Class-PG-WHW-Class Early Years Stage I (Play Group)

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Learn & Have Fun During

the Winter Holidays

Class-Early Years
Stage 1(PG)
Cold Region
Session 2020-21

Army Public Schools and Colleges System

Under Parental Guidance and Supervision

Note: Follow a set study routine that will help the child develop
consistency and discipline along with the academic targets.
(Make the vacations a memorable learning experience for your
child. Your personal involvement will make a difference)

English : Revision of alphabet from a – z and vocabulary with

the help of ‘Ready Steady Go’ for Play Group.
Practice tracing 4-5 letters every week.
Pictures and real objects may be shown from the
environment. This exercise is to be done regularly.
Mathematics : Revision of oral counting and recognition of digits
1 – 10. Trace 1-2 numbers every week.
Counting from 1 – 10 could be done by sorting,
grouping, jumping, clapping, throwing ball and
drawing objects.
Revision of shapes – circle, square, triangle, and
Encourage the child to identify and tell shapes in the
environment e.g. shape of plate, shape of window

Apart from the above mentioned academic work practice, following activities
may be done at the parents’ own convenience and choice.
· Show real objects which are used / available at home to the child for
vocabulary building.
· Read age appropriate and interesting English and Urdu stories for the
child and encourage him/her to talk about the pictures.

Class: Early Years Stage 1 Page 1 of 2

· (Walk around different rooms with your child and discuss which room
is bigger / smaller).
· While going out on the road, familiarize your child with his / her
surroundings. Show traffic lights, zebra crossing, big and small
vehicles, bill–boards, road signs, parks, buildings and shops etc.
· Usually, children do not master catching and throwing until they turn
five. Eye-hand coordination is important here and it takes a little while
to develop that skill. In any case, it is fun to practise. Playing with a
ball offers all sorts of opportunities for children to utilize different skills,
whether the child throws, catches or kicks. Use balls of different sizes
and take turns throwing and catching. Do not use a hard ball. Start
with standing close together and gradually move further apart.
· Cut out different geometrical shapes from bread and serve it as a
snack (•,r,£). Help your child to recognize the shape.
· String macaroni or any old large beads or seeds into a necklace with
your child. Have him / her count the pieces as you string them.
· Help the child to recognize and repeat the names of colours and show
them objects which are all around in the house e.g. colour of room
walls, door, curtains, dresses etc.
· Take the child to a park and show him / her different types of plants
and flowers. Encourage them to observe the insects, butterflies,
slides, swings and other things around.
· Help the child to recognize alphabet on the materials wrappers which
they come across during their daily life.

Class: Early Years Stage 1 Page 2 of 2

Simple activities to strengthen hand muscles, children can do at home under
parental guidance.
Play dough

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Paper Tearing

Paper folding

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Hitting the Ball

Playing with Blocks

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