Reforma Lalaine - Thesis Proposal-Sag D

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HIGH SCHOOL S-Y 2020-2021


Father and mother is one greatest blessings and title that human can have and can be

proud of because they play an important role in developing and nurturing the physical, mental,

social life and even the financial career of their child. Undeniably, they are willing to pay the price

to provide what is the best for them. They help and trained us in every step of our life for our

success in the future for their happiness depends on the achievement of their child.

In establishing foundation for a better future of every child, parents’ send their children to

school and aimed for outstanding academic performance them to have. They care about their

child’s academic performance because they believed good academic performance may often

results with more career choices and job security in the future. The benefits of having good

academic performance may affect or developed our confidence and happiness in the future. On

the hand, unsuccessful academic performance may lead to poor self-esteem, frustration and

unsuccessful career in the future.

In educational institutions, success is measured by academic performance, or how well

the student meets standards set out by the local government and the institution itself. Parents is

one of the greatest factor or contributor to the academic success of the learner. They provide

materials needed by the learners. Also, the moral support of the parent to the learner may help

them and inspire them to do their best to meet the requirements for having good academic


Parents are the first teacher to their children and play the important parts in shaping and

molding their attitudes, values and character. This is study will become beneficial to the

researcher to find out the reason why the students perform well and perform badly in their

academic performance. Also, find ways to help students in their academic needs and concern. In
addition, it will also beneficial to the academician practitioners, researchers, planners, policy

makers, school institution, parents and people who are involve in concerned area.


Parent’s interaction and relationship to their learner is the main focus of the researcher,

and may or may not be the main reason for having outstanding or poor academic performance of

the learner in school. Having good relationship of parents to their learner is not easy and many of

them struggle to maintain it because of many reasons. They need to leave their house to work for

hours to provide while learners spend most of their time in schooling sleeping and less time for

bonding with their parents. This is a common scenario that happens to almost every family and

the only time they get together is during breakfast or before and after dinner, therefore it is a

challenge to the parents how they will communicate and help learners to their academic


In the researched conducted by Abdulkadir DAhie, Ali Mohammed and Raqia Mohammed,

they found out that there is positive relationship between parental involvement to the academic

achievements of the learner from secondary school in Mogasidhu-Somalia. The researcher also

wants to find out if the parents have good or bad relationship with their learner and what its effect

to their academic performance.

Statement of the problem

The main concern of this research is to determine the parent’s relationship to the learner and

to the academic performance of Grade 9 students of Abuyon National High School, school year


1. How often did the parents communicate to their learners?

2. How often did the learners communicate to their parents?

3. How often did the parents consult their learners to their academic performance?

4. How often did the learners consult their parents regarding to their academic needs and


5. What is effect of relationship of parents with their learner regarding to the academic


6. What is effect of relationship of learner with their parents regarding to the academic


7. What is the effect of relationship of parents and learners to the academic performance?

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