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Team Work

What is Team Work?

The dictionary describes teamwork as “the combined action of a
group, especially when effective and efficient”

Why Team Work?

Teamwork unites people: - When a group of people work together
in a healthy and positive environment, they are more likely to bond
and develop friendships. Such is the social behaviour of human
 Teamwork promotes efficiency:--
When people work in groups, it significantly improves their
The simple reason is that in a group, the workload is shared and
doesn’t put pressure on a particular individual.

 Teamwork fosters a learning environment:-

One of the important aspects of teamwork is encouraging a learning
environment. When different people come together to work on the
same project, there’s a chance of learning from one another.
 Teamwork offers better opportunities for feedback:-
Generally, employees don’t take criticism too well from their
managers, let alone their peers. This creates a hostile work
environment where it’s controversial to give feedback to peers.
 Teamwork helps in resolving issues faster:-
Teamwork environment promotes a more open and friendlier group of
employees. This induces a better problem-solving workforce as
everyone can share their different perspectives.

Teamwork skills are essential to the success at work, no matter it is the

industry or job title. Working well with clients, colleagues, managers and
other people in your workplace can help to complete tasks efficiently while
creating an enjoyable environment both for yourself and others. An
organization that emphasizes good teamwork skills is typically a healthy,
high-functioning workplace.

# Why teamwork skills are important?

It will be required to work alongside others in every industry at every level in

the career. Doing so in an empathetic, efficient and responsible manner can
help you accomplish career goals, grow the resume and contribute
positively to the organization. It can also helps in build rapport with others.

* Skills required in teamwork:

1. Communication

Communication is the foundation of effective teamwork. Whether you’re

working on a presentation with your classmates or spearheading a new
project at work, it’s important to talk openly and honestly with your
group members about expectations, deadlines, and responsibilities.
Establishing open lines of communication promotes trust and makes for
a positive team environment. While disagreements might occur, being
upfront and respectful in your communication with other team members
will help you resolve issues quickly.

2. Time management

Time management, accountability and responsibility are all equally

important for your career as they are in your academic life. Project
managers, for example, must have strong organizational skills in order
to set manageable goals for their team and keep others on track to
meet their deadlines. Nurses must also demonstrate strong time
management skills, prioritizing and delegating tasks so that they can
spend more time on the patients who need extra care.

3. Listening

When working in a group, it’s important to keep an open mind.

Recognize that your team members may see things from another
perspective, and hear them out. Listening to other points of view can
help you see multiple sides of an issue, including ones that you have
never considered before. This allows you to be a better colleague and
leader, to anticipate needs and challenges before they arise and to
respond effectively when they do.
4. Leadership

A leader who works well with others – both within his or her own
department and across departments – can help spread knowledge and
resources, develop new leaders and contribute to an organization’s
success. Leaders can demonstrate strong teamwork skills by promoting
collaboration, acting as a mentor or coach for their employees and by
empowering others to learn, grow and advance.

Link: Skills for Work_ Team-working Skills.mp4

Team building

Working together is one of the most integral parts of performing any
activity. It is an ongoing process that helps a group to unfold into a
cohesive unit, it not only helps in the completion of a certain task but
also helps individual teammates to bond, motivate themselves and
others and build trust that produces harmony among members.
Many of the team-building exercises aim to address and unveil
interpersonal difficulties within the group that assist in better
understanding of a team.
Team building activities

Two Truths and a lie
The key guidelines for the game are for each member of the
party to present themselves by telling two truths. The
comments must not be personal, life-revealing, hobbies,
interests, or past experiences that make any person special.
Lies can be scandalous and wacky or sound like a reality that
makes it tougher on the others. Everybody posts their
declarations one by one. The party must guess which
declarations are true and which declarations are false. You
should keep track of who predicts the most lies right, or just
play to get acquainted - it's up to the party

Coin Logo
During this activity, the participants have to empty their
pockets, wallets, and purses for any coins and place them in
front of them on a certain object. Advise each team to make a
logo using the coin in front of them in just one minute. Each
group leader will analyze the findings and what it tells about
the team logo. This practice not only encourages self-
awareness and shared knowledge but also helps partners in a
personal way to get to know each other.

Escape the Classroom
Develop a game of "Class Escape." Students must work in
groups to flee from the school. They must search for their code
on the computer and in the classroom for hints and passwords
Scavenger challenges, sports, or school games invite pupils to
collaborate together: strategic strategy, project division, and
success interacting.

Shrinking Classroom
Here, students need to be structured in a manner that suits a
fast diminishing classroom. Two classes divide the classroom.
All of these classes compete. Both of them are in a certain
area. For eg, with a cable or small traffic cones, a mentor
reduces the standing area. Students ought to find a way to
accommodate everyone in a restricted space. As an instructor,
by may the field, you begin to push their boundaries. The
party in the "classroom" is the winner.

Game of possibilities
Time: Five or six minutes

Participant number: one or two small groups Tools

required: Random products

Rules: It's a perfect team bonding game of five minutes. In each party,
give a single individual an entity. Somebody must go up to the party
to show their use for this device one at a time. What the player is
showing, the rest of the team would guess. The activist cannot talk,
and protests have to be original thoughts, probably insane.

Goal: This team bonding workout encourages imagination and

ingenuity for individuals.

Scavenger Hunt
>1 hour Time:

Two or three small classes Number of members Pen

and paper: tools needed

Rules: Split into two or three teams. Rules: Create a list of activities
that each team will perform as a group. Tasks may be to take a selfie
with an insect, take a snapshot of a building or object around the
bureau, etc. Offer each team the list, along with a deadline for
completing all assignments. Anyone who carries out the fastest tasks
will win! (The job challenge is that you can even build your own dot
scheme if you like it!)

Objective: Perfect team building activity that helps break up workplace

cliques by motivating people to collaborate alongside friends from
other teams, agencies, or just social circles.

Here are some of the videos that will guide you on

how to execute the following activities, and make
you understand the importance of teamwork Scavenger
hunt) truths and a Lie) (Escape the room)

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