Moon Co-Ordinates of Rabius Sani, 1442 Hizri (November, 2020)

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No. 23.09.0000. Date: - 11- 2020.

Sub :- Moon Co-Ordinates of Rabius Sani , 1442 Hizri (November, 2020).

Station Date Time of Age of the Azimuth at the Altitude at the time Moon Set
Moon moon at the time of moon of moon
observation time of moon observation observation
Hrs. Mts. Day Deg. Mts. Deg. Mts. Hrs. Mts.

16-11-20 17 28.1 1.2647 241 55.1 10 05.0 18 18.3

Cox's Bazar
17-11-20 17 24.0 2.2618 231 42.2 21 02.7 19 15.0
16-11-20 17 27.3 1.2641 241 39.1 09 56.6 18 17.0
17-11-20 17 23.2 2.2613 231 16.3 20 45.1 19 13.5
16-11-20 17 27.8 1.2644 241 24.2 09 48.2 18 17.0
17-11-20 17 23.7 2.2616 230 52.7 20 28.2 19 13.4
16-11-20 17 23.1 1.2612 240 49.1 09 26.2 18 11.2
17-11-20 17 19.0 2.2583 229 56.8 19 44.9 19 07.2
16-11-20 17 34.8 1.2693 240 29.4 09 21.9 18 22.4
17-11-20 17 30.7 2.2665 229 28.9 19 31.7 19 18.3
16-11-20 17 32.5 1.2677 240 28.9 09 19.7 18 20.0
17-11-20 17 28.4 2.2649 229 27.6 19 28.6 19 15.9
16-11-20 17 33.3 1.2683 240 46.2 09 30.3 18 21.3
17-11-20 17 29.2 2.2654 229 54.4 19 49.4 19 17.4
16-11-20 17 35.6 1.2699 240 59.2 09 39.8 18 24.1
17-11-20 17 31.5 2.2670 230 15.1 20 07.0 19 20.3
16-11-20 17 36.6 1.2706 241 17.9 09 50.1 18 25.7
17-11-20 17 32.5 2.2677 230 44.5 20 28.1 19 22.0
16-11-20 17 35.7 1.2699 241 25.9 09 54.4 18 25.0
17-11-20 17 31.6 2.2671 230 57.0 20 36.9 19 21.5
16-11-20 17 35.9 1.2701 241 30.1 09 52.1 18 25.4
17-11-20 17 31.8 2.2672 231 03.2 20 36.3 19 21.9
16-11-20 17 32.6 1.2678 241 29.0 09 51.1 18 21.8
17-11-20 17 28.4 2.2649 231 00.2 20 35.4 19 18.2
16-11-20 17 24.2 1.2619 240 57.4 09 30.5 18 12.5
17-11-20 17 20.0 2.2590 230 09.0 19 55.1 19 08.6
16-11-20 17 30.8 1.2665 241 08.3 09 42.1 18 19.6
17-11-20 17 26.7 2.2637 230 28.4 20 13.6 19 15.8

wet `ªt AvMvgx 16/11/2020 wLª: Puv` †`Lvi wba©vwiZ mgq 17 Uv 15 wgwbU n‡Z 17 Uv 45 wgwbU ch©šÍ (evsjv‡`k gvb mgq)|
 Observation Gi Lei me©cÖ_g 01726-531451(DD, Climate) b¤^‡i AewnZ Ki‡eb|

Note :- 1) The new moon sighting process must be continued till moonset on both the days.
2) Please send the results of moon sight on the above dates to the S.W.C.
Dhaka & the D.C. of the districts.
3) In case of non-receipt of the above moon co-ordinates by any station,
they are requested to contact with Climate Division (Met. Hqrs. Office)
to get the data one day before the date of moon sight or visit BMD web site:

m~h©v‡¯Íi mgq XvKvq Pvu‡`i ¯’vbvsK

ZvwiL 15-11-2020 wLªt 16-11-2020 wLªt 17-11-2020 wLªt

Pv›`ª gv‡mi ZvwiL 28 iweDj AvDqvj, 1442 wnRix 29 iweDj AvDqvj, 1442 wnRix 30 iweDj AvDqvj, 1442 wnRix
Agvem¨v †kl I bZzb Puv‡`i Rb¥ 11 Nt 07.0 wgt - -
m~h©v‡¯Íi mgq Pv›`ª wZw_ cÖwZc` wØZxqv Z…Zxqv
m~h©v‡¯Íi mgq Pvu‡`i eqm 0.2538 1.2535 দিন 2.2534 w`b
m~h©v‡¯Íi mgq Pvu‡`i A¨vjwUwUDW 03 wWt 19.0 wgt 13 wWt 16.8 wgt 22 wWt 42.1 wgt
m~h©v‡¯Íi mgq Pvu‡`i A¨vwRgv_ 249 wWt 12.0 wgt 238 wWt 57.1 wgt 228 wWt 13.5 wgt
m~h©v‡¯Íi mgq 17 Nt 12.4 wgt 17 Nt 12.1 wgt 17 Nt 11.9 wgt
mvܨKvjxb ‡Mvayjxi †kl mgq 17 Nt 36.2 wgt 17 Nt 35.8 wgt 17 Nt 35.7 wgt
P›`ªv‡¯Íi mgq 17 Nt 28.4 wgt 18 Nt 19.6 wgt 19 Nt 15.8 wgt
mvܨKvjxb †Mvayjxi ci Pvu‡`i
(-) 00 Nt 07.8 wgt (+) 00 Nt 43.8 wgt (+) 01 Nt 40.1 wgt
gšÍe¨ evsjv‡`‡ki mKj ¯’v‡b eo Pvu`
evsjv‡`‡k Pvu` †`Lv hv‡e bv evsjv‡`‡ki AvKv‡k Pvu` †`Lv hv‡e
†`Lv hv‡e

(‡gvt Ave`yi ingvb)

cwiPvjK Gi c‡¶
‡dvb t 9111942 (Awdm)

Copy to:-
1) MAC Section, NMCC, Dhaka.

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