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Manager hold high positions and have

more power than the others

High division of labor
Competition is seen
as necessary
Money and financial market plays a
role in ordering behavior
Modern day economics is focused on
individualism and the invisible hand This lead to materialism
and individualism
Low division of labor
Leadership is informal and everyone
had the chance to voice out
People can view
management differently True wealth is by
Contrast in ideals giving, not by having Make more money ("unnatural")
This is where something subjective
becomes an objective reality Nomadic people with little interest to Facilitate the transfer of
individualism and materialism goods and services
This is a socially
constructed reality Hunting and gathering (40,000 BCE) Advent of money (1,500 BCE)

5 Eras of Pre-Contempt Management

Pre-humankind (13.7 billion BCE) First agricultural revolution (10,000 BCE) Capitalism and Industrial Revolution
key figure in this era/time is the group of first homo The domestication of plants and animals Key figure is Adam Smith
sapiens especially when they started doing meant that the nomadic lifestyle ceased,
agriculture. Having such a system is what enabled organization is needed Proposed the free market where
humans to develop in an orderly manner people are free to trade which
lead to capitalism
Mercantilism was not enough for an efficient
production of goods and services

Process of...
clearly defined lines of authority and
Planning responsibility, keeping formal records, and
Directing things productively rule-based decision-making.
design and management of organizations
Let's an organization use their
on an impersonal rational basis
resources efficiently and effectively
Bureaucratic organizing
To be able to execute plans
perfectly and also help adapt He wrote about how scientific managers’ obligations to act in ways that
on sudden changes management solely focuses on efficiency where every act can be enhance societal well-being
best way to manage a specific organization depends
diminished to a science. This is centered on looking at the most fitting
on identifying the optimal fit between its structure, Corporate social responsibility
Develop the subordinates for them to improve way or procedure to do a specific job.
culture, environment, technology, and strategy
their own skills in handling people
importance of looking beyond shareholders
Contingency theory
Stakeholder theory
the key figure during this era using the tools of
mathematics and science to advise profits can be enhanced by reducing costs associated
management. This includes planning, problem with negative social and ecological externalities
solving, decision making and analysis.
Natural Resource Based View
Management Science
The key figure of this era is the private sector. Although environmentalists
tendency for managers to make sub-optimal decisions were responsible for pushing environmental awareness in this era, the
because they lack complete information and have limited highlight was the adjustments that companies went through to align their
Frederick Winslow Taylor cognitive ability to process information operations with the needs of the world.
Scientific Management Bounded rationality Win-win-win for profit-planet-people

Organizing Era (1910-1930) Planning Era (1950 - 1970) Triple Bottom Line Era (1990 - 2010)

6 Eras of Contempt Management

Leading Area (1930-1950) Controlling Era (1970 - 1990) Social and Ecological Thought Era (2010 - )
Not a person, but an important key are the scripts made by the The key figures of this era are the modern-day scientists. They were able
learned that helped people figure out what was happening to create significant awareness regarding the economical and
around them. environmental effects of the private sector to the world. They reshaped the
way companies manage their businesses, even on a micro level.
This is because this era was all about how
management/leadership guided and inspired
people and these scripts perfectly show that.

Lillian Gilbreth
Reducing Stress
She made the idea that the workers should have a standard working
day and working hours. She also promoted child-labor laws to avoid
the children engaging in unsafe work conditions.
Hawthorne effect
giving workers special treatment
increases their productivity
Theory X and Y
Theory X
assume that people are inherently lazy,
dislike work, will avoid working hard
unless forced to do so
Theory Y
assume that work is as natural as play, that people are
inherently motivated to work, and that people will feel unfulfilled
if they do not have the opportunity to work

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