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Re honest Arey Sie AMlustrated by Retold By Penko Gelen Fiona Macdonald BARRON'S i frwkensti Artists: Penko Gelev Sotir Gelev First edition for North America (jcldiag Cansda and Mexico), Philippine Inds, and Puerto Rico published in 2008, by Barrons Educational Series, Ine. ya Book Company Limited 2008 ts reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, by photostt, microfilm, xerography. of any ‘other means, or incorporated into any information retrictal system, cither electronic or mechanical, without the writen permission of the copyright owner. ‘This book is being sold subject to the condition that it shall not be resold or otherwise circulated in any binding or cover ‘other than that in which it was originally published without the copyright holder's consent All inguiries should be addressed to: Barson's Educational Series, Ine 250 Wireless Bia. Hauppauge, NY 1788 ISBN-13 (Hardcover): 978-0-7641-6057-8 ISBN-10 (Hardcover): 0-7641-6057-5 ISBN-L3 (Paperback): 978-0-7641-3781-5 ISBN-10 (Paperhck): 0-7641-3781-6 Library of Congtess Control No: 2006937854 Powe cae 10 © 200 Tepe Peng Tote © Weld Harry Arce Tg S30 206 Aln/Tofoe M6 © 203 Cite Wie 79 0 Da Tan Poti apn ry lla fee me eet Bles The Si Bask Capa gin for ‘97 omisinsadwl be peck ca ool olden cee Pinted sed bound in China 987654321 Nid 8 mdomstoin Arey Shey Mlustrated by Retold by Penko Gelev Fiona Macdonald Series created and designed by David Salariya Isuddenly beheld the figure of a man, at some distance, advancing toward me with superhuman speed. He bounded over the crevices in the ice. His stature, also, seemed to exceed that of a man. I was troubled: ‘a mist came over my eyes, and I felt a faintness seize me. I perceived, as the shape came nearer, that it was the wretch whom I had created. T trembled with rage and horror. “Devil,” exclaimed, “do you dare approach me?” (See page 23) CHARACTERS Vitor Frankenstein, ‘The Creature Elizabeth Lavenca, tence student sn orphan Tay Alphonse Frankenstein, Victor’ father Carle Frankenstein acity govemorof Geneva "Vetoes mother & Wiliam Frankenstein, Victor's youngest bother mest Frankenstein, Victor's teenage brother Henry Cla etn Mont, Wars ‘Soin ves end Frankenseins Mesa Fetand gad an eldedy tis teenage fobleman ‘Satdncs Robest Walton, sien Ft ‘Arctic explorer STRANGE MEETING 1739; Near the Nowth ay. ‘Aseti explorer Rober Walton is ‘wating to his sister. few days before, gazing out over the fogen se, be sve a ge Figure trivia dogsed The next day, Walton's ew and tied to make himeat. Bat The stranger lay found a man floating onthe ice, they didn’ think he'd survive: he unconscious for days. Speechless and shivering, They wat so.cold, so weak, so feeble, When finally he opened ‘cried him on boar his eyes his gaze was wild, mad, suerng ‘Thesallors asked him Walton old thestranger about When his strength had warmed Why hed sked his life the uge creature an the ie, The ait, he asked Walton to listen tntheice They were stranger became excited but then tohis amazing story treble, Slailed by his teply. broke down, sobbing willy teagie tale 7 Happy FAMILY ‘Thestrangeris called Vietor; An ld friend of “The frend is sick and starving his amily name is Frankenstein. Aiphonse’s has los ll His daughter Caroline look after His father, Alphonse, was aly hismoney- Alphonse him and earns money by making governor rich hard-working,” hunts forhimy and, at straw hats. Alphonse sends help, respecte by al Jonglast finds him.” but itis too late—his frend dies. Set [ere Alphonse marries Caroline ‘Togther they travel to waemer sunnier lands Theyre very hap, bat Caine Thanks othe mld weather a cmforale ie—and ‘Snotstong Sherneeds rst, Aipkonse’s tender eare—Carone grows strony goed food, and sunshine " ® “ Victor their frstson,is born on Carine often gives poor families Caroline brings the their trvels They areal fdr oro ‘i ink oclothing She grphan gee fo be IeyefatCatn ngs or ergo forune. put of he Frankentn laugh a6 wel Inone house shes ite” Ean Everyone stan orphan, adres her vs dusty al mer of his Alphonse says they are fll of nonsense. Victor doesnot want to believe hi, One day, Victor ses a mighty = blasted by lightning, What power Ke. Tl Bae 4 Ue THE MEANING OF LIFE THE CREATURE LIVEs! . Ini dream he ses his dar, sweet Hzabeth and hurries fo ss her But she tums into his dead mother's se, rotting and crawling with worms! imself string straight at his old and Henry Clerval! bad frend, DISAPPEARED! He seems t feel the monster's huge hands closing around his throat—and falls tthe for, Victor's il—very i. He's Victor's toubled mind slumped in bed almost hifeless. is haunted by visions of Henry loks after him, but his Creature Henyy is read again. Henry gives him a cannot understand. What has alarmed by his shouts ltr that has just aviv, It's ‘caused Victor's madness? nd screams. fom Elizabeth, ‘Victor will do as Hlzabeth says: go home and spend Vielor mast wait untl spring to eros the time with his family Before he leaves, the professors mountains into Switzetand To pass the ‘congratulate him on his work. But deep inside he's time, he reads poetry. Compared with Sil ful of Fear Seience its very soothing? WHO KILLED WILLIAM? | a SN Bus, when they get back ‘Theses a eter from tolingostade a terrible Alphonse, Victor reads shock awaits them! itwith horor cin family went for A litle while later, Est came back, Willan ran ahead, looking worried and tightened. Had anyone seen Wiliam? Emest couldn’ find him anyoshere! One fine evening astell in the wo playing hide-and-seek have disappeeet De they searched the woods again, 8 murdered my ‘ring! Atdaybreak, Alphonse found Alphonse carried the body back She'd let Wiliam wear William Iying dead onthe grass. tothe hows, where Elizabeth gold locke with He had been strangled twas waiting She blamed herself for everyting Ks Victor wads the lt is eyes il with ears ‘Victor et ff to join his ie But he travels Slowly. Hove cn he face a tragedy lke this 50 soon after 1nd stolen the locket! his own ilies? loom and misery. x Victor rows across the Iake toward home. Wiis, cer snl! ‘is thy unas, NV Nightfall and a violent Victortakes shelter He's alone thunderstorm rages in the with his memories of William. the Crete h rmouintsins. To Vitor itscems But than a sudden fash of Ina flash, he understands the fnifallof Natureismourning lightning shows a dark igure, _terible truth it was his William’ mrder. peering around a re ‘Creature that led Wiliam! Victorspendsallnight At daybreak, Victor hurries this Emest ells of the Franken Inthe woods, intter family house Ernest now his famly’sshock and anguish. Then misery Has he madea only living bother greets him. adds some astonishing news Creature tha can only Farm and il? teliewieat tnt, oe ‘tant pat be Emes doesnot understand what Vtoris tpg oy and contest tary The murderers Justine the als trusted servant! * The whole town—except Elizabeth and Victor— thinks that Justine kill young Wiliam. Hetil begins today. The whole fay must go, Victor swears that justine cannot Justine tells how she helped to search for Wiliam uni late Dethe murderer. Buthe dave not at night, when she fell asleep in a bar, cold wet, and mention his Creature so ngane exhausted. Next moming, she returned home--and learned believes him, that Wiliam was dead, She ws devastated, ‘A servant pat hee to bbed—and found the guilty. Bravely she fells the court how. locket hidden in her uch she trast and adele her. Justine’ clothes Justine doesat loyal servant—and a good, kind, helpful Know how itgot there, honest person, lzabeth sil believes that Justine not Despite Blizabeth’s passionate ple, the teal verdict s “Guilty” Vietor begs the judge to show merey_but he refuses, Justine must hang! Before she dies, Justine confesses to the murder She isnot guilty, but she wants the church to forgive her sins so shel jin Willam in Heaven, Elizabeth isheartbroken FACE TO FACE Tom tempted apse Stars close oer me He spen his boa, alone How can he end his misery? calm Victor's mind igh mountains, c= Ch a But Victor must stay protect his family from the {Creature The thought oft ‘makes him grind his feth, He dreams of hunting an killing it 22 tad. ie ‘When Tf the room where Twas observed the sun and moon, the made, [could make sense of” tees and leaves, and heard the What Isa ft, or heard. sat bis sing. founda fie et by lown and wept Slowly Tbegan travellers nd leamed to cook tounderstane my surrosndings. food on it ee Winter came.Iwasshivering I saw houses. [smelled fod. and hungry. ete my forest Tvsent closer and stepped into one of the hideout to look for somewhere buildings, The woman inside shieked and warmer. found a shepherd's fainked~-and the villagers chased me aay hhutbut the shepherd ra aoe. J.limbed up the mountain, away The ty was camped, could se three people: an old from the village, until found an but warm and dry rman, young man, and a gel old cottage witha covered pigsty hid there al day, Their speech and manners were tse peering into the cotage, gracious but they looked poor 24 | Sometimes the father, Felicand Agatha worked hard, One day, a beautiful stranger who was blind, sang growing vegetables fetching _areved, Felix was delighted! She And played his guitar. Water cooking ant cleaning ‘was the daughter ofa Muslim Tiistened in wonder Thelped them secretly by merchant he had helped, years Fednever heard music. bringing wood for their re. again France Safe (that was her mame) had ran away to Safe did not speak the same language asthe others. find Felix andl marry him, The old man So Flix and hs father taught her Secrelly, also. gave them hisblessing saw theirjoy, but listened andl leamed, safely hidden in my pigsty. ‘ould not share 1 had no family ya you form 8 Soon I could speak very well, and read. The books found made me think, an ask questions. In the cost that I took from your study, Victor [found an old ‘notebook of yours It recorded how yous designed ‘he, assembled me, created me. and hated me! {earned that was oe like ordinary people. My reflection ina steam taught me that looked horse was lonely, and wanted Tdecided task the olf man for help. He could ot so my loks would ‘Agatha fell othe oor in a faint—and Flix attacked me! Allnight I paced up and down through the ‘Woods raging ike a ‘wild Beast. low dave humans teat ther creatures so cruelly? AIT wanted ‘was friendship! 26 epee ned THE TALE CONTINUES Thave na relation T waited unl one day he was alone ther went int his ‘cottage. The old man welcomed ‘me kindly. Yes, he would be my fiend! and beat me over the head. Cersing him Victe!—Iean away “hey have sured? Next day I rept back othe "The whole family was Tite wi they had = ‘The whole wide world spent weeks wandering through — Trescued her—but her ungratefl lay before me. But woods and mountains out of frends shot at me with guns Where should go? sight of humans. But one day 1 Twas badly wounded. Tdeced to find you, found a young grt—drowntng? | Vietor-my crestor! eciressa! Thid for weeks, in At ast Ireached the woods near your tread pina fal home, and meta boy playing. At fist ‘of burning anger hoped he'd be a rend, but I lesened he was your brother Sa tk revenge on Yyou for creating me-by destroying him! | Appldlocketglitered—Tsaw alovely portrait’ Tame tothe bam where justine slept. She ‘omhis dead body. took your mother Ibelieve. yas beautifulbut I knew she would not Wand opened it ‘My heart was touched— ove me. So I punishes her by hiding the Ivonted a woman to locket her dress, People would think | loveand care for too! she murdered the boy! ener eg a eee 5 < a 3 4g 3 With a great effort the Creature calms down, ur ives il note Fappy but ny it seat: oat Sony eave Europe forever, and ry ater place ine ethrhood of man Atlas, Vitor agres to make a monster Delighted, the Creature promises, and bounds away ‘wife forthe Crenture—an one condition. dow the mountainside. Vitor watches him so, ‘witha heavy heart His mine’ ina whirl. Should Ihe keep his promise, or should he il himself? At home, the nextday, he can hardly speak. The others are worried about him. But to Vitor they Som like ghosts ina dream, Only his new tak fsreal nog ating. ENGLISH EXPERTS ‘Weeks pass, and Vielor has sil not started to make the female ‘monster He fears the Creature willbe disappointed, and soon eck revenge, mut et he monte epar wth na rate But Vicor can't plan fora hy peaceful ture tnt he's in thenew monster: Only then can he be sure the Creature wor'tattackhis family, Together, the friends view fine Scenery and vii important bongs. But only Hey is ‘enjoying himsel 30 ‘ected forward to He tls himself that he needs more time to study He decides to g0 to England, to consult experts ther. ‘Victor's father thinks e looks ‘moe cheerful, and takes him to ‘one side He has something important to say: it's time for ‘Vier and Elizabeth to wed! ag serrate Vickers fathers disappointed by the delay. Blizabeth tries to hideher sadness OF course, Vielor cannot tll hem the ral reason for going to England. They ask Henry Clerval to travel with Vicor, to make sare that he is safe, Henry’ kind, hep and cheerflthe ideal travelling companion, Hey vist writers, artists, and teavllers. Vielor mecs English scentists who promise to help Jhim. Henry notices how sorrowful hes but doesnot know why ‘The experts are happy to share their dlecoveries with Vicor He ‘a contin without their help. But he hates the work. Det aor met eo Al Sie be ary al tens ‘Are they safe and happy—or is the ‘Creature attacking them? Orkney eee (Orkneys leak, ough place, He feels sek disgusted —and ‘bat tsuits Victor's mood. He guilty He walks along the clits sets up his aboratory ther, ancl for hours gazing out to sea, {es 10 work—teksctanty. But Every moment, he fears that ‘Victor's heart is nt inthe work. theCeaturemight appear ot pass my ere among these ‘Victor needs peace and quiet o finish making the monster He lenves Henry and goes tothe Orkney Isles, off Scotland's wild north cost MIDNIGHT VISITOR the that he keeps is prom He gnashes his teth with rage, and sweats Strength. He wams that Vitor wil ser ‘Victor that he can make his life a misery. terrible argument follows! Victor hurls himself toward the Creature, but he's nat the monster’ enormous strength swith a terrible teat Ashe Ceatute rows away, Vielorisilled with Vitor wanders around the island lke a ‘a frightal feeling of doom. What terrble crimes restless ghost He wishes he eld stay isthe Creature planning for the future? there lonely but safe, forever He dare not go home BURIED AT SEA ‘Overcome with rele Victor falls asleep, 7S Henry Clerval writes, asking Vitor to teatel oth oan hin: Bot or Vitor meee himself atthe heart female monster. Shuddering, he loads it {nto his boat and rows ava from shore, a ofa raging storm. At as the winds and waves calm down, and Victor ses surreunded and ares! What's the matter? land ahend, He has no idea Why are the fishermen so hostile? where hes. eat oa gentleman who He has landed at a small fishing port in ‘They're convinced that Victor's Ireland The fishermen march Vietor io criminal! The magistrate asks ‘own, and take him tothe magistrate! the Bshermen to tl thie story. . ee a ‘Victor is taken to see the body, Hie can believe his eyes The lead man is his best rind, Henry Clerval, who was traveling north to meet im! “The magistrate visits, He's worse to ee Vitor 0 il in Ind and body He has writen to Victor's father ‘The fishermen explain that last night they found a young man’s body onthe shore It ‘was not drowned, but strngled-—and tl ‘warm! One of them saw a boat sailing away, and it looked just like Victor's. am sry that | am Victor cannot bear to seit fee ns ‘ink thatthe Creture Fhe mad has killed Henry. He collapses, mest fore and rang over me, 9 you safe who ures al the way from ‘Geneva ta be with hin, Vicor ‘veyed ose him again. At Inst he begins to grow stronger But thoughts of Henry's senha the Creatures temble threats of reverge stil hin with deep despair 35

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