Physical Education Activity 1 Describe How These Principles Are Essential in Teaching Physical Education in

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Rusciel M.

Evangelista teaching PE and Health

3rd year/BEED Prof. Orlando P. Marticio
Module 1
Physical Education
Activity 1
Describe how these principles are essential in teaching Physical Education in
elementary grades.
 These principles are essential in teaching Physical Education in elementary
grades because thru this we can able to learn what kind of activity that we can
give to our young learners according to their age and capacity to do. And as a
teacher in the elementary grades, we must consider in teaching we must be
following the designed based on the readiness of the student or child. If we given
an activity, it should be aligning to the level skills based on their capacity to be
able to respond to their challenge.

Activity 2
Based from the stated typical characteristics of children, list down ways and
suggested teachers’ behavior for effective teaching.
1. Always prepared and on time to come to his/her class.
Teacher should always prepare to his/her instructional materials to be used in
class and also, be an example to the students to come on their class on time.
2. Hold High Expectations 
The most effective teachers set no limits on students and believe everyone can
be successful
3. Cultivate a Sense of Belonging
The most effective teachers have a way of making students feel welcome and
comfortable in their classrooms. 
4. Compassionate 
The most effective teachers are concerned about students’ personal problems
and can relate to them. Numerous stories established how the sensitivity and
compassion of caring teachers affected them in profound and lasting ways. 

5. Have a Sense of Humor 

The most effective teachers do not take everything seriously and make learning
Activity 3
Based from stated typical characteristics of children, list examples of learning
objectives which can be used in crafting your lesson plan.
1. Described the Physical Activity Pyramid
2. Make your own Physical Activity Pyramid.
3. Assess regular participation in physical activities based on Physical Activity
4. Display joy of effort, respect for others, and fair play during participation in
physical activities.
5. Recognize the value in physical activities.
Topic 1.2 Physical Education Essentials
Activity 1
Study the components of physical activity and give specific ways how these principles
may be integrated in your designed PE activity/program. Use the table below for your
Component How it will be integrated to Physical Activities
Frequency Do some type of physical activity every day.
Intensity Choose an activity that is at least moderate in intensity, and also try
to add a few more vigorous activities over the week. Vigorous activity
is activity that makes you breathe hard and sweat. (Reaching a
certain heart rate is not necessary.)

Time (duration) Plan on a total time of at least 60 minutes of activity each

day. This can be done all at once or added together over several
shorter 10- to 15-minute blocks of activity. Breaking it up into smaller
blocks of time is a great way to start a new program or fit activity into
a busy schedule.
Type The type of activity can include a variety of team sports, individual
sports, recreational activities, family activities, active hobbies, and
walking or bicycling for fun and transportation. Several times every
week do weight-bearing activities that promote muscle strength,
flexibility, and bone health. The most important thing is to choose
something fun!

Activity 2
Think of an activity which you can use and introduce to your class. It can be a
motivation activity involving physical skills incorporating the abovementioned
principles and give three psychomotor learning objectives.
Motivation Activity: The teacher will present a short video about tic tac toe activity.
And the students will watch it patiently. After that, the teacher will ask the students to
do a warm up before they starting their main activity game.
1. Execute line drills;
2. Work on speed, control, and balance as they quickly move to the Tic-Tac-Toe
board; and
3. Pivot to run across the gym.
Explain how these activities may be attained.
First, the students should form teams to complete in a Tic-Tac-Toe Relay race.
The students race from one end of the gym to the next, placing their team’s marker on
the Tic-Tac-Toe board. They then race back and tag their teammate, who then across
the gym to place a marker on the board, and so on. And the object of the game is to
make a row before the opposing team does.

Below is the list of motor skills. List down examples of activities where these skills may
be used.
Division of Possible activities where these skills maybe used
Motor Skills (at least two activities)
Give a brief description
Speed Jump the Noodle-Children can play this in pairs or groups with a
pool noodle.
Crazy Hoops-Set out colored hula hoops or use different colors of
sidewalk chalk to draw large circles on the driveway, and have
children jump from one circle to the next according to the colors
called out by the leader.
Strength Planks- Lie on the ground on your belly, chest lifted off ground.
Flex your feet (toes on the floor), engage legs, and lift body up,
balancing on forearms and toes. Keep entire body strong and
butt in line with shoulders and heels. Hold.
Push-ups- Get into position and bend elbows and lower
chest toward the ground, then push back up.
Endurance Head outdoors! Climb hills, jog, speed walk or do step ups on
the curb. 
Climb the stairs. This is not only a great endurance and
stamina booster but adds in lower extremity muscle
strengthening too!  Each week you can increase the amount.
Start out with one flight up and down. Add a flight each week. If
stairs are not available, use a stool to step up and down for a set
amount of time.
Flexibility Sitting Shoulder Stretch-This one attacks all of the tension in your
upper back. It can also be a great way to relax after a stressful day.
The shoulders and back are huge muscle groups, so this one will feel
Overhead Arm Stretch-This simple, yet effective stretch works the
upper body, shoulders, and arms. Stand up straight with feet
together. With back straight, reach arms straight up and overhead,
without locking elbows.

Topic 1.3
Pedagogical Application of Physical Education
Wrap up
My realization about teaching Physical Things I need to improve on concept
Education to elementary grades of incorporating PE in my lesson
1. Teaching Physical Education is not 1. I need to improve my chosen
easy to teach in a young learner. motivation in my lesson plan it should be
2. teaching physical education in related to the topic.
elementary is important because it helps 2. My objectives, because sometimes
young learner develop their confidence. there is an error to my objectives.
3.I should be careful by given an activity 3. And also, I should improve the
to my young learner. assessment in my lesson plan.
4. It is very beneficials to elementary 4. The approach and strategy that I’m
grades. going to use in my lesson plan it should
5. It helps elementary grades to develop be the right approach and strategy.
their motor skills. 5. last is the whole flow of my lesson plan
it should be a line and follow the method
that I chose.


Topic 1.1 Concept of Health
Activity 1
Describe/Explain the importance of these behavioral characteristics in a learning
environment. What benefits a child and a teacher can get from these in attaining the
instructional objectives

Activity 2
List down classroom activities where these concepts of health may be noticed, observed or
maybe used.
1. Walk and talk
2. Wellness talk
3. Team health huddle
4. Question with an exercise
5. Inhale, exhale challenge
Topic 1.2 Health Education Essentials
Activity 1
A. List down expected classroom behavior of an unhealthy child.

1. always lethargic
2. out of focus on academic
3. always want to be alone
4. very hyper
5. too much commotion

B. Explain how to address situation where learners cannot perform classroom activities
due to poor health condition.
 If there is a learner who cannot perform a classroom activity due to poor health
condition just give her/him a consideration. Give her/him a special exam related to that
activity or give an activity that can be fit to her/his condition.

My realization about teaching Health to Things I need to improve in teaching
elementary grades incorporating Health
1. Teaching health to 1. I should improve my
elementary grades has so knowledge about the health
many learnings that I condition of my students.
learned. 2. Find ways to encourage my
2. It has very beneficial to students to eat healthy
elementary grades. foods.
3. I understand more the 3. I should improve my
awareness of health learnings to teach my
condition of an elementary students to a healthy living.
student. 4. Introduce them in the
4. I also realize that teaching positive health behavior
health to elementary grades inside the classroom.
is very important to teach in 5. And also, improving my
all young learner. strategy to teach health to
5. And I realize that health is elementary grades.
most effective to teach if the
parents of the child are
involved or will continue to
taught inside their house.

Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Physical Education 6

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to;

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