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CLIENT: Clinic With a Heart PROJECT:

Site Map

Challenge: Why are we doing this project?

-To redesign the current website to better reach desired target audiences (Patients, Volunteers, Current
Donors, Community at Large) with clear message in a manner that allows information, dates, forms, etc to be
easily found.

Objective: What is the brand trying to achieve?

-Awareness in the community of their status as a free clinic that treats the under-/un-insured with dignity and
respect (also that they are not heart-specific)
-Awareness to their patient base and potential patients of when & where the clinic is held
-Awareness to donors/potential donors & potential volunteers of CWAH’s: legitimacy/credibility, uniqueness in
patient treatment/care, fiscal responsibility

Context: What’s going on in the world that’s affecting this situation?

-Economic recession causing unemployment, decrease in benefits
-Influx of immigrants and refugees in Lincoln without access to proper healthcare, many do not understand the
healthcare system or what resources are available to them
-Significant population of families in poverty, working poor in Lincoln
-27,000 people in Lancaster county do not have insurance

Target: Who are we talking to and what insights do we have about them?
-Patients/Potential Patients:
 may not speak English as first language, may require translators or translated documents
 can often be very transient, hard to reach with messages or follow up
 value that the clinic does not ask questions, require paperwork, etc.
 appreciate the unique treatment given by Clinic volunteers (don’t feel pitied, condescended or looked
down on)
-Volunteers/potential volunteers:
 current volunteers are extremely loyal/supportive of CWAH, have potential to be incredible brand
 the Clinic experience (going on the tour) is what “hooks” people
 also very passionate about the cause, could make excellent brand advocates
want to make sure their donations are being responsibly used, given to an organization that’s doing real good
 has a myriad of causes to donate/support
 does not always know difference between CWAH and other similar organizations

Perception: What do they think about the brand now, and what do we want them to think (if different)?
-Potential patients do not always know what CWAH is or what it provides
-Want patients to know:
 CWAH is a free for everyone, no-questions-asked health care clinic
 patients will be treated humanely: with dignity, grace, hospitality, love
-Many patients, community members, etc. think it is specifically a heart-health clinic because of the name
-Potential donors don’t know much about, Dr. Rhodes himself is often the only “brand” associated with CWAH
-Want donors to know:
 that it is a free-to-everyone health care clinic
 that it is the only organization in the area meeting this need
 the level of fiscal responsibility CWAH has
-Potential volunteers (especially medically trained) don’t know about it or what it does
-Want them to know:
 that it is a credible organization
 how much of a need there is for CWAH services
 how much impact they could have if they volunteer

Focus: What’s the single most important thing to communicate?

That CWAH is a free, no-questions-asked medical clinic that treats patients with dignity and respect.

Support: Why should they believe us?

-Only organization of its kind in Lincoln
-Has helped thousands of people in our community (around 200 per month, 50-60 patients cared for per each
1 1/2 clinic)
-Founded by a doctor (Dr. Rhodes, well-respected, connected professional), medical professionals make up
large amount of volunteer-base
-Ask the actual people who’ve been helped, testimonials/stories tell truth of organization’s impact

Must-haves: Any mandatory executional elements?

-“Free Clinic”
-Want it to be known as a faith-based organization, but not proselytizing
-visuals and story snippets/quotes

Deadline: What is the timing for this project?

TBD – BRI and MANDY will workout timeline…and will be back with you shortly (Thursday, January

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