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I believe that going ahead with the Indian Centre for Performance would be a good option,
especially given the fact that there isn’t a fee we’d have to pay for rent. A workaround for the
timing, could be that we begin the show at 8, instead of 7:30 so that we’d have sufficient time for
setting up.

1. A. What strategy can be used to ensure that Indian Improv Tribe’s audience members attend
the performance, without selling tickets?

5. Indian Improv Tribe has a database of 1200 audience members. Explain a strategy using
which we can leverage that database for promotion of the upcoming event at ICP.
Note: Indian Improv Tribe wants to ensure that hardcore supporters and potential sponsors,
event managers and corporate representatives attend the event, as opposed to the regular

Ans to Questions 1(A) and 5

I have combined these two questions for purposes of convenience, and felt that a common answer
would be able suitable for both.

I see the main goal of this particular show, to be twofold-

a. Firstly, to leverage the existing audience and fanbase that exists for Indian Improv Tribe.
b. Secondly, to ensure potential sponsors, event managers and corporate representatives
attend the event.

This being the case, I believe a long -term sustainable plan, called ‘The Cycle’ would be relevant in
this context. The cycle, as identified is more than just a ‘theory’, but also is a practical management
tool that defines artistic relationships. This theory in simple terms, states that a great and quality
piece of art (which is imperative, and something which IIT already has), combined with aggressive
marketing of the same is what leads to a solid support system ‘the family’, which includes not just
our audience, but also our sponsors, donors and corporate representatives – essentially people who
have stuck by us through the years, ensuring our consistent growth and success. Long term success
is thus ensured when the revenue that is received from thus, is strategically invested back into our
art and work. For the purpose of this question however, we will discuss just the first three
i. ‘Great Art’ Component

Having ‘great art’ is thus a pre-requisite to ensuring such a success. Therefore, since we’re trying
to appeal to the masses that exist in our good books, we could thematize this particular show as
a ‘Tribute’ – For those who’ve been with us through it all, and appeal to our current-standing
audience, as well as our previous sponsors and corporate representatives. This would be a sure-
shot way to attract the ones who’ve been a part of our journey.

ii. Aggressive Marketing (Note: This part would also answer Question 4 (e) with respect to
the social marketing strategy with respect to pre, during and post the event.)

Once this theme and idea has been established, we need to market the same in order to ensure
it goes out to people. Two ways this can be done are-

a. (Pre-show) We can target and track our audience on Instagram (especially), check who likes,
comments and shares our posts on their stories the most. (An effective way to do this might
be to use a social media analytics tool like Instagram Analytics or Hootsuite to track our
audience, and who are our biggest fans)
- We can thus use positive reinforcement tactics to put up ‘shout out’ posts for those who
consistently comment, like, or have been subscribers for many years together.
- have interactive ‘What do you think?’ posts, where we ask questions to the audience
and ask them to answer below in the comments (this could be anything ranging from
what type of work they would like to see for the tribute, or what they specifically
enjoyed about our previous shows. Whichever the case, it’s important to emphasize
during the marketing phase, that the show is for them, and that it’s a tribute.
- On Facebook, we could implement a slightly different strategy where we put up specially
curated ‘thought pieces’ – little facts that talk about the philosophy of improv, the
history, how it came about, maybe making it more specific by talking about the journey
of improv in India. On Facebook we could also put up quotes, and upload videos of the
performers (preferably have someone script this), and post teasers.

(During show) It’s important to have constant feed going up on our Instagram and Facebook
statuses. We could have a volunteer to take care of the marketing during-event.
(Post show) Thank you, gratitude and appreciation posts can be uploaded on our Instagram,
with a picture of the audience. It would also be wise to reply to most of whom reply to these
statuses and posts, either in the comments or through DMs as keeping up appearances and
having that approachability would ensure audience loyalty and faith in us is reinforced.

For the sponsors, specifically, we can send out consistent newsletters and social media
reminders, keeping them updated about our event. Creating a closed event where we invite
only these particular sponsors, could ensure their continued association with us for the long
term, as well as their presence at the event.

(iii) Thus, great art coupled with aggressive marketing would reinforce the ‘family’ component,
ensuring they stick with us. Moreover, marketing the show as a ‘Tribute’ would appeal to our loyal
masses and would best ensure their presence at the event.
1 B. How do we ensure that our audience are seated on time? (Refer Condition (b) above)

Answer to Question 1 B

One way to do this would be to enforce the idea that post 8:05 (if the show were to start at 8),
people won’t be allowed inside the venue. We can provide the venue details, location and a guide
that shows how to reach the location on time. We could also mention whether parking is available or
not at the location, which might act as an incentive to ensure they’re there on time. Consistently
posting this on our Instagram at regular intervals could help ensure the audiences’ timely seating.

2. A. Which brands can Indian Improv Tribe target for sponsoring the show?

Answer to Question 2 A

A viewing of IIT’s past sponsor relationships tells me that the brands we usually target are young,
fresh and high energy. One obvious way to reach out would be to the clients who have already
worked with us. Doing this would fit well with the theme of the show as well, as it shows continued
patronage in our attempt to build a loyal customer base. Some of the other clients we could target
are as follows-

Prestige gives out sponsorships. Targeting clubs like Lions Club, Rotary Club, and Bangalore club
would also be one option. In return, we could offer them shows for nominal charges through the
year and also in the process, build a partnership.

Upon some research, I’ve also found that ‘Ola’ has an easy process to apply for sponsorships. This
could also be a viable option, given Aravind’s previous connection with Ola. Targeting other such
startups such as Rapido and Uber could be another option. In this regard, we can also leverage the
potential clients we have, given the Team’s widespread and diverse experience. Perhaps using
Prithvi’s connection to Fever 104, and Shayaan’s, to 93.5 FM could be a potential option from a
marketing standpoint.

Since this show is a tribute, it would be preferable to leverage the clients who’ve already worked
with us and are familiar with our work. But targeting those clients who we know for a fact fund arts
and culture, would be another strategy. We can thus also target JP Morgan & Chase, who are known
to sponsor non profit activities, and arts and culture organizations. Link:

B. Create a proposal (script / PPT) for sponsorship and a covering email to be sent to the target
client. Note: Use details from our website (, Facebook page and Instagram
page for photos and other required information.

(Attached separately)
3. Recommend any 2 other means to make this event profitable for Indian Improv Tribe. Note:
Indian Improv Tribe generates revenue through:

a) Public events (Tickets sales and Sponsorship)

b) Private events (Corporate Engagement) and

c) Workshops

Answer to Question 3

Using crowdfunding options such as ‘Ketto’ (link: , and possibly considering selling
merchandise at the event (barring budgetary constraints) could be a potential option for revenue.
Websites like Inkmonk ( even do promotional posters and flyer printing and
‘Redesyn’ ( offers a myriad options such as cups, tshirts, etc.

4. What, according to you, are the operational tasks that need to be completed before and after the
event with respect to the following aspects?

a) Stage setup (Refer tech document for stage setup)

b) Camera setup

c) Audio system setup

d) Coordinating with and managing volunteers

e) Social media promotion plan: Pre-event/during event/Post-event (Answered in Question 1. See:

point (ii) ‘Aggressive Marketing’

Answer to Question 4

For the purposes of this question, I will divide the answer into three components, and list out the
tasks I feel are essential, for each phase– i) Pre-operational phase ii) During operational phase and
iii) Post operational phase

(i) Pre-Operational Phase

1. During the two weeks, arrangements will be made to ensure the following are
booked/bought/are in place, and if not, enquire as to how long it would take, and by when
we can rent the necessary technical requirements. In doing so, in case where a particular
piece of equipment is not available, I will enquire from the team as to what the potential
substitutes can be, and what works in that regard.
2. Making lists and checking off all the props, equipment and other requirements, plus
ensuring the same are taken to the venue and brought back in a timely and organized
3. Procuring details of the vendor that supplies the equipment, ensuring his contact details are
permanently in my books for future purposes.
4. Pictures for marketing purposes, details of the person who’s handling IIT’s social media
pages (FB, Insta, etc) will be noted for future purpose.
5. Regular posting on Instagram of the upcoming event (as mentioned above in the social
media marketing strategy would be ensured)
6. In general, to ensure the needs of the team are clear and specific, I would insist on having all
the requirements down on paper for my easy perusal.

In the case where the event is outstation, the following things will be kept in mind –

1. Logistics, Ticket booking and where the team would stay – hotels, dates, prices.
2. The team’s specific requirements as to where they’d want to stay, and how far their
preferences are from the venue (this would take top priority in cases where the show is
3. Conducting or maybe organizing podcast sessions with the team for good publicity might be
a good option.
4. Will also ensure that the team’s personal email ids are known to me, and ensure that they
are shared with the venue in case IIT decides to perform at the same place again, in the
future. For the purposes of recovering money spent, we can hold sessions or workshops.

(ii) During Operational Phase

1. Markups for the chairs, wings, and finding an ideal position where the host can hose the
show. In case there is a podium, I’d ensure it’s removed to avoid obstructions.
2. Checking all the mics, cameras, and lights before the show – ensuring they’re all in place and
are working.
3. In case we are recording the show, I’d ensure to have the contact details of the person doing
it, or would recommend having a volunteer for the same. If budget allows, we could also
have a professional camera person handle the same.
4. Budget checking for this.
5. We could also have testimonials for the purpose of social media, where we share what the
audience thought – for this we must also ensure we share our social media handles with the
audience for publicity.
6. We can hand out an ‘About Us’ flyer to the audience and sponsors after checking the same
against the budget.

(iii) Post Operational Phase

1. It is imperative that we thank the sponsors, the organizers, the people involved in the event.
2. Posting pictures with the audience, with the organizers, having large group pictures could
also be done.
3. SEO (From a digital marketing standpoint can also be done) to optimize our posts so they
rank higher on search engines.
4. Carrying out routine comparisons between ticketing platforms such as Eventshigh, Insider
and Bookmyshow to see where our audience generally prefer doing their bookings. Keeping
track of these patterns could help us for our next show.

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