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Log file is initialized

14:39:29.425 Command line: "C:\Program Files (x86)\FPS Monitor\FPSMonitor.exe"

14:39:29.431 Prepare app data path...
14:39:29.439 Load config...
14:39:29.445 <ERR> Error loading config file:
C:\ProgramData\FPSMonitor\config.json : No such file or directory
14:39:29.452 Load language files...
14:39:29.460 User default locale: ro-RO
14:39:29.478 Set locale: en-US
14:39:29.496 ##### Software version: Build 5203 (09 Mar 2020) #####
14:39:29.515 Copying after-install files...
14:39:30.121 Check for update...
14:39:30.684 Detected Windows 10 x64 (10.0 build 18362.329)
14:39:30.691 Registry Windows 10 Enterprise release 1909
14:39:30.697 Init exception handler...
14:39:30.703 Init capture data
14:39:30.713 Create window... (0,0 - 500,400) style 00CF0000
14:39:30.752 Interface mode: ADVANCED
14:39:30.888 (render)Using adapter 00000000/0000F9F8 : NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB
14:39:30.895 (render)Feature level 11.1
14:39:30.939 HiDPI = 1.000
14:39:31.450 Interface mode: ADVANCED
14:39:31.469 --- (PluginManager) ------------------------------------------
14:39:31.476 Loading memory modules...
14:39:31.483 caption-text-plugin : caption-text-overlay
14:39:31.498 color-plugin : color-overlay
14:39:31.509 hotkeys-plugin : hotkeys-editor-extension
14:39:31.521 image-plugin : image-overlay
14:39:31.534 misc-plugin : limit-fps-ext
14:39:31.546 mirror2desktop-plugin : mirror2desktop
14:39:31.559 sysinfo2-plugin : sysinfo2-ext / sysinfo2-overlay / sysinfo2-overlay-
simple / sysinfo2-alerts / sysinfo2-bar-overlay / sysinfo2-chart-overlay
14:39:31.573 time-plugin : time-overlay
14:39:31.585 Loading disk modules...
14:39:31.735 [ fpsmon32.exe]GameHook launcher build : 5203
14:39:31.745 [ fpsmon32.exe]GameHook build : 5203
14:39:31.758 [64 fpsmon64.exe]GameHook launcher build : 5203
14:39:31.766 [64 fpsmon64.exe]GameHook build : 5203
14:39:31.968 [ fpsmon32.exe] <ERR> dx9: Failed CreateDevice attempt 1 :
14:39:32.037 [ fpsmon32.exe] <ERR> dx9: Failed CreateDevice attempt 2 :
14:39:32.091 [64 fpsmon64.exe] <ERR> dx9: Failed CreateDevice attempt 1 :
14:39:32.113 [ fpsmon32.exe] <ERR> dx9: Failed CreateDevice attempt 3 :
14:39:32.151 [64 fpsmon64.exe] <ERR> dx9: Failed CreateDevice attempt 2 :
14:39:32.166 [ fpsmon32.exe]DXGI build 18362
14:39:32.174 [ fpsmon32.exe]32-bits graphics initialized
14:39:32.185 [ atmgr.exe] - Attached (8804), MedInt, WinVer: 8.0
14:39:32.185 [ ptoneclk.exe] - Attached (2172), MedInt, WinVer: 10+
14:39:32.197 [ webexmta.exe] - Attached (11084), MedInt, WinVer: 8.0
14:39:32.367 [ rgbfusion.exe] - Attached (5368), HighInt, WinVer: 8.0
14:39:32.367 [ check_kill.exe] - Attached (14512), HighInt, WinVer: 8.0
14:39:32.369 [ ptsrv.exe] - Attached (5260), MedInt, WinVer: 10+
14:39:32.371 [ wisesystemmonitor.exe] - Attached (10452), HighInt, WinVer: 10+
14:39:32.372 [ fortniteclient-win64-shipping_eac.exe] - Attached (11904), MedInt,
WinVer: 8.0
14:39:32.372 [ wiseantitray.exe] - Attached (1504), HighInt, WinVer: 8.0
14:39:32.397 [64 fpsmon64.exe] <ERR> dx9: Failed CreateDevice attempt 3 :
14:39:32.505 [64 fpsmon64.exe]DXGI build 18362
14:39:32.515 [64 fpsmon64.exe]64-bits graphics initialized
14:39:32.525 ---------------------------------------------------------------
14:39:32.528 [64 chrome.exe] - Attached (8440), MedInt, WinVer: 10+
14:39:32.535 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Initializing hardware information...
14:39:32.546 [64 asustpcenter.exe] - Attached (10764), MedInt, WinVer: 8.0
14:39:32.547 ---------------------------------------------------------------
14:39:32.566 [64 fpsmon64.exe](WMI)Initializing...
14:39:32.593 [64 fpsmon64.exe](WMI)Connected to ROOT\CIMV2 WMI namespace
14:39:32.603 [64 taskhostw.exe] - Attached (12896), MedInt, WinVer: 10+
14:39:32.604 [64 chrome.exe] - Attached (11488), MedInt, WinVer: 10+
14:39:32.614 [64 fpsmon64.exe](WMI)added enum Win32_PageFileUsage
14:39:32.633 [64 fpsmon64.exe](WMI)added enum
14:39:32.713 [64 fortniteclient-win64-shipping.exe] - Attached (10556), MedInt,
WinVer: 10+
14:39:32.803 [64 chrome.exe] - Attached (12932), MedInt, WinVer: 10+
14:39:32.806 [64 applemobiledeviceprocess.exe] - Attached (4416), MedInt, UWP,
WinVer: 10+
14:39:32.806 [64 securityhealthsystray.exe] - Attached (11720), MedInt, WinVer: 10+
14:39:32.807 [64 rtkauduservice64.exe] - Attached (11764), MedInt, WinVer: 8.0
14:39:32.808 [64 helppane.exe] - Attached (13228), MedInt, WinVer: 10+
14:39:32.809 [64 settingsynchost.exe] - Attached (4020), MedInt, WinVer: 10+
14:39:32.810 [64 yourphoneserver.exe] - Attached (8452), MedInt, UWP, WinVer: 10+
14:39:32.811 [64 skypebridge.exe] - Attached (2836), MedInt, UWP, WinVer: 10+
14:39:32.812 [64 ctfmon.exe] - Attached (7636), HighInt, WinVer: 10+
14:39:32.813 [64 chrome.exe] - Attached (13976), MedInt, WinVer: 10+
14:39:32.813 [64 asussmartgesturedetector64.exe] - Attached (14892), MedInt,
WinVer: 8.0
14:39:32.814 [64 asustploader.exe] - Attached (12224), MedInt, WinVer: 8.0
14:39:32.814 [64 asussgplusbtserver64.exe] - Attached (7492), MedInt, WinVer: 8.0
14:39:32.817 [64 asustphelper.exe] - Attached (9236), MedInt, WinVer: 8.0
14:39:33.351 [64 fpsmon64.exe](WMI)Initialized successfully
14:39:33.364 [ atmgr.exe] - set DXGI hooks
14:39:33.365 [64 fpsmon64.exe]NVidia Driver: 432.0
14:39:33.378 [ ptoneclk.exe] - set DXGI hooks
14:39:33.543 [ rgbfusion.exe] - set DXGI hooks
14:39:33.545 [ check_kill.exe] - set DXGI hooks
14:39:33.552 [ rgbfusion.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run DEBUG MODE
14:39:33.562 [ check_kill.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run DEBUG MODE
14:39:33.567 [ wisesystemmonitor.exe] - set DXGI hooks
14:39:33.683 [64 chrome.exe] - set DXGI hooks
14:39:33.874 [64 asussgplusbtserver64.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run DEBUG MODE
14:39:33.915 [64 fortniteclient-win64-shipping.exe] - set DXGI hooks
14:39:33.922 [64 fortniteclient-win64-shipping.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run
14:39:33.972 [64 helppane.exe] - set DXGI hooks
14:39:34.019 [64 fortniteclient-win64-shipping.exe] - set OpenGL hooks
14:39:34.031 [64 fortniteclient-win64-shipping.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run
14:39:34.043 [64 fortniteclient-win64-shipping.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run
14:39:34.181 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Initializing hardware with flags:
14:39:34.755 [64 fpsmon64.exe]Executed direct injection for <c:\program
14:39:34.772 [64 gamebar.exe] - Attached (9152), LowInt, UWP, WinVer: 10+
14:39:34.782 [64 gamebar.exe] - set DXGI hooks
14:39:35.385 [ rgbfusion.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run DEBUG MODE
14:39:35.388 [ check_kill.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run DEBUG MODE
14:39:35.774 <WARN> (Sysinfo) Waiting for HW init for 4 seconds already
14:39:35.870 [ fortniteclient-win64-shipping_eac.exe] - Detached
14:39:35.873 [64 asussgplusbtserver64.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run DEBUG MODE
14:39:36.104 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Group (0): Ingame sensors
14:39:36.121 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: 0.1% Low = 0.000 fps
14:39:36.129 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: 1% Low = 0.000 fps
14:39:36.144 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: FPS = 0.000 fps
14:39:36.159 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: FPS avg = 0.000 fps
14:39:36.165 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: FPS max = 0.000 fps
14:39:36.171 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: FPS min = 0.000 fps
14:39:36.178 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Frame size = 0.000
14:39:36.184 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Frame time = 0.000 ms
14:39:36.191 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Render type = 0.000
14:39:36.206 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Group (1): System: GIGABYTE B450 AORUS
14:39:36.220 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: NVGPU SLI = OFF
14:39:36.226 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Page File Size = 2432.000 MB
14:39:36.232 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Page File Usage = 1.451 %
14:39:36.237 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Page File Usage2 = 35.000 MB
14:39:36.249 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Physical Memory Available =
11471.000 MB
14:39:36.255 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Physical Memory Load = 29.700
14:39:36.261 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Physical Memory Total = 0.000
14:39:36.267 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Physical Memory Used =
4862.000 MB
14:39:36.273 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Virtual Memory Available =
11557.000 MB
14:39:36.279 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Virtual Memory Commited =
7208.000 MB
14:39:36.285 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Virtual Memory Load = 38.400
14:39:36.291 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Group (2): Core [#0]
14:39:36.297 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Clock = 2794.079 MHz
14:39:36.303 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Core Usage = 0.000 %
14:39:36.309 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Power (SMU) = 0.940 W
14:39:36.316 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Temp = 51.375 °C
14:39:36.322 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #0 Effective Clock =
422.289 MHz
14:39:36.329 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #0 Usage = 13.000 %
14:39:36.335 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #1 Effective Clock =
120.204 MHz
14:39:36.341 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #1 Usage = 8.600 %
14:39:36.347 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: VID = 1.106 V
14:39:36.353 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Group (3): Core [#1]
14:39:36.361 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Clock = 2794.079 MHz
14:39:36.367 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Core Usage = 0.000 %
14:39:36.372 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Power (SMU) = 0.814 W
14:39:36.378 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Temp = 51.375 °C
14:39:36.383 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #0 Effective Clock =
365.621 MHz
14:39:36.389 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #0 Usage = 13.000 %
14:39:36.394 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #1 Effective Clock =
40.075 MHz
14:39:36.400 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #1 Usage = 0.000 %
14:39:36.407 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: VID = 1.113 V
14:39:36.417 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Group (4): Core [#2]
14:39:36.431 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Clock = 2794.079 MHz
14:39:36.447 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Core Usage = 0.000 %
14:39:36.454 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Power (SMU) = 0.734 W
14:39:36.460 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Temp = 51.375 °C
14:39:36.471 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #0 Effective Clock =
190.247 MHz
14:39:36.477 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #0 Usage = 4.300 %
14:39:36.482 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #1 Effective Clock =
195.399 MHz
14:39:36.488 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #1 Usage = 8.600 %
14:39:36.494 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: VID = 1.113 V
14:39:36.501 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Group (5): Core [#3]
14:39:36.507 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Clock = 2794.079 MHz
14:39:36.513 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Core Usage = 0.000 %
14:39:36.518 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Power (SMU) = 0.734 W
14:39:36.525 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Temp = 51.375 °C
14:39:36.530 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #0 Effective Clock =
221.238 MHz
14:39:36.539 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #0 Usage = 17.300 %
14:39:36.552 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #1 Effective Clock =
127.913 MHz
14:39:36.568 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #1 Usage = 13.000 %
14:39:36.581 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: VID = 1.113 V
14:39:36.596 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Group (6): Core [#4]
14:39:36.611 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Clock = 3592.387 MHz
14:39:36.624 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Core Usage = 0.000 %
14:39:36.638 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Power (SMU) = 1.059 W
14:39:36.651 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Temp = 51.375 °C
14:39:36.665 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #0 Effective Clock =
344.037 MHz
14:39:36.672 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #0 Usage = 4.300 %
14:39:36.678 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #1 Effective Clock =
636.470 MHz
14:39:36.684 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #1 Usage = 21.700 %
14:39:36.689 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: VID = 1.113 V
14:39:36.695 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Group (7): Core [#5]
14:39:36.701 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Clock = 3592.387 MHz
14:39:36.707 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Core Usage = 0.000 %
14:39:36.713 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Power (SMU) = 1.271 W
14:39:36.719 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Temp = 51.375 °C
14:39:36.724 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #0 Effective Clock =
2699.417 MHz
14:39:36.730 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #0 Usage = 82.600 %
14:39:36.740 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #1 Effective Clock =
391.929 MHz
14:39:36.746 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #1 Usage = 0.000 %
14:39:36.751 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: VID = 1.113 V
14:39:36.757 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Group (8): Core [#6]
14:39:36.763 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Clock = 3592.387 MHz
14:39:36.769 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Core Usage = 0.000 %
14:39:36.774 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Power (SMU) = 4.609 W
14:39:36.780 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Temp = 51.375 °C
14:39:36.790 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #0 Effective Clock =
1983.102 MHz
14:39:36.796 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #0 Usage = 56.500 %
14:39:36.803 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #1 Effective Clock =
1256.572 MHz
14:39:36.809 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #1 Usage = 8.600 %
14:39:36.815 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: VID = 1.113 V
14:39:36.820 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Group (9): Core [#7]
14:39:36.826 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Clock = 3592.387 MHz
14:39:36.832 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Core Usage = 0.000 %
14:39:36.837 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Power (SMU) = 1.474 W
14:39:36.843 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Temp = 51.375 °C
14:39:36.849 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #0 Effective Clock =
881.830 MHz
14:39:36.854 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #0 Usage = 17.300 %
14:39:36.860 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #1 Effective Clock =
319.707 MHz
14:39:36.866 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thread #1 Usage = 26.000 %
14:39:36.872 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: VID = 1.113 V
14:39:36.877 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Group (10): CPU [#0]: AMD Ryzen 7 2700
14:39:36.883 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Average Effective Clock =
637.253 MHz
14:39:36.889 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Bus Clock = 99.789 MHz
14:39:36.895 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: CPU (Tctl/Tdie) = 51.375 °C
14:39:36.900 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: CPU Core Power = 18.336 W
14:39:36.906 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: CPU Core VID (Effective) =
1.306 V
14:39:36.912 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: CPU Core Voltage (SVI2 TFN) =
1.300 V
14:39:36.924 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: CPU Die (average) = 49.726 °C
14:39:36.929 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: CPU Fan = 2303.000 RPM
14:39:36.941 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: CPU Freq = 0.000 MHz
14:39:36.946 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: CPU MB = 51.000 °C
14:39:36.958 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: CPU PPT = 30.512 W
14:39:36.963 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: CPU PPT Limit = 34.772 %
14:39:36.969 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: CPU Package Power (SMU) =
29.284 W
14:39:36.975 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: CPU SoC Power = 7.478 W
14:39:36.981 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: CPU TDC = 17.306 A
14:39:36.987 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: CPU TDC Limit = 28.843 %
14:39:36.993 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Core+SoC Power = 25.814 W
14:39:36.999 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Infinity Fabric Clock (FCLK)
= 1066.667 MHz
14:39:37.004 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Max CPU/Thread Usage = 82.600
14:39:37.010 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Memory Controller Clock
(UCLK) = 1064.411 MHz
14:39:37.016 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: SoC Voltage (SVI2 TFN) =
0.837 V
14:39:37.022 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thermal Throttling (HTC) =
14:39:37.027 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thermal Throttling (PROCHOT
14:39:37.034 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Thermal Throttling (PROCHOT
14:39:37.039 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Total CPU Usage = 18.425 %
14:39:37.045 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Vcore = 1.260 V
14:39:37.051 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Vcore = 1.300 V
14:39:37.057 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Group (11): Memory Timings
14:39:37.062 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Command Rate = 2.000
14:39:37.068 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Memory Clock = 1064.411 MHz
14:39:37.074 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Memory Clock Ratio = 10.667
14:39:37.080 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Tcas = 15.000
14:39:37.085 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Tras = 36.000
14:39:37.091 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Trc = 51.000
14:39:37.097 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Trcd = 15.000
14:39:37.102 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Trfc = 374.000
14:39:37.108 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Trp = 15.000
14:39:37.114 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Group (12): GIGABYTE B450 AORUS M (ITE
14:39:37.119 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: +12V = 12.168 V
14:39:37.125 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: +3.3V = 3.364 V
14:39:37.131 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: +5V = 5.070 V
14:39:37.137 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: 3VSB = 3.366 V
14:39:37.142 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: 3VSB = 3.312 V
14:39:37.148 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: AVCC3 = 3.072 V
14:39:37.154 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: CPU VCORE SOC = 0.840 V
14:39:37.159 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: CPU VDD18 = 1.210 V
14:39:37.165 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: CPU VDDP = 0.924 V
14:39:37.171 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Chassis Intrusion = ON
14:39:37.177 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Chassis Intrusion = ON
14:39:37.182 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Chipset = 50.000 °C
14:39:37.188 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Chipset Core = 1.056 V
14:39:37.195 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: DDR VPP = 1.089 V
14:39:37.210 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: DDR VTT = 1.199 V
14:39:37.217 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: DRAM = 1.224 V
14:39:37.223 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: PCIEX16 = 43.000 °C
14:39:37.229 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: PCIEX8 = 32.000 °C
14:39:37.235 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: System1 = 43.000 °C
14:39:37.241 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: System2 = 40.000 °C
14:39:37.246 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Temperature 2 = 35.000 °C
14:39:37.252 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Total Errors = 0.000
14:39:37.258 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: VBAT = 3.216 V
14:39:37.263 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: VBAT = 3.146 V
14:39:37.269 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: VIN0 = 1.804 V
14:39:37.275 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: VIN3 = 1.694 V
14:39:37.281 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: VRM MOS = 46.000 °C
14:39:37.286 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: VSOC MOS = 48.000 °C
14:39:37.292 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Group (13): Drive: KINGSTON
SA400S37240G (50026B76827BBA8E)
14:39:37.298 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Read Activity = 0.973 %
14:39:37.303 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Read Rate = 1.274 MB/s
14:39:37.309 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Read Total = 39644.000 MB
14:39:37.315 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Total Activity = 1.349 %
14:39:37.321 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Write Activity = 0.376 %
14:39:37.327 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Write Rate = 1.468 MB/s
14:39:37.332 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Write Total = 12786.000 MB
14:39:37.338 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Group (14): Drive: ST1000DM010-2EP102
14:39:37.344 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Read Activity = 0.000 %
14:39:37.349 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Read Rate = 0.000 MB/s
14:39:37.355 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Read Total = 7746.000 MB
14:39:37.361 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Total Activity = 0.000 %
14:39:37.366 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Write Activity = 0.000 %
14:39:37.372 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Write Rate = 0.000 MB/s
14:39:37.378 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Write Total = 14.000 MB
14:39:37.384 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Group (15): GPU [#0]: NVIDIA GeForce
GTX 1060 6GB:
14:39:37.390 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GPU Bus Load = 0.000 %
14:39:37.395 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GPU Clock = 1594.500 MHz
14:39:37.401 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GPU Computing (Compute_0)
Usage = 0.000 %
14:39:37.407 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GPU Computing (Compute_1)
Usage = 0.000 %
14:39:37.413 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GPU Core Load = 0.000 %
14:39:37.418 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GPU Core Voltage = 0.813 V
14:39:37.424 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GPU D3D Memory Dedicated =
323.945 MB
14:39:37.430 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GPU D3D Memory Dynamic =
54.203 MB
14:39:37.436 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GPU D3D Usage = 0.325 %
14:39:37.441 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GPU Fan = 28.000 %
14:39:37.447 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GPU Fan RPM = 799.000 RPM
14:39:37.453 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GPU Memory Allocated =
410.281 MB
14:39:37.458 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GPU Memory Clock = 2003.400
14:39:37.464 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GPU Memory Controller Load =
0.000 %
14:39:37.470 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GPU Memory Usage = 6.678 %
14:39:37.476 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GPU Power = 30.124 W
14:39:37.481 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GPU Temperature = 54.000 °C
14:39:37.487 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GPU VR Usage = 0.000 %
14:39:37.493 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GPU Video Clock = 1442.500
14:39:37.500 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GPU Video Decode 0 Usage =
0.000 %
14:39:37.508 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GPU Video Encode 0 Usage =
0.000 %
14:39:37.519 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: GPU Video Engine Load = 0.000
14:39:37.525 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: PCIe Link Speed = 8.000 GT/s
14:39:37.531 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Performance Limit - Max
Operating Voltage = OFF
14:39:37.537 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Performance Limit - Power =
14:39:37.542 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Performance Limit -
Reliability Voltage = OFF
14:39:37.548 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Performance Limit - SLI
GPUBoost Sync = OFF
14:39:37.554 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Performance Limit - Thermal =
14:39:37.560 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Performance Limit -
Utilization = ON
14:39:37.566 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Total GPU Power (normalized)
[% of TDP] = 28.711 %
14:39:37.571 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Total GPU Power [% of TDP] =
16.736 %
14:39:37.577 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Group (16): Network: RealTek
Semiconductor RTL8168/8111 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet NIC
14:39:37.583 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Current DL rate = 7.863 KB/s
14:39:37.589 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Current UP rate = 8.764 KB/s
14:39:37.594 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Total DL = 5310.280 MB
14:39:37.605 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Total UP = 256.203 MB
14:39:37.611 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Group (17): Disk C
14:39:37.617 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Free Disk Space = 147355.000
14:39:37.623 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Read Speed, KB/s = 3756.000
14:39:37.629 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Read Speed, MB/s = 3.000 MB/s
14:39:37.635 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Total Disk Space = 227862.000
14:39:37.640 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Write Speed, KB/s = 15527.000
14:39:37.646 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Write Speed, MB/s = 15.000
14:39:37.652 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Group (18): Disk D
14:39:37.658 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Free Disk Space = 654620.000
14:39:37.658 [64 chrome.exe] - Detached
14:39:37.664 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Read Speed, KB/s = 0.000 KB/s
14:39:37.677 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Read Speed, MB/s = 0.000 MB/s
14:39:37.688 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Total Disk Space = 953866.000
14:39:37.695 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Write Speed, KB/s = 0.000
14:39:37.701 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Write Speed, MB/s = 0.000
14:39:37.706 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Group (19): Disk E
14:39:37.712 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Free Disk Space = 29548.000
14:39:37.718 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Read Speed, KB/s = 0.000 KB/s
14:39:37.724 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Read Speed, MB/s = 0.000 MB/s
14:39:37.730 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Total Disk Space = 29550.000
14:39:37.736 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Write Speed, KB/s = 0.000
14:39:37.742 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Write Speed, MB/s = 0.000
14:39:37.748 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Group (20): Network statistics
14:39:37.754 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Ping 0 = 0.000 ms
14:39:37.759 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Ping 1 = 0.000 ms
14:39:37.765 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Ping 2 = 0.000 ms
14:39:37.771 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Sensor: Ping 3 = 0.000 ms
14:39:37.777 [64 fpsmon64.exe](HW) Initialized
14:39:37.803 (Sysinfo) Hyper-Threading: 2
14:39:37.810 (Sysinfo) Num threads per CPU core: 2
14:39:37.874 [64 asussgplusbtserver64.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run DEBUG MODE
14:39:39.874 [64 asussgplusbtserver64.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run DEBUG MODE
14:39:41.874 [64 asussgplusbtserver64.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run DEBUG MODE
14:39:43.874 [64 asussgplusbtserver64.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run DEBUG MODE
14:39:44.617 Set CaptureMode to: GAME
14:39:44.627 ---------------------------------------------------------------
14:39:44.634 Loading scenes...
14:39:44.640 ---------------------------------------------------------------
14:39:44.646 Loading read-only scenes...
14:39:44.660 added read-only scene <ALL - 1080>
14:39:44.674 added read-only scene <ALL - 1440>
14:39:44.687 added read-only scene <BENCHMARK 1>
14:39:44.701 added read-only scene <BENCHMARK 2 ALT>
14:39:44.713 added read-only scene <BENCHMARK 2>
14:39:44.726 added read-only scene <BENCHMARK 3>
14:39:44.738 added read-only scene <BENCHMARK 4>
14:39:44.748 added read-only scene <BENCHMARK>
14:39:44.758 added read-only scene <BIG ALL - 1080>
14:39:44.769 added read-only scene <BIG ALL - 1440>
14:39:44.776 added read-only scene <BIG CHART>
14:39:44.787 added read-only scene <COMPARISON 2 DOUBLE>
14:39:44.796 added read-only scene <COMPARISON>
14:39:44.813 added read-only scene <CPU>
14:39:44.822 added read-only scene <Default>
14:39:44.838 added read-only scene <DESKTOP WIDGET + GAME >
14:39:44.845 added read-only scene <DESKTOP WIDGET 2>
14:39:44.852 added read-only scene <DESKTOP WIDGET 3>
14:39:44.859 added read-only scene <DESKTOP WIDGET 4>
14:39:44.867 added read-only scene <DESKTOP WIDGET 5>
14:39:44.874 added read-only scene <DESKTOP WIDGET 6>
14:39:44.883 added read-only scene <DESKTOP WIDGET ONLY>
14:39:44.892 added read-only scene <FPS 2>
14:39:44.902 added read-only scene <FPS ALL>
14:39:44.915 added read-only scene <FPS>
14:39:44.924 added read-only scene <STREAM 2>
14:39:44.932 added read-only scene <STREAM 3>
14:39:44.939 added read-only scene <STREAM>
14:39:44.949 added read-only scene <YOUTUBE 2>
14:39:44.960 added read-only scene <YOUTUBE>
14:39:44.966 ---------------------------------------------------------------
14:39:44.972 Loading scenes...
14:39:44.981 added scene <ALL - 1080>
14:39:44.994 added scene <ALL - 1440>
14:39:45.004 added scene <BENCHMARK 1>
14:39:45.013 added scene <BENCHMARK 2 ALT>
14:39:45.021 added scene <BENCHMARK 2>
14:39:45.031 added scene <BENCHMARK 3>
14:39:45.039 added scene <BENCHMARK 4>
14:39:45.050 added scene <BENCHMARK>
14:39:45.060 added scene <BIG ALL - 1080>
14:39:45.070 added scene <BIG ALL - 1440>
14:39:45.077 added scene <BIG CHART>
14:39:45.088 added scene <COMPARISON 2 DOUBLE>
14:39:45.096 added scene <COMPARISON>
14:39:45.106 added scene <CPU>
14:39:45.113 added scene <DEFAULT>
14:39:45.120 added scene <DESKTOP WIDGET 2>
14:39:45.127 added scene <DESKTOP WIDGET 3>
14:39:45.135 added scene <DESKTOP WIDGET 4>
14:39:45.142 added scene <DESKTOP WIDGET 5>
14:39:45.150 added scene <DESKTOP WIDGET 6>
14:39:45.157 added scene <DESKTOP WIDGET ONLY>
14:39:45.166 added scene <FPS 2>
14:39:45.175 added scene <FPS ALL>
14:39:45.184 added scene <FPS>
14:39:45.200 added scene <STREAM 2>
14:39:45.215 added scene <STREAM 3>
14:39:45.227 added scene <STREAM>
14:39:45.250 added scene <YOUTUBE 2>
14:39:45.272 added scene <YOUTUBE>
14:39:45.283 Copying after-start files...
14:39:45.874 [64 asussgplusbtserver64.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run DEBUG MODE
14:39:47.874 [64 asussgplusbtserver64.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run DEBUG MODE
14:39:49.875 [64 asussgplusbtserver64.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run DEBUG MODE
14:39:51.874 [64 asussgplusbtserver64.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run DEBUG MODE
14:39:53.874 [64 asussgplusbtserver64.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run DEBUG MODE
14:39:55.874 [64 asussgplusbtserver64.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run DEBUG MODE
14:39:57.247 [ fortniteclient-win64-shipping_eac.exe] - Attached (10236), MedInt,
WinVer: 8.0
14:39:57.875 [64 asussgplusbtserver64.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run DEBUG MODE
14:39:59.874 [64 asussgplusbtserver64.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run DEBUG MODE
14:40:01.875 [64 asussgplusbtserver64.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run DEBUG MODE
14:40:03.874 [64 asussgplusbtserver64.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run DEBUG MODE
14:40:05.874 [64 asussgplusbtserver64.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run DEBUG MODE
14:40:07.662 [64 dataexchangehost.exe] - Attached (9344), MedInt, WinVer: 10+
14:40:07.873 [64 asussgplusbtserver64.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run DEBUG MODE
14:40:08.829 [64 dataexchangehost.exe] - set DXGI hooks
14:40:09.874 [64 asussgplusbtserver64.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run DEBUG MODE
14:40:11.874 [64 asussgplusbtserver64.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run DEBUG MODE
14:40:13.873 [64 asussgplusbtserver64.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run DEBUG MODE
14:40:15.874 [64 asussgplusbtserver64.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run DEBUG MODE
14:40:17.873 [64 asussgplusbtserver64.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run DEBUG MODE
14:40:19.784 [64 fortniteclient-win64-shipping.exe] - Attached (15040), MedInt,
WinVer: 10+
14:40:19.875 [64 asussgplusbtserver64.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run DEBUG MODE
14:40:21.006 [64 fortniteclient-win64-shipping.exe] - set DXGI hooks
14:40:21.014 [64 fortniteclient-win64-shipping.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run
14:40:21.142 [64 fortniteclient-win64-shipping.exe] - set OpenGL hooks
14:40:21.663 [64 fortniteclient-win64-shipping.exe] - Detached
14:40:21.776 [ fortniteclient-win64-shipping_eac.exe] - Detached
14:40:21.873 [64 asussgplusbtserver64.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run DEBUG MODE
14:40:23.875 [64 asussgplusbtserver64.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run DEBUG MODE
14:40:24.217 [ fortniteclient-win64-shipping_eac.exe] - Attached (1840), MedInt,
WinVer: 8.0
14:40:25.874 [64 asussgplusbtserver64.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run DEBUG MODE
14:40:27.873 [64 asussgplusbtserver64.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run DEBUG MODE
14:40:29.873 [64 asussgplusbtserver64.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run DEBUG MODE
14:40:31.873 [64 asussgplusbtserver64.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run DEBUG MODE
14:40:33.873 [64 asussgplusbtserver64.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run DEBUG MODE
14:40:35.873 [64 asussgplusbtserver64.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run DEBUG MODE
14:40:37.875 [64 asussgplusbtserver64.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run DEBUG MODE
14:40:39.873 [64 asussgplusbtserver64.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run DEBUG MODE
14:40:41.875 [64 asussgplusbtserver64.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run DEBUG MODE
14:40:43.873 [64 asussgplusbtserver64.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run DEBUG MODE
14:40:45.875 [64 asussgplusbtserver64.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run DEBUG MODE
14:40:46.655 [64 fpsmon64.exe]Executed direct injection for <c:\program
14:40:46.691 [64 skypeapp.exe] - Attached (11524), LowInt, UWP, WinVer: 10+
14:40:46.718 [64 skypeapp.exe] - set DXGI hooks
14:40:47.874 [64 asussgplusbtserver64.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run DEBUG MODE
14:40:49.874 [64 asussgplusbtserver64.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run DEBUG MODE
14:40:50.818 [64 fortniteclient-win64-shipping.exe] - Attached (3604), MedInt,
WinVer: 10+
14:40:51.151 [ fortniteclient-win64-shipping_eac.exe] - Attached (13376), MedInt,
WinVer: 8.0
14:40:51.873 [64 asussgplusbtserver64.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run DEBUG MODE
14:40:53.142 [64 fortniteclient-win64-shipping.exe] - set DXGI hooks
14:40:53.157 [64 fortniteclient-win64-shipping.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run
14:40:53.279 [64 fortniteclient-win64-shipping.exe] - set OpenGL hooks
14:40:53.308 [64 fortniteclient-win64-shipping.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run
14:40:53.332 [64 fortniteclient-win64-shipping.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run
14:40:53.346 [64 fortniteclient-win64-shipping.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run
14:40:53.361 [64 fortniteclient-win64-shipping.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run
14:40:53.373 [64 fortniteclient-win64-shipping.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run
14:40:53.385 [64 fortniteclient-win64-shipping.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run
14:40:53.873 [64 asussgplusbtserver64.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run DEBUG MODE
14:40:55.874 [64 asussgplusbtserver64.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run DEBUG MODE
14:40:57.873 [64 asussgplusbtserver64.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run DEBUG MODE
14:40:59.874 [64 asussgplusbtserver64.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run DEBUG MODE
14:41:01.873 [64 asussgplusbtserver64.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run DEBUG MODE
14:41:03.874 [64 asussgplusbtserver64.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run DEBUG MODE
14:41:05.873 [64 asussgplusbtserver64.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run DEBUG MODE
14:41:07.873 [64 asussgplusbtserver64.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run DEBUG MODE
14:41:09.873 [64 asussgplusbtserver64.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run DEBUG MODE
14:41:11.873 [64 asussgplusbtserver64.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run DEBUG MODE
14:41:13.065 [64 fortniteclient-win64-shipping.exe] - Attached (1240), MedInt,
WinVer: 10+
14:41:13.873 [64 asussgplusbtserver64.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run DEBUG MODE
14:41:14.296 [64 fortniteclient-win64-shipping.exe] - set DXGI hooks
14:41:14.307 [64 fortniteclient-win64-shipping.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run
14:41:14.391 [64 fortniteclient-win64-shipping.exe] - set OpenGL hooks
14:41:14.437 [64 fortniteclient-win64-shipping.exe] - Detached
14:41:14.528 [ fortniteclient-win64-shipping_eac.exe] - Detached
14:41:15.874 [64 asussgplusbtserver64.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run DEBUG MODE
14:41:17.875 [64 asussgplusbtserver64.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run DEBUG MODE
14:41:19.874 [64 asussgplusbtserver64.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run DEBUG MODE
14:41:21.875 [64 asussgplusbtserver64.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run DEBUG MODE
14:41:23.874 [64 asussgplusbtserver64.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run DEBUG MODE
14:41:25.874 [64 asussgplusbtserver64.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run DEBUG MODE
14:41:27.874 [64 asussgplusbtserver64.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run DEBUG MODE
14:41:29.874 [64 asussgplusbtserver64.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run DEBUG MODE
14:41:31.874 [64 asussgplusbtserver64.exe] <ERR> Unknown Windows, run DEBUG MODE
14:41:32.672 END
14:41:32.673 [ fpsmon32.exe]Launcher is shutting down...
14:41:32.691 [64 fpsmon64.exe]Launcher is shutting down...
14:41:32.732 [ rgbfusion.exe] - del DirectX 9 hooks
14:41:32.735 [ atmgr.exe] - del DirectX 9 hooks
14:41:32.735 [64 dataexchangehost.exe] - del DirectX 9 hooks
14:41:32.735 [64 helppane.exe] - del DirectX 9 hooks
14:41:32.737 [ check_kill.exe] - del DirectX 9 hooks
14:41:32.737 [64 chrome.exe] - del DirectX 9 hooks
14:41:32.737 [ ptoneclk.exe] - del DirectX 9 hooks
14:41:32.738 [ wisesystemmonitor.exe] - del DirectX 9 hooks
14:41:32.740 [ rgbfusion.exe] - del DXGI hooks
14:41:32.794 [64 gamebar.exe] - Detached
14:41:32.763 [64 helppane.exe] - del DXGI hooks
14:41:32.770 [ check_kill.exe] - del DXGI hooks
14:41:32.770 [64 chrome.exe] - del DXGI hooks
14:41:32.778 [ ptoneclk.exe] - del DXGI hooks
14:41:32.786 [ wisesystemmonitor.exe] - del DXGI hooks
14:41:32.791 [64 asustpcenter.exe] - Detached
14:41:32.791 [64 taskhostw.exe] - Detached
14:41:32.791 [64 settingsynchost.exe] - Detached
14:41:32.791 [64 rtkauduservice64.exe] - Detached
14:41:32.791 [64 chrome.exe] - Detached
14:41:32.791 [64 ctfmon.exe] - Detached
14:41:32.791 [64 skypebridge.exe] - Detached
14:41:32.791 [ webexmta.exe] - Detached
14:41:32.791 [ wiseantitray.exe] - Detached
14:41:32.791 [64 applemobiledeviceprocess.exe] - Detached
14:41:32.791 [64 yourphoneserver.exe] - Detached
14:41:32.791 [64 chrome.exe] - Detached
14:41:32.791 [64 securityhealthsystray.exe] - Detached
14:41:32.791 [64 asustphelper.exe] - Detached
14:41:32.791 [64 asustploader.exe] - Detached
14:41:32.791 [64 asussmartgesturedetector64.exe] - Detached
14:41:32.791 [64 asussgplusbtserver64.exe] - Detached
14:41:32.791 [ fortniteclient-win64-shipping_eac.exe] - Detached
14:41:32.791 [ ptsrv.exe] - Detached
14:41:32.794 [ rgbfusion.exe] - del DirectX DWM hooks
14:41:32.794 [ atmgr.exe] - del DirectX DWM hooks
14:41:32.794 [64 dataexchangehost.exe] - del DirectX DWM hooks
14:41:32.802 [64 helppane.exe] - del DirectX DWM hooks
14:41:32.810 [ check_kill.exe] - del DirectX DWM hooks
14:41:32.810 [64 chrome.exe] - del DirectX DWM hooks
14:41:32.817 [ ptoneclk.exe] - del DirectX DWM hooks
14:41:32.825 [ wisesystemmonitor.exe] - del DirectX DWM hooks
14:41:32.927 [ rgbfusion.exe] - del OpenGL hooks
14:41:32.938 [ atmgr.exe] - del OpenGL hooks
14:41:32.947 [64 dataexchangehost.exe] - del OpenGL hooks
14:41:32.956 [64 helppane.exe] - del OpenGL hooks
14:41:32.965 [ check_kill.exe] - del OpenGL hooks
14:41:32.966 [64 chrome.exe] - del OpenGL hooks
14:41:32.976 [ ptoneclk.exe] - del OpenGL hooks
14:41:32.986 [ wisesystemmonitor.exe] - del OpenGL hooks
14:41:32.995 [ rgbfusion.exe] Release resources
14:41:33.004 [ atmgr.exe] Release resources
14:41:33.012 [64 dataexchangehost.exe] Release resources
14:41:33.019 [64 helppane.exe] Release resources
14:41:33.029 [ check_kill.exe] Release resources
14:41:33.030 [64 chrome.exe] Release resources
14:41:33.039 [ ptoneclk.exe] Release resources
14:41:33.048 [ wisesystemmonitor.exe] Release resources
14:41:33.158 [ rgbfusion.exe] - Detached
14:41:33.167 [ atmgr.exe] - Detached
14:41:33.175 [64 dataexchangehost.exe] - Detached
14:41:33.185 [64 helppane.exe] - Detached
14:41:33.193 [64 chrome.exe] - Detached
14:41:33.193 [ check_kill.exe] - Detached
14:41:33.201 [ ptoneclk.exe] - Detached
14:41:33.210 [ wisesystemmonitor.exe] - Detached
14:41:33.793 [ fpsmon32.exe]Launcher shutdown completed
14:41:33.801 [ fpsmon32.exe] - Detached
14:41:33.846 [64 fpsmon64.exe]Launcher shutdown completed
14:41:33.857 [64 fpsmon64.exe] - Detached

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