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World of Tanks Guru

Tips, Guides,Replays, and Previews for World of Tanks

"Pessimism never won any battle"


Map Strategy: Hidden Village (


Posted on January 5, 2014 by WoT Guru ( Guru/) in Map

Strategy (

Hidden Village is a recent addition to World of Tanks and although it is new it is

very easy to pick up and play. This is due to it having three main “lanes” to go
dow n since the map is divided into the village, central field area, and then the
heavy passage(surrounded by rocks/ridges). Each lane provides different
gameplay and is focused around a specific play style that heavily favors some
tanks over another in specific areas.

The heavy passage as the name might suggest favors tanks that might be a little
slow er but are more durable and w ith loads of firepow er. The village area is
better for tanks w ith either good camouflage or good mobility since the buildings
are destructible and there is not a lot of cover. The village is also a little less
important than other sections of the map since the entrances/exits of it are w ide
open and you have to pass through a w ide river. This means that anyone sitting
in the heavy passage overlooks and/or central field area can fire on you easily
before you can get to cover. The central field area also doubles as a great
light/medium tank place for spotting and for tanks w ith good frontal armor to
advance w ithout w orrying about being fired upon from at least one flank(the
ridge) and their rear(base).

For SPGs your best bet is to start out near the base(as per usual) and then to
move to the strongest flank you have w hether it is the village or heavy passage.
Generally your team w ill lose either the village or the heavy passage and once
that happens the base w ill be easily spotted(thus you dying).
(http://w p-content/uploads/2014/01/HiddenVillage_MiniMap.jpg)

Team One Base Area

(http://w p-content/uploads/2014/01/HiddenVillage_Zoom1.jpg)

(http://w p-content/uploads/2014/01/HiddenVillage_Close5.jpg)

Team one(green side) starts out in the southern portion of Hidden Village around
the flag area. Starting out you have three main routes to go dow n(although the
map is very w ide open it is rather simple) w hich are the heavy passage(left from
spaw n), center hill(fields in the middle of the map), and the village(right from
spaw n across the river). Slow er tanks fair better sticking either in the heavy
passage or along the bottom of the ridge heading tow ards the center hill. More
mobile tanks fair very w ell on the center hill and somew hat ok in the village. The
village itself might seem like it provides a lot of cover but in reality the buildings are
small, destructible, and there are a lot of gaps. Generally the village is best to
largely “ignore” expect for a few tanks to spot/hold easy locations marked on this
guide w hile the locations around the base/center hill can tear into any enemies
pushing through the village.

Closest to the base is a small patch of trees w ith one rock that provides good
firing angles on enemies pushing through the village or crossing the center hill.
Further up there are tw o small rocks before you reach the center hill w hich do not
provide cover from artillery but provide enough from enemy tanks. Other areas
around the base are the corner that leads up to the heavy passage w hich
functions as a fallback base defense option if your team loses the village/river
area and also the passage from the field in front of the base to the heavy
passage. This passage is great in that you can support essentially any of the
three routes on the map initially and then commit to one later on.

Team Two Base Area

(http://w p-content/uploads/2014/01/HiddenVillage_Zoom2.jpg)

(http://w p-content/uploads/2014/01/HiddenVillage_Close10.jpg)

Team tw o(red side) like team one shares the same three route approach w ith the
village being on your self w hen you spaw n, the center hill/field area direct ahead,
and the heavy passage on your right side. The same tactics hold the same as to
w hich tank type each area favors and this leads to Hidden Village playing the
same for most battles since generally most tanks end up in areas other than the

Around the base area instead of a small patch of trees w ith a rock you instead
have a large hill that provides more hard cover than team one’s base. This hill can
be a double edge sw ord since it also provides enemies more cover pushing
across from the village/river compared to team one’s base. The hill does provide
very good firing angles into the village and also tow ards the center hill. Moving
forw ard into the center area you have a rock w ith small bushes before the center
hill that provides slightly more protection from artillery than team one’s rock and is
large enough for one tank to set up in.

Moving back closer to the base is the passage that connects the center field/hill
area to the heavy passage. This passage is a little less useful than team one’s
passage since it does not have the ability to help the heavy passage as w ell
unless you move out of it. It still retains good coverage of enemies pushing
across the center hill or through the village. Team tw o also has the corner near
the base that makes a good location to fall back from the heavy passage to defend
the base if the village/river area falls.

“Hidden” Village Area

(http://w p-content/uploads/2014/01/HiddenVillage_Close3.jpg)

(http://w p-content/uploads/2014/01/HiddenVillage_Close2.jpg)

(http://w p-content/uploads/2014/01/HiddenVillage_Close4.jpg)

The “hidden” village area of Hidden Village takes up a large chunk of the map but
does not play as vital of a role as you might think. The village itself is comprised of
mainly destructible buildings and cover. Combine those tw o things w ith the shell
changes that allow s AP shells to destroy cover easier and to penetrate soft cover
and possibly go through it means that you are exposed to the center of the map in
the village more often than not. There are a few safe buildings to hide behind in
the center courtyard area but they are largely useless since once you get behind
them you are essentially trapped since leaving w ill expose you on all sides.

Both sides play the same for the village aside from the different buildings/areas
that provide the most cover. Both sides w hen entering the village follow the same
similar path that leads you to the edge of the village furthest aw ay from the center
of the map. Here you have buildings capable of breaking sight from the center of
the map and w ill soak up a few shots. If you progress past these buildings to the
side of the courtyard you lose some protection since the w alls do not provide
great cover and you w ill be pushing into the enemy(w ith them getting support from
their center hill/field area). This makes pushing through the village very difficult
especially as you get up in the tiers since tanks get larger and cover w orks less.

I find that having a small presence in the village to delay/spot enemies pushing
through w hile the main “chunk” of your team covering the area sits protected near
the center hill/base area. This causes the enemy to think they have an easy route
to the base and instead they push out of the cover on their side of the village and
get torn apart w hile exiting the village. If you decide to push through the village it
can w ork if you do it quickly enough and it also helps that you are attacking from
team one since the hill on team tw o’s side provides better cover exiting the village.

Central Hill/Field Area

(http://w p-content/uploads/2014/01/HiddenVillage_Close13.jpg)

(http://w p-content/uploads/2014/01/HiddenVillage_Close10.jpg)

Being in the center of the map the center hill/field area ends up being a very
important factor in w hether or not your team gets a victory. Not only does it
provide a great spotting/scouting location but it also serves as a place to defend
the base area(against the village/middle), supporting role w ith helping the village,
support if the heavy passage falls, and/or a flanking option if you push forw ard to
flank behind the enemy in the heavy passage. Both sides have the same general
set up and locations w ith only minor differences w hen it comes to this area w hich
makes it easy to apply the same tactics no matter w here you spaw n.

Starting out you have tw o options if you plan on focusing in this area. You can
either sit back near the base and support your tanks that head to the center hill or
you can push forw ard to join them. It does not matter if you are a slow tank but it
does matter if you are a slow tank w ith no frontal armor. If you do not have
armor(and are not a light/medium tank) then pushing to the center w ill only get you
killed. This is because you are not 100% safe from artillery and shots coming from
the village so having strong armor on the front of your tank if you are slow is
crucial. Team tw o has slightly better protection in the middle against enemy
artillery compared to side one simply because of map design. Side one makes up
for this by having a slightly better crossover passage that connects the middle to
the heavy passage.

The main role of the center hill is to get someone there quick and to spot the enemy
first. This allow s your team to quickly find out how many w ill be in the village and
possibly deal some cheap damage at the start. After this happens you can
support the tow n w ithout crossing the middle hill, push ahead if the center is left
unguarded, or help the heavy passage.

Heavy Passage Area

(http://w p-content/uploads/2014/01/HiddenVillage_Close8.jpg)

(http://w p-content/uploads/2014/01/HiddenVillage_Close7.jpg)

(http://w p-content/uploads/2014/01/HiddenVillage_Close9.jpg)

Surprise! The heavy passage again plays out the same for both sides and doesn’t
really change depending on w hich team you are on. Like the rest of the map both
sides are given the same layout to w ork w ith and to manipulate to their advantage.
The heavy passage is generally called this since most heavy tanks/slow tanks
head this w ay since it limits their time out in the open compared to the
village/center area. This does not mean that mediums and lighter tanks do not play
a vital role here since there is still enough w iggle room in this area to flank

Looking at this area you w ill see a small hill(w ith a split rock) splitting the area
closest to the edge of the map. Trees cover the area on the hill w hich then opens
up into an open field w ith large rocks breaking up the fighting. This hill initially
serves as a good place to spot the enemy and “freeze” them. Afterw ards you do
not w ant to be up here unless you have superb frontal armor/turret armor since
the split rock on the hill provides little protection from tanks and artillery. The
backside of the hill here is decent for tanks w ith less armor since they can
support both the small hill and also the open area if enemies advance w ithout
being spotted initially.

The open rocky area generally decides w hich team w ins this part of the map.
Each team is given an initial large rock w ith a small rock in betw een it and the
center rock. Simply allow ing the enemy to gain control of that center large rock
w ill pin your team into a losing battle since the hill w ill fall thereafter and then the
entire area. This means that having at least one tank behind that center rock is
key since it stops the enemy from advancing any further easily. This is also the
best area for “braw ling” w ith tanks such as an E-100 or other heavily armored in
your face tank since you can dish out damage and get into cover easily.

Playing a slightly lesser role in the fight is the passage w ay that connects the
center hill area to the heavy passage. This passage allow s your team to move
tanks in or out depending on the scenario at the start of the match. On the other
hand it can be a crippling blow if you allow the enemy to break through the middle
of the map and flank you from it. This passage is largely overlooked later on in the
match but it’s importance only grow s the longer the match plays out.

3 Com m ents (http://w /m ap-strategy-hidden-

village/#com m ents)

Read More (http://w /m ap-strategy-hidden-village/)

Neat Erlenberg Encounter Cap Fast Spot


Posted on December 30, 2013 by WoT Guru ( Guru/) in Tips


Thought I w ould point out a small spot on Erlenberg(for the southern spaw n)
encounter that you can use for smaller tanks. Anything larger than a T14 heavy
tank most likely w ill not fit into here but it is a nice spot to get into quick(I just made
it w ithout being spotted) to pressure the enemy. From here you can point your
front out and poke out to fire to your left into the advancing enemy. Enemy artillery
cannot hit you unless they move into the corner and even then simply pull back in
and remain unseen to continue capping.

(http://w p-content/uploads/2013/12/Erlenberg_CapFast1.jpg)

(http://w p-content/uploads/2013/12/Erlenberg_CapFast2.jpg)

1 Com m ent (http://w /neat-erlenberg-encounter-cap-fast-

spot/#com m ents)

Read More (http://w /neat-erlenberg-encounter-cap-fast-


Map Strategy: Murovanka (


Posted on December 29, 2013 by WoT Guru ( Guru/) in Map

Strategy (

Murovanka looks like a very straight forw ard map but w hen you dive deeper you
w ill see that many approach this map the w rong w ay. This map gives each
starting team a strong side to push on and the opposite side of the map being
easier to defend. Unlike other maps how ever both teams are capable of attacking
the same side easily if played correctly w hile defending another very easily.

For team one(green) you start off in the southern part of the map. Moving up the
1-3 lines grants you a great set up to push aggressively north to prevent the
enemy from making it into the corner hill and defensive locations that are tough to
get them out of. On the opposite side of the map near the lake/southern tow n you
get great hard cover to set up behind and also a small hill by the lake to spot by.
Team tw o receives the same 1-3 line advantage if they push aggressively to pin
the southern team by their base since there is less hard cover for team one to
hide behind. On the opposite side of the map team tw o receives much less hard
cover than team one to defend w ith, how ever they do have great soft cover in the
form of the forest. Know ing how to abuse camouflage and spotting mechanics
here pays off a lot.

The center of the map is covered by scattered houses w hich some are
destructible w hiles others are not. Overall the tow n plays more of a buffer at the
start of the match and also as a decent route for light tanks to do a quick pass
before turning around to spot. Later in the match it becomes more important since
it gives hard cover to more across to either the forest or 1-2 lines w here the
remaining enemies are.

The mini map w as made using MapTactic (http://w w w w hich is a

great tool for coming up w ith strategies for World of Tanks and other games.
(http://w p-

(http://w p-

2 Line Hill/Watchtower/Corner Hill

(http://w p-

(http://w p-

For team one this part of the map is slightly more crucial than for team tw o. This is
because the end of the enemies push w inds up inside of base of team one. Due
to this you also receive a better starting location that allow s you to aggressively
push up to the D2 area just below the w atchtow er. If you have more than a few
tanks that come w ith you then do not stop and continue pushing to B2 to prevent
the enemy from getting into the corner hill. The defensive spots near your spaw n
are somew hat effective at providing covering fire, but they simply do not w ork if
you let the enemy push into E2 since you have no hard cover available. You can
also move up the 3 line to flank enemies in E2 or if you spaw n further east at the
start of the match.

(http://w p-

(http://w p-

Team tw o starts further aw ay from this area of the map than team one and it is
also slightly less important since it is further aw ay from their base. How ever, they
do receive a slight advantage in defending if need be than team one due to some
hard cover and more importantly the corner hill. Starting out if you are in a medium
or a tank w ith good gun depression(8+) then getting into the corner hill in A1 is key
since it allow s you to fire dow n the 1-2 lines and also into D2/E2 safely. For other
tanks the B3 area is great for defending if your team did not send many tanks over
here. Like team one you have a very good opportunity to push dow n either route
to E2 and thus pinning team one into bad defensive positions as your support
chew s them apart.

Northern Town/Southern Town

(http://w p-

Team one gets a decent spot in F5 capable of protecting 1 tank from most
incoming fire. From here you can fire tow ards the w atchtow er and at enemies
trying to push into E2. Be careful of moving another further north or east from
here since the forest has good shots on you w ithout you being able to actually
see them. Further south are the G6/H5 locations that are not near the
w arehouses by the lake but rather provide a slightly easier location to defend this
section of the map w hile being able to escape if need be. G6 provides decent
shots into enemies into the forest w hile H5 is great for defending if you are short
on tanks on this side of the map. If you are in a light tank you also have a good
chance at darting up through the tow n and then turning back tow ards the 1/2 line
for a quick spotting run at the start of the match.
(http://w p-

Much like team one’s location to fire into the w atchtow er area on team tw o you get
tw o building suitable to do the same task. The one closest to your base is better
protected but has less firing lanes w hile the one further south exposes you to
return fire but grants a w ide open firing lane. Defensive w ise you shouldn’t need
to set up anyw here in the central tow n area unless if it is later on in the match and
your team loses the w atchtow er/corner hill area. Also, like team one a light tank is
able to quickly spots south in the tow n and then w rap back into the w atchtow er
area w ith a high success rate.


(http://w p-

(http://w p-

(http://w p-

For team one this side can be very difficult for most players to properly play this
side since they w ant to push-push-push w hen they should sit there and
spot/defend until you know w hat is in the forest. You start out w ith tw o great
w arehouses to set up behind in H7/G7 to fire on anything coming out of the tow n
as w ell as the G6/H5 locations for additional support. The H7 location is better
protected and allow s your allies to help you if you are flanked easier. G7 on the
other hand provides slightly better shots if the enemy makes it out of the forest but
has w indow s that you can be shot through if you are not careful.

Closer to the lake is a small hill w ith some bushes/trees to provide soft cover. Do
not go here if you are not mobile, have good gun depression, are gigantic, or have
great frontal armor. This location is great for spotting the forest if anything
emerges but is very hard to defend since you cannot crest the hill w ithout being
annihilated by tanks in the forest/spgs. If you see yourself here then simply spot
and if enemies are approaching then move back south the J8 so that your allies
can help you. If the enemy does not make a move then that changes things since
your team can send a spotter to the edge of the forest in G8/G9 to slow ly prod
and light up enemies for others to kill. This location has a very small incline that
hides most tank’s hulls but does not provide 100% cover.

(http://w p-

(http://w p-

Team tw o gets a slightly easier time on this side of the map since they spaw n
closer and have a large amount of soft cover to w ork w ith. How ever, this can
also prove to be a huge negative if your team simply moves into the forest and
plops the entire force in one location by your base. You w ill not be able to see
any advancing enemies at all and w ill find yourself at a disadvantage. While you
do not have hard cover like team one you do benefit from having a layered
approach on this side. Having tanks in each of the marked locations in the 8
line(part of forest closest to the tow n) allow s you to spot advancing enemies
w ithout having your entire team spotted. Additionally sending a couple tanks to
the lake to spot and catch the enemy off guard is recommended. Sending to many
tanks to quick how ever can lead to your team being stuck in a bad spot by the lake
w ith no w here to go!

An alternative spot to go to is at G7 on the northern side of the w arehouse team

one uses to defend. You can be hit by the 2 line hill near the enemies base and
also through the w indow s if you are not careful. On the plus side you w ill freeze
any enemies heading to the lake most times and also it gives you the opportunity to
move south betw een the w arehouses to break the enemies defense. Only go
here if you have good frontal armor and are mobile at the start of the match(tanks
like a T110E5, T-54, etc). If you are in a tank like an E-100/Maus you can still push
to here from the 8 line if the enemy does not have a huge force unseen on the hill
by the lake. The number one rule for this spot is to keep your strongest armor
facing tow ards the 2 line hill since you w ill be shot from there.

Artillery on this map is limited at first since the best location is usually the corner in
w hich you spaw n near. How ever, after your first 1-2 shots you should start to
move behind your main force since this map is prone to your w eak flank failing
very quickly(resulting in your base falling). Just stick to the edges of the map
behind your main force of tanks and you’ll benefit greatly.

3 Com m ents (http://w /m ap-strategy-

m urovanka/#com m ents)

Read More (http://w /m ap-strategy-m urovanka/)

Preview: Map Strategy (


Posted on December 28, 2013 by WoT Guru ( Guru/) in

Uncategorized (

Testing out another w ay to do map strategies on here. Mocked up a few images

of basic spots/routes. What do you think?

(http://w p-

(http://w p-

(http://w p-
(http://w p-

8 Com m ents (http://w /preview -m ap-strategy/#com m ents)

Read More (http://w /preview -m ap-strategy/)

WoT Guru Holiday Giveaway (


Posted on December 15, 2013 by WoT Guru ( Guru/) in

Events (

Winners have been announced!

Contest is over and any additional entries w ill not count.

$55 Gift Shop Package

Gopher_Pyle selected 12,000 gold!

$25 Gift Shop Package

brdhntr selected 3,000 gold!

$25 Gift Shop Package(For 250 entries)

Limafry selected the Pz.Kpfw. IV


$25 Gift Shop Package(For 500 entries)

kalawit selected 3,000 gold!

All w inners have been contacted and I am w aiting until they choose their gift shop
packages to give out/post here w hat they w ill receive. If for w hatever reason
they do not claim their prize in a w eek or so(given it is the holidays) I’ll pick another
w inner to fill their place. Thank you everyone for participating!

It’s that time again…. Another giveaw ay for the holidays this year w ill run from
now until December 22nd at 10pm EST. Like previous events you simply need to
leave a valid NA World of Tanks username below in the comment section to be
chosen as a w inner. Sorry EU/RU/etc. servers but I cannot gift packages to other
servers(for some odd reason even making new accounts over there w on’t w ork).
Please do not post additional comments other than your initial valid NA username
since it w ill help me determine the w inners faster if I do not need to w eed through
Unlike past giveaw ays more prizes w ill be unlocked depending on how many
entries are placed. The more people that enter w ill mean that there w ill be more
prizes to go around. So spread the w ord!

1 Gift Shop package valued at or under $55

1 Gift Shop package valued at or under $25

Additional Prizes
250 Entries = 1 Additional $25 Gift Shop package

500 Entries = 1 Additional $25 Gift Shop package

750 Entries = 1 Additional $55 Gift Shop package

1000 Entries = 1 Additional $55 Gift Shop package

1. Must leave a valid NA World of Tanks usernam e in the com m ent
section of this post.

2. Entry m ust be subm itted before the closing tim e at 10pm EST
Decem ber 22nd 2013.

3. One entry only. If you subm it the sam e usernam e m ore than once you
w ill be disqualified.

4. Must have m ore than 100 battles on the account

5. Any toxic players in the com m unity(trolls) are not valid to w in any
prizes. I’ll use m y discretion to judge w ho’s been naughty or nice.

Good luck everyone! The w inners w ill be announced and prizes sent via the Gift
Shop by December 23rd at 10pm EST or w hen the prize recipient responds w ith
the package they w ish the receive.

561 Com m ents (http://w /w ot-guru-holiday-

giveaw ay/#com m ents)

Read More (http://w /w ot-guru-holiday-giveaw ay/)

Weak Spot Guide: VK 72.01 (K) (


Posted on December 14, 2013 by WoT Guru ( Guru/) in Weak

Spot Guides (

The tier 10 German heavy tank VK 72.01 (K) w as recently given out as a rew ard
for clan w ars. This tank sports a great deal of armor and a hard hitting gun. This
w eak spot guide w ill be updated to include a frontal, side, angled, and rear view
of the VK 72.01 (K) w hen it is completed. In the meantime here is the frontal view !

The index at the bottom of each picture describes a few abbreviations used and
also the format in w hich the armor details are described in. Effective Armor (EA)
refers to the overall effectiveness of the armor w ithout normalization.

Frontal View
(http://w p-

(http://w p-

5 Com m ents (http://w /w eak-spot-guide-vk-72-01-

k/#com m ents)

Read More (http://w /w eak-spot-guide-vk-72-01-k/)

(c) 2013 World of Tanks Guru -- All Images/Videos/Content of World of Tanks are used with express written permission by

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