LAB01 - Amplitude Modulation - Sep 2020

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ELE3203 Communication Systems

Lab 01
Amplitude Modulation

Student name: _____________________________

Student ID: ________________________________


Prepared By: Rajalakshmi S Menon, ADW

To study the function of Amplitude Modulation (Under modulation, Perfect modulation & Over
modulation) using Matlab Simulink.

Apparatus Required
a) Hardware Tools: Computer system

b) Software Tool: MATLAB 7.0 and above version.

Complete This Section with Suitable Figures and Equations

 Carrier signal = Vcsin(2πfct)
 Message signal = Vmsin(2πfmt) # fm must be smaller than fc

When carrier amplitude is altered with respect to message signal,

 Modulated Signal = (Vc+ Vmsin(2 πfmt))*sin(2 πfct)

In terms of modulation index (m=Am/Ac) the equation becomes

 Modulated signal=Vc (1+ msin(2 πfmt))*sin(2 πfct)


 Vc = Carrier signal amplitude

 Vm = Message signal amplitude
 fc= Carrier frequency
 fm =Message frequency

Generating AM in Simulink

For generating AM we just have to implement the equation of AM in block level.

Analyzing the equation, the following are required to draw the block diagram as shown in the
Figure 1.

1. Carrier Signal Source

2. Message Signal Source
3. Blocks for viewing the signals – Scope
4. Product Block
5. Summer Block
6. Constant Block

Prepared By: Rajalakshmi S Menon, ADW

We can find these blocks in the following locations of Simulink Library.

Carrier, Message, Constant blocks

 Simulink –> Sources –> Sine wave

 Simulink –> Sources –> Constant

View Block

 Simulink –> Sink –> Scope

Product and Summer Block

 Simulink –> Math Operations–> Product

 Simulink –> Math Operations–> Summer

Figure 1. Simulink Block Diagram

Block parameters can be changed by selecting the block and parameter to be used are given below.

 Carrier Signal frequency = 2*pi*25 and sampling time=1/5000

 Message Signal frequency = 2*pi and sampling time=1/5000
 Amplitudes of Message Signal is 1 and Carrier Signal is 3


Prepared By: Rajalakshmi S Menon, ADW

1. Comment on your results. What is your modulation index?

In this experiment of Amplitude Modulation (AM), our modulation index is 0.5 whereas the message
amplitude is 1.0 which shows that the amplitude of carrier changes as the message signal changes
resulted into Amplitude Modulated Signal.

Fig 1: Where Message Amplitude is 1.0 and modulation index 0.5

2. Upload your Simulink file.

Yes, Simulink file is uploaded on this portal.

Prepared By: Rajalakshmi S Menon, ADW

3. Explain your result. (Identify each block function)

Fig 2: Amplitude Modulation using Simulink

In Fig 2, we can see the Amplitude Modulated Signal being implemented on Simulink whereas the
various blocks of this diagram are described underneath with their implementation.

Message Signal:

The message signal in this Simulink diagram is implemented through Sine Wave which can be
extracted from Simulink –> Sources –> Sine wave whereas sine wave amplitude and frequency can
be altered as per requirements resulting into “Message Signal”.

Attributes of Message Signal

Message Signal frequency = 2*pi

Sampling Time= 1/5000
Message Signal = Vm sin(2πfmt) # fm must be smaller than fc
Message Signal Amplitude = Vm = 1

Prepared By: Rajalakshmi S Menon, ADW

Carrier Signal:

The carrier signal in this Simulink diagram

is implemented through Sine Wave
which can be extracted from Simulink –> Sources –> Sine wave whereas sine wave amplitude and
frequency can be put to generate the “Carrier Signal”.

Attributes of Carrier Signal

Carrier Signal frequency = 2*pi*25

Sampling time= 1/5000
Carrier Signal = Vc sin(2πfct)
Carrier Signal Amplitude = Vc = 3

Modulation Index:

In this experiment of AM, the

constant block is also very useful which has been used two times where we may assign any constant
value, and we may extract them from Simulink –> Sources –> Constant.

When carrier amplitude is altered with respect to message signal,

Modulated Signal = (Vc+ Vmsin(2 πfmt))*sin(2 πfct)

In terms of modulation index (m=Am/Ac) the equation becomes

Modulated signal = Vc (1+ msin(2 πfmt))*sin(2 πfct)


 Vc = Carrier signal amplitude

 Vm = Message signal amplitude
 fc= Carrier frequency
 fm =Message frequency


Prepared By: Rajalakshmi S Menon, ADW

This block is used to multiply the two signals “Message Signal” and the “Carrier Signal” which
results into the “Amplitude Modulated Signal” as can be extracted from Simulink –> Math
Operations–> Product.


This block is used to add the two signals or constant values in this construction
and can be extracted from the Simulink –> Math Operations–> Summer.


This block in Simulink is used to display the signals output in virtual environment,
and can be extracted Simulink –> Sink –> Scope.

Prepared By: Rajalakshmi S Menon, ADW

4. Increase the message amplitude to 3. Attach thee scope results below and Comment on your

Fig 3: Showing Amplitude Modulation of Message Amplitude with 3.0

As, we can refer for the Fig 3 that Message amplitude has been increased to 3.0. We can see as the
message amplitude gets increased then its Amplitude Modulated Signal amplitude also gets

5. Increase the message amplitude to 4. Attach thee scope results below and Comment on your

Prepared By: Rajalakshmi S Menon, ADW

Fig 4: Showing Amplitude Modulation of Message Amplitude with 4.0

As, we can refer for the Fig 4 that Message amplitude has been increased to 4.0. We can see as the
message amplitude gets increased then its Amplitude Modulated Signal amplitude also gets

6. Calculate the AM signal Power in Part 4 and 5. Comment on your results.

As, we know that

Total Power in AM Signal = PT = Pc (1 + (m^2) /2) …………………………………………… (1)


Modulation Index = m = 0.5

Carrier Signal Power = Pc = same for all cases

As per equation 1 from question 4, the power

P4 = Pc (1 + (0.5^2)/2) = Pc (1 + 1/8) = Pc (9/8) ……………………. (A)

As per equation 2 from question 5, the power

P5 = Pc (1 + (0.5^2)/2) = Pc (1 + 1/8) = Pc (9/8) ……………………. (B)

Divide by equation A and B, and truncate the similar factors

P4 / P5 = (Pc (9/8)) / (Pc (9/8))

P4 = P5 …………………………………………………………………… (C)


We can conclude that in both questions 4 and 5, we will have the equal power.

Prepared By: Rajalakshmi S Menon, ADW

In this lab, we have implemented the Amplitude Modulation (AM) in Simulink and based upon the
model results we visualized the wave behavior of amplitude modulated signal by varying its
properties like modulation index, amplitude etc.

Review questions:

1. What is the problem with the AM signal when it is over modulated?

AM over modulation causes the carrier wave to invert its phase when the modulating signal has an
amplitude that is above a certain level while the broadcast AM typically never does this because the
complexity of an accurate demodulator is too great for the millions of receivers.

2. What is the carrier’s maximum modulation index without over

Amplitude modulation index can be described as amount by which modulated carrier envelope
varies about the static level.

As, we know that:

Modulation Index = m=M /A ………………………………………………… (1)

A = carrier wave amplitude.
M = modulation wave amplitude and is the peak change in the RF amplitude from its un-modulated

As can be referred from the equation (1) that modulation index of 0.75 means that the signal will
increase by a factor of 0.75 and will be decreased to 0.25 to its original value whereas the
modulation index of 1 is the maximum level of modulation that can normally be implemented and
occurs when the envelope increases by a factor of 1, i.e. twice the steady state value, and falls to

For instance, if the level of modulation is raised up above a modulation index of 1, i.e. more than
100% modulation this causes what is termed over-modulation.

The carrier experiences 180° phase reversals where the carrier level would try to go below the zero
point. These phase reversals give rise to additional sidebands resulting from the phase reversals
(phase modulation). These sideband caused by the phase reversal extend out, in theory to infinity.
This can cause serious interference to other users if not filtered.

Prepared By: Rajalakshmi S Menon, ADW

3. Explain the significance of modulation index.
Modulation index is used to determine the strength and quality of transmitted signal. For a case, if
modulation index is small then amount of variation in the carrier amplitude is also small. In perfect
modulation, value of modulation index should be the 1 which means the modulation depth should
be 100%. For instance, if this value is less than 1, i.e., the modulation index is 0.5, then it is called as

Some benefits of modulation index:

 Size of antenna gets smaller

 Signal mixing does not occur.
 Range of Communication gets increased.
 Signals Multiplexing occurs.
 Bandwidth adjustments are permitted
 Quality of reception get improves
 High range transmission

4. Write down the Advantages of Amplitude Modulation and its

The Amplitude Modulation has the following advantages:
1. It is easier to implement
2. We can perform demodulation by using few circuits and components
3. Receiver used for amplitude modulation are not very expensive

The applications of Amplitude Modulation are wide in range:

 Broadcast transmissions: AM is still widely used for broadcasting on the long,
medium and short wave bands.
 Air band radio: It is used for ground to air radio communications as well as two way
radio links for ground staff as well.
 Single sideband: Amplitude modulation in the form of single sideband is still in use
for the HF radio links
 Quadrature amplitude modulation: AM is widely used for the transmission of data in
everything from short range wireless links such as Wi-Fi to cellular telecommunications etc

Note: please upload your Simulink file with the lab report (as prove of your
work), without it your report will be considered as a copy.

Prepared By: Rajalakshmi S Menon, ADW

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