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Project on Mix Design for 35 Mpa Concrete for Water thank

with and Without SASplast RP30B

Coure: Concrete Construction -CEng 6102

No Activity Date
Prepare the aggregates and conduct Seive
1 Analysis for Course and Fine Aggregates Nov-29-2019
Determination of Density,Specific
gravity,Absorption capacity &Moisture Dec-2-2019 and
2 Content Dec-3-2019
3 Prepare the mix according to the mix design Dec-4-2019
4 Conduct Slump Test Dec-4-2019
5 Conduct Compressive strength test Jan-2-2019

Materials Required for the mix

Dangote 42.5 R
SASplast RP30B

Group Members
1 Getahun
2 Alemu
3 Fikreab
4 Mebratu
5 Bahiran

Weight of
Weight of Sieve + Weight of Retained Material
Sieve Size ve
Sieve Kg Material sand Kg % Passed %

9.5 0.585 0.585 0 0 0 100 100 100

4.75 0.566 0.566 0 0 0 100 95 100
2.36 0.415 1.765199 1.35 10 10 90 80 100
1.18 0.354 2.379299 2.03 15 25 75 50 85
# 600 0.323 6.398897 6.08 45 70 30 25 60
#300 0.3 3.675499 3.38 25 95 5 5 30
#150 0.459 1.1341 0.68 5 100 0 0 10
Pan 0.24 0.24 0 0 100 0 0 0
SUM IN Kg 16.74399 13.50 100


Weight of
Weight of Sieve + Weight of Retained Material
Sieve Size ve
Sieve Kg Material sand Kg % Passed %

37.5 0.585 0.585 0 0 0 100 100 100

25 0.566 0.566 0.00 0 0 100 95 100
12.5 0.415 14.83954 14.42 70 70 30 25 60
4.75 0.354 6.535944 6.18 30 100 0 0 10
Pan 0.323 0.323 0.00 0 100 0 0 5
SUM IN Kg 22.84948 20.61 100


Weight of
Weight of Sieve + Weight of Retained Material
Sieve Size ve
Sieve Kg Material sand Kg % Passed %

9.5 0.585 0.585 0 0 0 100 100 100

4.75 0.566 0.566 0 0 0 100 95 100
2.36 0.415 1.906801 1.49 10 10 90 80 100
1.18 0.354 4.083503 3.73 25 35 65 50 85
# 600 0.323 5.544304 5.22 35 70 30 25 60
#300 0.3 4.029503 3.73 25 95 5 5 30
#150 0.459 1.204901 0.75 5 100 0 0 10
Pan 0.24 0.24 0.00 0 100 0 0 0
SUM IN Kg 18.16001 14.92 100


Weight of
Weight of Sieve + Weight of Retained Material
Sieve Size ve
Sieve Kg Material sand Kg % Passed %

37.5 0.585 0.585 0 0 0 100 100 100

25 0.566 0.566 0.00 0 0 100 95 100
12.5 0.415 14.83954 14.42 70 70 30 25 60
4.75 0.354 6.535944 6.18 30 100 0 0 10
Pan 0.323 0.323 0.00 0 100 0 0 5
SUM IN Kg 22.84948 20.61 100

Weight of Weight of
Weight of Sieve + Sieve +
Sieve Size
Sieve Kg Material Material
Kg Kg
9.5 0.585 0.585 0.585 0.585
4.75 0.566 1.526 1.526 1.526
2.36 0.415 0.655 4.015 1.375 1.49 2.84
1.18 0.354 3.474 7.554 5.634 3.73 5.75
# 600 0.323 6.323 7.523 7.523 5.22 11.30
#300 0.3 5.1 7.5 6.3 3.73 7.11
#150 0.459 1.419 5.259 3.339 0.75 1.42
Pan 0.24 0.48 2.64 0.96
SUM IN Kg 19.562 36.602 27.242 28.42


Weight of Weight of
Weight of Sieve + Sieve +
Sieve Size
Sieve Kg Material Material
Kg Kg
37.5 0.585 0.585 0.585 0.585
25 0.566 0.996 2.286 2.286
12.5 0.415 17.185 30.945 28.795 14.42 28.85
4.75 0.354 10.674 21.854 12.824 6.18 12.36
Pan 0.323 0.753 2.473 0.538
SUM IN Kg 30.193 58.143 45.028 41.21


Weight of Weight of
Weight of Sieve + Sieve +
Sieve Size
Sieve Kg Material Material
Kg Kg
9.5 0.585 0.585 0.585 0.585
4.75 0.566 1.526 1.526 1.526
2.36 0.415 0.655 4.015 1.375
1.18 0.354 3.474 7.554 5.634
# 600 0.323 6.323 7.523 7.523
#300 0.3 5.1 7.5 6.3
#150 0.459 1.419 5.259 3.339
Pan 0.24 0.48 2.64 0.96
SUM IN Kg 19.562 36.602 27.242


Weight of Weight of
Weight of Sieve + Sieve +
Sieve Size
Sieve Kg Material Material
Kg Kg
37.5 0.585 0.585 0.585 0.585
25 0.566 0.996 2.286 2.286
12.5 0.415 17.185 30.945 28.795
4.75 0.354 10.674 21.854 12.824
Pan 0.323 0.753 2.473 0.538
SUM IN Kg 30.193 58.143 45.028

Weight of
Weight of Sieve + Weight of Retained Material
Sieve Size ve
Sieve Kg Material sand Kg % Passed %

9.5 0.585 0.585 0 0 0 100 100 100

4.75 0.566 0.566 0 0 0 100 95 100
2.36 0.415 2.652702 2.24 10 10 90 80 100
1.18 0.354 5.948254 5.59 25 35 65 50 85
# 600 0.323 8.154956 7.83 35 70 30 25 60
#300 0.3 5.894254 5.59 25 95 5 5 30
#150 0.459 1.577851 1.12 5 100 0 0 10
Pan 0.24 0.24 0 0 100 0 0 0
SUM IN Kg 25.61902 22.38 100


Weight of
Weight of Sieve + Weight of Retained Material
Sieve Size ve
Sieve Kg Material sand Kg % Passed %

37.5 0.585 0.585 0 0 0 100 100 100

25 0.566 0.566 0.00 0 0 100 95 100
12.5 0.415 22.0518 21.64 70 70 30 25 60
4.75 0.354 9.626916 9.27 30 100 0 0 10
Pan 0.323 0.323 0.00 0 100 0 0 5
SUM IN Kg 33.15272 30.91 100

Weight of Weight of
Weight of Sieve + Sieve +
Sieve Size
Sieve Kg Material Material
Kg Kg
9.5 0.585 0.585 0.585 0.585
4.75 0.566 1.526 1.526 1.526
2.36 0.415 0.655 4.015 1.375
1.18 0.354 3.474 7.554 5.634
# 600 0.323 6.323 7.523 7.523
#300 0.3 5.1 7.5 6.3
#150 0.459 1.419 5.259 3.339
Pan 0.24 0.48 2.64 0.96
SUM IN Kg 19.562 36.602 27.242


Weight of Weight of
Weight of Sieve + Sieve +
Sieve Size
Sieve Kg Material Material
Kg Kg
37.5 0.585 0.585 0.585 0.585
25 0.566 0.996 2.286 2.286
12.5 0.415 17.185 30.945 28.795
4.75 0.354 10.674 21.854 12.824
Pan 0.323 0.753 2.473 0.538
SUM IN Kg 30.193 58.143 45.028

Weight of
Weight of Sieve + Weight of Retained Material
Sieve Size ve
Sieve Kg Material sand Kg % Passed %

9.5 0.585 0.585 0 0 0 100 100 100

4.75 0.566 0.566 0 0 0 100 95 100
2.36 0.415 2.440299 2.03 10 10 90 80 100
1.18 0.354 3.391949 3.04 15 25 75 50 85
# 600 0.323 9.436846 9.11 45 70 30 25 60
#300 0.3 5.363248 5.06 25 95 5 5 30
#150 0.459 1.47165 1.01 5 100 0 0 10
Pan 0.24 0.24 0 0 100 0 0 0
SUM IN Kg 23.49499 20.25 100


Weight of
Weight of Sieve + Weight of Retained Material
Sieve Size ve
Sieve Kg Material sand Kg % Passed %

37.5 0.585 0.585 0 0 0 100 100 100

25 0.566 0.566 0.00 0 0 100 95 100
12.5 0.415 22.0518 21.64 70 70 30 25 60
4.75 0.354 9.626916 9.27 30 100 0 0 10
Pan 0.323 0.323 0.00 0 100 0 0 5
SUM IN Kg 33.15272 30.91 100

Weight of Weight of
Weight of Sieve + Sieve +
Sieve Size
Sieve Kg Material Material
Kg Kg
9.5 0.585 0.585 0.585 0.585
4.75 0.566 1.526 1.526 1.526
2.36 0.415 0.655 4.015 1.375 2.24 4.26
1.18 0.354 3.474 7.554 5.634 5.59 8.63
# 600 0.323 6.323 7.523 7.523 7.83 16.95
#300 0.3 5.1 7.5 6.3 5.59 10.66
#150 0.459 1.419 5.259 3.339 1.12 2.13
Pan 0.24 0.48 2.64 0.96
SUM IN Kg 19.562 36.602 27.242 42.63


Weight of Weight of
Weight of Sieve + Sieve +
Sieve Size
Sieve Kg Material Material
Kg Kg
37.5 0.585 0.585 0.585 0.585
25 0.566 0.996 2.286 2.286
12.5 0.415 17.185 30.945 28.795 21.64 43.27
4.75 0.354 10.674 21.854 12.824 9.27 18.55
Pan 0.323 0.753 2.473 0.538
SUM IN Kg 30.193 58.143 45.028 61.82
Item No Properties Sand Aggregate

Nominal Maimum
1 19
Agg.size (mm) mm
2 Unit weight 1652.8 1558 kg/m3
3 Specific Gravity 2.44 2.55
4 Absorption 3.09 2.46
5 Fineness Modulus 3
6 Surface moisture 1.21 1.74

Step 1
Choice of slump

75 mm

Step 2      Maximum Aggregate size

19 mm

Step 3   Estimation of Water and air content

205 kg/m3 air 2

Step 4
  Choice of water Cement ratio

0.392 for 35mpa

Step 5 Calculation of cement content

522.96 kg/m3

Step 6 Estimation of Coarse Aggregate

0.6 1558 kg/m3
934.8 kg
0.367 m3

Step 7
Estimation of fine aggregate

·       Using absolute volume method

o      Water 0.205 m3

o      Cement 0.166 m3

o      Coarse Aggregate 0.367 m3

o      Entrapped air 0.02 m3

o      Fine Aggregate 0.242 m3 589.77

Step 8 Adjusted quantity for Moisture content

o      Water 222.80 kg

o      Cement 522.96 kg

o      Coarse Aggregate 951.07 kg

o      Fine Aggregate 596.93 kg

Total 2293.76 kg
Adjusted Quantity for 0.061m3 of concrete 0.0325

o      Water 7.24 kg

o      Cement 17.00 kg

o      Coarse Aggregate 30.91 kg

o      Fine Aggregate 20.25 kg

Total 75.40 kg

Adjusted Quantity for 0.010125m 3 of concrete

o      Water 4.83 kg

o      Cement 11.33 kg

o      Coarse Aggregate 20.61 kg

o      Fine Aggregate 13.50 kg

Total 50.2667 kg

222.80 kg

522.96 kg

951.07 kg

623.17 kg

2320.00 kg
Item-No Properties Sand Aggregate
Nominal Maimum
1 Agg.size (mm) 19
2 Unit weight 1652.8 1558 kg/m3
3 Specific Gravity 2.44 2.55
4 Absorption 3.09 2.46
5 Fineness Modulus 3
6 Surface moisture 1.21 1.74

Step 1
Choice of slump

75 mm

Step 2      Maximum Aggregate size

19 mm

Step 3   Estimation of Water and air content

184.5 kg/m3 air 2
decreased by 10 kg for rounded sand

Step 4
  Choice of water Cement ratio

0.392 for 35mpa

Step 5 Calculation of cement content

470.66 kg/m3

Step 6 Estimation of Coarse Aggregate

0.6 1558 kg/m3

934.8 kg
0.367 m3

Step 7
Estimation of fine aggregate

·       Using absolute volume method

o      Water 0.1845 m3

o      Cement 0.149 m3

o      Coarse Aggregate 0.367 m3

o      Entrapped air 0.02 m3

o      Fine Aggregate 0.279 m3 680.26

Step 8 Adjusted quantity for Moisture content

o      Water 204.00 kg

o      Cement 470.66 kg

o      Coarse Aggregate 951.07 kg

o      Fine Aggregate 688.52 kg

Total 2314.26 kg

Adjusted Quantity for 0.061m3 of concrete 0.0325

o      Water 6.63 kg

o      Cement 15.30 kg 478.0174

o      Coarse Aggregate 30.91 kg

o      Fine Aggregate 22.38 kg

Total 75.21 kg
o     SASplast RP 30B 0.184 kg
0.184 liter

Adjusted Quantity for 0.010125m 3 of concrete

o      Water 4.42 kg

o      Cement 10.20 kg

o      Coarse Aggregate 20.61 kg

o      Fine Aggregate 14.92 kg

o     SASplast RP 30B 0.124 kg

0.124 liter
Total 50.1423 kg

Adjusted Quantity for 0.061m3 of concrete


o      Water 7.24 kg

o      Cement
17.00 kg 531.1304

o      Coarse30.91

o      Fine Aggregate

20.25 kg
Total 75.40 kg

53.1 kg
Determination of Specific Gravity for CA

Mass of Sample+water+container ( A) 5650 5785

Mass of water+container (B) 4135 4165

Mass of SSD aggregate ( C ) 2495

Mass of OD aggregate (D) 2435.1

Bulk specific gravity=C/(C-(A-B)) 2.55

Absorption Capacity=(C-D)/D*100 2.46

Determination of Moisture content for CA

Mass of Sample aggregate ( C ) 1900

Mass of OD aggregate (D) 1867.5

Moisture Content =(C-D)/D*100 1.74

Determination of Specific Gravity for FA

Mass of Sample+water+container ( A) 1625

Mass of water+container (B) 1330

Mass of SSD sand ( C ) 500

Mass of OD sand (D) 485

Bulk specific gravity=C/(C-(A-B)) 2.44

Absorption Capacity=(C-D)/D*100 3.09

Determination of Moisture content for FA

Mass of Sample aggregate ( C ) 500

Mass of OD aggregate (D) 494

Moisture Content =(C-D)/D*100 1.21

Determination of Specific Gravity for CA Determination of Specific Gravity for FA

Mass of Sample+water+container ( A) Mass of Sample+water+container ( A)

Mass of water+container (B) Mass of water+container (B)

Mass of SSD aggregate ( C ) Mass of SSD sand ( C )

Mass of OD aggregate (D) Mass of OD sand (D)

Bulk specific gravity=C/(C-(A-B)) Bulk specific gravity=C/(C-(A-B))

Absorption Capacity=(C-D)/D*100 Absorption Capacity=(C-D)/D*100

Determination of Moisture content for CA Determination of Moisture content for FA

Mass of Sample aggregate ( C ) Mass of Sample aggregate ( C )

Mass of OD aggregate (D) Mass of OD aggregate (D)

Moisture Content =(C-D)/D*100 Moisture Content =(C-D)/D*100

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