virgo moves to 7th house and Leo comes in 6th house. The natives will suffer on
account of enemies especially from government side.


It is quite unfortunate shift of both sign. Libra in 9th and Virgo in 7th are highly
unfavorable for 7th house significations and married life. Natives may be blamed by
his spouse on account of suspicious activities. There will consistent disputes between
the two and early separation is predicted

This house is the house of debilitation of Venus, signification of married life. Venus
debilitates here as 8th and 3rd lord which is again unfavorable.

AS Mercury itself exalts in this house there is little possibility of successful married life
iftheir spouse wish to continue with them. Pisces natives may have extra marital
affairs which may finally spoil their married life. There would be extra marital

VIM House

Scorpio moves to 9th house which is good for longevity. Libra in 8th also promotes
longevity. Saturn exalts as lord of 11th and 12th. Pisces native may have to live away
for career and professional reasons. They will benefit from secret assignments or
long term research oriented educations. Sun debilitation in 8th as 6th indicates chronic
problems related to significations of Sun and loans.

IX House

Shift of Sagittarius to 1Oth is good but presence of Scorpio is not good in 9th house.
As such there is a promise of good astrologer in Pisces ascendant. This shift further
confirms. Moon debilitation clearly indicates use of spiritual knowledge for wealth and
material prospects.

X House

Capricorn moves to 11th and Sagittarius occupies 10th house. Professional growth
and gains are indicated.


Aquarius moves to 12th and Capricorn comes to 11th house. Natives may have to
leave their birth plaoe to make gains in professional life and fulfill their desires. Rather
it is suggested to look for opportunities outside their birth plaoe may be abroad for
career growth. Jupiter debilitates in 11th house indicating clear objectives of native
related material gains. He will always have priority of material gains over others and
can use any spiritual knowledge for making wealth. This is the area of concern for
Pisoes natives that they compromise ideals for wealth. It applies to both Jupiter
ascendants. But the other side of the coin also indicates that some of the Pisoes
native will really spoil their material gains for spiritual betterment. It is working in
extremes without making balance.

XII House

The 12th house of Pisces natives is extra ordinary strong. They will live a luxurious
life and may make multiple relationships with opposite sex. Their personality and
knowledge will be the most attracting for opposite sex. It is cautioned to concentrate
on married life unless it is almost sure to spoil their married life.

Om Hari Krishna

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