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TEST ID: 314

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ESE Full Length Mock Test – 2 Offline – 2015 (Conventional)

Civil Engineering
Time Allowed: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 200

Please read each of the following instructions carefully before attempting
Candidates should attempt FIVE questions in all.
Question No.1 is compulsory. Out of the remaining SIX questions attempt any

All questions carry equal marks. The number of marks carried by a part of a
question is indicated against it.

Answers must be written in ENGLISH only.

Unless otherwise mentioned, symbols and notations have their usual standard

Assume suitable data, if necessary and indicate the same clearly.

Neat sketches may be drawn, wherever required.

All parts and sub-parts of a question are to be attempted together in the answer
Any pages left blank in the answer book must be clearly struck out.

ESE – Offline Mock Test-02
01. 8  5 = 40M

a) Draw a neat sketch of a right-hand turnout of a B.G. track and

lable the various parts.

i) A laboratory constant head permeability test was conducted on a
silty sand specimen of void ratio 0.45. The cylindrical specimen
had a diameter of 7.5 cm and a height of 16.5 cm. The head
during the test was 75 cm. After 1 minute of testing at the room
temperature of 20C, a total 750 g of water was collected.
Compute the coefficient of permeability in metres per second.

ii) If the void ratio changes to 0.38, what would be the change in

c) The insitu unit weight of a medium to coarse sand used as

subgrade for a highway, was 18 kN/m3. It was decided to
improve that soil by mechanical stabilization. When 6 kN of
mixture of dry sand and silt was added to 1 m3 of this subgrade,
the volume was increased by 25 percent. How much reduction in
porosity of the soil was achieved? Assume average Gs as 2.67.
Take w = 10 kN/m3.

d) Two large circular plates are kept at a distance y0 apart and

contain an incompressible flow in between. If the bottom plate is
fixed and the top plate is moved downwards at a constant rate of
V0, estimate the velocity at which the fluid moves at a radial
distance of r. What is the corresponding acceleration?


Moving plate Vo

yO Vr

Fixed plate

e) Why Centrifugal Pump is not called as a positive Displacement

type of Pump ?

f) A gravity settling chamber that is 12 m long 2 m high and 2 m

wide processes 240 m3/min of air at temp. 100o C. Determine the
maximum size of particles in  m with specific gravity 2 that is
removed with a theoretical efficiency of 100 percent. At 100o C
air = 2.1  105 kg/ m-sec. Assume air negligible.

g) A watershed received a 6 hr storm which produced hourly

intensities of 2, 6, 10, 18, 8, and 4 mm/hr. If runoff produced by
this storm is 1.8 cm then find w index and  index.

h) Find the width of pavement on a horizontal curve for a new

national highway to be aligned along a rolling gradient with
ruling minimum radius. Use Design speed 80 kmph, Normal
Width = 7 m; Number of lanes = 2
Wheel base of the truck = 6 m
Super elevation on road = 0.07
Side friction coefficient = 0.15

3 [contd.]
ESE – Offline Mock Test-02

i) Calculate the force F required on the piston to discharge
500 mm3/s of water through the syringe shown in the fig. below
taking in to account only the frictional loss in the syringe needle
and assume fully developed laminar flow in the needle.
(Take water = 103 Ns/m2)


F 10

40 mm
(8 M)

ii) Show that the frictional torque T of a disc of diameter D rotating

at a speed of N in a fluid of viscosity  and density  in a
turbulent flow condition is related as

  
T  D 5 N 2  2 
 D N 

i) A solid cone of diameter 24 cm and height 20 cm floats with its
vertex downwards in water as shown in fig. is this cone is stable


B y


(ii) A sector gate in the form of circular arc of radius 5 m retains

water to a height of 4 m above its sill as in fig. Calculate the
magnitude and direction of the resultant force per unit length of
the gate.
5.0 m Radius

4.0 m S 
 O


(7 M)

5 [contd.]
ESE – Offline Mock Test-02

c) A sandy loam soil holds water at 150 mm/m depth between field
capacity and permanent wilting point. The root depth of the crop
is 50 cm and the allowable depletion of water is 40%.
Consumptive use by the crop is 5 mm/day. The area to be
irrigated is 80 ha and water can be delivered at 50 lps. The
surface irrigation application efficiency is 50%. There is no
rainfall and ground water contribution.
(i) allowable depletion depth
(ii) frequency of irrigation
(iii) net application depth of water
(iv) volume of water required
(v) time to irrigate 5 ha plot
a) A 9 m thick bed of sand is underlain by a layer of NC clay, 6 m
thick. The water table originally at the ground surface is
lowered by drainage to a depth of 3 m whereupon the average
degree of saturation above the lowered water table was reduced
to 30% the saturated unit weight of sand and clay are to be taken
as 18 kN/m3 and the dry density of sand is 15 kN/m3.
Compute the settlement of the clay layer if its mv = 0.25 cm /kg,
w = 10 kN/m3.

i) A raft foundation is 20 m  30 m. The raft is constructed over a
soft clay stratum having Cu = 10 kN/m2 and  = 19 kN/m3. If the
live load and dead load on the raft are 100 MN, find the depth of
foundation. The foundation is fully compensated. Determine the
depth of foundation for a factor of safety of 3.


ii) A precast concrete pile of size 0.4 m × 0.4 m is to be driven into

clay strata whose unconfined compressive strength is 100
kN/m . Compute the length of pile required to carry safe
working load of 500 kN with factor of safety of 3. Assume the
adhesion factor () as 0.7. (10M)
c) Find the balancing storage capacity of reservoir to manage 10
MLD of water. The demand pattern of town is given below and
supply is made 6 AM to 8 AM and 4 PM to 6 PM

Time Demand in %
0-3 4
3-6 10
6-9 30
9 - 12 15
12 - 3 6
3-6 8
6-9 20
9 - 12 7
d) Find the ordinates of 2 hr UHG from the given 4 hr UHG

Time 4 hr UHG ordinates

0 0
2 6
4 33
6 90
8 119
10 103
12 79
14 50
16 25
18 7
20 0

7 [contd.]
ESE – Offline Mock Test-02

a) A milk product industry discharges a waste water to a stream,
characteristics of waste water and the stream are given below.

Parameter Waste water stream

Q 1000 m3/day 19000 m3/day
y 520 C 1250 mg/l 2 mg/l
DO 0 mg/ l 10 mg/ l
(at saturation)

Take k1 = 0.35 d1 (base e) and k2 = 0.55 d1 (base e) if no

treatment at all is given to the waste water, what will be the
lowest oxygen level in the stream as a result of discharge.

b) Design size and number of rapid sand filters require to treat

24 MLD water with rate of filtration 5000 lit/hr/m2. Size of plot
available to install filter's is 16 m  16 m also find percentage of
filtered water required to backwash filter if rate of backwash is
20000 lit/hr/m2 for a period of 20 min once in a day.

c) Design a lined trapezoidal canal to carry 50 m3/s of discharge on

a slope of 1 in 2000. Maximum permissible velocity is 1.5 m/s
value of Mannings coefficient,  = 0.015 and side slope of
1.5H:1V (8M)

d) The jet velocity in a pelton turbine is 65 m/s. The peripheral

velocity of the runner is 25 m/s. The jet is deflected by 160o by
the bucket. Determine the power developed, hydraulic efficiency
of the turbine for a flow rate of 0.9 m3/s and exit loss in KW.
The blade friction coefficient is 0.9. (7M)


a) Design a septic tank for 200 users with per capita sewage flow
of 150 lpcd. Assume detention time as 24 hrs and rate of sludge
production as 40 lit/ person/year. Cleaning period as 2 years
L:B = 3:1 and liquid depth is 1.5 m. Also find depth of sludge
accumulation. (10M)

b) At right angled intersection roads, North = south road has normal

flow of 900 vehicles/hr and saturation flow of 3150 vehicles/hr.
East –west road has normal flow of 278 vehicles/hr and
saturation flow of 1874 vehicles/hr. Total lost time of the road is
8 sec per phase. Calculate optimum cycle length as per Webster.
c) The speed of overtaking and overtaken vehicles are 70 kmph and
40 kmph, respectively on a two way traffic road. If the
acceleration of overtaking vehicle is 0.99 m/s2
(i) Calculate minimum overtaking sight distance
(ii) minimum length of overtaking zone (7M)

i) A vertical photograph was taken from a height of 3200 m above
mean sea level with a camera of focal length 120 mm. It
contained two points 'a' and 'b' corresponding to ground points A
and B. Calculate the horizontal length AB, as well as the
average scale along the line 'ab' from the following data

Photo Elevation Photo co-ordinates

points above x (mm) y (mm)
MSL (m)
a 640 + 19.50  14.60
b 780 + 26.70 + 10.80

9 [contd.]
ESE – Offline Mock Test-02

ii) The following are the observed values of A, B and C at a

section, the angles being subjected to the condition that A + B =
A = 30o 12 28.2
B = 35o 48 12.6
C = 66o 0 44.4

Find the most probable values of A, B and C

a) Given the following:
Degree of curve 1
Super-elevation 80 mm
Length of transition curve 120 m
Maximum speed of the section likely to be sanctioned 160 kmph
For a B.G route, calculate the following:
i. Safe speed on the curve
ii. Speed calculated from the consideration of the super-
elevation, and
iii. Speed calculated from the consideration of the length of
Assume maximum cant deficiency for high speed route to be
100 mm and broad gauge = 1676 mm.

b) Find the diameter of standard rate trickling filter to treat 5 MLD

waste water with influent BOD 200 mg/l and desired effluent BOD
is 20 mg/l. Assume depth of trickling filter is 2 m. Also find
percentage decrease in diameter if it is designed as high rate
trickling filter if R/I = 2.


c) Laboratory results on a soil have shown that its unconfined

compressive strength is 100 kN/m2. In a triaxial compression test
a specimen of the soil when subjected to a chamber pressure of 20
kN/m2 failed at an additional stress of 120 kN/m2. Estimate the
shearing strength of the same soil along a horizontal plane at a
depth of 5 m in a deposit. The ground water table is at a depth of
1.5 m from the ground level. Take dry unit weight of soil as 18
kN/m3and specific gravity as 2.7. Take w = 10 kN/m3.

d) A long trench is excavated parallel to a river as shown in figure

the soil profile consists of a permeable soil of thickness D
confirmed between two impermeable layers. Initially the water
level in the trench is same as that in the river. Water is pumped
out of the trench at a flow rate of q.

Impermeable D1
a b Dw
Zw c

(i) Derive the expression the expression for 'q' in terms of

parameter shown in the figure
(ii) for L (the average horizontal distance b/w the trench & river's
slope) = 100 m, D = 5m, Zw = 7m and k = 4  105 m/s.
Calculate the flow rate corresponding to a drawdown of
Dw = 2 m.

11 [contd.]
ESE – Offline Mock Test-02

a) Calculate the necessary element to set out a 1 in 12 turnout
taking off from a straight B.G. track with its curve starting from
the heel of the switch and ending at a distance of 900 mm from
TNC given that heel divergence is 140 mm and switch angle
1 2835. Make a free hand sketch showing the value of
calculated elements. (10M)
(i) An overflow spillway has, its crest at elevation 136.00 m and a
horizontal apron at an elevation of 102.00 m on the down stream
side. Estimate the tail water elevation required to form a
hydraulic jump when the elevation of the energy line just
upstream of the spillway crest is 138.00 m. Assume Cd = 0.735
for the spillway. Neglect energy loss due to flow over the
spillway. (10 M)

(ii) A trapezoidal channel with sides slopes of 2 horizontal: 1 vertical

has to be designed to carry 15 m3/s at a slope of 1/5000.
Determine the dimensions of the efficient section. Assume
Manning’s n = 0.014. (5 M)

i) An inward low reaction turbine has a flow velocity of 4 m/s while
the peripheral velocity is 35 m/s. The whirl velocity is 26 m/s .
There is no whirl at exit. If the hydraulic efficiency is 91%.
Determine the head available. Also find the inlet blade angle and
the guide vane outlet angle. (7M)

ii) A Kaplan turbine delivers 10 MW under a head of 25 m. The hub

and tip diameters are 1.2 m and 3 m. Hydraulic and overall
efficiencies are 0.90 and 0.85. If both velocity triangles are right
angled triangles, determine the speed, guide blade outlet angle and
blade outlet angle. (8M)


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