Sound proofi-WPS Office

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📌Sound proofing

🔸Sound Proof Construction Techniques

➡️Unwelcome sound transmission in a building is typically perceived as a noise problem by the


➡️With more and more people living closer together, soundproof construction techniques are
increasingly utilized in reducing noise and providing quieter working and living environments.

🔸The Fundamentals of Noise

➡️As human population density continually increases, the desire for peaceful, noise free living and
working environments increases commensurately.

➡️Noise in this instance is defined as a collection of one or more unwelcome sounds as perceived by the

➡️Humans generally have little capacity for blocking their sense of hearing, unlike vision which can be
“turned off’ simply by closing eyelids So any unwelcome sound that reaches the ear is usually considered
undesirable and given the label of “noise".

➡️Even the pure tones of a musical scale can be perceived as noise if heard by unappreciative ears, and
drives the quest for knowledge on how to sound proof a room for example.

➡️Reducing noise, then, is an exercise in eliminating sound transmission through walls, floors, and
ceilings and is the goal of sound proof construction and design.

🔸Sound Proof Design Principles

➡️There are three broad design categories for sound transmission control

🚧Increase sealed dead space:

▶️As sound travels, acoustic energy is dissipated and the intensity or “volume" decreases as the result.

▶️This is why we usually cannot hear someone speaking who is standing far away.

▶️However, over short distances it is also important to eliminate sound transmission through the air
which can be achieved by eliminating open penetrations through walls, floors, and ceilings.

▶️This is especially effective to soundproof existing rooms.

🚧Increase mass

▶️Sound is generated by vibrating objects generating pressure waves in the air.

▶️Sound can also cause objects to vibrate and regenerate these pressure waves at a different location on
the object, but will lose acoustic energy in the process.

▶️The more massive an object is, the more energy is required to vibrate, and less energy is available to
regenerate a sound.

🚧Decrease vibratory response

▶️Objects that do not readily vibrate in response to audible sound will not Transmit that sound.

▶️This is why a pillow will muffle, or dampen, sounds instead of regenerating them.

▶️Some soundproof window treatments rely on this method.

🚧Applying Sound Proof Design to Construction Practice

▶️There are several ways to sound proof a structure.

▶️The question of how to soundproof a room can be addressed with some surprisingly simple
construction techniques, starting with building a sound proof wall for example Commonly used dry wall,
or sheet rock, is actually an effective material for sound proofing due to its high mass.

▶️However, for maximum effect changes to the mounting system should be employed.

▶️A dampening material, such as a bead of silicone caulk, should be used between the sheet rock panel
and framing.

▶️If allowed by code, cutting the sill plate to create an air gap in the middle of the sill effectively stops it
from transmitting sound.

▶️Alternating studs on either side of the split sill plate stops sound transmission through the studs from
one side of the wall to the other.

▶️Otherwise, an additional layer of sheetrock spaced with acoustic caulk or foam will also create an
acoustically dead air gap. Acoustic drywall, which incorporates a dampening material layer in the sheet
rock itself, can also be used.

▶️Other high mass building materials, such as concrete, stucco, logs, mass loaded vinyl, etc. can also be
utilized in cost effective sound proof methods especially on exterior walls.

▶️Commonly overlooked sources of sound transmitters in a building are windows, pipes, electrical
conduits, and wall penetrations for utilities.


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