Ge106 Art Appreciation

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GE 106 ART


Submitted to: Mr. Melvin S. Ariza Jr.

Submitted by: Mary Ann R. Rosalejos
Accomplish this test by providing the answers to the items listed below. You can also
answer the test offline by encircling the letter that corresponds to your answer.

1. Art is derived from the Latin term “ars” which means:

a. Beauty c. Innovation
b. Ability or Skill d. imagination
2. This dimension of arts primarily made for aesthetic purposes.

a. Practical Arts c. Liberal Arts

b. Fine Arts d. Social Arts

3. This form of arts exists in physical space or perceived by sense of sight.

a. Plastic Arts c. Kinetic Arts

b. Phonetic Arts d. Pure Arts

4. This form of Art is created by removing parts of a rock surface by incising,

picking, carving or abrading.

a. Modelling
c. Drawing
b. Petroglyph
d. Painting

5. This form of Art utilizes sounds and words as its medium of expression.

a. Kinetic Arts c. Pure Arts

b. Phonetic Arts d. Phonetic Arts

6. This classification of art focuses towards creative activity for contemplation of mind
and upliftment of spirit.

a. Liberal arts c. Practical arts

b. Fine arts d. Major arts

7. This classification of arts are characterized by actual and potential expressiveness

such as music.

a. Minor arts c. Practical arts

b. Fine arts d. Major arts

8. These artworks depicts something that is easily recognizeds by people.

a. Liberal arts c. Representational arts
b. Fine arts d. phonetic arts

9. Which among the following is an example of phonetic art.

a. Drama c. drawing
b. Sculpture d. painting

10. This classification of art only uses one medium of expression.

a. Mixed art c. Kinetic art

b. Pure art d. plastic art
Looking back (Activity)

As a student, you surely did encounter a lot of art forms and ways to create art from
your previous Art teachers. Let us take a moment to go back and reminisce your past
experience and knowledge about art forms. *Use a different paper if necessary.

1. What art forms do you know and have you ever created one? If you did briefly
describe your artwork.

I have seen different art forms but the only art form that captured me was the art of
make-up. I’m so in love with make-up I love doing aesthetic make up. Through make-up
it boosts my confidence. make-up can transform you into what you want to be like
make-up transformation. Make-up is my only way to express my feelings, although I’m
not yet a pro because it takes time.

2. Take a closer look at the two photos below. In your own words try to compare and
contrast the two-art form based on your observation.

Based on my own understanding the first picture is a form of petroglyphs art where our
ancestors before they use rocks as their medium for their paintings, symbols or that’s
their way of communicating way back to this era, the cave painting. The second picture
is a form of digital art using digital devices to make this kind of art. You’ll be needing
technologies like computer and other devices. The two art forms are both beautiful and
has its own creativity.
Look around and Reflect (Analysis)

With the help of your responses on the previous activity, think of other art forms that you
see around you e.g. a painting or an image in your living room, it may be a book cover
etc. Make a short essay about what art form that is used and how it contributes
aesthetically in your daily life. Write the softcopies of your outputs and send it through
Gmail or Facebook Messenger.

Painting is an art form that I consider “the window of expression” wherein it

became an avenue in expressing and telling one’s feelings and thoughts. Implicitly or
explicitly, stories are told through paintings. Painting contributes to the beautification of
life. It adds colors and forms to monochromatic and shapeless of life. Painting can be
medicine to a wounded heart and tired spirit.
Different art forms, different artist but you’ll only see the art works of my sisters in
pasted in different corner of our humble house. There’s drawing, paintings and recycled
things that she can turn it into an art. I wish I had that kind of talent too. But everyone
has its own talent and I do believe in that. My sister is not a talkative type of person but
she expresses her feelings through making arts. Her arts add a good ambiance in our
house. It serves as a decoration in our house. Every time I look at her art works I always
feel amazed how beautiful it is. I’m so proud of her.
Let’s Work (Application)

A. Multiple Choice

Complete each statement by encircling the letter that corresponds to your answer.

1. Humanities parts value in ______________.

a. the dignity and worthiness of man
b. creative expression
c. making man more human, cultured, and refined
d. none of the above

2. The major arts include _______________

a. Painting, sculpture and architecture, literature, music, and dance
b. History, philosophy, and theory
c. Plastic and graphic arts
d. None of the above

3. The factors that influence the artist’s work are ____________________.

a. The environment, climate, and geography
b. The artist’s values and ideals
c. The artist’s thoughts and feelings, values, and ideals
d. None of the above

4. The artists in the visual arts are _____________.

a. Engineers, doctors, and singers
b. Painters, sculptors, architects, filmmakers, and photographers
c. Dramatists, writers, and choreographers
d. None of the above

5. The artists in the musical arts are _______________.

a. Choreographers, dramatists, performers, and dancers
b. Singers, bandmasters, pianists, organists, violinists, and guitarists
c. Novelists, poets, and short story Novelists, poets, and short story writers
d. None of the above

1. This type of art exists in physical space and perceived by sense


2. Dance is a popular example of this type off arts that involves the elements of rhythm.

3. Examples of this type of arts are music, drama, and literature.


4. This classification of arts are directed to produce artefacts and utensils for the
satisfaction of human needs.

5. When an art is directed towards intellectual growth, such in the study of philosophy,
psychology, literature, mathematics, and science. This classification of art is known as?

6. Another classification of arts that focuses on creative activity for the contemplation of
the mind and the upliftment of the spirit.

7. This classification of arts are characterized by actual and potential expressiveness

such as music, poetry, and sculpture.

8. This classification of arts on the other hand, focuses on the interior decoration and
porcelain art.

9. This function of arts suggests that through civic and graphic arts, man learns to love
and help each other.

10. This is the ability to interpret or understand man-made arts and enjoy them.
Let’s Explore More

A. Answer the following questions.

1. What is your definition of art? Art appreciation?

Art is a way of expressing yourself. While art appreciation is appreciating things through
its creativity, resourcefulness and its beauty.

2. How can art be an aid to better citizenship? Give examples to illustrate this.
Art can be an aid to better citizenship, because some artist they make it as their
livelihood they make money through their art work. it also improves oneself. Example of
this is one the famous painters Leonardo da Vinci showing your talent will make you a
better person because it can boost your self-esteem.

3. Why is introduction to art appreciation an essential subject in the curriculum?

Introduction to art appreciation is an essential subject in the curriculum because it gives
insight to the learners and appreciate art and in this subject student will be given a
chance to showcase their skills in art.

4. Why are music, painting, and sculpture called fine arts?

Music, painting and sculpture called fine arts because it focused towards creativity for
the contemplation of the mind and the upliftment of the spirit. Through this kind of art
work it gives everyone a positive energy and mind.

5. In what ways does art contribute to physical, social, and spiritual well-being of a
Art contribute to physical, social and spiritual well-being of a man in a way of expressing
yourself through this it’ll enhance your skills, socializing it’ll boost your confidence and
it’ll uplift your spirit. In spiritual you’ll be more motivated and encourage to do or practice
more for the improvement of your art works.

6. What are the functions of art in the context of enhancing your personality?
The function of art in the context of enhancing your personality is it’ll make you a better
person of yourself. Through art you can express what you truly feel and what you want
to feel when they saw, hear your art works.
Let’s Work!

We communicate through arts. We love things that we see and hear, with the help of
any available materials around you, express yourself through art. You can refer to the
Scope of Arts in choosing which Art are you going to follow. Create an artwork that
mirrors yourself. Finished outputs must be documented- raw materials and the final

 I chose to draw cats because it mirrors me I love everything about cats. I super-
duper love cats because they’re so sweet and warm animals. I am a sweet and
warm kind of person too. I draw my three cats their name is based on their
colors. Yellow, Black, and orange. All of my cats are all adopted. Let’s all adopt
Think Beyond

In this activity, you will have an opportunity to apply what you have learned. Collect and
mount pictures of the following in a collage. You will be rated by the following rubric.
Use it as your guide in achieving the highest rate possible.
a) Beauties in nature (plants, flowers, animals, insects, human beings, landscapes,
b) Beauties in art or man- made things (paintings, sculptures, and handmade crafts.)

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