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623 Ue EXAMPLE 10-4 Condensat al Plate 1 atm n of Steam on a Ver Saturated steam at atmospheric pressure condenses on a 2-m-high and 3-m-wide vertical plate that is maintained at 80°C by circulating cooling water through ‘the other side (Fig. 10-30). Determine (a) the rate of heat transfer by conden- sation to the plate and (6 the rate at which the condensate drips off the plate at the bottom SOLUTION Saturated steam at 1 atm condenses on a vertical plate. The rates of heat transfer and condensation are to be determined. Assumptions 1 Steady operating conditions exist. 2 The plate is isothermal 3 The condensate flow is wavy-laminar over the entire plate (will be verified) 4 The density of vapor is much smaller than the density of liquid, p, = p Condensate Properties The properties of water at the saturation temperature of 100°C are tng = 2257 X10" Jka and p, = 0.60 kan? The properties f liquid water a the FIGURE 10-30 film temperature of T, = (Tuy + T,/2 = (100 + 80\/2 = 90°C are (Table A-9) Schematic for Example 10-4. (p= 965.3 kg/m! qu = 4206 Skg-K my = 0.315 X 10> kg/m-s ky = 0.675 Wim-K ¥1= sl, = 0326 X 10-* nhs ‘Analysis (a) The madified latent heat of vaporization is hy = hy + O68 Ta — T.) 2257 X 10° Ug + 0.68 X (4206 Ike K)(100 ~ 80)°C 2314 X 10° Ig For waw-laminar flow, the Reynolds number is determined from Eq. 10-27 tobe Dany = [41+ On 1 (2) mM 3.70(2 m)(0.675 Wim K\(100 — 80°C (BIS X 10-* kgfms)@314 X 10° Wks) x( 9.81 mis? )"] mt (0326 x 10- mINS 1287 hich is between 30 and 1800, and thus our assumption of wavy laminar flow 's verified. Then the condensation heat transfer coefficient is determined from Eq, 10-25 to be Rok, (s" hex eoy ~ TOERETE 5a (GF ERY 9.81 mis ) ee TORRE = 52 \(0326 x 10 mI, ‘The heat transfer surface area ofthe plate is A, = WX L = (3 m){2 m) ‘Then the rate of heat transfer during this condensation process becomes © = RAT, ~ T,) = (5850 Wim?.K)(6 m)(100 ~ 80)°C [ie h m. 02 x 10° W oa EONS {(b) The rate of condensation of steam is determined from 2 _ 702 x 08s Petes = Faia Org ‘That i, steam will condense on the surface at a rate of 303 grams per second. EXAMPLE 10-5 Condensation of Steam on a Tilted Plate = What would your answer be to the preceding example problem ifthe plate were tore tilted 30° from the vertical, as shown in Fig. 10-31? i SOLUTION (a) The heat transfer coefficient in this case can be determined from the vertical plate relation by replacing g by g cos @. But we will use Eg. 10-30 instead since we already know the value for the vertical plate from we the preceding example: = Ices = Pao (608 8)! = (5850 Win K)(cos 30°) = 5643 Wim? K ‘The heat transfer surface area of the plate is sill 6 m2. Then the rate of con- | densation heat transfer in the tilted plate case becomes 0 = A(T T,) = (5643 Wim?-KN6 m?(100 = 80)°C = 6.77 10° W FIGURE 10-31 (6) The rate of condensation of steam is again determined from O _ 677x084 Mecntenates — I~ P314u10° Wk Schematic for Example 10-5. Discussion Note that the rate of condensation decreased by about 3.3 percent When the plate is tilted 0.293 kg/s Seam aore 70°C EXAMPLE 10-6 Condensation of Steam on Horizontal Tubes ‘The condenser of a steam power plant operates at a pressure of 7.38 kPa. Steam at this pressure condenses on the outer surfaces of horizontal tubes through which cooling water circulates. The outer diameter of the pipes is 3 cm, FIGURE 10-32 and the outer surfaces of the tubes are maintained at 30°C (Fig. 10-32). De. Schematic for Example 10-6. termine (a) the rate of heat transfer to the cooling water circulating in the tubes ‘and (b) the rate of condensation of steam per unit length of a horizontal tube. SOLUTION Saturated steam ata pressure of 7.38 kPa condenses on a horizontal tube at 30°C. The rates of heat transfer and condensation are to be determined. Assumptions 1 Steady operating conditions exist. 2 The tube is isothermal. Properties The properties of water at the saturation temperature of 40°C 2407 x 10? Jikg and p, Im temperature of T, corresponding to 7.38 kPa are h, ‘The properties of liquid water at the (40 + 30/2 = 35°C are (Table A-9) 0.05 kgim®, Ta + T2 y= 994 pint oy = SITS Seg K, 1)= 0.720 10 kgims k= 0.623 Wink

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