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International Scholarly Research Network

ISRN Pharmaceutics
Volume 2012, Article ID 195727, 10 pages

Review Article
Drug Solubility: Importance and Enhancement Techniques

Ketan T. Savjani, Anuradha K. Gajjar, and Jignasa K. Savjani

Institute of Pharmacy, Nirma University, Sarkhej Gandhinagar Highway, Gujarat, Ahmedabad 382481, India

Correspondence should be addressed to Anuradha K. Gajjar,

Received 31 March 2012; Accepted 8 May 2012

Academic Editors: G. Aktay, Y.-Z. Du, and J. Torrado

Copyright © 2012 Ketan T. Savjani et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly

Solubility, the phenomenon of dissolution of solute in solvent to give a homogenous system, is one of the important parameters
to achieve desired concentration of drug in systemic circulation for desired (anticipated) pharmacological response. Low aqueous
solubility is the major problem encountered with formulation development of new chemical entities as well as for the generic
development. More than 40% NCEs (new chemical entities) developed in pharmaceutical industry are practically insoluble in
water. Solubility is a major challenge for formulation scientist. Any drug to be absorbed must be present in the form of solution
at the site of absorption. Various techniques are used for the enhancement of the solubility of poorly soluble drugs which include
physical and chemical modifications of drug and other methods like particle size reduction, crystal engineering, salt formation,
solid dispersion, use of surfactant, complexation, and so forth. Selection of solubility improving method depends on drug property,
site of absorption, and required dosage form characteristics.

1. Introduction conditions equilibrium solubility may be exceeded to give a

so-called supersaturated solution, which is metastable [3].
Solubility is the property of a solid, liquid, or gaseous chem- Solubility is not to be confused with the ability to dissolve
ical substance called solute to dissolve in a solid, liquid, or liquefy a substance, since these processes may occur not
or gaseous solvent to form a homogeneous solution of the only because of dissolution but also because of a chemical
solute in the solvent. The solubility of a substance fundamen- reaction. For example, zinc is insoluble in hydrochloric acid,
tally depends on the solvent used as well as on temperature but does dissolve in it by chemically reacting into zinc
and pressure. The extent of solubility of a substance in a chloride and hydrogen, where zinc chloride is soluble in
specific solvent is measured as the saturation concentration
hydrochloric acid. Solubility does not also depend on particle
where adding more solute does not increase its concentration
size or other kinetic factors; given enough time, even large
in the solution [1].
particles will eventually dissolve [4].
The solvent is generally a liquid, which can be a pure
substance or a mixture of two liquids. One may also speak of IUPAC defines solubility as the analytical composition of
solid solution, but rarely of solution in a gas. a saturated solution expressed as a proportion of a designated
The extent of solubility ranges widely, from infinitely sol- solute in a designated solvent. Solubility may be stated in
uble (fully miscible) such as ethanol in water, to poorly sol- units of concentration, molality, mole fraction, mole ratio,
uble, such as silver chloride in water. The term insoluble is and other units [5].
often applied to poorly or very poorly soluble compounds Extensive use of solubility from different perspective
[2]. has led to solubility being expressed in various manners. It
Solubility occurs under dynamic equilibrium, which is commonly expressed as a concentration, either by mass
means that solubility results from the simultaneous and (g of solute per kg of solvent, g per dL (100 mL) of sol-
opposing processes of dissolution and phase joining (e.g., vent), molarity, molality, mole fraction, or other similar
precipitation of solids). Solubility equilibrium occurs when descriptions of concentration. The maximum equilibrium
the two processes proceed at a constant rate. Under certain amount of solute that can dissolve per amount of solvent is
2 ISRN Pharmaceutics

Table 1: USP and BP solubility criteria. 2. Importance of Solubility

Descriptive term Part of solvent required per part of solute
Oral ingestion is the most convenient and commonly
Very soluble Less than 1 employed route of drug delivery due to its ease of administra-
Freely soluble From 1 to 10 tion, high patient compliance, costeffectiveness, least sterility
Soluble From 10 to 30 constraints, and flexibility in the design of dosage form. As a
Sparingly soluble From 30 to 100 result, many of the generic drug companies are inclined more
Slightly soluble From 100 to 1000 to produce bioequivalent oral drug products [10].
Very slightly soluble From 1000 to 10,000 However, the major challenge with the design of oral
Practically insoluble 10,000 and over dosage forms lies with their poor bioavailability. The oral
bioavailability depends on several factors including aqueous
solubility, drug permeability, dissolution rate, first-pass
the solubility of that solute in that solvent under the specified metabolism, presystemic metabolism, and susceptibility to
conditions [6]. The advantage of expressing solubility in this efflux mechanisms. The most frequent causes of low oral
manner is its simplicity, while the disadvantage is that it bioavailability are attributed to poor solubility and low
can strongly depend on the presence of other species in the permeability.
solvent (e.g., the common ion effect). Solubility also plays a major role for other dosage forms
Saturated solutions of ionic compounds of relatively low like parenteral formulations as well [11]. Solubility is one of
solubility are sometimes described by solubility constants. the important parameters to achieve desired concentration of
It is a case of equilibrium process. It describes the balance drug in systemic circulation for achieving required phar-
between dissolved ions from the salt and undissolved salt. macological response [12]. Poorly water soluble drugs often
Similar to other equilibrium constants, temperature would require high doses in order to reach therapeutic plasma con-
affect the numerical value of solubility constant. The value centrations after oral administration. Low aqueous solubility
of this constant is generally independent of the presence of is the major problem encountered with formulation develop-
other species in the solvent. ment of new chemical entities as well as generic development.
The Flory-Huggins solution theory is a theoretical model Any drug to be absorbed must be present in the form of
describing the solubility of polymers. The Hansen Solubility an aqueous solution at the site of absorption. Water is the
Parameters and the Hildebrand solubility parameters are solvent of choice for liquid pharmaceutical formulations.
empirical methods for the prediction of solubility. It is also Most of the drugs are either weakly acidic or weakly basic
possible to predict solubility from other physical constants having poor aqueous solubility.
such as the enthalpy of fusion. More than 40% NCEs (new chemical entities) developed
The partition coefficient (Log P) is a measure of differ- in pharmaceutical industry are practically insoluble in
ential solubility of a compound in a hydrophobic solvent water. These poorly water soluble drugs having slow drug
(octanol) and a hydrophilic solvent (water). The logarithm absorption leads to inadequate and variable bioavailability
of these two values enables compounds to be ranked in terms and gastrointestinal mucosal toxicity. For orally administered
of hydrophilicity (or hydrophobicity). drugs solubility is the most important one rate limiting
USP and BP classify the solubility regardless of the sol- parameter to achieve their desired concentration in systemic
vent used, just only in terms of quantification and have circulation for pharmacological response. Problem of solu-
defined the criteria as given in Table 1 [7, 8]. bility is a major challenge for formulation scientist [13].
The Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS) is a The improvement of drug solubility thereby its oral bio-
guide for predicting the intestinal drug absorption provided availability remains one of the most challenging aspects of
by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. This system drug development process especially for oral-drug deliv-
restricts the prediction using the parameters solubility and ery system. There are numerous approaches available and
intestinal permeability. reported in literature to enhance the solubility of poorly
Solubility is based on the highest-dose strength of an water-soluble drugs. The techniques are chosen on the
immediate release product. A drug is considered highly basis of certain aspects such as properties of drug under
soluble when the highest dose strength is soluble in 250 mL consideration, nature of excipients to be selected, and nature
or less of aqueous media over the pH range of 1 to 7.5. The of intended dosage form.
volume estimate of 250 mL is derived from typical bioequiva- The poor solubility and low dissolution rate of poorly
lence study protocols that prescribe administration of a drug water soluble drugs in the aqueous gastrointestinal fluids
product to fasting human volunteers with a glass of water [9]. often cause insufficient bioavailability. Especially for class II
The intestinal permeability classification is based on a (low solubility and high permeability) substances according
comparison to the intravenous injection. All those factors are to the BCS, the bioavailability may be enhanced by increasing
highly important, since 85% of the most sold drugs in the the solubility and dissolution rate of the drug in the gastro-
USA and Europe are orally administered. intestinal fluids. As for BCS class II drugs rate limiting
All drugs have been divided into four classes: class I— step is drug release from the dosage form and solubility in
high soluble and high permeable, class II—low soluble and the gastric fluid and not the absorption, so increasing the
high permeable, class III—low soluble and high permeable solubility in turn increases the bioavailability for BCS class
and class IV—low soluble and low permeable. II drugs [10, 13, 14].
ISRN Pharmaceutics 3

The negative effect of compounds with low solubility and consequently their bioavailability and clinical efficacy.
include poor absorption and bioavailability, insufficient sol- Micronized fenofibrate exhibited more than 10-fold (1.3%
ubility for IV dosing, development challenges leading to to 20%) increase in dissolution in at 30 minutes biorelevant
increasing the development cost and time, burden shifted to media [16, 17].
patient (frequent high-dose administration) [11].
5. Solid Dispersion
3. Techniques for Solubility Enhancement
The concept of solid dispersions was originally proposed
Solubility improvement techniques can be categorized in to by Sekiguchi and Obi, who investigated the generation and
physical modification, chemical modifications of the drug dissolution performance of eutectic melts of a sulfonamide
substance, and other techniques. drug and a water-soluble carrier in the early 1960s [18]. Solid
dispersions represent a useful pharmaceutical technique for
Physical Modifications. Particle size reduction like micron- increasing the dissolution, absorption, and therapeutic effi-
ization and nanosuspension, modification of the crystal habit cacy of drugs in dosage forms. The term solid dispersion
like polymorphs, amorphous form and cocrystallization, refers to a group of solid products consisting of at least two
drug dispersion in carriers like eutectic mixtures, solid different components, generally a hydrophilic matrix and a
dispersions, solid solutions and cryogenic techniques. hydrophobic drug. The most commonly used hydrophilic
carriers for solid dispersions include polyvinylpyrrolidone
Chemical Modifications. Change of ph, use of buffer, deriva- (Povidone, PVP), polyethylene glycols (PEGs), Plasdone-
tization, complexation, and salt formation. S630. Surfactants like Tween-80, docusate sodium, Myrj-52,
Pluronic-F68, and sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS) also find a
place in the formulation of solid dispersion.
Miscellaneous Methods. Supercritical fluid process, use of
The solubility of celecoxib, halofantrine, and ritonavir
adjuvant like surfactant, solubilizers, cosolvency, hydrotro-
can be improved by solid dispersion using suitable hydro-
phy, and novel excipients.
philic carriers like celecoxib with povidone (PVP) and riton-
avir with gelucire. Various techniques to prepare the solid
4. Particle Size Reduction dispersion of hydrophobic drugs with an aim to improve
their aqueous solubility are listed here [19–21].
The solubility of drug is often intrinsically related to drug
particle size; as a particle becomes smaller, the surface area
to volume ratio increases. The larger surface area allows 5.1. Hot-Melt Method (Fusion Method). The main advan-
greater interaction with the solvent which causes an increase tages of this direct melting method is its simplicity and econ-
in solubility. omy. The melting or fusion method was first proposed by
Conventional methods of particle size reduction, such as Sekiguchi and Obi to prepare fast release solid dispersion
comminution and spray drying, rely upon mechanical stress dosage forms. In this method, the physical mixture of a
to disaggregate the active compound. Particle size reduction drug and a water-soluble carrier are heated directly until the
is thus permitting an efficient, reproducible, and economic two melts. The melted mixture is then cooled and solidified
means of solubility enhancement. However, the mechanical rapidly in an ice bath with rigorous stirring. The final solid
forces inherent to comminution, such as milling and grind- mass is then crushed, pulverized, and sieved, which can be
ing, often impart significant amounts of physical stress upon compressed into tablets with the help of tableting agents.
the drug product which may induce degradation. The ther- The melting point of a binary system is dependent upon its
mal stress which may occur during comminution and spray composition, that is, the selection of the carrier and the
drying is also a concern when processing thermosensitive or weight fraction of the drug in the system [22].
unstable active compounds. Useing traditional approaches An important requisite for the formation of solid disper-
for nearly insoluble drugs may not be able to enhance the sion by the hot-melt method is the miscibility of the drug and
solubility up to desired level. the carrier in the molten form. Another important requisite
Micronization is another conventional technique for the is the thermostability of both the drug and the carrier.
particle size reduction. Micronization increases the dissolu-
tion rate of drugs through increased surface area, it does not 5.2. Solvent Evaporation Method. Tachibana and Nakamura
increase equilibrium solubility. Decreasing the particle size [23] were the first to dissolve both the drug and the carrier
of these drugs, which cause increase in surface area, improve in a common solvent and then evaporate the solvent under
their rate of dissolution. Micronization of drugs is done by vacuum to produce a solid solution. This enabled them to
milling techniques using jet mill, rotor stator colloid mills produce a solid solution of the highly lipophilic β-carotene
and so forth micronization is not suitable for drugs having a in the highly water soluble carrier povidone. Many inves-
high dose number because it does not change the saturation tigators studied solid dispersion of meloxicam, naproxen,
solubility of the drug [15]. and nimesulide using solvent evaporation technique. These
These processes were applied to griseofulvin, proges- findings suggest that the above-mentioned technique can be
terone, spironolactone diosmin, and fenofibrate. For each employed successfully for improvement and stability of solid
drug, micronization improved their digestive absorption, dispersions of poorly water soluble drugs [15, 17].
4 ISRN Pharmaceutics

The main advantage of the solvent evaporation method 6.2. Media Milling. The nanosuspensions are prepared by
is that thermal decomposition of drugs or carriers can be using high-shear media mills. The milling chamber charged
prevented because of the low temperature required for the with milling media, water, drug, and stabilizer is rotated
evaporation of organic solvents. However, the disadvantages at a very high-shear rate under controlled temperatures for
associated with this method are the higher cost of prepa- several days (at least 2–7 days). The milling medium is
ration, the difficulty in completely removing the organic composed of glass, Zirconium oxide, or highly cross-linked
solvent (a regulatory perspective), the possible adverse effect polystyrene resin. High energy shear forces are generated as
of the supposedly negligible amount of the solvent on the a result of the impaction of the milling media with the drug
chemical stability of the drug, the selection of a common resulting into breaking of microparticulate drug to nanosized
volatile solvent, and the difficulty in reproducing crystal particles [28].
forms [24].
6.3. High Pressure Homogenization. High-pressure homoge-
5.3. Hot-Melt Extrusion. Hot-melt extrusion is essentially nization has been used to prepare nanosuspension of many
the same as the fusion method except that intense mixing poorly water soluble drugs. In this method, the suspension
of the components is induced by the extruder. Just like of a drug and surfactant is forced under pressure through
in the traditional fusion process, miscibility of the drug a nanosized aperture valve of a high pressure homogenizer.
and the matrix could be a problem. High-shear forces The principle of this method is based on cavitation in the
resulting in high local temperature in the extruder is a aqueous phase. The cavitations forces within the particles
problem for heat sensitive materials. However, compared are sufficiently high to convert the drug microparticles into
to the traditional fusion method, this technique offers the nanoparticles. The concern with this method is the need for
possibility of continuous production, which makes it suitable small sample particles before loading and the fact that many
for large-scale production. Furthermore, the product is easier cycles of homogenization are required [32].
to handle because at the outlet of the extruder the shape can Dissolution rate and bioavailability of poorly soluble
be adapted to the next processing step without grinding [20]. drugs such as spironolactone, budesonide, and omeprazole
have been improved by reducing their particle size by high
6. Nanosuspension pressure homogenization [33–35].
Nanosuspension technology has been developed as a promis- 6.4. Combined Precipitation and Homogenization. The pre-
ing candidate for efficient delivery of hydrophobic drugs. cipitated drug nanoparticles have a tendency to continue
This technology is applied to poorly soluble drugs that are crystal growth to the size of microcrystals. They need to be
insoluble in both water and oils. A pharmaceutical nanosus- processed with high-energy forces (homogenisation). They
pension is a biphasic system consisting of nano sized drug are in completely amorphous, partially amorphous or com-
particles stabilized by surfactants for either oral and topical pletely crystalline forms which create problems in long term
use or parenteral and pulmonary administration. The parti- stability as well as in bioavailability, so the precipitated parti-
cle size distribution of the solid particles in nanosuspensions cle suspension is subsequently homogenized which preserve
is usually less than one micron with an average particle size the particle size obtained after the precipitation step.
ranging between 200 and 600 nm [25, 26].
Various methods utilized for preparation of nanosuspen-
7. Supercritical Fluid (SCF) Process
sions include precipitation technique, media milling, high-
pressure homogenization in water, high pressure homoge- Another novel nanosizing and solubilisation technology
nization in nonaqueous media, and combination of Precipi- whose application has increased in recent years is particle size
tation and high-Pressure homogenization [27, 28]. reduction via supercritical fluid (SCF) processes. Super-
critical fluids are fluids whose temperature and pressure
6.1. Precipitation Technique. In precipitation technique the are greater than its critical temperature (Tc) and critical
drug is dissolved in a solvent, which is then added to anti- pressure (Tp), allowing it to assume the properties of both
solvent to precipitate the crystals. The basic advantage of a liquid and a gas. At near-critical temperatures, SCFs, are
precipitation technique is the use of simple and low cost highly compressible allowing moderate changes in pressure
equipments; but the challenge is the addition of the growing to greatly alter the density and mass transport characteristics
drug crystals to avoid formation of microparticles. The limi- of the fluid that largely determine its solvent power. Once
tation of this precipitation technique is that the drug needs to the drug particles are solubilised within the SCF (usually
be soluble in at least one solvent and this solvent needs to be carbon dioxide), they may be recrystallised at greatly reduced
miscible with antisolvent. Moreover, precipitation technique particle sizes. The flexibility and precision offered by SCF
is not applicable to drugs, which are simultaneously poorly processes allows micronisation of drug particles within
soluble in aqueous and nonaqueous media [29]. Nanosus- narrow ranges of particle size, often to submicron levels.
pension of Danazol and Naproxen have been prepared by Current SCF processes have demonstrated the ability to
precipitation technique to improve their dissolution rate and create nanoparticulate suspensions of particles 5–2,000 nm
oral bioavailability. The size reduction of naproxen was also in diameter. Several pharmaceutical companies, such as
associated with an apparent increase in the rate of absorption Nektar Therapeutics and Lavipharm, are specializing in
by approximately 4-fold [30, 31]. particle engineering via SCF technologies for particle size
ISRN Pharmaceutics 5

reduction and solubility enhancement. Several methods of OH OH OH OH

SCF processing have been developed to address individual OH
OH 3 2 3
aspects of these shortcomings, such as precipitation with 2 2
compressed antisolvent process (PCA), solution enhanced 3 OH
dispersion by SCF (SEDS), supercritical antisolvent processes
(SAS), rapid expansion of supercritical solutions (RESS), gas 2 3 3
anti solvent recrystallization (GAS), and aerosol supercritical
extraction system (ASES) [36, 37].

8. Cryogenic Techniques
Cryogenic techniques have been developed to enhance the
dissolution rate of drugs by creating nanostructured amor- 6
phous drug particles with high degree of porosity at very low- OH
6 6
temperature conditions. Cryogenic inventions can be defined OH OH OH
by the type of injection device (capillary, rotary, pneumatic, OH
and ultrasonic nozzle), location of nozzle (above or under
Figure 1: Representations of hydrophobic cavity and hydrophilic
the liquid level), and the composition of cryogenic liquid
outer surface of cyclodextrin [44].
(hydrofluoroalkanes, N2 , Ar, O2 , and organic solvents). After
cryogenic processing, dry powder can be obtained by various
drying processes like spray freeze drying, atmospheric freeze drug powder with improved solubility. Ultra rapid freezing
drying, vacuum freeze drying, and lyophilisation [38–40]. hinders the phase separation and the crystallization of the
pharmaceutical ingredients leading to intimately mixed,
8.1. Spray Freezing onto Cryogenic Fluids. Briggs and Maxvell amorphous drug-carrier solid dispersions, and solid solu-
invented the process of spray freezing onto cryogenic fluids. tions [45].
In this technique, the drug and the carrier (mannitol, mal-
tose, lactose, inositol, or dextran) were dissolved in water and
atomized above the surface of a boiling agitated fluorocarbon 9. Inclusion Complex
refrigerant. Sonication probe can be placed in the stirred Formation-Based Techniques
refrigerant to enhance the dispersion of the aqueous solution
Among all the solubility enhancement techniques, inclusion
complex formation technique has been employed more
precisely to improve the aqueous solubility, dissolution rate,
8.2. Spray Freezing into Cryogenic Liquids (SFL). The SFL and bioavailability of poorly water soluble drugs.
particle engineering technology has been used to produce Inclusion complexes are formed by the insertion of the
amorphous nanostructured aggregates of drug powder with nonpolar molecule or the nonpolar region of one molecule
high surface area and good wettability. It incorporates direct (known as guest) into the cavity of another molecule or
liquid-liquid impingement between the automatized feed group of molecules (known as host). The most commonly
solution and cryogenic liquid to provide intense atomization used host molecules are cyclodextrins. The enzymatic degra-
into microdroplets and consequently significantly faster dation of starch by cyclodextrin-glycosyltransferase (CGT)
freezing rates. The frozen particles are then lyophilized to produces cyclic oligomers, Cyclodextrins (CDs). These are
obtain dry and free-flowing micronized powders [42]. nonreducing, crystalline, water soluble, and cyclic oligosac-
charides consisting of glucose monomers arranged in a donut
8.3. Spray Freezing into Vapor over Liquid (SFV/L). Freezing shaped ring having hydrophobic cavity and hydrophilic outer
of drug solutions in cryogenic fluid vapours and subsequent surface as illustrated in Figure 1. Three naturally occurring
removal of frozen solvent produces fine drug particles CDs are α-Cyclodextrin, β-Cyclodextrin, and γ-Cyclodextrin
with high wettability. During SFV/L the atomized droplets [46].
typically start to freeze in the vapor phase before they contact The surface of the cyclodextrin molecules makes them
the cryogenic liquid. As the solvent freezes, the drug becomes water soluble, but the hydrophobic cavity provides a micro-
supersaturated in the unfrozen regions of the atomized environment for appropriately sized non-polar molecules.
droplet, so fine drug particles may nucleate and grow [43]. Based on the structure and properties of drug molecule it can
form 1 : 1 or 1 : 2 drug cyclodextrin complex as illustrated in
8.4. Ultra-Rapid Freezing (URF). Ultra-rapid freezing is a Figure 2.
novel cryogenic technology that creates nanostructured drug Various technologies adapted to prepare the inclusion
particles with greatly enhanced surface area and desired sur- complexes of poorly water soluble drugs with cyclodextrins
face morphology by using solid cryogenic substances. Appli- are briefly described below.
cation of drugs solution to the solid surface of cryogenic
substrate leads to instantaneous freezing and subsequent 9.1. Kneading Method. This method is based on impregnat-
lyophilization (for removal of solvent) forms micronized ing the CDs with little amount of water or hydroalcoholic
6 ISRN Pharmaceutics

10. Micellar Solubilization

The use of surfactants to improve the dissolution perfor-
mance of poorly soluble drug products is probably the basic,
primary, and the oldest method. Surfactants reduce surface
CD Drug 1 : 1 drug-CD complex tension and improve the dissolution of lipophilic drugs in
(a) aqueous medium. They are also used to stabilise drug sus-
pensions. When the concentration of surfactants exceeds
their critical micelle concentration (CMC, which is in the
+ range of 0.05–0.10% for most surfactants), micelle formation
occurs which entrap the drugs within the micelles. This is
known as micellization and generally results in enhanced
CD Drug 1 : 2 drug-CD complex
solubility of poorly soluble drugs. Surfactant also improves
(b) wetting of solids and increases the rate of disintegration of
Figure 2: 1 : 1 and 1 : 2 drug cyclodextrin complexes [47].
solid into finer particles [11]. Commonly used nonionic
surfactants include polysorbates, polyoxyethylated castor oil,
polyoxyethylated glycerides, lauroyl macroglycerides, and
mono- and di-fatty acid esters of low molecular weight
solutions to convert into a paste. The drug is then added polyethylene glycols. Surfactants are also often used to sta-
to the above paste and kneaded for a specified time. The bilize microemulsions and suspensions into which drugs are
kneaded mixture is then dried and passed through a sieve dissolved [51, 52].
if required. In laboratory scale, kneading can be achieved Examples of poorly soluble compounds that use Micellar
by using a mortar and pestle. In large scale, kneading can solubilization are antidiabetic drugs, gliclazide, glyburide,
be done by utilizing the extruders and other machines. This glimepiride, glipizide, repaglinide, pioglitazone, and rosigli-
is the most common and simple method used to prepare tazone [53].
the inclusion complexes and it presents very low cost of
production [48].
11. Hydrotrophy
9.2. Lyophilization/Freeze-Drying Technique. In order to get a Hydrotrophy is a solubilisation process, whereby addition
porous, amorphous powder with high degree of interaction of a large amount of second solute, the hydrotropic agent
between drug and CD, lyophilization/freeze drying technique results in an increase in the aqueous solubility of first solute.
is considered suitable. In this technique, the solvent system Hydrotropic agents are ionic organic salts, consists of alkali
from the solution is eliminated through a primary freezing metal salts of various organic acids. Additives or salts that
and subsequent drying of the solution containing both drug increase solubility in given solvent are said to “salt in” the
and CD at reduced pressure. Thermolabile substances can solute and those salts that decrease solubility “salt out” the
be successfully made into complex form by this method. solute. Several salts with large anions or cations that are
The limitations of this technique is the use of specialized themselves very soluble in water result in “salting in” of non
equipment, time consuming process, and yield poor flowing electrolytes called “hydrotropic salts”; a phenomenon known
powdered product. Lyophilization/freeze drying technique as “hydrotropism.” Hydrotrophy designate the increase in
is considered as an alternative to solvent evaporation and solubility in water due to the presence of large amount of
involve molecular mixing of drug and carrier in a common additives. The mechanism by which it improves solubility
solvent [49]. is more closely related to complexation involving a weak
interaction between the hydrotrophic agents like sodium
9.3. Microwave Irradiation Method. This technique involves benzoate, sodium acetate, sodium alginate, urea, and the
the microwave irradiation reaction between drug and com- poorly soluble drugs [54, 55].
plexing agent using a microwave oven. The drug and CD The hydrotropes are known to self-assemble in solution.
in definite molar ratio are dissolved in a mixture of water The classification of hydrotropes on the basis of molecular
and organic solvent in a specified proportion into a round- structure is difficult, since a wide variety of compounds
bottom flask. The mixture is reacted for short time of have been reported to exhibit hydrotropic behaviour. Specific
about one to two minutes at 60◦ C in the microwave oven. examples may include ethanol, aromatic alcohols like resor-
After the reaction completes, adequate amount of solvent cinol, pyrogallol, catechol, α and β-naphthols and salicylates,
mixture is added to the above reaction mixture to remove the alkaloids like caffeine and nicotine, ionic surfactants like
residual uncomplexed free drug and CD. The precipitate so diacids, SDS (sodium dodecyl sulphate), and dodecylated
obtained is separated using whatman filter paper, and dried oxidibenzene. The aromatic hydrotropes with anionic head
in vacuum oven at 40◦ C. Microwave irradiation method is groups are mostly studied compounds. They are large in
a novel method for industrial scale preparation due to its number because of isomerism and their effective hydrotrope
major advantage of shorter reaction times and higher yield action may be due to the availability of interactive pi (π)
of the product [50]. orbital [56].
ISRN Pharmaceutics 7

Hydrotropes with cationic hydrophilic group are rare, higher solubility and dissolution rate than two nonsolvated
for example salts of aromatic amines, such as procaine polymorphs [61]. It is possible for the hydrates to have either
hydrochloride. Besides enhancing the solubilization of com- a faster or slower dissolution rate than the anhydrous form.
pounds in water, they are known to exhibit influences on The most usual situation is for the anhydrous form to have
surfactant aggregation leading to micelle formation, phase a faster dissolution rate than the hydrate. For example, the
manifestation of multicomponent systems with reference to dissolution rate of theophylline anhydrate was faster than
nanodispersions and conductance percolation, clouding of its hydrate form [62]. In certain cases, hydrate form of the
surfactants and polymers, and so forth [57]. drug may show rapid dissolution rate than its anhydrous
form. Erythromycin dihydrate was found to exhibit signif-
icant differences in the dissolution rate when compared to
12. Crystal Engineering monohydrate and anhydrate forms [63]. In general, it is
undesirable to use solvates for drugs and pharmaceuticals as
The surface area of drug available for dissolution is depen-
the presence of organic solvent residues may be toxic. Also all
dent on its particle size and ability to be wetted by luminal
the organic solvents have specific limits for daily exposure to
fluids. This particle size, which is critical to drug dissolution
human as residual solvent in the formulated preparation.
rate, is dependent on the conditions of crystallization or on
Crystal engineering offers a number of routes to
methods of comminution such as impact milling and fluid
improved solubility and dissolution rate, which can be
energy milling.
adopted through an indepth knowledge of crystallization
The comminution techniques can produce particles processes and the molecular properties of active pharmaceu-
which are highly heterogeneous, charged, and cohesive, with tical ingredients. The process involves dissolving the drug
the potential to cause problems in downstream processing in a solvent and precipitating it in a controlled manner to
and product performance. Hence, crystal engineering tech- produce nanoparticles through addition of an antisolvent
niques are developed for the controlled crystallization of (usually, water) [58].
drugs to produce high purity powders with well-defined par- Pharmaceutical cocrystals open a new avenue to address
ticle size distribution, crystal habit, crystal form (crystalline the problems of poorly soluble drugs. They contain two or
or amorphous), surface nature, and surface energy [58]. more distinct molecules arranged to create a new crystal
By manipulating the crystallization conditions (use of dif- form whose properties are often superior to those of each
ferent solvents or change in the stirring or adding other of the separate entities. The pharmaceutical cocrystals are
components to crystallizing drug solution), it is possible to formed between a molecular or ionic drug and a cocrystal
prepare crystals with different packing arrangement; such former that is a solid under ambient conditions [64]. These
crystals are called polymorphs. are prepared by slow evaporation from a drug solution con-
As a result, polymorphs for the same drug may differ in taining stoichiometric amounts of the components (cocrys-
their physicochemical properties such as solubility, dissolu- tal formers); however, sublimation, growth from the melt,
tion rate, melting point, and stability. Most drugs exhibit or grinding of two or more solid cocrystal formers in a ball
structural polymorphism and it is preferable to develop the mill are also suitable methodologies [65].
most thermodynamically stable polymorph of the drug to Carbamazepine: saccharin cocrystal was shown to be
assure reproducible bioavailability of the product over its superior to crystal forms of carbamazepine alone in terms of
shelf-life under a variety of real-world storage conditions. stability, dissolution, suspension stability, and oral absorp-
A classic example of the importance of polymorphism on tion profile in dogs [66]. In another study by Childs et al.,
bioavailability is that of chloramphenicol palmitate suspen- fluoxetine HCl succinic acid cocrystal was found to exhibit
sions. It was shown that the stable polymorph of chloram- an approximately twofold increase in aqueous solubility after
phenicol palmitate produced low serum levels, whereas the only 5 min [67]. It was observed that the itraconazole L-malic
metastable polymorph yielded much higher serum levels acid cocrystal exhibited a similar dissolution profile to that of
when the same dose was administered [59]. In another study, the marketed formulation [68].
it was found that tablets prepared from the form A poly- Traditional crystallization methods include sublimation,
morph of oxytetracycline dissolved significantly more slowly crystallization from solutions, evaporation, thermal treat-
than the tablets with form B polymorph [60]. The tablets ment, desolvation, or grinding/milling. These are being
with form A polymorph exhibited about 55% dissolution at replaced with novel methods of crystal engineering such as
30 min, while the tablets with form B polymorph exhibited SCF technologies [69, 70] to produce pharmaceutical solids
almost complete (95%) dissolution at the same time. with desired dissolution rate and stability. Melt sonocrys-
Crystal engineering approach also involves the prepara- tallization is yet another emerging technology that uses
tion of hydrates and solvates for enhancing the dissolution ultrasonic energy to produce porous fast dissolving particles
rate. During the crystallization process, it is possible to trap for hydrophobic drug molecules [71]. Based on these exciting
molecules of the solvent within the lattice. If the solvent reports, it appears that crystal engineering techniques need to
used is water, the resultant crystal is a hydrate; if any other be exploited more for enhancing the dissolution rate of
solvent is used, it is referred to as solvate. The dissolution rate poorly soluble drugs.
and solubility of a drug can differ significantly for different Other techniques that enhance the solubility of poorly
solvates. For example, glibenclamide has been isolated as water soluble drugs include salt formation, change in dielec-
pentanol and toluene solvates, and these solvates exhibited tric constant of solvent, Chemical modification of the drug,
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