CHM116 Practice Questions

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1 In the qualitative examination of unknown organic substances, which of the following Are
you not expected to do? (a) Identify functional groups (b) give specific name of
the compound (C) classify any organic compound given (d) prepare crystalline derivatives of
2 All except one of the following is a preliminary test for organic subtances (a) flame test
(b) lassaigne’s test (c)ignition test (d) solubility test
3 (i) sublimation (ii) melting (iii) decomposition (iv) volatilize. Which of the following is to be observed
in the ignition test of organic substances (a) i only (b) i and ii (c) i ,ii and iii (d) i , ii,iii and iv.
4 Which of the following is wrong about the ignition test? (a) you are expected to note if substance
burns (b) black residue indicates the presence of carbon (c) white residue indicates a metal (d) the
white residue is probably the halide of the metal.
5 The aim of the sodium fusion test is to detect the presence of all of the following except (a) nitrogen
(b) sodium (c) halogens (d) sulphur.
6 Which of the following test converts non-ionic covalently bonded substances to ionisable inorganic
subtances (a) borax bead test (b) flame test (c) lassaigne’s test (d) iodoform test.
7 (a) CHONSX + 2Na -----------→ NaCN + NaS + NaX + NaOH (b) CHONSX + Na ------→ NaCN
+ Na2S + NaX + NaOH (c) all of the above (d) none of the above.
8 Which of this is true If sodium is not in excess in the lassaigne test and both sulphur and nitrogen is
present in the organic compound to be tested ? (a) sodium cyanide is formed (b) blue colouration
appears (c) red colouration is seen (d) prussian blue precipitate are found.
9 The sodium fusion mixture is extracted with water to give (a) a salty solution (b) an acidic solution (c)
a basic solution (d) none of the above
10 If a green colouration was obtained in the test for CN using FeSO 4, this implies that (a) NaSO 4 is a
product in the reaction (b) H2SO4 was used to acidify the system (c) H2SO4 was used to make the
solution basic (d) HCl was used to make the solution acidic.
11 Which of the following is tested for by addition of FeSO 4 and H2SO4 which gives a green
precipitate (a) sulphur (b) halogens (c) chlorine (d) nitrogen
12 Which of the following is tested for by addition of acetic acid and a few drops of lead
acetate which gives a black precipitate (a) sulphur (b) halogens (c) chlorine (d) nitrogen
13 Which of the following is tested for by addition of HNO 3 and AgNO3 which gives precipitate ?
(a) sulphur (b) halogens (c) chlorine (d) nitrogen
14 In test for halogens in organic substances, the boiling is to (a) reduce the volume (b)
evaporate water (c) remove any N, CN, and S present () increase the concentration.
15 If H2S is evolved on addition of FeSO 4 to the lassaigne fusion mixture, this indicates the
presence of (a) sulphur (b) halogens (c) chlorine (d) nitrogen
16 Which of the following is tested for using the brown ring test? (a) sulphate ion (b) halogens
(c) halide ion (d) nitrate ion
17 Addition of HCl to acidify and then barium chloride which gives a heavy white precipitate is a
test for (a) sulphate ion (b) halogens (c) halide ion (d) nitrate ion
18 Which of this is true for the test of halide ions (i) white precipitate which readily dissolves in
aqueous ammonia indicates chlorine (ii) yellow precipitate which readily dissolves in
aqueous ammonia indicates iodine (iii)yellow precipitate which is insoluble in aqueous
ammonia indicates bromine (a) i only (b) i and ii (c) all of the above (d) none of the above
19 A water soluble substance might be (a) ammonium salt (b) alkali salt of an acid (c)lower
aliphatic compounds(d) salt of an amine(e) disaccharides (f) all of the above (g) all but c and
20 The main solvents used in solubility test include all but one of the following (a) water(b)
acid(c) alkaline(d) alkali
21 If a substance dissolves in a base, the substance can be said to be which of the following?
(a)a base(b) a ketone(c) a nitric compound(d)a carboxylic acid or a phenol
22 All this are neutral substance that can be met in the solubility test except? (a)
carbohydrates alkyl(b) phenol(c) ketones(d) aldehydes
23 In the test for nitrous acid, the best temperature to work is? (a)30oc(b)40oc(c)50oc(d)60oc
24 The iodoform test is used to test for the presence of (a)ethyl alcohols (b) ketone(c)
aldehyde(d) a and b
25 Which of this is not a constituent of the tollen’s reagent? (a)silver nitrate (b) ammonium
hydroxide (c) sodium nitrate (d) sodium hydroxide.
26 Which of this is not necessarily used to test for an aldehyde? (a) fehling’s solution (b)
tollen’s reagent (c) iodoform test (d) 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine reagent
27 Which of the following tests is used to test for the presence of a sugar? (a) flame test
(b) borax bead test (c) silver mirror test (d)molisoh’s test
28 A metal ion confirmatory test that has its indication as a green flame when tested with the
flame test is (a) strontium (b) calcium (c) chromium (d) barium
29 Arrange the following preliminary tests for inorganic qualitative analysis in the right order
(i) test for ammonium salt (ii) treat with dilute HCl (iii) treat with H 2SO4 (iv)flame
test (v) heat dry in tube (vi) borax bead test (a) i,ii,iii,iv,v,vi(b) v,ii,iii,i,iv,vi (c)
v,iii,ii,I,iv,vi (d)ii,I,iv,iii,v,vi
30 A metal ion confirmatory test that has its indication as a crusome flame when tested with
the flame test is is (a) strontium (b) calcium (c) chromium (d) barium
31 (i) conc HCl (ii) water (iii) aqua regia(iv) conc HNO 3(v) dilute HCl(vi) dil HNO3 arrange
the above solvents in the proper order in which they should be used to test for metal ions in
the inorganic qualitative analysis (a) i,ii,iii,iv,v,vi(b) v,ii,iii,i,iv,vi (c) v,iii,ii,I,iv,vi
32 A metal ion confirmatory test that has its indication as a brick red flame when tested with
the flame test is (a) strontium (b) calcium (c) chromium (d) barium
33 Which of the following is not a group(i) metal in the inorganic qualitative analysis
(a)Fe(b)Pb (c) Hg(d)Ag
34 A metal ion confirmatory test that has its indication as a blood red colouration is for which
of the following metals? (a) Fe (b) Al (c) Sr (d)Sb
35 While testing for group (iii) metals in an in organic qualitative analysis, a student boiled the
solution to remove H2S, added a few drops of conc KMnO 4 and boiled then added
ammonium chloride. What will be the result of the test? (a) Brown ppt indicating
indicating Fe(OH)3 (b) white colouration indicating Al(OH) 3 (c) green ppt indicating Cr(OH)3
(d) no positive result for grp iii metals.
36 A metal ion confirmatory test that has its indication as a blue amyl alcohol layer is for which
of the following metals? (a)Cd (b) Cu (c) Co (d) Ni

1. B
2. A
3. D
4. D
5. B
6. C
7. B
8. C
9. C
10. D
11. D
12. A
13. B
14. C
15. A
16. D
17. A
18. A
19. F
20. D
21. D
22. B
23. C
24. D
25. C
26. C
27. D
28. D
29. B
30. A
31. D
32. B
33. A
34. A
35. D
36. C

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