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Nanyang Technological Institute. Singapore

23.1 INTRODUCTION compacted locally up to a few meters from the source. It is also
possible to replace the compressible layers with a compacted
Several new or improved methods for deep compaction of granular fill.
granular soils have been developed during the last few years: The selection of a particular compaction method for a project
depends on the required depth and degree of compaction,
• to control settlements gradation of the soil, content of fines, degree of saturation,
• to increase the bearing capacity location of groundwater table, risks involved, available equip-
• to prevent or to reduce the risk of liquefaction ment and time, experience of the contractor, and the costs. It
is often much easier to compact a granular material to a specified
Significant advances have been made with respect to the relative density when the soil initially is loose compared with
efficiency of the methods, the prediction of the improvement the case when the initial relative density is high. The homogeneity
that can be achieved, and the checking of the results using, for of the soil is also improved by the compaction. Sometimes a
example, penetration, pressuremeter and dilatometer tests, combination of methods can be useful when the depth is large
crosshole measurements, and other in-situ methods. In this (Johnson et aI., 1983; Keller et aI., 1987; Mitchell and Welsh,
chapter, the principles, the applications, and the design methods 1989), the soil conditions are variable (Cognon et aI., 1983;
that can be used in the different compaction methods are Schmertmann et aI., 1986), or when a high relative density is
reviewed and compared. required (Solymar and Reed, 1986).
Deep compaction methods can be broadly classified into A conventional foundation method (driven or bored piles)
vibration, displacement, and loading methods depending on the must often be used if sufficient time is not available for the
mechanism of the compaction shown below. required field and laboratory tests or for the compaction.
1. Yibration methods The most difficult part in geotechnical investigations and in
(Vibrocompaction) evaluating alternative soil improvement methods is to determine
1.1 Vibroflotation the improvement that is really necessary, the required depth of
1.2 Vibrocompaction the compaction and the compressibility of the compacted soil.
Vibro-Wing For example, the compressibility of granular soils depends on
Foster Terraprobe a large number of factors that are not related to the relative
Franki V-Probe density of the soil. It should be noted that the properties of the
1.3 Blasting
even clean sand continue to improve for several weeks or months
2. Displacement methods after the initial compaction without any volume changes, as has
(Vibrodisplacement) been observed, for example, by Mitchell ( 1986) and by Solymar
2.1 Stone and gravel columns and sand compaction piles and Reed (1986).
2.2 Compaction piles As discussed by Engelhardt and Golding ( 1975), Engelhardt
2.3 Dynamic consolidation (heavy tamping) and Kirsch (1977), and Seed and Booker (1977) among others,
2.4 Pressure grouting deep compaction down to 30 m or more may be required, for
3. Loading methods example, for earth and rockfill dams, nuclear plants, airports,
and harbors in order to reduce the liquefaction potential. In
3.1 Preloading
many other cases compaction down to 5 or 10 m may be
The vibration methods, vibroflotation, vibrocompaction, and sufficient.
blasting, are mainly effective in clean sand and gravel below Deep compaction is often necessary for land reclamation
the groundwater table where the vibrations will cause local where land is scarce, for example in Singapore, Hong Kong, and
liquefaction around the probe. Displacement methods and Japan. In Japan alone more than 5 percent of the flat land
preloading can also be used in silty or clayey soils above the available in the country has been reclaimed during the last 20
groundwater table where the soil is only partially saturated. years (Aboshi, 1984). For reclamation projects it is important
Dynamic consolidation (heavy tamping) and blasting generate to estimate accurately the decrease of the volume caused by the
high pore water pressures that reduce the shear strength of the compaction. The reduction is usually between 5 and 15 percent
soil. This means that the soil particles can be displaced by the of the thickness, depending on the initial relative density of the
shear waves (S-waves) that follow after the initial compression compressible layers.
waves (P-waves) caused by the impact. The volume of soil Deep compaction methods for granular soils have been
affected by dynamic consolidation and blasting is usually discussed at several recent conferences and symposia (London,
relatively large (up to 10 m or more from the point of impact 1975,1983; Brighton, 1979; Paris, 1980, 1984; Stockholm, 1981;
or blasting). At vibroflotation and vibrocompaction the soil is Helsinki, 1983; Bangkok, 1982; Singapore, 1985). Different soil


H.-Y. Fang (ed.), Foundation Engineering Handbook

© Van Nostrand Reinhold 1991
Deep Compaction of Granular Soils 815

improvement methods used in the United States have been 23.2 VIBRATION METHODS
reviewed by the ASCE Committee on Placement and Improve-
ment of Soils (ASCE, 1977). State-of-the-art reports have been
published by Mitchell (1981), Mitchell and Katti (1981), and 23.2.1 Vibroflotation
Greenwood and Kirsch (1983).
Extensive field and laboratory testing is generally required The oldest of the deep compaction methods is vibroflotation,
to evaluate the effectiveness of different compaction methods which was developed in Germany in the 19308. In this method,
in terms of the relative compaction or relative density that can 0.30-m to 0.45-m diameter rod vibrators (vibroflots) are used,
be achieved. Penetration tests are normally used to determine as illustrated in Figure 23.1. The lateral vibrations of the
the thickness, location, and lateral extent of the different soil vibrator are caused by rotating eccentric weights. The vibrations
layers. The compressibility and the bearing capacity of the can be transmitted to the soil along the whole length of the
different strata are usually estimated from cone (CPT) and vibrator (Keller system) or at the tip (Bauer system).
standard penetration (SPT) tests or from weight soundings The efficiency of the vibroflotation method has gradually
(WST). Disturbed but representative samples are usually been improved. Vibrators with up to 300 kN centrifugal force
sufficient to determine the grain-size distribution and the and a frequency of 30 to 50 Hz are available (as at 1990). The
content of fines. Pressuremeter and plate load tests are often maximum amplitude is 5 to 23 mm. The total weight of the
useful to establish in situ the shear strength and the compressi- vibrators is 4 to 8 tonnes and the length is 2.0 to 4.5 m. There
bility of the different strata. Dilatometer tests can sometimes is a trend to increase the amplitude and the weight further and
be useful to evaluate the compressibility and the coefficient of to reduce the frequency.
lateral earth pressure at rest, both of which are of interest, The vibrators are provided with water jets top and bottom
for example, in finite-element analyses (FEM). Pore pressure to improve the penetration rate and to remove some of the fines
conditions can be determined with a piezocone, often in in the soil. Air can be injected to improve the penetration at
combination with cone penetration tests. Relatively thin sand large depths. Compressed air is used to stabilize the borehole
or silt seams can be detected by pore pressure soundings, which in the dry vibro-replacement method.
can also be used to evaluate the coefficient of consolidation The vibrators can also be provided with fins to increase the
(Robertson, 1986). efficiency and to reduce the twisting during compaction. A
The required improvement is normally expressed in terms cutting ring is used to widen the hole when there are cemented
of a relative density defined by the relationship layers or seams in the soil.
The vibroflot is vibrated and jetted down to the required
depth of the compaction. Typical penetration rates are 1.0 to
(23.1 ) 2.0 m/roin. At the required depth the bottom water jets are
turned off and the side jets are turned on. The purpose of the
side jets is to loosen the soil above the vibrator. The volume
where em.. and emin are the maximum and the minimum void of water should be sufficient to stabilize the borehole and to
ratios of the sand, respectively. The maximum and minimum compensate seepage looses. The flow rate is up to 3 m 3 /roin
void ratios are generally determined in accordance with the and the maximum water pressure is 0.8 MPa. The water level
procedure described in ASTM D2049. in the borehole should always be kept higher than the ground-
As pointed out, for example, by Green and Padfield (1983), water level, to prevent caving of the sides of the hole.
the relative density is difficult to determine in the field owing
to the disturbance caused by the sampling. Furthermore, the
relative density is often not a very satisfactory index of the
compressibility, the shear strength, or the liquefaction potential
of granular soils because these properties are affected not only
by the relative density but also by such factors as preloading, , .... ___ Water hose
time, content of fines, and the effective overburden pressure. L.. - - - Electric cable

Another difficulty is the changes of particle size, particle-size

distribution, and of maximum and minimum void ratios that
occur in many deep compaction methods owing to the crushing
of the soil particles during the compaction. It is therefore often
preferable to relate the required compaction to a minimum
penetration resistance determined by penetration tests, CPT or
STP, rather than to a certain relative density. However, the
results from the penetration tests should be corrected with Vibration isolator
respect to the effective overburden pressure and thus to the
depth and the location of the groundwater table.
Often a relatively high relative density is specified for earth
and rockfill dams to reduce the risks ofliquefaction. A minimum
Compacted zone
relative density of 80 percent has, for example, been prescribed
by Iyengar (1983) for an earth dam in India. For the Jebba
Dam in Nigeria, a minimum relative density of 60 percent was
required down to 20 m depth. At the Changi Airport in
Singapore a relative density of 75 percent was specified Vibroflot
(Choa et aI., 1979 ). For vibratory machinery such as generators, Fin (prevents twisting)
a minimum relative density of 80 percent is frequently required.
Local variations of the compaction are normally not signifi- Nose cone
cant. Such variations can be caused by lenses of organic material
or by bad workmanship. This can be checked with penetration
tests-CPT, SPT or WST. Fig. 23.1 Compaction by vibroflotation.
816 Foundation Engineering Handbook

The vibroflot is then slowly withdrawn in O.3-m to O.5-m 100

intervals in order to compact the loose sand to about 1.5 to
3.0 m around the probe. The withdrawal rate is normally
0.3 m/min. About 0.5 to 1 min of compaction is required at
each level. The additional improvement by extending the
duration of compaction to more than 1 to 3 min at each level
is generally small. Silty soils, calcareous sand, and coral debris
may even be weakened by the additional vibration. .,
The crater that develops at the surface around the probe ...u
during compaction is filled with granular material. Up to 80
1.5 m 3 1m length might be required. The most suitable backfill Q

material is coarse sand or gravel with little or no fines. The

preferred particle size is 10 to 40 mm. Coarse gravel can, .,I::
however, cause arching around the vibrator during withdrawal.
The granular material can also be added through the vibroflot

at the bottom ofthe vibrator (bottom feeding), thereby reducing
the risk of arching. Compressed air is often used to force the
material down through the extension tube (Brown, 1977).
The maximum depth of the compaction is usually 25 m. 60
However, at the Jebba Dam in Nigeria the method was used
down to 30 m depth. Vibroflotation has also been used in
Canada down to the same depth (30m) in order to reduce the
liquefaction potential (Solymar and Reed, 1986). The production
rate was high: 300 to 600 m per probe per 100hour shift.
2 3
The power consumption required to operate the vibrator
increases as the relative density of the soil increases. This effect Spacings of centers of vibration, m
can be used to monitor the compaction during the withdrawal Fig.23.2 Relative density (10) of clean sand midway between
(d'Appolonia, 1953; Brown, 1977). However, there are also centers of vibration.
several other factors besides relative density and degree of
compaction that affect the power consumption (peak demand).
Morgan and Thomson (1983) suggest that it is advisable
to check also the amplitude and the frequency during the Canada (Solymar and Reed, 1986) and China (Wang et aI.,
compaction using an accelerometer attached to the tip of the 1988) to reduce the liquefaction potential and in the United
vibrator, since the amplitude decreases in general with increasing States (d'Appolonia et aI., 1955).
compaction. However, it is not well known how the relative Mainly sandy soils can be treated. The maximum content
density affects the amplitude. Calibration is therefore required of fines in soils that can be compacted successfully by vibro-
at each site, with for example, CPT or SPT. flotation is about 20 to 25 percent, as iIIustrated in Figure 23.3
The compaction is generally highest next to the vibrator. The (Mitchell and Katti, 1981). The clay content should not exceed
relative density is usually about 100 percent up to 0.30-0.55 m 3 percent. The effectiveness of vibroflotation is also reduced in
from the probe. The compaction may be reduced just around gravelly soils when the coefficient of permeability exceeds about
the hole left after the vibroflot. The compaction decreases 0.01 m/s. The effectiveness is also reduced in cemented soils.
gradually with increasing distance from the probe. The lowest Additional compaction using a 3- to 5-tonne vibratory roller
relative density is usually obtained halfway between the com- is generally required at the surface to densify the soil down to
paction points. It has been observed that the penetration 1.0-1.5 m depth where the compaction with vibroflotation or
resistance can be reduced temporarily some distance (3 m) away vibrocompaction is poor.
from the vibrator just after the compaction. The variation of Brown (1977) has proposed a suitability number (P) for the
the relative density can be large depending on the soil conditions classification of soils with respect to the effectiveness of the
and the spacing. An average relative density of 75 percent can compaction by the vibroflotation method:
normally be obtained for clean sand (Fig. 23.2) when the spacing
is 1.5 to 2.0 m. 311
The largest uncertainty with vibroflotation is the evaluation P= 1.7 (d so )2 + (d 20 )2 + (d 10 )2 (23.2)
of the compressibility and the thickness of the compacted zone.
It is often assumed that the compaction and the reduction of This suitability number depends on the particle size dso , d20 ,
the compressibility correspond to the volume of the added and d 10 , in millimeters, at 50, 20, and 10 percent passing by
material and the surface settlements during the compaction. It weight, respectively. The rating varies from excellent when the
is therefore important to measure both the volume of the added suitability number is less than 10 to poor and unsuitable when
material and the settlements around the compaction point. The it exceeds 30. The time required for compaction decreases with
results of the compaction are often expressed in terms of a soil decreasing suitability number and thus with increasing particle
improvement factor (n), the ratio of the estimated settlements size.
before and after the compaction. Vibroftotation can in some cases be combined with other
Vibroflotation has mainly been applied to reducing the deep compaction methods to increase the effectiveness. For
settlements of oil tanks, industrial buildings, earth and rockfill example, Johnson et al. ( 1983) used vibroflotation in combination
dams (e.g., West, 1976; Solymar, 1984), bridges, machine with heavy tamping in order to compact a 25-m thick fill. The
foundations, and other relatively flexible structures, and to lower part of the fill was compacted by vibroflotation while
reducing the liquefaction potential of silt and fine sand tamping was used for the upper part. Andreu et al. (1983) and
(Engelhardt and Golding, 1975; Dobson, 1987). Applications Basore and Boitano (1969) used piles in combination with
in the U.K. have been described by West (1976) and by vibroflotation because of the variation of the compaction
Greenwood (1970, 1975). The method has also been used in obtained using vibroflotation alone. Solymar and Reed (1986)
Deep Compaction of Granular Soils 817

Most desirable
C range

0.01 0.001
Particle size, mm

Sand Silt I I

Fig. 23.3 Required grain-size distribution in vibroflotation. (After Mitchell and Katti. 1981.)

have described a case where vibroftotation was combined with

blasting in order to reduce the liquefaction potential.
The most reliable method for checking the compaction by
vibroftotation is with cone penetration tests (CPT). Standard Vibratory
penetration tests (SPT) are often unreliable, as pointed out by
Green and Padfield (1983), and the interpretation of the results
is uncertain. It should be noted that the penetration resistance
increases in general with time. It is not unusual that the
penet(ation resistance after one month can be 50 to 100 percent
higher than that immediately after the compaction.
It is often necessary to calibrate the vibroftot before the start
of the compaction at a particular site to determine the thickness Rod
of the compacted zone, the required spacing, and the relative
density that can be reached. The amplitude and frequency of
the vibrations can be checked with an accelerometer mounted
at the tip of the vibrator. Wings

23.2.2 Vibrocompaction
Vibrocompaction can be used to compact granular soils down
to about 40 m depth. In this deep compaction method, a Up to
vibratory hammer is used, which is attached to a pipe or a 40m
probe that is vibrated down into the soil. Examples are the

Vibro-Wing, the Foster Terraprobe, and the .Franki Y-Probe.
Other shapes of the probe have also been found to be effective O.8m
(Saito, 1977).

In contrast to vibroftotation, the vibrations are now in the
vertical direction, and the amplitude is 10 to 25 mm. The
production rate is high at vibrocompaction, 4 to 5 times higher ===()==
than that of vibroftotation, but the increase in the relative
density of the soil around the probe and the affected volume
~ Section A-A

are less (Brown and Glenn, 1976).

In the Vibro- Wing method, shown in Figure 23.4, a steel rod
that is provided with 0.8-m long "wings" spaced 0.5 m apart in
the vertical direction is driven down by a vibratory hammer to Compacted
the required depth of the compaction. The shaft is pulled out zone
slowly as the soil is vibrated. The withdrawal rate depends on
the time required to reach the required relative density. The
rate is mainly governed by the permeability of the soil. A higher
withdrawal rate can be used for coarse sand than for fine sand. Fig.23.4 The Vibro-Wing method.
818 Foundation Engineering Handbook

The frequency of vibration is about 20 Hz (Massarsch and

Broms, 1983; Massarsch, 1985).
The Vibro-Wing method has been used in Rostock Harbor,
G.D.R. The compaction of the hydraulic fill, in this case a fine
to medium sand, was done in a triangular pattern and the
spacing was 2.5 m. A plate vibrator was used at the surface,
where the compaction was poor. The compaction was checked
by cone penetration and seismic crosshole tests. Figure 23.5
shows the results from CPT before and after the compaction
(Massarsch and Broms, 1983). 5
In the Terraprobe method developed by Foster Engineering
in the United States, an open-ended 0.76-m diameter pipe is
utilized as illustrated in Figure 23.6a. The frequency of the E
vibratory hammer that is used to drive the probe is 15 Hz. The
length of the probe is generally 3 to 5 m longer than the required

depth of the compaction. The probe is vibrated down and

extracted after the compaction of the soil by the hammer. Sand
or gravel is added after the extraction to compensate for the
settlements around the probe.
Several cases where the method has been used successfully
in the United States have been described by the ASCE
Committee on Placement and Improvement of Soils (ASCE,
1977), by Janes (1973), and by Leycure and Schroeder (1987).
The Frank; Y-Probe is star-shaped as it consists ofthree long
steel plates that are joined together at angles of 120 0 as shown \
in Figure 23.6b. The plates are 0.5 m wide and 20 mm thick
(Massarsch, 1985). Ribs, which are spaced 2 m apart, are welded 15L_~~~==~~~
o 5 10 15 20
on both sides of the plates in order to increase the efficiency of
the probe. The frequency of the vibrations can be varied to Penetration resistance, q" MPa
correspond to the natural frequency of the ground (10 to 15 Hz)
to reduce the time required for the compaction.
Field tests are normally required for major projects to
establish the optimum spacing, which is usually 1.5 to 3.0 m
depending on the soil conditions. The results are generally
checked with cone (CPT) or standard penetration tests (SPT). o
The method has been used successfully, for example, to compact
a coarse sand fill below water in the harbor in Zeebrugge in
Belgium (de Wolf et aI., 1980, 1983; van Impe, 1985).
Wallays (1982a, b), Holeyman and Wallays (1984), and
Holeyman and Broms (1986) have related the degree of
compaction that can be achieved, and thus the efficiency of the
method, to the silt and clay content of the soil and thus to the
sleeve friction ratio (FR) as determined by cone penetration 5
test (CPT). The relative improvement has been found to
decrease with increasing friction ratio and with increasing initial
relative density of the soil and thus with increasing cone
resistance (q.). Saito (1977) has suggested that at least part of .c
the increase of the penetration resistance is caused by an increase Q.
of the lateral earth pressure from the vibratory compaction.
The best results with deep vibratory compaction are usually
obtained with clean sand and gravel below the groundwater
level where the soil is saturated. The method is effective only 10
when the content of fines (silt- and clay-size particles) is less
than 20 to 25 percent (Greenwood and Kirsch, 198),). A relative
density of 70 to 80 percent can usually be obtained below 25 m
depth and higher values at shallow depths (Solymar and Reed,
1986). The efficiency decreases rapidly with increasing silt and
clay contents. The clay content should preferably be less than
3 percent. The particle size, gradation, relative density, and
depth are also important. The compaction' is generally poor
15~ ____~~____~______~______~
close to the surface down to l.5-2.0m depth. Additional o 15 20
compaction using a 3- to 5-tonne vibratory roller is usually
required. A relatively large area (> 1500m 2 ) has to be treated Penetration resistance, q" MPa
before the method becomes economical because of the relatively (b)
high costs for the mobilization of the equipment.
The required spacing of the compaction points depends on Fig.23.5 (a) Cone penetration resistance before and after
the permeability of the soil and on the depth. The spacing is compaction by the Vibro-Wing method. (b) Cone penetration
normally 1.0 to 2.0 m. Because of the vertical vibrations of the resistance before and after surface compaction (2.5 x 3 m plate.)
Deep Compaction of Granular Soils 819

0.76m 100

l~ c
g, 80

0.10 to 0.15 m

-------- ~ ~

1.5 t03.0m 2.0m

[ -------- ~ j Spacing ratio, SId

(a) (b)

Fig.23.6 Vibrocompaction methods. (a) L. B. Foster. (b) Franki


probe (Fig. 23.7), a smaller spacing is generally required

for vibrocompaction compared with vibrofiotation. A higher
average relative density can in general be obtained at the same
spacing with vibrofiotation than with vibrocompaction. The Fig.23.7 Comparison of different compaction methods.
spacing must often be reduced in coarse sand compared with
that required for fine sand with a relatively low permeability
because of the reduced width of the compacted zone around
the probe. The spacing must also be reduced in silty soils because
of the reduced efficiency with increasing silt and clay content.
Even a few percent of silt- or clay-size particles can considerably 40
reduce the effect of the compaction. The effect of the content
of fines ( < 74 JIm) on the compaction that can be achieved is
After improvement
shown in Figure 23.8. It can be seen that even a small amount
of silt- and clay-size particles has a large effect ofthe maximum
penetration resistance that can be obtained. •
Most of the compaction is obtained during the first 2 to 5 30
minutes. Therefore it is generally more economical to reduce E
the spacing in order to reach the required degree of compaction '"e
than to increase the compaction time. A higher relative density '"~
0 • •
can be obtained with coarse sand than with fine sand. The time •

required for the compaction depends mainly on the permeability ::.:
and thus on the content of fines. The effect will be low when ,;
u 20
the permeability is less than 10- 5 m/s. The maximum capacity c:
is 10 to 15 probings/hour.
The densification varies with depth. Leycure and Schroeder ...'" • • ••
(1987) observed that the highest relative density was obtained c:
.2 •
at 5 m depth and that the density decreased with increasing
overburden pressure. The low density next to the surface was
•• ••
• • •
attributed to "overvibration" which occurs when the particle 10


7---•--------- .... -
acceleration is high and the effective overburden pressure is
low. Similar observations have been made by Janes (1973). Also ..................
the slope of the ground surface affects the compaction. Leycure
and Schroeder (1987) report that the relative density that could
be achieved was reduced by about 10 percent when the ground Before improvement
was sloping. 0
The size of the liquefied zone around the probe and the 10 20 30
compaction will be limited in coarse sand and gravel when Finer fraction < 74 11m, percent
k> 10- 2 m/s. Gravel and coarse sand are more difficult
to compact by vibrocompaction than medium to fine sand. Fig. 23.8 Effect of fines in vibrocompaction. (After Saito, 1977.)
820 Foundation Engineering Handbook

Vibroflotation is preferred in these soils because of the lateral Individual charges are usually 1 to 12 kg or 10 to 30 glm 3 of
displacements of the vibrator during compaction. the soil to be compacted. The spacing of the boreholes is usually
5 to 15 m (for example, Prugh, 1963). The charges can also be
placed under water just above the mudline (Dembicki et aI.,
23.2.3 Blasting 1980a; Ivanov, 1980). Compaction can generally not be increased
further by increasing the quantity of explosives or by reducing
Granular soils have been compacted successfully by blasting the spacing of the boreholes.
down to about a depth of 40 m in order to reduce the Blasting is often repeated not more than two to three times
liquefaction potential and the settlements. This method is since the improvement after three rounds is usually smalI. It
usually very economical when it can be used, even when the should be noted that the density of the soil just around the
area to be treated is relatively smalI. The largest obstacle in detonation point will be low and that layers that are initially
many countries is often obtaining permission to use and to store very dense (Dr> 0.7) may be loosened by the blasting. The
the explosives required for the blasting. results therefore vary within the compacted soil mass.
Blasting is mainly used below the groundwater level, since The increase of the relative density is generally 15 to 30
the compaction is caused by partial liquefaction of the soil. The percentage points. The largest improvement is obtained when
method can also be used when the silt and clay contents of the the soil is initialIy loose. A relative density of 65 to 75 percent
soil are relatively high because of the disturbance of the soil can normalIy be reached below 10 to 12 m depth. At shallower
caused by the blasting. It has also been used successfulIy to depths the maximum relative density is 75 to 85 percent
compact loess after prewetting (Litvinov, 1966; Abelev, 1976). (Solymar and Reed, 1986). The surface settlement is usualIy
Blasting is not a new method. In the U.S.S.R., it has mainly 2 to 10 percent of the total thickness of the compacted layer.
been used for harbors, roads, and airfields, and for earth and Loose sand is usualIy compacted down to a depth that
rockfilI dams to reduce the risk of liquefaction and the corresponds to 1.5 times the depth of the charge. For medium
settlements (Litvinov 1973; Denchev 1980; Ivanov, 1980, 1983). dense sand the depth of compaction is 1.2 to 1.3 times the depth.
In the United States, the method has been used, for example, The maximum depth that can be compacted is usually 15 to
to compact a 6-m deep layer with fine to medium sand at the 20m.
Franklin Dam (Lyman, 1942). Blasting has also been used in The efficiency of the method depends mainly on the ·pore
Canada for the compaction of sand tailings (Klohn et aI., 1981) water pressures that are generated by the blasting, and the size
and to reduce the liquefaction potential of sand (Solymar and of the liquefied zone around the detonation point. The compac-
Reed, 1986).
Barendsen and Kok (1983) applied the method in Amsterdam
tion by the blasting depends mainly on the factor VW I R,
where W is the size (in kilograms) of the charge and R is the
Harbor, where the cost for the blasting was less than half of radius (in meters) of the compacted zone. Figure 23.9 shows
the estimated cost for other soil improvement methods. The that the increase of the pore water pressure due to the
method was also used in the harbor of Zeebrugge in Belgium
(Carpentier et aI., 1985; van Impe, 1985) and in the Gdansk blasting will be small if VW / R is less than 0.09 to 0.15
Harbor (Dembicki et aI., 1980b; Dembicki and Kisielowa, (Barendsen and Kok, 1983). The content of fines should be less
1983). There the blasting reduced the volume by 6 percent. than 25 percent.
The relative density was increased from 35 percent to over The degree of saturation of the soil is also important. Even
80 percent. a small amount of gas will reduce the effects of the blasting
The main limitations of the method are the risks involved significantly. Loose saturated fine sand is compacted up to 15
with the explosives and the difficulties in predicting the results. to 2S.jW (m) while for dense fine sand the compaction is less
Interval blasting can be used to increase the effectiveness of the than 7 .jW(m), where Wis the charge in kilograms. The relative
method and to reduce the risks (Dowding and Hryciw, 1986). density of the soil can be increased up to 10m or more from
However, adjacent structures may be damaged by the vibrations the detonation point. Thus, the volume of the compacted soil
generated by the blasting and landslides can be triggered. is much larger than with vibroflotation or vibrocompaction.
Explosive charges are typically placed 3 to 6 m apart in High pressures are generated in water and in saturated sand
jetted or drilled boreholes at elevations that correspond to by blasting. The peak pressure from a I-kg charge may exceed
50-75 percent of the desired depth of the compaction. 14 MPa at a distance of 4 m (Langefors and Kihlstrom, 1978).


<l 1.5


.: 1.0

Q. 0.5

0 0.5

Relative distance from charge, VK'l R

Fig. 23.9 Relationship between charge and pore pressure increase. (After Barendsen and Kok. 1983.)
Deep Compaction of Granular Soils 821

A few large charges are often more effective than a large number owing to "aging" (Mitchell and Solymar, 1984; Mitchell, 1986).
of small charges. However, the required embedment depth has In order to determine whether and when the blasting should
to be increased with increasing size of the charge so as to prevent be repeated it is often advisable to measure the excess pore
craters from forming at the surface. water pressures that are generated and also the gradual
The gas from the explosions escapes through fissures and dissipation of the excess pore water pressures with time.
cracks in the soil, which can reduce the efficiency of the
compaction. The surface settles after the gas has escaped and
the excess pore water pressures have dissipated. Additional 23.3 DISPLACEMENT METHODS
compaction is generally required at the ground surface because
of the low relative density of the soil down to about 2 to 3 m 23.3.1 Stone, Gravel, and Sand Columns
depth. Pilot et al. (1981) have pointed out that the thickness
of the poorly compacted surface zone increases with increasing Stone and gravel columns and sand compaction piles (vibro-
size of the charges. replacement) can also be used to compact granular soils down
The effect of the blasting depends mainly on its ability to to about 25 m depth. Different methods are used to install the
break down the initial soil structure. It also depends on the stone or gravel columns and to compact the granular material
increase of the pore water pressure (~u) and the resulting in the columns. For example, the casing used for the installation
reduction of the effective overburden pressure (O'~o). Barendsen can be redriven several times during the withdrawal. The stone
and Kok (1983) have shown that the ratio (~u/O'~) should be and gravel columns can also be grouted with cement mortar in
at least 0.8. The peak pore water pressure from the blasting is order to increase the bearing capacity and to reduce the
about the same in water and in saturated sand, but is greatly settlements.
reduced when the soil is partially saturated. Even a small air In the Franki method an open thick-walled steel casing with
content (> 1 percent) will reduce the effectiveness of the 0.5 to 0.7 m diameter is used (Fig. 23.11a). The casing, which
blasting. is initially closed at the bottom by a gravel plug, is driven down
There is at present (1990) no generally accepted method to the required depth by an internal 4- to 9-tonne drop hammer.
available for predicting the compaction caused by blasting At the desired depth of compaction, the gravel plug is extruded
(Mitchell, 1981). The increase of the settlement decreases for by further driving so that a foot or a bulb is formed below the
each charge with increasing number of charges (Prugh, 1963; bottom of the casing. Additional material is added as the casing
Kummeneje and Eide, 1961). The first charge is normally is withdrawn. The sand around the column, and the stones or
responsible for 50 to 60 percent of the total settlement. The gravel in the column shaft are subsequently compacted by the
additional settlement by the second charge is about 20 percent. hammer during the withdrawal of the casing.
Figure 23.10 shows the settlement of mine tailings as a function The diameter of the stone or gravel columns depends mainly
of the distance (R) from the buried charge (Ivanov, 1983). on the shear strength and the compressibility of the surrounding
As expected, the settlements were the largest just above the soil. It can be estimated from the volume of the material (stones
charge. or gravel) added and the settlements of the ground around the
Test blasting is recommended for large jobs in order to columns during the compaction. In loose sand the diameter of
determine the optimum spacing of the boreholes, the size of the the stone or gravel columns is about 0.8 m. The spacing is
charges, and the intervals and the sequence of the blasting usually 1.5 to 3.0 m, depending on the initial relative density of
(Carpentier et aI., 1985). the deposit and required degree of compaction. In general the
Compaction caused by blasting is generally checked by required spacing decreases with decreasing particle size. The
measuring the surface settlements. The compaction can also be maximum length of the columns is about 35 m.
determined with cone (CPT) or standard penetration (SPT) Wallays (1982b) has proposed a method of estimating the
tests and or with weight soundings (WST). The initial increase improvement of the relative compaction in terms of a factor
of the penetration resistance just after the blasting has in some (f) that depends on the volume of material added and on the
cases been low despite relatively large surface settlements. silt and clay contents of the soil which reduce the efficiency
However, the penetration resistance of clean sand often increases of the method.
with time, up to several weeks or months after the blasting, Vibroflotation can also be used for the installation of stone
or gravel columns (e.g., Glover, 1982; Munfakh, 1984) as
illustrated in Figure 23.11 b. Granular material (stone or gravel)
is added during the compaction as the vibrator (vibrofiot) is
Relative settlement, slV1.V
being withdrawn. The soil is liquefied locally around the
0 4 vibrator during compaction and new material can be added
• either at the surface (top feeding) or through the extension tube
and the vibrator (bottom feeding). The thickness of the liquefied
100 zone is 0.30 to 0.55 m (Thorburn, 1976). The thickness of the
~~ 200
liquefied zone decreases with increasing permeability and thus
with increasing particle size. The improvement of the compaction
<i beyond 2.5 m from the vibrator is usually insignificant regardless
:s'" s = settlement, mm
of the duration of the compaction. The diameter of the columns
...'" 300
R = radius, m
will vary with the relative density of the surrounding soil. The
.:: W = charge, kg
diameter is generally larger at the surface than at the base. Also,
-.; soils with a relatively high silt content (up to 30 percent) can
be compacted (Thorburn, 1976) provided the spacing of the
• columns is small. The time required for constructing a single
stone column is 10 to 30 min. The main disadvantage of the
method is often the difficulty of disposing of the excess water
from the installation of the stone columns.
Fig. 23.10 Relationship between settlement and size of charge. Stone columns were used successfully by, for example,
(After Ivanov, 1983.) Thorburn and MacVicar (1974) to improve the foundation for
822 Foundation Engineering Handbook

t Vibratory



zone (i ";\}. /

:= ~gmri~}} =:
~ [.",:""".~;~".~~


. (b)

Fig. 23.11 Compaction methods. (a) Franki stone columns. (b) Vibroflotation. (c) Sand compaction piles.

a three-story apartment block in Glasgow, Scotland. The the columns (Ranjan and Rao, 1983; Rao and Ranjan, 1985).
reduction of the costs was substantial, up to 50 percent It is possible to reduce further the settlements by grouting the
compared with alternative foundation methods (Thorburn, columns (Smoltczyk, 1983; Jebe and Bartels, 1983). Grouting
1976). The method has also been used by Andreu et al. (1983) is especially effective close to the ground surface, since the
to reduce the liquefaction potential at a thermal power plant applied load is transferred to the columns within a depth that
in Spain. There the relative density was increased by more than corresponds to about three to four column diameters.
20 percent. The required minimum penetration resistance as Sand compaction piles using the Vibrocompozer method
given by CPT after the compaction was 10 MPa. are common in Japan as described by Aboshi et al. (1979)
In India (Datye and Nagaraju, 1981; Datye, 1982; Ranjan (Fig. Since the method was developed in the late 1950s
and Rao, 1983; Datye and Madhav, 1988) the equipment used more than 80 million meters of sand compaction piles have
for the installation of bored piles has been utilized for the been installed in Japan mainly in cohesive soils (Murayama
manufacture of stone and gravel columns. Well-graded granular and Ichimoto, 1982) and in hydraulic fills. The sand compaction
material is compacted inside the casing by a simple drop piles increase the consolidation rate in clayey and silty soils
hammer during the withdrawal of the casing. The diameter of because they also function as drains. They have also been used
the resulting stone or gravel columns is relatively small, 250 to outside Japan, for example, in Taiwan (Moh et aI., 1981).
350mm. In the Vibrocompozer method a heavy O.4-m to 1.5-m
Also, a casing with a trap door (flap valve) at the bottom diameter casing is used, which is driven down to the required
has been used at times for the manufacture of stone and gravel depth of the compaction by a vibratory hammer. The vertical
columns. When the casing is withdrawn, the hole is filled with force is 0.4 to 0.6 MN, the amplitude 15 to 18 mm, and the
stone, gravel, or sand through the flap valve. This method has frequency 10 Hz.
been used by Solymar ( 1986) to reduce the liquefaction potential During the driving, the casing is closed at the bottom by a
of loose silty fine sand in Java, Indonesia sand plug. The inside diameter of the casing is reduced at the
Air can be used above the groundwater table to keep the bottom to prevent the displacement of the plug. After the casing
hole open. The method has been used in Hong Kong for has been driven to the required depth, it is partially filled with
oil-storage tanks on reclaimed land. In Canada, the method has sand or gravel, which flows out when the casing is withdrawn.
been used to reduce the liquefaction potential. There the length The casing is redriven several times during the withdrawal to
of the columns was 7.5 to 12 m (Solymar and Reed, 1986). In compact the sand in and around the shaft. The diameter of the
this case, the sand consumption was 0.51 m 3 /m column. This resulting sand columns is about 0.7 to 2.0 m, depending on the
corresponds to an average diameter of the columns of 0.76 m. diameter of the casing and on the soil conditions. The spacing
To compact the granular material in the shaft the casing can is normally 1.7 to 2.5 m.
be red riven several times during the withdrawal. The density Stone or gravel columns are usually placed in a triangular
of the upper part of the stone or gravel columns can also be or rectangular pattern. The compacted zones should overlap
improved by confining the soil around the columns at the surface in order to reduce the settlements when the stone columns are
with a skirt, or a large-diameter concrete pipe placed around used to support footings. The bearing capacity and the settle-
Deep Compaction of Granular Soils 823

ments depend mainly on the compressibility of the compacted Holeyman and Broms (1986)
material. Design charts have been proposed by d'Appolonia V Maximum values
(1953) and by Thorburn (1976). An allowable bearing pressure
of 0.5 MPa is often possible for clean sand. 50 V 6
6 Minimum values
The depth of treatment and the power consumption are I
generally recorded automatically in order to check the effective- I 3.6 Walleys(1982b)
ness of the compaction. The penetration resistance of the sand 40 :
+ +I Maximum values
columns as determined by STP is usually about 30 blows/O.3 m. • safe values
However, the resistance is affected by the properties of the
surrounding soil as well as by the particle size of the added
material. 30 Z
Stone and gravel columns have been used to reduce the g X ~~ Initial qn MPa (CPT)

IOl~~ ~l'(
settlement of oil-storage tanks, grain silos, ore or coal storage
yards, roads, airfields, industrial buildings, and low-cost housing.
Stone columns have also been used to increase the bearing
capacity along the edges of oil tanks and of embankments where
S 20
l ~~0> /Maximum values
the bearing capacity is low because of the low confining pressure.
However, the settlement of buildings will often be excessive
10 o.~~
11.6 ~1U1b.
~"'~'Ilrt"" 4.5
when they are supported on stone or gravel columns that o :J'VlUiViV"'~
Minimum values
have not been compacted by redriving the casing during the 0~--~~--~~--~~----7
installation or have not been grouted. Gravel and stone columns o 1.5 2.0
have also been used successfully to reduce the liquefaction (lOa + b)
potential (Seed and Booker, 1977). The gravel should be well
graded to prevent clogging of the columns and loss of drainage
I ,
Clay Silt
efficiency. content content
One large advantage with stone and gravel columns is their
flexibility and high ductility compared with concrete piles. The Fig.23.12 Effect of the clay and silt content on compaction.
required length of the columns will be less than that of (AheT Wallays, 1982b.)
end-bearing piles because of their high skin friction resistance
and large surface area. Often only the upper parts of the columns value (tan IX,) with the gradation index at an initial cone
have to be compacted because of the reduced compressibility resistance of 5 MPa. The gradation index is a dimensionless
of the soil with increasing depth. It is rarely necessary to compact number (lOa + b), where a and b are the fractions finer than
more than the upper 8 m (Greenwood and Kirsch, 1983). 2 Jlffi and 74 pm, respectively. Thus the reduction of the
The initial spacing of stone or gravel columns is generally compaction caused by 1 percent clay is equivalent to that by
relatively large. A square or a triangular grid pattern can often 10 percent silt. The gradation index takes into account the
be used. Additional columns can be installed between the observation that clay-size particles have a much larger effect
initial columns when the improvement halfway between the on the maximum compaction that can be obtained compared
compaction points has not been sufficient. The final spacing is with silt. Test data indicate that the value of tan IX will increase
usually 1.5 to 3.5 m, depending on the particle size and content when the initial cone resistance is less than 5 MPa. It is reduced
of fines. when the resistance exceeds 5 MPa.
The maximum improvement is governed by the content of The friction ratio as determined by electrical cone penetration
fines. Hussin and Ali (1987) have reported that no appreciable tests is an indication of the silt and clay contents of the soil
improvement was obtained when the content of fines exceeded and thus of the increase of the relative compaction that can be
12 percent. obtained with stone columns. The friction ratio therefore
Stone columns can be placed in clusters or rows when they corresponds to the term (lOa + b) proposed by Wallays (1982b).
are used as foundation for buildings. A O.3-m thick sand blanket In Figure 23.13 the factor tan IX.. has been plotted at siS = 0.10
is usually constructed at the surface as a working pad when
stone columns are used in soft clays. In cohesive soils the
columns function both as large-diameter drains in the soil and
as load-carrying members that reduce the settlement. The
compaction of the soil can be checked by, for example, cone 50 \

penetration tests (CPT) or standard penetration tests (SPT).
Wallays (1982b) has related the improvement that can be \ \ FR = 0.4 to 0.9%

obtained by vibrocompaction or with stone columns to a factor

f that is defined as the ratio of the average cone resistance after
and before compaction. The factor f is a function of the volume
of sand or gravel added (s) and the volume of the zone of

, ,
'+- " ,
FR < 0.5%

influence (S):
20 ', , '1-/..... ............ -
f=l+ tanlX I:
/' '---+-
10 FR> 1% "
The term tan IX is a coefficient that depends on the gradation
index ofthe soil and on the initial cone resistance. The average 0
expected increase of the penetration resistance is thus 60 percent 0 10 20
at tan IX = 6 and siS = 0.1. At tan IX = 10 the expected increase
is 100 percent. Initial cone resistance, qn MPa
Wallays (1982b) proposed the relationship shown in Figure Fig. 23.13 Prediction of compaction. (AheT Holeyman and SToms,
23.12, which relates the maximum (tan IX.. ) and the minimum 1986.)
824 Foundation Engineering Handbook

as a function ofthe initial cone resistance (qc) at different values by the vibrations from driving the piles and partly by the
of the friction ratio (FR). It can be seen that the relative displacement of the soil caused by the piles. The diameter of
improvement that can be reached decreases with increasing the compacted zone around each pile is 7D to 12D, where D is
friction ratio (FR) and with increasing initial penetration the pile diameter (Robinsky and Morrison, 1964; Kishida,
resistance of the soil. The improvement is small when FR > 3 1967). The size of the compacted zone increases in general with
percent. It is thus important to monitor closely the volume of increasing initial relative density of the soil. The soil is also
the material added so that the increase of the relative density compacted below the piles down to a depth that corresponds
of the compacted zone and the factor s/ S can be estimated. to about one pile diameter. The maximum economic depth is
Settlements can generally be estimated from the following about 20 m.1t is usually possible to compact the soil to a relative
assumptions: density of 75 to 80 percent (Solymar and Reed, 1986). The
method is economical for relatively small areas compared with
• The change of the average void ratio corresponds to the other soil improvement methods.
volume of the displaced soil and the settlement of the ground The increase of the relative density of the soil can be
surface during the compaction estimated from the total volume of the inserted piles and from
• The stone or gravel columns and the surrounding granular the settlement of the ground surface observed during the
soil behave as a composite material installation. The improvement of the compaction can also be
• The stress distribution in the ground corresponds to the checked with CPT, SPT, and WST. Test piles are generally
confined modulus of the stone or gravel columns and that of required for determining the maximum depth to be compacted
the compacted granular material between the columns as and the required spacing of the piles.
discussed by, for example, Aboshi et aI. (1979) and Goughnour Building settlements can be estimated as if the structures
and Bayuk (1979). Thus, the area ratio ofthe stone columns were supported on dense sand. The reduction of the settlement
and the surrounding compacted soil has a large effect on the by the compaction piles is generally large because the piles
estimated settlements. It should be noted that the confined increase the horizontal pressures in the ground and thus the
modulus of both the stone columns and of the surrounding confinement. The relative improvement is less when the initial
compacted soil increases with increasing settlement. relative density of the soil is high.
The settlement can also be estimated by the finite-element Timber piles are often used for compaction piles because of
method (FEM) (Balaam et aI., 1977) when the spacing of the their low cost and favorable shape. Timber piles should be
columns is small. It is then assumed that the settlement and treated to resist rotting. The high bearing capacity of tapered
the bearing capacity will correspond to that of dense sand. piles has been pointed out by Lindqvist and Petaja (1981). The
The main uncertainty with the stone column method is the use of tapered concrete piles is also common, especially if they
evaluation of the compressibility of the compacted material in will extend above the groundwater table.
the columns. A stress ratio of 4 to 12, the ratio of the The required spacing of the piles is generally 1.2 to 1.5 m.
axial effective stress in the columns and the vertical effective A relatively large spacing is normally chosen for the first few
stress in the soil around the columns, has been reported by piles. Additional piles are then driven if the required penetration
Morgenthaler et al. (1977) for a sandy silt with gravels. The resistance and relative density have not been reached. In Finland
confined modulus is generally in the range 40 to 70 MPa. (Jarvio and Petaja, 1983), 4.5-m long tapered precast concrete
The compaction can be checked with load tests, penetration piles have been used to compact loose sand below a bridge pier.
tests (CPT or SPT), or pressuremeter tests. Penetration tests The piles were driven from the outside towards the centre of
should be carried out at different distances from the vibrator, the treated area.
for example, at 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2 m, so that the extent of the
compacted zone can be determined. A test installation is
generally required for large jobs. However, the height of the 23.3.3 Dynamic Consolidation (Heavy Tamping)
test fill has to be large because of the usually high bearing
capacity of the compacted material. Large-diameter plate load Another method for compacting granular soils down to about
tests can also be used. 30 m depth is dynamic consolidation. Then a heavy steel or a
If the Franki method is used the machine itself which is concrete weight (6 to 172 tonnes has been reported in the
required for the installation ofthe stone columns can be utilized literature) is dropped repeatedly 3 to 8 times at the same spot
to determine the average confined modulus of the compacted from lOt04Om height (Fig. 23.14). With a6-to 30-tonneweight
soil and hence the improvement by the compaction. The the soil is compacted down to 3 to 12 m depth, depending on
machine is relatively heavy and it is equipped with four pads the drop height and the mass of the weight.
so that it can be moved. The settlement of the centre pad when In the U.S.S.R., 4- to 7-tonne weights dropped from a height
the machine is lifted from the ground is measured before and of 5 to 7 m are used to compact loess. The weights are
after the installation of the columns. The reduction of the pear-shaped in order to increase penetration into the soil. The
settlements after the compaction can then be determined resulting holes in the ground surface are filled with sand OJ
directly, and thus the improvement factor n. Stone or gravel gravel. The soil can be compacted down to 2.0 to 3.5 m depth
columns will normally reduce the settlements 40 to 60 percent. by this method (Abelev, 1976).
Compaction by dynamic consolidation is usually done
systematically, in a rectangular or triangular pattern. The
23.3.2 Compaction Piles spacing between the impact points depends mainly on the depth
of the compressible layer, the permeability, and the location of
Pile driving is one of the most effective methods for compacting the groundwater level. Deep (1.0 to 2.0 m) craters are formed
loose sand and gravel. The method is also effective in silty soils in the soil by the heavy weight when the weight of fall is large.
above the groundwater table because of the displacement caused The craters are filled with sand after each pass. The heave
by the pile driving. Compaction piles can therefore be used in around the craters is generally small.
finer-grained soils than can vibroftotation or vibrocompaction. The repeated blows by the weights are believed to cause
The best effect is usually obtained below the groundwater table partial liquefaction of granular soils below the groundwater
where the soil is saturated. The compaction is partly caused table and radial cracks around the point of impact (Menard
Deep Compaction of Granular Soils 825

during the final "ironing" phase. Hollow weights have been

used for compaction of granular soils under water (Hanzawa,
Dynamic consolidation is particularly useful for compacting
rockfills below water and for bouldery soils where other
methods cannot be used or are difficult to apply. The method
has been used in Sweden (Hansbo, 1977) and in Norway
(Bolgerud and Haug, 1983) for the compaction of rockfills. Soil
Pounder layers containing up to I-m diameter boulder have been
6t025 compacted successfully by this method (Mori, 1977).
tonnes In the United States, Leonards et al. (1980) used dynamic
consolidation to compact a 5-m thick layer with fine to medium

sand. A 6-tonne weight was dropped from 12 m height in a
square pattern. Successful applications of the method in the
, United States have also been reported by Keller et al. (1987),
I Kummerie and Dumas (1988), and by Song and Gambin (1988).
'" -< ,-
Dynamic compaction has also been used successfully in
Karlstad, Sweden to compact a hydraulic fill down to 10 m
depth. The applied energy was 2.4 MNm/m2. The compaction
:I.. __ .J'iJ increased the pressuremeter modulus by more than 500 percent
for the first 7 m. At 15 m depth the increase was more than
200 percent (Hansbo et aI., 1974). In Finland, the method has
been used to compact a silty sand for a bridge abutment
Crater (Hartikainen and Valtonen, 1983) and in Helsinki Harbor
(Koponen, 1983). At Nice Airport in France a granular fill was
compacted down to 10 m depth using dynamic consolidation.
Dynamic compaction is commonly used worldwide (see, e.g.,
Mayne et aI., 1983). The method has also been utilized in Lagos
to compact a silty sand for a drydock (Gambin, 1983) as well
as Saudi Arabia (Ghosh and Tabba, 1988). The method has
Fig.23.14 Dynamic consolidation. also been tried in Singapore at the Changi airport (Choa et aI.,
1979) in combination with vertical drains and at Paya Lebar
airport (Ramaswamy et aI., 1982). In Canada, a IS-tonne weight
with a height of fall of 15 m was used to reduce the liquefaction
and Broise, 1975). The relative density of the soil is increased potential. The average increase of the cone penetration resistance
when water is squeezed out of the soil through the fissures. was from 6 MPa to 10-15 MPa (Solymar and Reed, 1986). In
Reconsolidation ofthe soil can occur rapidly. Geysers and small China, the method has mainly been used to reduce the risk of
wash-out cones have even been observed at the surface. The liquefaction (Fan et ai., 1988).
depth ofthe improvement is normally larger below the ground- Dynamic consolidation has mainly been used to compact
water table where the soil is saturated compared with dry sand granular fills when there are no buildings nearby that can be
(Smits and DeQuelerij, 1989). damaged by the vibrations generated by the impact ofthe falling
The initial spacing of the impact points is usually 5 to 10 m weight. Waste dumps, sanitary landfills, and mine waste have
and corresponds to the thickness of the compressible layer. This also been compacted successfully by heavy tamping (e.g., West
is done in order to compact first the lower part of the layer. It and Slocombe, 1973; West, 1976; Welsh, 1983; Coupe, 1986).
is often advantageous to use a high height of fall for the first The method has also been used to compact silty soils such as
few blows to extend the compaction as deep as possible. The loess, as discussed by Abelev (1976) and by Minkov et al. (1980).
additional compaction obtained after the first five blows is often However, the effectiveness of the method decreases rapidly with
small. The spacing can then be reduced for the subsequent increasing clay content. Keller et al. (1987) have found that the
passes; thereby, the granular material located closer to the method was not effective when the clay content exceeded
surface will also be compacted. A I-m thick layer with free- 10 percent. Similar results have also been reported by Hussin
draining material is normally placed over the area before the and Ali (1987). Reconsolidation of the soil generally occurs
compaction to improve the transfer of energy to the soil. Menard rapidly owing to the radial cracks that form in the soil during
and Broise (1975) suggested that a network of vertical cracks the impact (in French "claquage"). The compaction process is
that improves the drainage is created by the regular systematic thus similar in many ways to that of blasting and vibro-
tamping. Irregular tamping can disrupt the continuity of this compaction. Menard and Broise (1975) have suggested that the
network. gas dissolved in the pore water plays an important role during
Standard cranes are normally used to lift the weight the compaction and the following consolidation. The method
("pounder") when the required depth of the compaction is less has also been tried in clay but the results have been uncertain.
than 10m. The maximum capacity of many cranes is 25 tonnes. A single pass may be sufficient for coarse-grained soils, while
The maximum drop height is about 30 m. Special equipment is for silty or clayey sands several passes might be required. The
required when the soil below 10 m depth is to be compacted. time interval between each pass is generally 1 to 3 weeks,
A specially built tripod crane, the Giga machine with 1.7 MN depending on the dissipation rate of the excess pore water
lifting capacity, was used at Nice Airport (Gambin, 1983). pressures that are generated by the pounding and thus on the
Precautions have to be taken to prevent injuries to personnel permeability of the soil. Up to 3 to 4 weeks might be required
and damage to the cranes when standard cranes are used. for cohesive soils. It is usually preferable to compact granular
The cross section of the weight is usually square, circular, soils with several passes and a relatively small number of blows
or octagonal. Circular or octagonal weights are preferred for at each pass. Because of the high cost of the mobilization
the initial tamping, while the square shape is of advantage of the equipment relatively large areas have to be treated
826 Foundation Engineering Handbook

(> 10 000 m 2 ) before the method becomes economic. The surface. The reported depth of the improvement varies between
production rate can be as high as 10 000 m 2 Imonth. different investigators, depending on how the compacted zone
The main limitations of dynamic consolidation are the has been defined. The surface settlement is generally 5 to 15
limited depth of the improvement and the vibrations generated percent of the depth of the improved layer, depending on the
by the impact. Surrounding buildings or other structures may initial relative density of the soil.
be damaged by the vibrations caused by the pounding. The High lateral pressures develop in the soil during compaction
frequency range of the vibrations is generally between 2 and and may exceed the effective overburden pressure. Thus
12 Hz. Dominating frequencies are 3 to 4 Hz (Menard and settlements of buildings supported on spread footings or rafts
Broise, 1975). The frequency of the surface waves (Rayleigh will often be smaller than those estimated from penetration tests
waves) that are generated by the impact generally decreases (CPT or SPT).
with increasing distance from the point of impact. The maximum improvement generally increases with in-
In Figure 23.15 is shown the attenuation ofthe peak particle creasing applied energy. The required energy typically ranges
velocity as a function of the distance from the impact point. from 1 MNm/m2 to 6 MNm/m2 in order to reach the desired
The peak velocity decreases approximately with D2, where D compaction. The mass of the pounder and the height of fall
is the distance from the impact. It should be noted that the depend mainly on the thickness of the layer to be compacted.
peak velocity generally increases with increasing degree of The energy per blow (WH) usually varies between 1.5 and
compaction. 5.0 MNm but can be as high as 10 to 20 MNm. It should be
According to the German Standard DIN 4150 a maximum noted that the wire attached to the weight can reduce the energy
particle velocity less than 6 mm/s will probably not likely by up to 20 percent (Lukas, 1986).
damage adjacent structures supported on spread footings owing In Figure 23.16 is shown for clean to silty sand, the increase
to settlement of the underlying granular material. In saturated due to compaction of the cone penetration resistance (CPT)
silt, even a small velocity (3 mm/s) can cause excessive settle- above a critical depth 0.5 JWH after the compaction (Mayne
ments when the groundwater table is close to the ground surface. et aI., 1984). The penetration resistance after compaction is
A much higher velocity (50 to 60mm/s) is normally required up to 40 to 50 blows/0.3 m at SPT. The limit pressure at
to damage the structure directly. The velocity at a distance of pressuremeter tests is 2.0 to 2.5 MPa (Lukas, 1986). Normally
30m from the point of impact is usually less than 50mm/s the improvement of the penetration resistance for loose sand is
(Menard and Broise, 1975). The height offall has only a small 3 to 5 times. It can be seen that the results fall within a relatively
effect on the amplitude of the vibrations. See also Mitchell narrow band. This figure can be used to estimate the maximum
(1981 ). depth that can be obtained from a proposed compaction
The depth (d) of the compaction can generally be estimated program.
from the following empirical expression (Leonards et aI., 1980): It should be noted that the improvement at the edge of the
compacted area will be less than at the center. The width of
d(m) = 0.5JWH (23.3)
this poorly compacted zone is approximately twice the thickness
where W is the mass of the pounder in tonnes and H is the of the compacted layer. It is therefore important that the
height of fall in meters. The average depth varies in general treatment extends beyond the area that will be loaded.
between O.3JWH and 0.8JWH (Mayne et aI., 1984). The The improvement is low down to a depth of about 1.5 to
particle size and the impact velocity both affect the depth of 2.0 m. The compaction is generally terminated by "ironing" the
the compaction. The depth generally decreases with decreasing area with the height of fall of the weight reduced to I-3m.
particle size. The spacing is also reduced so that the compacted areas overlap.
The increase of the relative density is generally highest close The surface can also be compacted by a heavy vibratory roller
to the pounder; between one-third to one-half the compaction (3 to 5 tonne). .
depth. It decreases with increasing distance below the ground Cone penetration tests (CPT), standard penetration tests
(SPT)(e.g. Cleaud et aI., 1983; Song and Gambin, 1988), weight
soundings (WST) (Hartikainen and Valtonen, 1983), and
d(metres) pressuremeter tests (PMT) (e.g. Kummerie and Dumas, 1988)
<>x ~~'I/;,
X •
100 20
~~ <> ~~

,+~J6 ·:\~~
~",:6 -0'111/;;. Clean to silty sand
50 ./~~ ~ 1x ~~~aximum qc(initial) < 3.5 MPa
vJIk.. 01
Q., 15
~\~rl-", ~
x+ ~
10 c: 10
5 -T---~~~--~----- '"u
Maximum allowable '~'I! V • ~.ul' u
0 5
DIN 4150 "~4:6 + V "<q~ u
'Il;/fiXx+ ~~
______~~__+-______ V __ i o~ ____~~____~~____~~__~____~
0.1 5 10 2.5
Scaled distance d/(WH)1f2 Applied energy, MN . mlm2
Fig.23.15 Attenuation of ground vibration. (After Mayne et al., Fig.23.16 Relationship between Qc and applied energy. (After
1984.) Mayne et al., 1984.)
Deep Compaction of Granular Soils 827

can be used to check the degree of compaction. About one 100

penetration test is required every 2000 to 3000 m 2 after each
pass. An increase of the penetration resistance of 300 to 400
percent can be expected in sand and gravel. In silt the increase 80 Pure
is usually about 200 percent. solutions
It is often desirable to carry out a compaction test before ...
c 60
the mass (W) of the pounder, the height of fall (H), and the <.:::
number of passes are selected. It is also desirable to measure C Colloidal
the increase of the pore pressures in the soil and the vibration ...u
Q) 40
level (peak particle velocity) in adjacent buildings during the P..
testing. Plate load tests (Hansbo, 1977, 1978) and dilatometer
tests can also be useful. The depth of the crater and the 20
settlement of the ground surface should also be determined after
each blow during the test compaction. These measurements are
helpful in selecting of the optimum number of blows per pass. 0
However, test compaction is expensive because the equipment 6
is very heavy and difficult to transport. Particle size, mm
The improvement of rockfills is difficult to check. The most
reliable method is to measure the settlements caused by the
compaction. Surface settlements are typically 5 to 10 percent Gravel Sand Silt
of the thickness of the compressible layers. In rockfills, the
surface settlement can sometimes exceed 10 percent. Large-size Fig.23.17 Grouting of granular soils.
plate load tests have been used at times. The wave velocity and
the amplitude of the surface Rayleigh waves have also ~een required volume of grout can be estimated from the required
taken as an indication of the effectiveness of the compaction. relative density of the soil. The results are generally checked by
Another method for checking the compaction is measurement SPT or CPT. An improvement of the penetration resistance of
of the retardation when the weight strikes the fill. This SPT of 3 to 5 times is often obtained. At CPT the expected
can be done with an accelerometer attached to the weight improvement is about 100 percent.
(Hansbo, 1977; Jessberger and Beine, 1981). The reaction force The main disadvantage with sqeeze and compaction grouting
of the underlying rock fill can be calculated from the known is the difficulty in predicting the results. The volume of the
mass of the pounder and the measured retardation. injected grout, the grout pressures, surface settlements and the
heave should be measured and recorded during the grouting.
Inclinometer pipes installed along the perimeter of the treated
23.3.4 Squeeze and Compaction Grouting area are often useful in order to check the lateral displacements
and the effectiveness of the grouting (Salley et aI., 1987).
Granular soils can also be improved by squeeze and compaction Test grouting is often required in order to determine the
grouting. At squeeze grouting a relatively thin cement slurry is improvement and the settlements caused by the grouting and
used, where the grout either penetrates into the soil or causes the required spacing of the grout holes and the maximum grout
hydraulic fracturing ("claquage"). The orientation ofthe cracks pressure to avoid surface heave. Salley et al. (1987) recommended
and the fissures in the soil depends mainly on the initial stress that the maximum surface heave should not exceed 19 mm
conditions in the ground. Cracks normally develop in the (0.75 inch). Compaction grouting has also been used to
compacted material perpendicularly to the direction of the strengthen the foundation for light structures constructed on
minor principal stress. In normally loaded soils (where the silty soils.
current stress state has never been exceeded in the past) Penetration grouting using cement, bentonite, silica, or
the cracks are generally vertical. In preloaded or over- different chemicals has also been tried for stabilizing granular
consolidated soils the cracks are predominantly horizontal. soils. The main purpose of the grouting is usually to reduce the
A relatively thick slurry is used in compaction or consolidation permeability of the soil below, for example, earth or rockfill
grouting, which is a commonly used method in the United dams rather than to reduce the compressibility or to increase
States (e.g., Shilley, 1982; Warner, 1982; Baker et aI., 1983; the shear strength and the bearing capacity of the foundation
Schmertmann et aI., 1986). The method has also been used in soils.
France (Plumelle, 1989; Robert, 1989). Compaction grouting The application of different grouts is shown in Figure 23.17.
is mainly applied in soft compressible silts and sandy silts below Normal cement grouts can only be used in coarse sand.
the groundwater table. The effectiveness of the method generally Colloidal (silica fume) and pure solutions are required in fine
increases with increasing depth. The grout pressure is relatively sand. Chemical grouts are generally expensive and therefore
high, 2 to 4 MPa. The diameter of the boreholes required for seldom used. Sometimes there are problems with toxicity and
the grouting should be at least 50 mm. The spacing of the with pollution of the groundwater. There are also some
boreholes is generally 2 to 4 m for the primary and secondary uncertainties about the long-term strength of some chemical
boreholes. A closer spacing may be required when a high relative grouts.
density is required. The maximum depth is about 30 m (Brown
and Warner, 1973). Inclined boreholes reduce the effectiveness
of the compaction grouting. The inclination should not exceed
20 degrees (Salley et aI., 1987). The holes are generally grouted 23.4 LOADING METHODS
from the top down. The method is usually more expensive than
vibrocompaction or dynamic compaction. 23.4.1 Preloading
In loose sand the grouting may initially cause some
settlements owing to the compaction. The increase of the lateral Preloading followed by complete or partial unloading can also
pressure in the soil by the grouting reverses the direction of the be used to reduce the settlements of granular soils. The method
shear stresses in the soil, as pointed out by Escario (1983). The has the advantages compared with other deep compaction
828 Foundation Engineering Handbook



Very Medium Very

Loose Loose Dense Dense Dense

SPT. N30 <4 4 to 10 10 to 30 30 to 50 >50

CPT,qc. MPa <5 5 to 10 10 to 15 15 to 20 >20
10, % <15 15 to 35 35 to 65 65 to 85 >85
l/J', degrees <30 30 to 32 32 to 35 35 to 38 >38
• After Mitchell and Katti (1981).

Fig.23.18 Traveling dune. (After Escario, 1983.)

1985). In Germany and Bulgaria, light penetrometers are used.
In Southeast Asia, it is common to check the degree of
methods that the bonding between soil particles is not destroyed compaction with the so-called Mackintosh probe. However, it
during the loading (Escario, 1983), and that the compressibility is preferable to use CPT (Smoltczyk, 1983) or WST for
can be greatly reduced with only minor changes of the unit the checking, since the results from SPT can be misleading
weight and small settlements (e.g., Lee and Focht, 1975; (Green and Padfield, 1983). Vane tests have also been tried but
Ladd et aI., 1977; Ishihara and Okada, 1978a, b). An additional the results could be misleading in medium dense to dense sands
advantage is that compressible clay or silt layers in the granular and silts. A comparison between different penetration testing
material can be detected by measuring the total settlements and methods is shown in Table 23.1.
the settlement rates caused by the preloading. It should be noted that the penetration resistance is affected
The preloading can be done in the form of a traveling sand not only by the relative density but that other factors such as
dune (Escario, 1983), as illustrated in Figure 23.18, when a the time after the compaction are also important. An increase
heavy tractor is used to move the soil. The soil below the fill of the penetration resistance several months after the compaction
is subjected to high normal and shear stresses because the has been reported by Mitchell and Solymar (1984) and by
preloading increases both the vertical and the lateral pressures Solymar and Reed (1986). The effect is generally more
in the underlying soil mass. pronounced in clean sands compacted by blasting than in other
The improvement of the compaction can be checked by soil types. The increase of the penetration resistance with time
measuring the settlement of the surface, with penetration tests is generally small for silty soils.
and weight soundings (CPT, SPT, and WST). Plate load test It is also common to check the improvement of the
and pressuremeter tests can also be useful. compaction using the Menard pressuremeter, where a cylindrical
probe is used that is lowered down into a borehole. The pressure
and volume of water required to expand the center cell of the
23.5 CONTROL METHODS pressuremeter and thus the wall of the borehole are measured.
From the test data a limit pressure (P,) and a pressuremeter
Different methods, such as penetration tests, sampling, pressure- modulus (EM) can be determined. (The limit pressure is an
meter tests, or crosshole measurements, can be used to check indication of the shear strength of the compacted soil, while the
the effectiveness of the compaction. It should be noted, that pressuremeter modulus is a measure of the compressibility.)
local variations of the compaction can occur. However, localized One limitation of the method is the disturbance of the soil
pockets with loose material are generally not significant unless caused by the drilling of the boreholes required for the test.
they are extensive (Greenwood and Kirsch, 1983) or located This disturbance can be reduced by careful augering. It should
close to the ground surface. be noted that the pressuremeter modulus corresponds to the
The most simple method to evaluate the compaction is by shear modulus of the soil in the horizontal direction, while
leveling using surface markers. The required accuracy is usually settlements are governed by the confined modulus in the vertical
± 2 mm. It is, however, possible to measure settlements with direction.
an accuracy of ± 0.1 mm if required. Such high precision is Test pits can be used above the groundwater level to
normally not warranted. The estimated increase of the relative investigate the effect of the compaction down to about 5 m
density can be indirectly correlated with improvements of the depth. Different methods are available for evaluating the unit
stiffness and of shear strength of the soil. weight of the compacted soil in test pits at or close to the ground
Sampling is often difficult or misleading in granular soils surface. Sand, oil, or rubber balloons can be used to estimate
because of the change of the density that takes place during the the relative compaction or the relative density ofthe compacted
drilling and when a piston or an open drive sampler is pushed material. However, the results are often misleading because of
into the soil. Freezing of the soil before sampling has also been the disturbance of the soil caused by the sampling (Green and
tried to reduce this disturbance. However, the volume of the Padfield, 1983 ).It is also common to use nuclear density meters,
samples changes during the freezing because the volume of ice where both the density and the water content of the compacted
is 9 percent larger than that of the water in the soil before the soil can be determined down to about 6 m depth. However, the
freezing. probe has to be carefully calibrated at each site for the different
The most commonly used method for checking the effective- soils.
ness of the compaction is with different types of penetrometers; Test fills are also useful for large projects in order to check
standard penetration tests (SPT), cone penetration tests (CPT), the settlements and the improvement of the compaction. Test
weight soundings (WST), or ram soundings (DP). Reference fills have been used to determine the relative density required
testing procedures have been proposed for these methods and for oil-storage tanks and for structures founded on spread
are available in the literature. The liquefaction potential of footings and rafts. However, the method is time-consuming and
granular soils is still commonly evaluated by SPT (Seed et aI., therefore costly. The height of the fill can be increased gradually
Deep Compaction of Granular Soils 829

during the testing or in steps. The settlements should preferably of the contractor, and the competitive situation. In northern
be measured when the load is increased as well as some time Europe the relative cost per cubic meter of the treated
after the increase of the applied load. The time interval between soil compared with blasting is approximately as shown in
successive load increments should be kept constant-at a few Table 23.2 under favorable conditions.
hours to several days. It is desirable to measure the settlements Blasting is usually the most economic method where it can
at different depths so that the effect of the overburden pressures be used, compared with stone or gravel columns or sand
on the compaction can be evaluated. compaction piles. It should be noted that the relative cost can
Plate load tests can be carried out at the surface or in pits vary considerably, depending on the local conditions, available
above the groundwater level (West, 1976). Screw plate tests are equipment, and the competitive situation. The choice of method
useful in loose to medium dense sand below the groundwater is often governed by the limitations of alternative methods.
table. In this testing method, a screw-shaped plate is used, which
is loaded by a hydraulic jack located just above the plate.
However, it is usually difficult to screw the plate down into
dense sand. REFERENCES
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