Modes of Service of Pleadings

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Modes of service of pleadings Rule 13 Rule 14

Personal Service As to coverage, it shall apply to As to coverage, it only applies to

all pleadings, judgements and summons

other orders except complaints

As to manner of performance, 1)
As to manner of performance, 1) On counsel or part; 2) By leaving
Handing copy in person; 2) copy in his office or in his
Tendering it to the person residence with person of
sufficient age and discretion

Service by Mail Two types of service by mail:

1) Registered mail- It shall be

made by depositing the copy
in the post office in a sealed
envelope, plainly addressed
to the party or his counsel at
his office, if known,
otherwise at his residence, if
known, with postage fully
pre-paid, and with
instructions to the
postmaster to return the mail
to the sender after 10 days if

2) Ordinary Mail - If no register

service is available in the
locality of either the sender
or the addressee.

Substituted Service If personal service or services by If summons cannot be served to

registered mail cannot be made, the defendant in person,
service is made by delivering to summons is served at the
the clerk of court (Rule 13, Sec residence of the defendant with
8) some person of suitable age and
discretion residing therein or at
the defendant’s office or regular
place of business with some
competent person in charge
thereof (Rule 14, Sec 7)

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