Christmas Homework: READING BOOK: Animal Farm, by George Orwell

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READING BOOK: Animal Farm, by George Orwell

You have to read this book for the Christmas break. Here is a link to the Amazon site,
but of course you can purchase it wherever you want:
It’s shorter than the one you were supposed to read and easier, and I think you’ll like it
(I absolutely love it), but maybe you find the first chapters a bit difficult as there are
many words you need to look up. Remember to use and not
a translator!!
When we’re back in January you’ll have to do a task related to the book. It’ll be easy if
you have read it, so no worries. However, if you’re tempted to read a summary, watch
a film or read it in Spanish, let me tell you that I WILL NOTICE and you’ll fail the task.


I’ve uploaded the EOI Curriculum for A2 level to a Drive folder, which explains the
contents that you all must know, considering you are in B1.1. However, that’s not
always the case and many times you make basic mistakes (prepositions, sentence
structure, uncountable nouns…). Have a look at the document, check what things you
know how to do and which don’t, and work on those that you still have trouble with.
To do so, I’ve uploaded another book, which is a basic grammar (A1/A2). You should
do the units you think you need in order to polish those basic mistakes that you still
make. These are usually easy to understand and avoid, but you need to work at home
too to catch up on the grammar and vocabulary you are supposed to know. Otherwise,
you won’t be able to get the B1 level.

You guys should be completing your workbook along the course. If you haven’t started
with that, Christmas is the perfect time to catch up on the units you’ve missed.
Obviously, just do the units related to the ones that we’ve seen in the Student’s Book.

Most of you have failed or got a low mark in the listening. A convenient way to boost
your listening skill is through podcasts, since you can listen to them at the same time
you are doing other activities. Watching series, films or documentaries is also useful, of
course, but I don’t normally recommend them at this stage because they’re quite hard
to understand and I don’t want you to get depressed about that.
Ideally, you should choose the podcasts yourselves according to your interests,
because this way you’ll enjoy them and therefore listen to more of them. If you want
some ideas, in the info sheet 1B1 (Welcome section) that the former teacher uploaded
to Aules there are some. But I encourage you to browse Spotify (or any other app) and
find the one that suits you best.

Remember that learning a language is not possible just by attending the

lessons, you need to work at home too!

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