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Nab the Culprit.

1. There is an auction – the Oxus treasure is being sold, along with other high-profile
artifacts such as the Kohinoor Diamond.
2. Bomb goes off, police go to investigate – people hurt.
3. Auction continues – turns out, person comes screaming – saying that the Oxus
treasure is missing.
4. Police investigate – and ask questions around. Upon questioning – come to the
5. Given the sequence of events, the police concluded that the thief would have
required these set of skills
- Fluency in many languages
- Disguises
- Proficient in combat
- Bomb-making/wiring
- Persuasive/sass
6. Psychological profile – hypothetical, what kind of person would do this- with these
7. Conclusion that there are 5 suspects. Let us look at the people so far –
i. Old woman – janitor lady. Kimara Lee (could be Carmen – disguises) –
unhappy personal life, a history of kleptomania
ii. Famous thief on the loose – Carmen – famous for disguises
iii. Rich upper middle-class families – bored housewife and her husband and her
children (pretentious) (H&W trustees) – Emily and Edward Ryland – famous
lawyers – trustees, interest of art
iv. Art enthusiast – was seen snooping for inspiration for writing. – Jeremy Solo –
didn’t have an invitation to end up at the – questioned about her life, last
person to have seen it on video camera
v. Journalist-
vi. A middle-school art teacher. – Marcena Ray

Questions -
8. You are a thief yourself (Carmen Sandiego, a thief yourself. Write the answer from
the perspective of a thief keeping in mind, motive, desire and opportunity – who do
you believe would do this?)

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