How To Remove Customer and Business Manager (CBM, Formerly Plesk Billing) From Plesk - Help Center PDF

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Applicable to: Plesk 10.4 for Windows Plesk 12.5 for Linux Plesk 10.4 for Linux

Plesk 11.0 for Windows Plesk 11.0 for Linux Plesk 11.5 for Windows Plesk 11.5 for Linux

Plesk 12.0 for Windows Plesk 12.0 for Linux Plesk 12.5 for Windows

1. Disable Single Sign-On:

For Linux:

# /usr/local/psa/bin/sso --disable

For Windows:
"%plesk_dir%"\bin\sso --disable

2. Uninstall corresponding packages:

For Linux:

Debian-based distribution:

# rpm -e sw-sso plesk-billing plesk-billing-plugins

RHEL-based distribution:

# dpkg -r sw-sso plesk-billing plesk-billing-plugins

Windows: Locate entries for Plesk Billing Skins, Plesk Billing, Plesk Billing Plugins, Single

Sigh-On packages (for Plesk 11.5.30 and below locate CBM, Parallels Billing Plugins and

SSO) in the Windows registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft

\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Products and

delete the packages. Use the search tool.

For example, Plesk Billing can be located under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE


\Products\681FD0781B20D47458F11F8CD90C7140 key as a value of DisplayName.

Go inside, copy the InstallProperties\ModifyPath value and paste this string into
the command line.

3. Remove entries from Plesk database

Create a backup of the Plesk database before following the steps below:

For Linux:

# MYSQL_PWD=`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow` mysqldump -u admin psa >


For Windows:

mysqldump.exe -P8306 -uadmin -p<admin_password> psa >


Log into the psa database and delete the required records from the database using these

SQL queries:

For Plesk 11.0.9 and older versions:

mysql> BEGIN;

mysql> DELETE FROM cl_param WHERE param='ppb-url';

mysql> DELETE FROM smb_servicePermissions WHERE

serviceInstanceId = (SELECT id FROM smb_serviceInstances

WHERE description LIKE 'Parallels Billing Integration') AND

serviceProviderId = (SELECT id FROM smb_serviceProviders

WHERE classname LIKE


mysql> COMMIT;

For Plesk 11.5.30 and later versions:

mysql> BEGIN;

mysql> DELETE FROM ServiceNodeConfiguration WHERE section =

'Billing' and name = 'ppb-url';

mysql> DELETE FROM smb_servicePermissions WHERE

serviceInstanceId = (SELECT id FROM smb_serviceInstances

WHERE description LIKE 'Parallels Billing Integration') AND

serviceProviderId = (SELECT id FROM smb_serviceProviders

WHERE classname LIKE


mysql> COMMIT;
4. Remove or rename the following files:

For Linux:



For Windows:



5. Refresh list of server components under Tools & Settings > Server Components > Refresh


What are %plesk_dir%, %plesk_bin% and %plesk_vhosts%?

How to access Plesk database?

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