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Salma Citra Kamila Saraswati

1802109079/PBI 4C
No References Title Detail Information Deficiency
1. Samad, I. A., Bustari, The Use of The Introduction contains the theories about the The writer writes many
A., & Ahmad, D. Podcasts in background, definition of speaking, Podcast as definition that not related
(2017). The Use of Improving learning material, speaking skill, aspects of from the topic in the
Podcasts in Students’ speaking, computer assisted language learning introduction. In my view, the
Improving Students’ Speaking Skill (CALL), and the use CALL in speaking skill.
writer wrote too many
Speaking Skill. The problem is the students face some
Journal of English difficulties in expressing ideas, choosing correct
definition but not focus on the
Language and structures, lack of vocabulary and correct problem to be solved. The
Education, Vol. 3, pronounciation. The research use oral test for problem is not stated clearly.
No. 2, 97-109. pre-test and post-cast to collect the data. The writer should not write so
Smartphone as a tool to record students many definition so that the
speaking performance in three to five minutes. readers can find what was
Furthermore, researcher analyzed data by using disscussed.
statistical formula. The result of the study is the
student score is increased, students can improve
speaking performance especially pronounciation
and fluency. The writer also suggest to the
teacher to implemented Podcast media in the

2. Fauzan, U. (2016). Enhancing The Introduction contains the theories about He wrote too many theories
Enhancing Speaking Speaking Ability speaking and the background of the research. about English speaking and
Ability of EFL of EFL Students The writer mentions some problem that learners the problem of speaking in
Students through through Debate faced in mastering english skill. Therefore, the general, not focus on the
Debate and Peer and Peer writer offers the technique in enhancing the
problem to be solved. He
Assessment. EFL Assessment speaking ability. The writer applies the debate
Journal, Vol. 1, No. and peer assessment strategy. The writer uses
should not write so many
1, 49-56. Classroom Action Research (CAR) design for problems so that the readers
the study. In implementing the strategy, the can find the focus of problem
writer divides the study into 2 cycles. The result clearly. Furthermore the
of the first cycle has not yet reached the success strategy of analyzing data is
criteria, but can be achieved in the second not written down, the writer
cycle. The students gradually could express only writes the strategy of
their thought and opinion in debate practice. collecting data in the abstract.
The activity also encouraged the students’ In the part of Cycle 2, the
creativity to explore the language, and students writer do not write the
improved their fluency as well as cofidence.
percentage of the classroom
atmosphere. Unlike Cycle 1,
in Cycle 2 no detailed
description is given. So it is
difficult for readers to
understand the students
development from cycle 1 to
cycle 2.
3. Suryani, L., & Risk-Taking and The introduction contains the theory about the The background of this study is
Argawati, N. O. Students’ relation between speaking skill and not stated clearly.
(2018). Risk-Taking Speaking Ability: psychological issues, one of students’
and Students’ Do They psychological issues is risk-taking. The writers
Speaking Ability: Do Correlate? did the research based on the Null hypothesis
They Correlate?. that stated there is no correlation between Risk-
ELTIN Journal, Vol. taking and Speaking Ability. The writers used
6, No. 1, 35-44. quantitative as research method. The
researchers used two instruments; risk-taking
questionnaire and speaking test. The result
shows that the Null hypothesis is rejected and
the final result told that there is a correlation
between Risk-Taking and Speaking Ability.

4. Souriyavongsa, T. Factor Causes The study focuses on the reasons that impact on The recommendation in this
(2013). Factor Causes Students Low students’ poor English performance. The article is just focus National
Students Low English English Language introduction contains the background of the University of Laos.
Language Learning: Learning: A Case study, the literature review contains causes of
A Case Study in the Study in the weakness in English Language Learning,
National University National motivation for English Language Learning, and
of Laos. University of learning strategies. Data were drawn from
International Journal Laos the question “Why Lao students weak in
of English Language English?”. Each respondent listed ten reasons
Education, Vol. 1, that mentioned why students are poor in English
No. 1, 179-189. language performance. Based on the findings of
this research, several main causes have been

5. Ampa, A. T. (2013). The The introduction contains the explanation of -

The Implementation Implementation of multimedia learning material. This study aims
of Multimedia Multimedia to what extent the practicality of the multimedia
Learning Materials in Learning learning materials for speaking skills and how
Teaching English Materials in effective the multimedia learning materials
Speaking Skills. Teaching English used in teaching speaking skills. The literature
International Journal Speaking Skills review contains the definition of multimedia in
of English Language education and the guidelines for preparing the
Education, Vol. 1, multimedia learning materials. The instruments
No. 3, 293-303. used were test and questionnaire. Test included
pretest and posttest which aimed to find the
achievement of students’ speaking skills before
and after treatment. The results of the
implementation were significantly effective.

6. Yang, Y. I. J. (2014). The The article aims to indentify a gap between The introduction is not
The Implementation Implementation of the principle of CLT and its practice in the structuresd so that the readers
of Speaking Fluency Speaking Fluency EFL class. The introduction contains about confused to read that.
in Communicative in Communicative what communicative language teaching is.
Language Teaching: Language
The research in the article is associated with
An Observation of Teaching: An
Adopting the 4/3/2 Observation of
the EFL learners’ speaking fluency and the
Activity in High Adopting the context of communicative language
Schools in China. 4/3/2 Activity in teaching. The results indicate both the EFL
International Journal High Schools in teachers and learners are taken into account
of English Language China for the effectiveness and achievement of
Education, Vol. 2, fluency development in speaking.
No. 1, 193-207.
7. Riswandi, D. (2016). Use of YouTube- The study aims describing to what extent the In the Methodology part, there is
Use of YouTube- Based Videos to use of YouTube-based videos can improve the no statement that the study
Based Videos to Improve Students’ students' speaking skill and describing the divided into two cycles.
Improve Students’ Speaking Skill teaching and learning process when YouTube-
Speaking Skill. Use based videos are implemented in the class. The
of YouTube-Based introduction contains the explanation about the
Videos to Improve use of YouTube Video to improve speaking
Student, Vol. 2, No. skill. To collect the data, the writer use some
1, 298-306. instruments such as observation
checklist, field notes, performance tests,
questionnaire, and interview. The finding
showed that there was an improvement in the
students' speaking skill.
8. Gudu, B. O. (2015). Teaching The study sought to find out the classroom In the disscuccion part, there are
Teaching Speaking Speaking Skills in activities used by teachers to promote learners’ many definition. The definition
Skills in English English Language active participation in speaking skills lessons in should located in literature
Language Using Using Classroom eight secondary schools in Eldoret Municipality, review.
Classroom Activities Activities in Kenya. The study adopted mixed methods
in Secondary School Secondary School design and simple random sampling to select
Level in Eldoret Level in Eldoret schools, students and English language teachers
Municipality, Kenya. Municipality, from National, Provincial and District schools.
Journal of Education Kenya In certain cases, purposive sampling technique
and Practice, Vol. 6, was also used. The study found out that there
No. 35. 55-62. was variation in use of classroom activities. The
writer recommends that students should be
given chances to practice using authentic
English language in context, teachers should
integrate various activities in a lesson to meet
learners’ needs and curriculum to acknowledge
learners’cultural backgrounds in order to
enhance their learning outcomes. The writer
claimed that this study is useful to language
educators and teachers of English language.

9. Dabiri, D., & Impact of Pre- The study aimed to investigate the impact of There is no explanation about
Gilakjani, A. P. speaking pre-speaking activities on Iranian intermediate QPT.
(2019). Impact of Activities on English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners’
Pre-speaking Iranian oral performance. The introduction contains the
Activities on Iranian Intermediate EFL statement of problem, the importance of English
Intermediate EFL Learners’ Oral speaking, research question and hypoyhesis of
Learners’ Oral Performance the study. The writer stated that the learners
Performance. often think that the ability to communicate is to
International Journal know about grammar. The writer also stated that
of Research in students’ speaking skills might be affected by a
English Education, multitude of factors. The design of the study is
Vol. 4, No. 2, 89-102. quasi-experimental design. The test that used is
DOI: Quick Placement Test (QPT). The data were
1029252/ijree.4.2.89. analyzed by running an Independent Samples t-
test between the post-test of the study. The
findings indicated that the use of pre-speaking
activities does improve the learners’ speaking

10 Zuhriyah, M. (2017). Storytelling to The study aimed to know whether or not There is previous studyin the
. Storytelling to Improve Students’ storytelling could improve the students’ should not there. The
Improve Students’ Speaking Skill speaking skill. The introduction contains writer should focus in this study.
Speaking Skill. the previous studies, the explanation of
English Education:
speaking and storytelling. The data of this
Journal Tadris
Bahasa Inggris, Vol.
research were got from the observations
18, No. 1, 119-132. done
Retrieved from: by the collaborator and the speaking test.
https://ejournal.radeni The result showed that there was an improvement on students’ speaking skill
ENGEDU. after the implementation of
storytelling. The speaking test result in
cycle two explained that the
students’ speaking aspects got good

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