Chapter 5 &6 Water Supply Pre-Diploma in Civil

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CHAPTER -5 SYSTEMS OF SUPPLY AND LAYOUT OF DISTRUBITION SYSTEM SS 5.1 INTRODUCTION Water supply system 31 Community ag UMt fara Tet ate zest TH 7 ee Forace TRA TERS | TR Tesh Tepe ¢ TET sae were oe Fey ae GS | Oa a Ws Cent ae GA to aa Wi Zest rah fern od afes | aaah sree arent worsens Figure 5.1 4 TaRusqar wit nies 1 Systems of Supply Open System Closed System Continuous Intermittent Figure 5.1 Systems of Supply 5.2 OPEN SYSTEM Va Sl Byer ait sea Peak design demand @g Source # Safe yield @ asa was wa cei arm unital Storage #1 euft Tank uafeea | aan ev 4 aA Continuous Ut TES UH Valve Tap a Faucets afew G24 | FACIE Open system ART | A System 7 OFT crag west wer GP FH BAS | Ah System wae unt Be ae SSH Gal aE TAI FAM TIT Fi Soil erosion T Water logging # WAH HTS4 FAS | Operation Bl HAT Open system 8 Continuous wl 5.3. CLOSED SYSTEM Se St Ta Ht IE Peak design demand vrei Source # Sal yield 37 5 55 cet Peak time #1 enh gph Storage 7 TEI! 3 UFH Storage 7 Tet IT wa AeA a ae TEI MEH ae Faucets 4 Tap ¥ft eqs | Al System 1 Closed system “fry | FRA Values WT WeIT Gs | 7A System A A A A sites x area Uf HH sR TS | ae AT WAT FA Value, fitting BA Wear X Tear Fét Ft AW Fal Operation cost Hea Ae HAS | Operation 3 STATE Closed system 3 Continuous % Intermittent system zy ATT ait TAS | a. Continuous System: : a wafer Ural System MH Re A ave Ut SIH GS “il System ‘TIE Continuous system ‘fare | at System HT at ae vier wh Frew | Siren err ahs OPT Usa Ufars | AI System UI Leakage B 43 At Wei ee rs Ula aft UF Supply aes BA AUT b. Intermittent System: 34 4 Ufa art wore fafeaa aeeTN oy Ut UIs Te (Sea Fawr TATA) Design TTR @ 4a eri yometreng Intermittent system PRS aM ex BAVA Ut aIssa | Ta System 1 Pressure ¢ ural aftarr HB wa at System Se BS | TA wgerra fair aren aca aT Ul fae Teh Tafa | cha art ort Beng Ayes ara Te fees | ae aA System HT IPT Td ASAT SHEA Cd WS WH Tel A HPT Storage tank FIT TL BT | Ah System ae arent aera writ sere EH wea | fate oat en TA Bea Ae BA FI INH Loss wl BA eS | ET OPA ee Tt wahea RR Valve seen arava Te | 5.4 LAYOUT OF DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM =. Community #1 ari fare 7rEYl Distribution reservoir @ftq qefarat distribution system m1 agTeE fares Layout of distribution system MPF | 7H et Dead end A Tree t Network system 7 2 WIHT Layout @e wim aR | : a, Dead End or Tree-system i System HI Uz2t Main u1eq Community = azatz i ly hl teraz farses t ae Branch % Branch ae Submain 8 Seryi, eae eel 7H System HI hz tat wet aay eieq AL rea mA @ q m0 OTA SIT FRPTSA MUTE AE Dead end 4 Tree system fies | at System 41 Design "FE a4 Faparss fare © 5 #4 Value weal alue 40 yar eo 1 RHA os Ha Teel A A yea aerm arse at Tea | Aas WF SSEEA Dead end Al Tree system HI WgIEA Layout afes| qaes Figure 5.2 a Wl Cael B | fH 4 Dead End System ©. Network System (Circular Type) 4. Network System (Radial Type) Figure 5.2 Layout of Distribution System b) Network System Road #1 Network Wil WH! ae wel Road Grid iron pattern, Radial pattern @ Circular pattern 7B WA Teens ThA & pattern AT frearea afes | TAT TA Distribution Wes GH Tai SHiseH FSq | Tat fasETal Pipe FI Layout Tg Network a Looped system FFE | Network system I U4 design 74 Tel FS, lay 7 Te ES, TT Valve % Fitting uf adt WaT Go | Te TH SSA TET faeT sat osare Sot oy ga aa wel fF ort Vesa | TUT Network system AT ET lay Tel BA | Network system 1 WERE Grid-iron, Radial Circular (ring) system as §=SAT: Figure 5.2 b, etd AT tau Bl CHAPTER - 6 WATER TREATMENT 6.1 INTRODUCTION 5 ant Colloidal % Disso} area aeiten fafazeant fat Suspended, ved eee aed ce aera CSG MAT ITH FHL fe Tarde faa Aran TET eter AHI TAT we aS uta aifrarch Tags eeeqTs WA HITS Teeset Tay a Sn mrad Aa erage | et Fae, TTT ete Ta ry weal verigs east frees Water treatment YPFO | HRI vartat a fa ETI YI |T Water quality standard Ae ya wy afar | FTG Treatment Tat FFT Sees GSA 1, OPER GEST Tat BATT HIRST AYES CATT 2. ATA Colour, 774, Fat wT UfAeTTA T hardness €aIS7 3. Osa Fa SiaIEw FaIsA 4. creas feria rs 5. WATEI Corrosive T5ft FSA Water treatment *¥ a1Se1 Treatment plant 4fF 1 Treatment plant SAGA Treatment unit Wet WA aI Sar Ba Vereh RESTS, STAI WES | SIATTATA TH treatment PSEA Screening, Sedimentation, Sedimentation with coagulation, Aeration, Filtration % Disinfection Tr 6.2 SCREENING wo! —— Ses Delon iibinbi! Senay | Suspended matters, 13, ura, var SA STRAIT STEATS? FART Screening PS | FREI STC Sea GET ary Matter @¢ Ut Screenings afi 1 Screenings 41 4a gem, Suspended matter, Dead animal body ag ofes wi a we, We sufecerg aera aay a. Hemispherical Fine Seree* wal fees | at afer enh oh fra 42 a. Perforated Pipe Sereen Figure 6.1 Fine Screens aan Gerd Soe a aR Tea we 45 Ala 60° AT eeTEX UfaTal FS | TH SEH WE Screen WHE i WEI FS | Screen BB Coarse T Fine TH 3 WHR FH | Coarse screen FATA code wan Tt SARS TC TACT trash rack Uf Hf 1 Fine screen cafe an apres ret aR wt aA |! Fine T Coarse screen aig HAT: Figure 6.1 T Figure 6.2 A eaRVH 31 Figure 6. 2 Coarse Screen 6.3, SEDIMENTATION Uta ATET G-SMT Silt t Clay Hl HUSK FaISA Ute Wet Tank maga wa Td Set seas Ta di auew yest JETT aro vel Viera fre ora tod aurem urtiare versa Biase | ett Si Chemical WaT ARE TIT shear aM Hoes est fates Sedimentation @ Plain sedimentation HFS | AEH Tank Bi Aha THT venfaré Scum afro wa det Ue fever veIdeTe Sludge APRS | AAA yam G Tank TE Sedimentation 4 Retentation Detention tank afro 1 aed tank @& Uet fre oet on, fem tort freer Continuous VERA UE BS TTT Ry Ba Te ahs oe Fin Fill and draw or intermittent YI UA ES | HSH Continuous type 4% Sedimentation tank ét Wart TAS | zt Continuous type # sedimentation tank @& Plan A Rectangular A Circular Fey | Wet Typical masonary rectangular sedimentation tank @§ Figure 6.3 71 aR SI pooooooo! Figure 6.3 Typical Sedimentation Tank 6.4 SEDIMENTATION WITH COAGULATION a W-aAt Silt, Clay @° SI AM Colloidal matter a Sedimentation or plain sedimentation AAG Sasa Sees | eA aah MI Chemical efers | = Chemical tt WATH HUT Matter #1 Reaction i Pecipitate FANS TAME Floc AAS | Zt Floc S WAT Tear ESE ce was | ae aaa eal dea aes t fant cea fares | wet F-AFI FT 7 Colloidal matter as Fasi fafea Sedimentation with coagulation afro | 7a yfsRArAl eat UT Te Chemical @E coagulant 4s 1 MIRO Garter fretted Coagulant #1 64m efers 1 UF Coagulant Bet ARATE Feeding wir | frarst fafireré Mixing ufo 1 fraser Mixing basin 4 Mechanical mixture #1 91 MRS | 3F Flocculator Wl TATA We cae “ETE % Floc a1 fees | aa uBmaTeTé Flocculation #3! aaanfe ora Sedimentation tank FI WSS I Floc WM HEE TAG armas FRIES | ah ¥ sPFAIEE (Feeding, Mixing, Flocculation * Sedimentation) @zrge Ww fares a - FAA STA ATH Sludge AS Tena eran yA mrad 1 44 6.5 AERATION uta yak TH CO), HS FRM Gas B, Iron, Manganese, Colour, Odour snfeené ears Urtteng erarein freragadd 1 orttens erat Prrarsar COs, HyS, Colour, Odour Bs 41 TATA gaat Iron % Manganese @ ara HEaT Oxygen 7 Reaction TE Hafetd FTA uftada a | aatt gum uftada HUET Iron-oxide T Manganese-oxide eg FH maf iron T manganese WH Utse ews | A faftreng Acration WS | Aeration 7441 Gf acrator FAI WANT GIS | ferttew Cascade type, Inclined apron type, Salt tray type, Spray type, Diffuse type % Mechanical type #1 F#4| 6.6. FILTRATION ante sehuit G-SMI HES T Bacteria FS Ve Reel SS | TRH G-AMT FURS T Bacteria WH TATE ATA X Gravel aI 44 Porous media A Awe VaRE wT wa ah fafreng filtration fre | at fivarat efit sein 1 Filter og Figure 6.4 7 Fae S| Inlet Chamber p= || Outlet Figure 6.4 Water Filter aa visser aft Use Tank FI Bottom AI Porous pipe #1 Under drain fas Fae WAT Outlet chamber FI YS | Inlet chamber A Inlet pipe 1 Waare Ut Filter Al MS | Outlet chamber Te Wal outlet Fes renters) Gs HAAS Filter EH IA alee Frese | ZETA aaa ATTA Underdrain Tf Gravel Ufars % rnf Sand wes | Gravel % Sand 4 Frag Design Rafe FreHS | HF Inlet Te TT foe | Inlet chamber “ft T Filter HW YS | AAAS Sand ae fat Gravel & Underdrain rz Outlet zone HII YRS | Outlet zone A WH! Outlet are a aed anes freanes | UR MOAT OTS. Sand #1 AMT TeAT 45 wee | oae@itas wa wel aes | FAA Mechanical Staining, Sedimentation, Biological action ¢ Electrolytic action FX Fy yy Bactria @6 FES | FH WERT WaT I Tank AE Filter SPT | WaT? GS | Vike Slow sand filter, Gai Rapid sand filter <3 Pressure filter | it Filter S641 Size, sand depth, Gravel depth, Filteration rate aq design 1 ¥X TES | Slow sand filter # Filtration rate HE FS, Sang y Gravel #1 TAIet Ht FS, Sand T Gravel # Depth BR FS | aaETy weal arena aa Go Cae St HUES T ST BASS | TER 95 fa 99% bacteria FESS t FUSES 20 ppm FAT FAA sees | erterg ot 8k afeust 4A Rapid sand filter #1 FT AAS | za Sand % Gravel 1 re get FS, Depth HF FS. TAS UF Nears wz SAAT SH SS | TAA 90% AA Bacteria FASS | At SF Filter Fae Gravity filter WA sire | ateifre wats orf wat 8 ager freeeed vata ort fer wate aaa At ort fear Air-tight filter m7 Pressure WI Ut warn facet nits HA TSE Pressure filter 4S aaare ut facet St Bas ATT HOSS U STAT Sasa aa Ot aR Fe! Ri rife free afeoq! sae ear aaa SR SH TE aT Backwash 7 BH AS as Al YA: WaT SS | ec 6.7. DISINFECTION es UA YEH wa GS afin a wer sisere a ‘aire Sterilization irs wt eH OT Mss Ba SVT ATA ATH WH FATT Disinfection Hrs | BAITS TPT Disinfection TEARS | Disinfection = fate faties Gey UF SAR, ahha BAR Fa, safer BK, Bromine TE, Ozone Wr FHA, Neva gL Ultra violet ae IT TE T UTA Silver Copper SY fem TAC Ae disinfection & GIFT Ase ya: ae BAL Disintection i feo.) aa wha eek wh Dy me : EER SH Disinfection Ral w x aE Chlorination UES | Disinfection wf Eta wafed Chemical ae Disinfectant 4FFS | TFS Chlorine wey ai ata = 3M RSI Disinfectant BF aeithea eretafe STRATA Cellwall AS wang ae | Chlorination "Ff Liquid chlorine = Chlorine gas = Ca ie 46 gas fad urfien wer Uf afes wt firttes eet mel BU we ci ae yualt Bleaching powder @@< Chlorination 11S | Bleaching powder HI 30% “iff Chlorine 3 | Bleaching powder W&il U5 t BIA afte Fo |

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