1.) Picture of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

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October 22, 2020

AEF-FIN // C33
He, Adel John P.

1.) Picture of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

2.) 4 Ads with Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

a. The advertisement on the right is credited to McDonald’s. This is targeting the
Physiological needs of the target market. When you see the words, “big, beefy,
bliss”. In your head, you’d already start imagining the feeling when you bite into
the burgers of McDonald’s, which can also not satisfy hunger, but cravings as
b. This as an advertisement that was
produced by the Salvation Army. It’s
showcasing a veteran hidden cleverly or
camouflaged with the snow. To me, this is
trying to convey the message of Love and
Belonginess. It’s a message that shows that
the Salvation Army is there to look out for
veterans and it also implies that the citizens
should also do their part.

c. This advertisement is targeting the Safety

needs of the target market. In this case, the
insurance is focused on travel insurance.
And the strategy that they employ is fear. It
is telling the message that when
you travel, it’s better safe than
sorry, which is why it is in your best
interest to have an insurance.
d. This advertisement was produced by the luxury watch brand, Audemars Piguet.
This is targeting Esteem needs. For one, it is claiming that simply being rich is not
enough to wear the “Royal Oak” watches and that it takes a certain class to
actually be able to wear one. This is immediately obvious that it is targeting rich
people who holds high regards or esteem of themselves.

Advertisements Taken From:

McDonalds Ad: Kabakian, D. (2018, October 02). Big. Beefy. Bliss. Retrieved October 22,
2020, from http://daronkabakian.blogspot.com/2018/10/big-beefy-bliss.html

The Salvation Army Ad: Gurp, M. (2014, December 19). We see what most don't. Retrieved
October 22, 2020, from https://osocio.org/message/we-see-what-most-dont/

Wustenrot Ad: Savage, L. (2011). Wustenrot "Right Now" Campaign. Retrieved October 22,
2020, from https://www.behance.net/gallery/3344613/Wustenrot-RIght-Now-Campaign

Audemars Piguet Ad: Watch Collecting Lifestyle. (2015, March 11). Experience: Fourteen
Vintage Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Advertisements. From 1972 to 1998. Retrieved
October 22, 2020, from https://www.watchcollectinglifestyle.com/home/experience-

The OT Hub. (2013). Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Retrieved October 22, 2020, from

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