The Catuhsataka of Aryadeva - Bhattacharya.1931.part II PDF

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S anskrit and T ibetan Texts w ith copious

extracts from th e com m entary of
C andrakirtti

R econstructed and E dited by


V IS V A -B H A R A T I B O O K -S H O P
2, Bankim Chatterjee Street,
C a lc u tta .
First Published April 1081

PKICE BS. 8-0-0

Printed at the Cotton Press,

37/1 Beni a tola Lane, Calcutta
Published by Kishorimahan Santra

'• g z r ^ R * t * i s r w - ^ |


« -3 jW 3 A -3 U ;R ^ P ^ F W j" [

« •^ n ^ a ra jjq s r^ i
The most important work of Aryadeva (c. 200-225 A.D.) is
tho C a t u h s a t a k a comprising, as tlie name itself shows,
four hundred karikas or verses in sixteen chapters (prakaranas)
oaoh of them containing twentyfive. It has two commentaries,
one by Candrakirtti and the other by Dharmapala. But neither
the original nor tho commentaries in their entirety aro now
available in the Sanskrit text. The complete work with Candra­
kirtti’s commentary is, howevoT, found in tho Tibetan version
(Tanjur, Mdo, Tsh, 1 ; and Y, 2 ; Cordior, II, pp. 29G, 304), both
of them being jointly translated by Suksmajnana of India and
Suryakirtti (ivi ma grays) of Tibet. In Chinese wo have only the
last eight chapters (IX-XVI) of the booV. It is called there
S a t a s a s t r a v a i p u l y a {Ktvah pdi lun p a n ; Nanjio, No.
1189). There is also tho commentary by Dharmapala extending
like the original only from Chapter IX to XVI (Nanjio, No. 1198).
Whether Dharmapala wrote his commentary also on the first
eight chapters is not known ; but it appears from Candrakirtti’s
observation which wo shall presently see in the preliminary
Introduction, that he did not do so. The last eight chapters
of the work with Dharmapala’s commentary were translated
into Chinese by Hiuen-tsang himself (050 A.D.).
In 1914 Mahamabopadhyaya Haraprasad Shastri published
some fragments of the C a t u h s a t a k a mixed with Candra-
kirtti’s commentary in the M e m o i r s of t h o A s i a t i c
S o c i e t y of B e n g a l , Vol. Ill, No. 8, pp. 449-514. In 1923
Dr. P. L. Vaidya in his E t u d e s s u r A r y a d e v a e t s o n
C a t u h s a t a k a published the last nine chapters (VIII-XVI)
of the work. Here he first gave the karikas in the Tibetan version
adding the Sanskrit original where available ; but where it was
not available, ho reconstructed the karikas in Sanskrit from
the Tibetan version. And then he translated all the karikas
into French. Then in 1925 Prof. G. Tueei in R i v i s t a d e g 1i
S t u d i O r i e n t a l i, Vol. X, pp. 521 ff gave an Italian tran­
slation of the last eight chapters of the work from its Chinese
After having perused Dr. Vaidya’s work I felt that it was
marred by many inaccuracics. I wrote a long reviow pointing
them out and modifying or reconstructing the karikas again
in my own light. I believo that where the original is not available
wo can get it back to a considerable extent only by such friendly
discussion. I apologize to Dr. Vaidya for my quoting and criti­
cizing his restorations. I havo derived much help from his work
and accepted his restoration in a few cases. The review
referred to above • took the shape of a separate volume.
Now, when copious extracts from Candrakirtti’s com­
mentary were added, or in many cases, specially towards the end,
the commentary was given in full being reconstructed from the
Tibetan version, where the original Sanskrit was not found,
it was finally decided to issue it in its present form.
As regards the arrangemont of tho matters somo change will
be noticed after tho first fow pages. It is duo to the fact that
the original plan underwent some modification when the
printing was far advanced. '
Tho present volume is, in fact, the second part of the original
work. Logically and traditionally tho first part should have
contained the first eight chapters and the second the last eight
chapters. But as Dr. Vaidya in his volume referred to gave the
last nine chapters instead of eight, and as one of my objects for
writing this book was to discuss his restorations I simply followed
him in including the eighth chapter also. The remaining first
seven chapters are given in the first part which will be published
as soon as possible.
In editing the Tibetan portion of the volume I have used
the ‘Black’ or the Narthang edition of the Xylographs of both
the original and its commentary, while Dr. Vaidya has utilized
for his text the ‘Red’ or the Peking edition of the Xylograph
only of the text, and not also of the commentary. My Xylo-

graphs are of the Visvabharati Library. In many cases these

are very illegible and in this connection I am very thankful to
our Dge rgan, Mr. Bsod nams dnos grub (Punyasiddhi),
who helped me in reading them. My thanks are due to the
Librarian, India Office, for his kindly lending to our Visva­
bharati the Xylograph of the commentary. ’Though it is of
the same Narthang edition it is far better owing to the better
quality of papers used therein. I have specially used it in
the last two chapters. I am very grateful to my esteemed
friend and colleague, Mr. Nandalal Basu, the Director of our
Kala-bhavana, for his kindly reproducing the portraits of
Aryadeva, Candraklrtti, and Suryakutti, as found in the Xylo­
graphs, the first and the third being in Tsh and the second in
H of Mdo of the Tanjur. I offer my hearty thanks also to my
pupil, Mr. Prabhubhai Bhikhubhai Patel, for the help I have
derived from him and specially for preparing the indexes.
I content myself for the present with a short and preliminary
Introduction reserving detailed discussion for the next volume,
i.e. the first part containing the first seven chapters.

January, 1931.

AK = A b h i d h a r m a k o é a , Tibetan Text (BB), or

its Frencli Translation by Louis de la Vallée
AKV = A b h i d h a r m a k o éa v y â k h y â ( B B ) .
BB = Bibliothcca Buddhica Series.
BI = Bibliotheca Itidica Series.
BCP = B o d h i c a r y â v a t â r a p a n j i k a (Bl).
CS = C a t u l M a t a k a o f Âryadeva.
CSV = C a t u h é a s a k a v r t t i o f Candrakïrtti.
DSn = D h a m m a s a n g a n î (Pâli Text Society).
UPS = Mahâmahopâdhyâya Haraprasâd Shâsttï, or the
Catuhéataka (or Catuhéatika)
edited by him in the M e m o i r s of t h e
A s i a t i c S o c i e t y of B e n g a l , Vol.
Ill, No. 8, pp‘. 449-514.
KP = K â 6 y a p a p a r i v a r t a e d . by Baron A. Von
Staël-Holstoin, Commercial Press, 1926.
LA = L a n k a v a t â r a cd. by Bunyiu Nanjio, Kyto,
MA = M a d h y a m a k â v a t a r a , Tib. version, e.d.
Louis de la Vallée Poussin (BB).
MK = M ü l a m a d h y a m a k a k â r i k â (BB).
MKa =Mân4ükyakârikâ.
MV = Madhyamakavrtti, Prasannapada
of Candrakïrtti (BB).
MVt or MVp=- M a h S v y u t p a u t i (BB or other éditions).
NS = Nyâyasütra.
NK = N y 8 y a k a û d a l ï o n t h e P r a é a s t a p S d a-
b h â ? y a (Vizianagaram Sanskrit Series).
PA = P r a m a n a n a y a t a t t v â l a û k a r a of
Srîvadideva Sûri, Yaéovijaya Jaina Granthamàlâ,
No. 22, Vira er* 2437.
SS = S u b b & ? i t a s a n g r a h a ed. C. Bendall.
Tib. = Tibetan.
V = Dr. P. L. Vaidya.
VT = V i b h S v i n f T i k a on the A b h i d b a-
r o m a t t h a s a n g a h a P a k a r a n a (Pali)
oi Anuruddha, published by P. D. Fernando
and G. Simon Andris de Silva, Colombo, 1898.
Vx — The Xylograph of the Visvabharati Library.
Vxx = The Xylographs of the Visvabharati Library.
X = Xylograph.
a, b, c, and d respectively stand for the four successive padas
of a ¿loka.
An asterisk (*) before a karika implies that it, ip original and
found in HPS or elsewhere and not reconstructed.
Similarly the words between two asterisks in a karika are of
the original text and not reconstructed.

Preface •• •1 •• •• V
Introduction •• •• •• . . xiii
Text •• I• •• L-298
Chapter VIII, Preparation of a Disciple •• 1
Chapter IX, Refutation of Things regarded as Eternal.. 31
Chapter X, Refutation of Atman •• 69
Chapter XI, Refutation of Time • • 102
Chapter XII, Refutation of Wrong Views .. • • 136
Chapter XIII, Refutation of the Organs of Senses and
their Objects •• 167
Chapter XIV, Refutation of the Adherence to the
Extremes •9 199
Chapter XV, Refutation of the Compound Things •• 232
Chapter XVI, Discussion between the Teacher and the
Disciple • • 262
Additions and Corrections •• 299
Indexes 301--308
Sanskrit Karikas • . 301
Tibetan Karikas • • 304
Bhagavad-vakyas • • 307
Sanskrit Karikas cited in the Commentary «• 307
Tibetan Karikas cited in the Commentary • • 307
Verses cited in Notes • • 307
Passages cited in Notes • • 308
Sutras, SSstras, and Acaryas ♦• 308
The following account with regard to Aryadeva and his
C a t u h S a t a k a is found in the introductory part of its com­
mentary by Candraklrtti (about 600-660 A.D.), 1 .1. The Sanskrit
portion being lost or not available wo read in its Tibetan version :
Aryadeva was born in the island of Simhala and was a son of
the king of the land. After having become the orown prince he
renounced the world, came to the South, and becoming a disciple
of Nagarjuna followed his doctrine. Therefore, the truth of his
C a t u f c S a t a k a g a s t r a is not different from that of the
M a d h y a m a k a ^ a s t r a (of Nagarjuna). The assertion that
there is difference between their doctrines simply shows one’s
rashness. For, it ip a false imagination.1
The following observation of Candraklrtti also occurs just a
few lines before the sentence referred to above: As Ac&rva
Aryadeva desired to accept the discipleship of Aftarya NSg&rjuna
there is no difference between their views.2
In giving the brief account of the subjects dealt with in the
Ca t u h sa t a k a Candraklrtti says that in the first four chapters
tnings occurring in ordinary life (hjig rten pahi dnos po—lauldkam
vastu) are explained; for, it is in th’s way tnat one can gradually
understand the highest truth (don dam=paramdrtha). He
explains it th u s: [Chapter I.] The five skandhas, such as rupa, etc.,
are originated depending on the cause and the effect (rgyu dan
rkyen—hetu-pratyaya). Those which have origination (skye ba—
1 slob dpon frphags pa lha ni sing lafri glin du hkruns ¿ig sic mthar rgyl tshah por nas
de nid du rab tu byuii z'ift j| de nas lho phyoga kyi brgyud ltar bofts to slob dpon klu »grub
kyi fie gnas fiid du gyur cin || dofci lugs kyi rjes su (ijig par gyur pa do nid kyi phyir na bstan
bcos bz'i brgya pa bdibi do kho na nid gan yin pa de ni dbu mabi bstan bcos las b6ud pa hi
de kho na nid las mtshap nid tha dad pa can ma yin no || gan z'ig mtsban nid h o sor byaa
nas smra bar byed pa dcbi gz'un lugs po sor smra ba ¿in tu bab col yin to | del.u cbos nid
la log par rtog pafci phyir ro \\
=Aoarya Aryadevab Siijihaladvipe jatab Siiphalarajaputro yuvarajo bhfltvante tatraiva
pravrajitab | tato daksinadikparamparayagatya Acarya-NagarjunasyantevasI tannavanu-
varty eva babhfiveti C a t u h ^ a t a k a s a s t r a s y a sya yat tattvarp. tan Ma d h ya *
m a k a U s t r okt&t tattvan na vilaksapam | yas tu prthoglaksapaiji krtva katkayati
tasya prthaksamayakathanam atisahasam | taddharmasya mithyakalpitatvat |
! gad gi phyir na slob dpon bphags pa lha hdi ni slob dpon klu sgrub Blob mar go&A bar
fcdod gyur pa defci phyir fcdihi de nid lugs las lugs gz'an min
»Yasm&d ayam Acarya Aryadeva Acarya-N&garjunasya ¿isyatvaip svikartum ak§
mayata taamat tan matam asya matan n anyat |

utpdda, jctti) are not eternal (mi rtag pa—anitya). [Chapter II.]
Those which are not eternal generate one’« pain and therefore
are causing misery (sdug bsñal—duhkha). And as such they
always cause affliction and consequently ate impure (mi gtsañ—
aiuci). [Chapter 111.] And those which are impure are to be
given up and oonfeqyently cannot be regarded as ‘These are 1/
or ‘These are mine’ (bdag=dtman, and bdag gi=dtmlya), they
are neither ‘I’, not ‘mine’ (bdag med pa—andtman). [Chapter IV.]
Yet owir.g to illusion (phyin ci log=viparydsa) these worldly things
(hjig rten páhi dúos po) appear otherwise, i.e. eternal (nitya),
causing happinoss (sulcha), pure (¿¡uci), and ‘1’ ar>d ‘mine’ (dtman
and dtmlya). Thfc wrong view is to be avoided, and it cannot
be done without observing practices (caryd) of a Bodhisattva,
an aspirant to bodhi ‘supreme knowledge.’ So in Chapter V
the Bodhisaltvacaryá is dealt with. KleSas or impurities interrupt
the Bodhisattvacaryds, therefore they are examined in Chapter
VI. And as the objects of senses (yul=visaya) are the cause of
origination (slcye ba—utpatti), staying (gnas pa=sthiti), and
growth (hpJtel ba=vrddhi) of kleéas those objects are discussed
in Chapter VII. Chapter VIII deals with the purification of the
mind of the disciple before he is thought fit to listen to the
explanation of the truth of things. The remaining eight Chapters,
IX-XVI, discuss that the things around us have not what can be
regarded as their own characteristics or nature (ran bz'in med
pa ñid=nihsvabhávatva).
The names of the Chapters1 as given below will also show
the subjects dealt with in them :
I. Showing the means for abandoning the adherence to the
view that tilings are eternal.3
II. Showing the means for abandoning the adherence to the
notion that things cause happiness.8

1 See Le Muston> 1900, pp. 237-238.

8 rtag par fedzin pa span babi, thabs batan pa—nityagrahapraMtiopayasandarsanam.
But CSV as in HPS has nitya viparyasaprahüVopüya° (rtag pa* phyin oi log flpaú bafci thabs0),
‘showing the means for abandoning the illusion of veiling the things as eternal.’
» bde bar bdzin pa span bafci thabs bstan $a~sukhagrah(iprahariop&ya0. CSV sulcha*
wparyfaa0 (bde bar phyin oi log°) ‘illusion of happiness/

HI. Showing the means for abandoning the adherence to

the notion that things are pure.1
IV. Showing the means for abandoning the notion of ‘I*
V. Showing the practices of a Bodhisattva.*
VI. Showing the means for abandoning passions or impuri­
VII. Showing the means for abandoning the adherence to
the enjoyments desired in the life of a man.8
VIII. The preparation of a disciple.®
IX. Slowing the contemplation of the refutation of things
regarded as eternal.’
X. Showing the contemplation of the refutation oi dtman.8
XI. Showing the contemplation of the refutation of time.9
XII. Shoving the contemplation of the refutation of (wrong)
XIII. Showing tbc contemplation ot the refutation oi the
sonses and their objccts.11
XIV. Showing tbc contemplation cf the refutation of the
adherence to the extremes.12
XV. Showing the contemplation of the refutation of the
compound things.13
XVI. Showing the contemplation of the discussion between
the teacher and the pupil.14
I gtsan bar hdzin pa span bafci thabs bstan pa —¿ucigrahaprahdi^opdya0. CSV kucivi.
parydsa0 (gtsan bar phyin ci log0) ‘the illusion of purity/
a bdag tu bdzin pa span bafci thabs bstan pa —atmagraha- or ahankara-prahdixopdya°.
CSV adds 'bhavana- (sgom) ‘contemplation’ after upaya (thabs). But in the Skt. text,
HPS, p. 466, there is ahay>karaviparyasaprahanopdydm ‘the means for abandoning tho illusion
of ahaftkdra
• byan chub sems dpali spyod pa bstan pa°= Bodhisattvacaryd0.
• non rnoAs span bafri thabs°—klesaprahdv,opdya0.
5 mi nid kyis bdod pa Ions spyod la z'en pa span bafci thabs0= manusesta sambhoga bhini-
vesaprahaiiopaya°. CSV reads -abhista- (mhon par hdod pafci) for -ispa- and adds -vi§aya-
(yul gyi) before sambhoga’.
• slob ma spyod pa —sisyaearya. CSV -paricaryd (yoris su spyod); but in HPS, p. 480,
it has pdrikarmika-prakaraybam ‘the chapter dealing with preparation/
7 dnos po rtag pa dgag pa bsgom pa bstan = nityarthapratisedhabhavanasandardam.
• bdag dgag pa bsgom pa °= atmapratuedha bhavand0.
• dus dgag pa bsgom pa°= kalapratisedhabhdvand0.
10 lta ba dgag pa bsgom pa°—drsfipratisedhabhdvand0.
II dbari po dan don dgag pa bsgom pa °= indriyarthapratisedhabhdvand°.
12 mthar frdzin pa dgag pa bsgom ^ ° —aniagrdhaprati8edhabhdvand°.
18 bdus byas kyi don dgag pa bgonv pa °= sarriskrtdrthapratisedhabkdvana
14 slob dpon daft slob ma mam par gtan la dbab sgom jy&0*=zguruSifyaviniScayabh&vand*.
xxii in t r o d u c t io n

Wo have already seen in the Prefaco that Dharmapala com­

mented upon the last eight chapters of the OS. He was one of
the ancient Upadhyayas (snon gyi mkhan po) mentioned in the
M a h & v y u t p a t t i , § 177, 9, and seems to have been the
teacher of Silabhadra, who received Hiuen-tsang at Nalanda
(666 A.D.). Silabhadra was then very old. DhaimapSla must
have died before the arrival of the Chinese pilgrim at that place ;
and it appears from the observation given below of Candrakfrtti
that they were contemporaries; or it may be that the former
was a little earlier than the latter. Candraklrtti quotes him not
only here in his commentary on the CS, but also in his M a d h y a
m a k & v a t a r a (Tibetan version), p. 407. I think, Poussin is
not right when he calls him (p. 426) D harm ara^ia. It is due to
his wrong translation of Chos sJcyon which in Sanskrit is Dharma-
pdla and not Dharma-rah§ita. (Cf. Hjig rten s%on=Lokapala.)
As regards Dharmapala’s commentary which is only on the
last eight chapters some light is thrown by Candraldrtti. He
says (I. 1):
This C a t u h S a t a k a s a s t r a is divided by the preseti£
(da Ita) poet, venerable Dharmapala into two parts in accordance
with the arrangement (found in the book): one consisting of
(two) hundred (of karikas) teaching dharma (chos bstan pa brgya
pa—dharrmidswna^ataha), and the other consisting of (two)
hundred (of karikas) regarding disputations (tshod pa brgya pa—
vigrahaSataka). But now I take this C a t u h S a t a k a
£ a s t r a as one unit. For, in this way the former arrangement
is maintained, and at the same time those who require benefit
are benefited, as all the subject matters intended to be discussed
in the ¿astra being taken the objects of one’s own self as well as
of others aro fully attained.1
1 de bdi da ltahi sftan nag (X diiags) mkhan gyis mam gnis byas | bstan bcos bz'i brgya
pa de ni da ltafei sfian ftag (X diiags) mkhan btsun pa chos skyon gis ji lt&r dgod pa phye
nas mam pa gfiis su byas to | gcig ni chos bstan pa brgya pa »»id dufco | gzan ni stsod
pa brgya pa iUd dubo |j da ni bdag gis gcig tu do ranm dbyo bar bya | da ni bstan
bcos bz'i brgya pa de gcig tu byas nas bdag gis mam par dbye bar byafco || de ltar byaa
daft bkod pa sna ma yan yofts bu bskyans par bgyur la | des phan gdags par bya ba
mams phan btags par yan fcgyur te | bstan boos kyi don brjod par &dod pa mthafc
dag blans pas raft daft gz'an gyi don yan dag par fegrub pafci phyir ro ¡i
In the commentary of Candrakirtti there is a marked difference
between the first and second parts, i.e. between the first eight
and the last eight chapters ; for, while in the former there are a
number of dr?tantas (dpe mams) ‘examples’ or ‘maxims,*1 each
of the karikas containing at least one of them, there is none of
them in the latter. On this point the following occurs in the
commentary (1.1):
‘In each of the karikas in the (first) eight chapters the drstantas
used by Acarya Dharmadasa are read and explained with it
Thus the drstanUis found in the commentary are of Acarya
Dharmadasa, and not of Candrakirtti himself.
We have no sufficient materials for deciding as to who this
Dharmadasa was. There Were two Dharmadasas,3a grammarian
quoted by Rayamukuta, and the author of V i d a g d h a m u -
k h a m a n d a n a . We know hardly anything of the former,
while as regards the latter it is clear from his own work that he
was a Buddhist (saugata).* Our Dharmadasa referred to by
Candrakirtti seems to have been also a Buddhist, as the latter
calls him an Acarya. Therefore, Dharmadasa, the author of
V i d a g d h a m u k h a m a n d a n a , may possibly be identical
with our DharmadHsa.
s=tad idaiii vartamancna kavina dvidha krtam ¡tac C a t u h ^ a t a k a 6 &bt r a m
vartamanena kavina bhadanta-Jiharmapalena yathttsannivo6am vibhajya dvidha kytaip
ekaip dharma¿asanaSatakam anyat tu vigraha&itakam | maya tv idanim ekabhagam eva
kriyate |tao C a t u b 6 a t a k a 6 a s t r a m mayedanim okam krtvS vibhajyate | evrp
kfte pfirvo *pi vinyasab parirak^ito bhaved upakarya.6 copakfta bhaveyub vivakfjiata-
sakalaf&strartliagrahanat svapararthayob samyaksiddheb |
1 These have been collected an i translated into English in a small volume. It will bo
published as soon as possible.
* bdir rab tu byea pa brgyad kyi tshig lebur byas pa dag re re la slob dpon chos kyi bbafts
kyis sbyar babi dpe mams fcdon pa de dag dafi lhan cig mam par bSad par byabo ||
—ihastanain prakarai>anam ekaikasu karikasu Acarya Dharmadasena prayukta dr^iint&b
pathitas t&bhib saha vyakhyayante.
* There is another Dharmadasa, the author of a tfka on the Ka r p f l r a ma f i j a r f .
But his name in this connection is out oi question.
4 He says atthe end oi his book (IV. 75):
krfis tu Dharmadasasya saugatasya tapasvinab |
vidagdhanam mukhambhojapravika¿akari mata ||
He begins his work glorifying the speech of the Buddha:
siddhaugadhani bhavadubkhamahagadanam
puny&tman&m paramakam&rasayanani |
prakgalanaikasalin&ni manomal&n&ip
Sauddhodaneb pravacan&ni ciraip jayanti [|
See also IV. 18.
Whether DharmadSsa wrote a commentary, complete or
partial, on the CS cannot definitely be said. His dr$tdntas quoted
by CandraldTtti might have been written by the former some­
where else.
Chapter VIII.

CSV: gan z'ig hdod chags kyi hchin ba che bas bchin1 gtad
pa nid kyi pbyir bdag dafi gz'an la hdod cbags spans* pax mi arid
par dogs* pa de la Mad pa |
■ i t train i r w N w w n f S w w w w t w i f TFWfN
*i w ru irft nnr»— i
ji ltar mi mthun mi mams la |
mdzah ba yun rin mi gnas pa |
de bz'in kun la skyon Ses la |
hdod chags yun rin mi gnas so || 1 II
V nare?v ananurupe§u ciram rago na tigthati |
evam sarvatra dosajne ciram rfigo na ti§thati || 1 1|
Here the word vaga for Tib. mdzah, ba in 6 is not a happy one ;
the original must have been smha as evident from Candra-
klrtti’s Vptti4. This is supported also by the Tib. version of the
Meghaduta, ed. Beckh, verse 12, where sneha is translated by
mdza^ ba.
According to the commentary the Skt. word ananukula or
pratikula for mi mthun in a is undoubtedly better than anmurSpa
as V has done. In the Tib. version of the Abhidharmakosabhd§ya
(BB), p. 13, 1. 19, mi mthun is used for the Skt. reading prati­
kula preserved in the AbhidharmakoSavydlchyd (BB), p. 18,1. 20.
1X chfii.
* X spoil*.
* Xdega.
4 [tathi kasya- (de bz'in du gaA z'ig)]-eid rijfiab putro’tlTipayah (phafa pa; HP8
pHyafc). m kadieid ryntthitab. M tena rijftS saiilgrime nirjitya gfhitafe. taija oa rijfiaa
taddotadariaoit (defcifie* pa mthoft bafei phyir j HPS®dariitv4t) tasfoit u e l i o (ohagi
9») Tigatafc.

Tib. j i Uar, Stk. yatM, in a is omitted altogether. This can,

however, be ignored in the present case, lor the meaning is quite
clear by the use of ernrn for de bz'in, lit. tatha.
I should like to propose the following restoration:
»itf fa? »1 frofir i
ipf w i fat * frofa #*«
CV: de ltar na ji ltar hgal bahi mi mams la mdzah ba yun
rin por gnas pa yod pa ma yin pa de bz'in du rnal hbyor pa la yan
phyi dan nan gi dnos po rnams la skyon du mthon ba nid kyi
phyir ji ltar thams cad du hdod chags dan bral ba mi srid ||
mi »its fro ft w «itfarntsfa
wnnmww«it fw n t * tin
f?wr tiro w ra n itf i tot *
mfca* t o t v f a m w m — i
la la de nid la chags te |
la la de nid la sdan z'in |
la la de nid la rmons pa |
dehi phyir hdod pa don med paho || 2 ||
V with Vx of 08 de for debi in d.
* u ro i
to * m
For the word harm in d in the Skt. text kdya is wrongly printed
in the fragments (HPS, p. 473). V has unnecessarily emended
it by raga. The Vjtti says: “tasmad vi§aya k a ma f r svarupd-
tiddhatvcU i&nyah.” In b the verb dusyati is here not from
■y/duf, but from y'dvif. Gi. Pali dosa=dvesa. This is quite
evident from the Tib. word for it, sdan.
CSV: w n t a w w m M t 4 fir w . i to
1 HPS ad. na.
• Tib. Wad ohaga kyi gz'i mod pafei phyir ro ; HPS r&gavatsvabhavatvit.
1 Tib. dobi gs'i fi ltar med pa. HPS om. it.
* Tib om. udaya.
i is i CHAPTER Vili S

w n f t i H 1 *** f t 1 ) ï^ m n w
«tf»SW* Îtm w tà I qfë * 1% ^ W . «TU vîfT « 3 *
* t o i «rrç i *f ci* f«rcroï s?: i îwt fir rihrt mKrmt
$*rfiï inwwít fw fa i w r ç f^rq’^nir: i w
*m<nrnf n v im m
f f ii4
Cf. qfo^sns«rapn%qrat i
fw r *rfa^ *ro tfïï ffi^t ftfiw i: n
Sarvadaréanasañgraha (BI), p. 10.

CSV : n*‘ an% *rorètiTm*r*i*rer wçoflrff : i
i n w w n f o n r T m w fa fô n fw ra i $ srfa * n fq nf?r< n*fiia*T «*
*nr i
rtog pa med par hdod chaga la |
sogs la yod ñid yod min na |
yan dag don dan rtog pa z'es |
blo dan ldan pa su z'ig hdzin || 3 ||
In b for la Vx of CSV pa. In c ail de for dan
* faux ««waïfisjsf w n lto i * fw f I
rçjiro: ««»n # Tirtafa sfawrç «u
CSV : fatnfa aifas: tout *!*ni«f%f*«w*rç7 « w w Sfof
«snfta «tp ra m fq ri'n i * *w »iw t mfqtaf» w * ii*t

1 Tib. de ltar ; HPS om. it.

2 HPS om. it. Tib. rmoñs pa dañ bar ma byas par. But it is a defective reading. Should
we read j rmoiw par bya ba ?
8 Tib om. viçaya-.
4 The two nagations are omitted in Tib. After iti HPS atf. vidyata eva r&gaprah&Qam.
« Tib. om.
• Tib. pratipâdayitum (bstan pafci phyir).
7 Tib. rSgadikleôakâranaih hi vigayeçv ayoniáafc kalpanâ (hdod chaga la 9og$ pa ñon
mote pay rgyu ni yul rnams la tshul bz'in ma yin pafci rtog pa ate).
• HPS om*. asaty&ih0 uâstitvam which is supplied from Tib (trog pa med par yod pa
&id med pa).

I S J P P W wrimTOWW^ «WUWifWwJW I 9^5 w i w w

fnmf 9>i w fliN w w ra f w i f a f t f W
»rof f i w n i ufc w it »jntw: f a * n?r®r s n s m W t i «wwflt
ig in l:) i* ii4 ^ q qfatnnwwip w ifiiiifa^m^iwwi^ , t fc ita :
s nrefai * « fw ra fw w w ftfw fc i» «ift^j « « f a fw firoiq
m nhn i*r
CSV: *rcn? i f a n «w tw ijM « w rit w r a m i i
i w n f r » «ft g « * f a t « * # t i* ft« « « « it m f a m f h 8 i v m i
5 W w t i s v t *fli« T«rcn « « « i t *i qtvarotii tW w m I
fwni— i
hgah lahan gaA dan lhan cig tu |
beins pa z'es bya yod min te |
gz'an dan lhan cig bcins pa la |
bral ba rigs pa ma yin no || 3 ||
In a for tu V has wrongly du. In d V with Vx of CS bar for ba.
* «iwfan «1« «»it *T« * f a 3 I
« * « w « fa ra tft * gwiif uun
In b V wrongly reads yujyate for vidyile and in c for
bandhasya he accepts the misprint, baddhasya, in the fragments
(HPS, p. 474). That the reading must be bandhasya is quite
evident and is supported by the Vrtti.
CSV: f* <!*: q re n n ^ w v s im wronf%vmw*[
i f ta w f a ft ^w fargcT q, « « f o gf a « « »»fqi m m f t
ifii «i cm: ^ rv w . f a f n i « « w m ^ f o t f a r t
irtw « « v m w Mft*« « n 3 <w«ft
trt« « « w r a fairot^t « fw ft i
1 Tib« om. pari*.
1 Tib. om. iti.
• Tib. mi mftab la ; it does not literally mean atikr&mati.
4 fib. om, pari-.
• In X de ltar (evam, tathS). According to Skt. it must be read ji ltar (yath&)M
• Tib. om. pari-.

^ q ffrftfa »iTfig i w nw if i *«f*i n*

f i t w x fn ’«»TwifBn <w *TW?g: « n n w ^ m 'r ta n i irft*nn
i f t n m n w Q n »8«
CSV: sraN fawron ***1 faftrafrifni*n: in it
i awfonwifaqfwf t w q i w t f* — I
bsod nams chun du chos hdi la |
the tshom za ba yan mi hgyur |
the tshom za ba tsam z'ig gis |
srid pa hrul por byas par hgyur || 5 ||
In b with Vx of CSV I read za ba and not za bar as V reads
with Vx of CS. In c Vx of CSV has gi for gis. In d all read
bor for for.
* WS9T3Wi »1 WOT* I
«w m tft nmvtopv- m*
CSV: w fc?rera*rqrfaq?ikT***t irfafT^ wfirfw^uftg
uqw fiif o an faf o f w wwifiw w l i
i i » ^ 10fiKfviNiroamiiariit iwrf«ww t o w 11-
11 ^ p r a m farftf fcifaf* n

1 HPS naa this sentence after the next one: yadi hi° eva avat.
2 Tib. raft bz'in gyi gz'an gyis; HPS parasya svardpato.
8 Tib. om. it.
4 Tib. vimukti0 (mam par grol ba).
6 Tib. fcdod ohags la ; HPS parasya.
• Tib ya&; HPS om. it.
7 HPS -sandariano.
• Tib. om. svabh&va-.
• Tib. »to* pa fiid kyi lhag par mon pafci; HPS $«tnyavimukti.°
10 Tib. tea b a ; HPS om. -mfila.
11 Tib. aems can la ; HPS matasya for aattvasya.
** Tib. phyin oi log tu Aes pa las ma gtoga p a ; HPS om. it here. See note 1, next page.

«w fM m * flfwt q f t d q r a m f f t s q ift*;» i
$ 3 * t n jw n w 4engnfW m $t tf* w s* ro T ^ ftrmf
fc rffrfa f»rcmw w S h u f a q & i m i m W ** m * N n ft7 i°
«^nrtSUfq wfa <ww «*rft 7 rnm% iii^ w rro sra fw isiF i
H i

CSV: *fq V qtaf «ww n iq ffi« * ^ q ftn i ipfrftsfr
gakww riw?»10 ?wi *nram uq<raif«t*'iti'n;ra ht«pi
i n s r r f ^hftr«*r»rt t n f a r t i 3 f%
firararomifr ,'Shnit jnsiravwrsfq * mm** i * fa inn*
qrefaranffafircn *T»n^r. « w ii ^ raw r w ^ i q i w n ^MTOfiR|-
*n* * n * rr» *% *»(— i
chos gaA z'ig la thub pa yis |
thar pahi bar du hphel ba nid |
gsufis der gad. la gus med pa |
de ni gsal bar bio ldan min || 6 I!
In b for pahi and ba V has wrongly bahi and pa respec­
tively. In the same line for hphel Vx of CS hgrel, which is a
* 'm WtaT* *TWW 5 sfafNtllWT^Sfa: I
m «far* t o t % i«raf * w. ii
V is quite justified in amending the reading dtma hy adyasya
found in the fragments by a moksad yasya according to the Tib.
1 After this HPS ad. anyatra viparltanitaayat.
• After mokfa- Tib. a<}. dar£aiiam (lta).
8 Tib. »4. ekena (gcig gis).
• Tib. yaft dag par; HPS oin. samyng.
• Tib. um. it.
• Tib. lit. jirfla (defca pa).
9 Tib. lit. bhavab (wid pa).
• bhedaa* unmGlana, vina6ana (bjoms pa).
• Tib. yaft; HPS om. it.
l* For jarja0 te Tib. jarjaratvahetur bhavati (hrul po Sid kyi rgyur bgyur ba).
** Tib. does not support anu-.

CSV: i t *5? gftwwwfa *rfof

« ra tfiK P f « if : w re ffftn irfa r’
ijy m w f t f f i : q m w q g w u d ii n f tr o w f a r t\%

CSV: f* gnft% q^nii *puj* i* m jronrro t o *!
nwsta’ ifa srofsnrcr I TO i— I
bdag ni mya Aan hdah hgyur z'es |
ston min ston ltar mthon min te |
log ltas mya ¿an mi hdab bar |
de bz'in gsegs pa rnams gsun no || 7 ||
V is justified in correcting ston nid in b found also in our Vx
of CS by ston min as in the Tib. version (with slightly different
readings) of MA., p. 119. He will, however, be glad to note that
our Vx of CSV actually reads here ston min.
* *npii fa^k’ % w f a f a i
f« « 9 re ^ ip s n ra r. \ m
CSV:— ^»f t
q ft ■* wrwmi^n:* vw: wrnj^irT *f?i w m iqm firo*
frrafaTfaw.9 « m i * n fa«ns§: f l i w firafatfa-
«raw rafai i nm
i *Traw?i nlt'sra^uiiA K i ^nm ^cn m s»nt
« w t : ^ t : w n t * l a i f i p r o * r n«»
1 Tib. ad. mu4h&fc (rrnoAs pa) and oin. ja<Jafc before prakatayati in the sentence.
* Tib. tyakta- ( dor bafci) for kijhema ; we may, however, read dge for dor in Tib.
* Tib. ad. tasmat (defci) reading here ; bjigs par lta ba defci phyir which lit. means uiuid
bhayadarfianat. By reading nid for defci we may get bhayadar6itvat as found in Fkt.
* Tib. jaflat&m (blun po aid du).
8 Tib. orn. mama, and reads : blun por fcgyur du fcofi bas. Here boft bas does not seem
to give any suitable Bense and, I think, we may read med pas for it. Accordingly it would
be in Skt. jaflata ma bhfld iti taking blun po for blun po nid.
* Tib. mi stoft; HPS fiunyft.
7 Tib. puts eva (kho) after 6unya.
8 Tib. ad. pari- (yofts su) before dar^anaih.
* HPS -Siinyafc for &-60nyab; Tib. mi ston.
i° Tib. siion du btaii ba for purafcsara,

V wrongly translates the first half of the k&rika writing:

“Le vide n’est pas consid6r6 comme vide afin qu’on obtienne le
nirvana.” It is evident from it that he followed the Tib. version
of CS with the reading ston nid which is corrected by him himself
as ston min as we have already discussed. Unfortunately he paid
here no heed to the original Skt. It seems, V made his transla-
■ tion first basing it on the Tib. version of CS and afterwards cor­
rected the original reading of that version according to that of MA
and the Skt., but forgot to correct his French translation
Incidentally one thing may be pointed out as regards the Tib.
translation of a Skt. word in the present k&rika. It will be noticed
that the word ¿unyavat in the original is translated differently
in the two Tib. versions. In MA we have ston Man, while in our
texts of CS and CSV we read ston Itar. Now, in meaning as in
form the words Man and Itar differ much from each other ; Man is
a possessive particle Or suffix, as for example, nor Man ‘possessing
wealth/ i.e. ‘wealthy,’ and it actually corresponds to the Skt. suffix
-vat in the same sense (i. e., possessive); while Itar is a particle
denoting likeness and translated into English by ‘as,’ ‘like,’
corresponding to the Skt. suffix -vat in the sense of iva ‘as.’ These
two senses of Skt. -vat are confounded here as elsewhere. The
translator of MA should have used here ston Uaf and not ston
Mm as he has done.
CSV: u s mm*«!?*1 q m w y r in
«Rfcdl i ft* f% ilfaraf wiwrortf twrafoi® qfo q qfeg* surf

* Before par* HPS ad. svabhiva-.

* Tib. ad : ekft (eig).
* HPS paramftrtham lor °rth&t. Tib. daft po bjig rteu pafei don dam pas bjug pabi bdag
gid oan-pi&rvaxh (lit. prathamarii) laukikeoa paramarthena pravjttyatmakam.
1 Tib. fte bar ma batan p a ; HPS sadupadifya.
* HPS. "lakjapatat&ra0.
* HPS om. it; Tib. defeiphyir.
184] CHAPTER V ili 9

m am nl
*3JT®rn\ «» K
¿ iI; W
t f w i w f WHl'WWIW*
w n v g ? Ì 5 h i ^ l t d ì r * ro * r:‘ i u ro u ro rô w r it— i
gaù las bjig rten bstan hbyuñ ba |
de las hjug pa gsuñs pa ste |
gaó las don dam bsñad hbyuñ ba |
de las ldog pa gsuùs pa fco, || 8 II
In a V and Vx of CS byuñ for hbyuñ. In c Vx of CSV byuñ
for hbyuñ. In d V and Vx of of CSV las for la.
* ifàrafr $*P!T TO n s f t i w «refà I
q n P W T W * f o f l f a q i« T O Ü I1CI
CSV i to
f t q q f q f t frn w w m w m r a a ^ i p w i w w ti f*5*r
H a fa w w q w w n i to g w h iî # 1
TO H* «
CSV : qsft v m rasn m t n fafirefq» jp*ann *rôraprt
?re i i w íb n ra fa fv i v fo d w tm v i-
fa r a r ’f t a t * á « r w r a T ? ii fiira t9^ * i t «i w p j wfcsr if ? r
i • i
kun yod ma yin ci bya z'es |
khyod la hjigs pa skye hgyurgañ |
gal te bya ba yod na ni |
chos hdi zlog byed mi hgyur ro || 9 ||
In b Vx of CSV has hjig for hjigs and V and VX of OS
read graft, for gañ.
1 Tib. tattv&m?t&vatârâdhikârabhütatvât (de kho na Aid kyi bdud rtei la bjug pabi
skabs su gyur pa ñid kyi phyir na).
8 Tib. mya ùan las bdas pabi ; HPS nivjrttieu0.
* Tib. rgyu ; HPS nimittaih for -hetub*
* Tib. repeats it once more : bya dgos par bya dgos so.
6 For Tib. lit. -satyabhftva- (bden pabi dños por). HPS Sajnävaka0 for Satyatvaka0.
• Tib. °ma skyes pas ; HPS 0pâdasvabhâva°.
v Tib. ad. -k&rya- (bya ba).
• Tib. lit. kftiya- (bya ba) for kriyä-,

* w iRWHTOt( w w w tf « im ir m i
CSV: zm ** fir « f a r e i owriuxumwR: w g fa fa * « t
3«víi i tr[ firfirfii Ptgwaf fiCTTOfwprarâwnf1 « « w * 3 i
« « I'w ft Mgt nfllW*JI!«Í WTïJ WQ ftrawrer a ifq q^WW*
« * ggfirftfa « «« if w ff tW n im r:* m u » «. n
CSV : *f5wn% *R »( ftffv i WR?% ««|f«y q w; 3 qiftfV
««1 TwfW fqqfhrewit * ïï%7 ^^srfn nqqraqft— i
khyod la raû phyogs chags yod ein |
gz'an gyi pliyogs la mi dgah na |
mya ñan hdas par mi hgro ste |
gñis spyod z'i bar yoûs mi hgyur || 10 ||
Vx of CSV khyed for khyod in a and span for yons in d ; span
does not give any sense hero. V wrongly reads dkah for
dgah in b.
* «ro% t r : t u r r e t %fïw: i
si *ifa«rftr f*raW « firêw iT fo*: #?*#
CSV : ftfro t % tw : swram: trro«« i «w vfç
«grò % ^ gs% « w w ^ m 'w . t o w 3 firòfn
wwtfirät10 « »ifirof« f»rafa*i i * «rcr»rau nftt«*?ro
I Tib. bya ba la sogs pafci rten yod pa thams end mcd pa ; EPS. sarvâbhâvaxh kriyfi-
• Tib. tatra (de la). After atha HPS hi n&ma.
• Tib. dúos po ; HPS par&rthosya.
« Tib. ladren par byed par hgyur ; HP8 °Q&vahakab.
• HPS ad. yatas tu.
9 Tib. mohog tu bkrahs ; lit. it means 'exquisite choice. *
T HPS Tiparite oa svabh&vapakÿe.
9 Tib. ad. abhiniveôab (mûon par z'en).
9 Tib. raft b*'in etoù pa ñid kyi phyog ¡ HPS éünyapakgafc.
19 For mi® kftvft Tib. any ah samyag na bh&vatlti jflâtvâ (gz'an yañ dag pa ma yin
noiftam du rig nas).
II HPS atra for animava- (Tib. rjes su chags pa).
187} CHAPTER V ili

Puifonfef i fir w r 1
finrora*fm » *• o
CSV : fi?n^ i m rfa f^rW w rataw T fansrci
iwïf^ ïTçan# ïïtîT cpm c^qnm c^w ’di^jwm Ki i «rtoww"
stowt* ît’wt^ 8 ç%*4 nwT?t w aroul8 ‘irwftrftfn i w i í h
fv ifh m w T fo n ii *renq,7— i
byed med mya ñan hdah bgyur z'iñ |
byed la yaú srid hgyur te des |
bsam bral med pas mya ñan las |
hdas pa thob sia cig sos min || 11 || .
In b Vx of CSV las, and Vx of CS and V pas for la. Vx of
CSV khral for bral in c.
* * tfra íw fa^rhi f w k « t w í : i
^ v¡m fa^rhi íN Ut»
CSV : "fsrarrs fSwsrsnmtrç f»ifíníN fiutfam imíl101
ÎTWT^ ÏÏTrf IWgTf «PgTfen M8ftWim«Hq. ?f fiwl-
nnfèiw: s»w*t *f *%*! ïït o î i «i f»rofanwj*

CSV : sfè *i<wflqW<a f*rakn fawtr aran* m « *rf«ran-
1 Tib. dam pa rnams kyis ; HPS om. it.
1 Tib. thabe la spvod pa ; HPS °päyaflyäti°.
• Tib. om.
4 Tib. suBidhyati or sukhena sidhyati (sgrub pa sia).
9 Tib. bdag cag ; HPS only tatra.
■'• HPS. ad. here na.
7 Tib. tathfi hi (fedi ltar).
• Tib. ad. yBsmât (gañ gi pbyir).
• Tib. bya ba thams oad la ; HPS ad. kuéal&dhi- (read knéalâdi-) before kriy&su.
19 Tib. oro.
» Tib. om -âdi-.
i» HPS ad. tat.

v h r f iw i^ f iw a ffii1 1 i ròrctW 8 i tf«T<Js«4wí*i‘ i

ÏÏWT f%— I
gañ la ftdir skyo yod min pa |
de la z'i gus ga la yod |
ran khyim las bz'in arid pa ni |
bdi nas hbyun bahart bya bar dkah || 12 ||
V wrongly skye for skyo in a, and Vx of CS yid for yod
Vx of CSV in d reads bya ba for bya bar, and wrongly dgaJi
for dkah.
* nm « fu ro « fra: fire i
f im w m ig w iq, i wm fe i y m :, n * n
CSV : i im g
•iTfç^r: w firfafa 1 83*imn*n$* « Ifàms绫®!-
ff* t i T t° w
ymmu n mmto S «t*n
CSV: f w n ^ w t u v r o i ^ i 11 m r f * « n in iam^i « r« ia
“ « t*«?’ 18f»rafa14 « irçpi181 snfcçTfts n ifrii
iw g* ita n w E f im w i *m ftr— i

* HPS om.
* Tib. béad par bya ste ; HPS om.
* Tib. fckhor ba la chags pafci ; HPS •rabhuktaih.
* Tib. eazhsâraraktaiti jagat saxhsârârd udvejanîyam iti (fckhor ba la chogs pabi bgro
ba fokhor ba la skyo bar bya bafci pbyir ro).
I Tib. plorai number (Berns Bkyo ba mams) ; BPS singular.
* HPS nifcs&raQ&ya.
T Tib. gñer ba bya ; HPS arthayate.
* HPS ad. tad..
* Tib. saihB&r&n nifrsartum (fekhor ba las &es par fcbyun ba).
»• Tib. bdi (read fedir).
II Tib. °sambhog&nubhav&ni (lo&s spyod rmyoá l>a).
11 HPS ad. tat*, but not supported by Tib.
** Tib. ad. aragye or vih&re (dgon par).
14 Tib. ad. pr&pyaih (tbob par bya bar).
u The word for it oould not b% read in the X being obscure.
la la sdug baùal zìi mnan z'iù |
hchi bar bdod pa dag snan ste |
de tshe de dag gti mug phyir |
go hphn dam par mi hgro zad || 13 fi
For z'in in a V and Vx of CS bave diì. Vx of CSV reads
chi for hcki in b. In d V has zan for zad. In ¿he same line Vx
of OS hgros for hgro.
* 5:*rfw |jn i

TOT*^FRT»wi?®«if*ei i im i
fagfh s*g<3 I firqitffa*-
^sbn'^j miteni tot si ipitot f5rakwnnsiTf%9 itM

CSV: rà*qwwrc10nftgn?toTgrommi "rè11 f r o t o S * 1*-

fMW ifii i '3’**^ i fwfHt15 fa s w iT g tf’UTWiTt'fnff^T^ i n i* ro u

I Tib. nad dan dbul ba dan sdug pa daù bral ba la sogs patii sdug bsAal gyis gzar te.
HPS vyadhiviprayogadubkhanvitab.
* Tib. wrongly tatàd (nos nas for gyaft sa nas).
a Tib. me daù ohur bjug pa la sogs pa dag kyaù bjod do | HPS om it.
4 Tib. nes par byas nas ; HP»S nivàrya.
* Tib. gtan du ; HPS atyantàya.
* Before vipa0 Tib ad. asad (yod pa ma yin) .ind after 0 daróanàs ad. viparyast&b
(phyin oi log rnams).
* Tib. che ba ; HPS om. ifc.
8 Tib. gaù già ; HPS ye.
* Tib. sgrub par bgur; HPS nasa°.
10 Tib. srid; HPS sarvapari0.
u Tib. rga éi med pafci go bphaàs ; HPS °tyàgena nirv&pa0.
w Tib. goig bu; HPS °mevàrtha°.
1# In X read sgom for sdom.
“ HPS tat ki°.
II Tib. vividho (mam pa sna tshogs).
*« Tib. defci dbye ba lae ; HPS °dftrthaiii. bhaga0.

w nrat [ 1inhnra*^t n v m f ir a r o i0 w 1]-

•«* ita «nwm*— i ]
sbyin pa dman pa la gsuAs 6in |
bbrift la tshul khrims gsu6s pa ste |
mchog la z'i ba gsuns gyur pa |
des na rtag(tu mchog tu byos || 14 ||
In a it is sbyin and not sjyyin as printed in V's text. In d V
wrongly reads gyur ba for gyur pa.
V hlnasya danam nirdistam 611am madhyasya caiva hi |
6ivam agryasya kathitam tasmad agryam sada ilrutam II141|
As regards the metre danam hlnasya nirdi$fam would have
been better.
The first thing to be observed on this restoration is that the
Skt. word agrya for Tib. mchog in c and d in connection with Tib.
dman and hbri'fi in a and b respcltively, is not so happy. There
are three classes of vinaeyas ‘disciples3 of the Buddha according
to the degrees of their merits, viz., hlna or nikftfa ‘low,’ madhya
or madhyama ‘middle,’ and uttama, or utkjsta, or viii$ta ‘best’
or 'highest’. These words in Buddhist or non-Buddhist literature
are found to have formed a well-known phrase,1 and nowhere
agrya is read for utbarm or utkfiph, or vi6i§ta. Therefore I should
think, we ought to put here one of these last words for Tib.
The second thing to be noted is about the translation by V.
of the Tib. word gswhs used thrice, in a, b, and c. He translates
it by two different words, first by nirdisfa and then by kathita,
and in one case he does not translate it at all allowing it to be
understood. Now, strictly speaking, this is not appropriate4,
x_i Tib. thabs ohen po oan gyi thuga rje chen pofei0 beam pa daft bag ftal mkhyen pafei
oboe0 ; HPS bhagavato de6an&vaioitryam.
a_* Tib. de la boom ldan fedas des; HPS om. it.
* For instanoe, see MV, p. 357; Ma h &y &n a s &t r Al a Ak &r a XVI, 63 ; Mft 9-
4&ky ak&rikaIII, 10 ; and the commentary by CandrakirtU on the karika 183 of the
OS quoted by V under the karikft 189. I t reads h i n a - m a d h y a m o t t a m a «
b h e d&t. V wrongly quotes m a d h y o t t a m 0. See also OS, 89 (HPS, p. 462).
« But see k&rik&s804, 264.
for in this case owing to the use of different words the meaning
may appear to the reader differently. So ¿he same word must
be repeated in such cases. Moreover, nirdisfa and kathita do
not convey the same meaning. As regards the omission of the
translation of gsuns in 6, I think, it would have been better if V
could have avoided it, for the original author undoubtedly wanted
to lay here some emphasis by repeating the word so many times.
In d V takes Tib. byos to mean Skt. ¿ruta ‘heard.’ He repeats
it also in the vocabulary (p. 173). So far as I can say this meaning
can in no way be accepted. It appears that somehow or other
he has confounded the word with Tib. thos or thos pa which means
in Skt. ¿rtda (cf. thos pa bz'in, Skt. yathdiruta). byos is the
imperative form of byed pa ‘to do’. Hence it cannot mean any­
thing but ‘do’, Skt. hum. This is clearly borne out also by
Candraklrtti when he explains it using byos ¿ig, Skt. kuru, ‘do,’
in the commentary.
It is to be further noted that V’s translation cf c ann d is not
quite in accordance with his own Skt, nor does it follow the
original Tib. version. He translates them th u s: (c) “le vide aux
meilleurs; (d) c’est pourquoi il est si souvent question du
mieux (agrya=$unya).” I donot think V is right in taking Tib. z’i
ba in c in the sense of ‘vide,’ ‘void’, ¿unya; z’i ba means in
Skt. ¿iva, ¿anti, etc. And what is to be understood by it ?
According to the commentator, I consider, it is mya nan las
¡¡das pa or nirvana. There are three things sbyin pa, ddna,
‘gift tshtd khrims, ilia, ‘morality ;’ and sgom pa, bhavana,
‘meditation.’ And he says, great is the enjoyment by ddna. By
Ua one is born a god or a man. And by bhavana, the kleSas
‘evil passions’ or ‘obstacles’ are destroyed, and they being
destroyed there is nirvana. This nirvana is said not to all.
“ Therefore, be yourself most excellent and be exceedingly
delighted for nirvdua”. Here is nothing of ston pa, SUnya, the
‘vide’ of V. See the commentary quoted below.
Consequently I should like to propose the following res*

v n ir ó ta ft w f*rafiiw $w i>iw # t* i
The literal rendering of gsuñs, past tense, is in Skt. ukta ‘said',
no doubt, but in such cases the use of present tense is allowed.
For instance, see k&rika 183 where the same word, gsuñs, is used
twice for Skt. mrnayate. V himself, too, accepts it. See kSrikS
219 (gsuñs—kathyate).
CSV: dman pahi gaú zag la ni sbyin pa kho na1 tshul khrims
dañ sgom pa ni ma yin te | de gñis kyi snod ma yin pa ñid kyi
phyir ro || hbrift po la ni tshul khrims kho na gsuñs kyi sbyin
pa ma yin z'iñ sgom pa ma yin te | sbyin pa la gnas zin pahi
phyir dañ sgom par ñus pa med pahi phyir ro || mchog la ni
sgom pa kho na gsuñs kyi sbyin pa tshul khrims dag ni ma yin
te | de gñis la gnas par gyur zin pahi phyir ro ||
de la sbyin pas ni loñs spyod che bar hgur ro || tshul khrims
kyis ni lha dañ mihi sky*vbaho || sgom pas ni ñon moñs pa
bsrab pa ñid du hgyur la bsrabs pa ñid kyi phyir mya ñan las
hdas pahi phyir thams cad la mya ñan las hdas pa mi gsuñ ño |l
defyi phyir badg mchog tu gyur cig ces mya ñan las hdas pa la
mñon par dgah bar byos éig ||
H fW *1 l i t ó * I 1
w nw n si* n « « w n i fu fa ra is w w w -
<i4 hww i «fiww «ra** «tw sprofa t 1
** i sNta ^w snfír. i* w t o t w *i-
frowfínfafafii fiwfaffufr i wmnfra*wít
« ftflt f * K(8 H

CV: mchog tu byuñ bafci phyir ches thog ma kho nar mya
ñan las fcdas pahi gtam bya ba yod ma yin gyi ||
-«frinitraRi w w i # f»rafoitVT n «ra? i
1 X na daft tshul khrims la sgom0.
1 See 09, XII. II («288): ¿llena gamyate avargu^.

bsod name min pp daA por zlog |

bar du bdag ni zlogpa dañ |
phyi nas Ita ni kan zlog pa |
gañ gis áes de mkhas pa yin || 15 ||
In a Vx of CSV Has las for pa For zlog in a, b, and o, as
found in Vx of CS, there is bzlog in Vx of CSV, while V reads
bzlog only in c. In c for ni Vx of CSV z'ig. Before gañ in d
Vx of CSV unnecessarily adds ni bya ste, and reads gi foj gis.

tn n * f t u
It is cited in MV, p. 359.
CSV : bstan pa hdir rim gyis hdus byas thams cad bzlog
par byaho || de la hdir re z'ig bsod nams ma yin pahi phyogs
thams cad bzlog pa ni daù por bya ste | mthoñ ba daà ma mthoñ
bahi fies brgya phrag du mahi rg^w yin te | epoñ1 ba ala ba
da$?por bzlog par byaho || sdig p% bzlog pas ni phuft po
khams dañ skye mched mams la bdag rnam pa lûar yañ mi
srid pahi phyir bdag tu Ita ba cha ñi éu dor bar byaho || phyi
nas bdag la chags pa yañ dag par ston pa2 phuñ po dañ khams
dañ skye mched dag la chags pa yañ yoñs su btañ bar bya bahi
phyir dños po thams cad bzlog par byaho ||
dehi phyir de ltar na blo dañ ldan pa hdi len pa med par
yoñs su mya ñan las hdas te | de ltar na rim pahi sgo nas gañ
z'ig gis thams cad de bzlog pa thabs áes pa de la ni sñas rgyas
kyi bstan par mkhas pa ] z'es brjod do ||

ÏÏSRT S¥ltV<ll<ll3W<l9Qfttil I

»! wtpsri jfñ firiraNmife*w*iT i

vfm w r ifh i
1 X epañ.
> X pafri.
■ rüpa-vedan&»saihjñfc-9aihskftra-vijñ&na-svarüpab ?
4 See MVt 208. 1 rüpam&tmñ svâmivat. * rüpavâif fttmft alaék&ravat. * ftipilyaib

fftUtllfllWqWTH i w «HITO
s w n re n firv iw iw v lM M

CSV; yañ ji ltar leu pa med pa ñid hthob ce na dúos po th&ms
cad raú bz'in med pa ñid du mthoú ba las so || gal te dúos po
imams mthab yas pa dehi yul can de ji ltar bita bar ñus | chos
gcig kyaú yoús su ma áes éiú | ma spaús par | sdug bsúal gyis
mthar byed pa yañ mi srid la || de bz'in du bcom ldan hdas
kyis skad cig gcig dañ ldan pahi áes rab kyis gaú cuú zad ¿es par
bya ba daú bita bar bya ba daú múon sum du bya ba de
thams cad múon sum du brjod1 do z'es hdon pa yaú yin te |
del^i phyir fcdi lbar bya z'e na | béad par bya ste |
-« fír « i mwm t Ri i w rt « ro ro t
f i r . i «f* uro v w n : mí * finraí
iw p n ^ E n f* w fs ro fa iF w w w E * ^ h iiw íí i
innm«TOiT w n n wi
m e w iü fiT a w ro iíl i iw n f o i t o í — i
dúos po gcig gi lta po gaú |
de ni kun gyi lta por báad |
gcig gi stoú ñid gaú yin pa |
de ñid kun gyi stoú pa ñid || 16 ||
For gi in a Vx of CSV has gis. In a and b V wrongly reads
lta bo and lta bor for lta po and lta por respectively in Vxx
of CS and CSV. For gañ in a he has yañ which is also wrong.
In d V and Vx of CSV read stoñ ñid do for stoñ pa ñid.
V bhSvasyaikasya va djstih saiva sarvasya kathyate |
ekasya éünyatfi y&sti saiva sarvasya éünyata || 101|
rflpaxn bhjtyavat. 9 rüpa &tm& bh&janavat. 5 vedan&tmfc. 9 vedanáv&n &tm&. » fitmlyft
vedan*. vedan&y&m &tm&. 9 saihjfi&tm&. 19 saxhjñ&v&n &tra&. 11 &tzhiy& samjfift.
19 saihjfl&y&m &tm&. 19 saihsk&r& &tm&. 14 saihsk&rav&n &tm&. 19 &tm!y&b «nthftirfrrfcfr
19 B&ib- skftreev &tm&. lT vijñftnam atmá. 19 vjftlnav&n &tm&. 19 fitmlyub vijñ£nam.
99 vijfiftna itmft,
1 X Ulngiblo exoept the lant letter,

As regards the restoration V takes the words lia po (his lia

bo) in a and b to mean dftfi for which in Tib. we have tia ba.
As the particle po clearly shows, one should use here draffr
Fortunately the original k&rika is found quoted in MV, p.
128, but it escaped the notice of Poussin and,V. It is as follows:
* « i w w *t « m n -1
<t*rer ««r ^nn nn m
CSV : gzugs kyi ran bz'in ston pa nid gaA yin pa de nid tshor
ba la sogs pa phun po mams kyi ran bz'in ston pa nid do || de
bz'in du mig gi skye mched kyi ran bz'in stoii pa gan yin pa nid
de1 nid skye mched bcu gnis car gyi 2yan yin no || de bz'in du mig
gi khams kyi ran bz'in ston pa nid gan yin pa de Aid khams bco
brgyad car gyi yan iio || de bz'in du dnos po dan yul dan dus
dan rten gyi dbye ba tha dad cin rab tu dbye ba mthah yas pa
ranms las dan po gcig gi3 ran bz'in ston pa nid gan yin de Sid
dnos po thams cad kyi ran bz'in ston pa nid de ||

’N r e i ^ n ’if tng*imf«n ttfro fa ra *

snram iront(r) r o ir e ta w an
IN w i t w u rct tra m u jv rn « u n
Cf. % t[*f i t u r n % xnf f i t |
Acdrangasutra 1. 3. 4.1 (PTS, p 17).
n*rt nw : s w iN s s : wwr. iw : i
vm \ s s t tw t nw: t o t f a w *
Both the passages are quoted in Syddv&damanjart, Ch. S. S.,
pp. 4,112, and Gu^aratna’s comm, on Saddarianasamuccaya,
BI. p. 222,
1 X om, it.
* X gHis kyi ohar yaA.
» Xgis.

CV : bdir smras pa | gal te chos thams cad stoA pafci phyir
spoil1bat bya ba yin na | dge slo* dag de lta baa na gus par byas
te | gus par byas nas byas pafci bsod nams kyi mam par smin
par bdod pas sdug pa dan phans pa dan yid du ^ofi ba so sor
myoft bar fegyur ro* || | z'es bya ba hdi cihi phyir gsuns | fcdi
ni mi bgal te gan gi phyir |
-w in i «w w l : ffn i
lRt i wwt w m H'ww faqwr?r: *n%*i «re*if*n£ *
w n y g w if« fttftiw im i %** i $*•— i .
chos chags de bz'in gSegs rnams kyis |
mtho ris tdod pa mams la gsuns |
thar pa frdod mams la de nid |
smad gyur gz'an du smos ci dgos || 17 ||
As the sense requires and is supported by the Vx of CSV
here in a it must be kyis and not kyi as V reads with our
Vx of CS. In c V wrongly reads thar ba for thar pa. In d for
smttd Vx of CS, which is here indistiuct, seems to read slad; for
smos found in both, Vxx of CS and CSV, V wrongly reads
smros and translates by upadiiyate. But this cannot be accept­
ed, for smros is the imperative form of smra ba ‘to say’ ;
Smos is here pf. form of the root smo ba ‘to remark,’ ‘to assert.’
For ci dgos found in Vxx of CS and CSV, V reads cwi go$, which
does not give any sense.
V uktas Tathfigatair dharmSnurflgafr svargakStiksigSm j
mumfik§upam tathanyatra tattvam evopadilyate || 171|
I should propose the following restoration:
«« ft w w n M t w w iqw w fr. i
iraKr WNsnStist P w iw a n t-eu
CV: chos la chags pa ni defci thabs kyi no bo yin p&fei phyir
gdon mi za bar bya ba nid du | bsod nams dag ni byar* ^os te |
bsod nams ma byas nid sdug bsnal bsod nams byas pafci fcjig
1 X epaA. • byed I
102} CfîAPTEB VU! 21
rten ni hdi daù gz'an du dgafc bgyur ro || z'es saùs rgyas boom M*"
hdas kyis hdod ciñ ùan hgror hgro bas hjigs pa skye ba daù |
hjigs pa bsgom pa mi nus pa rnams la gsuùs kyi | thar pa hdod
pa rnams la ni ma yin no || de rnams la ni chos la chags pa
hkhor bafri btson rahi khan par hchiù ba ñid yin te | gaù gi
phyir chos kyi rnam graùs gzins daú hdra bar kun nas àes pa
rnams kyis ni chos rnams spoù1 bar bya ba yin na | chos ma yin
pa dag la ci smos èea gsuàs pahi phyir ro || mam par grol bafci
bde ba hdod pa la ni hgah yaù chags pa ées par mi hgyur te |
de ni chags pa ma lus pa chad pas thob par bya ba yin pahi phyir
ro II ma pham pahi mdo bz'in no ||° de nas hkhor dehi naù
nas dge sloù mi pham pa z'es bya ba z'ig yod par hgyur la || des
ye ma ma la bdag gliñ bz'ihi dbaù phyug hkhor los sgyur ba
duû du gyur cig ces smon lam btab ste | de ni bcom ldan hdas
kyis hdi ltar sdug bsùal bzlog par bya bahi phyir | rab tu byuù
nas sdug bsùal de fiid hdod pa khyod ni skyes bu blun pa z'ig
go z'es smad pa mdzad doli de bstan nas bcom ldan hdas kyis
dehi skad cig tsam gyi srid pa mùon par hgnib pa yaù bsùags
par mi mdzad do || de cihi phyir z'e na | dge sloù dag srid
pa mùon par grub pa ni sdug bsùal ba ste |° de ni de ltar
smad la ||
« w Tint f% m jqnrcre* w u n tf i ü^nfn
i 5: ^ i to ifii
«w* w w puraw îrw r *r
i í»«rí w fa n r. i irât i
***« *& i w iïifîn rt farçmfafn *fir?rf*Tfai fa&fw-
n w rô i n f i r f w S w ï ï ^ N i N wroi-
fafïi i »° rôrât urn i
* (?) n fïro sffà «* w w â f n# t w ta fid « n f a n w r m f v ir . i
n m p p i* qrcfiRi'vf’ tâi w a rn w y w * « «n ro % « r j:
f n f i ** ï nfom m rafann * * n w w n fq w rortw -
fafîf «i vmw^i «rç fa firô n >° ht

CV : fcdir smras pa | gal te ston pa nid kyis chags pa log
pas sdug bsnal rans pa ldog na de lta na ni | to na sdug bsnal
mthafr dag fie bar gcod pahi rgyu nid kyi phyir de kho na fiid gcig
bu fie bar bstan par byafro || de ni de lta ma yin te | de ni
snod kyi khyad par la bltos palji phyir ro || fcdi ltar snod ma
yin pa la bstan pafri phyir ston pa nid ni bzah nes palji zas dad
skom la sogs pa ltar phun palji rgyur Ijgyur ro || de ni lhag
par ma mos pas bcom ldan frdas kyi ston pa nid spon bar Ijgyur
ro || yan na ston pa nid kyi don ni thams cad med pahi don
du log par yons su brtags nas log par lta bas nan son du bgro bar
ttgyur ro || deft phyir |

i ro p i i
i «m u:
¡q < nw w f a w wi farafa* *r
i i
bsod nams Ijdod pas stoA pa fiid |
kun tshe brjod par bya min te |
gnas ma yin par sbyar bafri sman |
dug tu hgyur ba ma yin nam ||18||
In c for sbyar V has wrongly spyar. In d V x of CSV du
for tu.
V sarvada naiva vaktavya puijyak&mena fillnyatft |
ayogayuktam bhai^ajyam garalam kim na jSyate | 18 ||
In c gnas ma means asthana and not ayoga as V takes it.
1 should like to modify his restoration as follows:
qjVIT fh l |
y w m iii <19 « r a t h *
CV: fedir sfiid rje can bsod nams fedod cifi sems can mams
rjes su bzun bar fedod pas ni thog mar sems can yons su ma

smin z 'it | dge bahi rtsa ba ma smin pa mams la sto6 pa nid

brjod par mi bya ste | don med pafci phyir ro ||
- I f WllfaiT 5*WfT*n»lt WIT TOR-
n *m«trr i fvnhram i «ten
In explaining the kSrika Candraklrtti quotes here the followng
verse: •
blun la ne bar bstan pa ni |
hkhrug pahi rgyu yin z'i phyir min |
lag hgro ho ma hthuns pa ni |
dug hphel hgyur ba hbah z'ig go ||
The original Skt. is well-known :
ig o ta t w tom n ut* t% i

Pancatantra, I. 389.
This stanza in the Tib. version with some different readings is
included in the Ses rah sdon bu, Calcutta University, 1919, p. 121,
No. 239.
CV : dehi phyir sems can gyi sems kyi rgyud las su run bar
bya bahi phyir ches thog ma kho nar hjig rten pahi dnos po ji
ltar gnas pa b£ad par bya ste { de la de mkhas pa mams stoA
pa nid la bde blag tu hjug pahi phyir ro | de nid kyi phyir |
dri bral gos la tshon bz'in du |
dati por sbyin sogs gtam rnams kyis |
sems la legs pa !lid bskyed de |
de nas chos ni bsgom par mdzad ||
ces gsufis so || don fcdi bstan pa^i phfyir dpe b6ad pa (
-irwTii verm t ^irew ipw m q m ^ ra flifh
p h Jw w ftrai w w i! i i r i i f f w w ^ n i r a t ^%*i
w & n ? r a m i
gwfcqram flwwh«wwi q iy im i
la rw q i ^qfjwfwq i ^ iinmnwTf— i
ji ltar kla klo sk&d gz'an gyis |
bzuñ bar noi nus de bz'in du |
bjig rten pa yi ma gtogs par |
bjig rten bzuñ bar nus ma yin j| 19 ||
In b and d for bzuñ Vx of CS has gzrn.
* » T O wtfin i i ■«: sraft w ffimMtot i
* uw t wvferç m ai
CV : dper na kla klo skad gz'an mi ées pa ñid kyi phyir raù gi
skad kho nas bstan par bya ba yin pa de1 bz'in du hjig rten yañ
bjig rten palp dños po mam par bz'ag pahi sgo nas de kho na
ñid la hjug par nus so ||
= q *n «rat * w rra îN ta ^ssr <i*
stotUfa qftfawranwwfinrrcï îtw‘ V«sjsÊtfa i
The kSrika is quoted in MV, p. 370, and in the Tib. version of
MA, p. 120. Cf. Kundakundäcärya’s Samayapràbhrta (Samaya-
pähuda), Sanätana Jaina-granthamâlâ, 1914, I. 8 :
**<5 fa « w in w i virwwrô fk m f i
m vtwrtsr fa^T #
CSV : *rarçrciroi il «rrarei « i w sraqiï
im i jmxft « tir : m«.u *
CSV: w ram —i
yod dañ med dañ yod med dañ |
gàia ka min z'es kyañ bstan te |
nad kyi dbaù gis thams cad kyañ |
sman z'es bya bar hgyur min nam |j 20 ||
In 6 Vx of CSV reads gñi ga for gñis ka, and in c ni for kyañ.
* *twf *iraii i
qläfrN »im «rarò n h
X om. it«
> Tib. -grahaúa* (bzuñ ba) for -a?at&ra<<fejug pa).
105} 25

CVS: vAn*ç*finrcmrcroro w rem faìfòwr1

srfimn i ’Erl*iTr*rf«f»i%wMf miHimfèffl3 qrfirarç i wrararrc*
çsj«i«ujuu s ^ e r f ^ îtf ç îî^ i rofarFTOtrat'âçra ’ftvrafcftt
m nftran i *rftr * ?ira^ fk^rvì i
»T5 *nw w rat i
s**tqi«rci4 1 * ict %?i?j; «v»
This kârikâ with the same reading is quoted in MV, p. 272.
There in c for sarvam the reading is pathyam, but in the Tib.
version in all the xylographs examined by Poussin and V
including our Vxx we have thams cad which in Skt. is sarvam.
Accordingly Poussin reads in his edition of MV sarvam for
pathyam. V, however, prefers pathyam and says that ‘pathyam
donne le sens meilleur et le plus précis.’ One cannot agree with
him considering what is said in the first half of the kârika.
The author wants to say that all the things mentioned here,
viz. sat, asat, sadasat, and nobhaya, i. e. na-sadasat, are condu­
ctive to the good of the disciples (vineyas) according to their
different temperaments, for every thing serves as medicine
according to different kinds of disease. This is perfectly clear
from the foregoing lines of Candrakirtti’s commentary which
supports the reading sarvam.
In his French translation of c and d V has upset the whole
argument when he writes : ‘Un médicament même n’est salutaire
que selon la maladie, n’est-il pas vrai V We are to note here
specially that both in the original and the Tib. version, the
predicate is ausadha, sman. According to him the translation
would have been something like the following: ‘selon la
maladie la diète sert de la médecine.’

1 Tib. boom ldan fcdas kyis gdul bya rnams la ; HPS °kçàlaimya sud iti.
* Tib. thams oad ; HPS om. it.
• Tib. bgab z'ig tu med do «*kiûcin nâetiti.
4 For -yujyate Tib. ma kho ba ni (?).

qft(«3n»n m* qw ra 3 «i«n i «rfa* q rtn i4- i
y&b dag mthon na gnas mchog la |
con zad mthon na bzan hgro ste |
defcif)hyir nan bdag bsam pa la |
mkhas pas rtag tu bio gros bskyed || 2 1 1|
In 6 V wrongly has bzad lor bzan. In c V and Vx of CS ds
for defyi. In d for pas V with Vx of CS pa. .
* q r w tf f % f ^ t w t i
w n ^ q m fv m q l fiwsf «faror \\\\w
CSV: q*inthn3fa q n w n r s t tron*5 qreft
i fqrf%* t^ns8 s t xsht i w re
Owfrir muni trarara ^ w nfosraTssroqfTOTqt
OfRiSta ffi: qj&itfil Ht«
CSV: q^nrararwiftpmirt fsra?i mm jmqih to
f t n v ( qarawwr*i—i
de nid 6es pas gal te hdir |
mya ¿an hdas pa ma thob kyan |
skye ba phyi mar hbad med par |
nes par thob hgyur las bz'in no |j 221|
* I f qqrfq n w ft faqfa «trfw^sffr I
uwiwqiratsq^ qwq^ ii^ ii
Following skye ba phyi mar in c of the Tib. version the ori-
ginal reading in Skt. is suggested to have been parajanmani and
1 Read la for l&s in Tib.
1 HPS °cinta’pravr° which is not supported by Tib.
» Tib. d e; HPS e#&.
* Tib. tasy&xh ca paramartliadeSanayam (don dam pafei bstan pa de ya6).
* Tib. ad. tasmin (de fiid).
*,HPS i^at kifioit. ,
HPS Mmp«r«kjfi&nas.
198] CHAPTER V ili 27

not punarjanmani in d for which after skye ba one may expect

slar du ; and follawing also the reading gz'an du for phyi
mar in c as found in MA, p. 2, where the kärikS is quoted, the
actual reading should have been anyajanmani—parajanmani.
CSV has both punarjanmani (Tib. skye ba phyi maT-parajanmani)
and myajanmani (Tib. skye ba gsz'an du). .
The kärikä in its Skt. version is cited in MV, p. 378.
CSV : entrati 3Pwf»i i m g ium fasa 'i focmrwnsi1 *f snrä

vm w w fnrö4 srehr: w J iwifir ttm

gw afrqw u m ft xswt w i n m u

CSV : w z r farcra' gwT * 5*?rw i ctw
*W7 * 7 I v f a < 5 ^— I
bsam bz'in pa na bya ba ni |
kun la grub pa áin tu dkon |
hdi nahan mya nan hdas med min |
sbyor dan grol mams rñed par dkah |¡23 ||
In a V and Vx of CS ni for na and na for ni. In c Vx of
CSV omits won after mya, and adds gyi after min. In d V
wrongly reads spyor for sbyor.
* q f a f l f e f ta f t â p W I T O I T S fíS W í I
* f* rafai g w re iim *i

CSV : s» * fN k fc * 5WOT18 1 srafan

» Of. MVt 267.2.
• Tib. -siddheb (grub pa las) for -niçyandât.
• Tib. mohakytasya (gti mug gis byas pafci) for nameha ky°.
4 Tib. ñes par ; HPS niyatsya.
5 Here Tib. ad. niruddhâd bljäd anantaram aàkurapatrapuspaphalâdivat (sa bon
ÿgags ma thag tu myu gu daü lo ma daà me tog daù febras bu la sogs pa ltar).
• Tib. simply kim (cifci phyir).
9 Hot supported by Tib.
9 Tib. mya A&n las feda* pa kho na dkon pa; HPS 0 kevalaih viràga ova darlabh&daréanab.

* f a m * üraranßrarr i f ¥ ?rfr i1 Sgi

^rtvm m rerfiivT i ^T^fnçwwT i nw if^ f fa*rar* « fo ro *
i ïran fc ï ^ î t ‘jtto5î f*rafa «*ïWvi*wf^f
ïïmfq flparofaafm rs* átfnsft *r»rsrm7w * î* gwr: çg w n : i
•mit rçwT vfq ç*swj m f m i w m *nwf
m ure" trfìrum^ «**if
CSV: nun ^t»winRi»i* n sw w i *tarc*ï s i a f 10
9ïf*rçj*l » afë 3*wifà»i i m i 5*ftîR-
totïî wwf fo w w w n w i w spT W « ra > ^ fn i i
lus la yon ton med thos nas |
hdod chags yun rió mi gnas te |
lam de ñid kyis thams cad kyan |
zad par hgyur ba ma yin nam || 24 ||
In a Vx of C8 has thob for thos. For m i in b Vx of
CSV reads riñs.
* ^srr sretôïfqsî w t‘ * fiisfa i
tn r è » * «TÍnir *pí*nfa »rç wr- n*8i
CSV : r ô v f r o n t i WTsrifHxftifi«11 *rftor fafaiiiftfr1*-
im n ftrn w fa =ssn trf%?ra x q w i
OTt »! «raïï r m ü*« w t h tara< ri)w * fä w ^ irs w ifq
* Tib. boñ kyaft (kintu).
I Tib. de yañ ; HPS repeats : hetupratyayasâmagri.
* Tib. cint&y&h (bsarn pa na).
4 Tib. bde bar góegs pafci ; HPS °diha áasano.
* Tib. bbod pa ; HPS °nirvSnam asti.
9 For virah&t (Tib. bral) HPS vaikalyât.
v Tib. yid la byed pa xned las ; HPS vika)p&bhä°»
* HPS ad. yasm&t.
9 Tib. de kbo na fiid mthoñ ba med par ; HPS° 9daréanftt tadabhävafe.
10 Tib. sañB rgyas ñid la ; HPS bnddbatv&ya.
II X mfton par boas ; read sruAs for boas.
*9 Tib. ad. fttmanfi (bdag gis).
19 Tib. bjig p*W ohos can dn gyur ; HPS virftgadharmeñ&kr°.
19 Tib. bdod obags daù bral ba skyed pat byed pa ; HPS vair&gyajanane.
220] C H A # rto v m 89
* n rw ng t o utr : i u ? r* « ¿ ra ta w re ro n w
ft« « « * w v-
w t o N p i ^fw: Ran

In 6 Skt. ksanam supported by the commentary* should

have been translated into Tib. by shad tig, and not by yun
rin -which means dram. Undoubtedly the reading kfcttftam is
better than dram.
CSV: ’*renw i ^r%3FT~TirrrT«T^r sroraraipra
wfasmtfa I to *— i
ji ltar sa bon mthah mthoA z’in |
de la thog ma yod min ltar |
de bz'in rgyu ni ma tshaA phyir |
skye bahan hbyufi bar mi hgyur ro || 25 ||
mal hbyor spyod pa bz'i brgya ba las slob ma spyod pa ste
rab tu byed pa brgyad paho ||
In a for mthah V wrongly has mthar. For tshah after ma in
c V and Vx of CS wrongly read tshad, while Vx of CSV has
chod which cannot be accepted.
* tot *i ^T f^rw ftra t i
«tot qnT^am rw iT^tsfq »1 ii*n»i
II gTfrn^Tt famqufHgscqwgwq. h
CSV : t n r *m? fro rra n isra * t q r o r o r v n fn m w
y5td*i^TW( impiTf^immanrer «ro*-
n«m«T»ren,»nf^wtrfq w r:* « t w i -

* Tib. api (kyaft) for eva.

9 -ftdiklefta- from Tib. la sogs pafei fion mot* pafci. ; HPS* ragabandhana*
* * * t a t k 9 aQxh rfigo na jiyate.”
9 HPS ad. asya.
• Tib. skye ba; HPS om. it.
• Tib. om. it.
9 Tib. 9a bon gyi l HPS Mjajanmanafe.

« m 'l i - 'v q r i t m f e t q N r t# f ir « w ^ h i^ h‘ qgfant f a n '

wwfwf<gi^ snw^<nr^fiiy *i n?€*iw* «4 «*rawww[
« w n iijn m #
The karikS is quoted in MV, p. 220.
In the first line.of the colophon in Tib. for spyod V wrongly
reads spyon. The name of the chapter given in Tib. is slob ma
spyod, Si§yacaryd. The vjrtti in the Tib. version has slob ma
yotis m spyod, 4i$yaparicarya ; while in its Skt. version it has
dcaryaryadevlye bodhisattwyogdcare catujrfatake pdrikarmika-
praharanam aptamam.

• Tib. unnecessarily ad. yid (dtta.).

4 Tib. fion mofts pa dag kyan ; HPS te ca kled&b-
* Tib. ye ¿os kyi mes bsrag pa la dons po med par fie bar bgro ste | HPS jfianatejabspar.
6&d abh&vam gat&b
4 Tib. debi phyir* mi nus; HPS tad ayam asamarthab karmasahfi®.
Chapter IX


irHTOn^«r*!nnw« o w f a i : m rro v fn % ir-
? ra fa f» w iin w rro : tiv rà fc m rà -
m8i m i w r a i T f - i
thams cad Ijbras bu^i don skye ba |
des na rtag yod min dehi phyir ¡
thub pa ma gtogs ji ltahi dûos |
de bz'in gsegs pa yod ma yin || 1 ||
In c fox ltahi Vx of CSV ltar.
* « I «hmfôyq i f a f r o * faitò i
tot nrcqrcu w ut«
CSV: qrraW f* u a f w f ò »1 « m r f a r ìi0 tiw m *
totwp F *rarq-
q m àflare : i ra sn a iw fmn qrek r w w q w ? ufarç
sfo q u fo * TO ?rçirer*rrcqrç « f r ç w fA lif ti
rçjiaroiWTWi ssrt 's « r a í w f a s ram foun
sfro ^arcf t o t ^ 10 *rcfôqim m i 9*

1 Tib. anantarâtikrânta- (thaï ma thag patii ) ; HPS saraanukrwita.

* Tib. rgya mtsho ; HPS om. it.
• Tib. gyo bas ; HPS om. it.
* HPS -prak?â° for -kçà°.
* Tib. samaBtapadârthatattvayath&vadadhigamâya (dúos po œthafc dag gi de fiid ]i
ita ba bz'in rtogs par bya bafei ched da).
9 Tib. °ÿjig pa ldan pa ñid kyis ; HPS -vyayatvenft*.
f Tib. lit. yad yogyam (oi rige).
• ln X for yin las med read yin la | samed.
• Tib skye ba ; HPS saxnut0,
*• Tib. ji Ita ba ba'in du ; HPS yaih&avam.

« w W y n # « nfiwmt t w rm a re R ^ $ ç v ra h w n (i
m w ftq f8tawwwire «m« K4<g<wg*f» w i * i° v r u *
m y iT if o r a iW gqg flfa w an n is n w * w w «-
fvç$n*l i n f t i r w w « 7 « t« —
? m *i^ f*n s p i »n fsr « m w r o m n *ra : #
g f n jî l «n w r^ i « <WlPlsm?H-
^ __ _ ______A . -■ __ - .. ^ __ "V
fn q ç jp i *h ït in ü m w n v ^ r e T « ïï t 3i*çran*nr ,f h ,i w «n m

wrar toi wy r a iowwrn i

« s w f a r a r s s r ô « t î r : « « « m a : n * f à h?k
CSV : « a i f t S ï i « ? * «rç « r a H g a r * « ^ fsraf « * & f « i
% q w n r fa « « !: w ra rw n ç q t « « :t r o « n :8 1 $rfq
« « iw fr o n « « t * f « * n f * < w ï T « * ^ ï f«rarî « f w f * r i
«rfa»rô«*«î ««r«?r *f« i itat
: —i
ma brten par ni yod fiid med |
gan z'ig gan na nam du yan |
des na nam yan gan z'ig tu |
rtag pa hgah yan yod ma yin || 2 ||
In b for du yan Vx of CSV reads gyi tshe. In c V with Vx of
CS has du for tu. They read a and 6 as 6 and a respectively.

1 Tib. om. yao oa k&ry&rtham utpannam and reads simply tasmat (defci phyir).
1 Tib. a d . vafioanatmakajh balalokamohanam (slu bafri bdag fiid can dag byis pafci
bjig rten bdrid pa yin no | | ).
• Tib. tidvs byas; This word is used in Tib. before nibavabhava0 ; HPS wrongly asaxh-
• Tib. rtogs bo ; E PS gagyate.
• See MV, p. 42.
• HPS ad. yaoanaih.
» Tib. om. &e&rya.
• The reading paryant&b oould not bo ascertained by oompaning our which is very
indistinct here*
m ] 'CHAPTER IX 3$
* '* ■
* ^nm^WTffprm *it% »
n srarrftrq. ««fw* fastf-ifa n m m mm
The fragments (HPS, p. 482) contain the whole karikS excepting
the last word, kvacit, in the first half. It is fully quoted in MY, pp.
397, 505. See MK, XXIV. 19 :
*TFjwRt tm: «
CSV: rorci1 fgmerstannut TOiifouvf^rCTtjmrar
»nfistai * wfaqifri* i
mjsni nn^nniT^hnfiMiwe* wfntwpt i nwu nfircroii
w roeR m fir’w m m
*nratanfarm m ftj i
u t o *rra: q n r o ^ s r ^ f a i r u?ro «saTOfwwtaiT4*

ffh i tow*'
n fastf fa u to a: ii
faTO?rf*PW»t*l »*#
CSV: to * jt h i unt e r e y qw *f*t i ihit
* i * *tto: *TOTfa*nrcTOf wziflramsin-
« w t w w u fi» Trw^rwn i « t o fro r. i t o 'w t w it h i
n *n*i qsTT^ngqw«!^ ntvs*v i ^riwrf»i ’fffa
Hfromtftt i t o ^ i 7 w i** i *i wfttr »• w*
w m *\ <i*nl0- i
*Tib. rtogs | HPS pratiptdyete.
*Jib. mion par bgyor ro 5 HPS upala*.
«HPS om. iti.
*Tib. g&&n a ; HPS om. it.
•Tib. yod 1»; HPS sada°.
t xib. de ltar bgyw ba z'ig g o ; HPS syus tajj&tiy&b pad&rthiL yady°,
• Tib. om. it.
• .it.
it Tib. fcdi ltar; HPS ya»m&t.

rgyu med par ni dnos po med |

rgyu ldan rtag pa yod ma yin j
des na rgyu med las grub ni j
de nid mkhyen pas grub min gsuna || 3 ||
In a Vx of CS pa for par. In b V and Vx of CS' min pa for ma
* f*nn w it siraa: i
SNwtrcw. fafv. fafwfon* h;«
In the fragments (HPS, p. 483) before hetumun nasti ¿divatafi
(b) the following words from the Vritti are carelessly added:
Myate nityatvarh yasmdt. These words with the preceding ones are
to be corrected and arranged as in the commentary quoted below:
CSV: *rw: w n * *riwfhx rohro i * fam *i srorafif i
rm fa i i*
fa m i ^ i *n* Hqrafa
ntr^mf^arw i w i6
w r w ra ftafr ftrereiq; i sran*

tg ir a R i w f i w f i W fsrfkRTO: i
ftararmm: f t f t : fafi^siT* ii
<twt t w i n OT!wfvntqtrar!$*rin^7fser^m vfvt m m q
ftriH m»
CSV: t o w * iw ^ reg T fn araq q g w rrafa^ iAgw-
flrennn^w af i i im q ? m w m *im m -
* After &tm& Tib. ad. nityo dhruv&b (rtag pa daft brtan pa).
* Tib. °sy&k&nniavattve’bhyupete’kira0 (rgyu dan mi ldan pa fiid du khaa leu par byed
na rgyu med pa oan°).
1 Tib. gait ft'ig rgyu med pa de n i; HPS tao ea nirhetukaxh kha#. /
4 Tib. ma yin t e ; hps om. it.
• Tib. om. ev&ih.
• Tib. mirtagpayinno ;HPS °nityavad ity abhi°.
* For anugam&d Tib. lit. anusambandh&t (rjes su febiel).
• HPS ad. evam ifyam&ge.
200] CHAPTER IX 85

n f n w m n r —«
mi rtag byas par mthoú gyur nas |
ma byas gal te rtag na ni |
byas la yod pa ñid mthoú nas |
rtag pa yod ñid min par gyui || 4 ||
In o after byas Vx of CS reads pa for la . In d all hgyur for
* T%\ wnvittaRmft l
v n r a n f a r t v® iN ns nnra* a8W
CSV: sf fo3rc=f *reir*r f*rar*r
i i¡s«u
Here as regards the reading of d in the Skt. karikaa V obser­
ves that it is ‘incompréhensible’ and then changing the reading
as nástitaivástu éáévatah says “je restitute d’aprés la version tibé-
taine, et le contexte la confirme”. This cannot be accepted.
The original reading is not incomprehensible, nor does the Tib.
version mean what V thinks. Let the original reading, ndsti tendstu
éáévatah, be construed th u s: tena éáévato ndsti (iti) astu and the
meaning will be perfectly clear and quite in accordance with the
context and the introducti n of the Commentator. On the contrary,
the restoration of V himself is incomprehensible. I cannot
understand what he means by nástitá eva astu éáévatah, or how
it can be construed. It is to be noted that owing to different
genders éáévatah cannot be adjective of nástitá . Nor can the
Tib. version mean what V says.
CSV: tw
1 Tib. om. tat.
* In X read rigs for rig.
* Tib. yod pa ma yin pa ni rtag pa ñid du rig(s) pa ma yin pa« d&os po rtag pa yod pa
ñid ma yin pa ñid te | nam khafei me tog bz'in no || For navidya0 kusum&vat HPS na «&-
vidy&m&nasya nityatvam napi sad ev&nityaxh vastu.
4 HPS first apratisañkhyáni0 then pratisañkhy&ni,0 not supported by Tib. and other

*wwwfl?q%m*n*njr?T*Ti'rif fir a a i figà *ii ^ y w u w w « w ^ *

rôrareTOnrfô* *t«ht if* i n?n?fïr mfttï i n m n —i
mkha la sogs rnams rtag go ces |
so sohi skye bo dag gis rtog |
mkhas pa rnams kyis de dag la |
hjig rten pas kyaù don mi mthoû || 5 ||
In a Vx of CSV nam mkafy la sogs for mlchah la sogs mains and
z'e8 for ces . In 6 V and Vx of CS rtogs for rtog. In d for mi Vx
of CSV ma, and for mthoû Vx of CS thon.
* T O w tà fo faw râfà n n p rô : i

CSV: ^ qiw w n a * fa rm in ' *rw

i g « vx
w w n * r : w n rò wt* t i
qjVH«<Qq«Uftn»wr »niT^ T n w tq ^ a rff^ q i^iaM iiiilui *r
imrofafn m f a q ww w y wwwm M ornanti7 t o t f% i q*re-
w m im fw m 8 *n*rwnf*rsTiï Rfwrort ^tärSürfa wStarfirôtf
«I farfv^^TO ’fqWWTTOT ïftrsiiTOfWTilg « if a v if a n i I
forgi q ç i^ H ra w rs fë rc n :10 ** *rsf <*
wT*n^w ifîr i w » f ? re wfìwteirfìratan-
fm fcwtaft11 «ni«Ri m
CSV: tot* i f r o t ò r o m i **f»rai «i ?rç f a* i
1 Tib. om. pari-.
> HPS ad. sat&ih.
• Tib. dearly nityatvenSatitvena oa (rtag pa fiid daft yod pa fiid da).
• Tib. °bh&vena (med pas).
i See ÀKV, 1.5 ; p. 15,11.19-20.
• HPS ad. abhidharmaé&stre vaibh&eikair.
v Tib. om. na ten&° ny&yyam.
• Both HPS and Tib. «svabh*Tapa*4it*b.
• Tib. om. it.
*• Tib. dàoe pofei raú W in mkhyen pa la gnas ÜA ; HPS °jfiin*vaath*b.
u Tib. evam anyasya nirodhadyyasy&pi (de bx'in da fegog pa jpftn gfiis 1*y*ö).
206] CHÂ|TLB EX 37

kttot tre i i w m H u iw w flw u fr* ïit Tw w -

S^ q re»H ^cqq^Mq<f<gl^qirq TOTiTOf%iq^Wfl*qfiräfonqrarc*-
iwiren^wrnifwwifoscTirTW fa^nrfnSSn f*rarar-
« r a m »f a it <itw — i
phyogs áes bya ba phyogs can ni |
kun la gnas pa ma yin te |
dehi phyir phyogö can la phyogs ni |
gz'an yañ áin tu gsal bar yod || 6 ||
In a Vx of CS and V z'es for ¿es. In c Vx of CSV de for defy.
In d Vx of CSV la for yan ; and Vx of CS ba for bar.
* u^firf* *i qw faq, ïï^ it um **3 i
ïwïtîi ssranrotifa n%fafn 1141
CSV : ti^ïWT^rsw ïï^ stt: i *: wt^wrrwn i*
? rfa rç u $ > r:* n^sl arf^r %
n%\* îNî'fiw^îr^T'fq7 rô m af
^rtagwîfcrç i *rfq * nf* irifsfq8 tr^sr: *sw «nfrorç*
B ^snfw nw rç *i w t^ i v ^ r n r n m n ^ firô s ïw w
h t u i ^?rçtaqftfàrjrô*rT ir^fafa ir%ôV «ira *t qthv
r a f a « * ircwa* **nmrotsfq ïï%afts% usfa^taRgfcru i
«nraravqinfòrat <rrarrosi w^ftrat ftg sn T ifft* i n *
r e ^ gf q f i m ^ a w TggrftftS* v$n\ »iT*r
irita n fìr^ q n m ra r ftwsifafìi * fSramrarotru ii^h
* Tib. °pratipâdanârtham (°hstan pafci don gyfe).
* For pradetì Tib. avayavi (oha éas oan ) ; HPS pradeéaeya. For âk&àasya y©° kàéam
Tib. akâéaih hy âkaàasya ye’vayavâa tair avayavir avayavi (nam mkhafe ni nam mkhafci oha
éaa gaû dag yin pa de dag gis cha éas oan du bgyur la).
* Tib. ghata- (bom pa) for anya».
4 Tib. debi ohed du (X daft) » tan nimittam ; according to Skt. it would have been
btshe. 5 Tib. om. tena.
* Tib. °deá&d (yul tha mi dad pafci phyir),
v In Tib. api after ghafeya.
9 Tib. phyogB thaznfl oad kyaù ; HPS yadi pradeáo’pi sarvatra0.
* Tib. vy&pipradeéaivat (khyab pa yin pafci phyogs oan bz'in dn).
w Tib. phaa tehun tha dad pafei phyogB® ; HPS paraepar&vyatl0.
u for -atlddba* Tib, -siddha- (grab pa).

CSV: g « w t i wnimíl
i iw t ffi w |f q * ta rf* 5 * vm % $ *
«tra«ní i *w w z tfn & m w ft i ? R F in in f^ fs-
im refiroA * f W í i i «$**( —i
gaú z'ig yod na dúos po la |
hjug daú ldog pahaú dmigs par hgyur |
de ni gz'an gyi dbaú hgyur te |
des na frbras bur yaú hgyur ro || 7 ||
In c V with Vx of CS gyur for hgyur.
* mrfn« i
The second half is thus restored by V :
any&yattaé ca so’py asti karyaih tenaiva vidyate || 7 ||
It is not elear, nor does it give the sense of the Tib. text. One
may, therefore, suggest the following:
TOnrot w nttr w i n «rntá \m
CSV having read the first half of the kárika runs :
« n rn g fan : * frc n % i im * s á ís fii « f f r ^ g q s r w
I *3 ^ *frf 551TO
m itfíT I VÜ ^ T s f q 8 ^ ra fsira T Q tW ^ a iT q p m -
3 fn w iw i w r f q ^ a n ^ T w m a T ^ f ii^ r fh i to w fts fq
««fcr q¡r*[£f«fh i * w « fq

1 Tib. -sambhavab (and par) for -sadbhftrab*

* Tib. sa bon la soga; HPS bijak^itisalilaj vlanapavan&khye^n.
* HPS ad. na
4 For -aparata- (Tib. log, in the sense oí ldog); HPS -upanata.
* Beoonatrued from T ib.: bbxas bu yod pa ma yin no z'e na | de ltar na yañ sa bon la
sogs pa mams ltar defei raft bafei bdag ñld kyi khyad par de re bg&b ba ñid yin pabi phyir xni
rtag par bgyur la | de yañ cifci phyir thams oad kyi tshe mi fcdod | oi ste rkyen gz'an la rag
las pa de ni mi fie na thams oad kyi tshe yod pa ma yin no sñam du sems na | de lta na yañ
rkyen yod na yod pabi phyir daft | med na med pabi phyir daú | byuñ ñas kyaft slar med
pabi phyir ftes par
de ni gtfan gyi dbañ bgyur te |
defei bjug pa daft ldog pa gaft la rag las pa de la c*g las pafci phjir de p 'a n la sag las
208J C fiA J'& m IX ft

* f*rar: i «tsfir
fra: i t o Harawrcnro^ trw m fiw il n i
w r f a jraraw «nt W9T**!% w p t { vgsr 3»ro *pmtfyr wn^
TOramt w ra* : t
xm B sfa fro ftra jR fFrw € iO Tn ra t w*f?r i
i w n ^ n f i f ^ *m!af »nfaww^fn nfeinsim
?N w tjw «rraihi
O T ? i s r r o ijw ^ if^ s fa w w]® ii«*
See Chapter XI.
CSV : gz'an yan dus rgyur smra bas hgro ba hjug pa la dus
rgyuhi dnos por rtog pa na de na phyihi hbras bu fiid du khas
blans par hgyur ro || ji ltar byas nas ses na | gan gi phyir— |
= w i s h to s ^ I sspsrei
HW t|W®l%STWro«iil I Wf WoSfa I tPWT^— I
hbras bu med par rgyu la ni
rgyu nid yod pa ma yin te |
de yi phir na rgyu mams kun |
hbras bu nid du thal bar hgyur |j 8 ||
In c Vx of CSV rgyufro cog (X chog) for rgyu mams kun.
V na karyena vina hetor hetutvam yena vidyate |
hetunam eva sarvesam karyata ta t prasajyate || 8 ||
It. is not idiomatic to write kdrya-hetu. One should write
either karya-kdrana (see MK, XIV. 2) or hetu-phala (Op. cit, XX.
2-6, 8-16). In the second half eva after hetunam is not necessary,
nor is it supported by any text. The following may, therefore,
he suggested:

par bgyur ro jj defri phyir myu gu la sogs pa ltar febras bn fiid las mi fedafeo z'es bstan pafci
phyir |
des na bbraa bur yaft bgyur ro |
g'es bya bar smros te | bbras bur gyur pa ni myu gu la logs pa bs&'in dn mi rtag pa kho
liar bgyur ro ||
4o c a îu h s a t a k a |â08

ft*T q fô iig ilr it * f a t ò I

%q*rt %* r ä i t araran: irewfi «en
CVS : ci yaù mi byed pa la rgyu fiid mi srid pahi phyir
hdir rgyu z'es bya bahi dúos po ran gz'an gyis ci yaà
yod pa ma yin pas don bbras bu hbyuñ bafci rgyu can gyi fiid du
bgyur ba na ji ltar raú gi libras bu1 hbras buhi fiid du mi hgyur ||
hbras bu ñid yin na yaà myu gu la sogs pa ltar fedi rtag pa fiid
du Ita ga la bgyur || dehi phyir de ltar na rgyu daù frbras bu
d&os po rnam par gnas pa med palp phyir gfii ga yaù raú gi ùo
bos grub pas yod pa ma yin no ||
ci ste hbras bu z'es bya ba ni rgyu byuú nas hbyuñ ba yin te
fcdi ltar sa bon yod na myu gu fcbyuú gi | rnyu gu yod na
sa bon ni ma yin te | dehi phyir rgyu la hbras bu fiid yod pa
ma yin nam sfiam na fedi yañ yod pa ma yin te | gaù gi
phyir sa bon gyi miú can gyi dúos po gañ yin pa de myu
gu skye balji súa rol tu yoùs su rtog pa na rnam par rtog pa
gz'an gsum pa med pabi phyir rgyur gyur pa ham rgyu
ma yin par gyur pa z'ig rtog grañ | de la re z'ig me la sogs
pa ltar rgyu ma yin par bgyu* ba las ni bdi skye bar ma rigs so ||
rgyu fiid kyaù h^ras bu skyes pas mtshon pa z'ig ste | des na
hbras bu skye bahi súa rol tu mi srid do || ci ste bbras bu skye
bahi bya bahi rjes su Ijgro ba med par yaù cuù z'ig hbras bu
fiid du rtogs na ni dehi tshe thams cad thams cad kyi hbras bu
fiid du gyur na hdi ni de ltar yaû ma yin te | dehi phyir rgyu med
pa can fiid du thaï bahi phyir rgyu ni hbras bu skye ba la ma
bskos pa daú las grub pa yod pa ma yin no || defei phyir na
rgyufco cog *
bbras bu fiid du thaï bar bgyur
z'es bya ba kho na ma thob med do ||
-fw v i tg s f * p i â t ytìw *! wfirç
xnçrà qm w fçq« * * tî t o *
« r à « î y u f w * fnwsnsft: f i t i
«rrarç i w f a i
* Her© thk bbn» Im aeems to be uxmeoeeary.

qrtf n m Sgwan h t*: i wn f * itarêirâsw d m fir i

«i grçre y ft wtarç i rmrm $àt: qw m firfa i ^n^fq * w rfïï i
v m * Ht w w w^ f lwri>i nw[ q fi* n mqTW^>g «forer
d n m « i« n iil< iq  t * t qrafcrai iwr t m ^ n fk v ç -
tg *Ç r t^ ft« r ftr â gwrîf i fg ta r * qref «m m *fn irro ft i îN
qrcf n n ja rir* ^pw*f?r i ^ « n a n m w nrcr« fa m o ro r fa ftrq
qrarenr^fir. i «§ nsi «A fitâ K n riN * w *fn i ïtw tç -
% g «n m : f g : W Rtar$ »! »1 * *ràf% fîrw *fn 1 a «n iq »!t
_ îL i

qmrara: irawrô
lf?r » u r g »! mvtâ iich1
CSV : gai te dus smra ba rnams kyi bar (?) na dus hdi hgro ba
sna tshogs kyi rgyur hgyur na ni dehi tshe des ùes par snar gyi
gnas skabs las tha dad pahi no bo can gyi rnam par hgyur ba
bbras bu skye ba la phan hdogs pa nid du hgyur bar bya dgos
te | hdi ltar Hjig rten na j
= ïïfe qiTSm fç^T*-'VRitiSl fqfl?rei *>*!'• SfTVtf fl<?l ÎN
f»rotf «j^fcrcrrat »H «nq.iN fîM n t’ur s tT a « W m y n m : qnro: 1 irar

rgyu ni rnam par hgyur ba na |

gz'an gyi rgyu ru Hgyur ba ste |
1 V says thftt this kftrikâ is cited in MA, p. 150. But the faot 1« not bo. The kftrikft
quoted thereirom Bz ' i b r g ÿ a p a (CS)runs thus :
febras bu med par rgyu yi ni |
rgyu fiid yod pa ma yin pa |
de yi phyir na fcbras bu kun |
rgyu fiid du ni thaï bar hgyur ||
It may be translated thus :
vinâ phalena yad dhetor hetubhâvo na vidyate |
phal&nâih tena sarveçàm hetubhavafc prasajyate ||
Poussin translates it (Le M u e e ' o n , 1910, p. 557) ! "En l'absence d’effeft la qualité'
de oause de la oause n’existe pas ; par conséquent tout effet sera nécessairement cause/'
Is the kârikft iound in our CS' changed by Candrakîrtti in his MA T

gaft la mam par bgyui yod pa

denirtagcesbyaryodm in || 9 ||
V hetui ced vikfto’nyasya kSra^am jayate nanu |
vik&ro yasya bhavati 6a6vatah sa na yujyate || 9 ||
There is nothing in the Tib. text for V’s nanu in b and yujyate
in d of his restoration.
The original Skt.'of a and b is found in the following line quoted
in CSV, 201, and preserved in the fragments (HPS, p. 481):
•wwtf ftwfH i*1
And o and d may be translated as follows :
fr o fN fc iii irw nifw fn aw fa ne.ii
CSV : sa bon z'es bya ba rtsa bahi rgyu gan yin pa de ni
rafi nid mam par bgyur bar gyur pa na myu guhi rgyu nid du
bgyur te | sfiar gyi gnas skabs ma gton2 bar ni ma yin no ||
de Itar gal te hgro ba sna tshogs dus kyis byas par hgyur na ni
debi tshe dus kyaA nes par bbras bu bskyed pa la thag rin gnas
palji gnas skabs sna ma spon z'in rnam par hgyur bahi gnas skabs
bbras bu bbyufi ba dan mthun par hgyur bar bya dgos pa | dehi
phyir sa bon ltar mi rtag pa nid do |j z'es bsad pa ni
gati la rham par hgyur yod pa |
de ni rtag ces byar yod min ||
-S ta fa fii ^ fawfii irafa
*i i w i w i wuftsnU i fa i fafaref w r i mmmti
ire? «w tsfa faurt

n w sirarafafu m r f a lit*

1 The corresponding Tib. version as found there runs :

rgyu ni rgyu ru bgyur ba na |
gz'an gyi rgyu ru bgyur baste |
But it does not give the sama sense as we have in the Tib. and Skt. versions. One
may translate it thus:
k&nuparti karanaria sy&o oej j&yate'nyasya k&raqam |
Evidently here in a in the Tib. text we should read mam par for zygu ru.
’ XbtaA.
210] CHAPTER IX 43

CSV: ci ste mi hgyur na ni dehi tshe ^dihi rgyuhi dios por
yofts su rtog pa don med pa hbah z'ig tu mdzad1 kyi | dehi rgyu
can du hdod pahi hbras bu yaA rgyu med pa can skye bar hgyur
ro || z'esbladpa |

rtag pa gan gi rgyu yin pahi |

dnos de ma byun ba las skye |
rafi nid fcbyun bar gyur de la |
rgyu ni ldog par hgyur ba ste || 10 ||
In b V wrongly reads med for de . In c Vx of CSV bywh for
libywh, and log for ldog in d.
V SaSvatam kHranam y asyabhavo ’bhavSd bhavisyati |
svata evodbhavas tasya hetuS caivaih nirthakah || 10 ||
V’s restoration does not seem to be right, nor is there any
thing in the Tib. text for his evarn nirathahaii in d. The following
may be proposed:
sjrori qrpro* im * w rit i
f a f W ii ii?»«
CSV having read the first two lines of the karika ru n s:
sa bon mam par hgyur ba las skyes pahi myu gu ni sa bon las
gz'an nid du mi srid palji phyir dan | sa bon gyi rjes su byed
pa^ii phyir dafi | lhan cig mi gnas pahi phyir gz'an nid skyes
so sfiam du. . . . 8 mi bya ste | mi hdra ba lhan cig gnas pa rnams
la rgyu nid mi srid pahi phyir dan | dus rtag pafci phyir rgyu
la fcbras bu las gz'an nid yod do || de nid kyi phyir mi hdra ba
daft lhan cig gnas pa yan yod de | hbras bu skyes kyaii dus mam
par mi hgyur bahi phyir ro || dehi phyir hbras bu ga6 z'ig
dus las skyes pa de ni ma byuii ba las byuA ba z'ig ste | rgyu daA
rkyen la bltos pa med par hgyur z'in ra6 fiid hbyufi no z'es
* X msad or ma zad.
a It is with reference to the preceding k&rika.
9 Here in X four letters could not be read.

bya bahi don to || rgyu dañ rkyen la rag las te hbyuñ ba ham
febras bu ni ma byuñ ba las hbyuñ ño || z'es bya bar mi rigs
te II de la bdag ñid thams cad kyis1 ma byuñ ba las byuñ ba med
pahi phyir ro || gañ la bdag ñid thams cad kyis yod pa mi
srid pa de ni boñ buhi rwa la sogs pa bz'in du rgyu dañ rkyen dag
gis bskyed par mi ñus so || dehi phyir rgyuhi chos las hdas
pahi rtag pa dños po gañ gi rgyur hdod pahi dños po de ma byuñ
ba las skyes pa | hdi ni rgyu med pa can kho nar skye ste | rañ
ñid kho na hbyuñ ño | z'es bya bahi don to || de ltar yin dañ | yañ
bdi la rgyu yoñs su rtog pa don med pas ci z'ig bya z'es béad pa |
rañ ñid byuñ bar gyur de la |
rgyu ni ldog par hgyur ba ste ||
ruñ ñid grub pahi phyir hgro ba hdi la rgyu dus ées bya ba dgos
pa med par hgyur te | dehi phyir rgyuhi rgyu ñid mi ruñ ño ||
-fro n * ftarçfanifaarrç
n * u r i ifÀ »! i t o c t t »!* w
f q w im w q w w w f t ararwi
WfWHüWfq «wfìr I «ntífq I
mwiTwiiw* «içijjsï w rat i fo m r a m t a r o t i
fc jiiw m ro * t n rcn n ïâ ti*iifà r »hi gw rt i nw n
h w ijw t n w ts w rw n trere«A»i*n im h it v fitr m ç
t q m w iw t «rnffci »! n w fh f»r<^ w i t ?rw
mor( i
farqsrt « r a t i w u M tiw ta ir : i
^ WTW flf O iu lw § {JW W ^ W —
w A f t i v e r 1« srnN #
fw « wirät fg : mm ifa fw fo n n ii v ît
W f q w w fw i «t*B
CSV : bdi las kyañ mi ruñ ste | bài ltar |
■ H W fWH I IWTff—I
‘ Xkjl.
dúos po rtag pa las skyes pa |
ci lta bur na mi rtag bgyur |
nam yañ rgyu daú hbras bu gñis |
mtshan ñid mi mthun mthoñ ma yin || 11 ||
In b Vx of CSV j i for ci
V bh&vah áaévatato jatah so’nityo jáyaté katham |
vailaksanyam dvayor hetuphalayor naiva dféyate || 111|
In this restoration Tib. nam yañ, Skt. játu, kadacit, in c is left
out untranslated. Moreover, as the word Sáévata for rtag in Tib.
is used in a it would have been better to have used it also in b with
the negative a, i.e. aéüévata ; or nitya and anitya respectively in
those two lines. I should like to render the kSrika as follows :
'Biqw: w orm ? vsmamañ! i
iNríí « tu
CSV : hjig rten na ni sa bon mi rtag pa kho na la bbras bu
myu gu z'es bya ba mi rtag pa hbyuñ bar grags kyi || rtag pa
hgah z'ig las mi rtag pa cuñ zad cig hbyuñ ño | z'es bya ba ni
ma yin na | dus ni rtag la dehi hbras bu ni mi rtag pas ji ltar
de grub par hgyur || ji ltar hjig rten du |
nam yañ rgyu dan hbras bu gñis |
mtshan ñid mi mthun mthoñ ma yin ||
u fa w « * itire r w n fa srt sttto xfn
ir f w i i frufafiram iw&far * w f a
« rara qw w fagfafii qrcf i tot
to W N i í »tt«
CSV : defci phyir de ltar dus smra ba bkag pa yin dañ |
rdul phra rab smra ba ni sa la sogs palji rdul phra rab rtag ci$
ma mthoñ bas bskul ba yon tan dañ ldan pafci grogs can rdul
phra rab gñis pa la sogs pafci rim gyis yan lag can gyi1 rdzas rtsom
par byed pa mams kyia Ijgro ba sna tshogs skyed par byed do
46 catuh Sataka t212

sfiam du seme so || dehi lugs kyaft mi rigs pa nid du brjod pa^i

phyir bSad pa
-ira n ^ i ftfww: i crnrcnHTft Tj t o ** ftwrmt
^ « * T f a q w ^ ir e W 3 ’^^ij*T O 'sf»nrrw *nfsiB iN w fii3^F < -
<*ifaraTfaf*faw emwnm tfn i iwrcrafa »1 fwro # | H T O n f - i
gaft gi phyogs hgah rgyu yin z'i6 |
phyogs hgah rgyu ma yin des na |
de ni sna tshogs tgyur na go |
sna tshogs rtag par mi rigs so || 12 ||
In & Vx of CSV inserts pa between yin and des, and reads
des for de in c. V and Vx of CS ga la rigs for mi rigs so in d.
V pradefio yasya hetuh sySd ahetur api kaficana |
bhinnatv&d bhinnadesatvam nityatS yujyate katham || 121|
V’s bhinnatvad bhinnadeiatvam nityata cannot be defended ;
nor are here translated by him des na(b) and de ni(c). I should
like to propose the following:
$*r. i
« iN siw ii »»tut W ! f*f^t «1 11?*«
CSV : yan lag can thams cad rdul phra rab rtsam du thal
ba spa$ bar hdod pas rgyu la yod pahi zlum pa nid gan yin pa de
bbras bu la yod pa ma yin no \\ z'es bya bar gdon mi za bar khas
blaA bar byaljo || gan gi phyir hdi de ltar yin pa des na rdul phra
rab mams la bdag nid thams cad kyi sbyor bar mi hthad do ||
gan gi tshe rdul phra rab rnams la bdag nid kyi thams cad kyi
sbyor ba yod pa ma yin pa defti tshe dehi cha gai gis rdul phra
rab rdul phra rab gz'an dan sbyor bafci cha de rgyu yin z'in | gai
gis mi sbyor ba de rgyu ma yin no || de ltar na ni gan gi1phyogs
fegafe rgyu yin z'iA | phyogs hgab rgyu ma yin pa de ni du mahi
to bo yin palji phyir sna tshogs pa z'ig go || dehi phyir ri mo
bz'in rtag pa ma yin no || z'es bstan phyir bfiad pa ni |
sna tshogs rtag par mi rigs so ||
z'ea byafeo ||

m fa R T W *’ n?i qrargftr *r mfannr mwit

dw ii^ w Trm s W w rm iN T <twro91 ?r?i w n ^ f
*t*it * wrf?r w nwr iW iin qr«rw t: m in w m tw *frr.
*ti*sir $ 3 : i ifrr * *tir : « » 1 %$; i mmwf?i * *m w fa fit t q :
« fill*T l *i w m^ret^qgnyrnT i ?m fw ?i**f»rar ifir
mmf*w it mgwrii i
ffif itM
CSV : ci ste rdul phra rab mams la cha ¿as byed pahi phyir
phyogs phyogs dan mi sbyor ba kho na yin gyi | thams cad
bdag nid thams cad kyis1 sbyor bar ni Ijgyur te | dehi phyir phrad
pahi mtshan nid can ldan pa yod la | phyogs daft ldan pa nid
kyan ma yin no snam na | Ijdi la bsad par bya ste |
=%m h^w i w ia n i n
o tb « iw n *tf«^ w w w «rs ra fiir i g i
rgyu yi zlum po gan yin pa |
de ni hbras bu la yod mip |
.des na bdag fiid kun sbyor ba |
rdul phran mams la mi tth ad do || 13 ||
In a V and Vx of CS ni for yi, and Vx of CSV bu for po. In c
V wrongly spyor for sbyor.
V vptto yo vidyate hetufc sa phal&ya na kalpate |
a^un&m tena samyogah svasmin naivopapadyate || 13 ||
As regards the restoration one can hardly follow it. I may
propose the following:
toI in w fir o t i
‘ X kyi

CSV : rgyu dañ zlum po ñid dan phyogs med pa z'es bya ba
ni rdul phra rab rdzas kyi mtshan ñid do |{ gal te rdul phra
zab bdag ñid thams cad kyis rdul phra rab gz'an dañ sbyor z'iA
phyogs kyis ma yin na ni deft tshe rgyu ste | rdul phra rab la
yod pafri zlum po gañ yin pa de fibras bu rdul phran gñis pa la
sogs pa la yañ thal bar bgyur te | defci phyir yan lag can thams
cad rdul phra rab *tsam ñid yin pafci phyir dbañ po las fedas pa
ñidduhgyurna | de dag ni rdul phra rab tsam ñid ma yin no ||
des na rdul phra rab mams bdag ñid thams cad kyis sbyor mi
fethad do I)
-fr g a f qi f c l W H WIlf r l r f 3 f t I iff
rrm \- wfom ir o n w ft* irer f g : i m m w ïftî
V * qiR flW pq* irç q tt U W f W f t raw ríí i fa
*rqfni n 3 fai trc w rjirra w ii
t r e n n t w A r u t im t tfKwraS it^n
Cf. Sañkara on the Vedäntasütra II 2. 12 :
*h in r îh T O « E i^ i « q fa m * r *i i
m fa m sgftqst o f >
and the widely quoted kärikä of Vasubandhu from his Vimsati-
Jcârikà (ed. Lévi), 12 :
q w TO t: favini i
fqm: wTf^wraran n
CSV : yaò gañ gi tshe rdul phra rab gz'an dañ bdag ñid
t^ftTTiRcad kyis mi sbyor ba delji tshe |
=^rfq * f f r q m iigmt * fffe w T »i —i
rdul phran gcig gi gnas gañ yin |
de ni gz'an gyi yañ mi hdod [
de phyir rgyu dañ hbras bu gñis |
boñ tshod mñam par fcdod ma yin || 14 ||
In a Vx of CSV gis for gi ; and Vx of Cé khañ for gaA. In 6
Vx of CS phyir for gyi. In d Y bod ishod for boA tshod, but
215] CHAPTER IX 49
the former does not give any sense, nor is it noticed by him, his
restoration having omitted its meaning altogether. There are
two phrases, bon chod and bon tshod, both in the same sense.
V anor ekasya yat sthanam tad evSnyasya nesyate |
ubhayor hetuphalyor yaugapadyam na ce?yate || 14 ||
In the Tib. text there is nothing of yaugapadya in V’s restoration.
I may suggest the following:
9*1 WlA 5N3 I
iq tirq ro fr 5N3 nt8n
CSV : dehi phyir de ltar rdul phra rab rdul phra rab gz'an
dan bdag nid thams cad kyis1 sbyor ba med pahi yan lag can gyi
rdzas mams dban po las hdas pa nid du ma gyur ro |j rdul phra
rab phyogs dan ldan pa nid ni gyo ba med la | phyogs dan ldan
pa nid kyi phyir yan hdi sna tshogs po nid yin te | defci phyir
rtag pa nid ma yin no | z'es bya bar gnas so ||

* faar *f?f II?»»
CSV : bdir hbras buhi rdzas rtsom* pahi dus na nes pa hdod
hgyur gyi3 | hbras bu rtsom2 pahi sna rol gyi gnas skabs su
rdul phra rab mams la cha ¿as med pahi phyir ji skad smras pahi
skyon de thal ba med do | z'es bya bo | gnas skabs der yan
sar la sogs pahi phyogs cha hdi bya ba yod do || dehi tshe nes
par |
-■** ft* to i g ironw»it
f a w w w is zmhefhraretin^ i ?rerm«ra*rrat
i ?r i i
gan la Sar gyi phyogs yod pa |
de la Sar gyi cha yan yod |
» Xkyi.
1 X team.
» Xgyfe.
60 c a t u h Sa t a k a t2l6

gaA gis rdul la phyogs yod pa |

des rdul rdul phran min par bsnad || 16 ||
In e all gi for gis. In d V adds na after des and omits par
after min.
V purvo yasya.prade6ab sySt purvfimSas tasya vidyate |
aqior yena prade£ab sy5t ten&nur ananur bhavet || 15 ||
V has not translated the word bsnad in d. I should like
to modify his restoration as below:

fhnw uhr^i^ «u«

Here having read the first two lines of the karika the CSV
ru n s:
debi phyir bdi phyogs dan ldan pabi phyir bum pa la sogs pa
bz'in du rdul phra rab nid du mi hgyur ro | z'es bSad pa |
gan gi rdul la phyos yod pa |
des rdul rdul phran min par bsnad ||

n$*Frs% 11w
CSV: gal te rdul phra rab cha sas med par gyur na ni de la
bgro ba med pas rdul phra rab gz'an dan sbyor ba med pa yin
dan | yan lag can gyi rdzas rtsom par byed pa nid du mi hgyur
ro || bdi ltar bgro babi dus na lus dan ldan pabi don gyis |

w in 1 91 * w i iw if% i » iip i^ it$ u « n —i

mdun gyis len z'in rgyab kyis ni |
gtoAbarbgyurnadedaggnis | i’
gafi la yod pa ma yin pa |
de ni bgro por yan mi hgyur || 16 ||
In a V wrongly rid, and Vx of CS cin for z'in. In 6, .V -and
Vx of CS gyur for jtgyur. Vx of CSV la for pa after ym In e
217] CHAPTER IX . 51
and la for ni in d. The reading n i is, however, supported by
CSV. In the same line V wrongly bor torpor.
V purvagrShe’paro duram gacched yadi, tayor dvayoh |
satta kapi na vidyeta janmano’pi na sambhavali 161|
As regards V’s restoration I cannot follow him in any way.
The whole thought of the original Tib. seems to have been changed
here. The French translation is also not in accordance with his
Skt. I may offer the following:
f l w t a tw n n fa i
5* su srfa «
CSV: lus dan ldan z'ig1 hgro ba mnon du phyogs paiji don
gyis phyogs kyi snon phyogs gnon z'in | rgyab kyi phyogs kyi
rgyab phyogs gton ba las hgro ba polji tgro ba po nid ne bar rtog
pa z'ig na cha med pahi phyir rdul phra rab gan la mdun dan
rgyab ki yan lag gis len pa dan gton ba nid med pa de ni hgro
ba por mi hgyur la | de med pas l i b r a s fou rtsom par byed pa fiid
med pahi phyir rdul phra rab dnos po yod par smra bar mi rigs
s° II

i iP Q irv e ^ iflw i i srei

v m fo t ire nr sr * n m i w rafw
n^ h
CSV: hdir smras pa | gal* te rdul phra rab med na ni Ijdi
rnal hbyor pa rnams kyis dmigs par mi hgyur ba z'igna |
&di ni rnal hbyor pa rnams kyis.. mthon bas dmigs* pa yaft
yin no || dehi phyir rdul phra rab rtag pa yod do || bfiad
par bya ste |
i s fc «ntf i stra w s
s tf stfafiflf sfo»» i qwnfff^ai: i —i
gan la dan po yod min z 'ii |
gan z'ig la dkyil yod min la |
1 X z'ift. * The X is very indistinct here.

gañ la tha ma yod min pa |

múon med de ni gaú gis mthoñ || 17 ||
In b Vx of CSV na for la. In c Vx of CSV ma yin for min pa.
V yasyadir naiva bhavati madhyarii yasya na vidyate |
antaá ca yasya na bhavet kenavyaktah sa dpéyate || 17 ||
I should like to modify i t :
firo íf nm m w sj «r O n j S i i

f a r U »i w w t * t : w t i w . % »i n a t
CSV : cha áas med pahi rdul phra rab la mdun dañ bar dañ
rgyab kyi cha yod pa ma yin te | dehi phyir mñon par med do ||
mñon pa ni gsal ba dañ bzuñ bar bya ba ñid dan bita bar bya1
.. ces pahi don te | de med pahi phyir1 mñon par med do ||
bita bar bya ba ma yin pa ni sus kyañ bita bar bya ba ñus pa yañ
ma yin pa | hdi mal hbyor pa mams kyis dmigs par hos pa ma yin
no | dehi phyir rdul phra rab rtag pa med do ||°
- w w e n s ila r- i i «n ir:

mwfr f i a ra w : i w »i « m t a r a m : i ü v r ^ fí i % * i f q

* *M «r w ií i v» M i rm m' v x r v *vi *

CSV: hdir smras pa | rdul phra rab mams ni rtag pa kho na
ste | rags pa hbyuñ* ba la4sa bon gyi ño bor ñe bar hgro bahi phyir
ro || gal te de mams med na ni rags pa mams sa bon med par
hbyuñ bar frgyur ro || hdi ltar gañ las bskal pa dañ por rags pa
mams fcbyuñ bar hgyur ba hjig pahi dus na yan lag can gyi
rdzas thams cad hthor z'iñ rdul phra rab tsam z'ig lus pa na
rags pa mams srid pa yod pa ma yin no || yañ gañ dag gal te gnas
skabs der rags bz'indu rdul phra rab mams kyañ med par hgyur
*-1 Here our X is ?ery indiatinct.
• Se© MK with MV, XI. 2 ;M& 9 < } f i k y a k ¿ r i k a , IV. 31; B h a g v a t a p a r a g a *
XI. 28*2; Y o g a v &8 i 9 III. 11.13; A o a r a ¿ g a s ü t r a , 1.4.4 (PTSp. 20);
N y * y o p a d e é a , 14,
9 X byuñ.
218] CHAPTER IX 53

na ni dehi tshe rags pa mams rgyu med par hbyuA bar hgyur
ro || dehi phyir yan lag can gyi rdzas kyi rgyu rdul phra rab
mams yod pa kho na yin la || de mams kyan rtag pa z'ig ste | yod
la gryu dan mi ldan pa nid kyi phyir ro || de yan mi rigs te gan
gi phyir— |

of? 3 *t iwiT’nfpwt i fir i gr«i: ro%

i trarcwrrt fir qqfrgarafoggnfa i
a* « w i sfc ? n a m w rc t « h io ti q w m ta fa * ^ n r
^R sirtnr «^nnT9«r. *n*i i w im :
13 * f w , i i «i* r —i
hbras bu yis ni rgyu bz'ig pa |
des na rgyu ni rtag ma yin |
yan na gan na rgyu yod pa |
de na hbras bu yod ma yin || 18 ||
Here according to V in the Tib. text the reading in a begins
with libras bu yi (genitive). This is found also in our Vx of CS.
But as the sense requires and the Vx of CSV has it and is
supported by CSV itself and the Chinese the true reading must be
libras bu yis (instrumental). See karika 352 (=XV. 2) of which a
is identical with a of the present karika, the reading of the former
being: libras bu yis ni rgyu bz'ig pa. In the same line, i.e. a,
V with Vxx of CS and CSV has wrongly Isig for bz'ig after rgyu.
The same mistake occurs also in V’s edition in karika 352a. In
d Vx of CS has rgyu yod pa for yod ma yin while that of the CSV
reads yod ma yi. Both of them are evidently wrong.
V hetor vinasah karyena tena hetur na ¡Sasvatah |
atha hetur bhavati yah sa karyam naiva jayate || 18 ||
Here gan na in c and de na in d are taken by V as nominatives,
Skt. yah and sah respectively. This cannot be . done.
They must be taken in the locative case, as the particle na in
both the places clearly shows. V’s translation of the second
half (i.e. e and d) is also objectionable, and his two versions, Skt.

and French, do not agree with each other. The following may,
therefore, be suggested:
to: ra N tg * i
sfafar $g: qwf nfw rfiroft »ten
CSV: gal te rdul phra rab rnams rgyu nid du gyur na sa bon
gyis myu gu bz'in du de rnams rdul phra rab gnis la sogs pa yan
lag can gyi rdzas kyis hjig par hgyur ro || dehi phyir febras bu de
ia lhan cig mi gnas pafoi phyir na rdul phra rab rnams sa bon
ltar mi rtag par hgyur ro ||° gan gi tshe de ltar rgyu nid
mi srid pa dehi tshe rdul phra rab rtag par brtags pa don med pas
ci z'igdgos te | dehi phyir rdul phra rab rtag pa rnams med do ||

i t o r * ?ifw^ troire**
w fawn: i° $gw n w re fa wwwt faw fa
W [n:] iratanni i s«n?i tpwrnrir * fn<3n «ten
CSV: hdi las kyan* rdul phra rab rnams trag pa ma yin te |
gaA gi phyir |
- la to fa *T f* ra n : I J iff: — I
thogs ldan dnos po rtag pa ni |
gan duhan snan ba ma yin te |
des na nam yah sails rgyas rnams |
rdul phran rtag pa nid mi gsun || 19 ||
In 6 Vx of CSV du for diihan and V wrongly p i for ba. In d
V gsuns for gsun.
V samyogi 6&6vato bh&vo yena drsto na vidyate |
6a6vatatvam anos tena jatubuddhairnakathyate || 19 ||
In the above restoration of V gan dujtan in 6 is left out untran­
slated.' I should like to modify the restoration as below:

1 Aocording to Tib« lit. bljen&ftkuravat.

•X k y ii.
219] CHAPT&R IX fis

murât writ *T wfanrfa s w t i

srnsrïïsnrftô»! * ig 5 1 * neu»
CSV : hdi na rdul phra rab la rdul phra rab gz'an gyis bdag
fiid thams cad kyis hjug pa med pahi phyir rdul phra rab thogs
pa dañ bcas pa ñid yin la thogs1 pahi bum pa ñid la sogs pa ltar
rtarg pa ñid du yañ mi rigs te | dehi phyir rdul phra rab rtag pa
ñid med do || gañ gi phyir rtag pa ñid yod pa ma yin pa |
des na nam-yañ sañs rgyas rnams |
rdul phran rtag pa ñid mi gsuñ ||°
dehi phyir ji ltar bye brag pa rnams kyi ltar bde bar gáegs pa
rnams la rdzas kyi rdul phra rab ces bya ba yod pa ma yin no ||
dehi phyir de bz'in gáegs pa rnams kyis2 yañ rdul phra rab rtag
pa ñid ston par mi mdzad do |j ran ñid kyis de ltar ma gzigs pafci
phyir ro ||°
hdi ltar dehi skye ba dan gnas pa dañ hgag pa rnams rim gyis
dan cig car med pahi phyir mi hjug la | skye ba la sogs pa daú
bral ba la ni yod pa ñid rigs pa yañ ma yin no ||
delii phyir hjig rten palli dúos po rnams ni hjig rten las hdas
pa la yoñs su mthoñ bahi mam par dpyad pa ma beug par hjig
rten na ji ltar yin pa de ltar khas blans par bya z'iñ | ji ltar mam
par áes pa lijig rten pa yin pa de ltar rdul phra rab kyañ yin pas
hdis rigs pa beug na rdul phra rab gsal bar mi ñus te | dehi rig pa
la kjig rten dañluñ gignod pas gnod pahi phyir ro ||
de ltar rdul phra rub tu smra ba bkag pa dañ | 0
« 1* q w ft vw m m i »1 ifft «wwifc
*NTfacïr ftsrsm fïi íron* trcmwtí

srnsmaRNNN sng «°

qwRiTOmnTfq TORritfìfaiwtfìrai*4 «1 WTS^í*n^i0

1 Ádd here pa daú boas.
• X nae.

rpl minr sfo rò * * n «

warn i « « m t fc ft c ? « w n f q « $ « *3 i
m w iftfiM H h t*tt ^ w tro fls ^ fra T O q fq re fT wl% * m
u n f a T n a r r ^ q n ^ s in : i gerr farcin i « M w tf n a n q r w n g v itf H « rr a r -

v n t s f q tn w ro : q^Tsifàg
• n *m% i ?tot w«rer w t w m f a f f à ii
t r t f a f a i : q w T O ^ T ’? : n 't t n
CSV : kha cig dag sana rgyas mams rdul phra rab dag
rtag pa nid du mi gsun ba hdi ni bden mod kyi | gan z'ig
rtag pa nid du gsuns pa de ni rtag par gyur cin yod pa yin te |
ji skad du bcom ldan hdas kyis dge slon dag ma skyes pa dan |
ma byun ba dan | hdus ma byas pa de ni yod do | z'es gsuns la ||
chos hdus ma byas pa rnams ni rtag go | z'es kyan gsuùs so ||°
dehi phyir mya nan las hdus pa z'es bya ba rtag pa de yod do ||
gal te de yod par ma gyur na ni sdug bsnal dan kun libyun gi bden
pahi hjug thogs su hphags pahi bden pa gsum pa z'es bya bar ston
par yaù mi hgyur ba z'ig na | ne bar bstan pa yan yin te | delti
phyir de yod do || hdi la béad par bya stc |
= [%rw] i 31 : T O n w jrt faaraf 1 m aritai
irei g ftcffczrgm’ sfaarifa 1 to t w w —1 faw r^srT W -
ly n n lw f — w ss*w w t f faari i° fa q W mm
n ftrw i \ «I « ^ q *a re r ^ s a ta w s a ra
HTO«m fq wwtàrn u q ^ q ^ s i: » *ran?t i2 1
chiù dan bciù dan thabs las gz'an |
thar pa gal te yod na ni |
de las ci han mi skye ste |
des na de thar z'es mi brjod || 20 ||
1 See U d &n a, VIII. 3 : atthi bhikkhavo ajàtam abhutam asaihkhataih.
* The main point is that there is nothing nitya ‘permanent.’ To cstblish this truth para-
m&QUSwhich are regarded as eternal are refuted. Herd the opponent Bays that when one
admits nirvfya which must be eternal one cannot hold that there is nothing eternal. The
author gives his reply in the following karik&.
220] CHA^T^R IX * 5?
* In a for bciA found in Vx of CSV and the Vptti throughout Vx
of CS and V bcins, Skt. baddha, supported by the Chinese reading
so chuan. In 6 V thar ba for thar pa repeating the mistake
throughout his edition. In d Vx of CSV omits z'es when the
karika is quoted for the second time.
V baddhasya bandhanopayad nirvanaih yadi bhidyate |
ajatam tad atas tena nirvanam iti nocyate || 20 ||
V himself says that his Skt. version has not given him complete
satisfaction and the Chinese version is also obscure. There is
much deference here between the Chinese and the Tib. versions.
The only point whcih I want to note is that in a the reding bcifts,
baddha, though supported by the Chinese as said above, could not
be accepted by me following the commentator, Candraklrtti, as
we shall see presently.
So far as the first half is concerned V’s Skt. version does not
agree even with his own French translation. Skt. bandhanopaya
which can hardly be taken from the Tib. text, can in no way mean
‘des moyens de deliverance.’
Before giving my own translation I should like to discuss a
little as to how the Tib. word thar pa or thar is to be translated
into Skt. V translates it (6 and d) by nirvana. This is not right.
In Tib. nirvana is invariably mya nan las hdas pa, or mya nan hdas
pa, or mya nan Jidas, or more shortly myan hdas ; while for mok?a
one sees in Tib. thar pa or thar. Even in the same karika these
two are distinguished. For intance, MK, XXV. II with both the
versions, Skt. and Tib, may be quoted here. I cannot, therefore,
agree with V in restoring also the karika 244 where in b he writes
nirvfti for thar pa1. The case is the same also with his restoration
of the karika 222.
I may propose the following:

*r f a f a n ilHr. * if* «v«

1 For details see the kariki.
c a t u h &a t a k a

CSV : de la tchiñ ba ni kun hbjniù gi bden pato | hchià Bar

bya ba la tan dbaù med par byed pas hchin bar hgyur ba fiid
kyi pbyir ro || bciù ba ni sdug bsùal gyi bden pa ste | ñon moñs
ppfti gz'an gyi dbañ yin pati pbyir ro || de ldog pati thabs ni
lam gyi bden pa ste | de ñon moñs pa ldog par byed pati phyir
ro H tchiñ ba dan bciñ bar bya ba med par ni hchiñ bati bya
ba mi srid pas bchi*ù ba dañ bciñ bar bya ba dag gi yod pa ñid ni
de yod pati rgyu can yin no || de bz'in du bzlog par bya ba dan
zlog par byed pa med par ni zlog par yod par mi tgyur z'iñ de yod
pa las bzlog par bya ba dan | zlog par byed pa gñis yod pa ñid do ||
de la bzlog par bya ba ni kun ñas ñon moñs pa yin la | zlog par
byed pa ni lam ste | mun pa la sgron me bz'in no || ji ltar bden pa
gsum po hdi kun ñas ñon moñs pa dan de las log pa
lam1 dpags pati yod pa ñid yin pa de ltar ñon moñs pa zad pati
mtshan ñid can gyi thar pa ni ma yin te | gañ gi phyir de las cuñ
zad kyañ tbyuñ ba med do || tchiñ ba dañ thar pa gñis char
(?) la yañ yan lag gi ño bor ñe bar mi soñ bati phyir ro || gal te
td i tgah z'ig tu ñe bar sbyor ba ñid du hgyur na ni debi tshe tdi
tbras bu des dpags pati yod pa ñid du tgyur na | hdi ni de ltar
yañ ma yin te | deti phyir td i la yod pa ñid med do ¡|
ci ste thar pa ni grol bato sñam na | de ltar na yañ td i grol
bar gyur pa las don gz'an ma yin te | de ltar ma yin na de de dañ
tbrel ba med pa ñid pa ñid dañ ci yañ mi byed pa ñid du hgyur
ro I! deti phyir td i thar par brjod pa mi rigs te |
des na de thar* z'es mi brjod || 0
deti phyir ñon moñs pa dañ skye ba mi tbyuñ ba de byas so ||
z'es bya bar brtag par mi rigs so || dños po rgyu dañ rkyen gyi
tshogs pa las libyuñ ba rnams ni med pati phyir sa bon tshi gu*
las myu gu la sogs pa ltar nam yañ skye bar mi tgyur te | dclú
phyir deti don du don gz'an brtag pa chos mi legs so ||
bden pa gsum pah i sgra brjod par bya ba ñid kyañ mi tgfcl
te I ñon moñs pa dañ skye ba gñis slar mi tbyuñ ba tsam z'ig bden
» XUw.
• X add« pa after it.
• X ehig pa or tshig pa.
220] CHAPTER IX 8»

pa gsum pahi sgra brjod par bya ba yin pahi phyir ro || dúos po
med par gyur pa la grans kyis yons su bgran ba yod pa ma yin pa
yaù ma yin te | bcom ldan hdas kyis dge sloñ dag Ina po hdi
dag ni miù tsam ste | klias che1 pa tsam tha sñad tsam kun
rdzob tsam ste | hdi Ita ste | hdas pahi dus dañ | ma hoás pahi
dus dan | nmkhah dañ | mya úan las hdas pa dan | gañ zag go z'es
bya ba de Ita bu la sogs pa gsuûs pahi pahyir ro |j

- ***** i i
w * i i n fW * w iïôt u m a n i i
îi?*rf»w&irarç i fw w w r w *t
ffa *»ra*ïsrâtafçrst n^f^icarw fg :» v m (¡roí* f*wta*
w fa*n fta ftp r w fîn ïrarsrrç fa rai ftrafarôt:
nw i f W * t wro: i ?mfa i s a rw rfii*

»Tifia i *?T^ren^ f a f w a u f * *r «rotò i r o f r r i t o T O r a w -

«T*T^m?Tc*T?t » wrfNrgfiwK?)-
w® wot i »I i Trammel ^ i
*w Âiw t gfmfrfa wrïâhr sfànsnàrc *TT*î*rt
i w ro f?r Trfarww ?N w w i *r w farfarç faïnï i tr a r r à
« tà ï ww* *î ^3*3 ¡ 3*1

«te : w i f * 11o

flW î^ fro «râ t*g ira w i|? T Tfa v?rç qf^fnñ p n (i

$gaarawmg***T*rt w*t*it*wtwt5 wi«tïfwÂtsftTf**n qrçrfa
^Tfîm* w tfà i iran^ *1 % n *t 1

£*taraar8*TOsrofì! w fk*%n 1 # i ' « r â l : 3*rcqw m *m

a â ta u «**T O 8rrci i *r w m r^ifreï t f W T *r qf t g f w * iw fir i
ww f% tr€«Tf*r fîr^nfr «rwmrf w w ro rt*

1 X feches.
1 Referring to dufykh&nirodha.

i f*rafa ftsra a n fc 1 «*•>*

mya nan hdas la phun po rnams |
yod min gad zag arid ma yin |
gad du mya dan hdas gyur pa |
ma mthod der myad hdas gad z'ig || 21 ||
In o V ba for pa.
skandha na santi nirvSne pudgalasya bhavo na ca |
yena drstam na nirvSnam nirv&narii tena kim bhavet || 211|
Grammatically gaii du in c and der in d cannot be translated
by yena and tena respectively, as V has done. He says that his
Skt. rendering is determined according to the Chinese version. But
I think it is not so. I should like to translate the karika as follows :
«ran: « f a * sprarer * t o *: i
*ra m* f a n t*
CSV: gz'an yad bcom ldan hdas kyis hdi skad du | gad
¿dug bsdal hdi ma lus par rab tu spads Sid | spans pa bsal ba(?) |
zad pa lidod chags dad bral ba hgag pa fie bar z'i ba | nub pa
sdug bsdal gz'an yad fiid mtshams mi sbyor ba dan | ne
bar mi len pa hdi ni z'i ba gya nom pa ste j hdi lta ste | phun
po kim spads pa | srid pa zad pa hdod chags dad bral ba | hgag
pa mya dan las fcdas paho | z'es gsuds te | lun hdi las na rnam
pa thams cad du | mya dan hdas la phud po rnams yod min | gad
zag arid ma yin || gal te mya nan las hdas pa la phun po rnams yod
cid | gad zag kyan yod na ni dehi tshe de dag yod pahi phyir
mya dan las hdas par gyur pa dmigs pa dan mdo dan hgal ba
dad mya dan las hdas pa hkhor ba las mi hdah bar hgyur ro ||
1 This passage is quoted by Gugaratna in his commentary on the § a d d a r £ a n a s a -
m u c c a y a, Bib. Ind., 1905, pp. 46-47 reading saihjfia- for nama-, katam&ni panfica for
tad yathi, and Bahetuko vi&adafc for nirva^m.
1 In explaining the k&rika in his note Tuoei has quoted the following Aloka from the
LA, HI. 70, p. 186:
bandhyabandhananirmuktS. upayaiA ca vivarjitafe |
tlrthyS, mok$axh vikalpenti na ca mok*o hi vidyate )|
See MK with MV, XVI. 4—8,
221] CHAPTER IX 61
dehi phyir mya ñan las frdas pa de la mya ñan las hdas par gyur
pa hgah yaú ma dmigs so || dehi phyir |
gaú du mya áan hdas gyur pa |
ma mathoñ der myañ hdas gaú z'ig ||
mya ñan las Jidas pa ni mya ñan las hdas pa ste | de yañ
dños pofei ño bo yin pahi phyir rten la rag les so || hdihi rten
yañ mya ñan las hdas par gyur pa yin la || de yañ phuñ po
rnams sam | gañ zag gin na || de med pas rten med par hgyur
te | phyogs de las mya ñan las hdas pa gañ z'ig yin par hgyur ||
mam pa gcig tu yañ mya ñan las hdas pa dños po bden par
smra bahi mya ñan las hdas pa rtog pa na rten du gyur pa z’ig
gam | brten par gyur pa z'ig rtog grañ || de la re z'ig rten du
gyur pa ni mi ruñ ste | hdi ltar |
mya ñan hdas la phuñ po rnams |
yod min gañ zag srid ma yin ||
de dag med pas gañ du mya ñan las hdas par hgyur ba hgah z'ig
kyañ ma dmigs pa der mya ñan las hdus pa gañ z'ig tu hgyur ||
de ltar na re z'ig mya ñan las hdas pa rten du gyur pa ni srid
do || gañ yañ du brten1 par gyur pa yin pa der yañ ñes pa de
ñid yin te | gañ gi phyir ]
mya ñan hdas la phuñ po rnams |
yod min gañ zag srid ma yiñ |
gañ du mya ñan hdas gyur pa |
ma mthoñ der myañ hdas gañ z'ig ||
rten med pahi brten pa mi srid pahi mya ñan las hdas pa
gañ z'ig hgyur || yod pa ma yin pa la ni rtag pa ñid rig pa ma
yin pas dños po rtag pa rnams yod pa nía yin no ||

*n*f i4 «nrast farcwt fitftift
i* * wrf*r i
1 X du ma rten.
• Of. S u t t a n i p a t a , 2 2 f í : khayaxh virágaih.
• Sandhi ‘joint,* cf. tisandhi of bhavacakka, S a m m o h a v i n o d í n l , pp. 190—191.
• S a m y u t t a n i k &y a, 1 .136 : santo pajito. ‘ Op. cit. I. 136.
»i * w r ô i s i « i nfë fa rt# m m \ w : giäftfö w t i
**t itot f v ito u w ö firafa v tfarc rrib f w ( i
iïw r ç ? îf ^ f 5 w H f N f o ï? if to f w ^ * tT O i9 3 i Twn^
V* stf * fa *W fSnrt^f n * f ¥ vfti\ i
fa ifa fir foçfii : i civ *n *w *T ^ Tw rn *m rç i
ftrefonffr. i « n « r a r *t p râ t «i i *nm rm *: i w<?%
f r i W f i f v if e li * ftqfrw çTgf a T O Jw i^m qfiw w ur rò
fta ri* « n tra i(ttn fo 0 *t u farairä i ira ïttoçtutoïjî * gwn i
m nf%
m*zi « f a n farefà g ira « * w * : i
o ita n f t« * « flnfri * g fafa^ q w w t fif ?i* t»rafa i
«wi n f a ifa m w rero u f i zn* am fa *
^ $w . i ira:
n m r. « f a * fornii g*si«t * « w . i
sa * f**nî frortf 33 fìfr « ^ ii
f*Him<miQqqn«T*t^ fìh * s faì «%^i %rarfa <* ïffrraîi
ftw w fafìì * « f a f t o ì «tst: m il
CSV : grana can pa mams ni yon tan dañ skyes bu tha dad
par ées pa las chen po la sogs pahi hjug pahi rim pa log pas mam
par hgyur bahi tshogs mam pa thams cad du z'i bas thar pahi gnas
skabs na skyes bu ées pa yod pa ñid gnas palli phyir bdag grol ba
yod pa yin dan | ji skad brjod pahi fies pa spans pas thar par rtog
par byed do | de dag gi de yañ |
=«1WXT f% g T 5lfewgfafaq?l<m flq
fo«fa«?fltT»rt «$«T SÏPWI «tVTWTUt VT8m«T*I^T»mt
n « tà t «*&fSr w w if a i nm fa—i
srid dari bral la thar pahi tshe J
ées yod yon tan ci z'ig yod |
ées med pa yi yod pa yaij |
gsal bar yod pa min daù mtshuús || 22 H
222] CHAPTER IX ' **
In a V bafri for paty. In d it is better to read med for m in;
for dan V with Vx of CS de.
V nirvanam yad bhavabhave tada jnanena ko gunah |
ajnanasya hi yo bhavah sa vyaktam nastitasamah || 221|
I should like to offer the following :

As regards V's rendering of yod pa min dan mtshuns in d by
ndstitdsama cf. nastitdtulya in the karika 242c which is ren­
dered into Tib. by med dati mtshuns. One may, however, use
here nirdbhasasama agreeing with the Chinese as Tucci has
shown in his Italian translation.
CSV : srid dan bral la thar pahi tshe |
ses yod yon tan ci z'ig yod ||
grol bar gyur pahi skyes bu la ni thar pahi gnas skabs na ses
pa yod pa nid yod par brtag par mi rigs so | de dag gi lta na bios
lhag par z'en palii don la skyes bus ses par byed cin | ses pa yod
pa nid kyan mehi tsha ba iiid ji lta ba bz'in du dehi ran gi no bo
z'es bya bar mnon par hdod la | de yan yul ji ltar bstan pa yons su
gcod pahi bdag nid can yin no || ran bz'in yul ne bar Ions spyod
pahi hdod pa rig cin skyes bu dan tha mi dad par rtogs nas rim
gyis dban polii tshogs hbyun ba na skyes buhi yul ne bar Ions
spyod pahi rgyu yin no | gan gi tshe yul ne bar Ions spyod pahi
skyes bu hdod pa log pa dehi tshe de la srid pa Idog go || srid pa ni
hdod pa la ni1 | srid pa dan bral ba de la ni ses pa yod pa nid kyis
yon tan hgah yod pa yan ma yiu no || des ni dehi tshe don hgah yan
dag par mi myon ste | rnam par hgyur bahi tshogs rgyu dan hbras
buhi bdag nid can mthah dag rab tu z'i bar hgyur bahi phyir ro ||
dehi phyir grol bahi bdag la thar pa ses pa yod pa nid mi rigs so ||
ho na ni dehi tshe skyes bu ses pa yod pa ma yin par hgyur
la rig® go z'e na | de ltar na yan |
* After this there is one letter more which could not be read in X.
1 X rag.

ées med pa yi yod pa yañ |

gsal bar yod pa min daû mtshuñs
pa ma yin nam |j ées pa yod pa las tha dad med pahi rañ gi ño bo
can gyi skyes bu la ées pa yod pa ñid med na ées pa med pa la gañ
z'ig bden pa yod par brtags pa de ni ches gsal bar yod pa ma
yin pa mo géam gyi bu la sogs pa dañ hdra ba z'ig go ||
« » ro w ta « « it i
tn *n f^ w rofatf w p r ç i
fa t fir swwt f n n m r a i « «nrnfa i
I ? l*fq w tfW ^ T H T W l I

ra fc ff fta r ä ta v iin «

gw i fwîtTO»«t»i$gà*f?i i w
fìr a fà w çt in t fS ra rc h w *£ (? )

« » m u li * gqr. i h ^ ts « ro : wnr»rgq?ri i
S q qw iTww r a ffa m r a q jr e r w fc t: i nm \^ *f

gwneim^r «tauro* 1
*w îR fT s a p r e i T T R « r r e t f fit ’s fT iït i q « w f a

« fta m ra i w « 1 ^ *ra f i
w tà O f * *n ? ii ’a T * w r e n ? f * n r * r m w w t*w í% # í-

w r o 2R( v w 3 w m *l n% «\ \ ii
CSV : ci ste grol ba^i gnas skabs can ses pa yod pa ñid kyi
nua pa yod palli phyir bdag yod do sñam du sema na lidi yañ sñiñ
po med pa z'ig ste | gañ gi phyir |
tiraci i f a «¡w rih
W T O *™ * i n i :— i

that pa bdag cig yod na ni |

áes yod sa bon srid pa yod |
1 Lit, jñ&nasattvam api.
• Tib. gives satyara (bden pa). It seems that the mistake is due either to the wrong
reading satyara for sattvam in the Skt. MS. used by the Tib. translator, or to hie
misreading the word*
charter ix 66
de med na ni srid pa la |
bsam pahañ yod pa ma yin no || 23 ||
In a Vx of CSV gdg for dg. In b V worngly reads yoAspo na
for yod sa bon. In d he has pa fraA for paftaA omitting no at
the end.
ätmaiva yadi nirvâçam jöänam pürçam bhavo bhavet |
• tadabhäve hi samsäre bhävanäpi na vidyate || 23 ||
V’s restoration can in no way be accepted. I may offer the
following :
*n»IT H ilft « « T O *: I
trcirort ufe »n w Tvn fq * f*r o t m n
CSV : gal te grol bahi gnas skabs su bdag brtag par ñus na ni
dehi tshe bdag yod daû dehi rten can ées pa yod pa ñid kyis nus
pa yod par hgyur ba z'ig na | de ni ées pa yod pa ñid kyi rañ gi
ño bo can yin pa ñid kyi phyir de med par yod pa ma yin pas rten
med pahi nus pa yañ mi srid do ||°
gañ gi tshe rten med pas de dag rnam pa thams cad du yod pa
ma yin pa dehi tshe
de med na ni srid pa la |
bsam pahaù yod pa ma yin no h
- u f o yuBvemmrom «rata ngww m p f tif
w w ta * n fira^i m * w rifq usmtV I E i irç«n% n
f*ro^rcn nfwW* TO w fii #°
n ç n ra n m N t o t *i ir t
în ç w fj «w n sw rft * ftw ü
CSV : myu gu la sogs pahi nus pahi rten sa bon tshig par
gyur na myu gu la sogs pahi rgyun mi hjug pa bz'in du mam pa
thams cad du bdag gi rgyun tsam z'ig kyañ mi hjug pas thar
par rigs so || gaù gi phyir hdi de ltar yin pa dehi phyir |

«¡«IW ffiWI fW : I TO TIJ—I

i jft&nifltítra «nd taoohftktí.
sdug bsñal las thar mi rnams la |
gz'an ni yod pa min par nes |
de phyir mam pa kun tupian bdag |
zad pa legs z'es bya bar brjod || 24 ||
In b for ni Vx of CSV las.
V naresu duhkhamuktesu paro n5ma na vidyate |
sarvathStmiikipayas tena éreySn ityabhidhlyate || 24 ||
In c in Skt. dtmdkfayas is evidently misprint for dtmak$ayas.
Here Tib. ij,es at the end of b is left out untranslated. It
could be translated by Skt. niédta, dhruva, etc. and adverbially
also by nünam. The word para in the masculine gender in the
same line is for Tib. gz'an. But V’s own trnslation in French
is not in accordance with it, for he takes there the word in the
sense of ‘rien’, and in that case the word para should have been
put in the neuter gender.
Accordingly I may change the translation as follows :

« « ft 11*811
CSV : sdug bsñal las grol ba ni sdug bsñal yañ mi hbyuñ ba
yin no | sdug bsñal yañ skye ba dañ hgag pahi chos can gyi hdu
byed las dañ ñon moñs pas bskyed pa rnams yin la | de rnams la
brten ñas kyañ gañ zag tu hdogs te | de ni bdag yin no || sdug
bsñal bgags na ni de dañ grub pa dañ bde ba gcig pahi ñe bar len
pa po bdag mam pa thams cad phyis mi hbyuñ bafci bdag Sid kyis
zad pa gañ yin pa de ñid legs paho | z'es byahi grol bajjii
bdag yod pa ni ma yin no || de ni re z'ig rgyu med pa can
ñid kyi phyir rañ ñid kyis yod pa ma yin te | mo géam gyi bu bz'in
no || defci rañ gi ño bo yod na yañ de rtag pa ñid kyis mam par mi
hgyur balji phyir bciñs pa dañ thar pa gñis la khyadparmedpas
aña ma bz'in du | 1
-S W p m i « fin ta i
wtím w h m vn i m fa * untar g ra t w t i « i f
From here we have the Skt. original found in the fragment« (HPS, p. 481).
225] ch a pter IX 67

i: t o t TOT*»i?nwc«nä»! w.
t o * *W ^ n fn fa »nfa 9* * m n « *n*r*WTWita m
w d faw t I TOTTHfftRll TO ^ « T W lt * fasBctnTfWTCTÇ
i m R t v t w íf i r iN í H Ñ * ! tfs rrfa s fW i faifaTwrç*TÎt
n* f iqHrei w ^ faq: m u i *rf»rara* * f u w í « n i i n?nr 5 :*-
^w m \ «s*r n* m v[ wnmparRV 14 «wwr siw rw arrow pftpt »
trçtfcsTfa f% ?R«rt wfèî ï r f m n ^ r e r ï n ^ i f ^ w t i f a n t i far
3»nw[q>!ÎN Hqtsrofafn 7**wtot*wt*: \\\m
CSV: fja rm s ra t g w ia rô to re fp r: 4mmrt ^ 5 *t-
v « m r ^Nran5 t n n i ^ h n f f*w W ?r?*r%3üs$»!
qw w fï»Tfiîîiîlw ïï * i* r a r m w #—1
hjig rten pa lidi ñid bla yi |
don dam mam kun ma yin te |
tjig rten pa la cuñ zad yod |
dam pahi don la yod ma yin || 25 ||
mal hbyor spyod pa bz'i brgya las dnos po rtag pa dgag pa
bsgom pa bstan pa ste | rab tu byed pa dgu paho j| 9 1|
* *** mwraî si «9 3 11
Sfarai fsrcpï fw ifaw p w w *1 f r o î ï II II
i r it iïï’i T t lïfïi^^m îT^i8«»çaln ' w i 11tu
CSV : mnw92RT«Tt t ìT O n t r a *n Q r a t 4 ir a flv q iz > ( *
« g fìis ftl « ÎM ïT ^ T iT ÎtC ig T ^ i I «WT Ç:4ga||J|

1 See p. 66, note 1.

a Tib khyad par khas len na yañ ; HPS °gamena.
• For anityasya Tib. tatafe (debi pbyir).
4 Tib. ran gi rtsod pa btah bar bgyur ro || After sy&i HPS : evazh ca aati «vabhftva-
ty&gafe sy&t.
• Tib. atyantaxh (gtan).
• Tib. &tmaéreyask&ma-.(bdag legs su fcdod pa).
9 CSV throughout ad. bodhisttva- (byañ chub sems dpafri).
9 CSV in Tib. ad. samâpatti (tiù ne fedzin) ; HPS nity&rthapratifedho n&ma navamam.*
• Tib. ad. áreyas (legs).

«vrai^ «i g v A n r . i w*Hnt f r *f?i « 4 « w w g ^ e w

* M v p N n r * wwrt w f?r i m w
w< «ftf t n f f o n i
f%1 snan fafìH Y^fìlu ià
HW I^ I TWTVWTirtTiIRTn U l[ mtVWT1|1l!iTITtnTn H if f lW ^
nwwiHi w n n ? r ^ ! ,<wnTHW wi? *?www#WRf h ìb u h h
« « t i ta ta n w fftf«iri*sfaT i w&M »n ^ f n j i f t a f t M
«**w 4m w :i q n n ^ ’ ^ ^ in ^ iR w in w r f V s T O r T ^ « ^ »

1 Tib. ad. Mmin (Ut. tasmin, der).

• After yat Tib. cak$ur&dy aùkur&di v& pratlty&ropitaih gh&tapatagfha.. vana*
senir&may&nanauk&di (mig la sogs pa da$ | myu gu la sogs pafcam brten nas btags pa
bum pa daù | inam bu daù | ra sde (?) daù | khyim daù | ngas daù | dmag daù | kun dgafe
ba da? | bz*on pa daù | gru la sogs pa marna so || ) omitting pratltya0 prajfiaptam.
1 After yat Tib. ad« kuéal&kuéal&di (dge ba daù mi dge ba la sogs pafri). For adatta
Tib. anuddhfta (ma phyuù ba).
4 Tib. sabba« (bde bafci) for tat.
• Tib. ▼&(barn) for oa.
9 Tib. bilg rten pa la ; HPS laukikena.
» HPS. ad. sarvathà.
• Tib. does not support api before and after &tmano.
Chapter X

CSV : *ramr i 5« i m * w qrfan « w t : « r a « f»w Hl

nrerr1* * wfa^nfa »1 Hsf^r * « rf^ f* i

ffii ^rñtwfwTT^ « r$ 4
mwwf * TOT I
fin g i? f a f a i m m i a * fir c ift II

* ’«nwn urn «fa«q*q<i: w n f ii i ñr « n t « firorf

*ïtâ»t *T «TU 5VTÂH WT *T I 7WÏS«« q»«*l<TC«|-
htwth i fa fN nimm* w r f t r ntf^wT ggm^R isn*' *fìm«rm‘
* i qwwwwn * m n: n f U m T ^ T * « * ^ : «rcft’figiwFm^gw

'WWrrâ* I ?TW a W 5 ’ W>BTmi « q fe «tà® T qft8w « f ÎT IT5T

w *ifq WwWf ^Kim
«ni i * w*ft101 « a r a t a v i : viÏ3n^*iT»n«T3*tgTHWH i011
u«i « ft? » n iw w * * t« h i n%*n —i
1 HPS nasty aharii.
* Tib. om. -ontar-.
* Tib. tadindriya® (defci dbaA pobi).
« HPS °tasya tatra.
* Tib. kuéalákuéalanán&gamopadÍ9takarmaphaIabhokt& (dge ba daft mi dge ba daft taft
da ma batan pafei las kyi fcbras bufci za ba po).
9 Tib. phan bdoga pafco ; HPS apak&rlva.
v Tib. om. ayam.
9 Tib. om. pari-,
9 Tib. tshe gz'an da rjes (**&yurantar*nu-) ¡ the loading is incomplete.
19 Tib. ma yin te ; HPS d?4y»te.
** 4fter this there is a long gap in HPSr

gaù tshe naù bdag bud med min |

skyes min ma niñ ma yin pa |
de tshe mi ées hbalji z'ig las |
kyod bdag pho yo sñam du sems || 1 1|
In a Vx of CS na for nan. In d V fio for yo.
* v iw ro f »! »i » í í 't o i i
n*T i n w p i n wnrorr* mil
CSV : s g Tfircyrcm ffligT’ ^ »ìg'w fafn « iïtanrpn^
«refît i faW w w qr * ^ it o 7 ?WTf%i»nçtn»T' çwt »irowiroft*
««w» « * 1 m n i «w w w m fanSI w fariiiw fosfw ira:* m?u
CSV : uw* n: wtaîfcqfoirwt »ruft TOsg-
fw in I W 1W% i f f fWTOflTfa ^ 5 * n g «WÄTf»!
W W l^ » ll f q nft!TO <« tfïl I Zlfc «(f<.l**t-
stifonf»i ^wB»n i* areni t f i m v m mviifR$naTst»nwsiras
winjnif»! i u^nft* t o « w u n f a gi raran»!« nfftrcw ren-
it* m w ra f «fwjjiif»! w f « w ' hÍíurpít i i s * ^ 9 ^ 9 ^ *
wrf»! W R Ït »! fWRT I n fc ^$fT *lt
foqqftnrm i qraren^fq * faiptq«f*i; « n i t r ^ W r — i
gaú tshe hbyim ba thams cad la |
pho mo ma niù yod nain pa |
de tshe ci ste de dag nid |
brten nas pho mo ma niù yin || 2 ||
* *nçr * * s rçfo »nf*i i
n*T faf »im in*N m«i « ^ ‘»rç t o i h* H
CSV ; f a »imr* ^ « v m t fartfirmf»! wTffgiif»!
1 Tib. tathftparikalpan&d apratltik&raçam (de ltar yoùa au brtaga (X btaga) pa la*° ma
clogt pebi rgyu).
* Tib. ad. hare eomething more.
* Tib. om. pari-.
* For tld* Tib. naivam (fedi ni de ltar ma yin no).
»Tib. ad. 4»tfaM (ltar na).
22Ö] ClfiLPTEBX 11
vm V> vt i * $ * ' « f n w r à sfo * N\|-
«rowrawroífopt iwrerw*n?C «wwnftniro 3 « m ‘ w r ’*
*tnwmfftrfn® #*#
CSV : TiwTOT *nf% i »sfc w * n t o w : « r ç ^
^ ...... a » __"jf iji i .il_imi i__mi„ .\_ ii _* T itrm i * « ^
qCKR9nWH9l!UM|*l TOT w*nwWífWIT<S!¥I«I*! I >1 f f
iit%s^fNrr* w r w w*fh i w t o t *f% w r a :
«ifam räfn «TOTwrcfww i w sht$«rç tm fir— i
khyod kyi bdag gan nahi bdag min |
des de bdag min ma ñes phyir |
dúos po mi rtag pa mams la |
rtog pa skye bar hgyur min nam || 3 ||
In a Vx of CSV ña for imiti. In b Vx of CS dag for bdag. In
d Vx of CSV skyes par for skye bar.
*n%3 * *flSTOT *IW «IWÏ l |l
CSV: f t fir iwTOT sr**i?rcfTOi *TT«réM«nra* * m

f»ra?n^ m w. i m fa*mr?T*TT *r w*fn « ^row rt *rr#f?T

im w w w ^ *n«n«rrcta: i to t» tt »irftsi m «if t n n t i w i r â n -
*!*ir*fW5 « rä f *«w t «rari i
5Wtq^fq^5! « r c u f a l« W*ï«9fïlftw«î»T»i: «**1-
HTWj7 » w fa ä s ^%^n«TTT?l«nTf*tn»!rw3 « n t ^ f n *wwt
fawn v r m t o * «rçjftfài* t o t 19
1 Tib. ma ées pa las ; HPS marks here a lacuna. 1 Tib. bdag ; EPS om. ahaih.
1 Tib. ad. tathä hi. (de Itar ni) 4 Tib. hgyur ; HPS om. it.
1 Tib. ad. agneb (me). 4 HPS abh&vesu.
v Tib. anupalambhât (ma dmigs pabi phyir) fer abhâvât. 4 HPS svabhüt&rthà*.
4 For nanv anitye$u° jantur iti Tib. reads : anityeçu bhâveçu rüpâdisaxhjfiakeçu nifosvabbà-
vefv âtmeti sattva iti jiva iti jantur iti manuja iti käraka iti vedaka ityâdy aham iti ripari*
takalpanà kriyate (dùos mi rtag pa gzugs la sogs pafei miú can raú bz'in med pa rnams la bdag
daú I sems can daà j srog da& | skye ba po daà | éed las skyes daà | byed pa po daà |
tshor ba pa z'es bya ba la sogs pa bdag go sñam du log par rtog par byed do ||).
” Tib. jilta r; HPS yadfi.

w w l *i w i
VRTivwn xr»wr w w iw it »it*i^uh?w w tm i
qf a w w i w f a Sg ’fan?«rprtlftw«f*tT ftl*m N|l
As regards the reading in b of the Skt. karika HPS and V take
niyamdt and it is supported by the Vj*tti in both the versions,
Skt. and Tib. But atcording to the Tib. text of the karika we must
read aniyamat (ma ties phyir), as Poussin has done in MV, P. 199,
where the karika is quoted by Candrakirtti.
Now, with reference to the Tib. text some divergencies have
already been noted. There is some thing more. Poussin (loc.
tit.) has quoted there the Tib. original found in his text. For b it
has des bdag Ties med de phyir bed. Here after des bdag, as Poussin
has rightly suggested, one should read nes med phyir de med.
In d it has rtog pa z'es kyan ne bar skye, which can literally
be translated by kalpana namdpy upajdyate, or in metre kalpanety
upajdyate. This differs from our text as we have it both in the
fragments and in the MV. According to the reading found in
Vxx of CS and CSV as well as in V’s edition the lit. Skt. is kalpna
nanu jdyate, there being nothing for ndma in the Skt. text.
CSV: TOTf* i « « w i: i wgfiTfSigftnum iflm i
q w iT « * n *i w. w ra n tfqm mm m mrtf tt&n i « f t
$*13% mm~
wagmmf5 i * *
w ^ n H raf^i « w i to w * t o * * i* yr«rrsfqr
i f* giw w m n7 m fw rcM iw fr1
i Tib. fcdog««»badbyato.
• Tib. bdu byed; HPS saibsire^u.
• Tib. om. iba.
• Tib. ad. aoala or dhruvaka (mi gyo ba).
• Tib. simply mthafc yas; HPS anantaprabhedaih.
• For adharaeoa* fpftyate Tib. bidhyate spriyate badbyate (gnod pada&reg pa daft
• Tib* om. ayam fttml and read« idinlm (bdi t*be).
• Tib. simply Janm&ataretti (rab»gs'an da).

v n m i ) i «i* t fouW iw —i
skye dan skye bar skyes bu ni |
lus bz'in rnam par bgyur bar hgyur |
khyod kyi de la lus las gz'an |
nid d ai rtag nid mi rigs so || 4 ||
In a before dan Vx of CSV skyes for skye.
v f s f ie n t mnf i * n w m em tii i
3w w w w i f r o m * * iw ri ntsn
In c of the Skt. text HPS, p. 487, wrongly reads dehantena
for dehat tarn supported by Tib., and V has followed him.
CSV: *re*t ^wfiranrrsfsrsifircii* i
*nfa foah i vtmr^ndq:4 it«11
CSV: hdir smras pa | gal te bdag raft gi 60 bos grub par
mi bgyur na ni dehi tshe lus kyi gyo ba bskums5 padan rkyon ba
la sogs pa mams kyi hjug pa por gan z'ig hgyur | skul ba po med
pa^i Sin rta ni rgyu ba yan ma yin te | delji phyir gdon mi za bar
Sin rtafci skul ba po lha sbyin ltar lus kyi gyo balji rgyu naA gi
byed pahi skyes bu hgah z'ig khas blafis par byaho || hdi yaA mi
rigs so | z'esbstan pahi phyir bSad pa |
1 ftw ^ f ^^roiW »iiromT-
m: w«rafam« * irosraft w w rf* 1 vrow w -
1 *?*fq it
iwfiifil Hfim^Rnw —1
reg dan mi ldan dnos po la |
bskul ba z'es bya mi skye ste |

» Tib. om. it.

* After &tma- (badg tu) Tib. btagft for brtage. In 'Tib. pari- of Jwrikalpatuni* U omitted.
» Tib. defci phyir. Before ayakta HPS dehas tv &tmavd it!.
* In X r»ad agro btagB lor sgro fcdags. • X biknm.
* For -karaga- one may also read vy&p&ra*.

de phyfe hß kyi gyo ba la I

srog ni byed pa por mi hgyur || 5 ||
In a Vx of CSV las for la. In 6 V wrongly bsgul for bskul.
In c Vx of CSV dbye for gyo.
V aspar éavatsu bhävesu cestä nftma na jäyate |
tasmac charîreceçtâyâ jivah karts na jäyate || 5 ||
I think bsfatl ba in b meanspreranä, cälanä, and n o tcesßas V
writes. I should like to modify his restoration as below :
m r o m t p fa r . S w »ito 1
TOiiTO mtä * arm* n*t
CSV : éiñ rta ni reg pa dañ mi Idan pahi don hgas kyañ
bskul bar mi nus te || reg pa dan ldan pa kho nas de bskul bahi
phyir II khyod cag gis yoús su brtags pahi bdag kyañ reg pa daà
mi ldan pa z'ig ste | dus ltar lus med palji phyir ci la yaù mi reg
ciñ don bgah z'ig gis reg pa yan ma yin no || gan gi tshe hdi de ltar
yin pa dehi tshe gan las lus kyi gyo bahi rgyu ñid kyis hdi yod pa
ñid rjes su dpog par hgyur ba reg pa daù mi ldan pahi dùos po
hdi las bskul ba ste | spoù (?) ba hbyuñ bar ji ltar hgyur |j gz'an
yaù bdag hdi ni phyogs med pahi phyir reg pa daù mi ldan no ||
gañ z'ig phyogs mi ldan pa de la ni sbyor ba yod ma yin no ||
sbyor ba dañ bral ba la ni bskul ba yod pa ma yin pas bya ba dañ
ldan pa ñid kyis de yod pa ñid du khas blañ bar mi rigs so ||°
f t im fa r o ilv R wcfïw n 1 w S q fl
fi ms w i «wfir: *n *n fa *p§qrç « n r ô n i r a r ç i
r o r a r a a n im m it n i1 qç<i%** a * t frôt

mm i *i t o à ta i «frifW w -
TO n « r o »i «rrôtfti * fm m vàn iw w fc rç v w ; *°*i
CSV : yañ gai te bdag hdi rtag par hgyur na ni | de yoñs su toi*
bsruñ bar bya bahi phyir mi htshe bahi bdag ñid can gyi chos
• 6m Urika 83S. • Not in X.
9*1] CHAPTER X 7»
fie bar betan par mi bgyur te | nam mkhah bz'in no | mtshon
rnon po dad me da& dug daft thog babs pa mams kyis ni defci
spu yaft ^gul bar mi nus so || de fiid kyi phyir bSad pa |

* ^ t^ T irro ^ i ^fawwnfafTOTsrfaqTmfiifwcw frm fa

q w fa j' *i *r*r?i i i
mi htshe ba dan bdag rtag pa |
hdi la rgyu ni ci yod snam |
rnam pa kun tu Sin srin las |
rdo rje bsruA byar mi hgyur ro || 6 1|
In c Vx of CSV tujian for tu adding so after las and an
before rdo in d.
V SaSvatasy&marasyasyatmano hetur hi ko matah |
sarvatha kltakad vajrabhaksapam naiva jayate ||
V takes mi htshe ba (a) to mean amara, but literally
it does not give the sense. For Skt. amara we have Tib.
ftchi ba med. V seems to have confounded fttshe with ¡tchi.
The former means in Skt. hitjnsd, upadram, k$aya, k§ati.
V translates s'in srin (c) by kitaka. This is also not quite right.
Srin is to be taken for srin bu, Skt. krmi or kita. But what is
the meaning of s'in used before it 1 V has ignored it. It means
a taru ‘tree’, as well as kastha ‘wood’. Here the latter is
meant. So s'iti srin literally means ka§tha-krmi or -ktta, i.e.
ghuna ‘wood-eating worm’. The full Tib. from is s'in gi srin
bu. V’s another mistake in this karika lies in his rendering
brsun (d) by bhak^arta, the word actually meaning rakfa^a. The
following translation may, therefore, be offered :
f a s *T*n * aft tg f c f w r 8 1
«ism * siraS
CSV: gnod par dogs pa med pahi rdo rje ni Sin gi Srin bu
las yotis su bsrun bar mi rtsom mo Ude bz'in du bdag rtag par yod
aa si mi htshe bahi bdag Sid can gyi chos mi rigs na | mi tshe
bahi bdag Aid can gyi chos mi rigs na mi tshe 'bafci bdag nid

can gyi chos lidi ni yod pa yaü yift te | defci phyir rtag pajji
bdag khas mi blaA ba ham | yaü na rgyu gz'aÄ z'ig brjod par
bya dogs na | de y a i ma brjod pas fcdi ni mi rigs so ||

«*WWn*TWB H w f iw tf »TTTWi I W l*n

w jf * i fw r smHfifc wwft u l : I
Q m pn ST f t w t SW SSSW S: SIT?*n*TT ST SW«S*l I w*
s h s s if* s s*ni*i i f »
CSV : hdir smras pa | bdag ni rtag pa kho na ste | skye ba
dran pa yod pafci phyir ro || hdu byed skyes ma thag tu fcjig
pafci Äaö can rnams la ni tshe rabs gz'an dran par mi rigs so ||
skye ba gz'an gyi hdu byed rnams ni gaü du skyes pa [de] öid du
hjig la | fcdir ni gz'an dag cig kho na skye ba yin no || dehi phyir
bdag Ijdas patd dus na skye ba hdi lta bu dan hdi lta bu z'ig tu
gyur to sfiam du skye ba dran par mi rigs so || bdag rtag pa yod
na ni de nid tshe rabs gz'an du rgyu bahi phyir rjes su dran par
rigs so || hdi yan ma ¿es pa fiid du brjod pahi phyir bsad pa |

n* i fsw wnwr <siTfssrcnrsiTSTn i

aiTÄPimRTuf S l f* StfftqST:
[tm 1 tw n u fim i iw ro « w i i ssn sisn a ffi stwi s s S s w jfc fs
srf*rn f f s t i «aissiwri f* raro $ s am sm tsTf tä s n is ifag Wft i

skye ba dran pa yod pahi phyir |

gal te khyod kyi bdag rtag na |
sion byas pa yi rma mthoA nas |
khyod kyi bdag go ces mi rtag || 7 ||
In A Vx of CSV lu8 ko for bdag go.
V smjtisantanasiddhyartham atma nityo matas tava |
dr?tva bhagyaksayam tasya so’nityafc kim nate matafe || 7 0
I cannot understand how Tib. a could be translated by V’s
232] CHAP|?J5Ic X n
Skt. a. Nor is acceptable his rendering of c and d. I should
like to translate the karika as given below :
«iflWWWWmiHI 3 qfe ^ITOTPR I
trtf qjhrcf v si w t o t f a r a n r w . »«*
So far as the above reading of d in Tib. is concerned.
But, as has already been pointed out, Vx of €SV reads here lus,
kdya, ‘body’ for Mag, dtman, which is supported not only by
CSV itself but also by the Chinese version reading shin, kdya,
‘body’. Accordingly the whole karika in Skt. should read as

farantura:« * n
CSV : hdi ni tshe rabs gz'an dag tu mtshon cha la sogs pas
bsnun pa las byun bahi rmahi srol (?) rnams de lta buB fie bar
mtshan1 paid lus can la la dag rnam par hjig cin | de ltar mAon par
mtshan pahi lus daft ldan pa kho nar hgyur te | skyeba dan rjes
su dran pa ni* ji ltar nams su myon ba ltar tshe rabs gz'an gyis
byun mthah ston par lhur byed pa dmigs so || dehi phyir
skye ba dran pa yod pas byas pahi bdag rtag pa nid du yons su
rtog* pa ltar de dag gi lus rtag pa nid du brtog par bya dogs na
bdi ni de ltar yan ma yin pas de yod pa ma yin no ||°
dehi phyir skye ba dran pa yod pa hdi las bdag rtag pa nid
du mi rigs te | lus kyaA rtag pa nid du thal bar hgyur bahi
phyir ro ||
** w «wfti i ?rahr-

n « 1% i qqnwufa-
« iw i w w n n O M iw lU w m w frit wwf*iwai

ii « a
1 mmion. *Xm . • X rtog.
CSV : yaù ji ltar bdag fcdis skye ba dran no | z'es bya bar
rtog I gai te raû giûo bo kho nas yin na ni de mi rigs te |
de ni mi rtog pahi raû gi ño bo yin pahi phyir ro (| ci ste sems pa
can daù Idan pa las yin no sñam du rtog pa na de yaù mi rigs
te I raû gi fio bo btaù bar thaï bar hgyur bahi phyir ro || de ñid
bstan paÿi phyir béad pa |
-u fïi^ i qw w sm su mm sraw3 i s f e m s T -
W fw i s * * « n s n m iw m w n i mm «fa ra w ifa f«
u n i i ss fa s i w m a n in re v m i s $ s sfH sis«-
w rr —i
sems pa can daù ldan bdag kyañ |
gal te ées po ñid yin na |
de yis sems pa can sems pa |
fliin z'iñ skyps bu rtag mi kgym || 8 ||
In b Vx of CSV pa for po ; and no for na . In d V with Vx of
of CS z'es for z'iñ.
V âtmanaé cec ciattavato jfiatftavm jäyate tadä |
nästi cittam ca caittain ca pumän nityo na jäyate ||
I cannot agree with V in rendering sems pa can dati Idan in a
by caittavat. There is nothing of cailla either in a or in c in the
Tib. text. The Tib. word for caitta is sems las byuñ ba. Sems pa
means citta or cetani both of which are synonymous in such
cases. My translation of the kärikä will be as follows :
wish? w s i nw. \
« f a r c i s f u f w Hssfr s * *nsm : » * »
60V : gal te bio la sogs pa rnams ni bdag gi yon ton yin z'iñ
da mams dañ ldan pas bdag yon tan gyi rj«a su n»th\#a p#i hjug
ciñ I dúos po rnams kyañ rañ bz'úp. nú b¿lor ba yiçi 1^ \ de
rnams don gz'an pa dañ hbrel ba las bya bahi khyad par
dañ ldan par gyur na ni }?o na de mams la khyad par sñar
yod pa ma yin par mam par hgyur ro | mam par hgyur ba dañ
1 Mg, XVII. 2-4. For oaitanya we baye éee yod (kirikfa 235,236,238,

Idan pa rmams la ni raú gi ño bo yod pa yañ ma yin pas

khyod kyi bdag raô bz'in med de | ri mo la sogs pa bz'iti du mam
par hgyur ba dañ ldan pahi phyir ro |[
gz'an yañ ji ltar sems pa can Sid da¿ ldan pas bdag sems pa
can du hgyur ba de bz'in du sems pa can ma yin pahi bdag daà
ldan pa sems pa can yañ sems pa can ma yin par ciÿi phyir
mi hgyur II
dehi phyir hdi la skye ba dran pa ñid mi rigs pa hbah z'ig tu
ma zad kyi sems pa can ñid kyañ mi rigs pahi phyir rtag pahañ
ma yin pas bdag la rtag pa ñid yod pa ma yin no ||
furar* W W tlh ttw t flfrâf i
vfq irarfïf * i 3
itat fsrftw tpmwit*! i fasrtwrt * »irotfn
»nfa i fäfaT m w t1
i ?wt fsrOTvìiiTan fro^sroifaw aw ni»!

ipm fat »! Sta* »!

p rfa fr »! w ftfn »nlmwft »c «
CSV : gz'an yañ bdag hdi ji ltar sems dpfch can ñid dañldan
pas sems pa de bz'in du bde ba dañ sdng bsñal la sogs pa dañ Irfa-n
pas sñar gyi raú gi ño bo ñams pahi phyir khyad par de daû
dehi hthob par hgyur te | dehi phyir hdi mi rtag pa ñid du hgyur
z'es bBtan pahi phyir béad pa |
I WRWT«TT ^ÏTOfîl ïm t * * 5 :# r f ç * r d » ï
WW H uirçrfa i iramnmPiar «w *ran ifii
n fiw n w w —»
bde ba la sogs dañ ldan srog |
bde sogs bz'in du sna tshogs mthoù )
de phyir bde la sogs bz'in te |
rtag pa ñid duhañ mi ruñ ño || 9 1|
to CATUHSa TAKA {284

V jîvah sukhâdimân «Jrsto vibhinnah sa sukh&divat |

tasmât sukhadivat tasya nityatâpi na yujyate ||
I shall accept it modifying the first half :
« t a W foW WTWT im f) I
« W U ^ I Tf c q r e f t w w i f q * y q f t » L. H
CSV : gal te bde ba dañ sdug bsúal gyi gnas skbas dag tu
fedi la khyad par tg&b yañ med na ni de dag phan tshun tha dad
par mi bgyur te | defci phyir bdag gi yon tan hdi mamss tha
dad par mi bgyur ro || delii phyir gdon mi za bar bdag hdis bde
ba la sogs pa sna tshogs. pahi rjes su byed par bya dgos la |
defri rjes su byed pa fiid kyaò bde ba la sogs pa kho na ltar hdi
rtag pa ñid du yañ mi rigs so ||°
- f a i * : « t i « it-
H?: I q q i w in n w t * w q. i
w m f ìr f in i w w g f t u w w » ! i n ç g f w * * f * is r s f

<i 1 WH «# n
CSV : yaù gz'an dag ni gaù gi ltar na skyes bu sema pa can
ma yin pa de la ñes pa fcdir fcgyur gyi kho bo cag gi ltar na ni
skyes bu ées pa yod pahi rañ bz'in yin palli phyir mi hdod pa ni
yaù med do | z'es smraho || dehi lugs1 kyaù mi rigs pa ñid du
brjod pahi phyir béad pa |
t o t *T f. i «re i H fR t « f a r o « * ?m : i
t o t « g ifH n itr o i ifcrt
n t i n m f f ù a « w w T* - i
gal te ées pa yod rtag na |
byed pa log par fegyur ba ste |
gal te me ni rtag hgyur na |
bud óin gis don yod mi bgyur |¡ 101|
In d Vx of C8 ma for mi.
* ñm wwr«* «f* i
The Becond half is lost and V reconstructs :
• X lug.
nityo yadi bhaved agnir indhanath mçprayojanam II 10 ||
I shall change it a little :
CSV : hdi gaç gi tshe mig la sogs pa byed par gyur pa mams
kyi bjug pa dag gzugs la sogs pahi dqn mams la hbab pa dehi
tshe gzugs la sogs palli blo gzugs la sogs pajhi mam pas rjes su
bsgyur ba mams fie bar skye z'ifi blos z'en par byas pahi don de
yafi skyes bus sems par byed do || ées pa yod pa ñid kyañ yul
rtog pahi ran gi fio bo yin la skyes bu de yafi de las tha mi dad
pahi rafi gi fio bo dafi rtag pa yafi yin te | rtag tu fie bahi phyir
ro II skyes buhi rafi gi fio bo las tha mi dad par gnas pahi phyir
ées pa yod pa ñid kyafi rtag tu fie ba yin no || dehi phyir hdi la
mig la sogs pahi byed pa dogs pa med pahi phyir don med par
hgyur ro ||°
gafi gi ltar na bud sifi med par me mi hbyufi z'ifi yod na ni
hbyufi ba dehi ltar na ni bud s'ifi tshol bar rigs na | gafi gi
ltar na me rtag pa yod do | z'es bya ba khas len pa de Ita na bud
é'ifi fie bar sogs dogs pa med pa kho na ste | hdi ni de dafi hdraho ||°

i n ffta ro ra *
i i w sv n e w r-
fiw ivw it ftansr i vki i


vm nerât g v i « « q qif a f t rffar f t y frw -

ïïgfirftfir vmm im m 3 nftraiw w ràt « tr ò ■(»»

CSV : %m« ifa m fir e o : i vm tiT ïfa s R w im R -
1 The following portion {°maa tasya °lak&yate) is found in the fragmente. HPS, p. 488,
1 Tib* om. tasya adding tath& sati (de Ita na).
82 CÁTUtíSAÍAKÁ [23fl

fw w îir f* i wwîwt fr p w i «
farò %era3 i m ym
w m ^ n m ü im \ m i « f w ^w *ifan w r o f t * «witf« fñ tsw
firarroiw « w ra fa fii i i n7!^* f r r a a f a q s tí *m *
fìiraifìirqn ft^tw ftrarar* tw fafN ft* * f w * n i *w fagurî
w: i * i vm f% -1
idzas ni bya ba ji bz'in du |
bjig pa^i bar du gyo ba med |
des na skyeB bu yod ées pa |
yod pa med ces byar mi rigs || 11 ||
In c Vx of CSV wrongly ces for s'es ; and bya bar for byar in d
adding so after rigs.
VJ fai*TT3nW9i WT *ïï% fSTCU a«TT >
H^rUfat á* »! gwrä » m
CSV m m fir fa s i i « t ^tçiiFTOsn fanrscrresrT i
iwn ft i «çinrç n w
ftn u m f f ir e w f a w ; i smrafasr àì«rt10 tmTfeww ra«n m yi-
« i m *nf*mTtíu w r t »nfìrafà i
H ^ fs% »I rhi »1 gwrîï 11
«nu *ra*«n?it r m r a ^ i
q w v í W 3^r: i « f i n?ro*FWT?rc*rar nw fafar. i **n?q-
wwwTwia ^ n u d v N î^ r e n n W à n u w t srerfngn i ira« g*<rt

1 Aocording to Tib. the compound here is with -vjitya (fcjug pas) and not-vrtteh.
I HPS 0vyaktefc.
* Tib. mùon par grub pae ; HPS °nivjtyá.
* Tib. ¿os pa yod pa ; HPS om. it.
* Tib. de yañ bya ba|d raù bz'in can yin na ; HPS om. sa° °tmik&.
* Tib. bya bafci ; HPS kriyay&.
* Tib. om. -abhi*.
* Tib. mi rtsom ; HPS “ntareça nârabdha*.
* Tib akyes naa hjig pafci bar ni ; HPS om. uday&t° *¿&t,
■ »• Tib. hdi mams kyi ; HPS e»a.
II In X we should read bjig bar du for ma z'ig bar du.
11 For sa hi0 dravyarûpa tv&bhâvâo ca Tib* Sa hi caitanyarüpam&tratvât tadryati-
riktadravyarüpatvâbh&v&o ca (de ni ¿os pa yod pa ñid kyañ rañ bz'im yîû pah! phyir
daù t de **• tha dad pafci rdzas kyi raù bz'in med p&fei phyîr).

fro * 1 i *m * i < m i « i f ï w « w i ï C ïv ro n f^ re i
T O T * 1 i ^ cq p n i I ^TOm TflT*. « n ÌV ’S lW T ^ n a «
CSV : *rfq *nf g**t W TO & : fj*
W n tn ^ T — I

gz'an du áes pa yod pahi khams |

mthoñ z'iñ gz'an du áes yod de |
lcags kyi z'u ñid bz'in dehi phyix |
skyes bu mam par hgyur bar hgyur || 12 ||
In c Vx of CSV adds na after bz'in.
* 3?r>iTOTqTO* ç«Rïs»irw w t t i
g g g fiw s ñ w fawftt rnsra: mrh
CSV : lvminsniranr«Rr m w * 3ïPirarôa»rarçj-
%?î*TTa|fwS *?l3 BraT T T V V7PIT I IWÏT**

f r w w w V frt r o otw rtot % r * n 7t m s w n » ! $ « n ira m îi i i

? * s r f i w w ta r s r f iî i *** v m m ti « m n im n if

n tn i i n n

g irw rfím ^ rfÍT C tm m fv fñ w w r*$*rear’w % i tra w t u r f 10

3 * r a f t w ä t r w f * 11 ? í í t o i m * n w ro fw w n

m ^ 9 f 4 l * ad ^ r * n r i t r a t p w ra rrn i g fiii^ q w f t « r f w r m -
UW^ Uròt
f q a f f l f r i r a « : 5 wt^ h
fàtf t u w w a w srr^ n w rñ t f a s r a f a f h f i n n « u n

1 Tib yod ; HPS sathividyate.

* Tib. ga& yan ; HPS yac caitanya*.
* Tib. ad. tad& (defei tehe).
4 Tib rfcog pa ; HPS kalpyeta.
* Tib. jñ&nasy&sya pürvaih (âes pa fedifei sña rol na).
9 Tib. áes pa yod pa mthoó ste | debí pbyir ; HPS om. cetanft | tasmät.
9 Tib. om. oetan&. 9 Tib. fedir ; HPS om. it.
9 HPS -deáam asti. 19 Tib. om. ftoäryafe.
11 loagB ky! z'ti ñid bí'in z'es ; HPS om. drava* syeti.
19 Tib. purugaéaktir vyaktSati (skyes bufei ñus pa gsal bar yod pa),
CSV : 9>nvf : i n «nwiw i fif « fir—i
ées yod yid tsam z'ig la ste |
skyes bu nam mkhah bz'in du che |
dehi phyir de yi no bo ni | |
áes pa yod fìid min ltar mthoñ || 12 ||
In a Vx of CSV s'ed for ées. In c V and Vx of CS de for
defy ; and V na for ni. In d Vx of CSV adds pa after yod.
* « «rtm rä i
« v i # w w w « w f * « m A ntt»
CSV : w m fir trfimfft ««m qm m iwHws f«*: i nw
« w«tn nw fp» %ïwt « w ^nfrrnt i h « « t« w t o u w w ^ i -
«pnrç. i fN *wm tff«« g i «qrcfw« 3 w 'WITWpiTVdil i w w
f l í i i í i í w w í l í w w 1 «fit i ««ni i «« «« v sn n v fn * *
^««U W s««w «râtam v w r w W t * arai
* i« ïN v i « « « iW s « CTTÄ I
«# «aräw« «* 3««: msrtfii i « ft «m w n iw ^ fo w -
« i« £ « «%?m: 3 «« ifh ini® «mu 1 « fir « r o w n w n i « * ? ? *
n rr’iiVarwwwwfÌT^T irw «wnvf^m 1 ««$«*[ i «un w i
« sw rç . i «« i « «T«nw?n»w
«« « N rarf *í«rf«?r « ïw fafn « '«um nt*«
CSV : «fa «nm ran «fìwpw « s« a: ** t —i
gal te kun la bdag yod na |
gz'an gyis de cis nar mi rtogs |
de fiid kyis ni de ñid la |
sgrib ces bya bar mi hthad do || 14 ||

1 It it looative in Tib. ; HPS nominative clearly reading -pakjafc.

• Tib. tin tu ohe ba ; HPS iti for ati.
• Tib. fcdifci i HPS om it. 4 HPS ad. nano not supported by Tib.
• Tib. nut pa ; HPS yuktaife. • Tib. kluft ; HPS -brada-,
240] CHAPTER X 85

In a Vx of CSV bdag kun la for kun la bdag. In 6 V ces for cm;

Vx of CSV der nar d s for de cis Aar; and V with Vx of CS rtog
for rtogr«. In c V and Vx of CS na for ni.
* faf u r a u f i

In a of the Skt text after paras I have proposed to read tarketi,

a form in Buddhist Skt., the classical one being tarkayati. This
reading is clearly suggested by trogs in b as shown above. The
reading given by HPS, taveti, can not be accepted; nor
can we follow V’s amended reading, tasyeti, for it cannot be
construed, nor is supported by Tib. For the use of Buddhist
Skt. by Aryadeva see the word dusyati from ,/dvip, XVIII. 2
( = 177).
CSV: zifa m f r o n 1 w ra : smflmmtmi
w zi TOraftsft* «vrarn farfwfit
i «w urn gwiif «rfa* v rm f* wgnuft
W t t u : i *i * qtowpw lam prcm i i * f t
4« sr* r* tssiw wafar*! «nfasiw tnniTn i n wm*
«Rfi n fNi « w w r swtf qrafafa
Si&iTOC* >im n ? ra * tq w t i

f^rarcaf t w w ^ t s f a ir e w r ii i * *r * * b r a m m «t*#
CSV: t*4 <in$iwnito«n«iqhfq w n p rf*ifii uftrara

1 Tib. khyod kyi; HPS bhavikayá whioh has no sence here.

* For kalpaná Tib. lugs, lit. mata, ny&ya.
8 Bead ya& for yon whioh looks also to be yod in X.
4 HPS asmad, but Tib does not support it.
9 Tib. de ltar yaft m a; HPS tenaivaih for na tvevaih.
• Tib. ma rigs pa fiid d u ; HPS -n&yuktarflpat&m.
T Tib, udbh&vayan (brjo<} gafei phyir) for prati*.

gañ gì yon tan byed po daù |

mam kun ées yod ma yin pa |
de dag daû ni smyon pa la |
khyad par ci yañ yod ma yin || 15 ||
* ifat * *'w. y
Snqqnfani w n fafap? fa«As*roi »tu«
CSV : q w n s w ifa i itort q r a r e w 1 w «n *n i

wctwkt Hsfpi: i fayvdfw^ti Hwförä/ivnfa

w iw w w w ^ w fjfim p i w wTíwrar w m tv o tto tr ïï^jt i
T w rí h ít: i qgròwTm i w vrfafa f i : anHr: i *rc «ts *w rc >°
tri *nfa»rt »pmt «ywròwnt 'qrofvrarat :
f t w r w r a m m n fafarç fa*rts*«*i
*fa tiwf*n i v*rowt fa *rra fW*rfa*prawifa: i * fa
famâ^ i faw iN miro »i nfa«wiìì fa*wtai ^ T w v ra r^ ^ f n
mrafh i rm m n f ü nnp: n° u «
CSV : tifa vromi p w t fairrorrirowrM n wtwT n ¡
«untò «f g wtwpc: i n*a *Hsm*Tlwsf ^ fautroffrar
^ P i i m ^ « m wifng»wT%anwT»t: w zgfltfa «faqiftnnT —i
yon tan mams kyis mam kun tu |
khyim la sogs dag byed ées kyi |
za ba mam par mi áes pa |
bdi las mi rigs gz'an ci yod || 16 ||
In a V wrongly kyi for kyis ; Vx of CSV du for tu
* *ro* »im f t w ifai n n # h i «*wt fj*r: i
wtw * n fa*i»ifai fawfwiwi: nrn it<i
CSV : gftft*«8iititara*r<iai*rer « ir a ura: m ^ w n r 4-
n ^ üfanw ffa »t<i
1 Tib. lit. s&m&htövaBthft (oha mñam pabi gnas stabs ni).
* In X lead fie bar for oe bar.
• Tib. tha ml dad par ; HPS abhedyam. * Tib. om. -tara-
242] ClièPl'ËB £ 6t
CSV : «w qrj s w p m i
tu f a r a t: mmm wit* «WTOnarêt faw iw gw n i
[iw rft* — ] i
bya ba daù ldan rtag pa med |
kun tu son la bya ba med | •
bya ba med pa med daù mtshuns |
bdag med la khyod cis mi dgah || 17 ||
In a Vx of CSV rtags for rtag. In b MV, p. 116, note 3, bgro
for «o*.
* ftw w y ro w i «nftr »11% farai i
fa fa à i Srofa ftî n * fmrç « n
CSV : i t i ftm färarfiwa** i n
fargw . wîifïi f«u* i *fn * fitm w à
fararf g* fw?niniT*[sw f a ^ s w m * w : i

1 Tib. ad. daráane (ltar na) before ätmä.

a Tib. fcdod pa ; HPS mahat.
» Tib. de ltar.
4 Tib. does not support tu and ad. kriyârambhakäle’sya tat. (bya ba rtsom pabi dus na
bdi la bya ba debí)*
6 Tib. gnas skabs khyad par khas blaú bar byabo || sùa phyifci gnas skbs dag tu kbyad par
med pabi bdag ni sùar gyi gnas skabs bz'in du bya ba daù ldan pa ñid du mi
bgyur ro || reg1 pa me daù rluù la sogs pa bya ba daù ldan pa niams la ni rtag
pa ñid yaù ma yin te | de bz'in du bdi la yaù yod par mi bgyur ro || gz'an yaù bdag
bdibi bya ba daù ldan pa ñid mi rigs te | thams cad na yod pa ñid du kbas blùas pabi phyir
ro Hbya ba z'es bya ba ni byed pa po brten pabam las la brten par bgyur ba z'ig go || de b*ù
mam pa gñis te | byed pabi ùo bo daù | dùos pabi ùo bobo || de la byed pa po la brten pa
byed pabi ùo bo ni bdi Ita ste bgro babi bya babo de ni bgro ba po lhas sbyin la gnas te | de
daù bbrel ba las lhas sbyin bgro z'es bya bar brjod do de ni thams oad du soù ba ma yin pabi
phyir rkaù pa bdegs pa daù bjog pabi mtsb&n ñid can gyi bya bas yul sùa phyi gñis gtoù ba daù
len pabi phyir bya ba daù boas pa rigs so || gal te bdi thams cad du soù ba ñid du rtog na debi
tshe gaù du bgro bar bgyur ba bdi ñe bar mi gnas pa gañ z'ig na yod | gaú gi phyir bdi de
ltar yin pa debi phyir
kun tu soù la bya ba med |
Me bz'in du las la gnas pabi bya ba bgul babi bdag ñid can sbyar la sogs pa ñas phyi
bfthi1 ùo bo gaú yin pa daù hchod pa la sogs pabi mi bgul babi bdag ñid can gaú yin pa
de yaù byed pa po la gnas pabi byed pa daù dúos po gñis daù mtshuùs par rig par byabo ||
dehi phyir de ltar na

w p w y f a w m ftw w if «nftui »1 * w r a t (?) fararoit

im r a ir ê M f»w«H i ni^w ífq * « i w i ^rftr nn*T*w
fa ro ta * * fw n i v îim n R v m im i i farai fìr « ato im *r
« n f ö t t IT I «T * fa fa *T I « ÍT tlT W H T fT O I * I flW W a fà ïîT T

e m R V n i i r a v r .m r m n r a T i *n rw »w j ^ çw w i i h «n h a i i $

n ^ c c h*•a *!* i w n €5*r?rt »1 w»?tfii inçta%q|m % < rï*

« w w fa w n i ^ w ^ w w i t w a l fa ra re ^ y q * t n « f;
wfaii « i f a i tph fin» n^ ggqf a *w m uftq i w i ^ i i r e m t
m % s n *r* fann i
•w n q u in fa farai m smnfsmr F v h n f^ t w iro n (?) i
m * qmifa«.qwnfaw i i «ifa * « £ * « n o it* »n% * * fiwrt
w r g w T iim I fW IT ^ i
faranroronft »nfar m ftti t o * fa q i i
ifii faran » ’w w i fan rcftti *fa i *wwfa »13
ftrfajzft »nfcw iqn : i
fa fa i^ fir w r »! sap* ’f w ’w fafa[9ww[

**T »fr far * * firan i

qfç faw *n»n »!T% %* ^3»n *rw T * n fa rç ' «wwrojfe*
fts fa itç « : fagraqmfrq w i M * « ]
bya ba daft ldan rtag pa med |
kun tu soú la bya ba med |
ces bya ba gnaa pa yin no || bo na ni bdag bya ba daft bral bar bgyur ro z'e na |
deltarnayaú |
bya ba med pa med daà mtshuùs |
ma yin nam | dúos po bya ba med pa ni yod pa ma yin pa nam mkhab me tog la
togs pa daù mtshuùs par bgyur ro ||° bdag kyaù bya ba med pabi phyir rnam pa thams
oad du yod pa ma yin pas
bdag med la khyod ois mi dgab |
gal te bdag rtag pa yod pa ma yin na rgyu gaù gia khyod bdag med pa la mi dgab*
•te I dam pa ma yin pabi Ha ba mthab dag ldog pabi rgyu yin pabi pbir dagb ba kho
nar bgy™ dgos bo ||
i Hexe the first letter of the word is illegible. It can be read either dor r. Thus the reading
is either dag, ¿uddha, or teg, aparéa, used in the sense of reg pa daft ldan, sparáavat,.
* file reading Mein« to be defertive.
The karika is cited entirely in MY, p. 110, while in the
fragments ( H P S , p. 490) there is only a.
CSV: yaft gal te bdag ces bya ba fcdi hgah z'ig melji tsha
ba fiid Itar raft gi no bos yod na ni dehi tshe de raft gi no be das
yod pahi phyir ftes par dmigs pa z'ig na de ltar yaft ma yin n o !) hdi
ltar de ni rgol ba dag gis |

i * s N w fa r i fir s arrfcfw:— i
la lar kun tu son bar mthoft |
la lar skyes bu lus tsam z'ig |
la lar rdul tsam z'ig mthon ste |
6es rab can gyis med ces mthoft || 18 ||
In b Vx of CSV once las for lar. As regards the reading in e
V’s text (noir et rouge) has la lar skyes bu rdul tsam z'ig which
is found also in our Vx. He has, however, changed it as
follows observing that it is according to the Tib. commentary :
la lar mthon ste rdul tsam z'ig. But the actual wording or the
order of the words is different there as I have given above.
There is no reason for his making the change which is worse. In d
Vxx of CS and CSV gyi for gyis ; and V with Vx of CS fa r for ces.
V sarvagah kenacid drsto dehamatras tu kenacit |
diffto’ijum&trah ken&pi prajnenasan sa drfyate || 18 ||
V has here ignored Tib. skyes bu, Skt. purupa or pumas,
leaving it untranslated. I may offer the following

6»a3ngfa n: if a w n r « f t s <c n
CSV de la kha cig dag gis ni lus re re z'ig1 tha mi dad p&fti
bdag thams cad du son bar rtogs so || gz'an dag gis ni hg*® ba ai&iA%
dag gi bdag zla ba ltar gcig kho nar rtogs so |) dehi tha dad pa ni
lus tha dad pa las btags pa po ste | hbru mar daft chu la sogs pahi
snod tha dad pas zla ba hi gzugs brrian tha dad pa bz'in no fl de
yaft thams cad du soft ba z'ig ste | de ltar
» l i'tt .
la lar kan tu son bar mthoù
la lar1 skyes bu lus stam z'ig
ste I fcdi ltar la la dag gis ni sbraù bu mchu riùs dan grog ma daù
glañ po che la sogs pa mams la bdag lus stam z'ig yin
pafci phyir z'um pa dfiù rgyas pa ñid du rtogs so || gz'an dag
gis ni bdi z'um pa daù rgyas pahi chos ñid du mi bzod pa na bdag
rdul phra rab tsam z'ig tu rtogs so || de bz'in géegs pahi gsuñ
la brten te yaù dag pahi ses pa skye z'iù rten ciù hbrel bar hbyuû
bafci chos ñid mùon par àes pa ses rab can dag gis ni yod pa ma
yin pa kho nar dmigs so ||
gai te de raù gi ùo bos yod na ni dehi tshe nés par dùos pohi de
kho na ñid phyin ci ma log par mthoù balli saûs rgyas pa dag gis
bdag ñid des dmigs par hgyur z'iû | mu stegs can mams la yaù
de ltar Ita ba tha dad par mï hgyur ba z'ig na hdi thams cad yod
pa yaù yin pas bdag raù gi dùos po ùo bos yod pa ma yin no ||
- a * Kfvrôwrffeafirar rôfnin«i«i* i m -
WRnwm’ u fa ro n i ^ i
i * * i <w*

[ qw ] w t n * «faro** i
ffa wf?uro*ri traurâlfiiw ifa q
* raw irw » n :
m n rà i
afç s « p i w f»t*ro h m^sf*roèirçifà*fcnir-
ä ä frro fo i $4 «ïw w * n w n i ssfafii
«iranvn w r o r ä * » «
CSV : yaù gai te bdag raù gi ùo bos yod na ni defci tshe de
mam par mi hgyur ba ñid kyi phyir grol bar mi hgyur ro y fie
1 X Im.
bar btshe ba dafi bcas 6ig de la rgyab kyis phyogs pahi skyes
bu la ni de ldog pa bde bar hgyur srid kyi | bdag rtag pahi ne
bar htshe ba med pa la ni ma yin no ||
-trftr 11 tourt ?jst gfiw i
f* ?rer m w w g**rcr f*i*sn q w iffr *r
f*rara fa m s ’s w i
rtag la gnod pa ga la yod |
gnod med thar pa ga la yod |
des na gan gi bdag rtag pa |
de yi thar pa mi rigs so || 19 ||
In a V and Vx of CSV z'ig for yod. See karika 287. In b
V ba for pa. In d Vx of CSV la for yi.
V nityasya kasyacid duhkham aduhkhasyasti nirvptih |
nityo yasya bhaved Stma tasya mokso na yujyate || 191|
Here gala in a and b means Skt. kutah or Icatham, as V himself,
too, has taken elsewhere (karika 351). It cannot mean hasyadt
as he writes here. He seems to have confounded it with gaA
la. In the same line gnod should not have been translated
by duhklta for which in Tib. generally we have sdug bsnal. I should
like to use here badhd (See AKB, Tib., p. 23, 11.15-16; AKV
p. 35,11. 9 ,12).
As regards the translation of thar pa by nirvfti, as he has done,
see my note on the karika 220 where I have fully discussed it. I
would translate the karika as follows :
srrar?rci ftft i w tfnit f*RT fra: i
twwtt srnant nm wmt * gwc* u <£. h
CSV: phan pa dan gnod pa dag las khyad par med pahi
phyir na gan z'ig thar pahi gnas skabs su yod par hgyur ba | hdi
la de ltar med pa ni ci z'ig yod || dehi phyir mam pa thams cad
du khyad par med pahi phyir bdag rtag par smra ba la thar
pa mi rigs so ||°
- « w r o m m wh ftfyfaiRtqrt w f l N iw i fire n a t w m i t i
CSV: gz'an yaA ya mt&han can thams cad kyis bdag tu.
hdzin pa daft | bdag gir1 hdzin pa mam pa thams cad zad pax
bya bafci phyir grol ba khas blafts te | dehi phyir de dag la grol
bahi gnas skabs na |
- t o « i ^ r . Mn<r<y$iHRy i t nR|q<nf gt: to t

i wintitit ymnramnn— i
gal te bdag ces bya yod na |
bdag med sfiam pa mi rigs &A |
de fiid rig pa A$s pa las |
mya ¿an hdas hgyur z'es byahaA brdzun || 20 ||
In a Vx of CSV wrongly adds ba after bya . In b after snam
Vx of CS par for pa, while that of CSV ste for it. In c V with Vx
of CS rigs for rig ; and for fies which is supported by Vxx of CS
and CSV V reads des which does not give here any sense. It seems,
however, that he was aware of that reading {nes), for he gives
its Skt. equivalent, nunam (a), though wrongly construed. In
d V and Vx of CSV gym for hgyur.
V nunam Stm& yadi bhaven nairStmyam naiva bhavyate |
suyuktito’pi nirvana m vitatham tasya jay ate || 20 ||
I cannot follow V specially with regard to the second half
of his restoration. Nor is there anything in the Tib. text for
his su in suyuktito (c) and tasya (d). I may ofier the following :

ti f n uito f»wfaf*rfn ii v «
CSV: gal te bdag raft gi Ao bos yod na ni dehi tshe raft gi
Ao bo la ldog pa med pabi phyir thar pahi gnas skabs na yaft yod
pa fiid du hgyur ro || dehi phyir thar pahi gnas skabs na* bdag tu
hdzin pahi rgyu gegs dbyuA med pahi bdag yod pahi phyir
bdag med do | z'es de ltar bdag tu hdzin pa spans pa mi rigs so ||
defei phyir bdag gidekho n a fiid rig p a Aes pas bdag tu hdzin p a
* X |*r. * X bM.
24«] CHAPTER X to
spaús pa las mya ¿an las hdah bar hgyur ro | z'es bya ba j&û
brdzun te | der yañ ñ&r hdzin pa yod pahi phyir ro |j°
[nw3 « i w i
wiw»n *iqft«Ngi»ranHwwi n i n«T*wwwwihi
frqtpninrnpiYTOfiraW n*wtawï*»i i • înmmerorv-
w m m #° v #
CSV : ci ste bdag yod na thar pahi gnas skabs na bdag tu
hdzin pa hjug par thaï bas hjigs nas grol bahi gnas skabs na
bdag yod pa ñid du khas mi len na | de ltar yin dan1 ma
yin nam ||
-vmmnrÑ <fl*w«wiwiwnfirgft?i»wi «raw^w-
htwhpbííí i iwwfa1 wifñ—i
gal te grol ba med ñid na |
de ni sñar yañ med pa ñid |
mi ldan pa la gañ mthoñ ba |
de ni ran bz'in z'es byar béad || 21 ||
In a Vx of CSV [yod for med, and med for ñid aftèr pa in
b. V wrongly pa for ba after mthoii in c, and bar for byar in d.
V yadi nästy eva nirvänam tat präg api na vidyate |
d^stam yanmânuse näma sattvam tasyaiva bhâsyate ||21||
I am unable to accept it. In c the Tib. text mi Man pa
does not mean mânuça as V thinks. I may translate the kfirikä
as follows :
fjwt s f c w*4h[ wtamrfq 5* *: »
ft ny¿ « «in* wtéfà nm*
CSV : hbrel ba can gyi chos daû mi ldan z'iû khyad par raft
1 Her* oom « tito kiri^A,

gi ño bo team la gnas pahi dúos po team la cha ji tsam z'ig dmigs pa

de ni dehi rañ bz'in no | z'es bya bar mam par bz'ag ste | de las
gz'an pabi chos dañ ma hdres pahi phyir ro || dper na zad mi ées
pabi gser gyi de las gz'an pahi bbrel ba can lcags yoñs su zad
pa las rnam par byañ bahi gnas skabs gañ yin pa de dehi raù bz'in
du mam par bz'ag pa de bz'in du grol babi bdag gi ées pa mam
par byañ babi gnps skabs su ées pahi khyad par gyi úo bo gaù1
hdra ba z'ig snañ ba de yaú debí rañ bz'in yin no || z'es bya bar
rigs na* cuñ zad cig snañ ba yañ ma yin te | bdag tu hdzin pa hjug
parthal bar bgyur babi phyir ro ||debi phyir thar pahi sña rol gyi
gnas skabs na yañ debi rañ bz'in de kho na yin par rigs so ||°
debi phyir bdag rañ gi ño bos grub pa yod pa ma yin no |
z'es bya par gnasso ||
w w w
irawfa vuwwi « 7m « w n ffa » w farcrfcrarq; »

W nw w ñ t «pwitopI n«n f a s im m w r a t v m m
u: snrä ^rçqfMèr çm ih
v n rm isfìn rein n i sjfasngm fcr s ?rer «wrôt
irasitfïi i°
Troncan h ?n
CSV : hdir smras pa | gai te bdag med na dehi tshe skad cig
re re la hjig palli ñañ can gyi hdu byed rnams skyes ma thag tu
hjig pabi phyir chad par Ita bar hgyur la || dños po skad cig mahi
rten bdag skad cig ma ma yin pa yod pas rnam par thams cad du
med par khas ma blañs pa las chad par Ita ba yod pa ma yin no ||
béad par bya ste |
« t o y i swwT * mmçi nfiniwf»w«pftsrT»rt «‘wrtT'VT-
V 'unw nf i 5^rf«nn*it wrarwmrazr *n»n
tfa TOwwi*wmwwr«w
•* *vf i w t —i
* X oilotgkA . 1 Read ni.
247] CHAPTER X 96
gal te mi rtag chad yin na |
da dun rtsa sogs rnams cis yod |
hdi ni gal te bden hgyur na |
su lahan gti mug kyan mi hbyun || 22 ||
In a V and Vx of CSV na ni for yin na. In b V rtsha (evidently
for rtsa ba) for rtsa, and with Vx of CS ci ste yod for rimms cis yod.
In d V hgyur for tfbyun.
V ucchedo yady anityasya tpjadeh sambhavah katham |
sadidam cet tads kasyapy avidyaiva na jayate || 22 ||
In the Tib. text there is nothing for V’s tfnadi in b, rtsa logs
meaning muladi. Evidently he has confounded rtsa with rtswa
which means tfm . The word bden in c should be translated by
satya and not by sat as he has done. In his restoration he has
ignored da dun ‘still’, Skt. adyapi (b). In d gti mug should
be rendered into Skt. by moha and not by avidya. Accordingly
I may suggest the following:
«^¡$3f4(7zrer fa i
vita v o r f t n f r i a w
CSV : hjig rten na ni mi rtag pahi don chad pas rtog pa yod
pa ma yin te | hdi ltar skal pa dan po nas bz'ag1 pa rtsa dan Icug*
ma dan ljon sin la sogs pa rnams rgyu dan hbras buhi hbrel ba
hjug pahi rim pa rnam par chad pa med par da dun yan hbyuft
bar dmigs so || yan gal te mi rtag pa chad par hgyur na ni dehi
tshe* rgyun mi hjug pahi mtsan nid can gyi hjig par hgyur te )
dehi phyir ji ltar rtsa la sogs pa hdi rnams da dun duhan dmigq
par hgyur | dmigs pa las ni mi rtag pa la chad pa yod pa ma yin
no | z'es bya bar rtogs so ||hdi ni gdon mi za bar de ltar khas blan
bar byaho j de lta ma yin te | mi rtag pa chad do | z'es bya bahi
Ita ba hdi gal te ji lta bahi don can du hgyur na ni dehi tshe
nes par sems can gan la yan gti mug kyan mi hbyun no ||°
mi rtag pa yan chad pa yin pas nes par chad pa nid kyi phyir
ma rig pas hjug par mi bya ba z'ig go || dehi phyir hkhor ba ldog
pahi Bgrib pa med par bsgrub par bya bar hgyur la || hjig rten
i X t'ag*. * X long*. • Not in X.

thams cad kyi ma rig pa spañs pas hgah yañ de kho na ñid ma
mthoñ ba Sid du mi hgyur ba z'ig na | Mi ni de ltar yañ ma yin
pas mi rtag pa la chad pa med do f|

wfa * i i*f«mrafr*icqrtT «mmnreftwr^’ít fiwra: i ww

qrafruft i 9Qf«ra vararott
T m s rW a q w m m w i i * w * 1 w W ife$«raf
«*T f a l t »1 i w f q « w Wt*: »°
« f t wwiiN fc f f r * f i n f r f a i r o f t v i T
n m i «iwTWBTrfvrohrm< sntf «rci w « * «hwn-
^ ro ro w lh ifiK fq tra >rreTfsraí*«fu * w^nlfn »rrf^ar-
't í 'é z : n * «
CSV : ci ste dúos po mthah dag hbyuñ bahi rgyu bdag rtag
pa ñid yod pas rgyu des hjug pa risa la sogs pa mams la chad par
lta ba yod pa ma yin no s&am na | de yañ yod pa ma yin te | dños
po rtag pa rgyu daú rkyen la rag ma las par hbyuñ ba hgah la
yañ yod pa ñid med do | z'es sñar bstan te | yod pa ma yin
pahi boñ bu rwa ltar hgro ba hjug pahi rgyu ñid du mi rigs pas de
yod pahi rgyu can hgro bahi hjug pa yod pa ma1 yin no || yañ na
bdag yod du chud mod hdihi hgro ba hjug pahi rgyu ñid ni mi
rigs so || hdi ltar j
«nwiwftnfiitawft fawrofwfti n 3* tq*n
1 m *i fir irrfa
t qRwmwffti f t f«wt w ít fawn ffn uwr qfhqrfijíin 1 w i *
w*fanw*>TOjfa$gai n gwfafñ nxfcjr tranrraftroatr
«wmgfa: 1 w ww i t ó « rátsw gf f a SqM *t
faft wfal i nm f t —i
bdag ni yod par gyur nahañ gzugs |
gí'anlasfcbyuñbar snañgyurla |
248] CHlPTER X 97
gz'an las gnas par snaA gyur z'iA |
gz'an las rnam par hjig par snan || 23 ||
In d Vx of CS with X of V hjigs pa snafi, gyur snath for mam
par hjig par snan.
V sttaySm atmano rupam anyodbhfltam hi drfiyate |
dystvaiva sthitim anyasya vinaSo’nyasya d?6yate || 23 ||
Here in Tib. gz'an las used thrice (6, c, and d) is evidently
ablative, but V has taken it twice (c and d) as genitive without
authority. Consequently the thought is upset. I may suggest
the following:

CTlS OTrSsTO »**11

CSV: gal te dnos po rnams bdag gi rgyu can du hgyur na
ni de rnams bdag las gz'an du gyur pahi dnos po gz'an las hbyun
bar mi hgyur ba z'ig na | nor bu daft bud 6in daft fli
ma phrad pa las me hbyuii ba daii | zla ba daii phrad na
nor bu chu £el las chu hdzag pa dafi | sa bon la sogs pa dag las
myu gu la sogs pa rnams hjug1 pa dan nur nur po la sogs
pahi hbyun ba chen po dag las ji ltar go* bu® mer
mer po dan | gor gor po daft | mkhran gyur dan |
rkafi lag hgyur* ba dan | nin lag hgyur® ba rnams dan | de las mig
la sogs pa mams dmigs pa yan yin no || de ltar na gzugs ni gz'an
las hbyuA bar dmigs so || yan gal te hdi dag thams cad bdag gi byed
pa po can nid yin na ni gzugs hdi hjug pa de kho na las yin par rig
yod* | rgyu gz'an brtags pas ci z'ig bya j|° dehi phyir rgyu kho
na las hgro ba hjug par hgyur bas bdag rgyu nid du brtag pa
don med pa hdis ci bya ||°
ji ltar gzugs gz'an las hbyun ba mthon na de bz'in du gnas pa
ya6 gz'an las yin par snan ste | rgyu bud 6in daA sbyor* ba la sogs
pa las me la sogs pahi don gnas par mthoii bahi phyir ro ||
gz'an las mam par hjig par snaA |
1 X^dzug.
• X du. See note 1, p. 98.
* X fegyus* See MVp. (Bib. In d .), XXXVIII. 5, p. 42, where we have rkaft lag hgyur ba.
*X ngm od. • X «bor.
a te | b u d é iA m a t s h a A b a la sogs p a h i r g y u la s so ||° d e h i p h y i r
b d a g r a A g i A o b o s y o d p a m a y i n n o ||

^1% . I W«§ te »iqjg^ »H5fwlW tfo I V Ç 1T H I-

nftar. tfsraf Twwm i S R R r r f^ t
wtwg foft *nn fawT«ï*^nr»nn01 ircriNra * w rav rft-
*qTra*g»w i w * f n w t r o r ç in r ô s r 'r e n r ô i , * f q * ïiiîïR i
g àiinaRqtg1wita Hifaqw f^tyaijw ilcta i W fsww*
q lt a n i° iRW <ct «nravftifffii fara*rar fr o u m w w *ra -
q ftw n i°
Ufn ^WBlP^HTÇlît Wf* f«ifl<;wU*|4JWIt^sa* I 1»R*

fÏR ü it I
laqufrq m f f if t: !» ««niiçm au n^M
CSV : gaA gi tshe rtag pa las skye ba med pa dehi tshe hjig
rten na |
= hçt «t firaiwn ftw g i lft%—I
ji ltar sa bon byas pa las |
myu gu byas pa skye hgyur ba |
de bz'in mi rtag thams cad ni |
mi rtag dag las hbyuA bar hgyur || 24 ||
V yathaiva kytakad b!j ad a Akurah krtako bhavet |
anityebhyas tathâ sarvam anityaih kila jayate || 24 ||
I may slightly modify it :
*rcn fw SKWifteuwiw * w w ftrç *: i*
tifvisiwTOm «to * i
1 Hero I could not translate the Tib. word mkhraù gvur which according to Jachke
means the fourth stage of the development of the foetus. The Skt. words In this
connection are the following : kalala, nur nur po (In the MVp. loc. cit. read nur
for ohur) ; ghana, gor gor po ; ptyda, goA bu (Accordingly I read bu for du, p,97, note 2) ;
arbuda, mer mer po ; peéi, nar nar po (We have not it in our text) ; praéftkhft, rkaA lag
hgyur ba (‘hands and feet’).See A e t â A g a h r d a y a , Sârïrasth&na, 1.55 ; C i n k a ,
S&rlrasth&na, 4.8 ; S u 6 r u t a, Sarirasthana, 3.18.
• Of. MKft, IV. 59 j
yatha m&yfimay&d bijâj jftyate tanmayo*Akui*b.
CSV: ji ltar rgyu dañ rkyen gz'an la rag las te fcbyuñ bafti
sa bon byas pa rañ bz'in gyis ma grub ciñ rtenciñ hbrel bar hbyuñ
ba las myu gu byas pa ste | ran ñid kyis mam par gnas pa ma yin
pa rañ bz'in med ciñ rañ bz'in gyis stoñ pa ste | de bz'in du mkhas
pas dpe hdi dños po gz'an rgyu dañ fcbras buhi gnas skabs mi
snañ ba chod pa dañ phra ba mams dañ | tshor ba la sogs pa
gzugs can ma yin pa mams dañ | rgyu las dañ ñon moñs pa las
tdas pa hdu byed zag pa med pa rnams kyañ rañ bz'in med
pahi rgyu las rañ bz'in med pa hbyuñ ba yin no | z'es bya bar ñes
par byaho ||

ww: q m n vfftitir f*i:«wra: irarfínjiWGOT

w fv it y'wrrw (?) f^-.^vrnrr^

anzwi Tfa Prifai > •
CSV : de ltar yin dañ gañ du hdu byed rnams la rtag pa dañ
chad1 pahi rdo rjehi thog hjig rten pa dañ hjig rten las hdas pahi
rgyu dañ hbras buhi hbrel ba rab tü hjoms pa hbab pa de yañ
mkhas pas rten ciñ hbrel bar hbyuñ bahi rig sñags kyis ches rgyad
riñ por bzlog pa yin no | z'es bstan pahi phyir báad pa |
»«ct* * ?nsr *i<airoqt

Mutagifqgnj Htiuiuprari— i
gañ phyir dños po hjug hgyur ba |
des na chad par mi hgyur z'iñ |
gañ phyir dños po ldog hgyur ba |
des na rtag par mi hgyur ro || 25 ||
mal hbyor spyod pa bz'i brgya las bdag dgag pa bsgom pa
bstan pa ste | rab tu byed pa bcu paho ||
In 6 Vx of CSV de ñas for des na.
1 X tshad.
100 [260

q qnfiiw a nwsf»i finit »i «rat* i i

- s h n v t t *Tj:*rü% w i ’ m iw i mm
CSV: dAos po ni hbyun bahi chos can te hbras bu myu gu
la sogs paho || gaA gi phyir rgyu sa bon z'es bya ba las hbras
bu myu gu hbyun *ba defci phyir sa bon z'es bya ba chad par
mi bgyur ro || gal te myu gu la sogs pahi rgyun ma skyed par me
daA phrad pa las yin pa ltar sa bon hgag par hgyur na ni defci
tshe chad pa lta bar hgyur na myu gu la sogs pa hjug pa yod par
mthon ba las ni sa bon chad1 par lta mi srid do ||
tshig lehur byas pa^i dnos pofei sgra gnis pa ni rgyu rjod par
byed pa ste | hdi las hbras bu hbyun ba z'es byas nas so || yan gal te
myu gu z'es bya bahi hbras bu z'ugs kyan raA gi üo bos gnas
pas sa bon mi ldog na dehi tshe sa bon rnam par mi hbyun ba
mathoA bahi phyir rtag par lta bar hgyur na | hdi ni de ltar yan
ma yin te | sa bon ldog® par mathoA bahi phyir ro || gal te ldog
par mi hgyur na ni dehi tshe de® las myu gu gz'an yan hbyun
bar hgyur ba z'ig na bdir ni de yan ma yin pas |
gan phyir dnos po ldog hgyur ba |
des na rtag par mi hgyur ro |!
de yan ran gi Ao bos ma grub pas sa bon dan myu gu gnis de nid
raA gz'an nid du rtog pa dag mi srid pa las hgrub pas dnos po
rnams ran bz'in med par ches gsal bar grub bo ||
-w rat w*»nn?f qw s^tif*: i « u r t N m iWh w n r f t
w*fn irenifcr

wttwtot im tfifra t w n n tf srsR iw iiv im i

«m i *rftr * i <wy.nMT qwww fa an iW *
f*w?H i »t «wfü i
* Xtthad # X log. * Not in X.

mmfiran* « n rô * fin it *ï «ira* i

«fofa w n M r ffir I ta q f o traftr
fim fofà urarat f c w i w m B w d ftrwn
The Skt. kärikä is cited in MV, p. 367.
Chapter XI

CSV : hdir dus smra ba ni gzugs la sogs pa rnams gaz'an las
hbyuñ ba mthoñ bahi phvir dan | hjig rten gyi mñon sum ma
yin pahi phyir dañ | hbras bu hgah mad ma mthoñ ba rjes
bu dpag las go bar bya ba ma yin pa ñid kyi phyir na bdag
yod pa ma yin no || z'es gañ smras pa yin gyi | mam pa
thams cad du dños po rtag pa rnams med pa ni ma yin te | dus
yod pahi phyir ro || hdi na sa dañ chu dañ me dañ rluñ dañ nam
mkhah dañ sa bon la sogs pa rnams yod kyañ res hgah myu gu
dañ me tog la sogs pa rnams kyi skye ba dañ hjig pa dag med
pahi phyir la | ci ste res hgah yod pahi phyir dus z'es bya ba
hbras bu de mthoñ ba las dpag pa yod do || de ni skad cig dañ
thañ cig dañ yud tsam la sogs pa gsal bar bya z'iñ | hdas’pa dañ
ma hoñs pa dañ da ltar byuñ ba ste dus gsum na ranm par gnas
pahi dños po las tha dad pa rtag pa z'ig go | z'es smraho ||
hdi la brjod par bya ste | gal te dus ées bya ba dños po las
tha dad ciñ bar(?) ées1 grub pa yod par hgyur na ni de skye ba
dañ hjig pahi rgyu ñid du hgyur na | de ltar yañ ma yin te |
dños po las tha dad par hdzin par thal bar hgyur bahi phyir ro ||
gañ z'ig yod na» dños po la |
hjug dañ ldog pahañ dmigs hgyur ba |
de ni gz'an gyi dbañ hgyur te |
des ni hbras bur yañ hgyur ro jj
z'es bya ba la sogs pas dgag z'in pahi phyir yañ rañ gi mtshan
ñid kyis grub pahi dus la hjug pa dañ ldog pahi rgyu ñid yod pa
ma yin no ||
gz'an yañ dus gsum pa gañ dag dus kyi khyad par gyi ño bor
mam par bz'ag pa de dag kyañ lus can ma yin pa ñid kyis rañ
1 X ni.
251] CHAÍ'TER XI 103
bz'in las ñes par mi ñus pahi phyir rañ gi ño bote mam par bz'ag
par mi ñus kyi de dag gi bsñad par bya bahi dños pohi khyad par
bum pa la sogs pahi sgo ñas ni mam par bz'ag par ñus so || de
dag ni dños po las tha dad pahi rañ bz'in yin z'iñ tshor ba la sogs
pa ltar ñams su myoñ bahi mam pa ma yin la | gzugs dañ sgra
la sogs pa bz'in dbañ pohi sgo ñas yoñs su gcod par bya ba yañ ma
yin no || dehi phyir bum pa la sogs pahi sgo kho na ñas de dag
gi khyad par yoñs su gcod pahi phyir dehi sgo ñas dus gsum
bkag pas dus dgag par mdzad par bz'ed pas béad pa |

f r o *fh i
ñu? wTTrfNt trprfawt w tita r

*fap*n% irsfrre 1
TOrcrot «raáN n «raíf 11
(207*= IX. 7 ) qftfinairefq w m m *1

á* fiwfq m w w ra w * r wn%»i «1 q*nqf?nsn 1

«Nimrarasrer w tto ftfWt m ñ gnn»tqftiqn 1 3 g
w i f i n r c i w ^ ir f r ^ s w iw n ^ T »1 qft-
i irem sifan * * qfiftg q a 1 % q m i
qiTfiWrfiÑHN WTSmfim qmqrmNJ *nT ~ I
ma hoñs bum la da ltar bahi |
bum yod ma yin hdas pa med |
104 CÀTUh SATAKA [251
g a & p h y ir d e g S ir m a h o A s p a |
d e p h y i r m a h o A s y o d m a y i n || 1 ||

In a V and Vx of CSV pa for la. In c Vx of CSV pas for pa.

V n & n & g a to v a r t a m & n o g h a t o ’ t i t o n a v i d y a t e |
a n & g a t a m d v a y a m y e n a t e n a n a s y ä d a n ä g a t a h || 1 1|

According to the reading adopted by him V’s French transla­

tion is right, but his Skt. is defective as it can not give that
sense, nor does it include the meaning of de of de gñis in c. Follow­
ing the commentary given below I should like to translate thus :
w rà «äwrö s nfa« i t i
ft It 11 »
CSV : m a h o A s p a h i d u s fie b a r m t s h o n p a r b y a b a h i d o n d u
m a h o A s p a h i b u m p a ñ e b a r b k o d l a || d e b z 'i n d u h d a s p a d a A
d a lta r b y u A b a h i d u s ñe b a r m ts h o n p a h i d o n d u h d a s p a d a A
d a l t a r b y u A b a h i b u m p a fie b a r b k o d d o || d e la m a h o n s p a n i
d a l t a r b y u A b a h i d u s s u m a p h y i n p a h o || h d a s p a n i d e ñ i d la s
h d a s p a h o || d a l t a r b y u A b a n i s k y e s l a m a h g a g s p a h o ||°

d u s g s u m p o d e d a g k y a A p h a n t s h u n b lt o s p a ñ i d d u g n a s
t e I g fiis g fiis la m a b l t o s p a r r e re m e d p a h i p h y i r r o |!°
d e m a h o n s p a h i b u m p a g a A y i n p a d e la da lta r bahi bum
p a y o d p a m a y i n la h d a s p a y a A m a y in te | m ts h a n ñ id th a
d a d p a h i p h y i r d a A | g c ig la g c ig m i s r id p a h i p h y i r r o || g a ù g i
ts h e d e l t a r m a h o A s p a h i b u m p a la d a l ta r ba daA hdas pa
g ftia y o d p a m a y i n p a d e h i ts h e d a I t a b a daA hdas pa g fiis
k ya A m a hons pa r ma h o A s p a s d e g fiis k y a A ma hons p a r
b g y u r r o || j i l t a r m a h o A s p a d a l t a r d u m a h o A s p a la s m a hons
p a y in p a d e b z 'i n du da lta r daA hdas pa g fiis kyaA ma
hoAs p ar m a hoAs pas m a hoAs par hgyur ro || g a l te da
lta r du ma hoçs pa la s ma h o ijs pa y in gyi ma hoAs
par ma hoAs pa la s n i m a y in n o | z 'e na | hdi ni de lta r
m a y in te | m a h o A s p a g ru b p a y o d n a n i d a lta r d a A h d a s p a
g fiis h g r u b n a g a A g i t s h e m a h o A s p a f i id m e d p a d e h i t s h e j i l t a r
h d a s p a h a m d a l t a r b y u f i b a r h g u y r | h d i l a d g o A B n a s s lo b d p o n
m a h o A s p a m e d p a r b s t a n p a b z 'e d d e | d e f i i d k y i p h y i r |
252] CÇAiTER XI 105
gaù phyir de gñis ma hoùs pa |
. de phyir ma fcoùs yod ma yin ||
z'es béad de | gaù gi phyir gñi ga yaù ma fcoùs pa yin pa delji tshe
gsum car yaù ma hoùs pa üid du hgyur la | gsum car ma hoùs
pa ñid yin na yaù da ltar byuù ba daù hdas pa gñis mi srid pahi
phyir gaù du ma hoùs pa las ma hons par rnam par bz'ag || dehi
phyir ma tons pahi dus yod pa ma yin no || •
= v a n ir e : q n w ’s r c r s n w fls ï « q *re n i
nu Vjq y g s»K T H q ¿ t q * n q : ! ïi*T » n *n it »1
n e arer mm ïïih : i w è i: i ir a w r a t « r o t í f a w i
3^ to aiïi^n; ra n rfN d w fami: i f i v n p r iN f tit «r

s: €ts*n»i^t »! n f tw ín w t w¿t wr«r^n: i
W Ç lfc ? ltîïT T W *l^ I y t s i T ü m î i T O arafltftS flfere «Tw fq »! f q ^ î i
ri^T w fa rittä ta « v iT O q r a T O 4 * m iv â > n im f f f t i g e n n iirâ t
q « n T ^ $ » n ü ïi^ » !i» !T » m s ra T «m w s rts flta w * w !ï » n * K t T * » ! T * K i à ï -

»n»iT*rat i s fç r ô n fo n w r e h ii*iï*ijt in « iP i€ tó w r a « ffif< i i

^ lï^ a n i i *r » n *R if % ft ^ f i t : fa ft: i ïr fç « n n * * '
q* »«% ir ïtâ ta iTö^^rqi * t tg rô iîn ro iT O fs ’
u f a q r e fa g q iw ^ r a q *
5TWT?»!T»nîl rît f t » ! T % W H ^ ^ T W »
W IT * I îW R T f«F T R ïS iP I^ t ÎÏ^ T W q tS ^ *ÎH ÎÎlT <W t O TTO ra W R ra i
i^ flU *u *i? r a » iM w < ïi i iim m s
»!T»ra: i m : Il t #
CSV : ci ste ma hoùs pahi bum pa rnam pa thams cad du med
pa ñid ma yin gyi | ma hoùs pahi ùo bor ma hoùs pahi bum pa la
yod pa yin te | dehi phyir ma yoùs pa la yod pas hdas pa tha
dad par grub pa yod na yaù ma hoùs pa yod pa kho nafeo «fiam
du sems na | de Ita na yaù |
“ tra w l i v ip m t to : t o t <

froSI i fRHT^nrrw « i f t* i w i k w f t fafirawft

*». -__ .--
_^ . **-
wwi *WT*n*rci ith i <wnw— i
gal te z'ig pa ma hoiis pahi {
¿o bo ma tons la yod na |
ma frofts bdag fiid du yod gan |
de ni, ji ltar Ijdas par hgyur || 2 ||
In 6 V and Vx of CS bor for bo.
V an&gatasya na§tasya svabhavaS ced anagate |
anSgatab svato yah syat so’tito jay ate katham || 2 |j
In a of the Tib. text z'ig pa means natfa as V says, and here
n<t$fa is used in the sense of atlta as clear from the commentary
and supported by Chinese. In order to make the sense clear I
should, therefore, like to use the word atlta slightly modifying the
restoration of V as follows :

wt » * ii
CSV : gni ga gal te Ijdas pa ma bo6s pa nid du ma hons pahi
bum pa la yod do sfiam du sems na ni dehi tshe bdas pa nid du mi
rigs te | khyod kyi lugs kyis ma hons pa la yod pahi phyir te |
ma fcofis pa raft gi bdag nid bz'in no || defci phyir fies pa de fiid
du kgyur ro ||

*i w*rfNi«iwwwi >81x^1
« « * «
CSV : yan ma bofis pafri dnos po gan yin pa de ci khyod la yod
dam bon te med | smras pa ma bofis paid to bor yod pas ma
hons pa yod ces bya bar rnam par hjog go || de ltar yin na ni bdi
ma bo&s pa fiid du mi hgyur ro || gan las 6es na |
n i ¿rtinrnqt n w « ft q ir n f tf a w t 1 « w w i»
«W H «rasnfiran i iwt qam i'm m a* *r
264] CHfcJPTEB XI 107
gañ gi phyir na ma ljoñs dúos |
ma hoñs bdag tu gnas hgyur ba |
de yi phyir na da ltar bar .
hgyur te ma hoñs ñid mi srid || 3 ||
In 6 V wrongly du for tu.
V an&gato yato bhávah svatas tisthaty anjgatat |
anagatatvarp na tato vartam&nasya j aya te || 3 ||
I do not like it and may offer the following :

qforint « hwhrtto: n * h
CSV : gañ z'ig la da ltar yod pa ñid yod pa de ni da ltar ba ñid
du tgyur te | da ltar yod pahi phyir da ltar bahi rañ gi bdag ñid
bz'in no || ci ste de ni da ltar bahi bdag ñid du yod pa ma yin gyi |
hoñ kyañ ma hons pahi bdag ñid du ste | dehi phyir da ltar bar
yod pa med pahi phyir hdi la ma hoñs pa ñid yod pa kho na^o
sñam du sems na brjod par bya ste | gañ z'ig gi rañ bz'in gañ yin
pa [de] bdag ñid der yod par gyur dañ da ltar bar fcgyur ro ||
hdi ltar sñon po sñon pohi bdag ñid kyi yod pa da ltar bar
hgyur kyi de ser pohi bdag ñid kyis ma yin pa | de bz'in du ma
hoñs pa yañ ma hons pahi bdag ñid du yod pa na da ltar ba ñid
du hgyur bas hdi la ma hoñs pa ñid du srid par bya ba mi
ñus so || gañ gi tshe de ltar ma hoñs pa mi srid pa dehi tshe gañ
z'ig hdas paham da ltar bar hgyur bar bsam par byaho || dehi
phyir dus gsum yod pa ma yin no ||

«rowwt m a ta re ? <iTwi»iTifnstfwf?i wr?l i i m wKraqrtnr
nsnwtf ^ t ?rcn f* i
qtmwwá»! i ?m»n»r^ssi*iPimawr«wi3N vfw m <t«j «w iftarw
n w í i ^=Rnmr?ft * w refh **i
wnwi*ít i n w w sm Rnreeri: n * »
CSV: rañ gi sde pa gañ dag dúos po rnams la rañ gi mtshan ñid

khas blaús ñas de das gsum kar yod palji phyir raú bz'in mi bdod
pahi dúos po kho na rgyu daú rkyen gyi tshogs pas gnas skabs
de daú der bgyur 10 | z'es smras pa de dag la brjod par bya ste |
[g ] «n y rwn t w H w ww y m w l wwraft

i ufa «rara^— i
ma hoús pa yod tidas pa yod |
da ltar ba yod ci z'ig med |
gaú gi dus kan yod pa ñid |
de yi mi rtag ñid ga las || 4 ||
In c Vx of CS and V ñid pa íor pa ñid.
V anSgato’sty atíto’sti vartamüno’sti, nasti kah |
anltyata kutas tasya yasya sattaiva sarvada || 4 ||
I accept the first half the second half being changed as

w T i w i w R r e m i fr e í: n « n
T O tra n fa rc iT
CSV: gaú gis dúos po da ltar bar hgyur ba | hdihi rañ gi ño
bo gaú z'ig blo la snaú bahi raú gi úo bo de ñid ma hoñs pahi gnas
skabs daú Ijdas pa^i gnas skabs su haú khas blaús palji rgol ba
de la mi rtag pa lta ga la yod | dehi phyir na dúos po mams raú
bzi'n gyis rtag pa ñid kyis rtag pa kho nar fygyur ro || de ltar
yin daú de la luú daú hgal bar yaú hgyur te | bcom ldan hdas
kye ma hdu byed mams mi rtag |
skye z'iú hjig pahi clios can yin |
skyes ñas tjig par hgyur ba ste |
de dag ñe bar z'i ba bde ||
z'es gsuús so ||
w f t «murot n: w roit i f r o n

i f r . i íw tow t: f* m w i i
’jnf fw nnnuiT—
255] CÉ&.PTER XI 109

trfìwiT ’tenrn i
s a w [ 3 ] f t w ä îtaTgtum: w : n1
ff?r * 8 »
CSV : ji ltar ma hoùs pa la ma hoñs pa ñid mi srid pas ma
^ons pa ñid med pa de bz'in du hdas pa la* yañ hdas pa ñid mi
srid pa ñid med par bstan pahi phyir bàad pa |
=9mMiiRî^iiR9ê8riwl5wn7îëar‘ «nfar ?rarataw«ï^irc*T-

hdas pa las ni hdas hgyur ba |

ci yi phyir na hdas par hgyur |
hdas pa las ni ma hdas pa |
ci yi phyir na hdas par hgyur || 5 ||
In a Vx of CSV la for las ; V with Vx of CS gyur for hgyur ;
and Vx of CS pa for ba.
V atïtâj jâyate’tïtah so’tîto jâyate katham |
anatïtaé ced atltât so’tlto jâyate katham || 5 ||
I may ofíer the following :
« r r îf t s r ? r i

m tâ fra: n * h
CSV : hdas pahi dus gañ yin pa de ci hdas pahi raù gi ûo bo
las hdas sam ton te ma hdas | re z'ig gai te hdas pa las hdas na
ni de hdas pa z'es bya bar mi rigs so || hdas pa z'es bya ba ni
thaï zin pa la bya ste | gaù z'ig da Ita de las hdas éiù brgal ba de
ji ltar hdas par tgyur j| ho mahi dùos po las hdas pati z'o la
to ma z'es bya ba dan byis pati dúos po las tdas. pati laù tsho la
bab pa la byis pa z'es bya bar brjod pa ma yin no j| de ltar na
tdas pa las tdas pa ni tdas pato | z'es bya bar mi ruñ ño ||
ci ste tdas pa ni tdas pa las ma tdas pa kho nato sñam du
1 Its Pali version is found in the S a i h y u t t a n i k ä y a , II, 193 :
anicoä vata saipkhâra uppfidayyayadhammino |
uppajjitvâ nirujjhanti tesaip vüpasamo sukho ||
As regards c there is entire agreement between Tib. and Pali ; but in Skt there is
one syllable wanting and in the above restoration it is supplied by [te]. Tib. does not
give the reading vyupaéamafr as in Pali (vûpasama).
110 CATUH8ATAKA [256
Berns na de ltaT na yaù hdas pa las ni ma hdas pa Bte hdas pa las
mi bdali ba hdas pafri bya bas mi stoù ba cihi phyir na hdas par
bgyur ba || de las hdas pa ñid mi srid pa kho naho sñam du dgoñs
so II del?i phyir de ltar na fcdas pa las ma hdas par yaû fcdas par
mi rigs so ||°
delji phyir hdas pati dus ran gi ño bos yod pa ma yin no ||
hdas pa med na yaû de la mi bltos paid hdas pa ma yin pa yaû
mi srid pas dus gsum char yaû ûo bo ñid kyis yod pa ma yin no ||
= irsuta: mm: « smitfeRpiêïi: i u fe
a w rftm ç a ta : i ffa sì i w nftam w w
«nein: i g nçrâf nwïçflitàisfflwrer: biffar: i
*1« tfh »1 1
fin a 1
«w «Âfïi i
1 n im tfta a n m n nftsrfwira: 1

ìw m row àta wm: 1 ^ n*»rôfaÂts»mtàtsfq

«i w r à tf ï i *t wsrarô ^ç^» r Il * Il
CSV : bye brag tu smra ba gaû z'ig dus thams cad yod pa ñid
du smra bafri phyir thams cad yod par smra ba ñid bsùags par
byed pa de la alar yaù brgal z'iù brtag par bya ste | gaû ma
^ons par don yod pa ñid du rtog pa de skyes pa ham ma skyes
pa z'ig la rtog graû | de la re z'ig |
= s t W f a * : w w nrem tf *w - q rirfq n rô v aarérftr w
T u f a r a i *OT»n»Kraiw«iíw’ qreirô * ^ m tsw rt
m T O ft i nu i
gai te ma fcoûs skyes yod na |
ei ltar da Ita bar mi hgyur |
ci ste de la skyes med na |
ma fcoûs rtag par Ijgyur ram ci || 6 ||
257] $HAPTER XI 111
In b Vx of CS j i for c i; V wrongly de for d a ; V with Vx of CSV
ltar for Ua.
V anSgataá ced utpanno vartamanah kathaip na sah |
athSnutpSda evasya nityain kiqj vásty anágatafy || 6 ||
I should like to transíate differently:

w^fTñt « t r ó fiw w w i: u * »
CSV having read the first half of the karika runa :
gal te ma Ijons pahi dños po skyes par hgyur te yod do |
z'es bya ba yoñs su rtog na ni de skyes pa ñid du gyur pas yod pa
ñid kyi phyir da ltar bar hgyur gyi ma fcoñs par mi hgyur ro ||
ci ste ma skyes par gyur pa de la yod pa ñid du rtog na de ltar
na yaú
ci ste de la skyes med na |
ma fcoñs rtag par ttgyur ram ci ||
gañ z'ig ma skyes par gyur dan yod pa de ni mya ñan las fydas
pa bz'in du rtag pa kho nar hgyur te | dehi phyir mya ñan las
hdas pa kho na ltar dehi ma hoñs pa ñid ñams par hgyur ro ||
wrct mr?t q f r w r íí i * «ira «rcbnafr
i w s t t w n ^ T f^ * i q«r«ru
m raw ft mura: frra*n»ra: i
u^ itíí ftpqfltf * i «rannrat
ii 4 n
CS'V: [ tnw w rñt €t$e‘^8m svfinnlt i ]*
nm f* i ^ u m v w n w n s f v n ^ n 2 *TOT*rar «rafal *

w rro ríí4— i
1 Tib. ci ato ma hoñs pa ma skyes pa yin mod kyi | de ltar na yaú de ni fcdus ma byas
ltar mi bjig pa ma yin no U
9 Tib. rgyu dañ rkyen mame kyis debi ma fcoñs pafei dños po ñama pas |
HPS tasyánágatabhavavyutpá[da] hetupratyayair.
B Tib. om. pra.
* Tib. kalpite (brtags na).

skye ba med kyañ hjig pa las |

gal te ma hoña mi rtag na |
frdas la hjig pa yod min te |
de ni rtag par cis mi rtog || 7 ||
lo c V with Vx of CS pa for la. In d Vx of CSV rtogs for rtog.
* fìrcift íw m m ro n w i
iratw »iwrtsfa « far*»iwrô «« »

S ta r e i « f v * f»n®r t R t s r e m n n h 7 ||
CSV : 3* ^ r «it u t r e r o s trw rfa a ra * «w fa g n I 5ÇT ^ n
s u n t TRfT su ia râ i4 n* i
hdas pa dan ni da ltar ba |
hdi ni mi rtag hgyur min la |
de dag las gz'an rnam pa ni |
gsum pa^aù de la yod ma yin || 8 ||
* *rf»raft n siraîi i
n w n i W T « n t a n f a *rf? W R ^ r * f r o î t u * n

CSV : n vK sfm m ' »n% i

* f% q* 5tf?r i ^ ,*nf»rar?i*
* SW TT* * W S R T O T % » n fÌT « « l^ T n I g ïfïï^ W W T ^ *

v T n iw rfW si' *r w ra fa i irai’ftw rafa«*«*' * w n rô i i

fkwit irata i *n *prcfq forait ««naît
O T Ç i ’v m w T ç i m m i e r m i

«rfwsit^tnsftwwflhw*ï srraïï i
n* qm wrfsrarara* gqfôtsqqmlt \mi—
î n w n i w n a a t a r f t * r ô i w »I f o p ï n

1 Tib. mi bdod na ni j bo na dùos po. * Tib. om. pra-.

* Tib. begins the sentence with atha vâ (yaù na) omitting vä after kasya.
4 Tib. bhavati (hgyur ro).
* For tävat read in X tsam or sñod after ji. 4 HPS °sambhavät. varta.°
f Tib. de ba'in du ; HPS om. it.
9 In X read mi rtag pa ñid de la for mi° de las,
209] CH4PT1SR XI lid

*T«n3 f a n?^Tfc<**T*TWfl*C1 * ^ f a f a m w f r o n w in ^ n r a -
* « p i t f f w ’w a t i « r o w n w r o T f a f t * gwr e m gr a n « w 11
CSV: trcrc* i tpwnnmrat «15 u sA f w
» iiw r. t p 4 twrarci gwtf 1 ?m*f wm-
^ nj «iT^^ *r»n*rot 1 ^»rfír «raumil— 1
dúos po gaú z'ig phyis skye ba |
de ni gal te sñar yod na |
de yi pbyir na phya smra ba |
rnams kyi phyogs ni log mi hgyur || 9 [|
In c Vx of CSV throughout phyug for phya. In d V with Vx
of CS kyis for kyi.
* w. q ^ a i r a i w . ^ fjr* faspí zrf% i
n fiwT 9ira5t Tmqwnfaqfqgrftp w i» t n
In d of the Skt. text for tasmat suggested by Tib. de yi phyir
HPS tesarfi which is here superfluous and not supported by CSV.
CSV: zj writ m in n S 8 «
3wqKi«3§ qrarrcr ^ «fir fSrafiWTftFTt* ufii-
f» ra ? r c w i* f n i 'g q f 3 ^ * r< iq g iq q q f i T £ w f v m v tiw fi « iT w n m t
firor w r^ i *i ^ *i ffnm íWr *n%: i ?rara*r SBrssfadvmi i
¥ w m .w q « « w hrt «nnr* i n^w rna
igxfWVÍW^ I ufe MTTO’ll’Tn-
e w iT it9 n m : m m zi tS r a f i m f ^ m R f q 10^ m o t:

w fip * 3 * tu s»nWh«T**Ts: « c •
• Tib. mi rtag pafci; HPS nityat&°. 3 Tib. lit. asambaddham (ma fcbrel ba),
• In X read rigs for rig. 4 Construe : pürvam asatafc as in Tib (sñar med pa).
• Tib. gal te gaú z'ig skye bafci sña rol na ciño» po med ciñ ño bo med pafci phyir rgyu dañ
rkyen mams kyis bskyed pa—yo bháva utpádát prák svarüp&bh&v&n n&sti [paéo&t]
«^ribf niyativádah (phya snmi ba ate ; X phyug for phya), and the sentence ends hare.
i HPS °virodhat puru^akara®. After tesarp Tib. ad. daréane (lta na). Both HPS and
Tib ¿imply jagat ibgro), but the latter indicates that it should be in the genitiva oase.
• For niyati Tib. curiously giiain gybt bskng pu. The phmae h the tittle by which the
Chinese emperor is addressed in Tibet. Figuritivoly it means cakravartirfcja.
• Tib. smra ba Ijdi; HPS asya and -vádino for ayam and -vado respectively.
it Tib. api after vado (smra ba yañ). 11 HPS °yukto n&gat&rtha°.

CSV : fiw ifift W — I
gaú z'ig hbyuú bar byed pa de J
súar yod oes byar mi rigs te J
gal te yod pa skye tgyur na |
skyes.zin pa yañ hbyuú bar hgyur || 10 ||
In o Vx of CSV ni for de.
* s w : fiiraft nm n gsvíí i
sn t ufe «twrcr snnw fq ii *• n
CSV: * w n w Sguarlr: s w ^ t t ^ 1 fiiraií * wmw,
fjw rafój *i i f r ?wn*%«5r* ftaw w w
w i i *i * *ra: i ^ f í i 4 v m *naf fiw qfrwwrci t°
ifh »i * : m * «’
CSV: tranr i ira*!™* * ítfSnrt
n fM v m ' fas] «T i #?T5ram' i

^ a iw ra fín zrmrnrT f f t i7 w í i «nfw n* n p r a r * - !

ma tons pa yi dúos mthoú na |
dúos po med pa cis mi mthoú |
gaú la ma hoús yod hgyur ba |
de la riú ba yod ma yin || 11 ||
1 Tib. hbyuft ba ste skyed p a r; HPS utpadanaxh sambliavab.
• Tib. om, tasya.
• For sato°rapi Tib. sadatmakasayapi (yod cift bdag pa yaft).
4 Tib. om. punar.
1 See MV, p. 15 : naoa vidyamanasya punar utpattau prayajanarp paAy&mab; p. 13,
MA, VI, 3 : t&smad dhi tasya bhavanena gu^o’sti kafoij, jatasya janma punar eva ea
naira yrjktam; p. 14, AKV: utpannasya punar utpattau kalpyam&nay&m anavastthft-
prasaftgah; S i k $ a a a m u o c a y a , p . 282, from B h a g a v a t i ( «A * %a a &h a
s ri k ft P r a j f i & p & r & m a t a ) : kirp punab subhute utpanno dharma utpatsyata nt&-
nutpannab- subhiitir aha. n&haip sariputra utpannasya dharmaasyotpattim ioohami na
9 After atraha Tib. runs : astyevanagatas tadalambanad yogiprai^idhijftan&d yathartha-
nftgatavyakara^at tasya oa tathaiva bhavat (ma hoAs pa ni yod pa Aid de | de la dmigs
pa mal bbyor pafci smon lam (X nag) 6es pa yocl pafei phyir daft | don ji lta ba bz'in du
ma fcofts pa luft bstan pabi phyir daft | de yaft de kho na ltar yod pabi phylr ro|J).
T Tib. om. here this sentence being put at the beginning only omitting tasm&t.
• Tib. khyod kyi; HPS t&ttvikaya. See note 9.
• In Tib. both the words are locative.
262] CHAPTER XI 116

In o V and Vx of CS gyur for hgyur ; Vx of CS pa and Vx ol

CSV h for ha.
* g q t o i aiqt HW. ai « A I
fw ism iR f W ai farei} « H I
CSV : VRIKT^iaprerramaiTarat «Wt an% W W ffìl
«fìw if^nn «rfc ^TpTOWiai: q^Terf *wn3tn*«ìtsfà
i w n * w w i i wSNit wr?i * m f fw ai
i° ttrftT ^ m 1«iratitai: tw «i !P{
55* i *(vqì i twfc *r?i% i twtmaipKnr: »
tiferei4 qi?r% i franarci: i wuwqamnx i m 'ip im iir a '
^ i «rara s*wwg*rfaf?r *f?mT??nn*—
fiW^CTUW* «1« f t TTWai fàrea I
^T?wiarw fii^m n(g if<?qfamai: a u «
CSV : spgttSN qroptfmsrenTvm w wrcTt'ftprofoiwrTf?-
*n^» wfirai: R?^n10fRsi^TOTWT^: *nfàtn w *Uuw<wiw«iw-
mfe^TWT1* ^ ^ I TI^T— I
gal te byas pa med kyan chos |
yod na nes sdoxn don med hgyur |
ci ste cuù zad byed na yan |
hbras bu yod pa mi srid do || 12 ||
* w f *rowwte9f«r fàrawt i
tra qni«a: ’btsktw ai m n^ »
CSV : v z iu m «mqqrcpret m m i * w ffw iw a «CTTOfàl
fàrai^mtsas o t i i ita1* ftanft ttw i1* t u r o
1 Alter yasya Tib. ad. daréane (ltar na).
* Tib. does not support dure as in HPS.
* HPS dfiraip not supported by Tib. 4 HPS àntikaih not supported by Tib,
5 Tib. de ltar na ; HPS om. it. e Tib. om. it. 1 HPS diire.
8 Tib. phrad pas chos mnan pafci sgo nas ; HPS °mitrasamparkadharmaéravanedriya*.
* Tib. °pakàd (smin pa lai).
10 Tib. bh&tena pratyayena (byuù bafci rkyen gyis).
u Tib. bya dgos pa ; HPS om. it. 11 Tib. de la ; HPS om. tasya. » Tib. om. it.
14 Tib. med kyaà de yod pafci pbyir ro | HPS tena vinipàtasyasambhavàt,

5N fHuHn irac tro^a f iw w jl * w W N : sjrara^.

qnfnjqn *fW wfiwTg w nr
TO ^Wtsfq **«*: * W R: * t* *

mi rtag yin na ci lta bur |

fcbras bu yod ces bya bar hgyur |
gan la thog ma mthah yod pa |
de ni fcjig rten nai rtag brjod || 13 (|
In a Vx of CSV ji for c i ; V Mar for lta ; Vx of CSV bu for bur.
In d Vx of CSV la for ni ; Vx of CSV b§ad for brjod.
V anitye sati satkaryaip katham namasya jayate |
S d y a n t a u y a s y a lo k a s y a s o ’ n i t y a i t i b h a s y a t e || 1 3 ||

The first half of the original karika excepting the word bhavi-
?yati (flee below) is found in the fragments (HPS, p. 493). V’s
restoration of the second half is objectionable. The Tib. text
does not say here that the loka is anitya, as he thinks. It means
that it is said in the loka (or the loka s a y s ) that a thing which has
ddi and anta is anitya. I may offer the following translation:
• * r f*r a r « f a « s u r a mi * r a * «rfw fii i

mi rtag yin na ji lta bu |
hbras bu yod ces bya bar hgyur |
fcdi gifts ni phan tshun hgal bahi phyir ro z'es bya bar dogs*
so || fedi ltar
g a n la t h o g m a m t h a h y o d p a |
d e l a h j ig r t e n m i r t a g b S a d |
g a ft g i s i a r o l d u d A o s p o g z 'a n m e d p a d e n i Ij ji g r t e n n a th o g

1 HPS ad. t&rhi after asya.

1 Tib. ma bo&s p&fei don= anagatartha ; HPS om. it.
9 Tib. rtag pa Aid ; HPS marks here a lacuna reading cipa® for following ftpa°.
9 £dgo*.
ma z'es bya la | gaA gi tog rol du dftos po gz'an med pa de m
m that z'es brjod la || don gan la thog ma daft tha ma yod pa de
ni mi rtag pato | z'es tjig rten mnon pa hdod do ||° dehi phyir
thog ma dan tha ma yan yod pas rtag par smra ba med d a i |
dehi hbras bu yod par smra ba mi rigs so ||
«fit »»m vfawfh l

i m 35* w n * r t « sfar u n i ww rt
»it% Btsur i u W w T f w r e *tsf»iar ifir wrtftwNrfii i°
qH HWWWIWWI f*W I * n 7WI 3«*ff B H
CSV: gan z'ig hbras bu yod par smra ba la skyon mthon baB
ma tons pa med de | z'es bya bar rtogs pa deti ltar na yaA

sgrim pa med par thar hgyur te

grol la ma tons yod ma yin |
de ltar yin na chags med par |
hdod chags kyan ni hbyun bar tgyur || 14 ||
In a for sgrim V with Vx of CS bsgrim. For the last two lineB
Vx of CSV reads:
chags med par yan tdod chags ni |
de lta yin na tbyun bar hgyur II
V ayatnataS cen nirva^am tasya na syad an&gatam |
vinapi rSgam rakto’pi nanv evaip sati jayate || 14 ||
V wrongly translates thar in a by nirmrpa and leaves out grol
in b untranslated. He adds tasya for which there is nothing in
Tib. Apparently he refers by it to thar, mok$a, his nirvana,
taking grol in the same sense. The extract given below from the
CSV will, however, show that grol here does not mean mukti (or
mokfa), but mukta.
I may translate the k&rika as follows:

t o r N w ta : «Fw w p rt «iTW im m i i
7m « f n f o n xrt vusw M uft w i : n *« n
For hdod chags in the sense of roleta in d see ME, XIV. 2 ;
and fox sambham 200*
CSV : ma frogs palli ñon moús pa daù skye ba dag med pas
sgrim pa med par te.hphags pahi lam bskyed pa med par yaù hdi
grol bar fcgyur ro || grol ba mams la ni hphags pahi lam gyi stobs
kyis ma feoús pahi ñon moùs pa daú skye ba gñis mi skye balji
phyir ma froús pa yod pa ma yin no || ji ltar grol ba mams la ma
feoûs pa med par sgrim par sgrub par byed pa yin te | de mams
bz'in du hbras bu ma froús pa med par smra ba hdi yaù sgrim pa
med par thar par hgyur na | hdi ni de ltar yaù ma yin pas hbras
bu med par smra bar mi rigs so || thar par thaï bar hgyur ba hbah
z'ig tu ma zad kyi | hdihi phyir na rgyu med pa can du skye (?)
bar yaù hgyur ro || z'es bstan pahi phyir béad pa |
chags med par yaù hdod chags ni |
de lta yin na hbyuù bar hgyur ||°
de chags pa med par hdod na rgyu med pa can ñid du hgyur
na I rgyu med pa can ni srid pa yaù ma yin te | dgra bcom pa la
yaù hdod chags yod par thaï bar hgyur bahi phyir ro || dehi
phyir rgyu med pa can gyi skye ba med do || gaù gi tshe skye ba
rgyu med pa can mi srid pa dehi tshe ma hoùs pa med
pa fiid du mi rigs so ||

mfqt i itm ^ b w iiw h w * f o n ir a *: [ w ] ftnBm uw nM H-

f o n vra i * «w f l w i i i f o i H
•i i «i «w v R ix fo r e m s fg s r «s rrö s fq
n W ii H fim w n —
ÎWT ^rfïl fo n TT*T^TÇWreitfQ f W ! B°
fo n « w í n* * *!
wwmt \ tw H w q , i m w w w M fq * <
m i t q * v w n fl n w n f i i w gw w ri 11« «

CSV : de ni ÿbras bu yod pa daù med par smra ba gfîi gafei
ltar na yañ rgyus hbras bu sgrub par mi nus pa mùon par gsal
bar bya bahi phyir bàad pa |

hbras bu yod ñid gaû hdod daù |

hbras bu med ñid gaú hdod la |
khyim gyi don du ka ba la |
sogs pahi rgyan ni don med hgyur || 15 ||
In 6 Vx of CS dû for ñid. In c Vx of CSV las toi la; and in d
rgyun for rgyan.
* «wirêkTOsrfrêt u r o m f r o h r i
qaufctq «reté ^ n w ii
It is cited in MV, p. 393, and CSV, XIV. 21=346 (HPS,
p. 511).
CSV : graûs can dan bye brag tu smra ba dag ni febras bu
yod par smra ba ñid do || grans can pahi ltar na ni gañ z'ig yod
pa de kho na yin la | gañ z'ig yod pa ma yin pa de med pa kho na
ste I med pa la skye ba med ciú yod pa la hjig pa med do | z'es
khas len te | de ni med pa mi byed pahi phyir daù | ñe bar len pa
hdzin pahi phyir daù | nus pas nus pa byed pahi phyir daù z'es
bya ba la sogs pas hbras bu yod pa ñid skye ste | hbras bu med
par smra ba yin na ni thams cad las [thams cad]1 hbyuñ bar
fegyur na | fedi ni de ltar yañ ma yin no || defei phyir yod pa kho
na hbras bur hgyur ro sñam du sems so || bye brag tu smra ba po
yaù raú bz'in ma byuñ ba las hbyuñ bar thaï bas hjigs pas dus
gsum char du yaù yod pa’ñid du rtog ciù | °
bye brag pa daù mdo sde pa daù mam par áes par smra ba
dag ni hbras bu med pa smra ba ste | de dag gis ni hbras bu yod
pa skye ba don med par sems áin hbras bu med pa kho na skyefeo ||
z'es bya bar rtogs so ||°
1 See Mrvataÿ sarvasambhavai, CâV, XIV. 21=364 (HPS, p. 011) ; p. 120, nate 2.
delji phyir rgol ba gfiis po hdi dag las re z'ig hbras bu yod p a r
stura ba la khyim gyi don du ka ba d a i sgo sgegs (I)1 la sogs
p a m a m s kyi rgyan pa tra dañ bya la sogs pa bkod pahi khyad
p a r spras palp bdag ñid can gaú yin pa de ni mi r u à ste | defei
febras bu khyim yod pahi phyir dañ | mam pa gz'an du
bsgrub par bya ba ñid du khas len na yaô labras bu med par smra
bar thaï bar hgyur bahi phyir ro || gañ z'ig libras bu med par smra
ba dehi ltar na yaù ka ba la sogs pahi rgyan ji skad bàad par
dgos pa med pa ñid du hgyur te | dehi hbras bu med pahi phyir
ro II mo gáam gyi bu yod pa ma yin pa ni sus kyaû sgrub par nus
pa ma yin te | de bz'in du hbras bu med pa smra ba la yaû hbras
b u khyim fegrub par mi hgyur ro ||°

i vivrfipm r w w n w : i
W r « m ih

*trt «rom iffc i wîfiwisftT ^rrsrafòìfa

««rafh i°
i îî % wn\

gwrô i ir a «irrâw « ff« wfTT?Txi

iwtwirâ^mww i nw *ref»¥ w rç w t
n w . ^ n ftr i mi n
finaïf* #° tu #
CSV : fedir smras pa | khyod kyis hdas pa dañ ma fcoñs pafei
dus dag bkag mod kyi | de ltar na yañ re z'ig da Ita ba ni yod pa
yin te j de yod pas ma hona pa yaù yod par hgyur ro || ma hoùs
•ïs k y a * . ‘ * S e e S â i k h y a k à r i k i , #.
266] CHA%TER XI 121
pahi gnas skabs kyi dûos po ni yoùs su bgyur bas da ltar ba ñid
du hgyur ro || gal te mi hgyur na ni gaù z'ig yoùs su hgyur bas
da ltar bar fegyur || dehi phyir da ltar yod pas ma hoûs pa yod do ||
béad par bya ste | gal te yoûs su hgyur ba ñid yod na ni de
ltar fegyur ba z'ig na | de ni srid pa ma yin te | ci ste z'e na | hdi
na yoùs su hgyur ba hdi ma hoûs pahi don fa rtog pa na raû gi
ño bo ñams pas rtog gam gnas pas rtog grañ na | gal te re z'ig
raù gi ño bo ñams pas yin na ni dehi tshe gcig hjig ciû gz'an skye
ba yoùs su hgyur ba yin pas skye ba daù bjig pa dag kho na la yoùs
su hgyur ba z'es bya bar hgyur gyi || gnas pahi rdzas kyi chos
gz'an la gnas chos gz'an hbyuû ba ni yoùs su hgyur ba ma yin no ||
ci ste kho bo cag gi yoùs su hgyur ba ni hdi hdra ba kho na yin
te | hdi ltar dper na ba laù gi khu bcud kyi rdzas gnas pahi chos
gz'an feo mahi dûos po log daù chos gz'an z'ohi dûos po hbyuû
ba yoñs su hgyur ba yin pa de bz'in du yon tan gsum po rdul daù
mun pa daû sñiñ stobs mams kyis1 ma hoñs pahi gnas skabs log
daù da ltar bahi gnas skabs hbyuû ba yoñs su hgyur baho sñam
du sems na | yoñs su hgyur ba hdi yod pa fiid du bz'ag par mi
nus te | hjig rten gyis ni ma hons pahi yon tan gsum po hdi dag
yod pa ñid du dmigs nas de dag gi yoùs su hgyur bar dmigs pa
med pa ñid do || z'o ho mahi rnam par hgyur ba yin par rram
par bz'ag par nus pa yaû ma yin te | ho mahi gnas skabs ñid du
ni ho ma la ho ma z'es bya la || ho mahi gnas skabs kho nar gnas
pahi feo ma la z'ohi dûos po yod par yaû ma yin no || gal te yod
par hgyur na ni ho ma kho na la z'o z'es bya bar hgyur na hdi ni
rigs pa yaû ma yin te || dehi phyir ho ma la ni z'ohi dûos po yod
pa ma yin no || gaû gi tshe ho ma la z'ohi dûos po yod pa dehi
tshe gz'an gaù z'ig la srid par hgyur || dehi phyir yoùs su hgyur
ba med do || bo ma daû z'ohi gnas skabs las tha dad par ba laù
gi khu bahi rdzas z'es pa cuû zad cig dmigs pa yaû ma yin no |j
de ltar na |
=vnnx i fa fa fl irarfa
qrw çfig i i *RT»ntnTOt w¡v. q fa n ïN
!>wf?r i wtrç i «reirç

« « t i w M *6? tjfrom i h g « *raref?r i

farfaft i w m reiwwqi qfanftífw n qwronü fa»mfrn * t
T O ?I %WT *T I 7j^r‘ f w g s r a -
^nron ffn fim m h q T ^ ^ q fN n T tfa i fsn* seto
w p n t [^ lifa sw fa n rtír^ * qfarm : i *nararaf q ft^m f^sj
w » w n % i w *Ttí€?sü?r^^*rfi?íTW ^ íh t^ w fasfrrawfarcw
*fwi*raifti«ni trft^WRrar T«i^w:«aipit ^ * n i ^n*T«í«n»Rn-
w w fiiif^ é im T tro tiv af qfitvro if?r »ra*i i u f^ w ^ ifa s *
«rrqfim « w l1 qftqreNinnw w ii gnra?nniw % é^ronw rt
qftwrot *tqsrwra i * h ^ ysrer fa*rc ffh *rer srswrqfagííi
i p r o ^ s r f a f a i si w p m n A v w w t t o ^
*fw ro: i *f% w^5«i *i«r ^ ftfa i * gwrct i to tw
5«rer * f w w i *r?T ^ fw ia r wm^rowTfa w f w ^ i
iw iw n% ufarm : i * *r ^fa^^írcrcniTt fa * «iunrovinir
fiHTcy w m a i t m « - i
dúos mama yoús su hgyur ba yaú |
yid kyis kyaú ni hdzin mi hgyur |
de ltar na yañ da ltar ba |
yod par mi mkhas rnams kyis rtog || 16 ||
In c for de ltar V with Vx of OS de Ita. In d Vx of CSV rtogs
lor rtog.
V manas&pi na gfhyante bhavá hi parinaminali |
vartamanasya tat sattSip kalpayanty avicak?anáh || 16 ||
The defect of this reconstruction is clear from the CSV quoted
above. I would change it as follows :
wraprt nfromtsfa *r»mifcr * i
wnfír vw nñtíf^i *rar?pwfaw»rT: n u »
CSV : dúos po rnams kyi yoús su hgyur ba ni mig la sogs pahi
dbañ po rag las1 pa mthoú ba lúas mi fedzin pa hbah z'ig tu ma
z'ad kyi | chod pa daú phra ba daú gzugs can roa yin palji don
1 Or rag lus ; X rag«.
yoùs su gcod par nus pafei yid kyis kyaù mi fedzin no ||° de ltar
skye bo blun po la bltos nas da ltar ba z'es bya bar ran gi ¿0 bos
yoùs su brtag par nus pa yaû ma yin pas dus gsum med do || 10 ||
= uraw t qfonnft ftr m $mm'

g if*H iq 3* i a w n *f?r
nm xvn h u «
CSV : fedir smras pa || dus mams ni yod pa kho na ste | defei
rgyu dnos po yod pafei phyir ro || dus de ni rañ ñid kyis lus can ma
yin pafei phyir dúos po kho na ñe bar bzuñ nas yoùs su gcad par
ñus kyi | rañ ñid kyis ni ma yin no || defei phyir dus múon par
gsal bafei rgyu mtshan yod pas dus yod do ||
báad par bya ste | gal te defei rgyu dúos po ñid yod na ni dus
fedi yod par fegyur ba z'ig na srid pa yañ ma yin no || ji ltar mi
srid pa de ltar bstan pafei phyir béad pa |
- i to N « w r ç 1 íí f * wm-
1 ?rensirraTfiT«rf«r-
*nw. i
i sf<? n * w i 1 «i g
fa] w w f o i *rar ^ to t i
gnas med dños po ga la yod |
mi rtag pas gnas ga la yod |
gal te daú por gnas fegyur na |
tha mar rñiñs par mi fegyur ro || 17 |j
In a V and Vx of CS (with CSV, 271) z'ig for yod. For pas
in b see CSV on 2716. In c for por V and Vx of CS po, and for
fygyur V gyur. In d for rñiñs par in accordance with CSV, V with
Vx of CS m iñ por, and that of CSV sñiñs par.
V asthirafe kasyacid bhävo ’nityatvat kasyacit sthirafe |
ädau yadi sthiro bhävas tasyänyatvrp na jäyate || 17 ||
It is not possible to follow V. For his translation of ga la in <k
124 CATUHSATAK4 [267
and b see k&cika 244 with my note thereon. He takes tha mar
in d, Skt. arde, to mean anyatva. TLis can hardly be supported.
Undoubtedly the mistake is due to his taking the word itara
given in a dictionary as one of the Skt. equivalents of tha ma,
i i the sense of anya ‘other,’ not thinking that the word is used
there to mean nlca ‘low,’ ‘vile,’ ‘inferior.’ He has, however, taken
the word in its right sense in karika 355. The other defect
in V’s translation is that he has entirely avoided the meaning of
rniAs par (his min por). I may suggest the following :
fatfa' fa*n lif t w stsftsrà»! fàrfà: fra: i
farfìwfè m n t« il
CSV : gnas med dnos po ga la yod |
fedi na dùos po skad cig re re la akye ba dan fejig pa daù ldan
pa rnams la gnas pa mam pa thams cad du yod pa ma yin la |
gnas pa med pas dus kyi rgyu dnos po yod p.a ma yin no || gnas med
pa nid bstan pafei phyir bsad pa |
mi rtag pas gnas ga la yad |
mi rtag pa nid kyis zos (?) pafei dnos po la gnas pa mi srid do ||
gal te gnas pa yod na ni gnas pa dan ldan pafei dnos po slar rga
ba daù febrel bar mi fegyur te | rga ba ni gnas pa daù fegal bafei
phyi ro || gz'an feaù |
gal te dan por gnas fegyur na |
tha mar rnins par mi fegyur ro ||
phyi ma rniùs pa med par thal bar fegyur bafei phyir sùar nid
nas gnas pa med par itogs par gyis sig ||
= fetà* f n t w r. i
mm wrcwt i fisw rifri
mmm i wftniTSircn*
fwfa: fi?r: i
*j*rw (t) h w h ftsfw w i f t i arfc %fir. wrq,
fwftwm u ro 5*w hf »i « m um i vw
fwfirafs n i*
ê '
CSV : fedì las kyaù gnas pa med do |j fedi ltar |
- VW I P if? I
ji ltar mam ses geig gis ni |
don gñis rnam par mi ses pa |
de bz'in rnam par ées gñis kyis |
don geig mam par mi ées so || 18 ||
For a Vx of CSV mam ées geig gis ji Ua bur. In c V and Vx
of CS omit par adding ni after kyis.
V vijänäti yathä naikam vijñanam vastuyugmalam |
vijânâti tathä naikam vastu vijñanayugmalam || 18 ||
I may suggest the following :
fasrwfa um »risks* i
« frapirarötanni h y
CSV : gal te dúos po la gnas pa z'es bya ba z'ig yod na ni defei
tshe rim gyis rnam par z'es pa du mafei ses byar fegyur ro ||°
fedi ni srid pa yaù ma yin te | ées pa dan ses bya gñis skad cig
ma ñid yin pafei phyir ro || gaù geig gis bzuù ba de gz'an gyis
bzuù bar nus pa yaù ma yin te | defei phyir gnas pa med do ||°
gnas pa med pa las kyaù dúos po med pa yin daù dus kyaù med
do II z'es bya bar grub bo ||

i î ^ ï l ' »I H ftà STW Ï I ? W J T * T f a f t s f n : »°

»I w it snfq Mm ïfii f a m i
CSV : fedir smras pa | gnas pa ni yod pa ñid de | da1 ltar bafei
dus kyi mtshan ñid yin pafei phyir ro || gnas pas ni da1 ltar bafei
dus mtshon par byed de | gnas pa dan bral bafei da ltar ba ñid
mi srid pafei phyir ro“)} fedi la brjod par bya ste |

fw s n f« r e f*ii« r w ? h p ia r o iim ? t i

gal te dus la gnas yod na |
gnas pa dus su mi hgyur ro |
ci ste gnas med na gnas pa |
med par mthah yaA yod ma yin || 19 ||
In a Vx of CSV 6nce pa yod for yod na.
V sthirata yadi kSlasya sthirah kalo na jayate |
asthiraS cet katham tisthed asann ante na vidyate ||
This cannot be accepted. See the commentary. I shall
translate it differently:
fa r fm ifs w * f% i

fa s h i » in n ts fq n \ t . u
As regards b CSV seems to take it differently as shows the
following extract:
CSV: de la
gal te dus la gnas pa yod1
do sfiam du sems na ni ho na ni
gnas pa dus su mi hgyur ro ||
dper na rten daA rten pa dag tha dad pafei phyir khyim na yod
pafei lha sbyin khyim nid du mi hgyur ba de bz'in du
gnas pa dus su mi hgyur te |
dus la yod palji phyir ro || dehi phyir dus kyi ran bz'in ma yin pas
de dus kyi mtBhan nid ma yin no || ci ste gnas pa med na ni gnas
pa daft bral bafei dus la mthah yons su hjig pa yan yod par mi
hgyur ro || dehi phyir da ltar byun bafei dus yun du gnas pa hgyur
la || dus de rtag pafei phyir da ltar byuA bahi dtios po y ai rtag par
hgyur na | fedi ni de ltar yan ma yin te | dehi phyir gnas pa ined
d o ||
- m
fw fira f*

ffil «Rut ?nsr

fw ftr. w s * f% i
> Xfcod.
270] cha ¥ t e r x i 127

m i r t *r
ftafn : w 3 * f% i
wi% q irc w t i tiqrra tnaqt « w f t » ro tfh m « iw \
*m fwf?nT i ftsraiT ^fVn^TT’n: q frn ó tsfa *i i rm-
w ra w rarw t fir i^ i ít o fa^csn^ jrajw ret vrrctsfó
f w t w%?t i »i w f h i tr a w fc r fa ifa : n \ t ii
CSV: hdir smras pa | gnas pa de ni yod pa ñid de | de dañ
ldan pahi dúos po la mi rtag pa ñid yod pahi pliyir ro || gnas pa
dañ bral bahi dúos po yod pa ma yin pahi phyir rten med pahi
mi rtag pa ñid mi srid pa z'ig na | dúos po la mi rtag pa ñid yod
pahañ yin te | dehi phyir de yod pas gnas pa yaú yod par hgyur
ro ||
hdi la báad par bya ste | gal te mi rtag pa ñid ces bya ba hgah
z'ig yod par hgyur na ni de dúos po las gz'an ñid dam gcig ñid
du hgyur gran na | gñi ga ltar yaú mi hthad do || z'es bstan pahi
phyir báad pa |
=>*nsrr? i fa ifa : i m uft WT3^nfaaic¡íT?p fin fa -
faiSfofó u
*ra ta ? h zrejfa?*3í «im fafT O rn n rn n ? p *r$* t*nfhr «rr
i w w n fó *tira *ra * fa « rfa m s w w --1
gal te mi rtag dúos gz'an na |
dúos po mi rtag par mi hgyur |
gcig na mi rtag ñid gaú yin |
de ñid dúos po ga la gnas || 20 ||
In o Yx^qí CSV ga *íoi gaú and de for po ind.
V 'bíiávanfcaram anityam ced bhavo’nityo na vidyate |
ekasyanityata yasya kathaip bhavafe sa tisthati || 20 ||
It cannot be aocepted. I may ofíer the following:

fa * w r its fa a ít *f « r a í * i

r m & z r ^ f a w s í« f a « r * fa ifa : « *? ti
* CSV: gal te mi rtag pa ñid dúos po las gz'an fiid du hgyur
na ni delji tshe mi rtag pa ñíd mtshan ñid tha dad pahi phyir
dúos po rtag par hgyur na dúos po ni rtag pa yaú ma yin pas mi
rtag pa ñid la gz'an ñid yod pa ma yin no ¡| ci ste gcig ñid hdod
na de lta na yaú de las tha dad pafei dúos po mi srid pahi phyir
mi rtag pa ñid gaú yin pa de ñid dúos po yin pas dúos po mi
rtag pa ñid kyi bdag ñid can yin pahi phyir gnas pa gtan mi srid
pa kho na ste | dehi phyir gnas pa med do || gnas pa med pas ni
mi rtag pa ñid kyaú yod pa ma yin z'iú | gnas pa daú mi rtag
pa gñis med pas kyaú dúos po med la | de med pahi phyir na dus
kyaú yod pa ma yin ro || z'es bya ba grub bo || 21 ||
- v fa ro s í fa a ft w f a i

»t * w it fa a r *fa »n fa a iT O ro ó ^ i in ra R v fM t

w w q ra m yw r « w ^ f a g s fa w s i « *n * *fa w rro T fs ra r-

w r a w fw fÑ ifíi: * w *fa i iro rc n fa r fa ifa : i fa r a r-

m frn fosKw f a fa ra fa s rc w té s tw m «nfar «re: i

íT ^ w rra n g i r a t j f o « r r o t f f l f a m « v n

CSV: gaú súar
gnas med dúos po ga la z'ig1 |
mi rtag pas* gnas ga la yod ||
ces brjod pa de la smras pa | mi rtag pa ñid yod kyaú gnas pa yod
pa kho nafeo j| ji ltar byas ñas óe na | gnas pahi dus na ni gnas
pa ches stobs daú ldan gyi mi rtag pa ñid ni ma yin la || stobs chuú
bas stobs daú ldan pa hjoms par ñus pa yaú ma yin no || fedi yaú
mi rigs so || z'es bstan pahi phyir báad pa |
( 267 o-6) <
f a i f a ’ f« m T g r ñ t w * t -

s fa w w * fa ifa : f e : i

» 8w 867« . • X pafei, bat aM 267b .

273] CJfAPTEB XI 129

fsrtf w nv i « fa e d firamStofa f«w* ** fwfh: i w £f* i

ftrfiwrwi fis fii** * TR;T *Tfawsr*i i * * $ w t *****
tiwtntfH i **nf* * *p»*?r *f* *fii*R?*imr— » *
mi rtag nid gar stobs chun der |
gnas pa stobs cbuA ma yin na |
phyi nas de dag nes par go j
bzlog par ci yis mthoft bar hgyur || 21 ||
In a Vx of CSV gni for nid ; Vx of CS gaft for gar; and with
V des for der.
V anityam durbalam yena durbalam san na jftyate |
tatsthitir niyatam pa ¿can nivrttih kena dySyate || 21 ||
This can hardly be accepted. I may suggest the following :
g*snf*wiT *w * 54 *11
far' trerfvirm^w^i'. 11
CSV : gal te gnas pahi dus na mi rtag pa fiid stobs chufi na gai
gis na phyi chos mthun par gnas pa de hjoms par hgyur ba phyi
nas de stobs dan ldan pa nid cis yin | dehi phyir sna rol fiid du
de ches stobs dan ldan pa ma yin pa nid yin pa ham | yan na ya
nas1 ches stobs® dan ldan pa ma yin pa nid du hgyur ro || dehi
phyir dnos po rtag paham gnas pa med par hgyur na hdi ni rigs
pa yan ma yin no || dehi phyir de yod pa ma yin no ||
- % * q * r n f *T « r * t farfn-
1 %* *rw * * t* « * w i 1 fiw raiqto* *t q*T%* (?) *t *
**ra*roi 1 *«nn*t f*»hi st farfireftt *t 1 * i
?i*n* m f**jii • a
CSV : gz'an yaft |
“ I
gal te mi rtag stobs chuA min |
dAos po kun la yod na ni |
l. The context requires that we should read here phyi naa as above for ya nas whlob
does not give here any suitable sense. * X chos.
kun la gnas pa med pa daù |
yaû na thams cad mi rtag min || 22 }|
The last two lines are not quoted in CSV. V has unnecessarily
taken liberty to change min in a and d to yin, and translated the
k&rikfi accordingly.
V anityam durbalam yena sarvabhave?u vidyate |
sadasattvam ca sarvasminn atha sarvam aâSivatam || 22 ||
I think none can concur here with V in regard to his tran­
slation or the changing of the reading. He himself says that in all
the Tib. versions (including, I may add, Vxx of CS and CSV) the
reading is min in a and d. But why has he emended it ? He says :
“le verse reste incompréhensible avec la négation. C’est pour­
quoi j’ai pris une liberte' avec notre texte. La version chinoise
toutefois confirme notre lecture.” As the following extract of CSV
will show the kSrikâ is not incomprehensible with the readings,
nor confirms the Chinese version his emendation. Tucci writes in
his Italian translation from Chinese : “II Vaidya non intende
bene, ed ha torto di sostituire al min di a e d : yin.” In showing
the corresponding Skt. of Tib. Tucci has evidently left out the
Skt. word for min in a, alpa being the meaning of chun and
not of chutÏ min. V’s restoration, specially of c, is also
objectionable. The following may, however, be suggested :
w tsres w ta fa sra i i
w a * *t « f a r o i t n i « V n
CSV : gal te mi rtag pa nid stobs chuû ba ma yin pas stobs
daù ldan par bgyur te | dùos po kun la gnas âin || gal te dùos po
mthah dag1 la khyab pas gnas na ni dehi tshe thams cad la yaA
gnas pa med do || ci ste kun la mi gnas na ni dehi tshe chos thams
cad mi rtag pa ma yin gyi || dehi tshe hgah z'ig ni rtag par bgyur
te gaù na gnas pa ches stobs daù ldan paho || Cha bgafe z'ig ni
mi rtag par bgyur te gaA na mi rtag pa nid ches stobs daù ldan
pafeo || de lta na thams cad mi rtag pa ma yin pafeam yaù na
gnas pa med par bgyur ro ||
1 Should we read dg ?
273] CHAPTER X I 181 '

• ïw ftw s f * «1*1 i , «fif

w * i « w % * w « f (? ) «rro G t à f t w v w fa *i fa fc j i w p ¡ « i

* w* w t f *rf»rarr: « : i ?m Ofsft] f*iaft m r

fo rfa ro n m i * f a f s it o f a w t tratTf»iwä w m r o i i m* *fii
* «ïsftsrî: i * * t [ *w ] farm: # ^ «
CSV : gz'an yaú mi rtag pa ñid hdi mtshan gz'i dañ lhan cig
hbyuù ba ham dus phyis hbyuù ba z'ig tu hgyur grañ na | de la |
I tifts r a iflT *' * * *T * T * 3 q i m d *T I f l * —
gal te rtag tu mi rtag ñid |
yod na rtag tu gnas yod min |
yañ na rtag par gyur zin nas |
phyi nas mi rtag par hgyur ro || 23 ||
V nitye’nityaip yadi bhaven nityam sattä na j&yate |
nitye ksine’tha tat paácad a n ity a m kila jäyate || 23 ||
I think it cannot be accepted. See the commentary quoted
below. I may suggest the following :
f t a i wf r s t á vfàftræf f i s f í i * f f i
fa s ft ïjs ï m n trarçfaar: «rraîï u * * ii
gal te rtag tu mi rtag ñid |
yod na rtag tu gnas yod min ||
mtshan ñid mtshan gz'i la mi hkhrul bahi phyir ro |j gai te mi
rtag pa ñid rtag tu rjes su hbrel na ni dehi tshe gnas pa rtag tu
yod pa ma yin te | mi rtag pa dan rjes su hbrel bahi phyir ro ||
yañ na rtag par hgyur zin nas |
phyi nas mi rtag par hgyur ro ||
gal le ji skad bàad pahi skyon spaù bar hdod nas phyi nas dùos
po mi rtag par hdod na ni dehi tshe dúos po de sùar gnas pa dañ
ldan pas lhag par hgyur nas phyis mi rtag pa ñid dañ ldan pas
mi rtag par hgyur ro || z'es bya bar hgyur na | gañ dños po gcig
rtag pa yañ yin la mi rtag pa yañ yin no |¡ z'es bya ba de yañ
rigs pa yañ ma yin no ||

, « f a w i f ï r a r a f « t f a a f f î g f î j i f% i

i^ n m n n fiiw e i \ z ro fta ra i fa a rirç w ' n fa r fa r fît a r n i

fa s rt « js w m t q ^ r ç fta r : s rra ft u

îrf* s rc ftw ^ s fa w T W t w t i T á r t s fñ a r w t *r « m z \ fe rfn -

H T filW fa fa fîr ^ T sj «rô t ftw tjfa

w r s r fîis îto fa s v ç f t i *» 5 W F [ u * * u

C8V : yaù hdus byas kyi mtshan ñid niams phan tshun mi
fekhrul bahi phyir |
= *rfq *n

gal te gnas pa mi rtag dañ |

lhan cig dúos po la yod na |
mi rtag log par hgyur ba ham |
yaù na gnas pa brdzun par hgyur || 24 ||
In c V wrongly pa for ba.
V anityena yadâ sârdham sattâ bhâvesu vidyate |
anityam jSyate mithyâ mithyâ sattâpi jâyate || 24 ||
I should like to change it as follows :
«ff? ÏT fe (fïl« fà I

fa « r i m ^ fs rw c ê i *n f% < r o r a * r n t » «

gai te gnas pa mi rtag daù |
lhan cig dúos po la yod na |
de ltar na yaù |
mi rtag log par hgyur ba ham |
yaù na gnas pa brdzun par hgyur ||
gal te dúos po de gnas pa dehi tshe dehi mi rtag pa ñid log par
hgyur ro || ci ste hjig na ni dehi tshe gnas pa brdzun par hgyur
bas gnas pa mi rigs so || gnas pa de med pas kyaù di'ios po med
pa la dúos po yod pa ma yin na yaù dehi rten can gyi dus med
pas dus raù bz'in med par grub po ||
275} CHAPTER XI 133

finan ciT *rn?f«rw 3f fw fñ : «rr u
qfe « m qftgg f t «l^nfiiaref f*P*T I T O w f a I fisfà-
fìntòfìi fo rfà * 5wt i ferita ? iw v n % * vnst »nfar i w n s w w ft
ircnròra: * f%«rfh n w.n
CSV : fedir smras pa | dúos pofei rgyu can gyi dus ni yod pa
ñid do [I fedi ltar fedu byed fedas pafei rten can fedas pafei dus ni
yod do I) gal te dúos po fedas pa med na ni bdag fedas pafei dus
na fedi Ita bu daù fedi Ita bu z'ig tu gyur to sñam du fedas pa la
dmigs pa dran pa cifei yul can z'ig tu fegyur | defei phyir defei yul
can gyi dran pa yod pas dúos pofei rgyu can gyi dus yod pa ñid
do || z'es brjod do || fedir dran pa fedi ñams su myoù bar gyur
pafei yul kho na la fejug ste | da ltar1 bafei yul rnam par ées pas
dúos su dmigs bz'in pa la ni dran pas dgos pa ci yaù med do ||°
defei phyir gaù la dmigs pafei dran pa dmigs pafei dúos po de
yod pa yin no || de yaú sñiú po med do || z'es bstan pafei phyir
bsad pa |
= tot* i ireìra wrar: i ?rar f * i t o d i t o -
w . *rt« : i ssratàt ìt ü iv ipifhvingffò
mfìr: fàrffw n nwm fttT*ran»fnHiTm-
w f** qjm f a m S i *rer tre
i *t ftnrfq
iràtaWll0 WT*t fa*|íí I WOimK-
faftT HfilWRTaiTV—
mthoú zin dúos po mi snaú z'iù j
slar yaù sems skye min des na |
dran pa z'es bya log pa yi |
don la log pa kho na febyuù || 25 ||
» X Ita..

mal febyor spyod pa bz'i brgya pa las dus dgag pa bsgom pa

bstan pa ste | rab tu byed pa bcu gcig paho || 11 ||
In 6 V and Vx of CS kyi for skye, and yis for yi in c.
V yo bh&vaé cetasa df?tah so’df^to na punar bhavet |
smftir n&ma bhaven mithya mithyS bhavo’pi jayate || 25 ||
Probably it is by mistake that this k&rika is printed in Romans
instead of Italics in V’s téxt showing thereby that it is preserved
in the fragments (HPS) or elsewhere, but as it is found
nowhere, so far as I know, and does not correspond to the Tib.
text I take it to be his own restoration.
It seems to. me that there are some mistakes in the restoration
as will be evident from the commentary quoted below, and as
such it cannot be accepted. I may offer the following:
* *T I
firor ii n

J lf W I i « II
CSV: da ltar bafei gnas skabs kyi dúos po dehi rañ gi ño bo
dúos su byed pahi ées pa da ltar bas mthoñ bas gaú yin pa de ni
slar mi snaú ño || don gcig mam par ées pa gñis kyis yoñs su
bead par bya ba ñid yin pa ni goñ du bkag zin te | tshul de ñid
kyis1 mthoñ zin pahi dños po mi snañ ño || gañ gi tshe mi snañ
ba dehi tshe dehi yul can gyi sems slar yañ mi skyeho ||°
dehi phyir dran pahi dmigs pahi hdas pahi dúos po yin no ||
gal te de rañ gi ño bos yod na ni delii tshe dran pa de yod palji
don la dmigs pahi phyir rañ gi ño bos grub pa z'ig na | gañ gi tshe
fedas pafei dños po de rañ bz'in med pa dehi tshe de la dmigs pahi
dran pa yañ rañ bz'in med pa yin te | defei phyir log pa yin no ||
z'es bya bar grub po || log pa z'es bya ba ni rañ bz'in med pa dañ |
rten ciñ febrel bar hbyuñ ba z'es bya ba dañ | don gz'an ma yin
pa ste | dños po med pahi don ni log pahi don ma yin no || fedas
pafei dúos po mam pa thams cad med pa ni ma yin te | dran par
bya ba yin palp phyir daú | dehi febras bu mthoñ bafei phyir ro ||
* After this in X there seems to be a letter which could not be read.
275] CHAJ'TilR XI • 136

raü gi no bos yod pa yan ma yiix te | rtag pa nid du thal bahi

phyir dan \ dAos su hdzin par tlial bar hgyur bal.ii phyir ro "
rnampa de lta bulii dnos po las skye ba na dran pa yan rnam pa
de lta bu yin pas |
des na |
dran pa z'es bya log pa yi |
don la log pa klio na libyun ||
z'es bya ba grub ste | sad pal.ii gnas skabs su nni lum gyi gnas
skabs kyi narus su myons pahi yul dran pa bz'in 110 ||
«Tiro vl

Sjfa* f t f w i i1 ^ s€ t w€t n s*?ni 1 h^t

Tifirara^ 5*1«» « riä i°
TOTr^TTWaPraifltöt «W I *lf? H *JTW?T m
w fii: w l j i w i i w w n ä N g ^rtsn^r w ? :
«IT% *RFT 7 J ^ W *IT *IT % I TO T fap irftr I fS rä fa
W Tfoim ra: u n te r e s ? ^ * snsfaroi 1 wrewTwräf f * * fa«n«i: i
»n«tiiw- w ’f »1 wsfa 1 « irä ra n m ra n rfrn w 1
fa a ic ä n re n i^ t u m n m ra iR iii
wfircfa «n s ** vm fH1
TR fa«fT «jftw

fa ra f S«T fa «l * 11
ffa ftrm 1 s im s w ra t w Tg*r^fi 11 ^ #
» 208 (--XI. 18)
Ch apteb

Cf5V : fedir smras pa | khyod kyis bdag med pa fedi chos
bsal z'iù rgyas par bstan la | de bz'in gsegs pa yaù fedi thugs
su chud pa po dan | ñe2 bar fedoms pa po yin na | de cifei
phyir chos fedi la fejig rten phal cher fejug par mi fegyur ||
gañ gi phyir chos fedi ni mdzad pa po dan rnam par fechad
pa po dañ chos kyi clic bafei bdag ñid rnams kyis ches dkar
ba z'ig ste | defei phyir thar pa fedod pa thams cad kyis fedi
la fejug par rigs ni | lugs kyi khyad par ne bar bóad pa gz'an
manís ci ate febyuñ ¡¡
báad par bya ste | dios fedi la ral» tu gsuú ba po diiñ mam
par fechad pa po dan | olios kyi rañ gi ño bofei bdag ñid chcn
po dag yod mod kyi | de Ita na yañ ñan pa pofei che bafei
bdag ñid sin tu rñed par dkaho !¡ lidi Itar |
- w * i wn wcraronff «ntf i

W ÍÍ i w l: ^ ín n w ’í w r

« « iw r a t r t g i * iw fw : i fa w fa S W ta -

^ r í l i iraifcr w r o r a w *w r% * m u n m f a

?T*nfa I ÍWT f%— I

gzur gnas blo ldan don gñer bafei |
ñan po snod ces bya bar béad |
smra po yon tan rnam gz'an du |
mi fegyur ñan pa po lafeañ min || 1 ||
In c V and Vx of CS por for po, and V wrongly rnams for
mam. In dV Vx of CSV po la yañ for pa po latían.
276] CHAPTER X ïï 187
V s â k ç l d h lm & n a r th a p a tife . é r o ta d ra s te ti b h l f y a t e |
v a k t u r g u iifi n a c â n y a s y a n & p i é r o t u r b h a v a n t i t e *] 1 ||
None can accept it. I may offer the following:

wm * *roïi a\ n
In Tib. gzu or gzu ba means ‘a post,’ éatiku, and gnas ‘stand­
ing’ or ‘position,’ stMna, sthiti: Hence the literal meaning of
gzur gnas is ‘one standing on a post’ implying thereby one
who being firmly fixed in a position does not move in the least
not inclining to any side. This idea has, as seems to me, found
its full expression in the word éankupfha (PSçini, VIII. 3,97)
which closely correspond to Tib. gzur gnas. As the following
extract from the CSV will show, it means an impartial person
(apakfapatita). Accordingly taking the figurative sense one
may employ niçpalcsàh, or nyâyastha for satikuffhafr in the
restored karika.
For gzur gnas V uses sâksin which is not appropriate, nor
is supported by CSV. S.C. Das has given the meaning (‘wit­
ness’), no doubt, but he has also given the synonym gzu bo
which means ‘upright’ ‘honest.’ And undoubtedly the Tib.
phrase is used here in the second sense.
In a V translates don gner ha by arthapati by which he wants
to mean “le maître des objects des sens.” I think it has no
authority. I translate it by arthin. See CSV, 184 (HPS, p. 476)
where nivrttyaifhï is translated by zlog pa don du gner ha.
For his dra&d in 6 there is nothing in Tib. Possibly he takes
it for Tib. snod which actually means in Skt. bhdjana or pâtra,
and not dra$tr>
The second half of his karika is also objectionable.
g z u r g n a s b i o I d a n d o n g n e r b a fri f
nan po snod ces bya bar béad |
d e l a g z u b o r g n a s p a n i g a n p h y o g s s u m a l h u û bafe o || p h y o g s s u
m a ih u ù b a y a û g a ü z 'i g ce na | g a û z 'i g r a n d a û g z 'a n g y i
phyogs dag la rjes suehags pa dañ rgyab kyis p h y o g s p a dañ
bral b á h o de ni de ltar sems kyi rgyud ma ñon moña1 patii
phyir legs par báad pa rin po chefei khyad par talud* ba lhur
byed pa kho na yin pas kun nas ñon moñs pafei phyogs fedor
bafei rtsa ba ni gzu bor gnas pa ñid yin no || defei phyir de
ltar na ñan pa po gzu bor gnas pa ni dam pafei chos kyi
bdud rtsi phul du byuñ bafei snod yin no || gzu bor gnas par
gyur kyañ gal te blo daá ldan par fegyur na ste | legs par báad
pa dañ ñes par báad pa dag gi sñiñ po dañ sfiiñ po med par
mam paT dpyod pa* la mkhas pafeo4 [| de ni blo daá ldan pa
fiid kyis sñiñ po med pa btañ ñas sñiñ po len no || de ltar gal
t e fian pa po blo daú ldan par gyur na ni de de ltar snod du
fegyur ro || de ltar gzu bor gnas áiñ blo dañ ldan par gyur kyañ
le g a par báad pa fian pa don du gñer bar fegyur z'iù xi mofei
skyes bufei mam pa ltar mi brtson pa ma yin te | de ltar na |
gzur gnas blo ldan don gñer bafei |
ñan po snod ces bya bar báad
do II fian pa po rnams de Ita bu yin na ni ñes par |
smra po yon tan rnam gz'an du |
mi fegyur ñan pa po lafeañ min||
de la smra ba pofei yon tan dag ni zur dod pa dañ phyin ci
ma log pa dañ | gsal ba dañ f ma fekhrugs par brjod pa dañ |
fi a n pa pofei lhag pafei bsam pa khoñ du chud pa dañ | sems
l a zañ ziñ med pa ñid de | de Ita bu la sogs pa dag go || fian
pa po yañ chos dañ chos smra ba po gñis la gus pa dañ |
yid gtod pa ñid dañ | gzu bor gnas pa ñid dañ | blo dañ ldan
pa fiid dañ | don du gñer ba ñid do || defei don du gfier ba
fiid ni c h o s dañ chos smra ba dag la gus par byed pa dañ yid
g t o d p a f i id la so gs p a d a g g is r t o g s p a r b y e d d o || d e l t a r y i n
dañ sm ra ba po la yon t a n m a m p a g z 'a n d u mi fe g y u r l a ||
fia n p a p o la fe a ñ y o n t a n r n a m p a g z 'a n d u mi fe g y u r to || ñan
pa po m am p a de Ita b u y o d n a n i s m ra b a p o la y o n ta n
skyon gyi ño bor mi fe g y u r r o || ñ a n p a pofei s k y o n la s n i y o n
t a n y a ñ s k y o n g y i ñ o b o r m a m p a i fe g y u r l a 8 s k y o n y a ñ y o n

* X flea BM » 04«. • X fchoL • X dby* tw. • X na^o.

277] CflAPÎEB X II lS9

tan gyi ûo bor rnam par fegj&r gyi || báad zin pafei mtahan ñid
can gyi ñan pa po thos pa las byuñ ba la sogs pafei yon tan
phyin ci ma log pafei tshogs kyi gz'ir gyur pa yod na ni |
smra ba po la yon tan mam pa gz'an du mi fegyur la | ñan
pa po la yon tan skyon gyi ûo bor mi fegyur ro ||
CSV : blun po bdag la bstan1 pa na ci bdag cag la ées rab
med dam ci z'ig bya | rtogs® par byed pa po med de | z'es
de skad du gaû smra ba po ma yin no || fedi ni lhag pahi bsam pa
bskul bafyi mdo las rtogs* par byafeo ||
- m w. i w. 3*1: u%sqfh*r: 1 u:
«fera* * tr a fa a : 1 « îrc’ sroçflTfirara-
faflnafaqwrct u f i firefhi
s fa n ^ r . <Wlw w i s i n t e r e w v r ç 1 sfa *rrr.
*?ro5wfa?rç*rît*msrcreT*fww$: 1 w fa mw
src* » m f a i ’ Sim «rôt «nNr wra«î 1 <t?r irç s :
m w çw v n fa îra m ff f a a w w s «wfa 1

* ïïts ^ i
n ir tt w ? mniït 1
?ra w T O T fn w rè q fW w s r o v h m ffw *
m m ^ wf Q n iß n fo N rö N in T O i 10 wihnftfa
* lit: w iwMW«: sfa s^ ro fiïâ tr 1
ircnfiirsf * *3 w n fa fa w irâtfiftmfcm * n $rô t
x tf n s fa m g f ò * m m *raîl 1 *tg*fa f i t m i m a m Ä j
fa m i*r »1 i n f h t ^ q f f a i y f t sfq
f h n $ ^ fafaraït M f f t n ftfiirat i w w w g
W i ^ nf t r â qiiq n sw w n fRt m f a 1 r ç f t i t n r o n «iroih
* * i nr ôn
m n i r f «ijwrot $*rorat * ift mn fawfa *n?*f *t 1 »nfar
v f r r ô i N s q f c f a *wti srânsrîtorç* fa m i l q $ * ^ î r m»
» X bitod (prafetprt). > X rtog.

CSV: de fiid kyi phyir bcom ldan fcdas kyis )
“ n m * * wreiii— i
srid da& srid thabs z'i ba yi |
thabs dan^ de bz'in z'i gsuis te |
fejig rten yofis su mi see gan |
de ni thub pafei lta bui* mnon || 2 ||
In d V na for ni.
V ukto bhavo bhavopayafe livopSyas tathft ¿ivam |
yal loken&parijn&tam dfstam tan munisannibham || 2 ||
V’s reconstruction of d, dr?(am tan munisannibham, is not
intelligible to me, nor is it followed by his own transla­
It seems to me that in d the reading lta bur does not give
here any appropriate sense, and as such may be changed to
lta bar, though the former is found in all the xylographs con­
cerned including CSV. As regards the last two lines of the
k&rik& the following may be gathered here from the v f tti: The
teaching of Buddha regarding the four things, srid ‘bhava*
etc., produces its effect only on those who have proper thos pa
‘¿rav&pa,’ bsam pa ‘manana,’ and sgorn pa ‘bhavana.’ But those
who d o .not practise them and consequently are not competent
(>mod ‘bhfijana’ or ‘patra’) may complain saying “Why are the
things not explained perfectly 1 We cannot understand them
exactly.” But this is their mistake (khrul ba ‘bhrSnti). Only
for this the Buddha, the Blessed One, cannot be blamed, because
he has taught the four Noble Truths, and this being so where is
the fault of the speaker ? It is not the fault of the sun that a
botn-blind {dmus Ion ‘jatyandha’) does not see the light. The

* R**d feM.
.* "On tropve.ohes 1* sage (Boudha) tout ce que le monde ne connaft pat parfaitement«
(Lei ftbtrei ¿rfcoheara sont infftleura an Boudh*, qui, eeu], cannalt la do vaiptira
•I du n lr H ^ O
tn ] CHAPTER X II 141
Chinese translation is here too free. I may propose the follow­
ing accepting the first half as reconstructed by V :
w it w t w tara: fa*t<ireqw Tf w i i
«imi% »i t r f tw í «raí ïrçift #* »
CSV : de la srid pa ni fcbras bur gyur pahi1 ñe bar len pafei
phuñ po lúafeo || srid pahi thabs ni rgyur gym* pahi fedu byed
rnams so || z'i ba ni mya úan las fedas pa ste ( ñe bar fetshe ba
thams cad log pahi ran bz'in yin pahi phyir ro || z'i bahi thabs
ni fephags pahi lam yan lag brgyad do || de ltar bcom ldan hdas
kyia thar pa fedod pa rnams la hphags pahi bden pa bz'i ñe bar
bstan te | blan bar bya ba dan dor bar bya balji febras bu
dan bcas pa dag ñe bar bstan pahi phyir ro || de la thos pa dañ
bsam pa dañ sgom pa dañ ldan z'iñ yañ dag pa ji Ita ba so so
ran gis khon du chud pa mams kyi rgyud la ni bcom ldan
fedas kyis ñe bar bstan pa don ji lta ba bz'in kho na yin gyi |
thos pa dañ bsam pa dañ sgom pa la mñon par brtson pa la
dor*(?) ba rnams ni bdag ñid snod ma yin par ma hphags*
pa ni gan gi phyir kho bo cag gis don ji lta ba bz'in mi rtogs
pas ñes par fedi yañ dag par ma báad do || z'es hkhrul pa de
thub pahi yin pa ltar ñes par byed do |j de tsam gyis ni sañs
rgyas bcom ldan hdas noñs pa dañ ldan pa yañ ma yin no ||
hphags pafei bden pa bz'i ston par mdzad pa ñid kyis skyes
bufei don ma lus pa ñe bar ston pahi mdzad pa po yin pafei
phyir smra ba pohi skyon ga la yod [| defei phyir na thub pahi
lta bar* z'es báad de || kha cig dag gis des ñe bar bstan
pafei dúos pohi de kho na ñid ji lta ba bz'in ñes par ma zin
pafei phyir ro || dmus Ion gis ma mthoñ ba ni snañ bz'in pahi
ñi mahi skyon ma yin te | ma loñ ba rnams kyis de mthoú
bahi phyir ro ||
= w: i notarci
t a i r a : i fa* ftrafarç. i i forature
to tí W «nn: i *4 m wm « t a r a r c i «rwqwwqgqqMnwH, »
1 X ¿gyur b&bi.
' * Hefe two letten could not be read in X ; the first of them seems to be 6.
• X bphrigB, * X bur*

i im w im m w w nt

m g w m i m t i l m wr c w l i a r a (? )-

q w iw w w g n «uwtflicirf w ro -
w fa m ^ w w ‘ n q w w f tn vfa m wnfaiîiiftfa f t W n •
*itm m fît « n m n w e fn i w f a m Q M 'I i N m w t a

3 w t o * i « »«n 8 n f e f a «m ffa : i n qny t ë f a i 4 fô ro -

ç q fç ^ «ra m tfifiw fa fa i «i f% a n ^ n î E B i è t e i ^ i ^ 5 «

*W t h w i ^ w h h #

CSV : fedir smras pa | de bz'in géegs dehi mùon par mtho
bafei gtam thams cad ni ches don gsal ba yin na ] nés par legs
pahi gtam ni dùos po thams cad med par ston pa lhur len pa
nid kyis kho bo cag lta bu rnams kyis rtogs par mi nus te | hdi
ltar bcom ldan hdas dnos po thams cad kyi raù gi ûo bo sun
hbyin par z'ugs pahi phyir kho bo cag gi yid mgu bar mi
mdzad de || béad par bya ste |
- i r m w im w r o f M m « g r a s # «m m * O fù ]
v sw w im ïç ifu m é N * « n r f i m* *
in ra rç »ro : f M i i — i

thams cad btaù bas mya Aan las |

tdah bar ya mtshan can kun fedod |
kun sun fcbyin la de dag ni |
mi dgar fcgyur bafei rgyu ci z'ig || 3 (|
In d V dkafr lor dgar ; Tucci reads dgàh, which is not sup­
ported by any X examined by V and myself.
Y sarvatyfigena nirvSqtam sarvapas an<Jin&m matam |
na te§am düçaçaih sarvaih kincid vaimukhyakâraçam || 3 ||l
This is reconstructed by V according to the fragments of the
commentary in which most of the words occur. See below. I
Would accept it making a slight modification :
» Aecorifag to th» (Mdiag »doptod by V in d, u «holm sbove, it fhouJd t u d i n 8W.Î
klfloit kfoohraaya kirafam.
270] CHAKT&B
w XXI 143

jwwiiN P mW w in i
* fat i
C S V : p m t^ S r tiW jltu i q 4 q w fa *M fofa *q < f§ :q if< M iq *iV -
*rf3f- ]s ,w t f w r :* I q l a niN q ym f<e<U
fink*iflnflf it*t * f a f v f n ^ i n f j f f w 5 q iq iM iK * vfa[\
tn *fa »q r*ifa fta f f n^rafrrt f»rafa y wwgwi
ftarfo wrr* *:t?nwTsiJif?mT^TO^ °^s5*wr^n [x
•wta1*] i ?rfwf*rfn ifip*
w n r o n w r f q w r 14 fw S fn i s r f o i r t 15 * r o : q f a f t a : f i t n r a w T -

wr«T^ w if M«?rat ^«ifa1* sh if* n r* ^ 17fS m w O T #° * n1*

CSV: «4”
^ ^ ^ ^ _ , u, JI.^_L1 tlSSr? !■-I ■_ II film « » ■TT..* __ »
T*wTwnn *rc qn*n^ toot: i *ra t o w ?mtraqn*it
qq^mifamqww n™ g*: swan«hqreTwm t «ly ifife * « *-
«rotant— «
gaft z'ig gtod thabs mi Ses de |
ci z'ig gton bar byed par hgyur |
des na ties par thub pa yis |
gz'an du z'i ba med ces gsuns || 4 ||
1-1 Tib. grafts can pa daft bye brag pa la Bogs pa ya mtehan oan thams oad kyis bde ba
daft sdug bsftal ba la sogs pa dftos po kun nas ¿on mofts pa mthab dag log pas.
* Tib. abhyupagamab (khas blafts).
* Tib. ad. api (yaft).
4 Tib. om. it.
8 EPS upacaritaip for uktaip in Tib. (gaufts pa).
* Tib. ya mtshan can rnams kyis ; HPS om. it.
T Tib. mya ftan las fedafc b ar; HPS nivfttir.
9 Tib. lit. ista (bdod).
* Read in Tib. bdag gis for *gi.
10 Here before Mad- two or three letters in Tib. oould not be read« but they seem to
“ HPS *dar6anakata followed by marks of a gap.
ia»ia Tib. tgher ma bbyin pabi bdag fiid can gyi. Here in X teller ma is oonjeotuved
only tshe being legible.
11 The Tib. equivalent could not be read in X being very indistinct.
14 Tib. Itttage nas; HPS alikhya.
11 Tib. bskyed pa, lit. utp&dyatam.
14 Tib. bdag fiid la, lit. atmani.
11 Tib. °kasar7avastndokaniv&e (9fion mofts pabi dofts po thatns oad mya ftan las).
19 After this there is a long passage in the Tib. version whioh is omitted in tbe frag*
19 Tib. om, »arva- " HPS ad, tu.
144 CATUHSATAKA * [280

In c Vx of CSV wrongly yi for yis.

• ftr* ¥ u n # W T ifttim * n S f a w. i
f a w q* M iWtawwrfii: « s a
<J3y: wsffnrmqiîcr iw i îmirwinnvB^T w w iw n ^ïw v
far* ï* to* «¡rfwftr i *iw **pirfïi ^fiwrwnvCTuww^ w ro\ura*
w n é «a n i i *ra « *
ïi *rf
0\ iWtwwvrft:
» i°J 8 n
CSV: «rç * ïw t*W *fT î^ tta«T^fSç5hro^fçt*r-
TOwairç fW vr *nft fawsrmf zrâtaf^ièiiw t^i-
ç *rô f? r i *t f% f i f f r o * f l w n n w « # f ? i i i
sans rgyas kyis gsuñs lkog gyur la |
gaû z'ig the tshom skye hgyur ba |
de yis stoù pa ñid bsten te |
hdi ñid kho nar yid ches bya || 5 1|
In c Yn of CSV brten for bsten.
* î€ t* 5 xittàs nm tfn*: i
* 1 * nwr#n ^ p rt nfq h * n
CSV: * f* wm: it o v îw to t ^ u r n u r ^rftr faspîï i
irai TOrçuri « i vcrarainrci » w ^'armtïïra: **tnTwn*-
^ n im i m 't w v n 5 i» t fn ^ s r o i3 í? n s n ? fa g H i ^ ^ r e r o r o f f t w -
« fs fv fttfii ^ w ra n ro a T u i n « a to ra r « 4 w ro w w n r-
n vn w i *rèta arojwtaflt f»wr: i m ÿ
faî^ îrên$<n f t t r o f a r f a U r i ^ f i p m i W n fçvm
fiim i«V R i^ ivm vrfitq if^ ifîi^ »r i »i * w*?%»i wmm-
P w w n r rf ftto ftra v s f*fv ftw œ v m ‘. i q q q im ç m -
**m ¿nEwi3 « w t «w ràt w n fa fh ufom t

** n •
1 Tib. gnaa kyaû ; BPS sthita tlrthika*.
• In the lollowing Une in 08V read éramaça (dge sbyoû) and not aravaça m reads HPS.
• Tib. ad. daréane (khyod kyi ltar na).
• Tib. paryantatvâd (mfchab yas).
• Tib. thams cad ; HPS om. it.
• Tib. ci ste bdi la ; HPS nade it Just before asti whioh follows.
T Here folîows in Tib. a passage containing two élokas, but H is omitted in tbt
282] ch apter XII 145
CSV: W irfa ti^ iT T O ^ fa tlT fa w -
im n i f a t s w n s a r fw h s r s n ^ i w "si^r
I ST 'gTTnmfaqTSFIT8 S ^ f W T ^ ttm fv fk litT
1 I W *— I
gan gis lijig rten hdi mthon dkah |
de ni gz'an la blun pa uid |
gan dag de rjes hgro" de dag |
¿in tu yun rift bslus par hgyur || 6 ||
In 6 V wrongly ba for pa.
* ^ G tssr* ifa «rsr trcw s : »
^f%?TT^ ^sgUTflfT 7T^ II < II
CSV: * f% w pv\ S® «tn w & re w ra f sj *x
q«?ratf?i « n n v n f i xtfvwl tg q js s iT -
qyoR l s ^ *r w m ro n n w qw n q q fH q ^ r I V ^ c -
$ ir « n r a fa f s n ^ *m ro n fa j *w n i rifed fttifa f
?renjs&*W S 3rar-
ftraretr: ^ s T r r « r q ft ^ H s if« T q ^ *ir a
ita p n fa i q n n

t ?r?r *f % m wfasrfiff t trerro-

* T O r t 3«* s n ia fw w ® s O T s ^ is t a w s s i in s s H ta w w ro i
« tfs r a w w r e fa i it i «
CSV: q r w g s i ^ w t ^ T m 10 ^ fs h ra a jire fS n i
W * ^ W W ffa ^ P m W lT ? I I n ig '
1 Tib. om. artha-.
1 Tib. bstan par mi nua bo, and thus does not support °pratipadya of HPS.
• Tib. lit. punguma- (na ba). 4 Tib. ad. ka6cid (bgab z'ig gis).
6 Tib. om. iti sambhavyam. • Tib. om. vi«.
7 Tib. om. iti sam°.
• For this Tib. phyimabi mur(?) gtugs pa med pa oan. Should we read mthafc for
mur ?
• For yathartha0 avadhuya Tib. budhena bhagavata yathavad upadiftam arfcham
anupasya (satis rgyas boom ldan bdas kyis don ji lta ba bz'in ston pa la mi bsten
10 HPS ad. [sta-] mevam which is not supported by Tib,

* %S% *!
i aranref3 ifa n isfro m * rm « n s rc i i w i ^
tiw ^ fa s ro ftw wN>fa w re ra fir w^mntTfafsftanTsi4 su rr— I
mya nan hdas par ran bgro gan |
de n i. sin tu bya dkah byed |
hdren slad bz'in duhan dam pa ni |
ma yin yid hgror spro ma yin || 7 ||
In a V misprint das hpar for lidas far. In c V and Vx of
CS pahi slad bz'in for slad bz'in duhan.
* i
stared w n ts«isfli i w n« n
CSV: vrn^T^ ^ra' »jatT O rafa^gqiira:8 i

» fiw i ^ j : wntsiSTOnt rm: ii

ST faafor jr*t
*tar*?h Sig: s w t e i ,0€3t f%^¥w *i«g*
w it II * II
CSV: qpsnawc«12 isa tssiw i: p ^ re i fsrafar‘ ir»$*
*r*t i ^ r a r a t v m n i mm *ret i nm
iw ft ?f n fn 13 jrfw m w n r— i
1 See UPS. p. 69 where the same line is quoted with the same reading, i.e. asti for
asmi. It is quoted also in the B o d h i c a r y a v a t &r a p a n j i k a, p. 449, reading asti
and not asm. The second half of the karika as found in the above work is as follows:
iti balasya sniptrasib panditisya bhavakgayab ||
a Tib. brtags nas which mean« hero kalpayitva ; but the actual reading in Tib. seems
to be according to 8kt. brten nas.
8 Tib. skrag pa de yaifc ; HPS tatrayam.
4 Tib. mfton par z'en pabt dri ma dor nas; HFS 0veiaiji malavat.
• Tib. fie bar g£egs t e ; HPS yati.
4 Tib. om. tasya.
7 thugs rje chon po mAab b a ; HPS om. it.
9 HPS plural number, while Tib. singular.
* Tib. mdzad dkah ba mzad pafci; HPS yathopavantftasya.
HPS ad. asya after api.
« Tib. mi spxobo ; for notsahate HPS nots&haip pravedayate.
» Tib. defci, lit. tasya; HPS anyasya. For rjes bz'in du in Tib. one may read slad,
** prat! is not supported by Tib,
284] CHAPTER XII . 147
.? s
ma mthoñ skrag par mi rtsom ste |
mthoñ na mam kun de bzlog hgyur |
des na nes par cun zad cig |
ses la skrag par bsgrub par bya || 8 ||
For bzlog in b Vx of CSV once Idog. In d Vx of CSV once
brjad for bsgrub.
* are* »rTTwr^ist its tìfn s r
f»ra%lsr f a f a d r far fspftat n c n
According to the reading brjod par bya in d in Vx of CSV one
should read here abhidhiyate for vidhlyate.
CSV: f t *rtuMT^: i
wrorat n?îîîrat îfort arèt
^ tn m rl ï ï f a r ç Io

z v fa sv e rrei «er5 w irè fa 3

snfaf»!iNfwn?i i 5iT<i79ufifqgk^r sfa * a w
fw r^ i firfa w n fn * im f*rat»ires?PinfaraT «¡nèì
firftaîï il0 c h
CSV: faire g w f t fàïf^ST « tTT »! tratrcì» qre$10crt
'w a ^ f tw n f in lr â f H i11 i i fa* g q ^ u w i i
t o i *r*wre: i iwr g*: fa* i farômwire: i
R^roiçvinv— i
byis mams ñes pa kho nar ni |
hjug byed chos la goms pa ste |
de dag goms pa med pa yis |
ldog byed chos la fejigs par hgyur jj 9 ¡I
1 HPS sarvathâ tadanu0.
• Tib. rjoa su z'ugs pa raed pas ; HPS "prave ¿abkave ßati.
• Tib. ldog and not bzlog. 4 Tib. de ; HPS om. it. * Tib. om. it
6 Tib. skrag par ; HPS santraga®. 7 Tib. skyes pafcri ; HPS upayata0*
8 Tib. ad. kiñoin na jânâti (curi zad cig mi óes pa).
• In X read btsliul for tahol. 10 Tib. om y&valft.
J 1 For bhavaliti X reads ma gyur gyi bar du go which does not give here any sense.

In a Vx of CSV na for ni.

* w s w it s : iw i% i
vtff%*n^«rm*Rirrar?raT # t. n
CSV: fa w i: m aw : I n

f% vrn:
?i^inf^rs*«pi3T^«r»«iST^rTn^qfTf fiw fa i8 rnm*-
wnnfiro iw w w t ’i *rt TOirofaq'ggwwr n e. n
^NfTOTfT’^W T ’Brt K TO Pinfa w fa* T O 8 3 f W
w fa «w^5?irmw«nqt %*fw: *• ^ fs ro a is K fa fa -
itfir iw tn - 10] < S ta in * n re w s j^ im s rt w f a ?w t w r w n 11
in n p i1* * w s f a w t o S s * * f a n r a f o f w f w tfa rc t 18 «w nrom -
s w z ito w h ^ w f a ^tstt
* i r n su rfs* ’15 s i n w w t a 1* 17st$ s* r: i q*g h
si i f w r f *tfa g — i
• Tib. sems can ; HPS jrthagjananaip.
• For pravartaka and nivartaka clharma or karman cf. Y o g i y &j ii a v a 1 k y a,
I. 23:
nivartakaip hi purusaip nivartayati janmatab |
pravartakaip hi sarvatra punaravyttihotukam ||
• Tib. diios po mams kyi; HPS
• Supplied from Tib. do la goms pabi.
• bhav&nam svabhavaSunyata* sutaraip bibhyati; this is found differently in Tib. as
follows: nivartako hi dharmas tadabhyaeaparipanthini bhavanaip svabhava¿unyata
Baipsaranivfttyanukiilatvat || atmasnchanugatacittasantanatvat0 bibhyati (ldog par byed
pabi chos ni do la goms pabi gegs dftos po mams kyi raft bz'instoft pa fiid de bkhor ba
ldog pabi r3®8 8U rothun pabi phyir ro || so scbi skye bo rnams ni sems kyi rgyud bdag
la chags pa do* rjes su bbrel babi phyir de ldog par byed pabi chos la ches Ain tu
^*2* Tib. anadyante (thog ma daft tha ma daft mi ldan pabi) for anu°kotike.
» Tib. om. malm.
• Tib. om. narna.
• Tib. om. it.
»o Tib. bsgrubs pabi ago nas ji ltar bphel bar.
» Tib. mahakaru^ikena (sfiift rje che ba).
*» In X kffca-, byas, is quite clear but not -jfiena, Acs pa, being illegible.
*• Tib. om. karma. For kyis read kyi in bdag fiid kyis.
1 « Tib. yofts su span bar bdod pas ; HPS parij ihir?a [adbhyafc],
w Tib. ad. saryaprayatncna (fibad pa thams cad kyis).
»• Tib. -bhajanabhiitebhyab (snod du gyur pa la). ‘
» Tib. ad. janebhyab (skye bo).
28*73 CHAFTER X ll Î4Ô
gañ z'ig gti mug hgah. z'ig gis |
bsgribs áiñ de ñld gegs byed pa |
de la dge legs hgro ba yan |
med na tliar pa smos ci dgos || 10 j|
In d V ba for pa.
* W ira « * : «t?*! S t a f f i
q r a r o f o if N r a «nfa g m mm « *• 11

T r a tn ^ s w T s r îï q fitfn ira s irâ rfa

n T ^ % ^ 2« ! p n f à T « T g T «n % w m ft t o t [^ -Ifflïïr p tr ç 8 fa g m w

üt^m wnm dr. «°{• li

CSV: qq* qriïirôt*sr*n6tpiîTft?rt q*?rm* warm ?t«tt»rî7-
tshul khrims las ni ñams bla yi |
Ita las cis kyañ ma yin no |
tshul khrims kyis ni mtho ris hgro |
Ita bas go hphan mcliog thob hgyur || 11 j|
In c Vx of CSV bde hgror (= sugati) for mtho ris (= svarga).
In d V du, and Vx of CS tu for thob.
* jSten^fa q*‘ s t *r g i t : t o w i
araft WÏÎ HîfïT q< Il ^ II
CSV: ^ I *Nrf%q*t *î g s fe fa w *fh° II t t 11
CSV: qq«f?ra*pam8i r a
y fW P S U l I *1 ^ T % « ï l l f t T O W I Ç f i f a l t « # Ìr a T *W iT O q n fà fà lfà -

ïHro«rrçw»rçq$s*raqi?i3 1 *rotà# fa ?r5q^fts»rafà*10 i

[n **f n
1 Tib. gegs ; HPS vigkatakafli. * Tib. Iba daû ; HPS om. it.
1 Tib. ûan bgror bgro bas ; HPS apa- for dtirgati-. 4 HPS ad. eva.
• Tib. om. atyanta. 6 Tib. drstvâ (gzigs nas). * Tib. om. tathâgatean?
• Tib. éin tu don che ba üid du ; HPS °mahârghatàni. • Tib. om. it.
10 Tib. lit. anarthahetur eva (don ma yin pafci rgyu l<ho rar).
ii-ii Supplied from Tibí

f% iç é ta t iwtara * sn*tò i
tra:urôO T T s ifora’ f i r ô m » (Seep.2*.)
Tfn i w w nujm ^— to w 3*«rsfo sgWrnrr »1
a w f t r o i f t w wsrorcsfè: 1 asR sntst: 1 ^w r
f* i:sw i *n> ^ ç n w if t^ w f iïW îw iiii [ffiï ^ ï f a ]
ifìi i“ ] *ra w
dam pa min la bdag hdzin mchog |
bdag med ston pa ma yin te |
gcig ni ñan hgror ñid hgro ba |
tha mal ma yin si ñid duho ¡| 12 ||
In a Vx of CSV yin for min, and la for ba in c.
* ti 3*tarn?&rçi
ircraît* *nàN: ftraîta g 11 ^ 11
CSV: w ^ T O fìrfs rf^ W ih w T -
*?rçfe*iW !Pïrct 1 ?rwiHàt «iww^siìn f s f w -
foe m w »gnq, t o ’- i w n * * w w Ä T O n ro i,f ^ i n « r f t 4i-
fw uro’l wf «Hiii i froranrai ^ufaros*
w*fñ i ta n f tf ^ ir a r a r « ra fa r-
«m w '’ f ì m q n f*s \
*raraftw r o t a fim fta g i
^ T » rr^ fiïïï(in rô t i f t i r a r a i t a «nfa s firarç 1 %ta\ *
firaït* *nfa «nnwi i tir o r ô s r a g a s v r ô t i w srgw s: 1 *:«
ij*rarô nfafemf« *t 1 wrfafòàr Sfcrc: 1
ita* w i *ra n* sp w ta ^ q r t W lw wf ig q w n*
bl un la ñe bar batan pa ni |
fekhrug0 fcbafc z'ig go || (p. 23)
*'©8 kyaft béftd do || bcom Ulan bias kyis kyaft bnl eruft* gaft zag tu Ita ba ri rab
tsam ni blafci mo >n pafci fta rgyal can stoñ pa ñid du Ita ba ni ma yin no || de cibi
phyir z'e na | b>d Bruft* Ita bar gyur pa thams cad la ûca par bbyuft ba ni stcA
pa ñid yin ua | gftA ste A pa ñid du Ita ba de ni gsor mi ruft fto [z'es ftas béad do]
s ' e s gSU ftS 8 0 ]|
This quotation is from t h e K a á y a p a p a r i v a r t a , § § 64-65 (varaiji khalu0 kaam&d
dhetob in § 64, and srvadjrçti0 vadami in § 60) with some unimportant variations in both
Skt* and Tib,
» Tib. mi ; HPS om. it.
* Tib -anubandhâd (rjes b u bbrel bas) for -anugamanad.
* Tib. hitaxp sukhaip ca (phan pa daft bde ba).
4 Tib. bdag ñid la; HPS âtmanfc.
• Tib. ad. -dharma- (chos) after nairatmya-.
• Tib. gaA z'ig ; HPS om. it.
1 Btoft pa ftid kyi don phyin ci log tu ; HPS viparîtaA éunvat&rtham.
? Tib. mthar thug ; HPS *nivi*ta#.
288] CHAPTER XII 151

q fr ^ m fa w s G sw n T q t f*ratf Praf?ra^*^q3Tfir i [*w w t

q t i S W R W ï ’PÌtfa * ïïfa€qfaiWïl$tiiWWqT?l%* Sîfïl I 9t S!
(rarefa »* ] tM

CSV: W §T}m m *
fafsr irofh<n*ir*re— i
z'i sgo gñis pa med pa dan |
Ita ba ùan rnams hjigs byed cm |
sañs rgyas kun gyi y ul hgyur ba |
bdag med ces ni bya bar brjod || 13 ¡|
In b Vxx of CS and CSV hjig for hjigs. In c Yx of CSV
gyur for hgyur, and Vxx of CS and CSV la for ba.
* ftnrere f s f t o 1
fora: «3f*iïnfafn »\\ »
CSV: firasrt ïrâwRIH i q w stto t n q f t
?ra*iwrrç i st faira: «ftronTQ'tf” i naT'arr wr

gi7s<rei3WST.8*snTfa: 1 9[ m tojh , i ]® ?ra w tg n rftafti*

ïïfïïq^iïï i vm^TTwii g is r c r o íi i m g ra t «im w 10 m n r z -
mçra v H fv fò 111 s ^ ’a w i w t ^h t^T a w ra fa i

tgqw n lfarcw cc^qT^ra m rsronarra wtraRtrenrif Or w -

I Tib. rkven gyis ; HPS pratyayafc (yarn).

* Tib. mya ñin Ijih fodae paty go bplmñ du ; HPS nirvrttimujm0.
•-* Tib. yaft na dam pa ma yin gaù z'ig bdag med pnfci elio«? nan pa de ni epafia pa
daà phyin ci log tu rtoga paa nan bgro kho naf bgro la || gaû z'ig mi ñan pa de ni beod
nams kyi las kyi rkyen gyis bde bgro ñid dufco ||
4 Lit. sugati* (bde bgro). 6 Tib. ora. ucvate. • Tib. de la0, HPS tacca.*
7 HPS yad f jr yafct. Before aparâya0 Tib. ad. bhäv&n&m (dùoa po mams kyi),
8 HPS -3varüpasvabhâvab.
•-• Tib. de med pa ni bdag mod pafco ; HPS,
10 HPS ad. skandhapañcakasyopádánákhyasyopádáta.
II Tib. lit. pratïyate (brtags).
11 Tib. skye mohed = äyatana ; HPS akandhä ghanadhâtu*.

w w î 1 * < f w gftf a w f o r t ^ * : « n n « r ‘ *O T«w *rô i w

fs fiftfh i s w fw w rftri-
m nn* ^ tronfi fas*r*%»n«T*n tratar ^ ‘m^w *t
v m m r ijy fw f w f* r? i * ra rc w * ' g sw rrç sw wfH-
sT«mT*TT wgirarât; [ w írfro m w w fc r »]8 s v t f w w
f*r«if^rnïTfH«in^*ni t° f a f ^ r T i a r r e r f v s i r s * w r â g t f f r * W 0w * ï
»I «faaRTfaWtSI frôt *T frfa-Htma*# fsrfirctöfa
S f c r m ^ i 11 iw w îs iin t i° s r tn fc r f i w * r. sssn g -
tWRïWïSStat ^STOWft^^SST^íjnn^^íSTOÍ^ITSI^áaniíreT-
SïtW «nrçl fa**** ^apsr»lt ^TTWIï^ i s ^ H T f s f ir *ÏSW-
i 'OTsifa^faTO^TOsnsnfsw:
s ^ tw ftrs r^ R ï i w * i^ T * * ïfa ^ ro f< ïïit n i * ra trt s*w $ s* w -
s*mpr*g*ti f t w s^fiTsnfsfîï » faStamuram13 s ^ w “ s*ï*rr-
g n ra ro ïk « « «
CSV: tw * SwffT SWT 9l»ra15
chos lidi yi ni miñ las kyañ |
dam pa min pa hjigs pa skye |
gz'an la hjigs pa mi skyed pahi |
stoabs ldan z'es bya gaù z'ig mthoú jj 14 [|
In c V and Yx of CS bskyed for skyed.
* w >î*^r »rratsfa wifpqroîtara: i
aRWTSTS *fft VZ‘. UTO S SUIT. H*8 Il
I Tib. om. akftakaih ; HPS °krtakürüpaxh.
• Tib. defci phyir; HPS om. it.
3 Tib. svalakçanâsiddâfc (rañ gi mtshan ñid kyia ma grub pa).
4 Tib. om. it. 6 Tib. om it.
« Tib. om. it ; HPS oa for vâ.
T Tib. bgyur la ; HPS sambbavanti.
• Tib. ohagspayoñs su zad pa fcdren par bgyur ro |
• Tib. tbams cad ; HPS om it.
*° Tib. ktfçâàeça0 (cbags pa ma lus pa zad pa la).
w HPS om. here a few lines.
II Tib. parikalpanàérayiçâm (yoñ su brtags pafci rten oan).
11 Tib. phreA gis ni ; HFS- malaya-.
14 Tib. ohos thams oad ; HPS om. it. 16 Tib. skyo bo ; HPS*
200] C H * F lta * X II 153

; UsV: m n ftltn fV X w l|< ^ W W w w ll(l ^w w -

f*Rr?f ▼pwrphc:1 w « 1 t o ^ n tu rn
S*w fg^ifrH«hi wfo*re*» « w tf >ro wsrtrjftfh
WWT H *«? i
CSV: »ig ^hn^par viro* w : uiw^g^wwinfwnRi i *wr
W4*ii WMii<*ii w f wre* f«wfta«N: i wttv *i^Tf*i*iT w it
iw w iftfiiiljfi ifh i i i
SWT^*— t
chos hdi de bz'in g6egs mams kyis J
rtsod pahi ched du ma gsuns so |
de ltahan hdis ni gz'an smra mams |
bsregs te me yis bud 6in bz'in ||15||
In 6 V and Vx of CS te for so, and hdi for hdis in c. In d
V wrongly gsregs for bsregs and V and Vx of CS yi for yis.
* fir *n if n r q p iq w !|i& i*
*ren«n*T«mira u i!
In a for hi kfte suggested by me HPS reads kftuSah which
does not give any sense. In order to avoid this difficulty V
emends the reading vadasya h$taiah as given by HPS by
vivadasya hrte. But it is to be noted that CSV frequently reads
vada and not vimda. V reconstructs the second half as follows :
tathayam anya&abadanam dahako’gnir yathendhanam ||
It cannot be accepted. The word agni\|i cannot be construed
here with indhanam.
CSV: a(T*’W W% [<s q f ^ :] 5 I
H ara* I ?w«w‘
’[ qw g iq m w to i
I Tib. stobs chuft ba ; HPS abalav&n.
a Tib. ohos daft rathun par. It means ‘agreeing with dliarma’,
9 For ap&trefy api Tib. patre^u (snod dag la) which cannot be accepted.
* Tib. tathi hi (fcdi Iter).
* Tib. bstan par hgyur. • Tib. °ohed d u ; HPS °d&rtha «pa*-
II de ltafeaft hdis ni gz'an amra mams |
bsregs te me yis bud && bz'in ||
iw * u i> K 4 * iw w : t o w w w i i i v n i n i n i i i f n *
f W P w w ittwNiwi »i m w j u m ^ n w r n n r e i w f W P
m i f t ^ rfh »*7 ] %%n
CSV : yaft ji Itar ehos hdi dad pa can gyi rgyud la ne bar
skye ba na pha rol pohi smra ba dag sreg par hgynr z'e na |
bSad pa |
= mv s*t* vj»: *inra: sun* «ram: q ^ ^ y f i i i
w (-1
chos hdi gan gis ¡Ses gyur pa |
de ni gz'an la mi dgah ste |
des na bdag la chos hdi ni |
hjig pahi sgo daft hdra bar snaft ||16||
In a V ft® for pa, and d/cah for dgah in b ; both the readings
of V are wrong.
V dharmo’yam yena vijnato bhavet so’nyasya na priyah |
vinaSad vara vat tena dy?to dharmo’yam atmanah jj 16 ||
V’s reconstruction of b is defective. See the commentary
quoted below; I would translate the karika as follows:
«ITOfa ? w ' w ftf***** W «! I
W#f$lTOT»m#S UTOT n f i l I I « H
CSV : dam pahi chos kyi de kho na iiid mthoft bahi bdud
rtsi myafts pa ni de las gz'an pahi lta bahi ro la mnog med
par byed pahi phyir de las gz'an pahi lta ba thams cad la de
mi dgaho || slob dpon dam pahi chos kyi bdud jt.sihi ro myafts
pa lta bur gyur pa skye bo bio dart ldan pahi yid tshim par
byed pahi tshig gsuft ba |
des na bdag la chos hdi ni |
hjig pahi sgo daft hdra bar snaft ||
slar mi skye bas fyjig pa mthoft ba&i phyir chos fcdi ni bdag
med pa^i chos rtogs pahi rgyud la dam pa ma yin pafcl lta ba
rtsod pahi don dn ma bstan yaft chos hdi ni pha rol pohi smra ha Bel bar byed pa kho
tiafeo I) me fie bar tan pa ni btao ba la sogs pahi bya bahi don du yin la bud tfft baregs
pahi don du ma yin mod kyi de lta na yaft sreg par byed pahi raft bas'in yin pas hdod
y*bi bya ba rje« su sgrub cift bud tin yaft sreg par byed do |)

w : tnwT* faTraräaw i *tw*if**rafifin-

ywUfargfafq T O w tf * w*fa iwnfa ^ f ip g m W «irian g ftw f
w w f t ? ¥ f n » r,? ] M ii
CSV : yaA ji ltar chos hdi dad pa can gyi rgyud la ne bar
skye ba na pha rol pohi smra ba dag sreg par hgyur z'e na |
bäad pa |
- tot jpfor w : * tn ra: w iw « ram : i
w i—i
chos hdi gan gis 6cs gyur pa |
de ni gz'an la mi dgah ste |
des na bdag la chos hdi ni |
hjig pahi sgo dan hdra bar snan ||16||
In a V ba for pa, and dkah for dgah in b ; both the readings
of V Are wrong.
V dharmo’yam yena vijnäto bhavet so’nyasya na priyah |
vinäSadväravat tena drsto dharmo’yam ätmanah ¡j 16 ||
V’a reconstruction of b is defective. See the commentary
quoted below. I would translate the kärikä as follows :
* w* w rwr n i
WffS?WT»R^»I « lm n f a S w i ii u <!
CSV : dam pahi chos kyi de kho na nid mthon bahi bdud
rtai myans pa ni de las gz'an pahi lta bahi ro la mnog med
par byed pahi phyir de las gz'an pahi lta ba thams cad la de
mi dgaho || slob dpon dam pahi chos kyi bdud rtsihi ro myaös
pa lta bur gyur pa skye bo bio daft Idan pahi yid tshim par
byed pahi tshig gsun ba |
des na bdag la chos hdi ni |
hjig pahi sgo dan hdra bar snan ||
slar mi skye bas hjig pa mthofi bahi phyir chos fcdi ni bdag
med pahi chos rtogs palp rgyud la dam pa ma yin pahi lta ba
rksod pahi don du ma batan yaA chos fedi ni pha rol pohi smra ba sei bar byed pa kho
nafeo (j me fie bar len pa ni btso ba la sogB pafei bya bahi don du yin la bua &A bsregs
pafei don du ma yin mod kyi de lta na yaA sreg par byed pafei raA bz'in yin pas fedod
pa^i bya ba rjes au sgrub ci& bud ¿in yaA sreg par byed do ||
202] CHAPTBîll'xïI 155

thams cad hjig pahi rgyu yin no sñam du slob dpon la

snañ ño H hdi ni mi dmigs pahi bdag ñid can yin pahi
phyir hgah z'ig yañ hjig pahi rgyu ma yin pas hjig pahi sgo
dañ hdra bar z'es bsad do || yañ na bstan pahi chos la
dgoñs nas hjig pahi sgo dañ hdra bar zes' bsad do ¡¡ mya ñan
las hdas pa ni gtan du bafci hjig P» yin la || der rjes su hjug pahi
sgo ni roam par thar pahi sgo stoñ pa ñid rtogs pahi bdag ñid
can yin la | bstan pahi chos kyañ slob dpon la de dan hdra bar
snañ ste | ji ltar hphags pahi chos kyi rañ bz'in thugs su chud
par áes nas dad pa dan ldan pa Ita ba gz'an mñon par mi hdod pa
de bz'in du luû gi chos rtogs pa yañ gz'an la mi dgah sñam du
dgoñs so H

s 4 \) çsfàtr
V* Ita?* i ■qiWr T O n fé ra w re ïrc w w
íffT r ñ t

^ 9 * « i » i 6 n i T * i $ g f ? :« r r e T Í * r p g îî i ai

w a fn ^ fq « ir a ir c fìA ir q ft i w *ik f% s > m T fa R T O ï-

v w m frô a rs rô i u ra fa rô t fo rro i ir ro n ft h t

*r a « n iflW iS t t o t » ftfÀ fa s fw m i: a h

C S V : ci ste hphags pa rnams la yaû cihi phyir hdi skrag pahi
rgyur mi hgyur z'e na || bdag la cbags pa log pahi phyir ro ¡| gañ
la bdag la chags pa yod pa de ni de dañ rjes su mthun pahi dños
pohi Ita ba hdod kyi de daû mi mthun pahi1 bdag med par Ita ba
ni ma yin no ||
=«'mn*Twtfq f a t * i *n«rêhr{«is*: i
H W H W fW 8! ^ W T S f% : I
»X PM.
156 CATUHfiATAKA [292
de nid du bdag med sfiam du |
de ltar gan la dgons gnas pa |
de ni yod pas ga la dgafe |
med pas hjigs par ga la hgyur || 17 ||
In c V and Vx of CS gan for g a ; the former is, however,
supported by CSV in the course of explanation. V wrongly dkafy
for dgali in the same. line.
V anatmacinta tattvena tasmiid yasya mata bhavet |
sata kasya bhavet pritir asata ca bhayam katham || 17 ||
I would suggest the following:
aw it »fororfaffl sw * «fir. i
iwr w w w : fn t w in H 11
CSV : de nid du bdag med snam du |
de ltar gan la dgons gnas pa |
hphags pa
de ni yod pas ga la dgah |
med pas hjigs par ga la hgyur
gan z'ig la phyi dan nan gi dnos pohi ran gi no bo yotie
su mi rtog palji phyir z'es bya balii dnospo hgah yan ran bz'in gyis
yod pa ma yin no | smra bar dgons pa mam par gnas pa de ni gan
med par mthon ba las de bdag med pa las hjigs par hgynr ba yod
par lta ba yod pas yons su tshim par ga la hgyur || de nid kyi phyir
de dag gi rjcs su chags pa dan khon khro ba dan bral baho z'es
bya ste | yod par lta ba la rjes su chags pa med pahi phyir la ||
bdag med par lta ba la yan khon khro ba med pahi phyir ro ||
dehi phyir gnis la mi spyod tin rtshod pa med pa hdi ni mya nan
las hdas pahi gron khyer du bde blag tu hgro ste | dehi phyir mya
dan las hdas pa dam pahi gnas yin pahi phyir na bdag med pa
de dehi hjigs pahi rgyu ma yin no ||
ir a it n w n fafa «mi sftr: i
w «
iwi friit win u
mr«T«nr« * w w « w w f t w i w n *faiTw:
204] C H A Á Írá XII 157

w ufrm flw ifom fl wwt f * w w n n ^ í N m i ñ k i a r i t f « ^ w*

liír [* t] « n w *r a fa « ita i ñHwm* Itoim
w m * f* i w w ^ s 3*mTm*TSpn*tr*iS5tafa nftnmmmi
irwigTO nm n f*rf*»*rêts?f *%»i i iwn^
f*i» n f t o í « r m f a f a a W m * »i « n A q in ifti n ? * «

CSV : dños por lta ba la mñon par z'en pahi mu stegs can mya
ñan las hdas pa la gyañ sar fedu ses pa mams ni mya ñan las hdas
pa las hjig rten good par byed ciá skye bo sdug bsñal mthah yas
paid rgyu dños por lta ba la sbyor ba na hgro ba mams kyi sdug
bsñal mu mthah med pahi sa bon du gyur pa yin no Hdefei phyir |
fasfà mwrëffW» fa*Wr-
litawNte* swpiTwra*^:*-
vn fm i i
don min sa bon gyur pa yi |
mu stegs can maú mthoñ nas ni
chos hdod pa yi skye bo la |
su z'ig sñiñ brtse skye mi hgyur || 18 ||
In b Vx of CSV mdo for man. In d Vx of CSV mi brtse bar
for brtse skye mi.
V anarthabxjabhütains täms tän dystvä tlrthikän bahün j
dharmakäme jane kasya kjpä näma na jäyate || 18 ||
There is nothing in the Tib. text for V’s turns tän in a and i.
I may suggest the following :
« ta g p p r a f a lùftfarç arw*l1
«1% 3TO «araä « t« «
CSV : yan cihi phyir sems can mams dge bahi bar bsams pa can
yin yaù phal cher mu stegs can mams kyi lugs dan rjes su hbrel
gyi bde bar géegs pa pohi dan ma yin z'e na ( de ni phra bahi
phyir ro ||° ji ltar bde bar gáegs pa po mams kyi càos fedi phra ba
c a t u h Sa t a k a

lid dan | de las gz'an pa mams kyi rigs pa nid [ma]yin pa de

,l|»r bstanpafci phyir bfod pa |
- «r w w *i : i w ; fnwnwtr*rar «ifii *s?nn
n«m<irtStr»! q fltoraw faft i° nw jg^w T^i n w * tftamro-
& kya gos med bram z'e ste |
gsum mams kyi yaft chos yid daft |
mig daft ma ba yis hdzin pa |
debi phyir thub pahi gz'uft lugs phra || 19 ||
In b Vx of CSV pa mams kyihan for mams kyi yan. In d V
and Vx of CS de for defy, and smra for phra supported by both
the commentary and the Chinese version.
V Sakyena cetasa dharmo nagnakena tu caksusa |
Srutya grhlto viprena muniproktas tatah sivah || 19 ||
So far as the first three lines, a, b, and c, are concerned V’s Skt.
is good: But I wish he had kept the order of the words in the
Tib. text. With regard to the last line, d, his rendering
can hardly be defended. Apparently he has confounded gz'un
in the text with gsun when he writes for the former proha (in
munirprokta). The word gtfun with lugs makes a phrase gz'un­
lugs mpAi-nng samaya ‘comprehension’, ‘ doctrine And, again,
in writing ¿iva undoubtedly for lugs he seems to have confounded
the latter with legs ‘good’. Besides, he has taken the wrong
reading smta for phra <sflk§ma\
I may give the following:

wifa «Ufa w : qpr*i*!iTOt tit*«

CSV: bram ze mams ni ljdon pa sfiin por byed pa ste | de
mams kyi de ni ma balbu yul lo || gcer bu pa dag ni gtsaft sprar1
spyod pa daft bral bahi phyir lus dri fta bahi bdam |tphel bz'in pas
gos ¿ift khru ras daft bral ba graft ba daft rluft daft nima daft skra
hbal ba la sogs patu sdug bsftal gyi gz'ir gyur pa mams te j de
* Statu 1 X indistinct.

mams kyi lugs de ni mthoú bas go bar bya ba yin te | dehi pliyir
de mams kyi chos ni nog gis1' mam paT áes par bya ba yin no ||
& kya dúos po thams cad ran bz'in med par Ita bahi Si mas sems
kyi rgyud snan bar byas áiú dam pa ma yin pahi Ita ba ma lus
pas hjigs áiú tshaú tahiú du gyur pafci ma rig pafri mun pa bcom
pa I hdus byas rmi lam dan mig hphrul dan sgyu mahi na chuñ
[ma] daú gzugs brñan daú sprul pa daú mtshuús pair mthoú ba Son
moñs pahi dri ma ma lus pa bsal bas sems kyi rgyud dri ma med
par gyur pa mams ni de ltar mñam par bz'ag* pa dag kho nas ùes
par bya ba yin te | debi phyir de dag gi dge bahi bsam pa ni yid
kyi mam par áes pas go bar bya ba yin pas thub pahi gz'uú lugs
phra ba yin no || dehi phyir ma úes pas bsod nams hdod kyaù skye
bo bde bar gáegs pa pohi chos la mi hjug go ||
-fkm qré « tí frcfar i « îNt P f a r r e : i

iW « i irantfort
w w m faifa: i snwT^

fnHWinfvtrownm: i ireirifort f w r n v n
i g^ram tsftr
w r a f à 1 1«. Il
CSV : hdir smras pa | gai te bio rags palli phyir hjig rten
phyi rol pa la bsten na* hjug na ho na hdir yañ de Itar rjes su
sgrub par gyis áig | phyi roi pahi bya ba rjes su mi hgrub ste |
hdi ltar |

i ®! *mî wwwgfwltaa i îwt f%—i

ji ltar bram ze raams la chos |
phal cher phyi hchos brjod pa ltar
1 X gi. * Xgs'ag. • See MV, pp. 45, 48,463; BO, IX. 31. * X nw.
Cà TUHSà TAKà [296
de bz'in goer bu mams la olios | »
phal cher blun pa brjôd pa yin |] 20||
V brSlimanänam yathâ dharmah kriyäpräyah prakïrtitah |
nirgranthânaça tathS dharmo -jadaprâyah prakïrtih || 20 ||
I do not think Tib. phyi hchos in b can be translated by hriyâ-
as V has done. The kärikä may be translated thus :
m im w i w w : m iN m u i
tot w : m5N s rj 'wiïl «vu
CSV : bram ze mams ni bzlas brjod dañ sbyin bsreg daft bkra
áis dañ hgyod tshañs la sogs pahi bya ba dag gis gz'an dag
las rñed pa dañ bkur sti la sogs pa hdod pas phyi hchos par hdod
do II de dag gi chos ni phal cher phyir helios pa z'ig ste J phyir
hchos gtso bo yinno | z'es bya bahi don to || chos fcdi ni thar pa hdod
pa mams la hgag pa1 yin te | hkhor bahi rjes su mthun palji
phyir la ||° ji ltar thar pahi bar du gcod par byed pahi phyir
bram ze mams kyi chos phyi hchos phal che ba thar pa hdod pa
rnams kyis spyod par bya ba ma yin pa de bz'in du gcer bu mams
kyi chos sems blun pa nid du byed pahi rgyu yañ blun pa phal
che bahi phyir spyod par bya ba ma yin pas de ltar ñe bar
bstan pa rjes su mi sgrub bo ||
-m ro « l i f a M srm-
wTnf»T’« f% i fa t w: wnr«WT»i
law : i ftfw i i° w
m s n m î urä* wnft w îf
w nw n fä *f?i « iro few i to-
StsM felft »V«
CSV : gaû gi phyir bram ze ljdi raams kyi chos phyi hchos
phal che ba de ñid kyi phyir fcjig rten phal cher |
nnreroi w f innmi<cwTirtsrer mSN—i
> X b«ab b».

ji Iter rig pa blaûs pa las |

bram ze gas pa skye ba ltar |
de bz'in fion moûs blaûs pa las |
gcer bu pa la brtse bar hgyur || 22 ||
In a Yx of CSV rigs for rig.
V yathaiva vedagrahane bhaktir viprasya j ayate J
nirgranthasya tathä kleáagrahane jäyate matib II 23 ||
V takes rigs pa, in a to maan ‘Veda’, but in Tib. the actual
word for it is rig byed. In the Tib. text there is nothing for his
moti in d. In accordance with the Vrfcti quoted below and the
Chínese verdón one may suggest the following restoration :
fr o r n rr a : w fa ä f i

wn s t n r ô t o t ii*? n
CSV : ji ltar fcion par byed pa tsam gyis sems raús par gyur
pahi hjig rten ni rig1 pa blaûs pa las bram ze mama la gus pa
skye ba de bz'in du ñon moûs pa blaûs pa las mgo skyes® hbal
ba la sogs pa lus yoûs su dub pa las gos med pa mams la brtse
ba skyeho ||
“ TOT Q T 3 % îlT iT T ^ ftw f% îlf% T r e î fà W H T H in n ir è s

« ro í n t u
CSV : hdi mams kyi lus yoûs su ñon mons pahi sdug bsúal fiama
su myoù ba ni chos kyi ched du hgyur ba hdi ni mi srid de fies pa
spyod pahi hbras bu yin pahi phyir ro || z'es bstan pahi phyir ro ||
= T O t s i f k t t f t i t f s i f n j T g r ö t *r a fa fa n ? i » r e n i f a i « w r fïi i

' sdug bsûal las kyi mam smin phyir |

ji ltar chos su mi hgyur ba |
de bz'in skye ba las kyi ni |
mam smin yin phyir chos ma yin || 22 ||
1 X rigs. 8 X te mgo* mgo ekyes-mürdhaja, éiroruha, keáa.

In d Vx of CSV rnams for m am ; and omits yin adding m

after phyir.
V klelakarmavipakena yatlia dharmo na jayate |
janmakarmavipEkena tatha dharmo na jayate || 22 ||
I think a slight modification, such as follows, is here necessary.
s i sr: qnlfaqrata 1
s w r «uirfvn% *r t o t n t f f * iis^ii
sdug baAal las kyi mam smin phyir |
ji Itar chos su mi hgyur ba |
z'es bya ba smos so || ji Itar sgren mos rgyu ba rnams kyi hdi
pahi sdug bsnal gyi nams su myon ba yan dmyal bahi sdug
Win.1 gyi nams su myon ba bz'in chos kyi ched du mi hgyur ba
Itar bram ze mams kyi yan |
de bz'in skyo ba las kyi ni |
mam smin phyir na chos ma yin ||
w flfatirafor tot i

ra r* i to t

Wlfil WnWTOTOfi
sro tot *m f * h* * n

CSV: gal te las kyi mam par smin pa yin pahi phyir mig la
sogs pa tar sdug bsnal dan skyc ba chos su mi hgyur na ho na
chos gan z'ig yin z'e na | bsad par bya ste |
-U fa 3RT ^ ifft W I
WT?l— I
chos ni mdor na mi htshe bar |
de bz'in gSegs pa rnams kyis gsuns |
ston nid mya nan hdas par te |
hdir ni de gnis hbah z'ig go || 23 ||
In a V wrongly fytsi for fyshe. In c V and Vx of CS ste for te.
In 4 Y m for n i

* w s w ra rä fo fifa t w f a r T r a m m : «
^ *r m » fa fir a fa ii m «
The Skt. original is quoted in MV, p. 352.
chos ni mdor na mi htshe bar ¡
de bz'in gsegs pa mams kyis gsuñs |
htshe ba ni gz'an la gnod par z'ugs pahi phyir sems can
la gnod pahi bsam pa dan | des kan nas bslaù bahi lus dan ñag
gi las yin la || mi htshe ba ni de las bzlog pahi sgo nas dge ba bcuhi
las lam mo || gaù yañ cuû zad gz'an la phan hdogs pa de thams
cad kyaû mi htshe bahi khoñs su hdu ba yin no || de bz'in gsegs
pa fnams kyis chos ni mdor bsdu na mi htshe ba de ñid yin no
z'es bstan to ||
stoñ üid mya nan hdas par to |
hdir ni de gñis hbah zig go ||
ran bz'in stoñ pa ñid du gaù báad pa de ñid sañs rgyas bcom
Idan hdas rnams kyis1 mya ñau las hdas par gsuñs so ||°
mi htshe ba dañ stoñ pa ñid ces pahi chos de gñis ni mtho ris dañ
byañ grol thob par byed pa ste | dehi phyir
hdir ni de gñis hbah z'ig go ||
hbah z'ig ces bya ba ni yoñs su dag pa ste | de bz'in gáegs p¡\hí
bstan pa hdi kho nar hdi gñis chos yoñs su dag par dmiga kyi
gz'an du ni ma yin no |J z'es rañ dañ gz'an gyi bdag ñid la mtho
ris dañ byañ grol gyi bde ba yaù dag par bskyed par hdod pas
rtogpar byahotl
= w s u ra râ ts fë s i w q f t i i

fita ïis r ç fN ïï* « r a w t m w w ^ i

w r o m f w w ir « m í e

R fÍW T ^ q fS fl i
f»ra W u fè îtw iH »

*T ffT H o fti i w fifs r ^ O T IT

3 fn traifci wifagfamnrarç i íren^

1 X kyi.

ira fa fíi tr ita c i « n W l r é trfa n rç p w w îi

im rir fìi w d xw ir- «w V i wà w y n ^ ftq iilN

u ^ ïw n H* * Il
C S V : yañ cihi phyir phyi rol pa hdi dag bde bar gáegs paid
bstan pa fcdi mthon bz'in du yañ chos gñis po hdi la mi gus áe na |
rañ gi phyogs la chags pahi phyir ro|| hdi ltar |
q*irawfa wns^sfannsT
ffa I I W T fa — I
raû phyogs hjig rten ihams cad la |
skyes sa bz'in du sdug hgyur na |
del?i Idog par byed pahi rgyu |
khyod la gan gis sdug par hgyur || 24 ||
In b Vx of CSV pa for sa. In d V and Vx of CS bsñal for par.
V svapakaah sarvalokasya priyah syäj janmabhümivat |
nivfttihetus te tasya yena duhkhâya jâyate || 24 ||
I may suggest the following :
m ^ tà ta r a «woifafor f*w i
a fa s ftr a r ir w fro : » * 8 11
CSV : ran gi phyogs la chags pa ni hkhor ba thog ma med pa
nas goms pa z'ig sfce | ran gi skye balji gnas ltar hjig rten gyi de
yoñs su btap bar mi nus te | dehi phyir ran gi Ita ba la mnon
par z'en pas byis pa rnams de bz'in gáegs pahi chos hdi la mi ^ijug
go II michas pas ran skye bafci sa yin yañ rgud paljti rgyur gyur
pa la re ba spaùs nas fcbyor ba byan bahi yul la brten par rigs 1»||
hdi ji ltar yin pa de latr ran gi phyogs la chaga pa spañs nas
gz'an gyi phyogs yin yañ yon tan dañ idan pa la yid gz'ug par
bya to||

nftanj* «i i « ra ro s ro ro w fa i«
«rö fti tr(w «T ^ « « w w jìftfa *n n t H fW
300] CHAPTER XII 165

f m f c r f S w w rafagw fan ira T W u n f aww q*pnt$rq

gwwfa wr. JW ^ ra « ^ 11 ** n
CSV: dehi phyir de ltar phyogs su lhuft ba med par gyur pas {
—iw nSw nroifipiT— I
rigs pahi don ni gz'an las kyan |
bio ldan legs pa bdod pas blan |
ni mas sten mig ldan pa la |
kun gyi spyi thun ma yin nam || 25 ||
rnal fcbyor spyod pa bz'i brgya pa las lfca ba dgag pa bsgom pa
bstan pa ste | rab tu byed pa bcu gnis paho||
In &V pas for pet,; Vx of CSV blahs for blan. In c Vx of OS
ma sa for mas; Vx of CSV adds sa after mas omitting pa and reads
slens for sten.
V parasmad api yuktartham dhlman abhisamipsate |
arkbimbam hi samanyam sarvasyaksimato na kim || 25 ||
In this restoration Tib. legs in b and sten in c are left out
untranslated, and -bimba in c is added though there is nothing
of it in the Tib. text. Here arkabimba may have been taken by
V from the Chinese version which reads for it jih lun ‘sun’s disc.’
He should have written -Ipsati for -Ipsate. The following transla­
tion may ba suggested :
*n#s*T<itsfq ite m i
3PST ^?w ri II ^4 II

CSV: bio gros dan ldan pa bdag nid kyi yin pa lta bvur sems
pas gan la lar legs par bsad pa dmigs pa de de las blan bar byafrojj
chos Jjdi hgah z'ig du phrag dog gis gnas pa ni ma yin te | thams
oad du no bo mbshun3 pa^i phyir ro|| dper na thams cad la rjes
su ehags pa daft khoft khro ba dan bral baiji phyir ni ma snaft bal^i
bya ba la* mig dan ldaft pa thams cad la. thun moft ba3 yin pa de
1 For nanu for ma yin nam (sm in nam) eeo 103, 195,199 (s V lll. 18,20, 24).
* Bead ni (t). ' X main pa.

bz'in da chos íjidi yaà gal ts bsgrubs pas rivoga par hgyar na | raù
gi aie pa dad ga'an gyi sde pa thauxs cad la phan ^dogg pa yin no||
dehi phyir de Itar rig par bya3 nas gas pa daû ldan pas chos ljdi
bdag tu bya bar rigs so||
= sforna n e tta i« * 3ircn s a gnfà ?r?i
t r a n s e n t i > *f wnlW w ïTTôffsr w h mn
« ê w sm w fra fà ’cfsflwrrçiînta: w rt « v ra t
*irf *if? f a u r « utriíí m r o t o w ^ *™«tcrarrc*: i
fafçaiT ^rentiRf WT «rrata: gw: r * ii
C h a p te r X III

CSV: hdir
rigs pahi don ni gz'an las kyafi |
bio ldan legs par hdod pas blan |
z'es gaft smras na gan z'ig bio dan ldan pas blan bar bya ba rigs
pahi don de yaft gan z'ig yin z'es hdzer to | b6ad par bya ba ste |
phyi nan gi dnos po thams cad raft bz'in gyis bdag med par mthoft
baho || gal te dnos po thams cad ran bz'in med pa z'es bya ba hdi
fiid rtogs par mi nus te | yod pa ma yin pahi bon buhi rwa la
sogs pa la ni mnon sum nid yod pa ma yin no || bum pa la sogs pa
mams dan snon po la sogs pa mams ni mnon sum yod pa
nid yin no || dehi phyir bum pa la sogs pahi dnos po thams cad
raft bz'in dan bcas par yod pa kho naho z'e na | hdi ni mi rigs
te | hdi ltar |

sf?r (XII. 25 ) wtam m'ii gwlra: w gw: m*f?i

mvmm i i *T^iT«iTf»n«!T: w^t: ftrorafT j
sfc mairot ’sfw i irrag i
nH m m nf tfir i
trarcrcro: ^ w*r. qrcmwr i i trar f%— i
gzugs mthoft tshe na bum pa ni |
thams cad kh.o na mthoft mi hgyur |
bum pa mnon sum z'es bya bahan |
de nid rig pa su z'ig smra || 1 ||
In a CSV che for tshe. MV bya fan for bya bahan in c and
rigs for rig in d.
* w nw w€tss€t siraB i
wz: iratj farfa mn

This kfirikS is cited in MV, p. 71.

CSV : aû gi sgras ni dehi fie bai len pa sñon po la sogs pa dag
kyañ mñon sum yin no | z'es de kho na ñid ées pa su z'ig smra
bar hgyur | ° bum pa rdzas brgyad kyi bdag ñid can yin pahi
phyir ro || mig gis ni gzugs gcig pu mthoû gi | dri la sogs pa dag
ni ma yin te | yul tha dad pahi phyir ro |] dehi phyir bum pa
thams cad mig gis mi mthoû bahi phyir0 |J
* *ftr n am tfn ftirç i°

ira ra w if tz °uti>
C S V : ji ltar ji skad béad pahi tshul gyis* bum pa la sogs pa
mams mûon sum ñid yin par mi rigs pa de ltar de las gz'an pahi
dbañ pos yoûs su bead par bya ba brten nas gdags pa bsnams
par bya ba daù myañ bar bya ba dañ reg par bya ba rnams mûon
sum ñid yin pa bsal bahi phyir béad pa |
ïratir* «râN ra rfta t nam?* *
irata ircmjf?rasrT*rt (?) nm«n>i1 isssnsrt
ira 1*«* f*raw?mT*— i
rnam par dpyad pa hdi ñid kyis |
bio mchog ldan pas dri z'irn dan |
manar dan hjam pa thams cad dag |
so sor dgag par bya ba yin || 2 ||
In a V wrongly dbyad for dpyad.
* lïtô * I
w W N fin w ifa II * II
CSV : dri z'im z'es bya ba hdis ni snas yoñs su bead par bya
ba sna m ali me tog dañ pa dma daù ut pal dañ tsan dan la sogs
pa snahi dbaú pohi yul mthah dag ñe bar mtshon par byed do ||
gz'ugs la sogs pa mthoñ ba med par mun khuñ du yod dri tsam
hdzin pahi phyir ro |j de bz'in du mñar dañ z'es bya ba hdis kyañ
1 Dravy&çtakam =catväri mahâbliütnni, catvâri ca upâdâya-rüpâçi (tibyuç ohen po bz'i
dfrô ggyur byas pafci gz'ugs bz'i ste | CSV). * X gyi.
303] CHAPTER X III 169

bu ram daú lan tshw dan nim pa la sogs pa Icehi dbañ pohi yul
thams cad ñe bar mtshon par byed do || hjam pa z'es bya
ba ljdis ni áiñ bal daú bye ma dan rdo ba la sogs pa lus kyi
dbañ poli yul thams cad ñe bar mtshon par byed do || de
dag kyañ rdzas brgyad kyi ñe bar len pa can yin pas bdag
ñid ji lta bahi dbañ po dag gis. yul re re hdzin pa yin daú
rnam pa thams’ cad mi hdzin pahi phyir sna mahi me tog
dañ bu ram dan áiñ bal la sogs pa dag bdag gi mñon sum
yin no | z'es de kljo na ñid áes pa su z'ig smra || sgra dgag
pa ni phyis rgyas par hchad do |j

i w fo v W fam qnrTnre*n!i*T*i*nnsr-

irafqfw i ^x?r(?)9ffíar^rf%HirfiiqmpiiTfV ww qntf^?rf^r?iiq-

5iTfiii^?is|qríT?Tw(?)qí^nfNn?»!«T: warepftfa
I ar^Cíf^W. qwi^ (X III. 18-20) V\\\
CSV : ci ste bum pa gzugs las tha dad pa med mod kyi gzugs
kyis de khyab par byas ñas ni gnas pas gz'ugs mthoñ bas bum pa
thams cad mthoñ bar hgyur ro z'e na | hdi yañ sñiñ po med do
z'es bstan pahi phyir bsad pa |
=v?r gfé srzt ^ticr* ssrw *»??'<* ffh ^q^riiíN
w f wít ^ i trfwí^FsrTf— i
gal te gzugs mthoñ ba yis de |
thams cad mthoñ bar hgyur na ni |
ma mthoñ ba yi gzugs mthoñ ba |
mthoñ ba min par cis mi hgyur || 3 ||
• V rüpe drste yatah sarvam etad drstaqi bhavisyati |
rüpe’dfste kuto drstam adrstatn naiva j ayate || 3 ||
V’s yatah, sarvam ■etad in a-b cannot be supported. I
may offer the following:

vlfit sè*î vz\ t o : « sroS »

fs w s¿ *r srorô m i
CSV : gal te gzugs tsam z'ig mthon bas ma mthoû yaû bum
pa thams cad kho na mthoû bar hgyur na ni bum pa ma mthoû
bas mthoû ba gzugs mthoû ba ma yin par cihi phyir mi hgyur JJ
yaû na hdi ni don gz'an yin te | bum pa rdzas brgyad kyi Se
bar len pa can yin yaû gal te rdzas gcig gzugs mthoû bas rii mthoû
bar rtog1 na ni re z'ig de dag dan so sor mi gnas pahi gzugs de
ñid de* las gz'an rdzas bdun ma mthoû bas na nia mthoû ba yin no
z'es cihi phyir mi rtog ||°
dehi phyir gzugs ñid mûon sum ma yin pahi phyir bum pa
yaû mûon sum ñid du mi rigs so j|
w m N re iis fa t o t o s i t ^ vs.
fa i m i n i to S fc ro fa n rç i s it ç « iie « tq iç i*i« ts fïï

ç t * waft
ssrointaïssfafa faiï ^ qwnri i°
TOÏÏ^ÏÏÎtar 3! TOrafwfïï 'ER^Tfq * p r ç l) 3 il
CSV : ci ste ji skad bsad pahi mam par dpyad pas bum pa la
mûon sum ñid mi srid mod | bum pahi gzugs ni re z'ig mûon stun
yin te 1 dehi phyir rgyud nas bum pa yaû mûon sum ñid du hgyur
ro sñam du sems na hdi ni yod pa ma yin no || gzugs la mûon
sum ñid yod na ni hdi de skad du brjod par hgyur ba z'ig na |
gzugs la mûon sum ñid srid pa ni ma yin no z'es bstan pafti phyir
báad pa |
=TO H TOm fh
sfe TOtW*T ÍT O T t« TOTOcäf
raçtî g mrorwtf i iranirorc«n rösfa vsm to «rom i
m TOfWi ^cper nzmêt «nrafòn * g ’Sfw iisrosf
TOW^fn «froTTO^rr— i
gzugs ni hbah tfig kho na la |
mûon sum ñid ni srid ma yin {
X rtogs. ÄX adds de again.
305] CHAPTER X III 171

gaft phyir de la pha rol gyi |

cha daft tshu rol dbus yod phyir || 4 ||
In a V fygaJi for hbah. In c Vx of CSV lahan for la.
V rupasya kevalasyaiva pratyaksatvam na jayate |
kutas tasya bahirbhagah kuto madhyam kuto’ntaram || 4 1|
The second half is objectionable. The following may be
n a m a n faspi i
irer ii « ii
CSV: dri la sogs pa dan hbrel ba brjod par mi hdod pahi
gzugs hbah z'ig la yaft rna bar1 du tshu rol daft dkyil daft pha rol
gyi cha mams mthoft bahi phyir mfton sum nid mi rigs so || tshu
rol daft pha rol daft dbus kyi cha de dag la yaft slar tshu rol daft
pha rol daft dbus kyi cha gz'an dag yin la | de dag la yaft gz'an
yin z'ift de dag la yaft gz'an yin no || z'es de ltar ma bar*phyi
gzugs2 te rdul phra rab kyi mthar thug nas gnas so U
tiw’srei wsrenfa vcm -
w?fsTRt * q stft i fanrfu miqwartsqr^t
trotrwarfan: i
CSV : brtags* bz'in pahi |

rdul la cha ¿as yod med ces |

dpyad pa der yaft hjug par hgyur J
de^i phyir bsgrub par bya ba yis |
bsgrub bya hgrub par mi hthad do || 5 ||
In &V wrongly dbyad as in 302“ for dpyad. (In the vocabulary,
p. 173, he writes the same word as dbyati). In c V and Vx of CS
de for defy, and V wrongly bsgrug for bsgrub.
V. anor aip6o’sti nastlti vicaras tatra vartate |
tasmat sadhyena sadhyasya sidddir naivopapadyate || 5 1|
1 X is not here dear. 2-2 X indistinct, • X brtogii

Here in b the Tib. word yan which is an important one is left

out untranslated. I should, therefore, like to modify the
restoration slightly as below :

iraramSN ’a re ra fafasfatatrerii mi
CSV : rdul de la yan mdun dan rgyab kyi phyogs kyi chahi
dbye ba dan | tshu rol dan dbus dan pha rol gyi chahi dbye
ba las
cha sas1 yod med ces |
dpyad pa der yan hjug par hgyur |
gal te de la mdun dan rgyab kyi chahi dbye ba dag yod na ni dohi
tshe bum pa ltar dehi rdul phra rab nid nams par hgyur ro || ci
ste med na de ltar na yan gsal byed med ein ma bzun bahi no bo
can de la yod pa nid med do Udehi phyir de mnon sum nid srid
par ga la hgyur ||
dehi phyir bsgrub par bya ba yis |
bsgrub bya hgrub par mi hthad do ||
detri phyir de ltar na mnon sum nid ma grub par mi hthad do ||
dehi phyir de ltar nä mnon sum nid ma grub ciii bsgrub bar bya
bar gyur pas bsgrub par bya ba ste | dnos po rnams ran bz'in dan
bcas pa nid du gz'an gyi khas blans grub pa ( mi hthad do ||

fa^T*ts?nfq i

sfe W tt^ t g s w w msrngerof*: i ^

iranicärarora: i

tofN irsrasw fa s ii xrsnsrswflri

wmäsr^i wT^Rt »* ii

» Xfes.
306] CH A PT¿R X III 173

CSV: gz'an yañ dbañ po gzugs can gyis bzuñ bar bya bihi
don yoñs su brtags pa na |

kun kyañ yan lag tu gyur ñas j

slar yañ yan lag. can du hgyur |
dehi phyir yi ge brjod pa yañ |
lidi na yod pama yin no [| 6 ||
In a Vx of CSV na for ñas. In c V and Vx of CSV de íor dehi.
In d V ni for na.
V sarvebhyo’vayavebhyo hi j ayate’vayavi punah |
uktanám api varnánam satteyam tan na vidyate || 6 ||
I t cannot be accepted. The following may, however, be
íjjs n H *r i
w n rm i \\\\\
CSV : bum pa ni yan lag gyo mo la bltos ñas yan lag can
yin la || gyo mo1 dag kyañ rañ gi yan lag la bltos ñas yan lag can
du hgyui ro |] de bz'in du rdul phra rab kyi bar du sbyar bar byaho ||
de yañ rdzas brgyad la bltos ñas sam mdun dañ rgyab dañ dbus
kyi cha la bltos ñas slar yañ yan lag can yin pas hgah la yañ rañ
gi ño bos yan lag ñid dañ yan lag can ñid yod pa ma yin te \ dehi
phyir bum pa la sogs pa mams la mñon sum ñid med do || ji ltar
rdul phra rab la rnam par dpyad pa de bz'in du miñ mi mthar
gnas pahi yi ge la yañ ste | rdul phra rab ltar ma grub pajii phyir
ro (I
dehi phyir yi ge brjod pa yañ |
hdi na yod pa ma yin no ||
yi ge brjod pa yañ mi srid do sñam du dgoñs so jj mam pa gcig
tu na bum pa la sogs pa med na dehi brjod par byed pa yi ge yañ
mi srid de | don med na áes pa dañ brjod pa dag hjug pa mi srid pahi
1 X mod.

yi ge brjod pa yaù |
fcdi na yod pa ma yin no | | .

Q w im fo f h ^ trcmmanH s t a i m i sTsfa
gr. w n n a r è tfïir ç wrôwr gw w riltfii frenfa ^ ç3qrresragï-
w rofasf w u r f a n íw ito s zrfta U a ra ë irç i w w n w t f l w w -
w n c m m iR ra i v f a i f r i tro*m?rftw: 1
o ^Ä r n
w r i w w n tr a « «w from n
w w q ^ w fq «r *roraqtetfwn*r. i nsriran^ii w zTfta rw n t
ífort WTWift wwfsfa * tronifa i *raî*râ w renrarât: i r a w w n ^
? W *W®HTO?1 H« H
CSV : gañ dag gzugs kyi skye inched kha dog dañ dbyibs
kyi bdag ñid mam pa gñis su mam par bz'ag ste dehi sgo ñas bum
pa mñon sum ñid du rtog par byed pa de dag la brjod par byed
pa ste I hdir dbyibs hdi rtog pa ni1 kha dog las gz'an ñid dan |
gz'an ma jan pa ñid du rtog gran na || de la re z'ig |

ira^csf ^rarefarm*uffr *ïw«*î»t i w tfwwfòré n m w t '

WT WSnïï I «W rJT ^ —i
gal te mdog las dbyibs gz'an na |
ji Ita bur na dbyibs hdzin hgyur |
hon te gz'an min na lus kyis |
mdog kyañ ci ste mi hdzin bgyur || 7 |]
In b Vx of CS liar for Ua. In d CSV cis te for ci ste; and Vx
oí CS hdzin mi for mi hdzin.
V samsthanam varnato bhinnam tad varnagrahanam katham |
athäbhinnam áarírena varnasyâgrahaçam katham || 7 ||
In &V wrongly translates dbyibs hdzin by varnagrahanam, dbyibs
» X na.
* AK I. 10 : rup&xh dvidha ; B h à 9y a : rüpam dvidhft varçafc saijisthänani ca (gzugi
r&am gfiis daù | kha dog daù dbyibs so j|). See MVt 101 ; DSn 617.
meaning samsthdm or dkrti and not varya as ha has done. I
may suggest the ¿allowing:
»nt?i w m i
rafsfii fa’ «r \m
gal te mdog las dbyibs gz'an na |
ji lta bur na dbyibs hdzin hgyur ||
snon po la sogs pahi kha dog ni mig gi dban pohi yul yin na || gal
te de las dbyibs [gz'an] par gyur na kha dog las tha dad pahi
phyir sgra la sogs pa ltar mig gi gzun byar mi hgyur ba z'ig
na 11 kha dog ltar mig gis hdzin pa yan yin pas de las gaz'an ma
yin no || ji ltar sfion po dad ser po la sogs pa tha dad pa mams
las gad yan run ba gcig bzun n as cig sos kyan hdzin pa de ltar
kha dog las gz'an pahi gzugs1 ni mi hdzin te |
hon te gz'an min na lus kyis |
mdog kyan ci ste mi hdzin hgyur |)
gal te ji skad b6ad pahi skyon span bar hdod pas dbyibs kha dog
las gz'an ma yin pa brtags ni ji ltar mun khun du las kyis rin po
la sogs pa hdzin pa de bz'in du de las tha mi dad pahi phyir
dbyibs ltar kha dog kyan ci ste mi hdzin te | bz'un dgos na
hflgin pa yan ma yin no )| dehi phyir dbyibs hdzin yan ma
bzun bahi phyir kha dog las dbyibs gz'an ma yin pa ma yin
no 1] de nid dan gz'an nid du rtog pa las ma rtogs par rtog pa
gz'an bz'ag par nus par ma yin no || dehi phyir kha dog ltar
dbyibs kyan mi rigs la |j de med pas kyan hgah la yan mnon
sum nid yod pa ma yin no z'es bya bar hgrub bo |J

i w fires wt

w fa i rafsfa f¥ * iSWft n
1 Read dbyibs ‘saipsthana* or take gzugs in the sense of dbyibs. See note 2.
4 In the sense of akrti, samsthana. See note 1.

*huT*f i mi
qrrcnnt wit* Iteffe wn it^TOtawre’ifsft fw si
«uni i *n#sfa * *21$ 1 nwrsKsrTO w%iiani*nn*NiF*
4 »irfwTsw^ 1 n s* ii'srTiiiwiiraipn^tsff^ ntf mmimi
srrqfagu 1 ifwnf’T^rwTwPr *1 1 ** wsrfa^fq
*?*w3rfwfo fa«rfit 1 ««
CSV: lidir smras pa | gzugs kyi skye mched ni yod pa kho
na te | dehi rgyu yod pahi phyir ro || hdir gzugs kyi rgyu ni hbyud
ba chen po bz'i yin la || de dag ni re z'ig yod pa yin no || de dag
yod pas de dag gi hbras bus gzugs kyi skye mched kyan yod par
hgyur ro z'es smraho |j hdi yan yan dag pa ma yin no | z'es bstan
pahi phyir bSad pa |
=%rar? 1 ^ 1 n%g«iRT^i w ^ o fg -
««snft iwwgnft 1 mfa 1 itat ?tat wfafH
’cqraipnrf'i f a r a 1 ^ fq 1
gzugs xri lta z'ig ma gtogs par |
gzugs kyi rgyu ni mi snan no |
gal te de ltar hgyur na ni |
gni ga yan ni mig nid kyis |
hdzin par ci yi phyir mi hgyur |j 8 |)
In a V and Vx of CS blta for lta: Vx of CSV rtogs for gtogs.
V drsto na hetu rupasya rupadarianavarjitah |
saty evam ubhayam caksur eva grhnati no katham || 8 ||
Grammarians would not allow eva just at the beginning of a
pada as V has done in d. The following may be suggested here:
n vi *qwrari[ i
n* qranww i n *Jir5f « * ti
CSV: rdzas brgyad lhan cig hbyun ba nes pa hbyun ba chen
po bz'i ma gtogs par gzugs mi dmigs la || gzugs kyi skye mched
ma gtogs par yan gzugs kyi rgyu mi dmigs so || gzugs kyi skye
309] CHAPTEB X III 177

mched ni mig gi dban pos bzun bar bya ba yin la gzugs kyi rgyu
ni lus kyi dban pos bzun bar bya ba yin no || dehi phyir gal te
gzugs kyi rgyu z'es bya ba cun zad cig ran gi no bos hgrub par
tgyur na ni dehi tshe gzugs kyan ran gi no bos grub par hgyur
ba z'ig na | gzugs kyi rgyu gzugs las tha dad par grub pa gaA yin
pa hdi ni srid pa yan ma yin no || dehi phyir gzugs kyi rgyu med
na rgyu med pahi gzugs kyan yod pa ma yin no z'es bya bar grub
bo || ci ste ho na ni tha dad pa ma yin par gnas pahi gzugs kyi rgyu
las gzugs yin par dag (?) go snam du sems na | de yan srid pa ma
yin no
gal te de ltar hgyur na ni |
gni ga yan ni mig nid kyis |
hdzin par ci yi phyir mi hgyur ||
gzugs kyi rgyu yan gzugs las tha mi dad pahi phyir mig gi dban
pos rgyu df.ü hbras bu gnis ka yan hdzin par hgyur na hdi mi
srid pa ma yin te | dban po tha dad pahi yul yin pahi phyir dan
mtshan nid tha dad pahi phyir ro |)

fa«r?f^T W if a
*w?ftsfq i fM rg^ v m fq * ftrarfh i
Hqatfh « w i i ?r?fq *t i

fgtffsrataHifafci ^nf mnfai

CSV: de nid bstan pahi phyir bsad pa |
fffaqT^3r*TW— I
sa ni brtan z'es bya bar mthon |
de yan lus kyis hdzin par hgyur |
» See MK. IV. 1-4.

des na reg pa hbah z'ig hdi |

sa z'es ni bya bar brjod || 9 ||
In a all wrongly bstan for brtan (CSV only once here). In c
Vx of CS and V ni for hdi.
V bhumir ity agamo drstah sa sarlrena grhyate |
mptpindasya tatah ko’pi sparSo bhumir itlritah || 9 ||
V’s agamdfy in a which cannot be allowed is due to his wrong
reading bastan for brtan as shown above. In c he wrongly takes
hbah, z'ig to mean ko’pi in Skt., the Tib. equivalent of which is
hgah zig. . See karika 304 (—XIII. 4). There is nothing for his
-pinda in mftpinda in c. And in d there should have been
iritam and not Iritah as the word is connected with ili and
not spariah. Besides, his restoration does not give the sense of
the Tib. text. The karika may be translated as below :
wfolT «ifq I1
ft «nif « « ft n i. ii
CSV : hdzin pahi las kyi2 rten gyi dnos por gnas pahi phyir
rten nid yin pas brtan pa nid kyis na
sa ni brtan pa z'es bya bar mthon la |
de yan lus kyis hdzin te | 3
dehi sra ba lus kyi dban pohi bzun bya yin pahi phyir ro |] gan
gi phyir hdi de ltar yin pa
des na reg pa hbah z'ig hdi |
sa bo z'es ni bya bar brjod |]
gzugs kyi skye mched ni mig gi dban pohi bzun bar byaho ||
dehi phyir de ltar na rgyu dan hbras bu gilis tha mi dad pa
med de | mtshan nid tha dad pahi phyir dan | hdzin par byed
1 In fact the firat half says :
k ifchinyam dyiyate bhumcs tac ca kayena grhyate |
iihumi ‘earth’ is nothing but kathinya ‘hcardness.’ See V i b h a n g a 82; AK and
AKV I. 35 (p. 69): catvari mahabhutani, pjthividbatur abdhatus tejodhatur vayudhatub.
prbhividhatub katamab. khakkhalatvam iti vielarafr. t e ^ &n i c a eprastav*
y a t v a d iti te^am ca kiiakkhalatvadmaip spraf^avyatvad, yaemat tani sprastavyani,
varnadayaB tu dra^avyal .1 ¿rotavya ghrltavyab avadayitavyahih kathaiji gamyate sprapta-
vyaui tanity atlia n a h i k a f c h i n y a d i n i c a k e u r a d i b h i r g f h y a n t e . kirp
tarhi. kayendriye^aiva. ity ato ’vagamyatc Bprasfcavyani tanTti. syan mataxh te’pi
vargadayab sprasfeivya ity ata aha n a p i v a r ij a d a y a b k a y c n d r i y e 9 a. kim,
grahyata iti prakptain. See MV, pp. 60,(57.
* X kyis.
1 Actually the text, a and b, is quoted here adding or omitting a few unimportant words.

pa tha dad pahi phyir ro || tha dad pa yod na yan rgyu med pahii
smra bar hgyur ro |] de nid dan gz'an fiid dan bral bahi dnos po
hdi hgah z'ig la raft gi no bos yod pa nid du rtog1 par rigs pa yan
ma yin te | dehi phyir gz'ugs kyi rgyu yod pa ma yin no || gzugs
kyi rgyu med na yan gzugs ran gi no bos yod pa ma yin no z'es
bya bar grub bo |) de nid kyi phyir bcom ldan hdas kyis
gaii dag na la gzugs su mthofi |
gan dag na la sgrar ses pa |
log paT spon ba z'ugs pa ste |
skye bo de dag na mi mthoii ||2
ho na ji ltar blta bar bya z'e na |
sans Tgyas rnams ni chos nid lta |
hden pa mams ni chos kyi sku |
chos nid z'es bya ma yin te |
de ni Ses par nus ma yin ¡|2
z'es gsun so ||
* | f a : w if a i

’W a ff mwl II

w w ra * g i

t o t o * % g *K s ra ta ^ t i i*

»1 w ? r a w « *fa r c f% e r s i v n *re r ^ r a n fim

g w r ii i w w fg w w : i *5<rer fa rm t w

ftlH I w r it—

§ *t « R E i w p w t w ts n r i

ftv m n n w ro tT * H i 3 « w r n5

p i w m w * n ? n f% i

to u t w w fa S s r * m nm f a a n f a g < i ii5

1 X rtag. 8 See note 5. 8 See AK, I. 12. 4 Cf. M a j j li i m a, I. 408.

5 See MV, p. 448; V a j r a c c h e d i k a , p. 43; BCP, p. 421 ; JRAS, 1900, p. 948.

ffir Mi.ii
CSV: hdir kha cig dag ni1 re bum pa ni ran gi no bos blta
bar bya ba ma yin z'in | blta bar bya ba ma yin par ma yin mod
kyi | blta bar bya ba nid dan hbrel ba las blta bar bya bar ni
Jigyur na | blta bar bya bar gyur pas kyan mnon sum du kgyur
ro z'es zer ro || hdi yan mi rigs z'es bstan pahi phyir bSad pa |
i < iw t nz', i

blta bya skyes pas bum pa ni |

hdi la yon tan hgah mi hgyur |
des na blta bya nid skye ltar |
yod pahi no bohan yod ma yin ]| 10
In 6 Vxx of CS and CSV hgar for hgah.
V jatamatre ghate drste gunah ka&cin na bhSsate |
evam jatasya dfstasya satsvarupam na vidyato |] 10 [|
I cannot agree with V. In a and c blta bya is translated by
dfsta, but it should have been drastavya, as is clear from the use
of bya. See karika 314c (= X III. 14c), and MK XIV 1", 3b, 4°
(Tib. text). There is nothing in Tib. for V’s bhasate; nor can it
be meant by hgyur. The karika may be translated as below :
ififainirt t o i
sfa * fa*!?* I II
CSV: gal te blta bar bya ba nid ni mnon par gsal ba ham
cis khyad par du gyur pa yin pa z'ig na | gni ga ltar hdi
la blta bar bya ba nid dgos pa med do |] hdir blta bar bya ba
nid hdi yons su bTtags nas don blta bar bya bahi ran
gi no bo ham | blta bar bya ba ma yin pahi ran gi h o bo
z'ig la rtog | re z'ig gal te blta bar bya bahi ran gi
no bo la yin na dehi tshe de brtags pas ci z'ig bya |j gad gi
don yons su rtog pa de ni med par yan yod pa nid pas
‘ X m .
311] CHAPTER X III 181

brtags1 par mi rigs so || ci ste bita bar bya ba ma yin par gyur pa
la bita bar bya ba ñid rtog na de yañ mi rigs te | lus can ma yin
pa rnams kyañ bita bar bya ba ñid du thal bahi phyir dañ | bita
bar bya ba ñid skyes pa [bita bar bya ba ñid] med pa la
hgal bahi phyir ro | bita bar bya ba ñid skye ba med pa ¡|
des na bita bya ñid skye ba ltar*
te | ji ltar bita bar bya ba dañ bita bar bya ba ma yin pahi bum
pa la mam pa thams cad du bita bar bya ba ñid mi rigs pas skye
ba mi srid pa de bz'm du bita bar bya bar ma gyur pahi bum pa
yod pahi ño bohañ yod pa ma yin
la | yod pa ma yin pahi bum pa la ni bita baT bya ba ñid la
rtog® par rigs pa yañ ma yin pas hdi ni mi rigs so |l
ssarewrfasraf faífannut srestá f a j ­
aron» w
vi qranRi u fe ftr*
I [w ] *1 ÍJWT
i i *t gwjj i
5^5HcsnreifTaiT^5T sgggsf
sn?ra i

tot ^ ?! gsuci Tfn ^nfíHí

C\ «I fasni II
^srcsrawRifa * m » ii
CSV: hdir smras pa | yul gzugs la sogs pa mñon sum dag ni
yod pa kho na ste | dehi hdzin par byed pa mig la sogs pahi dbañ
po yod pahi phyir ro || yod par gyur dbañ po hdi rnams ni gdon
mi za bar rañ gi yul hjug par hgyur dgos la | gaú du de rnams
hjug pa srid pa gzugs la sogs pa don de dag ni mñon sum yin no ||
báad par bya ste | gal te dbañ po rnams kyi yoñs su gcod par ñus
*X brtag. 2 It is, in fact, c of the káriká to which ba is added after skye. 8 X rtag.
par hgyur na ni gzugs la sogs pahi don dag tu hgyur ba z'ig na |
hgyur ba nid kyan ma yin no || ji ltar z'e na | hdi na mig la sogs
pa Ina po ni spyir hbyun ba las gyur pa nid du ne bar ston la |
de mams kyi bya ba ni yul tha dad pas tha dad pa z'ig go || hdi.
ltar mig gis gzugs kho na mthon gi sgra mi thos la ||ma bas kyan
sgra thos kyi1 gzugs mi mthon no |j gan gi tshe de ltar |
i ujtptm rarfirora: i Sfct
w?rf%r: w ra fh 3 vmw: i i «ra. srltfasiinit
ufc««*r *ifw: i eifos i sro fafa i T9
t o « w ra n st i % ri s r to f g ] f * n s r o ^ i i
irar ft ^q r i srnrcifq *r^: ^ * 3
»1 w i i *&**{— *
mig ni hbyun gyur ma de bz'in |
mig gis mthon gi gz'an gyis min |
des na nes par las mam smin |
thub pas bsam mi khyab par gsuns || 11 |)
In a all hgyur for gyur; Vx of CS and V’s xylographs (rouge
et noir) sna2 for ma. In b after mthon all gis for gi. In d Vx of
CSV pa for pas.
V caksur darSanato’bhinna caksusam sravanam tatha |
acintyam karmano nunam vipakam proktavan munih || 111|
The first half of it can in no way be accepted. I may suggest
the following:

wwfaqrtf ii^ n
CSV: mig ni hbyuft gyur ma de bz'in |
mig gis mthon gi gz'an gyis min |
dehi tshe hthad pa dan hgal bahi bya ba srid pahi phyir mig la
sogs pa mams kyi ran gi no bo rtog pa ga la yod || hbyun ba las
gyur pa Aid du mtshufis (?)* bz'in du yul hdzin pa tha dad pa brtag
> X kyis.
* In the present case this reading can also be admitted though not supported by CfiV.
8 X mdzufis. But these two words arc not here appropriate.

par ni mi rigs so |) mig la sogs pa mams kyi1 yod pa ñid ni yul

frdzin pa las rjes su dpag pa yin na de yaú tgal bas mi srid de |
dehi phyir dbañ po yod pas yul rnams mñon sum ñid du mi rigs
so |1 gal te de ltar mig la sogs pa mams mi srid na | dehi phyir*
ji ltar mig la sogs pahi dbañ po hdi rnams las kyi mam par smin
pahi ño bor mam par bz'ag ce na | ci kho bo cag gis hdi mams
kyi mam par smin pahi ño bo ñid bkag gam || gal te mig la sogs
pa mams hgog par sgrub pas de ji ltar ma bkag ce na || kho bo
cag ni mam par dpyod pa don rañ bz'in tshol ba lhur byed pa ñid
kyi phyir ro | kho bo cag ni hdir dnos po mams rañ gi ño bos
grub pa hgog gis8 mig la sogs pa byas sin rten ciñ hbrel bar
frbyuñbahi las kyi mam par smin pa ñid ni mi hgog paho |]°
gañ mig hbyuñ ba las gyur pa yin yañ gzugs kho na mthoñ
gi sgra mi thos z'es bya ba la sogs pa hdi ni mthoñ ba yañ yin no ||
gañ gi phyir hdi de4 ltar yin pa |
des na ñes par las mam smin |
thub pa bsam mi kyab par gsuñs ||
dños po rañ bz'in med pa mams kyañ bya bahi hbras bu ñes
pahi phyir bcom ldan hdas kyis° las rnams kyi [hbras bu mam
par smin pa bsam gyis mi khyab par gsuñs so || 11 |]

f a w u t Hsraéí «i i
srafarararcrenaiflrerT i faqur-
n fM iw ii w i fl* *

n itra l ^ i f w : m fm m i i°
w fa *r are* «sqtfltarfc i ssaft
^ n f q i ?TWT^1%¡*
1 X kyis. 2 These two words seems to be unnecessary
»Xgi. 4 X da.

fa w rre w m fq « ñ w fin lN w w ^1 s tir w fk m in T -

CSV : Mir smras pa | mig la sogs pa ni ran bz'in gyis yod
pa ñid de | dehi libras bu mam par ses pa mthon bahi phyir ro ||
bóadpar bya ste | gal te dehi hbras bu mam par ses pa ñid yod
na ni mig la sogs pa yod par hgyur na srid pa ni ma yin no || ji
Ita z'e na | de la re z'ig |
i f«rep?r iíw i 1

<s^îi i « m rg trfro ro it narrar i g w*rf?r i

srerfafn i ttct i
rkyen ma tshañ phyir áes pa ni |
Ita bahi sña rol yod ma yin |
hon te phyis na ées don med |
gsum pa byed pa don med hgyur ¡J 12 ||
In a V wrongly rgyen ma tsJiad for rïcyen ma tshañ. In d CSV
once par for pa after gsum. V’s note on gsum pa byed pa is not
required at all.
V amitapratyayajñánam drstapürvam na vidyate |
athänte jn a n a vai yarthyam darsanam ca nirarthakam || 12 ||
Nothing of it can be accepted. I may ofEer the following :
*r*t‘ irst?i§*i*sn* ^5 ç v m f c i i
t o mnf*re$ «rii|ataraf farcn zm h?*ii
CSV : re z'ig Ita bahi sña rol du ni mig gi mam par ses pa
yod pa ma yin no | mig gi Ita ba bdag pohi rkyen ma tshaù bahi
phyir ro || ci ste Ita bahi hog roi du rtog na ni dehi tshe ées pa don
med te I gal te mam par ées pa med pahi mig gis gzugs mthon
na ni ho na mam par ées pa yoñs su rtog pa don med do ||
gsum pa byed pa don med hgyur
te I rtog pa gsum pa ni ita ba dan áes pa gñis cig car hbyun ba. .*
1 Here in the Tib. text iollow two verses and a prose passage quoted from a work oj
* Three letters in X could not be read here.
de la1. . med do |j hdi Ita bas na Ita ba ste byedpa don med par
Jjgyur ro |j Ita ba dan ses pa gñis cig car yod na ni rnam par àes
pa gan z'ig Ita ba dan dus mtshuñs pa la de Ita ba la rag las te
hbyun bar mi rigs so || ba laû gi rwa gyas gyon lhan cig hbyun ba
dag la ni cig sos cig sos la rag las te skye ba ñid mi srid de |] de
bz'in du Ita ba dan lhan cig hlrayñ bahi mara par àos pa Ita ba
las rag las te skye ba Bid du ma hgyur bas Ita ba don med pa kho
nar hgyur t o ||°
gan gi tshe de ltar mam par ses pa mi srid pa dehi tshe de yod
pas mig la sogs pa rnams. .2yod brtag pa gaû yin pa de mi rigs so ¡

i i arflr fà*u

S t a r a i fàrcn f«n 11

jp F ft <çsî»rfïKïïT I fàiTR ifa

«ï wrefW i iwt ^
*3^>ïçf ^starar? ^ ^tír-i i°
îftw f t’grsf =r ^rarefa ?rci m rRrsrt* :raxiitai...-HSTHr-

qffëfa *ï «?*«
CSV: 5[ sjêrr? I H ^ TC I fàî <ïf? I I
wrc«w*n«nprïn?i i

1 Hero also three lettera arc illegible* in X.

2 Here a few letters are illegible in X.
3 For adhipatipratyaya ace MV. pp. 70-77. Poussin's note no. 7, and V i s u d d h i m a g g a ,
ed. Bhikkhu A. P. Buddhadatta, Alutgama (Ceylon), 1914, p. 415 : jetthakaU hena upakärako
dhammo adhipatipacayo.° yani yaip dhammani garurn katvâ ye ye dhammâ uppajjanti
cittaoetasikâ te te dhammâ tosaci tesaci dhamniänarji adhipatipaccayena paccayo’ti.
* See MV, pp. 139, 224, 547.
6-5 Not in HPS ; Tib. : fcdir smras pa | mig ni byed pafci ño bo ma yin pa kho na sto |
bo no ci z'e na | byed pa po ñid de j de byed pa pofri dños por khas blañs pafri j)hyir |
gsum par byed pa don med bgyur |
z'es gañ smras pa de ni mi rigs so || do ltar brtags na yañ mig Ita bafri by a ba dañ bral ba ñid
du frgyur ro|| ji ltar z'e na | gal te mig gis0 |

satarat fk m §*u
Tfil 55m (312=XIII-12) ST I iflf aR ^sfif ^ ^ » V
w%?t; 1 *pffaf?i %?[ 1 gfe 5?ra ? ^tf1 q # |s i
q^^TciT *it q£*$«nraT V *f?r nf?njr<?q*re— 1
mig ni hgros dan ldan hgyur na |
thag rin yun rin gis mthori hgyur |
ha can ne dan ches rin du |
gzugs de gsal ba ci stc min |j 13 H
In b Vx of CSV rins for rin.

*rai«n% ft ^ sisr * ^ 11
CSV: sf? >9 mnqrTfk^rfbre^at ^rf l f ^s rf i s r*i
V5HTVIiTf^T8l^ I fa fw a tS ^ sitq w tf]6 fllTO!* fairsre-
PwmnRf 0*]6 *rgw7 *rf?raiTW q*?rfa ^ 're ifa ftm -
?rra^ i f a ] 9 mHsnfr
^nfi^i(€rwn%sfq tj^ fa^ n w ^ R trerra l10 ^ ^ ssrar^ajii ^ t«x i *i
taffqraqV n3«$ta[ m *n
I Tib. oin. it. Iicfore riip;im BPS has -stlialji jns\t*l.
* HPS om. it.
n I t is not supported by Tib.
4 Tib. simply m ig; HPS cakgugab«
* Tib. bgro ba dafi ldan pabi don gyi (X gyia) yul no bar l.idzin pa dan | HPS ha 8 here
a gap indicating nino letters or syllables.
• Here ca is to be inserted as supported also by Tib. reading da n. See note 5.
f Tib. ma rigs. HPS °vigyagrahanayuktain.
8-8 Here some words in our X are very indistinct.
• HPS ; it is supported by Tib. yan, according to which api may preferably be used.
»0 HPS ad. va.
II In this connection the meaning of aprapta or asamprapta, (Pali asampatta, as often used)
in such words as aprapta-karin, etc. is thus given in the VT §286 (VI, 8 ) : asampattavasena
ti attanam asampattassa gocarassa vaaena. attanu, visayadcsarn va asampattavasena.
oakkhusotani hi rupasaddehi asampattani. sayaip va tani asampattfm* eva arammai„iarji
The arguments are summarized there thus :
ten’etam v uccati:
cakkhiisotam pan'etesu hot’sam pat tag;* hakaip |
viii flan ’uppattihe tu 1 1 a santaradhikagocare || 1 ||
tatha hi duradosattham phalikaditirohitarji |
mahantafi ca nag.\dinatn vannam cakkhu udikkhatij] 2 ¡1
akasadigato kucchicamma’nantarito’pi ca |
mahanto ca ghanadinaip saddo sotassa gocaro |] 3 1|
gantvS visayadesantani caritva gaphatiti ce |
adhitthanavidhanc*pi tassa so gocaro siya || 4 ||
bhfitappabandhato so ce yati indriyasannidhiip |
315] CHAPTER X III 187

CSV: ^ i ?f{% ^remcgrc
^n*1 w f? ! ?iiW strr
» T ^ a r m s s T Is s w in fa f % irfn q r^ ra r e —
gal tc gzugs mthoi'i mig hgro na |
soil bas yon tan hgah yaii mcd |
yari na blta byar hdod pa ni |
lies ses bya ba brdzun par hgyur || 14 ||
In & V wrongly pas for bas. In c Vx of CSV par or pa
In d Vx of CSV hdod for nes; V and. Vx of CS z'es, and Vx of CSV
ces for ses; V and Vx of CS brjod for brdzun.
* niN * i
fagirc^fafer st i m ii?« ii
CSV: srf? fa
f t f ir a a t a n i i w i t tophi i * * Oura:*
qlsttTOta vs. sfh *T fevf%v«r>rer v f a p m i ^nrrg^r t
?i?T * wratfft i tw ^ n iifro fa r-
^iraipn^Earai *r w«tf% H»n
CSV: ^laftaqftfsrftilgT gf?— i
mig ma soil bar hdzin na ni |
hgro ba hdi kun mthoii hgyur te |

kamma cittoj asamLliuto varuio saddu ca cittajo || Cj|

na tesaip gocara honti na hi samblionti te biihi |
vutta ca aviscscna pa^hc taipvisaya/va tc | j 6 1|
yadi o’otarp dvayaiji attasamtpaip ycva gajihati |
akkhivai?i?am tatha inulan.i passoyya pakhuinassa ca |] 7 ||
disadesavavatthanarji Baddassa na bhaveyya ca |
siya ca saddabhedissa sakaiji;ie snrapatanan’ti ¡| 8 1|
In 3C Burmese reading is ghanta 0 for ghana°. In 7d pakhuinassa is Siamese reading, while
in tho Ceylone edition ro*crred to it is bhamukassa.
PA (II. 5 ; pp. 51-GO) has a long discussion which begins as follows: idamidanirp manag
mimatpsamahe. prapy$.kariniiidriyai}y aprapyakaritii veti. tatra prapyu-k&rlQy eveti kana*
bhakijak^apadamimlrpsakasamkliyah samkliy. nti. cak^ufr¿rotrctaraiii tani tatheti tatha*
gatab. oakgurvarjyaaiti tu tatlia syadvadavadatahrdayah.
AK, I. 43c-d : mig dan yid diij rna ba ni | yul dan in i frad | ( = apraptarthany akgimanab*
6rotraiji). See AKB and A1CV with Poussin’s note, loc. cit. ;NS, III. 1. 44 ff.; NK, p. 23,
1 Tib. gzugs ; HPS visayam.
2 Tib. defri yul d u ; HPS °kiip vi^ayarp drstva vi?ayadc6ani for °kim° deSarp*
3 Tib. ad. tatafr kim (de las cir Ugyur).
4 After it Tib. ad. ta t (de).

gañ la hgro ba yod raiu pa |

de la riñ med bsgribs palia ñ med || 15 []
In d V'hdi for r iñ ; Vx oí CSV sgrib, and V witli Vx of CS
bsgrib for bágribs.
* qsgaráfíré Sfíi^ I
* n f % 5 í t % ^ u n i
CSV: üt f*
fa ro ts *n s f*f? i Á i m H ^ T f^ c n T n ^ n fa $ % m T c 5 n ^ i»U T ^

v fcffói m r ó m w ifaítw : i gifrofaífasr

mvn5€r ?ra ?^fa íta:s i *i^?t fa34*TO^nHSi¡Tft^fa*wa<irT-
H T H fq ^ q s r sstw t^ i c = n n H fa c ra á sm m T’i t w w

« m r i q ^ i 8« w i f% w ^St i W R V w ts fa

-g iifa r a fín c s n s r e s ít fts ra ts fa fM N ts r ?r?T

^FlccTT q s ^ ífa ?l%7^*$rfÍTSr f¡í£ ? 3 e t8íT fq qsp^ I ^ f% ^ T Í T T W ^

» lfr l0f w ? l T S I § c f Ífa rí T fff I ?T^T «5R5TT 5«5 ET fT ^ T f^

» lf? T I íf? W ^ IH R T ^ ^ T f? T V* ^ IT ? t II U II
3 16
CSV: gfe ^ ^sbraHTí ^ itt? t Htffarensnwi
^ q f l f q q jg ^ I ? im f% ^ Í 3 ¡ — I

dúos po kun gyi rañ bz'in ni |

dan por bdag la snañ hgyur na |
niig ni mig ñid kyis hdzin par |
ci y i phyir na hgvur ma yin {} 16
In d Vx of CSV gañ z'i<¡ gis for ci yi phyir.
* ^ R T W : T O » r i f W O T R f i l iS H Í t I

w í *w
n3 . *Mr \* srrsm n t<
*' »

i jjp g °órolramano°.
3 AK. I. 43: apraptarthany aksimanabórotrani (mig daíi y id dañ m a ba ni | yul dan
ma phrad°||).
8 Tib. de mi bgal babo ; HPS tadvirodhab.
4 Tib. vicarasya (mam par dpyad pa) for vidheb. 6 Tib. ad. cvam (bdi lía).
• So T ib .; HPS °Bthc. 7 Tib. debi tshe ; H P 6 tad iha°i
8 Tib. íhag riñ po na gnas pa ; HPS °düratn api.
9 Tib. om. gati-.
*17] CHAPTER X III 189

CSV: tot TOimfiranfiri1 ’Btoswf <J5 q itq ^ w i

q^i,fr8R«r«f^^T^,?fq i w « r i t a M * rrot*TT^
t ^ gfc w ^ajsi^vnw
4 nnM prt
^ j r a^ i a s w ivji R wNl i t * r ? t f w <Nj b r 5» * r a f a i w * n * ti ^

o t* « N nsw?rt i n w :
q ig ^fa h s w a tf» \\ u
CSV: ^ ?i %<?*r«i w i t TOp?*raTiw?iifisr i *rfq
% w a iw t ^ ^ q f w f ^ ’ffT-T’ rt « m in t « a it w w lti « m H t n
JliW ro il 3fWRT “ I

mig la mam sea yod min z'iri |

mam par sea pa lta med la |
gni ga gzugs la yod min na |
de dag gis gzugs ji liar mtlion ]| 17 ||
In b V and Vx of CS ivs la yan blta for par ses pa tia. In c V
gnis for gni ga. In d V and Vx of CS gi for ji, In d Vx of CSV
gzuns for gzugs.
* w i?to% 5» fain»} fawsrei 5j i
<?mf 5n1% ^q^sr h ^q sffsw ii {'a n
CSV: wjsRrrwfeTn^ 5jt% i if f%
« ^ q sn ^ i ^ f h ^ i f% w , : i m v n ® i <?g

w its % 5! »

5 flfq f«r9T«W 5 I 8 f%,»T5T f% fa s rT * n i? r * g q jg fa I srf^

g f ^ i i i f q ^ T i ^ T ? i ^ n f q * q ^ « i ^ n f ? T n ^ ¥ j n ^ T ? T i8 ^ w f q

1 Tib. campakotpaladikueumanaiii (me tog tsam pa ka dan u t pa la la sogs dag gi).

a Tib. rail la gnas pal?i; HPS °vyava° for ’va°.
* Tib. paratm atoc (gz'an gyi bdag nid la).
*Tib. mig blta bafri ran bz'in d u ; HPS caksusor dar^anasvabhavyam.
6 Tib. om. tavad.
6 Tib. kharadi0 (boft bu la sogs). According to Skt. the Tib. reading should have
been sa gon for boil bu.
1 In X read rtogs for rtog.
® .8 For vijniinaih 0 -sadbhavat Tib. na tad rupavat. kutas tasya dar&inam. tan nastiti
gatavan na pasyati (de ni gzugs can ma yin pa z'ig ste | de la lta ba ga la yod de med pas na
son ba ltar mi mthoft 6 0 1|).

»!T% I I 5|Tfq ^ s f ^ q T ^ tW H T ^ 2 «
^ i s ^Tircrrwfq
*Hl ^ WJ 4*f?I W iqfari TOPI I* ^q^5J*1T3pf^5f^T^T^-
^rgçrcref^sïfwnq: i îiçt ^ ? w ^ sh w rq 5^ ! *rmrefa
« r a f i f i snra tfit v i s * í t II II
CSV: g«lT ^ >
ST^wfq ’itàvJ ?irefa I
fçq?sfoq^*^qn!^ntïre»weiT?j i7 ÇT? qfc S5^: * q 3 q
**qmt qi ’a^s to r e » ^ 8 *n i sf<? in^em H : ©V * ^qnnN
ggiö®^* fiwf’ft asrffl® fsfjsja^ ^T I ÎT5T îîf% ^4: ^gq^^T—
gal to smra z'iii sgra hgro na |
gañ gis smra ba por mi hgyur |
bon te mi smra bar hgro nahañ |
gañ gis de la ses pa fskye || 18 jj
In cl V and Vx oí OS bshjcd for sh/c.
* *î ^?sn 3iTq^ qta si*çt ïïrih $q?r i
to qaro: iì* siurä ii*cn
CSV: ir w q m ^ ^ ç 'a q 's æ ^ ti ^ 10 *r w^rfn i to is ^
OTÍH *TÇT fo'.WZ sf^fH ïl^ S S fafa TOUreiât I
* Wï|ta*aTOITf^t«qfafa ^ II t« »
CSV: f^ T ^ c l- •
gai te phrad de sgra hdzin na |
sgra yi dañ po gañ gis hdzin [
sgra ni rkyañ bahañ mi hoù na |
riñ bu ji ltar hdzin par hgyur || 19 ||
1 Tib. rtogs (X rtog) p a ti rañ bz' in ma yin palji phyir. HPS °jñfinm avabodha0.
2 Tib. adaróanátmakatvát (Ita ba ma yin pabi bdag ñid can yin pabi phyir).
3 Tib. om. it. 4- 4 Tib. om. ili 0 éakyam.
5 Tib. gzugs la Ita ba med pa ; H PS rupftsvâdaréanâsambbavât.
• In X read rig ( =vid) for rigs.
1Tib. mcd pabi pbyir (abhâvâ*).
8 In Tib. a* (ma) of asamprâpataty iß left out.
• Tib. bgro ba ; HPS vrajan. 10 Tib. om. asau.
320] CHAPTER X III 191

In a Vx of CSV te for de. In c V wrongly rgyad for rkyan

and V and Vx of CS par for biJtan. In d V wrongly ren for rin.
* u n r e s t w rrenfc: i
*1 11 \tL n
CSV: rth: w r %*r 5Z®Sf i1
mH^nf%c^T^tci^[ ®ri% i *t era
H*W^fa2 I rTcl^TOUiTT’irc^T^^
WatafaHTS: I "qwpift*
«I %fa %‘sm- i
^ sp^KT5t?te * liN Tfa ^ g^anh to 7
sis ^ in rs ^ i^ I i *rer8 i n ^
5J^ET II ?«. II
CSV: *er
inniv.ift su ^ raift: i ffa i
zrf% tronfc? 5j*ta^r?T ^ t ?fh i w i i t i t ^csfaaj
l rPiT f%— I
ii srid sgra tlios ma gyur pa |
de yi bar du sgrar mi hgyur |
sgra med pa yan mthar sgra nid |
hgyur na de ni ini rigs so |j 20 ||
In a V ha for pa.
* OTTO 5pOv? i S T ^ W T ^ 'it sf 5ira3 I
II V ||
CSV: m «I *ro?i qw ^ «5rfa i
* * *RI% TO! »Wfr « f ^ f r T I | 5» f%
1 Tib. debi dan po gaA gis bdzin ; HPS om. tasy a 0 te.
a For sambhava 0 Tib. bhava° (yin pas). 8 In X read daft po for dbaft po.
4 Tib. 0s'cagrhito’rtho’sau Sabda cva na° (dcbi phyir ma bzun babi don de ni sgra nid du
mi bgyur ro).
6 Tib. ad. evam (dc liar), and -dravyatm akatvat (bJag nid) for - dray aka t vat.
« HPS ad. 6abda-.
7 Tib. ckadha (mam pa gcig tu), and ad. ¿rotrena (m a).
8 Tib. yan na» translated by atha va.

»WT$t WTCSfffï ssrçi îïÇ^^ManRÇ^r1 ïï*ï*S*5SWgai-

fwffl II* V n
CSV: tpr ?nwfçf5çin^i r^rq^nnHiWg?JTS!T *R9tif<r
fw ro iro H T W ^irw rcn * — i
dbañ po rnams dan bral sems kyis |
son stehan ci z'ig byed par hgyur |
de ltar yin dan srog hdi ni |
rtag tu yid mcd ci ste min || 21 ||
V and Vx of CS hjaû for dan, and hyi for Tcyis ir a, and Ita
for ltar in c.
* u«?ïfq sífasfa i
rç# ^tàtîïTTR^ï: «Tfàrç h II
CSV: sf? fa'rf nêST fa rö qjiwrâ
1 » T O S R rô I 3Î

S îfïï I T f ^ T ^ T I ^ S Í*

fsfftfSsssrws'ici i tot i s s i w*sfa

f^R n u ffrf* Ç .§ fW T Î f ¥ T O ènfa I

* f% w tffìfocrercfòrosm
vj srra w f s ^ i* r e T W ti% i
T O l f t a m f q ^ w f% « lT W iT W T ft I T O lfa ^ 2 rf% f^ rq ^ 3 T » w ^ 5 n w f-

tnsrfëKSï 1

qsnwi míiffT i ^ ^ i f ^ f r w ï a r ^ 4 w ra firo'j

i i6
u ^ g w r r f%^w«T’URrfiïf55?ï[faïnifàrïrTsnïïi ^ n l ’íwírrcj8
^ u f« fw ia ii gfè w ifa fè :
1 Tib. agra med pa ; HPS áabdasya for aéabdasya.
} Here in Tib. follows a passage not to be found in Skt. of HPS.
3 Tib. don rtogs pa mthar thug pa mod pafci phyir mi ldog par bghyur ro || HPS tadâpy
aparyyavasânatvâd arthabodhasyánivvttau satyâm.
4 Tib. bdag ñid ; HPS °âtmakatvam.
6 After Btambha in Tib. there is one word more which could not be read in X.
6 Tib. bdag ñid du thal bar bgyur bahi phyir ro || HPS stambhâdivad acintakatvât.
7 HPS has here a lacuna ; Tib. yul daû mam pa áes pa mams la yod p a ti no bo |
• Tib. abhävät (med pas).
322] CHAPTER X III 193

wftrôn i ?raTewnq?in
f f l f f % T ^ II ti
CSV: *jf* ïi^ ïf Sim1 *IT% ríc^g%^í3 falfa-
qft^^Tfaran 3fa$*sra*sntgcsitafèjità i ^<*rô i *<?rai
îrflr^cift^çTfàTiiî tf’srr i s ^t5 ^«ri*
wf[?wra$ n^T TUTO fiat:]7 ^gftrfw: i fai
fawifr^fc: *4?n «iif^i i «i *n#fa i f*r:wn**3r vn^a8
ft^HT«ï«ÎFl I WT fr— I
sñaT mthon ba yi don gan z'ig |
yid kyis smig rgyu ltar hdzin pa |
de ni chos kun mam bz'ag la |
hdu áes phufi po z'es bya hio || 22 ;!
In c V and Vx of CS gz'ag for bz'ag.
* mm ntâ rîtah safest i
q f a m w n m * ’í w í w w w . » ^ »
CSV: T f ^rw: irato * crt fassnrr*
« § fSçqfaTOf*ï^«r?i i rrfarfêret qvggP its*: « traro*roi
?n jt i gré gsrc«fírf%?rei roram n u [tròf^fafa i
srofq inçrararafq jrd]10f%îRTïit snsrn% ^ tgiraraw*n^
m&i m «rarowdhn tí^ fa s m i^ ^ ífa 35n^*t3sS
«ifhnfìflf ^ 18 ffTïHg^rsrô cwlsmsrwr^rc«^ i «Iw -
swgrarcrçêiTO * «w tftn^R*r *^arwfas««Tfasfora*s*t»n^i
n w w « w « rr fìiv rim n 5*: tr*T«re^f»rasRT
w iw « iw
1 Tib. om. it as well as tarhi after yadi. a Tib. de mams kyi ; HPS egâ.
* HPS ad. padârtha-. 4 Tib. yuktä (rigs) for sy&t.
* Tib. gaft gi tshe ; HPS om. it. • HPS ad. ca.
I HPS has a lacuna ; Tib. bstan pa defci tshe de rnams kyi ago nas fcdug° ga la bgyur |
8 Tib. raù bz'in med pabi dúos po yod pabi phyir | HPS svabh&vaaya vidya° for nibsva0
bhavasya vidya®.
* Tib. snar mthoù babi ï HPS pürvavaddrçto.
10 HPS marks here a lacuna. Tib. smig rgyu ltar z'cs bya ba smros ée smig rgyu !a ohu
bag tsam kyaù mod mod kyi |
II Tib. om. pürva*. 11 HPS ad. here vikalpakam.

CSV: ? i« m : i ^ ft flfaresfa 1
v h n H srsw i w i s r a fa fo r i i w rfa f% ■stt f a r s n r c w p r c s n f

fa m * t« r fo t5 ta iT 2*rat i a ^ fa ^ fa sm * ¿ v r a ftfti'tr fr o n q ,

w * w t »11% I Wtifa ia r o n ^ - i
mig dan gzugs la brten nas yid |
sgyu ma bz'in du skye bar hgyur |
gan la yod pa nid yod de |
sgyu ma z'es byar mi rigs so || 23 ||
* u a te r « r o is s s ir c P ! m i : i

HTQt *33TW: * 1 J n tfa f 3T H ^U

CSV: 5T f* ?!f^rRg?tTI?FiT[*Tf^T 9 ^ ftftr a m r c i* (

!RWI | ^ q r e ^ iT T il4 I ^Krf%-

fa q ra r v ffr ^ n ft si i . ^ « T fo rrsrffra ra : far

f5ra?f q T *n is*ra w n w ? m n : i fV w r a a i-
ir a m fv rest sr [ m ]

fa fa w f^ a x ^ c ^ i tra m ^rra" q frr’^ T ii

I ci ^xj W * 5^1: I ?T<3I cj q j?m t

fsn a r ra ^ i t f s i s w t q q i t w T T n i w ^ t 9^ ^ ^nm f??w ?T tsfq g 5^ -

^SR W TT ?itsfq i ?i3R ^i fs t:« fa w fa r c « ra r a fi i

i^ S te f i r a s t 10 ^ f ^ f ^ r c n « ^ m ^ m r < tf? g w « r T fa i5 ir m

9TV ST ^*T* ST ST ITOtfi ST 3ffT f t S fS F S fo r ii c l f i ^ :

iw fip g i9 ^ f» R r e tv R t^ s i 12? w a i r ^ fa s n g it * frf* n w tsq fta -

1 Tib. tatab (de bas na ni) for tasminn asati.

I In X read ma gtogs for ma rtogs.
• Tib. hdi laa kyan [ma] yin t e ; HPS om. it.
4 Tib. -abhavat (med par) for -asmbhabat. See p. 195, note 4.
6 Tib. ad. vistarafiafc (rgya cher) ‘copiously.*
• Tib. rtafci tshoga dan; HPS om. a6va°.
f This word, patti-, could not bo verified as the X is very illegible hero.
8 Tib. daft ; HPS om. ca. Tib. ad. iti bahu (?) 6atam jayate (z'es brgya cher frbyuft z'ift).
• This should be the actual form, asattab—asat-tafc. HPS asatab ; Tib. yod pa ma yin
par. See p. 196,1.1.
10 Tib. dge si oft dag; HPS om. it.
II Tib. ad. uoitam (raft bar). 18 Tib. om. it.

tr p r c a r a r a P s c r e i g !* ® its « r e T v its f q tta iP ifa

w ifs fa ^ n ts fq ^ * r ittiG r c p » r a ts « r c r

w *n*t i h s jt o fit: i fa rw fa R fS rcn ^ w * ? « T w ^ t O r i

sittre iw n i fj«n ^ w ia ro n n * * iT O ig 2 rf? i5!rsi*

f^nsrfjTfn neRrtnsryrgn i ’gjffas ^

w Vj: i r a t e i r r o r a s s j r o S aw , \ *fh i

n fz h 5^ w rc rf ^ q i t
faspi *n?r «sre: m n
5| f%* 3Tt% ^ « T a n ^ 5 * n w % r if iT liffa g sst I q tf fa^TTiW fa

w ra t fira w ts ic s rw T itq T i ^ ^rf^t s q fN rii *r i n i t t m

I ftT O H I* f a r T T ^ I ^ fa:*jr*TFi f ^ ’JTTsf TT^T

f t:^ w * f a * T * « r o ig ? iiT t f s i f a : ^ m t f n f a r a ^ * ii ii

CSV: i * n v iS lw i i ^ % f e ’n*irt ^ s w f q
« w a rn s < * ra a fa ]< ire r. ira to w fa r ^ f%^T*rf*TfrT i <3^nl i

faift^OTra ceRIT SS^# I f?f fa ?IW fa^HrTfa^¥T|10

its rrs ^ te it i sa ra ? * ^ 4W ira te n ^ * : i rra t w re itq -

f a f l ’Sr g w ^ t f ® n s w *T *RI3f?T I11 125fP3iaia«TOTl * m f tit-

fa its r^ fa q rn w : * n j r Mf f q * r a q?* q ? « ^ i g z i^ q q ^ kw oki

?r a r a ^ * t 1B f ^ ^ T ^ w ’UT ®r H ^ f s f T i16 ? m T x g q t^ ra q^W T t n g ^ n l t o t 1'

^ i ^ m ^ f ? f i P n f « T O T ? 5T18^ ^ f H w f% i it^ n — i

1 So© p. 194, note 9.

2 In X read nad for rias.
8 T ib . fr b r a s. SeeMVt (Chinose-Sanakil-Tibotan Vocabulary) 9487.
4Tib. -abhavat (medpabi phyir). See p. 194, note 4.
6 In X add ma after na chun. See MV, p. 4P. e TH,. a(j. purvavat.
7 Tib. miston z'inyod par bgyur bal^i; HFS ¿unya sambhiitl.
•Here in Tib. follow four verses quoted from some work the introductory line being
nktaip hi bhagavata (bcom ldan ljdaa kyis° gsuns so [|). HPS om. them.
• Tib. om. tvaya dnftam.
10 Tib. anirudhyamanad for aniruddhad (bgag bz'in pabi).
11 For krtasya0 sambhavati Tib. krtam upacitam karma nirudhyaticiram praptam na
kvaoid avati^thate (byas 6in bsag8 pabi las bgags nas yun 6in tu rin por Ion pa la bgab yah
gnas pa mod mod kyi||). 12 Tib. ad. kintu (bon kyan).
13 For kalpaSatasahasra- Tib. anekakalpa- (bakal pa du mas).
14 Tib. vastutab (dnos sa). 15 Tib. ad. vividharii (rnam pa ltar).
18 For na sambhavanti Tib. na bhavanti (yod pa ma yin mod).
*7 Tib. °dakadugdhanani (bo ma). 18 Tib. om. -nispadana*.

gañ tshe mkhas la sa steñ na |

no mtshar can min can med pa |
de tshe dbañ rtogs de hdra la |
ya mtshan z'es bya ci z'ig yod || 24 |]

* ra i^ < ^t f îra n r. it «
CSV; s¡t§ 1% ^sîR^w gfïr^îfsnîi i gsn1 ïTtiîïifl&rçis:
*n§: 1 ^ fafat* ?! i
?rm f r i ' s n i t f ^ n n w T O ^ m ^ 455ïw f»ï i i m w i

^WTTf?3 ^ i *r«r WT i
t o w 5tïïir^w r' ^îrf|îrf^TO^n*ni i
w n g sraîta ?sn5N ^Ref%^sí *R7
i n^*jsfa f% faf% ^w 5Rhrçtrer«niR faamqpc stoih
* *raâ* i *r ^R ÍW ft fàsm râfa’i! #
CSV: %m qsrfèRmwi^TsiinireRT to t ?im fìrafW -
« P R srff§ * rç — i
mgal mehi hkhor lo sprul pa daù |
rmi lam sgyu ma chu zia dañ |
khug sna nañ gi brag cha dañ |
smig rgyu sprin dañ mtshuñ srid pa || 25 ||
mal hbyor spyod pa bz'i brgya pa las dban po dan don dgag
pa bsgom pa bstan pa ste | rab tu byed pa bcu gsum paho||
In a V ba for pa. In c Yx of CSV khu rna for khug sna ; V
wrongly grug for brag ; and V with Vx of CS ca for cha. In d all
srid pa mtshuñs for mtshuñs srid pa.
1 Tib. dper na; HPS om. it.
* Tib. la sogs pa lia bu yin na ; HPS °ityädinäm bhu°.
8 Tib. yujyate (rigs so).
- * Before aérâvaçâni HPS ad. aoâksugâfli.
* For 'gatau Tib. dam pa («¡sat) which does not give any suitable sense. On« may read
here rtogs as before.
* In X for grol read ttgro.
325] CHAPTER X ÎII 197

^ f ^ » G :i i l T O S R W ^ P Í : *n r h ti
ti s ta re ft *rçr.mrar *fas 3w [w R *u *^ s p i h w sratçtf irarennin {\ n
CSV: to t flro^sirofarqqfa-
fa ^ ^ T O ^ ^ tw fà W S frT I SI ^ ?I?JT% T O tr ç q ih ftlfa I
to i * 2iftf&ir. wnfaqsroHnjm: fats: «çtn: fora w ?mfw*rt
tfifisifg ire fa i i tf*r fir ô ïn w n fir e ffa T ftfw r ç fa ^ iw :
«|?rgfàrerw^f%m fafa] w TO i»niiitaw r?w taw nd-
w * i t g w i ]2 a g f a ^ 3 5èìf*33ì*f% ii5 n w «$ m :* i
m \ ^ f ^ r'« *g ? ffff!s n w n p n s i« i^ i s r a : s r a F ï w i i sTro^nnwra
vm fo # *fa *rafafa *ra *T: i q n^m t o t ^ « t o u t t ^ i
to t ^ i T i q T ^ ^ f » i ^ 5n ï n m a r a g î î f t w ^ ^ n ^ r H t n ’ ri®
fgfTW t^sm i H * «Ç T^h Q îïlT 3ÍT3SfT I 32IT ^ mW^\ « f E T O P C * :
n ^ « $ F n ç T O iW ïW « n w *fT O fa f» r a » w t w^fa i
urn * tra ia p U jn n w ifiN T O ifà ^ T ^ > iftfa T n fH tw is r

yfa sn anm fkçre ip it rç *n |q fq 'ra fa f< n *ra i vi^fir i qm ^

f t f o n r o r o t f f t a P i W ró r^an irttar10 arrawrr «fttirofirivpf
v x r ô i 3i«TT*Tniu i s«n ^ « d f q s n ^anrrafàriì trofirfw if e w f a «
mm12 trarcreröffror f t f r o r t l srafaqqfà srcqfa I TOT ^TO lfa

I Tib. me dan bcas pahi ; HPS sajalasya.

*-2 Tib. Bprul p a ti tin ñe bdzin gyi rkycn las by un bal.ii bud med dag yod par bgyur
babi bud med rnams ltar bdod chags can rnaras la lain nas ñon moñs pabi rgyur bgyur z'iñ||
thub pa mams kyis sprul pabi tiú ñe bdzin gyi stobs kyis sprul pabi thub pabi raíl giño bo
med ein yod par gyur pabi thub pabi raíl bz'in dan bral ba rnams bden jmr gyur pabi thub
pa dag ltar skye ba ma lus pahi yid kyi mun pa bjoms pa na sems can rnams kyi mtho ris
dañ byaù grol gyi lam gyi rgyur bgyur la |j HPS nirmâçânisamâdhiviéesapratj ayasamudbhü-
táni vicitrakriy âviéeçaniçpâdan ât sadbhütayogisam jnüdaréanamanoviparyâflâd
8 Tib. om. -indriya-.
4 HPS ad. yoginâm.
8 Or svapna-, Tib. gñid ; HPS siddha*.
• For kyia in mam par mi ées pa rnams kyis in X read kyi.
7 Tib. tshañ tshiñ (gahana).
s Tib. kandaradari (ri khrod kyi sul dañ).
• Tib. rlun gi zab rnams kyi (=vâtagam bhïràyâm ?). For giri0 dlnäm H PS girighvaro*
10 Tib. om. it.
II Tib. skye bo rnams la ; HPS aviduçâm.
xa For pratyaya Tib. in X rten for which read rkyen.

q & rra rw rt i q s m f^ í1 g s n T O n ta -

w9 t o r [« f r a * n ^ t S 9 T ? i s w T f % s ] 4* f f w m t T O s r :

^HT3RP5 ^ *1 S T ? l3 îS fT O a r T ^ lî: ïïfiw ifh l fa f^ tW T C W T a rra

w q ftD « r? n f% frf^ fa m p O T *§ tfrr f^ m ^ c i^ y ra s e in f^ f-

f % : ^ r w s : *N r p c i i ° 6r k «7
1 In X add mi before mkhas.
* T ib.hkhorba(bkhorba rnam par ées p a la sogapalli skye ba) ; HPS °janmasàgara)ki.
* Tib. phyi rol gyi snod daù boas par ; HPS ea bahycna0.
* Tib. skye bz'in pa mgal xnefei bkhor lo la sogs pa ltar. HPS has a lacuna here.
6 Tib. zad pas rnam par grol ba la brten par.
* The Skt. text as in HPS ends here, butin Tib. follows here a long passnge.
7 The K ârikâ is quoted in MV, pp. 173, 552.
Of. (i) mâyâmarîcisyapnodakacandrapratiérutkâpratibh' b opa ma sa rvad bann an ay ä v a ti -
rçafr. LV, X, p. 181.
(ii) pratibhâsabim bannyâbhra’marïcyâ supiacna tu | alaiacakragandharvaprati-
érutkâsamodbhavâb || LA, IX , 173.
(iii) gandharv^nagarasvapnamâyânirmfinasftdrsâb | Op. cit. X, 144. Sec MV, pp. 334,
1In (ii) the printed text reads ° mâyâbha0 for mäyäbhra0.
Ch a p t e r X I V


CSV: i nnt5reg?cnrcST^9T?r,siiii1f^s6r:-
« w is t * r s : rsr<3i ? r € P f T s t '8 i * ^ twtst:

w . s w r f a ^ 1 «wifirwi ^mgq^KUTTii^i^ i am fa —i
dnos po gan z'ig gz'an hgah lahan |
rag las pa z'ig mi hgyur na |
dehi bdag nid hgrub hgyur na |
de ni gan lahan yod ma yin|| 1 ||
In 6 V lus for las ; V and Vx of CS p a ni for pa z'ig, and
nahan for lahan in d.
* * n ? r f t irear * n s « r * # f n * a © r $ r e r f a ? i i

f% W T ^ s n f% c ii s i w w f a s r ^ ^ ii i n

CSV: f% s r a f w i w f* r* re t it
W rf^ T T O H rre i3 ^ US ^ f a < T c E r T ? ^ « T 5 R f ts f ^ T 5 ?

gsw * < s s * re r s ts f%
i tr c n ra m s * a i^ i

sr q^ra: sifw*i%fefh i * ra ts fsf*gq? [ -cs- ]4 hhift^

* iw p R f u ^ w w w f a w i *n% ira n m ^ Q sre rfs? ^ * n * : i

^ H T S W T ^ T W I 'g W T ^ S i l T f ^ W S f a f l ’ f t f a fa R T H 11*11

CSV : <*mt q^Tm ’RSrTSSSTTf^^^ firtNwn*
Y flr a q g v t *i ftg ^ q q w T fro & rm s rm ^ q T f^ s ri^ s T '
1 Before -adi° Tib. ad. -nirmaijasvapna- (sprul pa da* rmi lam).
* Tib. om. idanim.
3 Tib. ad. bhavasya (diios po).
4 Literally Tib., too, has no -tva- (aid)* but it is to be supplied as HPS has done.
6 In X read bgah z'ig for bgafci rin (?).
■ Tib. hkhor lo la sogs; HPS om. -adi%
7 According to Tib. the compound is to be explained as svabhavena siddhifr (rafi bz'iin
gyis grab pa). One may, however, read gyi for gyis.
8 Before -a<U- Tib. ad, -nirmana- (sprul pa).
9 Tib. bslu b a ^ ; HPS vaisaravadaka visamvadakatvad avastuka.

$ < w rw rw T »re iw : ® f W ? r a l
^ o w i4 s jre x ^ rq fs fr i n f% a r e n w ffr c f% ? i2 1 ^ H rr

«w » f^ m ^ c g r^ 4 1 %r?r w iw f g r a fv ffir ts ifa ifa r ^ tz im T T W í:

t r f 6 s to t ^ *i « w f n ? ra tq q ffra re — i
gzugs ñid bum z'cs gcig ma yin |
gzugs ldan bum gz'an yod min pa |
bum pa la gzugs yod min z'iñ ¡
gzugs la bum pa yod ma yin || 2 |]
* ^ i
«i fa s n í *T ^ ^z : ii^ii

C S V : w q fc ^¿t s iw s fffa *r? ro :

q f t s R f e u í f S ^ 7 WT I ^ c fT ^
^q% sr W¿\ l

* ^q* « i& *z T Í? f ^ r a w t T ^ i i n *n rf? i8 1 q f% f%

^ trg zó tT ^ i ^ rra ^ T vm qar ? ra ?r?r [ vz \ ] 9f a **l? t ^

w. *s í!^ i ^ c rfts n ^ ^ zfa s tn n : i ^

w ^ q % w t& s fa 5 í í ^ i ^ tflfm g ftfa rfté q T

g¿t q fa p q *? ! f i ^ t « r T 8 t ? S f( T í|H *T ffH ñ íW ^ ift I

I q ^ I T ? 10
g ít s n iq ^ f^ ^ q ^ I

w. m w 11 ^ q O n t á n t 1* w ? r i * f% ifr ^ t

^ fa fra fr ?! i ? i? ? fr s fq

s jím I *1 * UWr t *S R ft W¿\ s fT % I q ^ T ^ s n f^ T

i í ? r f i f t w m s i 18^ R T i q T s z * $ • n ^ n ^ í t

I Tib. ad. -m&tra- (tsam) after viparyása-.

• Tib. dños po ni bthad pa dañ bral ba ma yin te | HPS ° vastüpapattyapi.
3 Tib. om. it.
4 Tib. avisamvádaktvát (mi balu ba ñid yin pabi pbyir).
1 In X read cbad for ched.
• In X read de for da.
T In X add tb a between mi and dad.
• Tib. sambhavati (srid ¡.
• H P S ; and i t is supported by Tib. (bum p a to z'es).
*° Tib. tatha hi (bdi ltar).
II Tib. de ; H PS Bvarüpa®.
11 In X read bltos or ltos for rtog.
*» Tib. yod pft ma yin p a ; H PS aaarpvidy am ana0.
8*8] CHAPTER X IV 201

irq fW ^ l fa ifa * I V flT íH W IT ^ S *

4Nei¿9Nnítxreii$m8iim *rfq «nfer fafaftft1

n faspi »t ^ firaft r a «
f f i f i z € t a i t f t s f í r ifz ^ q f a f n ’o r a r á s w i* * s$ sfa wz
t% *am¿ w | s ^ r : i *t ^ r a w s a t f i t * n % ^z: ^ rw fá m : i

w ^ 5 jt% ^ iw ra #!3 t r « « r ^ * n ^ H w w T f ^ i m v q ^ i * to t *

* é * n rm * ír s it% am w bm i < rfa ^ « n n ít ^ u m w *t

« # R i ftW T « s w s m m R T ^ i r e i m w w u° * n
CSV : tre r rfti i *rofa ^nre*t|>TO«af * franrfo «TOTfa
flm p s ííto íra ro f^ r i * « tn i

sU T f% « rm * ? * r a m r e í8 i 5 « r" v n ra tin s rfk tk

g r q f f o g q i t f í i i10 s t« t jr a ^ r f i— i

gñis mtshan mi mthun mthoñ ñas ni |

gal te dúos las bum gz'an na |
ma yin de ltar dños po yañ |
bum pa las gz'an cis mi hgyur|j 3 ||
In c Vx of CSV pohoñ for po yon.
* ism*© u ñ e st *1 « t s r ^ t *¿t i
5!, u w s t s f a n « fro tír Il^U

«m <q<3W w ¿t ? f? i i « ra ra íts w

1 In X raad grub for gynr.

* Tib. ril bar (X la bar) z'oñ dañ z'o lfcar=kni?de kuQ^adadhivat.
* Tib. wrongly ad. na (min).
4 Béfore -adi Tib. ad. -nirmána (sprul ba).
8 Tib. gz'an ñid mi srid mod kyi | de lta na yañ dúos po dañ bum pa gñis la |
* Tib. ad. daráane (ltar na).
7 Tib. gz'an ñ id ; HPS anyathaiva.
8 See H a r i b h a d r a ’ s v rtti on the N y a y a p r a v e é a (GOS), p. 29 : tatra poraii)
satta bhávo mahásatteti cocyate. Generally it is known as paraeamanya. See P r a -
é a s t a p á d a -b h a 9 y a with the N y a y a k a n d a l i , pp. 311-313.
9 Tib. ad. tasya (de ni). Accorcing to it thesentenee is : °ghataéca viéego dravyam |
táthf*sattayog&t° (°la bum pa ni khyad par gyi rdzas yin la | de ni yod pa dañ fcbrel baíaa® | ).
18 I t reiers to the Vaiéeeikas.
n The actual reading in HPS is ghatad anyo no bhávo’pi. But it does not gire any
snitable Bens e , ñor is supported by Tib.
** H W s&m&nyo.

TOt wqspit* ^ ^ ^ rn rr^ sfq fanra TOT^irt1 h

*f*n«lf?l I* rni^Tsqgff«rf5|llff%8fsrfJTTlirsiIc5f»iq^R3q?f%^fri «!
ra fa ra n i i i^T^T^T O ffw fairgrf^fas: i qreitfi w
*wsrfirf?n* *nf% Tiff5 *nqTOJit9*rwi3*wr8r»i i in n

xfti ?re i m\ * wretssngfirera qreuTdK«*» n w * « * ira 3 -

usfafsifinfwf^i i qf? *rT^«iFW?q?rq’en’i?ta: i t o fMr-

qrogN TOgfi^isi Hqfh i iis^TOffTfq ^rnn^riTfwcii^iT^^in-
fafasfit’H *f%i?N i *rafa *it% f ?tfg3R«f^sirc5tfafir
f w * i *rfq ^ f^Bi% i ftngiiraf: b ^tuit TOra* i
fqrip*ri|mm ^rsfsinjfiTm «tt i ?rera»5m?n*3^T s^rafs^a^ st*n i
w»RPi?m n: i qw fq firatqroPY srmT?p*rsN ?rmt * imrtfa i
srersnwqw TOT^it *f?i n spiS i ?rw7 €t% faqqfa
wn^aR* TOc^qiN ^ft«if*nisfafafiT’«eiTinq
Nj sire^irorii
^ f%^TQ5RTW8 »nf% WTRi Tf?T *TC5rfa?3wnpaW-
^WTf%^?^»iT^5g«^t TO *fa fa«** U * II
CSV : *rerre i f*rera q * T O t i ^
&g: i wfH ^ ir^rqm to : i q^t ?zl f t TOTfafb i qqren^qt
g w r a w ltm to ** i sairafacsi ^ g^Tift *rw*?itf?r i
^rat uwFWcsn^sfa t o «f?r i i snirita—i
1 Tib. dios po yan bum pa las ; HPS VailakgaQyad ghatad api kimarthaip bhavo’nyo.
• la the second half of the karika there are two negatives, but the commentary in both
the texts, Skt. and Tib., takes only one of them. The karika may be explained as follows :
If you say having seen the diverseness of them two that the ghafc is different from bhava,
then we may reply : no ; for in that case why is it that bhava, too, will not be different from
• Tib, om. pravjrtti.
4 Tib. om. iti. See note 5.
• HPS anyatvam iti nasti ( tarhi bhava0 | . Tib. °anyatvam atha bh&vaghatay or ®
anyatvaih nasti | tatafc0. (gz'an nid° | bo na duos po daA bum pa dag la° gz'an nid yod pa
ma yin no | dehi phyir0 | ).
• Tib. om.yad ulctam. 7 Tib. om. it.
• Tib. viofi. ryama^e (dpyad pa na). • Tib. bum pa ni; HPS ghat&6 oft.
329] CHAPTER XIV 203
gal te gcig bum mi hdod na |
bum pahan gcig tu mi hgyur ro |
ldan fcdi mtshuns pahan ma yin pa |
des kyan gcig tu mi hgyur ro|| 4 ||
In c Yx of CSV ni for hdi.
* wt g it ihgt siraii i
•r ’sra n« »
CSV: g it ^ wcatfii gztsfq ?rfNt
n *n rf?r i ^ ¿ t *r « ¡ r e N w *£ fl-

«I w fa i t%c=n2f^f% hit . i *rfa

st i srafarora
«iwrsrsrarctpiT i *raT5Nrorei *t*rfq i iraroRtt
T O ^q w m sf^« raW iT O *[cer]w *n fSnhn i to
ip n Tffr wssfc??it»inri Qswt *rsfb *t o^wf wzl6 wsaHn7 1

n w ^¡n9tsfin95nxd«Kt si sn?i3 w
s t i t «nn w ra tts st fatrcrat: i8 sst to : •
ggrg«wte w m w r a *ref«T «renfcqttffn ^ »refer i zftiTWFn?[
H?l W ififa 3* I ^lof srtirt
i^$t% 5nfq gz^r qtn: ^niSenxdsrei i10 « ^ qram tfn11 sin
*WT«igtffaW!1* | ^ W R T * 13 g it st TOtsuw i

1 Tib. ad. idam (de).

• Tib. dvitvadivad (gnis fiid la sogB pa bz'in no).
• Tib. om. asya.
4 HPS ca for va.
• HPS °kalpe vaneka°.
• Tib bum par; h PS, byartha (7).
1 Tib. ad. iti or iti cet (z'es na).
• Tib. ad. yatha yogo dvigtha ity ubhayor api bhratror bhratrtvasambandha iti na kificid
anucitamiva, tu na samau, gha^a evaikatvayogad, ekatve ca ghataycgat. guna
dravyafrayiga ity abhyupagamat (dper na ldan pa gnis la gnap pas spun gni ka la yafi spun
zla riid daft febrel ba yin gyi gan yan run ba ni ma yin pa bz'in no |1 gcig dan bum pa gfiis ni
mtshuAs pa ma yin te | bum pa kho na gcig fiid dafi ldan pafci phyir la gcig fiid bum pa
daA mi ldan pabi phyir te | yon tan mams ni rdzas la brten pafeo z'es khas blans paJfcri
Ptyir roJI).
9 Tib. mthofi la bum pa n i; HPS ghata£ ca dravyam.
10 After tada Tib. ghatasyapy ekena yogo '¿par6asyapy anekenayogab syat (bum pa
yaft geig da& idan par J&gyur ba ma rig kyafi du ma ldan par bgyur na||).
“ Tib. srid pa yan ma yin pas ; HPS bhavatiti.
41 Tib* na bhavatiti (med pas) for nopaS l* Tib. om. it.
m QATUH8 4 TAKA im

ir w fw W srrfvRRiT1 qt»wgiifar 1 g
zrtmwvft* gwrgwii 1 iivii
CSV: *rfq fsg^ qs«irafq*iit g m
« q w ra m «1 fg^wijtjiT: 1 gwg?i ^ 3pw*imfq
SP*rafq«jni 1 n «n?crf^:*TT^t rast^rafqnnfti* ^ r mqihr
»tfqitsni 1 q n ^ ^ « j^ tren fq w ^ t nriNffir— 1
gan tshe rdzas ji tsam gzugs na |
de tshe gzugs chen ci ste min |
gal te phyir rgol gz'an min na |
gz'un lugs bsnad par bya bar hgyui. || 5 ||
In a Vx of CSV a,dds de after tsfae; for j i all excepting Vx
<>f CSY once ci.
* q?T fi^T ^:tf * * * I
«nrat sn q t trfawroqrt4 qfe tin.ii
CSV : q^T q n ^ f irram 3 ^^T q m sfa^rmaraf: wfafai-
’SffWTfa mqiSNTqrof?T©TTT*W: «fats? *fh q t^T ^aW ^*
fl^I ftpRRWVfir ^niTfq rr^TWW^cil I ?rf^ I 7
v&tm «BTTmi «npq^*^tran<v«(T^I 34r% 1 v n g ^ rts ^
« fW lft ^ p W I * ^ g^rei w ratfa *?$q
i v tw q^jft q r ^ * r o f t a n 3 * $qtfq fifth
fathraqTsq^n^isHwre «1 Tfh 1 srofr 1
w rat «nq3 q ra: nfaqr^rott qfe 11
qfe fir ?re ^q«q w t f fM?ifag' gm ** ftmwrfir-
qw ^i ?rer ?f ntfoq «ra «rf*ii* q * i g nfa«iit>
1 Tib. om. it.
* Tib. yogaaambhavena, lit. yogasambbavadvarejia (Idan pa mi arid pabi ego nas).
* Tib. defti rfcen can gyi; HPS tadaAraye^api.
4 Mark that apara does not mean here 'other' as is general1? known, but ‘not other*
na para'b)* The Tib. is very clear: gz’an min=na parab*
* f f i i read dkyus (ayama) for kyis.
* Tib. lit. abhyupagamakale (khas blatis pabi tshe).
» HPS na.
* Tib. rdzas bz*in du°, HPS dravyarupasya.
9 As supported by Tib. (de la gnod par nus pas). HiyPS tad adhitum as&marthyfit.
10 In X read yin na ni de la for what appears there to bebn la mid la. *1
m] g h ap teir x iy m

ñ nf?r ?ng fannfoq

<£»** 3f^*TTíT«faÍí^mfaf?T S ^tW \ftl
»nfat i e ^ T iir e n íf W w x im fíi
«m rafinfrrnirt i M finfa*. t i i m r e i f f m w p i t »fv ^ s fW y r-
lP*PIT*fwf?T II v>
CSV: W Tf I '3*ft « O T I TOT8f ^ 5t$i<r«5m f?W i: I TOST
g ^nsxmt vziwt wsr *f?r i w t 4^ —i
mtshan ñid kyis kyaú mtshan gz'i ni |
gaú du grub pa yod min pa |
der ni graús soga tha dad par |
dúos po yod pa ma yin no ¡l 6 ||
* sra^snfa snsra ?ra fSrení i
o* «i n* n
C SV: ** sr^rn «m sfa-
^wé *RHSITforÍ \ «W ÍsfTfa 3HSWÍ fofo: I *\
fw awgfireraqr *m q*g<rc 4 faqrcfañr q *w r a T %?srilri
iw w p w ir s n is t * *ref?r i *«rw w fs fa ^pcn^re p #
q¿ngrw w sftr i h t í t w t iz V * w s % i
q^psr s n s flw * ra f *f?r ^ ^ *mmv-
fe ü H i a % * m « w n ^ r o *raÑr*nf*i «rara» «n %
fa fo s ra <ro T&xmt wwfr ^ fa *É i i
?tíw ^ m w i-s rí fía f a v * i
s t8 ^ T ^ í t wm*{ t a ^ w r a s m r ír i
a 5« wráhuTfci s«raí, ^ q f % í V 0T O *n sra^1 1 i
I For -pravfttatvát Tib. -cittatvát (thugs pa^i phyir).
* Tib. bye brag gi yon tan rnams; HPS viáe^áijám.
# Tib. bum pa°; HPS patá°. 4 Tib. om, atr^K
• Tib. ad. tat- íde). • Tib. °karmag$ip (°lasrnam§i kyi).
f Tib. om. siddha-. • Tib. ekadha (rpam pa gcig tu),
• Tib. om. it.
lf Tib. -susiddhi0, reading legs (X loga) su grub.
II Tib. naati (yod pa ma yin te) io?, a£^yá°.

I f a íTCnsf W t f WWÍ «TT f»ra?f

*rtpfé T T ^nf^1 «rfaftm* g»wj*
«turf?*** w n’Jrfafh i * ^ a fofirerqfr
«jmótaifq ^rerér zra fafirS fasjí i
H w rf^siffít^’Jr ?n5f wT^t «í f*rení ii
ffii »n% «íTRñt «rs: # 4 I
CSV: BHísrniinenerer'iryt^sqfTisu: i % t g ^qif^fw^z-
«rqqfrft ftreim^nqf?iqirrcí —i
mtshan fiid mams dan so so ni |
min pliyir bum pa gcig ma yin |
re rehi bum pa med na ni |
man fiid bthad par mi hgyur ro || 7 ||
• i
^ q f f a n j TOWT% W^cSÍ ítqq^ní « * II
CSV: ^ qT^ f ii *ai «nsnwmTfa Stai a ^ i w 4 i
5|trt6 w ^ f * r o ^ ^ v m T i e TO«qsí ^tqcpuS i ^ f H T ^ í q i ^ i
w re w *w n i T O « q s r ‘ *r w w fa w s * a R T H fa fa i *re ¡N r3 i
ro r^ q fó tilta fa T ^ r e a r o i f t «c^R T rfB raft n« n
CSV: *rar* i srfé w f^ fa 4 ^ N s ? rin iz * N * r ht%
Stort «rfa*rwtfii * á ta ? í— i
reg ldan reg dan mi ldan dan |
lhan cig sbyor ba z'es bya med |
dehi phyir gzugs sogs mams sbyor ba |
mam pa kun tu rigs mi yin I] 8 ||

* Ttb. la sogs ; HPS om. &di-.

* For ghatasvarüpam Tib. evarüpepa (rañ gi 6o boa).
* Tib. samkhy&divyatiriktaip (graás la sogs pa las tha dad par).
4 Tib. so so ma yin pa fiid d u ; HPS prthaktvaip.
* Tib. ad. daréane.
* Tib. so so ma yin pafei phyir; HPS apfthaktvaip.
834] CHAPTER XIV 207
In b and c V wrongly spyor for sbyor. In c V and Vx of CS
de for defy. In d Vx of C8\ ad. Mi between tu and rigs.
*n »im 0\w. to i
W ^ fa m â t *t»r: ^raVrfa * gwrci n «: n
CSV : h * ^ n ): ^ tü P ç t o t ip it i »sniï1 *n§*i?i i
« g g ftq qn3 fi%TOi n <arq. i fa * s r e ^ » i < çqt«-
»WT»imiTO*?rt* gt*n l O t m t f w î f n T O w fa i to t to « ts rtto i
w f t a m ä t im :
T O w ^sT TOnrffT i to t ^ n « w f ? ! 4 ? r e ? r o ta rtN ro ^ T ç q T ^ » it
t o fftr t o gsr** ti * »
CSV : TO ftilWuitataTO ?»*rç?TO W TO ffa «T^ I
T O ^fa s i r f ^ I KW lcÇ— I .
gzugs ni bum pahi yan lag ste |
des na re z'ig de bum min |
gan phyir yan lag can med pa |
des na yan lag kyaò yod min || 9
In b Vx of CSV de ni for des na. In d V wrongly yon for yod.
* TO ^iw m *5xf f a *nro aro: i
toit3*itoî siTf^î »rorotsfa îrx il c h
CSV: T O « i r à q f ^qiTOÌS*TO»i?l«*T^
TO«re^«wrwt * TOfser » T O tm fi t o s * w w t o ïfn v f
T n r o r o ^ T i z t *î uriftfa i* to i * »W T^q t ?n^n: i
*i*ï n *to*t*to3it?% iw nrorot »im srftrç i «i urofc-
s n t^ T to ssi f o r a r * fa i top* i t? ^ t n ^ s r t nàta* T O s im f t7

1 Tib. so* (de) for sparéo*.

* In X read de for what seems to be re.
* HPS aspar éavatâ.
4 Tib. yadaivaxh (gan gi tshe de ltar yin pa) for yadä° sambhavati.
* Tib. lit. tathâ hi (bdi ltar), but often the Tib. phrase is used for yasmàt.
* Tib. lit. bhavati (yin).
7 In X read med for de.
m c a ïü h s a ta k a . (m
fît: i *ft*T <mfà i
n « w i r e n g * xra srfw arsró ílt i q # ra íq q l í
*it% ii«irçq«rortft*ifô M«»wism *fa * « e. n
C SV : <ns n to : i i
gzugs mams kun lahan gzugs ñid ni |
mtshan ñid mi mthun ma yin no |
grig la bum pa yod bgyur z'in |
gz'an dag la min rgyu ci z'ig |J10
In a V and Vx of CS la for lahañ. In b V na for no.
• H ssw fq *qawfo?raqr*[ i
w ^ r TOrorêt nrerst fä g q n r ^ ii ?» ii
In d for kirfl nu as required and supported by Tib. HPS
him na which is followed by V.
CSV : *ra *ro fq
w ! t a * I * ï I1 * !T fa TO *3 q Z T f^ fa I «I ^ S i f t
"* <*Ä
T O T f^ ^ s fù s s fim fa i *r a ik i v*
mW® i p r a T O s i* !T W T * ‘ flOTSrenft T O T f ^ W f a W l SPWl^
T O « q m g >r * i N f t i g *i«rrfa t o ^ t o w & M grani r ò ^
T O T *s f% ífiw f? s ^ i t&í q n ^ r *íw * t f w f a i mw
q g tn fN to s í* m ftfh i T O w fa to w »! msftfa i w ^
iflffl f r wffifrH qt ^ â i i w ^ ’ i w é w ç R w :* » rä tftn
h X» h
GSV : ^rer *rei% TOí*<*í«*ít«rt [» T ta í* ?mTfcr]*
«n flp tr i < r a n ^ ^ i» « r t « T s tfni
u fa n a r a n *— i

1 Tib. om. ucyante.

* Tib. snam bu la sogs : snam bu means kambala, but it is taten here in thfe sènaa
of pata. HPS ghatädi«.
* Tib gha^atva0. 4 Tib. rgyu ; HPS karaça0. 6 Tib. thal bar. HPS om. prMfcAg».
* Tib, ma yin pa ñid yin moa kyi | de ltar na yan ; HPS om. it.
338] CHAPTER 209

ro sogs dag las gzugs gz'an z'i6 |

bum las min z'es khyod hdod na |
de name ma gtogs ran med gan |
de gzugs las gz'an ji ltar min || 11 ||
Tn b Vx of CSV ad. pa between bum and las and om. khyod;
and reads rtogs for gtogs in c, and gan du for de omitting las in d.
* * TOTfcfa 3 I
« tf srapf&iT «nf^r« »iwt p n : i u 11
in c for sa ndnyo supported by Tib. and the commentary
HPS so’nanyo, and V follows it.
CSV : qfc TO^ft
?r\qirerf?fa f¥ «! smsnwrii i T O ffs « ^ « !1-
3gfhf^mcarT5inf^^T5fT^^m?5?i msitfa i *r ,^TO«srfa«Ri
u «
CSV: si w Rf?t i
bum pa la ni rgyu yod min |
ran nid hbras bur mi hgyur te |
dehi phyir gzugs sogs las gz'an du J
bum pa hgah yan yod ma yin || 1 2 1!
In c V and Vx of CS de for dehi.
* to « 5>t% ^ snw sf i
ii t * »

to sfa ftwrn if n «
CSV: W ?TO% f ir to : I ?if% I
« r w n f n *irm«Tf5! <*TT*n5?nNt to « srrasi «Rtrrcnstf ^ sm jra-
farfii i i
1 Tib. tba mi dad pabi phyir ; H P S tasya vyati0.
* Tib. asaram ity aha (snin po mod do z'es b£ad pa).

bum pa rgyu las hgrub hgyur z'iii |

rgyu ni gz'an las grub gyur na |
gan la ran las grub med pa |
de yis gz'an po ji Itar bskyed || 13 1
In b Vx of CSV hgyur for gyur.
* t o : * t w t : f a r . f W s rrc w s ra : i
fa fa fo r »rr^ f iR ^ s p ila r a ^ n i1

CSV: g fa TOsnrnnfsi sraraTfcr H a t a t o : fa s rfa ?rr^t-

sroTsnfa i ^ fa areTnfa
f a t i to i ®r n f * snrrapri
*g^qfaff*far l ^sm fq i ifort ^
s ro ra w f ^ m :fa fa » r t% nrej*i?r ^rea?r: to : i
tfted* TOufattasrfafats4 u s *4WroiniwfaiV ¿fM: >• n I
CSV: tot? i ssfc a rs ii w fta i T O T ft^ T s n r w f? -
wfaUfa TOW^aiTBr *fa i w jjre jsre w c j i <ror fa—i
hphrod pa lidus par gyur kyan gzugs |
dri nid du ni mi hthad de |
des na bum pa bz'in tshogs pa |
gcig nid du ni mi rigs so !j 14 ¡)
• STOlifofa WXW TOST I
CSV: «$fam *fq «i «$3raTTOrc snjuf
fa*i*fa I ?i?ra TOT7 ^q ro fr'aiu lT ^ JRicsr*
si r o n f c R t a r o r e i ^ w n«iii i h fa
1 This karika is quoted in MV, p. 89 with the reading patab for phattifc. Evidently
the change is made by one not knowing the context in the original work.
1 Tib. tada (de^i tshe).
• Tib. simply yafc (gan); HPS yatn$ cayam.
* 4 Tib. om. it.
• Tib. ad. api (yaA).
• Compare, as Poussin has pointed out, in MV, p. 89, for the last two padas of the
kirika S t n y a t a s a p t a t i , Mdo, XVII, 27 b, 5.
T Tib. ji Itar; HPS om. it. *
• Tib. -pari° for -apari0; raii gi no bos yens su btan ha las=svarfipei?a parityagat.
$41] CHAPTER XI V 211

n srfirfaiRT =* f a s w i w fe w n n -
<rofor. 1 ?CT*WT* TO^f^ffl I TOT
t o « * *i*»i*TOiTOnfo wtr^-l
>9 a^nfii*
^TcWTOITTfl* * W -
ftfe n
w jf«snnT t o « * *i q*nr( « {s n
CSV : c m * l6 * * J j r « r e W T f O T f T O « | f i f a T O « ir « » lT * ?W T I
TOtH^fiffffa rf !
ji ltar gzugs sogs ma gtogs par |
bum pa yod pa ma yin pa |
de bz'in rlun la sogs pa m |
ma gtogs gzugs kyan yod ma yin |l 15 ||*
* tot f»wt *l I

C SV : f r o xtf $*w irow tn*prr

*rfa ^Timf%wTT*jn^gT?T5iTf?ri:%w * gwriw i fire?j*rar*
CSV: tot ^ w r a i^ r o ra *pf *TfT-
^^W^^tht%^fTOI«TarTq[«^q*fTO7«Tari»T^TOTT— I
tsha ba me iiid du hgyur te |
tsha ba min pa ji ltar bsreg |
1 HPS °pTthaktvat vilakganaife.
a See karika 332(=XIV. 7).
* For tatha (Tib. de bz'in du) HPS tara.
* Tib. so ao min pbyir: HPS °pjthaktvadilft°,
* In X add phyir after debi.
* Quoted in MA, p. 244, with better readings :
gzugs la sogs pa ma gtogs par |
j i ltar bum pa yod min ltar |
de bz'in rlun sogs ma gtogs par |
gzugs kyan yod pa ma yin no )J
1 Quoted in MV, p. 71.
• Tib. rail gi no bos ; HPS rfipadi0.

des na bud áiñ z'es bya ba |

yod min de med me yod min || 16 ||
In b V wrongly bsgreg íor bsreg. ín á Vx oí CSV om.

*1T% 33«¡rs? *n?T II ^ II

CSV: wrfferlwiT giraré s th h i *«i?rcro-
w fa t* ^ sfh »ira: i ^ s f t ^ i ?ra*í»i
«rafa i *3*tr*nfq ^T^rewn^gvir-
«ftr 1 u fó S9«nfa ^TTOTwrapcn^5^ *rm ^ «arrer-
?nwr^f Wfr i %*irf»srsif?it%nr*í5i ^ « P im r t

Tís^sflir^ ii w*
CSV : i ^'«síTarar^*** i
w ntm r^rsnfH W T^* wsfa 1 ^ « ^ 3 *fa 1 ^ w fa
qrarmr«! **r»ireít7ssi:— 1
gal te zil mnan tsha na yañ |
de yañ ci ste me • m hgyur |
hon te me tsha na dúos gz'an |
me la yod ces byar mi ruó || 17 ||
* ^rfwjfrrsfor f¥ ü i
*r9T*pc8 iiíííunfl: « rc tí^ f ir »i 11 ^ 11
CSV : ZI?Erf«í5iTfHJJifT
«9113 1 * qt°^iTTWTí: 1
W W qftstgpRfr n g«r?í 11
1 Tib. om. otad. * Tib. ad. mahi- (chen po.)
* In X read sreg for chig. 4 In X rcad mes for ches*
6 After n&sti HPS ad. tena which is not eupported by Tib.
• Seo the A gn í n d h a n a p a r ik i?á in MK. X.
7 Tib. ad. s&b (de). • HPS °*$aparo°. * Tib. om. sa eva.
344] CHAPTER XIV 213

s 1 ?rsi*r: qftsfq w * w * \ m ]
*r i srcw «jjwrwI?«-
i n >lqi faw n s: i sfe ’snq.
fa lW fa d W W?t la TON ^ iq ^ I q<?T2n?T
fa * g * ie w jr: it ii
CSV: TO 5R*J% ^35qq*fn<it ^wg*iT«T«nfa*Htft*l%-
HTGt Sxfaftfa I « V t— I
gal te rdul la sin med na |
des na ¿in med me yod de |
gal te de iahan ¿in yod na |
gcig gi bdag can rdul yod min || 18 ||
* f a r a f a r c f w t: i
^ ^ s n a rs it *1% W [ Trenqte^* sfa iite. h
€ q;ar3 f«reg?ffsi4^ s i r w : 5 1 w re g sces'^tsm !^
W^fa^TOTfaw *qraTOTO$OT«K I S$fa«-
c r j r t ^ s t ^ *is»t *w fafascsi* q s f ^ f a ^ i ^ « n ^ T tg q u s-
JreS?wtHn*aTScifaj*mTS:* q f t w w rirr:10
^i^gt^rrwrmt *nf^i ^ s r f l^ n q ^ v fe i
sspiftfw srR^fi! srenii *r wfir
« t* ii
CSV : s* q*W<^3SiT3W^n»TTStm*li *refan^-
fa?TOT?fa ^ rT^i?JT?q q^TSm—
1 Tib. ora. it.
2 Tib. na eai^am^ vinabhiivas tasya aiddhantavirodhat (bdi mams la ni phan tshun med
p i r bbyun ba yod pa ma yin pa de bgrub pabi mthalj dan bgal bafei phyir ro ||).
* For sa eva Tib. tadarthaka eva (de nid kyi don du).
4 Tib. rgyu med can n id ; HPS °hetukado °.
6 Tib. thal b a ; HPS simply -dosab-
* Tib. rgyu med pa Bid ; HPS °hetukado°.
7 V a i b h a e i k a s and S a u t r a n t i k a s . Sec S a r v a s i d d h a n t a s a n i g r a h a ,
1V. iii. 4 ; i v. 4, ] 3. For further references see K e ith : B u d d h i s t P h i l o s o p h y ,
1923, p. 160, note 1.
* Tib. ci ate ; HPS ynlha. • Tib. yod p a r; HPS °svabhavali.
10 Tib. debi p h y ir; HPS om. it.
dúos po gañ gañ yoós brfcag pa j
de dan de la gcig ñid med |
gañ gis gcig kyañ yod min pa |
des na du ma dag kyañ nied|]19||
In a Vx of CSV yañ for gañ before yoñs, and brtags for brtag ;
and in c yad for yod.
* to i t i t h r : tirtarô i
* s fa i f^ET^ II *£. h
CSV : *nf^T rrfggrcqirei q 1 1 ^
îltfhw w fq* sn% rç à f& irè g g ig n ïw rç i ^ h
wrafärr i «iTfq fa r m i w
5n% i 5fifq «ro m f^TT ^r^nf m m fir i
m fa fa m ïRîiïSïstf
«wîNîfaf%*fa f i t a ï M s n * —
5T sfàfî «ï fèrefà n
t8&«TOftpft4 «ait «*jf?ÏÏT*TWfa i|rf%| fafa: Il 14. Il
CSV: ^T?[ I ^ S «q ' fl^ ta ^ P ? rg q q *rä y î t a nçfiw -
w iw h w t ^ i q * q fa g trarrci
i îramgurrmg^T-
W n * —I
gai te gsum dùos de gz'an rnams |
med der gcig yod ces hdod na |
gañ gis kun la gsum fiid yod |
des na gcig ñid yod min yin || 20 |¡
In o for gsum Vx of CS gañ la, and Vx of CSV gañ na both
omitting gz'an. In . V and Vx of CS Mod for yod. In c for
gis Vx of CSV gri.
1 Üb. ad. mahi- (chen po).
* lib. de las gaz an yod pas ; 111*8 t&dit&r&sminn itarasadbk&vat.
* HPS ad- kevaJam.
4 Tib. ma grub pa ; HPS siddhau for asiddhau.
1 For paraip* difaçaip Tib. simply na tu pararp prati (pha roi po îa ni mi yin ta).
340] CHAPTER X IV 215

f a s ifar% 3*rafcei * firaft» v n

CSV: having read the first half of the karika
qTr^fraran* i f a i

qT’WTfa f* *T sfT«r tn?T*fs% I tT^TWrfq

3<Sr?ifsra?mf^ i ?i«n ^«sf
sraoNi f t i ^mnfstrf^irf^ sffw%sfr htr q^w fs% i
itwt ^
|*nwft?r3?i* t v ii
^rfa ^ra ftr»roTJT: srf^it q^f^Trarwir fsfsr
iratwsr *f?r f a ^ n m n i * t? —i
yod dan med dan yod med dan |
yod med min z'es bya bahi tshul |
hdi ni mkhas pas gcig nid sogs |
dag la rtag tu sbyar bar bya|| 211|
In a Vx of CSV once pa for dan at the end. In d V wrongly
pyan for sbyar.
* ^ aw: i
<w fasm : n ^ ii
CSV: s<?aiic3*TOc3giTO I qfarsrsfTf?*
q%* snf^sT8 f w i w : ^ ? r r ^erraw-
iTsma: i rm ^affrasif^: i f*8
gsrxqwffT «tar £sref>?H%S SfiqiaRSi faqftnroii i ?!
W^E«Pf *rw * i ?rf^ ctst *nfo: w ^i
1 Tib. anekam (du ma). * Tib. ad. api(yaii).
* Tib. om. uktarp 4 Tib. fcdabo ; HPS iti vartato for ati°.
* Tib. ad. atmatvam (bdag nid).
•Tib. plural (mams). In X read kyi* for kyi. In Tib. this word it put j ust before
aradhiya which follows.
T Tib. rodhiya (bio bzan pos).
* Tib. ad. darfone (ltar na).
* HPS aaan for a ia t; Tib. om. hy aaat.
216 CATUHSATAKA . [346

W WK « tw rít I JrfafaíTOS«nf^«bn?i I
xzm W g a r o a v**-
Sw apw i íifarcNiRíw ¥fflRTzr^qTm^J fasr' f*nw fw N ^ i
- *v .♦
^w i* tam srfrft n t m i f*n?Er«K: i

fsr*N i* ?wt
W f faptó V * m * # ts # f a ü I
*rñt ufe »^Nro ’siTW^Tftr w ts*: 114
tjsf *rcraiÁts«if^r f*rarat s r m ? eri i
ver [ stpj W Tír^r *r h w .s ii
ví ' ]*
de ltar mkhas pa mams kyis hbras bu yod par smra bas ñe
bar mtshon pahi sun hbyin pa gcig ñid kyi phyogs la sbyar bar
byaho ||
hbras bu med par smra ba ni rgyu dan hbras bu dag gz'an
ñid du smra ba daggo || de dag gis ni yod pa skye ba don med par
sems áiñ hbras bu med pa kho na skyeho z'es ¡togs te | de dag
gi gz'an ñid kyi phyogs la yañ hbras bu med pas ñe bar mtshan
pahi sun hbyin par brjod par byaho : de yañ
hbras bu med ñid gañ hdod la |
khyim gyi don du ka ba la j
sogs pahi rgyan ni don med hgyur ||
z'es béad do ||
gañ dag rgyu dan hbras bu gñis gcig ñid du hgyur la gz'an
ñid du yañ hgyur ro sñam du rtog pa de dag ni hbras bu yod pa
dan med par smraho || de dag ni llias sbyin srog gi bdag ñid du
1 Tib. ad. daréane (ltar na).
* For -parümaróena Tib. lit. -adhikaradvErá or -adhikSraxnukhena (dbaíi bafc
* XI. 15. « XI, 10. 6 XI. 12.
* Tib.
cuñ zad by*d ni yaá | hbras bu yod ma ini arid do ||
z'es baiad do|]
346] * CHAPTER X IV 217

rnam par gnas sin lhas sbyin gyi bdag ñid du rnam par mi gnas
par skye bar hdod la | de bz'in du gañ bu dan dpuñ rgyan la sogs
pa gser gyi bdag ñid du rnam par gnas sin gañ bu dañ dpuñ rgyan
la sogs pahi bdag ñid du mam par mi gnas pa rnams skye bar
rtogs so II de dag gi gcig ñid dan gz'an ñid gñi gahi phyogs la
hbras bu yod pa dan med par smra ba dgag pas ñe bar mtshon
pahi sun hbyin pa brjod par byaho || de yañ
hbras bu yod ñid gañ hdod par |
z'es pa la sogs pas bsad de ¡| rgol ba gñis kyi phyogs kyi
skyon phyogs gcig la sbyar bar bya ba hdi ni khyad par
ro H
gañ dag gi Itar na bum pa la sog-i pahi dnos po med par ran gi
rgyu dag las gcig ñid dañ gz'añ ñid du brjod du med pa dag dúos
po rdzas1 su yod pahi rgyu can yin pa de dag la yod pa dañ med par
smra ba bzlog pahi sgo ñas yod pa yañ ma yin med pa yañ ma yin
pa z'es bya ba dpyad par sun hbyin pa brjod par bya ho |) de yaú
gñi ga srid na ni de dag bkag pahi sgo ñas gñi ga ma yin pa z'es
bya bar hgyur na | gañ gi tshe hdi gñi ga mi srid pa dehi tshe
gañ bkag pas gñis ma yin pahi rtog par hgyur z'es don gyis báad
zin pa ñid do || de ltar na go rim ji Ita ba bz'iñ du
yod dañ med dañ yod med pa |
yod med min z'es bya bahi tshul |
hdi ni michas pas gcig ñid sogs |
dag la rtag tu sbyar bar bya ||
gz'an dag ni gal te gcig ñid dañ gz'an ñid la sogs pahi tshul
kho ñas dúos po rnams bkag gam hon te tshul gz'an gyis kyañ
yin z'e na |] brjod par bya ste |
yod dañ med dañ yod med dañ |
yod med min z'es bya bahi tshul |
hdi ni mkhas pas gcig ñid sogs |
dag la rtag tu sbyar bar bya ||
yod pa dañ med pa dan | yod kyañ yod la med kyañ med pa daú |
yod pa yañ ma yin med pa yañ ma yin pa z'es bya bahi tshul
hdi ni mkhas pa rnams kyis gcig ñid la sogs pa phyogs bz'i2
1 X rjas. * X te'in.
218 CATUHSATAKA • [346

la rtag tu kho na sbyar bar byaho.|| de la yod pa z'es bya ba ni

bdag1 pa z'es bya bahi don to || med pa z'es bya ba ni bdag pa ma
yin pa z'es bya bahi don to |j yod kyañ yod la med kyañ med ces
bya ba ni bdag1 kyañ bdag1 la med2 kyañ mi bdag1 ces bya bahi
don to I yod pa yaû ma yin med pa yaü ma yin z'es bya ba ni
bdag1 pa yañ ma yin mi bdag1 pa yaù ma yin z'es bya bahi
don to II gcig ñid sogs dag la z'es bya ba ni gcig ñid dan gz'an fiid
dañ gñi ga dan gñi ga ma yin pa z.'es byaho || de la gñis sam man
po mams la gcig ñid dam gz'an ñid dan | gñi ga dan gñi ga ma
yin pa z'ig tu hgyur gran na | de la gañ dag gi snam bu dan dkar
po gcig ñid ces bya ba phyogs yin pa de la yod pa z'es bya bahi
tshul hdi yul dañ dus dan mtshan ñid las sbyar bar byaho || de
la re z'ig yul las ni gal te snam bu dan dkar po dag gcig ñid yin
na I gañ dan gañ na dkar po yod pa de dañ de na snam bu yañ
yod par hgyur bar bya dgos so |j gañ dan gañ na snam bu yod
pa de dañ de na dkar po hañ yod par hgyur bar bya dgos so ||
ci ste gañ dan gañ na dkar po yod pa de dañ de na snam bu yod
par mi hgyur z'íñ | gañ dañ gañ na snam bu yod pa de dañ de na
dkar po yod par mi hgyur na ni | de na snam bu dañ dkar po dag
gcig ñid yin no z'es gañ hdod na de mi hthad de | yul tha dad
pahi phyir ro || dus las kyañ ste | de la dus ni mam pa gsum
ste I hdas pa dañ ma hons pa dañ da ltar ro |] de la hdas pa la ni
hdas pahi gnas skabs kho nar sñar skyes pahi dkar po mthoñ
no II gal te snam bu dañ dk»r po dañ gcig ñid yin na ni dehi tshe
gal te dkar po sñar skyes na ni snam bu yañ sñar skyes par hgyur
dgos so y ci ste snam bu phyis skyes na | dkar po yañ phyis skye
bar hgyur dgos to || gal te dkar po sñar skyes na ni da Ita na sn­
am bu phyis skye ba yin la | gañ z'ig sñar skyes pa dan gañ z'ig
phyis skyes pa de dag ni gcig ñid du mi hgyur te | skye bahi
rim pa tha dad pahi phyir ro || gz'an yañ gal te snam bu dan dkar
po dag gcig ñid du hgyur na ni dehi tshe dkar po z'ig na snam bu
hjig par hgyur dgos la || snum bu z'ig na yañ dkar po hjig par
Ijgyur dgos na |j gañ gi tshe dkar po z'ig na dkar po hjig par hgyur
gyi snam bu hjig par mi hgyur la | snam bu z'ig na yañ snam
* For med X mi bdog.

bu kho nar hjig par hgyur gyi dkar po hjig pa ni ma yin te | de la

snam bu dan dkar po dag gcig nid do z'es gan hdod pa de ma
yin te | hjig pa dan mi hjig pa tha dad pahi phyir ro |)
gz'an yan dkar po z'es smra na dkar po z'es bya ba kho na
smras par hgyur gyi1 snam bu z'es smras pa ni ma yin no || snam bu
z'es smras na yan snam bu kho na smras par hgyur gyi dkar po
z'es smras pa ni ma yin no || gan gi phyir dkar po z'es smra na
dkar po z'es bya ba kho na smras par hgyur gyi snam bu z'es
smras par mi hgyur la | snam bu z'es smras na yan snam bu
kho na smras par hgyur gyi dkar po ma yin pa dehi phyir yan
de dag gcig tu mi hgyur gyi smras pa dan ma smras pa tha dad
pahi phyir ro || mtshan nid [dan mtshan gz'i tha dad]1 las kyan
ste | hdi na mtshan nid ni dkar pohi no bo yin la | mtshan gz'i
ni snam bu yin na gal te de gnis gcig nid du hgyur na ni dehi
tshe gal te dkar po mtshan nid yin na snam bu yaii mtshan nid
kho nar hgyur ro || gal te snam bu mtshan nid du mi hgyur na ni
dkar po yan mtshan nid du ma gyur cig || gal te dkar po kho na
mtshan nid du hgyur gyi snam bu ma yin la snam bu kho na mtshan
gz'ir hgyur gyi dkar po ni ma yin na ni de la snam bu dan dkar
po dag gcig nid de z'es gan hdod pa der mi hgyur to | mtshan
nid dan mtshan gz'i tha dad pahi phyir ro || ji ltar snam bu dan
dkar po dag gcig nid bkag pa de bz'in du dnos po thams cad kyi
gcig nid dgag pa yan rgyas par brjod par byaho |]
hdir smras pa | snam bu dan dkar po dag gcig nid dgag pa ni
smras na | gz'an iiid la brjod par byaho || brjod par bya ste | gal
te snam bu dan dkar po dag gz'an iiid yin z'in | gal te yon ton
rdzas la brten pahi phyir dkar po snam bur mi hgyur na ni ji
ltar gal te mchod sbyin lhas sbyin z'es bya bahi spun zla ma yin
na lha sbyin yan mchod sbyin gyi spun zlar mi hgyur ba nid
yin pa ltar snam bu yah dkar por mi hgyur ro ||
gal te dkar po dan ldan pa las snam bu dkar por hgyur ro z'es
hdod na | de la yan brjod par bya ste | gal te dkar po dan ldan
pas snam bu dkar por hgyur na | snam bu de ci dkar po dan ldan
pas dkar pohi mtshan nid thob pa z'ig gam hon te ma thob pa
1 Omitted in X. See below.
z'ig yin gran na | gal te re z'ig dkar pohi mtslian ñid thob. pas
snam bu dkar po ñid du hgyur na ni hdili snam bu ñid ñams
par hgyur ro |¡ ci ste dkar pohi mtshan ñid roa tliob pa yin na ni
dkar pohi mtshan ñid ma thob pahi phyir ldan pa yod kyañ snam
bu dkar por mi hgyur te | de la dkar po dan ldan pas snam bu
dkar po yin no z'es bya ba gañ hdod pa de ni1 ma yin no || ji
ItaT snam bu dkar por ma hgyur ba de bz'in du snam buhi khyad
par gañ dag sñcn po dan ser po dan dinar po dañ dmar ser dan
ser skya dañ phug ron kha dog1 dan nag po dañ rin po dan thuñ
ñu dan hjam po dañ rtsub pa la sogs pa de dag las snam bu gz'an
ñid yin pahi phyir thams cad du srid pa med par hgyur ro |J
thams cad du srid pa med pas kyañ snam bu ñid du mi hgyur
ro II ji ltar snam bu ñid du mi hgyur ba de bz'in du dúos po thams
cad kyañ yon ton gyi khyad par de dan de dag la gz'an ñid
yin pahi phyir thams cad du srid pa med par hgyur ro |j
ljdir smras pa | yod pa dañ med pa dag gi2 gcig ñid dan gz'an
ñid la ni dgag pa smra na gñi gahi phyogs la yañ dag pa brjod
par byaho || brjod par bya ste | gañ gi snam bu dañ dkar po
dag gcig ñid du yañ hgyur la gz'an ñid du yañ hgyur ro z'es bya
ba phyogs yin pa de la gcig ñid dañ gz'an ñid dgag pa sñar
bsad pa dag kho ñas dgag pa mam par bsad do ||
gñi ga ma yin pa gañ gi phyogs yin pa de ni mdor pa sdus ñas
dgog pa brjod par byaho || gal te snam bu dañ dkar po dag gcig
ñid ma yin la | gñi ga ñid kyañ ma yin na ni gñi gahi mtshan
ñid ma thob pahi phyir dkar po yañ dkar po ñid ma yin z'in dkar
po ma yin pa yañ ma yin la snam bu yañ snam bu ñid ma yin
z'in snam bu ma yin pa yañ ma yin no ¡¡ dehi phyir mtshan
ñid gñi ga ma thob pahi dkar po la cihi phyir dkarpo z'es brjod
kyi nag po z'es ma yin gañ gi phyir dkar po de la dkar po z'es
bya ba brjod kyi nag po z'es bya ba ma vin pa delii phyir dkar po
ñid du yod do || mtshan ñid gñi ga ma thob pahi snam bu de la
yañ cibi phyir snam bu z'es brjod kyi bum pa z'es ma yin
gañ gi phyir snam bu de la snam bu de la snam bu z'es bya ba
ñid brjod kyi bum pa z'es byaba ma yin pa dehi phyir snam
1 X om. it. 2 X <5¡y.
346] CHAPTER XIV 221

bu nid du yod do ¡j de ltar dkar po nid dan snam bu nid du grab

dan | gdon mi za bar de dag gcig nid dam gz'an nid du ligyur
dgos la gcig nid yin na ni slar yan gcig nid ligog pahi rim pa kho
na brjod par byaho || gz'an nid yin na yan gz'an nid hgog pahi
tshul lo I) de bz'in du dnos po thams cad la yan hgog pahi tshul
gryas par brjod par byaho z'es mam par hchad do IJ

f3*iaf?| *SfFRT*lT SffT5TJgHT3I?T qfainspCT | WW**«*

q ^ s tr a c w r a f q ^ f if o ^ « iw fV p fc r^ i m r

fT O * * . I

°*ren*5fiT$iiq ^ II
§ g ^ra^I*nrat^«fiocW*€icer ^gqrafSri 3 I
3 te «R faw ^ tITST«*
e g ^ f ^ I iT ^ ’SrilT
lEaNefcl l rl^lT ^ sqqfem
%STP*rei *fn q f a q ^ i itnSwsiTOcitwniW
fqm«f»raq^ |
fanfafitffll I* u n fair q% Hiltsq iff! f n r o l
5Nf g TOlftaTWVn^ ^T«lf«^TU|'
WT*3*i ^ V*q 4 3 3qi *J?HST^ft?Tq<^3KT H^fq * iTOiWfq *
fa q it’H fsnrafaw m I *ratwiT*w% wqflifa
qi&iJWS * «W lfa cI^T TO Hq^fh *<**
*3Rro1m?lq i4 q ^ w iw w
% f?i ■q 5R5R: i

K* qqt^at fasfatqi^Tfel f a m : n

1 XI. 15. 8 XI. 15.

• The corresponding Tib. p a rag e is not quite clear to me.
4 1 could not trace the passage referred to here. I t beems to be some where in the

war g i ïfiîN «n^w f irfairat*

s um s fîffT ^ in q tr ? f i
s^ercfcr %«sf* ^fèi ^ 5Rtt: i
qq Trat^ârr fènrflr^êïTfcg fasrcr: «
qra i ^ i «^f<T ^ «ïïisw^ts’erar i *\ i wra* *R*ït
f^fïTâfîccnf?3 ^ g q ïï% i f r * m : irofar: i ?ra w fesrrò ara: i «rsfè<s-
irràapsr: i s * ^râtswitss^HTFRTiinaîmiHiftsîiTmTqtaw: i * s *
^ re fë fa snsnfq a i ^ ^ rfç f^ îâ ^ ^ îira i’
3*ra* ^Twjfafff i îfcT çâtw^su TO&Rntanqwnfgmr *t i
?ra w qzw
^ it^ ô ifa fn sf^ ra * 3¡«t fo rar.
« r o m m * wôtwr: i ïT^f curôrazRK i re v ira ftv a f *ra
TOTO* q?T qt*nfa wfarœn^ I 3ëï 2TÖT ^ qz^ra 3 3 m N l f t
^nsr ?ra sra t o ï »i t o t o h ì i n ^ sna *r a q z ^ r a
ÏÏW T O ^ T q Z ^ w á l^ T ^ fflfc ! 51 fî^ q q ^ t fo p fà Ç N l I
«inraT^fq i ^T5i%f5fg: i im tá tp ira á t i eramfàs-
*tan**groi3ra ^ arra: TOt vz: i q z ro s tt^ * sfè t o :
tjisira: qtïïTfq q ^ ^ î T wfà?l5Jro i q z: q g i a w . TO 5nfa
q^TSSmfa wfacisg^ i zrf^ 3Sçft TOWR: qZ: q^T^fTq% îftf
^ 4 «n ? í traían?» ^ i ^ q to w ^ îr r i
a f i f q Z ^ S ç R ïïtt^ S ct^T q2Ì fW tà fl I q z s fq ^ TOÏ fk ^ îf I

g? T T O : T O f a i f à r T *T q z : q zs fq q z < N ^ T O ^ T O VZ-
TOst^srafiTfrr sfärerä ?ra w fïr i f r ^ f a r a q tò f e n t i
i TO \J to s à N i w *r t o ïfà f i v z çærài
'« ^ qz
vé N t* * m r y Rt i -.5 iwv^T
> t o *«éi?ït? qz çws w
| sfq ^
qZ$TO «I TO fafa TOT* 33Ît3ië3H I ! ^^Sf-
« ïn rd w s re i ç * «r*nr t o * w i i qz: i g f? <rgftqü=i
s f c TOt T O Í qzUfa 4W *ife ^JT^I q fç q¿t * W *î
^ s ^ ts fq 5j ^ITc{ i ?rfç ? ¡ f í « i ’g w A q z : q z q * ^ ^ r^ § t 5f
T O W q 2 T O ^ t« (fa rfiïffî w w fñ i i
347] CHAPTER XIV 223

T O s r a r a t t ^ r e i l r f M i r e ' < tot

sfvrau: i
VcfT^ i 02^FgiT^3irf?iqg *nir«rq I < 3 ^ I sf?
qz^frat^msi r!?T igwt *f?i w t *f i urn
3*? t o «nm 5f srer<r?^ **Tm ^ «%?[ i t$4
qztsfa * «%?f i
TOlfrmt TO: JSsfi ’Scftoi’t i ci?lT«I^ I Sff%
w - jm ' w n faw* to : nretsro *r matr?» i qf%
f l 1 T O ,S n r e r f H lS h fH I T O ^ *T J5«R t?*I mt K Z f i < ^ 5 fa I

* urirtft i ^ira^^nrreEn s t a w s f q to: w t *i

W ^ fr i I m TO: 5535 « f a qsc WWffT I STETT T O :

*R R t*iir a f? i « w it to w ftfta T ftw : q)< ir t w Y fw q trr: s rftre :

a ^ ft fH f ^<3: iffts r a : w fO T *s n ^ ? l# «rts fa q z ls ^

tl^ffi «TOreTOTC I qTOKWrot ^ TO W * I W TO* *

Wlfil ?W H^sfq VTT^T: I f? ri^w t frw ^tfrf «£-
w ra T H T ^ r: i

va w i z r fe *3 8 *n tffi*r o n ^ s *ra q *:

^ n «iiren«f3sr: i i *r*?i o z jH ra ttw a itT O tf % fa q ^ ^ a g rs i-

H5gc5f ^ q i mp R s n f? r e « r < 3 * s s n ^ u m ^ i

?ret t m t ? i^ n fq t r f a w . i <?(% q z ^ i t -

* ^ T ^ c s rg w ^ ^ jn H : 55?Rtsfq ^ ^ * w ^ ^ s fq *

*w f« i q i r s f q q z t t s *r *? «rs iq £ ts fq *r vr^f?r i 7!’g u ^ * ;g s r a r « T m m s r

frnfafa ^ w fira i^ * i 9 r*!r sf? r i w t w ^ fv ra iW

*t g r^ r *f? i w sm s?® ^ i ta’e m r a T H T H s i ^ i r w t o * « f^ff*?r?r t o

ra fw v iT if *j t o ?f?r i w rrn s r qs^i vz *r t o tfh

rf^BT?TO ^ i w r ^ saw i. z n*t ^ f% « if? T i v z n ® ^ ? n it-

«it i g ' T C ' s i q ^ r f i r -

^ its s ^ w i*iie 5 iq f? T ig ? B ff: i *w t ilf ? | ^ « W n Y

fW T s fts fa ^ s i T fn « ii
224 CATU SATAKA [347

hdir smrns pa | gal te de ltar ma grub pahi phyir dños
po mams kyi rañ bz'iu med na igol b a d e clftg hthad pa gañ gis
dños po yod par rtog ce na | de la hthad pa hgah yañ med kyi |
hon kyañ |

to t? i w i^ w t mvnw. 3 ¡jftm ro T *tM í

w t * i ^ ^ ^ c ra ís fi i * s n fa g c r o fa . i i

ji ltax rgynn la Ita ñes na |

rtag pa yod oes bya bar ligyur |
de bz'in tsliogs la Ita fies na |
dños po yod ces bya bar hgyur j| 22 ||
In a V and Vx of CSV rgyu for rgyun, and Vx of CSVUta for
Uà. In b V and Yx of CS byar hgyur na for Inya bar hgyur. In
c Vx of CSV Uta for Ita.
V yatliá kudrstito hetor nityatá ñama j ayate |
kudrstitas tathü, skandlie bhavatvam náma jayate || 22 ||
This cannot be accepted as V lias adopted the wrong reading
rgyu for rgyun in a and translated tsliogs in c by sbandita for
which we have phuñ po in Tib. I may offer tlie following :

í ? f a ó í t 5ITW w t ^ T I

f ? « T Í I « U H « W ’rTSH II II

CSV : ji
ltar mar mehi me lee skad eig re re la hjig ciñ sña ma
dañ pliyi ma skad cig rgyu dañ libias bu hbrel ba rnam par ma chad
par gnas pa la rgyu dañ rkyen gyi tshogs pa yod na yod pahi
rgyun hbyuñ ba de bz'in du hdu byed skyes ma thag tu !hjig pa
thams cad la bdag ñid ji Ita buhi rgyu dañ rkyen gyi tshogs
yod na yod pahi rgyun rgyu dañ libras buhi librel ba mam par ma
chad paT gnas pa thog ma med pa hbyuñ ño || delii phyir ji ltar
rgyun delii rañ gi ño bo ji ltar gnas pa ltar ñes par hphrigs áiñ
phyin ci log tu ñes pahi phyi rol bahi drañ sroñ mams la sñon gyi
gnas rjes su dran z'iñ hdir skad cig mar hjig pa mñon sum ma
yin pas phuñ po geig ñas geig tu brgyud pahi rgyun la ñes par
mthoñ ba yin dañ bdag gam gz'an yañ ruñ ste | dños po rtag
347] CHAPTER XIV 225

pa yod do snam par hbyun ba | de bz'in du tshogs pa de dan de la

brten na a hbyun ba dan hbyun ba las gyur pa dan | sems dan
sems byun ba dan | mtsan nid gz'i dan mtsan nid la sogs pahi bdag
nid can dan dehi iie bar len pa can rtswa dan phyam dan rdzas la
sogs pa tshogs pa khyim la sogs pa dan gzugs dan dri la sogs pahi
ston (?) tshogs pa bum pa !a sogs pa dan duos po tshogs pa bdag
dan nam mkhah la sogs pa yod do || tshogs pa las logs sig tu mtsan
nid ma grub pahi chos hbyun ba dan hbyun ba las gyur pa dan |
sems dan sems las byun ba dari | bum pa la sogs pa gzugs brnan
daii brag cha la sogs pa daix lidra ba de dan de las so so so sor
hjig j ten pahi phyin ci log tsad mar byas te lvigrten gz'ug par
bya bahi phyir ne bar Wans nas sam brten nasi an dan spyi hi
mtsan nid du hdogs pa tsam z'ig byed la | de dag kyan skye ba na
tshogs pa kho na skye z'in tshogs pa klio na hgag par hgyur
ro I) dehi phyir tshogs pa de ji Ita ba bz'in ma ses pa dan blta
ba iies pas rgol ba dag la sogs pas so la ran gi no bos yons su
grub paritogcin phyin ci log tsam las rig pa med pahi
diios po klio na rtogs so ||

?tcrtti^ i f*raci faqita-

tn w rc ra n m s ra q ft 3% *3 f*5 9 T HTW T f a

w fh : i w r it n\ « m tff u a ta

^qr^lST^i iZ’fT'i? ^qJTOTf^TH^q»’ TOlfc

fw jW imur gresrc irato «it


^reTOT*rcw>rarcrfíWT?í i Stnnfq «n#í «tirita* sraíi

HlflTOÍ I rl’WTííTT HT«# 3*13* W3?Í 1*3$ ^ *T
^Tferwral wraivnfri susnreít 1?nrafa*rat?ft*iTOT^*
*f?nwi^r n «
CSV: gal te de ltar dños po med pas klio bo cag gi dúos por
lta ba phyin ci log yin na khyod kyañ dños po khas mi len na
dños po med par bita bar hgyur na de yañ sin tu mi rigs te |
mthoñ ba dañ ma mthoñ ba dañ hgal bahi pliyir ro z'e na | béad
par bya ste | bdag ni dños po med paT smra ba ma yin te | rten
ciñ hbrel bar hbyuñ ba smra ba yin pahi phyir ro || ci khyod
dños por smra ba z'ig gam z'e na ma yin te | rten ciñ hbrel bar
hbyuñ ba smra ba yin pa ñid kyi phyir ro || khyod cismra ba z'ig
na | rten ciñ hbral bar hbyuñ bar smra baho || yañ rten ciñ
hbrel bar hbyuñ bahi don gañ z'e na | rañ bz'in med pahi don
dañ rañ bz'in gyis ma skyes pahi don dañ | sgyu ma dañ smig
rgyu dañ gzugs brñañ dañ dri zahi groñ khyer dañ spul ba dañ
rmi lam dañ mtshuñs palii rañ bz'in can gyi libias bu hbyuñ
bahi don dañ stoñ pa ñid bdag med pahi don to | hcli ltar |

1 %cí I
'3 ^ i HTÍt * «rá fjr: i i faí 3
vmw. i *i i i w htz ifa i irato-
i w- 3*i^ : iraterar$HrT?*i i i w n t-

«rcrfan?ta?: i q^mpimríh i am f%— i

gañ la brten ñas hbyuñ yod pa |
de ni rañ dbañ ma hgyur ro |
hdi kun rañ dbañ med pa ste |
des na bdag ni yod ma yin || 23 ||
In b V na for ni.
V pratltya sambhavo yasya sa svatantro na j ayate |
asvatantram idam sarvam tenátmá naiva vidyate || 23 ||
I should like to modify the second half taking Mag in d to
mean dtmana, svayam:
im ta «»wit * straS i
« « 1 5 N « O r e iii it n
CSV: hdi na gan la ran gi no bo dan ran bz'in dag1 ran dban
dan gz'an la rag ma las pa nid yin pa de la ni ran las grub pas
rten cin hbrel bar hbyun ba yod pa ma yin na hdus byas thams
cad rten cin hbrel bar hbyun ba yan yin no || de ltar na dnos po
gan la brten nas hbyun ba yod pa de ni ran dban du mi hgyur
te | rgyu dan rkyen la rag las skye bahi phyir o ||
hdi kun ran dban med pa ste |
dehi phyir dnos po gan !a yan bdag ste ran bz'in yod pa ma
yin no || dehi phyir hdir rten cin hbrel bar hbyun ba ran dbaiL
bahi no bo dan bral bahi phyir i an dban bahi no bo dan bral
bahi don ston pa nid kyi don yin gyi thams cad dnos po med
pahi don ma yin no || dehi phyir hdi la rten cin hbrel bar hbyun
ba byas sin sgyu ma daii hdra ba kun nas non moils pa dan
ranm par byan bahi rgyu la skur pa btab pas de med par It»
ba phyin ci log yin la ran bz'in yod pa ma yin pahi phyir na
diios por lta ba yan phyin ci log yin no || dehi phyir de ltar na
dnos po ran bz'in daii bcas par smra ba rnams la rten cin hbrel bar
hbyun ba med pa daii rtag pa daii chad par lta bahi skyon du
hgyur ro |]
ci ste gal te ran dban med pahi don rten cin hbrel bar hbyun
bahi don yin na m ho na gan khyed kyis ned2 cag la gnod par
hgyur ba khyed8 dan lied cag la khyad par ci yod snam du sems
na bsad par bya ste | gaii khyed kyis rten cin hbrel bar hbyun
bahi don ji lta ba bz'in rtogs4 ba dan brjod pa mi ses pa lidi ni
khyad par ro || ji ltar byis pa g'zon nu tha snad la ma byan bas
gzugs brnan la bden par gyur par lhag par sgro btags pas ji lta ba
bz'in gnas pahi ran bz'in ston pa nid bsal nas ran bz'in dan bcas
par rtogs na gzugs brnan rtog mi ses pa de bz'in du khyod kyis
kyan rten cin hbrel par hbyun ba khas blans kyan gzugs brnan

• X nee. 8 X khyod. * X rtog.


dañ mtshuñs pahi rten ciiì fcbrel bar hbyuù ba ran bz'in gyis
stoñ pa ñid du gyur kyañ rañ gi ño bos ji ltar gnas pa bz'in khoñ
du chud par mi ses te | rañ bz'in med pa ñid du mi Ijdzin pahi
phyir dañ | yod pa ma yin pa rañ gi ño bo la yod pahi rañ gi ño
bo ñid du lhag par sgro btags na hdzin pahi phyir ro || brjod kyañ
mi ses te | rañ bz'in med pa ñid du mi br jod pahi phyir dañ dúos
polii rañ gi ño bo ñid du brjod pahi phyir ro |] dehi phyir de ltar
rtogs pa dañ brjod mi ses pa na bdag ñid dañ gz'an ñid bslu bar
byed do || dehi phyir kho bo cag chos tshogs che ba hdir gnas
pas bstan bcos byed pahi rtsom pa hdi hbras bu med pa ma
yin no ||
CSV : T? qm «çpçtr =3 W to
f%wu «ï i i uw
irataregnnç: * * Wï*gr: i tgïïamwrçpqTçrç
«i w w f i r ê I

TOTOW *n «T O T fa q f? R [*] fa s F t I Ï^ S Ï-

I * to -

«reiwTstöh i ciwife? wraisrq; i

fa q ffa íl I fa q fta rç I

H m ^ W T ^ c c R T f ^ i ïï? fi< îre »|c tn ^ W Ic r. s n s U t f N I ^ s f e l l I

to 5Rt tre m e rà ftflw:

W S À U sir à *frT I 'a’sr ô I TO W TOOT

ïTrftc2r^r^[?cn^ * t f a i *rei arraf a n : wferfww

^ r s r ? T U T « n t tq ^ ^ T O T ^ fa rtr a O T q ^ m tn ^ T O T O r e R n r a ir a tä t

TTfàfîiisret mm*\i ^ w rc fa w aaì<3Hjr*pqT^T«p-

rôsfa nfàfircTOw‘ ir^arcrg?*!? qptnrngjraft *rar-
TO*fatf îiTWU^fïï fa:^wra<êiWTTOWT^f^qw ^ w t c o t N m t-
itfc m w t o <ïït ^ i s a m fa ^ ] *f s íH T fii i fa ^ w s ra iw -

« t o t i i iren$4 T O nm uH w tf ^
* ro fa [ wwtî! ] i tr o ifc r o n tf TOfa w w to ro m T O T w iiïw
«inrinTOt f«né«: « u n
350] CHAPTER XIV 229

CSV : gañ gi phyir hgal la yañ ño bo ñid kyi skye ba yod pa
ma yin pa de ñid kyi phyir |

hbras bu med par dùos po ni |

kun la hdu ba yod ma yin |
hbras buhi don du hdu ba gaù |
de ni hphags pa ma hdus paho || 24 ||
V vinä käryena bhävesu samaväyo na vidyate |
käryärthah samaväyo yah sa äryasyäsamanvitah || 24 ||
I think V’s ammanviiah for ma hdus pafyo in d can in no way
be supported. For hdus pa in the sense of samamya see kärikä
339a. I should like to change it as follows :
f o n q w N w ra re t q t r a r ñ « fà s rô i

« t e u r e r e « m ifa r i « h s t ïï: s : b n
CSV : gal te dùos po mams kyi hjug pa ran bz'in paT hgyur
na ni de rtag pa daû hbras bu la bltos par mi hgyur te raù bz'in
ni hbras bu la mi bltos so |¡ gcig gi dúos pos mi1hgags kyaii hbras
bu cuû zad kyi sgrab par mi nus pas tshogs pahi hbras bu bsgrub
par bya ba la phan tshun hdu bar yañ ligyur la | gaü z'ig hbras
buhi ched du hdu ba de ni dehi rañ bz'in gzigs pahi hphags pa
mams la hdu ba med pa z'ig ste bden par gyur pa ñid de mñon
par mi bz'ed do || ses bya bahi don to ||
= wt ^ tî ï ï ïïs rf% : q r a ifo fo w i

f* i w ¡ í t s f a í t 3 s f a ^ n s rw fq q t á s re fa g *

«Tfwràt * «
CSV : de ñid kyi phyir mam par ses pa dñospohi rañgi ño bo
lhag par sgro hdogs par byed pa ñon moña pa can gyi mi ées

X ni.

pahi dbañ gis dúos po mams la chags pa dan Idan z'iû hkhor ba
hjug pati sa bon du gyur pa mam pa thams cad du hgags pa
las hkhor ba ldog par mam pa bz'ag go z'es bstan pahi phyir
báad pa |
=*m q* faw tf i «a?

fifa ïïfàqi^q^nr— i
srid pahi sa bon mam scs te |
yul mams de yi spyod yul lo |
yul la bdag med mthoñ na ni |
srid pahi so bon hgag par hgyur || 25 ||
rnal libyor spyod pa bz'i brgya pa las mthar hdzin pa dgag pa
bsgom pa bstan pa ste | rab tu byed pa beu bz'i paho ||
In c for na V nas, and Vx of CSV ba.
V bhavabïjam hi vïjfiânam viçayâs tasya gocarâh |
-drstvâ visayanairâtmyam bhavabïjaip nirudhyatc |j 25
I should like to make the following change :

r è froH fcpfr « ** h

CSV : ji skad báad palli tshul gyis yul ran bz'in med par mthoñ
bas chags pahi rgyu mam par ses pa srid pahi sa bon du gyur pa
mam pa thams cad du log pa las ñan thos dan rañ saùs rgyas daù |
mi skye bahi chos la brjod pa thub1 pahi byañ chub sems dpah
mams la hkhor ba ldog pa mam par bz'ag go || de bz'in gsegs
pahi ye ées hbyuù bahi sa bon byañ chub kyi sems de ni de mam,
la mi ldog ste | thams cad la de bz'in gsegs pahi ye ses rñed2 pa
gdon mi za bar hbyun bahi phyir ro || gan dag gis byaù chub kyi
sems rnam pa de Ita bu ma bskyed pa de dag gis kyaû phyis
gdon mt za bar bskyed nas byaù chub sems dpahi spyod pas
bla na med pahi ye ses thos par bya kho na "ste | hdi ni hphags
* X thol), * Xrñad;
360] CHAPTER XIV 231

pa dam pa chos pad ma dlcar pohi mdo la sogs pa la btsal

bar byaho ||

f t w w f i w fSiyw:
^ i w»t?ren^irsratei g nq:
itort ^ fag'&i i sratri i ^ g ?renfa^
WtfVf^Tf ^KTT^ufifT %fq TOrenTOWCr UT^Ritn^Tin'
w* i r '¡ircre*« *r»^ « 11
Ch a p t e r XV
CSV: hdir smras pa J hdus byas ran bz'in gyis yod pa nid de
dehi mtsan nid skye ba la sogs pa yod pahi phyir ro || bon buhi
rwa la sogs pa yod pa ma yin pa la hdus byas kyi mtsan nid
yod pa ma yin na hdus byas la ni hdus byas kyi1 mtshan nid
skye ba la sogs pa yod pa yan yin no !j delii phyir hdus byas yod
de z'e na J bsad par bya ste |

g «n f% i 51 fa tiv w r o ifiir i g

tha mar med pa skye bar hgyur 1

des na med pa ga la skye |
yod pa gdod mar skye hgyur ba |
des na yod pa ga la skye || 1 1|
In c V and Vx of CS hdod m s for gdod mar, and shyes for
V abhavac ced bhaved anyas tadabhavah kuto bhavet |
istain ced bhavato janma tada bhavah kuto bhavet || 1 ||
I think it should be changed and the following may be sug­
gested :
«ra t f q: i
to* warrant f ? r : «? u
C S V : gal te dehi mtsan nid lhag cig* tu hgyur na ni hdus
byas yod par hgyur na yod pa yan ma yin no || ji ltar byas te
1 Xkvifl.
* See MV, p. 145 with Poussin's note : A 9 g u 11 a r a N. I, p. 61: tin’inSpni bhifekhave1
upp&do pafifiayati vayo panfiayati thitassa afinathattaip panfiayati,
8 Xlhaz'ig.
351] CHAPTER XV 233

z'e na | hdi na skyo ba hdi hdus byas k yi dnos po bskyed pa na

Jidus byas mod pa ham yod pa z'ig bskyed gran na | do la re
z 'ig gan hbras bu med par smra ba de do ltar na sa bon g y i gnas
skabs na m yu gu med pahi phyir rgyn dan rkyen g y i tshogs pas
sa bon g yi m thah skad cig las m yu gu skyeho || dehi phyir rgol
ba dehi
tlia mar med pa skye bar hgyur |
z'es bya ba phyogs yin no || yod pa ma yin pa ni hbyun bar rigs
pa yan ma yin pa ste || bon buhi rwa la togs pa han skyo
bar thal bahi phyir ro || de ildi kyi phyir J
des na med pa ga la skyo
z'es bya ba smos so || des na z'es bya ba ni yod pa ma yin pa
fiid kyi rgyu ho ¡J ga la z'es bya ba ni mi arid pa la sto | yod
pa ma yin pahi phyir med pa la skyo ba med do z'es bya bahi
don te || ci ste fien pa hdis hjigs nas hbras bu yod par smras pa
yod pa kho na la skye ba hdod na | de lta na |
yod pa gdod mar skye ligyur ba |
des na yod pa ga la .ste ||
gal to skye bahi ches pha rol sa bon gyi gnas kho nar myu gu
skye bar rtog na dehi tslie skye bar mi hgyur te yod pahi phyir ||
ci ste yod pa la .skye bar yoris ,su rtog na dehi tshe skye ba thug
pa med par ligyur z'iri || de la s!ar skye bas byis pahi phyogs1
su yan hgyur na de ni srid pa yan ma yin pas yod pa la yan skyo
ba yod pa ma yin ||
wnrflrfiiftui ’en fo aw rafq a fHru i
sra arafh i *ft*repiirfini9i!«r

»TTsrT^guafqinifirn sirafi i ^rfcsi:

\Tn q*: i a g g ^ ftsw t i


1 X bog su,
234 CATUHSATAKA [3 5 2

fw m n í S S te r e r s f f g : i fr?r T f a * w w f? r i

*s r c í: i v r a ftw g T s r s iíT ir o T ^ « * 1

frar «fa
« % í i t s í t s r w f # ? N « w i r a f f snu: ii

? r a ? c n ^ T ^ fm n »T I t a r a ^ r a i í f a r g í f a T r ? : sR sqiíí c i^ t i

«s tw t^ [ m ] i *w * * ^ q T ^ * . u f a r e n * } ? rftH T r ^ T 3 r e ^ T 5 [H 'jF : i ?m
3 *H íw rT 3 T irs rw . i * ^ ^ H f l t o n q r ? : n * ii
CSV : gz'an yañ |
*= T O «I
hbras bu yis ni rgyu báig pa |
des na med pa skye mi hgyur |
grub pa la grub yod ma yin |
dehi phyir yod pahañ mi skye ho || 2 ||
In c V and Vx of CS las for la, Vx of CSV la sgrub byed for
pa la grub. In d V and Vx of OS de for dehi, Vx of CSV pa for
pahañ, and ye for ho.
V hetor vinásah karyena teniibhüvo na j ayate |
nispannán naiva nispattir bhavo’py evavn na j ayate || 2 ||
I should like to chango it as follows :
u ré N «n a n ^ s jT s t i

* fa fa f^ r f a r o üu sn u íi» * u
CSV: gañ gi phyir myu gu skye bz'in pas rgyu sa bon z'es
bya ba báig pa dehi phyir myu gu med pa kho na sa bon las skyo
to z'es bya ba han mi rigs so ¡| ji ltar ñas dan gro la sogs pa dag
la yod pa ma yin pahi sa luhi myu gu de dag rnam par hgyur bas
skye ba ma yin pa de bz'in du yod pa ma yin pas sa luhi sa bon
kyañ skye ba ma yin pa z'ig na hbru mar byuñ na ti la la sogs
pa dag ltar myu gu skye ba na sa bon de hjig pa yañ yin no ||
dehi phyir med pa mi skyeho ||
grub la sgrub byed yod ma yin j
dehi phyir yod pa mi skye yi U1
* Se© v, 1. above.
353] CHAPTER XV 235

grub zin pahi myu gu ni slar hgrub pa ma yin pas yod pa yan mi
skyho ||

T?3fq *r ?psi?h wmi s its i^ t

f r o n t s « srnrer ssrrcraa» s n ^ -T i firanfrcifc *r sin w i
f?renf%^s?Tl*u^ ns^frr i tra n m m n i^ i
a f w s t ?N wnfq <sito3 i
fovt w g it * w - n «€tsuj«n*:« *. «
CSV: skye bahi dus mi arid pahi phyir yan skye ba yod pa
ma yin par brjod pahi phyir bsad pa |
=<3?qT^3m3TCrcraT?mHn^t si \
de tslie skye ba yod min z'iii |
gz'an tshe skye ba yod ma yin |
do ishc gz'iVn. tfdie mi skye n;i |
nam z'ig skye ba yod par hgyur || 3 ||
Vx oi CSV dchi l’or de in a and re for nam in d.
V tato bliavo na bhavati n any »to’pi sa jayate |
tato’nyato na cej janma tada janma kuto bhavet || 3 ¡|
Here in the Tib. text de tslie in a and c and gz'an tshe in b and
c mean tada and anyadd respectively and not talah and anyatah
as V says. He seems to have translated skye ba in a and b by
bhdva in the sense oi a thing (‘chose’). This cannot be supported.
Nor can nam z'ig which in fact means Skt. kadd (See karilca
361 d) bo taken in the sense of tada. I may, therefore, suggest
the following :
SJTfa^T n vr^fa *T SiTfa^^Tfq ^ |
«nfhw firafci # * u
CSV : gan gi tshe myu gu hdi bdag gi duos po rned pa yin
pa dehi tshe ni grub pahi iio bo yin pahi phyir hdi la akye ba
mi srid do || gaii gi tshe hdi ma grub pahi no bo yin pahi dus der
yod hdi skye ba mi ilgs te | ma grub pahi med pa nid kyis rten

palli skyo bahi bya ba mi hgrub pa gz'an gyi tsiie skye ba mi srid
do Hcun zad cig grub ciú cuñ zad cig ma grub par yin pa la yaù
phyogs gñis gar brjod pahi slcyon du thal bahi pii y ir dehi tshe
ran gz'an gyi ni skye ba mi srid do ¡| gañ gi tshe de Itar dus geum
char ru yaù skye ba mi srid pa dehi tshe de rnam pa tha dad pa
gz'an mi srid pas nam z'ig skye ba yod par hgyur te || gaû du
hdi skye bar hgyur bahi dua de yod pa ma yin no sñamdu
dgoñs so II
= sfa snw «nfSr. «nréfa i
[ vfa ] w i
faflT s n i f f i 5| SITfrrâ ^ ^ f r l I fafafàpaifà
h faw ftñtarnroit: ?rt w iftì i
«î^tsiët^stq SlïfM 5ÇW3fh ?T^T
auftw vntfrr i um w tans: *r wgitarfìrara: i ^ u
CSV : hdir smas pa | ho ma z'ohi dños por hgyur bar skye
ba yin no || hdi yaó mi rigs te | ho ma la z'ohi dños po mi srid
pahi phyir ro ¡| re z'ig ho mahi dúos por gnas pahi ho ma la ni
dehi bdag nid du skye ba med de | dohi ho mahi bdag ñid der
yod pahi phyir ro l| dehi phjrir do ltar na |
i <p«f i *r

ìtw i *f?r—i
de la de yi dúos po ru |
ji ltar skyo ba yod min ltar |
de b z'in gz'an g yi dños por yaù |
de la skye ba yod ma yin ¡| 4 II
V yathà tasyaiva bhàvasya tasmaj jàtir na vidyate |
bhävasyäpi tathänyasya tasmaj jätir na vidyate ||
I should like to change it slightly as follows :
a fk urn «»Tfh4 fàw i i
fTOTsqwifa WTO ricî SílfoS fasfà II
355] CHAPTER XV 237

CSV: ji ltar ho mahi no bor gnas pahi ho ma la skye ba mi.

srid pa do bz'in du ho ma las gz'an z'ohi dnos por skye ba yan mi
srid do || gan las ho ma z'o yin na z'es bya bar hgyur ba ho ma
z'o z'es bsnad pa yaft ma yin to | gan gi tshe z'o yin pa dehi
tshe de ho ma yin la || yan gan gi tshe de ho ma yin pa dehi tshe
de z'o ma yin pas ho ma z'or hgyur ro z'es bya bar mi run fio ||
*=?raT s n fa « p re fe r t o t
s n fa * * w f ? n w iw ^ *
i ?i?t « i ^ *
w $ f? r « fa « 3^ it » 11
CSV : hdi las kyan hdus byas la skyo ba mod do | hdi ltar |
= 1 a m fw — i
a ^ « R n v lK n ^ :

thog ma bar dan tha ma rnams |

skye balii sna rol srid ma yin |
gfiis gfiis dag ni mod pa ru |
ji ltar re re rtsom par hgyur || 5 ||
In d V ci for ji, and Vx of CSV rtsam for rtsom.
V adir madhyani tahantas ca janmanah pran na vartate |
dvayor abhave prarabdham ekaikam jayate katham || 5 Ij
I may suggest the following change :
^ r r fc w iim T s n s r i 1 s w i
n s’r i « a w rt i w f t : u * 11
In c of this restoration pravflta is used for Tib. rtsom pain d
which literally means drambha or drabhyate, but I have followed
here CSV which evidently explain the word by hjug pa meaning
here nothing but pravrtti.
thog ma bar dan tha ma rnams |
skye bahi sna rol srid ma yin |
bdir thog ma dan bar dan tha ma dag ni dnos pohi skye ba dan
1 For the expression adimadhyavasana sec MV, p. 646, 1. 7.

gnas pa daò hjig pa ste | ro z'ig de dag skyo bahi sña rol gyi
gnas skabs no yod pahi no bor med pas skyo bahi sña rol na hdus
byas mi srid do || ci ste skye bahi dus 11?, skye ba len la gnas pahi
dus na gnas pa yin z'iñ hjig pahi dus na l.ijig pahi sñam na | hdi
yañ mi rigs to || hdi ltar |
gñis gñis dag ni med pa ru ]
ji ltar re ro rtsom par hgyur |j
hdir skye bahi dus na gnas pa d aû mi rtag pa' gñis med pas gnas
pa d aû hjig pa d aû bral bahi hdus byas fiid med pahi phyir skye
bar yañ mi hgvur ro ¡¡ de bz'in du gnas pahi dus daû hjig pahi dus
su yañ gñis gñis dag med par re re hjug pa mi srid la || de med
pas hdus byas ma .yin no ||
*Tfo T«ira «T5 IT5 lT wmw. I

»! «fa mganà: a «nrefo 1 njerlHrffRnfí

? ra riï
«Sri 3¡s»íl%3i «aw râ ¡1

i f i ^ r a « 1 % ^ ? r o il * »

C SV : hdi las kyaû hdus byas k yi skye ba mi rigs te j gan
gi phyir I
* gir: i 1
gz'an gyi dnos po med par ni |
bdag gi dûos po hbyuù ba med |
do y i phyir na bdag gz'an ni |
gñis ka las hbyuú yod ma yin |¡ G ||
V yeiia bhâvàd vinânysm ât svayarn bhâvo na jâyate |
tena sv as ca paras ceti dvayor nünam na sam bhavali || 6 |¡
» Here mi rtag pa {^m i rtag pa ñid )= b jig pa, anityatâ==vyaya==bhanga. See MV,
p. 545, n. 6.
357] CHAPTER XV 239

I thinlc it is not right. I m ay, however, propose the following :

'SHTWlt ^(q*1«lt rí^HTTfr fastá II $ ll1

G SV hdir bum pa la raú las grub pahi ño bo mcd do gyo rao
la bltos palii pliyir ro || gyo mo de dag la yañ bdag gi dúos po mod
do gseg nía la bltos pahi pliyir ro || dehi pliyir de Itar na gz'an
gyi dúos po gyo mo med na bum pa la bdag gi dúos po yod pa ma
yin no ¡¡ de bz'in du gyo mo dag la gyo mohi bdag gi dúos po
mod na gyo mo dag bum pa la bltos ñas gz'an pa ñid duhaú mi
ligyur ro || gañ gi pliyir de Itar bdag gi dúos po med par hgah
yañ gz'an ñid du mi hgyur ba | dehi phyir gñis ka las skye ba
mi srid de | bdag daú gz'an dacr mi srid pahi pliyir 10 || raú gi ño
bo mod pas raú las skye ba mi srid do || gz'an yañ ra ñ g l úo bos
ma grub pahi phyir gz'an las yaú mi srid pas skye ba med do ||
wr.foré qrarcn3TO*[ i «qrensíTOfq
n v t f t a n 'i i cHBT^*rarar*wi% sn%
iszm *$wre:1 *rawn*rt « q i^w T ^ n w t itaí
?! wsfei i wrow í%^t ?reTTfwre
sr w re fa i sn ^ ctn ?: ü$ ti
CSV : gz'an yañ skye ba yod2 pa lidi skye ba pohj súa rol bam
phyis sam cig car rtog graú na | de la gal to sña rol tu yin na ni |
mi rigs te | rten med pahi phyir ro || ci ste phyis yin na de yañ mi
rigs te | ma skyes pa ni yod pa ma yin pahi phyir dañ | skye ba
don mod pahi phyir ro || ci ste cig car yin na ni dehi tshe gñis

» Cf. MK, I. 3 : , ., „
avidyamane svabháve parabkávo na vidyate ||
XXI. 13: . .
na svato j ayate bhával.i parato naiva }ayate |
na svatah parataá caiva jayate j ayate kutali ||

na svato nápi parato na dvábliyarp nápyahetutab |

utpanná játu vidyante bháváh kvacana kecana ¡|
M K alV . 22:
sato vú parato vapi na kiñeid vastu j ayate ||
3 X med.
240 OATUHâATAKA [368

yañ phan tshun bltos pa med pa ñid du hgyur ro || dohi phyir

de ltar na J
ftnratan;1 bht'b : gj ut w i î i giranqiv: i
tiw ufè i 'TOranronqi vu creici
i v^rawre^rrfRTT^tuwite i vu guqq. i çu»i«rq*rc-
fînftgrç i ?rsn^ «fii—i
sñon daù phyis dan cig c &t z'es |
brjod pa ñid du mi nus pa |
dehi phyir skye dan bum pa la |
cig car hbyuñ ba yod mi yin || 7 ¡|
In a V wrongly sdon for sñon, and ci for cig.
V pürvani param ca yugapad vaktum eva na áakyate |
ghatasya janmanaé câto yugapan nâiva sambhavah || 7 ||
I should like to modify it as below :
xrcn« « 3 «Tnwü i
smta gucwT% « w . » « Il
For d see 3616 in both the versions, Skt. and Tib. Hero
sambhava is to bo tr.ken in the sense of ulpääa, jäti, udbhava
(hbyuñ ba).
CSV : gaû gi phyir skye ba po dañ skye ba la rim par brjod
mi srid pa
dehi phyir skye8 dañ bum pa la |
cig car hbyuñ ba yod mi yin
no II gaû gi tshe yod pa ma yin pa dehi tshe bum pa skyeho z'es
bya bar mi rigs so |(
— « wwsfu* n ^rarefa
?RRTizw s i m i*itrcnf^r mxm it
u^i wan vn uzt mm Tfh * # « 11
CSV : fedir smras pa J bum pahi skye ba yod pa ñid de | gai
te fedi skye bar mi fegyur na ni J defei tshe fedihi rñiñ pafei ño bor
» Tib. anutpadab (skye ba med pa). See p. 239, note 2.
• After it X ad. b*.
358] CHAPTER XV 241

mi hgyur ba z'ig na | Mi la gog po ñid kyi mtshan ñid can rñiñ

palii ño bo yod par mthoñ ba yañ yin no || dehi phyir rñiñ pahi
ño bo yod pas skyo ba yod pa ñid do || báad par bya ste | gal te
hgah z'ig la rñiñ pa ñid yod na ni skye ba yod par hgyur na |
srid pa han ma yin no || ji ltar z'e na | hdi ni gal te rñiñ pa z'ea
bya ba cuñ zad cig yod na ni sñar skyos pa ñiñ de phyis skye ba
z'ig yin graft na gfíi ga ltar yañ mi skyeho z'es bstan pahi phyir
báad pa |
i i 2T3S c ita r a n «re íis t

i i n i? i

si j p i : i s re fa fa i ijs íta

a s a ra * q ^ i w r ^ t í j í í i v m n i r f 'r a g n q a u fa m o s *!*— i

sñar skyes pa yi phyir na ni |

sñar skyes rñiñ par mi hgyur z'iñ |
phyi ñas kun tu skyes pa yañ |
phyi ñas skyes par mi hgyur ro || 8 ||
In a Vx of CSV pahi, for pa yi. In b V wrongly rñed for rñiñ.
V pürvasya p u rv a jstta v á l lábhah ko’pi na vidyate |
p ascát sam jayayannino ’pi paácüj jato na vidyate |l 8 ¡|
According to the commentary I may suggest the following :

w r a r a a « i r a % f q g T ^ iT f í a 11c 1
CSV: rñiñ pahi rñiñ pa ñid gañ yin pa de ni hjig rten gyi
dños po sñar skyes pa la rtog na j bum pahi sñar skyes pahi gnas
skabs ni rñiñ pa ñid du mi rigs te | dehi tshe de la gsar pa z'es
bsñad pa^i phyir ro || phyis skyes pahi gnas skabs khe tsham ma la
yañ phyis skyes pahi phyir sar pa yin pa rñiñ pa ñid du ga la
hgyur || gal te sñar skyes pa do da ltar rñiñ pa yin no z'es na | ci
sta de ñid yin nam gz'an yin ] gal te de de ñid yin na ni dehi tshe
sar pahi gnas skabs ma ñams pahi phyir de rñiñ pa ma yin no jj
ci ste gz'an yin na ni de yañ de ltar skyes‘pahi phyir sar pa kho

nar hgyur bas de rniñ pa ma yin no || delii phyir de latr na rñiñ

pa fxid med pas de yod pas mtshon pahi skye ba mi srid do ||°
?rr% r¡$ stm «R<5rní
faarranrr *rwTírr M a f «i i crai i
qw araraw T O m n ^fasrengr. transaron* i grñt ^<5 ^ 1
s fé anm s t m utá «faifa i ftf [*r] ^ wn ?ifa « t *«r
w?i»tot m i *raror i «Tft
l»twn5lftl «ll*Í%fa « I ?TOT^ «fa ^Jt*WTC^flím
* «W lfa II°C ||
CSV hdi las kyañ skyc ba mi srid do |¡ dus gsum char du yañ
de mi rigs palii phyir ro || de ííid bstan pahi phyir béad pa 1
«fresan ^ :» ?! fa « «rsrafrsfa ?í%*
nfw n^w n^—i
da ltar ba yi dños po ni |
de ñid las hbyuñ ma yin z'iñ ]
ma hoñs las hbyuñ yod min la |
hdas pa las kyañ yod ma yin || 9 !|
In a Vx of CSV pahi íor pa yi, and in b byuñ for hbyuñ.
V anagatán na bhavati nátitad api j ayate |
vartamanasya bhávasya tasmad eva na sambhah || 9 ||
I should like to make the following change :
vmnx*m »1 « w i
»!FiT»raww^sf% f w t 11 e .»
CSV: da ltar bahidon hdi ñid las de ñid hbyuñ ba ni med
de | rgyu daú hbras bu dag cig car med pahi phyir la | cig car pa
ñid du yod na yañ rgyu dañ hbras buhi dños po mi hthad pahi
phyir ro ||
ma hons pa las byuñ ba yod min te |
ma hoñs pa yod pa ma yin pahi phyir bdag ñid can [ma] yin pahi
phyir ro || hdas pa las kyañ hbyuñ ba yod pa ma yin te j hdas
pa yañ yod pa ma yiix pahi phyir ro || gaú gi tshe dus gsum char
360] CHAPTER XV 243
du yaû hbyuñ ba yod pa ma yin pa delii tshe ran bz'in gyis . kye
ba med do z'es bya ba gnas so ||
i « «i w r a f t i ^ g q r e r a k s t a q ’ï n n i
g fa c r e w r ê s f a t g q ï s r a r e T g q t r a : i

* n « in r a r a r e n i\ s fi* r i

W S T C W ra T^ I IFÇ T * ! l f ^ T
ffa ftjrcrç n «. »
CÔV : gz'an yaû gai te dùos po de dag la raû gi ño bos yod
na ni dehi tshe raû bz'in la ldog pa med pas dúos po skyes paid
rañ bz'in ma byuñ ba las hbyuñ ba med pahi phyir g sed ñas
hons par hgyur ro ¡| hgags palli rañ bz'in la yañ byuñ ñas yod1
pa med pahi phyir g sed ru hgro bar hgyur na | hdi ni srid pa
yañ ma yin no || boom ldan hdas kyis dge sloñ dag de ltar na mig
ni skye ba gañ nas lioñs pa ma yin la | hgag pa ni gaû yañ hgro
ba ma yin no z'es gsuñs la | de bz'in du h p h a g s p a g 1 a ñ
po t s h a l g y i m d o l a s |
gal te dios rnams rañ bz'in yod hgyur na [
rgyal ba ñan thos beas pas de mkbyen hgyur |
ther zug2 chos ni mya ñan hdah mi hgyur |
mkhas rnams nam yañ spros dañ bral mi hgyur ||
z'es gsuñs so || dehi phyir de ltar na don gaû z'ig |

s rtm mm: ^ i H T ^ î î T g i f f î c ^ w a * H ? ra f* r i f w *

w r r c á s fa ífs n « i r a i w n « R »ra fa i «í w w ifa i «w * f *

« p p h it— n
w f a r e f a i* *t á * % « « r ^ à 4s « n i r ç —
» X med.
» X tliu. Bul aoo MV, p. 388 ; MVt. ed. Sakaki, 72S3.
8 It is from the P a r a m â r t h a é ú n y a t á as quoted in BCP, pp. 581 ff. adding
saipnicayaqi between kvacit and gacchati and the following after gacchati : iti hi bhikgavab
cakgur abhütvä bhavati bhütvä ea prativigactihati. See P i t â p u t r a s a m â g a m »
quoted in SS, pp. 250 ff. ; Poussin’s note, BCP, j>. 582.
4 Kanjur, Mdo, M, fols. 155*179 ; Feer, p. 261 ; Nanjio, 193*4. It is quoted in MV,
388, 514; , SSpp. 133, 404; SB, p. 67 ; MVt, § 60-75.
044 CATUfíSATAKA [360

qfé ait fa w f a «Acwm:

fa *: I

ftrai * fifwnt
Sf f a s j i R Í t « f a 3 lTg q f t s t i : II1

*ren^í i
skyes pa la ni hoñ ba dañ |
de bz'in hgags la ligro ba jned |
de ltar yin na ci Ita bur |
srid pa sgyu ma hdra ma yin ¡| 10 ||
In a V wrongly pa for ba. V and Vx of CS hgag for hgags
in band Ita for ltar in c. For ci in c Vx of CSV ji.
V utpannasyägatir nästi niruddhasya tat,lia gatih |
bhavo mâyâpatïkâsah katliam ovain na jâyate ¡110 I!
I may change it slightly as follows :
««nrow rfipifcr f a ir e r «ferirai i
«fà ^ I * «ra t w t m w t w \° h

CSV : de las nes par ran bz'in med do || gal to de la rail bz'in
med na | ci z'ig yod ce na | brjod par bya ste | gan kun las ñon
moiis pa dañ rnam par byañ bahi rgyur byas pahi ño bo iten cm
hbrel bar hbyuñ ba de yod la ] sgyu mar byas pahi glañ po che
dañ rta la sogs pa dañ hdra ba de y a ñ byis pa phÿin ci log pa
dag gis rañ bz'in dañ bcas pa ñid du yoñs su rtog go || hphags
pa rnanis kyis ni sgyu ma dañ smig rgyu la sogs pa ltar rañ
bz'in med pa don ji Ita ba bz'iñ du vons su good de | ji skad
du m d o las I
du m d o las |
sems can mi dañ áed skyes kyañ run ste | a
tdir skye si ba hgah yañ skye mi hgyur |

1 Quoted in MV, pp. 388, 514. In the Tib. version ko ci in a is omitted. F o rtatra iv a
gaccheya in b Tib. reads do mkhyen bgyur which literally means, as required, tarn
avagacchet, here in Buddhist Skt. tam avagaceheya, Tib. mkhyen meaning 'to know.*
2 The meaning of the line ie not quite clear to me. Here étd seems to be for éed bu, Skt*
chos kun ran bz'in sgyu hdra stoA pa ste J
mu stegs can gyis ses par nus ma yin ||x
z'es gsufis la ||° slob dpon yan hphags pahi ye sos la bltos nas
mam par dpyod pahi hbras bu brjod pahi phyir gsuns pa ni |
de ltar yiD na ji lta bur |
srid pa sgyu ma hdra ma yin ||
z'es bya ba ste | rten cm hbrel bar hbyun ba ni ji lta ba bz'in
mthon ba sgyu ma byas pa lta bur hgyur gyi mo gsam gyi bu
lta bu ni ma yin no || gal te rnam par spyod pa hdis skye ba mam
pa thams cad du bkag pa las hdus byas skye ba med par bstan
par hdod na ni dehi tshe de sgyu ma lta bu nid du mi hgyur gyi |
mo gsam gyi bu la sogs pa dag gis ne bar gz'al bar hgyur ba
z'ig na | rten cin hbrel bar hbyun ba med par thal bar hgyur
bahi hjigs pas de dag dan bstun pa mi byed kyi | de dan mi hgal
ba sgyu ma la sogs pa dag dan ni byed do [| dehi pliyir hphags
pa ni sgyu ma byas pa lta bulii srid pa siiin po med pa nid du
gzigs pa na siiin po med p^hi hkhor b;\ la pa thams cad yons
su zad pas rnam par grol bar hgyur bas hdi la mi rigs pa ci yan
med de || hdir rten cin hbrel bar hbyun ba la skur ba ma btab pas
hjig rten pahi rnam par bz'ag pa thams cad mi hjig la yan dag
pa ji lta ba bz'in klion du ehud pas thar pa hgrnb pahi phyir ro ||
« ^TWTT. I TO |

«Tit *iCt u r n siTrr gsftf

snat ^ sirafii i
wrcfa w r f*
'Big* * Htfai atf&KT: II
t f a i° m r a f s a r c h n iiift jr f H n s r a g i r w n r T *
n# 5* »rat wrotawt 11
Tfa i iratasQ a rt f% w
1 See vytti, 375 (=XV-25) where it is quoted agains
246 c a tu h sa ta k a [361

anfçï i asm»! fàr*Tt«iìHrTS^ «$wr Rmf^wc^T^r^ní «ñm ra

* f i i n f i i f w ç f î i f ï m ‘ ïR fT »i « n n ü i ^ T g a r fV fw p T ir e r t
g H^Rre^RrRnwwuwwTir f\?rcmfcrä i
fëfa: i «ramnrarairahr
vm fi^fEuf^raîh^tv *» f<Kq<iWvugani i w iratasgan^T*-
q*i$n *ftftnire4«srranin vfipm l ^ gmq»w pgtn:
fawntfn * *• «
CSV : de ltar hdus byas sgyu ma byas pa Ita bur brjod nas
dehi mtshan Bid rnams kyaû yod pahi ño bo ma yin par bstan
pahi phyir báad pa |
= rà wnarafastWT ?rcreniTOfa si ^ q r ^ f a wfa-
skye daû. gnas daû hjig pa rnams |
cig oar hbyuñ ba yod min z'iñ |
rim gyis libyuñ ba yod min na 1
nam z'ig hbyuñ ba yod par ligyur |] 11 ||
For car in b V and Yx of CS char evidently for tshar. In d
V wrongly kyis for gyis.
* g*rqw% w ra : i
W TO « w t *11% T O t ì 3i<?T II U II1
CSV : re z'ig phan tshun hgal bahi phyir skye ba dan gnas pa
daû hjig pa rnams skad cig ma gcig la hbyuñ ba ni med do ||
xim gyis kyañ hbyuû. ba yod pa ma yin te | gñis gñis dag med par
re re hbyuû ba med pahi phyir ro jj rim daû. cig car ma gtogs par
grub pahi rgyu gz'an ma gzigs pahi phyir
nam z'ig hbyuû ba yod par hgyur
z'es bya ba smos so ||

n w ftîfa *n % T O T I Ç Ü tïr a ftm * I W T-

zfr u r c n w n îw a fà r è T O ïr e w iâ ta R r ç w
s w f t f o n i 3ra¡r il
j f * N t? M

» Quoted in OÊV, 201 ( « IX . 1) ; HPS, p. 482.

362] CHAPTLR XV 2 t7

CSV : gz'an yañ | skye ba la sogs pa hdi rnams hdu byed kyi
phuù poti khoñs su gtogs pahi phyir idus byas ñid yin te | dehi
phyir ñes par de rnams la yañ hdus byas kyi mtshan ñid gz'an
dag gcig hbyuñ bar bya dgos so || z'es bstan pahi phyir báad pa J

T O îfw f ^ïnïTPTîè: «f?roäsrfirf?r nf?roïç?Rn*—i

skye ba la sogs thams cad la |
slar yan thams cad hbyuû ba ste |
de las hjig pa skye hdra z'iñ |
gnas pa hjig dan hdra bar snañ |¡ 12 ¡¡
In c V and Vx of CS phyir for las.
V utpädädisu sarvesu punah sarvasya sambhavah |
tasmäd utpädavad bhañgo drsyate bhañgavat sthitih || 121|
I should like to modify it very slightly :
sïm çrfès sriqi g«t: 1
«renfHTT^nRFt »TF^¥*3rô 11 u «
CSV : skye ba la sogs te skye ba dañ gnas pa dan hjig pa
hdus byas ñid du khas blañs pa rnams la
slar yan thams cad hgyur ba ste J
yañ thams cad hbyuñ bar hgyur ro ¡| haû libyuù ba yin na
ni skye ba la skye ba gz'an du hgyur ro |) ji ltar skye ba la skye
ba gz'an yin pahi tshul
de las hjig pa skye hdra z'iñ ste J
hjig pa la yañ hdus byas yin pas mtshan ñid gsum dan ldan
no (J dehi phyi hjig pa la yañ hjig pa gz'an yod pas hjig pahi
lijig par hgyur ro |) de dag la yan gz'an dag yin z'iñ | de la yan
gz'an dag tu hgyur bas thug pa med de | thug pa med pa yin na
yañ dnos po thams cad mi hgrub pas hdus byas kyi mtshan ñid
rnams rañ bz'in gyis med do |j

whA w n ; 1

3*ï: s ïtr i lewaft g^: w tâ *%i{\

« ra n ^ q i^ v r: i
wywTfq * « R r a * r sr«mærât*r. i ^ n n r ^ i f q « n rra r^ v n m n m
w ft i îtan rarê w fltsR i to v w h t i «pivmrat ^ *sre*t
wrawmfais? «rô«r ^ w n m # i a t* >
CSV : gz'an yañ mtshan fiid hdi rnams hbyuñ ba na mtshan
gz'i las tlxa dad pahi ño bo can z'ig gam tha mi dad pa z'ig mtshan
ñid kyi las la hjug grañ na | de la re z'ig |
= *r fa *9 I çqf ^ r^ T S fi H n ra ^ T O ï f s * * | ;< t o T f w * ^ n r ari

*TO<ïïqwfa I «TO 7TTW?T I

mtshan las mtshan gz'i gz'an z'e na( |
mtshan gz'i mi rtag ñid ga las' |
yañ na bz'i ga yañ yod pahi |
ño bor gsal bar yod ma yin || 13 ||
In a V and Vx of CS dañ for las ; Vx of CS med for gz'i. In
c V and Vx of CS gallan and pa yi for ga yañ and pahi respectively.
V bhinnam cel laksanäl laksyam laksyasyänityatä kutah |
caturñám api tad vyaktam satsvabhävo na vidyate |j 13||
I should like to change it as follows :
sra* jr t i
am* ^ fàsrâ h m »
CSV : ji Itar tsha ba dañ drañ ba daù bde ba dañ sdug bsñal
ba la sogs pa dag gcig la gcig med par hgyur bas gz'an ñid du
gnas pa de bz'in du mtsan gz'i yañ mtshan ñid las tha dad par
hjug pa na mi itag pa ñid med par yañ hbyuñ bar hgyur na |
hdus byas ni mi rtag pa ñid med par hbyuû ba ma yin pas hdihi
gz'an ñid mi rigs so |j ci ste ñes pa hdi spañ bar hdod nas mtshan
fiid dañ mtshan gz'i gz'an ma yin pa ñid du rtog na ni dehi tshe
skyon gz'an hdi yin te | hdi ltar
1 Yod pafoi ùo bo «sadbhâva, see 369 (=XV. 19), Tib. d, Skt. o*
364] CHAPTER XV 249

yan na bz'i ga yan yod pahi |

fii bor gsal bar yod ma yin ||
gal te mtslian nid gsum dan mtshan gz'i gcig nid du khas len
na J dehi tshe mtshan nid gsum dan mtshan gz'i ste bz'i char
yan dnos po med par hgyur ro || ji ltar z'e na J hdir gcig nid du
khas blans pa yin na ni mtshan gz'i nid du1 mi rigs pahi phyir la
mtshan gz'i yan mtshan nid du mi rigs pahi phyir bz'i car yan
med par hgyur baham | yafi. na rail gi no bo ma grub pahi phyir
de nid dan gz'an nid du khas blans par mi byaho ||
=m n w i w w
srapsnfN sr ^ fsrerfsragf ^
srx^En^csf i
S R W ii 7 T ^ T 5 n q tt I f?WT f%


gfc «ram?TQ8 ri^T «t^era* 3f?i

^o=[Ti\3i f a HIW T «tg : I I sf |

^ ^ T c ( 4 * f > t ^oSJTCfa « i m f a I ^ ^ w f% «T T

«nmnvnn *nwni*rcwi h i a
CSV : hdir smras pa | skye ba la sogs pa rnams ni yod pa nid
de J de dag gi rgyu mtshan gyi rgyu yod pahi phyir ro || hdir
myu gu la sogs pa rnams rgyuhi tshogs pa do dan de la brten
nas hbyun bar de la mkhas pa rnams hchad do || gal te skye ba
la sogs pa rnams med na ni rgyuhi tshogs pa don med pa nid du
hgyur na J don med pa yan ma yin no || dehi phyir skye ba la
sogs pa rnams yod pa nid do || bsad par bya ste | gal te hgah z'ig
las hgah z'ig skye bar hgyur na ni skye ba la sogs pa dag tu hgyur
na J srid pa yan ma yin no z'es bstan pahi phyir bsad pa |
- W S I W in itS O T U U U
?it § g « T » r o f i u s rc t
i X da | 2 See 351 (=XV. 1), note 2.
8 V refers it to MK, V. 7 and says : laksya, lak&ana, bhava, and abhava. This is not
right. * For laksya and laksapa see MK, V. 2-7.

q T ^ ÍT ^ 'V T Q t K r i f t ^ I *1 $ «W Í «
qT^T^sr: I 1 q fé f v f s g W ítf s ^ T W T I *T g

s»ini*tfh afam^wm?—i
dños po dños las mi skye ste |
dños po dños med las mi skye ]
dños med dúos med mi skye ste |
dños med dños las mi skye ho ||
In c Vx of CS and CSV po for first med.
* 9» w i t m ^ t s v r R i 3* strciíí i
wisrer siTsftn*.« u1
CSV : re z'ig dños po myu gu grub pahi ño bo ni dños po sa
bon rnr.m par ma gyur pa las skye ba mi srid de | rnam par hgyur
bz'in pa ma yin pahi sa bon skyed par byed pa ñid du mi rigs
pahi phyir la | grub pahi myu gu dños pohi ño bo slar yañ skye
bar mi rigs pahi phyir J dños po mod pa las kyañ mi skye ste |
dúos po med pas mes tshig pahi sa bon la ni hbras bu bskyed
pahi ñus pa med la skye bahi ño bo can gyi dños po la yañ slar
skye ba med pas dños po med pa las mi skye ho || dños po med
pa dños po med pa las kyañ mi skye ste | dúos po med pa las
cuñ zad kyañ skye bahi ñus pa med pahi phyir la || dños po med
pa la mo gsam gyi bu la sogs pa ltar skye ba mi srid pahi phyir
dños po med pa las kyañ dños po med pa mi skye ho Hdños po med
pa ni dños po las kyañ mi skye ste | báad zin pahi fies pa thog tu
hbab pa ñid kyi phyir ro || de ltar na dños po las kyañ dños po
med pa mi skyho || gañ gi tshe dños po dañ dños po med pa las
dños po dañ dños po med pa skye ba yod pa ma yin pa defci
tshe skye ba mi srid pas rgyu dañ rkyen gyi tshogs pas dños po
ci z'ig yod de | lidi ni gyi naho ||

q fh i * «risrei si« w rsi 1 n ^

* This kárika is in fací idéntica! with MK, XXI. 12, from which the original Skt. is
given above. The Tib. versión is also tlie same. V seems not to have noticed it and
gives the following which is admirable :
bhávo na j ayate bhávád bhavo ’bháván na j ayate |
nábhávo jayate ’bhávád abhávo bhávato na ca ||
305] CHAPTER XV 251

«TTO gsrcfq gnqrí g sfl I w raT sfa * I WT3T-

•^fw r^í tWTWRSlsfcHT* wufimnwwñt tpnsnqTfl
«i ratfavirom r s i t ^ i ^w htsbiw tíí *r srrati * wht^t-
f a j a ra sRFtf?í i ^wTf^? eixmgmférí^Hn^Tw^iirwTqT^m-
wrat i « n q w w rq t *i mn% i ^ r o r o r a r a R i i nm
^ W^T^WTÍt * SUrál *3T W ^tíH m H
3TTE[3 ?RT snfrR *tsf% igq^^T TnnT HIT I
g ^ s ^ u ? « ii
CSV: M i las kyañ yod pa ma yin té J skye ba dañ hjig pa dag
mi rigs pahi phyir ro || hdir skye ba dúos pohi rañ bz'in gyi don
nam dños po med pald rañ bz'in rtog gran na | de bz'in du hjig
pa yañ rtog pa na J dños po ham dúos po med pa z'ig la rtog
grañ na | rnam pa thams cad du me srid do z'es bstan pahi phyir
báad pa \
- w tsfa w *t i w t« n ^ tw ^ r
^wrwrafwrasr *ít ^twtsw: siranü i mi %*nreiT-
«T^ET 3T I *1 HÍ?[qTi??psnT—I
dños po dños por mi hgyur te J
dños med dños por mi hgyur ro |
dños med dúos med mi hgyur te |
dños po dños med mi hgyur ro ¡¡ 15 ||
V bhávo na j ayate bhávo ’bhávo bhávo na j ayate |
nábhávo j ayate’bhávo bhávo’bhávo na j ayate |] 15 |¡
This is good. The following may also be proposed:
W3t WTÍt ^ I
«imid n t* ^ i t u
CSV: de la dños po z'es bya ba ni skyes áiñ bdag ñid kyi
dños po rñed pahi don te ] de slar yañ dúos por mi hgyur z'iñ |
alar yañ skye bar mi hgyur te \ yod pa skye ba don med pahi
phyir ro || de ltar na
dños po dños por mi hgyur ro ||

dños po med pa yañ dúos por mi hgyur ro || dños po med pa z'es

bya ba yod pa ma yin pa ji ltar dños po hyur te | mo gáam
gyi bu yañ skye bar thal bahi phyir ro || de latar na dúos po med
pa yañ. dños por mi hgyur ro || de ltar na re z'ig dños pohi dños
po med pa dan dños por mi hgyur bas skye ba mi srid do ||
de1 ni hjig pa yañ mi srid de | ji ltar z'e na J re z'ig dños po med
pa ni dños po med par mi hgyur te | yod pa ma yin pa la ni ri boñ
gi rwa ltar yañ dños po med pa med pahi phyir ro |) dehi phyir
dños po med pa dños po med par mi hgyur ro |¡ dños po yañ
dños po med par gyi* hgyur te | phan tshun hgal bahi phyir ro ¡|
dños po med pa med na ni hjig pa med la | skye ba dañ hjig pa
med na yañ hdus byas med do z'es bya bar grub po || ji skad
du | bcom ldan hdus kyis
hdus byas hdus ma byas kun rnam par3 dben |
drañ sroñ de dag rnam rtog mi mñah ste |
hgro ba kun la hdus ma byas thob ciñ J
rtag tu lta bar gyur pas rnam par dben ||
z'es gsuñs so ||
WTS T f a s r tá t I * S p rc fq W Í T *1 I

H*TCfq snsfa I * * I ^ ^
w re t « % ir r a : i

W T *t *T n T W T Ít «T I ?T I

qrcrfafa \ i «i v w i
I W W ts fq 5JIW T^t I I

*W T W ÍI% W W W : | 3 *T Ü ? W T W T % ^ ® 1T% I
Ttitm' w i w

1 $ da. « X kyi. 8 X pba.

366] CHAP! ER XV 253

Sfeltàfì? füfaWT II1
tfa » tu n
CSV hdir smras pa | skyes pa mi skye la ma skyes pa yaû
mi skye ste 1 dúos po dañ dños po med pa dag la skye ba bkag
pahi phyir ro || ho na- ci z'e na | skye bz'in pahi don skyeho || hdi
yañ mi rigs so z'es bstan pahi phyir bàad pa |
I ÂITât «î sm râsstTÂÎsfq H I W T*T-
wrasfäfifa: i fcr n iifn %?i i 3iraw^s«rf srratà i g gm-
fa fa ufiWT^WTf— I
skye bz'in pa ni phyed skyes phyir |
skye bz'in pa ni skye mi heryur |
yañ na thams cad skye bz'in pa J
fiid ni yin par thaï bar hgyur [j 16 II
In a V yi for ni.
* «nOTRTtsrmc^T^iTïimHï ^ smrâ i
«nzUTT*Tc9* Il ^4 Ia
skye bz'in pa ni phyed skyes phyir |
skye bz'in pa ni skye mi hgyur |
gal te gañ cuñ zad cig skyes sin cun. zad cig ma skyes pa de skye
bz'in pa yin na | de ltar na ni ho na skye bz'in pa de yod pa ma
yin te | skyes pa dan ma skyes pa dag la rjes su z'ugs pas gz'an
gsum pa skye bz'in pahi dus kyi rnam pa med do || dehi phyir
med pa nid kyis skye bz'in pa mi skyho j| gal to gñi gahi ño bo
skye3 bz'in pa yin na ni dehi phyir dehi gañ cuñ zad cig skyes pa
de ni skyes pahi khoús su gtogs pahi phyir mi skye ste | dños
po ni mi skyeho z'es brjod pahi phyir ro || dehi cuñ zad ma skyes
pa gañ yin pa de yañ mi skye ste | dños po med pa mi skyeho
z'es brjod pahi phyir ro || ci ste skyes pa dañ ma skyes pa dag la
skye bz'in pa ñid rtog na | de Ita yin na | hdas pa dañ ma hoñs
* Quoted in MV, p.l79. 2 Quoted in MV, p..80. * X skyes.

pa gñis kyañ skye bz'in pa ñid du iigyur ro |! z'es bstan pahi phyir
béad pa |
yañ na thams cad skye bz'in pa |
ñid ni yin par thal bar hgyur ||
z'es bya ba smos so || skye bahi bya ba thob par gyur pa skyes
z'in pa ni mi gnas pahi phyir hdas pa kho nar hgyur la | ma
skyes pa ni ma hoñs par hgyur ro |j dehi phyir hdir skye bz'iñ la
skye ba rtog na | yañ na dus gsum po tbams cad skye bz'in pahi
khoòs. su gfcogs pa ham | yañ na skye bz'in pa ze's bya ba gañ na
yañ med do z'es bya bar gnas so |)
= 5 iT ïm T *iT t5 îT ? r c *T w n ? m r ô t n s n ir â i

to sj i
sjt ?w t t o srra isin:: i
»I 5JTWI5^l TOT^W TO 9%Î%33ïT?}
n o n r a p t m n a n r s rrc rô i w n f r n « r r e r o r e r m : i1 t o s f s ir f ^ s n t f ? r*fa

*T I « fT W T ^ t 51TO7T t r B T W : I1 W ^ g n m a n r a t s f a TTW c af

s tr a it i 7 ï«n h O tot^ p ít *

to *n irarwiii «
t* u m n m s n q r i t * n ñ t s w f? re ? r ^ v R fa i u rs n w t-

is n n tft w i f h i í i T O M s rr fir i s irre ra fà

« 1 % * 5 l T 5 T O T « IW ^ ? W S r a T *1 f t p f f f a o %< II

CtSV : gz'an yañ skye bz'in pahi dños por gnas pa yoñs su
brtag pa gañ yin pa de ci skye bz'in pahi bdag ñid du bya ba
ham skye bz'in pahi bdag ñid du bya ba ma yin pa z'ig tu hgyur
gráñ na | gñi ga Itar yaù skyon du hgyur ro z'es bstan pahi phyir
béad pa |
=*fq * i òr «mnirât w f t ?rafl « fö
a n w » iT » f*!T « r o ^ *r a *n > n « r iiK « !& i s w s r^ iS to fa xfa
a f f a l a i * —»
» 364 (-=XV. 14).
* Aß &¿ad (&ha) is already mentioned smos ( uktam) is not necessary here.
358] CHAPTER XV 255

skye bz'in pa yi bdag ñid du |

' bya ba skye bz'in par mi hgyur |
skye bz'in pa yi bdag ñid du |
mi bya ta n skye bz'in par mi hgyur |¡ 17 []
V j áyamanasvarüpena jáyamáno na j ayate |
j áyamánasvarúpena j aya mano na j ayate [| 17 ||
V has not here translated bya ba, Mrya, in 6 and mi bya,
akárya, in d. 1 propose the following :

5fT?|¥ÍT^T?ITS|TS^ltff SITO*! II II
C S V : skye bz'in pahi rañ bz'in gañ yin pa de ni dehi bdag
Sid du mam par gnas pahi phyii' bya ba ma yin la ¡| gañ z'ig skye
bz'in pahi bdag ñid du mi bya ba de yañ skye bz'in par mi hgyur
te j skye bz'in pahi bdag ñid du ma gyur pahi phyir ro |) gafi
z'ig skye bz'in pahi bdag ñid du bya ba de yañ skye bz'in pa
ma yin pa ltar skyo bz'in par mi hgyur bas skyo bz'in pa med
do || skye bz'in pa med pas kyañ skye bz'in pa me skyeho J|
= ít «ufara5* i gt snq-
wT*nsws*T& Htsfa n aTw ret \ i ft
*iw: W «I ^ «TOWi: I
'snmnwrraTO sroroFÍt ^ s n s t n #
j 368
C S V : hdir smras pa | skye bz'in pahi don de ni yod pa ñid
de hdas pa dañ ma hoñs pahi bar na gnas pahi phyir ro |) hdir
hdas pa dañ ma hoñs pahi bar na skye bz'in pa z'es bya ba yod
te | gal te med na ni ci la bltos nas hdas pa dañ ma hoñs pa rnam
par hjog par hgyur ¡| de yod na ni ma hons pahi don de la ma
hoñs pa dañ tbal ba z'es bya ba de la hdas pa z'es brjod do || dehi
phyir skye bz'in pa la bltos pa ñid kyis dus gñis po de rigs so ||
báad par bya ste |

nw nw t >i fW * firafcm-

q ta i’ H w ila s N w r i *r«tnnW fa « t s ^ ^ s ^ f s ^ n r a t »ira

« ti& a t > m ita th w it « R w n n tfh w i^ * ? ra rm tf
g w ifi i i
ean gi giiis po bar mod par |
srid pa yod pa ma yin pa |
do la skye bz'in pa med do |
gan phyir de lahan bar yod phyir || 18 ||
In a Vx of CSV gis for gi.
f^«Ti « ^ 1*-vfer: i
5iT5fiTT^t * C T r a r a m r c vn: # n
CSV: ara « n f a i t 'w f t « f ^ T « « f
« » w *: [a ^ r]3 « u m r a t * 1 % i w csri»
WTOTWRrf 3?r- I
ir a i 5jTarm 9 i«rT^?n*i,R ? iT*ftg fa c5 % ^ «n m rTO srraTstm-
amnan<t«nranrt i *wn?*ntf4
s n tn s ira iifa *re T <srato 5 «*r i « t ?tt-
sirairtsiWT u

CSV : « t o i5 snawpit *rat a i t i r a f t m ^ t a n w :
« it? [ i far a f t \ w i w ^ 6 «??»: t i^ r a f w s f a * « T f l 7i n * w s n -
^ Q ts if «T?TOT*I TfrT n f a q T O t n r —I
gan gi phyir na skye bz'in pa |
hgags pas skyes pa skye hgyur ba |
de yi phyir na skye bz'in pa |
gz'an yan yod pahi no bor snan || 19 ||
1 According to the wording of CSV antarega 0 sam is reconstructed by V.
* Tib. ad. dariane (ltar). This is throughout the work.
8 Tib. do l a ; HPS marks here a lacuna.
4 HPS aSakvam | ja ta ja 0.
• Tib. ad. yasya (gan la).
e Tib. (hgags pas;. HPS nirodhe.
7 H PS unnecs^arily suggests jatfc for jata* (Tib. skyes pahi).
8 Tib. om. ucyate.
371] CHAPTER, X V 257

In b Vx of CS hgag for hgags, and V with Vx of CS pa for pas,

• 3jt?t sîctnïrô sra: i
aÀts«g^iTfq il *£ »
CSV : ?raT53¡T?wT*rf5rii«sT «Tn: q^ra? »rafa cnni^stra-
sf sîthîtt’i: q^ra Tfh ü {£. 11
CSV : i
gañ tshe skyes pa de yi tshe |
skye bz'in pa la srid pa med |
gañ tshe skyes pa skye bz'in na |
de tshe ci phyir skye bar hgyur || 20 ¡I
* simt w s n s w w **pi: i
an« s <?t ii v n
CSV : «rât *it% 5TTCHTW i
a^T aFrçtf tP?Twf srm smmrôt* «n% i 5nmn*iT-
sncf Täte3 «nfër siTito i m r snñtsfq
STTWI^: en fisi tf^'.1q R T ^ râ t 5ITOTT5ï^lf^ffr qfàqT??rm*—
stT3 ^ ^ {T w n ^ T ^ r *t^t ?t^r ii
^iTfi q^iraf «nw m ctít ^ srmsn^ís^: ^^T^îq^itf tfn
qftîRnqTn6 I f^ c ^ T ^ fq i^ q fT ^ g q t^ ^ %m T O fc ffn n | rm3T
S ITW T^ t s n ^ íl 5T II R* II
CSV : *raï* I ^lfag<^T«?5U<rtifqs snqJTT^ 9VT?T
* <nJ3 ^ I «TO* ^SfTcî « n w r ô t «Ï ^ T’â f c q r ê lW fÎïf iT I qqwfq
ïrf^ — I
skye bz'in pa ni ma skyes pa |
kho na skyes z'es byas par grags J
khyad par med phyir de yi tshe |
bum pa med pa cis mi rtog || 21 |¡
1 Read ma gtogs for ma rtogs in X, 4 Tib. gaû gis ; HPS ato.
: HPS jâyamânam. * In X read rtog for rtogs.
*Tib. ñid ; HPS evam. • Tib. ad. padártho’yarp (don fcdi).

In 6 V and Vx of CS shyeho z'es for slcycs §es and omit byas

making tie line metrically defective there being only six syllables
instead of seven. In the same line Vx of CSV grag for grags.
* TO ra t «TO u N 1 5JT?WT*T: sra:* fe w I
f^f 3f B II
CSV : *raiat srra oramm sra: few i
«ironw tf^wf ‘gnaTsnasit:
fftTYTOniZtowrcW ft? si n
«narasi w fa trcntff s z 1 5iiaT5naqtt^Tas nnw rfa
«natsft g€twra I «1 iil^HHRltal^wStaa II*i II

CSV : *nnfa I 5TTOWT«iraT?l€tH?WRi: I
fS f i H i n f a » i W W t f a S T O A T * *f? T I I S ^
skye bz'in pa ni ma rdzogs kyan |
ma skyes pa las pliyi rol hgyur |
de Itahaii gan. pliyir skyes pa las |
phyi rol gyur pliyir ma skyes sl^e |] 22 ||
In c Vx of CSV Itar for Italian.
* ^fa^witstnsiraTTr^ *fa®Fa: 4 i
TTOlfa 5ira^S5ITa14 Sat S fia r s fa ^ : I! ^ N
CSV : ^ ifatw trasnara>» sn*w at arfa^a: <S I
irouroroat^fa^uM tsfa arrawat w fa^w xfim :
Traifq srrqts^mt 5 at snarefaicRa: 11
*fa*r4a: fa q i3 * n ^ eiTai^fq wfatsra
TO’fomretisniT.. 1 a a ^ r o v s straa fsntrafafa a i% sfrcraral8
a ro « «
1 Tib. kho n a ; HPS evarp for eva.
* HPS kutafc, but it is not supported either by C&V or Tib., nor does it give here any
suitable sense. The reading kytab is, however, supported by Tib. byas, and should
somehow or other be construed with j ayamanal.», as j ayamanah krtah.
« HPS ghat&bha°.
* Tib. ad. evam sati (de ltar yin na). * Tib. om. sa ca.
* EPS jfcto. * After eva Tib. ad. sat (de). ®g p g
374] CHAPTER XV 259

CSV: si =<? *n?nYfa£n8m?*iii siraft i ia w ir a
n* sira?l i 1q’a n m ^ —i
skye bz'in pa snar ma byuii yan |
phyi nas yod pa min par grag |
des kyan ma skyes pa skye sto |
ma byun z'es bya skye ma yin || 23 ||
In 6 V nin (misprint) for min. In c Vx of CSV skyeho for
sJcye ste.
* f%*itot* i
folfq srrq^TcTT HWJJlt *ITR SIT^ II ^ II
CSV : 2STn|^TT»if?Hrs|: I «ram<ld«l Sjq-
I 4W?f«T5H^RT: 3U§ * 5lTqwiU«ff-
sfasrei’itsfq traifspsr 5n?rcn*t vRfa i ^nts^3n?f t?? snqm^T
WWfa ^fafoqi^PRTfh fTn^T^TSiffirinTiJficq^ I ?T
^an arer* « f*rcra?n6 sifafaqT Jnrfcigg^rm Tsire
siHiir ?IW 5fiq^ i
ffa ii ii
CSV : *rfq ^ I
rdzogs pa yod cos byar hgyur la |
ma byas pa ni med ces brjod |
gan gi tshe na skye bz'in pa |
med pa de tshe gan der brjod || 24 ||
* «ronfa^fcr faster i
srram^t s s t ^wfrn1 i r t * m « n
i Tib. tatlia hi (fcdi ltar) for yaBinat.
8 HPS ad. asic chabcM ciranukrantabhidhayi.
8 Before nasit Tib, ad. jayam anavastbayab prak kulrapi (skye b z 'i n p a fc i g n aB B k a b a k y i
sn ar te gan du).
4 HPS ad. prakchabdas tv avadbivacana;.
8 Tib. om. varta° prag.
6 Tib. om. it.
* Tib. med p a ; HPS bhavae.
260 CATUHSATAKA [3 7 5

CSV : i fkm f*
smrä i ^ i f ? r «restara: i *n^târ^5iT«raratsfa*rc toì I
srororát w *ufa qit w r w €ß «
*smtf tr^raf ^ raw R r^ ^ t «rôt ?t^ t *t *rt -
STqfrofê«T<iï^qpïT^%f?i sw ftraqrqii II «
CSV : qsftqqf^fo fa'qit** sinWT*«TWqi?t— I
gaû tshe rgyu pi ma gtogs par |
hbras bu yod pa ma yin pa |
de yi tshe na lvjug pa dañ |
ldog pa lithad pa ñid mi hgyur ¡| 25 ||
rnal hbyor spyod pa bz'i brgya pa las hdus byas kyi don2 dgag
pa sgom pa bstan pa ste1 rab tu byed pa beo lúa paljo ||
* « re «i f i w t i
HSfWl f a i f a s ^qtqq*I?t Il *.«, Il
Il q^RSÌ

CSV : v%[
Ô qnq fa^irowtf «T ?RT
qsfw qnwmrc<?t fasfere qn?:*na fq^nsra ^ fk*fò\
[ v i n i wram
HWf *f€t *mWf SITrT fsqfa
3?Tflt ’q «Rifa 5fT9fa i.
w f f% ^ « r q ^ in
Wg‘ * iftfm èfsTïRT: H
ffn fa « * : i atn
^ïSTf% ^niw ^reîR ti5îï5i^^q: i
srMTfa ^ f« : h
* hov yuktam Tib. aaakyam (debi plivir0 mi nua so).
8 V acd Vx of CS ad. hör© dam du.
376] CHAPTER X V 261

TOT I Y WT^T: ^ w r a f a i r «I W ?ITO -

*?n8*fa*wi4 w n w u i <>° ■

1 HPS om. it ; Tib. ji skad du bcom Idan bdas kyis

sem8 can mi dan° (See 360=XV 10) ||
E'es rgya cher gsuñs la | de bz'in du
skye ba dan ni belli bpho ya »|
skye ba med ein hchi bpho med |
gan z'ig bdi na ées gyur pa |
debi tin lie l.idzin med mi dkah ||
z'es bbyun ño ||
2 Tib. ñid ; HPS evam for eva.
8 HPS ad. gatvâ.
4 Tib. ad. ckaikaáab (so so nas).



CSV : i ç t f f 1 trgçsifa: sirerarra qft-
TOTO sftcrçshrç q tftf OTHC»-
« T W Η I
rgyu hgah z'ig gis stou pa yaù |
stoû pa min pa Ita bur snail |
rab tu byed pa tliams cad kyis |
de ni sor sor hgog par bycd || 1 ||
In c V and Vx of CS h ji for hy is.
* $sifa Sg *iT zm i
ira mrw: *ra: il { h
CSV : ü w rera a w s t 5si%3^E?ir: « rro ?
fìra fa m * T 43 a n ? fa g * i1 * * *lPRnw f* 5P>3i8*raffi^rcrarcc5n^-
w . fîra7«nqfrwra»ft**râtarcfaqi*»i*rç
srarfa p si f a ^ j w t r a : '1 JT O T O tro ro r'ftira 'Ñ fs
*it«irtsfa<a w *% Tw a n *n ^ r * m fa -
T O n ^ O T i w f a w c i t 11 f t w w w w nawfínrawt a n ro p Ñ *
«foro: i iroroçvtf'rôriNra vmvmßm tanf*
1 Til), da ni ; HPS om. it.
a rgol ba rían pati lhag ma ; HPS krtvânyaéeça0.
3 X ¿gas.
* Tib. -ratim (dgaJ?) for spj-hám.
6 Tib. sa ca sarvadharmasvabhâvaéünyatà (chos tliams cad ran bz'in gyis stoñ pa ñid
de yaó).
6 Tib. ad. âtniâtmïyâbliinivesapâôavaéîkrtâüâm aárutavatam (bdag daú bdag gi ba la
múon par z'en pati z'ags pas dbañ du byas pa tkos pa dan mí ldan pa rnams).
* Tib. om. priya.
8 According to Tib. °tàryà for 0târyafc, See note 5.
* Tib. -gràha (l^dzin) for -sneha-.
*° Tib. ma mthoñ bas ; HPS -daráanat for adaréanât,
i* In Tib. read here gyur pa (bhuta) for Jjgyur ba.
14 Tib. ad. -daré&na* (Ita bar).
377] CHAPTER XVI 263

’s w m fa w fa ^ n fa <rorei[T*tat: 9?: wss-

^«jfwTfq rstcw: fatfteii ii %ii
CSV: n€r?ro«foqt nqiwuTBmwt **g?r tnrog«scer fa**
WRT5»Tit i ?f?n fa i qqf i irancm1-
[ RTnfw^qtsgfi^rm t g 3T% i ^ 8 ^ ufa*fafa-
STCSffiHifa qfl|qraT O 9|t
*nqT*nfirfa sro qq wn:
WTOTO*fa ufaqT?q*T?— I
gan tshe smra po brjod bya nalian |
ston po z'es byar mi run no |
gan z'ig brten nas kun hbytifi ba |
de iii gsum lahan yod ma yin || 2 ||
In a Vx of OS and CSV bo for po. In c V wrongly gis for
z'ig. In d V misprint uod for yod.
Only the following words of the original karika which are
put between the two asterisks are found in the fragments. V
reconstructs the remaining portion as follows taking sunya- in 6
of the fragments to be sunyam :
* yada vaktasti vacyam ca na sunya-* m nama yujyatc |
yah pratltyasamutpadah sa trisv api na vidyate ¡| 3 ||
1 can accept his d only proposing the following change. That
his explanation of the karika and specially of d is not right (see
pp. 1G3-164) is evident from the vrttih.
* *hit% q ^ f ■q sj«sr-*fafa 1
q * fa<qfa * fern* H* It
gan tshe smra po brjod bya nahaii |
dehi tshe
ston po z'es byar mi run no |
J- 1 Tib. rab tu byed palji brjod par bya ba?,ii don ston pa ma yin pal?i; HPS after pra-
karaga marks a lacuna.
2 Before asti Tib. ad- api ( yan).
8 In X read tshig for tshigs.
4 Tib. om. prati-.

hañ gi sgra ni tshig bsdii bahi don duho|| gaû gi tshe khyod
smra ba po yod ein | brjod par bya ba rab tu byed pa beo
lñas bstan par bya bahi don yod la khyod kyi tshig stoñ pa
ñid kyi don rab tu grub par byed pa yañ yod pa dehi tshe
dños po thams cad grub bo|| mo gsam gyi bu yod pa ma yin
pa ni don gañ gi yañ smra ba por mi rigs áiñ dehi tshig kyan
yod pa ma yin la dehi tshig gis bstan par bya bahi don yañ
mod na hdi gsum ni yod pa hdi yin pas dños po rnams rañ
bz'in dan bcas pa ñid dii grub bo|| b fed par bya ste | lidi ni
rigs pa ma yin no ¡ gañ las áe na | hdi ltar |
gañ z'ig brten ñas kun hbyuñ ba |
de ni gsum lahañ yod ma yin |
rañ bz'in bya ba ni tshig gi lhag maho || hdi na smra ba po gañ
yin pa do yañ kho bo cag gi ltar na rten ciñ hbrol bar hbyuñ ba
yin dan smra ba po ñid du rnam par bz'ag ste J tshig dañ brjod
par bya ba la brten ñas smra ba por hdogs kyi mi smra ba1 ni
ma yin no || gañ gi tshe de ltar yin pa dehi tshe smra ba pohi rañ
bz'in med la tshig dañ brjod par bya ba la yañ smra ba pohi rañ
gi ño bo yod pa nía yin no |¡ gal te yod na ni skye bo don med pa
ñid du hgyur ro || dehi phyir smra ba polii rañ bz'in rañ ñam
de la med de || dehi phyir stoñ pa yin no || de bz'in du brjod par
bya ba yañ smra ba po dañ tshig la brten ñas gdags kyi4 | rañ
bz'in ñid kyis3 ni nía yin z'es bya ba la sogs pa dañ tshig la yañ
sbyar bar byalio || dehi phyir gsum po de dag gi rañ bz'in ni gsum
char la yañ yod pa nía yin pas smra ba po dañ brjod par bya ba
dañ tshig rnams rañ bz'in stoñ pa fíid du grub pa kho na ste |
dehi phyir skyon med do ||

- I U5T W R «ninftct «

hw . i ?nf^t TOrça*. i st g«réî «tbv

« n w fq ^ fro if i t o «rsTrotwfsfq
vl * fàsrô i
1 It seems that one should add here : daù brjod par bya ba.
* X kyis.
• X kyi.
378] CHAPTER X V Í 2 tò

wsrow w i i i i «irofafn
^ I
u* jr<ft<?Tni%3r£ ^ f?n^1q n n
*fn *iT$nfa: i i » s t m&\Hts«narà irata-
«s*m : qrnctsr i ^sf w ^ untar *wt inrafí
nT9^*i: il ?rN ri^T 5»if% *w: v> i w w ^i^r^nrotrfci
»it% *wif<ni i ^1*1 « m g r c 1 i nñt ?rer *w:
^w rst ^ «ìt i « r e n a m i m i q r o i f t *?mrc irata
ircrtrfírafí i *n^itaTf%f?T ^ «»^sfa i n w rà tf
cimnrmfq ^wrafèpsrfa ^ fasrn t % ftnarèNr ¿!»
WIT*q«R*il I ci^TT^IiC Il * Il
CSV : hdir smras pa J gal te thams cad stori pa yin na dehi
tahe dbaù po daù don dag rnam pa thams cad du med pas hgro
ba boñ bulli rwan daù hdra bar l.igyur na | dbaù po dan don bden
palli ño bo hdi yod pa yañ yin pas dúos po thams cad rañ bz'in
dañ bcas pa kho na yin no || hdi la brjod par bya ste j
=*?tre i J5?s
fiwm *in€fcr i « t r a m rm ^rir «rat: i
gal te stoù palli ñes pa yis |
stoñ pa ma yin hgrub Jigyur na |
mi stoñ ñes pas stoñ pa ñid |
ci ste hgrub par hgyur ma yin || 3 ||
In c Vx of CSV ni for ñid.
V sünyasya dosena yadSsùnyam siddham bhavisyati |
asünyadosena kutah sünyatvam naiva setsyati ||
I shall modify it as follows :
cSV : ^ijircr fa i

1 Read nàvàoyavacanab, see p. 204, noto 1.

* Lit. janab for purujab.

gal to stori pahi ñes pa yis |

stoñ pa ma yin hgrub hgyur na |
de Ita yin dañ de las bzlog pahi sgo ñas khyod la
mi stoñ ñes pas stoñ pa ñid |
ci ste hgrub par ligyur ma yin ||
gal te hgro bo stoñ pa ma yin par hgyur na ni dehi tshe hgro ba
ldog pa med pahi rañ bz'in gyis gnas pahi phyir rtag par hgyur
z'iô ma skyes pa dañ ma hgags par hgyur na | de ltar yañ ma
yin te | brten ñas dmigs pahi phyir ro |] de ltar na stoñ pa ma
yin pahi ñes pas khyod la stoñ pa ñid kyi don hgrub pas ci ste
mi hgyur |j stoñ pa ñid du smra ba bsal ba brtsoms kyis rañ gi
phyogs hgrub par rigs pa yaù ina yin no ||

Tiff u ro
f*RW i«tra »T II
i f ë ôUTWïîi * Vf^fT^T ^
i ?» ^ 4 » m f ñ i i

ftí 5| Î N ï f À I a¡«€rrlT^T?TCIíí^I^^ * gwrâ II * Il

CSV : phyogs gz'an khas blañs pahi rgol bas ni gdon mi za
bar I

gz'an gyi phyogs ni bzlog pa dañ |

rañ gi phyogs ni sgrub pa ste |
gal te sun hbyin byed phyogs gcig j
dgah na sgrub byed la cis min || 4 ||
In b V and Vx of CS bsgrub for sgrub. In c V and Vx of CS
cig for gcig, and in d gañ for dgah which is supported by the
Chinese version.
V anyapaksanisedhena svapaksah siddhimän yadi |
dust« pakse svapakso’yam siddhim kim näma näpnüyät ||
I cannot accept it and suggest the following :
380] CHAPTER X VI 267

s rrn f t u r r o s fa fw : t iw i

ä f f if ö r ä q% fä «i «
gz'an gyi phyogs ni bzlog pa dan |
ran gi phyogs ni sgrub pa ste |
gñis bya ba z'ig na khyod ni stoñ pa ñid du smra ba bsal brtsom
la z'ugs pahi phyir ||
gal te sun hbyin byed phyogs gcig |
dgah na sgrub byed la cis min ||
khyod sun hbyin par byed pahi phyogs Itar sgrub par byed pahi
phyogs la yañ dgah ba dag go || dehi phyir gal te rii
bsgrub par bya ba dan mtshuns par mi hgyur na | ran gi phyogs
sgrub pahi phyir re z'ig hthad1 pa cuñ zad cig brjod dgos na |
stoñ pa ñid dii smra ba la ni thams cad brgrub par bya ba dañ
mtshuns par yañ hgyur t o || dehi phyir ran gi phyogs sgrub pahi
nus pa dañ bral bahi phyogs su hdzin pa mthoñ2 z'iñ | phyogs
su ma Ihur z'iñ dbu ma lam na3 z'ugs pa khyod la mthoñ ba
dañ ma mthoñ ba dañ hgal ba med pas l.igal la yañ hjog pa mi
srid do II
q *q w f% f% : i r a i i

«w . ïï§^:
q% fàfi 51 Il
q ^ *2 ï w. ^ T T ^ : q ^ ë lT fq ftfm fc q I «4 *

g «ra s tra i w T ^ q * f a f à * T O 4 * t a q * m t f s ssrô i q n w -

r a ro n m iir ïïfa w g w ñ t ^ « ^ s is n ftfttn ftr c ttw iT fq

s r r a * î «ï h « «
C S V : ci ste re z'ig khyod kyis stoñ pa ñid du smra bahi
phyogs hdi yoñs su brtag pa na mi rigs pas yod pa ma yin no ||
dehi phyir hdi med pa ñid du grub na phyogs gz'an med pas sel
1 X thad. > X thon
8 X nas.

bar byed pa kho bo cag gi phyogs su grub par hgyur ro snam

na | hdi yan yod pa ma yin te |

sn% i «nmranror f%i irawwniTftrcwiW’mi

tmTfhi *1% i
gal te yons su brtags pa na |
med gan de phyogs mi hgyur na |
des na gcig nid la sogs gsum |
kun kyan phyogs ma yin par hgyur || 5 ||
In a Vx of CSV pas for pa
V nigrahe sati yenayam pakso nama na jayate |
ekatvadi trayam sarvam tena pakso na jayate || 5 ||
This should be changed and the following may be suggested :
tretarai nw. * i
^iwfqq*^rat <rOr i ki
CSV: ji ltar kho bo cag gi phyogs yons su brtags pa na med
pas yod pa ma yin pa de bz'in du rgol ba mams kyi gcig nid
dan gz'an ilid dan brjod du med pahi phyogs mams kyan rnam
par dpyad pa na yod pa ma yin pas do rnams kyan j)hyogs ma
yin pa nid du hgyur ro || dehi phyir yons su brtags pa na phyogs
thams cad yod pa ma yin pas lchyod kyi phyogs yons su hdzin
pa mi rigs so ||

fiwm*rqw ?tsfqq^JT *r: I

^wsfqq^T* nift hw: traqfcnr: inn1
CSV: hdir smras pa | khyod kyis ston pa nid kyis gcig nid
la sogs pahi phyogs thams cad mi rigs par brjod do ||
=*ron* i ffwr w q*r *wt: i
1 I think here in c gcig fiid la sogs gsum ( = ekatvadi trayarp) refers to trayo bh&vah ( =
dravyatvam, ekatvam, sattvam) mentioned in 385(=XIV. 20) and explained in the vytti.
But here the vrtti says that these three bhava s are ekatva, anyatva, and anabhilapya.
Cf. op. cit. 346 (—XIV. 21;: ekatvam anyatram ubhayarp nobhayam ity ekatvadayafr;
LA, p. 176 : sarvam bho Gautama ekatvaip sarvam anyatvam sarvam ubhayatvaip anu*
381] CHAPTER XVI 269

gaii du mnon sum gyis bum der ]

ston pahi gtan tshigs don med hgyur |
hdi na gz'an lugs las byun bahi |
gtan tshigs yod min gz'an du yod |] fi ||
In a V wrongly kyis for gyis. In c Vx of CSV gz'vh for gz'an,
and hbyun for byun ; V misprint Ivg for Ivgs.
V has reconstructed only the first half as follows :
ghatah pratyaksato drstah sunyahetm' nirarthakah |
I may suggest the following :

gan du mnon sum gyis bum der ]
ston pahi gtan tshigs don med hgyur |
gaft du bum pa mnon sum gyis dmigs pahi phyogs de la ston
pahi gtan tshigs don mod do |] mo gsam gyi bu yod pa ma yin
pa ni hgah z'ig gi yan mnon sum ma yin na bum pa hdi ni mnon
sum yin te | dehi phyir mnon sum nid kyi gtan tshigs kyi1 bsal
bahi phyir ston pa nid kyi gtan tshigs mi rigs pa nid do z'e na J
snar bum pahi mnon sum nid bsal zin pahi phyir des kho bo
cag la gnod pa ma yin nam | gal te bum pa mnon sum nid kyod
kyis bsal gyi bdag gis ni ma yin de | dehi phyir khyod la bum
pa mnon sum ma yin gyi | kho bo cag ltar na ni bum pa mnon
sum nid yin pahi phyir hdi mi rigs so z'e na | hdi ni yod pa ma
yin te | gan gi phyir j
hdi na gz'an lugs las byun bahi J
gtan tshigs yod min gz'an du yod ||
hdi na ste ston pa nid rigs par smra ba ni gz'un lugs gz'an du
grags pahi gtan tshigs khas len pa med de | gz'an gyi gz'un lugs
de nid mi rigs pa nid du bstan par hdod pahi phyir ro || gan du
rgol ba mams la lta ba mtshuns pa yod pa der ni gnigs kyan don
der khas blans pas tshad ma nid du rigs pa kho na yin gyi | rigs
pa smra na ni hthad pa dan bcas pahi don nam grub pahi mthah
kho na yons su hdzin to | dehi phyir hdi la gz'an gyi gz'un lugs
1 X kyis.

su grags pahi gtan tshigs kyis gnod pa mi srid pas spoñ ba ñid
kyis gtan tshigs la don mcd pa ñid med do ||
irs rw tq z : i

tm w s q « s tg f*T * & i t : i n
a ip a fa s r a r a : i H c îiw : i a j« u H T -

S 9* * ffir % *ii 'B f ï H s r a w q T W r i ^ i ï r a n q î ífa

fM ta : i w s m t n s r â *» u s i i ft * mw- 1
ire rrn g 'nzm n s i^ c c n if é g w fa fa ^ i i

itr a r a R iiftfr t g r o s r m f% »
n u fa ir %ï p W w ^ i v a m ïï-

R fa ftm ^ fä fa ? tc s rn ? i; i ç ifrq rf rra lit-

M l 's m i g fS R T ^ € lq q fT î3 R t5 ^ ; fts w

q fr^ T i i ? i5 n fé *T O *n ro w fa $ íT fg ^ T O T is w fr i a f^ r e

1 im f i t : h f il
CSV : ci ste stoñ pa ñid smras pa ñid smra ba khyod kyis ston
pa ñid kyi dños po smra la stoñ pa ñid ma yin pa la ma bltos pahi
stoñ pa yod pa yañ ma yin pas dños po t-hams cad rañ bz'in dañ
bcas pa ñid du sgrub po sñaui ua bsnd par bya sto | gai te stoû
pa ñid ces bya ba raû gi ño bos grub pas hgah z'ig yod na ni dùos
po mams rañ bz'in dañ bcas par hgyur na yod pa ni ma yin no
z'es bstan pahi pbyir bàad pa |
= % râ tn f^ ra T ^ T f^ n «ra ô tâ q R im m fò q p c n n fìitf*: ^ r m -

v r r â ir fïï * i s i w ««: «tra m : fw «r^ fh «n n i i < 3 ^ i

q fç ^ m r nw W rn : i

R fW ^ H IT V — I
mi stoñ med par stoñ pa ni |
gañ las hbyuñ ba ñid du hgyur |
ji Ita bur na cig áos ni |
med par gñen po hbyuñ bar hgyur || 7 ||
In a Vx of CSV stoñ min for mi stoñ adding stoñ par after par.
382] CHAPTER XVÍ 271

In b V and Vx of CS byuñ for hbyuñ. In d V wrongly gñer bo

for gñen po.
V a áünyena vina sünyasambhavo j ayate kath&m |
itarena vina tasya saháyo j ayate katham || 7 ||
Here V’s sahdya ‘compagnon’ can in no way be defended.
I shall translate:
fa»1T SJcET fin: V fm fa I
wtf uffrrot n« n
CSV: gal te stoñ pa ma yin pa z'es pahi dños po hgah z'ig
yod na ni dehi tshe de yi gñen por gyur pa stoñ pahi dños po
cuñ zad cig tu hgyur na | stoñ pa ma yin pa ni srid pa yañ ma
yin te | rgyu med par hgah la yañ nam khahi me tog ltar yod
pa ñid mi srid pahi phyir ro || gañ tshe stoñ pa ma yin pa mi
srid pa dehi tshe dehi gñen po stoñ pa yañ cig sos stoñ pa ma
yin pa med par mi srid do || hdi ltar yod pa ma yin pahi kbyi ni
sprehuhi gñen por mi hgyur te | thams cad du hgal bahi don
gz'an med par hgal bahi don gz'an mi srid pahi phyir ro || dehi
phyir stoñ pa ma yin pa med par stoñ pa yod pa ma yin la de
med pa yin dañ stoñ pa ñid oes bya ba cun zad kyañ med do z'es
bya bar grub bo || ji skad du |
stoñ ñid lta ba thams cad ni |
ñcs par hbyen par thub pas gsuñs |
gañ dag stoñ pa ñid lta ba |
de dag sgrub tu med par gsuñs |j
z'es gsuñs la || bcom ldan hdas kyis kyañ. |
liod sruñs1 hdi lta ste | dper na2 mi nad pa z'ig yod la | sman
pas de la sman btaú ñas sman des dehi nad thams cad bskyod3
do | sman lto na hdug pa ñid4 mi hbyuñ na | hod sruñs de® ji
sñam du sems | mi de nad de las thar par hgyur ram | gsol ba |
bcom ldan hdas de ni mi hgyur lags te ||8gañ sman des nad thams
cad bskyod ñas sman ltar mchis pa ñid ma byuñ na ni mi dehi

1 KP throughout sruñ.
2 X om. dper na, it is added from KP, { 66.
3 X bskyed. 4 KP ad. dc. 6 KP fcdi.
5 Evidently this sentence ifith the preceding one, g«ol ba«—, should have come juafc
after the following one.
272 CATUHSATAKA [3 8 3

grod1 nad sin tu* tshabs che bar hgyur lags so || bcom ldan
hdas kyis bkah stsal ba | hod sruñ de bz'iu du Ita bar gyur pa
thams cad las hbyuû ba ni stoù pa ñid yin na j hod sruùs gaû®
stoû pa ñid kho nar Ita ba de ni gsor mi ruû ûo || z'es bsad do
z'es gsuñs so ||
n w i g t o v w *n f^ i
I R f a m í a jììH T q ì7 1 ^ ^ 5 1

far»iT *r s ro ra fa i qm fv i fa rç : n fc iq ^ t n w fa i

fa *IT ^ *1 « 3 fri I f^ H T ^ 5fTJf fà r f% ^ ìfà [ fa i» *. I

P i s t a i ïïtïST f a : ^ 5 Í f s w I

$ «rt g j p w n s f e ^ 5 i H î ^ T * î « r w if a t li*
n^ilTfq *HW 5 ^ 1 6 MÏ^T «3<X I 71SR <53?t
íNstí m i nitros r ô ? t a g 7« r a
n (s p w s q % m*$m ' R f à g ^ t« e jt q ft g s it r ô * « r a (
*R te »ra 8 ^ t o i

^ w s ^ 1* i ^ im «fo re t *1 -
14€ t e * r â * t i i *T *? r o

*R !R t JP W T fn rw n f ^ 5 *: ainagq rç ? *H T 5 fe ^ W O T f% fa -
^ n f tf n # c »
CSV : bdir smxas pa | ston pa z'es bya ba cuñ zad kyan med
pas stori pa ñid kyi phyogs su ma hgyur mod kyi | de Ita na yañ
phyogs med pa yañ phyogs ñid du yons su gzuù bas phyogs ñid
1 grod=Skt. kukçi, koç^ha, ‘boiiy.’ X grò and KP tro ; but in either case the meaning
is not clear. s k p oni. it.
* X om. it. 4 Quoted in BOA, p. 414 ; SS, pp. 25-iîü. * KP, p. 97 (§ 05).
• Tib. lit. nars (mi). 7 Tib. roga (nad) for do*a. • Tib. om. puruça.
•-• This sentence ia omitted in Tib.
10 KP °gatô. Tib. «imply sarvàn (lhams cad>.
« KP °gftto. « KP °v&n. « KP °taraé. “ KP ad. «a.

du hgyur la | mi mthun pahi phyogs la ma bltos par phyogs srid

pa van ma yin pas mi mthun pahi phyogs su yan hgyur ro || phyogs
dafi, mi mthun pahi phyogs yod pa las kyan dnos po thams cad
hgrub bo || hdi yan mi rigs so z'es bstan pahi phyix bsad pa |
= *ra r? i ? n f%
^ m G T O ’g ts fq q f r u ^ t a sf?T q w I fw r fw iw
q ^ ^ lT H ra ra w t fe q ^ : I q ^ f% q ^ : S I H I T C V T WWT*. f% *g f*tT I
S ? » f f q *T ^ T f T ’Sfcl q f a q ^ z r a r ? — |

gal te phyogs nid du hgyur na |

phyogs med phyogs kyi no bor hgyur |
de ltar phyogs med nid med na |
gan z'ig mi mthun phyogs su hgyur || 8 ||
In a Vx of CSV gsal for gal. In d V misprint mthum for
V pakso saty eva paksasyapakso rupam bhavisyati j
asty apakse ko nama tadvipakso bhavisyati || 8 ||
I do not think it can be accepted. The following may bo
suggested :
siq’* : q ^ q : ^ T ? q g qaf I
n s fiw n is q ^ *T fq *q fa # « 11
gal te phyogs nid du hgyur na |
phyogs med phyogs kyi no bor hgyur |
gal te phyogs med pa nid yod na ni de de ltar hgyur na srid
pa yan ma yin te | mi mthun pahi phyogs med pahi phyir ro ||
mi mthun pahi phyogs med pa de ni rgol ba thams cad bsal
bas bstan zin to || yan gan gitshe
de ltar phyogs med nid med na |
gan z'ig mi mthun phyogs su hgyur ||
phyogs med pahi phyir mi mthun pahi phyogs kyan med pas
yons su z'in pa thon z'ig ||
- T O : q^^q: qq I

tra p ro ic t i * « fa i» s m w fh i i fs n m -

v *f« ffl: i * j f a ^ * t? t
SFt w fa s if? ! II

« ro m ra T fa re ts fq » n ^ f ? r a ra u m m s re : 11« u

CSV : hdir smras pa | dnos po mams kyi ran bz'in ni yod pa
kho na ste | kh,yad par gyi no bo dmigs pahi phyir ro || hdi tar |
= ^3 1? I W N VTT3tT*lt ^ W T T . I f t $ « r o f t q « r a R l I W ff— I
gal te dnos po yod min na |
me ni ji ltar tsha bar hgyur |
tsha ba me yan yod min z'es |
gon nid du ni bzlog par byas || 9 ||
In d V wrongly gan for gon.
V bhava eva yada nasti vahnir usnah katham bhavet |
usno’gnir api nastlti kasya nama viparyayah || 9 ||
This is not right. I should like to suggest the following :

in fa II £ . II
gal te dnos po yod min na |
me ni ji ltar tsha bar hgyur |
dehi phytr khyod par dmigs pa hdi las dnos po rnams kyi ran
bz'in yod pa nid do || brjod par bya ste | hdi ni ma-rigs so ||gan
tsha ba me yan yod min z'es |
gon nid du ni bzlog par byas ||
me tsha bahi ran bz'in nid ni snar
tsha ba me nid du hgyur to |
tsha ba min pa ji ltar sreg |
des na bud Sin z'es bya ba |
yod min de med me yod min ||
z'es bya ba der bzlog zin to || dehi phyir khyad par med pas
dnos po rnams kyi ran gi no bo med do ||
385] CHAPTER XVI 276

= *r fa íT O 1 WT^t «I f«wni I
wr^i^t i i H gmn i *ra:
'«rartsfarcfq Tnfta ^ t w o * p i »
s ’isrewratofai: itt« 1
^fcrtw w ^ ’sunrgw s w t i
*IT % 5»m cJsSsfM fa s tf ||
r a a f w f t r i : i ira n ftü tm ro ira fa w ^ q * [ u e. u
CSV: gz'an yañ gal te |
“ *T O íí I q f^— I
dños po mthoñ lias dños po ni ]
med pa z'cs bya bzlog hgyur na |
de ltar pliyogs ni bz'i char la |
fies pa spans pa gañ z'ig mthoñ || 10 ||
V drstaiva bhávam bhavasyábhávo náma viparyayah |
dusto paksaturlyámse prahánam yasya dráyate || 10 ||
This cannot be defended. The following may be suggested:
WWIHTit 51TH f*TWra^ I
^ i € t fttPTfira: u *• ii
dños po mthoñ ñas dños po ni |
med pa z'es by a bzlog hgyur na |
gal te dúos po yod2 dniigs lias dehi dños po med pa bzlog na ni
rigs par bstan pa z'ig ste | dños pohi dños po med pa dmigs nas
dños po yañ bzlog par cihi phyir mi hgyu,r | tshul hdi fiid kyis
de ltar phyogs ni bz'i char la |
fies pa spañs pa gañ z'ig mthoñ ||
hdi hañ
yod dañ med dañ yod med dañ |
yod med min z'es bya bahi tshul |
hdi ni mkhas pas geig ñid sogs |
dag la rtag tu sbyar bar bya |j
» 341 (=X IV . 16). ‘ X med.

z'es bya ba dcr bsad z'in to || hdi phyir de ltar na phyogs

bz'i ga la yañ skyon mthoñ bahi phyir phyogs hgah yañ yoñs su
gzun bar mi rigs so ||
= V T R T V ÍT fí \

irw ro sfo ^ wt?t •

«59*1 ^ a s « :i
i w w i l w t f a f e f i v i r a T f é i f o a r a : ii
i f « ? ra tw * i i1 a re n t« ? q ^ g ^ r s f q ^ i s r s s m r a i ^ n f a q ^ ^ r u ftw it

s i g w : ii * • ii
CSV : hdi las kyañ phyogs yoñs su lidzin par mi rigs te |
rdul la cha sas yod med oes |
dpyad pa der yañ hjug par hgyur j
dehi phyir bsgrub par bya ba yis |
bsgrub bya hgrub par mi hthad do || *
a'es sñar bsad pahi phyir ro || dehi phyir tshul hdis rnam par
dpyad na dños po áin tu z'ib pa |
*= W tS Íq ^ QW. l
fa ^ r& s a iftr 33Ü i
f a f a ^ í t q t R l í i II

lili i3 i
rdul phran la yañ yod pahi dños |
gañ du med der ji ltar hbyuñ |
sañs rgyas rnams la med ñid kyañ |
de ñid phyir na ma hbrel baho ||
In d V wrongly nam hbrel paho for na ma hbrel baho.
V yad anor api sadbhávas tato’bhávah katham bhavet11
buddhánám játv abhávo’pi tasmád eva prasajyate || 11 ||
I should like to restore it differently :
1 346 (==X1 V. 2 1 ).
* He re in X the actual reading for mi fcthad do if mi mthoñ ño. Accordingly ono may
MKI in Sko. na khaiu dfáyatc for naivouanadyate.
®306 («X III. 6). ^
386] CHAPTER XVI 277

5iTf% npí «R«í *w. i

'S W T ^ S ÍÍí ^ f i p i t 5T I! u II
rdul phran la vañ yod pahi dños |
gañ du med der ji Itar hbyuñ |
gañ du rdul pira rab tsam la yañ bden pahi ño bo yod pa ma
yin pa der ji ltar hbyuñ z'in skye ste ] dños po skye ba po mam
pa thams cad du med pas der [mi]1 skye ba kho naho || snañ ba
med pahi spyod yul mñah ba dños po thams cad kyi de kho na
ñid ji lta ba bz'in thugs su ohud pahi ñi mahi hod zer gyi tshogs
kyis ma rig pahi mun pa mthah dag bsal ba | mi áes pahi mun
pa mthug pohi mtsan mohi gñid kyis log pahi hgro ba raña pa
sad par mdzad pahi lliur bz'cs pa byañ chub tu yañ dag par
mñon par rdzogs par sañs rgyas pahi
sañs rgyas rnams la med ñid kyañ |
de ñid phyir na ma hbrel baho || •
de ñid kyi phyir de ñid kyi ye áes la bltos ñas dños po hgah
yañ ma dmigs pas yod pa hdi ltar med pa ñid kyañ mñon par
mi bsed do || yañ na rañ bz'in ma skyes pahi phyir de med pa
yan mi srid pas
sañs rgj'as rnams la med2 ñid kyañ
ste J ñan thos dan rañ sañs rgyas dañ bla na med pa yañ dag
par rdzogs pahi sañs rgyas rnams la mi bsed de ||

UT*n*pim^iTfq im ^ i wrefarfa:
cíWTgcqT^ w ¡

* W l^tsfq ^ f ’SW «T3®*$ II

^ w €t sfh [ w ]

> Not in X. » X ad. hcrc pa.


í « u i>
CSV : yons su rtogs1 par byed pas ni gdon mi za bar gnis med
par smra ba hdi thams cad du son pa yin no z'es bya baT nes
par byaho || hdi ltar ]
«qftfoinrarirafflnpiTC m stitfa faitasm i to t T i\
gal te kun la gnis mirt na | 2
gz'an gari z'ig la yod dnos yod |
gal te khyod lahan dc rigs na |
brgal ba gz'an po ci ste byed || 12 ||
In d V wrongly brgyal pa for brgal ba.
V sarvasya cen na dvitlyali kasyanyali san bhavisyati |
matam ced bhavato’py etad vijito’nyo bhavet katham || 12 ||
Clearly this cannot be accepted. The following may be sug­
gested :

CSV : gañ du gñis ma yin pa gñis su mod par smra ba hdir

mi gyur pa3 dúos po gaíi z'ig la dúos pohi ño bo yod || re z'ig dúos
po rtag pa gaú dag yin pa do dag la ni raíl gi ño bos yod pa ma
yin pas yod pa dan med pa ñid kyi rtog pa dag brtag par mi nus
te j yod pa dañ med par rtog pa lijug pahi rgyu dúos po rtag
pa yod pa ma yin pahi phyir ro || dúos po gañ dag skye ba dan
ldan pa de dag kyañ rtag pahi ño bor med pas raú bz'in gyi mtshan
ñid daú mtshan ñid mi mthun pa yod pa yin daú ran bz'in yod
pa dañ med pahi rtog pa dag mam par gz'ag par mi nus pa J
hdus byas daú hdus ma byas las ma gñis4pahi dúos po gz'an yod
pa ñid du bz'ag par nus pa yaú ma yin no || dehi phyir rigs pas
thob par bya bahi phyir draús áiú gsal bahi don ni ngol ba dag
gis gñis smra ba rañ gi bios phyin ci log tu brtags pa spaús te
gñis med par smra ba hdi rañ gi bio la bz'ag pas hos pa ñid do |
1 X rtog. Accordingly yoiis su rtog par byed pas=parikalpanayS.
* After this Vx of C!§V adds : rnam par spyod bz'in pahi don. This seems to be a part
of the commentary meaning vicáryamü.oe’ rtho.
• X fcgyur ba. 4 X gtegs.
388] CHAPTER XVI 279

ci ste hthad pa gañ z'ig gis1 don hdi mi hgrub pa arid na ni ho

na gañ gis kho bo cag kyañ yid ches par gyur pa* do' brjod par
gyis éiig | hon te ji skad báad pahi don dan hgal bahi hthad pa
gañ z'ig kyañ brjod par mi ñus na ni dehi tshe gal te kho bo cag
gis báad pahi hthd pa kho ñas khyod la yaíx mthah gñis spañs
pa de rigs na cihi phyir rtsod pa gz'an pa byed ||
faairÉwi w fi w w rn re w n q^fejg’
®! aj^rT i %
<3?qf%frei#srrafq f*rai ^r*n«raremf?!f[«r*
CTITOt «vtffo **Pirein«ra«l«1T ^HiWtqfag* 9f I
^ ’v#
3Tf<pr.^ ^fofa<rcfo3fffaici
f**rarw«nsfim «rqf^ivnrfaiT i wr ^sroqq^mwsfi
a fasíc^ stg ^ 3*raiNffrft Twnarat si g
gnf%^gtwi5fawqqf%wm I rl^tT^itqqfTTfT «OT
CSV: gañ gi phyir hjig rtcn pa dañ hjig rten las hdas pahi
dños po rañ dañ gz'an gyi gz'uñ lugs kyis yoñs su brtags pa
rnams la gñis su mod pahi ño bo hdir dbyer med pa de ñid kyi
phyir |
=?iwT?^iqw5R?iqRqrf%ifiT^f «atfqí«ií^t3rl,?PcnFT wt3htjt-

dños po lain gyi dños med la |

rnam par dbye ba mi rigs te |
rdzas rnams kun la gañ mthoñ ba |
de ni rnam dbyer mi hgyur ro || 13 ||
In d Vx of CSV rnams for mam.
V abháve sarvabhávánám vibhágo naiva yujyate |
bhave’pi sarvabhávánám sa vibhágo na j ayate |j 12 JJ
i v „i a x bgyur ba.

There is nothing in the Tib. text for V’s bhäve'pi -bhävänäm.

I should like to suggest the following accepting his first half :
« w t «änrapit fawrôt i
«sçsnfnr r ô * fawsns: « U «
CSV : rgyu dan rkyen las skyes pahi phyir raù bz'in byas
pa can fiid du thal bahi phyir dúos po rnams kyi ran bz'in gaû
yin pa de ni rgyu med pa can kho na yin la rgyu med pa la yañ
yod pa fiid mi srid pas yod1 par dgag pa la brten nas dúos po
med pa kho na ran bz'in yin te dúos po ma yin pahi phyir ro ||
dehi phyir raú bz'in hdi thams cad la dbyer med pahi ño bo yin
pahi phyir dúos po thans cad ran bz'in gyis ma skyes par ran gi
ño bo gcig pa ste | hdi Ita ste dúos po med pahi ran bz'in gyi
ño boho II dper na bum pa dañ khan z'iû2la gogs pa tha dad kyaii
thams cad sgrib pa med pa ñid mtshuñs pahi phyir gzugs med
pa tsam gyi3*ño bo nam mkhah rañ gi ño bo tha dad pa yod pa
ma yin pa dañ | yañ dper na dúos po rnams bdag ñid ji Ita ba
bz'in du hdus byas thams cad mi rtag pa ñid dañ J zag pa dañ
bcaspa thams cad sdug banal ba ñid do z'es bya ba la sogs pa tha
mi dad pa de bz'in du rdzas thams cad la gañ z'ig mthoñ ba yañ
rdzas tha dad par rnam par bz'ag par mi mis so || de ñid kyi phyir
dños po gcig gi Ita po gañ |
de ni kun gyi Ita por béad |
gcig gi stoñ ñid gañ yin pa |
de ñid4 kun gyi stoñ pa ñid ||
ces sñar bsad do || do ñid kyi phyir bcom Idan hdas kyis |
gañ gis dños po rnams dños po med ces ées gyur5 1
de ni dúos po kun la gz'ar yañ chags pa med |
gañ z'ig dños po kun la gz'ar yañ chags med pa |
hdi ni mtsan ma mod pahi tiñ úe hdzin la reg ||
ces gsuñs so ||
gî?î^ëarir\H«îwî®ff w. «
^ i ^ ^ «TSfawftpfci irato
* X med. 8 X fckhar z'oâ (î). 8 X gyis.
* X ni, but see VIII. 16d=191d. 6 X adds pa.
389] CHAPTER X V I 281

tre «WTÍt «nTOTOTTCll fHST^ ÇTÏTTW: ««W tffflf’

^tt «£ wî»t: «nrnfrifTsiNn ti^ rw 35?n«ra^wmqT: i *tot
sz*î*%?ïTfes f«**rfq f« im rç ^ « T « T ^ ^ W T w m ra n si
fv i^ ^ q * « vRfa, smi M ht^ t ssirä « ^ w m tt^r, «3
« w it ^ :^ t « fw*«q w. «ifat 5«t [«T]sfq çsqpjji
«nwTqflíg* « siwifa i t o qar
WT*na*fi*S *ft 5BT yz\« 4 * ï « «ns: I
_ __^___ ^ * Í'
ION* ^JBRIT ÎTW««r «^«st q*Rlf tl
*fa tjlgwfl1 1 t o w k ' 1
«T^T«HT^Tf«f?T q: USTT^fà
« « g«T tf * 5ïïg «^îïï i
9: «3*?râs ^ *ng «ærô
« ^nfafa'ä «tto «iTTfk^ il8
*fh « « ti
CSV : gz'an yaïi | gz'an rtog pa snon du gton bar gyur pas
kyan ji skad bsad pahi don khas blan bar bya ba ham yañ na
brgal z'iù brtags pas lan gdab par byaho || ci ste gañ la cuñ zad
cig srid pa de la lan gdab par rigs kyi | gañ gi Ita na toaros cad
dúos po med pa de la brjod par bya ba dan tshjg dan smra ba po
rnams dan rtogs par bya4 dan rtogs par byed pa dañ rtogs pa po
rnams rnam thams cad du med pas ji ltar lan gdab par bya j
dehi phyir de la lan ma smras pa ñid do sñam na J gal te de ltar |
- toiw i q ^ ^ T îJT : q? snìfaifa E m i r a t ^wrimra«^-
Sg^WWt'ggT qftw m 3Ï ^ ïw ï : i to «59^—w f a if ^ f q
«»lï^fcT fSTO ?l«I qft^TT: I W g «3qt W -
6 6
I , fl«iw q frsrc I sshi»l— i
> 191 (V III. 16).
1 See MV, pp. 133, 265, 277.
* This samädhi is not enumerated in MVt. § 21. For äninitta, instead of animiti» see

med phyir gz'an gyi phyogs la lan J

brjod pa med par grags na ni J
gtan tshigs kyis bzlog ran phyogs kyan |
ei yi phyir na sgrub mi hgyur || 14 ||
In b V and Vx of CS min for med.
V abhavad anyapaksasya prativScyo na cet kila |
manahxnah svapakso’pi kasmat siddho na jayate || 14 ||
It cannot be supported. I would offer the following:

st »
CSV: gal te gz'an la thams cad med pas lan mi hdebs na
khyodkyishthadpa hgahz'iggis khyod kyi ran gi phyogs ston
pa nid kyi gtan tshigs kyis bzlog pa ci sto mi srgrub || ma grub
pa ni khas blan bar rigs pa yan ma yin pas hdi ni yod pa ma
yin no ||
= qraifa %m\ jpnm-
fg fs w T » ? !^ l*T W W f ¥ s| I sj ^ T f a f e w q s i s g T fa

ii t u ii
CSV: gan yan |
sun hbyin byed pa hi gtan tshigs rned J
sla z'es hjig rten na brjod na |
gz'an gyi phyogs la skyon brjod pa |
nid du ci yi phyir mi nus || 15 ||
In 6 V omits sla, and V and Vx of CS omit na after rten and
add yan at the end.
V yad dusto’dhigato hetur iti bhasapi laukiki J
yena doso’nyapaksasya vaktum eva na ¿akyate || IS ||
I think it cannot be supported. The following may, however,
be suggested here :

far *r it ^ i
301] CHAPTER XVI 283

sun hbyin byed pahi gtan tshigsrned |
sla z'es hjig rten na brjod na |
de yan mi rigs so || gal te sun hbyin pa byed pahi gtan tahigs
yod par hgyur na ni dehi tshe rned sla bahi phyir de khyod la yati
yod pas khyod kyis kyan |
gz'an gyi phyogs la skyon brjod pa |
nid du ci yi phyir mi nus ||
k h y o d kyis gaz'an gyi phyogs la sun hbyin pa brjod par mi nus
pas sun hbyin par byed pahi gtan tshigs rned par mi slaho ||°

n ^ fq p w i g fe fg :

o ssn fq

q *q W M ^ ii

«rarc w r a m u0j * n «
CSV: ci ste hthad pa med par yan J

yod ces bya ba tsam z'ig gis |

gal to de nid dnos yod na |
med ces bya ba tsam z'ig gis |
med par yan ni cis mi hgyur || 16 ||
V sannamamatrcna yada bhavah kascid bhavisyati |
abhavah kim na bhavati so’py asannamamatratah |! 16 J|
I should like to change i t :

5 n ^ f n « i a ^ i « i w i € t s f q * f% N ii 2

1 Here are three verses introduced as bhagavata0 iti vistarasa uktarn (beam Idan bdas
kyis° z'es rgyas par gsufts so|| ).
* Or
astitimatrcna yadi bhavo v id ye la tal tvatab |
nastitimatreiia katham abhavo’pi bliaven 11a hi H
The CSV appoars to support such rendering. But according to tho Chinese version the same
Tib. text may be translated thus :
sannamam atrenaikena syad bhavas tattvato yadi |
kimasannamamatreijaikenabhavo’pi no bhavet ||

CSV: ji ltax khyod kyi1 yod do z'es bya bahi tshig isam gyis
dnos po lidi kho na nid yod do z'es bya ba hjog pa de bz'in du
nahi med do z'es bya bahi tshig tsam gyis kyan don dam par
dAos po yod pa ma yin no z'es bya bar ci ste rnam par mi hjog ||
dehi phyir yu bu cag gnis kyi gnis su smxa ba bsal bas gnis med
par smra ba spros pa thams cad bcos pa hdi gz'un btsugs par
hgyurro ||

vm ronciiif vn*f} ?r i

n u <>
CSV: hdir smras pa J don dam par dnos po med na ni dehi
tshe med pa la yod do z'es bya bahi min hdir mi ligyur ro || yod
pa ma yin pahi mo gsam gyi bu la ni yod do z'es bya bahi min
hdi ru mi run no |) b§ad par bya ste ||
i ^ sjto ^
i «1 w tsto i i
gan phyir yod bdog ces min btags |
de phyir med par mi hgyur na |
gan phyir yod ces min byas pa |
de phyir yod par mi hgyur ro || 17 ¡|
In a V and Vx of CS mi for min, and the former gtags for
btags. In c V and Vx of CS mi for min. For a different reading
of the last twa lines see CSV quoted below.
V sadartho yan na grathitas tenabhavo na jayate |
astiti yasman na krtam tena bhavo na jayate || 17 ||
The main defect here lies in V’a misreading mi gtags for min
btags. btags is perfect of hdogs pa, and min hdogs means ‘to give a
name.’ bdog is to be taken here in the sense of ‘to be.’ I would
translate the karika as follows :
1 X kyi».

s fe fa qafiyr s n itf I
35pf 3»m f a ««W STTil^ II II
gan phyir yod bdog ces mifi btags |
do phyir med par mi hgyur na |
gal te hdi ltar na |
gan phyir med ces min byas pa |
de phyir yod par mi hgyur ro |
min ni miri can gyi ran gi |
no bohi rjes six mi byed do ||
de rnams ni min can gyi dnos pohi ran gi no bo dafi dus
mtshuns pa yaft ma yin te | de rnams sna rol dan phyis hdod
pas byed pahi phyir ro || hdi ltar mig legs pa la z'ar ba z'es bya ba
daii | tshe thun ba la tshe riii po z'es bya ba dan | choms po1 la
lhas btsas pa z'es bya ba la sogs pa2 don dan mi mthun pahi miri
rnams kyan dmigs pa yin no || dehi phyir |
gan phyir yod ces min byas pa |
dehi phyir yod par mi hgyur ro ||
rnam pa gcig tu na hdon pa gz'an yin te |
gan phyir med mi bdog ces min |
btags pa de phyir yod hgyur min ||
gal te yod pa la yod do z'es min byas pa las dnos po ran gi no bo
yod pa nid du rtog na ni | rigs pas rnam par dpyad pa na yod pa
ma yin pa nid kyis yod pa ma yin pa la med do z'es min btags
pa las yod pa nid dgag pa cihi phyir mi nes te J hdi yod pa nid
du rtog pa ltar med pa nid du yan btags par rigs so ||

«ci f a i
«nftrnt ^ 11
f% rTTf«f STlfait *nfN *T W igsnfal
| te I 3*1*5! Tfr?
ftfa w h iten s sim w ra w w i
1 X pa. * X pas.

HÍ^ffT g a p WT«<^ II

^wref^fn am f a i
u fc w i:*fe fh ^ n H ^ ^ n ir w : qrsrriit gssn

s € s 3 ire a ts *fé fa «n w n T O ra ra ffó *: f% fa f? r «i fa lta d i t o

p f TOTqfag« 11t* n
CSV: hdir kha cig na re sgra rnams ni don gyi ran gi ño
bo ston par byed pa ma yin to | gal te ston na ni dehi tshe me
z'es smras na kha htshig par hgyur la | bum pa z'es smras na
kha kheñs par hgyur ro || dehi phyir kho bo cag gi don gyi ran
gi ño bo la mi reg pahi sgra rnams kyi1 brjod par bya ba dan
brjod par byed pahi brda hjig rten pas thams cad yod do z'es
brjod do z'es zer ro |) de la brjod par bya ste |
-T O I I
w n f a i q 'qr i vz *< a w s# 35 i
^fau%?r *¿-
gal to thams cad hjig rten pas |
brjod pas hjig rten pa yod na]
dúos gañ do ñid du yod pa, j
de ni hjig rten par cis hgyur || 18 ||
V uktatvat sarvalokena loko yadi bhavisyati |
tasmad eva hi yo bhávah sa loko j ayate katham f| 18 ||
Evidently V takes hjig rten fa in the sense of loica, but, in
fact, it means lauhiJca. There is nothing in the Tib. text for his
tasmdd eva hi in c. I would translate :

w t » t á w s w t w s : « sfin i n
CSV: gal te dños po yod palii rañ bz'in can ñid rañ gi ño
bo la mi reg2 pahi sgra rnams kyis hjig rten pa brjod ciñ dehi
1 X kyis- 8 X rig.
394\ CHASTER X Y i m
rail gi ño "bo yod na ni délai ph.yir taxi gi ño bos y o d palli ■plxyìr
de don dam pa kho nar bgyux gyi | hjig rteix pa ni ma yin no
ci ste de hjig rten pa fxid du yod pa ñid yin gyi | ran bz'in gyis
ma yin na ìxi dehi tshe lijig rten pa de don dam pa ñid du hgrub
ciñ I don dam pa mthon ba las rnal hbyor pa rnams hkhor ba
las grol bar yañ hgyur ro z'es bya bar rigs so ||

«tw rf [ït ç t ] ?ra [ q s ] tiw m w v fà *

q *n w c s fà * fa «rfb i q ^ ra ^ w w r ^ r e r o ’irc fa rfÌT

gw*l « ** «
CSV : lidir snxras pa | klxyod kyis thun mon du smra mod
kyi I de Ita na yañ dños po bsal bas khyod la dños po rnams med
pa ñid du hgyur ro || báad par bya ste | tslug hdi ni kho boti
bsam pa las ma hdas par gnas so || gal te bdag dons po bkag pa
las yod pa ñid dañ hgal ba med'pa ñid khas len par ligyur na
ni dehi tshe bgags pas1 smía ba thams cad sel ba bsgrubs par
ma hgyur te med pa ñid du smra ba sin tu tha chad pa khas
blañs pahi phyir ro z'es bstan pahi phyir bsad pa |
= *r a n * ¡ s s ifq cw t cnaifq « T q i q i ^ ^

tn iw * ^ w fa i ^ i « w w ftw w m i «n v

gal te dños kun med pahi phyir |
med pa ñid du hgyur na ni |
de ltar yin na phyogs rnams kun |
dños po med par mi Tigs so U19 ||
In V and Vx of CS gyur for hgyur in b and Ita fox ltar and
dañ for na in c.
1 X bgag gas.

V asattvát sarvabhavSnam abhávo yadi vidyate |

tath,á ca sarvapaksesu bhávo’san naiva yujyate || 19 ||
I should like to propose the following :
w w w w 'w t w w í ,cpf i
« sN gsitf ii «
CSV: dños po y o d na ni de de bkag pas dños po med paT
smra ba hgyur na gañ gi tshe ji skad báad pahi tshul gyip dños
po ñid mi srid pa dehi tshe |
fo sa
ün^si «ni w si «nnrín ?i ? t— i
dúos po med phyir dños med la |
srid pa yod par mi hgyur ro J
dños po med par dños po n i )
med par ga la hgrub par hgyur || 20 ||
In d Vx of CSV pa for par.
V abhávatvád abhávasya bhavo’stiti na vidyate |
abhávatvád asan bháva iti siddhir bhavet katham || 20 |j
I think it cannot be accepted, and suggest the following :
wraTwrarerarnisr * wfsrofa i
w n it f% f«rer «nf irs: fa it vifsr^rfH h v «
dños po med phyir dños med la |
srid pa yod par mi hgyur ro |
cihi phyir dños po med ce na | dños po med pa med palji phyir
ro || gañ las dños po med pa med ce na | hdi1 ltar |
dños po med par dños po ni j
med par ga la hgrub par hgyur ||
dños po hjig pa gz'an du hgyur bahi mtshan ñid can ni dños po
med paho z'es hjig rten smra ba la dños po de yañ ñes par dpyad
pa na yod pa ma yin pas gañ z'ig med pas dños po med par srid
par Ijgyur || gañ gi tshe dños po med pa yod pa mi arid pa dehi
1 X Mir.
396] CHAPTER XVI 289

tshe dnoa por rtoga pa dnos po med pa la bltos pas de med pa

yin dafi. dnos po med pa med par grub bo ||

«ra w ra i ^ v n *u *n ? T c t i ^ t s w T s n w r a f f w i I
^ rw T it f% fsniT n t f f a : f t r e t w fa ^ fe i ii
f ^ T O t TSiHTW ^ liR <3^3 I ^ WT3
far^T^: 3 n 3 n « r a ( T ? *m : i ^ ^rerwfh
sfa ^ *n% i *wT*ftsfa *\ nv n
CSV: hdir smras pa | rgyu med pahi don la grub pa med
pahi phyir khyod kyis gdon mi za bar ston pa nid du bsrgub
pa la gtan tshigs bstan par bya dgos la | gtan tshigs yod pas
kyan dnos po thams cad ston pa nid ma yin te | gtan tshigs ltar
gz'an yan yod pahi phyir ro || bsad par bya ste | gal te
= ^ ic ir ? i wf?n ^ r n H n s r a r o fg :

i fg s s ts re *r w t w n t*i 55«?p i t i t g w ^ q r o f a
i srsra i *jf% —

stori pa gtan tshigs las hgyur ba |

de phyir Ston par mi hgyur na |
dam bcah gtan tshigs las gaz'an ni |
ma yin des na gtan tshigs med || 21 ||
In a Vxx of CS and CSV gyur pa for hgyur ba.
V sfinyam pramanato jatam atah sunyam na vidyate |
pratijnanya na pramanat pramanam tan na vidyate ||
Itx d evidently pramanam is misprint for pramanam. Tib.
gtan tshigs means hetu and not pramdna as V has written. I
would suggest:
ajssrcii 5fT*m «I s j ^ t i
f g q \ 5nHiT fg ^ a
CSV : rgyuhi sna rol du ston pa nid yod pa ma yin pahi phyir
la | phyis yod pahi phyir ston pa nid byas par hgyur la | byas

pa ma yin na yañ sgyu mas eprul pahi ban glañ mo1 ltar bslu
bar hgyur na | stoñ pa ñid ni ye mtshuñs pahi ño bo yin pahi
phyir bslu ba yañ ma yin pas stoñ pa ñid rgyus bsgrub par
bya ba ma yin no || ci ste ées par bycd pahi rgyu la bsams ñas
brjod na yañ gtan tshigs mi srid pa ñid do || ji ltar z'e na | hdir
gtan tshigs hdi dam bcali hgah z'ig bsgrub pahi phyir brjod pa
z'ig na | gal te dam bcah2 ba de las gtan tsigs de gz'an yin na
ni | de ltar yin na phyogs kyi chos nia yin pahi phyir dam bcah
bahi don go bar mi byed pas gtan tshigs la dam bcah ba las gz'an
ñid yod pa ma yin no || gan gi tshe gz'an du mi hgyur ba dehi
tshe gz'an ñid med pahi phyir dam bcah balii rañ gi ño bo bz'in
du hdi gtan tshigs ma yin pas gtan tshigs med pa ste | dehi
phyir dños po rnams rañ bz'in med par grub po ||

«r i «re5* i
«roifa ’ercrefa i «srfwfa i
sn rá i ?rf? *retv- i w
«t n ft r s T ? n « f r r e » r í i ifh tm : H fe r a r o r *
«i ^ T O é s w r a iíJifr rc n íiT : fg *

i P i f a r e » m T * r t f s r ^ w r w c í ^ ii #
CSV: hdir smras pa | gal te gtan tshigs med pas gtan tshigs
dañ bsgrub par bya ba stoñ pa ñid ma yin par mi hgyur na | ho
na re z'ig stoñ pa ñid kyi dpe yod la | do yod pas de dañ hdra
bar dños po gz'an yañ hbyuñ bar hgyur ro || béad par bya ste |
dpe de yañ rtog pa na gtan tshigs kyi don dañ ma hbrel ba kho
na z'ig gam | hbrel ba bz'in rtog grañ | re z'ig gal te hbrel na
ni gtan tshigs kyi sun bbyin pa ñid kyis bsal to || ci ste ma hbrel
na ni dehi tshe de gñis la dam bcah bahi don sgrub pahi ñus pa
ñid med pas cuñ zad kyañ mi byed la | de brtags pas ci dgos
z'es batan pahi phyir béad pa |
1 ban glañ mo=vr 9abhi. It beems that one ehould read here glañ po=gaja.
* X boas.
398] CHAPTER XVI 291

i ^ * v*rcn-
I íTOSTSiTg tlT3*ta«fq w rew WTCt
i h ^f«isfr: fsresire^re ^ wretspi *renft m t gf%
m wsrm : i i w w rs: i ^ ?ral:
irf? t'w m ra ftr« T O T O ¿ r^ * i [? ra < l fa?
sfaqT^rare— I
gañ phyir stoñ pahi dpe yod pa |
de ni stoñ par mi hgyur na |
bya rog ji ltar do bz'in du |
bdag kyañ nag cos brjod nus sum || 22 ||
In d Vx of CSV nas ses fox nag ces.
V yasmác chünyasya drstántas tena áünyam na j ayate |
kako yathá tathátmápi krsño vaktum na sakyate || 22 ||
There is nothing in the Tib. text for Y’s m in d. I should
like to change his restoration slightly :
«¡«rcvrerchi ^ ^ iirtc í i
^xanfq *f?t ws g * 1 ^ u
CSV : gal te gtan tshigs kyi don dañ ma hbrel bahi dpe las don
grub par sems na ni delii tshe bya rog gi nag pohi1 dpe bdag kyaii
nag por hgyur ba hdi ni srid pa yañ ma yin pas dpe mi rigs te |
dños po med pahi phyir ro ||

«n«nfq 3IWÍ W^cT I %<? 5 ^ SST»?ít WIWWTWT^ l!^||

gal te gtan tshigs kyañ med la dpe yañ med ciú dños po
thams cad kyañ med Jia khyod kyi bstan bcos byed pahi tshig2
hdi don gañ du bsgrub par bya bahi phyir yin | brjod pas bya
ste | gal te ñes brtags pa na dños po hgah z'ig gi rañ bz'in dmigs
na ni dehi tshe khas len par byed pa de lta yin dañ stoñ pa ñid
du lta ba yañ phyin ci log ñid du hgyur ro z'es bstan pahi phyir
béad pa |
1 X palji. * X tshigs.

=?if* fOTíftsfa ] qSfamftr « t^ t-

*r«i% « irs n in n ^ i < 3 ^ i sf? t«rait«i
q*Vm?rt srwfasisrci ^ « t* [ «w ] m s* Dw] w y n ra t
I qgmnsfeq| faq ftátfa *faqT^l*r?— i
gal te rañ bz'in gyis dños yod |
stoñ mthoñ yon tan ci z'ig yod |
rtog pas mthoñ ba hchiñ ba ste |
de ni hdi xu hgag par bya || 23 ||
In b Vx oí CS mi for ci. V and Vx of CS rtogs fot rtog in c
and dgag for hgag in d.
V svabh,ávatas ced bhávo’sti áünyadrstyá hi ko gunah |
drsto vibandho jñánena tad cvatra nixuddbyate || 23 |1
I should like to ofEer thc following :

«¡jírms^n I
«w: 3¡*5wn i%: nf?ff%rHr5í b m i
gal te rañ bz'in gyis dños yod |
stoñ mthoñ yon tan ci z'ig yod |
stoñ pa ñid ñe bar bstan pa ni de kbo na fiid bstan par bya bahi
phyir yin la | de kho na ñid kyañ rañ bz'in dañ ño bo yin no || gal
te dños po hgali z'ig la yod na ni dehi tshe de ñid don dam pa
ym pas grol ba don du srñer ba la de mthoñ ba kho na mdzes kyi
stoñ pa ñid mthoñ ba ni ma yin no |J de ni dehi tshe yon ton
du mi hgyur ba hbah z'ig tu ma zad kyi skur ba hdebs pa la z'ugs
pahi phyir skyon aid dv hgyur ro || gañ gi tshe dños po rañ bz'in
med pa rnams phyin eí log las rañ bz'in dañ beas pa ñid du snañ
ba na hjig rten gyi mñon par z'en pahi hgyur z'iñ J dños por
lhag par z'en pahi rgyu can las dañ ñon moñs pa las skye bahi
rgyun skye bahi phyir de las hkhor bar hjug par hgyur ba dehi
tshe dños po rañ bz'in med pa rnams rañ bz'in med pa ñid du
mñon par gsal bar byed pahi bstan bcos hdis sgro hdogs pa dañ
skur ba hdebs pa spañs pahi sgo ñas rañ bz'in med pa ñid ston
z'iñ || hjig rten yañ dños po rnams kyi rañ bz'in m e d pa ñ i d bton

ñas gzugs brñan dan sprul pa dan sgyu ma la sogs pa ltar dúos
po rnams la mñon par z'en pa na dños po la mñon par z'en pahi
rgyu can las daíñ ñon moñs pa zad pas hdod chags la sogs pahi
hchiñ ba mthah dag chad pa las ñes par grol bar hgyur ro || dehi
phyir bstan bcos hdis dúos po rnams rañ bz'in gz'i med pa tsam
z'ig ston to || bcom ldan hdas kyis
chos thams cad ni stoñ pa ste | ran bz'in med pahi tshul
gyis so || chos thams cad mtshan ma med pa ste | mtsan ma med
pa ñe bar gzuñ ñas so || chos thams cad smon pa med pa ste ] mi
smon pa y i tshul gyis so || chos thams cad ni rañ bz'in gyis hod
gsal ba ste | ses rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa yoñs su dag pas so
z'es by a ba dan |
do bz'in du |
gañ z'ig rkyen las kyos pa do ma skyes |
de la skye ba rañ bz'in yod ma yin |
rkyen la rag las gañ de stoñ par bsad |
gañ z'ig stoñ ñid ses de bag yod yin |
z'es ji skad gsuñs pa lta buho ||
yañ hdir rten ciñ hbrel bar hbyuñ ba la bsñon pa ni ma
yin no || z'es bsad pa |
rtog pas mthoñ ba hchiñ ba ste |
de ni lidi ru hgag par bya ||
rtog pa ni yañ dag pa ma yin pahi rañ bz'in gyi don sgro hdogs
pa ste | dehi sgo ñas sems can rnams bciñgs par dmigs ñas hkhor
balpi sdug bsñal bead par bya balii phyir don de bzlog par bya
bahi phyir thugs rje chen po mñah z'iñ soms can gyi sdug bsñal
gyis sdug bsñal bahi de bz'in gsegs pa rnams dan | byañ chub
sems depah rnams rten ciñ hbrel bar byuñ ba dañ hgal ba dnos
po rnams rañ bz'in med pa tsam z'ig ston par mdzad de || de
ltar na hdi ni mdor bsdus na sañs rgyas kyi gsuñ gi don yin no
z'es slop dpon gyis1 bstan bcos hdis rnain par bsad do ||°
gni; i
f% I 3T3 ^ w w : i ^ w -
1 xgyi-

falT W «IT*: W t^T tlT^TWf

sfoT*H 5f g I « fa H^T *T »pit[sfa $]
H rc ra n fta i s ts t f« i:« n irra ti fa c R tf fN « ssw re a * n s n i

n<n ^t^nfV iM aifgw ^f?! i «TCitaresigfgqssnRSfisi^ sm*

qgaqtanfer m\ 3«Twfrr. i ?i^t f t w r n w t urai^i
IWTsmi SJT^lfi^TTiliqUI^T^II'fT^ITO fa‘.WTT3e5i I sfofftsfir
w*i*t fsr:^iwgc5Ri«r^f tffsf^fawfamTCTfefera wraTfafttsi
T O n * p « fo ra w w i$ » i fagwt wifii i
*?rai* ri f a ^ j ^ w T ^ r f i m ^ s js rfc i i q ^ t a r w if g m —

?q«m: ft:«¥iTnrtfta i ftf^firar. *nrfnrai*i-

glffa i ire»f?re«TCPCT: « I w f : irwtififiraT<Tf?5gsif?r n1
sr. qaiggrkfa « ^ sn a t
« w ^htt^ w ^ t s f ^ r i
«r: vsrarifa « aj^r
*r- 3n^f?r « tsw rn ii* i
*rfa ^ ir a te ^ a r T ^ a 3 stre w *<sit*
w : ss’srcsn s%: i?frifa«iSt 11
^rarcr t « w i t aragtrew ^arc-
^ :< is w < iT O a « « -; fo ra fa g tn ro v rn fo iiT : r o 3 :* $ f a iT O « r o R iT

iTTitaugcin^Tlir^ v n ro t fa:^mrecgwra ^sfafaT I

w rcrat i w w r i T O rw nniN «nw*i*t p «
CSV: gan dag ji ltar gnas palii gsun rab kyi don ji lta ba
bz'in ma rtogs pas na dnos po kha cig dnos po yod bdag kha cig
dnos po med par yons su gsal bar byed pa de dug gi rtog pa dan
phyin ci log pa fiid du bstan pahi phyir bsad pa |
1 See A § t a s d h a s r i k a P r a j n a p a r a m i t a (Bib. Ind.) p. 405; MV (with
Pouasin’a notes), pp. 238, 278, 444, 504.
J A n a v a t a j ' t a h r a d a p a R a i i i k r a m a r i a s u t r a quoted in MV, pp. 239,
491» 500, 504 ; BCP, p. 355 ; S u b h a 9 i t a s a 171 g r a h a, p. 2 1 (with wrong readings in b).
• The meaning of the Tib. word banun is not here quite clear to me.bsnon can= mi srid
pa, as says S. C. Das in his dictionary.
399] CHAPTER X V I 295

3qf 5R3RÍ iw f o f ^ m p ràu rr— i

gcig yod gcig med ces bya ba |
de Sid min hjig rten pahan min |
des na hdi yod hdi ces med |
brjod pa ñid du mis ma yin || 24
In b Vx of CSV mi for min.
V sad ekam ekam nämäst tattvam loko’pi naiva yat |
tonedam sad asad veti vaktum eva na áakyate || 24 ||
This should be changed and the following may be proposed :
tr=fi ^ ^ s\ i
îfitë « f o r a r e *sJïta ®t « R K Í II R8 II
CSV : gañ gi tshe hjig rten pahi dúos po bàad par hdod pa dehi
tshe phyi naù gi don gyi dbye bas phuù po Ina char yaû hjig
rten pahi rtog pa tshad mar byas te khas blañ bar bya la | gañ
gi tshe hjig rten las hdas pahi de kho na ñid mam par báad pahi
hdod pa dehi tshe ni hphags pahi ye ses la bltos nas phuù po
lùa char yañ rañ bz'in gyi stoñ par báad par byaho || de las gz'an
du gañ ruñ gcig hdod ciñ gañ ruñ mi hdod pahi rgol bas ni de
kho na ñid dañ hjig rten pa yañ bsad par mi hgyur ro || gan gis
hdi de ltar yin pa |
des na hdi yod hdi ces med |
brjod pa ñid du nus ma yin ||
gal te sems dañ sems las byuñ ba rnams yod na ni dehi tshe bum
pa dañ snam bu la sogs pa rnams kyaû yod de hjig rten mthah
dag la grags pahi phyir ro || ci sto bum pa dañ snam bu la sogs pa
de rnams ranm par dpyad pa na med na ni dehi tshe sems dan
sems las byun ba rnams kyañ med par hgyur te | gñi ga yaû
rigs pa daû bral bahi phyir ro || de ltar na hdi yod la lidi ni med
do z'es bya bar
brjod pa ñid du mi nus so ||
=q<ïT * r r f ^ i « rit ^

«w tw rw ifa srrasrç i
296 CATUHSATAKA [4 0 0

aätpqa srapsfasrä u * fw * 3 ^ 3 *nfë*n [ st

iN ii
i f k fira$wfiwnfa 'J ^ q z T ^ tsfa « 9: » wr
3 gæqZTÇSt »I fa ro r fT O W ift *! « W ftfa
g tirfro n i I ip i « a t e
*T S I ^ Il \8 II
CSV : hdir smras pa | bdag gis lchyod la lan gdab par mi nus
mod kyi J de ltar na yañ gañ dag khyod la lan hdebs par hgyur
ba I de bz'in gáegs palii bstan pa la mñon par brtson pa dag
hgyur bar hgyur ro || bsad par bya ste | khyod kyi re ba hdi ni
brdzun pa z'ig ste ] hdi ltar |
“ ^ ra re i ««ifq ïra Ttra tific i* : » n smat r iw fa s ïft-
* ïfa l q fî^ TK îi I fa fTm»mSIW^sf«5WT: I
^ S TT I fa « tà ?f3T*n I W fa — I
yod dan med dan yod med z'es |
gañ la phyogs ni yod min pa |
de la yun ni riñ po nahañ J
klan ka brjod pa nus ma yin || 25 ||
mal hbyor spyod pa bz'i brgya pa las slob dpon dan ] slop ma
rnam par gtan la dbab pa bstan pa ste | rab tu byed pa bcu
drug paho ||
* treh « faqfà i
rl^ l M
Wf il II1

CSV : phyogs yoñs su hdzin pa yod na ni rnam pa gz'an du

bsgrubs pa las de ltahañ dus ches yuñ riñ ba z'ig gis de la sun
hbyin pa srid na | gañ la yod pa dañ med pa dañ gñi gahi phyogs
spans pas | * phyogs yoñs su hdzin pa ñid yod pa ma yin pa
1 Quoted in MV, p. 16 ; ^ u b h a e i t a s a m g r a h a, p. 27. In the latter the kärikä
is wrongly attributed to Nâgârjuna. ScoM uáeo n, 1900, 2, p. 240.
g X adds here gañ la which seems not to be required.
de la ni yod pa dafi me& pa gni gahi phyogs spans pas dus yun
r i i pos kyan sun hbyin pa brjod par mi nus pa nid do Hnam
khahi gzugs can nid da lta mi srid pas dus yun rin pos kyaft srid
par bya bar mi nus pa de bz'in du rgol ba dag gis1 kyan dehi
rten phyogs gsum ga yan mi srid pas ston pa nid du smra bahi
sun hbyin pa yun rin pos kyan brjod par mi nus te | mkhas pas
Ston pa nid du smra ba la sun hbyin pa nam mkhahi ri mo dafi
lcags kyi2 gzugs3 pahi gzix ba dan hclra bar khon du chud par
byaho || yan ji ltar nam mkhahi ni malii hod zer gyi tshogs kyia
bsal z'in z'ig par gyur pahi mun pa rnams kyis4 dus yun rin pos
kyan ni mahi hod zer gyi tshogs gsal ba mog mog por bya bar mi
nus pa de bz'in du zab oin rgya che ba5 basm gyis mi khyab
pahi rten oin hbrel bar hbyuri ba bsgonxs pas rtogs pahi ni mahi
hod zer gyis rgol ba mthali dag gi gz'un lugs kyi mun pa rnams
bsal ba yan yin no z'es bya bar khon du chud par byaho || yan
bsad pa | ji ltar hdi ni ni mahi hod zer mtshuns pa med pa yis
dus yun rin bar mun pahi tshogs chen hzoms sin hzoms hgyur
ltar | de bz'in hgro bahi don byed gnis su med pahi ni ma yan [|
yod dan med pa la sogs gz'un lugs mun pa hzoms byed yin ||
rtog gehi gz'un lxigs mun pas bkab pa yi |
bio yi mjg hdi da ltar phye byas nas |
bsod nams gafi. thob de jis skye bo hdi |
yons kyis de nid bio mig gis mthon sog ||
slob dpon hphags pa lhahi z'al sna nas kyi byan chub sems
dpahi rnal hbyor spyod pa bz'i brgya pa las | slob dpon dan slob
ma rnam par gtan la dbab pa sgom pa bstan pa z'es bya ba ste |
rab tu byed pa bcu drug pahi hgrel baho ||
bz'i brgya pahi hgrel ba slob dpon zla ba grags pahi z'al sna
nas kyis mdzad pa rdzogs so ||
f* f a t* IWI fJTO*

^ I *lT3iTW
1 Xgi. a X kyis. 'X g i'u a .
4 X kyi. 5 X la for fca.
• As unnecessary de ltahafi of the text is left out untranslated,

»i « ifN TOwfag *r «wrôi q& *if*fa-

*fa n ? l^ q ^ T jreW T ^ « cain,IW T ^nf *W* *1 I
qfasnàfs i wt
«wf% q p ftro ra i]$ ii f»rc^fatf*rcfat<iifa *srâto « sgratag
»i ww$
?nramf^nrafiif«nif«i f w a m v w r a i m i i *fa
rtiw ro » w tf f a f a w * i* 3 ^ w n r s r a 3 N w w î*
**TON3?ifsfa ^W T fçT O ïlfÎlftR Ç ^ïïfîî I
m fàh re « 9 ? m t9 ïii% w 8 ^ 5 iv tw i
: 3 ^ : g w m a g ir e i « r ô to r n it
w n f c f t a n f ô StftwwgtaTCft g * fa«rfat»m -
m ro in r o fa iin r a t iiyvm m m s f a : i
n v jp if n
The two successive figures refer to the page and the line respectively.
3.12. Add W ircifafc before
4.14. Read áf or 3.
5.13. Add In a Vx of CSV dus for du.
9.14. Read ihfr- for qgfl-
11.9. Should one read yod for med %
— 21. Read 12 for 11.
12. 8. Add In c Vx of CSV la for las.
15.17. Read and fo r ann.
— 28. Read élla for ila.
20. 7. Read fk^<ï ’SfT^T. for an*
^rr^r: I and fàuraraifà* for farri îJTO qriïN I
— 28. Read fvrçTOT g for faiçiiqft
21.11. After bz'in no || add :
gaù gi tshe bcom ldan hdas sa kya thub pas bä rii na sir khyod
ma lions palli dus na de bz'iti gsegs pa dgra bcom pa yañ dag
par rdzogs palli saíis rgyas byams a z'cs bya bar hgyur la | yañ
dehi tslie hkhor los sgyur balli rgyal po duñ z'es bya ba hbyuñ
bar hgyur z'iñ | der groñ khyer hdi ñid du khyod bz'ugs pa dañ
yoñs su mya ñan las hdus pa la mcliod pa chen po byas te rab
tu byuñ ñas dgra bcom pa ñid kyis yoñs mya ñan las hdus par
hgyur ro z'es byañ chub sems dpah mi plxam pa z'es bya ba luñ
bstan par mdzad pa dañ |
— 25. For ° ¡KTWl% read :

m tm *pît * i f > n n h n m ^ N u ro fa ft i

w ra ra ra ît wfárefa i *rfa ^ ï r t ^rawrf iw t

u v t sito w frofa f nfarä* *ö*t
vw rnirm * u ftfa ß i « fro fa i i
a?TO«rft*wràsfsrat fw^wfa^ifn i «
n j t wîfafàffl u fa w i faw a 5 :# wirfiraarfirfa
w*w» sí 3 :*%* « m u t «if :

22.29. Add the following note on this karika, 193 (—VIII.

18): The original is found in SS, p. 11 :
¿unyata punyakamena vaktavya naiva sarvada |
nanu prayuktam asthane jayate visam ausadham ||
24. 8. This karika, 194 ( = VIII. 19)is quoted in MV, p. 370.
See JA, 1902, II, p. 257.
25. 8. Read 372 fo r 272.
28.10. Read tan for ton.
30. 4. This karika is quoted also in MV of Buddhapalita,
Tib. text (BB), p. 10, with a wrong reading, -i.e.
drstanta (dpe) for drsto’nto.
33. 1 . Read for'Sdwm-
41.13. Read ltar for bar (?).
62.27. Read dan/or dan.
69. 7. Read nm rwfor
78.25. Read for
96.30. In a, b, and c of this karika Vx of CS V hgyur for gyur.
97. 5. Read sattayam for sttayam.
100. 2. Read % fsRSnfaT fo r [3 ]
115.21. Read for
158. 4. Read for tun-.
165.23. Read \ l f o r
182.31. The X of India Ofiice clearly reads mtshtm.
183.32. note 2. Read seem for seems.
199.15. Read \fo r
202. 6. Read for
211.16. Read mwC for
215.11. Read fsw 0/ ^ f?ITT0-
— 18. Reail °«3fb fo r °s3fh.
— 20. Read nfre «R° for t$su°.
227. 4. Read \ r
236.32. Add at the end 8 ||
251. 4. Read qnsenfor 11x31. .
254. 1 . Read [367 for [354
255. 1. Read [368 for [358.
The fig u res in th efirst iw o Indexes refer to the îcâr'düs and in others io the pages.
. .. 186 fnaj WRI * 231
... 384 •*wrw?rtii iw n’À 205
... 341 Wt«rcr 233
«Wflflf «nu W<r ••• 37' *n?m îlf? « fa i# 223

... 305 *lfeqtZIW«ti!Tirt 355

*roitTOSïçm' ... 214 217
288 **n«fnrç w m « 181
vit «15- ... 251 326
... 254 * « iu w iw i >iw 236
**Pi«f an*’ f ï i ... 204 *t^îf «nitm fa 343
*tt»rasr* «Arar ... 274 * ï î maf<i erasï 197
*«fn» «fir ... 263 *«l wqlqtq: 277
... 258 247

••• 372 192


9 «ra: *ra«i*?*rç 211


nife ... 202 9 «Rrcn»ifïl»lîfô 360

^»na> tfta: wpt 264 36*

••• 394 «s 362

<mwi^ m m - 356 *«§»ît «i« »rràte r87

*wrë « fa n w m ... 083 'jnwiwrwMii? 220

w'm: .. . 34 - «Hi * 399

... 325 <wîw »î* *iwrt 284

.... 3S2 <rôftisflfn*trâ* 391

«iwH ^ ... 35 r *q«l *ft * ïV**> 3*9

*q*«U fà^iTqj 302

«fa g» q<fai?iwi
«ifa*j*swg*ig« .. . 180 flf«; . 309
... 289 *f«»' «If««» fii 393
m« «
.. . *87 *«icw «irait fawr «35
wwfrô sqn: i«n*j
302 catuH ôataka

*nrrf‘ *w ftsimPn 241 •u à* w l «farç ... 177

179 *5HH ... 292
*«rnd fastf« vmm\ 209 m A w r a f t s tv ... 283
**!iTO«ifaTt*r 375 ♦irei ?rò«m »iiftr ••• 344
* W * f v r ô i ^ ainf 279 f w n V* ... 27I
*W wfxwn«(flj{r¿^ 184 *S*.wfwi?n s v i ... 188
gui *prç 376 •WWSfWÌt «W: ... 2 ÓI
«t ï 1«: 5HJBB1ÎÏJÎ 394 *mft r ò : 4fcr*i ... 243
fiwims»prtt »iifa 242 n fh ... 229
W«t: 297 3W 8f * aliali ... 3 IO

3 14 * w ««retftsft’ial ... 298

*«n?ir*»nî 315 *t}«»T IJQBiÄtStSrfW 2 Ó2

216 »1 nw ^ ••• 275

*müts*raUfq gflñí®: 300 *n « n m w ìl « lit ... 364

u n t i *>ftf 337 •TT3 sfn$%g 176

N?« *i 332 *»r ?wi «n?pt i n . .. 3 1S

wí 33 4 *»r firn fg*ii «nit ... 2C3
*vz: « ra ra : fe*: 338 «1®: <««*1 5 Í J « ... 218
*%■$: Hat« vw 323 *»r Ta*nw*?ñ w » — 333
*^i!^rsf« «t fimwi 317 *«n*rai « m i *£^ ■■■ ... 194

*$WmngWT 237 » n w w w ro » ... 389

*ín*r‘ ^ «rilum 238 *wu«r‘ q*vrçe*[ ... 182

«ttftreçi *t wrfit 353 **i<tan^«iw«(rôsfa ••• - 373
«HfiWWSWrç 232 *wr 189
••irtt wçr «iif% 370 ... 224
wiifa «t w»i 291 — 354
374 * w i« fn W » w i ... 239
*«npn*frttfta 3^9 — 3 13
«mrnwwwi *wf 367 S » rw « g » n rc •■• 357
♦«nmurèsrrnsn^ 366 nAai ««»it sw ... 348
«ft*: wtomrmT 234 *Hçfafn n ««farç ... 206
«nf 312 *WTO Ç «JiPt *■?: .. . 3 19
<w i*n « rç 222 m M «nsft f g » ... 3 5 »
«ttamunwi SS4 JW V R l *wr -•••- *95

4M ta ra i - 350 ♦iHWï ... 330

... *93 ♦grctr ... 320
* 3 H Ì5 < iftà s ... 280 *3«rt ^Tift jrcîsrç ... 240
« i N t ï î W ltf ... 272 w w iP r^*’ ... 308
x t w u 'f c r < h f* ... 245
••• 336
< tà « rra ìs » rrim ? ... 256 **<*$9 *Ï2Î 9fqgq ... 327
« m to ft xm - - 335 ... 304
w m rw n fw ... ?30 ... 340
' ••• ... T9I ... ■•• 363
« n w t <jf<c«iTtftifq ... 206 *«*i»nfa «rei« ••• 331
w w m w w ’iw - 395 *âtitsâ 55«i ... 28ï
• w u r e n r t »1 « ¡ a p i *•• 345 funi ira ... 183
m i n lri) ... 365 ... 225
f fflf « t« ç f« W 3 ... 270 w km fim i' n?[ ... 307
« flfo w f* * 4* ... 311 *à»n»rct ww« •’• 359
* » ro « i q ts « : ... 322 *^wffgî?rwf ... 290
... 246 w fq w w •■• 379
^ rffc fa w w t ... 386 •w tfn w p w i ... 190

**m t f a « ï ' s î î ’îiî 200 ♦ ta t' asrct 9 : tra te ... ... 285

w ifiis iw fa rç ... ?..\i) firwnfa *w w - ... 268

ïr e f a t •■* 397 f t q m w ïrsi ... 296

• i P î t «t .... 324 *fon flrwm«rrfe^‘ ... 178

*m * * n s f% * ••• 377 •ftnrfq wrowm - *57

* « H T W jq * ï 227 fim <râ*i wwrf ••• 349
- 3°3 fw*$»nrâNiT ... 208
q fe f ts u ifts js i ••• 273 ... 321

ip re i ... 378 **«roirô^vi ... 328

v trita n n irö : ... 252 «<îw* ... 381

*w nw n w w w n ... 228 ... 276

... 250 ïtm w w f »®1 ... 294

• iro n tirift w m v

w tn p tm if « n : - 253 mvraifAwi ... 244

• n f i ^ w l m ftra
... 207 m tf «rw’ m ... 210

« « ^u- n f^ s fti ... 2 ïS *fawfq*<«'€t ... 286

*n: tf tm r c ït w n : 259 n*mr «ira* tfllr ... 396


gignn%»r ... 193 VíttTílfq *qmt 33S

** st uíknjjqf ... 199 « í Tsht* ^ 306
«til ... 2 T9 390
*»*«*«*;* fu 346, 4 op «wi: «f*T *r tfMÍÍ 221

«ftfñ awifim ... 392 *<nnittVjn<STi<t 265

w- ... 248 fafíraf« w3 ?*i% 269
wr»h*wii?iw[ ... 387 feifii* f«iT qnft mil 267
«*nwsfw?»S r? ... 347 w sítaisñ tira* 255
*«*«i3sfq VWt - 339 «qn: sfo ta w 299
*«*iq: firafc «reí ... 260 **roi f*?pi Kwr: 185
♦flJJUTft w'qp*i' ... 196 «q«rn*it 3 16
*«qq* «¿ts?él ... 301 ^ 8 gtfat 282

♦«furas ftmfcra, ... 198 %?P qran %v. «■? 212

«isníT f«iW 278 213

*«V qn«iHíg«m’ ... 201

kun kyañ yan lag tu gyur ñas .. 306 gañ gi yon tan byed po da 11 .. 240
kun yod ma yin ci bya z'cs .. 184 gañ du mñon snm gyis bum der .. 381
rkycn ma tshañ phyir ¿es pa ni .. 312 gañ phyir dúos po l.ijug ligyur ba .. 250
skye dan skye bar altes bu ni .. 229 gañ phyir stoñ pahi dpe yod pa .. 397
Bkyo dan gnaB dan hjig pa rnams .. 366 gañ pliyir yod bdog eos miñ btags .. 392
skye ba dran pa yod pahi phyir .. 232 gañ tshe skyes pa de yi tshe .. 370
skye ba med kyañ hjig pa las .. 257 gañ tsho mkhas la sa steñ na .. 324
fikyc ba la soga thams cad la .. 362 gañ tshe rgyu ni ma gtogs par .. 375
skyo bz'in pa sñar ma byuíi yañ .. 373 gañ tshe nañ bdag bud med min .. 226
flkyo bz'in pa ni phyed skyes phyir .. 366 gañ tshe hbyuñ ba thams cad la 227
skye bz'iñ pa ni ma skyes pa .. 371 gañ tshe smra po brjod bya nalian .... 37
skye bz'in pa ni ma rdzogs kyañ .. 372 gañ tshe rdzas ji tsam gzugs na .. 330
skyo bz'in pa yi bdag fiid du .. 367 gañ z'ig gtoñ thabs mi ées de .. 279
skyes pa la ni fcoñ ba dañ .. 360 gañ z'ig gti mug bgafc z'ig gis .. 285
khyod kyi bdag gañ ñahi bdag min .. 228 gañ z'ig hbyuñ bar byed pa de .. 260
khyod la rañ phyogs chags yod ciñ .• 18o gañ z'ig yod na dños po la .. 207
mkhha la sogs rnams rtag go ccs .. 205 gañ la brten ñas hbyuñ yod pa .. 348
gañ gis hjig rten fcdi mthoñ dkafc .. 281 gañ la dañ po yod min z'iñ .. 217
gañ gi gfiis po bar med par .. 368 gañ la frdir skyo yod mil) pa .. 187
gañ gi phyir na skye bz'in pa .. 369 gañ la áar gyi phyogs yod pa .. 215
gañ gi phyir na ma feoñs dños .. 253 gañ las hjig rten bstan fcbyuñ ba .. 183
gañ gi phyogs fcgah rgyu yin z'iñ ., 212 gal te kun la gñis miñ na .. 387
gal te kun la bdag yod na .. 239 sñar skyes pa yi pliyir na ni 358
gal te grol ba med ñid na .. 246 sñar mthoñ ba yi don gañ z'ig 322
gal te dños kun mod palji pbyir .. 394 sñon dañ phyis dañ eig car z'es 357
gal te dños po yod min na .. 384 gcig yod gcig med oes bya ba 399
gal te gcig bum mi hdod na .. 329 chiñ dañ bciñ dañ tliaba las gz'an 220
gal to rtag tu mi rtag ñid .. 273 chos gañ z'ig la thub pa yis .• 181
gal te stoñ jmbi ñes pa yis .. 378 chos chaga de bz'in géegs rnams kyis 192
gal te thams cad bjig rten pas .. 393 chos hdi gañ gis áes gyur pa 291
gal te dus la gnas yod na .. 269 chos bdi de bz'in gáegs rnams kyis 290
gal to bdag coa bya yod na .. 245 chos hdi yi ni miñ las kyañ 289
gal to mdog las dbyibs gz'an na .. 307 chos ni mdor na mi htshe bar 298
gal te rdul la áiii med na .. 343 ji liar kla klo skad gz'an gyis 194
gal to gnas pa mi rtag dan .. 274 ji ltar rgyun la lta fíes na 347
gal te pliyogs ñid du bgyur na .. 383 ji ltar mam áes gcig gis ni 268
gal te plirad de sgra hdzin na .. 319 ji ltar bram ze rnams la chos 295
gal te byas pa med kyañ chos .. 262 ji ltar mi mthun mi mams la 176
gal te ma boñs skyes yod na .. 256 ji ltar gzugs sogs ma gtogs par 340
gal to mi rtag dños gz'an na .. 270 ji ltar rig pa blata pa las 296
gal te mi rtag chad yin na .. 247 ji ltar sa bon mthali mthoñ z'iñ 200
gal te mi rtag stobs cuñ min .. 272 ji ltar sa bon byas pa las 249
gal te smra z'iñ sgra bgro na .. 318ji srid sgra thos ma gyur pa 320
gal te z'ig pa ma hoñs .. 252 hjig rten pa fcdi ñid bla yi 225
gal te zil mnan tsha na yañ .. 342 gñis mtshan mi mthun mthoñ ñas ni 328
gal to gzugs mthoíi ba yis do .. 303 rtag pa gañ gi rgyu yin palii 210
gal to gzugs mthoñ mig hgro na .. 314 rtag la gnod pa/’ga la yod 244
gal te yoñs su brtags pa na .. 380 rtog pa med par hdod cliaga la 178
gal te raíl bz'in gyis dños yod .. 398 bita bya skyes pas bum pa ni 310
gal lo síes pa yod rtag na .. 235 stoñ pa gtan tshigs las ligyur ba 396
gal te gsiun dúos do gz¿in rnams .. 345 Iha mar med pa skye bar hgyur 351
mgal mehi l.ikhor lo sprul pa dan .. 325 t.liams cad btañ bas mya ñan las 278
bgah lahañ gañ dan lhan cig tu .. 179 thams cad hbras bul.ii don skye ba ., 201
rgyu bgali z'ig gis stoñ pa yañ .. 376 thar pa bdag cig yod na ni 223
rgyu ni mam par ligyur ba na .. 209 thog m.a bar dañ tha ma rnams 355
rgyu med par ni dños po mod .. 203 thogs ldan dños po rtag pa ni 219
rgyu yi zlum po gañ yin pa .. 213 mthoñ zin dños po mi snañ z'iñ 275
sgrim pa med par thar bgyur te .. 264 da ltar ba yi dños po ni 359
dños rnams yoñs su bgyur ba rañ .. 268 darn lia min la bdag hdzin mchog 287
dños pa gañ z'ig phyis skye ba .. 259 do ñid du bdag med sñam du 292
dños po kun gyi dños med la .. 388 de ñid áes pas gal te l.idir 197
dños po kun gyi rañ bz'in ni .. 316 de tsho skye ba yod min z'iñ 353
dños po gañ gañ yoñs brtag pa .. 344 de la do yi dños po ru 354
dños po gañ z'ig gz'an bgafr lahañ .. 326 don min sa bon gyur pa yi ., 293
dños po dños por mi bgyur te .. 365 don min sa bon gyur pa yi 293
dños po dños las mi skye ate .. 364 bdag ni mya ñan frdafe bgyur z'es 182
dños po gcig gi lta po gañ .. 191 bdag ni yod par gyur nafcañ gzugs 248
dños po rtag pa las skyes pa .. 211 bde ba la sogs dañ ldan srog 234
dños po mthoñ ñas dños po ni ». 385 mdun gyis len z'in rgyab kyis ni 216
dños po med pbyir dños med la », 395 bdas pa dañ ni da ltar ba 258
frdas pa las ni freías frgyur ba 255 mtshan ñid kyis kyañmtshan gz'i ni 331
rdul phran geig gi gnas gañ yin 214 intshan ñid mams dañ so so ni .. 332
rdul phran la yañ yod pafri dños 386 mtshan las mtshan gz'i gz'an z'e na .. 363
rdul la cha éas yod med oos 305 rdzas ni bya ba ji bz'in du .. 236
sdug bsñal las kyi man» «niñ phyir .. 297 rdzogs pa yod ces byar frgyur la .. 374
sdug batial las thar mi mama la 224 . 7/i sgo gñis pa med pa dau .. 288
gnas med dños po ga la yod 207 gz'an gyi dúos po med par ni .. 356
rnam pa dpvad pa hdi ñid kyia 302 gz'an gyi phyoga ni bzlog pa daíi .. 379
pbyngs ées bya ba jíhyogs can ni 200 gz'an du ées pa yod pafri khams .. 2g7
frphrod pa frdus par gyur kyañ gzugs .. 339 gzugs ñid bum z'cs geig ma yin .. 327
bum pa rgyu las hgrub frgyur z'iñ 338 gzugs mthoñ tshe na bum pa ni .. 301
bum pa la ni rgya yod min 337 gzugs ni lta z'ig ma gtogs par .. 308
bya ba dañ ldan rtag pa roed 242 gzugs ni buin pafri yan lag ste .. 334
byed med inya ñan frdah frgyur z'iñ .. 180 gzugs mams kun lafrañ gzugs ñid ni .. 335
byis mams ñes pa kho nar ni 284 gzugs ni frbafr z'ig kho na la .. 304
dbañ po mams dan bral sems kyis 321 gzur gnas blo ldan don gñer bahi .. 276
libras bu med par rgyu la ni 208 yañ dag mthoñ na gnas mchog la .. 196
frbras bu med par dños pe ni 349 yod ces bya ba tsam z'ig gis .. 391
libras bu yis ni rgyu bz'ig pa 218, 352 yod dañ med dañ yod med dañ, 195,346,400
hbras bu yod ñid gañ frdod dañ 265 yon tan mams kyis mam kun tu .. 241
sbyin pa dman pa la gsuñs éiñ 189 rañ phyogs hjig rten thams cad la .. 299
ma brten par ni yod ñid med 202 rigs pafri don ni gz'an las kyañ .. 300
ma mthoñ akrag par mi rtsom ste 283 reg dañ mi ldan dños po la .. 230
ma froñs pahi dños mthoñ na 261 reg ldan reg dañ mi ldan dañ ,. 333
ma froñs pa yod frdas pa yod 254 ro sogs dag las gzugs gz'an z'iñ .. 336
ma froiia bum la da ltar bahi 251 la la sdug bsñal zil mnan z'iñ .. 188
mi rtag ñid gar stobs chuñ der 271 la lar kun tu &oñ bar mthoñ .. 243
mi rtag byas par mthoñ gyur ñas 204 lus la yon tan med thos ñas . . . 199
mi rtag yin na ci lta bur 263 áes yod yid tsam z'ig la ste ,. 238
mi stoñ med par stoñ pa ni 382 sa ni brtan z'es bya bar mthoñ .. 309
mi frtshe ba dañ bdag rtag pa 231 sañs rgyas kyis gsuñs lkog gyur la .. 280
mig dañ gzugs la brten ñas yid 323 sa kya gos med bram ze ste ,. 294
mig ni frgroB dañ ldan frgyur na 313 sun frbyin byed pafri gtan tshigs rfíed 390
mig ni frbyuñ gyur ma de bz'in 311 sems pa can dañ ldan bdag kyañ .. 233
mig ma sñon bar frdzin na ni 315 bsam bz'in pa na bya ba ni .. 198
mig la mam óes yod min z'iñ 317 bsod nams cuñ du chos frdi la ., 180
med phyir gz'an gyi phyoga la lan 389 bsod nams frdod pas stoñ pa ñid ,. 193
mya ñan frdaa par rañ frgro gañ 282 bsod nams xuin pa dañ par zlog ., 190
mya ñan frdaa la phuñ po mams 221 erid dañ bral la thar pafri tshc M 222
taha ba me ñid du frgyur te 341 arid dañ srid thabs z'i ba yi 277
tshul khrims las ni ñama bla yi 286 srid pafri sa bon rnam ées te ... 890
la la de ñid la chags te 177
IND EX 307

t <W' B f*W . 20 W *nm f* w t <n««rni ... ••• 59
... 56 6t
<H* W**!!«* ... ... 243 «il’ « 3 «rara i f ... 150
+ *rm « n m ... 272 qpn: v i w î ... 294
t «raw f ir o t t o i w I ••• 194

*làtaT IlVJt ... 32 sfè « t f* ««w : ... 244
«1 «'«ilKT ... 109 q: uareNîiifh q 'smiïft . . . ... 294
t ... 23 «i *t «sraT ... 179
f t «jetait ... 23 fljwi ... 272
... 179 t »lit »ira gsqft 245 260
»nw f «1 69 146 t «‘«nfaiforeisHT ... 260
n: muffii ... 281 ta m is tfv a ... ... 252

skye ba daíi ni hehi hpho van 261 dri bral gos la <ahon bz'in du 23
sky© ma hdu byed rnams mi rtag 108 hdus byas hdus ma byas kun rnam par
gañ gis dúos po mams dúos po med ces dben 252
áes gyur 280 blun la ñe bar bsl an pa ni 23
gañ dag ña la gzugs su mthoñ 179 rañ ñid byuii bar gyur de la 44
gañ z'ig rkyen las kyes pa do ma skyes 283 sans rgyas rnams ni chos ñid Ita 179
gal te ohos rnams rail bz'in yod ligyur na 243 scms can roi dan éed skyes kyañ rúñete 244
»ton ñid Ita ba thams cad ni 271

anicca vata samkhara .. 109 nivartakar^i hi purugam .. 248
ftyidyamane svabhave .. 239 parivratkamuka^unam 3
astitimatrena yadi bhavo •. 283 bandhyabandhananirmukta .. 00
iti balasya santrasafr .• 146 bhavo 11a jayate bhavad .. 260
eko bhavafc sarvatha yena drsfafr •• 19 gatkena yugapad yogat .. 4g
jaha na vi sakkamanajjo .. 24 sannamamatrenaikena ,. 284
na svato jayato bhavah ... 239 sai}iyog.4 canora^vantareria .. 48
na svato napi parato .. 239 svato va parats vapi ,. 239
t Reconstructed from Tibetan.
apraptärthäny akçimanahérotrâni 187 tatra paraipeattâ bhâvo 201
asampattavasenâti attânam 186 tasmâd dhi tasya bliavane na guno’sti 144
idam idttnîm manâg nrîmâmsâmahc .. 187 tin' imâni bhikkhave' uppâdo 232
utpannasya punar utpaltau 114 na ca âvidyamânasya punar 114
kirp punaljL subhùte utpannadhann â 114 prati bhâsabimbamâyâbhra ., 198
gandharvanagarasvapnam^yâ 198 mâyâmarïcîsvapnodakacandra •. 198
cat vàri mahâbhüfcâni prthivïdhâtur ,. 178 rüpani âtin â svârnïvat 17
je egaip jâriai se savvain jâçai 19 sarvam bho gautamn ckatvam 268
jefóhakatthena upakârako dhammo .. 185

Ajit-asütra 21 Mändukyakärikä 52
Anavataptahradâpasaùkramanasütra .. 294 Mülamadhyamaka Kârikâ 33, 39, 52, 57, 60,
Abhidharmakoéa .. 178, 179,187 180, 212, 249, 250
Abhidharmakoàa*bhâ$ya 1, 91, 187 Mülamadhyamakakärikävj'tti 14, 17, 19,
Abhidharmakoéa-vyâkhyâ 1, 36, 91, 114, 24, 25, 27, 30, 32, 33, 52, 60, 89,
118, 187 101, 114, 119, 159, 163,176,179,
Açt&sâhastrikâ Prajnûpâramîtâ 114, 294 185, 210, 211, 232, 237, 243, 244,
Açtângahrdaya .. 98 253, 260, 281, 294, 296
Aùguttamikâya .. 232 Meghaduta .. 1, 13
Âcârâûgasûtra 19, 52 Yogavâsiçtha .. 52
Udâna .. 56 Yogiyâjnavalkya .. 148
Udânavarga Syâdvâdamañjarï .. 19
Kâéyapa-paiivarta 150, 272 Lalitaviatara .. 198
Kundakundâciirva .. 24 Laiikâvatâra 60, 198, 268
Gunaratna 19, 60 Vajracchodikïi .. 179
Carakft .. 98 Vosubandhu .. 48
Candrakïrtti 41,57 Vibhaiïga .. 178
Ny&yakandall 187, 201 Vibhâvinï Tîkâ .. 186
Nyâyapraveéa .. 201 Visuddhimagga 185
Nyâyaeùtra 187 Viipsati kârikâ .. 48
Nyâyopadeéa .. 52 Vedantasütra .. 48
Pitâputraaam àgama .. 243 áañkara .. 48
Paramârthaéünyatâ .. 243 114, 243
Pramân&tatt vâlankâra .. 187 Sünyatâsaptati .. 201
Pra âastapâdabkâçya .. 201 Saddaráanasam u cea ya 19, 60
Paüeatantra .. 23 Samyuttanikäya 61, 109
Pasini .. 137 Sam ay apräbh rta (Samayapàhuda ) .. 24
Buddbapälitä 30(add) Sammohavinodinî .. 61
Bodhioaryávatarapañjiká 146, 179, 243, Sarvaeiddhántasañgraha .. .. 213
272, 294 Suttanipâta .. 61
Bhäga vata -purâija .. 52 Subhá?itasañgraha 22add, 272, 294, 296
Mahâyânasütrâlankâra .. 14 Haribhadra .. .. 201
Mahâvyutpatti 97,98, 243 Hagtikakçyagûtra, Arya ... ..243
Mâdhyamikâvatâra, 7, 41, 98, 114, 211

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