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Imperrative : ( caâu sai khieán )

Muoán ñoåi moät imperrative Direct ra Indirect speech, ta cuõng thay ñoåi ba yeáu toá
veà :
1. Ngoâi
2. Thì cuûa ñoäng töø
3. Traïng töø chæ thôøi gian, vaø nôi choán.
Ngoaøi ra ta coøn phaûi aùp duïng coâng thöùc sau ñaây :
He 1. ordered
She 2. Told
1. to
They 3. Requested
+ Ask + object + 2. not to + verb
A noun 4. begged

Giaûi nghóa reporting verb :
 ordered, commanded : ra leänh
 told : baûo (“baûo” ôû ñaây laø moät hình thöùc ra leänh )
 requested, asked : yeâu caàu (asked ôû ñaây coù nghóa laø yeâu caàu vaø
ñöøng laàm vôùi asked (hoûi) trong caâu interrogative )
 begged : caàu xin, van xin

 Neáu ñeà baøi ñaõ duøng moät trong nhöõng reporting verb keå treân thì thoâi, coøn
neáu caâu ñeà baøi duøng “said” thì khi ñoåi ra Indirect speech ta phaûi tuøy yù nghóa
caâu maø duøng moät trong nhöõng reporting verb keå treân. Phaûi xem meänh leänh
maïnh hay yeáu.
 Nhöõng “reporting verb” keå treân ñöôïc xeáp theo thöù töï töø meänh leänh maïnh
ñeán nheï.
 Ta duøng “ to ” ñeå thay theá cho daáu hai chaám vaø ngoaëc keùp khi naøo caâu coù
Meänh Leänh Xaùc Ñònh .
 Ta duøng “ not to ” ñeå thay theá cho daáu hai chaám vaø ngoaëc keùp khi naøo caâu
coù Meänh Leänh phuû Ñònh .

Ex : “ Nam said to the taxi-driver : “Turn to the left”

 Nam told the taxi – driver to turn to the left.

- Ngoâi thöù nhaát “ I ”ñoåi thaønh Subject cuûa meänh ñeà chính ( thöôøng laø ngoâi
thöù ba phuø hôïp vôùi chuû töø trong meänh ñeà chính )

1st persons 3rd persons

I He, she
Me Him,her
My His, her
Mine His,her
Myself Himself, herself
We They
Us Them
Our Their
Ours Theirs
Ourselves themselves

- Ngoâi thöù hai “you” ñoåi thaønh Object cuûa meänh ñeà chính (moät ngoâi naøo ñoù
cuøng vôùi tuùc töø trong meänh ñeà chính)

- Ngoâi thöù ba hoaëc teân ngöôøi thì ñeå nguyeân khoâng ñoåi.

 Thì cuûa ñoäng töø, traïng töø chæ thôøi gian vaø nôi choán :


Present simple Past simple
Present progressive Past progressive
Present perfect Past perfect
Present perfect progressive Past perfect progressive
Past simple Past perfect
Past progressive Past perfect progressive
Past perfect progressive Past perfect progressive
Simple future Would + verb (infinitive)
Must Had to
Have to Had to
Should Should
Ought to Ought to
Can Could
May Might
Yesterday The day before / the previous day
Ago Before
Last week The week before / the previous week
Now Then
Today That day
Tonight That night
Tomorrow The day after; the next / following day
Next week The week after / the following week
Here There
There There


HEADS These those

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