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Chapter 6 * Drainage and Cross Drainage | 79 DRAINAGE AND CROSS DRAINAGE 6.1 Introduction . Surface water flowing from the hill slope towards the road way is one of the main problems in drainage of hill roads. Drainage of surface water is more important in hill roads. For efficient diversion and disposal of water flowing down the hill slope, the shape is carefully chosen and numerous intercepting catch water drains should be provided. If the drainage system in hill road is not adequate and efficient, it will result in complex maintenance problems. t Fig. Side Drain in Cross Structure 6.2 Hydrological Study (Empirical Formula for Runoff Calculation) The main objective of hydrologic analysis is to estimate the maximum ‘Uantity of water expected to reach the Under Consideration. A MMiltrates into the WP orated, The rey * termed as run. clement of the drainage system Portion of the precipitation during the rain fall Ground as ground water and a small portion gets maining portion of water which flows over the surface off. Various factors affecting the run-off are rate of a in Engineering “80 | Complete Manual of Hill Road for Diploma It “= ition, topography of the area, ty; , il and moisture condition, ' Pe rainfall ‘ype of a ane Motion etc. The surface drainage system is to }. ground cover like vege! off the water. The details of Tain designed to drain away the surface run-¢ 0 fall in the gzen including intensity duration and frequency of occurrenc, of storm are to be collected. Next the eae SS off for the area under consideration 15- o ane aan see the accepted approaches. It is also necessary to /n Tom where water is likely to flow in. Rational formula is widely used to estimate the peak run-off water fo, highway drainage. The rational formula, in its simplest form is given by, Q=CiAa 5(c) Where Q= run-off, m3/sec C= run-off coefficient, expressed as a ratio of run-off to rate of rainfall intensity of rain fall, num/sec Aq= drainage area in 1000 m? The above expression is dimensionally not balanced. The value of run-off coefficient C depends mainly on the type of surface and its slope. The C- values may be taken as 0.8 to 0.9 for bituminous and cement concrete pavements, 0.35 to 0.70 for gravel and WBM pavements, 0.40 to 0.65 for » impervious soils. When the drainage area Ag consists of several types of surfaces with run-off coefficients C1, Cz, Cs, with their respective areas Ai, Az As, the weighted value of run-off coefficient C is determined from: AiCi + AoC + AsCs A+ Ag+ As 50 gs 180 t 1 : i £ 100 Se, zr ww 3% zo wer a aa > z : “SRA 2 2 Ess s 2 i 2 15) 2 od NSS : i | SSS © 5.0] ~ p10 20-3040 02 a ge wnures: wouns, —> DURATION Fig. 6.1: Typical Rainfall Intensity Duration Chapter 6 * Drainage and Cross Drainage | 81 PAVEMENT BARE ‘son rH Tune DISTANCE, METRES. (oles Ce 900m 4o 100-60) Tie, MINUTES Fig. 6.2: Time of Flow to Inlet. The design value of the rain fall intensity i is to be determined for the expected duration of storm and frequency of occurrence. Therefore the inlet time for the storm water to flow from the remotest point in drainage area to the drain inlet is estimated using the chart (see Fig. 6.1). The time for water to flow through the drain between the inlet and outlet points is determined based on the allowable velocity of flow in the drain, generally Tanging from 0.3 to 1.5 m/sec, depending on soil type. The time of concentration or the duration of storm for design may be taken as the sum of inlet time and the time of flow through the drain. The frequency of cccurrence of the storm or the return period (may be taken as 5, 10, 25 or a Years). From the chart (Fig. 6.2) the design value of the rainfall itensity i is found corresponding to the duration of storm and the a value of frequency. The drainage area from which the surface Tonto *Pected to now to a side drain is determined with the aid of a tea ie map or by studying the topography of the drainage area. This ©xpressed in units of 1000 square metre to obtain the value of Ad ‘sed in Eq. 6 (a) Thus with the estimated value of C, i and Ad the Value of run-off Q for the longitudinal side drain is determined. 0 be u: Aesign, Hydraulic Design nc : desig ® design runoff of Q is determined, the next step is the hydraulic cn atains. The side drains and partially filled culverts are designed principles of flow through open channels. _ i 82 | Complete Manval of Hill Road for Diploma In Enea j i be removed by a If Q is the quantity of surface water (m'/ sec) to by a side Grain and Vis the allowable velocity of HOW (m/ oa a an drain, the area of cross section A of the channel (a) 16 found from the relation: ~~ 6(6) Q=av The velocity of unlined channel must be high enough to prevent silting and it should not be too high as to cause erOsion. The allowable velocity of flow depends on the soil type; for sand and silt it is 0.3 to 0.5 m/sec, loam 06 to 0.9, clay 0.9 to 1.5 and gravel 1.2t0 15 m sec. For good soil covered with well established grass 1.5 to 1.8 m/sec may be allowed. By adjusting the value of slope $ in Eq. 6 (d), itis possible to limit the velocity of flow, V within permissible limit. Assuming uniform and steady flow through channel of uniform cross section and slope, Manning's formula is used for determining the velocity of flow or the longitudinal slope which is given by; 1 = GRBs + 6d) Here, V= average velocity, m/sec n= Manning's roughness coefficient R= hydraulic radius m (cross section area of flow divided by wetted perimeter) S = longitudinal slope of channel ‘The roughness coefficient values depend on the type of soil in unlined channels. For ordinary earth, the value of n = 0.02, whereas for earth with heavy vegetation or grass the value of n = 0.05 to 0.1, in lined channels the roughness coefficient depends on the type of lining. For well finished concrete, the value of n = 0.013 but for rough rubble and riprap, n = 0.04. ‘The slope $ of the longitudinal drain of a known or an assumed cross section and depth of flow, may be determined using Manning's formula (Eq. 6 (@)) for the design values of velocity of flow V, roughness coefficient n and hydraulic radius R. 6.3 Design of Side Drains For the design of side drains we adopted hydrological and hydraulic analysis as explain in 6.2 (above). : Data for Drainage Design The following data are to be collected for the design of road side drain: @ Total road length and width of land from where water is expec to flow on the stretch of the side drain. (i) Run-off coefficients of different types of surfaces in the drainag® and their respective areas (such as paved area, road shouldes area F turf surface, etc.) area, Chapter 6 * Drainage and Cross Drainage | 83 Distance from farthest point in the drainage area to the inlet of the side drain along the steepest gradient and the average value of the slope- Type of soil of the side drain, Roughness coefficient allowable @) etocity of flow in the drain. Rain fall data including average intensity and fr (recurrence of flood. ity and frequency of Design Steps simplified steps for the design of longitudinal drains of a road to drain off the surface water are given below: @ (i) (iii) tw) ) (vi) (vii) The frequency of return period such as 10 years, 25 years etc. is decided based on finances available and desired margin of safety, for the design of the drainage system. The values of coefficients of run-off C1, C2, C3 etc. from drainage areas Al, A2, A3 etc. are found and the weighted value of C is computed. : : : Inlet time T1 for the flow of storm water from the farthest point in the drainage area to be drain inlet along the steepest path of flow is estimated from the distance, slope of the ground and type of the cover. Figure 11.3 may be used for this purpose. Time of flow along the longitudinal drain T2 is determinéd for the estimated length of longitudinal drain L upto the nearest cross drainage or a water course, and for the allowable velocity of flow V L in the drain ie., Tz The total time T for inlet flow and flow along the drain is taken as the time of concentration or the design value of rain fall duration, T=T,+T2 From the rain fall intensity-duration-frequericy curves (Fig. 6.2) the rain fall intensity i is found in mm/sec. Corresponding to duration T and frequency of return period. The total area of drainage Aa is found in units of 1000 m’. (iti) The run-off quantity Q is computed = Ci Aa. (x) (%) (xi) The cross sectional area of flow A of the drain is calculated = Q/V, where V is the allowable speed of flow in the drain. The required depth of flow in the drain is calculated oo : convenient bottom width and side slop of the drain. The acti depth of the open channel drain may be increased slightly fo 6 free board. The hydraulic mean radius of flow R is determine te The required longitudinal slope $ of the drain is calculated TN Manning's formula adopting suitable value of roug! Coefficient n. : in Engineering 84 | Complete Manual of Hill Road for Diploma in E09 Example 1 is The distance between the farthest point in ee snd the pein oF area (with an average slope of 1.5% towards the drait) Bite Punt of entry to side drain is 200 m. The weighted average ee ee coefficient is 0.25. The length of the longitudina e540 m. The velocity clay soil from the inlet point to the cross drainage is 540 nl. Phe veloci of flow in the side drain may be assumed as 0.6 m/sec 50 Band erosion are prevented. Estimate the design quantity of flow on the side drain for a ten-years period of frequency of occurrence of the storm, Solution: C= 0.25 , Inlet time T; (Fig. 6.1) for average turf with 1.5% slope corresponding to 200 m distance = 33 mins. (by interpolation) Time T2 for water to flow through 540 m length of drain at 0.6 m/sec. 540 i 6x 60 = 15 mins. Duration or time of concentration T = 33 + 15 = 48 mins Drainage area 540 x 200 = 108000 m?. Ag = 108000/1000 = 108 Design value of rain fall intensity for 10 year frequency of occurrence and corresponding to 48 mins. Duration (Fig.6.2) = 70 mm/hr, therefore, i = 70/3600 mm/sec. Design quantity of flow, 70 Q=CiA= 0.25 x 3699 * 108 = 0.525 m3/sec Example 2 The maximum quantity of water expected in one of the open longitudinal drains on clayey soil is 0.9 m’/sec. Design the cross section and longitudinal slope of trapezoidal drain assuming the bottom width of the trapezoidal section to be 1.0 m and cross slope to be 1.0 vertical to 15 horizontal. The allowable velocity of flow in the drain is 1.2 nysec and Manning's roughness coefficient is 0.02, : Solution: (i) Cross Section The allowable velocity of flow through the clay soil V = 1.2 m/sec From Eq. 6 (c), cross section area of drain A = Q/V=0. 9/1. = 0.75 1m’ For the trapezoidal section with bottom width 1.0 24 ard side slope 1.0 vertical to 1.5 horizontal, when the depth flo is d metre, the top width would be (1 + 3d) pl of flow & A 3d2 the drain = (1 + 1 + 3d) d/2=d+ and the cross section area of Chapter 6 * Drainage and Cross Drainage |. as” This area has been found to be 0.75 m? (inthe previous step) 3d? Therefore, d+75-=0.75 ie, 15@+d-0.75=0 Solving this quadratic equation for d, This is the actual depth of flow for the through the trapezoidal section. Therefor: 0.15 my the depth of the side drain may be (i) Slope The longitudinal slope may be found using Manning's formula (Equation 6(d)) design quantity of water e, allowing a free board of taken as 0.45 + 0.15 = 0.6 m. 1 Vaz. RvSSu2 Assume roughness coefficient n for clay = 0.02 and velocity of flow V = 1.2 m/sec. For the assumed trapezoidal section, the wetted area of cross section is 0.75 m? and the wetted perimeter is = 0.452 + (15 x 0.45)? x 2+1.0=262m Hydraulic radius R = area/ perimeter = 0.75/2.62 = 0.286 Va _ 1.2 0.02 Sta pose ‘C258 Slope $ = 0.0031 or 1 in 322.5 Therefore, provide a longitudinal slope of 1 in 320 Example 3 The surface water from road side is drained to the longitudinal, side drain from across one half a bituminous pavement surface of total width 7.0 m, shoulder and adjoining land of width 8.0 m on one side of the drain. On the other side of the longitudinal drain, water flows “cross from reserve land with grass and 2% cross slope towards the side drain, the width of this strip o land being 25 m. The run off coefficients of the pavement, shoulder and reserve land with grass surface are 08 125 24 0.35 respectively. The length ofthe stretch of land parallel to the road from where water is expected to flow to the side drain is abou Sy Estimate the quantity of run-off flowing in the drain assuming Years period of frequency. a Design the cross section and slope of the side drain in loamy col wih 0 gating's roughness coefficient = 0.022 and suitable speed o “tYsec, Solution: a Quantity of Run-off Tainage area consists of 86 (ii) | Co; Mlete Manual of Hill Road for Diploma in Engineering @) pavement area = 3.5 x 400 = 1400 m?= Ay, with £08 (®) area of shoulder and adjoining land = 8 x 400 = 3200 ma _ Az, with C, = 0.25 and . (©) area of land on the other side of the drain = 25 x 400 = 10099 mY = As with Cy = 0.35 : Total drainage area = 1400 + 3200 + 10000 = 14600 m2 : Aa = 14600/1000 = 14.6 Weighted value of run-off coefficient AiG + AsCy + AsCs Ay + Ap + Ag The maximum distance of flow across the land upto longituding drain is: 25 m along the reserve land with average turf and cross slope 2%. Therefore, inlet time T; from Fig, 11.3 = 11 min. Time of flow Tz along longitudinal drain of length 400 m on loamy ce =0371 soil with a speed of 0.8 m/sec = = = 8.38 min Total duration of rain fall = 11.00 + 8.33 = 19.33 min. From Fig. 6 (d), corresponding to 19.33 min. duration and 25 years period, rain fall intensity = 125 mm/hr. i = 125/(60 x60) = 0.0347 mm/sec Q = CiAg= 0.371 x 0.0347 x 14.6 = 0.188 m3/sec Cross Section Area of cross section of flow in the drain is given as A =Q/V =0.188/0.8 = 0.235 m2 Assuming bottom width of drain as 0.5 m, slope of 1.0 vertical to 1.5 horizontal and depth of flow as d, top width = (05 +3 d) m. Area of cross section of flow in drain is given by 0.235 = (0.5 + 05 + 3a) 05d+d2 = sie. 1.5d2 + 0.5d - 0.235 =0 Solving the quadratic equation, B-4x1 d= 2x15 Therefore, the average depth of the drain may be taken as 0.40 ™ after allowing a free board of about 14 cm. Slope of Drain When the depth of flow in the trapezoidal drain is 0.263 m, the slope of the trapezium is equal to 0.474 m. Wetted perimeter = 0.5 + 2x 0.474 = 1.484 m R = Area/wetted perimeter = 0.235/1.448 = 0.162 R3GN2 ve n .235) = 0.263 m Chapter 6 * Drainage and Cross Draina 8 x 0.025 git= Vxn/R¥= “oagpyrs = 0.0672 § = 0.00452, or 1in 221 provide a longitudinal slope of 1 in 220, therefore, 64 Intercepting Catch Water Drains, Chutes, Cross “ prains, Ford, Cause Ways, Subsurface Drainage Hill road drainage system consists various structures explains as below: Drainage of Water from Hill Slope Surface water flowing from the hill slope towards the road way is one of the main problems in drainage of hill roads. It is desirable that the water from the hill side is not allowed to flow into the side drains due to the problems in maintaining the side drains intended for water from the roadway. In order to intercept and divert the watér from the hill slope catch water drains is diverted by sloping drains and carried across the road by means of culverts. Figure 63 shows the layout of drainage system in hill road including catch-water drains and sloping drains. Catch-water drains, if improperly constructed are liable to do more damage than good to the road. The catch water drains should be given a gradient of 1 in 50 to 1 in 33 to avoid high water velocity and possible wash out. If drains of large sections are required, the bed and sides are Paved. Road-side Drains Side drain is provided only on the hill side of the roads and not on both ‘ites. Due to limitation in the formation width, the side drains are frsttucted to such a shape that at emergency the vehicles could utilize iis Space for crossing at low speed or for parking, The usual types of side its are angle, saucer and kerb and channel drains. Fig. 6.4 shows the ae of kerb and channel type of side drain. In hard rock the gutters need **be paved, but in soft soil rough stone paving is necessary. q "8s Drainage ion, *S Possible, cross drainage should be taken under the road and G ora to it. At the head of small cross drains catch pits sols Cuts cat © Collect the stones and rubbish and to prevent scour pee oor rae Pits can be provided as inlets in rocks as shown in Fig, oo me by at eect Of catch pit is deeper than the sill of the culvert oF ae of] ape 03 m. The floor of the cross drain is given a longitudina 88 | Com plete M — EE Manual of Hill Road for Diploma in Engineering Shopng Dram e | i ‘Catch Water Drain Road Way Fig. 6.3 Layout of Drainage System The waterway required for cross drainage works may be calculated by any one of usual formulas. As far as possible single span bridges are constructed. Protective structures are provided upstream and downstream of the cross drainage work. In hill roads where rain-fall is heavy, it is recommended that culverts should be provided every 60 to 90 m, to facilitate drainage of water cross the roads. This may be quite costly. Hence often 8 to 10 scuppers pet kilometer of hill road may be provided in addition to the bridges and A scupper is a cheap type of culvert or cross drain 0.9 t0 1.0 metre wide, made of coursed rubble dry masonry abutments. See Fig 66. The top of the abutments are corbelled with few layers of stone till the gap is 0.5 to 0.6 m, and a stone slab is laid on the top. Hand packed stones are placed on the top (0.3 to 0.6 m thick) and also around the scuppe™ Retaining walls are provided on both ends of the scupper. Section on AB regular culverts. Ce _” a? Chaptor 6 * Drainage and Grass Drainage | #6 | —~weways are usually provided for cross drainage in and causeway’ are submersible bridgs a ors ‘Cause ways arc mible bridges, with a dip in the cop Per ant roads. pe to allow wal 10 ; jer flow across the road surface during, floods yl oad P @) Anule Deain (®) Saucer Drain som 4 Kom Surface © Korb apd Channel Drain Fig. 6.4: Types of Side Drains on Hill Side. sub-surface Drainage The seepage flow of water on hill roads is one of the major problems during and after the monsoons. The seepage water may cut across the hillside slope above, at or below the road level depending upon several factors such as depth of hard stratum and its inclination, quantity of underground flow of water etc. The seepage flow causes problems of slope stability as well as the weakening of the road bed and the pavement. The seepage flow may be controlled by suitable sub-surface * drainage system as shown in Fig. below. 1). PLAN, (.stcnom om as Fig. 6.5: Cross Drainage in Rock Cuts 0 wy Z 1 Complete Manuat ot HU Road for Diploma in Engineering : Fig. 6.6: C1 ‘ Collection and disposal of sub-surface water is termed as sub-surface drainage. Subgrade is the foundation layer of the road whose strength and stability decreases with increase in moisture content and vice versa, Control of sub soil water are: Drainage of infiltrated water (i) Control of seepage flow (iii) Lowering of water table (iv) Control of capillary rise Drainage of infiltrated water Infiltration is the process by which water on the ground surface enters the soil. Once water has infiltrated the soil it remains in the soil, percolates down to the GWT or become part of the sub-surface runoff which results failure of sub grade soil due to moisture variation during the action of infiltration. So it is necessary to provide proper drainage facility for infiltrate water and it can be achieved by providing surface and sub- surface drainage. Control of seepage flow When the general ground as well as the impervious strata below are sloping, seepage flow is likely to exit. Ifthe seepage zone is at depth less than 0.6 to 0.9 m from the sub grade level, longitudinal pipe drain in trench filled with filter material and clay seal may be constructed to intercept the seepage flow. . Fig: Control of seepage flow » i Chapter 6 * Drainage and Cross Drainage 191 Impervious sloping stratum Fig: Ideal case, there is no need to control of seepage flow towering of water table ioe derground water table is more than 1.2 m below the sub grade of the oad, it does not require any subsoil drainage. But if it is closer than this, jowering of water table is necessary. If the soil is relatively permeable, it may be possible to lower the high water table by merely construction of Jongitudinal drainage trenches with drain Pipe and filter sand. ifthe soil is telatively less preamble, the lowering ofthe ground water Jevel may not be adequate at the centre of the pavement or in between the two longitudinal drainage trenches. Hence in addition, transverse drains ray have to be provided in order to effectively drain off the water and thus to lower the water table upto the level of traverse drains. SSI Aowtnab ATR Tae OU Y6 tnervoman nas Lowering High Water-table in Permeable Soils sree Sub-surface Drainage System with Transverse Drains 92 | Complete Manual of Hill Road for Diploma in Engineering Pade of capillary rise ences eile ade due to capillary rise is lik to affect the pee pee to arrest the capillary Tse of water. The capillary rise may be checked either by @ capillary cut-off of any one of the following two types: () A sufficient thickness of granular material is provided during the construction of embankment, between the subgrade and the highest level of subsurface water table. ASS rer ges a : CAPILLARY RISE TST tae any Rig tt HIGHEST WATER TABLE : Fig: Granular Capillary Cut-off (i) Capillary cut-off is by inserting an impermeable or a bituminous layer in the place of granular blanket. eee oon teq -LS3e im MEST WATER TABLE | Fig: Impermeable Capillary Cut-off aah

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