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Employee Retention Strategies for Chaudhary Group

Final-Term Assignment

Submitted To:
Ms. Sunita Basnet
The British College

Submitted By:
Trishna Singh
Premasters: MBA

Submission Date: 22nd December 2019


Chapter 1

1.1. Background on the Company

Chaudhary Group is a multi-national conglomerate located in Kathmandu, Nepal. They are

currently the biggest multi-national company in Nepal with roots in various fields such as

Biotech & Ayurveda, Cement, Education, Electronic Goods, Energy & Infrastructure,

Financial Services, Fast Moving Consumer Goods, Hotels & Resorts and Realty. They are

slowly branching out to the telecommunication and electronic pay services for Nepal. They

are also intensively active on Corporate Social Responsibility with various projects they

initiated for the betterment of the society. Chaudhary Group Foundation focuses on

incorporating the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals, focusing mainly on:

(i) No Poverty

(ii) Zero Hunger

(iii) Decent Work and Economic Growth

(iv) Responsible Consumption and Production.

Vision & Mission

(Chaudhary Group, 2014, retrieved from


To be five-billion-dollar enterprise by 2020.


 Understand consumer insights and meet their needs with safe, effective and world

class products.

 Enhancing the value delivered to the customers

 Develop a lasting relationship with our customers.

 Recruit, develop, motivate and retain the best talents within the country; recruit if

need be from abroad and provide them a challenging and demanding environment.

 Become globally competitive.

 Become the most admired company in Nepal.

All of the above particularly focus on the development of the organization, however, there

has been no mention of employees through the website and the achievements they have

made. Chaudhary Group being a multinational company of Nepal has focused in

development of the company and developments of the country however, the importance of

employee retention has not been prioritized over the years.

1.2. Research Proposal Problem Statement

Chaudhary Group has been facing issues to retain their employees, even those employees

who have been bringing maximum productivity at work. This is a major issue for the

company as there is a continuous change in the team of workers working for specific projects

generating new ideas, however, also creating conflict. It has been and increasing concern for

the company not because of employees being less talented, but because the company has not

been providing benefits or motivation for the workers.

The issue of increase in employee turnover must be addressed by Chaudhary Group to reduce

additional costs for retaining employees as well as hiring new ones. If an employee chooses

to stay and work longer for the organization it would be considered more fruitful and cost

effective. As Boudreau and Ramstad (2007, p. 4) present: “Whether it is called “people,”

“labor,” “intellectual capital,” “human capital,” “human resources,” “talent,” or some other

term, the resource that lies within employees and how they are organized is increasingly

recognized as critical to strategic success and competitive advantage.”

1.3. Understanding of Client Need

Chaudhary Group, even though the largest conglomerate in Nepal, has been facing increase

in employee turnover. This is extremely crucial for the organization as it is branching out

towards various fields for which several employees are needed for growth of the business.

The need for Chaudhary Group to decrease employee turnover is extremely crucial for the

following reasons:

a) Reduce cost for retaining top management employees.

b) Reduce cost used on hiring external employees on contract.

c) Retain employees who have been trained with the work regarding the organization

throughout the years for better outcome.

d) As there is an increase in cost in business, the decrease in employee turnover will

bring stability.

1.4. Value added to Chaudhary Group

The primary goal of the research proposal is to highlight the issues within the organization to

understand why there has been an increase in employee turnover over the past few years. This

proposal will also provide the context to decrease the employee turnover and help in retaining

the employees. Various strategies are proposed on how to retain employees to maintain the

cost of the organization. Also prioritize veteran employees and not just new hires for

prosperity and building relationships within the organization.


Chapter 2

Consultancy Project Aim and Objectives

2.1. Aim

The aim of the research proposal is to provide insight to retain employees for the organization

with the motive of success and growth. The growth and expansion of the organization

requires it to maintain and retain new as well as veteran employees to operate smoothly and

strategize functions for the future. Therefore, the aim would be to provide strategies and tools

on how employees can be motivated and retained to avoid large employee turnover.

2.2. Objectives

The objective of the research proposal is as follows:

I. To understand the importance of employee retention.

II. To provide strategized methods of employee retention.

III. To focus on methods on how employees can be motivated.

IV. To generate quality employees for achieving vision & mission of the organization.

V. To elaborate on various modern and conservative methods of employee retention.

The objectives are not just beneficial to the company, but also to the employees of the

organization for mutual growth and understanding.


Chapter 3

Framework Identification (Literature Review & Framework)

The following section consists of review of literature to understand the different strategies of

employee retention and the framework for theoretical understanding. The study of literature

is primarily focused on providing strategies for the organization to maintain employee

relationship and retention.

This study on literature review on employee retention strategies consist of the following


 Analyze the study and conclusion made on the study of field of employee retention.

 To provide the client on solutions that can be addressed to avoid employee turnover

and retain the employees.

 To highlight conventional/non-conventional means of retaining the workers in an


3.1. Motivational Variables (Intrinsic)

3.1.1. Training and Development

Samuel and Chipunza (2009) in their study have mentioned that providing employees with

the latest training and development opportunities raises their market value thus increasing

their mobility. Friefield (2013) stated that a well-designed training program plays a critical

part in nurturing associates’ psyches. Associates want to feel that the job they do is important

to the success of the business and that the business is investing time and money in them.

Therefore, this is the key to motivation and also directly affecting the development in its own

pace. Hameed and Waheed (2011) have pointed towards several development activities for

employees in their research which are, coaching, 360-degree feedback and developmental

centers’, developmental appraisal, investment in perceived developmental activities in

employees, and competitive advantage. They have also stated that the employees could

develop their own career plan and ultimately lead to increase the increase the effectiveness of

the organization. If the organization spends more on existing employees for development, it

would be more cost effective and also retain the employees. Nda and Fard (2013) in their

research have concluded that training and development not only helps the employee in

productivity, but also the organization overall. Training motivated the employees and help in

achieving goals and targets as set by the organization for growth and profit. Khan et al.

(2016) have directly co-related training and development as motivational factors for

employees for employee retention strategy to be used by any organization.

3.1.2. Therapy/Counselling at Workplace

Navare S (2008) mentioned counseling to be a service that can help people learn to manage

themselves. A counselor in a work place can work with designated personnel as a thinking

partner, a pacesetter among others and can help create a culture for greater synergy in

organizational learning and development. Managers could also be trained for basic

counseling sessions as they have a better helping hand at the employees of the organization.

This would help in the performance and increase productivity of an employee due to a way of

vending at work due to counseling and support. Also, as stated by Hughes (2015) workplace

counselling interventions have been found to reduce sickness absence rates in organizations

by as much as 50% through the help of a 2019 systematic study by McLeod. Therefore,

workplace counseling helps in job satisfaction and builds confidence in employees to work

harder and with a free willed mind. The impact of mental health problems in workplace does

not only affect the individual but also affect the productivity and in turn the turnover of the

organization. In the United Kingdom, for example, 80 million days are lost every year due to

mental illnesses, costing employers £1-2 billion each year. In the United States, estimates for

national spending on depression alone are US$ 30-40 billion, with an estimated 200 million

days lost from work each year (World Health Organization, 2000). As stated by Michael

Carroll (1996), counselling is one way of supporting employees as they cope with

organizational change.

Research Gap: The findings of the researcher S. Navare has not been backed up by any data

as counselling is purely related to mental well-being of an employee, therefore it is critical to

understand the number of employees who are agitated due to work stress.

3.1.3. Recognition and Reward

Recognition and reward are one of the key factors for which employees get motivated.

Without recognition the employee would not feel motivated to work and may get hampered

due to lack of recognition. Also, reward does not always have to be monetary but could be a

source of motivation from seniors. Ali and Ahmed (2008) in there finding through primary

research have found the relationship between recognition and rewards and satisfaction. They

have stated in their research “There is a statistically significant, direct and positive

relationship between rewards & recognition and work satisfaction and motivation. Hence, if

rewards/recognition offered to employees were to be altered, then there would be a

corresponding change in work motivation and satisfaction.” Danish and Usman (2010) in

their primary research have also found out that the employees who have received minimum

of reward and recognition are the most demotivated and dissatisfied. However, on the other

hand employees who have been getting regular promotion or recognition have felt the job

being secure as well as motivated to work. As quoted by Armstrong (2010) “Reward

managements is based on a well-articulated philosophy – a set of beliefs ang guiding

principles that are consistent with the values of the organization and help to enact them. The

philosophy recognizes that if HRM is about investing in human capital from which a

reasonable return is required, then it is proper to reward people differentially according to

their contribution.”

3.1.4. Work-Time Flexibility

Berg P. (2008) states working time flexibility is a key mechanism used by individual

companies and establishments to gain flexibility in meeting changing demands and

improving efficiency. Moreover, policies and practices that promote more employee-centered

flexible working time may not only help workers alleviate work-life time conflicts, but also

promote worker well-being generally, especially among hourly-paid workers (Golden L.,

Henly J. & Lambert S. (2013)). Therefore, workplace/time flexibility makes an employee

more productive as they would be stress relieved in order to achieve a deadline and make

hasty decisions. Idrs A. (2014) has corelated flexibility at work with employee retention and

has presented five constructs that are flex-time, job sharing, flex leave, flex career and flex

place and telecommuting. Therefore, work time flexibility also helps employees understand

the importance of completing the work on time due to the freedom and understanding work

environment created in the organization.

3.1.5. Leadership Motivation

The participation of leadership in motivating employees is extremely critical in an

organization. Doh, Strumpf & Tymon (2011) have mentioned the following as critical

pointers for employee retention (i) fair human resource practices, stakeholder culture with

stress on social behavior and ethical views and (iii) managerial support for the development

of an employee. Therefore, positive working environment can be developed by the higher

management meaning to be approachable which makes an employee feel the sense of


belonging at work. Webb (2009) in the primary data research found that leadership

motivation leads to an employee’s job satisfaction. As stated by Web, “Followers indicated

that they are more satisfied and motivated by leaders who possess great energy, high levels of

self-confidence, strong beliefs and ideals, are assertive, have the ability to make followers

feel more confident, create greater personal confidence within their followers, and use

positive reward systems to affirm desired behavior.” This does helps us to know that a

charismatic leader can help an employee to be uprooted at work and motivated to achieve

goals as provided which in turn help in employee retention. Pradeep and Prabhu (2011) have

found out through their hypothesis that there a linear positive equation between

transformational leadership and employee performance. However as quoted “The results of

the correlation analysis clearly indicate that transformational leadership style can create work

effectiveness, satisfaction, dependability and extra effort more than transactional leadership.

The laissez faire leadership styles do not help for better employee performances in the

selected public and private sector enterprises.”

3.1.6. Performance Appraisal

Hassan (2016) states that performance appraisal is a systematic evaluation of an employee’s

performance in his assigned tasks. It also helps in the growth of the employee which in turn

helps the organization to retain the good employees in order to achieve the goals of the

organization. Hong et al. (2012) in their finding have stated that appraisal and retention are

positively co-related. As quoted by them “A fair appraisal system is essential in any

organization to retain valuable employees. It enables employees to understand their job

responsibilities and show them the path towards individual growth.” Abdullah et al. (2009) in

their primary data research have also found out that performance appraisal has positive

impact on business performance. Appraisal is provided with the help of performance that an

employee has delivered. This is extremely crucial for the organization as it will help in

retention of employees.

3.2. Hygiene Variables (Extrinsic)

3.2.1. Talent Management Program

Oladapo (2014) has stated Human Resources leaders will have to work closely with senior

management to attract, hire, develop and retain talent. It is important to hire the right person

for the right job for a worker to be interested and motivated to complete the work. This is a

major factor for employee retention. Moreover, Kaur R (2013) through the method of

primary data on a retail management chain states that almost all employees agreed that the

talent management program creates a work culture as well as enhances the values of

employees and decrease in turnover of employees. Therefore, the program helps an employee

to figure the weakness and strengths which can be correctly implemented at workplace.

Research Gap: The above finding of the researches done does not highlight the psychological

factors of motivating employees, which is also an important factor to retain employees in an

organization. These findings are purely suggesting benefits only for the organization and not

the employees.

3.2.2. Compensation Management

Compensation Management is one of the strapping features that organizations use to attract

and retain most valuable and worthy assets. Compensation includes financial as well as non-

financial rewards. Today’s employees not only require money to fulfill their basic needs but

they also necessitate various non-fictional rewards and benefits, often knows as Fringe

Benefits. These fringe benefits include bonus, retirement benefits, gratuity, educational and

medical facilities’ (Khan I R, Aslam D H and Lodhi I, 2011). Moreover, Osibanjo, Adenji,

Falola and Heirsmac (2014) have concluded through the model developed that involved

primary data using one hundred and eleven questionnaires, that there is a strong correlation

between the tested dependent and independent variables (salary, bonus, incentives allowances

and fringe benefits). However, management must review compensation packages in order to

earn employee satisfaction and prevention of high labor turnover.

Research Gap: Even though primary data finding has been carried out to conclude the finding

that compensation must be provided which primarily revolves around monetary terms.

However, reward is also source of motivation that helps an employee to be satisfied at job.

3.2.3. Effective Communication of Employees

Efficiency in communication between the employees and management of an organization is

also key factor to retain employees. Sinha and Sinha (2012) have stated that effective

communications improve employee identification with their agency and build openness and

trust culture. Attridge (2009) found that better communication from seniors of the company

results in effective employee engagement. Therefore, if employees are given the opportunity

to voice their opinions on certain matters of the company then they would feel they are

important and the views provided by them are being taken into consideration. Baker (2007)

has classified different forms of communication such as upward communication, lateral

communication, diagonal communication and downward communication. Amongst the

various communications, Baker has found that upward communication which communicated

by lower management to higher management has been dissatisfying. This is due to the fear of

speaking freely and manager’s giving the impression of not wanting to listen. Riel and

Fomburn (2007) have concluded with following points as quotes “Experience suggests that

the powerlessness of these specialist communications functions largely results from: (1) a

historical failure by communications specialists to take responsibility for their actions and

demonstrate accountability for bottom-line indicators like sales, profits, awareness, recall, or

reputation (a notable exception is for marketing specialists who often demonstrate that their

communications activities are directly responsible for sales increases), (2) a lack of third-

party verification of contributions that communications make to the company’s results, and

(3) a tendency to remain remote from the business objectives being fulfilled by specialized

communications activities. As we have observed first hand, that makes a weak argument for

including communications specialists as members of strategic decision-making committees or

involving them in the dominant coalitions of organizations.” Ahmed et al. (n.d.) have stated

that Communication is an effective weapon in building trust and confidence between FMs

and their staff. Leaders can develop good relations with the employees by creating an

environment of free, fair, and informal communication networks. These networks encourage

and motivate employees to speak out and adopt a participative approach, which helps to

develop a profitable organization. Therefore, organizations must adapt to free flow of

communication for employees to feel secure as well as confident to pour out their view points

3.3. Theoretical Framework


Motivation Factors Independent Variables Dependent Variable

Training & Development

Therapy/Counselling at

Recognition & Reward

Work Time Flexibility Strategies

Leadership Motivation

Performance Appraisal Employee Retention

Hygiene Factors

Effective Communication

Talent Management Program

Compensation Management

Figure 1. Strategies on Employee Retention (Adapted Framework)

The above figure explains the theoretical framework for adaptation on strategies to be

applied for employee retention. Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory of Motivation (1959) has

been applied to the framework, however, modified to adapt to the organization’s need and

requirements for employee retention. The dependent variable is dependent on two

independent variables which consist of motivational and hygiene factors on employee


Chapter 4

Proposed Method and Limitations

4.1. Proposed Method

4.1.2. Methodology

Figure 2. Layers of the Research Onion

Source: Saunders et al. (2007)

The first layer of the research onion are the philosophies, for which positivism philosophy

has been selected. Positivism is selected as it helps in finding explanations in measuring the

existing knowledge. It will assist in gathering research questions and hypothesis that can be


The second layer is the approach that has been considered for the proposal. Deductive

approach has been selected where the main aim is to find the answer to the questions as per

the beginning of the research scanning several theories.


The third layer is the strategies to be selected to complete the research proposal. Survey and

Archival research have been selected. Survey being an economical research strategy allows

us to gather large chunks of information. Archival research has been selected as existing

information has been used to understand and gather tools for the proposal.

The fourth layer are the choices of methods to be selected, whether it be quantitative or

qualitative. For this proposal, multi-method has been selected, as it helps in using both the

method, qualitative and quantitative for answering the questions.

The fifth layer explains the time horizon to be used. Cross- sectional has been used in this

proposal as both qualitative and quantitative data can be utilized in this as the study spreads

over a short period.

The sixth layer which is the final layer, is selection of data collection and analysis. For this

research both primary and secondary data is utilized to understand the need of the client and

resolving the issue. Primary data would consist of surveys and questionnaire and secondary

data would consist of reviewing the existing literature and theories.

4.2. Limitations

The limitations of the study are as follows:

I. Time constraint as there is limited time complete the research proposal.

II. Due to the time constraint there could be lack of important factors that could be

presented in the proposal.

III. The survey to be done includes the employees of the organization who might not be

truthful to the questions presented.

IV. The survey to be conducted would also include top level managements who also

might not be truthful the questions presented in the survey.


Chapter 5

Practical and Ethical Consideration

V.1. Practical Consideration

I. The research proposal is carried out under the guidelines of The British College

situated in Kathmandu, Nepal.

II. The problem identification has been carried out considering the client’s current


III. The study conducted is to provide strategies which would be effective for the client

for employee retention.

V.2. Ethical Consideration

I. Leeds Beckett University (Harvard) referencing style for citations and referencing has

been used.

II. Confidentiality agreement to be signed with the subjects of surveys (primary data).

III. Avoided exaggeration on the aim and objectives provided.

IV. The survey/questionnaire provided to the subjects would be of easy understanding and

avoiding harmful content considering basic factors.


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