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Brockington College

Mathematics Faculty
Homework Booklet

Year: 7
Scheme: 1
Term: 1
Homework Sheet 1 Week Beginning 31st August
1: Write 7:43 pm using the 24 hour clock 11:
Find the area of
this shape.

2: Find the next two terms of the sequence 12:

Find the perimeter of
the shape if each
2, 5, 8, …., …. diagonal is 1.5 cm.

3: Calculate 4 + 3 x 7 13: Calculate 3 - 8

4: Calculate 52 14: Find the lowest common multiple of 4 and 6

5: Calculate 17 x 4 15: Find the highest common factor of 4 and 6

6: Write down the first 5 multiples of 4. 16: Simplify 3 × a

7: Write down all of the factors of 20. 17: The formula for hiring a bike is C = 5 + 2h where C is
the cost in £s and h is the number of hours hired. Work
out the cost of hiring a bike for 4 hours.

8: Write an expression that is 3 more than a. 18: Find the area of a rectangle with a length of 7 cm
and a width of 4 cm.

9: Simplify a + a + a + a 19: Find the perimeter of a rectangle with a length of 7

cm and a width of 4 cm.

10: Find the value of 3a when a = 4 20: Calculate 3 x 5

Mark: Effort:
Homework Sheet 2 Week Beginning 7th September
1: Write 7304 in words 11: Find the area of
this shape.

2: A sequence has 1st term of 4 and a rule of add 3, 12: Find the perimeter
write down the first 4 terms of the sequence. of the shape if
each diagonal is
1.5 cm.

3: Calculate 17 - 3 x 3 13: Calculate 5 - 9

4: Calculate 24 14: Find the lowest common multiple of 6 and 9

5: Calculate 15 x 3 15: Find the highest common factor of 6 and 9

6: Work out the 7th multiple of 12. 16: Simplify b × 7

7: Write down a factor of 40 larger 5. 17: The monthly charge for a mobile phone is C = 5m +
1000 where C is the charge in pence and m is the
number of minutes spent on the phone. Work out the
monthly charge in a month where 300 minutes are
spend on calls.

8: Write an expression that is 4 less than b 18: Find the area of a parallelogram with a base of 10
cm and a height of 4 cm.

9: Simplify 2b + 5b + 3b 19: Find the perimeter of a parallelogram with a base of

10 cm and a slant height of 4 cm.

10: Find the value of 10b when b = 9 20: Calculate 4 x 6

Mark: Effort:
Homework Sheet 3 Week Beginning 14th September
1: Fill in the box to complete the calculation. 11: Find the area of
this shape.
8+ = 20

2: Draw the next pattern 12: Find the perimeter

of the shape if
each diagonal is
1.5 cm.

3: Calculate (3 + 2) x 5 13: Calculate 2 - 12

4: Calculate 43 14: Find the lowest common multiple of 8 and 10

5: Calculate 3 x 21 15: Find the highest common factor of 8 and 10

6: Find the 9th multiple of 6. 16: Simplify c × 12

7: Write down all of the factors of 27 17: A rough formula to convert temperature measured
in Fahrenheit to Celsius is F = 2C + 32. Find the
temperature in Fahrenheit on a day where the
temperature in Celsius is 25oC

8: Write an expression that is 2 lots of c 18: Find the area of a triangle with a base of 6 cm and a
height of 6 cm

9: Simplify c + 4c - 3c 19: Find the perimeter of an equilateral triangle with

sides of 6 cm.

10: Find the value of c + 4 when c = 2 20: Calculate 2 x 9

Mark: Effort:
Homework Sheet 4 Week Beginning 21st September
1: Fill in the missing value 11: Find the area of
this shape.
1, 3, 5, ….. , 9

2: Write down a term to term rule for the sequence. 12:

Find the perimeter
4. 7, 13, 25, 49, …
of the shape if
each diagonal is
1.5 cm.

3: Calculate 9 x (7 - 4) 13: Calculate 7 - 9

4: Calculate 72 14: Find the lowest common multiple of 8 and 12

5: Calculate 456 ÷ 4 15: Find the highest common factor 8 and 12

6: Write down the first 4 multiples of 8 16: Simplify d × d

7: Write down 2 factors of 12 with a difference of 4 17: John is paid using the formula P = 6.5h + 10, where
P is his pay in £ and h is the hours worked. Find John’s
pay when he works for 6 hours in a day.

8: Write an expression that is half of d 18: Find the area of a rectangle with a base of 8 metres
and a height of 2.5 m

9: Simplify d + 4 + 3d - 5 19: Find the perimeter of a rectangle with a base of 8

metres and a height of 2.5 m

10: Find the value of 10 - d when d = 12 20: Calculate 4 x 11

Mark: Effort:
Homework Sheet 5 Week Beginning 28th September
1: I buy 3 chocolate bars in a shop. They cost 37p, 49p 11: Find the area of
and 65p. Work out how much I pay. this shape.

2: Write down the name of this sequence 12:

Find the
1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, ..
perimeter of the
shape if each
diagonal is 1.5

3: Calculate 9 + 6 ÷ 2 13: Calculate -3 - 10

4: Calculate 53 14: Find the lowest common multiple of 10 and 15

5: Calculate 7 x 19 15: Find the highest common factor of 10 and 15

6: Write down the first 4 multiples of 11 16: Simplify e × f

7: Write down all the factors of 30 17: A window cleaner charges based on the formula
C = 3 + 1.5w where C is the charge in £ and w is the
number of windows cleaned. Calculate the charge to
clean a house with 10 windows.

8: Write an expression that is e more than f 18: Find the area of a parallelogram with a base of 9 cm
and a height of 3.5 cm

9: Simplify 3e + 2f + 5e + 4f 19: Find the perimeter of a parallelogram with a base of

9 cm and a slant height of 3.5 cm

10: Find the value of e + f when e = 6 and f = 4 20: Calculate 5 x 12

Mark: Effort:
Homework Sheet 6 Week Beginning 5th October
1: Multiply 75 by 10 11: Find the area
of this shape.

2: Fill in the missing terms in this sequence 12:

Find the
4, 9, ……, 19, ……, ……, 34 perimeter of the
shape if each
diagonal is 1.5

3: Calculate 8 ÷ 2 x 5 13: Calculate - 6 + 3

4: Calculate 34 14: Find the lowest common multiple of 9 and 12

5: Calculate 23 x 6 15: Find the highest common factor of 9 and 12

6: Find the 9th multiple of 14 16: Simplify 5 × c × d

7: Find three factors of 56 that add to more than 20. 17: A taxi driver charges according to the formula
C = 3.5 + 0.4m, where C is the cost of the journey and m
is the number of miles travelled. Calculate the cost of
journey of 20 miles.

8: Write an expression that is g less than h 18: Find the area of a triangle with a base of 12 cm and
a height of 1.5 cm.

9: Simplify g + 7h + 4g - 2h 19: Find the perimeter of an triangle with a base of 12

cm and two sided of 9cm.

10: Find the value of g - h when g = 9 and h = 3 20: Calculate 3 x 8

Mark: Effort:
Homework Sheet 7 Week Beginning 12th October
1: In the number 6893 which column is the 9 in? 11: Find the area
of this shape.

2: Find the next two terms of this sequence 12: Find the perimeter of
the shape if each
6, 10, 14, 18, ……, …… diagonal is 1.5 cm.

3: Calculate 10 x 8 ÷ 2 13: Calculate - 8 - 9

4: Calculate 92 14: Find the lowest common multiple of 10 and 12

5: Calculate 612 ÷ 9 15: Find the highest common factor of 10 and 12

6: Write down the first 4 multiples of 14 16: Simplify 4 × j × j

7: Write down all the factors of 32 17: The perimeter of a square is given by the formula
P = 4s where P is the perimeter and s is the length of a
side. Find the perimeter of a square with side lengths of
8 cm.

8: Write an expression that is a fifth of j 18: Find the height of a rectangle with a base of 8 cm
and an area of 32 cm2

9: Simplify 8j + 2 - 3j + 8 - 5j 19: Find the height of a rectangle with a base of 8 cm

and an perimeter of 32 cm

10: Find the value of 3j - 9 when j = 5 20: Calculate 4 x 7

Mark: Effort:
Homework Sheet 8 Week Beginning 26th October
1: Write the number two thousand, three hundred and 11: Find the area
sixty in figures. of this shape.

2: A sequence has first term 1 and term to term rule ‘x 12:

Find the perimeter of
3 - 1’. Write down the first four terms of the sequence.
the shape if each
diagonal is 1.5 cm.

3: Calculate 32 + 8 13: Calculate - 5 + 15

4: Calculate 33 14: Find the lowest common multiple of 9 and 15

5: Calculate 29 x 3 15: Write 42 as a product of prime factors.

6: Write down the 12th multiple of 3 16: Simplify k × 8 × k

7: Write down an odd factor of 20. 17: The volume of a cuboid is given by V = w × h × d
where V is the volume of the cuboid, w is the width of
the cuboid, h is the height and d is the depth. Find the
volume of a 3 cm by 4 cm by 5 cm cuboid.

8: Write an expression that is k times itself 18: Find the base of a parallelogram with a height of
7 cm and an area of 63 cm2

9: Simplify 9k + 9 - 3k - 12 - 5k + 3 19: Find the base of a parallelogram with a slant height

of 7 cm and a perimeter of 63 cm

10: Find the value of 5k - 8 when k = 5 20: Calculate 2 x 12

Mark: Effort:
Homework Sheet 9 Week Beginning 2nd November
1: Double 37. 11: Find the area
of this shape.

2: Draw the next pattern 12: Find the perimeter of

the shape if each
diagonal is 1.5 cm.

3: Calculate (12 + 10) ÷ 2 13: Calculate 4 - -8

4: Calculate 122 14: Find the lowest common multiple of 12 and 15

5: Calculate 8 x 24 15: Write 48 as a product of prime factors

6: Find the 5th multiple of 15 16: Simplify 3 × m × 4 × n

7: Write down all of the factors of 45 17: The perimeter of a rectangle is given by P = 2l + 2w
where P is the perimeter of the rectangle, l is the length
of the rectangle and w is the width. Find the perimeter
of a rectangle with a length of 7 cm and a width of 5

8: Write an expression that is m lots of n 18: Find the height of a triangle with a base of 4 cm and
an area of 32 cm2

9: Simplify m + 2n + 3m + 4n - 2m + 5n 19: Find the length of the third side of a triangle with a
base of 4 cm, a side of 9 and a perimeter of 21cm

10: Find the value of 3m - 2n when m = 4 and n = 6 20: Calculate 5 x 9

Mark: Effort:
Homework Sheet 10 Week Beginning 9th November
1: Work out 35 - 17. 11: Find the area
of this shape.

2: Write down the term to term rule for the sequence 12: Find the perimeter of
12, 5, -2, -9, …
the shape if each
diagonal is 1.5 cm.

3: Calculate 30 ÷ (3 + 2) 13: Calculate -3 - -11

4: Calculate 26 14: Find the lowest common multiple of 12 and 18

5: Calculate 4 x 34 15: Write 54 as a product of prime factors

6: Write down the first 4 multiples of 13 16: Simplify 9 × p × 2 × q

7: Find two factors of 35 that differ by 6 17: The force applied to an object is given by the
formula F = m × a where F is the force, m is the mass of
the object and a is the acceleration of the object. Find
the value of the force applied to an object of 4kg that
accelerates by 3ms-2

8: Write an expression that is p shared between q. 18: Find the area of a rectangle with a base of 10 cm
and a height of 1 metre.

9: Simplify p + 3q -5 - 2p + 9q - 9 19: Find the perimeter of a rectangle with a base of 10

cm and a height of 1 metre.

10: Find the value of 8p + 5q when p = 2 and q = -3 20: Calculate 3 x 7

Mark: Effort:
Homework Sheet 11 Week Beginning 16th November
1: Square 4. 11: Find the area
of this shape.

2: Write down the name of this sequence: 12: Find the perimeter
1, 4, 9, 16, 25, … of the shape if each
diagonal is 1.5 cm.

3: Calculate 9 x 4 - 2 13: Calculate 2 - -14

4: Calculate 73 14: Find the lowest common multiple of 10 and 18

5: Calculate 6 x 19 15: Write 56 as a product of prime factors

6: Write down the first 4 multiples of 21 16: Simplify r × s × r

7: Write down all of the factors of 42 17: The perimeter of a triangle is given by the formula
P = a + b + c, where P is the perimeter of the triangle,
and a, b and c are the lengths of the three sides. Find
the perimeter of a triangle where a = 3, b = 4 and c = 5.

8: Write a formula that shows r is the same as 3 more 18: Find the area of a parallelogram with a base of 15
that s cm and a height of 1.5 metres

9: Simplify 5r2 + 3r - 2r2 + 10r 19: Find the perimeter of a parallelogram with a base of
15 cm and a slant height of 1.5 metres

10: Find the value of r - s when r = s = 1 20: Calculate 2 x 6

Mark: Effort:
Homework Sheet 12 Week Beginning 23rd November
1: Convert 450 cm to metres. 11: Find the area
of this shape.

2: Fill in the missing terms of this sequence 12: Find the perimeter
of the shape if each
……, 3, 6, ….., ……, 15 diagonal is 1.5 cm.

3: Calculate 6 - 2 x 3 13: Calculate -13 - - 8

4: Calculate 82 14: Find the lowest common multiple of 15 and 18

5: Calculate 343 ÷ 7 15: Write 60 as a product of prime factors

6: Write down the 9th multiple of 6 16: Simplify t × u × t × u

7: Write down the largest factor of 48 less than 24. 17: The energy a moving object has is given by
E = m × v2 ÷ 2, where E is the object’s energy, m is the
object’s mass, and v is the object’s speed. Find the
value of the energy an object of mass 3kg which travels
at a speed of 12 ms-1
8: Write down a formulae that shows T is the same as 8 18: Find the area of a triangle with a base of 2 metres
lots of u and a height of 45 cm.

9: Simplify 8u2 + 3t - 5 - 3u 19: Find the perimeter of a triangle with a base of 2

metres, one side of 45 cm and one side of 1.8 metres.

10: Find the value of u2 + t when u = 5 and t = 7 20: Calculate 3 x 3

Mark: Effort:
Homework Sheet 13 Week Beginning 30th November
1: Add 28 and 29 11: Find the area
of this shape.

2: A sequence is described by the function machine 12: Find the perimeter

-2 x2 of the shape if each
diagonal is 1.5 cm.
Write down the first 4 terms of the sequence.

3: Calculate 20 - 42 13: Calculate -4 + -7

4: Calculate 103 14: Find the lowest common multiple of 18 and 20

5: Calculate 18 x 8 15: Write 64 as a product of prime factors.

6: Find the 9th multiple of 8 16: Simplify v × w × x

7: Write down all of the factors of 36 17: A plumber’s fee for emergency call out is F = 20 +
8h where h is the number of hours spent on the call out
and F is the fee. Work out the fee for a call out that
lasts one and a half hours.

8: Write down a formula that shows V is the sum of w 18: A rectangle has the same area as a square of length
and x 6cm. If the rectangle has a base of 4 cm, what is its

9: Simplify 6v + 3w + 9x + 8w - 8v - 8x 19: A rectangle has the same perimeter as a square of

length 6cm. If the rectangle has a base of 4 cm, what is
its height?

10: Find the value of 4x - vw when x = 8, v = 3 and w = 6 20: Calculate 4 x 8

Mark: Effort:
Homework Sheet 14 Week Beginning 7th December
1: Divide 1479 by 100 11: Find the area
of this shape.

2: Find the missing terms of this arithmetic sequence 12: Find the perimeter
of the shape if each
……, 4, ……., ……., 25, ……, 39 diagonal is 1.5 cm.

3: Calculate 4 + 2 x 3 - 7 13: Calculate 4 + -1

4: Calculate 112 14: Find the lowest common multiple of 15 and 20

5: Calculate 552 ÷ 6 15: Write 72 as a product of prime factors

6: Write down the first 4 multiples of 16 16: Simplify y2 × z × y

7: Write down a factor of 20 that is also a factor of 35 17: Tickets for a school concert are charged using the
formula C = 5a + 3c where C is the cost in £, a is the
number of adult tickets, and c is the number of child
tickets. Work out the cost for a family of 2 adults and 3
children to go to the concert.

8: Write down a formula that shows that Y is the same 18: A parallelogram and triangle have the same base
as the square of z. and area. If the parallelogram has a height of 12 cm,
what is the height of the triangle?

9: Simplify 5y2 - 4z + 9 - (5y2 - 4z + 9) 19: A square has the same numerical value of its area
and its perimeter. What is the length of one side of the

10: Find the value of 2y - z2 when y = 7 and z = 4 20: Calculate 4 x 4

Mark: Effort:
Shee 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Homework 1
Homework 2
Homework 3
Homework 4
Homework 5
Homework 6
Homework 7
Homework 8
Homework 9

Homework 12
Homework 13

Homework 10
Homework 11
1 Numeracy
2 Number Patterns
3 Order of Operations
4 Powers
5 Integers
6 Multiples
7 Factors & Primes
8 Expressions & Formulae
9 Simplifying
10 Substituting
11 Area
12 Perimeter
13 Integers
14 Multiples
15 Factors and Primes
16 Simplifying
17 Substituting
18 Area
19 Perimeter
20 Times Tables

Homework 2 Target
Homework 3 Target
Homework 4 Target
Homework 5 Target
Homework 5 Target
Homework 6 Target
Homework 7 Target
Homework 8 Target
Homework 9 Target
Homework 10 Target
Homework 11 Target
Homework 12 Target
Homework 13 Target
Homework 14 Target

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