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Essential ESL Dictionary 9,000

Words for Learners of English 
Uploaded by dphvu

Clear, comprehensive, and easy to use, McGraw-Hill

Education: Essential ESL Dictionary for Learners of The Mother Flight Behavior What Every BODY
English was developed to meet the needs of ESL Tongue: English is Saying: An Ex-
students like you. Inside you will find
… Full description

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Essential ESL Dictionary 9,000

Words for Learners of English 
Uploaded by dphvu

Clear, comprehensive, and easy to use, McGraw-Hill

Education: Essential ESL Dictionary for Learners of The Mother Flight Behavior What Every BODY
English was developed to meet the needs of ESL Tongue: English is Saying: An Ex-
students like you. Inside you will find
… Full description

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for earners of nglish
822 views 1 0

Essential ESL Dictionary 9,000

Words for Learners of English 
Uploaded by dphvu

Clear, comprehensive, and easy to use, McGraw-Hill

Education: Essential ESL Dictionary for Learners of The Mother Flight Behavior What Every BODY
English was developed to meet the needs of ESL Tongue: English is Saying: An Ex-
students like you. Inside you will find
… Full description

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Essential ESL Dictionary 9,000

Words for Learners of English 
Uploaded by dphvu

Clear, comprehensive, and easy to use, McGraw-Hill

Education: Essential ESL Dictionary for Learners of The Mother Flight Behavior What Every BODY
English was developed to meet the needs of ESL Tongue: English is Saying: An Ex-
students like you. Inside you will find
… Full description

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Pefe                                                                

Ue' Gude .   . .   .   . .   .   . .   .   .   . .   .   . .   .   . .  . .   .   . .   .   .

Iu dex                                                       

Gmm d ue bxe dex  .    .   .       .   .    .   .    .   .       .  

Smb  .    .   .    .   .   .    .   .    .   .    .   .   .    .   .    .   .    .

Pe Smb   .       .          .       .                 .       .  

English Dictionary A-Z   . . .  .   . . .  .   . . . . .   .   . . .  .   . . .  .   . . . . .   . 

Tem u                                                  42

Cve ude . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . 46
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Essential ESL Dictionary 9,000

Words for Learners of English 
Uploaded by dphvu

Clear, comprehensive, and easy to use, McGraw-Hill

Education: Essential ESL Dictionary for Learners of The Mother Flight Behavior What Every BODY
English was developed to meet the needs of ESL Tongue: English is Saying: An Ex-
students like you. Inside you will find
… Full description

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Essential ESL Dictionary 9,000

Words for Learners of English 
Uploaded by dphvu

Clear, comprehensive, and easy to use, McGraw-Hill

Education: Essential ESL Dictionary for Learners of The Mother Flight Behavior What Every BODY
English was developed to meet the needs of ESL Tongue: English is Saying: An Ex-
students like you. Inside you will find
… Full description

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McGraw-Hill Education: Essential ESL Dictionary for Learners of English

English dictionary especially designed for students who are studying Eng
elementary and intermediate levels. Its approach guarantees that all of the
appearing in the subjects that are taught in English are contained in this dicti
so that any lexical doubt whic students may have regarding these subjects c
easily soved by consulting their dictionary. In addition, it contains 40 pa
thematic illustrations especially designed to help students to learn voca
in a significant and contextualized way and to reinforce the key vocabula
concepts found in their textbooks.
It also has many usage notes and grammar boxes wich explain and car
main doubts and difficulties whic arise for students in their English lan
learning process, and is supplied with a large number of ilustrations to fac
lexicon acquisition.
The dictionary also includes a Conversation guide which provides the use
exampes of common conversations that occur in specific contexts, showi
vocabulary and language structures that students need to learn. his guid
help students to tackle successfully a wide range of communication situation
822 views 1 0

Essential ESL Dictionary 9,000

Words for Learners of English 
Uploaded by dphvu

Clear, comprehensive, and easy to use, McGraw-Hill

Education: Essential ESL Dictionary for Learners of The Mother Flight Behavior What Every BODY
English was developed to meet the needs of ESL Tongue: English is Saying: An Ex-
students like you. Inside you will find
… Full description

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User's Guide

This sign idicates the most +breakfast /'hrek.fst/

[�'] T 
com o words
words - the first
first you  y: I always have breakfast in be
eed to lea. days.

calyx /'ke1.ks/ [�  '] T  ic

Key erms for the study fm  y  c  f i
of schoo cou�es i Egsh calyx is the outer part of the ower. •
"calyces o cayxes.
cayxes . •Compare wit
petals whch form the ne evelope of a

Volcano US: /va:l'kc.nou/ UK: /vl'kc.n�u

Phoetic trascrptio ad
  vy  ck cm u: The
prouciaio otes. of the United States are located along the W

Al phoetic symbos •Be careful wi e pounciaton o ths
are sted o page 11. rhyes wi ay.•he
ay.•he plura
plura s volcao

+answer US: /'n.sz/ UK: /'a:n.s;/

   qui: I've asked you a
Graaica caegory and I want an answer.
s show i brackes
ad not abbreviated. Headwords
aswer2 [] 1 T y mi 
  k yu  qui:
with diffee grammatica fuctios about Jim but she didn't answer. 2
are separated by umbes. the door     i  
 i: I had to ring twice before they
the door. 3 to answer the telephone
822 views 1 0

Essential ESL Dictionary 9,000

Words for Learners of English 
Uploaded by dphvu

Clear, comprehensive, and easy to use, McGraw-Hill

Education: Essential ESL Dictionary for Learners of The Mother Flight Behavior What Every BODY
English was developed to meet the needs of ESL Tongue: English is Saying: An Ex-
students like you. Inside you will find
… Full description

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+cal2 US: /:/ UK: /:/  v [ver b] 1 To attract somebody's

attention by shouting: Somebody called my name
 from the other end of the room. 2 To telephone: I
called Jane to invite her to go to the movies with me Clear distncton betwee
but she wasn't in. 3   d To have a name: and phra
at is this animal called in English? 4   
 On the phone, to ask the person you are calling
to pay for the call: When I was in Europe this sum-
mer I called collect eve week to talk to my parents.
• In British Englsh tey say "reverse he carges.
t PHRSL VERBS • o call back To return a tele-
phone call or to call again: He said hed call me
back when he got home. · o call on To visi: Well
call on you tomorrow evening.  o call o To sop
something that had been planned: As it was rain-
ing, we had to call o the game.

+ peope /':! [p1ua1nou  ] More than one person: How

many people shall we invite to the par? par?  Be carefu!
Peope" s a contabe ou. We say: "Tere are may Notes o av

peope here (We do' say: "ere is many people here) ranslatons o ncore
+library /', -/ ['0�ble] A place where you
can borrow or read books: The library in our
books. • e plura is lbar
school has all kinds of books.•
ies• Compae wih booksoe (a shop where yo
822 views 1 0

Essential ESL Dictionary 9,000

Words for Learners of English 
Uploaded by dphvu

Clear, comprehensive, and easy to use, McGraw-Hill

Education: Essential ESL Dictionary for Learners of The Mother Flight Behavior What Every BODY
English was developed to meet the needs of ESL Tongue: English is Saying: An Ex-
students like you. Inside you will find
… Full description

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822 views 1 0

Essential ESL Dictionary 9,000

Words for Learners of English 
Uploaded by dphvu

Clear, comprehensive, and easy to use, McGraw-Hill

Education: Essential ESL Dictionary for Learners of The Mother Flight Behavior What Every BODY
English was developed to meet the needs of ESL Tongue: English is Saying: An Ex-
students like you. Inside you will find
… Full description

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Ilustrations idex

the body 421 laboratory

the skeletal sysem 422 bicycle and car

the muscuar sysem 423 electronics

the digestive and excretory systems 424 inventions

the respiratory ad reprodctive syses 425 coastal landscape

anima grops 426-427 motain adscape

mammals 428 the Soar system 446

birds 429 the movee of the Eath

fish and reptiles 430 amosphee

amphibans ad insects 431 US ad Canada rele map

plats 432 US ad Canada politcal ap

flowers 433 World poitcal ap 45

trees 434-435 the Engish-speaking wod 454

ft 436 dawng tool

vegetabes 437
437 shapes
822 views 1 0

Essential ESL Dictionary 9,000

Words for Learners of English 
Uploaded by dphvu

Clear, comprehensive, and easy to use, McGraw-Hill

Education: Essential ESL Dictionary for Learners of The Mother Flight Behavior What Every BODY
English was developed to meet the needs of ESL Tongue: English is Saying: An Ex-
students like you. Inside you will find
… Full description

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a and an
across and through
already and  yet
also, too ad as well
among and between
anmal noises
anybody/ anyone everybody/ everyone somebody/ someone nobody/ no one
to be: auxliay veb
to be
bored/ boring
can and could
to do
to do: axiay veb
every, all
fairly, quite, rather, pretty ad very
few and a few
for and since
Feqecy adverbs
to get
to have
to have: axiay veb
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Essential ESL Dictionary 9,000

Words for Learners of English 
Uploaded by dphvu

Clear, comprehensive, and easy to use, McGraw-Hill

Education: Essential ESL Dictionary for Learners of The Mother Flight Behavior What Every BODY
English was developed to meet the needs of ESL Tongue: English is Saying: An Ex-
students like you. Inside you will find
… Full description

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Separates difeent gamatical categores


[ Notes

Phonetc trascripton

See a pcture or a ustatio

 Most coon words

822 views 1 0

Essential ESL Dictionary 9,000

Words for Learners of English 
Uploaded by dphvu

Clear, comprehensive, and easy to use, McGraw-Hill

Education: Essential ESL Dictionary for Learners of The Mother Flight Behavior What Every BODY
English was developed to meet the needs of ESL Tongue: English is Saying: An Ex-
students like you. Inside you will find
… Full description

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/xi  s t.  ccident /b/  ad, ye, ver

/e/  g,  gvery /d/   ay , sa
/r/  , d d, k it
/d3/ us, ae
/o/  . n,   , t  p
/u/ p, book /f/  f ie, i f
/ Al  s, s, bs /g/  go, ba
// ve, bab /h/ h appy, h se, h e
/g/  s go, bln I i  es,  
/k/ �a, ba,  ey
/I/ !e, ike
/a:/   m, C  , ter /ml   e ti  e.   ap
/:/  mg,  /n/ t, ca 
/:/ s r. , n // , sa
:/ J, se, Si
/p /  e el
/:/ yo, b, bedoom
// ead, dy
/s/  it, pe 
II e, 
/er/ d .,   e,  t /t/  en, bi 
/a1/ !. b x  b ke /!/ beer (US)
/ b, t,   // ip, eap, r
/gu/   pen,  , C  a /v/  :iew, d:e
/u/ (US) /w/ Je, indw
/u/ ab, se, n /z/ !OO cra1y
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a1 /c1/ The rst letter of the alphabet:

'lbert" begins with an '".
+a2 /er, g/ [ar1c e] 1 Not a particular one: A spi
insect. 2 One: I need a hundred dollars.
normally go to the movies twice a month.
on the olowing page.
A /er/ [co  �  a  le ] The sixth musical note of the
C major: The music teacher asked me to pl

•e plura is "As or A's.® See page 46
+abando /g'hn.dgn/ [veb] 1 To leave som
something: The sailors had to abandon
when it hit the iceberg. 2 To stop doing som
I had no money, so I had to abandon the id
ing to India.
abbey /'b.i/ ['0� nble ] A building where C
monks or nuns live: Westminster Abbe
most famous abbey in Britain.
abbreviatio /gb'e1.fn/ [c o�  a  b  
form of a word: UN is an abbreviation fo
 Nations.• See box on te olowing page
ABCs [plual  ou  ] All the letters of a language
know your ABCs, Jamie?• Be caef. AB
ways witten wh te rs ree eers n ca
The same meaing: "alpabet".
abdomen /'b.dg.mgn/ [c o�  a  ble    ] The par
body where the stomach, bowels and re
tive organs are to be found: The abdom
 part of the body where food is digested.
abdominal /h'domrngJ/ [adjective] Referrin
abdomen: Exercise strengthens the ab
muscles. ®See page 4.
+ability /g'bl-qi/ [ on u n ] 1 The capacity or kn
to do something: Jacks abilities are more
ic than mine; I prefer sports mysel 2 Bein
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autonomy 
h'ton·a·i/ [   �:
  e ] The ability to op- +awa<e1 /a'wcrk/ [adjeive] Not asleep: It wa
erate independently: Autonomy was the objective and the children were still awake.
of the independence movement. +awa<e2, awok, awok /a'werk/ [verb]
+autumn US: /'uq"m/ UK: /':.tam/ [ no  uc] he season from sleep: He awoke suddenly.
of the year between summer and winer: In the +award1 /a'wJ:d/  lo   a  "bt  e ] A prize: Id like t
autumn, the leaves of the deciduous trees change award for best actor.
color and fall.• The same meaning: "all1". ® award2 /a'w:d/ [veb] To give a prize:
pg 8 awarded the prize for the best original draw
auxiliary1 /Jg'zr. ja-i/ [ ' 0 :�  nbte ] A person whose job +aware /a'wea/ [adjeive] Knowing somethn
is to help other workers with their work: Mary dersanding it: Are you completely awar
started as an auxiliary. problem? • Be careful. We always say: to b
auxiiary2 hg'zrl-ja-i/ [ajeive] Assisting in the car- f (
somehing . )
rying out of a task: Auxiliary nurses help the nurs- awareess /a'weanas/ ['�  :  abt   e ] A state
ing sta sciousness or knowledge of one's surro
auxiiary verb ['0     nbt  e ] A verb that is used with  Blind people have a special awareness
the main verb of the sentence to show tense, a vironment.
question form and so on: "Be", "have" and "do" +away /a'wcr/ [adveb] 1 Not at home: When
are auxiliary verbs. Margaret, she was away. 2 In another pla
+available /a']/ [adjeive] That is free to be another place: This summer we're going
used or obtained: There are still seats available for Argentina. 3 Distant: I live twenty miles aw
the trip to Segovia. Houston. 4 t ut sthig y
avaache /'>v-a,nt/ ['0      a ;1e  ] The sudden fall of (something) away in the word put
a lot of snow down a mountain: The party of awesoe [adjeive] 1 Causing feelings of
climbers was trapped by an avalanche. tion or fear: When he accepted the new job
Ave A written abbreviation for avenue •Be cae- an awesome responsibility. 2 Extremely
ful! Ave" as a capita A. t s oly sed whe he extraordnary: Last night we had an aweso
name of te avee s mentoed. •See box a b- at the party.
biis +awf1 /'C:fal/ [adjeive] errible, horrble:
avenue /'v-an,j/ /a,n/ [ o     a  ;e  ] A wide street:  ful weather!
Fih Avenue is one of the main streets in New York. awf2 [adveb] Very: She's been gone an aw
•he abbrevaion Ave" s ony used  we Ia- time, do you think she's coming back? •
guage. •See box at bbiis is oma.
+average /'v-d3/ /a-rd3/  lo   a  nb   e ] Te result of awflly /'Jf·li/ /'J·f-li/ [adverb] Very: Im aw
dividing a total by the number of the diferent ry. •his wod is oma.
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b /:/ The second letter of the alphabet:

"Barbara" begins with a "B".
b. Referring to a date when somebody
the world: Mary Smith (b. 8 November
burgh). • "b." is an abbreviato or bo
box at abbreviatons
B /:/ [:�      ]
The seventh musical no
scale of C major: Play a B on th

 please.• The plura s "Bs o "B's.
ge 60.
BA Referring to a rst college degree i
or social sciences, or somebody who ha
gree: Michael has a BA in History from t
sity of Arizona.• "BA s a abbreviaon
eo of Arts. Compae with BS (a ab
o Bachelo o Scece"). •See box a
+baby /'/ ['0:� n  ]
A very youn
Mary's going to have a baby. •The pu
baby-sit /'c/ [v]
To look ater
while their parents are out: Jenny baby-
day nights.
babysitter /'c·!·/ A you ['0:�   ]
who looks ater children when their pa
out: Jenny is our children's babysitter.
bachelor /'hJf/  A man w[:�   n  ]
married: John wants to stay a bachelor f
of his life. •See box a abbevaions
+bac<1 /h>k/ ['0:�     ]
1 The part of he
goes from the neck to the bottom:
 your back if you carry that heavy case.
posite sde from the front: The kids a
basketball at the back of the house.
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 bdt
t PHRASAL VERBS ·    To walk Can you say the alphabet backwards
 back from somebo dy or someth ing: The child to A?
was frightened and backed away from the bull-
dog. ·   () up o support:
Don't worry, I'll back you up if Louise tells your BACKARD
bkh /'bk.crk/ [noun] A pain in the back: Aer

' �1
the game, John had a terrible backache.
bkbon /'bk,boun/ [0:�b1'] The line of bones
that goes down the back: The lion killed the zebra
by breaking its backbone. • The same eanig:
+bkgound /'h>k.gaund/  [0:� a 1 e ] 1 A person's
educaion, family, and experience of life: I feel
ashamed of my background.  [" a bl e ] 2 The back
pat in a picture: This photograph was taken
against a red background. • Compare wit foe-
ground (hat pat of a view whic s closest to te . -  

bking  
/'h>k.1D/ [  a bl e ] Help or support: Our bkyd [ ou ] A piece of land behind
team has a lot of backing and they say it helps and beloging to it: They grow vegetable
them to play better. backyard.
bkpk a  e 
/'bk.pk/ [0:�  1 ] A bag that you carry bon /'bcr.k0n/ [" a bl e ] Smoked or salt
on your back: We couldnt get very far carrying our from a pig: A lot of people like bacon for br
tents and backpacks in the heavy rain. • I n Bits +bti /bk'tm·i·/ [ oun] Very smal
Englis hey say ucksack things: Some bacteria can cause disease
word is aways plal.
btil [adjective] Referring to bacteria:
BACKPACK tion is bacterial.
+bd /hd/ [adjective] 1 Not good: Were having ba
er these days. 2 Damaging o somebody o
thing: Doctors say smoking is bad for your
Serious: s parents had a bad accident on
I to Seattle. 4 o go bad o become unpleasa
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bg 4

a +bg /bg/ ['0:�a nbl e] 1 A container that people use for blcoy /'bl..ni/ '°:�a bl e] An open or
carrying things: We need a large bag to carry the ered area on the outside wall of a bui
 fruit. 2   See sleeping bag. spent the evening talking on the balcony.
+bggg /'hg.1d3/ [ " c  ab t e]
Bags that you use ra is bacones"
 when traveling: Help me put the baggage in the bld US: /h:ld/ UK: /h:ld/ [ ajec ive] With n
car, please.• Be careful with the pronuciato o your head: My father's been bald since h
d ths word. The last "a" s prononced like the " i
11did 1•
ty. ®See picture at hair.
+bll US: /b:l/ UK: /b:l/ 1 A rou'°:�abl e]
e bggy /'bg.i/ [ adjec ive] Fitting loosely: Those pants used in games: Helen hits the ball re
are much too baggy for me.• Ts wod is informal. when shes playing tennis. 2 Anythin

f Te compaatve om is baggier and e supea-

tve form is baggiest.
round: I'll need another ball of wool to
sweater. 3 A big party where people c
bgpips /'hg.pa1ps/ [pt    a ou ] A musical wind in- Lucy and Mark went to a New Year's ball l
g strument made of an air sack attached to pipes: bllt /b'lc1/ [ " c ab t e]
1 Dancing and m
Bagpipes are popular in Scotland. We ca aso tells a story: My favorite ballet is "Swan
h use "bagppe with a sgula meaing: o pay e  dc A person who danc
bagpipe". Nureyev was a great ballet dancer.
blloo /b�'lu:n/ '°:�ab  e]
1 A rubber bag
air or gas: Let's get some balloons for the
J big bag led with gas that can fly, car
sengers: The hot-air balloon moved slow
k the valley. ®See picture at transport



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 b

bn /bg'nM/ [ noun] A long, yellow fruit: I like bnit /'bn·g·stg/ ['0� b 
 n ] The ral at
bananas for dessert. ® See page 6. of a staircase: Hold onto the banister so y
bn t ['0:� b1 "  • ] A pant which produces ba-  fall down.
nanas and has very large leaves: The banana tree +bnk /h;uk/ lco:�  a i e ] 1 A place where peo
grows in tropical or subtropical regions. ® See pa- money: My aunt has a lot of money in the
ge 5 The land along the side of a river or of
+bnd /bnd/ lco:�;  a i e ] 1 A thin, narrow piece of ma- We'll put up our tent on the river bank.
terial for holding things together: Try tying your where something is stored: Hospital bloo
 pencils together with this rubber band. 2 A group save a lot of lives. 4 bank accunt An
of people who pay music together: He plays the ment with a bank to keep money in it:
drums in the town band. 3 A group of people who got much money in my bank account.
act together: A band of thieves have stolen three bnk /'hu·/ lco:� 1 • ] A person wh
cars in this street. charge of a bank: Talk to a banker if yo
+bndg1 /'bnd1d3/ lco:�;  a i e ] A piece of cloth that loan.
covers a wound: The bandage round my arm's a bit bnkig /'b.ki/ [ nc  a b  • ] The activity o
loose now. • Be careful with he pronnciaion o ing a bank: Hes an expert in internation
ths word. The last "a s pooced ike the "" in ing.
1did11• bnkpt1 /'bkApt/ [ a de c tve] Unable to p
bndg2 /'hndrd3/ [ver] To tie a piece of cloth debts: Mr. Fowler went bankrupt and had t
round a wound: The nurse is going to bandage his house.
arm. • Be careful wh he pronnciaion o his bnkpt2 /'bkApt/ [ver] To make som
word The last a is pronounced ike the i  "dd. something very poor so that hey are u
B&B lco:�;  a i e ] See d d fs • Be cael pay their debts: Bad management bankru
B&B is aways wten  capa leters. company.
bndit /'bn.drt/ ['0� b  n  e ] An armed robber, usually bn /'bn.g/ ['0:�;  a b  ,  e ] 1 A long flag:
in a wild place: The bandits attacked the travelers banner is black and yellow. 2 A long piece
in the mountains and took everything they had. or paper with words on it: The banners sa
bng1 /bu/ [co�;  a b1   • ] 1 A loud noise: Pete always nuclear tests!".
closes the door with a bang. 2 A sharp blow: Sha- bnqt /'hu.kwrt/ lco:� 1 • ] A large, form
ron had a bang on her le leg. The wedding banquet will take place at the
bng2 /b/ [verb] 1 To make a loud noise when you bpti or bpti /bp'tz/ [ver] To
close somehing: Don't bang the door when you go admit somebody to the Christian church:
out. 2 To hit something: Tom fell and banged his baptized the child with the name of George
head against the table. +b US: /ba/ UK: /ba/ lco:�  a  1 • ] 1 A place wh
b [ ;  b 1
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bb 44

a that we can eat in the backyard. 2 A party where to the barometer, the weather will be ve
food is eaten in the open air: My cousins came to morrow.
the barbecue last night. •Be careful with the pro- bl /'hr.I/ [co�· b n 1• ]
A large, round
nncaton of ths wod! Te "ue s ponounced as for liquids: isky is kept in oak barrels
c yo. tbi /'hr-i-gr/ [co�a  1' ]
A fence that is
bb2 [verb ]
To cook food on a barbecue: We cle: The police have put up barriers to c
d will barbecue meat and vegetables for the party.
®See picture at cook
b /bg'S!t/, /'bc-S!t/ A dark [u c:a b l• ]
bb US: /'ba:r.b</ UK: /'/ A man [co�   b 1' ] rock which can form columns: The colu
e who cuts men's hai: The barber washed Tim's cave were of basalt.
tb1 /bes/ [co�a b n 1' ]
f hair before cutting it.• Compae w ardresse
(a peso who cuts and aanges hai)
1 The owest part
thing: The base of this bottle is crack
bb' US: /'hu:r.hz/ UK: /'hu:.hgz/ The [co�· b n l• ] place from which something is controll
g place where a barber works: Jason is at the bar ganization United Nations has its mai
bers getting a haircut. New York. 3 A military camp: People th
h b US: /her/ UK: /beg/ [adje c tive ]
1 When we talk base is too close to the town.• Be caref
about parts of the body, without clothing: When prounciaio of ts wod
they saw his bare arms they were amazed at his b2 /hes/ [verb ]
o use something as
tattoos. 2 Empty: Our living room is still very bare; point: The movie is based on an old Chin
J weve got just two chairs and a small table.
bfoo /'bcgrft/ [a verb ]
Without any shoes on:
Be careful w the ponncaton o s
say: "based  (somehing)
k Sandra's playing barefoot on the lawn. tbbll /'he1sh�I/ [u c:  b 1• ]
An Ameri
bly /'bcgr-li/ [a verb ]
Very little: Theres barely played with a bat and a ball: In base
l any sugar le. you hit the ball you have to run aroun
barg ain1 /'bar-gn/ [co�  n b l e ] Something that you ®See picture at sport
m buy cheap: This electric guitar was a bargain. b /'he1.smgnt/ A roo [co�  b  n 1' ]
bgin2 /'ha:/ [verb ]
To argue about the price of under the ground: I'm going to put th
somehing: You can't bargain in this store; all the pers in the basement. • The sae
n  prices are xed. cela
bg1 us /hu:rd3/ UK: /hu:d3/ [co�·1 e ]
A long river tbi /'he1.s1k/ [a  je c tive ]
Simple and neces
0 or canal boat: The barges crossing the river are full ens /earning the basic vocabulary of Spa
of tourists in summer. billy /'bc.s.kli/ A word used [a verb ]
p bg /ha:d3/    To rush in somewhere, say what you think s the most import
inerrupting something: The door opened sudden- about somebody or something: Basica
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beige 50

a beige /bc13/ [J A very pale brown color: Our beeft2 /'bc1f1t/ [verb] To get an advanta
school uniform is beige.  ployed people will benet from the new la
/h1'li:f/ [noun] 1 An opinion that you feel sure bet /bent/ Past tense and past participl
about: Its my belief that the thief broke in aer we n.
C all le. 2 The feeling that something is true: My beet US: /hg're1/ UK: /'her.e1/ [co :� a  bl•] A ro
aunt has very strong religious beliefs. cap: Soldiers oen wear berets. ® See
d +believe /b'li:v/ [verb] 1 To hink something is true: .
I believe what you say. 2 To be of the opinion: I Beuda hot or Beuda
don't believe we have met before. 3 To be sure that pair of shors that go to the knees: Wh
e somehing is real: I dont believe in ghosts. Bermuda shorts? Im going to the beach.
f +bell /be/ [co :� a  bt e] 1 A device that makes a sound ful! "Bermuda shorts ad Bemudas av
when you press it: He rang the bell twice but there B.
was no answer. 2 A metal obect hat makes a bey /'her.i co :�1 e] A small fruit w
g sound when it is hit: Church bells call people to Strawberries and blackberries are kinds
Mass. •The plural is "berres".
h belly /'bel.i/ ['0 :� a n bl e] The part of your body just be- +beide /b1'sad/ [preposHo] At the side of:
1ow your chest: Tom's dad has a really big belly.•  parents used to live beside the sea.
Tis word is normal.• he plura s "beles beide1 /b1'smz/ [repos;io] In addition t
belly-butto [co :� n b1•] The small hollow in the  your sister, who else is with you in the ph
J middle of the stomach where the cord attaching a beide2 /h1'sa1dz/ [adverb] Also: I didn't lik
baby to its moher used to be: The girl has her be/- ie; besides, it was too long.
k ly-button pierced. • Ts word is inforal • Te +bet1 /best/ [;:j�J
1 The superlative
same meang: ave. g'. 2 all he bes Words you use whe
[ +belog /b1'/ [verb] 1 To be owned by: Those keys goodbye: I'll see you aer the vacation; a
belong to me. 2 To be a member of: Her sister be 3 bes wishes Words you write at the
longs to the Red Cross. informal letter: I look forward to hearing
m belogig /h1'u·1uz/ [ptura tnou] Small things that best wishes, Hugh. 4 d yu bes To do
you own: I put all my belongings in a trunk. you can: I know the test is very dicult b
n beow1 /h1'Jg/ [adverb] To a lower level: In winter  your best.
the temperature oen goes twenty Fahrenheit de +bet2 /best/ [,d.b] The superlative form o
0 grees. bet a [no] The man who helps
+below2 /b1'l/ [preposo] Lower than: Yesterday the groom at a wedding: George is going
P temperature was ve degrees below zero. man at his brothers wedding.
+belt /belt/ co :� a  bt e] 1 A piece of leather or other ma- betelle /,best'seJgr/ [non] A book th
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 g

between Staten Island and Manhattan. 3 More Tell the waiter to bring the bill. •he sam
than one thing bu less than another: The tickets ing: ceck1" 2 A piece of paper show
will cost between ten and een dollars. 4 Ater much money somebody must pay for
one time and before another time:  rained be and so on: The phone bill was very high thi
tween  and 6 this morning. 5 Shared or divided in 3 A piece of paper money: Can you chang
two: We paid the bill between us last night. ® See dollar bill?
picures at mn and rsitin
 /br'wcg/ [verb]
To be carefu: Beware of the BILL
dog!• Be careful. We always say: "bewae f some
thing .)
y1 /bi'jnd/ [pep osition]
On the other sde of
something: The bakery is beyond the bookstore.
y2 /hi'jnd/ [dveb]
Further than something:
The Duke owned the land as far as those hills and
even beyond.
Bl /'bar.b/ [ou ]
The sacred book of Christians
and Jews: In the Christian Church, the Bible con
sists of the Old Testament and the New Testament.
•Be careu Bible" as a capal B
ct [0n'�:b1]
An acid salt used as an
antacid or for baking: He relieves his stom lf US: /'brlfold/ [nou  ] A small contain
ach-ache with a spoonful of bicarbonate. made of leather, for holding bills or oth
cp /'bar.scps/ ['°    1•]
The muscle which bends ments: The pickpocket got away with my b
the elbow: The biceps have grown stronger with ex he sae meaing: walet"
ercise. • Te pura is also "bceps ® See page l US: /'brJ.jydz/ UK: /'brl.i.gdz/
. game in which balls are hit by sticks acr
+cyc /'/ [' 1]
A vehicle with two ble: Are you good at billiards?• hs word
wheels and pedals: David could ride a bicycle la•he sae meang: pool
when he was four. ® See page  l /'h1J.jg/ [o  ]
A tousand million
+1 /hd/ [c o   1•]
An oer of money to buy some- ures, one billion is written ,000000,000
thing: Portland Timbers made a high bid for a pas s word was used to mean one lon
Dutch international player. Compae w rlon (oe mlion lon
 bd, bid /hd/ [veb]
To offer money to buy + /hm/ [°  b ]
A container for garbage:
something: The company bid one million dollars soup tin in the bin, please.
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olog 5

a oog [adje c ive]
Referring to the scientic bitter. 2 With resentment, angry: He fee
study of living things: He works in a biological pa- ter about how he was treated. 3 Very col
 per about genetic diseases. wind from the North is aecting most of
biologist /hm'uJ .g.d31st/ [c o:� a n bte    ] A person who try.
c studies biology: Linnaeus was a famous biologist 2 US /'h!./ UK /'hU/ [c  
of the eighteenth century. beer: Another pint of bitter, please.
+oogy /bm'uJ .g.d3i/ [" c   ab e l ] The science of liv- vlv /'ba1.vlv/ c o:�•] Molusk with
ing things: We're studying underwater plants in Bi- shell: A bivalve has two parallel bodies e
at the moment.• Be careful with e ponun-
e ology
ciato of is word! "Bi rymes with my.
joined shells.
 /h'zr/ [adje c ive] Very strange:
o /'bm-o,s/ ['0:� a b   •]1 The total quantity
fof living material in a gven ecosystem: Biomass
clothing amuses everyone.
+k1 /hlk/ , he opposite of wh
may be converted into energy. is the color of night.
+d US /b�:d/ UK /b:d/ [c o:� a  b e ] An animal with k2 /blk/ [adje c ive]  Who has a dark s
wings and feathers: Birds lay eggs in nests. ®S black people in the United States now p
h 6  9. called Afroamericans. 2 Without milk,
o UK /'bag/ [ no   n]  See ballpoint •This wod s are talking about tea or coffee: I can't d
Bris Englis. coee; it's too strong for me. 3 Bad: Accid
+h US /h�:f/ UK /h:f/ [ no  u ]  The act of being make Sundays a black day on the roads.
Jborn: Mr. and Mrs. Davies ew back to Denver for  w Conaining only black and
the birth of their grandson. 2     ors: We saw an old movie in black and w
k() o have a baby: She gave birth to
television last night.
blackberry /'bak.bgr.i/ US: /-bcr-/ c o:� 
+hdy /'br8,dc1/ c o:� b n  e l ]  The anniversary of black fruit that grows on a bush: You'll
the day when somebody was born: Fran gave me a  you eat too many blackberries. • The
m wallet for my birthday. 2 H B! Greet- "blackberies".
ings said on a birthday: In her telegram Laura kd /'hlk.h:d/ US /h�:d/ ['0:� 
wished me Happy Birthday. • Be caeul Happy black bird: Blackbirds eat insects and
n Bithday as capal lettes kod /'hlk,hrd/ /,hord/ c o:�;
u /'h1s.k1t/ c o:� a b   e 
l ] See cookie • Be caeful with a black surface on which you w
0 with the pronuncaion o s word. he endg chalk: The teacher wrote the instructio
cut" s poounced the same as e word "kit". • blackboard. •Compae w "whiteboard
pThis wod is Bris nglsh.
hop /'b1.gp/ c o:� a bte 
o whc you wite wh a speca marke
  ] 1 An important priest: picture at cassroom
q ku
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5 oo

 /'bldgr/ ['°� nb  l e ] A membrane sac in the n2 /bli:d/ [verb] 1 To mix:  Blend the
body which contains urine: Urine is produced by butter together before adding the our.
the kidneys and held in the bladder. ® S g well together: The ute and the violin ble
44. tifully in that piece of music.
 /hled/ ['°� a " b l e ] The cutting part of an in- n /'hlen-dgr/ ['°� a  l e ] A smal elec
srument: Careful! That knife has a very sharp chine used for making solid foods into
blade. I used the blender to make some fres
 /blcm/ [verb] To feel and to say that some- juice.
body is responsible for something bad: Nobody  /hes/ [verb] 1 To ask for God's protect
can blame Jenny for the accident. bishop's going to bless our new chapel.
n /bl<nd/ [adjective] With very little taste: I think y Words you say when somebody has
the soups too bland. "Bless you!" said my grandfather. •Be car
nk /hlDk/ [ad jec ti ve] 1 With nothing written or te speling o he 3d person sguar pese
drawn on it: You must fill in the blank spaces on fom: "blesses • Bess also has regul
the form. 2 Empty, without expression: You pas paricple os: bessed.
look blank; is there something you don't under w /bl:/ Past tense o blow•
stand? i /blad/ [ajective] Not able to see: His
nk2 /blDk/ ['°� a nb  1 e ] An empty space: Fill in the been blind since birth.
blanks in the following exercise. in2 /hland/ ['0� a nb  l e]  The covering over a
nkt /'hlD.k1t/ ['0� a nb  1 e ] A thick covering used If we pull the blinds down, well keep the lig
on a bed: She needs two blankets to keep warm at ifo /'blud,fld/ [verb] To cover som
night. ®See picture at bedroom eyes with cloth: Wendy was blindfolded b
t US /blst/ UK /blu:st/ ['°� a nb  l e ] 1 A sudden rates.
movement of air: The blast of wind made the doors ink /bDk/ [verb] To close and open yo
bang. 2 An explosion: How many people were hurt quickly: The morning sunshine makes me
in the blast? it /'hls-tgr/ ['°� a  b l e]  A swelling under
t-o us: /'hlst.:f/ UK /'hl:st.of/ [': ab l e ] The with water underneath: My new shoes a
moment when a spacecraf leaves the ground: me blisters on my feet.
Ten nine eight... two one, blasto! i /'hz .grd/ ['°� a nb  ] A bad stor
 /hlez/ ['°� a  l e]  A large and dangerous re: strong winds and snow or sand:  Blizzards
The blaze quickly destroyed the building. dangerous for car drivers.
2 /blcz/ [verb] To burn strongly: The logs +ock /blk/ ['0�b  l e]  1 A large piece of so
blazed in the replace. solid: The monument is made of blocks
 /'ble-zgr/ ['°� a nb   e ] A formal jacket: Dur ®See picture at a piece of... 2 A group
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d  5

athis word. The vowel sound n "blood" is pooced somebody: You dont really know how
the same as n s. computers; youre just blung.
co  b1•
d  [ � n ] Any of the tubes that ih [a djective] Slightly blue: My new dr
ransport blood through the body tissues and or- ish-grey.
c gans: There are three types of blood vessels: arter t /hlAnt/ [a djective]  Not sharp: That
ies, capillaries and veins. blunt that it cant cut anything.  Direc
dy /'blAd./ [a djecti, ]  With a lot of blood on it: lite: Dont ask him such blunt questions.
Craig had a very bloody nose aer the ght.  With  US /b:/ UK /b:•/  [ve b] To make s
violence: The battle was very bloody. 3 A difcult to see: Tears blurred my eyes.
e much
word used for giving force to what you say: You're wi the spelig of these ors: "blurr

fa bloody liar!• I s use "bloody is a swear word . ring"

•Be caref wi e procatio o ths word. Te y [a djective ] Difcult to see clearly:
vowel soud here s pronounced the sae as n was blurry.
gsun.• The comparave fom s "blooder" ad e h /blAJ/  [ver b] To become red in th
supelave fo is oodiest cause of embarrassment: He couldnt h
m /blu:m/  [ver b] To have flowers: Monica's rose ing at her compliments.
co  a  bl
trees bloom twice a year. boar US: /b:r/ UK: /b:'/ [ �   n e]  A male
m US /'bl:.s"m/ UK /'blos."m/  [ve b] To have for breeding: Tinas uncle has a boar on
flowers: The roses are blossoming earlier this year.  A wild pig: The boar ran into the forest
t /blot/ [ �   ] The result of spilling ink: The +d1 /h:d/ I [c0�  a  b1n e] 1 A long, th
J co  bl
 a  e
 paper had a single blot at the top. wood: We need some boards to repair th
c  a  1
k 0:   e
 US /hlas/ UK /hlaz/ [   ] A woman's  A flat surface on which somebod
shirt: That belt doesnt go very well with your Theyve put the prices up on the board
co  bl
 a  e
thin piece of wood cardboard or othe
W1 US /bl/ UK /bl�/ [ � n ] A hard stroke: that is used for a particular purpose:
I The blow made him fall o the bike.  you throw a dice to move around the boar
+2 bl, blo us: /hl/ UK /hl/  [ver b]  To A group of people who run a company:
send air out of your mouth: He took a deep breath of directors will discuss the problem at t
n and blew as hard as he could.  To move in the meeting. •Be caref wi e prouca
wind: Be careful! The wind will blow your cap wod! he "a s no prononced.
0 away. 3  blw yur nse To clean your nose by d2 /b:d/  [ver b]  To get on a plane
blowing it into a handkerchief: Take a handker ship: The passengers had to wait two
pchief and blow your nose. board the Airbus.  n bard On a plan
t PHRASAL VERBS    To fall down
· ship: Look! Jack's already on board the
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8 c

cicultio /,S3f·kjg'lci·gn/ ["'�: ab l e ] 1 The move- it: Aer the accident, he sent his claim to t
ment of blood through the body: His circulation ance company.
was aected by his illness. 2 The passing or cli2 /klem/ [ver b ] 1 To say that sometin
spreading of somethng from one place or person Liz claimed that she had seen Tom Hanks a
to another: There was a story in circulation about  permarket. 2 To ask for something that y
their dierences of opinion. you have a right to: Fred claimed the r
cicultoy [adie ct ,] Referring to the circulation but he was only given the second prize.
of blood: Dizziness is oen caused by circulatory clg /kl/ [' 0 a b  n 1] A loud, metallic sou
 problems. clang of that machine drives me crazy.
cicultoy yt  co a b   n 1 e]  The system which +clp /klp/ [ver b ] To show approval by join
circulates blood or sap: The circulatory system hands ogether again and again: Everyon
carries nutrients and oxygen to our cells. clapping when the concert nished. •
cicufc /sr'bm-r.gns/ [ o u n] The outside with te spellg of hese oms: "clapped
edge of a circle: he circumference of the earth is pg.
about 0,000 kms. clit /,kl'nc/ [' 0n b 1] A musical ins
+cicutc us: /'s3nts/ UK which as the shape of a tube and is p
/'o:nts/ c o a ;l e ] An action or fact that in- blowing into its top: The clarinet is consi
luences something: In the circumstances we were be a dicult instrument to play. ® See pa
lucky to come out alive. clh1 /klJ/  '°n b l e]  1 The sound tha
cicu /'-s/ [' 01 e ] 1 A show with clowns, ac- make when they hit each other: en he
robats and animals: I love seeing the clowns at a the box, there was a clash of cutlery. 2 A ba
circus. 2 A round open space in a town: Piccadil conlict: There has been a clash between
ly Circus is one of London's most famous tourist at at the frontier.
tractions. • The plura is "ccuses". • Be caefu clh2 /klJ/ [ve b ] 1 To ght: The demo
wth he pronuncaton o is word he rst "c is clashed with the police. 2 Not to match:
ponoced as a "s. colors of your blouse and your skirt clash.
+citiz /'s!·g.zgn/  co b l e]  A person wo legally be- +cl US /kls/ UK /kla:s/  co a b   l e ] 1 A grou
longs to a country: People born in Puerto Rico are dents: The whole class agreed with the id
citizens of the United States. ing on an excursion. 2 A group of pe
+city /'s!·i/  co a b    e ] A large town: My favorite city is things of the same kind: There are many
Paris. • e plura s "cies. Be caeful wit he classes of pine tree. 3 frst clss See 
ponuncaio of ts wod! e c s pronounced as 4 second class See   •e
a "s. classes
civil /'sv."l/ [aje ct ve] 1 Relating to citizens and +clic /'kls.1k/ ['°1 e]  Something consi
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cloom 8

a +cloom /'kls,rm/ /-,rm/ ['°�  nb  te] A p   cln1 /kli:n/ [adiec,] Nt dty: Colin
h h   hd: This school is very house very clean.
b small. I has only three classrooms.
a e
+cln2 /kli:n/ [verb] T  dt:
clic  /'kev..k ['°�  n bt ] Th b jg h cleaned your room today?
bb d th hd bd: He broke his clav- cln /'klingr/ ['°�" bte] bdy h
icle in the acciden• T a a "oao" The mess that was le behind was taken
d cl US: /klu:/ UK: /kb:/ ['°�nb  te] Th y hp the cleaner.
  th ft f     bd: Tigers cln /klcnz/ [verb]   th
have very sharp claws.  priest cleanses his ock through confessio
e cl ay /kle1/ ["'�:  able] A typ f  d t k +cl1 /khgr/ [adjecve] 1 Tht y   th
bk  ptty: That ashtray from Morocco is
f made of clay.
a clear day, you can see the sea from here
d, t h  t dtd: Mr. Wel


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tions are not always clear. 3 Obvious: It was clear Everest. •Be careful with e pronunc
thatMr.Moon wasjoking. hs word. The "b" s silen Ths wod
2 /klrg/  [verb] To put things away: Can you with e.
clear the table, Ben? Ill wash up. ib /'kla1mg/ [c o:�   '  1] 1  climbing pl
t PHRAAL VERB •   ()  ivy earned its reputation as a climber by
To remove something which is in the way: Can the front of the house. 2  person who
 you clear your books away from the table? I want to use harnesses and picks.
use it.·   up o nd an answer or an expla- +bg /'klar.m/ ["  a  ble] The sport
nation: The disappearance of the test papers was up steep rocks: We're going climbing in t
never cleared up. nees this summer.
y /'kl-li/  [adveb] 1 In a way that is easy to ig [co  :�  ' 
  1] Representation of
read, to hear or o understand: You have to patterns in graphic form: The climogram
speak more clearly, Danny. I never know what record rainfall and temperatures.
 you're saying. 2 Obviously: The advertiser is ii /'kl11k/ c o:�  '  ;  1]  place where you
clearly not telling the truth about the features of specialist medical treatment: The health c
that car. give you information about the dangers
gy /'kb·d3i/  [p1ur a1n ou] he people ordered of- too much alcohol.
cially by a Christian church: The clergy give their ip /khp/ c o:� ble] n object made from w
opinion on many things. for holding things together: Use a clip
+ US: /k:k/ UK: /klu:k/ c o:�   ' 1e] 1  person who lose all your papers.
does oce work: Susan's mother works as a clerk  /kJgk/ [c o�  ' ; 1e] n article of clothin
in a bank. 2  person who serves customers in a coa without sleeves, worn over he arms
store: The store clerk showed me three dierent have become oldfashioned. • The same
jackets, all of them terrible.• In hs use, n Brtish cape.
Egish we say sop asssa".  /'klok,m/ /,m/ [0:�  a  b le]
+ /'klev.g/  [adjec tive] Inteligent: She's a very a theater or a restaurant where you c
clever girl; she understands everything very quick your coat: en the play nished, James
ly. the cloakroom for our coats.
cleverness /'klev.g.ngs/ US: /-2-/ ["'�:ble] ntelli- + US: /kl:k/ UK: /klk/ lc o:�  a;  nb  1'] 1 An ins
gence: The children were delighted by the monkeys that tells the time, that is on a wall, a s
cleverness. so on: The school clock is ten minutes fast.
i 0
/khk/ [ �  b  le]  short, sharp sound: We heard ve to nine. • Compare wi wac1 (ca
a click and the door opened. you peson usualy on your wrs). 2 aarm
+i 1 1  person or company
/'klar."nt/ c o:� b •] clock that wakes you up: They set the ala
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clockwise 84

a clockwise /'klok,wmz/ [adverb] In the direcion in cow /klaun/ lc o:� bte 

 n ] A person, usually
which te hands of a clock move: We had to run ny clothes, who makes people laugh:
b clockwise around the yard for 0 minutes.
cockwok /'klkw3:k/ [" c   a  bte ]
Machiery used
the clowns at the circus.
+clb /klAh/ lc o:� a  b 1']
1 An organization
in clocks and toys: My little brother got a clock with the same interess: Im a member
work train for Christmas. ing club. 2 A stick used to hit the ball in
d close1 /kuz/ [adjecive]
1 Near: Our school is quite
close to the local church. 2 Liking each other: Bar-
the clubs at home and we couldn't play
playing card with black shapes on it:
ry and I have been close friends for years. 3 Care- Ace of clubs.
e ful: Aer a close examination of the handwriting, +cle /kl:/ lc o:� a bte 
 n ]
Somehing that gives

f Sherlock Holmes realized who the murderer was.

close2 /kJguz/ [adverb]
Near: The boy followed close
tion to solve a problem or a mystery:
this crossword are very easy.
g behind his mother.
+close3 /kuz/ To shut, to change the position
clmp [0:� a b  n  e ]
A small group of plants o
clump of grass. ®See pcture at a piece
of something so that it is not ope: Close the door, cmsy /'klA.zi/ [adjecive]
That is not v
h  p/ease. Its very cold. ful with the hands: That boy is so clu
t PHRASAL VERBS· o close down To end an ac- always dropping things.• The compar
ivity or a business: My uncle's business did so is "cuse and the spelave form i
bad1y last year that he had to close it down. es".
J closely /'kls-li/ [adveb]
1 n a connected and asso- clste /'klAstgr/ lc o:� a  te ]
A close groupin
ciated way: The American team worked closely with ter of mushrooms grew around the roots
k the Mexican. 2 In a dense way: We traveled very
closely packed in my uncle's car. 3 At a shor dis-
cltch1 /klAt/ [0:� a b   1']
The pedal n a ca
change gear: You have to press the clutch
l tance: She has followed that singer's career very
 foot when you want to change gears.
cltch2 /k!Atf/ [verb]
To hold something
m closet US: /'klzt/ [c o:� b  e  ]
A piece of furniture that clutched the policeman's hand and wa
is used for keeping clothes in:  Dont leave your safety.
clothes around, Tim. Keep them in your closet. • +cm A written abbreviaton for cenime
n Compae wh cupboad sed o keepg al kds ( box a v
of thgs  . • In Brish English they say wad- c/o An abbreviation used in addresses b
0 obe.® See picture at bedroom name of a person who passes on the let
clot /klt/ [0:� b    e ]
A lump formed from a coagulat- other person: Please send the letter to
P ed liquid: The dried blood formed into a clot.
+cloth US: /klo:8/ UK: /kl8/  1 Material [" c   ab  e ]
Airlines, co Human Resources departme
66 MD 00 • c o s a wre ab /
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tuks bikii sweatsirt

scarf soc
boot T-shirt


coat aicoat
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cot 86

a Cot US /' UK /'bu.sta/ [ '0:� nb  l e]  1 A world. 2 A drink made with coffee bean
small protecting mat that you put drink contain- always has coee aer lunch. •We say:
b ers on: The coaster prevents marks from being coee. 3 f b A low table that
made on the wooden surface of the table. 2 A ship in the living room: Mick got some glasse
hat sails from port o port along a coast: The kitchen and le them on the coee tabl
coaster was used for trade between coastal loc cofee is cofee wthou mi Decafena
d tions.
coti /'koust,Im/ [ou] The line of the coas:
s coee wit he cafene aen ot Inst
s cofee made smpy by adding ho water
The coastline of Florida is very irregular. coee powde. Coee ca be weak" o
e +cot US /kout/ UK /but/  co:� a nb  t e]  1 A piece o coth- ®See picture at iving room
coghl  co
f ing with sleeves and buttons that you wear over
other clothes when you are cold: Don't go out
/'kng.wi:l/ US

with projecting teeth which rotates and


without your coat, Jim. It's very cold. ® See pictu- with a similar wheel on a different shaf
g re at othes 2   A piece of metal, wheel transfers power from the drive-sh
wood or plastic on which you hang clothes: Don't axle of the car.
h leave your jacket on a chair, please. Put it on a coat +coi /m/ [ '0:� a   1 ]  Piece of metal used a
hanger. • Be caefl wit te proncaio of hs need two quarter coins for the telephone.
OdJ coa rhymes it go" coicidc /kou'!·S·das/ /-sa,ce
cobb /'kh,weh/  co:� a   1•] A ne net made by a Something that happens by chance:
J spider: The y was caught in the cobweb. • Te
same meang: spiderweb"
cidence! We were born on the same day!
ok® US /kok/ UK /buk/ [o]  See Co
k oc ol® us: /,ko.b'ko.la/ UK /,b.b'b.la/ Be caefl! Coe® has a capal C.
[o n ] A zzy sweet brown drink: Sorry, but I don't wit te poucato o ts word Te 
l want a Coca Cola. It's too sweet for me.• Be care!
Coca Cola as capita lettes•We aso say: Coe
as n show
+cold1 /buld/ [adie c;,] That has a low em
m cocl /'k US /'k:k-/ [ co:� nb  t e ] Spiral cavity It's very cold,  ac below zero. • Cod"
of the inner ear: The cochlea sends information to lowe empeare han coo and ote a
the brain. able one Cool ote eers to a peasan
n COCk US /k:k/ UK /knk/  co:� a 1•] An adult male re: a cod wner", a coo beeze
chicken: I like hearing the cocks crow at dawn. at opposite
0 cockpit /'kk·p1t/ [ co� a nb  1  ] The part in a plane cold2 /buld/ I [ "'  ab 1  ] 1 A low temp
where the pilot is: The captain invited all the chi/- don't like the cold. It makes it very di
p dren on board to visit the cockpit. out of bed in the morning! I [ co� be ]
cockti /'kk,terl/  co:� a nb  1  ] A drink made by mix- that causes a headache, a dripping no
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rti 90

a body copy To be with somebody: Go and rest +titi /,kam·p'trfn/ I loc  :�  a  nb
in the armchair if you're not feeling well, and I'll to see who is the best at something: The
b come round and keep you company. •The plural is
the skiing competition was Swiss. I
stuation in which people try to get
rti /bm'p·v/ [c  :� 
o  a   1' ] he form of thing: There is a lot of competition for
an adjective or adverb that is used to compare that becomes available now.
o  a   e ] 1
/bm'pcP·!/ [c  :�; 
d two people or thngs: "Better" is the comparative
of "good" and of "well".
who takes part in a competition: All th
e +r /bm'pe/ [verb] To examine one thing or tors for the marathon have to register w
person in relation o another thing or person: ganizers. 2 Somebody who is ghting ag

f Compare the two pianos. Youll nd the Austrian

one is better. •See box at bbrevitn
over something: My main competitor f
was a girl from Portugal.
g +ris /bm'p>··sn/ [no u n] The act of com-
paring: I don't like it when people make compari-
+li /bm'ple/ [verb] To say that
something is wrong, unfair or must be
sons between me and my brother. Mr. Robinson is always complaining
h rtt /bm'pat·mnt/ [ :�  a 
0  bte  ] 1 A sepa-
  weather. • We say compa bu
rate part in a railroad car: When we went to Chica (
We say "compla t soebody . )
go we traveled in a rst class compartment. 2 A ltr /,komplr'menti/ [adjec
separae part in a container: The new fridge has additional to a basic package: The CD
J compartments for dierent types of food.
ss /'kAm.ps/ lc  :�  a 
o   .b  te  ] 1 An instrument that
complementary to the basic equipment
Referring to two or more things that are
k shows direction: A compass has a pointer that al
ways points north. 2 A metal or plastc instrument
go well together: Those colors are compl
lt1 /bm'pli:t/ [adjecive] 1 All of s
l which is used for drawing circles: If you change
the angle of the compass, you can draw circles of
Are you really thinking of reading the
works of Charles Dickens? 2 Fnished:
dierent size.• In hs use, we aso say copasses". is complete.
m •Te plural s "compasses".® S pg 456. +lt2 /bm'pli:t/ [verb] o nish som
n l [, 11  o   ] See compass just need two stickers to complete my coll
/bm'pel/ [verb] o force somebody to do lt /bm' [adverb] otally o
somehing: They compelled him to resign. • Be way: This book is completely absurd. I ca
0 caefu wt e spelg of ese forms: copeled stand anything at all.
"compelg". lX1 0  bte  ] 1 A set of
/'km·plcks/ [ :�  a 
P +t /bm'pi:t/ [veb] 1 o take part in a compe-
tiin to see who is the best: Six people will com
whch comprise a whole: The complex i
of a factory, an oce building and an
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9 con

Comply /bm'pla1/ [verb] To be in accordance with Compt pogmm US: /'

the requirements: The courts ordered her to com- /'pru.gm.r/ ['0:�;  a  n bte] A person who wri
 ply with the company's work rules.• Be careful with grams or other material to use on a comp
e speling o ese oms: "coples, "coped. were a computer programmer I'd just make
componnt /bm'punnt/ [co:�;   1e] Part which, to- concntt /'kn-sn,tret/ [veb] To direct
gether wih others, makes up a whole: The steer attention to one activity: I have to concen
ing wheel is a vital component of the car. passing this test.
compo /bm'pouz/ [verb] To write music or poet- concpt /'kn·scpt/ [co:�   n bte] A way of vi
ry: Beethoven composed the "Moonlight" Sonata. particular subjec: It is a revolutionary n
compo /bm'pou-zr/ [co:�;  a   bte] Somebody who cept.
writes music: Lennon and McCartney were two fa concn1 /bn's3:n/ [ou] Interest, worry:
mous composers of pop music in the 1960's. a lot of concern about his illness.
compoition /,km-p'z1J-n/ [co:�   1e] A piece of concn2 /bn's3:n/ [veb] To be of interes
writng: I have to write a composition on ' day in What the principal said at assembly abou
my life" for English. to Long Beach doesn't concern us because
compond /'kmpaund/ ['0:�;   1] A combination of isn't going.
two or more elements: Chemicals are mixed to concd /bn's3rnd/ [adjeve] Worried
 form a compound. something: I'm very concerned about Pat'
Comphnion /,k'n/ US: /,k:m/ She looks ill. •Be careul wh e pronunc
[ '  a  bte] Understanding: In class we read dierent e end o is wod. The last e s not po
texts and then we have to answer comprehension conct US: /'k:n.s<t/ UK: /'kn.st/ lco:�;   a 
questions to see how much we've understood. cal performance: Have you seen Elton Joh
comphni /,k·pr'hcn·SIV/ [adjeive] That cert? He's great.• Be caefu with e pon
has everything: This dictionary is very comprehen o is wod! e second c s poouced a
sive. It has phonetic information, grammar notes, COnC US: /k:nt k:k n/ UK: /kn kk
denitions, spelling notes and translations. The spiral shell of varous gastropods:
co  bte
comp1 /'km-pres/ l :�   ] A piece of cloth ap- are found on the seashore.
plied rmly to a part of the body to relieve swell- concld /bn'kl:d/ [veb] To think that so
ing or pain: Hold the compress to the side of the is true because of the evdence: Aer lis
head. all the evidence, the jury concluded that
comp2 /bm'prcs/ [veb] To squeeze into a innocent.
smaler area: The sap from the leaves was com- conclion /bn'kl:."n/  [no ] An opinion
 pressed into cubes. have because of certain information:
compi /bm'pra1z/ [verb] To be formed of: The compared the two papers and reached
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conditional 9

a [co�  a n ble] 2 Something necessary for something else +confuse /bn'fju:z/ [ver] 1

To mix thing
to happen:  I'll lend you my bike on condition that mind so that you are not sure about s
b  you lend me your skateboard.
conditional /bn'd1J.0n.0l/ [ o] A form of a verb
All the dierent publications about the a
tion of President Kennedy have confused
that is made by adding "would" to the innitive question. 2 o think that one thing or o
of a verb:  In the sentence "I would go to the party is another:  I always confuse Ralph with
d tonight if I didn't have to nish my essay", the con-
ditional is "would go". • The conditonal is used
+confused /bn'fju:zd/ [adjec H,] That does
when you want to express that an acton depeds stand:  I'm totally confused. What exac
e upo somethg ese appeng. want to do?• Be caref w e prou
f +conduct1 /'kndAkt/ [u nc: 
   b1'] Behavior: Your con the ed of ths wod. e "e" s no proou
duct at my party was absolutely inexcusable. +confusing /bn'fju:.zi/ [adjec tive] That is d
conduct2 /bn'dAkt/ [ver b] 1 To direct an orchestra: understand:  I nd our math teacher's exp
g Mrs. Robinson conducts the school orchestra. 2 To a bit confusing.
transmit elecricity, heat or sound: Water con- congomerate /bn'glam-r-t/ [co
h ducts electricity very well. mentary rock which consists of round
conductor /bn'!Ak·tr/ [co�  a n ble] 1 A person whose rock implanted in ner material:
job it is to direct orchestras: William is studying part of conglomerate.
music. He wants to be a conductor. 2 A material congratulate /bn'gt.j.le1t/ [ver b] To
J that conducts eectricity, heat or sound: Copper is
a good conductor of electricity.
body hat you are pleased with them b
something they have done: The principa
k cone US: /kon/ UK: /bn/ [co  a le] 1 A shape, round u/ated me on my admission to Harvard.
at the base and rising to a point: The clever +congratulatios /bn,gt.j'Ici.J0nz/

l clown's hat was in the shape of a cone. 2 fr cone

The fruit of a r tree: There are lots of r cones on
expression that you use to show some
you are pleased with them because of s
the ground in this wood. 3 ice cream cone An ice they have done: Congratulations, Mark
cream with a cone made of cookie for holding ice the winner.
cream: want a chocolate ice cream cone, please. +Cogress /'kgres/ [ ou] The parliame
n +conference /'kan-fr.ns/ /frns/ [co  a  b1'] A spe- United Staes and some other coun
cial meeting to talk about a subject: Sir Nicholas American Congress makes laws in t
0 is attending the conference on Human Rights next States.• Be caeul. Congress has a cap
week. conjunction /bn'd3Ak.Jn/ [co  le]
p coness /bn'fes/ [ver b] To admit what you have do-
ne wrong: Aer an hour at the police station, the
joins parts of sentences: The word "a
most common conjunction.
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9 cot
achievement: Man's conquest of disease will never +costt /'kan·stnt/ [adje c tive] 1
That hap
be complete. the time: There is a constant noise in this
+coscic /'kan·fns/ [ nou n]
Your knowledge of Faithful: My dog Roger has been a constan
right and wrong that governs what you thnk and costtly [adve  b] All the time or wi
do: My conscience tells me that we should have pause:  is not nice when you constant
helped Nora.  your hair while we are sitting at the tab
+coscious /'kan.s/ [adje c tve]
1 Awake and with all same eaning: "cotinuously, conualy
your senses: When I saw him aer the operation, costitutio /,kan·st1'tufn/ [co�n b l e ]
he was fully conscious. 2 Aware of something: Are laws and political principles of a coun
 you conscious of the risk youre taking? American constitution says that everybody
cosciousss /'kan.s·ns/ [" ': b  le ]
he ca- right to a job.
pacity of being aware of what is happening costitutiol /,kan·S!J'tju.·n·l/ [adje 
around you: He fainted but recovered conscious- ring to he basic laws of a country: Unite
ness aer a few minutes. is a constitutional republic.
cost /bn'scnt/ [verb]
o agree to something: +costuct /bn'strAkt/ [verb]
To make som
Mrs. Burns consented to our using the music room The children have constructed a bridge ac
to practice in.• Be carefu. We always say: coset stream with the branches of a tree.
to (soething). costuctio l
/bn'strAk.f0/  [': ab  e 
+cosqc /'kan·si·kwns/ /-,kwens/ [' 0�; a n b  e 1 ] tion of consructing something: The Gov
The result of an action or an event: This punish- has plans for the construction of a new
ment is a consequence of your bad behavior. [co�; a b   l e ] 2 he result of te work done by b
cosqutly /'kan·si·kwnt·l/ /-,kwent·l/ [adveb] You can see a massive construction on t
As a result: We had to wait for Jim for an hour and side of the river.  [ ou] 3 he interpretatio
consequently missed the beginning of the movie. derstanding of ideas: His construction of
cosvtio /,kan·sr'vei.n/ [': ab l e ]
The pro- very dierent from mine.
tection of nature, wildife, historic buildings and +cosult /bn'sAlt/ [verb] 1 o ask somebod
so on: Any government should mainly worry about vice or for their opinion: I think you sho
the conservation of natural areas. sut a doctor. That wound doesnt look goo
cosv /bn's3:v/ [verb]
To protect somehing 2 To use a book or a map to nd info
from harm, loss or destruction: This organization We're lost, Jane. We'd better consult the ma
is campaigning to conserve our local woodland. cosu /bn'sum/ [verb] To eat or to dri
+cosid /bn's1d·r/ [verb]
1 o think abou some- consumed forty sandwiches and three b
thing carefully: Consider my proposal and give me lemonade at the party.
an answer tomorrow. 2 o think that something is cosu co�  ; a n b  le 
/bn'SU·nr/ [  ] Person w
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contgious 94

a or moe "contact lens", we use he word "pais": "I +contst /'kcst/ [0:  b  ]1 A competition
ave wo pais of contact es watch the American Idol Contest.
b ntgiU /bn'te1.d3gs/ [adjecti,] 1 Referring to a
disease that is spread by contact: The disease is
contstnt /bn'tes.tnt/ [°:n b] Some
takes part in a compeition: One of the c
contagious and patients should be isolated. 2 knew the answers to all the questions.
Spreading easily among people: Her enthusiasm +continnt us: /'ku:n.n.gnt/ UK /'kn
1 1 A large mass  f land: Asia is t
°: '   ]
d is contagious.
+contin /bn'tcm/ [vrb] To have something inside: continent on earth. I [ ou] 2 Europe, exce
This carton contains one liter of orange juice. • Be Britis Isles: We're going to spend next s
e careful wih e ponciaon of ts wod! tai the continent.• s use s Btis ony.
f rhymes wt ran. ontinntl US /,ko:n.tn'en.tl/ UK /,k
+contin /bn'te1.ngr/ [c o�: '  bn  ]1 Somethng you can [adecti,] Referring to Eur pe, e�cept for t
use to keep things in: There are many types of con- sles: The continental breakfast is oen
g tainers: boxes, cartons, tubes. hotels in North America.
contmint /bn't..nct/ [vrb] To make less continul /bn'tm.j.al/ [adect;ve] Consan
h pure by addng other substances: It is illegal to tinua/ banging next door is driving me c
contaminate the seas by dumping waste. careful We se conual" or acons h
contmintion /bn,t'nefgn/ [un able ] The peated one afe anohe It's ofe sed
introduction of unwanted and harmful material somehng egave: Te contia ban
J into air, water or soi: The contamination of the
river is mainly due to the dumping of factory waste.
door is drivng me cazy" We se conti
tgs tat coiue wihou nterpon
k contmpoous /bn,te.pg'
Occurring at approximately the same time: These
[adject;,] continuly /bn'tm.j.g.Ji/ [adveb] All th
 without a pause: I'm continually telling J
l two historical events were contemporaneous.• Ths
wod is orma
run in the hallway.• Te same meanig:
y contiously"
m contmpoy1 /bn'te·pg,rer·i/ [c o�:n b ]1 Some- +continu /bn'tm.j:/ [vrb] To go on do
body or something of the same period: Douglas thing: When I went into the library, Mick
Marthur is a contemporary of George S. Patton.• reading without looking up.
n The plura is coempoaries. +continuous /bn'tm.j.gs/ [adjec;ve] Tha
ntmpoy2 /bn'te·pg,rer·i/ [adjec;,] Being of  without interruption: A continuous line
0 the same ime or period: Do you like contemporary dle of the road means you can't pass.
art? We se connos" fo hngs ha con
P +contnt /bn'tent/ [adjec;ve] Happy: Are you content errupo We use "contiua for acon
with your test grades? repeaed one afe aoe.
q contntd continuously
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2  ver
[  b] To outine something: He has to ac-  [ptuat nou] The buttons or other p
curately contour the coastline if he wants the map machine used to make it work: The cont
to be precise. modern airplane are very complicated.
p /,kntrg'sept1v/ [
co�'1e] A drug or + [ ]
/b'vi:.i.gt/ a dje c i,  1 Good
device which is used to prevent pregnancy: They en is it most convenient for you to come
stopped using contraceptives because they wanted 2 That is we situated for your needs:
to have a baby. ment is in a very convenient place, near
+ /'ka·trkt/ [
0�; a b  le] A document showing  ping center and the bus station.
the condtions of a sale or a job: According to my  /'ka.vet/ /-vgt/ [co�  bn te]
contract, I have only four weeks' vacation a year. where nuns ive: Daniel's sister le her
 /b'trk.f"/
[nc: bte ] The short- tered a convent.
ened form of a word or words: "Lets" is a contrac  [ ]
/b'v3rd/  ver b Referring t
tion of "let us". roads or rivers that come together: The
d [
/,ka·tr'd1kt/  ve b] To say the opposite the coast road converges with the tra
of what another person has said: That was what highway at this point.
happened so don't contradict me! + /,ka.vgr'se·g/  o[  ] A s
y [ ]
/'ka,trcr·i/ a dje c ve  1 Opposite: Do you al in which two or more peope speak to eac
ways have to take the contrary view to what I say?• I had a very interesting conversation with M
We usally say "opposite. 2 n h cnrary Cer- about India.
tainy not: I dont think shes stupid. On the con- + /b'v3rt/  ve [  b] To change someth
trary, she's very intelligent. a diferent thing: They have converted the
+ [ ]
/'ku·tst/ non A cear diference: I like into a hotel.
[co�a  b1] Somebody in p
the contrast of seasons in New England. 1 /'kovkt/  
+ [ ]
/b't·jt/ /-jgt/  ver b To hep, usua- ter having being found guilty of someh
y with money: Would you like to contribute to our  past, many convicts were sent to forced lab
charity? 2 [ ]
/b'vkt/  ver b To decare so
+ [ ]
/,ka·trg'hjg/  ou  Hep, usuay guity of a crime: The prisoner was con
with money: The contributions to the Church Fnd murder.
have increased this year. + [ ]
/b'vs/  ver b To make othe
+1 [ ]
/b'trl/  ver b To have power over beieve you: She spoke to her mother a
somebody or something: Mr. Daniels may be vinced her that she had not broken the win
Managing Director, but does he really control the k1 /kk/ [
0�  bte] A person whose job i
company? pare food for others: There's a new coo
2 /b'trgJ/
[nc: b1] 1 Authority or power: Red Castle.
+k2 [
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 cty 4

a  ct
y /'kAt·l�·ri / [u n c�: a ble
Knives, forks and  ctting /'kAI/    n  be] Small piece of
[0  
spoons: When you've
you've dried the cutlery, put it away out of a newspaper or a magazine: I
b please.• The plura is "cteres.•
in that drawer, please.•  press cuttings about this actor.
a ctor.
Compae with cockery (plates, cps and sa- ttlfSh /'kAt..f1J/ US: /'kA!-/ [c o o    '1
ces) pod mollusk with ten arms whch expe
that looks like ink: The cuttlesh repels
d CUTLERY tors with ink.
 cycing /'sa1.kln/ [c�: abe] Riding a bic
sport: Lance Armstrong is famous for his v
e cycling in the Tour of France. ® See pictur
 cyclit /'sm.klst/ [c o o    a , be  ] A person who
f cycle: Professional cyclists can ride up to
in a day.
g  cyind /'sl·�Hr/ 1c o o:�    a , b bl le] A long,
like a tube: A pencil or a bottle are examp
h inders.
 cyb /'snb�l/  c o o      n  b1] A pair of rou
plates used as an instrument: I  play
in the school band. ® See age 59.
J  cyp /'sa1.prgs/ [0    '1] A type of tall,
 ct-ot !c o o    '] 1 A shape cut out of paper, wood, Cypresses do not lose their leaves in win
k etc.: He made a large cut-out in the shape of a cat. pral is "cypresses
2 A device which automatically disconnects the  c  cyytoplasm /'sm· ! !��,plaz-�/ [u n c�:     a b blle
l electricity supply: The cut-out stopped the supply part of a cell surrounding the nucleus:
of power to the computer.  lled
 lled wit
withh cytoplasm.

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d /di:/ The fourth letter of the alphabet:

"David" begins with a "D".
d. Referring to a dae of the death of som
Peter Wright (d. 19 August 1992, Louisv
bama). • "d." is an abbreviatio or "died
box at bbvons
D /di:/ [co:� a 
 a  n ble] The second musical note of t
of C major: The music teacher asked me t

 D.•The plura is Ds o "D's" "D's" ® S pg
da 0 r daddy /dd or 'ddi/ [co� a   a  n bte]
•ese words ae nformal® nformal® See pictu
dafodil /'daf.".dl/ ['0:�       1] A yellow spri
er: In May the yards in Chicago are lled
dagger /'d"g.r/ ['0:�     a   1e] A short, sharp k
rates used to carry daggers in their belts.
+daily1 /'de1li/ [adie c,] Happening every d
New York Times" is a United States daily
daily2 /'dcli/ [adver b b] Every day: We feed our
dainty /'dcm·ti/ [adjecve] Delicate or elega
 furniture for the t he old dolls' house h ouse was beau
dainty. •he compaave orm s datier
sperative orm s "daintiest"
dairy 'de
co  a 
 a  e
gri/ [ :�   ] A place were milk p
are made: Cheese, butter and yoghurt are
a dairy.•
dairy.• The plura is dairies
daisy /'de1.zi/ [co:� a   a  n ble] A small white and
flower:  Daisies oen grow wild in the gra
pura is daises
dalmatian /dl'e.n/ [co� n  n be] A  white
black spots: ' Hundred and One Dalma
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dmp 0

a tdmp /d/ [adjeve] A ite wet: The weather is dsh1 /d f / ['0 :�   n n b  e  te ] A mark used to sepa
usually quite damp in the fall.• fall. • "Damp s often a mation in a sentence [-]: Some peopl
b negatve wod Copare wit "ois (is usualy a
positve word: "You ms keep he earh ois fo
that it is usually better to use commas tha
ds2 /dJ/ [vecb] To hurry:  I must dash,
c his plan). /'dp/ , /'da!·g/ [" '
td /'deqg/g/,, /'dp/,   b t e  e ]
' 
dn1 /du:ns/ [ o u  ] The movements that people do mation:  I have enough data to do the exp
o music: The waltz is my grandfather's favorite Be caref wit te pronnciaion of tis
dance and he dances it very well. wod can be sed wh eithe a sigua
e tdn2 /do:ns/ [veb] To move to music: My mom verb: "The data is/ae beig checed"
and dad dance very well together. dbs ['0 � ;  ; a b    1•]
A arge amount of in
f tdn US: /'dnt.s/ UK: /'/ l :� 

son who dances: My cousin is a very good ballet

o   a  i e ] A per- which is stored in a computer: You c
and update the information in the databa
g dancer.
dndlion /'dn-dg· [o �     a b     e t e ] A yeow fow-
td /de1/ lo :�   a b    e t e ]
1 A particuar day of t
or year: "at's the date today?" "It's t
er: Dandelions grow wild in the countryside. October". 2 An arrangement to see som
h tdng /'de-d3gr/ [  o o  ] The possibiity that some- brothers got a date with Marie tonight.
thing bad may happen: There's a danger that the very sweet brown fruit of some pam
giant panda may become extinct. •Be caref wit Christmas we eat a lot of dates. 4 out o
he ponunciaton of tis wod! "da" s pooced fashionabe, that you can use no on
J as "day.
tdngos /'dc·, /'dcd3-rgs/ [ade.] That
style of skirt is very out of date. Sup to
e, wih a the atest information:
k can cause injury, death or somehing ese bad:
Don't go near the railroad; it's dangerous! • Be
 phone directory up to date?
tdgh US: /'du/ UK: /':.;Y/ lo :
[ caref with he proncaion of his wod! Da" s
pooced as day.
body's femae chid: My teacher's daugh
clever. 2 ughtw The wife of so
I td /degr/ [veb] 1 To be brave enough to do son: Their daughter-in-law is Colombian.
something: Peter wanted to ask Anne to go out ral of "daugte-i-aw" is daghte
with him but he didnt dare. 2  't Words ®See picture at family
n that you say when you don't want to do some- dn The time [  ou
ou  ]
US: /da:n/ UK: /d�:n/

thing because you are afraid of somebody sun rises: Farmers have to get up at d
0 or something:  I daren't tell the teache teacherr what we carefu wit the poucato o tis wor
did. ging o his word s pronounced ike do
p ding /'deg/ [adjeve] Brave enough to do dan-
gerous things: You have to be quite daring to go up
tdy /de/ I lo :�    a   b  e  ]
1 A period of twenty-fo
There are 5 days in a year. ® See pic
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yigh /'dc.lmt/ [ u n nc�:b l e]  The light of day: My +b /d1'bc1t/ [no

o  ] A public discussio
dad prefers to drive in daylight rather than at something important: There was an in
night. debate on the television last night. • Be car
y O ['° a b l e]  An extra day when you don't go to e pronuciaion o s word.
school or to work: Take a day o You'll feel better +b /det/ [  o  u  ] Money that must be paid b
tomorrow. brother is in debt because he owes the
yi /'dc1.ta/ ['�: ab l e ] The time when it is ve thousand dollars.• dollars.• Be caeu! We say:
light: Our new baby brother likes to sleep in the debt Noe aso the pronunciaon of is w
daytime. b is o prononced.
+ /ded/ [adjective] 1 Not livng: Both my grandfa- +c /'dek.e1d, -'-/ ['°1 e ] Period of te
thers are dead. 2 Very: That movie is dead good.• good. • The 1960's was a decade of great changes
his use s ioma nology.
 n '° a nb  l e ] A street with no way out: Don't cy1 ['�: ab l e ] 1 The process of going
go down there. It's a dead end. e nd. falling apart: Many of the houses in my
0  e
 h ['   l ] A race with two winners: They town are in advanced state of decay. 2 
crossed the nishing line together; the judges de- See "tooth decay in the word .
clared the race a dead heat. +cy2 /d1'kc1/ [verb] To go bad, to fall apar
in /'/ '° a 1] A time limit: Our tion causes some buildings to decay.
teacher told us that Friday was the deadline for n +ci /d1'si:v/ [verb] To make somebody
ishing our project
projec t on the Amazon. something that is not true: Jim tried to de
y /' [adective] hat kils: That snake's by saying he didn't know who broke my rac
bite is nearly always deadly. • he comparave +Dcb /d1'se·hgr/ [non o  n]  The last mon
om is deadle" ad e speatve form s dead- December. • Be ca
year: Winter begins in December.•
ies cebe as a capa "D ®See picture a
+f /def/ [adecti"] Not able to hear: The accident le .
him deaf in one ear. cpion /d1'sepgn/ [  '�: ab l e ] he act o
f /'def.n/ [verb] o make somebody unable to ig or misleading: lusionists practice t
hear because of a loud noise: The explosion nearly deception.
deafened us. +ci /d1'sad/ [verb] To choose ater
+1 /di:I/ '° a b l e]  1 A commercial agreement: The about something: Mary decided to buy
businessmen made a deal with their clients. 2 a one.• Be caeul
dress instead of the green one.•
good deal A large quantity: My brother eats a ponnciaton o ts wod e rs e
good deal. 3 a grea dea f A lot of: I spent a onced ike he i n "did, e "i" y
great deal of time studying for this test so I de- y" ad te secod e is o prononced
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dkhi 08

a dki /'dck.tJcgr/ US /-tJcr/ :� bn  e  ] A folding

l° +dp /di:p/ [a djective] Profound: Don't go in
chair that is used outside: We rented some really end of the swimming pool because you c
b comfortable deckchairs on the beach. ®See pictu- well enough.
re at chir dp-f l°:�a b  e 
1 ] A refrigerator f
c dltio /,dek.g're1.Jn/ [°:�a bn  e 
1 ] A formal an- food: Put this chicken in the deep-freeze
nouncement: The United States of America made made eat it next week.
their Declaration of Independence from British rule d  b e 
us: /d!r/ UK /dg/ l°:�an  ] A wild an

in 776 large horns: Deer can run very fast. •Th

e +dl /d'kegr/ [verb] To announce something "deer.• A femae deer s a doe.
aso "deer. doe.
 very clearly: United States declared war on Mexico 4.

f +dliin 6 dft /d'fi:t/ [verb] To wn a game or a b

/d1'klam/ [verb]  To refuse an offer: Sh Shee de-
de- ton
to n Celt
icss defe
ed ChChic icag
ago o BuBullllss 9-7
clined Paul's invitation to his birthday party. 2 To ketball game yesterday.
g get worse: Old Mrs. Conroy's health is declining dft  e 
/d'fckt/ /'di:.fckt/ l°:�a bn 1 ] A fault
slowly defect in the motor of this car.
h dopo /,di:b'pguz/ [verb] To make or be- +df /d'fens/ [ ou n n] See dfns
dfns• •
come rotten or decayed: Bodies of animals and is Engsh spelig
 plants begin to decompose soon aer death. +dfd /d'fend/ [verb] To protect: The na
dopo /,di:.b' US /'pouz.3/ l°:�a bn  e 
]A ed the beach.
/d1'fendgr/ °:� ' 1 e ] Player in
J living organis which contributes to the process of
decomposition: Decomposers such as bacteria and
of defense: The defender stopped the bal
k mould, break down the remains of other living things things.. to the net with his head. ®See picture a
dopoitio /,di,kpg'zJgn/ ["a   e  b ] The +df /d'fcns/ [ o]
o] Resstance again
l act of becoming rotten: Aer death the body is tack: Many female animals will ght to th
subject to a process of decomposition. defense of their young. •The Briis Engli
u n n  ] The
/,di:.b' [ a  b e 
m dopio
release of pressure: As they come up from under
is defece".
defece" .
+d /d1'fam/ [verb] To say what a wor
the water,
water, divers go throug
through h a process
process of decom- decom- Can you de
dene ne the word "scien "science"? ce"?
n  pression. +dit /'def..ngt/ [a jective] Very clear or
+dot /'dek.g.re1t/ [verb] 1 To put beautiful me a denite answer by tomorrow.
Q things on something: The children decorated the dit til l°:�a b,  e 
 ] The word "
room for the party. 2 To paint a room or to put pa- denite article "the" is one of the mos
p per on the wals: Everyone helped and we decorat- words in the English language.
ed the apartme
apartmentnt in one weekend. +ditio /,def.'J."n/ l°:�a e ] An expl
q dotio l°:�  b1]
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end we have been forced to delay our vacation until +dy /d1'mak·rg·si/ [ ' 0:� n b l e] 
September. which people vote for their leaders:
+dlb /d1'J [adjective] Planned or not ac- was established in Poland in 8 •The
cidental: That kick was deliberate. deliberate. democracies"
+dl /' [adjective] Easy to damage or to d /,dem.g'krpk/ [adjective] Refer
hurt, very ne: Be careful with these glasses be political system or decision making pr
cause they are very delicate. which all the people living in that count
delicates  ' 0
/,dcl.1.b'tcs. / [ :�b1e ]  store
sen /,dcl.1.b'tcs. ciety participate: A government is de
that sells special and unusual food: In United when freely elected by a majority of voters.
States you buy certain foreign foods in a delica dlh /d1'mal·1f/ [veb] To destroy a bu
tessen. a controlled way: The old building was dem
dl /d1'J [adjective] Good to eat: Let's go to and a bingo hall was built there.
the new Italian restaurant; the food there is deli dl /,dem.g'./ [nou] The contro
cious. struction of a building: The new plans inv
+dlgh1 /d1'l1t/ [nou o  u] Great happiness: Our cat's demolition of several houses.
greatest delight is sleeping in front of the re. +d /'cem.g.stret/
em.g.stret/ [verb] 
dlgh2 /d1'l1t/ [ve rb] rb] To give great happiness: The clearly: The mechanic demonstrated how
 young musicians'
musicians' concert delighted delighted everyone, espe chine worked. 2 To show your opinio
cially the parents. something in public: A large crowd o
+dlgd /d1'laq1d/ [adjective] Very happy: The girls demonstrated against the war outside the
were delighted to see each other again aer such a sy.
time.• Be caefu wit te ponucaio o his
long time.• d /,dem.g'stre1./
wod. e las "e" is proouced lke te i i did. Showing how to do something: The s
® See picure at motion. gave a demonstration of the new com
dlghf /d1'lt.M/ [adjective] Charming: What a  co:�b l e ] 2  protest march or meeting:
delightful person Maggie is! an antinuclear demonstration in downto
+dl /d1'J [ve rb] To take something to its terday.
destination: They say that they will deliver the piz d /c1'mostrgt1v/
1'mostrgt1v/ [adjective]
 za to us within
within half an hour. hour. shows feelings openly, especially affec
+dly /d1'n·ri/ [noun o  un]  Taking something o a was really demonstrative when meeting
place or to a person: There are only two postal de ents at the airport. 2 Referring to an adj
here. • The plural is "devees
liveries a week here.• pronoun, that indicates the person or t
dl /'   :� a b  e ]  triangular area of flat land
co ferred to: In "That is my house", "that"
where a river divides into several smaler rivers monstrative pronoun. 3 That serves to p
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dt 0

a dt /dent/ [c0� 

  b1'] A hollow part in a flat surface: dpltio /'pli:fgn/ [nou] A reduction i
He must have gotten that dent in his car when he or strength: Cuts in spending will result
b was parking. tion of parts of the armed forces. •This w
c DENT dpos /dr'pguz/ [verb] To remove from o
the intention of the demonstrators to d
dposit1 /dr'pozrt/ [c0� 
  b1'] Money that y
reserve something: I put a deposit on a
e last week and Im going to collect it today
+dposit2 /dr'pozrt/ [verb] To put money
f  valuable objects into a bank or buidin
My mother deposited some money in th
g me to start saving for my vacation.
dpot [c0� b1'] A building hat is used fo
h c  1'] A person who looks af-
things: We saw old steam engines when
+dtist   a  bn
/'dcntrst/ [ o �   the train depot in Durango, Colorado.
ter people's eeth: I go to the dentist every six meanig: "storeouse.
months. +dpss /dr'pes/ [veb] To make somebod
+dy /d1'na1/ [verb] To say that something is not happy: All the terrible news on the televi
true: Anne denied that she had stolen the money.• money. • me. • Be caeful wih te spel
depresses me.•
k Be careu
careu wih the spelng
spelng o tese oms: oms: "dees, 3rd peso sngua pese ese form form::
denied +dpssd /d1'pcst/ [adjec tive] tive] Very unh
dodot /di'u·dg.gnt/ [nou] A liquid that pre-
[ Mr. Williams has been very depressed sin
 vents bad smells: Don't forget to use a deodorant died.•
died. • Be careu wih te ponciation
o hs word e las e" s no proonced
m aer your shower.
dpt /dr'pt/ [verb] To leave: The train to Denver +dpssig /dr'pes.r/ [adjec tive] tive] Making
departs from platform six at .5. • is word is  very sad: The end of the movie is very dep
n fora We sualy say leave. dpssio /dr'pef.n/ [": b1'] A feelin
+dptt /d1'pt·mgnt/ [c o�     a 1'] A part of a unhappiness: Depression can sometimes
Q school, bank company and so on: Kevin's mom ous illness.
has just got a job as head of the languages depart- +dpth /dcp/ [noun] The distance down:
p school.• See box at abbreviations
ment in our school.•
dptt sto [ �   c 
o 1'
     ] A  very large shop:
depth of the swimming pool?
  a  bn 1e] Person seco
dpty /'de·g·!i/ [c o�  
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 dv
+dst /d1'Z3rt/ [noun] A large, very dry, sandy area dstitio /,dcs.t1'nc.Jn/ ['°�Z  bn n l e ]
of land: The Sahara desert is in North rica. • where somebody is going: Aer a terrible
Compare with "dessert (the sweet dsh at the end of they nally reached their destination.
a meal). dstiy  ; a a : :i e e ] Fate, the thin
/' ['°�z ; 
+dstd /d1'z3r.pd/ [adjectve] Empty of people:  happen to somebody in the future: Her
was four o'clock in the morning and the streets were was to die young.
young.• • The pura s desties"
deserted. •Be careul with he pronciatio o he +dstoy /d1'st:/ [verb] To ruin completely:
end of this word The last e is pononced ike the stryed the United States naval base at Pearl
 in did. +dstuctio /d1'strAk.Jn/ ["nc      a b e e ] Great
st isld ['°�z ;  ; a a : :i e e ] An island with no people: The Great Fire of Chicago caused enorm
Which book would you take to a desert island if you struction
struct ion in 87.
had to choose? dstuctiv /d1'strAkt1v/ [adjectve] 1 Cau
+dsv /d1'z3rv/ [verb] To earn something by the on or serious damage: Drinking,
way you behave: You deserve a long vacation aer and taking drugs are destructive habits.
all those tests. or tending to destroy: That boy shows a r
+sig1 1'zam/ ['  �  ; 
0  ; a a b   e e ] 1 A plan or a drawing: structive behavior.
/1'zam/ n 
What do you think of the designs for the new dtch /h'ttJ/ [ver] To separate: Detach
school? 2 A pattern or a drawing: I like the design of the receipt and take it back to the sto
on that T-shirt. •Be caefl with the proncation  you bought the radio.
of this word! +dti /d1'tel/ /'di-te1l/ I ['°�z ;  ; a a b 0 1 e]  1 One of
dsig2 /d1'zam/ [verb] To make make a plan, plan, to invent facts about someth
!will not go into deta
and develop: Our Lady of the Angels Cathedral 2 Information: Im going to phone the trave
was designed by Rafael Moneo in the 20th 20th Century.
Cen tury. get all the detai
ls about this spec
special ial ight to
•Be caeful wih the ponuciaon o this word!
0  ; a a b  1 e]  A perso
dtct /d1'tckt/ [verb] To notice or to discov
dsig 1'z-ngr/ ['  � ; 
/1'z-ngr/ person
n who de-de- thin
th ing
g th
at is di
cull to se
see:e: Aer his d
signs:  Marc Jacobs is a very famous American fash- police detected
detected poison in his body. body.
designer.• Be caeul with he prouciatio o
ion designer.• dtctiv  b
/d1'tek.t1v/ ['°�Z    e 
 1 ] A policeman
ths word!  vestigates crimes: The detective discov
dsi /d1'zgr/ [nou] A strong wish for something: murderer aer questioning several suspect
I have a great desire to travel the world. dtgt /d1't3r-dgnt/ [on] A chemica
+dsk /desk/ [coz  
  a a b n  e e ] A able for wriing: Leave the used for washing: How much detergent sh
 papers on my my desk. ®See picure at classrm in the washing machine?
despair1 /d1'spegr/ ["' �  ::     a  b bl e 
 e ] A feeling of having no dtiot /d1'tr-i.g,re1t/ [verb] To get wo
hope: AnneMarie was in despair when when she
she failed grandpas health deteriorated rapidl rapidly.y.
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dlop 

a +dlop /dr'vc.ap/ [verb]

1 To grow: In a few dil1 /dral/ ['0�; a b  1  ] The round part of a
months, the kitten developed into a big cat. 2 To with numbers or letters: Look! The dial
bmake something bigger and better: The old down- ing that there is almost no gas le.
town has been developed; now it has a shopping dil2 /d1gJ/ [veb]
To use a dial: In the Un
c mall, a theater and a movie theater. 3 o make a  you dial 9 in an emergency.
photograph with chemicals: Ive had the vacation dilt /'d1.g.Jekt/ A local form [  o
o     ]
 photographs developed. guage: The Cajun is a famous Louisiana d
dloping onty ['°�; a n b t el 
A country that is dilog [   o
o   ]
A conversation between two
becoming more modern: The government has like movies that have interesting dialogs
e  promised to send more money to help the develop Te Bish Egish spelng is dialoge
dilog UK: /'dr.a.l/ [non]
f countries.• The plura is "developng coutries".
ing countries.•
developmentt /dr'veb
+developmen /dr'veb p.mgn t/ I
 p.mgnt/ 1 Slow [ u n  'n  :ab  e e ] Bish Egish spelng
See dialog.

growth: There's been a lot of development of the dit /d1'>m1tg/ Line that goe [non]
gtown in recent years. I 2 A new event: ['°; a nb  t e]  the center of a circle and divides it in
There have been some new developments in the cri parts: The diameter of a circle is twice its
hsis between Israel and Palestine. +diond /'dra.mand/ I 1 A very hard [   o
o   ]
dition /,di:vi'cran/ [   c: ab 
An action or be  ab  e e]  ent stone that is very valuable: Diamond
havior which ders from what is usual or expect expensive. I ['°�;  1
 1  ]
2 A playing card wit
ed: The winds resulted in a deviation from the route. mond shapes on it: o's got the King of D
+di /d1'v1s/ ['°�;  1
 1  ]
A small thing invented for dip /'d·pa/ /'d-a-pa/ ['°�; a  b 1  ]
a specic purpose or a way of achieving a partic- cloth or paper that covers a baby's bo
kular purpose: I have a device on my phone that lets  you hel
p me cha
nge the bab
ys dia
me speak to two people at the same time. Bish Egish hey say napp
dil /'dcv.l/ I ['0�  b 1  ]
1 An evil spirit: The priest diphg /'drafm/ 1 ['°� nb  1  ]
tried to force the devils to abandon the body of the membrane which separates the thorax
m  person they were inhabiting. I 2 he most [   o u   ] abdomen: The diaphragm performs an
powerful evil spirit, according to Christans: In  function in respiration. 2 A thin piece of
the book "The portrait of Dorian Gray", the main rubber tha prevents sperm entering
n Devil. • Be carefu! I
character sells his soul to the Devil.• womb of a woman during sex: The dia
his se Devil" as a capal D" Tis se has no tted over the narrow part of the womb.
0 plura dih [ "c: b 
 b 1  ]
An illness in which
+dot [verb] o give a lot of time, energy and so has to go to he bathroom too oten:
P on to somebody or something: My cousin is a mis drink a lot of lemon juice because Ive go
sionary and she devotes all her time to working +diy US: /'dr.i/ UK: /'dra.i/ ['°�; a , ,b bt  e ]
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3 i

ictt /'drk·tcrt/, /drk'tcrt/ [verb] To speak to some- +iclty /'·ti/, /-kAl·ti/ ['0:�  n ble ] A p
body who writes your words down: The President I have diculty understanding mathemati
dictated his speech to t o the secretary. plural is "difculties.
icttio /d1k'te1.Jn/ '°:�   a  e ] Words that one per-
   t i dug, dug /dg/ [.,b] To make a hol
son speaks and others wrie down: Our teacher is ground: The prisoner dug a tunnel from h
going to give us a dictation today. outside the prison walls.
ictto US: /'d1k.tcq/ UK: /d1k'tc1.t/ '°:�  a  le ] A it /dm'd3cst/, /'da1.d3cst/ [verb] To absorb
person who rules a country alone: Dictators are your stomach: My grandmother nds it ha
usu allyy unpopul
ar with
with the peop peoplele in their coun
coun-- gestt som
ges somee foo
try. itio /dr'd3es.tJn/ [ou n] Action of
icttohip /drk'ter·!Jrp/ '°:�  na  bte ] A state or food into energy: A quick walk aer a me
country ruled by a dictator, or this situation: The the digestion.
dictatorship was abolished aer eighteen years. itiv /da1'd3est1v/ [adjecHve] Referrin
+ictioy /'d1k·Jnc·i/ ['°:�;  a  1] A boo book k tha
thatt ex-
ex- help
he lpin
g di
stio n: The digestive system p
plains the meaning of words: Let's look up the the food we eat and transforms it into n
word "earthquake" in our "Horizon" dictionary. • @See page 44
he ural is dctionaries.
dctionaries. itiv l '°:�   a  bte ] An organ whic
    
i /drd/ Past tense of do. the same purpose as the liver and p
+i /da1/ [verb] To stop living: Peter's grandfather found in arthropods, mollusks and sh
died of a heart attack.•
attack.• Be careful with the spelng gestive gland is an organ of the digestive tr
of this orm: dyng. itiv yt ['°:�      a  be ] The set of o
i ow /da1/ [verb] To come slowly to an end: the body which process food: Food enter
The storm went on all night and died down the next gestive system through the mouth. @
morning. 44
+it1 /dart/ I [ou] 1 The food that somebody eats: itiv tct ['0:�  na  be ] A pipe in t
You should eat a balanced diet of meat, vegetables, along which food travels: The digestive tr
 fruit, cereals and dairy products. I '°:�   b e 
  t ] 2 A spe-  from the throat to the anus.
cial program of eating, usualy to lose weight: Im iitl /'drd3..l [adjecive] 1 Based on c
getting rather fat so I think that Ill Ill have tot o go on a technology and the representaton of info
diet for a few weeks.•
weeks.• Be caeu! In this se we say by series of the numbers O and : Digit
to be or to go n a die. sion has replaced analogue television. 2
it2 /dart/ [veb] To follow a specia program of ngers or toes: Braille is a digital syste
eaing, usually to lose weight: Youve lost some blind people use to read.
weight. Have you been dieting? ii /'drg..fard/ [adjecive] Calm and
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dinionl 4

a dinion /,8ri:d1'mcnJanal/ [adjective]

Having a dition /d'rck.nz/ [p1ura1ou]
specied number of dimensions: We went to the how to go somewhere: The boys got lo
b movies and watched a three-dimensional lm.
din /'d-nar/ [co :� a b n l e]  1 Somebody who is eatng
had to ask for directions.
ditly /d' [ad,rb] 1 In a dire
c in a restaurant: This restaurant seats twenty din manner without deviation: The bus tak
ers. 2 A small restaurant that serves drnks and rectly to the downtown. 2 At once, imm
simple meals: We had soda and a sandwich at a He did not answer directly he needed a
diner on the Second Avenue. •The same meanig: to think. 3 Just, exactly: They live directl
11caf1 us.
e dinghy l
/' [co :� a b    e ] A small sailing boat: The +dito /d'rek.a/ [c 0 :� '  1e]  1 A perso
f children played on the lake in the rubber dinghy. •
The plura is "dngies".
rects: Mrs. Rhys has been the director o
theater for years. 2  
dining oo [co :� '  1e ] A room for eating in: Our aging director.
g dining room is next to the backyard so we can +dit US: /d�:/ UK: /d3:/ [ unc   a bl e]  An unc
watch the birds while we eat. stance like mud or earth: Clean the di
dining tbl [ 0 :� a b n l e]  A table usually located in a shoes before you come in.
dining room at which meals are served: My +dity US: /'i/ UK: /'3:.i/ [adjecti"] Not c
grandmother loves joining the family at the dining dirt: If you play in the mud you'll get dirty
table. ®See picture at living room. di- /ds/ [prefx] An addition to the begin
+dinn /'d-ar/ [ou] The most important meal of word that gves it the opposite meaning
the day: In my family we always eat dinner togeth est" is the opposite of "honest".
k er. dibiity /,ds·a'hl·1·!if [oun] A physical
dino /'d·na,sr/ [co :� a b   l e ] A reptile tha lived a ta! state that makes you unable to u
[ very long time ago: Not all dinosaurs were big; one your body: Somebody who is deaf has a
kind was only two feet long. •Te pua is "disabites.
dioid  c   a bl e ] An oxide with two atoms of ox-
[ +dibld /d1'se1.h]d/ [adjective] Not able to
ygen which are not linked o an atom of anoher of the body well: Yesterday !watched a
element: Carbon dioxide is a naturally occurring game for disabled players. • Be careu
n chemical compound. poncato o this wod. e e s
dip1 [non] A sauce to put food in it and take it out nonced.
0 to eat: We have corn chips and spinach or arti- +didntg /,d1s·ad'vn·1d/ [noun]
choke dip for watching the game. makes a situation dicult for one side:
dip2 /dp/ [veb] o put something n liquid and hen
take it out: I like dipping my cookie in my hot choc
team was at a disadvantage because their
er was ill. • Be caeu w the pronca
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+disappointed /,hs·g'p1d/ [adjective] Sad because +discover /d1'skAv·ar/ [verb]

To nd somet
something is worse than expected: Our teacher the rst time: Christopher Columbus di
said that she was very disappointed by the compo- America in 49.
sitions we had written.• Be careful with the pronn- +discovery /d1'skAv·ni/ [n  un] Finding som
ciaio o e ed of is word. The "e" is pronounced The discovery of penicillin changed many
like e i in dd lives.• e pra is dscovees"
+disappointing /,ds.g'pm·t1u/ [adjec1i,] Making you discriminate /d1'skr.1.c1t/ [veb] To trea
feel disappointed: My mom said that she found the ently: Companies should not discriminate
exhibition disappointing. women.• Be carel We say: discrminate
+isappointment /,ds.a'p�mt.at/ ["�  :  able ] Sad- (soebody)"
ness because something is worse than expected: discriminatio /d1,sk.1'e1./ [" �:
The result of the football game caused great disap ing some people worse han others: Relig
 pointment in the town. cial and sexual discrimination are illegal.
disapprove /,ds.g'pr:v/ [veb] To think that some- discus /'d1sbs/  c oz; a e ] A round, lat met
thing is bad or morally wrong: My grandfather ject that is thrown: The athlete broke the r
disapproves of boys with long hair.• Be careful. We throwing the discus.
say He disappoves of (somebody). We do' say +discuss /d1'skAs/ [verb] To talk about som
He dsappoves (somebody) Some people love discussing politics.•
+disaster /d'zs·tar/ c oz  n b '] A catastrophe, natu- spelg o e 3rd peson singlar pese
ral or produced by people: Earthquakes and hurri- fom: "discsses"
canes are examples of natural disasters. +discussion /d1'skAJ./ [ ou ] A period of
+isc  b e 
/dsk/ [0;a   l ] 1 A round, flat object: He said about something: There was a very interes
the UFO was shaped like a disc. 2 A record: The lat cussion about music on the radio last ni
est Taylor Swi disc is fantastic. +disease /d'zi:z/ [n o n] An illness: Cholera
+discipline  
/'d1.plm/ [  �:  ab le ] Control and or- terrible disease.• Compare with less (
der: Theres no discipline at that school. s used when we alk about a specic iln
disc jockey c oz;e  A person who plays records ness" s used whe we ak abo the geera
on the radio or in discotheques: Some disc jockeys being  ad the ime during whic yo are 
are as famous as the music they play. • DJ" s an disgrace /ds'res/ ["  �: ble ] A state of s
abbreviaion or dsc jocey" loss of respect: The boy had stolen money
disco /'d1s·ko/ c oz;a  b n '] A place for dancing: The classmates and the teacher sent him hom
music is usually very loud in discos. • Be carefu grace.
wih he pronuncaion of is wod! Te o" is pro- disgraceful /ds'res.fl/ [ajective] Very bad
ouced as in go. • "Disco s sort fo dsco- His behavior was completely disgraceful.
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dishcloth 6

a dishcloh /'drJ.kl8/ US: /-kl:8/ [ ' 0 a b 

cloth le 
   ]  disobedient /,drs·a'bi.ant/ [adjecive] No
used for washing or drying dishes: Wipe the ta not waning to obey: What a disobedient g
b bles with this dishcloth. disobey /,drs·a'her/ [veb] Not to obey: You
+dishonest /ds'n·ast/ [adjecive] Not honest: You disobey your teacher.
disorder /drs'�·da/ I [" '�:     ab le ] 1 Lack
c cant trust him; hes dishonest.
dishwasher /'d1J,wJa/ /-w�Ja/ co
   a 1]  ma My paper are always in a state of comp
chine that washes dishes, cups and so on: Put der. I co
   a te ] 2 Violent behavior by man
these plates in the dishwasher please. ® See pic The police were brought in to prevent d
e ture at n. the streets.
disorgaized or disor
[adjecive] Untidy: Your com
f DISHASHER /ds'·ga,nmzd/
quite good but it's rather disorganized.
with the pronunciaton o he end of this
g "e" is no prooced.
disperse /dr'sp3s/ [verb] To scatter in di
h rections, to separate: The soldiers had t
in order to reduce casualties.
display1 /dr'spler/ [nou]  show or exh
things: Did you see the rework display l
J display2 /d1'sple1/ [verb] o show some
somebody to see: Next year's fashions a
k being displayed in the store windows.
disposable /d1'spou·za·bal/ [adjeive] Whi
l thrown away after use: I've bought som
able plastic plates for the party.
m dispute /dr'spj:t 'drs.pj:t/ [nou]   conf
stopped because of a dispute over pay.
disqualify /drs'kwl·a,fm/ [verb] o de
n disifect /,drs.rn'fekt/ [veb] o clean something somebody cannot do something: Mr.
with a substance that kills germs: Pure alcohol is  found guilty of drunken driving and wa
0 used to disinfect wounds. ed from driving for a year. • Be careu
disifectant /,drs·rn'fck·tant/ [o  ]  liquid that spelng of hese foms: disquales", "ds
p kills germs: My mother always puts disinfectant Be careul. We say: He was dsqualied
down the bathroom. (soethng . )
q +disk    t dissatised
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t US: /'dou.nc1t/ UK: /dw'nc1t/ [ ]

To give tp /'d�rstcp/, /'dour-/ [ 0:�  be] A step
something o people who need it: She donated a of a door: Be careful when you come in bec
lot of her fortune to charity. doorstep is quite high.
1 /dAn/ Past participle of do [
ic f'dr.1k/ US: f'd�:r-/  adjective] Referrin
2 /dAn/  adjective] Finished: Her work done, she simplest of the building styles in Ancient
returned to her room to listen to some music. Doric pillars are topped by a plain cap
ky /'dD·ki/, /'dA-/, /'d�-/ lco:�  a   bn e] An animal stand directly on the sidewalk, without a
like a horse with long ears: Baby donkeys are very base. • Compae wh Ioc" (with soe
cute. ®See page 428. tion) ad "Corita (the ost onate)
donor US: /'dou.n?/ UK: /'/ lco:� a  bn e] A person ity /'d�rmgt�ri/, /-tourif lco:� a 
who gives something to somebody who needs it: room with beds in a school, hostel and so
My mother is a regular blood donor at the local girls slept in a lovely dormitory at the
hospital. camp.  A building with rooms for univer
't US: /daunt/ UK: /dgnt/ The contraction of "do dents to live in: That university has a grea
not". tory at the campus.• Te plral s dormto
t® /'dounAt/, /-ngt/ ['0:� a n b1] A small round [ ] Referrin
 /':.sgJ/ US: /':r-/  adjective
cake: Donuts are cooked in oil.• The Britsh Englsh back of a person, animal or s: Fish ha
spelig is "doughnut". sal n. ®See page 423
[ ] To draw lines or gures while
 /'d:.d]/  verb +t US: /d:t/ UK: /dt/ [c0:�  a   be] A small roun
you are thinking about something ese: She al The Braille alphabet uses dots to repres
ways doodles while she is talking on the phone. letter of the alphabet.
+ US: /d�:r/ UK: /d�:/ [co:� a  be] The way into a tt i [c0:�;  a  be] A line of several dot
room or a building: Open the door, please; I'm on sign on the dotted line.
the phone. [
+1 /'Abl/  adjective ] 1 Twice as much o
I'd like a double ice cream, please.  Made
people: My parents sleep in a double bed.
DOOR [ ] To multiply by two:
2 /'dAhl/  veb
in my aunts store have doubled over the p
  [c0:�;  a  be] A very big instrum
an enormous violin: Andrew plays the dou
doobll in the school orchestra. ® See page 458.
1�¥ ' -ck 
[co:� a  e] A bus with two
levels: Many cit
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oght 0

a oght /'dau.nAt/ ['0:�a n bl e]  See ® • ipip /'drcm.pp/ '°:�b  e ] A pipe o


This is a Brtis Englsh spelng. sde of a buldng: The thieves climb

b o1 /dAv/ '°:�ab 1] A whte brd of the pgeon
famly: A dove is oen used as a symbol of peace.
drainpipe and got in through the bedr
c o2 Past tense of   /'dr:.g/ /'dr.g/ I '°:�a 

o1 /dun/ [ ad i ect]  Lower: The price of the do/ ous play for he theater or televsion:
Jar is down today. 2 Sad, unhappy: You're looking said that Shakespeare's dramas are a mi
a bit down today.
I [  'ab e]  2 Actng and plays: My sis
e o2 /dun/ !�:;;]I or towards a lower place: went to drama school and is now an actr
The anchor went down to the bottom of the sea. 3 Exctement: There was a big drama w

f ohill
®See pcture at  the children got lost on the trip.
/,dun'hl/ [ adverb ] To the bottom of a hll: ti /drg'k/ [ adjectve] Exctng:
The cyclists went downhill at an incredible speed. had a dramatic ending.
g ostis /'dun'stcarz/ [ adverb ] On a lower floor k /dk/ Past tense of 
or to a lower floor: Tommy went downstairs to p /drc1p/ [  o n]  Materal used for c
h make breakfast. wndow or door: One of the girls hid b
oto [, i ;b  In or to the central area or drapes. • I Btis Engsh tey say
man busness area of a cty: You can see the high ®See pcture at  
est buildings of downtown Denver from the dis- ght 
/dr:ft/ '°:�ab1] See •
J ance. Btis glis.
o [ adjectve] Towards the ground, n a ghts /drts/ /dr:fts/ [  o  

k down drecton: She indicated yes with a down

ward movement of the head.
 • Tis wod is Bish gis. •
sed wi a sngla veb.
[ os /'dun·wardz/ [ adverb ] owards the 1 /d:/ '°:�b e ] See ' •Ths word
ground, n a down drecton: Lily fell asleep face Englsh.
m o downwards under the apple tree. 2 dr, dr /dr�:/ [ver] 1 To m
/dguz/ [veb ] To sleep lghtly: Grandmother ure wth a pencl, a pen and so on:
dozed in the chair for a few minutes aer lunch. drew a picture of a snowman for his mot
n o /'dAz.n/ ['°:�a  b e]  Twelve: Go and buy a dozen ••his se s Brish Englsh.

eggs from the farm. •Be caef. We always say: "a •PHSL VBS·   (
doze eggs. We don't say: a dozen of eggs. take somehng out: I'm going to the ban
D. A wrtten abbrevaton for  See box a some money out for the vacation.  

P abbreviatons.
stop: A huge car drew up outside the ho
ft US: /drft/ UK: /dr:ft/ '°:�·1 ] 1 The rst form man with dark glasses got out.
q big
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+wg /'dn/ I  n l e ] 1 A picture done

[co�; a b  ss /'drcs,mc.br/ US: /-k/ [co
with a pencil, a pen and so on: The Museum of son who makes women's clothes: I'm goin
Modern Art in New York has the best drawings of the dressmaker to alter this dress. •
the twentieth century. I ["c  ab  te ]  The art of makes men's clothes is a "tailo".
making pictures wih a pencil a pen and so on: w /dru:/ Past tense of draw
Peter is very good at drawing, isn't he? ®   [co; a b   l • J See dryer
g 456. ll1 /dl/ [0�;  1 '   e ] 1 A tool for making ho
wg p [0:n b l e ] See humback• Ts wod tists use small drills in their work.  An
s Bris Engls where people practice many times till th
w US: /dra:/ UK: /dD:/ Past participle of well what to do: At my school we have 
draw and tornado drills.
 /dred/ [verb] To be very afraid of something: ll2 /drl/ [verb] To make a hole using a d
Harry dreaded telling Jane that her dog had died. drilled a hole in the wall for the picture.
fl /'drcd.M/ [ade c ,] Horrble: I had a dread- 1 /drk/ [ nou ] A liquid that is suit
 ful day today; everything went wrong. swallowing: Chocolate milk makes a tasty
+1 /dri:m/ [0:; a  b  te ] 1 Something that you children.
imagne while you are asleep: I had a lovely +2 dk, duk /drk/ [verb] 1
dream last night.  Something nice that you liquid: You should drink at least one liter
would like to happen: My dream is to meet Tom a day.  g  Clean water for d
Hanks. The water from this tap is for washing only
+2 dt, dt /dri:m/ [verb] 1 To imag- drinking water.
ine things while you are asleep: Last night, I p /drp/ [verb] To fall in drops: Wat
dreamt I went to Manderley again.  To want through the roof of our classroom when it
something nice o happen: I oen dream about Be caefu wth the spelig o these
going to the Himalayas one day.• Dream aso has dripped, "dppng".
eglar pas and past paticple orms: dreamed". 1 /dr1v/ [co: b  te ] A journey in a car:
+1 /dres/ [0: a b 
   te ] An article of womans cloth-  for a drive in the countryside.
ing wih a top and a skrt n one: What a beautiful +2 dov, div /drv/ [verb] To ma
dress!• he plua is dresses® See picture at tor vehicle travel: She drove all the way
clohes in one day.
+ss2 /drcs/ [verb] 1 To put clothes on: Sam dressed  /'dv./ /'dv./ Pas participle o
quickly and went out.  To put cothes on some- + /'dr·vgr/ : b  e   ] A person who dr
body: I dressed the baby while Peter prepared the driver stopped for half an hour to drink a
stroller. 3 To wear something: Lewis always dress coee.
's lcs :n b t
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editio 6

a +editio /1'd1.n/[°:� b ] A book or a newspaper that +egg /c/ °:� b    ] 1 A fragile object that c
comes out at a particular ime: The news was too baby bird or reptile: The hen has laid s
blate for the early morning editions of the newspapers. day. 2 scrambled eggs See  
edito /'ed·g! .gr/ [0�; a b   ] 1 Somebody who edits
c material for publication or broadcasting: The EGG
editor has the last word on what goes into the
dnewspaper. 2 A function which corrects text or
data you put on the computer: He decided to
work without the text editor as it did not recog
nize many new words. 3 copy editor The person

fresponsible for correcting the style of written

material accepted for publishing: She has been
oered a job as copy editor in the publishing
editoil1 /,cd·r·i·l/ /-'tour-/[0:�  b  ] A newspa
hper article giving the opinion of the newspaper
 
on a current issue: The editorial establishes the 
tone for the newspaper.
editoil2 /,ed1'trigJ/ [ajv] Referring to the ed-
jiting of a publication: Editorial responsibility is a eggplt /'e·phnt/ /'e1-/ [°:�; a ]
question of choosing what to publish. with a purple skin: Fried eggplant is on
+edte /'ed.u.ke1t/[b] To teach, to instruct: An- vorite dishes. • I n Britsh Eglsh hey s
drea was educated at a girls' school in Portland. ge.@ S page 47
+edtio /,cd.u'kc1.n/ [  ] 1 Teachng and +eight /ct/["  ] The number 8: Fou
learning: If Aristotle is to be believed, ''The roots of makes eight.
m education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet". 2 high- eightee /e1'tin/ [  ]
  The numb
er education See   can vote at the age of eighteen in the Uni
eel /iI/[0:�; a b    ] A long, thin sh like a snake: els eighteeth /e1'tin/ [   Referring
n swim long distances to have their young. teen: Hugh's birthday is on the eighteent
+eet /1'ekt/[  ] 1 The result of somehing: Glob ary.•igteen" can also be wrtte 18
Q al warming is having a very negative eect on the eighth /c1t8/ [f    Referring to eight:
environment. 2  k  To begin applying a the eighth month of the year.• gt c
prule, to begin working: The agreement will take e
 fet in June.
witte 8h.
eightieth /'e1Si/  Referring to e
q +eetie
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 put an elastic band around these cards so that we electonic /r,lck'ton·rks/ [c �:  a ble ] The t
don't lose them. gy of using microchips to make radios,
elticity /,1"s'tSgti/ [unc �:  a bte ] The conditon of ers and so on: The electronics industry is o
being abe to be stretched: Let's test the elasticity most important in the world. •  is usu
of this material. wth a singuar verb.
+ebow f'eJhgu/ [co  a  te ] The part of your arm where +elegnt /'el.1.nt/ [adje c i] With good
it bends: She gave me a push with her elbow to grace: She was wearing an elegant black d
warn me that the teacher was coming. ®See page +element /'cl.r.mgnt/ [c 0   bn te ] 1 A part o
. ting: Chance is an important element
co  bt e 
ede /'el-dg/ [    ] The comparative form of game. 2 A simple substance: Oxygen is o
d • t s used whe people's ages ae compaed, elements in air.
especaly the ages of membes of a famly t cannot elementy /,eJ.g'men-ti/ /'men-tg.i/
be used wih "ta, and  i s used wt a noun i pe and basic: I'm doing an elementary c
aways goes in ont o he noun: "My eder bote is  practical mathematics.
a snger". elementy chool [co   bn te ] A school
edely /'eJ-dg.Ji/ [adje c ive] Old: Theyve just opened a dren from ve to eleven years old: My si
home for elderly people in our street. elementary school. • The same meaning:
edet /'el.drst/ [adje c ive] The superative form of school
d • It s used when people's ages ae compaed, +elephnt /'el.1.ant/ [co   bte ] A large, gray
especaly the ages of membes of a famly t cannot with a very long nose: Elephants live wild
be used wih "tan and  i s used wt a noun i and Asia. ®See page 8.
aways goes n fron of he noun: arn is he e- eletion /,e've1gn/ I [no] 1 The proces
des membe of he amiy ing something: The elevation of the nails
+eect /r'lckt/ [verb] To choose by voting: The new par duced by magnetism. 2 The angle of some
liamentary was elected on Tuesday. relation o the horizontal plane: The ele
+eection /1'lek.n/ [no] 1 A time when leaders are the gun barrel is 5 degrees. I [co  a bn te ] 3
chosen by voting: In the USA, an election to choose of a place, especially above sea level:
a president is held every four years. 2 geneal at an elevation of 6,000  feet. 4 A scale dr
electin See   the front or side of a building: The arch
+eectic /1'lek.tk/ [adje c i] Referring to somehing  pared a drawing of the front elevation of
moved or worked by electricity: We have a very ing.
good electric stove. c  t
+elevator /'cl-g,vcqgr/ [ 0: �   bn  e ] A machi
+electicl /1'lek.t.kl/ [adje c ive] Referring to elec- takes people up and down a building:
tricity: My aunt is an electrical engineer. tor is broken so youll have to use the
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elehee 128

a have something else. • "Else is used after words in the early 20th century.•The same me
formed wh any-, "no-, soe-", ad after qes- grae"
b ton words.
+elehee /'els,hwer/ /-,wer/ To another [adve b]
eigtion /,em1'gre1Jn/
leaving one's own country and going to
[unc�: a ble ]
c place or in another place: If you don't like this foreign country: Emigration has alwa
burger bar, we can always go elsewhere. characteristic of human history.
d 'e /m/ The contracion of "them".• This word is
eit /!'t/ [ver b] o send out (heat, no
gas): Light bulbs tend to emit heat.
e-i /'l/[c0   n ble ]
Mail that is sent or re- wh he spelng o hese forms emi
ceived through a computer: You can read my ted"
+eotion  [ou ] A strong feeli
f email if you want.• -mail is an abbeviaton for
eeconc mail
/1'mou .Jn/
times it is dicult to describe emotions.
g +eb /1m';r .s/ [ve]
To make somebody
feel uncomfortabe or ashamed: My mother al-
+eotionl /1'mo·J.n./
or causing strong feelings: Brian is a
[adje c1ive]

ways embarrasses me by making me play the piano tional person.

h when her friends come. epeo /'em·pr.r/ °   a b  ' ]
A man wh
ebed /1m'br·st/ [adje ctive]
Uncomfortable number of countries, no just one: Julius C
or ashamed: Dan felt embarrassed when he  probably the most famous Roman Empero
s/ipped and fell down in the school hall. • Be cae- an wo ules a uber o counries is an "
J f w he proncaon of he ed of hs word.
Te as "e s o proonced ® See picture at
+ephi /'em.s1s/  [no]
Force, stre
great emphasis on the need for a big na
co:�  ble 
k emotions
+ebing /'bM·s/ Making you [adje cti"]
+epie /'em·p/    an ] A  group
ruled by an emperor: The eastern part
[ feel uncomfortable or ashamed: It was so embar
rassing when I couldnt remember his name!
man Empire, known as Byzantium, surv
m +ebent /1m'r.s.mnt/ A person  [no] +eploy /1m'p1/ [ve]To give somebody
or a thing that makes you uncomfortable or car industry in Brazil employs thousands

ashamed: It was a great embarrassment to me +eployee /1m'p1.i:/ °   na b  e ]
when I dropped the bottle. employed by another person or by a com
eby f'em..si/ [c0   na b  e ]
A place with the of- ery employee in my mothers company got
0 cial representative of a foreign country: If youre at Christmas.
abroad and lose your passport, you should contact +eploye /1m'p1·r/ [c0    ble ]
Person w
p the embassy of your country in the place you're vis
iting. •The pura is embasses
work to people and pays them: Mr. m
good employer, he treats his workers very
q eboide +eployent [  bl
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fth 144

a tractor, a van and a car in the farmyard as well as ft2 /ft/ [ unc �:  b te ] The greasy substance
chickens, ducks, geese and a cat! skin of animals and people: You can cut
+fth us: /'f:r.o/ UK /'f:.og•/ la    j   ; b]  The com- the meat if you don't like it.
parative form of far. ftl /'fe·!g.J/ 1 hat causes de
C ftht /'fr.st/ la ] he superlative form was a fatal accident on the road to Por
of far. morning; four people were killed. 2 ha
fcint /'fs.1.nc1t/ [ver ] To interest greatly or
attract somebody: India fascinates me.
results: We made a fatal mistake and we
 for it.
e fcinting /'fs.g,neI·!ID/ [adjecive] hat greatly in- ft /fe/ [ '�: a b e ]
A mysterious force
terests or attracts people: Mexico is a fascinating people believe contols what happens:
country. not just a coincidence that weve met toda
+fio /'f.n/ [ o u] 1 The style of something +ft /'f lr  : � a b  n  te ] 1 A male pa
that is popular at a certain time: These kind of ther's name is Charles. •"Dad" and dad
g pants were the fashion in the sixties. 2   ormal fo "father".® See picture at
Popular at that moment: I think short hair is in -- When you are married, you
h fashion now. 3    No popular any your husbands father: My sisters fathe
more: My brother says that ties are out of fashion Italian. •  Te plura of ahe-n-
now. thers-i-aw.
+fiob /'f.n.g.h [adjecive] That is in fash- +fct US /':s1t/ [ c 0   t   e ]
A device o let
J ion: Jason likes wearing fashionable clothes.
fion o lc o  a t e ] A show where clothes are
of a tube pipe and so on: The bathtub
leaking.• I Bish Engls they say ta
k shown: In Milan there are very famous fashion
pictures at  bathroom and kitchen.
+flt US /f:lt/ UK /flt/ I 1 Somela b n  te ]
+ft1 /f:st/ la ] Quick, rapid: James is very is wrong: I think there's a fault in the tele
 fast; he can run a yard in eleven seconds.• Com- It doesn't work. I [ on n]
2 Responsibility
pare wi quck" ("Quick s sually used o ree o thing not good that happens: It's your o
leng of e, whle "fas refers to speed We say "a  you dont pass your tests.
quick vist no a ast vsi ad a qck deciso" flty US /'f:l.!i/ UK /'fl.ti/ [adjecive]
n not "a fas deciso") work well: This television is faulty; the im
ft2 /f:st/ [adveb] 1 Firmly xed: Make the boat fast very clear.
0 to the dock. 2  p See "fast asleep" in the fn /'b·ng/ [un  c�  : a b te ]
All of the anima
word asleep. region: Fauna refers to birds, sh, reptil
+fn US /'fs.n/ UK /'f:.sn/ [veb] o ie or to join and other animals.•  The pral s aua
something rmly: Ladies and Gentlemen: please nae•Compare wth oa (e plants h
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45 -
X1 /fks/ ['0�  n ble] 1 A machine that produces cop- cs /'fi:si:z/ [p 1ur a 1 ou] Solid waste matter
ies of documents via the telephone line: George's out of the body through the anus: Fece
 father has got a fax in his oce. 2 A copy of a doc- waste product of the digestive system.•
ument sent by a fax machine: Alice sent me a fax is omal.• Te sae meaning: "excreet
with all the information I needed. • he pual is  /fed/ Past tense and past participle
"faxes .
2 /faks/ [ver b] To send a document by fax: Fax me + /'fcd-g-gJ/  [a djective] Referring to a
a copy, please. • Be carefl! We say: "fax (some- where a group of semi-independent sta
body) (somehng)   �
unde a entral governme t: The United
+1 /frg/ [noun] he feelg that you have when
. Ameca s a federal republc.
co  a  le
you hink you are in danger: When Arthur saw the + /fi:/ [ �;    ] he money that somebody
snake, he started shaking with fear. a service: The fees at private schools can
2 /fm/ [ve b] To anticipate with anxiey, to be high.
frightened of somebody or something: When the b /'  [a decti"] Very weak, inadequa
mountain rescue team couldn't nd her, they start was a very feeble eort. Now, try again.
ed to fear the worst. + fd, fd /fi:/ [ver b] 1 o give food
ss /'fm-Jgs/  [a djecti"] Without fear: You must  feeding the ducks in the park. 2 o put so
be fearless in order to work as a trapeze artist. • into a computer or other machine: He f
We always say fearless (somehing)
co  a  ble
mation into the computer. 3   
s /fi:st/ [ �;   ] 1 A large meal to celebrate a bored or unhappy about something:
special occasion: Medieval warriors used to cele- with watching TV I'm going out. • Be ca
brte their victories by having enormous feasts. 2 A his se we usualy say: be ed p 
time people come together to celebrate a particu- hing)
lar occasion, especially one with a religious base: bck '  a ble
/'fi:.bk/ [   ] Informa
Christmas Day is the feast when Christians cele turned about the results of something:
brte Jesus' birth. • I s se, he sae eang: to get feedback from customers about
"fesva washing machines.
 co  a  1
/fi:t/ [ �;    ] Something difcult or dangerous + flt, flt /fi:I/ [ve b] 1 o have a
to do: Swimming from Nassau to The Bahamas is a sensation or emotion: I feel great affe
great feat. my parents. 2 To touch something wi
+h co  a  ble
/'fe.g/ [ �;   ] One of the small hings fingers: Feel this sweater. Isn't it soft?
that cover a bird's body: My canary's feathers are      
 yellow and green.  To want something: I feel like so
to drink.
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fml 46

a fml1 /'fi:mcl/ [a decti]

1 Referring to women fili 0 r fili /'f:lz/ [ver]
and girls: I prefer female company. 2 Referring to duce pollen into a plant so that it devel
b the sex that gives birth: I have two female ham- or sperm into an egg or a female anima
 sters. young animal develops inside: One sin
( tfml2 /'fi:me1l/ lc o:�; a , b e ] The sex of an animal or cell is enough to fertilize an ovum. 2 To
human that gives birt: The zoo has one male ze fertile by adding natural or chemical su
d bra and two females.
fminin /'fcm.1.n/ [a decti] With qualities tradi
You can fertilize your garden in the fall.
s English speling s ertilise

e tionally considered appropriate to women or typi fili or fili /'f:lar/

cal of women: Pat says that her new hairstyle stance used to elp plants grow:
makes her look more feminine. nearly dead.  needs some fertilizer.
fm /'fi:.mgr/ US: /-m/ lc o:�;'b 1] The thigh bone in gs spelng is fese".
he leg: The femur is the bone between the hip and +fil /'fes.1.vl/ [ 0�; a b   e ] 1 A time when
g the knee. • he plural is: "femurs o femora cultural events of the same kind: In Chica
® See pge . a famous blues festival eve year. 2 A ti
tfnc /fents/ lc o:�; a nb e  ] A wooden or metal barrier be come togeter to celebrate a particular
tween two pieces of land or around a eld: especially one with a religious base:
There's a small wooden fence between the Browns' Christian religious festivals in Britain are
backyard and ours. and aster.• I this use, he sae eanig
fncing /'fent.sD/ ["  a b e ] 1 A series of fences or
J fiiy /fes'1vgi/ I [ c  a b e ] 1 Celebrati
e maerial used to make fences: I asked the gar ness and enjoyment at a party, festiva
k dener to put some fencing to prevent foreign dogs event: That wedding was an occasion of gr
 from coming in. 2 The sport of ghting with blunt ty. I lc o:� a   e 
 ] 2 Celebration of a special eve
l swords: In fencing you have to score points against honor of something or somebody: The to
 your rival according to certain rules. ties are held every year on the same date.
fmn1 /'f:men/ ["  a b e ] 1 A fungal substance s fesvtes s use is ore common  
used in making beer and wine o to make bread +fch /feJ/ [ver] To go to get somebody
rise: The ferment is added to the dough. 2 A stae ting: I have to fetch my little brother fr
n of agitation and excitement: The country is in a every Monday and Wednesday.
 state of ferment. f /fe1/ lc o:�; a  b  e ] An outdoors party w
0 fmn2 /fr'mcn/ [ver ] To cause something to and things to buy: My school is holding
change chemically and to expel gases, trough Saturday to get money for a trip to Califor
p te action of yeast or bacteria: Milk is fermented f /'fi!gs/ lc o:  a  b  e ] The unborn huma
to make yoghurt. mal tat as developed past a certain s
q fmnio  b
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b /'fr-bg/ [ c �: a  le] A substance in some war. 2 To quarrel: Sue and her brother ar
foods that heps your digestion: Cereals and veg- ghting.
etables are rich in ber.• The Britsh English spel- t PHRL VERB ·    
g s "be". try to do something or to get something
 /'frhg. UK: /'fr.h/[" �: 1] See
• This Americans in the U are still ghting
s a Btish Egish spelng. rights.
bo /'fm.bs/ [adjectve] Of or resembing ber: gh /'f·!g/ [co;  1] 1 A person wh
The connective tissue in the body is a brous tis- She's a ghter. She doesn't give in easily
sue. airplane used to attack other airplanes:
 /'frh.u.g/ [co;  a 1
 n ] The smaller of the two is a famous United States Air Force ghter.
bones connecting the knee and the ankle: The b +ghg /'fp / [ �: 1] A conflict that
ula is the outer bone in the leg between the knee than one isoated incident, or that has
and the ankle. • The pural is "buas o blae end: The ghting continues along the bord
®S pg . two countries.
+fction /'frk.Jn/[" �: a   ble] An invented story, books +g /'fr-g/[co 
  ] A symbol we use
that are invented stories: Roald Dahl wrote ction ing numbers: Please write these number
 for children. ures, not in words.
+d /f/[con 1] A piece of land: My uncle has a  /'fr.g/ [0  a  1] A ver
eld where he keeps cows. thread-like ber: Light bulbs contain a
c US: /fis/ UK: /figs/ [adjectve] Wild, aggressive which heats up and gives o light.
and frightening: The Driscolls' dog is so erce that +1 /fr/ [ o ] 1 A box or a folder for pap
I daren't go near their house. contents of it: I keep all my school proj
y /'f/ [adjectve] 1 Having an appearance le. 2 A meal tool wih very small eeth
similar to fire: He has fiery red hair. 2 Becom- cutting or making something smooth
ing quickly or easily angry: When working un- oner escaped by cutting through the bar
der pressure, he is a fiery man. 3 Intense, with le.
passion: The speaker's fiery speech produced a 2 /fr/ [ve ] 1 To pu papers in les:
rapid response. 4 Producing a burning sensa- all our school reports. 2 To make so
tion in the throat: He cooked a fiery Mexican smooth with a le: My sister is always 
meal for us. nails.
 /,fif'/ [   ] The number 5: You + /fi/[ve ] 1 To make something full:
have een minutes to nish the test. this bottle with water please?• Be careful
 /,frf'/ [ Referring to fteen: ( )
 somethig ih somethig . 2 To beco
Jane was born on May the eenth. • Ffteenth" Entry to see the show was free, so the sea
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llig 8

a t PHRASAL VERBS ·   ()  To 2 /'famns/ [ver b] To provide m

write answers or information in a questionnaire something: She can't nd anybody to 
bor form: We have to ll in a school form with our movie.
 personal details.   ()  To ll
• +il /f1'n.tJ0l, f1-/ [ad;ec1i"] That is
c something completely: "Fill up the tank, please" with money: Alices father is a nancial e
"How much gas do you want?". +d, o o /famd/ [ver b] 1 To ge
lig /'flu:/ I [nou ] 1 The food inside a sandwich,
d something you are looking for: I found
a cake and so on: I like cakes with cream llings. I the end: they were in my other jacket; Ca
['°:�   a  ble] 2 Something that a dentis puts n holes Wally in this picture?; I found the store i
e in teeth: The dentist said Beckie needed three ll- aer walking around for 0 minutes. 2
ings. and locate somebody: The police found
+l1 /frl/ I [non] 1 A story made for the move  park. • Compare wh "meet (to see so
theater or for television: My favorite lms are chance). 3 To produce a particular sen
gwesterns. I ['°:�    a  le] 2 The material used for mak- somebody: I found the movie really inte
ing lms or for takng photographs: I need a lm o nd i difcul To have diculty do
 for my camera. 3 lm sar A famous movies actor thing: I nd it dicult to understand
or actress: Marilyn Monroe was a big lm star of times.
the 195D's. t PHRASAL VERBS ·   (
l2 /frl/ [ver b] To make a lm of something: My discover a fact or hear a particular piec
 father likes lming all our birthday parties.
flter /'fIJ.tgr / ['°:� ;  "a  ble] Somehing used for separat-
I don't know Mary's address, but I can 
Today I found out that one of my classm
king solid substances from liquids or from gases: ers nephew.   (b) 

We need a new lter for the coee machine. the truth about somebody: The Japans
lthy /'f.8i/ [a;e tive] Very dirty: Our playing clothes
were really lthy aer the game. •The coparative
out because of his accent: they realized th
m o s lhie" ad he superlative o s hiest" 1 /farn/ ['°:�  ble] Money tha you pay
 b e
 /frn/ '°:�  l ] The thin parts of a sh's body that break the law: ad was given a ne for p
help them move in the water: Some sh have very the corner.
n large colorful ns. •Compae wit ipper" (pat of +2 /farn/ [adjective] 1 Well, in good health
the body o soe sea aimas, o s). thank you. 2 Very good: Lawrence is a 
0 1 /'farngl [adective] Last: I didn't like the nal part ist. 3 All right: That's ne. I don't want m
of the movie.  fries. 4 Thin: I need a ne pencil for m
+l /'farngl/ ['°:�   a  ble] The last game in a competi- class.
tion: The Super Bowl nal this year is between Gi- +g /'f1Dg/ ['°:�   a  ble] 1 One of the v
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59 ft

park in the word park'. •This word s Btsh Eng- orm s rrie" and e supelaive form
lsh. est". 2 Being covered by hair resembling
fng /'fAQ.gs/ [co:� ;  ; a n nb 1 ' ' ] One of a group of teddy bear was so and furry to the touch.
spore-producing organisms which feed on ogan fth1 /'fa:r/ [adve<b] Te comparaive
ic matter: This fungus is a mushroom.• mushroom. • Te pura far.
is "fungi. +fth2 /'fa:or/ [ae] 1 The comparat
fnnl /'fAnl/ [co:� ;   ; 1 '  ' ] 1 A kind of tube opening of far• 2 Something else: The library is cl
into a wide mouth, used for pouring liquids into ti/ further notice.
bottles: Use the funnel to ll the bottle or you will ftht /'far-ost/ [,  b  b J The superlat
spill the water. 2 The cimney on a sip: As the of ar.
ship le the harbor, a column of smoke came out of fy US: /'fj:.i/ UK: /'fju_ri/  b in  uy
its funnel. state of great anger: Mr. Burns is in a fury
+fnny /'fAn.i/ [aiect"] 1 That makes you laugh: The a cow has eaten his roses.
joke that she told was so funny that we couldn't fion lco:� ;  ; a b     e 
 ] A combinaion of elements
stop laughing for ten minutes. 2 Strange: That boy a single thing: The music of my favorite g
is crazy. He behaves in such a funny way. • e  fusion of dierent styles.
comparatve orm is fnnie and the spelative f /fAs/ [u  c c    a b  b  e  e ] 1 A lo of excitemen
om s "funnest. • Compare with "fun1 (enjoy- something that is not very imporant:
ab e).. Linda! Don't make so much fuss over a few
+f US: /b:/ UK: /fa:•/ [  ou ou  ] The hairy coat of an ani    u  bdy Pay a lot
mal: Cats have very so fur. tion to somebody:  I love aunt Emily.
f cot [0:� ;  ; a b    1 •  • ] A coat made of the skin of an an makes a fuss of me.
imal: There were lots of fur coats in the store win fy /'fAs.i/ [aect"] That gives too much
dow. tance to details: He's very fussy about his
fio /'fjur.i-s/ [adect"] Very angry: My aunt They have to be perfectly clean and irone
Maggie was furious when they stole her new car. comparatve orm is ussie" and the su
® See picure at emotos orm s ssiest"
+fnit US: /'h:.n.t</ UK: /'fa:.nJ.t/  b 1 '  ' ]
[u  c c  +ft /'fj-tr/ [co:� ;  ; a b    1 '  ' ] The time that w
The objects you nd in a house, such as chairs, No one knows what will happen in the futur
tables and so on: Mom has seen some very nice fur ft tn [0:� ;  ; a b    •  • ] A form of a v
house.• Be caeful! We don' say
niture for our new house.• shows that something is going to happe
a unite We say some funitue or a piece of time that will come:  In the sentence "I wil
rnre" tomorrow", the future tense is "will see".
fy US: /'h:.i/ UK: /'f3:.ri/ [ajecHve]
1 Being covered tre tense is fored by adding "wll o the
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g1 /di:/ The seventh letter of the aph

name "George" begins with a "G".
g2 /di:/ A writen abbreviation for gram
at vto
G [°:� " " b1']
The fth musical note of the
major: The opera singer sang a G. •
G's. ® S  60
"Gs o G's.®
gain1 /e/ [
An increase of posse

prot: This year the gains have exceeded
 for the rst time.
gain2 /e/  v[ ecb]
1 To ge something us
gained a lot of experience abroad. 2
weight, speed and so on: My dad's gaine
los in a month and says he's going on a d
galaxy /'l�ksi/ A very large [0:� ;• 
 ;•  , blble]
stars and planets: The Milky Way is a ga
pural s "gaaxes"
gale /el/ [:�  
   1e]
A very strong wind:
were frightened by the gale.
galleo /'>lin/ A large sa [0:� ;• 
 ;•  , blble]
with several masts, used in the past for
in war: The galleon was used by the ex
gallery /'l·i/ A building wh    1e]
[:�  
can see paintings: In Forence we spen
day looking at paintings in galleries.•
galleries. •
+gallon /'bn/ :�    ·   1e]
A unit of capacit
78 liters: My car does a hundred kil
the gallon. • In Brtis Engish a galo i
4.5 ters.
gallop f'l�p/  v[ erb]
To ride a horse very
galloped across the valley.
gamble1 /'l/ [:�    ·   1e]
A risk that you
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6 t

this use "game is an uncoutable noun. 4 board  US: /'g UK: f'gc [ a adie 
game See bod g. or like gas: Saturn is a gaseous planet.
 pk [nou] A large area of land used as a  /'g/ [no o  ] A liquid that is
reserve for wild animals: In our trips to Kenya we motor vehicles for producing power: A sn
visited two game parks and saw lots of elephants. is coming, make sure you have enough g
 /gQ/ [non]  A group of people who act togeth-  your car. •We aso say "gas". •In Brish
er: A gang of soccer hooligans were arrested by the they say "petol.
 police aer the game. p1 [non] A short, quick breath becaus
t /'gD·star/ [no] A violent criminal who prise, sudden cold and so on: She gave
belongs to a gang or leads it: Al Capo Capone ne was
was a fa
fa-- when
wh en sh
shee saw th thee pho phone
ne bibillll..
mous gangster who lived in Chicago in the 1920's. p2 /g:sp/ [,erb ] To take a short, quick
 /d3el/ [no] See jil.
jil.•• This word s prononced Kevin gasped when he felt the cold water.
the sae as "ja".•Ths
"ja".•Ths wod s Bitsh ngsh.  tt [o] A place where you can
p /gxp/ [nou]  A hole: The cats come into our oline and oher things for your car: We st
backyard through a gap in the wall. 2 An empty the gas station and lled up with gas for
space: Write words in the gaps to complete the ex- ney. •he sae eang: "service saio
ercise. 3 An interva: Theres a gap of two years be- pae wh "gaage" (aso pr repais).
tween the brothers. t /'gstnk/ [ a adje c c 1;,
1;,] Referring to the s
 US: /ga'r:3/ UK: /'gr.0:3/ [nou o  u]  A room Gastric u can make you very ill.
where you can keep your car: She puts her car in tp /'gs·tra,pud/ lc  o :� a  na b'b'] A mollus
the garage at night. ® See picture at ho. 2 A shell which moves itself using a sing
place where you take your car for gas or for re- Snails are gastropods.
pairs: We need to nd a garage. I dont know what t /gc1t/ l c o :� a nb'  ]  A small door in a wa
the red light on the panel means. • Compae wh fence: If you leave the gate open, the dog
gas saio and sevce stato" (oy to buy gas out into the road. 2 A door at an airport:
and othe thngs, not fo epars). gers must wait at gate three.
 /'gr·hd3/ [ n c c
   ab t e 
 e ] Things or material
that you don' need and that you throw away: GATE )
Please put this garbage in the trash can.• can.• Be cae
ful wih he ponnciatio of this wod. he as a"
is pononced lke he "i  "did. • The sae
meanng: "trash.•In
"trash.•In Brtish gsh hey say b
 /'gr·da·/ [o] 1 An open space where
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gu 6

a gu us /ga:z/ UK: /g:z/ [°:�  bn 1'] A thin, transpar- +gtio /,d3c'rc.Jn/ [0:�  bn
ent cloth used mainly to cover wounds: Gauze is born at about the same time: It's ha
b made from silk or cot cotton
ton.. people to underst and the younge r gen
gv /ge1v/ Past tense of give A stage in family history: Look at thi
( g1 [ou] A deliberate look: I was so embarr
assed me, my mom, my grand g rand ma and m
that I coul
couldn'dn'tt ret
urn her gazgaze.
e. grandmother: fou fourr generat ions of
d g2 [verb]
/gc1z/ To look at something for a long
time: She sat at the window gazing silently at the
gto /'d3cc1tr/ [0:�  bn  e  le ]
A mach
view. converts mechanical energy into electr
e gll /g'zel/ [no]
A small antelope: Gazelles gy, or any machine which converts on

f +g live in
i n Africa and Asia.
US: /gr/ UK: /g/ I [noun]
1 In a machine, a set
energy into another: The generator h
of round pieces with teeth which control the goity /,d3en·'rs·!·i/ The [non]
speed: You have to change gear to go up a hill. I being generous: Aunt Margaret always
["c 
    abab e  le ]
2 Special equipment or clothes for a great generosity,
generosity, givi giving
ng us money on
h sport or a job: Are you going to take your shing days.
gear with you? +gou /'d3cM·rs/ [adjeci]
1 Ready
g /gi:s/ The plural of gse. give money, time or other help: Jonat
Gii /'d3em..n/ [ou]
A sign of the zodiac: If generous with his money. 2 Large: Lady
J  your birthday is between May 21st and June 20th,
 you're a Gemini.
Gemini.• • Be careful. "Gemin has a captal
made a generous contribution to our
giu /'s/ [noun]
ou r scho
An extremely tal
k G" and does't nish  s. son: Picasso was a genius who made a
gd /'d3cn·r/ I co:� a t e ]
1 The classicaton of tribution to twentieth century art.
l nouns: Nouns are classied by gender into mascu-
line, feminine and neuter. I [oun]
2 The condition of
+gt /'d3cn-t ./ [adec]
Kind, calm a
gressive: The new doctor has a gentle voi
m being male or female: Domestic violence is a gen +gt /'d3en-t ..mn/ [co:�  bn  e t ]
der issue. of saying "man: ' gentleman at the do
n g [co:� a 1'] A part of a cell that determines the ing to see you". 2 A man who is poli
stics of a living thing: If the children are
character haves well to others: He doesn't behave
redhaired, one of their parents must have a gene tleman at all.•
all.• Te pal s geneme"
0  for red hair. +gui [adjecve]
/'d3cn.ju./ Real, true:
glogicl /,d3i-ni-'ad3·1·bl/ Referring [ajecive] made of genuine gold.
P o the study of the history of families: The family gogphicl /,d3i:'grfbl/ [adjecve]
 prepared a genealo
al tree showing their ance
s. to geography: a geographical report.
q +gl1 +gogphy
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ph [ ' 0� a nb 11 ] The interior of the Earth and an adjective, to be the person that so
the part of the Earth's surface which is not water: happens to or that achieves a certain sta
The geosphere is mainly made up of rock. ® ee stopped by the police yesterday on my mot
page . got angry when I saw the results. 0 To tak
i /d3g' [ co  � a nb 11]  A plant with taxi, train and so on: Let's get a bus. It's t
brigh red, pink or white lowers: Geraniums are walk.  To catch an illness: If you don
very common in the Mediterranean region. ® ee jacket you'll get a cold.  Get out! Words
page .  when you think what the other person
 US: /l3�:m/ ou ] A  very smal lving
3�:m/ UK: /d3:m/ [ou be true  Got you! 4 to be getting on
thing that causes illness: Fu is spread by germs. te way to being late: It's getting on: we s
G1 /3:mgn/ [adj [adjee  i ;ve
;ve] Referring to Germany: now.•
now. • See box o he folowg page.
Beethoven was German.• German. • Be careful! "German has  PHRSL VERBS ·   y 1
a capital G. G . The thief got away with her purse. 2 To
G2 I [ o  �    b 11]   A person from Germany: My somewhere for a break, or to leave som
aunt is married to a German and they live in Bonn. early: My father is going to get away early
I [" ' : ab le ]  The language of Germany and other day, so that we can all go to the beach.
countries:  Robert speaks German uently. • Be y  () To do somethin
caeu "German has a capital G. or something cheeky, and avoid puni
Gi /d3g'mn.1k/ US: /d3-/ [adj [adje e  c t
tc   ve]
 ve] Referring You won't get away with it!· it!·   bk
to Germans, Germany or the German language: turn to your house, city or base: My siste
The Germanic tribes invaded Hispania in the 5th on a school trip and she won't get back
century. week. 2 To move away from something, e
i f'd3:mc1t/ [vrb] To begin to grow, or ly something dangerous: Get back! The
to cause a seed to grow: The gardener's main job explode.·   ()
could still explode.·
in spring was to germinate the owers. be returned something that is yours:
ii /,dpm1'ne1Jgn/ [ o    b 11]  The act of my bike gloves but I expect to get them
germinating: If you put seeds in warm damp condi- Monday. ·   b To be late wit
tions, you are encouraging germination. germination. thing: You're getting behind with your wo
 co 1
b   
d /'d3er.nd/ [ �     ] The form of a verb used  by 1 To manage, to survive: Thank
to describe a continuing action, which can also  your help;
h elp; I'd
I 'd never
nev er get
ge t by without my frie
become an adjective: "Running" is the gerund of be able to do what is necessary in anot
the verb "to run". guage: I don't have a good level, but I ca
 /'d3estJgr/ [noun oun] A movement of your head in French.    To return to the

or your hand to show feeling: nny made a ges- from something higher up: I don't know
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gty 64

a room, building, elevator and so on: We got out of standng position, to get out of bed:
the elevator and walked to the front door, and gets up at six o'cl
ock in the morn
b suddenly. . . •    (m) To recover the top of somehing: Help your little b
from bad news, a shock, a blow or a disappoint- up the slide.    p  (m
c ment, or to become well again: He still hasn't something naughty or bad: What has
gotten over his friend's death.      up to now?•
now?• In British English te pas
d ( m) To nd time to do something,
especially something that you don't like doing:
of "ge s go".• See box beow.
gty /'gct·,wc1/ [nou] An escape: The
When are youyou going to get around to put in order made a quick getaw
e  your room? ·     To arrive at the gy US: /'ga1.z/ UK: /'gi:.z
/'g r/
i:.zr/ [c o�z
o�z     :1

f end of something or to nish something: Jane
can't get through all that work alone.  To pass:
ter spring which discharges steam and
termittently: The geyser sprays a colu
Don't worry, you'll get through your test all right. 3 water.
To survive: Their relationship was greatly aect- ghot US: /gous/ UK: /gus/ [nou] 1 The
ed by what happened, but they got through it.   dead person: I don't believe in ghosts
h   ( m)  To make contact: I busr Somebody who ries to remo
tried to phone my grandmother but I couldn't get from a place: Have you seen the movie "G
through.  To make somebody understand you or ers"? • Be careful wi te poncia
respond to you: I have tried to explain to him, but word! go is pononced ike "go".
J it's impossible to get through to him because he
doesn't want to listen. •   p  To rise to a
+gint1 /'d3a1n/ [o] An enormous pe
read the children
children a story about a giant an
k gint2 /'d3a1n/ [a;e,] Very large: Ford
car company.
l to get gib /d3a1b/ [nou] See j.
+gift /gf/ [c o�z    a   n b1] 1 A present: I'll give Lyn
The veb to get is used in many senses in Englsh and
as a gi. •Te same eang: "presen'"
m can be confusing at times. Hee is a is
is o the ain
uses of to get with simple explanatons and example cial ability: Neil has a gi for f or telling stor
sentences: gift tit [ c 
o �z
  ] A card that you
n buy certain things: The rst prize for t
 P:
- I hav  a l f bks. competition was a gi certicate for twen
0 lars.

gig /gg/ [on] A pop, rock or jazz concert
- Yu have gt t g t the bank thi mrning t ign
sm paprs. a great gig last weekend.• weekend. • his word is 
gigti /d3m'gn-1k/ [adjec Hve] Hve] Very big:
Mm (  dv/ cin)

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+d f'g3rJ.rcnd/ [no

The female romantic especially a habit or a difficult enterp
companion of somebody, a female frend: Jim's dad has just given up smoking.
coming to lunch today with his girlfriend.  /'g1v.n/ Past participle of give.
 d [o    ] See Girl Scout. •Be careful! "Girl  US /'/ UK /'ghs.i.�/  c [co ] A la
Gude has capita letters• Ths wod s Bish Eng- of land ice: Glaciers move slowly down moun
s +d /gl/ [adjetit  i"] Pleased and happy:
 t [o �   · : :1 •] A girl who belongs to a glad to be back home again.• again. • Be careul!
 youth gro upup::  belong to the Girl Guides and we se "glad befoe a non We say: a happy
go to a different camp every summer. • Be ca re- not "a gad peson"
peson" 
f Gi Sco has captal ettes. • Boys be- dt /'g"d·i,e1pr/ [o �   b1 • •] Somebo
long o a smila yoh grop caled te "Scouts ghts in an arena with a weapon agan
•In Brish ngls tey say Grl Gide men or wild animals: Fighting between gl
+ g, gi /g1v/ [.rb]  To let somebody was a popular entertainment during the
have something, to present somebody with Empire.
something: Give me your telephone number, 1 /gla:ns/ [ o  ] A quick look:  can
 please.  To do an action: She gave a cry when she glance that you're doing that wrong.
burned her ngers. 3 To make somebody feel 2 /gla:ns/ [verb] To have a quick ook:
something: The wound's giving giving Gary a lot of pain. glance at the newspaper headlines in the
4 Referring to a material, to be a little flexible: d /glnd/ [o �   a  ble] An organ of the bod
These new shoes are a bit tight but  am sure they produces and secretes chemical sub
will give a little. 5 Referrig to a person's ati- Some glands secrete directly into the blood
tude, to be a little more flexible: You are very d [ad;e  ] Referring to the glan
strict with Jamie, why don't you give a little. 6  was very ill due to glandular fever.
 k Exchange between two or more people:  us: /glcr/ UK /gb/    
The secret for a relationship is give and take: To look angrily at somebody: She glare
sometimes you do what you want, sometimes let man who was smoking in the bus.
 your friend do what he wants. 7 Oh,  p! + us: /gls/ UK /gla:s/ I ['  able]
Words you use when you are tired of somebody somebody transparent materia
material: l: Glass is used for
complaning, arguing or telling stories you dont windows, bottles and many other things.
believe: Oh, give up! Stop complaining. 8   se gass s an ncontable noun I [
y  by See "to give way to (some- container made of glass: Let's have a
body) " in the word  way  way.. champagne and drink to the New Year. •In
t PHRASAL VERBS· to give give (somebody) away e plua is glasses
glasses 
To show somebodys real feelings or identity + US /'gls.z/ UK /'gla:.sz/ [,1ua1u
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glid 

a glid /gld/ [verb] To move in a smooth and silent United States.•

States. • GNP is a abbreviatio
way: We watched the eagle gliding slowly over the Product•See box at vii
Naonal Product•See
b clis.
glid /'glm-dr/ [nou] An airplane withou an en-
go1 US: /gou/ UK: /gu/ [non]  A try:  My
had several goes at the driving test.•h
c gne: Flying in a glider would be an exciting experi- "goes.     In one try, in one pe
ence! out break: Blow out the candles in one go
d glimp /ghps/ [veb] To see somebody or some-
thing for a brief moment: I glimpsed her doing the
+go2, n n US: /gou/UK: /gu/ [veb]
a short distance or a long one:  My pa
shopping as I went past the store. gone to Canada. Im going to the movie
e glitt US: /'gh!./ UK: /'glt.•/ [veb] To shine with ning.•
ning. •  is eaing, "go" is ofen sed

f �
bright flashes: All that glitters is n t gold. ostios lke "away, "of" ad over 
+globl /'glou-l/ [adjective] Includng the whole a particular direction: Go along the road
world: Scientists say that there will be global c/i get to the park, then turn le. We we
mate changes. stairs.  To leave a place: We cant go no
h /gl ub/ [o:� a  ble ]  A model of
glob US: /gloub/ UK: /glub/
the world: The teacher's using the globe to show
its raining. 4 To work, to function: This
go. • hs use is oa S To bec
won't go.•
Asia to his students.  The earth: The CNN can be  playing tricks on him or hell
h ell go crazy.
heard all over the globe.•
globe.• In this use we usaly say How did the meeting go? 7 To disappear
"ear  purses gone! 8 Referring to time, or to a
J gloomy f'gl.i/ [adjetive]  Dark: What a gloomy
morning!  Unhappy, without hope: Her future
er or canal, to pass: In the test, the hour
 fast. 9 Referring to a melody or rhythm,
k looks gloomy.•e comparave fom is gloomier"
and the sperlative fom s glooiest.
glooiest .
particular way: Listen, it goes like this.
an activity, usually a free time activity:
l gloio f'gr·i-s/, f'glour/ [adjetve]  Beautiful,
splendid: We had a glorious day in the mountains.
ever gone climbing? • In s se, the
"go" is in he -g form    
 Having great fame and honor: The army inventing something in the moment,
m achieved a glorious victory against the invaders. ing: We can decide the other things as we
gloy /'glas..ri/, /'g-s/ [no] An alphabetical f ! Words you use to encourage som
n list with explanations of certain words found in a try something or to buy something. 
text: Theres a glossary of scientic terms at the An expression that shows what you are
0 end of the book.•
book.• The plua s glossaries" to do: Shes going to get married next w
+glo /gAv/ [noun] A covering for your hand:  Put expression tha shows what you believe
P  your gloves on because the weather's cold. ® See
picture at clohes
pen: Our team is going to lose the game
badly they are playing. 4   f To b
q glo
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to sink at sea or to fall out of the sky: The ship golkp US /'goul,ki:.p/ UK /'gaul,ki:
went down in the middle of the Atlantic.·
Atlantic. ·   The footbal or hockey player who defe
  () To become ill: All the chi/- goal: The goalkeeper saved two goals in
dren went down with chickenpox at the th e same time.·
time.· utes.•
utes. • "Goalie" s nforma fo goalkeeper
   To enter: Let's buy some popcorn before picture at .
we go in. ·     To explain or got us: /gout/ UK /gaut/ [o] A domestic

look at something more: You don't need to go into with horns and a beard: Goats give us mil
the reasons. •   
1 To explode: Don't let that page 8_
 rework go o in your hand! 2 Referring to some- +god /gd non/ ['0:� n b bt e]  A superor being t
thing to eat or to drink, to become bad: We can't pe believe in: Some religions have more
eat the cheese because it's gone o  Referring to god.  The creator of te universe acco
lights, to stop working: All the lights went o sud Christians, Jews and Muslims: Do you b
denly. 4 Referring to an event, to result: How did God? • Be carefu I ths use God" has
the party go o?•
o?• Ts use s ifomal·   
1 G"
To continue: I can't go on without you; Let's go on godd US 'g:.dcs/ UK /'gd.cs/ [o]
with the game.  To happen: What's going on here? god: Diana was the Roman goddess of t
 Words hat you use to encourage somebody: Go and the hunt.
• The plura s goddesses
on, have another sandwich. 4 Referring to lights, godfth US /'g:d,f:.b/ UK /'gd,f:.
to start working: I saw the lights go on in the house mae godparent: Ray my dad's best frien
opposite. 5 To talk too long about something: Stop brother's godfather.
going on about it. It's only one day! 6 To have a godoth US 'g:d,mA./ UK 'gd,mA
ride on someting in a park or amusement park: A female godparent: My sister's godmothe
Are you going to go on the roller coaster?·
coaster? ·   tie Beryl.
 1 To leave: Bob's gone out to have something to godpt US /'g:d,pcr.nt/ UK /'gd,pea.
eat. 2 To stop shining or burning: The re had A person that takes secondary responsibi
gone out by the time we returned.·
returned. ·   
1 To child when they are baptized: My aunt J
cross a mountain pass, a bridge or other thing uncle John are my godparents. •Ts word
that is above something else: We went over the commo i e pual.
bridge. 2 To examine for errors or problems some- goggl US /'g:.g z/
/'g:.gz UK /'gg. 1z/ [ptururaal
thing you have done, or to look at the steps of a glasses used for swimming or for pr
plan again: The teacher asked me to go over my against dust: Divers wear goggles to see u
homework again.·
again.·   1 To cross a tun- ter. ®See picture at .
nel, a wood, a crowd of people or other obstacle: go-kt /'gauk:t/ [non] A very small ra
When the train went through the tunnel it went used for fun: We went to the gokart races
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g 

a gone". We say: Mark has been to Italy seveal gby /'guz.r.i/ [noun] 1 A small g
imes". ( We do't say: "a as goe o Italy sev- used in cooking for jam, pies and so
b era tmes )  need some gooseberries for the pie.• pie. •
g US: f'g:.n/ UK: f'g.n/ [verb] A way of saying "gooseberies". 2   
c "going to: Im gonna call the police.•
police.• s word is third person in company of a girlfriend
orma. friend who want to be alone: I am tired
d gd1 /gud/ [a djdjecti,.] 1 Of a high quality: Frank
went to a very good school. 2 Able to do some-
erry. Why don't you two go out

e thing well: My father's a good cook. 3 Righ, suit- gg /'g�r·d3s/ [a djdject"] Very nice, v
able: These pills will be good for your stomach tiful: The weather was gorgeous over the

f  problem. 4 Pleasant or enoyable: Have a good

day! 5 Obedient, well-behaved: The kids have
•hs wod s infoma.
g /g'b/ [on] A very large and s
been good. 6 Healthy: Grandma still has very mal of the monkey famiy: Gorillas live
good hearing. 7      To be in rica.
skillful or successful at doing something: Ron's gh US: /ga:J/ UK: /g/gJJ/ [nterjecto] A wor
h good at math. 8   For the last time, for when you are surprise
surprised: d: "Gosh! That
ever: He's leaving the town for good. • he com- money!".
paative om is better ad the supelaive fom s g1 /'gsp/ I [ uc �: ble ] 1 Talk about
"bes". pe or abou their private lives: Don't
J gd2 /gud/ [nou ] A prot or advantage: She did it
 for the good of her country.
the gossip you hear.
hear.•• I this se gossp
coutabe ou I [ � ; a  bt e 
n ] 2 A perso
gd ft [pion] See afernoon about other peope or about their priv
gdby /'gud.m, 'gu-, -'-/ - '-/  i
 [ ierecton] An expres- Don't tell him anything because he's a go
[ sion that you say when you leave a place: It's late, g2 /'gsp/ [verb] To alk about other
it's time to say "goodbye". • Bye s an ormal about their private lives: They're gossip
the Royal Family again.
m way of sayg goodbye"
gd g [po] See evening gt US: /ga:t/ UK: /got/ Past tense and pa
Gd Fdy [on] The Friday before Easter Sun- pe forms of get •e pas patcple o
n day: Christians remember the death of Christ on "gotte.
Friday.• Be carefl. Good Fday" has capial gtt US: /'gq/ UK: /'gt./ [verb] A way
Good Friday.•
0 letes. "have got to or have got a: I gotta go
gd-lkg /gud'luk./ [a djdjectve] Attractive: be late.• late.• is word is ormal
p goodlooking boy. • e same meang gtt US: /'gaqn/ UK: /'got.n/ Past pa
 Pauls a goodlooking
"adsome".. We we se "good-ooking fo pe-
"adsome" get•
get • In Bitish Egsh tey say go.
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gb /grb/ [verb] To take something quickly and gtil /gdmp-l/ [adiect"] Acco
roughy: The policeman grabbed the thief by the the rules of grammar: There were many
arm and took him away.• Be careful with te spell- cal errors in the letter he wrote.
ng o these orms: "grabbed, grabbing". g /grm/ [noun] See m • is
g /gre1s/ [nou] A ne way of moving: Martha Egsh spelng
dances with tremendous grace. gophon /'grmfun/ [co� ' :  1 ] Old-fa
gfl /'grcs.fl/ [adjectve] Attractive and eegant term for record player: We found my gran
in movement: Gazelles are very graceful ani- old gramophone in the basement. ®See p
mals. gn /grn/ [nou] See ndmth •s
+gd1 /gre1/ [co� ':1 ] 1 Year of a school course: I nfoal
am in h grade and my sister is in seventh. 2 A +gnd /grn/ [adject] Very important or a
mark that a student gets in a test: Lee got poor has got grand ideas for the future.
grades in his math test.• In Btis ngsh they say gndd /'grn/ [ou] See ndfh
mak" 3 A level, a quality: Which grade of gas do wod is nfoal.
 you want? +gndhild /'grn.tal/ [on] The child
gd2 /gre1/ [ver] 1 To arrange or order things by son or your daughter: My grandpa says s
size, kind and so on: They grade the fruit by size. 2 having her grandchildren around her. •
To read a piece of work to say how good it is: The s ore commo n the pura: gadcildr
teacher graded our tests and we all passed. •  +gnddgt /'grn,�!·r/ [ou] The d
ts use he sae meang: mark'". of your son or your daughter: Mr. and Mr
+gdl /'gr.ju.J 'gr3.u.J/ [adectve] Slow, pro- granddaughter was born in May.
gressive: Theres been a gradual increase in the +gndfth /'grn,f.r/ [o] The f
number of Hispanics in the United States in the last your mother or father: Andy's grandfath
 few years.  years old today. • Gandad and gadpa
gdy /'gr 'gr [adverb] Little by foa or grandaher"® See picture at
little, slowly: His health should improve gradu- gnd /'grn.m: 'grm/ [o] See
ally. mh• hs word s iorma.
gdt1 /'gr3t/ [nou] A person with a uni- +gndoth /'grn,mA-r/ [ou] The m
 versity degree: She's a graduate of Harvard Uni your father or mother: My grandmother
versi. like living alone. • Gan granne" ga
gdt2 /'grjct/ [verb] To receive an academ- ganda are iorma or "gradmoher"
ic diploma or degree: Philip graduated in psycho/- picture at fmiy
ogy. gndp /'grn.: 'grm/ [o] See n
gdtd ylind lco   b 1 ] A glass cylinder •s wod s infoal
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gpfuit 70

a gpfuit /'grcp.fru:t/  [noun] A

yellow fruit that +gy /grc/ [:r  ,�I The
color between
looks like a large orange: She drinks grapefruit white: His hair went gray as he grew old
b juice for breakfast every morning. ®See page . ish Egls they say "grey
gph /gr:f, grf/  [nou] A mathematical diagram g /gre1z/ [veb] 1 To eat grass: The
c with information: This graph shows the pass rate grazing in the eld. 2 o cut yourself si
in the standardized state standars test at this child grazed his knee on the fence.
d school. g1 /gri:s/ [ nc  ab1'] 1 A thick oily s
gphi1 /'gfk/ [co  nble] Picture, drawing or de- You'll have to put some grease in the lock
sign that is made using geometric gures and from an anima: There's too much grea
e signs: The Managing Director showed some graph- soup.
g2 /gri:s/ [veb] To put grease on s
f ics in order to explain the companys nancial de-
velopment. You have to grease the dish before you pu
gphi2 'gf.1k/ [adjective] 1 Referring to visual in it.
arts: The description of the scene was graphic. 2 gy /' [adjective] With a lot of gre
Clear and powerful, easy to imagne: She gave a Don't come near me with those greasy
h graphic account of the incident. +gt /gret/ [adjecti] 1 Very large: The Gr
gp US /grsp/ UK /gr:sp/ [veb] 1 To hod some- Chicago destroyed the city in 8 2 Im
thing rmly: Uncle Cecil grasped my hand warmly famous: Humphrey Bogart was one of th
when he saw me. 2 To understand something: The American actors. 3 Very good: He's a gre
J teacher tried several times to explain the idea to us,
but nobody could grasp it.• In this use we sualy
Wonderful, splendid: We had a great
 zoo. 5 a great many A large number o
k say derstad" many people will see the game. 6 a great
+grass /gro:s/ ["' �:  a 
 ble] 1 A green plant that grows large amount of: She spent a great de
[ in yards and elds: Cows eat grass. 2 A piece of
ground covered in grass: Keep o the grass.
cleaning her bike.• Be caeful wt te
o o s wod' Te las par ea" r
®See page . eig
ghopp us: /'gsha:.p/ UK /'gra:shop./ gt-gndfth [ou ] The grand
[oun] An insect with long legs: Grasshoppers move your faher or mother: My great-grandf
by giving long jumps. ®See page  in the Second World War.
gy us: /'grs.i/ UK /'gr [adective]
Covered gt-gndoth [o] The grand
0 with grass: There's a grassy area all around the your father or mother: Her greatgrandm
swimming pool. Polish.
p gt /gre1t/ [veb] To rub food into small pieces us- gd /gri:d/ [ou ] The desire to have t
ing a metal tool: Shes grating some carrot for the Jimmy, youve eaten a whole packet o
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7 go

gnho /'gri:.us/ [ou] A glass building for hour because of a gridlock caused by an
plants: Craig's watering the roses in the green and we were late to school.

gif /gri:f/ [ unc�: abl•J

Great sadness foll
loss: Karen was ill with grief aer her moth
gi /gri:v/ [ver]
To feel very sad ater
She's still grieving for that silly boyfriend sh
gill1 /gnl/ [nou]
A special meal frame for
Put the hamburger on the grill.
gill2 /gnl/ [verb]
To cook food on a metal fr
gnih [adjctiv] Referring to a color, that is mothers grilling beef for dinner. ® See p
approximately green, or that has a green ee- cook.
ment to it: Are you OK? Your face is a little gi /gnm/ [acti,] 1 Severe, serious: Jenni
greenish. grim sense of humor. 2 Unpleasant: We h
gn /gri:z/ [p1uraon]
Vegetables: Eat up your grim weather on our trip to Holland.
greens, please. gin1 [o] A big smile: Nigel greeted us wit
gt /gri:t/ [veb]
To meet somebody with words or gin2 /gr/ [veb] To smile widely: The l
actions: Richard greeted me with a big smile. grinned when she saw the kite.• Be careful
gtig /'gri·!IQ/ [o]
Something that you say or speling of these foms: "ginned, gring
do when you meet somebody: Our neighbor never gind,   /grd/ [verb]
returns our greeting. something to small pieces or to pow
gtig [p1uraon]
Good wishes: The birthday ground some coee for breakfast.
card I got from Mary said: "Greetings on this spe- gip /gnp/ [nou]
A rm hold: The handle's w
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. .
b              •

c \ \ \ 1 I I


 od f l  m f b


0  hd f ig

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y t [noun] A store that sells food, par- t /grAnt/ [verb] To make a rough nois
ticularly canned food, and other things for he pig: Don't grunt when I ask you a question
house: Can you go to the grocery store and get me properly!
some cornakes and sliced bread, please?® See +t1 /,grn'ti:/ 1 A promi[c o� ; a 0 b ' 1 ]
picture at k by a company that it will repair a mach
m /gr:m/ [c o� ;  :,   ]
See  does not work: This television has a one ye
p US /group/ UK /grup/ [verb]
To look for some- antee. 2 A promise that something wil
thing with your hands: He groped for the ash- Can you give us a guarantee that the good
light when the lights went out. rive on time?
+d1 /grund/ ["ca bte ]
1 The surface of the t2 /,grn'ti:/ 1 To promi [verb]
earth: Golden eagles oen hunt in areas of high pair a machine if it does not work:
ground. 2 Soil, earth: The ground was too wet for guaranteed for three years. 2 To say tha
us to lie on. 3 A piece of land used for a particular thing wil happen: I can guarantee th
purpose: Smoking is forbidden on school grounds. have a great time at the summer camp.
d2 /grund/ Past tense and past participle +d1 /ga:d/ [ou]
1 A person who wac
forms of  somebody or something: A primary role f
d bf [ou]
Meat that is cut into very guards in the United States is to provide
small pieces: My mother makes hamburgers with honors for fallen soldiers. 2 on guad
ground bee• In Britsh Eglis hey say "mnce. against attack or surprise: The police
d  [ou]
The part of a building that is guard at the airport when the President a
at street level: The apartments on the ground oor Be caefu wih te pronuciation o this w
dont get much light. u s no pronounced
p /gr:p/ [°� ;  :  1]
1 A number of people or d2 /g:d/ [verb]
1 To give protection t
things together: The tourists usually come to the body or something: The White House is
museum in groups. 2 People who play music to- day and night. 2 To watch over in order to
gether: My sister plays in a pop group. from escaping: o armed men guard th
+ g, gon us: /grou/ UK /gru/ 1 To [ver ] sters cell.
become bigger: Those plants grow very quickly. 2 di /'gr-di-n/ [no ] 
A person who l
To look ater plants: My uncle grows vegetables. 3 ter a child: Rosemary's grandparents bec
To let your hair ge longer: He's growing a beard guardians when her parents died.
because he wants to look older. 4 To become: Let's Gtml1 [a dje c  ]
Referring to Gua
go before it grows dark. The Guatemalan currency is the quetzal.
t PHRASAL VERBS·    () To ful! Guatemala has a captal "G.
get bigger and become something: These small Gtml2 [c o� ; a 1]
A person from Gu
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gidn 74

acome to this hotel during the winter. • Be careful glp [o n] A quick swallow: He drank th
with the pronunciaton of his word! The "u is not beer in one gulp.
bprooced. gm /gAm/ [o ] 1
A thick substance t
gidn /'ga1.d"nts/ Help and advice: You [ou] things together: Give me some gum to s
c should ask your teacher for guidance about how to labels onto the packets. 2 chewing gum
improve your technique.  
+gid1 /gard/ lco:�  a ; n  bte]
A person who shows tourists gn /gAn/ lco:�   ;   1']
1 A weapon that re
where to go: They had a guide when they visited The robber wounded two policemen with
Turkey. machin un See  
e gid2 /gad/  [verb]
To lead or to show: My friend gnmn /'gAn.mn/ [noun]
A man who sh

fguided us through the town of Parker.

gid-book /'gard.huk/ A book that tels [oun]
people: The policeman was shot in the
gunman.• he plua s gumen"
tourists about a place: She's got a guide-book to gnpod /'gAn,pu-d/ An expl [ou]
New York. stance in the form of a powder: Gun
gild /gld/ lco:�   be]
An association of people with used in reworks.
hsimilar jobs, interests or aims: The guild exists to gtt US: /'9A$.o/ UK: /'gAU / 1 lco:�  a ; n  bte]
represent the interests of its members. carries away rain water: We could hea
gilt /gl/ [uc be]
1 The errible feeling that coming down the gutter all night. 2 A n
somebody has ater doing wrong: It was guilt that clined area at the edge of a road: You
Jmade him admit that he'd broken Anne's model. 2
The fact of having broken a law: There was no
throw candy packets into the gutter.
+gy /g/ [ou]
A man or a boy: I think you
kdoubt about the guilt of the accused man.
+gity /'gl·i/ [adjeci"]
1 Showing or feeling unhap-
a nice guy.• This wod is noma.
gym /d31m/ [noun]
A large room for doing
[piness about doing something wrong: Laura feels Sean goes to the gym every Thursday.
guilty about having lied to her sister. 2 aving bro- short for "gymnasum"
m ken a law:
The jury declared her guilty. gymnim /d3rm'ner.zi.m/ See [noun]
gin pig /'grni,prg/ 1co:�   '] 1 A small, fat, furry  gymnt /'d3rm.ns/ A person who [nou]
animal: Annie keeps a guinea pig as a pet. 2 A per- in gymnasics: The Russian gymnasts
n son or an anmal that is used in an experiment: Ani gold medals.
mals are oen used as guinea pigs to test new drugs. gynti /d31m's.1ks/ Exe [ou]
0 git /gr'/ [co:�  a ;   bte]
1 A musical instrument make the body stronger and more agile
with six strings: Helen played her guitar at the ken his leg and can't do gymnastics fo
 party. ® See page 58. 2 bass uitar See 
three months. • It s usualy used with
q glf1 [ be
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h /c1tf/ The eighth letter of the alphabet:

"Helen" begins with an "H".
+habit /'h.rt/ ['0:�nb1]
Something that you
often: She has the bad habit of always sl
the door behind her.
habitat /'h.1.tt/ he place where [ o  u ]
or plants live: Africa is the natural habit
habitual /hg'b1tJ.u.g/

1 Done regu [adjec  tive]
as a habit: They are habitual clients of thi
rant. • Compare with "are" (unusual a
valuable). 2 Done constanly:  He is
gambler. 3 Considered as characteristic
cal of somebody: Tom soon recovered his
had /hd, hgd, gd/ See have [ver]
haddock /'hd.gk/ [ on   ]
A sea sh simila
We had haddock for dinner yesterday.•
s also addock.
hadn't /'hd.0nt/ The conraction of "had
hai /hcrl/ [  c b1]
Small balls of icy rain:
has destroyed the crops.
+hair US: /he/ UK: /hcg/ I 1 One of t °:�;1]
thin things that grow on people and a
That dog's le a lot of hairs all over the arm
[ u c  ab e ]
2 he mass of hair on a person
Winston has curly, black hair. ® See p
hairbrush /'hegAf/ A brush for °:�; · 1]
your hair tidy:  Here's a hairbrush for
ready for the picture. ®See picture at bru
haircut /'hckAt/ l'°:� b1•]
The act or the wa
tng your hair: When are you going to hav
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g tight ly y

piky ponytil bid

p '

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Hitin1 [adjecti ve] Referring to Haii:  Port-au-Prince ht /'hm·str/ [  :� n b 1] A small anim
is the Haitian capital.• Be careful! "Haitan has a mouse: I've bought Jessica a hamster a
capita . ® See picure a p.
Hitin2 lo:�;'1 e]  A person from Haii: There is a +hnd1 /hnd/ lo:�·1] 1 The par of your
 Haitian in my class. • Be careful! aian" as a he end of your arm: Give me your hand. I
capita  to read your palm. ® ee page . 2
+hlf US: /h/ UK: /hu:f/ l c o:�;'1 e]  1 One of wo equal indicaors on a clock or a wach: The min
pars of somehing: Do you want half of my apple? on my watch is broken. 3 by hand No usi
•The plura s halves. 2 in half Ino wo equal chine:  He's doing the washing by hand.
pars: The little girl broke the pencil in hal 3 haf muh A way of life in which you hav
pas Thiry minues ater an hour: The movie enough food or money to live on:  He's be
starts at half past ve.  from hand to mouth for years. 5 n
hlf-tim US: /'hf.ta1m/ UK: /,hu:f'ta1m/ [ "n c    ab  e ] A hand  n he he hand An expressi
break in he middle of a game: We were winning for comparing diferen hings or ideas
-0 at haltime. one hand, my new school is quite far from
hlfwy /'hf'we1/ [adverb] In he middle: Their car live, but on the other hand there is a bus t
broke down halfway between Atlantic City and Bal straight there.• Noe at yo can make a
timore. for maa skil using "had and a pas p
+hll US: /h:l/ UK: /h�:l/ lo:; a nb   e ] 1 A large room or a "had-paned, and-bui, had-nied
building for meeings, concers and so on: The o.
 principal met all the parents in the school hall. 2
The room nex o he fron door:  Hang your coat
up in the hall and come into the living room.
hllo /hl'/ US: /-'o/ [iterectio n ] See .
Hlown or Hllow'n /,hl'i:n/ [ n o u  ]
The nigh of Ocober 31s when wiches and
ghoss are said o walk abou he srees: Some
 people wear costumes on Halloween. • Be caeu
Haloween has a capita 
hllwy lo:�;·1•] A passage in a building: My
teachers always supervise the hallways during
 passing period.• The same meang corrdo.
hlt US: /h:lt/ UK: /hlt/ [verb] To sop: "Halt! Who is
there?" the soldier demanded.
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dbll 78

a dbl /'hnd.b�:l/ US: /-bo:l/ [ u nc�:

  b 1 •]
A game do 'hn.sam/ [a  djce t  vi ]e
where each team attempts to throw the ball into a quite handsome. • The same eaning: "
b goal: Handball can be played by seven or eleven ng. Wen we use "handsome or peop
 players. usally to tak about boys and en. For
c dbook /'hnd.uk/ [co     ' ,b 1 •] A short book that usaly say beaifu or pety.
gves instructions and information: The computer dtd /'h>nd/ d a handsa
d comes with a handbook.
dbk or d bk [ c0    "be] A brake
ance on your hands with your feet i
Anne showed me how to do a handstand y
e in a vehicle which is operated by hand: If the diti /'hnd,orpD/ [  " �:a  b  el]
main brakes fail, use the handbrake. ® ee page write: I can't understand your handwr

f dfl
co   •
/'hnd.fl/ [     ' ;1]  A small number of
dy /'hn.di/ [ adjc e tvi ]e  Useful:
things or people: Only a handful of people came knife is very handy.  Easy to find, wi
g to the show.  The amount that you can hold in reach: I always keep a notepad han
your hand: Put a handful of rice into the bowl, telephone.
 please. + hng, hng /hD/ [v  re  ]  To su
handicap f'h an.d1.kap/ [ c o  : �a nb t e] Something fasten something from above: You can
hat stops you doing things: Not being able to coat in the hall.  To kill somebody usi
use a computer will be a great handicap in the around their neck: They rescued the inn
J  future.
dippd /'hn.d1.kt/ [ ad   ec tvi ]e Having a
before the crowd could hang him. • Be
his use ang has reguar pas and pas
k physical disablity: Tracy is competing in a sports ors anged.
competition for handicapped children. •he word t PHRASAL VERBS   /

l dsabed is now considered more appropiae• Be stay in a place doing nothing in partic
carefu wh he ponnciaton of te end o ths always hanging about in the shopping
wod. he e s not prononced. his friends. 2 To spend some time w
dift [ prano   ]n Artistc work done by hand: body: We were hanging around with him
Weaving is one of the traditional handicras of the day. ·    To wait: Hang on a
n Indians of Peru. please.    To spend some

dkif /'h>D··tJaf/ /-tJ1f/ /-,tJif/ [ co   a " e] somebody: Last night, I was hanging ou
0 A square piece of cloth or paper for wiping your  friends.    o end a telephon

nose or your eyes: Take this handkerchief and dry sation: Liz hung up because she heard
p  your tears. •Hanie and hanky are nora or calling at the door. • In ths se e sa
andkerchief. ng ng o.
q d1   be  COt 
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hppning /hp.'n./ ['0 �n b e l ] An event:

There hfl /ha·l/ [ajecti] Causing dam
have been some strange happenings in this house. somebody or somehing: Eating candies
• We usualy use the verb "happen: Some sage  ful for your teeth.
things have happeed n his hose.

h /hurm-Jgs/ [adjecti] Not dangero
thppin /hp.1.ngs/ [  ': ab e 
l ] The state of be- dog is harmless; its bark is worse than its b
ing happy: Her recovery brought great happiness hony /hur-mg·ni/ /hur-mg·ni/ I [ '
to her family. state of agreement in ideas and feelings
thppy /hp.i/ [adjective] Very pleased, content:
I'm  perfect harmony between the two sisters.
happy to be here with you. •The copaatve om pleasant arrangement of sounds or col
is "happier" and he superlatve form is "happies. choir sang in perfect harmony. •The plura
® See picure at emotions oes.
hbo [co� ;1• ] Safe pace where ships can tie up hn1 /ha:s/ co�n b 1e ]  A set of leathe
to load, unload and wait before going back to sea: and metal parts put around the horses
During the storm the ships stayed in the harbor. • and body so that it can be controlled
he same meanig: po. tened to a cart: The harness was placed
thd1 /ha:d/ [adjecti>e]  Firm and solid, not sot: This horse and they le. 2 A set of straps for f
cake is as hard as a rock. 2 Dicult to do or to un- something to a person's body or for cont
derstand: This translation is very hard. 3 r small child: He needed a harness for t
 See "hard disk" in the word disk chute. 3  g c  r To get ba
hd2 /hu:d/ [adverb] A lot, very much and wth ener- rouine of one's usual work or activity:
gy: Take an umbrella with you because it's raining  family got back in harness aer the summ
hard. • Copare wh "hadly (only js o almos tion.
ot). hn2 /har-ngs/ [verb]  To attach a ho
hdbck /hard,bk/ ['0 � b  e l ] A book with a hard leather straps: They harnessed the hors
cover: Hardbacks are nice, but much more expen cart. 2 o contro and use the power of a
sive than paperbacks.® See picture at book resource: Hydroelectric dams harness the
hd /har-dg.n/ [verb] To become hard: With this the river to generate electricity.
cold wind, the snows hardening very quickly. hp US: /ho:rp/ UK: /ha:p/ co�n b 1 ] A very lar
hdly /hard-li/ [adverb] Almost not; only just: cal instrument with srings that are puck
There's hardly any milk le in the fridge. • Be the ngers: Who taught Rebecca to play t
caef[ Hadly s ot the adverb orm o "hard ® S pg 458.
Copare with had'" (a lot, very ch and wth e hh US: /ho:r/ UK: /ha:f/ [adjective] Rough
ergy) pleasant; crue: He spoke in a harsh voice.
hdn /hard-ngs/ ["': ab e l ]  The quality of be- h /ha:vst/ I [ou]  The time of ye
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k // The eleventh letter of the alpha

name "Karen" begins with a "K".
K // A thousand: My starting salary was
 year.• This word is nformal.
kangaroo /,u·�'/ 1°:�'] A arge Au
animal that moves by jumping on its ba
 Kangaroos carry their young in a pouch.
ge .
karate /b'n·!i/ [un abte] A sport in whic

ght using their hads and feet:  Karate
vented in Japan. ® See picture a s
kayak /'/ 1°:�'] A light canoe wit
ered top: Kayaks are oen made of bergla
+keen /i:/ [adic,] l Enthusiastic, very in
Wendy is very keen on tennis. •Be caefu
"to be keen on (somethg).  Fine or sha
talking about the senses: She has a keen
+keep,   /i:/ [vr]  To con
have something: Sara keeps all her old c
To continue doing somethng: He keeps
noises. 3 To have something in a pa
place: I keep all my old toys in a clos
maintain somethng in a particular w
keeps her room very tidy. S To look ater a
for food: We have a house in the country w
keep pigs and chickens. 6 Referring to
stay in a good state: Most food keeps bett
 fridge. 7 To cause somebody to stay: Man
keep Colin in Colombia, not just his girl
Referring to the law, a promise or an agr
to do what i says: I always keep my pro
o kee a secre Not to reveal a sec
somebody tells you: Can you keep a secre
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keeper 

a body or something: You're walking too quickly, I keyhole /'ki,houl/ [0� n b  1' ] A hole in wh
can't keep up with you. goes: He looked through the door keyho
b keeper /'ki-par/ [0�; • b   1' ] A person who guards or anybody was in. ®See picure at key
looks aer a zoo or a museum: The keeper has to key rig [co�; •  b1  ] A ring for carrying ke
(  feed the lions twice a day. all my keys on a key ring. ®See picture
keep t /,ki:p'f1t/ [u: a b le ] Physical tness exer- kg A written abbreviation for kilogram
d cises: Keep t classes are very fashionable.
keel /'kc l/ ["� b    1 ] See doghouse• This word
at vn
khaki /'k [j,J A color between y
s Brtish English brown: Soldier's uniforms are oen khaki
e kept /kept/ Past tense and past participle forms of +kick1 /kk/ [°� b  1' ] A blow with the foot:
f kerb
US: /k3:/ [ �;  b
co a  1' ] See curb • This
gave him a tremendous kick.
kick2 /kk/ [v e rb] To hit somebody or s
wod s Brish Engsh with your foot: He got angry and kicked
g ketchup /'kct J.A p/ [0" �:  · b 1' ] A sauce made from to- kick-of /kk f/ [ no  n]  he start of a soc
matoes and spices: I always put ketchup on my The kick-o is at 70  pm.
h hamburgers. +kid /kd/ [0�; a  b le ] 1 A child: Sara and Tom
kettle /'kcS-a·l/ °; a b  1 ' ] A conainer used for boil- kids.• his use is nfoma. 2 A young go
ing water: Put the kettle on and we'll have tea. the goat with her kids.
. kettledrum /'ket.!.drAm/ US: /'ke [0 b  1' ] A large kidap /'kd.np/ [v e rb] o carry somebod
J drum which has the shape of a bowl: Mike plays
the kettledrums in the local orchestra.
force: His father was kidnapped by the M
careful wth the speig o hese foms: "ki
a 1 e ] 1 A special shaped piece of metal
/ki:/ [0;  b idnappng
for opening or closing locks: Have you got the key kidey /'k [co; a b  1 ' ] One of the two
[  for the front door? 2 One of a group of parts of
some musical instruments and machines that
gans used for cleaning the blood:
were not working properly and he had to
hospital. ® S  44.
I you pressed to make them work: Pianos have ma-
ny keys.® S  44. 3 A solution or a goup +kill /k1l/ [v e rb] To make a person or an an
of solutions: The key to the exercises is at the back The car ran over the cat and killed it.
n of the book. +killer /'kl-ar/ [co; a  b 1' ] A person or an
kils: The police caught the killer.
0 KEY killig /'kl.1/ [co�;   1' ] Taking the life
body or something, a murder: He ad
p ky sponsibility for the killing.
kilo /'k1-a/ [co; a  te ] See kilogram
q kilogra [°;  b1
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 Somebody's closest relative: Who is your next i /'kt·a·n/ ['°�a bn le] A young cat: Our
of kin? had ve kittens. ®See picture at pet
+id1 /kmd/ [ adj e cti e 
v ] Friendly, hepful, nice: She's iwi /'ki:.wi:/ ['°�a bn le] 1 A small and hairy
such a kind person, always thinking of others. wis are green inside with lots of black
+id2 /kmd/ ['°�·:1e] A type: I like reading all kinds bird from New Zealand that cannot fly:
of books. very long beaks.
+id /'km.nas/ [ "  '  able] The quality of be- m A written abbreviation for kilomete
ing kind: He showed great kindness to his friends. box at bbv
iic /b'nepk/ [ aj e ti e  v ] Referring to movement: c /nk/ [ on  n] A skillful or particular
In kinetic art the pieces have moving parts. doing something: Theres a knack to open
+ig /k1/ ['°�·:1] 1 A man from a royal family door.
who is ruler of a country: The United States Presi + /ni:/ ['°�·  ble] 1 he part of the leg
dent received the King of Spain in the White House. bends: Craig hurt his knee playing footbal
•A female ruer is a "qeen". 2 The most important g 4. 2  d'  On a
piece in chess: Careful! If you lose your king, you legs: I sat Mary on my knee so that she c
lose the game. ®See picture at chess the play better.
igdom /'kJ.da/ ['°�abe] A country that has a  knlt, knlt /ni:l/ [v e r b] To go d
king or a queen as ruler: United States is indepen your knees: We all knelt down in the c
dent of the United Kingdom since 776 <ee" also has egla past ad past p
io /'ki·usk/ ['°�ab] A small store on the street os: kneeled.
with an open window through which you buy  Past tense and past participle f
things: I went to the station kiosk to buy a newspa kneel
 per and some chocolate. w us: /n:/ UK /nj:/ Past tense of know
kipper /' US: /-C/ [ '°:� a nble] A salted and ic /'k-arz/ [plur  al ou] See panties
smoked sh: In laska the kipper is excellent. word is Btis Englsh.• We we ak abou
+iSS1 /kTS/ '° ble] A touch with your lips: Come on! more "knicers, we use te word pars:
Be nice and give me a kiss.• e plra s isses". tree pais o kices'.
iSS2 /ks/ [r b] o touch with your lips: She gave ic-c /'k.nk/ ['°�abe] A sma
him a big kiss.• Be caefl wih the spelig o the that is not very useful: Her room is full of
3rd peson singa pesent tense or: "isses".  plants and knick-knacks. • he p
i /kt/ ['°a b  le] 1 A set of pieces that can be put to- kic-nacs.
gether to make something: They built the book- +if /n1f/ '°ble] An object used for
case from a kit. 2 Equipment for a particular ac- things: Get the knife and cut some bread
tivity: He had lots of dierent screwdrivers in his • he ral s nves. • Remebe! Y
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hitting something: Just then, there was a loud + kn, knon /nau/ UK /ngu

knock at the door. have information about something:  kno

m2 /nk/ [] 1 To hit or bump somebody: John he lives.
knocked Ga by accident. 2 To hit a door or a window +dg US /'n:.d/ UK /'nl.d/
 with your hand to call the attention of somebody in- The things that somebody knows: His kn
side: The childrenknocked at the door and ran awa of science was extraordinary.
t PHRSL VERBS   {y) 
·  US /nun/ UK /ngun/ Past parti
o hit somebody and cause hem to fall: He was .
knocked down by a car.   (y)
  /'nAkl/ ['0:�] The parts of you
 To hit somebody so that he or she becomes  where they join the hand: I banged the d
unconscious: She fell o her bicycle and was my knuckles.
knocked out.   (hi)  o hit
·  or  b /bu':Jg/ ':�
something so that it falls to a horizontal position: Australian animal which carries its you
He pushed the table and knocked a vase over. pouch: The koala feeds on eucalyptus leav
+t US /n:/ UK /n/ ['0:�] Part of a rope or K /b'n/, /-'n/ [] The sacred book
ropes where two sections are tied together: He lims: the Holy Koran. • e cef! "<
tied the two pieces of string together in a knot. cpi "<


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l /c/ The twelfth letter of the alphabet:

"Linda" begins with an "L".
lab /h/ [co�n bte]
  See lbortory
+label1 /1hJ/ [co�a:ie] A piece of pape
plastc attached to an object, that gves
ton about t: The label on the hat said
Texas". • Be careful with the ponuncat


labeP f1hJ/ [ ver b] o put a label on

 Make sure you label your suitcases in
lost. • Be cae wh he ponciai
word  n 
labor1 /·h/ cabte] Hard physcal
house was nished, aer months of la
sually say "had work The Bish
ng is abou".
labor2 f1·h/ [v  er b] To do hard pysca
strugge to do somethng: The miners l
hours to rescue their friends aer the ex
We usualy say wo hard • he Bit
spelg is labou.
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l /leis/ l'°:�nb e ] 1

A kind of string used to tie ldybg /'lc-d,bA/ ['0:�    e ] A flying inse
shoes: Do your laces up or you'll fall over them. 2 is red or yellow with black spots:  The lady
Fine cloh, with a pattern of small holes: Lace is  past and landed on a lea• I Bris g
oen used to decorate ladies underwear. say adybid® S p 43
tl<1 /lk/ ["  ' b e ] Not having enough of some- lgoon /Jg'u:n/ ['°:�;  1] A lake of salt wat
thing:  Theres a terrible lack of rain in many parts rated from the sea by a bar of sand a
of rica. called a reef: Many tropical islands have la
l<2 /Ik/ [v e r  ] Not to have something: Many peo lid /Jcd/ Past ense and past participle
 ple in poor countries are lacking in basic things, ay•
like food and water. • Be careful We say: "lack li /ten/ Past participle of e'
(something)" o "o be acg in (something)". +lk /Jek/ l'°:�;a, bt e ] A arge area of water w
lo [" ' a  b e ] A game for two teams in which around it: Lake Eyre, in Canada, is a curi
players hod long sticks with a net for catching, because it sometimes disappears comp
throwing and carrying the ball to score a goal: La very dry weather.
crosse is a popular sport in many private schools. lkid /'lcd/ lco:� a   b e ] The land a
ld /Id/ l'°:�;a, b e ] A boy or young man: Robin is a lake:  The couple bought a house by the lak
very nice lad.• This wod is noa lmb /Jm/  l'°:�;ai e ] 1 A young sheep:
ldd /'Id-gr/ l'°:�;a  b  e ] Two long, connected piec- lambs were born on our farm this spring
es of wood or metal, that are used for climbing: p 48.  [  b1] 2 The meat of a youn
Can you hold the ladder for me while I climb up and We oen have lamb for lunch on Sunda
clean the windows? careful wit te prouciatio o ths word
is ot proounced• Copare with sheep
aima ep for ts wool, sk and eat)
lm /lcm/ [a dj e cv e ] Not able to walk wel
had an accident in the road last year, and
lame since then.
+lmp /lmp/ lco:�nbt e ] An object that giv
Switch the lamp on; its getting dark. ®
res at bedroom and vg room
lmp-po /'ls/ US: /pos/ ['°:�;a
thin object in the sreet that has a ligh
top: Andrew broke his teeth when he bump
lamp-post while riding his bike.
ln1 /l:ns/ US: /!ns/ lco:�;   1e ] A long
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lnddy 26

a landing; the bathroom is on the right. ®See pictu- used for many dierent things, from cut
re at  to doing very delicate medical operati
b lddy /'"nd,le1.di/ l co  :� n b  t e]  A woman who lets
people ive i her house for money: We pay the
careful with he pronunciaton of is wo
is pronounced e same as n the word lak
c rent to the landlady every Friday. • A an s a l /ls/ l c o:; a b 
 n 1•] A girl or a young woma
landord•e pural is andlades nice lass.• is wod is nfoa
d ldod /'hcnd,brd/ l co  :�'1·] A man who lets peo- +lt1 /lu:st/ [adiec  ]  Ater all the others
pe live in his house for money: The landlord has the last person to arrive this morning?
 put a telephone in the hall for the use of everyone fore now: Last Saturday, I went to the m
e who lives here.• A woan is a "andady". ater to see "Fantasia". • Be caeu! We
f +ldp /'Ind.ske1p/ l c o:�; a t e]  A large area of went to Meps as year (We don't say
land that you can see from a particular place: to epis e as yea"). "We ony use
There are some marvelous landscapes in Arizona. last wen we speak abou a peod o 
g ®See pages 444 and 445. the presen: " aven't been o school for t
lndlid /'lnd.sla1d/ [0:   1] The fall of a large days• Copae with laest (being the
hamount of earth: Heavy rain sometimes causes os recen o odern Te supeatv
landslides. lae) 3 at last In the end, aer a long
+l /Iem/ lc  o:�'1]
 A small road in the country: ray! Vacation is here at last.
We walked down the lane to the farmhouse.  Part lt2 /lu:st/ [verb] 1 To continue in time:
Jof a big road: Theres a special lane for bicycles on
that road.
you think the concert will last?  To be e
a cerain time: I hope the food lasts until
+lgg /'l.gw1d3/ I  A system of [ u nc   ab t e ] there isn't a store on the campsite.
words that people say or write: Language is what +lt /l1t/ [, b   Ater the expecte
we use to communicate with each other. I  l co  :� n b   e ] missed the bus and was late home. 
The particular words used by a certain group of of a certain time: My grandmothers ma
m peope: They say Chinese is a very dicult an- her age; shes in her late seventies, you
guage to learn. 3 bad language Offensive words: e n At another moment in the ear
here's too much bad language in that movie. ter: We'll have dinner later on.• Be cae
n ltn /'ln-trn/ l c o:� a b  n t e ]
A glass container for a does not ean e os lae See "aes
light: The pirate lied the lantern to see the name +ltt /'le1-1st/ [adje c ve]  he superlativ
0 of the ship.   he ast in time in a number
lp /lp/ [0:� b 1]
 The top of your legs when you Have you heard their latest song? It's gre
pare sittig down: Come and sit on my lap!  Goig
around once in a running race: The four yards
pare with last1 (afe al e ohers or j
now) 3 at the atest At the last possible
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laugh For fun: We put a joke cigarette in his packet y1 Past tense of .
of cigarettes for a laugh. 3  laugh yu head f +y2 lid, lid /lei/ [v e rb ] 1 To put so
o laugh a lot, loudly: When the clown ate the down: She laid the book down on the desk.
man's tie, we laughed our heads o an egg o produce an egg: The hen laid f
t PHRASAL ERBS    ( 
· this morning. 3  ay he able o p
) o be amused by something or some- plates, knives, forks and so on, on th
body, often because you think they are ridiculous fore you eat: Richard, dont forget to lay t
or stupid: Dont laugh at him just because he is for three.• In this use, the same meanng: "t
bald. able.
+ght US /'!f.t/ UK /'l/ [ " n ' �   ab te] he +y /' ['°:Z1e] Something horizonta
sound of laughing: There was a lot of laughter between two other things: That cake is d
coming from the classroom. its got a layer of jam in the middle and a
1 /b:nJ/ ['°:Z le] A small motor boat: Many cream on top.
 people go out on the lake in launches in the sum- yot /'lc1.aut/  '°:Ze] 1 The way thi
mer. placed and organized in a particular site:
2 /b:n/ [v e b ] o send a ship into the water out of the new sports center was shown
or a rocket ino space: Apollo  was launched by plans. 2 he way edited material is organ
a Saturn V rocket from Kennedy Space Center. the page: The magazine didnt change its c
tt or tt us: /'b:ndrgmt/ out.
UK /,b:ndgr'et/  '°:Z1e] See • This word  /'le1.z1.ngs/ [ unc  � ab te] Not doin
is Btish Egish thing because you don't want to make a
ot /'bn-drg,mt/ /'ln/ ['0:z  nab  le] A place Get out of bed right now; I've never seen s
where you take dirty clothes to wash them in ma- ness!
chines: In the US, students oen take their dirty +y /'lc1.z/ [  ad; e
  ] Not wanting to make a
clothes to the laundromat.• I  Bis glish they David is a very lazy boy; he never does h
say laudeee or andrette. work.• e compaave fom is laze a
+y co   :z a nb  te] he clothes that you are going to perave form s aies".
wash or that you have washed: We hang the aun b A writen abbreviaion for the me
dry to dry in our backyard. • I Brtish ngish they weight p.• Lb comes om bra, a
say washig" pession he pura is "lbs"
+ US /:/ UK /b:/ [no   un]  1 A rule made by a gov 1 /l:d/  [ "  ' � ab le] 1 A gray metal ha
ernment: The law says that all people are equal. 2 heavy: Water pipes used to be made of
agains he law Prohibied, something that you now they are usually made of copper. 
must no do: Fst driving along country roads is center part of a pencil, that is used for
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dh 8

a dh /'li·dar,Jp/ The ability to di- [uc  �: b l e ]  Past tense and past participle
rect other people: My father says that Mr. Smith lp2•
b has great qualities of leadership.  y ['0n bte 
  ] A year in which Feb
+dg /'li:dD/ [adjecive]
The most important in a 9 days: Leap years occur every four yea
c group: Picasso was one of the leading artists of his +,   US: /b:n/ UK:
time and of all time. get to know about soething or how to
d g  co;  a  e ]
The person in a group who thing by sudying or practicing it: I wa
sings most of the songs: Sean is the lead singer in how to play the guitar. • "Lean also h
a very famous pop group. past and pas paricple oms: leaned
e +leaf /li:f/  co;  a  e ]
1 One of the flat green parts of a learner US: /'b:.n/ UK: /'/  co;  a

f plant or a tree: Some trees lose their leaves in fall.

•Te plura s "eaves.® S    .
who is getting to know about soethin
to do it: Colette is a very quick learner.
2       To begin to behave g /'r·mD/ [c  �:  abte ] Gaining kno
g much better: She promised to turn over a new lea something: The learning of a language is
 /'li:fla/ ['0n b  l e ]
A piece of paper that gives thing.
h information about something: We gave out some  Past tense and past participe
leaets in our street to tell people about our school ln.
concert. 1 [veb] To rent a building, oce an
+g /li:g/ ['0;  a bte 
   ]
1 A group of teams that play is very common to see signs in building
J sports against each other: Our school football
team is top of the league, at the moment. 2 A union
"Fr lease".
  co;  a  e ] The use of something fo
k of people or countries: he League of Nations was The lease on this apartment nish the
set up aer the rst World War to try to keep world h  co;  a bte 
 n  ] A chain or a rope that c
 peace. dog when it walks with a person: Dogs
1 /li:k/ ['0;  a bte 
 n  ]
A hole that allows liquid or gas ways be on a leash when they are out in
m to go through: The explosion was caused by a gas • I Bits Engs tey say lead
leak. 1 [adjecive] 1 The superlative form o
 /li:k/ 1 To have a hole that allows liquid
[ver] The sallest quantity of something:
n or gas to go through: The pipes have leaked and always get the least amount of candies!
theres water everywhere. 2 To go out through a + [adve<b] 1 Less than all the others. T
0 hole: The vinegar has leaked all over the shopping. lative form of littl2.: The person who s
1 /li:n/ [adjecive]
With no fat or very little fat: least in this class is Ray. 2   Not le
p Runners have to be strong and lean. mnimum of: I'd like to spend at least
+,   /li:n/ 1 To put your body [v,b] by the sea with my cousin this year. 3
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Education: Essential ESL Dictionary for Learners of The Mother Flight Behavior What Every BODY
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ring. 5 o v sobody) o To stop dis- +legal /'li:.gI/ [adje c tive] Permitted by the law:
turbing somebody: Please, leave me alone because know that in California it is legal to get
I want to nish this book. 6 o v sohig) when you are 16? • Be careful with the pr
o To stop touching something: If you don't tio of is wod.
leave my bike alone, I'm going to get very angry. legally [adve b ]
As established by he law:
t PHRASAL VERBS   f
To stop dong
• ness was set up legally. • Compae with "
something: I cant remember where !le o reading (n a manner at s agast the law)
in this book. •      legend /'lcd3."nd/ [n o un]
A story from the p
u Not to include somebody or something: The is perhaps not true: The story of Robin Ho
coach has le Richard out of the team for this game. of the most famous legends in history.
lecture1 /'lektr/ [co: � a  1 0 ]
A formal talk to a group legendary /'led3ndri/ Sufcie [adje c tive]
of people: My mother went to a lecture on the new mous to be the subject of legend or to b
discoveries about the planet Mars on Saturday. talked about: Robin Hood is a legenda
lecture2 /'lcktJr/ [ver b ]
To give a talk or series of  from the 12th century.
talks to a group of people: Our neighbor lectures leggings /'lcg.z/ [P1ua1 o u]
Very tight
on pure mathematics at dierent universities. •We pants: My mom gave me some lovely leg
say: o lectue on (sometg)" wear at my ballet class.
lecturer /'lek-tr.r/ See [co  �a bl ,  e ]
Ts cc'.• legibe /'led3.1.b [ adje ct ive] Clear enough
wod s Britsh Eglsh Make sure that your answers are in legible
led /led/ Past tense and past participle forms of •Be caeu w te pouncaion of ths w
 legislate /'Icd3-s,Ic1·tJr/ c o  � a  1 ' ]
ledge /led3/ c o  � a  1 ' ] A narrow area at the bottom which makes and changes laws: The le
of a window: My mother always puts plants on the decides what taxes people must pay.
window ledge. leisure us /'li:.32 UK: /'c3.g•/ ["'�:  a bl e ] Fre
leek /li:k/ [co:   b n   ' 
A long white and green vegeta- spend a lot of my leisure time reading.
ble which tastes like an onion: The leek is an in leisure center [co    b n   1'] 
A place where
gredient in salads and other healthy recipes. do exercise or oter activities: They've o
left1 /left/ j  b ]
[ a   
1 he opposite of right: Go to new leisure center in town.
the end of the street and turn le. 2 o h  +lemon /'lem.n/ [n o un]
A yellow fruit with
hd sid On the lef side: Your heart is on the le sharp taste: Lemons need a warm climate
hand side of your body. 3 Using your -hdd in.®  pg4.
left hand more than your right: These scissors are lemonade /,lcm.a'ncd/ A swe [   a b• ]
specially for le-handed people. wit a lemon lavor: Lemonade is very re
+left2 /left/ [n o ]
he side of your body that contains when you're hot.
lemon juice  b
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mol /'mal/ ['0�nb te] The lesson taught by a sto- much money  have, but at most I have
ry:  don't understand the moral of this story. k    To use something in
mol /ma':l/ [ c: a   b te] he condence that you and fullest way: We have to try to make th
feel in a difcult or imporant situation: en the our trip to Mexico.
opposing team scored a goal, the morale of our motly /'most-li/ [adver b] In most cases:
team went right down. are mostly of my age. •The same mean
+mo US: /m/ UK: /m:/ l a   a nd d   e ,i; 1 The compara- ly.
tive form of much and may: Why don't you do it? moth US: /m:8/ UK: /m8/ ['°   b e] A kind o
You have more time than  do. 2 he comparative fly that usually flies at night: Open the w
form of very': That books okay, but this one is that the moth can y out.
more interesting. 3  d  A greater +moth /'mA-a/ ['°�  a  b e] 1 A female pa
amount all the time: More and more people are cousin Barbara became a mother last
careful about what they eat. 4    Ap- o" ad "ommy are fomal for 
proximately: She's more or less twenty. 5   ®See picture at f amly. 2 --
 Not any onger:  tell you that he does not you are married, your wife's mother or y
live here any more. 6   One other time, bands mother: Joan is living at he
again: Come on, mom! Tell us the story once more! er-in-law's house until their house is read
+moig /'m:u/  [ou n] 1 The part of the day until pra of other--aw s others-in-law
midday: We have three lessons in the morning and moth togu l'°nb1] A persons na
then we have a break for lunch. • Be carefu. We guage: His mother tongue is French.
say: "in the moring. 2 gd g A greeting motio /'mo·Jan/  [no ] Movement: This we
that is used in the morning: Our teacher always going to study the motion of the planets.
says "Good morning" when she comes into the motiv US: /'mo.tv/ UK: /'ma.tv/ ['°  a  nb1]
classroom. for doing somet hng:  can't understand
motl1 US: /'m:.rl/ UK: /'m:.tl/ ['°   b e] A being, tives for wanting to come and see us every d
that lives and dies: Human beings are mortals. +moto US: /'moy/ UK: /'ma.ta/ ['°nb e
motl US: /'m":.!1/ UK: /'m":.tl/ [aj ecve] Leading to large or smal, which causes motion: The
or causing death: During the Roman Empire, the vacuum cleaner is broken.• Motor 
games were held in which gladiators engaged in se o eecrical applaces. Compae w
mortal combat. gine (usualy sed for veces ) .
moi1 /mo'ZCI·Ik/ l'°  a   e] A design made using motobik /'mo·!a,bk/ ['°1] A mo
many small stones or pieces of glass: This Roman Accidents on motorbikes are quite oen fat
mosaic represents a scene of a banquet. same eaning: "oocycle" ® See
moi [adec.] Relaing to a mosaic or looking trasport.
moto bot l'°  b
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t 46

a mound of earth and a big hole in their yard. Are make somebody feel sad, happy and so
they going to plant a tree? so moved by the story that I started crying
b +t1 /maunt/ [v er b ] To get on a horse or a bike: t PHRASAL VERBS  mve i To g

The cowboys all mounted their horses and galloped in a new apartment or house: Were m
C across the valley. our new apartment in September.  m •

t2 /maont/ [no  n ] See M • The abbreviation leave an apartment or a house: We're m
d "Mt is only used i wtten anguage.
+ti /'mun·t·n/  c[o :� nb  le ] A piece of land
of our present address at the end of the m
+t /'m:v.mnt/ [n ou ] A changin
that goes very high: The mountains in central Asia tion or place: There was a movement b
e are the highest in the world. • Be carefl wih te drapes.
+i /'m [ co  � ;  a bl  e ] 1 A lm: The lat
f ponuciation of this word! he "a" is not pro-
ouced.®  pg  and 5. movie isn't very good. 2 h  Th
ti bik [ '0 �  a;  b  e ] A special kind of bike of lms at a movie theater: I'm going t
g with thick wheels, used for riding in the country: ies this evening. •In this se, i Btis
With a mountain bike you can go over very rough say "the pctes"
h ground. +i tht  c[o �  a;  nb  1 ] A place for
ti /,'/ US: /-tn'r/ [ co �  a;  nbl  e ] lms: The movie theaters in my town alw
Somebody who climbs mountains: The mountain the latest Hollywood lms. •n Brtis 
eer reached the summit. say "cinema.® See picture at see
J tiig /,ma.t1'.1D/ US: /-tn'1.1D/ OW mod, mon US: /mo/ UK:
 [ '  able ] A sport in which you climb mountains: cut grass or cereals: How oen do you
k  Mountaineering is not a dangerous sport if you are lawn?
careful.  Past participle of mw
l tis /'mun·t·n·s/ [ ai ec  t"] 1 Having
many mountains: The landscape in this area is
+M. [no  u] A title used for a man:  Mr. John
es us Science. • Be carel! his word i
very mountainous. 2 Being very big: a mountain- sed wih a last name, whe he st na
ous pile of garbage. metioned.•See box a bb
 US: /m:n/ UK: /m:n/ [r b ] o be sad for +Ms. /'mrs.rz/ [n o n ] A tite used for a mar
n somebody who has died: They mourned their an:  Mrs. Harrison is one of the school
grandpa's death. Be caeu his wod is omay used w
0 ig /'·n/ /'mu-/  [ble ] Feeing or ame, whe he rs ame s ot metion
showing sadness for somebody who has died: box at bb
p Theyre in mourning for their grandmother. • Be +Ms. /mz m1z/ [  o    ] A title used for a wom
carefl! We say: "to be  mournig. a woman doesnt want to say if shes sing
q 1 
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mddy /'mAC.i/ [adjecti,] Covered in mud: Clean your mm1 /'3nr/ [' 0  n ble ] A so con
boots before coming into the house; they're very sound: There was a murmur of approval w
muddy.• The comparative form s "muddie and e  principal presented his plans for the new sc
sperlative form s muddiest. mm2 /'m3:mr/ [veb] To talk in a v
mli /'mju:zli/ [ n' �:  able ] A breakfast cereal:  voice: She murmured something into my e
Muesli is made from grain, dried fruit and nuts. couldn't understand what she said.
mg /mAg/ [co a n ble ] A tall straight cup: I've bought phy' L us: /,me:.iz'l:/ UK

some new coee mugs. • Compare wt cp ( a [" ' �:  able ] A humorous principle that state
smal oud coaie used or dnkig ot dris ) . anything can go wrong, it will: Murphy's L
® See picure at cup. that for example if you drop a piece of br
ml /mu:l/ [co  a b  n 1 ] An animal similar to a don butter, it will always fall butter side dow
key: Mules are the cross of female horses and male carefl Muphys Law as capia ee
donkeys. pase is nformal
mlti- /mAlti-/ [pre.] An addition to the beginning +m /'mAs.f [ou] One of the parts of t
of a word that means "many": Something that is that cause movement: The muscles m
multicolored has many colors. bones and allow us to move all parts of the
mltill /,mAJ·ti'scJ..Jr/ /,mAJ·tOI-/ [ajective] Be carel wt e proncatio o h
Having more than one cell: Every living creature is ®See age 3
multicellular except the single-cell amoeba. m /'mAS·k.Jr/ [ajective] 1 Having
mltilingl /,mAlti'hDgwJ/ [adjective] That uses  veloped muscles: He is very muscular be
several languages: Multilingual guides have infor goes to the gym regularly. 2 Relating to m
mation in several languages. muscular contractions. ®See age 3
+mltiply /'mAl·ta,pl/ [ve] 1 To add the same mt /'mAs.k.a.tr/ US /-t/
number several times: If you multiply ve by three, The muscular system: The bat's wing mus
it is the same as adding ve three times. 2 To grow is enviable. ®See age 3
in number: Rabbits multiply very quickly. • Be +mm /mu:'zi:.m/ ['   ble    ] A building
caef wt he spelng of tese forms: mltipes, interesting objects for people to look a
mltipied. Museum of Natural History you can lea
mmmy /'mAm.i/ co a n ble ] he body of a person about the origins of man.
who died a long time ago but is still well pre mushroom /' , -rom/ co  a n ble ] A plant
served: The Egyptian mummies are fascinating. • no leaves, lowers or roots: You can eat som
Te plural s mummies". Be caefl wih te pronn- rooms but others are poisonous. ®See age
cao o s wod! Te vowel sound ere s po- +m /'mu:.z1k/ [ nc�:
    able ] 1 Sounds arra
ouced te same as n s. sound pleasant: I like dierent types of m
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micl 48

a +mic2 /'mju:z1bl/ [c o:�n  b te] A

play or a movie mtc [c o:�n  b te] Hair ha men have
b tha has songs and dances: I went to see the musi
cal "Grease" yesterday.
mouh: My great uncle had a very long m
mtd /'mAs-tard/ 1uc ab e] A spicy sa
+micin /mju:'z1J."n/ [c o:�  a  ie] A person who plays from he seeds of a plan: I love hot
( or wries music: There are twenty musicians in the mustard.
school orchestra. mt't /'mAs.nt/ The conracion of "m
d Mlim US: /'m:.zlcm/ UK: /'mz.l/ [ cl ; Refer- mt' The conracion of mus have
ring o Islam or a follower of Islam: In most Ar mute [adjective] Not able to speak: Dea
e ab countries, the people are Muslims. • Be care-  people oen communicate by using a
ful! "Muslm" has a capita . • We aso say language.
mtt US: /'A$.Y/ UK: /'AU/ [,.rb] To s
f osem
 e
m /'mAsg]/ °  ] A bivave mollusk wih an low voice, oten expressing disagreem
oval shell: Mussels live in the sea and are oen muttered something but I couldn't hear he
gh consumed as food.  b
mutton /'mAt-g-n/ [" �:  a  le] The mea
+mt /Ast, mast, mas/ [vrb]  A word ha you use adul sheep: Anne prepared a leg of m
o say ha i is necessary o do somehing: You herbs.
must listen to me when I speak to you!  A word +my /m/ [adjec "] Of me; belonging o me:
ha you use o show ha you hink somehing is sister Nellie.
o:�  ' 
rue: She must be a foreigner. She doesn't under myipod [c   b ] Any inverebrae wh
J stand English.• See box below. body wih many segmens and legs:
and millipedes are myriapods.
k   and hve  +myf /m1'self/ [proou] 1 A word ha
"me" when  am he subject of a senen
The verb   only has one om. The ves ta
l ·

foow i are in he inniive wout 

myself with the bread knife.  A word h
lines ha I am he person he verb refer
- You must be more punctual, James self am not ve keen on pizza. 3 by
- l mustn't forget Mom's birthday Alone: I go to school by mysel 2 Wiho
- I must go now made this kite all by mysel
n  is used wi a presen or fuure meanng +mytio /m'st-i-as/ [adjec ve] Tha
and dicul o explain: Every night we
0 For oher enses, we use hve : terious noises coming from the attic.
p  When I was , I had to be home at 0. +myty /'s-ti/ [o] Somehing
p p pc They have had to wait years or this
srange and dicul or impossible o e
is still a mystery to me how George c
q can e used in any ense.
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n /n/ The fourteenth letter of the alpha

name "Nicholas" begins with an "N".
+nai1 /nl/ [c�;    b  '] 1 he hard part at th
your ngers or your toes: I need to cut my
A thin piece of metal with a point:
 pass me the hammer and the nails?
nai2 /nc/  [vb] To x things with a nail:
to nail the shelf to the wall.
+naked /'nk/ [jv] Without clohes on

alone and swam naked in the sea.• Be car
e proncaion o this wod. The "e"
nonced ke the " n dd
+name1 /nm/ [c:   ;   b] 1 The word that yo
refer to a person or a thing: That little gir
is Lesley. 2 Chs  he name o
that go before the family name:  My
name is Ruth.• Be caeful! Cisian nam
capita C. • e sae meanig: "st 
fy   s  The name
share with other people in your family:
er's family name is 'Jones".• I  ths se
eang: snae"
name2 /ncm/  [vb] To give a name to som
something: They're going to name their d
namely /'nml/ [ vb] hat is to say: Only
dent, namely Sarah, is missing this mornin
nanny /'nn/ [:   ;   b'] A woman who loo
the children of a family: The Smiths need
 for the summer vacation.• he plura s a
nap /nx/ [c:;    , b] A short sleep: I felt tired
a nap on the sofa.
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nl 5

a nl /'nc1.zl/ [adjecti"] Referring to the nose: His by day. 2 The qualities of a person or a t
voice is quite nasal because he has a cold. would never hurt anybody; it's not in his
b nty /'ns.ti/ /'n:.sti/ [adjective] Unpleasant, ntu  [co :� ;a  n b  le ] An area of la

unkind: Theres a nasty smell coming from the is protected and managed in order to m
c bathroom.•The comparative fom s "nase" and flora and fauna: Nature reserves are an
te superlative o s "nases. aspect of conservation.
d +ntion /'nc.Jn/ co :� ;a   e ]
A country and its people: nught co :� ;a   e ]
The number 0: .9
Canada is an American nation. read "naught point nine".
e +ntionl /'n.>n.l, 'n.nal/ [adjective]
Belonging to nughty /'noqi/
US: UK: /'n:.ti/ [adjecti"]
one country: Tomorrow is a national vacation and havior: If youre naughty I wont buy y

f were going to the seaside for the day. • Compae

wih "tenaoal (beween diferet naos).
cream. • Ths word s oraly used wh
abo a chid o o a chld. The copara
ntionl nth [co :�  a  1 e ] The ocial piece of age and he speave fom is a
g music of a counry: "The Star-Spangled Banner" is nuti /'n·!1·bl/ /'nu!·1-/ [adjective]
the national anthem of the United States of Ameri- sailing: Old sailors love to tell nautical st
h ca.• We aso say ae. nl /'ne1.vl/ [adjective] Belonging to a nav
ntionlity /fa'nli/ [ ou   n] 
he state of be- Navy beat Spain in the naval battle in
longing to a country: What's your friend's nation nl /'ne1.vl/ ['° :�  a b n  1e ] The small hollo
ality? He's Chilean.• e pral s ationaties".• middle of the stomach where there used
J nti1See box o he olowg page.
/'nc1t1v/ [adjective]
Belonging to the place
cord attaching a baby to his moher:
small navel where the Doctor cut the umb
k  where you were born: Her grandmothers native
land is Norway.
at his birth.• The sae eang: bely-b
nigt /'nv.1.gc1t/ [rb]
To guide o
l nti2 /'ncrtrv/ co :� a  b n   e ]
A person who was born in ship or an aircra: Stars and compasses
a particular place: The girl you met yesterday is a by early sailors to navigate their way from
native of California. of the world to another.
m Nti Ain , n    Referring to the na- nigtion /nvr'gerJn/ u nc   ab le 
The a
tive peope of America: The Native Americans lost igating: Navigation is dicult in these
almost all of their land to the white man. • Be cae- cause of the currents.
ful! "Nave Aeca has capia leers.•We aso +ny ' [ on    n] 
The part of the arm
0 say Aeca India, dan. that ghts at sea: My grandfather served
Ntiity [ '   a  bl e ]
1 The birth of Jesus Christ: vy during the war.• The pual is aves
p This play shows the Nativity story. 2 Ny
scene A miniature representation of Christ's
ny blu [J Dark blue: Our team
navy blue shirts and socks.
q +n1
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Education: Essential ESL Dictionary for Learners of The Mother Flight Behavior What Every BODY
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students like you. Inside you will find
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onty djti pon fo th onty

Algeria Algerian Algerian
Argentina Argentinian Argentinian
Australia Australian Australian
Bolivia Bolivian Bolivian
Brazil Brailian Brazilian
Bulgaria Bulgarian Bulgarian
Canada Canadian Canadian
Chile Chilean Chilean
China Chinese Chinese
Colombia Colombian Colombian
Cuba Cuban Cuban
Dominican Republic Dominican Dominican
Egypt gyptian Egyptian
El Salvador Salvadoran Salvadoran
France French Frenchman, Frenchwoman
Germany German German
Greece Greek Greek
Guatemala Guatemalan Guatemalan
Haiti Haitian Haitian
Honduras Honduran Honduran
India Indian Indian
Iran Iranian Iranian
Iraq Iraqi Iraqi
(the) Irish Republic Irish Irishman, Irishwoman
Israel Israeli Israeli
Italy Italian Italian
Jamaica Jamaican Jamaican
Japan Jaan J
Mexico Mexican Mexican
(the) Netherlands Dutch Dutchman Dutchwoman
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 5

a  /'ni:.ngs/ [u '�: able] The quality of being ing aected by the increase in street viole
tidy:  The content of your compositions is of course usaly say "area
b very important, but don't forget neatness, too! ghbg [adjective] Being near:
+ /'nes.g.ser.i/ [adjectve] What is needed: hitchhike to the neighboring town bu
c Im not feeling very well today but I dont think its stopped to pick us up.
necessary to call the doctor. h1 US: /'ni:ogr/ UK: /'natfr/ [adveb]
d  /ng'scs-qi/ ["'�: able] Something that is
needed: We'll only borrow his car in case of neces-
never makes his bed, and neither does h
2 neither nor Not and not: As it w
e +ksity.• The plra is necessites
/nek/ [co  a b n  ] The par of your body between
 yesterday we played neither soccer nor
caefu! We use neithe with a posive

f the head and the shoulders: Giraes have very

long necks. ®See page 4.
"eithe with a negatve veb
h US: /'ni:ogr/ UK: /'naogr/ [ a   dd   ;
k /'nek.Jgs/ [co  a  ble] A piece of jewelry that and not the other of two people or thing
g goes round your neck: My aunt sometimes wears team scored any goals in the game yeste
an emerald necklace around her neck. ® See pi- caef! We use neithe with a posive
h jwy.
ture at "eithe with a negatve veb
d1  
/ni:d/ [ c �: ble] 1 Something that is neces- +ph /'nc.j: 'ncv/ [co a , ble  ] he so
sary:  There is great need for food in many parts of brother or sister: My nephew is only s
the world. 2 in need of Lacking in something: A old and he can play the piano beautifully
J +d
lot of African countries are in need of doctors. "nece" fo a gr.® See picture at fmiy
/ni:d/ [ve] To require or to be necessary: You Npu /'ncpju:n/ c o:� ; a , ble] A planet
k need to do more exercise if you want to keep t.• system that is eighth in order from the
Ts veb can be a modal veb tune is the farthest planet from the Sun.
[ +d /'ni:dl/ co a ble
  ] 1 A small thin piece of met- ge 447.
al used for sewing:  Here's a needle and thread; + US: /m:v/ UK: /n3:v/ I [
co  le] 1
I sew the button on your coat. 2 A long thin piece of
metal or plastic used for knitting: I had to use a
long thin parts of the body that ca
ings to your brain and messages from
 pair of very ne needles to make this tiny sweater sages travel along the nerves as a ser
 for my sister's baby. electrical impulses. I ["'�:  able ] 2 Cou

d /'ni:d.Jgs/ [ajecHve] Not necessary: Need- showed a lot of nerve under press
less to say, Patsy told Dana about the problem. cheek or lack of shame necessary to
d' /'ni:.dn/ The contraction of "need not". thing rude or outrageous: She had th
p negation /m'e rJ gn/ ["' �: a ble] The act of denying: ask me to lend her $20, after insulti
Negation of the facts will get you nowhere. front of my friends.
q +g1
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5 nigh

stinging leaves: Be careful with those nettles when ntnd [co�  '  bl n  e ] A store that sells
 you walk through this part of the eld. pers: I'm going to buy a magazine at th
ntok /'net,w3rk/ [co�  b n  e ] A system of people or stand. • In Britsh Eglis they say "ews
things that are linked together over some dis- ®See picture at 
tance: Internet is a large computer network. nt1 /nekst/ [adje ct ive] 1 Coming ater this
non /'njugr/ [co�  · : 1 e ] A nerve cell that con- following: Turn right at the next crossro
nects the brain to another part of the body: Neu-  you'll see the shopping center on your le
rns transmit impulses. to Beside: If you want to make a phone c
nt [adje c ive] In certain languages, of the gender nd a call box next to the bookstore. •
which is neither masculine nor feminine: a neu We say: "'d ike o go o aly next year
ter noun. say: I'd le o go o Iay e ext yea.
ntl /'n·trgl/ [adje ct ive] 1 Not committed to one ture at pp
side or the other: Switzerland remained neutral nt2 /nekst/ [ad b ] Coming ater someth
during the Second World War. 2 In chemistry, nei- done the exercise, Miss Furlow. What sh
ther acid nor alkali: Some substances, like water, next?
are neutral. 3 n physics, having no charge, nei- nt-doo [adje c tive] In the next buildi
ther positive nor negative: Neutrons are neutral nextdoor neighbors are very nice.
atoms. 4 Having no particular or strong charac- nib /nb/ [co� :  e ] The pointed end of a
teristics: a neutral color. pen: I have a special pen with a gold nib.
n ' [ave b ] Not at any time: My father ni /na1s/ [adje ct ive] 1 Pleasant, good: We
never takes the car when he goes to the city center. nice weather during our stay in Majorca.
• Neve" sualy goes beoe e mai verb ad af- friendy: Be nice to your brother because
e axiay vebs ike be", "do" or "ave. We don' vous about his tests.• The compaaive om
se neve w a negaive veb • See box a fre- er and e sperlatve form is nces .
quency. nikl /'nk./ I [u c  a bl e ] 1 A shiny meta
nthl /,g'Jes/ [adver b ] Despite that, special color that is white with a littl
however: He feels down but nevertheless he says Nickel occurs naturally and is used in st
that he is going to continue in the race.
co  ] 2 A ve cents coin: The sto
ing. I [ �  a :  e 
n US /n:/ UK /nj:/ [adje ct ive] 1 Recently made, gave me back a nickel.
bought for the rst time: Come home with me and nikn /'mk.ne1/ [co  · :  e ] An inform
I'll show you my new CD player. ® See picture at used instead of your real name, espec
pp 2 Seen or met for the rst time: I saw friends and family: William F Cody's n
the new teacher in the supermarket this morning. 3 was "Bualo Bill" because he was a bualo
Nw Ya's Da See "New Year's Day" in the word ni /ni:s/ [co  a n b e ] The daughter of your
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nighti 254

a nighti /'nm.ti/ /-!if [°�a  bl e

US:  n ] See  • nobl2 /'noubgl/ [ad i ect  ] 1 Morally ne,
This word is nforma. and admirable: I was a very noble gestu
b nighting /'na1.t1.e1l/ /-!J-/ [°� 1'] A ing a high social rank: She has e noble ori
small bird that is known for its beautiful singng: nobln /'nghlgn/ [°:1] A male m
c  Nightingales usually singcoat anight. the nobiity: The nobleman ruled over h
 bl e
night /'nt,egr/ [   :    ] A bad dream: Last ties.• Te plua s "nobleme".•A fema
d night I had a nightmare about Dracula running a of te nobiy s a "noblewoma".
noblon /'ngubl,wugn/ [0: ble
ter me.  n
night tbl [0 b 
 n 1'
] A small low table which is member of the nobility: The main role o
e placed next to a bed: Mary switched o the alarm woman in the Middle Ages was to give

f clock on her night table.• e sae meag: "bed-

side tabe, sde tabe.
a son.• Te pal is nobewome".•
ber o e nobiliy is a nobean.
night·ti /'na1t.ta1/ ight-ti The time +nobody /'no.h:.di/ /'n.h.di/

when it is dark: We saw a lot of bats near the river person: There's nobody you can speak to
at nighttime. •The sae meang o one".• Be caef
h nil /l/ [ " c  able
  ] Nothing; zero: Houston won the obody wt a posive veb • "Nobod
game by one goal to nil. •We saly say nil in wih a singular veb.•See box a anybody
scoes  spot.
notn /nk't:nglf [ad i ect  ] Of he nig
+nn /na/   ;·,  '] The number 9: I've done nine takes place or is active at night: The ow
J of the ten parts of the exercise. One more and I've
turnal bird.
nod US: /n:d/ UK: /nd/ [veb] To move you

k nineteen /,nam'ti:n/ l ":  ;·�  ,i      '] The number 9: and down:  Dont just nod when I ask
My sister is nineteen years old. tion. Answer properly.• s wod desc
l nintth /,na'ti:n8/       Referring to nine- ton wih a postive meaning.• Look at h
teen: Queen Vctoria lived in the nineteenth centu of tese oms nodded, "nodding".
ry.•Nineteet" ca also be wrien 19t".
m nintith +noi n u ]  An unpleasant or loa
/n�1z/ [ o
/'nntig/   
     J Referring to ninety: This vacuum cleaner makes a lot of noise
Theyre celebrating their grandmothers ninetieth +noiy /'.zi/ [adject  ] Making ots of n
birthday tomorrow.• Neet can also be wrien loud: Our street is very noisy on weekd
90h. copaative form s "noise and he
0 ninty /'n·ti/ [ ,   
 ]' The number 90: The o is oisiest.
 post oce building is ninety years old. nod /'nou·c/ [0: n b 1'] A member
p nint /na/ !   J Referring to nine: The com- whch does not live in one xed plac
 pany oces are on the ninth oor.• Nth ca a- around, or an individual who does the
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55 noti

not know how to use this computer and nor do you. moved house. 3 ot t l 1 Not even, a
•"Nor" is used after phrases with neer or o. don't remember his face at all.  A polite
+nol /'n�r·mgl/ [ a djetive] Usual; common: Storms answering when somebody says "than
are quite normal in summer around here. Thanks for your help. "Not at all". •I ths
+noth US: /n�:r8/ UK: /n�:8/ [ "0 :�l'  ;,1 ve J same meang: "you'e welcoe"
The direction on your lef when the sun rises: +not1 /ngt/ [     • b   ' ]  Written words th
You'll nd the lake if you keep going north. • See your memory: He made a note of the thing
box a abbreviations to buy for the trip. 2 A written message:
notht [    abe ] In between the north and the to leave a note for my mom to say I'll be bac
east: Brazils a very large country in the northeast 3 A sound in music: Tracy cant sing
of South America. •See box at abbeviations. ®See pge 60 4 to tke ote To mak
+nothn US: /'n�:r.on/ UK: /'n�:.on/ [a  jectve] Of the He took a lot of notes at the lecture.
north: There are a lot of lakes in northern United not2 /ngt/ [ve]  To give atention to som
States. I noted from her tone of voice that Marie se
oth Po [ou] The most northern place of the be rather depressed. 2 to ote (ometh
earth: The Norwegian Explorer Roald Amundsen To write something to help your memory
reached the North Pole in 9 •Be careu Norh note down your telephone number.
Pole has capal ees. notbook /'ntbk/ [    a   be ] A small boo
notht [    a  be ] In between the north and you make notes: She keeps all her friends'
the west: Oregon is in the northwest of United es in a notebook. ® See picture at book.
States. •See box at abbreviations. notpd /'ntpd/ [    •  b  ' ] Pieces of pape
+no US: /nz/ UK: /ngz/ [  0 a  ' ]  The part of your together where you make notes: Youll n
face that is jus above your mouth: Tommy fell o  pad next to the telephone.
his bike and broke his nose. ® See picture at face. notpp
  US: /'ntpc1.p</ UK: /'n
2 to low you oe o blow air through your [   abe ]
Paper for writing letters: I ne
nose to clean it: You make a lot of noise when you notepaper to write to Pat.
blow your nose. 3 to tu yo oe up t (ome- +nothing /'nA81/ [prono]  Not anything
thg) To think that something is not good nothing we can do but wait until he calls.
enough for you or to refuse it because you don't u! We say: "l ave nohig" o "l ave' a
like it: Why did you turn your nose up at the tie I (We do' say: I haven't nothg). 2 fo ot
bought you? no money: Simon gave me the comics for no
notlgi /na'stl·d3/, /n-/, /n'stal-/ [       e ] A noti1 /'nts/ [ 0   b  ' ] A public announ
  a b
longing for things tha happened before: I oen The notice says "Visitors must not feed the a
 feel nostalgia for where I lived before. •Be careu +not2 /'nts/ [ve b ]  To see and note so
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s� '

e D
f t - lty
hot - old
hy - light

hot - tl t - dy old - 

 � . · ' ;

p op - lod big - ll hot - log

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Education: Essential ESL Dictionary for Learners of The Mother Flight Behavior What Every BODY
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optiol /ap [adjecti,.] That you can choose:strument like a piano, with tubes: There
Medieval history is an optional subject in my school. gan concert in the cathedral this evening.
+o h:'/ [c o juctio ] A word showing a choice: Is your og [°�n b1'] A part of a cell: Organ
n n
 friend coming by train or by bus? specialized structure which is a part of a ce
O US: /� UK: /�:.rgl/ [adjective] Spoken, not wri ogi hrn1k/ [adjective] 1 Referring t
ten: The teacher told us to do the oral exercises in things, found in or produced by them:
 pairs. waste must be put in a separate container.
c  a 
og /ormd3/ [ �  n 1'] A round fruit: I'd like an ring to food production, without the use o
orange for dessert, please.• Be careful with e po- icals: These vegetables are organic. 3 Ref
nuciaion of ths wod! Te "a is prononced as the an illness, affecting the structure of a
 i did.® See page  part of the body: Biology studies organic d
+og2 /nd3/ 1:;,�J With a color between red among many other subjects. 4 In chemist
and yelow: The sun is oen orange at sunset. • Be ring to a compound tha contains carbon:
carel w the poucaio o his wod! e a compounds.
s pronounced as he  i did. ogi /rz.g/ [0�  a  bn  le] A singl
Og t [":n b le] An evergreen tree which being: All plants and animals are indivi
bears oranges: Orange trees are very common in ganisms.
warm regions. ® See page  ogitio or ogitio /:n
obit /�r·1t/ [ :   ] The curved route of an object I °:   b l e] 1 A group of people who work
0  bl
moving through space: The earth's orbit around for a purpose: "Greenpeace" is an organiz
the sun takes 6 days. the defense of the environment. I [  c 
obitig [ajecti,.] Revolving around a larger object: of planning or arranging things: The orga
An orbiting spacecra travels on a closed, curved of the painting exhibition was a disaster.
course. ogid or ogid /rnzd/
0  b
Ohd US: /:r.t;/ UK: /:.tgd/ [ : n 1'] A place Clean and tidy: Her closet is always w
with a lot of fruit trees: They've planted some ap nized. 2 Ecient and able to do things
 ple trees in their orchard. sister wont forget my message because sh
oht /rb·strg/, /-kes·trg/ [ : 1'] A group of organized. • Be caefu w e ponnc
people who pay musical instruments: The or e ed of s word The e is no poouc
chestra's going to play music by Beethoven this ogi or ogi /�:n1z/ [verb
evening.• Be caefu w he pronucaio o ths something a structure or put into good o
wod! e "c s prononced as a "k. need to organize ourselves so that we can
c   
Ohid /�r·k1d/ [ :n '] A flower with beautiful, save money.
bright colors: There are some rare orchids in the Oit US: /:r.ien./ UK: /:.rien.t"l/
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orphan 

a orphan /'3r·n/ ['0:� n bl  e ] A child whose parents are outdo /,aut'd:/ [ver b ] To do better than:
dead: Pat became an orphan when she was only ect was good, but Dee outdid him, her
b three years old.
OStrich US: /'tJ/ UK: /'s.ttJ/ [co:� n bl  e j A large
OUtdOOr /'ot,r/ /-,dur/ [adective] Done, h
c bird with long legs and a long neck: Ostriches can or kept outside: Kate doesnt like to be in
run very fast but they cannot y. prefers outdoor activities.
d +other /'A·gr/  a  a J  e .  t , ]  Differen: There will be +outdoors /,ut'rz/ /-'durz/ [adve b ]
other programs on television apart from the foot- air: If the weather's ne we'll have dinner
e ball game.  Remaining: I've just found one sock +outer /'ut·tgr/ [adective] On the outside, fu
under the bed, but... wheres the other?• Be care- The outer part of an orange is called the p
outer space [u c   b e]  See space
f fu! We say "anothe, (o a oer): "I need a-
oher piece of paper. Compare wt aoer1" (oe outt [co:�  a   b e]  A person's cothing: Pleas
moe perso o ting o a extra amount).  propriate outt for the occasion.
g +otherwise /'AO·gr,wz/ [adver b ]  f not: Ca// your outgrew Past tense of outgrow
mother now, otherwise she'll be worried.  In other outgrow, outg, outgo /ut
h ways: The car was a bit old, but it was otherwise in To become too big for something: Jack
good condition. 3 n a different way: No one can new coat now that she's outgrown her
make my sister act otherwise. out�row Past pariciple of outgrow
Otter US: /'q/ UK: /'t./ [ :�  ] A small swim- OUtmg /'/ [co:�  bl e]  A short trip for
co  bl
J ming animal with short legs and a long tail: Ot-
ters are playful animals.
We went on an outing to the beach.
outlaw /'autb:/ [co:�a   1 ] A person in h
k OUCh /aotJ/ [   terect o ] A word you say when you feel cause he has broken the law: They an
sudden pain: Ouch! You hurt me! 5,000 reward for the outlaws.
l ought to [ver b ]  Words that you use o show what outline /'autlam/ ['0:� a  ,  bl e]   A line that
 you thnk is right: You ought to take a taxi if you shape of something: We saw the outline o
want to get to the concert on time.  Words that the horizon.  The most important point
 you use to show what you think is probabe: Pa thing: He gave the press an outline of his s

me/a ought to be home by now, lets call her. +out of /aut gv/ [preposi t i o n]  From: He made
co  b
a    e 
ounce /auns/ [ :�    ] A small unit of weight equal of bits of wood.  Among: Ten out of
to 8. grams: There are 6 ounces in one pound. stayed at home today with u. 3 Withou
•Te abbreviatio oz is oly used in wtte Ia- out of breath from climbing so many stair
gage See box at in from: Thanks to the doctors the child is
P +our US: // UK: /aug/ [aective] Of us; belonging to danger. 5 From: He did it out of spite.
us: My brother and I study in our bedroom. out-of-date /,autgv'de1t/ [adectve] No mo
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otkit ',b [pturatnou ] The areas on the organ: The ovary is the part of the fema
borders of a town: There's a large shopping center which produces eggs. • The plura is "
on the outskirts of Sheeld. ® S g 4.
ottdig ,'>d [adjecive] Excellent, bet- +o '0 [co�  a  bl e ] 1 A heated box for
ter than the rest: Neils mother is an outstanding food or making pottery: The sh is bakin
 pianist. oven. 2   See mcw
ottthd ,'J [adjecive] Exended:  picture at ktcn
took his outstretched hand and shook it. o1 ' [adver b ] 1 Above and across:
otd '-d  a:;   bJ owards the outsde: over until I tell you. 2 Above the top of so
You cant open this door outward. and down: Look! The milks boiling over.
ol ' [adecive] Shaped like an egg: There's an tan: The book has over two hundred page
oval mirror in their hall. +o2 ' [reposoi  ] 1 Above and across
oy '-· [co�  a   b1' ] The female reproductive a new bridge over the river. 2 On top of:


S "b  " 
  :

W      

,   "b:

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over- 

a a sweater over her shirt. 3 To the other side of:  I overtake, otook, otk
dare you to jump over that fence. 4 During: We [verb] To pass somebody or something th
b  painted the kitchen over the weekend. 5 More than: er than you: My mom looks in the mirror
This sack weighs over  kilos. 6 When using ra- overtakes the car in front.
c dio, indicating that you have nished speaking: overtaken Past pariciple of k
"Im losing fuel rapidly. Where can I land? Over". 7 overtime /'o-var,tm/ [ u c�: ab t e ] Extra h
d to be over Be nished: The lessons are over for to-
day. 8 all over Everywhere:  Ive got pimples all
you do at work: My mother is working o
 pay for the new apartment.
over my body. 9 over and over Many times: Joan- overtook /,ou-vgr'tuk/ Past tense of 
e na did the exercise over and over again until she overweight /'ou-vgr'we1t/ [adjecive] Too fa
f did it correctly. 0 over there On the other side,
that place:  I think Ive put your purse over there.
overweight because he eats too many cho
overwhel /,O·Var'hwel/ /'wel/ [verb
®See picture at sii somebody in a crushing way, to be too
g over· /guvar/ [pren,] An addition to the beginning of Bears overwhelmed Patriots in the Sup
a word that usually means "too much": To over- overwork US: /,oU.V'w:k/ UK: /,'w
h sleep is to sleep too much or too long. o work too hard:  If you overwork you'l
overal /'auvgD:l/ [adjecive] Total, everything includ- self ill.  To make somebody or someth
ed: The overall price of the furniture is too high. too hard: Dont overwork your muscle
Overboard US: /'ou.v.�:rd/ UK: /'�:d/ [adverb] work tomorrow as well.
J Over the side of a boat and into the water: She
nearly fell overboard when the storm began.
oviparous [adjecive] Born from an egg o
moher: All birds are oviparous. • Com
k OVercoat US: /'o.v.kot/ UK: /'a.va.bt/ [ ' 0a  b 
  l e ] "vvpaous (developng iside the o
A heavy coat that you wear when it is cold: Dont befoe beig bor).® See page .
l go out without an overcoat because its freezing to ovule /'v-jl/ /'ouv/ [ ' 0 b t e ] A mature
day. productive cell: The ovule is the part of
m OVerhead1 /,guvg'hed/ [adjecive] Above your head: where the seed is formed. • The sae
Look at that bird on the telegraph line overhead. "ovum"® See page .
overhead2 /,auvg'hed/ [adverb] Above your head: ovum /'ou-va/ [° a b 
  t e ] A mature female
n There are some black clouds ying overhead. tive cell: The ovum is produced by the ov
Overhear, ohd, ohd US: pla is "ova. •he same eaig: ovl
/,ou.v'hr/ UK: /,'/ [verb] To hear other per- owe US: /ou/ UK: /au/ [verb]  To have to
sons talking when they do not see you: She over- sometime money that you have borr
p heard us talking about her boyfriend.  parents still owe the bank a lot of mone
overheard Past tense and past pariciple forms grateful to somebody for something the
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Clear, comprehensive, and easy to use, McGraw-Hill

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students like you. Inside you will find
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267 oo
oidtio /,k·I'dc-J/ ["'�:b]   f OZ A w  f ounce. •S
 w y  f   v
 M h  h . Oo US: /'z/ UK: /'z/ ["�:
Oid /'k-d/ ["�: b
  ] A l  f f y    h ph 
y   l Th    f f h h.
h      h . •The same oo y [�:  b] A ly f   
eanig: "rust1  Th   p  f
oyg /'k·I·d3/ [�: b
  ] A     A- hf . ® p 449.
  p      .
oyt /'�-/ [  1] A ll  y 
 P   f  .
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p /i:/ Th sxh  of h h

name "Penelope" begins with a "P".
p.  A w bbvo fo page. 2
o so bbvo fo penny o
box at bbv
+pace1 // lco:�anb1] A s: Go forward tw
We usally say "sep.
pace2 // [ver] To w bws 

Mr. Powell paced the oor, wondering wh
pacier ['0:�·1•] A ubb o s v
bs o su o b: The baby goes to s
ing its pacier. •In Britsh Egis ey
+pack1 /k/ lco:�·1]  A ou of hs 
h: Im going to buy a pack of color
at the store. 2 A bu o b h you
you b: Don't forget to take your pack
3 A ou of ms h hu o
 pack of wolves attacked the sheep. ®
 groups.
pack2 /k/ [ve b] 1 To u you ohs
sus o oh o fo v
 you packed for the trip yet? 2 To u h
o: The store assistant packed t
carefully into the box.
+package /'kd/ lco:�nb1]  A
 oh my,  : He was
 py when the large package of books
caefu wt the ponnciaton o ths wo
"a is proounced ike he i n did".
    A vo w
h u  h : We went on
 package to Mexico and had a great time!
+packaging /'kD/ [" n c �:  b1']
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Clear, comprehensive, and easy to use, McGraw-Hill

Education: Essential ESL Dictionary for Learners of The Mother Flight Behavior What Every BODY
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students like you. Inside you will find
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paella /par'c.g/ US: /po:'jc-/ ['0�  a nb  l e ] A typical Span- that has two identical parts: Can you le
ish dish: Paella is usually made with rice, saron  pair of scissors? I want to cut something
and seafood or chicken. newspaper. 3 wo people or animals
+page /pe1d3/ [ '°�  a nb l e ] A sheet of paper in a book: closely connected wit each oher: The p
Turn page 0 •The abbreviaion "p. s only used Cincinnati won the dancing competition
n wren langage. See box a evt pi In groups of two:  Do this exercise
® See picure at book pi p ith (ombody) o orm into
paid /pcrd/ Past tense and past participle orms o do something together: He was paired up
pay' sister in the tennis tournament.
+pai /pem/ [ n ou n ]  A feeling o hurt: I've got an aw- pajaas [ p  1  a1o] Pants and a jacket t
 ful pain in my stomach. 2 Sadness, emoional  wear in bed: Put your pajamas on and get
hurt: Mrs. MacDonald's death caused her husband •e Bitsh Engsh spelig is pyjamas
a lot of pain. pa /pJ/ '°:; a b  l e ] Friend: My dad's going to
+paiful /'pcm.Ml [adiect,] Giving pain: This bruise old pals from school tonight. • is wod
on my arm is rather painful. ma
paikiller /'pem,krJ.g/ ['0�  a nb  1] A drug that takes +paace /'p.rs/ '°: b1] A big and luxuriou
away pain: When I have a headache, my dad gives especially where a king or a queen lives:
me a painkiller. ace of Fine Arts in San Francisco is one of
paiess /'pem.Jgs/ [ajectve] Without pain: The den beautiful buildings in California.
tist gave me an injection so that it would be pain +pae /peI/ [aiect]  Light in color: Pale bl
less.  favorite color. 2 Without color in your 
+paint1 /pemt/ [ "  '�  ab le ] A thick liquid that is used look pale. Are you ill, or just tired?
to color things: We need a can of blue paint. pa /po:/ '°:  a b  1•] The lat part o you
Some people think you can tell somebody
by studying the lines on their palms. ®
re at hand
pa Or pal tree /po:/ ['°: n bl e ] A ta
cal tree:  Dates and coconuts come from
® S pg .
paplet f'p.gt/ '°:; a b  le ] A small th
 with a paper cover that contains ino
Have you got a pamphlet about vacations
pait2 /pemt/ [" b]  To put paint on something: +pa /pn/ ['°:  1 e ] A container or cooking
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Words for Learners of English 
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Clear, comprehensive, and easy to use, McGraw-Hill

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Pnnin 70

a Pnnin1 [adiec ] Referring to Panama: Pan- pntyho [,ura   o n]  A piece of cothing

ama City is the Panamanian Capital.• Be carefu[ and women wear on their legs: Do you
b"Panamaia has a capital "P". new shiny pantyhose that I've bought for
Pnnin2 1c o :�']
A person from Panama: mas Party? • Whe we alk about two
c The storekeeper of this grocery store is Panamani "patyhose, we use e word pars:
an.• Be caefu! aaanan as a capa  ree pais of pantyhose
pnk /'pn.kc1k/ A thin cake made 1c  o :�'] +pp /'pc1-pgr/ [n o u ] 
1 A material tha
with eggs, lour and milk: My mom makes deli- write on: We should try not to waste pap
pancakes, that we eat with maple syrup.• Be
e cious
careul wth he poucato o ths word! cake"
we don't have to cut down so many trees
use "pape" is an uconabe nou We

frhymes w "ake

pn /'p A gland close to the lc o � a   nb   ]
pape, "a piece o paper" o a seet o p
do't say: a pape) 2 A newspaper:
stomach: The pancreas provides substances which bought the paper today? 3 A piece o
ghelp in digestion. ® See page . schoolwork: What was the chemistry pap
pnd /'pn.dg/ [ 0 �  b  ]
A large black and whie toiet paper See   5 wrapp
hanimal like a bear: Pandas mainly eat bamboo but See  
they sometimes eat other plants too. ppbk /'pc1-pgr,bk/ A bo 1co   �·•] 
+pnl /'pn.0/ [ 0�   a   b  ]
1 A long lat piece on a paper cover: Paperbacks are much cheap
door: Let's paint the outside of the door brown and picture at bk
Jthe panel yellow. 2 The part of a machine where pplip l°� a   b  te]
A small wire object
the controls are: What a lot of buttons there are on papers ogether: Where are those color
kthis control panel! clips that were on my desk yesterday?
pni1 /'pmk/ ["  c     a bte]
A feeling of great fear: In pp /'pc1-pgrz/ [urat o n] 
Pieces of p
la re, panic can be more dangerous than the have information writen on them, ot
ames. tant or ocial: May I see your papers,
m pni2 /'pmk/ [verb]
To sufer from panic: Don't ppok /'pe1-pgr,w3rk/ [ n c     a bte]
 panic! Stay calm!• Be caef wt e spelng o readng and writing letters, lling in f
ese forms: "paicked", pancing" paring reports and so on: Ive lots of pap
n pnt /pnt/ [veb]
o breathe quickly: The dog came do, but I don't want to do it!
in panting aer his run on the hills. pht 'pargJu:t/ A thing th [°  � a    b]
0 pnth /'pn·fr/ lc o �;']
A large wild animal of when you jump out of a plane: She th
the cat family, black in color: Panthers can run her parachute was never going to open
very fast. ® See page 8. jumped out of the plane.
pnti /'pn-tiz/ [,  uratno   un]
An article of woman's pd /pg're1d/ !°:�·]
A procession th
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7 pti

pkt [ '0  :�n b l e ] A bird like a small parrot: My pking lot [ '0  :�nb  l e]  An area or building
aunt's kept a parakeet for years. ® S pag ing cars: The hospital sta usually park th
. cles at the parking lot. • Compae wih 
plll1 /'pr-g,Jel/ /JgJ/ [  adje c ti ve] That run side by (eavig a vehcle somewhere). • I Btish
side in exactly the same direction: A rectangle hey say car pak.® See pcture at stree
has two sets of parallel lines. ®S pag . +plint /'pur--nt/ [ n o u n]  he group o
+plll2 /'pr-g,Jcl/ /JgJ/ co:� a  l e]  1 Any of the imag- who are responsible for making the laws
inary lines on a map which are paralel to the counries: The equivalent of the British and
equator: Parallels help to establish latitude on the an parliaments in the United States is the Co
Earths surface.® S pag . 2 A similar case: I plinty /,pa:Jg'entgri/ [  ad jeve]
can't see any parallel between the two situations. to the group of people who govern a coun
plyi /pg'lgs/ [ " '   ab l e]  he state of being liamentary debate is an essential part of d
unable to move your body or part of it: Paralysis ic government.
is a result of damage to the motor nerves.• The plu- pot /'pr·t/ co:� a nb  1] A large, colorful b
ra is "paayses. rots live in tropical forests and eat seeds a
pit /'pmt/ c o : � a nb  l e ] An organism which ® S pag .
lives on another one and feeds from it: Some pot-fhion /'p,f.n/ us: /'pe
climbing plants are parasites. Repeating something without understan
+pl /'par-sgJ/ [ ' 0 :� b  l e]  A hing or things wrapped Think about things; don't just learn everyth
in paper and tied to be sent or carried to some- rot-fashion.
body: She took the parcel and began to tear o the ply /'ur·sli/ [ " '   ab l e ] A herb used in
wrapping paper. One of my favorite dishes is sh with parsle
pdon1 /'pu:<n/ co:�1 e ] A word used when a per- pnip /'pur·sp/ co:� a  l e ] A vegetable co
son has not heard something: Pardon? Did you of a long white root: On Sunday we had ro
say 5 o'clock" or "9 o'clock"?• Compare wth ex- with potatoes and parsnips for dinner.
cuse me (used beoe we nterup somebody) ad +pt1 /pa:t/ [ o   u ]  1 Some, but not al; a pi
sory" (used o apologizng). whole: I liked the rst part of the program
pdon2 /'po:dn/ [veb] o forgive somebody and rest of it was boring. 2 A piece of a mach
release them from punishment: In some countries dicult to get parts for this make of car.
it is traditional to pardon one prisoner on one par old. 3 A character in a play or a lm:
ticular day of the year. the part of Hamlet in the school play?
+pnt US /'pcr.nt/UK /'pcg.rnt/ :�nb   e ] 1 A moth- pa n To participate: Our school is takin
er or a father: My parents have gone away for the a sponsored walk for the local hospital.
weekend. 2 pan-in-lov When you are mar- pt2 /po:t/ [veb] o separate: We parted in
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Clear, comprehensive, and easy to use, McGraw-Hill

Education: Essential ESL Dictionary for Learners of The Mother Flight Behavior What Every BODY
English was developed to meet the needs of ESL Tongue: English is Saying: An Ex-
students like you. Inside you will find
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ptly 

a ptly /'port·li/ [adver b ] To some exten:  It's partly my body in a game: Larry passed the ball
 fault that she's so angry, because I said she was who then got the winning goal. 5 To go by
bcheating. versation was so interesting that the tim
+ptn US f'pu:rt.n/ UK f'/ [c o:�  a l e ]  A per very quickly. 6 To spend time: He just s
c son who does something with you: Vncent was the park, passing the time.
always my partner in the dancing class. 2 A hus t PHRASAL VERBS   (

dband, wife, boyfriend or girlfriend: My cousin Bob

and his partner Hazel are coming to stay with us
give something you receive to anothe
Can you pass the message on to Martha
e  for a week. 3 One of the people who owns a busi    To go through a pace
ness: My mom has just been made senior partner in ton to New York train passes through Wa

fa law rm.
c  a  ' 
it doesnt always stop there. • Be caeu
pt of ph [ :�   n b1 ] A type of word in gram speling o e 3rd peso sgar pes
mar like noun, adjective, verb and so on:  It is fo: "passes.
gsometimes dicult to know what part of speech a +pg /'pxs.1d3/ c o:�  1e ]  A narrow
 particular word is. building or outside:  I don't like going
h 0   a
   b1
ptidg /'po:.t3/ US /'po:r-/ [  :�    ] A wild  passage at night; its too dark. 2 Part
bird with red egs:  I think partridges are delicious. Read the passage on page  of the text
pt-tim /'part'tm/ [adject ive] For part of the work then answer the questions on it. • Be c
ing week: My mom had a part-time job as a wait- e ponncaton of s wod The last
]ress when she was a student.
nounced ke the " in did".
+pty /'pu:ti/ [ :�   1 ]  A meeting of friends, with t png /'pxs·gn·d3gr/ c o:�  a b  1 ] A pe
c    e 
kfood and drink: We had a party to celebrate the travels on a train, bus or other means of
end of the school year. 2 A group of people with A Boeing 77 jumbo jet carries over 0
[similar political ideas: Clive's dad is the secretary p-by /'pxs·r'bm/ c o:�  n bl e ] A pers
of the local Republican Party. 3 A group of people street who is walking past: A passer-by
old lady to cross the road. • e pra
m doing soething together: The waiter had a table
ready for a party of ve. 4 he Democraic ary es-by.
 n    b 1
One of the main political parties in the United passion /'p, J .01/ [uc�:  ' ] A very strong
n States of America that originally supported the Romeo and Juliet loved each other with
inerests of the working people: Barack Obama is sion.
0 one of the most famous leaders the Democratic Par pi /'pxs.1v/ [ nou ] The for of a v
ty has had in recent times.• Be careful! "the Demo the action is done to the subject of the
catic Party" and the Republcan Pay" ave capta The verb is in the passive in the sentence
lees.• The plral is paes 5 he epublican inal was arrested by the police".
q ppot
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Clear, comprehensive, and easy to use, McGraw-Hill

Education: Essential ESL Dictionary for Learners of The Mother Flight Behavior What Every BODY
English was developed to meet the needs of ESL Tongue: English is Saying: An Ex-
students like you. Inside you will find
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pinch 

a 2 A small amount of something: Put a pinch of pistil /'prs.trl n/ [ 0 b 1]

The female or
salt on the potatoes when you put them on to boil. flower: The pistil is made up of the s
b ® See picture at a pece f... style and the ovary. ®S ag 
pinch2 /pm J/ [ve c b] To give somebody a pinch: Stop pisto /'p1s.t"l/ o  a b  1] A smal gun: We
c  pinching me! That hurts!  fun playing with water pistols on the beac
pineapple /'pam,p.1/ [c o�  a b n 1• ] A big fruit with a pit /pt/ [ 0  ';1• ] 1 A deep hole in the
d hard skin that is yellow inside: Let's buy a fresh
 pineapple to eat for lunch. ®S ag 
The prisoners in the Vietnam war we
in pits. 2 A mine: Many pioneers use
pine or pine tree /pam/ [o�  a n ble ] A tall tree with in a gold pit. 3 The hard center of som
sharp, ne leaves: Aer wed had a swim in the riv Be careful with the pit of that pea

f er, we sat under the pines and had our sandwiches.

®S ag 
swallow it. • I ths use,  Brtish E
say soe
ping-pong® /'p1,pu/ / ,p�J/ [u n c �:  abl• J A +pitch /p1tJ/ [ no  ] How high or low a soun
that is played by itting a ball over a net on a ta musical scale: A cello has a very low pi
ble: They've put a ping-pong table in the game pural is "ptces Copae wi toe (
h room. Lets go and have a game. •This word s in- o a sond)
foma.•Te sae eaing: "table ennis. pitcher [o�  a b n 1] A container for liqui
+pink /prk/ !:),"�A color made by mixing red and handle: Is there any lemonade le in the
white: I've bought Pat a bright pink lipstick for her pituitary (gland} /p'tu-,te-i ,lnd/

J birthday.
pinkish [a dje  tive ] Referring to a color, that is
small gland at the base of the brain:
gland is essential for growth.• e pu
k approximately pink, or that has a pink ele itaies
ment to it: What's wrong with your eye? It's pity1 /'p1ti/ [" '�  :  a ble ] 1 Sympathy or sa
l  pinkish.
pins [P1"1"] Wooden objects placed in a group as
somebody or something who is sufferi
trouble: We felt such pity for the kitten
a target, in bowling games: I knocked   pins down kept one each. 2 A feeling of disapp
with my rst ball. What a pity you cant come to the party!
pint /pamt/ [o�  a n b1• ] A uni of capacity equal to pity2 /'prti/ [vec b] To feel sorry for someb
n 0 of a iter: Ask the milkman to leave an extra anybody who has to take the subway at
 pint of milk today. the morning. •Be careful wth e spel
0 pin-up /'pm.Ap/ [o�  a , ble 
  ] A picture of a famous per foms pies, ptied
son, or an atractive person: I've got pin-ups of all pizza /'pi:t.s/ [ 0� bl  •J A round, flat pece
my favorite groups on my bedroom walls. • This covered wih tomato, cheese and so on:
word s inoa began in Italy but now its popular in m
q pioneer ';1
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Words for Learners of English 
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Clear, comprehensive, and easy to use, McGraw-Hill

Education: Essential ESL Dictionary for Learners of The Mother Flight Behavior What Every BODY
English was developed to meet the needs of ESL Tongue: English is Saying: An Ex-
students like you. Inside you will find
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plnt /pJg'scn·tg/ ['0:�n b1] A temporary circular plnttio /pln'tcr-gn/ ['°:�n b1] An area

organ that forms in the uterus: The placenta pro- where cocoa, tobacco, cotton and so
vides food and support for the fetus until birth. • grown: There are many large plantations
The plura is "placentas o placeae. cocoa, bananas and nuts in Jamaica.
plg /pler/ ['°:�  1 ;   e ] An infectious disease that plq US: /plk/ UK: /pla:k/ [ ou] 1 A flat p
klls many people: The Great Plague killed mil hard material which has writing on it:
lions of people throughout Europe in the fourteenth plaque hangs on the wall. 2 A deposit whi
century. mulates on teet: Plaque contains bacter
pli /piers/ ['0:�  b 1] A kind of flat sea sh, eaten attack the teeth.
as food: We have plaice for dinner.• he plura s plasma /'plazmg/ ["'�: a  b le ] A clear fluid
also place the part of te blood that contains th
pin1 /plem/  [adjecti v e ]  Wihout pattern or decora- cells: Plasma has many nutrients which a
tion: I think that plain dress is much nicer than the sary for our cells.
dress with a pattern. 2 Simple: My dad doesn't know plt US: /'phs.t</ UK: /'plu:.stg/ [ ou]
how to make complicated dishes but he's great at colored, soft substance that is mixed wi
good, plain cooking. 3 Clear, easy o understand: It and goes hard when it is dry: I broke my a
is quite plain that you haven't studied this new vo ing football and had to have it in plaster fo
cabulary at all! 4 No pretty: Some people say that 2 A small piece of material that you put o
she is rather plain but I think she is attractive. Patsy cut her hand when trying to open
plin2 /plem/ [co:�  a  le ] A large flat area of land with had to put a plaster on it.• In this use, we
few or no trees: The American Indians hunted bu stickng plaste"
 falo on the plains before the white man came. +plti1 /'phs.t1k/ ["' a  ble ] A strong, lig
plit [co:�  a;  b , le ] Three lengths of hair twisted togeth- thetic material: Can I have a plastic ba
er: My little sister had a doll with very long plaits these books in, please?
 for Christmas. plti2  [aecH v e ] Made of this material
+pl1 /pln/ co:�  a;  b le ] 1 Something that you have de- bags used for shopping are a major source
cided to do: What's the plan for today? 2 A map: ronmental pollution.
We bought a plan of the center of New York to nd pltiin ["' ble ] A soft substance oft
out where the Guggenheim Museum was. 3 A draw- by chldren to make gures with: My little
ing of the way something is to be built or con- made a lots of animals with plasticine toda
structed: Have you seen the plans for the new +plt /plcrt/ [co�  a;  le ] A round, almost fla
sports center? used for eating: My little sister always use
pln /pln/ [v e  b] To make plans: Let's plan my with pictures of rabbits on it.
birthday party and decide who we are going to in
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tfom 8

a +tfom /'plt,fm/ [co     b' ]

1 The place where ytim /'ple1.tarm/ [n ou] A time to play
you get on or you get off a train: The train to Chi time is between 0 o'clock and half past
b cago will be leaving platform  at 4 o'clock. 2 A c /,pi:.el'si:/ A written abbreviation fo
place that s raised up: All the teachers stood on limited company", that is written ater
C the platform at the prize ceremony. show that it is a business: Sainsbury p
the biggest supermarket companies in
d  pld, pld /pli:d/ [ver b] 1 To beg
to do something: Mary ped with her mo
her go to the party, but she wouldn't let
e carefu. We say: "plead with (somebody

f if you are innocent or guilty: In court

 ped guilty to drunk driving.
+nt /'plez.nt/ [adje c 1;,.] Nice or enjo
g very pleasant to spend a day at the pool,
1 /pli:z/ [ver b] To make somebod
h Dont come with me to the movies just to
Come because you want to.
+2 [; 1e<je c 1;o n] A word hat you say
ask for somethng: Can I borrow yo
J  please? • Be cael! When soebody
somethig we say: Yes please" or No 
k We don't say: No please".
+ /pli:zd/ [aje c ve] Happy or satis
l really pleased when my teacher told me
 passed my tests.• Be carefu wth he pro
of the ed o hs wod! The last e is
+y1 /ple1/ [ ou] 1 A story acted n the theater or ouced ®See picture at emoons
on television: Shakespeare wrote dierent types of + /'ple3.g/ [ u n c�    a  ble ] Happiness
n  plays: comedies, tragedies and historical plays. 2 faction: Old Mrs. Buswell gets great plea
Games and playing: Play time always passes very having her grandchildren to stay.
0 quickly. bin /plg' [adie c ;ve] Referring to
+y2 /per/ [ve b] 1 To amuse yourself with a game, social classes: He was always very proud
divesion or toy: When I was a little girl, I loved play- beian origins.
ing with cars and dolls. 2 To participate in a sport:  Past tense and past participle forms
q ntif
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plogh /plau/ ['°�nbl e] See plw'.•  This s a Brtish plumbing /'plAr .ni/ [  " ' �: a  bl e] The waer p
English spelg. house: My dad built our house and he d
plogh2 [ver b] See plw.•  Ts s a Bis English thing himself except the plumbing.
speling. plm or pm t /plAm/ '°bl e] A tre
plo /plau/ ['°;a"b e ] A machine used to dig the bears pums: The plum tree loses its leav
land: The farmer asked the bank for a loan to buy a  year.
new plow.•  The Brtish nglish spelg s "pough". plmp /plAp/ [ a diec] A little fat but looki
po2 /plau/ [ver b] To use a pow:  Farmers used to Hasn't the baby got plump legs?
 plow the land with horses but now they use trac- pl US: /'plur.l/ UK: /'pJu.rJ/ 1:�J
tors.•  Te Bis Egs speling is ploug one: "Feet" is the plural form of "foot".•
plk /plAk/ [ve b] 1 To pull the feathers off a bird 
before cooking it: We plucked the turkey before +pl /plAs/ [pre os o] And, or added to:
cooking it for Christmas Day. 2 To pull the strings three is ve.
of a guitar or a harp to make a sound: You need to pltonim /pl:'tuni/ [  abl e] A de
 pluck the strings more gently.  very white colored radioactive element:
+plg /plAg/ ['0;ab1] 1 A round object used to keep um is used to produce nuclear energy
water in a sink or bath: Put the plug in the bathtub weapons.
and tu the tap on. ®See picture at bahm. 2 pliomt  o bI   A device for me
An object that you put into special holes to get rainfall:  Data from the pluviometer shows
electricity: The lamp's not working well. I'll ask my  patterns.•  Te Bish Egls speling is p
mom to change the plug. e
plg2 /plAg/ [ve b] o block a hole in something: We pliomt ['°:nbI See pluvimee.
had to plug the hole in the wall with cement. Bis Egs speling.
t HRASAL VERBS  plug in To use a plug to
· +p.m. /,pi:'c/ [a  dver b] Between  o'clock in
connect something to the electricity: Plug the and  o'clock midnight: Our train leaves
television in and we'll switch it on for the movie. • • "pm s a abbevation o pos me
Be caefu wi e spelg o ese oms: Latin expresson that means ae oon
pugged, pggg se p.m., yo don' say "o'cock• Comp
am (betwee mdnght and  o'clock in t
ing).•See box a 
PO /'poust �·fs/ /,f .Is/ A written abbrevi
ps fce. •Be careful! "PO is aways w
capta ees.•See box a 
PO Bo ['°�] A box in the post ofc
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po 8

a +po US: /' UK: /'pau.rm/ [°�n bl e ] A piece of +pol US: /pou/ UK: /pau/[°�;n b e ] 1 A long
b writing that says something in a special way:
John sent me a card with a funny poem inside it on
me the poles, Im going to put the tent up
the two ends of the earth: The North Po
Valentine's day. 0 miles from the tip of Greenland.• Be c
c pot US: /' UK: /'pgu.rt/ [°�;  b1]   A person who "North Pole and e Souh Pole ave capi
writes poems: Maya Angelou is a famous poet, +poli /pg'Ji:s/[   bl e ] The people whos
d born in Saint Louis, Missouri.
+poetry /'pou·r·ti/[" �: a bl e ] Poems: My older broth-
prevent crime or nd criminals: The p
at the game to make sure there was no
e er loves poetry; hes always reading it.• The pura
is poetries"
Be caeu wh the ponucaio o ts w
poi /pg'/ [°�;n b1] A man w
+poit1 /pt/ °;n bl e ] 1 The sharp end of some-
thing: Be careful with the point of that pin. 2 A
in the police force: Lets go and ask th
man the way.• Te plual is "poicemen
mark in a game or a sport: Our team won by ten a s a policewoan"
g points. 3 A reason for something: The point of
our visit to the Abbey is to learn some history. 4 A
poi ttio °;   1 e ] The building
police work: The police station is right i
h moment in time: Just at that point, Peter sneezed
and we all laughed.• Be caefl! We say: at a
de of town.
polio /pa'i:s,wum.a/ °;n b1]
pot ( We don't say:  a pot ) . 5 A symbol who works in the police force: My frien
that is used to separate numbers above and be- is a policewoman.• Te plal s poce
J low one: I got ve point ve for my composition on
Napoleon. 6 on he poin of About to do some-
A ma is a polcea"
+poiy /'phsi/ [  bl e ] A plan of act
k thing: I got so angry that I was on the point of
shouting at Jenny.
cially of a government: The Prime Min
eign policy is not very popular.• The plu
poit2 /pt/ [ve] o show where something is
with your nger: Nancy pointed to the largest cake
cies"•Te plal s poces.
poio US: /'pou.i.ou/ UK: /'pauiau/ [   
m nd said "Thats mine".
t PHRSL VERBS·   u To attract some- polioyliti ["  c bl e ] A serious nfec
body's attention to something: Julie pointed out a ease that affects the central nervous sy
n bird ying close to the river bank. can cause paralysis: Poliomyelitis has
0 +poitd f'p-td/ [  eve] Wih a sharp end: My again in recent years.• Te abbevato
cat has very pointed ears.• Be care wit the pro- polish1 /' por J / ["   �: a b  e 
l ] A substance
nuciaion of he ed o his word he e s po- making things shine: Get some brown s
nonced like te i n "dd when you go to the store, please.
+poison1 /' pJr zan/["   �:  bl e ] A substance that is harm- +poih2 /'p/ [ve] To rub somethn
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87 pop

poll2 US: /poul/ UK: /paul/ [v  re b ] To hold an eection or Shall we play pool this aernoon?• In his
opinion survey: Fiy per cent of the people polled same meaing: blads.
do not recycle. pool [ pt   urat n o] Gambling where you gues
polln /'plan/ [ " c� :abt  e]
A ne powder produced results of football games: My uncle won
by the male part of a fower, thus making possi- the pools last week.
ble fertilization: Pollen fertilizes the female ovule. +poo US: /pur/ UK: /p�:/ [ a djce   iv]e 1 With ve
pollint /'plw1t/ To pass pollen from the [ vr e b ] money: That man's too poor to buy himse
male to the female parts of a flower, thus making 2 A word that you say when you feel s
possble fertilization: Flowers and plants are polli- somebody: Poor Sally! She's very upset a
nated by insects and by the wind. dog dying. 3 Not good or not well done:
pollintio /,pl-a'ne1-an/ he act of [   n'� :ab l]e is very poor. I must work harder at it.
pollinating: Pollination is necessary for plants to pooly /'pur-li/ [ a djce   iv]e Sick, ill: Granny's be
 produce seeds. ly since Christmas.• Ths wod is inoa.
poll [ p 1 , a1 no   ]
The process of voting in a political aly say il" or "sick"
election or the place where people vote: More peo- pop /pp/ [ o n]  1 A type of modern popula
 ple went to the polls on this occasion. • See also I've got about y CDs of pop music.
"pol. sudden sound: The cork came out of the bo
polltnt [ '0  ;a n bt   e]
Something which pollutes: a loud pop. 3 See soda o soda pop.
Synthetic material is a pollutant. pop2 /pp/ [v  re b ] 1 To burst with a short,
pollt /pa'l:t/ [ vre b ]
To make the air, water or sound: Look at the dog popping the
earth dirty and unhealthy: Airplanes pollute the we've blown! 2 To put something som
air with the fuel they use. quickly: Pop those photos on the table
+polltion /pa'l:.Jn/ [   n'� :abt  e]
1 Making the air,  please.
water or earth dirty and unhealthy: Pollution is t PHRSL VERBS · o pop in To go i
one of the world's worst problems. 2 The substanc- where for a short ime: Pop in and see m
es that pollue the air, water or earth: Some scien- way home from school.  o pop ou
tists believe that pollution could be the cause of somewhere quickly: I'm just popping ou
many of today's illnesses. store for a minute. o pop up To appear

polygonl [a  djce   iv]e

With a form that has at least ly: Where did you pop up from? • Be ca
three straight sides and angles: This museum has e speig o these orms: popped", popp
some examples of ancient polygonal coins. popon US: /'p:p.brn/ UK: /'pp.b:n/
polythiti /,pl.1.8i'1s.t1k/ US: /,p:.h/ Be- [a  djce  iv]e White, cooked corn: We bought some pop
lieving in more than one god: Ancient civilizations ate it while we watched the movie.
such as the Romans, the Greeks and the Egyptians pop US: /poup/ UK: /paup/ [ c o   ;a n bt   e]
he hea
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poplt 88

a popt /'popjalc1t/ [verb ] To live in an area and tion at the moment at work, because the
be part of its population: These are regions which doesn't like me. 4 A job or a post:  Mrs. Ra
b have densely been populated. just got a very good position at the loca
poptd [adjective] Inhabited: This area is densely This use s forma . 5 n poson In t
  populated. place: Are you all in position? Ready, stea
+population /,pup·a'le1. J an/ [ "  ' �:  ab l e ] he number +poitiv US /'v/ UK /'pz.a.t1v

d of people in a particular place: The population of

this town has gone up a lot over the last thir years.
Sure of something: '1re you sure that yo
come to the party with me?" "I'm positive
[' 0; a nb  l e ] A large, open area on the side of a
e poch
house with a roof but no wall:  I enjoyed reading
ing you feel hopeful:  My teacher was
about my possibilities of passing the test

f po1
my book on the porch. +po /pa'zes/ [verb ] To have someth
c   a  e 
US /p":r/ UK /p":/  o; b l ] A very small open-  your father possess a telescope?• Tis w
ing in a surface or in the skin: The pores in the a. •Be caefl with he spelng o e
g skin allow us to sweat. sigar peset tese o: "possesses"
po2 /p:r/ /p: / +poion /pa'zc.n/ [' 0 b 1 e ] Someth
h t PHRAAL ERB  r vr o study in de-
us: UK

· person owns: Poor auntie Sheila lost a

tail: The only solution was to pore over the papers sessions in a re. • Be caefl wth te
to discover what their secrets were. is word!
pork US: /p":rk/ UK: /p":k/ ["  ' �: b l e ] The meat of a poiv /pa'zesv/ [ajetive]  Refer

J pig: Fllowers of the Muslim religion never eat

 pork. •Copare with "pg" a farm aa wit shot
word which indicates possession: "Mine
sessive pronoun. 2 Referrig to a perso
k legs whic s kep for ea . ) sires and demands somebody's compl
porridge /'pr·d3/, /'pur-/ [ "  ' �:  ab l e ] A food made tion and ove: His mother is very posse
l from oats cooked in mik or waer:  I always eat won't let her children out of her sight.
 porridge for breakfast on cold mornings. to a person who doesnt like sharing th
m +pot    b l e ] 1 Safe place where
US /p":rt/ UK /p":t/ [ o other people: You mustn't be so possess
ships can tie up o load, unload and wait before  your toys.

going back to sea: Lets go to the port and look at +poibiity US /,p'b1.a.9; UK

the ships.• e sae meaing arbo.® See pa- c  o;·1 e ] Something that may happen:
ge  2 A town by the sea with a harbor: Boston possibility of us going to America for
0 is a large port on the northeast coast of the United this year, mom?• he plura s possibiit
States. +poibl /'ps·a·bal/ [adjective] hat may
potb /'P"!a·hal/ /'pr-/ [adjective] Which can be Some people believe that life is possible
carried: We have a portable TV planets.
q b 1] pot1
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d US: /'poust.k:rd/ UK: /'paust.k:d/ ['0� nble] + /pa'cqou/, !a/ ['0� nbe]  brown ro
 card that you send when you are on vacation: I table: eople in the United States eat a lot
must send Joanne a postcard from Disneyland. • toes.• The plural is potatoes.® ee page
"Card" is short or poscard.  Chi ['0 ;a nbe]
 th slce of fre
d US: /'poust.koud/ UK: /'paust.bud/ [co� ;a nb•] sold n a packet: We had sandwiches an
See zi cod• Ts word s Bris Engls. chips aer the game. •is wod s oe
 US: /'pou.s/ UK: /'pau.sa/  bg pc-[co ;a  be] n e plra. • Copae wit fec fy"
ture or notce: Matt's bedroom walls are covered piece of poao cooed i oi). • In Brits
with football posters. ®See pcture at clssroom hey say crsp".
gd /pous'grd3--/  stu- [co� ;a nb•] in /'pou-Jan/ co ;a b  e]
 drk that s s
dent who has nshed hs or her rst degree: to have healng, posonous or magcal e
Brendan is a postgraduate at Exeter University liet drank a potion that made her appe
where he's studying management. dead, but she was just asleep.
 /'paus.man/ US: /'pous/ See mil- [co� ;a :ie] potter1 US: /'puq/ UK: /'pot.a / co ;a :ie
mn • Ths word s Brits glish.• Te plural s who makes potery: The potter has used
"posme.•A woman s a postwoa  produce these beautiful painted ceramics.
+ f co ;  ,:1•]
 place where you can send 2 US: /'p:.!</ UK: /'p.a/ To be o  [verb]
letters from by stamps and so on: I'm going to dong unmportant bu pleasant thngs:
take this parcel to the post oce.•"PO s a writte to potter about in the backyard now that
abbreviaion or post oce, suay i maps. tired.
n US: /poust'poun/ UK: /paust'paun/ To [verb] y /'p!-a-ri/ ["' abe]
1 Objects mad
arrange for somethng to happen later than org- baked clay, usually used for holdng food
nally planned: It's pouring with rain so we'll have ing to take some of this lovely pottery bac
to postpone the game till tomorrow. mom. 2 The art of makng plates, cups an
i /'pousskp/, /'pous/ See PS. conb1] from baked clay: We do pottery in art cl
1 /'psfar/ ['0 be]
1 The poston of the school now, you know.• The plra is potte
body: It is dicult to have good posture when you h /puJ/ co:1e]
1  lttle bag: He ca
are working on a computer. 2 The opnon or att- his money in a little pouch that he attach
tude somebody takes about a partcular subject: belt. 2  specal pocket that some anima
When they argue, I always try to adopt a neutral Kangaroos carry their babies in pouches.
 posture. n /punts/ [verb]
To jump on some
2 US: 'p:s.</ UK: /'ps.a/ To be- [verb] somethng suddenly: The lion waited u
have  a exaggerated o msleadng way: He deer came nearer and then pounced on
 postures like that for eect. cae! We say: ponce on (somebody
  ;ab
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pound sig 90

a tion "lb, used only  wrtte langage.•See box a  Needing practice: Janet used to
bbvon  pianist but she's a bit out of practice.
b poud sign [co� a b 
l e ] The symbol#: In some social prti2 [verb] To do something many
networks, pound signs are usually added before try to be good: If you want to be a good
c keywords.• The same meang: has mark.  you have to practice an awful lot.• Te B
+pour us /p�:r/ UK: /p�:·/ [verb]  To pass liquid from ish spelg s practise".
d one container to another: Shall I pour the orange
juice into the glasses? 2 o rain very heavily: Oh
[veb] See practice. •s s Brt

no! it's pouring again. When is it ever going to +pris1    l

/prez/ [" ':  ab  e ] Saying that som
e stop? something is very good: The new mov
porty uc ab  le 
US: /'p:.v<.!i/ UK: /'pnv.g.ti/ [  n  :   ] Be-
f ing poor: There's a lot of poverty in the rich coun-
ceived a lot of praise from the critics.
pris2 /prez/ [verb] o say that somebod
tries of the world.• Te plral s poveries. thing is very good: My teacher praised
g +powder /'pu-dgr/ [" '�:  ab l e ] A dry substance in the test results.
h form of small particles: Soap powder manufactur
ers always say that their powder washes whiter
pr 0    b  le ] A kind of box on w
/prm/ [' � 
carying babies: My mom sometimes let
than any other! my baby sister's pram.
+por  b l e 
US: /pa</ UK: /pag/ [  ':  ] 1 Strength: pr co a b l e 
US: /pr:/ UK: /pD:/ [ �  ]  A s
Sailors always say that the power of the sea is a sea animal: I love eating prawns with ma
J dangerous thing. 2 he ability to control pe-
pe: Having so much power has made you arro-
2 k  A large prawn which
 very expensive: King prawns are larger
k gant. 3 The energy that makes machines work:
Nuclear power can be extremely dangerous if
er. ®See picture at shellfsh
pry /prc1/ [veb] To talk to God: We pray
l security is faulty. 4 A very strong country:
Each year the main powers meet and discuss
like world peace at school assembly.
+pryr co  b 1 Word
us /prer/ UK: /preg/ [ �   ]
m world problems. 5  
In control, of a say to God: I sometimes say a prayer whe
country: This Preside nt has been in power for big problem.
 four years. 6  (')  he abil- prution co
/p'bJg/ [ �  a n b   1e ] Somet
n ity to do something: I'll help you if it's in my you do to avoid somethng you don't
 power. took the precaution of booking a place in
0 por bot us /'pa.ot/ UK: /'pag.gt/ site before we went.
co l
[ � a b  e  prious /' [adje c tive]  Very valu
 n  ] A very fast and powerful motor boat: o
 power boats raced across the bay. monds are beautiful, precious stones.
+porful /'p.gr.fl/ [adje c t,] Having great power loved by somebody: My family and friend
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9 preset cot

beginning of a book: Writers oen use the preface with her.• Be careful with e ponuncato
to express their thanks to people who have helped wod. The las "e is no pononced.
them. prepositio /,prep.g'z1.n/ [c o:�   n b1'] A
+prefer /p'fr/ [verb] To like one thing more than you put before a noun to show place, d
another: ich do you prefer, orange or lemon time and so on:  In the sentence "Sh
 juice?• Be cae w e spelling o ese orms: through the window", the preposition is "t
peeed, "peeg.• I the codiona, pee ®See picure on the following page.
s olowed by he innitve with o: "l wold pree prepositioal /,prcp.a'z1 [adjecti"]
o do he sopping tomorow". Compare wh a- te characteristics of a preposiion: "Be
e folowed y e nive witho o . ) door" is a prepositional phrase.
preferable /'pref-ar-a-bal/ [adjecti,] Better or more prerequisite /,pri:'rekwIZt/ [c o:�  a    e]
suitable: We could go on the train, but the bus is that has to occur or exist before somethin
 preferable, because it takes us straight to the door. possible: A passing grade in the rst three
+preferece /'prcf·ar·ans/ [c o:� ;a   e] Something that courses is a prerequisite to take the a
a person prefers: My preference is for milk rather Spanish course.
than coee for breakfast. prescribe /p'skr1b/ [veb] To advise, espe
prex /'pri:.f1ks/ [co  :�  a   n b1'] Letters that you add to writing, whch medicine or treamen
the beginning of a word to change its meaning: should have: The doctor prescribes medi
With the prex "un", the word "true" becomes "un· cording to the patient's symptoms.
true", which means "false". prescriptio /p'skp.Jn/ [c o:�  a   b e] A not
pregacy /'prc.nan.si/ [n ou n ] The condition of doctor wth the name of a medicine on
expecting a baby: Women sometimes feel a bit sick going to the pharmacy to get this prescri
at the beginning of their pregnancy.• e pal is my grandma.
pegnacies". +presece /'prcz.ns/ [u    ab
  l e] 1 Beng som
+pregat /'pre.nant/ [adjective] Expecting a baby: My Jennifer makes such a noise that her prese
cousin June is pregnant and her baby is due in Au· ways noticed. 2 in the presence of Whi
gust. body was present: The school prizes were g
prehistoric /,pri:h1'stok/ [adjective] 1 Referring to in the presence of the Mayor and all the par
the period before the appearance of writing:  In +preset1 /'prezant/ [ajective] 1 In a place at
 prehistoric times, many people lived in caves. 2 concerned: How many people do you th
Out of date or very old: Your car is positively pre present at the parents' meeting? 2 Exisin
historic. moment: My dad's present post is in Me
prejudice /'pred3.<.d/ [     ab   l e] Not liking some- next year he will be working in Canada.
body or something without a good reason: A +preset2 /'prezant/  [o] 1 A gt that you
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g t in on nd bhind

l in fon of n o bn ong


oppoi p don ino o of

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shply 

a shpy [ aad d v erb] 1
Suddenly or in a radical way: shllsh 'Jcl.f/ [  nc c  
  able] A sea anima
Temperatures are expected to drop sharply in a shell: We had a fantastic meal of she
b the next few days. 2 Acutely: She has a sharply
developed sense of humor. 3 Referring o
beach.• The plal is aso she
rice on the beach.•

c speaking, severely: My father spoke sharply to

us. 4 Referring to how somebody dresses,
d well,
 wel l, ele
the dinner.
ly:: Terry was sharply dressed at

htt US: /'J<$.C/ UK: /'JIU/ [ v erb]

e small To break ino
pieces: I dropped the mirror and it shattered
f on the oor.
[ v erb]
+shv /Je1v/ To cu he hair off your face: My
dad shaves every morning at the same time.
shv /'Jc1-vgr/ [c c  o �;  a te]
An elecric ool o shave
 wih: We bought my grandfather a new electric
h shaver for his birthday but he never uses it.
[ c c o � ;a nble  ]
shving The ac of cuing hair off wih a
razor: My father says that shaving is very tedious.
shvings /'JeTVTQZ/ [ pl u ural no   u n n ]
Very hin pieces cu
J off a piece of wood or meal: The oor of the car
 penter's workshop was covered in shavings.
k c c  � abl e e
Shawl US: /J u:l/ UK: /J �:I/ [ o :     n  ] A piece of cloh
ha goes over a woman's shoulders: My grandma +sht1 /'Jcltgr/  c o :;  ;a le] 1 A pace whe
[ always wears a shawl in the winter.
[ pro  o u  ]
for safey: In the Second World War, peop
+sh /Ji:, Ji/ The femae person or animal be- hide from the bombs in special shelters
m ing alked abou: How's your mom? She's much safe or proeced: We ran into the cave t
better, thank you. ter from the storm.
shth /Ji:8/ [c c  o �;  a n ble]
A cover for he sharp blade of sht2 /'Jetgr/ [ v erb]
1 To go somewher
n a knife or sword: The knight took the sword out of y or proecion: We sheltered from the
its sheath. a tree. 2 To give proecion o somebody
0 shth [v  erb]
To pu a knife or a sword back ino hing: My dad's built a high wall to shelte
a sheah: The knight sheathed his sword.  from the sea winds.
shd /Jed/ ['0
'  0 :  ·1•
· 1•]
A building used for keeping shphd /'Jep.grd/ [ c co   :    n nbe  ]
A person w
hings in: My old bike must be in the shed. aer sheep: Shepherds walk long distan
q sh'd
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 women's underwear: In the past, many women

 women's +kig us: /':.k/ UK /'ok./ [adiect"]
wore a shi under their dress. and upsetting: The murder was a shocking c
if2 /J1ft/ [verb]  To move or to make something + /Ju:/ l:�nb1']
  A thing that you wear
or somebody move to a difeent place: Please foot: Do you like my new shoes?® See p
help me to shi these boxes. 2 To change to a dif- clths.
ferent emphasis, direction or focus: The war shi- l /'Ju:.les/ [°;·e] A cord for t
ed attention away from domestic problems. • We shoes: Tie your shoelace up or you'll fall ov
say: "shift (somehng)  somewere  some- k l°�nb  e] A person who mak
were". 3 To move or leave a place: That is my pairs shoes: I have to take this pair of sho
seat, so shi
shi yourself!•
yourself!• This use s iformal. shoemaker.
+i sho, sho /Jam/ [veb]  To give light:  US /J:n/ UK /Jon/ Past tense and p
The sun was shining when we arrived at the beach. ticiple forms of shin
2 To be bright: He polished his boots until they k /J ki Past tense of shak
shone. + shot, shot /Ju:t/ [verb]  To send o
ig /'1.glz/ [puraou n ] A disease that afects let arrow and so on: The cowboy took out
the nerves and produces painful pimples on the and shot Bad Bill dead. 2 To move very
skin: The doctor
doctor di diag
ed the problem
problem as shin-
shin- Thee dog
Th dog sh
ot pas
pastt us
us and
and ran
ran into
into the nex
gles. •he same meanng: herpes. To make a movie: The movie was shot in It
iig /'Ja1.n/ [adjectve] Brilliant: I have a shining +p1 /Jop/ [:�nb1']
  A place where you buy
new coin. My aunt's got a sweet shop in the cente
+iy 'J.n/ [adjectve] Bright or polished: The street town.•
town. • he same meanng store1.
was shiny with rain. • e comparativ
comparativee fom
f om is p2 /Jop/ [veb] To buy things: My parent
siier and te sperlative orm s "shnies. shop in a big supermarket near our hou
+ip /J1p/ [0; a nb']
  A large boat: I love watching the carel wih the spelig o these foms: s
ships come into harbor. soppig.
ipwk /'J1p.rek/ [°:�nb']   An accident at sea: p i [:� bbe] See clk. • 
There was a shipwreck near the coast and several Btis Egis.
sailors were drowned. pif /'Jp,!1f-tr/ [0;·e] Person wh
things from a shop: Shops have a big bi g prob
SHIPRECK shopliers.
+ppig US 'J:.p1/ UK /'Jop./ [·b
ing things: I'm sorry
sorr y but I won't be able to
this morning. Ive got to do the shopping
things that you have bought: John, can
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shotg 336

a something: I'm a bit short of money, so I'll have to museum next week. 3 show bsiness
wait to buy that CD. 5 for shor To use he shor nesses like he lms and he heaer,
b y, when saying somehing: His name is actually
wa enerain people: My cousin works in a
Joseph Patrick, but we all call him Joe for short. pany in the capital of show business, Hol
Shotg US: /'J�r.pd b e 
/'J�r.pd3/ UK: /'J�.t1d3/ [°:�;a t ] No shOW2,   /Jgu/ [veb] 1
enough of somehing: There's been such a long son see somehing: I showed my mom an
d drought that there's a shortage of water every-
where. • Be careful with the ponuciato o hs
exercise book. 2 To make somehing c
 you show me how to do this exercise,
wod.. The "a is proounced like the "i" in dd.
wod dd. appear or o be noiceable: John's in love
e shotn /'f�r-tg .n/ [verb] To make somehing shorer: rn and it shows!
VERB ·   f o do s
f I'm going to ask my aunt to shorten this skirt for me.
shotly /'J�rt-li/  a[ dverb] Soon:  Don't cry, your mom
in public so tha people will noice an
will be here shortl you: Joan always shows o in front of th
g shots US: /mts/ UK: /J8ts/ [p1, a1 no  ] Shor pans: class.·   (m) f To
our class.·
I've forgotten my shorts. What can I wear to play pe look at somehing you have go ha
h soccer?•
soccer? • When we al abot two o more "shors", proud of: Albert spent the whole weeken
we se the wod pars: "I boght two pars o o his new bike to everyone. ·  
shots. ®See picure a . rive: Harry showed up about half an hour
shot1 /Jot/ ['0:�;a   b1 •] 1 The ac of ring a gun: We all shod Pas ense of .
J heard the noise of a shot, followed by silence. 2 A sho US: /Jaur/ UK: /Jaug/ ['0:�anb te 
phoograph: Isn't this a great shot of our cat? • where you sand under running waer
k his se is orma. 3 A kick, a hi or a hrow a We all went into the showers aer th
goal in a spor: Wh What at a gre
at sh
ot!! He
's an in
i me.. ® See picure a m.
l ble player.
shot2 /Jt/ Pas ense and pas pariciple forms of
yourself under waer: I take a shower e
ing. •Be carefu. We usaly say: "to take
I shold 3 A shor period of rain: We waited for t
/Jud, Jgd/ [verb] 1 A word used o say ha an to pass and then went out for a walk.
acion is a good idea or is morally righ: You shon US: /Jun/UK: /fgun/ Pas pariciple
n should go to the doctor if you don't feel well. 2 A shnk /Jk/ Pas ense of .
word ha you use when you say wha you expec shd /Jred/ lco:�ate ] A small hin piece
0 o happen: They should arrive at about eight hing: My sock was in shreds when our do
o'clock. •Be caref! The veb aer should s in the ished chewing it.
p innive withot to. shik lco:�n b•] A noise wih a high o
/'/ lco:�;anb te ] 1 he
shold US: /'Jul.d</ UK: /'Jgul body makes when frighened or in pain
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7 igni

nk /rAk/ Past participle of shrink. his side table. • The same meaning meaning:: "igh
f /'JA./ [ver b ]  To mix cards before you play bedside tabe.
a game: Tommy shued the cards. 2 o walk or idlk /'smd,w�k/ [co�  a  n b 1'  1' ] he part of
dance very slowly almost without liing your where people walk: You shouldn't ride you
feet: The old man shued along the street. the sidewalk. • I Brish Eglsh they sa
 ti" ] Closed: The store is shut so well
1 /JAt/ [a d;e c ti"  e ®See picture at sree
have to wait until tomorrow. +idy /'sadwc1z/ [adve b  b ]  To one sid
+2 sht, sht /[At/ [ve b ]  To close something: this dance, you have to step sideways!
 Can you shut the window, please? Its quite cold in side rst: Well have to try and get the tab
here. 2 o go into a closed position: The door shut the door sideways.
behind us and we couldnt open it. 3 To stop some- ig1 [co�   a b   l e 
 e ] A sudden deep breath, show
thing being open: Mr. Middleton shuts the store at ness, relief or other emotion: "Ive got to
six oclock every evening. a test tomorrow" said Fred with a sigh.
t PHRASAL VERBS o shu down To cose and
• ig2 /sa/ [ve b ] To take a sudden deep br
not work any more: The local glass factory became cause of sadness, relief or other emotio
bankrupt and had to shut down. o shu up o be · sighed with relief when the game was nal
quiet:  Can you all shut up and listen! listen!• • Ts expres-
expres- +ig /sat/ [co�    b' 
  ]  Something that you
son is fomal. the sun going down over the sea a beautif
 US: /'fA!./ UK: /'fAU/ [:�    b   ' 
' ] A cover for 2 The ability to see: My mom wears gla
the ouside of a window: We thought thought that there cause shes got very poor sight. 3 a 
was nobody in because all the shutters were closed. soon as you see something: My brother sa
l /'JA!·g./ [0�  a  b  n 1' 
1' ] A plane or a bus that goes was love at rst sight when he met Melis
backwards and forwards between two places: My cac g To see something for a shor
dad uses the shuttle service between Boston Boston and caught sight of Ken as I was going past
New York twice a week. the other day on the bus. 5  g
 tive ] Uncomfortable with people: Dont
+y /fal [adje c tive  esting places to see in a town: Lets go
be shy and speak up. • he coparatve form s ington D.C. for the day and see  n the sights.
syer and the supeaive fo s "shyest". "shyest" .@ See iging /'st,si:.I/ [    ab l e  u c  e ] Seeing
picure at emoions. teresting paces: When we were in Rome
yn 'Ja1. 'Ja1.ngs/
   l e 
ngs/ [     ab 
 e ] Being shy: You have to lot of sightseeing.
try and forget your shyness when you are learning ign1 /sa/ [ve b ] To write your name on som
to speak another language. My dad signed the check and gave it to
 tive ]  Ill: We had to call the vet to come
+k /sk/ [adje c tive  clerk. • Be caref wh te pociaio
and look at the sick cows. 2  b c To bring up word! Te  ryes wh "y "y 
+ign2  b1' 
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iit 338

a appreciate the signicance of the discovery until wrote to me last Christmas and I haven't h
many years later. her since. • Be careful wth te poncia
+iit /s1g'nf..bnt/ [adjective] 1 Important, word! The "i" s prooced like he "i"  
big: There has been a signicant change in the bus +i2 /sms/ [preposiio n]  From a time in the
c timetable. 2 With a special meaning: I think its now: I havent seen you since Monday.
signicant that Harriet didn't come to the party. "Since descibes te starting poin o a p
i l ["°'�:ab    l e ] Signs made with the is a patcla date o a paca aco
hands that deaf people use to communicate: They been walng since oe o'clock "Fo" des
used sign language to tell each other what had duatio o a peiod: "We've bee wal
e happened. hous.• See box at for.
ipot /'sampust/ [ co   a 0 b  1 e  e ] A sign at the side of i3 /sms/ [c[coo n juctio
ctio] 1 From a ime wh
f he road: I hope we'll see a signpost to Whitby thing happened until now: We haven't e
soon. we had breakfast this morning at seven
+i /'s.ns/ ["�: ab l e ] No noise, complete cause: Since you're so keen on soccer, I t
quiet: Silence please! The principal has something give you this book about the histo of the
h to say to you. +i /sm'r/ [adjective] Truthful, hone
+ilt /'s.Int/ [adjecti] Without any noise: The Kate is very sincere and always tells you
class was silent while they listened. thinks.
ilhott /,s1.'et/ [ co ;a  b  1 e  e  ily /sm's1r.Ji/ [adveb] 1 n a sin
   ] Outline or gure: We
J put silhouettes of Christmas characters up on the
class windows.
Were you speaking sincerely when you
you loved me? 2  yu y Word
+il /slk/ [ u n  �: ab l e ] A very ne, expensive expensive material: put before your signature at the end
Silk is made from a ne thread spun by an insect. letter: "Yours sincerely, Ron Johnson".
+ily /'sd.i/ [adjective] Fooish, not sensible, stupid: "yors scerely we te peson o wom
Don't be silly; of course you'll pass your test. • Te is addressed is amed Copae wt "you
I compaat
compaativeive orm s slie ad the superlat superlative
ive orm ly" (sed we the peso to wom the le
is "sles. • Sly" and spd have almost te dressed s ot amed).
sae eaing, bt stpd is stroge +i sg, sug /S/ [verb] To make m
n +si lve
silv er /'s1 J-vgr/ [ " ° '�: ab l e ] A shiny, gray, precious
's1J- your voice: Patsy sings in the choir.
metal: This ring is pure silver. +i /'s1-r/  co ; a b 
 n  e ] 1 A person who s
0 iy [adjective] Referring to a color, that is ap- ly is a singer in a band. 2  
proximately silver, or that has a siver element to singe
p it: The jacket is a silvery gray.
+imi /'s1 ..Jr/ [adjecti] The same in some ways:
+il1 /'sgl/ [adjective] 1 Only one: There
gle red car waiting for the ferry. 2 Not ma
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water: The enemy bombs sank three ships. 3 To go sixtieth /'s1k.sti.a8/ [:), fJ Referring to s
down: The sun sank on the horizon. my grandfather's sixtieth birthday tomo
 n bl e ] A very small amount of a drink: Can I
sip1  c[o � n "Sixtieh can also be wrtte 60h. 60h.
have a sip of your orange juice? sixty /'s1k.sti/ [";·    i e
 .    ] he number 60:
sip2 /srp/ [verb] o drink little by lttle: She sipped about sixty CD's, you know.
her drink slowly. • Be carefu wt te speling o +size /s1z/  '0   a  l   e ]  How big or small som
[  �  
hese foms: "spped", sippg something is, its measure: Our classroom
+sir /s3:/ [o  u]  A poite way of speaking to a man: a large size.  A particular measuremen
Your room is on the second oor, sir. • Tis use s size shoes do you take?
foma ad s ow any used  eters eters  A special skate1 /skert/  c[o � n  n ble  ]  See ok' 
title for a man: Sir Winston Churchill was the Brit- k'
ish Prime Minister during the Second World War. skate2 /skert/ [verb]  See ok 
Siren US: /'s1.an/ UK: /'s1.an/  c[o �     a  l e ] An instru- k
ment that makes a sound to give warning: Ships skateboard1 /'skc1tb:d/  c[o �  a b  l e ] A piece of
use their sirens when they're coming into a harbor. plastic with wheels on: Pam's really goo
+sister /'ss-ta/  '0  1  ]  A girl or a woman who has
[  �    skateboard; she goes very fast. •Be caeful
the same parents as you: My sister lives in New ponuncaton o hs wod! he s syllab
York.  ier-in-lw 1 The sister of your husband with day" ad te second a is not proouc
or your wife: His sisterinlaw teaches at our school. skateboad2 [veb] To move using a ska
2 The wife of your brother: My brothe brotherr and sis sis My fri
end Ann
Annee ska skateb teboar oards ds very wel
ter-in-law live in Rome.• Rome. • Te plal of sser--law skating /'skc-!1/ [    ab l e
    ] he sport tha
sisters-i-law"® See picture at fmy
is sisters-i-law"® with skates on: Skating is one of the spor
+sit, sa, sa /st/ [verb] To rest your bottom on would really like to be good at. ® See p
something: Jane sat on the sofa. o
t PHRAAL VERB· o  do To sit: Will you skating rik  c[o       a nb  1  ] A place where peo
all please sit down! · o  u To sit when you skate: Let's go to the skating rink on S
have been lying down or eaning: Come on; sit up morning.•
morning. • We also say rink
and have some soup. • Be caeul wt he speling skeletal /'skehtal/  a[ adje c ctive] t  ive] Referring to th
of hs or: stting ton: One of the main functions of the skel
+site /s1t/ [ '0 �     a  1e  ] A place where something hap- te is to provide support.® See pge 4
pens or something is: We visited the site of the skeleto /'skc..ta·n/  co    b1 e ] The bon
Battle of Hastings. make a person or an animal: My siste
sitting-room [ '0 �     a  nb  e  ] he main room in a house  plastic human skeleton hanging up in
where people sit and relax: We spent the evening room.
sketc1  1 
[    
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skll 340

a you have learned to do: Speaking languages is a slp 1 /sla p/    n b e 

p/ [�    e ] A blow with the open
ope n pa
very useful skill.•
skill. • The same meanig: "ability". hand: His mother gave him a light slap on th
b Skll /sk1ld/ [adjective ] 1 Having the ability to do an
activity or job well: She is a very skilled pianist. 2
slp2 /slp/ [ver b] b] o hit somebody with
palm of you hand: The woman slapped
c Having the training or experience necessary to do  face and le angrily.
angrily.• • Be careful wh h
an activty or job: The sta she works with are o tese foms: slapped", sappig
d highly skilled. slt /slc1t/ [co:�  b , ,   
  ] 1 A dark gray rock th
skllt /'sk.1t/ ['0:� ;a  , , bl e   e ] A shallow pan used for fry easily cut, or a small, flat piece of th
ing food: You can use this skillet to fry the steak. • cover a roof: Some of the slates have fal
e The same meanig: "fyig pa. pa . roo 2  wip  a an o foget
skllful /sk/ [adjecHve ] Good at doing something:
f Tanya is a very skillful painter.• painter.• The Brits Eglish
takes, crimes o differences and start s
again: They have agreed to wipe the sla
g spelig s "skful".
+sk /skm/ co� ; ;a  b    e 
 e ] 1 The covering of a body: Bertha
order to work together on the new project
slught 1 [    a b e   e ] The killing of a
has a beautiful so skin. 2 he covering of some people: Did you hear about the slaugh
h fruit or vegetables: Throw the banana skins in the those people in India!
garbage, please. Slught2 US: /'slo:.JO/ UK: /'s:.tgr/
skh /'skm.he/ [co:� ; ; a   b e   e ] A young person with an animal for food: They slaughter the
a shaved head and aggressive appearance: Skin-  farm. 2 To kill a lot of peope: How ma
J heads usually dress in a similar way and go togeth-
er in a group.
were slaughtered in the war?
sl /slc1v/ [co� ; ;  
  ] A person who is not f
k sky /'skm.i/ [adjec1ve ] Very thin: I don't know how
Joe can be so skinny consid considering
ering he eats so much.•
much. •
forced to work for another person: Many
on the boats which went from West rica to
l The compaatve om is snnie" ad te superla- sly /'slc.vni/ [unc    a b e 
 e ] he system
tve fom is snnies. This word s normal. slaves: Slavery was abolished in the Uni
I Skp /skp/ [ver b] 1 o jump up and down over a rope aer the Civil War.
that you or othe people are holding: The children    b   
sl /sled/ [co:�     ] A thing that you us
are skipping in the park. 2 To give little jumps: over snow in, used for carrying loads an
n The little girl skipped for happiness when they ar All four of us got on the sled and went
rived at the park. 3 To miss something deliberate down the hill over the snow.• snow. • Compae w
0 ly: Jamie skipped a class to go and play soccer with (a thing tha you ave ove snow i, usu
his friends. • Be careful wit te speling of hese by a ose).• I Biis ngsh ey say "s
p foms: "skpped", sippig. sippig .
+skt US: /sb:t/ UK: /sk3:t/ [co:� ; ;     ] An article of
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g /slcd3/ ['°� ; ;ana  nbl  e e ] See sled. •Th word s moe +sl
is word s
•This +slip1   nbt  e e ] 1 A sm
ip1 /slip/ ['°�  small
all mistake:  I ma
common in Brits Egls. in the math problem and got the wrong ans
k /sli:k/ [adjecive] 1 Smooth and shiny: The dog small piece of paper:  I can't nd the slip t
has very sleek fur. 2 Having an elegant and attrac- me in the photographic store.
tive shape or design:
  ':ab l e  e Their new car is very sleek. 2 /slrp/ [verb] 1 To slide on something
1 /sli:p/ [ u ] Beng asleep: What a lovely dent:  I slipped on a banana skin and nea
sleep I had! my leg. 2 To move quickly and quietly:
+2 slpt, slpt /sli:p/ [verb] To res with your managed to slip away while nobody was lo
eyes cosed:  I sleep in the same room as my little To put something in a place quickly and
brother. She slipped the waiter a tip. •Be caeful
ng bg ['°'°� ; ;a  , , b  e  e ] A bag that you sleep in speling of tese fors: "slipped, "slppng
when you are camping, for example: We slept in sli
pper /'s /'sllrp
rp-g -g/ ['°� ; 
 le ] A light shoe t
 ; a , b   e 
our sleeping bags under the stars. wear in the house: My dog always bring
 /'sli:.pfas/ [adjecive] Without sleep:  I spent slippers when I come in from school.
a sleepless night worrying about my tests. y /'shp·ni/ [adjecive] Smooth and di
y /'sli:.pi/ [adjecive] Tired and wanting to sleep: hold or to stand on: The path was very slip
Do you want to go to bed? You look sleepy. cause of the ice.
"':ab  e  le ] A mixture of snow and rain:
 /sli:t/ ["' S1 /slt/ ['0�   a , , b  e  le ] A narrow opening: The
The weather
weather forecast says there's there's going to be sleet tered the tent through a slit.
today. S2 slit, slit /slt/ [verb] To make a small,
+ /sli:v/ ['°'°� ; ;a  , , b  e l e ] The part of an article of opening: He slit the packet open with a kni
clothing that covers your arm: Do you like the h /'slo-g/ [verb] To move easily and q
sleeves of this dress? a direction by stretching and contract
gh /slcr/ ['°    b    b l e  e ] A thing that you travel over snake slithered across the ground.
snow in, usually pulled by a horse: Santa Claus ogn /'slu-g/ ['0    n n b  b 1] A short and ea
travels in a sleigh pulled by reindeer. • Compare member phrase used in publicity, dem
wh "sled (a tg ta you use to move ove snow ions and so on: "If you drink, dont drive
in, used for carying loads and for play)® play) ® See pi- mous slogan.
ture at sled o1 /sJgup/ [co      b  b  e  te ] The side of a hil:
n /'sle-dg/ [adjecive] Slim: What a lov lovely
ely sle
n dicul
di cultt to ska
skate te up a slope slope,, is isn' it? ®
n'tt it?
der gure
gure Patricia has. 5-
 /slept/ Past tense and past participle forms o2 /sJgup/ [verb] To have a slope: The pa
of slee a little and then goes round a bend.
+1 /srs/ ['° ; ;a  1] A pece cut off something: So US: /sl:t/ UK: /slt/ ['°   a b  , , l e  e ] 1 A thin h
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sck 4

a sck1 /smk/ ['0 :�   n nbte  ] A hit with the flat of the sok2 /smguk/ [verb] 1 To use a cigarett
hand:  If you do that again, I'll give you a smack on cigar: "Do you mind if I smoke?" "I wo
b sck2the bottom!
/smk/ [veb] To hit somebody wit the flat
you didn't.". 2 To make smoke: The re
a bit; lets open the window. 3 o prepar
C +sllof your hand:  Mom! Jane smacked me!
US: /sm:l/ UK: /sm�:l/ [adjecive] Lttle: The small
sh by hanging it in smoke: Smoked
one of my favorite foods.
d boy gave the owers to the opera singer.•The singer.•The com- ok US: /smou.b/ UK: /smgu.'/ [ c 
parative fom s "smale" and he superlative fom is son who smokes: Smokers are more likel
smales. ®See pictures at opposite and a piece er people to die of lung cancer, heart di
e of other illnesses.
f +st US: /sma:rt/ UK: /sm:t/ [adjecive] 1 Elegant or +sokig /smou-k/ [ o u ] Using a cigare
well dressed:  Mom wore a smart hat to the wed or a cigar: Smoking damages your health
ding. 2 Clever:  My aunt's a very smart business- +sooth /sm:/ [adjecive] 1 Completely la
g woman. obstruction:  My grandma is 80 but her s
   b 1 1e  ] 1 he noise that something
h ssh1 /smJ/ ['0 :� 
makes when it smashes: We heard the smash of
very smooth. 2 Gentle: We had a very sm
and arrived on time.
the window and saw the ball come ying into the SMS /cscmcs/  cl o:�;   a b  ] A text message
classroom. 2 ah h A song, movie or musical one cellphone to another: He sent an SM
that is a great success: Steve Steven n Spielberg
Spielberg has had friends know where he was.
J +ssh2
several smash hits. sggl /smA.]/ [verb] To take someth
/smJ/ [verb] o break into pieces:  I dropped country illegally: People in this town
k the mirror and it smashed. brandy in from Canada in the past.
sshig /smJ./
/sm J./ [adecive] Marvelous: What a sck /snk/
/sn   a  b] 1 A small meal:
k/ l c o:�  
[ smashing day for a picnic! snack in this ca[ before we do our sh
ssh-p /smf.Ap/ l'° :  :�;  a b   e ] A violent car acci- nak bar A place where you have
m dent: Ther
Theree was a terrible
way last night.
terrible smash-u smash-up p on the high- They've
've open
ed a new
 t 
new snac
snackk bar
/sne1l/ [o:�;   ] A smal, sot animal
bar in our

n +sll1   �;  a   e ] 1 Something that

/smel/  clo: that you
you notice antennae and a shell on its back: Snails
with your nose: at's that awful smell? 2 he slowly.

ability to use your nose:  Dogs have a particularly +sk /sne1k/ [ c o �;   a be  ] A long, tin reptil
good sense of smell. legs:  Most snakes move out of sight whe
sl2,   /smcl/ [verb] 1 To notice humans.® S ag .
 a  e  ] A photogaph:
p something with your nose:  I could cou ld smell the pizza sp /snp/ ['0 :�; 
as soon as I opened the door.• door.• In ths se, we a- that snap of you on the beach.
q sp2
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snks US /'sni:kar/ [plual nou] Sports shoes: Do snown /'snau.mxn/ US /'snou-/ ['0� n n b 
 you like my new sneakers?
sneakers? I got
got them in the sales.•
sales. • made from snow: Let's make a snowma
When we talk about wo or moe "seakes, we se backyard.•
backyard. • Te plura is snowme".
he word pars: "I bough hree pais of seakes". snowy /'snoi/ [,iec tve]
tve] With a lot of sn
•I Bits Engs ey say raies mountains were still snowy in April this ye
sn1 ['°�;   :1•] Sending air suddenly out of your copaaive form is snowie ad te s
nose with a noise: Pete gave such a loud sneeze fo is snowies
that he made me m e jump. +so1 /sau/ [,dverb] 1 Very; very much: Why ar
sn2 /sni:z/ [ver] To send air suddenly out of nasty to me? 2 To such a degree:  I was
your nose with a noise: Youve been sneeing all that I couldnt speak to her. 3 Also:  I  Im
morning. Maybe youre getting a cold. an and so was my mother. 4 That some
the case, when talking about something
mentioned: 're you coming to Atlantic
us tomorrow?" "I think so". 5 nd s n
thngs:  I like sports: football, basketball
and so on. 6  s More or less: "How m
that book cost?" 'bout ' bout ve dollars or
o r so".
S02 /sau/ [conj uc t
ton ] 1 Because of what has
fore, for this reason: The teacher told me
in my homework by tomorrow, so I'll have
it tonight. 2 In order that:  I telephoned my
 I could tell her that that I had passed
passed my test.
Sok US /souk/ UK /sauk/ [ver] 1 To leave so

in a liquid: You have to soak the beans

snif /sf/ [verb] 1 To take air in through your nose, overnight before cooking them. 2 To mak
making a noise:  I knew that Mary was crying dur body or something very wet: We went o
ing the movie because I could hear her sning. 2 storm and even though we had our raincoa
To smell something: The dog was sning around were soaked.
the shopping bag. soking Or soking wt /'sak/
sno us: /sn:r/ UK /sn:/ [verb] To make a noise wet: You're sweater is soaking; take it o a
whie you are asleep: My aunt was snoring so dry it in front of the re.
loudly last night that she woke everyone up in the SO·nd·SO

US /'sou.and.sou/ UK /'sau
house. [co�   b e] Somebody, when talking about so
snokl co    1
/'snrkal/ [ �  e ] A short tube that is you don't want to name or whose name y
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 so 

a SOCC US:
/s:.k/ UK: /snk.a'/ ["�:bl  ] A game for Sodim /saudiam/ ['�:  able ] A so che
two eams who ry o kick a ball ino a goal: Los men ha is whie and is found in sal
b Angeles Galaxy plays in the Major League Soccer.• Sodium is essential for living organisms.
In British Eglsh they say "footbal.® See picure +so o
/sou-f/  c[    a  nble ] A long, comforable
c  soibl
a sort
sou-Ja-hal/ [ad;e,] Happy in he compa-
sofa is so comfortable that I sometimes
on it when I'm watching the television.
d ny of oher people: Je's a very sociable person
and enjoys going out with his friends.
eaing: couch"® See picure a livin
+sot US: /s:ft/ UK: /sft/ [adiec] 1 No hard

e +soi /sou-Jal/ [adjectve] Referring o sociey: There an o your ouch: This ice cream is very
are many social problems in big cities, such as when you have just taken it out of the freez

f  soi tok
crime, poverty and violence.
[ co     a b  1e ] A websie or applica-
e and kind: Old Mr. Jones has a rough m
he's so when you get to know him.
ion hrough which users communicae wih each teacher has a very so voice and she neve
g oher: Social networks are very useful to provide us. 4 No brigh: My mom says that she
online information. lighting in the living room because it helps
h  soi sity ["�:  able ] Money ha is paid o  sot dik ['0  a  1e ] A drink wihou alco
people by he governmen when hey are ill, ou were sandwiches and so drinks at the pa
of work and so on: The right to social security was  sotss ['�:  able ] 1 The qualiy of being
an important achievement of the workers. resisan: I adore the soness of the cushion
]  soi ok ['0  a  nb1e ] A person who works wih
people who have problems: My friend Kitty's a so
ma's. 2 The qualiy of being smooh and p
ouch: He loved the soness of her skin and
k cial worker and she works very long hours. quaity of being delicae, ligh, low or gen
+soity /sas01-qi/ [ou  ] 1 People living togeher, concert we enjoyed the soness of the soun
[ he oal of relaionships among hem: There are
many things wrong with society. 2 An assocaion:
orchestra played Debussy. •Compare with
the qualiy of eng solid and not so o dic
My dad belongs to the Railway Society and they +sot US: /s:f.wer/ UK: /sf.wea
meet once a week to talk about trains.• The pa Computer programs: Theres a new stor
s soceties house that specializes in soware.
n +sok o
/sk/  c[    a   b1e ] A coon or woolen aricle of +soi /l/ ['�:ble ] Earh: The soil arou
clohing ha you wear on your foot: These socks very rich and everything grows really wel
0 have holes in them. ®See picure a cloths So US: /sou.l/ UK: /•/ [adiect]
SOCkt US: /s:.kt/ UK: /snk.1t/ ['0   nb   le ] A place he sun: Solar power is obtained directl
p where you pu a plug: Theres a socket behind the sun. ®See page 9.
sofa where you can plug the radio in. SOd US: /sould/ UK: /sauld/ Pas ense and

q Od d [  b1
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sol1 /sgulf [adjecive]Only: Henry's sole reason for +somon /'sAm.wA/ [pronoun]
See m
coming here was to be able to meet Linda. • Be "Someone is used i postive sentences.
caref. Ths wod s always used beore a ou. a 
sol2 /sguJ/ [co:�  bl  ]e The bottom part of a shoe or a somst /'sAm-gr,dt/ [co:�  a  l ]e An a
foot: These shoes have leather soles. which you jump up and turn over: The
solm US: f'sa.Jgm/ UK: f'snbm/ [adjecive] Serious, did very high jumps and turned somersau
grave: My mother loves solemn music. air.
sol-f [c  a bl  ]e The names for the notes in an +somthing /'sAm.1/ [prooun] A thing:
eight-note scale: In sol-fa, "doh" stands for the something in your bag. What is it, mom?
note "C". tng is used n positve seeces. I ega
soliito /sg'hs-qgr/ [co�  a , bt  ]e he chief law ofcer tences and questios we sualy se anyhi
of a city, town or government department: My somtim /'sAm.tm/ [adverb ] At a time tha
cousin was appointed solicitor to represent the fed- not know: Give me a call sometime and we
era/ government before the United States Supreme +somtims /'sAm.tmz/ [adver b ] Occaso
Court. sometimes go to see my grandparents on
SOlid1 /'snl1/ [adjecive] 1 Hard; not liqud or gas: Wa •See box at rqu
ter becomes solid when you freeze it. ®See pictu- +somh /'sAm·wcr/ /wcgr/ [adver b ]
re a  c f ® S page 8 2 With no
•.. to a place or in a place: My keys are some
empty space inside: his bracelet is solid silver. the house but I don't know where.
+solid2 /'snh/ [co:�  a ,b   ]e Not a liquid or a gas: Most +son /sA/ ['0:�  a   ]e 1 Somebody's male child:
solids are made up of many tiny crystals. on has two children; her son is eight and her
solidtion /sg,J..1'ke1.g/ [c  a bl  ]e The act is ve.• Be caefu. Whe you ask soebod
of becoming solid: With water the solidication have ay sos o daughters, you have o say 
 process becomes eective a t 32 Fahrenheit degrees. daughters or chlde. f you oy say "sons
®S page 8 ony eferrng o male cidre. 2 soninlaw
solity US: /'sa.Jg.ter.i/ UK: /'sol..tri/ [adjecive] Alone  band of somebodys daughter: Mrs. Fr
or liking to be alone: My uncle Alf is a very solitary soninlaw is ve good to her he takes h
 person. where in the car. • The pural o son-
SOl01 /'sgJg/   a b ] Alone: Louis Blriot ew so "sons-n-aw.® See picture at fmy
lo across the English Channel on 25 July 909
solo2 f'sgu[gu/ [co�  a ,b   ]e A piece of music for one in , , 
strument or one voice: Mike played a terric solo
on the piano.
rtv tv qt
+soltion /sg'J.°/ [co:�  a   ]e he answer o a ques
 ()  
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song 346

a +sog US /sa:/ UK /soD/ ['°:� nb  l e ]  Music with words wrong with it.  sund ike To be simila
that you sing: "Somewhere over the Rainbow" is to something, to seem: This piece of mu
b one of my favorite songs.  he sound that a bird like Mozart.
makes: I love waking up to the birds song, even if it SOUd3 /sund/ [adiect]  Healthy: You
c is early in the morning.
+soon /s:n/ [admb]  In a short time in the future:
ways try to have a sound mind in a
That's what my grandpa says!  Good a
d I'm going out to the stores, but I'll be back soon. •
Compare with "eary" (beore ime or nea the begn-
My mom always gives me sound advice
e nig of a period o time).  as sn as Immediately soudtrack /'sun.trk/ ['0:�; a nb  l e]  he m
when: Write to me as soon as you get there. lm: I didnt like the movie very much bu
SOOt /sut/ [ n c b l e ] he black substance that
f smoke leaves: The chimney's full of soot; we'll have
the soundtrack was fantastic.
+soup /s:p/ [ " '  b l e ] A liquid food: She
to get it cleaned. great tomato soup.
g sophomore '°:�; a b  l e]  A student in the second year +sour us: /sr/ UK /sg•/ [adiect]  With
of high school or college: My sister is a sophomore taste like lemon juice or vinegar: I can
h and wants to study one year abroad next year.  yoghurt. Its too sour for me.  In bad
+sore /s":r/ [adject] Painful: We walked for miles and This milk tastes sour. Is it all right?
my feet ended up being very sore. +source us: /s":rs/ UK /s":s/ '°:�; a nb  l e]  Wh
+sorry /'sar·i/, /'s�r·i/ [ajectve]  Sad: I was very sorry thing comes from: Please write down the
J to hear about the death of your grandmother.  A
word used for apologizing: Sorry I'm late!• In this
 your information at the bottom of the pro
+south /sf/ [°  n  c J he direction
k use we ormaly say sory aer we have doe right when the sun rises: New Orlean
something and want o apologize Compare wth ex- south of the United States. • See box a
l cuse me (used beore we inerupt somebody) and t
padon" (expession used when somebody has not southeast [ n '   ab l e ] In between the s
m head somehg). 3 'm sy Words you use to
say that you are sad because you have done
the east: There will be rain all over the
this evening. •See box a bbvt
somehing wrong: Im very sorry that I said all +souther /'sA.grn/ [adject] Of the s
n those horrible things to you. southern part of United States is warme
+sort1 /s�:t/ '°:�; a  l e]  Kind or type: What sort of things rest.
Q do you like doing in your spare time? outh Pole [  '   ab l e ] The most souther
sort2 /s":t/ [verb] o put things together in groups: the earth: The South Pole was rst reac
p Nowadays a machine sorts letters but before it used expedition led by Roald Amundsen
to be done by workers. 9. •Be caeul! South Pole has capta
q southwards southward
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empty area that s around and beyond the earth: spkling /'spar·b·l/. /'spark·l/ [a ie 
Space is the area between the stars, or between the talking about wne or mneral water, w
 planets of the solar system. • We aso say oute bles: What do you want to drink? Sparkling
space 3  l A spaceshp that ca come water, please.
and go between space and the earth: The space Spo US: /'sperou/ UK: /'sp<u/ [co:�a,
shuttle is able to carry several satellites at once. brown bird: My dad puts food on a bird
spft /spc1s,krxft/ lco:�a bt n  e ] A vehcle used for our backyard and we watch the sparrows
travel outsde the arth's atmosphere: Space eat.
cras usually take o from Cape Canaveral. • Te sps /spa:s/ [a dje c Hve ] Exstng only 
plua is also spacecraf" amounts and usually dspersed over a lar
spft 0 r spship /'speskra:ft/ [:�a  b n  e  Population is very sparse in the Amazon j
A vehcle for travelng through space: Astronauts Compare with "abunda" (availabe in
travel in spaceships. qatties) .
spship /'spc1sJ1p/ [co:�a  b  n 1 ] A spacecraft whch spt /spxt/ Past tense and past partcple
has a crew on board: The crew of the spaceship spi
will carry out experiments during the ight. +spk,   /spi:k/ [ver b]
spd /spcd/ [co:�a 1 ] 1 A tool that s used n gar words: Can you speak more loudly, pleas
denng: My mom's digging in the garden with her hear you. 2 To know a language:
new spade. 2 A playng card wth black shapes speaks three languages: French, Span
lke heart shaped leaves wth stems: There's a German. •Speak as alost te same
great short story called "The Queen of Spades". as al We sually say alk wen we a
spghtti /spg'e!·i/ [u  c abt e ] An talan dsh ig o a convesatio: We aled or a
made wth long strps of pasta: Spaghetti is my fa usaly say speak whe we are eferr
vorite dish. general acon: He speas a lo. She sp
pnid /'sp<njgd/ US: /-jCd/ [0:�     b 1 ] A person lagages.
from Span: There were a lot of Spaniards staying t PHRAAL VERB  speak up To talk

at our hotel. •Be careful Spaard as a capta Speak up! I can't hear you!
5, +spk /'spi·br/ [co:� '1 ] 1 A person who
spnil /'sp<njgl/ lco:�  1 ] A type of dog: A spaniel about somethng: We went to a talk on U
has long ears and short legs. other day and the speaker told us that he
pnish1 /'spxmJ/ [a ie c ;ve ] Referrng to Span: My one! 2 A machne that makes sound lou
sister bought some lovely Spanish ceramics when quite a shock when they called my nam
she was in Spain this summer. •Be cae! Spa- speakers at the station. • I s use, 
s as a capial S. Fo peope e sigular is "a eang: oudspeaer.® S g .
:�  b
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specifc 348

a dierent species of animal in the world.• The plural spet Pas tense and pas pariciple
is also "species. spend
b +specifc /spa'srf.rk/ [adjec tive] Paricular or precise: Sperm US: /sp�:m/ UK: /sp3:m/ I [   b le]
What is the specic purpose of this machine? ducive male cell ha ferilizes he fem
C specime /'spes.a.mrn/ [�:  a 1e]  small amount of  He has a low sperm count which indicate
somehing: I had to have a blood specimen taken, not very fertile.• he plural s sperm o
d to see if !was ill.
spectacles /' [p1ra1n ou ] Glasses: Sherlock
•Te same meang spermatozoon".
The hick uid produced by he ma
 Holmes looked at Watson over his spectacles.•We glands which conains spermaozoa:
e usally say glasses.• When we talk abou wo o vesicles produce sperm.
f more specaces, we use he wod pars: " have
wo pais of spectacles.
co   10
/,'zgu.n/ [    ] The male cell
spectacular /spek'tk·a·a/ [adjec tive] Dramaic, bined wih a female egg, can develop a
g marvelous o see: The storm was spectacular with spermatozoon can join an ovum to form
lightning all over the sky. •Te pual s speraozoa.• Te sae
h spectator /'spek,teI·!g/ [co�    ble]  person who sper.
watches somehing: he spectators cheered when Sphere US: /sfr/ UK: /sfra/ [coa , le] 
the horses crossed the nishing line. like a ball: The planets and their sat
sped /sped/ Pas ense and pas pariciple forms spheres.
J of speed• +spice /sps/ [a 1e]  subsance ha
+speech /spi:tJ/ [ ou  ] 1  alk ha somebody gives: give tase o food: Spices can be made f
k he Mayor gave a very boring speech when he
opened the new Sports Center. 2 The abiliy o
dierent things: seeds, leaves and so on.
+spicy /'sp [adjec tive] When alking ab
[ speak: Frank's grandfather has had an illness
which has aected his speech.
wih a ho ase: Indian food is very spicy
+spider /'sp·da/ [coa b le]  small ani
 +speed1 /spi:d/ ["'  able] 1 How fas somehing eigh legs: I like spiders• Be caefu wi
goes: Some trains can go at a terric speed. 2 unciaio o ts word. sp" yes
 lmt The fases ha you are allowed o ® S g 43.
n go: There's a speed limit of 60 miles per hour on spiderweb [co    b1]  ne ne made by
this part of the road. Spiders use their spiderwebs to catch oth
0 speed2, spd, spd /s/[ver] 1 To go very fas: •e same meanng cobweb.
The motorcycle sped down the hill making a tre
p mendous noise. 2 To go oo fas: Mr. Trainer was
 ned for speeding on the highway.• hs se can
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49 spoksw
spit Past tense and past participle forms of ll splsh1 /spl/ [' 0 � nb  le  ] The sound made b
+spin,   /spm/ [verb] 1 To turn around body or someting falling into liquid:
quickly: When you skate it is dicult to spin and splash and a shout and realized that so
stay in one place. 2 o make something turn had fallen into the river.
around quickly: Spin a coin to decide who goes splsh2 /splJ/ [verb] 1 o it a liquid hard
rst. 3 o make cloth from read: My it fall against someting: The car went th
great-grandmother used to work in a factory spin· puddle, splashing us as we waited at the
ning cloth. • Be careful with te spelng o s 2 To move energetically throug te wa
orm: "spiing. children splashed around on the water's ed
spinh /'sprn.rt/ [" : 
  c   ab t e ] A vegetable with green splndid /'splen.drd/ [adje c  ive] Very good, n
leaves: Spinach is very good for you because it has pearance: I think that Velque paint
a lot of vitamins and minerals especially iron.• Be splendid pictures.
careful wth e pocatio of tis wod! The a splndo f'splen-da/ ["'  :  able  ] Impressiv
s pronounced lke e " n dd".® See page 7. and magnicence: This is the best place t
spinl /'spmal/ [adje c ive] Referring to te spine: She castle in all its splendor.• The Btish Egl
suered a spinal injury. ng is spledour".
spinl od ['°�   a b  t e ] he bundle of nerves wic splndo /'splcn.dar/ US: /-!C/ ["  c 
are enclosed in te spine and connect all parts of ldr• This s a Brtish Eglish spelng
te body wit te brain: The spinal cord and the splint  a  t 
/'splrnta/  '°    nb  e ] A very small th
brain form the central nervous system. of wood: Ive got a splinter in my nger an
spine /spam/  ['° :�  a;  , b te  ] The long line of bones in get it out.® See picture at  c  ..•

your back: Mary fell o her horse and hurt her +split,   /splt/ [verb] 1 o break
spine.• e same eang: backboe"® See pa- parts: I was very embarrassed when I sat d
ge . split my pants. 2 To share someting:
spinning whl [ o   u] A
weel tat is used to candies between us.
make thread: Sleeping Beauty pricked her nger t PHRAAL VERB  l u To sepa

on the needle of a spinning wheel. were really surprised when Jackies mom
spiny /'sp [adje c  ive] Having spines: Roses have a split up.
spiny stem.• Te coparave om is spnie" ad +spoil,   /sp�rl/ [verb] 1 To
the superative orm s spniest someting or take the joy out of it: I was c
spil US /'sp UK /'spa.l/ ,J A sape the rain and spoilt my new suede jacket.
tat goes round and round and up or down: The child too muc afecting its caracter:
staircase in the castle was in the shape of a spiral. says that my grandpa spoils us by letting
® See page 57. erything we want to. •Spoil also has eg
Spi b t 
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spog 350

a spog /spAnd 3/ ['°�a  n bl e ] 1

A sot thing that you spot2 /spt/ [verb] To see
something or
use to wash with: I use a sponge shaped like a suddenly: Jack spotted his mistake imm
b duck when I take a bath! 2 A so yellow cake: My Be carel with the speling o hese for
dad makes a lovely jam sponge. ed, "spotig.
c spogy /'spAn 3i/ [adjective] Sot and similar in tex Spotted US: /'spo:.rd/ UK: /'spt.rd /
ture to a sponge: This moss is spongy. • The com- spots: My brothers got an awful spotted
d parative form is "sponge and the supelave o
s spogiest.
wears all the time!• Be careul wih he
on o the end o this wod. he "e is p
sposo1 [ '0� a b "  le ] A company or a person that lke he "  dd"
e gives money for something: We're going on a walk Spotty US: /'spo:.i/ UK: /'spt.i [adjective] Ha
f for the local children's hospital and we have to look
 for sponsors.
on your skin: Having spotty skin is a d
coparave fo is spottier and the s
sposo2 f'spnsgr/ [ver] To gve money for some for s "spottiest.
g thing: Companies oen sponsor sports teams so spot /spat/ [c o� a n b e ] A tube on a cont
that they can get a lot of publicity. the liquid comes out of: I dropped the t
spotos /spon'teI·i·gs/ [adjective] Happening the spout broke o
or done naturally and suddenly and wihout be spi /sprcm/ [verb] To damage a part of
ing planned: I dont think his reaction was sponta- for example by moving it too quickly:
neous, I think he knew. sprained his ankle playing tennis the oth
spooky /'spu:ki/ [adjective] Strange and frightening:
The atmosphere there at night is spooky.• The com-
spg /spr/ Past tense of spring•
spy1 /sprc1/ [ c   a  b e ] Liquid tha come
k parative for is spookier ad he spelative for container in very ne drops: I'm going t
s spookiest. to get some hair spray.
+spoon /sp u:n/ ['°�  a n bl e ] A round object with a han-
[ spy2 /sprc1/ [verb] To cover something w
dle that you use to eat soup, yoghurt and so on: using a spray: The rose bushes have go
m Put the spoons beside the knives, please.• Remem- lets spray them before
  nc  a  they
b e 
get everywhe
be! You drk soup wth a spoon, you ea ench spd1 /spred/ [ ] The extesion
fries wth a ok ad you c cakes wih a knife thing: The Police are worried about the
n ®See picture at cutlery street violence in this town.
spoofl /'spu:n.l/ ['°� a e ] The amount that a spd2,   /spred/ [verb
0 spoon holds: I take two spoonfuls of sugar in my er something with a sot substance:
coee. butter and jam on his toast. 2 To open
Spore US: /sp�:r/ UK: /sp�:r/ ['0:� a   e 
p l ] A reproductve ly: Spread the newspaper over the table
cell in plants and some simple organisms: Spores we can all see it. 3 To move to difere
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spinkl 35

a spinkl /'srnD.k/ [verb] To throw a very small sq<1 [ :0 b']  small, high sound:
amount of a substance on something: My dad al- the mouse was somewhere in the bedroom
b ways sprinkles a little salt on his french fries, how- we heard a squeak.
ever salty they already are. sq<2 /skwi:k/ [verb] To make a sm
c spint1  [co  �;  a 0b  1e  ]  very fast race: Len won the sprint sound: My bicycle wheels are squeaking
at the school tournament the other day. ly, so I'll have to oil them.
d spint2 /spnt/ [verb] To run very quickly over a sql1  loc  :  a  b  ']  loud, high sound:
short distance: Pat sprinted across the road and hear the squeals of the pigs from the farm
e caught the bus, but I missed it. sql2 /skwi:I/ [verb] To make a loud, hi
spot /spaut/  loc  :;  a  b']  small, round, green veg- The little girl squealed when she jumpe

f eable: In Canada, they oen eat sprouts with tur

key on Christmas Day.• This is an abbrevato or
cold water.
+sq1 /skwi:z/ [ o   u   ] 1 Pushing too m
"Brussels spout. small place: There was a real squeeze o
g spng /spA/ Past participle of spring way today. 2  press between two thing
sp /spA/ Past tense and past participle forms gave my hand a squeeze and told me no
h of spin ® See picture at a piece of...
spy1 /spa/ l co  :;  a b  ']  person who gets information sq2 /skwi:z/ [verb] 1 To press hard
in secret: The spies were important during the Cold two things: Squeeze this lemon and add
War between Russia and the United States. • The to the mixture. 2 To push too much in
J pual is spes.
spy2 /spm/ [verb] To look at something in secret: De
place: My suitcase was too small, but I m
squeeze all my things in.
k tectives oen have to spy on people to get impor sqid /skw1d/ [ :  a   b']  sea animal like a
tant information. • Be carefu w the spelg of topus: We had squid for dinner.
l ese orms: spes, sped. sqil /'skw3·gl  lc o:nb  ']  small anim
Sqd US: /skwo:d/ UK: /skwd/ [ co  ;  a nb  e  ]  group of large tail: You oen nd squirrels in par
people who work as a team: My neighbor works in  8
the police drugs squad. • Ths wod ca be used t 1  written abbreviation for saint
with eer a singuar or a pural verb: Has/have the bbv 2  written abbreviation
n dugs squad arved ye?. •Be caeful! S as a capita "S. •See
sq1 /skweg/ [adje c t,] 1 With four equal sides, bv
0 or something near to it: My mom's looking for a stb /stxb/ [verb] To push a knife into som
square coee table to go in the living room. ® S man was stabbed outside a pub in town
p  7 2 The number obtained wen you mul- night. •Be carefu with te spelng of 
iply a number by itself: The square of 4 is 6 sabbed, sabbng.
q +sq2 [   b'] stbl1
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33 ing

gg /'stg.r/ [vre  b] To walk with great dicu- the valley. 4 To move to a particuar pa
ty:  At the end of the movie the bad was shot, stag- you are on your feet: Stand in line, please
gered across the bar and fell out of the window.  To disike very much: I can't stand
in1 /stem/ l c o :�  a     1 •]
A mark made by a substance: the dentists.
That oil has le a terrible stain on the tablecloth. t PHRL VERB·   by To help
in2 /stem/ [ve  b]
To make a dirty mark: Don't port: Good friends always stand by you w
leave that glass on the table or it will stain the have problems.   f To mean som

wood. USA stands for United States of America.

i /'ster,ke1s/ lc  o : �  nbt  e] 
A set of steps inside  To be easily seen, to projec above
a buiding with rais hat you can hod onto: George is so tall that he always stands o
There are so many staircases in this building that I crowd.    To get on your feet:

sometimes get lost. ®See picture at . up when the teacher came into the room
Si US: /sterz/ UK: /stez/ A set of steps: [pt  u a t o   u n ]  President.   (by) 

Be careful carrying those glasses up the stairs. date or an appointment with somebody:
k /stc1k/ [' 0 : �   be  ] 
A strong pointed stick: The come! She stood me up.    f

 farmers have to tie tomatoes plants to stakes.  by  ) To defend or to suppo
l /stcI/ [adje;"]
Not fresh: Take this bread back are you going to stand up for your rights?
to the store. It's very stale. +n1 /'stndd/ [aie c.] Ordinary, not
Slk US: /sta:k/ UK: /st�:k/ The part of a [ '0  �  anb 1]  This is the standard model of bicycle bu
pant the fowers and eaves grow out of: Cut the have special mountain bikes with extra gea
stalks of those owers or they'll be too long for the n2 /'stnd/ [ c o :�  a       e]  A eve: The
vase.• Th sm : "s" standard of work in this class has gone up.
ll US: /stu:l/ UK: /st�:l/ A sma structure lo   :�  a      e]  ne Class 3!
where you can buy things usuay in the street: I Sng Past tense of .
bought the lamp at a small stall in the market. nk /stk/ Past tense of .
Smn /'ste1.n/ [ c o  �   b  1] 
The part of a fower Spl /'ste1·plr/ [ c o  � a nb 1]  Hand instrume
that produces poen: The stamen is the male re !aching papers with a sma piece of ben
 productive part of a ower. ®See page . The stapler doesnt work.
min /'st.1.n/ [o    � a nb1  ]
The capacity to do +1 /sta:r/ [o   �   anb 1 ] 1 A arge mass in spac
something for a ong time: Robert has got a lot of you see as a point in the sky at night: The
stamina. He's very good at long distance running. yellow star that gives out heat. 2 A fam
+mp1 /stp/    nbe] 
[' 0 :� 
1 A sma pece of coored popuar person: I would like to be a pop st
pape that you put on an enveope: The rst post I grow up.  A shape with ve points:
age stamp was called the Penny Black and was is a sea animal shaped like a star.
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 72

a  /'ti:.spu:n/ [co:�   bn te]

A small spoon for   [0:�    ble] See phn b
putting sugar into drnks and so on: Pass me a   co:�  a  bn te A bo
bteaspoon, please. list of names and telephone numbers:
+ /'tek.m.kl/ [adiec;ve] That requires special ten Simon's number. Pass me the telepho
c knowledge: Books about medicine are dicult to ry, please.• he same meaning: "phone bo
understand because they are full of technical   co:�1e] See
 /'tckmbli/ [adver b] 1 In terms of me-
 /'tcJ-g,skop/ [co:�   bn e] An instr
e chanics, applied sciences: Technically the vehicle
is very complicated. 2 In terms of a specialized
looking at distant objects:  If the skys cle
we'll look at the stars through my telescop
+ /'teJ.g, [noun] 1 A machin
fknowledge or skill: Technically she is a fantastic
dancer. 3 Strictly, according to the regulations: ceives and shows pictures and sound:
Technically speaking you are not bilingual, but... has bought a new television for the kitche
 /tck'm.n/ [co:�  a   bte] A worker with ube" s normal or teevision. ® See
practcal skills, particularly in industry or sc- iing . ®ee pge . 2 A system
hence: Dad sent for a technician to repair the heat. ing out pictures and sound: Did you see
+q /tck'ni:k/ [noun] A special way of dong ball game on television this aernoon?
somehing: Scientists are trying to nd new tech- abbrevaon or elevsion
niques to cure cancer. + told, told /tel/ [ver b] 1 To make s
 /,tekng'Jd31bl/ [aiecH"] Referring
o technology: Technological advances have made
known in words to somebody: Louise h
eryone she's got a new hamster. • Be c
kthe treatment possible. don't say He od ha e had no moey
+ /tck'nJ-g-d3i/ [nou ] The knowledge or He tod me ha he had no money" or 
[application of scientic or industrial ethods:
Computer technology is advancing very rapidly
he ad no money • Compare wit sa
nounce words o sonds bu not drecly
nowadays.• The plura is "technologes. body). • See box at say 2 To give som
m  or   /'tedi,hegr/ [°:�1e] A soft structions: Tell him to wash his hands
oy bear: Jason has had his teddy bear since he was To recognie something: Can you tell w
n a baby.• The plura is "teddies o "teddy beas. is in front? 4 I ld u  Words tha
 [co:�  a  bn le] In golf, the spot from which you rst when you warned somebody that some
0 hit the ball when playing a hole: He put the ball going to happen, and it did: "I've burn
on the tee, looked at the hole and hit the ball. gers on the heater again". "I told you so".
 [ad jec;ve] Of, or suitable for, people in t PHRASAL VERBS •   (b
their teens: They have a teenage son. speak angrily to somebody because of
q [°:�1']
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template /'tem plc1t/ l co: � a  n b  e]  A pattern to be fol- +tnion /'ten.n/ [" n c   a b e ]

he state o
lowed when working with metal or wood, or the tense: The tension was enormous at the e
model for a computer text: The use of a template movie.
allows each item to be made identically. +tnt /tent/ l co:�  a  bt
 ,  e ] A structure made of stro
tmpl /'tem.pf [co:   � a  ; i e]  A buidng where people and poles, that you can seep in: We put
pray: Churches are Christian temples and mosques up under some trees in the eld.
are Muslim temples. tnt /'ten-t-bl/ l co: � a  bt  ,  e ] A long ar
+tmpoy /'tcm·pa,rcr·i/ [adec.] Used or held for suckers possessed by some sea creatures
a short time only: My brother got a temporary job the octopus: Tentacles are used for feeling
as a waiter when he went to Sydney. and feeding.• Be caefu wit e pronc
tmpt /tempt/ [ver b ] To attract somebody to do hs wod! ce is proonced as  nce
something: The boy was tempted to steal the choc tnth /ten/ l   I Referring to ten:
olates from his sister's room. department in this store is on the tenth
tmpttion /temp'te.Jn/ [ n ou n]  Something that a- Tent can aso be written 10t
tracts you: Philip resisted the temptation to take +tm US: /t3:m/ UK: /t3:m/ [ 0 :�   n b  e]  1 One of t
the money out of his brothers money box. of a year at school: The spring term alwa
tmpting /'temp.t/ [adjecve] Attractve: The apple the longest one to me. 2 A period of time
tart was so tempting that we couldn't resist having still remember Carol's term of oce as Pre
a taste of it before our mother came back. the student union. 3 A name or a word wi
tmp US: f'tem.pu.r:/ UK: /tem'pua.ra/   e ]
["'  a b  cial meanng: This engineering book is d
A Japanese dsh made of sh or vegetabes lightly understand because it's full of technical
covered in batter and deep fred: I always order  h lg  In a long period from
tempura when I come to this restaurant. over a long period: My father says that in
+t /ten/ l·   e ] he number 0: o times ve term, it's better to buy a good camera eve
equals ten. quite expensive. S  h h  For
+td /tend/ [ver b ] o be inclined to do something: period from now: My plans in the short ter
Marty tends to catch cold very easily when he plays nd any job and a house to rent. Later I w
outside. nd a good job.
+tedency /'ten.dan.si/ l co:   bt  ,  e ] The way a person tmin /'t3r-ma-na-I/ l co: a  ; 1•]  A place
usually behaves: Sally has a tendency to lose journey begins or ends: Don't get o the
things.• The plural is "tendecies  you get to the terminal.
td /'ten-dar/ [adjecve] 1 Easy to cut and to eat: tm US: /t3:mz/ UK: /t3:mz/ [p turatou] 1
The steak I had at lunch was really tender. 2 Kind, that tell you what you must do: Jackie
loving: My grandfather is a very tender person. 3 wants us to play on her terms. 2 Rela
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ti 374

a mer. 2 With very bad consequences, horrible: gidity and paralysis of the muscles,
They saw a terrible accident on the freeway yester- around the mouth.
b day. +tt1 /tekst/ [nou ] The main part of a boo
ti /tg'n.1k/ [adjec1i.] 1 Very good: We had a ter sage or a newspaper, wih writing but
c ri lunch at my aunt's yesterday. 2 Very great: The pictures: We have to translate this text f
man drove across the junction at a terric speed. ish into English for homework.
tify /'te.g.a1/ [verb] o frighten somebody great-
ly: The children were terried by the big rat. • Be
tt2 /tekst/ [verb] o send a text messag
text me when you get to the airport.
careful with e spelng o hese orms: "teres,
e eried. ttbook /'teks.buk/ ['0:�  b] A book ha
study at school: You'll nd the answe
tifying /'te.a1.1/ [adjective] Frightening: Our
f dog was very nervous last night because of the ter
questions in your textbook.
ttil1 /'tek.starl/ lco:� a  b] Woven cloth
rifying storm. are used for clothing, for drapes and for
titoy /'te-g,t�·i/ /,tou·i/ [nou] 1 The land un- household items.
der the control of a governmen: The United States ttil2 [adjective] Referring to cloth or we
h was British territory until 6 2 An area domi- textile industry is mostly concentrated in
nated by a person or an animal: We crossed into tt /'tcks·tfg/ [noun] he feel or appe
enemy territory under the cover of darkness. • The a surface or a substance: This fabric has
plua is teritoies  ful so texture.
to /'te-g/ [ unc a  be  ] Great fear: The boy ran
J +th /: g/ [ c;, d] A word used w
away from the snake in terror. paring people or things: Kate is much t
toi 'te-g,.gm/ [ nc  ab e] The use of vio-
k me.• Be careful! We say: tale than e
lence and murder to achieve political objectives: say: taler that me) .
l Terrorism is a big problem in many countries. +thk /k/ [verb] 1 o say how gratefu
toit /'te.g.t/ f i A person who uses vi- for something: He thanked Laura for com
 party. 2 ks t Because of: Thanks
m olence and murder to ry to achieve political ob-
jectives: The terrorists announced that they had bn, we managed to collect enough mon
 put a bomb in a garbage can in the main street. new theater.
n ttiy [adjec1ive] Relating to he third stage or lev- Thkgiig /,Hks'rvr/ [  o u ] A pu
el of something: People at university are in tertiary day in the United States and Canada wh
0 education. give thanks for the food that has been g
+tt1 /test/ ['0:�n b] 1 An examination to see if year: In the United States, Thanksgivin
p something works well or is healthy: I'm going to brated on the fourth Thursday in Novem
have a blood test. 2 A short written or practical carefu! aksgvng" as a captal .
q thk yo thnk
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+th /oi:, g/

[ rtic e]  A word that you use about +th1 /ocgr/  a 
 a  [ dver  b] In that place: We're goi
something or somebody that is already known or seaside on Friday and we'll be staying th
has already been mentioned:  There's a book here. Sunday night.
Is it the one you sent for?  A word that you use th2 /egr, gr/  pro
[  no]  Used with the
when there is only one of a ting: Make the earth be", to show tha somebody or somethin
a better place! 3 A word that you use to dene a  There is plenty of cheese in the fridge;
group of people:  The old should try to understand yoursel• In this use, "there can also be u
the younger generation. 4 A word that you use be- modal vebs or te vebs "seem and 
fore dates: My sister is getting married on the third Thee seems o be a problem.  
of May.• Be caefu! We don't use "the" wi parts o Words tha you can say when you offe
the body "My eg urts thing: "There you are!" he said, putting th
tht US /'8i:.g./  ou [ ]  A building in which my hand.
plays are acted: Shall we go to the theater tonight?  +thfo us: /'oer.hr/ UK /'oeg.h:/
Plays in general: I want to study theater when I/eave this reason: It's not easy for Harriet
school.• Te Briish Engsh speng is eate.  friends. We must therefore make an eort w
tht UK /'/  ou [ ] See theater • Ts s a thml /'3r.mgJ/ [ a djec tive] Referring to the
Brtish English spelng. ion, presence or retention of heat:  The
thft /eft/  ou
[ ] The act of stealing, usually with- derwear holds in the heat of the body.
out violence and secretly:  The woman was sent to thmomt us: ;'/ UK /8g'm
 prison for the. [c o �;a  ble] An instrument for measuring t
+thi US /ocr/ UK /oc/  a [ jec tive] Of people or things ture:  The nurse took my temperature with
that have already been named, or belonging to mometer and it was very high.
them:  They've lost their ball. thmop [" c :a  ble] The layer of th
+thi US /ocrz/ UK /ocn/  proou [ ] Belonging to sphere which is directly above the meso
them:  This ball isn't ours. It must be theirs. The thermosphere is the biggest layer in
+thm /oem, gm/  pronou
[ ] A word used for "they", sphere.® S pg 9.
usually when it is the object of a sentence or +th /oi:z/ The plural of this
comes immediately ater a preposition: I saw Sam +thy /oe/  pronon
[ ]  The people or things be
and Louise at the movie theater last night and told ed about: Wash your hands at once! The
them about the party on Saturday. dir.  A person who has already bee
+thm /8i:m/ [c o �;a  n be] A subject that you write or tioned, when the person's sex is not s
talk about:  The main theme of the book is life in the isnt important: If there is a doctor on
Middle Ages. would they please come forward?
thm pk [c o;a  n b1e] A large area with many at- thy'd /oed/ The contraction of "they
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thigh 376

a thigh /8ar/ ['0 :�   n b le] The part of the leg above the

and that one over there is my sister's.
knee: Peter kicked me in the thigh in judo. ® See talk about a period of time, of the pr
bpage 4. cousin's coming to see us this week. •Th
+thin /8m/ [adjective] 1 Not fat: Sheila eats a lot but she "these.
c is very thin. ® See picture at  p f 2 Not thitl /'81s.]/ [  :   1] A plant with sha
thick, ne: The walls were so thin that we could The thistle is the symbol of Scotland.
hear the people in the next room talking. 3 With a thong US /8u:/ UK /8o/ [ co :  a    n b1] 1 A na
dlot of water, when talking of a liquid mixture: I of leather: His sandals are fastened by
A type of open sandal usually made fro
e don't like this soup. It's too thin. • he compaave
or is nne ad the speaive fom s "thin- or rubber: The thong has a strap which

co  b
 a  
tween the toes. •  n Britsh Eglis
+thing /81/ [  :   n ] 1 An object or an idea: Put "p-lop ® See picture at .
those things back in your bedroom, please. 2 piece of underwear or bottom part of
gSomething that you do or think: You mustn't say Some women prefer a thong when they
those things in front of your parents. pants.
+think,   /rk/ [verb] 1 To use tho US /'.ks/ UK /':.ks/
your mind: I can't think if you keep talking to me. 2 part of the body between the neck and
To have an opinion about something: She thinks men: The organs of the thorax are protec
she can swim faster than me. 3 I hink s Words rib-cage.• Te plura is thoaxes or ho
Jthat you say when you agree with something: thon US /8:n/ UK /8:n/ [" :�  a    n b1] A s
"Danny's coming, isn't he?" "Yes, I think so". growing from some plants: Be carefu
kt PHRL VERB   b To consider:
· thorns when you pick the roses; you m
My parents are thinking about buying a second your ngers.
lhand car for my sister.   b (- +thoogh /'83/ /'A-/ [adject  ] Careful

b  ) To have somebody or some- plete: You must give your bedroom a
m hing in your mind: I never think about school cleaning.
when I'm on vacation. +tho us: /z/ UK /z/ The plural o
thid US /fh:d/ UK /fb:d/ [;, J 1 Referring to +thog1 // [co j u nctio n] 1 Although,
n three: My grandparents live on the third oor. • Though he's rich he isn't selsh. 2 as h
"Thd can also be wren 3rd 2 One of three Lisa behaves as though she knows eve
0 equal parts: We kept a third of the apple tart for even hugh See "even though in
Gillian. •
p  a b e
thit US /83:st/ UK /83:st/ ['  l ] The feeling thog2 /g/ [ad verb] However: I quite li
that you want to drink liquid: I have such a thirst though this year we have to work very
q +thogt1
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his threat to harm you. 2 A sign of something dan- t PHRSL VERBS •    
gerous or unpleasant which may be, or is, about To put something in the garbage: Why d
to happen: a threat of rain. 3 A source of danger: throw that clock away. It's broken.   ·

His presence is a threat to our plan. To brng up food through your mouth:
 /'ret.n/ [verb] o warn that you may do  you stop the car? I feel like Im going to
something unpleasant if somebody doesn't do • In this use, e same meanng: "o be s
what you want: He threatened to call the police. vot
 /8ri:/ l ":;·  � e ] The number : A triangle  Past participle of .
has three sides.  tht, tht /8mt/ [veb] To pus
-diil /,ri:.d'en.Jn.1/ [a dj e c tive] body or somehing rmly: He walked al
Having length, depth and height, or appearing to: his hands thrust into his pockets.
You need special glasses to see threedimensional d /Ad/ lc o'1 e ] A sound made by so
movies.• See box at abbreviaions heavy falling: We heard a thud upstairs a
 /8r:/ Past tense of . up immediately to see what was happening
ill1 /8l/ [c o  be 
n   ] A feeling of grea excitement: g /8Ag/ [0 a n be 
  ] Violent person:
It was such a thrill to compete in the nals of the pulled up the roses in the park.
national youth athletics competition. b /8A/ [c o a n b  e 
 ] The shor, thick ng
ill /8l/ [verb] To cause great excitement: en side of your hand: Put your thumbs up w
we were small, my grandpa thrilled us with fantas- are ready.• Be carefl wih he pronncato
tic stories about his adventures at sea. word! Te b is silen® See picture at
ill /'8l·r/ lc o a b "  e 
 ] An exciting novel or mov- bk lc o a   e ] A pin with a round
ie, usually about crime: I like reading thrillers. Get some thumbtacks and put this poster
illig /'8l./ [aje c tive] Exciting: What a thrilling hallway, please.• In Brtis Engis hey sa
movie that was! g p"
 US /8rut/ UK /8rut/ [0 a n b  e   ] 1 The front p /8Ap/ [veb] 1 To hit somebody w
part of the neck: She had a real diamond necklace hand closed: Mom! Peter has just thumpe
around her throat. 2 The part of the body insde the back! 2 To make a regular, heavy so
your neck: Ive got a really sore throat so Ill have heart was thumping as we waited for the
to have a day o school. tell us our results.
 us: /ron/ UK /ron/ [c o a   e ] A specia seat thunder1 /' fAndgr/ [" ' �:  a bl e ] A loud nois
for a king or a queen: The king sat on the throne sky during a storm: Did you hear the thu
during the ceremony. night?
g /r:/ i] 1 From one side of some- d2 /'Andr/ [verb] 1 To produce thu
thing to the other, particularly when there is ob- rained and thundered all day long. 2
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tik 378

a tik1 /k/ [0:�  n bl e]  See '. •This use is Brtish t HRASAL VERBS ·   (b
English.  The sound of a clock or a watch: I could ) p To x somebody or somethin
b hear the tick of Henry's watch from the other side of ain position, using a rope, piece of stri
the classroom.  A small parasite that sucks on: They found the dog tied up to a p
c blood: Ticks can transmit many diseases, so its im- backyard, making a lot of noise. • Be ca
 portant to remove then completely. e speg o this om: "tying.
tik2 /k/ [verb]  To make a mark showing that tig /'m·g�r/ [co:�   a  i e] A wild animal w
something is correct: My teacher spent her whole fur and black stripes: The tiger is the lar
ticking the exercises.  To make a small reg- big cats. ® ee pe .
e break
ularly repeated sound: I love hearing the old clock +tight /ai/ [adjectve]  Fimly pulled toge
f ticking when I go to sleep in my grans house.
+tikt /'k/ co:� '  ]1 A small piece of card or pa-
knot in these shoelaces is so tight that
it.  Closely tting: This shoe is a bit to
per showing that something has been paid for: me; I think that I should take the next size
g Let's go and get tickets for "Washington Redskins" tight /'aPn/ [verb] To make someth
this evening. Can you help me tighten this screw, pleas
tikt of [0:�  a  1e] A small ofce where you til /ail/ [co:�  n bl e] A flat piece of clay use
buy tickets: There was a long line at the ticket o roofs, foors or walls: My mom has put s
e when we got there. Spanish tiles on our bathroom walls. ®
tikl /'kf [veb] To irritate a part of somebody's re at b.
J body lightly: Stop tickling me! You're making me
+till1 /l/ [con juco] Up to when: I waited til
struck ten and then I went home.
tid /ad/ [0:�  a , bl e]  The movement that the sea
k till2 /l/ [peposto] Up to a particular time:
makes twice a day: I like walking along the beach vacation till the weekend and then we
l when the tide is low.  hh e The time when
the sea has reached its highest point up the sand:
tilt /il/ [ver ] To lean to one side: Frances
I At high tide the sea comes up almost as far as those the table and it tilted and all the books
houses.  ow e he time when he sea has +tim1 /ai/ [o]  An amount of minu
gone away from the sand: ets cross the bay at years and so on, or their passing:
n low tide.  for a really long time. The concert laste
tidigs /'adDz/ [p1ur a1ou n ] News and information:  A certain point in the day:  What
Q The ship brought glad tidings to the people on the An occasion: Do you remember the tim
island.• Ths word s now od-fasoed. shing on the lake and fell in the water
+tidy /'aid/ [ajectve]  In good order, neat: at a rience: Didnt we have a lovely time th
nice tidy room this is.  Keeping things in good or- went to Bangor? 5 A particular period
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ren has learnt to tell the time at school this week. +ti1  /tar/ ['0:� n b l e ] A thick piece of rubber
•See box below. on a wheel: If you live in Colorado you ne
ti2  /tim/ [verb] To measure how much tme it snow tires for your car in the winter. •Th
takes to do someting: We timed how long it took Englsh spelig s "tyre® S  44.
us to run round the track. +ti2
 /ta/ [verb] To make somebody or so
tiin  /'t1m.l / [' ° :�a  1e ] A chronological ac-
tired: Working on the computer for a long t
count of events that have happened, or a sched- my eyes.
ule of planned events, oten in diagram form: The +tid
US:  /trd/ UK:  /t1gd/ [adiect,] 1 Needin

timeline shows the key events in the history of that I'm tired. I want to go to bed. 2  
 period. (h)
To have had too much of so
ti  /tiz/ [preposto n] Multiplied by: Three times you don't like: I'm tired of the way you a
three is nine. nore me when I see you in the playground
+titbl  /'t1m,te1.h/ '°    :�a b 
 n l e ] A ist of times:  
To be very ired: I'm tired out
There's a bus timetable over there! those tests. I could do with a vacation!•
tiid  /'t.1d/ [ajectve] Easily frightened, shy: Jen with the pouncato of his word he 
nys very timid. She doesnt like speaking in public. prononced
tipni [1 ura1 ou ] A set of kettledrums:  My cousin +tiing
 /'tgr·/ [adjectve] Making somebody
 plays the timpani in the municipal band. ® S
nd trying to speak Chinese extremely tirin
 45. tissue  /'t1J.u:, 'tis.ju: / I [ "'  �  ab l e ] 1 One of 
+ti  /t / [  nou n] 1 A sot metal:  My dad had some toy of substance of which the organs of the b
soldiers made of tin when he was a little boy. 2 See made: nervous tissues; muscle tissue. I
• his use s Btsh ngsh tin piece of sot paper: Get me some tissu
+tiny  /'t1.n/ [adiect,] Very small: What tiny shoes. you go to the store, please. I think I'm
They must be for a new baby. • he compaaive cold.
fo s tner ad the superlatve orm is iies" .  /'taqg.J/ ' ° :�a b 
+titl   l e ] 1 The name of som
+tip1  /tip/ [ co :�a b 
  l e ] 1 The pointed or thinner end of at is the title of this movie? 2 A word t
something: Ive hurt my nger tips playing the gui- in front of somebodys name: "Mrs." "Dr.
tar for too long. 2 A small amount of money that and "Duchess" are examples of titles.
you give for example to a waiter:  My mom le a tip +to
US:  /tg !g tu/ UK:  /tu: t tu tg/ [preposto

 for the waiter because he had been so helpful. 3 A direction of:  Montana is to the north
piece of advice:  Let me give you a tip about playing States. 2 A word that shows why you d
tennis against Laura. Send the balls to her le side. ting:  Mary came to see you the other day
tip  /tip/ [ve  b] To make something lean at an angle:
She tipped her school hat to one side so that it
: 
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tod 80

a weren't in. 3 A word that you use to compare tok /'tou·bn/ [ °�   n  b  le ]  A sign of some
things: I prefer Geography to Math. 4 As far as: Go gave Mrs. Harris a present at the end of
b to the junction, tum le and follow the signs for  year as a token of our gratitude. 2 A pie
Helsley. 5 Until: This store is open fro eight in tic, metal and so on that you can use
c the orning to nine at night. 6 A word that ind- money: The children have their own st
cates the number of minutes before the hour: It's they buy things with tokens instead of
d ten to eight. Pete is late. 7 The word that goes be-
fore a verb to indicate the innitive: "To be or not
told US: /tould/ UK: /tguJd/ Past tense and
ciple forms of t
to be, that is the question".
e tod tolt /'gnt/ [adjective] Allowing or
  a   b  e 
US: /toud/ UK: /tgud/  °:   l ] An anima like a somehing that you don't agree with o

f bg frog: Toads have rough skins.

tost1 /tgust/ [u " b 1' ] A thin piece of bread that
with an open mind: My parents are very
tolerate US: /'t/ UK: /'tol.r.et/
has been heated until it is brown: I always have or to accept something that you dont a
g toast for breakfast.• Be carefl with he pronuncia- or dont like: How can you tolerate that n
i on of ths word It rymes with "ost". +tomto /tg'mcqou/, /-'ma-/  [n ou] A red
tost2 /tgust/ [verb] To hold up your glass and drink you ofen eat in salads: The toatoe
to somebody or something: At the end of the din- grandpa's garden are absolutely delicio
ner, they all toasted the newly arried couple. pral is tomaoes.® See pge .
tost US: /'/ UK: /'tgu.stg/  °:     b l e ] A ma- tomb /t:m/ [ 0:     b 1' ] A stone object whe
J chine tha toasts bread: My dad's bought a new
toaster that not only toasts the bread but keeps it
body is buried: We went to see the to
Presley when we went to Mephis.• Be c
k war, too! e ponnciation of is wod!
tobo /tg'k·ou/ [ °�  a   n  b l e ] Dried leaves of a par- +tomoow /tg'mr·ou/, /-'1r-/ [     
e  d 
l icular plan that people smoke: Tobacco was ter today: I' so glad that it's Saturday to
brought to Europe fro Aerica in the sixteenth +to /tAn/ [ 0:      l e ] A very large unit of wei
are 9 kilos in a ton. • I Brtis Eg
I century.
+tody /tg'de/ [adveb]  This day: Weve got a hockey equals , klogas
gae against Stoke Park Girls School today. 2 At +to US: /toun/ UK: The qu
/tgun/ [ou]
n present: Today, ost people believe in equal rights sound: Marie sings beautifully. Her vo
 for en and woen. lovely tone.• Copae w "pitc" (how h
Q +toe US: /tou/ UK: /tgu/ [' °:� a  "  b  le ] One of the ve parts at a sond is on a muscal scae)
the end of your feet: I broke y big toe skating last togs /tiz/  [p1u a 1 n ou n ] An instrument use
p year. • Copare wt ger" (a the ed o yo ing up objects: My o always uses kitc
ads) to turn the food while it is cooking.® See
q toi [    ; 1'  +togu [    1' 
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+tool [' 0�n b  le ] An object that you use to do a to us: /t3:r/ UK /t3:'/ Past tense of  tear
particular job: My mom likes doing jobs around the ton US /t8:rn/ UK /t3:n/ Past pariciple of
house so we gave her a new box of tools for her tondo US /tJ:r/ UK /tJ:ne1.dg/
birthday.  violen wind that goes round and rou
+toot /tu:/ [ � 1 · ] 1 One of the hard parts in your winds inside a tornado can reach speeds
mouth: I'm going to have one of my back teeth tak- 0 miles per hour.• Be careful with e pr
en out tomorrow. 2 ooh dcy The process of go- o o his wod! "ad rymes with ad
ing bad of a tooth: Eating too many candies can same eanig: wise.
cause tooth decay.• he plual s ee. tont /trgnt/ [' 0� a b  n  le ] 1 A very stro
toot /tu:.e1k/ ["' :  ab l e ] A pain in one or stream of rain: The heavy rain produced
more of your teeth: I slept very badly last night. I which caused a lot of damage in the town.
had an awful toothache. big sudden amount of something: a torr
tootb tu:.hrA / ['°�  a b  n  le ] A smal brush suts.
that you use for brushing your teeth: I gave my totoi US / UK /b:.tgs/ [co� a b  
dad an electric toothbrush for his birthday. ® See with a very hard shell on its back that liv
pictures at brush and bathrm sea or on land: The tortoises of the Galap
tootpt /tu:.pc1st/ [ nc  : b l e ] A substance that lands can live for over 0  years.• Te sam
you use for brushing your teeth: You don't need a ng: trtle. In Briish Eglis ortoise s
lot of toothpaste to brush your teeth, just a little bit. ee o ths epile a ves on ad, wher
® See picure at bathrm. e s used to refer o is repte at lve
tootpik /tu:.p1k/ ['°�  a , b  le ] A small, thin piece of sea.
wood used to remove pieces of food caught be- tot1 [ no n] Making somebody feel gre
tween the teeth: Can you give me a toothpick? Torture should be prohibited in all countrie
+top1 /top/ [' °�  a n b l e ] 1 The highest part of something: tot2 /b:tfgr/ [verb ] To make someb
We sat at the top of the hill and looked down on the great pain o get nformation or just to b
sea. 2 he cover of something: I like the picture on In the movie, the gangsters tortured the her
the top of this chocolate box. 3 A piece of clothing didn't betray his friends.
that you wear on the top part of your body: I to /ts/ [verb] 1 o throw somethng quic
bought a new top for tomorrow's par. Do you like tossed the orange peel into the trash ca
it? 4 on op On the highest part of something: throw a coin into the ar: Let's toss a co
Here's the cake. Let's put a cher on top. 5 on op cide who has to go and buy the drinks.
of On something or over it: Look at the clouds on quickly up and down: The donkey tossed
top of the mountain. I think were going to have rain. when we tried to stroke it. • Be cae
top2 /tp/ [adje c ive ] Highest: This book goes on the top spelng o e 3rd peso siglar pese
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tradeark /trc1d,mork/ ['0:� n b t e]   mark on a prod- tragic /trd3.1k/ [ade.] Very sad, relating
uct that shows who made it: This trademark is edy: There was a tragic accident on the ca
taken from the name of the man who founded the aernoon. Three people drowned.
company. trail1 /trel/ [c o�  a ,  bt e]  1  path in te country
traditio /td1.'n/ [noun]  custom that has exist- along that trail and you'll soon come to the r
ed for a long time: In United States, it is a tradition line of marks that shows where somebody
 for many people to listen to the President's speech thing has been: We followed the trail of
on Independence Day. and soon found where the children had hidd
traditioal /trgd1.'n.>l -d1J.n'l/ [adje c ive] Referring trail2 /trel/ [ver b] To pull something along
to tradition: I love traditional Spanish food. you: That little boy is always trailing an
trac /trf.1k/ [  c bt e ] Vehicles on a road: There's doll behind him.
always a lot of trac at this time of the morning. trailer /tre1gr/ lc o�; a   bt e]  1  vehicle w
trac circle ['0�  a   bt e ]  place where roads meet wheels that is pulled by a car or by anoth
and cars move in a circle: Go to the trac circle cle: We couldn't get all our luggage into t
and take the second exit. • In Britsh Eglis ey so we had to take the trailer with us. 2 
say "roundabou".® See picture at street.  lm that s used as publicity for a lm
about to be released: We saw the trailer for
TRAFFIC CIRCLE Spielberg lm when we went to the movie
day. • Be caefu wit he ponciaion
trai1 /trc/ [c o:�;   a bt e ] Cars pulled by an
along a railway: My aunt and uncle wen
way to Ottawa by train when they were
® See picture at transport.
trai2 /tre/ [ve b] 1 To teach a person or an
how to do something: Iris trains dogs for t
2 To prepare yourself for a competitio
something difcult: Maggie was determin
trac ja lc o:�; a   b1  ] See gridlock. well in the school athletics tournament
trac light lc o:�  1 e ] See stoplight. •Ts word s trained very hard.
Britsh glis. •his word is more common i te traier /trc1ngr/ [c o�;   a bt e ] 1  person wh
pual. sportsmen and sportswomen: Tim's the tr
trac policea lc o� a   b1]  man who makes our local baseball team. • e sae
sure tat cars are correctly parked: The trac po- coac. 2  person who trains animals:
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tnfom 84

a has been transferred to the Dallas branch of her +tnpnt /trn'spr·ant/, /-'spear-/
bank, so we're moving there next month.• Be care- you can see through: Glass is used to p
b ful with the spelling o these orms: "ransered,
tures because it is strong and transpare
pare with opaqe" (tha yo cano see 
c tnfom /tns'hrm/ [,rb] o change dramati- tnplnt1 /'trnspl:nt/ lc o:�'1] The ac
cally: en he performs he is transformed into an moving an organ from one person and
d other person. • We say o trasfor int soe-
into another person, or the new organ t
person receives: He had a heart transpl
e tnfion /trns'fju:.3/ [0:�   b" e] A medical treat- ion.• Copare wh mplat' (soein
ment in which blood s transferred from one per- iseed into a part o the body).
tnplnt2 /'trnspl:nt/ [verb] 1 o
f son to another: The blood transfusion saved his life.
tnition /trn'zJan/ [noun] he change from one plant and plant it at another place:
type or condition to another, or the process when explained us that in order to transplant s
g this happens: The supremacy of the Caucasian in ly we need to take the plant's roots as
nited States is having a transition to a multiracial move an organ or tissue from one perso
h society. • We say ansio m somehing int to put it into anoher person: The surg
someing.  plants and the patient then needs to
+tnlt /trns'let trnz-/ [verb] To put something transplanted organ. •Copae w "
which is in one language into another language: inse ino the body).
J He asked me to translate the letter into Spanish. +tnpot1 'trnsp�:t/ [  be]  A way
+tnltio /trns'lc1.J"n trnz-/ [ou] Saying or peope from one pace to another: My
k writing something in a differen language: Ive good car but he goes to work by public tr
got a Latin translation to do for tomorrow's class. eas f asp See "means of tra
[ 0  b e
tnlto /trns'lcqar/, /'trns·lc·!ar/ [ :�  n ] the word means.
Person who translates: Sarah wants to be a trans-  tnpot2 /'trnsp:t/ [verb] To take
lator so she is studying languages at university. things from one place to another: The h
tnlnt /trnz'lu:sant/ [adjec tve] Semi-transpar- transported to the show in horse trailers.
ent: Fine bone china is almost translucent. tnpottion /trns·ar'te.Jan/
n tnmiion /trnz'man/ [non]  he condition act of taking people or things from on
of being ransmitted: The transmission of comput-  another: The transportation of goods by
0 er data oen occurs nowadays via wi-. 2 A radio many advantages.
or TV broadcast or he process of transmtting it: +tp /trp/ I lc o:�  a  b e]  An object that
p The transmission of t he game was interrupted by a catch animals with: We put mouse traps
newsash. 3 The passing of something from one kitchen oor but we didnt manage to ca
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bs tk 

otobik 
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Words for Learners of English 
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Clear, comprehensive, and easy to use, McGraw-Hill

Education: Essential ESL Dictionary for Learners of The Mother Flight Behavior What Every BODY
English was developed to meet the needs of ESL Tongue: English is Saying: An Ex-
students like you. Inside you will find
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h 86

a h /trf/ [c �: ab te ] 1 Things or material that you  /tri:.z'n/ [c �:  b te ]
A crime th
don't need and that you throw away: Please, put your country: By giving the secret papers
b the trash out. • The same eaning: "garbage 2 emy, the spy committed treason.
 t
Foolish or silly things: Don't talk trash! Think be  / [" c �: ab e ] Gold, silver
c  fore you speak. • In Bitish Englsh hey say "ub-  valuable objects: The pirates found the t
bish". a cave on the beach.
d h  [c o' 1 ] A container for garbage: Put +1 /tri:t/ [c o'  ] Something special
out the trash cans, the garbage truck comes by to- give to somebody or arrange for some
day.• n Brtish glish hey say "dstbn mom and dad took me to Disneyland as
e my birthday.

f TRASH CAN 2 /tri:t/ [veb] 1 To behave towards

or something in a particular way:
treat their pets very badly. 2 To try to m
g person well again: Aer the accident she
ed for shock.• n hs use we say: "o 
h body) for (somethig) 3 To give someb
thing special: Come on! I'll treat you
+ /tri:t.mgnt/ [no] 1 The way

J 1 /trvg/ ["nc �: ab te ] The idea of going from behave towards somebody or something
get the best treatment in this hotel! 2
k one place to another: I'm really interested in travel that a doctor does or orders to make a si
and I oen read books about it. • Be carel! This better: You must follow the treatment
l word s o sed to tak abo specc occasos. has given you.
/tri-!i/ lc o a b ,  e ] An agreement be
(We say: How was yo joney back rom Paris? y
We do' say: How was you rave bac rom Par countries: Countries oen have comme
m s?) ties.• The plural s teaes"
n +2 /t£vg/ [b] o go from one place to an- bl lf lc o a bn ] A musical sign o
other: My grandfather traveled all around the which indicates the pitch of written n
world when he was in the Na. • The Bish Eng treble clef is placed on the second line of
0 lsh spelng is raveled and "tavelng" ® See page 40.
l gy [0  bn ] A company that organiz- + /tri:/ lc o a b ,  te ]
1 A large plant with
p es trips and vacations for people: Have you seen trunk, branches and leaves: We have
the oers for cheap ights to New York in the travel trees and one pear tree in our back yard
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Essential ESL Dictionary 9,000

Words for Learners of English 
Uploaded by dphvu

Clear, comprehensive, and easy to use, McGraw-Hill

Education: Essential ESL Dictionary for Learners of The Mother Flight Behavior What Every BODY
English was developed to meet the needs of ESL Tongue: English is Saying: An Ex-
students like you. Inside you will find
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which establishes if a person is guilty: The trial tigg /'tng·ar/ ['0�  n b1] A small lever o
lasted for weeks and the suspects were declared that makes it re: The farmer aimed the g
guilty of murder. 2 A period of time when some- rabbit and pulled the trigger.
thing or somebody is tested: We've got our new tillion 'tnl.ja/ [ou]
One million million
car on trial for a month. ures, one trillion is written ,000,000,00
triangle /'tra1.D.g]/ ['°:�  a n b1] 1 A flat shape with Compare with "blon (a ousand mlion).
three sdes and three angles: How can you ca/cu +tip1 /tnp/ ['°�  a "ble]
A journey also involvin
late the angles in a triangle?® S  45- 2 A tiviy like business, shopping, sightseein
musical instrument which consists of a thin met- on: We went on a school trip to Paris last w
al bar in the shape of a triangle: One of the angles •Compae wih jourey (e act of gog
of the triangle is le open.® S  459 pace to anothe)
ting /tr1'Dgjalar/ [adjective]
Having the form tip2 /tnp/ [verb]
To hit your foot agains so
of a riangle: Kites usually have a triangular and fall: I tripped on the step and fell and
shape. knee.
tib /trmb/ ['°�  ble]
A group of people who live to- t PHRASAL VERBS   (

gether and who have the same customs and Ian- make somebody fall or nearly fall: Ken tri
guage: There are still tribes living in the Amazon. up when I was just about to score a goal.
tibty /'tnb-ja,ter-i/ ['0�   na b1e]
A small river that  wih e speling o tese oms: trippe
joins a larger one: The Amazon is the largest river ping
in the world and takes in many tributaries. • The timph /'tr1.af/ co:  a 1e]
A great succ
pal is triuaries. school football team celebrated their trium
tibt /'tnh.ju:t/ [o]
Something that is done to league by having a big party.
show respect for somebody: There is a large black timphnt /trm'A.fat/ Very [ajective]
monument in Washington that was built as a trib- about a great success: Robbie was tri
ute to those who died in the Vetnam war. when he won the art competition.
tip /'tr1.seps/ ['0�   na ble]
The large muscle at the tod US /tr:d/ UK /trd/ Past tense of 
back of the upper arm: The triceps has three toddn us: /'tr:.d/ UK /'trd./ Past p
 points of attachment.• e pural is aso "ceps" of .
®S  4. toly US /'tr UK /'trl.i/ [co�   na b1]
+ti<1 /tnk/ '°: ;a e]
1 A clever plan to deceive Tis wod is Bris Engis
somebody: Dont believe him! Its a trick! 2 Some- tombon US /tr:'bo/ UK /tr'ba/
thing clever that you do to amuse people: Richard large musical instrument with a slidin
is a clown in his spare time and he does some won- Sam is learning to play the trombone
derful card tricks. 3    k  - ® S  459.
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Essential ESL Dictionary 9,000

Words for Learners of English 
Uploaded by dphvu

Clear, comprehensive, and easy to use, McGraw-Hill

Education: Essential ESL Dictionary for Learners of The Mother Flight Behavior What Every BODY
English was developed to meet the needs of ESL Tongue: English is Saying: An Ex-
students like you. Inside you will find
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tobl 88

a +tobl1 /'trAbl/ [no  un ]  Problems and difculties: transporting things when you travel: Ha
My aunt and uncle have had a lot of trouble nding arrived yet? 3 The long nose of an elep
b a school for my cousin. 2 Conflict or violence:
There is sometimes trouble in this area on Satur-
 phants use their trunks for breathing,
sucking up water. 4 The back part of a c
c days because of the soccer game. 3 An illness: My help me take my luggage out of the trunk.
grandfather has got heart trouble. 4    n Britis glis we say boot.® S 
d bl To do something that brings problems:
Joseph has got into trouble with the police for TRUNK
drinking and shouting on the town square.
e tobl2 /'trAhl/ [ver b ] To worry somebody or cause

f somebody problems:  I'm sorry to trouble you but

can you tell me where the hospital is, please?
tobld /'trAh.Jd/ [adje1;ve] Worried because of
problems:  I'm a bit troubled about the situation
with Matthew. He doesn't talk to me.
+to /'trau-zgrz/ [p trtco] See pants• Be care-
fl with he ponuciato of is word!• Tis word
is Bris Eglsh.• We we alk abot wo or more
"roses, we use the wod "pais": I bog ree
J pais of touses"
tot /trut/ [o  u ] A large, spotted sh that lives in
k rivers: We went for a meal in a restaurant the other
day and I had trout. • he plura s aso "trot".
l® S  0.
tt /'tr:.gnt/  ly  To stay away from
m school without permisson: How many times have
 you played truant this term, Jimmy?
t /tr:s/ [o�  a  bt e ] An agreement between ene-
n mes to stop ghting for a certain time: The
armies of both countries decided to call a truce.
Q +tk /trAk/ [o�  a nbt   e ] 1 A big vehicle for carrying
heavy things: There are a lot of trucks on the roads
p at this time of year. • I Bitsh Engis ey say o-
ry"® See picture a transport 2 See freight car
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Essential ESL Dictionary 9,000

Words for Learners of English 
Uploaded by dphvu

Clear, comprehensive, and easy to use, McGraw-Hill

Education: Essential ESL Dictionary for Learners of The Mother Flight Behavior What Every BODY
English was developed to meet the needs of ESL Tongue: English is Saying: An Ex-
students like you. Inside you will find
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+ty1 /trm/ lco:z�nbe] An attempt:  I've never been sail- tlip /'tu·hp/ lco:z�nbe] A spring fower shap
ing, but I'd love to have a try. champagne glass: Holland is famous for i
ty2 /tra/ [ve r b] 1  To attempt to do something:  I tried • Be careful with e ponncaion o 
to open the door but I couldn't. 2  To test some- ®S  -
thing to see if you like it: Would you like to try one tmbl /'tAl/ [ve r b]  To fall suddenly:
of these candies? 3  To ask somebody questions in over the carpet and tumbled down the stair
court: The prisoner was tried and found guilty. 4  tmmy /'tA.i/ lco:za,be] Stomach:  I've got
  ()  To attemp to do something: Try and tummy ache aer eating all those chocolate
get the little ball into the hole. wod is foma.•he pual is "ummies"
t PHRASAL VERBS·      To put tmo lco:za;ie] A mass of dead cells that g
a piece of clothing on to see if you like it: "Where or in the body: They operated on him for
can I try these jeans on?" "In the changing rooms tumor. • Be caeul wi the prouciatio
over there".• Be caref w e spelng of hese word.
foms: es, ied. tn /'tu·n�/ [ou] A large sh that lives in
T-hit /'tiJ3rt/ ['0:z�nbe] An article of clothing My mom makes a delicious tuna salad.•
made of cotton lke a shirt with no collar:  I've got wh the poncaion of this word! ® S
a new Tshirt with my name on the back. • his 0
wod is aso we "ee-shi". ® See picture at +tn1 /tju:n/ ['0:z�   bte] A series of musical n
 ranged in a pleasant way: Can you reme
T-q ['0:zanbte] A ruler like the letter "T" form tune of that song we learnt at school the ot
drawing perpendicular lines and right angles:  I •Be careful with he pronuciaton o is w
need a Tsquare for my drawing class. tn2 /tju:n/ [ve r b]  To make a musical ins
tnmi /tsu:'n:.i/ lc o:z  a �  n be ] A ver y big wave, usu- sound correct: The orchestra tuned thei
ally caused by an undersea earthquake: A tsuna ments before they began to play.• Be ca
mi devastated the coastal areas of many southeast e ponciaio of s wod.
Asian countries a few years ago. +tnnl /'tAn.1/ 1co:z�  n ble  A long passage
tb /tA/ ['0:zanbte] 1 A round container:  I'm going to ground or water: The Holland Tunnel in N
have a tub of ice cream. Do you want one? 2 See was the rst underwater tunnel designed
 mobiles. ®S  
tb /'tju:�/ ['0:Z;1e] A musical insrument which tbn /'t3r·�n/ lco:zanb1] A covering for
conssts of a long, curved metal bent tube: The head: A turban is made from a very long
tuba produces low notes. ®S   cloth.
+tb US: /tu:/ UK: /tju:/ lco:za;e] 1 A pipe made of tbi /'t3:a/ lco:zanbe] A turning engin
metal, plastic and so on: When you donate blood, by wind, water or steam: Turbines are o
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Essential ESL Dictionary 9,000

Words for Learners of English 
Uploaded by dphvu

Clear, comprehensive, and easy to use, McGraw-Hill

Education: Essential ESL Dictionary for Learners of The Mother Flight Behavior What Every BODY
English was developed to meet the needs of ESL Tongue: English is Saying: An Ex-
students like you. Inside you will find
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ting 390

a as if he was going to be sick. 5  u h pg To bies nd their way back to the sea.
move to the next page: Please, turn the page and eanig: "tortose. In British Eglish
b read the rst paragraph. used to efe o ths repe that lives 
t PHRSL VERBS ·   d 1 To face whereas toroise" s used to reer to hs r
c the opposite direction:  Turn around and look at lves o lad®  pg 4
me! 2 To make an unsuccessful business su- tk /tAsk/ ["�  a  n  b 1 • ] A long toot tat grow
d cessful again: Our transformation plan helped
turn around the company.• The same eaig: to
te mout of some animals: Elephants
tusks which are in fact their teeth.
e un roud"·    To stop and return in tt [0�   b  '] A short stif skirt that te fe
the drecton you came from:  They turned back let dancers wear: My mom bought me a

f when they saw that it was impossible to continue.

·   (d) d To reject somebody
for my ballet class.
+TV /,ti:'vi:/ [ou] See .• Be care
for a job or oter thng:  They turned my sister aways write i capial eters.• See box
g down for the job.    () d 1 viaions.
To refuse someting: Gina turned down our oer tt1 /twi:t/ [0�   b  ']  A single sound
h of help. 2 To lower the volume:  Turn that music young or small bird: A bird makes the s
down. I can't concentrate. ·    (- tweet.  A contribution to Twitter: Ste
) To become diferent: Water turns into ice tweets are followed by millions of people.
when it freezes.·   ()  To stop tt2 [vrb]  To make te sounds youn
J something functoning: Let's turn the television
o I'm fed up of watching it.·    (-
birds make:  This morning when I woke
the birds tweeting.  To contribute to Tw
k  d) To atack or criticize somebody unexpect- have to tweet frequently if you want peo
edly: Aer a year of friendship Kathy turned on low you on itter.
l her best friend aer the eld trip. ·   (- t /'twi·z�rz/ [p  ra  o n ] A small p
)  To start something functioning: Let's cers:  Tweezers are used for handling sma
m turn on the radio and listen to the eight o'clock tlfth /twelB/ l:ci.J Referring to tw
news.     1 To end in a particular way: cember is the twelh and last month of t
 The concert didnt start well, but it turned out well welth can also be writen 12h
n in the end. 2 It turns out that . . . •   (- +t /twelv/ [;·  r ] Te number
)  To move someting so hat te other are twelve months in the year.
0 side is facing up:  The child turned the pages over ttith /'twcn·ti-18/ l:j,J Referring
slowly looking at the pictures.    d It's my sister's twentieth birthday today.
p See   d·    1 To appear, to eth can also be wrie 20h
arrive:  Tammy turned up late as usual; Who tty /'twen-ti/ l n ;  r ] Te number
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tit /ws�/ [co� 

 a  nbl  e] A v d h typit /op,m·!�/ [co�n be] A ch
g d d d The village was destroyed y an electronic typewriter.
by a twister.•The same meanig: "tornado +typicl /pkl/  [a djective] Shg h q
+to /u/ [":;·.0] Th b 2: Ive got two sis-  c g In United States it is t
ters and a brother. eat turkey on Thanksgiving.
to-y /uw/  [a djecie] Gg   dc- typit /aps/ [co�  a  nbl  e] A  h y
 This is a twoway street. cousin works as a typist for a publishing co
+typ1 /ap/ ['   ble] A   d f g It's tynt /m·n/ [n ble] A vy c 
a horror movie and I don't like that type of movie. cy Many of the Roman Emperors
typ2 /ap/ [erb] T  g  ch We are rants.
learning to type at school. • Be careful wi he +ty UK: /a�/ [co�  a   be] S tire'. •Ths is
spelng of tis orm typng". Eglsh spelng
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U /ju:/ The twenty-rst letter of the alph

word "uniform" begins with a "u".
UFO /,ju-ef'o/ ['°� n ble]
A strange object s
sky: My uncle said he saw a UFO on the
 from the pub last week. • Be careful! "U
ways wrien  capta leers. UFO s an
o or dened lying Object.•See
+ugly /'Ag.Ii/

Not pretty, unpleasa
at: What an ugly face you've got when you
•The comparative orm is ugle and t
ve orm is "uges.
UK Used to refer to the country of Gre
and Northern Ireland: She lives in the UK
a abbreviatio fo "Uied Kingdom.
U Ina /' [�  a  ,b  te]
The thinnest and l
the two bones in the forearm between
and the hand: The ulna is on the side op
thumb.• The plura is uae o as.
ge .
utrasod /'Altrasnd/ 1 Ban [":  able]
cial sound with a frequency above the u
of human hearing: Ultrasound is used t
unborn babies and to test objects for de
scan to examine a baby still inside it
She had an ultrasound at the hospital.
utravioet /,Altra'valat/ Referr [adecH]
spectrum of light beyond that which p
see: Ultraviolet light is found in sunlight
main cause of sunburn and skin cancer.
umbiica cord /Am'b1lkl,:d/ ['°� n 
tube that is the conectio between the
its mother: The umbilical cord is cut wh
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X1 /cks/ T wy-u l   

T   g   
X2 /eks/ A w bbv  xio
mas /'knstm�s/ A w bbv 
·ray1 /'eksre/ ['0� ;  nb  •J 1 A   
p ug ld g:   
 2 A p   d  
bdy: S    k   g

-ray2 [vb] T   p   d
 bdy w  X-y : S
k  [" nc bt
xylem /'za.fm/  : ] A u  pl
 u d w   
 p   pl: T   
      
Cop wih pho (h u  p
 ood fo h  o h  of 
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y /wm/ The twenty-th letter of the alph

name "Yvonne" begins with a "Y".
yacht US /ja:t/ UK /jot/ [co�   n b t e ] A sai
When Im a millionaire, the rst thing Il
a yacht • Be careful with e pronuncat
wod. It ymes with "no® See pictur
yachting US /'j:.n/ UK /'jot.nl [u
sport that you do when you sail a ya

 yachting on the lake in the summer.
with the pronnciaion of the beginnng of
I rhymes w no
+yard US: /ju:rd/ UK: /ju:d/ ['°�  a  t e ] 1 A unit
There are around three feet in a yard.
vaion yd is only used in witten langu
open space surrounded by wals or build
house has the biggest yard in our neighbo
+yawn us: /ja:/ UK f:/ [verb] To open an
your mouth because you are tired or b
movie was so boring that I couldn't stop y

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Yeast is used in the fermenting process of alcoholic +yong1 /jA/ [adjeci"] Not old: My dog is
drinks. young, he's only nine months old.
y /jel/ [veb] To shout: When I saw them pushing +yong2 /jAu/ [pturatnoun] The babies of an an
the old man, I yelled at them to stop. our safari we saw a lioness with her young.
+ylo /'jel-o/ [;:,�J The color of the sun: Most +yo /j�:·/, /j�:·/ [ajecive] Of you; belonging
canaries are yellow. Can I borrow your dictionary?
yoih [adjecive] Referring to a color, that is ap- yo' /j:/ Te contraction of "you are"
proximately yellow, or that has a yellow element +yo US /jrz/ UK /j�:z/ [pronon] Belongng
to it: That bird has a yellowish chest. Is this dictionary yours?
+y /jes/ [adverb] A word used to give armative an- +yolf /j�:'self/ [prono]  A wod that
swers: "Do you live near here?" "Yes I do". • "Yeah "you" when you are the subject of a s
is normal for yes. Have you hurt yourself? 2 A word that un
+ytdy /'jes-tgr-di/, /de1/ [ n] The day be- that you are the person the verb refers to
fore today: I did ve hours of homework yesterday. do all the work yourself? 3 by yusef
+yt1 /jct/ [admb] Before now: Have you seen the Lak- Would you like to live by yourself?  Witho
ers yet?• See boxes at alad ad a til. You'll have to do the laundry by yoursel
yet2 /jct/ [conjuctio] But: I didn't get v er y good grades ral s yoselves"
 yet I can't complain. I didn't work very hard. +yoth /j:/ [on]  The period of a pers
yt gi [adverb] Once more: Chicago Bulls has when hey are young: In her youth, she tra
won yet again. over South America. 2 A young person, u
yild [veb]  To give up: He yielded all his posses young man: He spends a lot of time in the c
sions to the state. 2 To let somebody go before other local youths. • I his se yot"
you: At last the door yielded. presses a egative opio 3 Young people
yoght or yogt us: /'jo.at/ UK /'j.gt/ think today's youth is very dierent from
[ou ] Food made from milk with baceria added to other times? 4 yuth cub A place wher
it: We always have yoghurt for dessert at school. • people meet: We have two pool tables at o
Be careful wih te ponnciaon of tis word.  youth club. S yth hste A place wher
yok US /jok/ UK /jgk/ lco a 1'] The yellow part of people can say for a few nights: We spen
an egg: You need to separate the yolk from the cation hitchhiking in Arizona and staying
white. hostels.
+yo /j: jg j/ [prono] When somebody speaks, the yo' /j:v jgv/ The contraction of "you
word they use to refer to the person or people yy or yy [ierjecio] A word
they are speaking to: Who are you? show that you like a particular food
yo'd /j:d/ The contraction of "you had" or "you grandpa is making a chocolate cake for
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Z /zi/ UK: /zd/ The twenty-sixt letter


pabet: The word "zoo" begins with a "z"

zebra /'zh 'zih/ [ oc  :�  nb1' ] An anim
horse with black and white stripes: Zeb
the bush in Arica.® See page 428.
zebra crossing [ o  :�  a;  nb1' ] See crossw
word s Bits Engls.
+zero US: /'zu/ UK: /'mu/ [ ·, n 
te number 0: His interest in History is z

zigzag /'z1z/ [ jJ A line tat goes
let alternately: Fllow the zigzag path
up the hill if you want to get to the castle
zip code [ o  :�  a  b1']  System of letters or n
indicate te town or te street were
lives: What's your zip code? • In Bit
tey say "postcode.
zipper [ o  u] A type of metal fastener:
 per up, Tom.
zodiac /'zud-i,/ [      abt e]  An imagina
te sky ta includes te planets and
ino twelve parts: "What's her sign of th
"Let me see: she was born... under Gemin
+zone US: /zun/ UK: /zun/ [ o  :�     1']  An ar
particular characteristic: The sign said
 zone. No entry".
ZOO /z/ [ o  u] A place were wild animals
I dont like going to our local zoo. They ke
imals in such small cages.• Be caeful w
ncato of is wod! This wod s a ab
o zooogca gade".
zoom /z/ [  ver  ]  To move very quickly a
loud noise: The plane zoomed up into the
zucchini /zu'i-ni/ [ o  ]n A long vegetab
outside and wie inside: How do you co
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the bo





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Education: Essential ESL Dictionary for Learners of The Mother Flight Behavior What Every BODY
English was developed to meet the needs of ESL Tongue: English is Saying: An Ex-
students like you. Inside you will find
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the skeletal system



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Words for Learners of English 
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Clear, comprehensive, and easy to use, McGraw-Hill

Education: Essential ESL Dictionary for Learners of The Mother Flight Behavior What Every BODY
English was developed to meet the needs of ESL Tongue: English is Saying: An Ex-
students like you. Inside you will find
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the muscular syste


detoid muscles

intecosta msces
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Essential ESL Dictionary 9,000

Words for Learners of English 
Uploaded by dphvu

Clear, comprehensive, and easy to use, McGraw-Hill

Education: Essential ESL Dictionary for Learners of The Mother Flight Behavior What Every BODY
English was developed to meet the needs of ESL Tongue: English is Saying: An Ex-
students like you. Inside you will find
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the digestive and excretory systems






large intestine
sall intestine
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Words for Learners of English 
Uploaded by dphvu

Clear, comprehensive, and easy to use, McGraw-Hill

Education: Essential ESL Dictionary for Learners of The Mother Flight Behavior What Every BODY
English was developed to meet the needs of ESL Tongue: English is Saying: An Ex-
students like you. Inside you will find
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the respiratory and reproductive syste




Falopia tubes

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Words for Learners of English 
Uploaded by dphvu

Clear, comprehensive, and easy to use, McGraw-Hill

Education: Essential ESL Dictionary for Learners of The Mother Flight Behavior What Every BODY
English was developed to meet the needs of ESL Tongue: English is Saying: An Ex-
students like you. Inside you will find
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animal groups


fish repties
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Essential ESL Dictionary 9,000

Words for Learners of English 
Uploaded by dphvu

Clear, comprehensive, and easy to use, McGraw-Hill

Education: Essential ESL Dictionary for Learners of The Mother Flight Behavior What Every BODY
English was developed to meet the needs of ESL Tongue: English is Saying: An Ex-
students like you. Inside you will find
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0 C E  N
·· w I
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0 C E  N
po /


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Essential ESL Dictionary 9,000

Words for Learners of English 
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Clear, comprehensive, and easy to use, McGraw-Hill

Education: Essential ESL Dictionary for Learners of The Mother Flight Behavior What Every BODY
English was developed to meet the needs of ESL Tongue: English is Saying: An Ex-
students like you. Inside you will find
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DIV 
K \
ri rdpr/

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Essential ESL Dictionary 9,000

Words for Learners of English 
Uploaded by dphvu

Clear, comprehensive, and easy to use, McGraw-Hill

Education: Essential ESL Dictionary for Learners of The Mother Flight Behavior What Every BODY
English was developed to meet the needs of ESL Tongue: English is Saying: An Ex-
students like you. Inside you will find
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 T L A TI C
Bermuda (U.

0 C E A N

P A C F c

0 C E A N
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Words for Learners of English 
Uploaded by dphvu

Clear, comprehensive, and easy to use, McGraw-Hill

Education: Essential ESL Dictionary for Learners of The Mother Flight Behavior What Every BODY
English was developed to meet the needs of ESL Tongue: English is Saying: An Ex-
students like you. Inside you will find
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Essential ESL Dictionary 9,000

Words for Learners of English 
Uploaded by dphvu

Clear, comprehensive, and easy to use, McGraw-Hill

Education: Essential ESL Dictionary for Learners of The Mother Flight Behavior What Every BODY
English was developed to meet the needs of ESL Tongue: English is Saying: An Ex-
students like you. Inside you will find
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drawing tools
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Essential ESL Dictionary 9,000

Words for Learners of English 
Uploaded by dphvu

Clear, comprehensive, and easy to use, McGraw-Hill

Education: Essential ESL Dictionary for Learners of The Mother Flight Behavior What Every BODY
English was developed to meet the needs of ESL Tongue: English is Saying: An Ex-
students like you. Inside you will find
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Essential ESL Dictionary 9,000

Words for Learners of English 
Uploaded by dphvu

Clear, comprehensive, and easy to use, McGraw-Hill

Education: Essential ESL Dictionary for Learners of The Mother Flight Behavior What Every BODY
English was developed to meet the needs of ESL Tongue: English is Saying: An Ex-
students like you. Inside you will find
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musical instruments


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Essential ESL Dictionary 9,000

Words for Learners of English 
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Clear, comprehensive, and easy to use, McGraw-Hill

Education: Essential ESL Dictionary for Learners of The Mother Flight Behavior What Every BODY
English was developed to meet the needs of ESL Tongue: English is Saying: An Ex-
students like you. Inside you will find
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musical instrume

tipani bass dum


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Essential ESL Dictionary 9,000

Words for Learners of English 
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Clear, comprehensive, and easy to use, McGraw-Hill

Education: Essential ESL Dictionary for Learners of The Mother Flight Behavior What Every BODY
English was developed to meet the needs of ESL Tongue: English is Saying: An Ex-
students like you. Inside you will find
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musical symbols

musical notes


trebe clef


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Essential ESL Dictionary 9,000

Words for Learners of English 
Uploaded by dphvu

Clear, comprehensive, and easy to use, McGraw-Hill

Education: Essential ESL Dictionary for Learners of The Mother Flight Behavior What Every BODY
English was developed to meet the needs of ESL Tongue: English is Saying: An Ex-
students like you. Inside you will find
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The weather                                                            462

In class                                                                  464
Intoductions                                                          465
Greetngs, congratulatons                                      466
Sorry! Excuse me... Padon?                                    467
Drectons                                                              468
Tanspotation                                                        470
Restauant                                                              472
At a fast food estaurant  take ot..                        473
Shopping fo cothes                                               474
Taking on the phone                                               476
Teng the tme                                    .                   478
Measurements .     .     .           .     .     .           .     .     .   480
Day routne                                                           482
Gong shopping                                                      484
Music 48
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Essential ESL Dictionary 9,000

Words for Learners of English 
Uploaded by dphvu

Clear, comprehensive, and easy to use, McGraw-Hill

Education: Essential ESL Dictionary for Learners of The Mother Flight Behavior What Every BODY
English was developed to meet the needs of ESL Tongue: English is Saying: An Ex-
students like you. Inside you will find
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Subject Reexive

I myself
you yorse
he imse
she esel
i ise
we orselves
you yoselves
ey heselves

e Relexive pronouns ae sed:

When he sbject and obec of e cause or senece ae e sae person.
· B ca! Dn'  yourself w  c!
 Dn' pa ann  ! ' akng  myself.
To p emphasis o a paricar non ha precedes he.
· H himself d   
· T a a  cak themselves.
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Essential ESL Dictionary 9,000

Words for Learners of English 
Uploaded by dphvu

Clear, comprehensive, and easy to use, McGraw-Hill

Education: Essential ESL Dictionary for Learners of The Mother Flight Behavior What Every BODY
English was developed to meet the needs of ESL Tongue: English is Saying: An Ex-
students like you. Inside you will find
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Sbj Obj Pssssv Rfxv
djv P
me my ine yself
you yo yor yors yorsel
he him hs s sel
she he he es erself
t i is ts tsel
we s ou ours orselves
yo you you yous youselves
tey te her thes theselves


G which: askg about coce, when thee are lted ateatives.
W     A  B?

G what: asng o nomatio about soething.

·W    l?

G who: asg wc peson.

W   l   ?

G where: asg in or at wha pace

W  ?

G when: asg abot time

W   ?
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Essential ESL Dictionary 9,000

Words for Learners of English 
Uploaded by dphvu

Clear, comprehensive, and easy to use, McGraw-Hill

Education: Essential ESL Dictionary for Learners of The Mother Flight Behavior What Every BODY
English was developed to meet the needs of ESL Tongue: English is Saying: An Ex-
students like you. Inside you will find
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The apostophe used to express possession s amed pv ('s)

G ee ae diferent cases:

Wen we alk abo an e o peson hat beongs or elaes to someone.

· Linda' car

· Anne and Jim' neighbor

Noe: Its not ecessay to indicate e ite or perso wen it appeaed in he pevious cause o
· Whoe book i thi? It John.

Wen we alk abo ie expessons

· todays newpaper
Wen we alk abo orgaizations, couties o cities
 the s uniform

· China' mot important city

When we ta abot wokpaces

 I went to the doctor'.

G Fos:

Adding s to e snga ous

 my brothers computer

Adding s to e plral do't ed n  s 

plral ouns tat do't
· the childrens room

- Adding
Adding to e
e plral
plral ouns tat ed in -s .
ouns tat
· my brother computer

en hue
 m en
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( UXLRY RS BE/ DO/ HAVE

I BE is used wh:

- Pr
ve tenses: be+ he '-ing form of he man veb.
I wa walk through the park when I found a ring.

- a
ve vo
voce: be+ the pas paricple of he man veb.
English  ok in Australia.

- Sho forms:
forms: wen we do't wat to
to epea
epea a he
he previous
previous setence.
Was Jim at the party? No, he wa.

I DO s sed wih:

- Simpe
Simpe presen (neroga
tve and negaiv
negaivee seeces):
I do dk coee.

o you wa an apple?

- Simpe
Simpe pas
pas (iterogave
(iterogave ad
ad egave
egave seences)
I dd udad that movie.

d you hv a good time?

- Sh
o form
Does your mother speak English? Yes, she do

- Q
o ag
She usually comes back at 6  pm, do she?

I HAVE s sed wit:

 Pr
tt pr
I should hav udd harder.
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e The modal verbs are:
 l
y 
wll wl
l  
Tey do not ave intve fos.
· f  f  m 
Tey do ot add -s to te 3' perso sgular of the siple pese
  can ve
 Je ust  e ek
Tey are always ollowed by a itive wtout to.
 I  rain  eeke
   b e He  do 
Note: he veb ought is always foowed by .
We gh  work arder i we wa o wi e gae
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!1fnilve Pasl Sim e asl Parlic e
arise arose arsen
awake awoe   awaed) awoen
be was/wee been
bear bore borne   bon)
beat beat beaten   beat)
become became becoe
be n be an be u
bend bent bet
be bet, beted bet, betted
bd bid, bade bid, bidde
be bit bite
bleed bled bed
bless blessed best
blow blew bow
brea broke boe
breed bred bed
brin brou ht bo t
broadcast broadcas   broadcasted) boadcast   boadcasted)
bld built buit
bur burn, buned bunt, bred
bst bus  busted) bust  bused)
b bo t bou 
catch ca t cau 
coose chose cosen
coe cae come
cost cost, costed cost, costed
cree e t re 
cut cut c
deal deat deal
d du du
dv dvd (US tb dv) dvd
do did done
draw drew dawn
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Words for Learners of English 
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Infniive Pas Sim le Pas Parici le

went one
row rew own

have had ad

hear head eard
hide hid idden
hit hit it
hold hed eld
hut hurt r
kee ke t e t
kit kitted, knit nted kit
a laid lad
ead led led
ean leaed (UK  leat) leaned (UI<  eant)
ear leaned (UK  earnt) learned (UK  leant)
eave lef let
ed let lent
et let let
ie la . led lain lied
lit lt,
ose lost los
make made ade
mean mean eat
mee met et
miic micked miced
mistake mistook staen
misuderstand misuderstood sndesood
oudo odid outdone
overcoe overcame overcome

overtae overoo ovetaken

a ad aid
(US tb (US 

 t ut
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Words for Learners of English 
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Education: Essential ESL Dictionary for Learners of The Mother Flight Behavior What Every BODY
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Infniive PasSim le Pas Paric

Paric le

shake shook saken

shie shone soe
shoot shot so
show showed sown
shu shu sut
si sa sun
sik sak sun
si sat sat
se 
slide slid sd
sme smeed (UK tb selt) selled (UK tb smet)
sow sowed sown, sowed
s eak s oke s oe

(UK tb

(UK tb

sea sole stoen

sck suck stuc
s sun stu
sk san (US tb sun) stuk
srike sruck struck tb stricken)
swea swore swo
swee swe t swe t
swe sweed swoen, swelled
w wm wum
swn swun swu
take took take
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C A hl    cm f   u  cl wc h  ff mg fm 

- verb  adverb
throw away (rejec
- verb + preposition
take o (depart, remove: clothing)
- verb  adverb  preposition
be up to (be capable of/ be engaged in suspicious activity)

C  cm   :

- br
eakk down (analyze)
down - keep o (avoid)

- br
brea up (nish a relationship)
eakk up - keep up (continue)

- bring up (vomi
ring - lo
ok after (care for)

- cal
alll back (recall)
back for (search)
- look fo

o (cance
- call o - lo
ok for
ward to (hope for)
d to

by (visi
- come by out (recognize)
- make ou

out (be published)

- come ou - put on (wear)

- do with (need) - put up (build)

 fall for (be in loved with)

fall  sh
shu up (be quie
ut up

- ge away (escape)
gett aw - si down (have a si
sitt do

- get in (enter: car, tax - st

and up (arise)
d up

on (enter: bus, train)

- get on take up (star
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R 

I study English every day. I don't study English every day Do you study English every day?

She studies English every da She doesn't study English every da Does she study English every day

I read every night I don't read every night Do you read every night

He reads every night He doesn't read every night Does he read every night

A 

I studied English last week I didn't study English last week Did you study English last week

Last year, he read every night Last year he didn't read every Did you read every night last year

FUUR 

She will study English next summer She won't study English next summer Will she study English next summ

From now on, I will read every From now on, I won't read every Will you read from now on every
night night night
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• OMOD 


 have studied English for two I haven't studied nglish since Have you ever studied nglis
 years. last week

She has studied English for two She hasn't studied English since Has she ever studied English
 years. lst week

 have already read that book  haven't read that book yet Hve you read that book yet

She has already read that book She hasn't read that book yet Has she read that book yet?


 hd already studied nglish when  hadn't studied nglish yet when Hd you studied nglish whe
she arrived she arrived arrived?

She hd already read that book. She hadn't read that book yet Hd she read that book yet?


By the time she arrives,  will hve By the time she arrives, I won't Will you hve studied Englis
already studied English hve studied English yet time she arrives?

She will have already read that She won't have read that book yet Will she hve read that book
book by the end of June by the end of June end of June?
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Words for Learners of English 
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Education: Essential ESL Dictionary for Learners of The Mother Flight Behavior What Every BODY
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. I

 

I am studying English now. I am not studying English now. Am I studying English now?
You are studying English now You are not studying English no Are you studying nglish now?
He is studying English no He is not studying English now. Is he studying English now?

A 

I was studying English when she I wasn't studying English when she Was I studying English when she
arrived. arrived. arrived
You were studying English when You weren't studying English when Were you studying English when s
she arrived. she arrived. arrived?
He was studying English when she He wasn't studying English when Was he studying English when she
arrived. she arrived. arrived?

 FC 

I have been studying English since I haven't been studying English for Have you been studying English
3 o'clock. too long. since 3 o'clock?
He has been studying English since He hasn't been studying English r Has he been studying English sinc
3 o'clock. too long. 3 o'clock?

A rC 

 hd bn udying Englih whn  hdn' bn udying Englih d yu bn udying Englih wh
she arrived. when she arrived. she arrived?
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to let the cat out the bag: to reveal a secet or a supise by acciden.
I tried to keep the party a secret, but Jim went and let the cat out of the bag.

- neck and neck: vey cose, as i a ace.

The two candidates were running neck and neck a month before the election.

to pull somebody's leg: to te someone soethig at is no ue as a way of jokng with the
Is he really angry with me or do you think he's just pulling my leg?

to save money for a rainy day: to eserve sometng o soe tue need.
I've saved a little money for a rainy day.

to see eye to eye on something: to have a sia opiion on soethig.

Despite their dierences, the two candidates actually see eye to eye on most issues.

to shake in one's boots: to be afaid of soethig

I was shaking in my boots because I had to go to my manager's oce for being late.

to take it easy: to be ca and ot get too excited or angy

I know you're upset, but you just take it easy, I'll make you some tea, and you can tell m

about it.

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