Game of Thrones

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Game of Thrones

The Castle

 We are good on solving troubles in short time. If unexpected trouble what happen after deploy.
 We are good in critical thinking about own code, that mean we can improve them.

The Holes

 The bigest hole is coming from our system, you know, many part of code are to old, and it’s hard to debug,
maintain and extend them, sometime extremly hard - sometime is imposible you enforced to rewrite a big
part of code to do a little bit feature;
 Task estimation:
o I've been noticing lately, current task estimation include only perfect time for solving problem/make
feature/bug fixing. And it’s not include testing/bug fixing.
o When you estimate a task you can’t expect where you need to make changes, in some cases and you
can’t prevent all flow cases changes what you need to do, and all changes you need to test, and that
take time from estimated time.
o Switch back to another task: Sometimes when bug founded on a previous task you need to return to
them to fix, that also take your time from the current task.
 DataBase procedures - The business logic is not reponsability of DataBase, the DataBase responsability is
used only for store data;
 Page consistency;

The Wall

 We need to refactor DataBase procedures by moving them to code. That problem is coming from the
begining of this system. If we will don’t make it – the volume of them will be increased, that mean much
more time loosed on debug;
 About back-end:
o We need to refactor VisualBasic code to C# code, we start-ed to do that, that need more time
 About front-end code improvments:
o We need to rewrite old pages, and use only last frameworks like Vue and also don’t add multiple
technologies like React and Angular they are good for another type of projects.
o Knockout and Angular 1 are to old now, they are running slowly. Then we need to remove them
from the projects. In that way we will not need more keep in mind solutions for old framework
o We need to solve consistency of UI on all pages. Many of pages are looking diferentlly one to
another page, that decrease UX.
 We need to make more code improvments, rewrite old code, not only new features and bug fixing;
 I think it’s more powerfull think to estimate is making approximately estimation like how many time that will
take by adding (time to dev/time to test/time to fix) , and try to solve tasks in less time than you estimate or
somethink like that;
The White Walkers

 All challenges are related to extension of old code. That happen everyday. But real big challenges and that
mean big risks are making big changes like refactoring DB procedures, but without that changes system will

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