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Guidelines & Evaluation of programme

S.No. Indicators Maximum Distribution of marks Marks

1 Followed 10 Organised on time 10
Not attended/ Not organised on time 0*
2 Number of 30 More than 50% students in the institute 30
Participants (if institute have less than 500 students)
(Students) or more than 250 students
(If your Institute have more than 500 students)
25 % - 50 % of students in the institute 20
or 125-250 students
Less 25 % of students in the institute 10
or less than 125 students
3 Number of 10 More than 50% faculty in the institute 10
Participants (if institute have less than 30 faculty)
(Faculty) or more than 15 faculty
(If your Institute have more than 30 faculty)
25 % - 50 % of faculty or 8 to 15 faculty 5
Less 25 % of faculty or less than 8 faculty 3
4 Report upload 30 4 Event Photographs from different angles 10
covering all students and faculty attending live
event (with screen).
One minute video coverage of event 5
Promotion of event on social media (Fb/Twitter) 5
by social media coordinator
Promotion of event on official 5
University/Institute Social Media Page
(Fb/Twitter) **
What participants have learnt from the session, 5
Share Experience (max 500 words)
After 10 days everyday one mark will be -1
deducted for late submission of the report
5 Feedback from 10 1 student members feedback 10
student members No feedback 0
6 Venue and 10 Auditorium/Conference Hall with A/V and 10
arrangement for Internet facilities
live telecast of the

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