Tribal Leadership by Dave Logan, John King, and Halee Fischer-Wright

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Tribal Leadership

by Dave Logan, John King,

and Halee Fischer-Wright

1 •Brief on Tribal Leadership

2 •Tribal Culture
3 •Stages of Tribal development
4 •Key Takeways
Brief on Tribal Leadership

 I would like to name this book as Clan Commander.

 People naturally form tribes are the basic building block of any large
human effort , around 20 – 150 people in smaller groups are teams. Tribes
always have more power than the leader . Tribes emerge from the
language people use to describe themselves, their jobs and others.
 Tribal leadership is a mutual relationship between the tribes leaders and
 Leaders are not superstars. Instead, they work hard to upgrade themselves
and their tribe, and are recognized as leaders due to the success they
bring to the tribe.
 There are five sequential stages that people (and tribes) can move in and
out. Each stage has a unique set of leverage points that will help move the
individual/tribe forward.
Tribal Culture

 Tribal Leaders upgrade the tribal culture (by focusing on the language
and behavior of the tribe) as the tribe embraces the leader.
 Change the language of the tribe, and you have changed the tribe itself.
 Culture is a product of the language people use They help bring groups to
unity by recognizing their ‘tribalness’.
 Tribal Leaders are the people who focus their efforts on upgrading the
tribal culture. Turn peoples performance from adequate to outstanding.
 The goal of tribal leadership is to learn how to get people ‘unstuck’ – from
unhelpful language and behaviors.
Stages of Tribal Development
 do what I must to survive : Most people are socially alienated, and the theme
of their words is that life has given them a bad deal, so it’s ok to do whatever it
takes to survive.
 this can’t be helped: Most people do the minimum to get by, show almost no
initiative or passion, and engage in passive-aggressive behavior.
 few people can match my skills: People engage in anything that’s going on,
with energy and commitment, but when you listen closely, they talk mostly
about themselves and focus on appearing smarter and better than others.
 what’s the next right thing to do : Teams are the norm, focused around shared
values and a common purpose. Information moves freely throughout the
group. People’s relationships are built on shared values.
 what’s the next right thing to do : Teams are the norm, focused around shared
values and a common purpose. Information moves freely throughout the
group. People’s relationships are built on shared values.
Key Takeaways

 Noticing that people haven’t achieved what they thought, that victories they thought were
tribal are only personal.
 People eventually see that winning on a personal basis is self defeating – tribal successes
are enduring and satisfying for everyone.
 Realizing that power is a zero-sum game, the more you take from others, the more you
have and the less others have.
 most important takeaway from Stage Four is that Tribal Leaders follow the core values of
the tribe no matter what the cost

 collaborate and work toward a noble cause

 fear and stress go down as the ‘interpersonal friction’ of working together
 the entire tribe shifts from resisting leadership to seeking it out
 organizational learning becomes effortless
 setting and implementing a successful competitive strategy becomes
stunningly easy

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