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Detailed Lesson Plan in English 2

I. Objectives
At the end of 50 minutes, students should be able to;
a. Identify common and proper noun
b. Use capital letters properly
c. Appreciate the use of common and proper nouns in our daily life
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Two kinds of nouns (common and proper noun)
Reference: Integrated English for Effective Communication
The New Grade 2 pp.2-16
Materials: colored paper, visual aids, laptop, projector & marker
Values: Appreciation and Understanding
III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Routine Activity
1. Prayer
All stand and let us pray.
Glory be to the Father, and to
the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, As it was in the beginning is now
and ever shall be, world without
2. Greetings
Good morning class! Good morning teacher!
Please kindly put all small dirt
under you chair and throw it in (all students will obey their teacher’s
the trash bins. command)
You may now take your seats. Thank you, teacher.
3. Checking of attendance
Is everybody ‘s present today? None teacher.

(Start With A Reading-Listening

A Newfound Friend

It was the first day of school at

Strings Elementary School. Karlo de
Castro was excited to see his new
teachers and classmates. He went to
school early.
Inside the classroom, he saw
his new classmate crying.
“Hi! I’m Karlo. What’s your
“I’m Kassandra Cruz,” she
replied wiping her tears.
“Why are you crying?” Karlo
“I’m a new student here. I
heard that our teacher is very
strict,” she responded.
“No, Miss Gonzales, our
adviser, is kind. She was my
brother’s adviser last year. If you
like, you can sit beside me, so you
will not be afraid.
Then, their teacher arrived and
smiled at them.
Kassandra realized that she has
nothing to worry about. She smiled
back at Miss Gonzales and sat
beside her new friend.


a. Who is excited on the first day of

school? How can you tell that he is
excited? -Karlo de Castro was excited on his
first day of school. He went to
b. Whom did he meet inside the school early.
-He meets Kassandra Cruz

-She was afraid to her new adviser

c. Why Kassandra is crying? because she heard that the teacher
is very strict.

-pupil 1. Don’t be afraid to your new

d. After reading and listening to the adviser.
story, what did you learn? -pupil 2. Don’t believe easily
according to what you heard to

Very Good class!

C. Motivation
I have here a short video. I want
you to watch and listen very
Yes teacher!
Do you understand class?

D. Presentation (one of the students will raise a

Who among you have any idea hand to answer the question)
what is the meaning of noun? -Noun is a name of a person, place,
things, animals and events.

Very Good!
There are many kinds of nouns,
but today, let’s focus on the first two
kinds of nouns-
Common Nouns and Proper Nouns
-Common and Proper Nouns
What do you think our lesson for

Very Good!

Now, let’s us define what is common

noun? -Common nouns are used to name
Everybody read. person, places, things, animals, and
events in general. It refers to class
or types of noun without being

For examples:
food, student, flower, country
-Proper nouns are used to name
How about proper noun? specific person, places, things,
Kindly read. animals, and events. It always
begins with capital letter.

For example:
Lara, Philippines, Mongol, Capitol

E. Application
I have here a table with two
columns (common noun and proper
noun). Going back to our short story
on the board. Classify all the words
if it is common noun or proper noun.
And put it on the right or proper
Yes teacher!
Are you all ready Class? (one of the students will raise a
Okay who want to volunteer first hand)

(expected answers in the column)

(given column) Common Noun Proper Noun
Common Noun Proper Noun
1. school 1.Strings
2. classmate Elementary
3. teacher School
4. student 2. Kassandra
3. Karlo de
4. Miss Gonzales

F. Generalization - Noun is a name of a person, place,

Again, what is noun class? things, animals and events.

Then, what are the two kinds of - Common and Proper Noun
nouns that we discussed today?

- Common nouns are used to name

person, places, things, animals, and
Now, what is common noun class? events in general. It refers to class
or types of noun without being

- Proper nouns are used to name

specific person, places, things,
How about proper noun? animals, and events. It always
begins with capital letter.

- Capital letter
Proper nouns always begin

IV. Evaluation
Direction: Test 1. Put the right proper noun in the given common noun in the
table below.

Common Noun Proper Noun


Direction: test 2. Determine whether each noun is common or proper noun.

1. Strings Elementary School

2. Miss Gonzales
3. student
4. chair
5. Gucci

V. Assignment
A. Direction: look around inside your house and in your notebook, list
down a common and proper noun as many as you can.
B. Direction: On your English book, please study our next lesson on pages
17-34 about singular and plural.

Prepared by:
Rusciel M. Evangelista
2nd year/BEEd

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