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BEd Practicum I Assessment Form
{p[ School of Education

Date: Dsseuabq4,2Ol9 Report: trI trII Xm

Candidate: Lucy Lynett Mentor Teacher:
School: Don Campbell Elementary Supervisor: Julia Falla-Wood
Teaching Assignment: ^
(Grade level & Grade 2: Language Arts

The expectation for a Practicum I candidate is that they are ahle to function with some support (when
needed) with a 60-80% workload.

Classroom Responsibilities
Provide a briefdescription ofthe responsibilities ofthe candidate.

Mrs. Lynett is expected to plan, manage and assess 22 grade 2 students for math, language arts, science,
physical education, art and STEM. She is also responsible for creating a positive classroom environment
while building relationships with all students. This class has a variety of academic and social needs.

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Summary of Critical Components e6
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1. Plans appropriate lessons for all levels of students in the assigned classroom. X tr tr tr
2. Manages the classroom with some support. x tr tr tr
3. Uses a variety of appropriate strategies for the teaching assignment. X n u tr
Summary of issues to be addressed:
No issues to be addressed at this time.

\\dc-data\clarkk$\Desldop\Practicum I Assessment Form, Final HB.docx

Teaching Quality Standard
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1. Fosters Effective Relationships o :'i
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A teacher builds positive relationships with students, parents/guardians, peers and others in the school and local
community to support student leaming. Comments: x tr I tr

Lucy genuinely cares about every student in the class and shows empathy towards them always.

Recently she has created an information handout to pass out at parent teacher interviews for parents to
give suggestions on literacy and numeracy support at home.

Students respect Lucy and are very eager to work hard for her and are excited to learn from her. Lucy has
also established herself as a part of the grade 2 team. Attending the formal weekly meeting and through
informal discussion during the school day.

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2. Engages in Life-Long Learning
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A teacher engages in life-long professional learning and ongoing critical reflection to improve teaching and
learning (including mathematics, language, and technology). Comments: N tr tr u
Mrs. Lynett is quick to ask for feedback on a regular basis. Before the lessons she asks me to go through
her lesson plans and after the lessons we discuss how the lesson went and how her management
was. She is responsive to the feedback and is eager to apply anything that is suggested to her. Lucy
takes her weekly goal setting very seriously and works hard to achieve these goals weekly.
From Lucy's previous career she brings a wealth of knowledge of speech and language. She was quick to
apply this in the classroom in many ways including literacy.

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3. Demonstrates a Professional Body of Knowledge z3 !
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A teacher applies a current and comprehensive repertoire of effective planning, instruction, and assessment
practices to meet the learning needs of every student in their teaching assignment. Comments: x tr tr tr

Lucy is able to include a variety of teaching, learning and assessing strategies in her detailed lesson plans
to meet the necessary outcomes. She recognizes that not all students learn in the same way and this
variety is necessary. For example, she makes sure that visual and oral instructions are included in every
lesson. Whenever it is possible Lucy will use visuals to enhance her teaching lesson. One such example
is through the classes weekly goal setting they will build a structure such as a scarecrow, so the students
can see how close they are to their goal.
Mrs. Lynett has also worked on her classroom management. Through trial and error she has found multiple
strategies that have worked for her and this class. Most notable Lucy has learned the value of having a
'egular routines and structure.

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4. Establishes Inclusive Learning Environments >tx EEE >E
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A teacher establishes, promotes and sustains inclusive leaming environments where diversity is embraced and
every student is welcomed, cared for, respected and safe. Comments: x tr tr tr

Lucy is genuinely concerned about all of the students and their learning, not just the high and low
achievers. This is seen in her desire to learn about all the students and their needs. Lucy's lessons take
into account all learning types: kinesthetic, visual, verbal and physical.
For today's lesson Lucy had structured the Daily 5 rotation to implement targeted support for all levels. The
guided reading group is made of students with all the same reading level. The read-to-someone group has
all students reading at their specific reading level. Also the word work station has students working on
appropriate leveled Fry words, and the listen to reading station has student using Raz klds at their reading


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5. Applies Foundational Knowledge about First Nations, Metis, and Inuit -o:
2A E:Ee >E
A teacher develops and applies foundational knowledge about First Nations, Metis and Inuit for the benefit of all
students. Comments: x tr tr tr

Mrs. Lynett works to ensure that at every opportunity students are exposed to FNMI teachings. Today the
guided reading book is an FNMI picture book.

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6. Adheres to Legal Frameworks and Policies o :'l
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A teacher demonstrates an understanding ofand adherence to the legal frameworks and policies that provide the
foundations for the Alberta education system, following local and provincial school policy (Code ofEthics).
x tr tr tr

Lucy has referred to the School Act during our discussions and will ask how it applies to a specific
She is very conscious to follow the rules and procedures at Don Campbell Elementary.

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7. Develops an Integrated Whole-Person Approach to Life I
EEEa, aE
A Burman Professional teacher develops and applies an approach to life that integrates the intellectual, physical,
spiritual, emotional and social aspects of life. Comments: x tr T T

In the classroom Lucy has worked very hard to make sure that students develop as whole people. She has
used social stories to help specific students learn necessary social skills and emotional regulation. AIso
she has shown respect to all students and cultures by learning about their stories and customs.

Personally Lucy has worked to find a work-life balance during this busy time in her life. She was able to
balance a busy family and her educational demands. She never forgets that family always comes first!

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Mentor Teacher/?racticum Supervisor Narrative
Additional comments about your student-teacher's performance.

Lucy has proved that she is wise beyond her teaching years. Her previous life experiences were very
easily transfened to this students teaching term. She was able to manage a classroom with clear
expectations while holding all students accountable for their learning.

She understood that students always come first and that they all deserve to be treated with respect and
dignity. ln return, students respect Lucy and truly care about her. They have all enjoyed learning from
each other

I have enjoyed working with Lucy over the past 9 weeks. She has become a valued member of the grade 2
team and we will all miss her when her term is over. I wish her all the best as she finished her degree and
enters the teaching profession. lt would be a pleasure to be Lucy's teaching partner in the future.

*Signed: xSigped:
*These signatures certiff that the above evaluation has been discussed with the candidate. It may not indicate
agreement on all points of evaluation. Permission is hereby granted to release the above evaluation to prospective

Please complete and send this form using the Google document through the link provided in the Practicum
placement packet. If that is not possible, feel free to send this form to the School of Education through the one of
these methods:
L o Email to;
o Fax to 1.866.504 .2564; or, by mail to
r Burman University School of Education,6730 University Drive, Lacombe, ABT4LZE5.
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