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Our Life Together: 13th - 20th February 2011

Sunday 13th Thursday 17th

10:00am Worship Service 7:30pm Music Practice
Speaker John Enjoying God, Blessing Others
Friday 18th
11:30am Morning Tea
11:45am Relay for Life short meeting
6:00pm Relay for Life at Henty Park...
Sunday 13th February 2011
5:00pm FUEL Youth meets at the Saturday 19th
Youth Shed for “Tea & Talk” ...Relay for Life continues until 4:00pm
6:30pm Cunninghams’ Niger Dinner Welcome to our service.
Monday 14th at Hamilton Baptist Church
We are so glad you are with us.
9:30am Ladies’ Walking Group
6:15pm Valentine’s Day Dinner at Hall
Sunday 20th We are a company of ordinary people who love Jesus
10:00am Worship Service
Speaker John
and want to share his love and care with everybody.
Tuesday 15th
11:30am Morning Tea It is our prayer that God will speak
10:30am Church House Prayer Meeting 11:45am Parents of Junior Youth with you today.
7:00pm Table Tennis at the Church Hall - Planning Meeting
6:00pm Combined Churches’
Wednesday 16th Service at PBC
7:30pm Home Group at Blakes’
7:30pm Home Group at Crouches’ Our Upcoming Highlights
7:30pm Home Group at Oakleys’
FUEL Youth Tea & Talk at the Youth Shed: Tonight - 5:00pm
Valentine’s Day Dinner: Tomorrow Evening - 6:15pm
BULLETIN NOTICES: To place Roster: 20th February 2011 Relay for Life at Henty Park: Next Fri/Sat. 18th-19th February
notices in the bulletin, please contact Junior Youth Parents’ Planning Meeting: Next Sunday after church
Wilma Crouch on 5523 3595 or email Door Greeting: Mieke Walker by 10am Combined Churches’ Service at PBC: Next Sunday 20th - 6:00pm
Thursdays. Thank you. Door & Offering: Dallas Walker Silver Threads Craft at Robyn’s: Tuesday week 22nd - 12:00pm
Downstairs D&O: Micheal Barnes Church Quarterly Meeting: Sunday 27th February
Loaves Children’s Talk: Lyndon Oakley
& Fishes Media Desk: Peter, Roger, Jim
Pastor: Associate Pastor: Secretary:
Thank you to everyone for your Morning Tea: Blake, Caddick
Rev John Simpson Rev Michael Drennan Jim Blake
faithful support. Items most Offering Counting: J Donehue 13 Browning Street 11 Webb Court 39 Patrick Street
needed include: canned & R Selwood Portland Portland Portland
vegetables; pasta; shampoo;
Lawns & Garden: G Sobey P: 5523 2257 P: 5523 4893 P: 5523 2347
conditioner; jam; tissues; soup;
M: 0428 780 421 M: 0408 568 887 M: 0425 714 633
tea; coffee; sugar; toiletries; Ch. House Clean: W Crouch
biscuits. Place donations in the
Church Cleaning: Oakley
foyer trolley or in the marked box Our website:
on the piano downstairs . Hall/Kitchen Clean: Atwell
From John and Judith “Devote yourselves to prayer, being
watchful and thankful.” Col. 4:2 OUR FINANCES
From the Australian Christian Lobby…. Total January Offering: $15,483
Lois Brown – had surgery Thursday in
Monthly Budget: $16,250
This week we are inserting this statement from Jim Wallis, leader of ACL. Melbourne
Weekly Target: $ 3,750
Please read carefully and act as suggested: Stuart Oakley – and Terese and family.
Weekly Average $ 3,096
George Mackley – in hospital, pray for
Verna and family (avg. from 1st January 2011)
With the battle over marriage set to dominate the political landscape in 2011, an
Our friends with special needs – Week 2nd January $3,607
online petition in support of marriage by ACL now makes it easier than ever for Week 9th January $2,743
Matthew Harris, Stevie King
us to add our voice to this crucial debate. Week 16th January $3,366
Our Mayor – Mayor Bruce & Councillors
Loaves and Fishes – for the care of Week 23rd January $3,355
The petition, to the Senate, calls on politicians to respect and defend the current Portland’s needy families Week 30th January $2,411
definition of marriage in the Marriage Act as “the union of a man and a woman Portland Ministers’ Association – meet
to the exclusion of all others, voluntarily entered into for life”. this week with special guest, our Mayor Direct Debit Payments for offerings
Victoria, Queensland and WA – all and donations can be made
In the face of relentless campaigning by homosexual activists to pressure the coping with the outcomes of dreadful electronically. Details are as follows:
Gillard Government to renege on its election commitment in favour of marriage, natural disasters Acc Name: Portland Baptist
it is vital that supporters of marriage find their voice in this debate. Signing the Our Federal & State Parliaments – now Church Direct Offering
petition is a quick and easy way to have our view on marriage represented in the back in session. Pray that the Holy Spirit BSB 704 922
Parliament. will cover our national & state leadership Account No. 100 006 869
with a genuine desire to affirm the
A massive response to the petition will influence those politicians who are values we know and cherish Building Fund
undecided on the issue and are genuinely seeking the views of their constituents Total Building Fund raised to
on marriage. It will also fore-arm supporters of marriage within the Parliament to
Habitat for Humanity - Phil Curtis end of January: $511,151
defend this vital institution with our encouragement and public backing.
Tuesday January Donations: $1,380
You can sign the petition by visiting the „man+wife4life‟ campaign at Our friends at Croydon Hills Baptist B/F available balance: $109,693 Please also encourage your family and friends to sign, Wednesday
All gifts to the building fund are
and to distribute the link through your own networks. Pastor Alexei & Bethany Fellowship
fully tax deductible. Please take
at Obninsk, Russia
the information sheets (blue &
Whilst visiting the site, don‟t forget to send a quick „pollie mail‟ to our local Thursday yellow) and envelopes are
member, Dan Tehan ( to let him know that we want the Rod & Cindy McGarvie & family - available in the porch. You can
current definition of marriage to remain. After all, MPs cannot know we support Wycliffe Bible Translators deposit straight into the building
marriage unless we actually speak up and say something. Friday fund via internet banking using
Norm & Karen Roberts—Global the following information:
There has never been a more important year for marriage in Australia than 2011, Interaction, Northern Territory Acc Name: Portland Baptist
and there has never been a more important time to stand up for Australian Saturday Church Direct Building Fund
marriage. Please visit today to make a stand for Paul & Heather Rayside - Vietnam BSB 704 922
marriage. Sunday Account No 100 007 044
John & Judith Doug & Jeannette Bennetts - Wycliffe
“Let’s press on in faith!”
Bible Translators
Weekly Prayer Group CDs available Combined Churches’ Service
Our weekly Prayer
from Peter Sunday 20th February - 6:00pm
Group meets on
Tuesdays at the Church Going on holidays? We are hosting the Combined Churches’
House from 10.30- Don't want to miss the church service next Sunday at 6.00pm. Please be with us to host
11.30am. A warm messages? Need a copy for some those from other churches and to assist with supper after the service. These
welcome awaits you there! other reason? Did you know that while are always special times for us to lead our brothers and sisters in worship
you are away Peter can do recordings
from other churches and to have them share in the service with us.
on CDs of Sunday’s message? Just
DATES TO register in the blue folder on the
REMEMBER media desk or speak to Peter
Valentine’s Day Bi r t hd ay!!
Relay for Life - PBC
Team: Meet today - 11:45am
Dalliston. (Phone 5521 1562).
Dinner Happy 8
FUEL Youth - “Tea & Talk” at Wanted: CRE Teachers Monday 14th February Very Special
the Shed: Tonight - 5:00pm Congratulations to
CRE teachers are needed
Valentine’s Day Dinner: for three schools in the 6:15pm for 6:30pm. our friend Dawn
Tomorrow 14th Feb. - 6:15pm Portland area for grades Our Valentines’ Day Dinner Wulff for her 80th
Relay for Life at Henty Park: 3/4 and 5/6. There will be a tomorrow – for all who have Birthday Today!!
Next Fri. 6:00pm to Sat. 4:00pm training session this month
lodged their RSVP’s please
of 4-5 hours. Volunteers do not need to
Dinner & Niger Presentation remember that the Dinner
with the Cunninghams: at be trained teachers as materials are
commences 6.15pm for 6.30pm. Thank You!
Hamilton Baptist next Saturday well prepared, easy to follow and there
… to all who joined us
19th - 6:30pm are student workbooks. The classroom
teacher remains in the room to Silver Threads for our monthly Prayer
Junior Youth Parents: Meet Day on Friday. Thank
after church Sunday 20th
supervise. CRE is warmly received in our Craft Group
schools. Babysitters are also needed for you for your time,
Tuesday 22nd Feb.
Combined Churches Service at Mums who can teach CRE. For more prayers and support,
PBC: Sunday 20th - 6:00pm details call Joylene Uebergang, CRE Co- We will start the year with special thanks to
Silver Threads Craft Group: at ordinator - 5523 2625. off with our first meeting at all our young people
Robyn Dalliston’s home on Robyn’s place, 72 Dalwood Lane who shared with us.
Tuesday 22nd - 12:00noon Portland. Starting at 12.00 midday
Lighthouse Depression
Support Group Meeting at
on Tuesday week, bring your own Welcome
lunch, any sewing you are presently
PAC: Tuesday 22nd - 7:30pm
doing, and ideas for what sewing Home!
Sunday School begins Term 1: Located just beside the foyer. Toys projects we can do as a group, or
Sunday 27th February Welcome back to
and activities for young children up outings we can go on. Anyone Graham and Dianne
FUEL Youth Study Group: to 12 months of age. You are interested in sewing, knitting or any
Starts Term Sunday 27th Feb. after Graham’s long haul with
welcome to use this room especially
other craft is most welcome to radiation treatment in Melbourne.
Church Quarterly Meeting: during our prayer time and the
Sunday 27th February
attend. For more information You have both been in our prayers
sermon if your child is unsettled. It
is sound-linked to the auditorium. please contact Robyn - 5521 1562. and will remain so.
Sunday Harvest Thanksgiving Baptismal Service
School Easter Sunday 24th April
Auction Please let John or Michael know if you are thinking
at Bolwarra Uniting Church about baptism. There will be a special session or two on
Sorry for the delay but to make baptism as part of our member orientation process so
things better for our students the Monday 14th Feb. 7:30pm
those considering baptism can join in. To be baptised on
start of Sunday School for grades 1 All welcome - lots of fun!
Easter Sunday makes this day very special as we
through 6 will be postponed until
remember with joy the resurrection of Jesus.
February 27th.

RELAY FOR LIFE Junior Youth Orientation Commitment

PBC TEAM Session Cards
PARENTS For those who have
~ 2011 ~ not previously been church
If you were not able
Planning Meeting to be with us to
A short Team meeting will be held members but who have presented
TODAY after the service, 11.45am
Next Sunday 20th Feb. present your Commitment Card
their Commitment Cards, please
to finalise details of next weekend’s after church note that there will be an at our Annual Commitment
Orientation Session on Sunday 20th service, you are invited to do so
Relay for Life. Please see Debbie in Would all parents of Junior Youth
March at 6.00pm in our Sunday during the last song in each of
the Hall. This special event for (Grades 4, 5, 6) please meet after
School hall. Attendance is part of our February services. John or
cancer research is held at Henty church on February 20th to help plan
the membership process and will Michael will offer a reminder
Park. Relay walkers start at 7:00pm activities for Junior Youth. For any prior to the song. Please
be followed by an interview with a
Friday 18th and finish at 4:00pm queries please see Michael or phone remember that this is fivefold
report to be brought to the Church
Saturday 19th. Please keep the PBC 5523 4893. commitment as set out on the
Meeting in May. For those who
Team and all participants in prayer. have not been baptised, there will card. Only present your card if
See Debbie Oakley or call 5521 7164 News be a special session on baptism you are intending to honour
for more information. from available and will be advised each of these commitments
YWAM shortly. with the Lord’s help.
FUEL Youth 2011 outreach dates are posted at
“Tea & Talk” YWAM seeks An Invitation:
Discussion marine professionals, doctors,
Evening nurses, dentists and more to help A special event in Hamilton next Saturday
make this year in PNG even better
TONIGHT - 5:00pm than last. A primary health care Title - "New farming practices that could rescue a nation from famine"
at the Youth Shed team is now preparing for the ship Speakers - Peter and Sally Cunningham – discussing the work in Niger
Items for discussion include: to visit the Western Province. Would Location - Hamilton Baptist Church, Gray Street Hamilton
 plans for the Study Group you consider coming along this year? Date – Next Saturday 19th February
 recommendations for use The Outreach Information Pack and Time - 6.30 pm (over dinner)
of the bus sale funds. Application are available online. To bring - cold meat and salad to share

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