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Question 1

Case: Promoting Beauty Products

As an marketer, There is an huge opportunity in an beauty market as it will grow at 30 percent
rate, The consumer segmentation is already done and target market is chosen as ladies who
want to look better in society and Indian girls are also very much influence by their continues
wining in Miss world and other competition, For a new business with right pricing strategy and
right product strategy it can cash most of it, as the hot weather in India, Business can give
optional product as moisturizers and sunscreen along with the main product, since the
competition and society is low income, Market penetration strategy also can help in increasing
revenues and in last with trend of Healthy organic products there is also a big opportunity to
produce a healthy product brand with market penetration strategy because organic thing are
usually expensive, you can capture large share of beauty market


The strategy which can be beneficial in this market is customer centered New product
development, which focuses on customer needs and want, like customer needs harmless
product within the income middle class family and there is no need to to do test marketing
since the market is already demanding the product, and with the product in growth stage it
requires introduction stage they have to adopt increaser promotional expenses to create image
of product in consumer minds.

Pricing Strategy:
According to given case there is competition in market and second the Indian market is mostly
middle class so to target these customer company can adopt market penetration strategy to
enter and since there is wide variety of product the Product line product mix marketing strategy
is beneficial, secondly segmented pricing for college or student girls and high standard working
women’s can also be used

Place Strategy:
The company should adopt value delivery network of demand chain in market. It can use
distributor marketing channel because of the nature of product and indirect marketing channel
which gives complete solution to the existing market channel. Conventional marketing channel
is also suitable for distributor

Promotion strategy:
Finally the promotion strategy we can use the advertising, sales promotion and personal selling
strategy into market, the target audience are young or mature age women who want to look
good in society, they can use AIDA model to make their message which engages young women
and mature women to buy their product and finally continuously receive feedback can also
improves making right products for right customer

Question NO 2



(II) The intensity level of distribution is Exclusive only due the product is high end show,
which can only afford by few of consumer who are high class people the distribution
does not need to intensive, and should be exclusively sold on the selected reatieler
who deal with upper class customer
(III) The only intermediary is Retailers here which directly sale to the customer and got
the product form company, The intermediaries play an vital role in promoting the
The four advantages of intermediaries are as follow:
Retailers can attain the information from customer and pass it on the company to which
product shows high demand and what customer are saying about that
Physical Distribution:
They are the one who physical deliver the product to the customer
They invest in the stock of High-end show and share a risk with the company
They can promote the product also, by word of mouth, or by personally recommending the
product to customer

Question 3:
The Optional Product Pricing Strategy:
Being an tech savvy person, lots of time I have encountered with optional pricing strategy, I will
give example most famous product, iPhone when I going to buy the iPhone, there I have an
option to buy EarPods for them, this is optional product which can use with the main product
and the price is so high because of its quality and durability.
The Captive Pricing Strategy:
I have experienced the captive pricing strategy when I have bought, Sugar checking device by
Açu-check, this devise requires new blood strips every time to check sugar hence it captive the
person we can’t use it without strips and hence the revenue will continue to generate by
product once sold.

Psychology Pricing:
We sometime captures in a trap of psychological pricing by marketer playing it with psychology
of consumer minds, same when I ordered drone form online stores after waiting for discount
the discount was only 50 cent, liken before price was 50 dollar and after discount was 49.50, It
display in way that you think it is cheapest drone you can buy
Product Bundle Pricing:
I experienced this strategy, whenever I go to shop clothing on shop, I always got huge discount
by buying bundle shirts like, 5 or 6 shirts and the discount get from shop is significant marketers
also bundle pricing in restaurant by placing an item which is difficult to sale.
Market Skimming Price:
Most common example, which everyone know that the greatest market skimmer is APPLE,
While introducing 2000 dollar latest iPhone the Apple skim all the market, and this price
support the quality and customer relation with the company, despite having market skimmer it
captures the large portion of mobile phone market and since I am not well enough to buy
market skim product I can give example only, like Land cruiser SUV are also market skimmer,
and TESAL Electric cars.
Question 4,
The Segment for further Task selected is Category II which is Buyer of convenience Food:


The product Choose for the consumer of category II is the ready to eat healthy and full of
protein Snack, made of meat and stripes already cooked packed in beautiful attractive
packaging with microwave oven packaging which is easily to warm in microwave oven

Step 1
Due to the category of ready to eat product, Our Target customer are the one who are mostly
youngster in their 20s and 30s working in a company and or studying in a university and staying
in a hotel, which do not have ample time to coke their own food and since they are youngster
mostly there is no health issue associated with them, Our product will Cooked meat snacked
packaged in microwave oven packaging with high vitamin and protein and it is for the people
who have high appeal for taste but do not want to cook in their leisure time also.
Step 2
Our main Objective of communication is to aware our targeted segment people to about our
product, this can do through several promotional strategies like advertising, sales promotion,
personal selling and public relation.
Increasing the profitability and helping the company compete his competitor is the second
Since the product is in introduction stage, the third objective to make product enter into
growth stage by using high marketing budget to increase sales drastically.
And the final objective of communication is to convince the buyer to buy our product
There are four steps in generating message using AIDA Model
1 Awareness:
We will create awareness, by increase social media advertising, pamphlet, print media and
internet ad campaign and showing the product in display on retailer stores
2: Interest
Once the customer aware from the product, we will create interest of customer in our product
like giving sales promotion of sample product, attractive packaging and sales discount
3: Desire
Now We will create desire in mind of customer to get or product, the characteristics of our
product, like ready to eat, oven proof packaging, Meal already cooked no need to cook, very
convenience in carrying the meal, with these characteristic we will target the needs and wants
of customer once the wants are satisfied with our product, the desire to get our product will
already be created in the minds of customer
Finally with desire, the customer is hooked with our, and with right market penetration strategy
and giving the best price as possible, we will make the buyer to buy our product and also give
them opportunity to give feedback and money back guaranteed, so that the buyer start the act
of buying the product finally.
Since the nature of product, we can use good amount of budget in non-personal
communication channel, like advertising, promotion, sale promotion and events
WE have to target large audience due to that personal communication will be ineffective in this
but with customer support we will also deal with feedback and comment form customer to
improve our product.
Our message is mainly of social media and internet but to influence the people, we will do
branding with health and professional to promote our product by saying the benefits of our
product and several corporate people in ad campaign which position the our product for
Working professionals
STEP 6: Collect Feedback
Finally, as mentioned earlier, we will make online chatting system on our website for customer
feedback of our product, this feedback helps us create the more customer centered product
which fulfil their needs and wants. Also, we will collect the feedback form retailer to project our
upcoming production. Since marketing is the investment it is best way to calculate your ROI or
your expected ROI from the investment you have did in marketing the Product.

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