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Practice on Outlining

Here is an outline comprising the main points and supporting details. Rearrange them logically. The
thesis statement is provided to help you. Write your answer in the outline template provided.

Smoking Should Be Banned

Thesis Statement:

Smoking should be banned because it leads to disease for the smokers, second-hand smoke is
harmful and it costs a fortune.

Point 1: Smoking is a costly habit which will affect the family’s budget.

Supporting details: 1. Smokers can spend up RM20 on cigarettes daily, causing a hole in their pocket

2. If smokers count all their money they spend on cigarettes and keep all the

in one savings account, they may turn out to be millionaires.

3. Smoking is a costly habit which will affect the family’s budget.

Point 2: Smoking is an expensive habit.

Supporting details: 1. A study found an alarming exposure to second-hand smoke from cigarettes

and shisha among pregnant Qatari women both inside and outside their


2. It is estimated that second-hand smoke caused more than 600,000 deaths

among children and pregnant women in 2004.

3. Asthmatic children need costly medical care because of the smoking that

happens around them.

Point 3: Smoking increases the risk of diseases in people

Supporting details: 1. People who smoke are more likely to develop diseases such as lung


2. Liver cirrhosis occurs because smoking reduces and poisons the liver, leaving

the organ unable to perform its function.


We as a human which is has a heart must have awareness on what we do.

Practice 2

Choose one of the following topics and provide outline or logical organisation for the topic.

1. University Students Should Take Part-time Jobs

2. Hybrid cars are Good for Everybody
3. How to Study for Finals
4. What We Can Do to Avoid Floods
5. Video Games Cause Problem among Children
6. Technology Makes Us Dependent
7. Television Inhibits Physical, Mental and Social Development
8. Gold is More valuable than Money
9. Health is More Important that Wealth
10. Reasons for Human Trafficking and Ways to Overcome it.

Thesis Statement

Most of the student don’t know how to study for final. There are many ways on how to study for
final such as form a study group, make a study plan and make a footnote.

Point 1: firstly, we should form a study group to encourage us to study for final

Supporting details: 1. Form a good study group which is has a balance group by including an .

intelligent and weak student in that group so they can help each other and

guide us

2. with study group we can ask a question to each other with all the things that
we don’t know such as giving a quiz to each other.
3. we also can teach our group member the things that they don’t understand
and this will help us to improve our memory of that topic.

Point 2: secondly, we have to make a study plan before start the study session.

Supporting details: 1. We should start the study plan early because the early plan can cover all the

topic for final.

2. we also should focus on a goal that we set into a study plan that we want to

Do to avoid lack of focus on what should we target.

3. with study plan we have to do study schedule to arrange the time and avoid

Wasted time during study.

Point 3: lastly, we can make footnote to help us study the topic easily and faster.

Supporting details: 1. When we make a footnote we must put an acronyms to make our mind easily

Remember the flow of and process or the note that have to remember about

the flow

2. footnote has to be made from all the topic which is we have to recall all the

Topic that we learn but not to copy all the word from the book.

3. make a note as a flash card also can help us to remember the key some of the

Topic that hard to remember.


From the point that we know above show that many ways on how to study for final so hopefully
student nowadays can help thyself to improve their skill to study before final.

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