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Brothers and Sisters,

I intended for my farewell email to come out at my retirement rather than being forced out due
to political pressure. As Myles stated, both of us have kept our composure and remained
quiet/professional throughout this process. For 15 years, I have loved this career with 10 of
those being a detective in narcotics related capacity. I have worked with some phenomenal
police officers and supervisors; I’m going to miss them as I fight to get my job back. This
department has taken my heart away from policing, and I feel it has done that to others. Myles
touched on a lot of topics that I will not go back into, but he is right. I truly believed that the
chief would have listened to facts, logic and everything in totality, but that is not the case. Sadly,
I don’t believe it was “her” decision to make. My 15 year, nearly unblemished career is being
judged on one line of an affidavit. Of all the countless search warrants that I have written while
never being challenged in court, I am being judged on one line. Throughout this process, I have
seen many death threats against my family and myself.  The amount of hate was surreal, but to
this day I do not hate them. People will hate what they do not understand. Just think, the very
first news article regarding this case was inaccurate and false. How do you truly believe what
comes after? I have had to relocate my family due to safely concerns. Trying to keep these issues
from my young children has been emotional and more than I can bear. The city has destroyed
our lives, and they truly do not care. I will be fighting to look for a job to help provide for my
family, but that will be very difficult for Myles and myself. 

Brothers and Sisters,

I pray that the pendulum will soon swing back in favor of our police, and a command that will
not bow to political pressure. Some command truly forget where they come from and what it is
like being on the beat or a detective working countless hours on an investigation; pouring
his/her soul into that investigation. There are so many GOOD citizens of Louisville who support
you and have your back! I once said that this is the best job in the world, and it still is ! I pray
that each of you reading this email have a rewarding and safe career. Stay vigilant, do your job
and go home. Hug your loved ones and keep your circle of friends close. Those of you that do
know me, know my heart and integrity. As always , stay safe and Godspeed.


Josh Jaynes

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