Video Game Industry Grew 4 Times Faster Than US Economy in ..

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Typo’s Assange Narrative – from the dig~


ICYMI - did a kid from Iceland become an FBI informant and infiltrate
Wikileaks? OR, did the FBI target Wikileaks at the behest of Hillary Clinton,
using The Hague embassy as her jumping off point?? reeAssangeNOW
FBI Infiltrates Wikileaks | Think Tank

So, all the Sauce is in the second “RAW DATA” file.

What if ASSANGE is the center of the matrix… They never thought she would lose –
after nov 2016, they could quietly do away with Assange who leaked EVERYTHING the
Globalists were doing, planning, constructing World Wide in their effort for their
Nefarious World Order. Wikileaks is the KRYPTONITE of the Globalists.
We have to look at convergent nation, leaders, and world events in trying to decipher
this odd past between Assange and Clinton.

Here’s what I know:

The US video game industry grew 9.6 percent from 2009 to 2012, to add $6.2 billion to the US economy.
That's four times faster than the entire US economy, according to a new report from industry...

Video game industry grew 4 times faster than US economy in ...
The US video game industry grew 9.6 percent from 2009 to 2012, to add $6.2 billion to the US economy.
That's four times faster than the entire US economy, according to a new report from industry...

In 2008 the bank in Iceland collapsed.

Assange in 2010 leaked, no, PUBLISHED a video of an APACHE helicopter attack.
published a U.S. military video in 2010 showing a 2007 attack by
Apache helicopters in Baghdad that killed a dozen people, including two
Reuters news staff. It then released thousands of secret classified files and
diplomatic cables. Iceland native Sigurdur Thordarson worked there at the time
apparently.(see below)Head of the CIA in 2007 = Gen. Michael V. Hayden, U.S. Air
Force (May 30, 2006–February 13, 2009)-see Raw Data file. Head of the FBI in 2007:
Robert S Mueller III

209-2013 = JOHN BRENNAN, Obama Intel Advisor. 2013-2017 head

of CIA.

In 2010 the king of Sweden almost lost his position and title when a book was
published about his sexual activities.
In June 2010, The Hague replaced their Chief of Mission to the US (Ambassador) he is
still the Ambassador to the US apparently. › publications › the-world-factbook › fields

1. Cached

ARUBA: chief of mission: none (represented by the Kingdom of the Netherlands);

note - Guillfred BESARIL (since 20 November 2017) is Minister Plenipotentiary of
Aruba, seated with his cabinet in the Aruba House (Arubahuis) in The Hague.
In 2010, Sigurdur Thordarson[a] (born 1992) commonly known as Siggi hakkari ("Siggi
the Hacker"),[1][2]was arrested and “introduced to Julian Assange”:

In 2010, a 17 year old Icelander commonly knows as Siggy the Hacker was arrested by
the FBI In 2010, at the age of 17, he was arrested for stealing and leaking classified
information about Icelandic financial companies.[3] ** However in the Rolling Stone
interview as well as Domscheitsberg book, and the court documents from the WikiLeaks
embezzlement case it's shown that Sigurdur began working for WikiLeaks as early as
March 2010 and was fired in November 2011, making it a year and half he was with
WikiLeaks. … According to David Kushner, the reporter who took the Rolling Stone
interview with Sigurdur, Sigurdur provided Rolling Stone with over 1 terabyte of data
(1000 gigabytes ) to the paper about WikiLeaks, and said that either Sigurdur was the
real deal or this was the biggest and most elaborate lie in the digital age.[14]

In 2010 Iceland the hague and Sweden

U.S. Embassy, The Hague. Covers the Benelux and Nordic countries - Demark, Finland,
Iceland, Netherlands, Norway and Sweden.

18 nov 2010 Sweden issues an international arrest warrant for Assange , but no
charges were attached.
Beginning on Dec 7 2010 Assange was arrested in London at the request of Sweden.
Detained there Dec 7-16 2010. (**and in 2011 became an FBI informant.) After his
arrest he was introduced to Julian Assange, the editor and founder of WikiLeaks, and
worked as a volunteer for the organization for almost a year and a half. [4] In 2011,
Sigurdur became an informant for the FBI and turned over internal WikiLeaks
documents.[5] WikiLeaks accused him of having embezzled $50,000 [4] from the
WikiLeaks online store[6] to which he pled guilty along with other economic crimes. [7] He
was also accused of impersonating Julian Assange. [8] – wikipedia accessed 1/5/2021

The anti-secrecy organization WikiLeaks is demanding an investigation into what it says was
illegal activity by the American FBI on Danish soil.
 Who was mueller’s #2 at the time?
Was HOLDER in place by now?
A criminal complaint filed on Friday centres around a series of meetings between FBI agents and
Sigurdur Thordarson, a young Icelander who was part of Julian Assange’s inner circle before
defecting from WikiLeaks, that took place in Denmark between August 2011 and March 2012. 
Thordarson has admitted to providing hard drives and other information about WikiLeaks to the
American authorities.

Feb 2011 Brittish court decides to surrender Assange to Sweden. 2 nov 2011
19 June 2012 applies for and 19 Aug receives political asylum by Ecuador, in the
Ecuadoran Embassy in UK..
Sept 2012 – under 1 MONTH after he enteres the Embassy in UK, Benghazi. Sean
Smith, working in the Hague embassy, is transferred to Libya and dies with the others.
He is a Gamer, involved in “Eve Online” – created by a group in ICELAND.

29 Oc 2014 the swedish prosecutor refused to move the case fwd by questioning
Assange in the Ecuadoran Embassy.
In 2014 Ecuador elected a new leader in April, but by Nov he had been
deposed/replaced – under claims the election was rigged

Obama “won” in 2012, and

Assange released a Video in 2010 that gained Wikileaks notoriety for depicting an
Apache helicopter during the war in IraQ
Q referenced Apache several times
Q Referenced Assange

More to come…. See “Assange_3” file and search “dgb3dgb” for more
on sean smith & China/Obama regime. BTW..You are free to create tweets off this

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