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Alternating current

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An alternating voltage or current is one whose magnitude changes with time and direction
reverse periodically.
The mean value of the ac is defined as equivalent steady current which when passed through a
circuit would send the same amount of charge in the same time as is done by the alternating
current in the same circuit in the same time. RMS value of an alternating current is defined as
that steady current which when passed through a given time produces the same amount of heat as
produced by alternating current when passes through the same resistance for the same time.
Peak value and r.m.s value:
Peak value of the ac is defined as a maximum value or the amplitude of an ac .The root mean
square (rms) value of AC is equivalent to that steady current which when passed through a
resistor would produce the same heat that would be done by the AC in passing through the same
resistor in similar condition(same time).
To calculate the mean value of ac, Let us consider an ac given by
I= I0sinωt………..1
The small amount of work done by an ac in small time dt is
where R is the resistance
So total work done is obtained by integrating equation ii from t = 0 to t = T we get
Or, W=I20R∫0T1−cos2ωt2dtI02R∫0T⁡1−cos2ωt2dt
Or, W=I20R2∫0Tdt=I02R2∫0T⁡dt
Or, W=I20R2{∫0Tdt−∫0Tcos2ωtdt}=I02R2{∫0T⁡dt−∫0T⁡cos2ωtdt}
 Or, W=I20R2TI02R2T………..3
If Irms be the RMS value of a.c. then it would do the same work as in equation iii while passing
through R in time T
Now from equation iii and iv we get
Or, Irms.=I0.12√12
Or, Irms.=0.707I0
This relation shows that the root mean square value of ac is about 70.7% of its pick value.
Similarly the root mean square value of alternating emf is
Phasor diagram:
A vector diagram in which alternating voltage or current are treated as vectors and represented
by straight lines with arrows and difference of phase angle between them are called phasor
The straight line representing the current while rotates in the phase diagram with the same
angular frequency (w) as the displacement of the current in the AC current is called phasor.
Wave diagram:
It is the displacements of current and voltage in a circuit are represented in a graph by their wave
forms along with their phase difference, the diagram is called wave diagram.
Relation between current and voltage when an alternating current passes:
The straight line representing the current while rotates in the phase diagram with the same
angular frequency (w) as the displacement of the current in the AC current is called phasor.
Consider a pure inductor of inductance L connected to alternating source E having frequency ‘f’
as shown in figure.
Let instantaneous value of alternating current is:
I = Iosinwt…(i)
The potential difference across the inductor,
V = −LdI\dt
Using Kirchhoff's law,
Or, E – L.dI\dt = 0
Or, E = L.dI\dt
Or, E = Ld(Iosinwt)\dt
Or, E = LIo(wr.wt).w
Or, E = LW.IOwrw2
Or, E = XLIocoswt.
Where, LW is called inductive reactance. It is denoted by XL.
Or, E = Eocoswt.
Where, (XLIo) = Eo is called maximum value of emf.
E = Eosin(wt + π\2)…(ii)
From equation (i) and (ii) it follows that the alternating emf leads the current by phase angle π\2
Expression for the impedance of the circuit:
Let us consider C is the capacitance of the capacitor and R is the resistance of the resistor
connected in the series with a.c source having e.m.f E.with frequency f. and the voltage across
the capacitor is VC and voltage across the resistance is VR.

In case of resistor, voltage (VR) and current (I) both are in same phase but is case of capacitor,
voltage (VC) lags the current (I) by ∏/2 . Then from the phasor diagram we have
Or, E2=I2(R2+X2C)E2=I2(R2+XC2) where VR=IR and VC=I XC
Z=E/I=R2+X2C−−−−−−−√R2+XC2 where Z=E/I called the impedence of the RC
Also we have

Suppose ɵ be the angle through which the current lage on the voltage
Then, from phase diagram we have tanɵ=−VCVR−VCVR =−XLR−XLR
Here negative sign indicate that the voltage lag behind the current which is same as I lead E
Phase relation between current and voltage:
Suppose L be the inductance of the inductor, C be the capacitance of a capacitor and R be the
resistance are connected in the series with a.c source having emf.E and frequency f .
And the voltage across the inductor is V L, the voltage across the capacitor is VCand the voltage
across the resistance.
Now the p.d across the inductor having resistance XL
VL=IXL ( in this case VL lead I by ∏/2)
p.d across the capacitor having the resistance XC is
VC=IXC ( in this case VC lags the current I by ∏/2)
p.d across the capacitor having the resistance R is
VR=IR ( in this case VR and I are in same phase )
Since the inductor, resistor and capacitor are connected in series then the current in all resistance
are same but voltage depend upon the resistance i.e. if X L>XC then VL> VC. Then from phasor
We have

(OB)2=(OA)2+(BA)2  (by vector sum)

E2=V2RVR2+(VL−VC)2(VL−VC)2       from phasor diagram BA=OD= VL-VC
Or,E=IR2+(XL−XC)2−−−−−−−−−−−−−−√IR2+(XL−XC)2 from above

Or, Z=E/I =R2+(XL−XC)2−−−−−−−−−−−−−−√R2+(XL−XC)2

Where Z=E/I is the impedance of LRC circuit
Phase relation:
From figure we have
Therefore XL is greater then that XC so, tanɵ is positive this show the E lead I.
But if XC>XL then we have
thisshowthatthisshowthatThen tanɵ is negative which show that the E lags I
If θ = 0 I and E are in phase.
The impedance of an LCR series circuit:
Suppose L be the inductance of the inductor, C be the capacitance of a capacitor and R be the
resistance are connected in the series with a.c source having emf. E and frequency f .
And the voltage across the inductor is VL, the voltage across the capacitor is VC and the voltage
across the resistance.

Now the p.d across the inductor having resistance XL
VL=IXL ( in this case VL lead I by ∏/2)
p.d across the capacitor having the resistance XC is
VC=IXC ( in this case VC lags the current I by ∏/2)
p.d across the capacitor having the resistance R is
VR=IR ( in this case VR and I are in same phase )
Since the inductor, resistor and capacitor are connected in series then the current in all resistance
are same but voltage depend upon the resistance i.e. if XL>XC then VL> VC. then from phasor
diagram we have
(OB)2=(OA)2+(BA)2  (by vector sum)
E2=V2RVR2+(VL−VC)2(VL−VC)2       from phasor diagram BA=OD= VL-VC
Or,E=IR2+(XL−XC)2−−−−−−−−−−−−−−√IR2+(XL−XC)2 from above

Or, Z=E/I =R2+(XL−XC)2−−−−−−−−−−−−−−√R2+(XL−XC)2

Where Z=E/I is the impedance of LRC circuit
Phase relation:
From figure we have
Tan ɵ
Therefore XL is grater then that XC so, tanɵ is positive this show the E leads I.
But if XC>XL then we have
thisshowthatthisshowthatThen tanɵ is negative which show that the E lags I
At the resonance the inductance reactance(X L) is equal to the capacitive reactance XC i.e.
Or, ω2=1/LC
Or, f=12πLC√12πLC       where ω= 2π f
Here fis the resonant frequency. The resonant frequency is independent of the resistance in the
circuit from the above result. But the sharpness of the resonance decrease with increase in the
resistance. it is used to filter the frequency and also used in the radios, television and telephone
carried equipments.
Expression for AC power:
Let the alternating E.M.F. applied t LCR circuit be:
E = Eosinwt ..(i)
If the alternating current developed lags behind the applied emf by a phase angle θ, then,
I = Iosin(wt – v)…(ii)
Power at instant t is given by:
Or, dwdtdwdt = EI
= Eosinwt * Iosin(wt – θ)
= EoIosinwt(sinwtcosθ – coswtsinθ)
= EoIosin2wtcosθ – EoIosinwt.coswt.sinθ
= EoIosin2wt.cosθ – EoIo2EoIo2sin2wt.sinθ.
If this instantaneous power is assumed to remain constant for a small time dt, then small amount
of work done in this time is
Or, dw = [EoIosin2wt.cosθ – EoIo2EoIo2sin2wtcosθ]dt
Total work done over a complete cycle is obtained by integrating above equation from 0 to T.
Ie. w
= ∫0TEoIosin2wt.cosθdt−∫0TEoIo2sin2wt.sinθdt∫0T⁡EoIosin2wt.cosθdt−∫0T⁡EoIo2sin2wt.
Or, W =
Or, ∫0Tsin2wt.dt=∫0T(1−cos2wt2)dt=12[∫0Tdt−∫0Tw.2wt.dt]∫0T⁡sin2wt.dt=∫0T⁡(1−co

= 12[T−0]12[T−0] = T2T2….(iv)
And, ∫0Tsin2wt.dt∫0T⁡sin2wt.dt = 0 ….(iv)
Using equation (iv) and (v) in equation (iii), we get,
Or, W = EoIowsθT2T2 – 0
Or, W = EoIowsθ * TZTZ
So, Average power in the inductive circuit over a complete cycle,
Or, P = wTwT = EoIocosθT.T2EoIocosθT.T2 = Eo2√.Io2√.cosθEo2.Io2.cosθ
So, P = EVIVcosθ….(v)
Here, O is called true power and EVIV is called apparent or virtual power.
Ratio of true power and apparent power in an A.C. circuit is called power factor of the circuit.
Choke coil:
A choke coil is a coil of a number of turns and negligible resistance wounded on a soft iron
laminated core. Such a coil has induced L and resistance zero. The power consumed in the coil is
given by:
P = Irms* Erms * Power Factor.
Where, power factor = cosθ = RR2+L2W2√RR2+L2W2.
Since, for an ideal coil, R = 0, the power consumed by a coil P = 0 watt. This implies that a coil
having zero ohmic resistance consumes no power from the source. However, the coil offers
resistance to the alternating current as it is given by XL = wL = 2πfL. It is due to these reasons;
such a coil is used for limiting as current. Hence, choke will be preferred to a resistance in AC
Electrical resonance:
When the frequency of the applied emf is equal to natural frequency in the electrical circuit the
current reaches to the maximum value and the circuit is said to be in the electrical resonance.
Frequency at the resonance is given by, f =12πLC√12πLC    series resonance circuit has great
application in telecommunication.  A radio tuner circuit uses the series resonant circuit to tune
the radio the capacitor of the circuit is varied in such way that the frequency of circuit matches
with frequency of the station to be received.Space consists of the various frequencies
corresponding to the various TV stations and radio. The series resonant circuit only accept the
signal through the antenna which tune the series resonant circuit .the  accepted frequency has
very high amplitude current in the circuit and amplified by the electronic circuit .In this way
series resonant circuit is used in telecommunication.
An inductor having self inductance L is used in a ac power supply:
It is the property of the electrical circuit which opposes the strength of the current flowing
through the circuit by inducing an emf or current in itself is called self inductance.
Let L be the inductor of the inductance and I be the current pass through them at any instant t.
then from faraday’s law induction we have
Since ɸ=LI for self inductance
Then E= -d(LI)/dt……….1
If E be the emf anf I be the current then we have power P=EI…………..2
From 1 and 2 we have
Now the small wok done from eq. 3 we have dW = Pdt=LI2……….4
Taking the integration from 0 to W and 0 to I of equation 4 we get
This is the equation which so that the energy store in the magnetic field.

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