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Practice of Listening: Job Interview

Turn: _______

Listen and write:

Instructions: Fill in the blanks using the words of the chart. (Listen from 0:50 minutes to 3.18 minutes)

like and dislike, Thank you so much, making, have, appreciate, reading and playing, Oregon USA,
understand , interesting, work, love, think, self-motivate, team player, call you, Stephen, need, it is,
enjoy, speak, work, Beautiful, don´t like, am 35, Classic Bike Company, nice to meet, unique about you

A: Hello, James. My name is ___________(1). Stephen

I’m the owner of this company. Please sit down over here.
B: (Sit down) Thank you, Stephen. It’s _____________(2) nice to meet
A: So, welcome to ___________________________ (3), where we specialize in ___________
Classic Bike Company making
(4) the finest
bicycles in the world.
B: Thank you for giving me this interview. I ________________ appreciate
A: My pleasure. James, why are you applying for a job with our company?
B: Well, honestly, I ________ need
(6) a new job and I ________ love (7)your company. So here I am
A: I________________
understand (8). James, tell me about yourself.
B: Well, I _________ am 35 (9)years old . And I am from_____________ Oregon USA (10).
A: Oregon? I think I’ve heard of that state._______________ Beautiful (11), and very green, right?
B: Yes,____________
it is (12).
A: I see. And tell me about your family.
Well, there are 6 people in my family, I _______ have (13) a wonderful wife and 4 daughters.
A: That’s great. And what do you currently do?
B: I currently ______________
work (14) on a farm, raising chickens…. and I teach English, part time.
A: That’s interesting. Do you ___________ enjoy (15) what you do?
B: Um, Yes, Both jobs are great. But they’re only part time.
A: I see. Tell me, what are your interests? What do you_______________________ like and dislike
B: Ok, well… I enjoy ______________________ (17) the guitar. My favorite foods are
reading and playing

guacamole and Thai food. And I ______________ don't like (18) sweets because They give me headaches.
A: Wow. That’s ___________ (19). And what skills or talents do you have that might be beneficial for work

here at my company?
B: Well, I can _________ work (20) with customers, I´m good with computers, I___________ speak (21) Chinese. And I´m
really good at working with others.
A: That’s nice. James, there have been many applicants into my office today, and we can only hire one of
you. Please tell me… (look into their eyes)… why should we hire you instead of the other applicants? What
unique about you
(22)? What makes you stand out from the crowd?
B: Well, I _________
think (23) your company should hire me because I am________________ self-motivate (24), a
team player (25) and a quick learner.
A: Ok, James. Thank you for coming today. We will _____________ call you (26) in a few weeks with our decision.
Take care, and have a nice day.
B: ____________________
Thank you so much (27). Goodbye.

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